[00:06] I finished up a fluxbb theme for the new ubuntu site stuff [00:30] hey === Lirodon is now known as Viper550 [03:10] hello all iv just signed up to help [03:12] alchamech: help is always appreciated. what are you interested in doing? [03:12] art work, wallpapers and the like [03:12] I dod a website theme this week [03:13] im still kind of new but i love ubuntu [03:13] cool. (Note that I have *no* particular connection to the ubuntu-artwork team; I just lurk in the channel...) [03:13] lol ok [03:14] alchamech: have you looked at the gnome-art site (I think it's called that), and posted any stuff there? [03:15] no i havent [03:15] might be somewhere to start... [03:17] http://imgur.com/liVoS.jpg forum theme for the fluxbb-using locos [03:18] well ty jessew ill take a look now [03:18] feel free to ask if you have questions! [03:39] hey alchamech, what kind of things do you do? [12:23] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgSI3IcyXhs [12:37] so, i edited https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Software a bit [12:38] some nice fellow added MuseScore and even made a page for it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MuseScore [12:40] kwwii: how do you fell about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MuseScore ? maybe that should better be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Software/MuseScore or even https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Software/MuseScore ? [12:41] thorwil: well, I don't see anything that uses /software [12:41] sounds like an intersting app though === Beyecixramd is now known as peer === peer is now known as Beyecixramd [15:33] good mornin' [16:40] Hi [16:42] I'm looking for a user interface designer. I was thinking if approaching the designers behind ubuntu [16:43] Can anyone help? [16:43] try #ayatana [16:43] this is the artwork channel, not the user interface channel. [16:43] i'm not sure how many of them are up for hire though. [16:45] hyperair: Thanks, it's appreciated [20:49] thorwil: you are on gnome-shell list too, right? [20:50] .. fun times with the application list thread! :D [20:51] vish: yes, but lately in straight to dev/null mode [20:51] thorwil: yeah , that thread i deleted all the messages! no use even reading it ;) every other month there is a thread about it! [20:52] thorwil: not sure what to think of mpt's absence from the gnome-* channels of late .. o.0 [20:54] * darkmatter pokes vish [20:54] i'm so tired of the running-around-in-circles business [20:54] darkmatter: hey hey! you are alive :D [20:54] have I missed anything interesting in my absence? [20:54] darkmatter: coz_ was looking for you ;) [20:55] darkmatter: coz_ missed you and started to worry. such drama! [20:55] vish: well, I'm alive now. although teh hospital food almost killed me xD [20:55] * thorwil types too slow [20:55] darkmatter: all fine now i hope? [20:55] * darkmatter pokes coz_ [20:56] coz_ and cozziemoto seem the same i guess ;) [20:57] vish: yup. they're making me poke myself with needles (thankfully only 4 more days of that. it's bad enough that other people poke me with needles...), but everything back to normal after my chemo and 8 units of blood. lol [20:57] cool. [21:01] darkmatter: seen Unity? [21:02] vish: been reading a bit on it. looking nice [21:02] darkmatter: thats what you get when you have all the different dock devs on the DX team :D [21:02] :P [21:18] vish, yes cozziemoto is my "scrollback" nick on my other machine:) [21:18] darkmatter, hey guy [21:18] darkmatter, I was wondering where you disappeared to :) [21:18] coz_: I was having my juicy red sludge replaced :P [21:19] darkmatter, oh ok ...yuk :) [21:20] it was one of those supply couldn't meet demand thingies. didn't have enough heathy bone marrow left after the last round of chemo to efficiently produce blood. but I do now. G-CSF <3 [21:24] coz_: now I get to poke myself with needles. yay... [21:25] darkmatter, yuk again :) i was just glad to hear you are ok [21:26] coz_: indeed I am. all thanks to this lovely stuff I jack myself up on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granulocyte_colony-stimulating_factor :) [21:27] darkmatter, wow [21:28] my blood is now healthier than most healthy people :O [21:28] :) [21:33] I was leanish to begin withthe hospital stay made me so skinny I rediscovered muscle groups I almost forgot I had ;D [21:35] still haz a slight beer gut, but I has ripples. o_O [21:37] meh. two and a half hours until I stab myself in teh tummy again