
=== jono_ is now known as jono
nigelbnow we know robbie always copy pastes old mails :p04:14
doctormonigelb: do we?04:17
nigelbdoctormo: he send a mail telling karmic is in debian import freeze :p04:17
nigelbHe did correct it with maverick later though04:23
* vish wonders if jcastro was hammered last night :D06:54
nigelbvish: very good probability :p06:55
dholbachgood morning07:23
* nigelb waves to dholbach 07:24
dholbachhey nigelb07:24
nigelbvish: ok, now I totally think jorge was hammered last night, especially before hitting the post button :P07:28
vishnigelb: yeah , that was what i was mentioning ;)07:28
nigelbvish: I hadn't checked planet today07:29
nigelbtill now07:29
nigelbpaultag_: poke?07:53
nigelbdpm: good morning :)07:55
dpmgood morning nigelb :)07:56
dpmgood morning everyone07:56
dholbachhey dpm08:00
dpmhiya dholbach08:01
dholbachhow are you doing?08:01
* jussi has a day off from work :)08:05
nigelbjussi: lucky guy!08:06
dholbachdpm: do you know what GSI means on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingChanges?08:14
dpmdholbach, ah, it means the OpenOffice.org translation format, but it could have been put in a clearer way08:15
dholbachthanks dpm - I'm happy to change it08:15
dpmdholbach, in fact, the OOo translations are not in the language packs, but in a separate opeonoffice.org-l10n package. It might even be that that's the same way it's done in Debian, so it's no longer a difference08:17
dholbachdpm: ah ok08:17
* dholbach has no idea08:17
dpmccheney should know whether the OOo packaging in Ubuntu differs from Debian08:19
nigelbaloha czajkowski :)10:33
* popey hugs jcastro 10:35
popeyhe seems... grumpy10:35
nigelbpopey: or drunk depending on how you interpret it :p10:39
czajkowskiawwww poor jcastro what a rant10:41
czajkowskiI assume its about the iphone 410:41
nigelbwait, he got an iphone 4?10:42
czajkowskino i susect the crazy friends did10:42
nigelbAha, entirely possible :)10:43
nigelbczajkowski: I envy you! wish I was in dublin in July!10:44
czajkowskiwhat's going on then?10:44
* nigelb giggles10:44
nigelbI read you post just now10:45
czajkowskioh right10:45
czajkowskiatm I live in Castleconnell so a bit away from Dublin10:45
czajkowskibut year our poll thing is working out well10:46
nigelbJuly must be awesome for geeknic like things10:47
nigelboh, 2 hours away :/10:47
czajkowskibut I don't mind I'll pop into the car and scoot up10:49
jussione thing I love about summer is the ability to get free flowers from the garden :D Sari will be happy when she gets home :)10:50
jussiczajkowski: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=4548320&id=69592780611:04
nigelbjussi: its beautiful! I see you've made good use of your day off :)11:35
popey:( inaccessible11:50
czajkowskipopey: you're not on fb any more are you11:58
popeyas a test, can you right click the image linked above and post the url?11:59
paultag_nigelb: ouch12:05
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
popeyheh czajkowski security fail, i can see that12:06
Pendulumpopey: photos have always been a security fail in that way12:08
popeyyeah, i guess i never noticed till I didnt have an account :)12:09
nigelbthat is huge security fail12:24
jcastronigelb: good news!12:28
jcastroI found a bored friend yesterday12:28
jcastroI expect he'll be ready to check out the review team in a few hours when he heads to work12:28
nigelbjcastro: he agreed to do patch review? ;)12:28
* nigelb cheers!12:28
jcastroit's summer at university and he's bored, so he has nothing to do, so I told him he can keep his skills sharp etc. doing a few patches a day12:29
nigelbactually, I found if I get into a flow I can do 30 at a time12:30
jcastroah, looks like all the unity stuff finally built12:30
* jcastro orders his new laptop12:33
czajkowskiI passed the 3 interviews from AOL :D12:34
czajkowskiback for final 2 on Tuesday :D12:34
Pendulumczajkowski: yay!12:35
jcastroexcellent way to start a friday, my maverick PC is dead. :(12:41
czajkowskijcastro: you're up a tad early?12:41
jcastroI am motivated to finish things I am behind on12:43
czajkowskijcastro: *hugs*12:43
czajkowskijcastro: liked you blog post12:43
jcastrohah, I don't think many people got it12:43
nigelbjcastro: we suspected you were drunk :/12:43
czajkowskijcastro: about the iphone ?12:43
jcastronigelb: hah12:44
