
* mozzwald is away: sleepytime04:34
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=== ApOgEE is now known as ApOgEE_away
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ograoh, sweet i finally got screen output on the panda13:07
hrwogra: changed kernel or monitor?13:12
ogracmdline options :)13:13
ograadding the omapfb.vram option breaks it ... just setting vram to a high enough value gets me a screen13:14
ograthough the colors are wrong13:14
hrwrgb mixed?13:14
ograno idea, the console font is blueish13:15
* ogra is curious why the buildlive call he just did on the image build server didnt explode yet13:22
ograsince jasper is still in universe i would expect it to break13:22
ograbut its running since 30min13:22
ograndec, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/jasper/cmdline-maverick-armel+omap3.img.bz214:29
ograndec, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/jasper/14:29
davidmpersia, I'll need your help on the EULA stuff14:38
rsavoyedumb question, does anyone know if the Beagle Board LCD2 touchscreen mounts firmly in the Acrylic case and works with Maverick ?15:37
* GrueMaster is not sure that the acrylic case has been maverick tested yet.15:39
rsavoyewhen I saw the words "expansion slot" I thought I'd make sure the LCD would work :-)15:40
rsavoyebtw, Lucid -netbook almost installed on a Sylvania G...15:40
rsavoyethe mouse didn't work, and the fonts were unreadable though. :-)15:44
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hrwubuntu on beagleboard gives me fell of i486sx16:28
hrwbut some time passed since I used it with other distros16:30
ograhrw, improvements accepted ;)16:30
hrwhrw@home:~/.apt-cross$ sudo apt-cross -a armel -S maverick -m http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ -i libc6-dev libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev16:32
hrwapt-cacher-ng helps16:34
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davidmmpoirier, please see bug #597904 it is a blocker for A2, so it must be fixed ASAP please17:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 597904 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "No video on beagleboard with 2.6.35 kernels. (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59790417:14
mpoirierdavidm: is thought deadline for alpha2 was today.17:15
davidmSo needs to be rush fixed ASAP17:15
mpoirierdavidm: can it be pushed to alpha3 ?17:16
davidmNo we miss all Alpha 2 if we don't have this17:16
davidmMust have17:17
mpoirieri will look at it but if it is like the SD card of the daisy chain, it won't happen.17:18
ograif some SD cards dont work it is fine, not booting isnt17:18
davidmogra, GrueMaster is there already a fix in the TI kernel for this?17:19
ograthe whole system setup on first boot happens on screen17:19
ogradavidm, i have no clue about the omap3 kernels especially not about whats in mainline and whats not17:19
davidmogra, OK17:19
ograwe build from mainline now, before i could have looked in some ti tree17:20
ograbut with maverick we use linus tree for omap317:20
GrueMasterdavidm: I verified yesterday that the mmc issue still exists on the kernel Leann handrolled for me.17:22
GrueMasterI only see it on class 2 SD cards though.17:22
ograwhich makes it non critical for now17:23
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slangasekmpoirier: the milestone freeze for alpha milestones generally doesn't happen until Monday or Tuesday of the alpha, and in any event blocker bugs aren't bound by the freeze per se19:08
slangasekmpoirier: though if the fix lands any later than Monday, the team will have a hard time getting images together in time for Thursday19:08
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
=== Tscheesy__ is now known as Tscheesy

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