
IdleOnewhat is the ubuntu-sso-client for?00:57
IdleOne!info ubuntu-sso-client00:57
ubottuubuntu-sso-client (source: ubuntu-sso-client): Ubuntu Single Sign-On client. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.3-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 15 kB, installed size 180 kB00:58
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benjamimhey guys, anyone knows if maverick will support GPU switching ?02:59
benjamimi mean, intel graphics <> Radeon graphics02:59
arandI have no idea, but not that this seeems to be the quiet time of the night for this channel..03:03
benjamimyep... you're right03:07
soulpro /part04:16
ZykoticK9any ideas on gnome-shell not starting, getting output about mutter-warning API mismatch for libgnome-shell.so http://paste.ubuntu.com/454612/04:57
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DanaG1error: more than one suite specified for show_static (dapper dapper-updates  dapper-backports hardy hardy-updates hardy-backports intrepid  intrepid-updates intrepid-backports jaunty jaunty-updates  jaunty-backports karmic karmic-updates karmic-backports lucid)07:41
DanaG1And this is entirely empty: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/main/newpkg07:42
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nperryOdd apache got dep problems09:34
tsimpsonwelcome to pre-release software09:35
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BUGabundopatdk-wk: thanks for the tip. jumper removed11:10
DarkNemesisdo you know what type of encryption the milutary use for eyes only material (more top secrete than spying on other nations)?12:35
* DarkNemesis wants and needs to have a encryption method that has ONE attempt and is impossible to break12:35
jpdsAh, you also asked in #ubuntu-uk.12:37
DarkNemesisjpds,  yups i hope here may have some idea of how much i have to pay them to get such a way of developing type of code12:49
gnomefreakok who like to try and reproduce a bug for me?13:15
gnomefreaks/who like/who would like13:15
BUGabundowhich one?13:28
leagrisbugs reproduce themselves quite well if they can harvest enough food13:29
gnomefreakwe already got the bug fixed sorry13:56
* gnomefreak goes for a smoke13:56
Ian_cornenew updates drag in zeitgeist15:21
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Ian_cornein software centre: Sorry, 'libgtk-directfb-2.0-0' is not available for this type of computer (i386).16:45
Ian_cornebut but16:45
Ian_corneMy laptop isn't old :(16:46
Picirmadison isn't even reporting that the package is available for maverick.16:47
PiciMaybe app-install-data is out of date?16:47
virtualdmaybe it's been removed?16:48
gnomefreakno its there16:48
gnomefreakif you mean app-install-data16:49
virtualdi mean libgtk-directfb-2.0-016:49
gnomefreakthat has been16:49
Ian_corneweird, I've got http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-dx-team/une/ubuntu/ added16:51
Ian_cornebut the only thing showing up when updating is16:51
Ian_corne$ sudo apt-get update | grep dx16:52
Ian_corneIgn http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-dx-team/une/ubuntu/ maverick/main Translation-en_US16:52
PiciIan_corne: I don't see any i386 binaries listed in main for that repo16:52
Ian_cornewell, they're not supporting i386 anymore, only i686 right?16:53
Ian_cornealso doesn't show any maverick16:54
PiciIan_corne: Well, the arch in apt is still refered to as i38616:54
Picii.e: http://ppa.launchpad.net/canonical-dx-team/une/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/16:54
Ian_cornei see16:56
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jpdsBUGabundo: dvd/current/ page back.17:24
BUGabundotonight ill update my local mirror17:25
BUGabundothanks for the heads up17:25
h00kI grabbed the daily build and I don't see btrfs as an option :(17:46
h00kfor installing17:47
h00kIs it supposed to be available?17:51
Daekdroomh00k, yes17:52
h00kthat's what I thought17:52
h00kI have Ext4, 3, 2, ReiserFS, JFS, XFS, Fat16, 32, and swap17:53
om26erdaily builds dont even have btrfs-tools yet so no its not supposed to be. its in alternate cd I think17:54
arandYea, it's partman-btrfs which integrates with d-i and there are no alternate dailies atm :( :( !17:55
h00kd'aw, alright. I was all excited to test it out on my netbook17:55
h00kor, alternatively, any of the CD's I can install and then just throw on the metapackage17:56
h00kso, it is on the alternate CD?17:59
arandJust asked about the alternate CDs in #ubuntu-devel: 18:57 < cjwatson> arand: I fixed a problem earlier today that affected them 18:58 < arand> cjwatson: Cool, so hopefully one for tomorrow then? 18:58 < cjwatson> maybe, I wouldn't like to promise17:59
h00kso I'll have to wait for a bit ;)18:00
arandI wonder if it would be feasable to run d-i from the live though... And how much hassle that'd be...18:00
h00kwhat is d-i?18:01
om26erdesktop installler?18:02
aranddebian-installer, it's the ncurser interface used in the alternate CD18:02
om26ergrub2 does not still support btrfs?18:04
h00koh, oh. that.18:06
gnomefreakd-i == debian installer18:07
gnomefreakbut i am not here18:07
* gnomefreak starting dinner18:08
h00kI suppose I'll wait on maverick-updates mailing list to wait for btrfs-tools18:10
PatrickDKI have switched my root fs to btrfs :)18:11
PatrickDKyou should too :)18:11
PatrickDKit was loads of fun18:11
arandh00k: btrfs-tools are already available, it'sthe installer that doesn't have them yet.18:11
h00karand: er, yeah, I meant wait to see until the installer has it18:12
arandah.  ...relogin...18:13
h00kSo, my Unity interface lacks a clock applet18:41
jcastromake sure indicator-datetime is installed18:47
h00koh, interesting, apparently it wasn't.19:00
* h00k logs out and back in19:01
h00koh, there we go.19:01
h00kjcastro: +1 internets19:01
patdk-wkheh, upgraded kernel again, rebooted, 525megs ram used19:38
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