nigelbjcastro: the post was excellent though :)12:44
jcastroso I have a friend who is looking for ajob12:44
jcastroand I went to this meet and greet job thing12:44
jcastrosince no one else in the loco wanted to risk it being lame12:45
jcastroso I said I would check it out12:45
jcastroends up there's tons of people looking for linux qualified people locally12:45
czajkowskioh nice12:45
jcastroso I kept texting my friend "dude, I've been talking to this guy for like an hour, he needs a sysadmin, stop by"12:45
jcastrobut you know where he was?12:45
jcastrostanding in line for an iphone12:45
czajkowskisee iphone drool12:46
jcastroso I got ditched for a phone12:47
jcastroand he's totally ok with that12:47
jcastro*odd shake*12:47
czajkowskijcastro: odd mate12:47
czajkowskiI dont get the iphone excitement, but then again my iphone mates don't get my ubuntu excitement, so each to their own technnology12:47
* jcastro works on his blog post on a contributor12:50
jussiHrm, Ive got Sausages, Mushrooms, Bacon, onion,garlic,creme fraiche, 1/4 cabbage, cream - (non whipping), chilli, potatoes, pasta, rice and prunes n the cupboard. any suggestions on Lunch/dinner?12:51
popeyall of it12:51
popeyin a bucket12:51
popeywith an egg on top12:51
jussisorry, no egs12:51
popeymr creosote will not be happy12:52
jussithe mushrooms need to be eaten, so they are an almost must12:53
czajkowskiyuck mushrooms12:57
czajkowskiwill eat them if they are chopped very fine in stuff I cant see or taste12:57
akgranerdholbach, 7 open slots for Dev Week...13:00
nigelbakgraner: link me to the schedule?13:00
jussifried mushrooms rock13:00
dholbachakgraner: getting there, eh? :)13:01
nigelbjussi: yes yes, and muschroom fried rice13:01
jussiso no suggestions?13:01
jussiapart from popey's throw it all in a bucket...13:01
nigelbI wish I knew enough of cooking to actually suggest something13:02
Pendulumjussi: what sort of potato?13:02
jussinigelb: thats incredibly disappointing. you need to go lean some cooking.13:02
nigelbjussi: I agree.  If I could spend a month at home with mom, I would13:03
nigelbright now, I can do stuff but I need directions13:03
Pendulumnigelb: nah, all you need is a cookbook and practice. then you'll figure it out eventually how to modify13:03
jussiPendulum: not sure - bag doesnt say, but propbably van gough or something similar. bag says "for all food"13:03
nigelbakgraner: is there a getting started with lp development yet?13:03
nigelbjml agreed to do something of that sort13:04
Pendulumjussi: so not something you could bake and stuff?13:04
dholbachjames_w: is there a UDD channel?13:04
jussiPendulum: nah, smaller ones - less than the size of your fist13:04
akgranernigelb, there is a getting started with develpment13:05
jussiPendulum: and getting a bit old also... probably need to put them on the must eat list13:05
james_wdholbach: no, there is not13:06
jcastro^^ thoughts?13:06
nigelbakgraner: there was a getting started with launchpad one planned.  jml *might* do it :)13:06
jussiPendulum: I was thinking some sort of soup13:06
dholbachjames_w: just thought I'd pester people in there for a channel :-D13:06
Pendulumjussi: that could be good. a creamy potato soup with sausage in it maybe?13:07
jussiPendulum: yeah.. I just need some sort of base recipeto work from13:07
nigelbjcastro: kamusin ROCKS!13:07
nigelbI handed over rhythmbox when I couldn't find time to handle it anymore13:07
jcastronigelb: anything you want to add?13:08
james_wdholbach: :-)13:08
nigelbjcastro: Nothing much, its perfect :)13:08
Pendulumjussi: http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1648,154181-255204,00.html ?13:08
nigelbdholbach: hunt down maco and ask her to do one on UDD ;)13:08
james_wdholbach: do you have a recipes session?13:08
dholbachjames_w: nope13:09
dholbachjames_w: but one on daily builds generally13:09
nigelbthere is one13:09
dholbachjcastro: NICE13:09
nigelbthere is one on daily builds that is :)13:09
akgranernigelb, let me have my caffeine and put my contacts in and re-read the schedule then :-)13:09
nigelbakgraner: jml didn't add yet.  I'll someone get him to add something in or ask someone to do it :)13:10
akgranernigelb, thanks!13:10
nigelbI've become a recruiter now ;)13:10
nigelbakgraner: oh, jfo could do one about kernel triage13:11
akgranernigelb, yep he was off yesterday or I would have asked13:11
nigelbgah, he's not yet on irc13:11
jussiPendulum: thanks... lets see how it turns out13:11
nigelbakgraner: I'm trying to get someone to do a session about bot-devel, lets see how that goes :)13:15
Pendulumjussi: np. although now it's all your fault that I had to go make myself a potato :P13:16
nigelbjcastro: from the other post, I <3 the line "And no, I dont mean the hippies, I mean your other friends" :D13:17
jcastronigelb: yeah, gotta take a dig at greg-g every chance I get. heh13:17
* popey spies on his wife doing the hoovering between 12:00 and 12:40 http://popey.com/~alan/house/13:19
akgranerPete put up a bird cam so people can watch the birds at our house and we all forget it is there13:22
akgranerso people see the kids fighting13:22
akgranerthe dog chasing squirrels - and me yelling at the kids13:22
nigelbdid you yell for the whole sunroof thingie?13:22
nigelb(it was totally funny btw)13:23
akgranerwhich made the kids and Pete laugh13:23
nigelbyou sound like my mom.  Also leaving the sunroof open sounds like the stupid things that I tend to do :D13:24
akgranerNick used to tell us we needed to go a graner podcast - b/c of all the funny crap like that happens at our house.. well that and the debates Pete and I get into...13:24
nigelbI think you should too!13:24
akgranerbrb - coffee is ready :-)13:24
Pendulumakgraner: you wouldn't even have to record it specially, just set up some good mics around the house :P13:27
nigelbjokes apart - a podcast would be a good idea13:28
AlanBellthe next Ozzy and Sharon13:31
akgranerPendulum - the show would have to come with a warning label for language and humor....13:42
akgranerand don't even throw JFo into the mix - he is an instigator....13:43
JFoI have no idea what you are talking about13:44
JFoI am a perfect angel13:44
dholbachJFo: only in your dreams13:44
* popey shudders at the thought of being in JFos dreams13:44
* JFo tries to look more pious13:45
nigelbJFo: want to do a session at dev week?13:45
JFonigelb, when is that?13:45
dholbachJFo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep13:45
JFoooh, I'd only be able to do one monday, Tuesday or Wednesday since I have to fly to Dallas on Thurdsay and then Prague on Friday13:47
nigelbJFo: wednesday 2000 UTC13:47
* JFo translates that to his local time13:48
czajkowskiakgraner: cleaned any more of your car over there :p13:49
akgranerJFo, see a perfect angle would say yes :-)13:49
akgranerczajkowski, hehe - nope it's clean enough :-)13:49
* dholbach hugs akgraner13:49
JFoakgraner, a gullible one13:50
dholbachJFo: that's not very pious13:50
czajkowskiakgraner: pissed myswelf laughing when I read it on fb13:50
JFooh err...13:50
* JFo looks pious again13:50
* akgraner reminds JFo that Lucifer was a perfect angel too (at one point) :-P 13:50
czajkowskiJFo: I imagine you looking rather uncomfortable over there so13:51
nigelbJFo is on the spot :D13:51
JFonigelb, I should be able to swing that.13:51
dholbachczajkowski: you mean http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs147.snc4/36724_405086501838_766296838_4124368_2021002_n.jpg?13:51
akgranerczajkowski, yeah now that it is dry - I laughed a little too yesterday.13:52
JFonah, was just making sure my flight was on thursday like I imagined it was13:52
nigelbthat was beautifl picture!13:52
* akgraner misses Prague....13:52
* czajkowski is planning on invading Canada sometime between now and september if possible 13:53
akgranerJFo, thanks!14:07
JFoakgraner, ?14:07
akgranerJFo, what are you etch a sketch today :-P   for agreeing to do the session for Dev Week :-)14:08
JFono, I've just been working on 5 things since then14:08
akgranerJFo, I was teasing you ...14:09
* JFo is still semi-distracted by e-mail14:09
nigelbNote to self: when JFo is semi-distracted easier to convince him to do stuff :D14:10
akgranerok caffeine has kicked in and I can see now .. catch you all laters - got stuff to finish :-)14:13
nigelbhehe, cya :)14:14
greg-gjcastro: love you too ;)14:15
nigelbJFo: updated schedule with your name14:16
JFonigelb, thank you sir14:16
nigelbdholbach or akgraner: can either of you follow up with jussi - I asked the bot folks if they can talk about bot devel :)14:17
* nigelb has to leave about now14:17
akgranernigelb, yeppers14:17
nigelbWe have 5 slots to go!14:18
dholbachnigelb: get them to sign up for the slots14:19
dholbachnigelb: we can still move stuff around later on14:19
dholbachnigelb: or change the session title14:19
akgranerJFo, what is your session title and I'll add it14:20
JFohmmm, I think nigelb called it OMG Kernel Panic!14:20
akgranerJFo, okie dokie - adding it now :-) with a note you need it to be on Monday14:22
JFowhat do you mean on a Monday?14:22
akgranernm wrong conversation14:22
akgranernow I am distracted14:22
JFolooks like nigelb already added mine anyway14:23
JFoWednesday afternoon14:23
jcastrojay foe14:24
jcastroforum participation in that thread seems to be not so good. :(14:24
jcastrohow are the docs coming along?14:25
jcastroJFo: ^14:25
JFostill in progress with a finalization during the platform sprint14:25
* jcastro thumbs up14:25
dholbachakgraner: 4 left14:33
maconigelb: youve got james_w sittin right next to you in the channel, and you want /me/ to do one on UDD? pffffffffft14:40
jcastrothat's the sound of a dying work item!15:04
dholbachmaco: want to give another session at UDW?15:05
dholbachmaco: there's 4 slots left15:05
jcastrodholbach: is the sync request process formalized or is it just snagging someone on irc15:06
vishdholbach: do you have the logs for older UDW's?15:09
vishdholbach: iirc david did one for papercuts , if i have that , i could fill up one slot ;)15:09
* vish lazy 15:09
akgranervish, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Previous15:09
vishakgraner: thanks15:10
jcastrodpm: how you holding up over there, anything I can do to help?15:10
dholbachjcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess15:10
jcastrothank you sir!15:11
dholbachde rien15:11
dholbachvish: was it at UDW or UOW?15:11
vishdholbach: found it!15:12
vishdholbach: the 15th second slot free?15:13
czajkowskiPretty good article http://www.zdnet.com/blog/education/why-isnt-ubuntu-good-enough-for-us-classrooms/405515:13
dholbachvish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep15:14
dholbachvish: err, yes15:14
vishdholbach: i'll take it :D15:14
* dholbach hugs vish15:14
dholbach3! TO! GO!15:14
vishdamn you nigelb ! ;p15:15
jussiczajkowski: Im not a fan.15:17
dholbachvish: shall I go and add you or are you going to do it yourself?15:17
dpmjcastro, doing fine here, right now not, but thanks!15:18
vishdholbach: either way , works for me :)15:18
dholbachvish: same here :)15:18
jussiczajkowski: I think saying "it cant run proprietry X or proprietry y" is the wrong way to say it - its more about Gimp and OOo dont have the features needed.15:18
vishdholbach: :D , ok, i15:18
* dholbach hugs vish15:19
vishi'll do it*15:19
dholbachthanks vish15:19
jussiWe shouldnt be hungering after proprietry apps, but aiming to make open apps better so they compete properly.15:19
* dholbach hugs czajkowski15:19
jcastrodholbach: I have lp powers15:24
jcastroI can just JFDI that ubuntu description15:24
dholbachjcastro: me too - I just wasn't sure what people want to see there :)15:25
* jcastro fixes15:25
jcastroscrew it, it's friday15:25
* dholbach hugs jcastro15:26
dholbachakgraner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep - 2 to go! :)15:27
akgranerwoot woot!15:27
akgranerIf we can get the bots and Beginning Development in LP then it's full...15:29
akgranermaco, didn't you want to facilitate a session for Developer Week :-)15:31
* highvoltage stumbles in and yells HOLA!15:31
akgranerhighvoltage, we have a How to help with Xubuntu session for Dev Week - Don't you want to do an Edubuntu one for Developers :-)15:33
highvoltageakgraner: when's the next Dev week? I'm in the process of moving to Canada so my schedule currently looks like (insert a combination of very bad stuff here) that's been thrown into a concrete mixer15:35
akgranerJuly 12-16, 201015:35
akgranercheck out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep15:35
akgranerhighvoltage, good luck on the move...15:36
highvoltageakgraner: that would work good, I can get stgraber involved too, and he can be backup just in case I need to be traveling or something, but I think by then the dust would've settled15:36
akgranerhighvoltage, GREAT! Can you add it to the prep page :-)  There are 2 slots on Friday - pick which one works best for ya!  and Thank you!15:38
highvoltageakgraner: added, thanks for pinging me about it, I'll post to the edubuntu list about it too15:39
highvoltage(well, when the schedule is more or less finalised :) )15:39
akgranerThanks :-)15:39
akgranerdholbach, one left15:39
JFohighvoltage, why would you want to move to canada ;-)15:44
akgranerdholbach, just pinged nixternal to see if the Kubuntu folks wanted to do a session for Developer Week15:45
dholbachakgraner: there's a few kde/qt sessions already, but yeah maybe they want to another one15:46
akgranerdholbach, I haven't heard back  - I'm still holding out for the bot session :-)15:46
dholbachhey jono15:51
dholbachjono: akgraner and I reserved the last slot of UDW for you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep :)15:52
highvoltageJFo: work reasons (otherwise it seems quite dull ;))15:53
JFoah, that's alright then ;)15:53
dholbachhey jono_15:56
dholbachjono_: akgraner and I reserved the last slot of UDW for you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep :)15:56
jono_dholbach, I will be on a plane15:58
jono_so give it to someone else15:58
jono_thanks though :)15:58
dholbachjono_: working on it15:58
dholbachjono_: the schedule looks good though… I mean, even without you15:59
macojcastro: your blog confuses me16:19
jcastroit's ok you're not the only one16:20
jcastrojust scroll past it16:20
* popey strolls past jcastro 16:41
popeyhttp://hashtags.wikia.com/wiki/Blamepopey zoiks!16:42
jcastropopey: you're on the CC right?16:43
popeyI am16:43
jcastrocould you perhaps try to help get some concensus on the design team blog?16:43
jcastroI'd like to add it to planet asap16:43
popeyyou need to make that a 140 char hastag :)16:45
popeywell, 13916:45
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - have a great WE! see you on monday! :)16:53
* popey hugs dholbach 16:54
popeyEnjoy Sunday :)16:54
* dholbach hugs popey back16:54
popeygood luck16:54
dholbachto you too16:54
dholbachyou'll need it ;-)16:54
dholbachI honestly don't know what's going to happen16:54
dholbachit'll be interesting16:54
dholbachand I'll drive from my parents' place back early, so I arrive in time to watch the game16:54
dholbachanyway, let's hope we're still friends on Monday :)16:55
* dholbach hugs you all16:55
* maco is confused16:59
macoare england and germany playing against each other on sunday?16:59
jcastropopey: how many +1s do we need?17:11
popeymaco: yes17:11
popeyjcastro: enough :)17:11
popeytbh I highly doubt anyone will -117:11
jcastroyeah I just want to get this todo off my plate17:14
jcastroI started work like 2 hours early to experiment, and it's been working great so far!17:14
jcastrojono_: man, unity looks badass with that new sf wallpaper19:44
jono_jcastro, yeah, it looks sweet :)19:57
doctormojcastro: screenshot?21:07
jcastrodoctormo: on his blog21:08
doctormojono_: Looks nice, I'm glad there are still buttons on the desktop, although the theme is a little high contrast for my taste.21:10
doctormoAll: What an interesting image http://kenry99.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-Analogia-168943245?q=1&qo=121:13
jcastrodoctormo: the gibbon looks like an orangutan21:15
doctormoLooks liek some Disney characters to me.21:15
jcastrosomeone had a pet roundup image I saw once21:16
doctormoI think by looking at it there are a number of existing images I know about which have been traced, all ones he couldn't find are from Disney.21:17
doctormoBut there are lots of interesting images, like this one: http://funeralspring.deviantart.com/art/ubuntu-168696076?q=1&qo=121:18
jcastrojono_: would you like an update on menu stuff before I EOD?21:26
doctormojcastro: http://leftyfb.com/2010/06/25/fosscon-2010-followup/ big praise for you on your talk, well done.21:33
* jcastro looks21:35
jcastroyeah it was fun21:35
jono_jcastro, please21:38
jono_jcastro, lets do mumble21:38
jcastrojono_: I can mumbles21:38
jcastrogimme 5?21:38
doctormojono_: 15 weeks to go until release, everything look like it's going to plan?21:40
jono_doctormo, all seems in order :)21:40
doctormoThat's good, I21:41
doctormo'm hoping everything goes to plan and we get a nice developer's flatform going with Maverik.21:41
jcastrojono_: I'm all set21:42
jono_jcastro, one sec21:43
jcastroCan anyone tell that's like my favorite shirt?22:23

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