
Sarvattthese ffmpeg-extras packages are a nightmare, libswscale-dev was uninstallable because it depends on libswscale0 | libswscale-extra-1 (which isn't a package)00:33
Sarvattdoing a no change rebuild of gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg against the newer libavutil now though to see if thats all thats needed to fix it00:36
TheMusoSarvatt: If thats all thats needed, let me know and I'll upload it for you.00:44
Sarvattxvid's work again! \o/ gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg just needs a no change rebuild against the newer libavutil-dev00:46
SarvattDepends: libavcodec52 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1) | libavcodec-extra-52 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1), libavformat52 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1) |00:47
Sarvatt         libavformat-extra-52 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1), libavutil50 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1) | libavutil-extra-50 (>=00:47
Sarvatt         4:0.6~svn20100505-1), libc6 (>= 2.7), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.24.0), libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 (>= 0.10.22), libgstreamer0.10-000:47
Sarvatt         (>= 0.10.24), liboil0.3 (>= 0.3.6), libpostproc51 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1) | libpostproc-extra-51 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1),00:47
Sarvatt         libswscale0 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1) | libswscale-extra-0 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1)00:47
SarvattTheMuso: well there might be something else up with it, I pinged siretart about it00:48
TheMusoSarvatt: ok.00:48
Sarvattlibavutil.so.50 => /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavutil.so.50 (0x00111000) after a rebuild, before /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgst-ffmpeg.so was looking for libavutil.so.49 => not found and the libavutil-extra-49 package is empty00:51
Sarvattand the codec installer wouldn't work because the empty package was installed already so it didn't find anything to install00:52
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robert_ancellTheMuso, can you sponsor glib?03:06
TheMusorobert_ancell: uploaded03:38
robert_ancellTheMuso, thanks03:38
RAOFCan someone check for me that /var/log/dmesg is readable only by root and the adm group on your system?03:42
ajmitchRAOF: yep03:43
RAOFCool.  More apport bugs!03:43
ravibnHi! I need help with my Dell Latitude03:47
ravibnplease indicate to me which version of ubuntu I need to install03:47
RAOFravibn: This isn't a support channel; #ubuntu or ubuntuforums.org are better places for support.  That said, the most recent Ubuntu release is almost always the best, particularly since Ubuntu 10.04 is a long-term-support release.03:49
ravibnI tried that forum and also the latest 64bit LTS THe machine would not even boot03:50
ravibnRAOF : my latitude has core i7 720QM cpu (i686 ) with nVidia 3100 nvs03:52
ravibnRAOF : I want to understand whether the server version (10 LTS) supports the i68603:53
ravibnRAOF : I mean 64bit version of ubuntu03:54
RAOFIt does.  You might be having problems because of your… ok.03:55
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didrocksgood morning06:54
nigelbBonjour didrocks :)06:56
didrockshey nigelb :)06:59
RAOFAhem.  Focus fail!07:12
RAOFNow that I've got a second monitor hooked up again I want a head-tracking dohicky to ensure the focus is always on the screen I'm looking at :)07:14
bryce_RAOF: how about dual touchscreens? :-)07:17
RAOFWe need xserver 1.9 for that so that we can apply transformations on the device inputs!07:18
RAOFWho feels invigorated to upload a little xorg with an updated apport hook?  http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xorg_7.5+6ubuntu2_source.changes07:19
* TheMuso is working a little early today, so is out of here in a minute or so, so don't have time sorry.07:28
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seb128hey there08:19
pittiGood morning08:32
seb128hey pitti08:32
seb128pitti, how are you? got a better night?08:32
pittibonjour seb12808:32
pittiseb128: absolutely, I slept well08:32
kiwinotemvo: hi08:33
seb128nice ;-)08:33
pitticjwatson and I hacked until 1, but then I allowed myself to sleep in until 9 :)08:33
kiwinotemvo: can i just confirm the plan for debfile.py?08:33
mvohey kiwinote08:33
mvogood morning08:33
mvokiwinote: let me check the mail08:33
seb128hey mvo08:34
mvokiwinote: yep :)08:34
mvohey seb12808:34
mvokiwinote: its a bit of a historc thing, please make sure you get the latest gdebi trunk that includes the python-0.8 port changes08:34
mvokiwinote: and it may be worthwhile to convert some of the tests to be run automatically, but I will leave that you to decide08:35
kiwinotemvo: so first I merge the files from gdebi and python-apt, keeping the 'shape' of the python-apt file, but grabbing the functionality from gdebi08:35
mvokiwinote: yeah08:35
kiwinotemvo: and then i port gdebi to use python-apt rather than it's own debfile class?08:35
mvokiwinote: correct08:35
mvokiwinote: its going to be a bit of work I imagine :/08:35
kiwinotemvo: ok, thanks08:36
mvokiwinote: let me know if I can help in any way08:36
kiwinotemvo: will do08:36
mvoseb128: I run your upgrade test currently08:36
mvoseb128: triggered a bug in *my* code !08:36
mvoseb128: bad boy08:36
seb128mvo, lol08:37
* seb128 hugs mvo08:37
* mvo hugs seb12808:37
mvoall good, SRU for it is almost ready08:37
seb128mvo, speaking of which you should join the sru team08:38
* mvo nods08:38
mvothat is probably a good idea, but I already feel that I'm not on top of things without another thing to look after08:39
seb128pitti, ^08:39
seb128mvo, well it's load balancing, while pitti is on rotation and slangasek moving team we are pretty much blocked on sru reviews08:40
seb128mvo, I'm pondering joining as well, but that wouldn't unblock my issue which is that my stack of desktop uploads need review ;-)08:40
pittiI'll do some this morning08:41
pittibut I (or, rather, OEM) really needed that hackathon in the past three days, sorry08:41
mvoseb128: ok, let me see how the buy-something progress of today goes and if it looks promising I can do some on monday08:44
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seb128pitti, slangasek did 3 of those yesterday which is something ;-)08:45
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seb128pitti, thanks for doing that, still if mvo and I join that will help balancing load08:45
seb128pitti, ie for next round if that's not this one08:46
pittiabsolutely, that'd be great08:47
seb128mvo, s-c hates unity08:54
mvoseb128: ha! I'm sure its the other way around ;)08:54
mvoseb128: s-c is build with extra-love inside08:54
seb128mvo, no, if I type "unity" in the search entry in s-c maverick it lists nothing08:54
seb128hum same for "gnome"08:54
seb128ok, so maybe the index is broken or something08:55
kiwinoteseb128: that's fixed in trunk08:55
seb128kiwinote, thanks08:55
mvoI should do a new upload, but yeah, trunk works and unity is #1 hit08:55
seb128mvo, ok, in fact it works if I select something else than "get softwares"08:56
seb128well it does list other things before unity08:56
seb128but it does list things ;-)08:56
seb128mvo, do you plan to do an upload before a2?08:56
mvolots of good stuff inside08:56
seb128mvo, upload upload upload!08:58
pittimvo: speaking of things hating each other, apt officially hates me08:59
pittiI've done like 10 followup commits, and it's still not perfect08:59
pittiworks with everything else now, but apt-xapian-index is still taking infinite time (literally)08:59
pittiso I need to track that down as well; please ignore the MP for now08:59
mvopitti: ok08:59
pittibut I learned a lot about apt's inner workings :)09:00
mvopitti: I can imagine :)09:00
mvoseb128: btw, I added support for "do-release-upgrade -d" from lucid -> maverick directly now09:01
mvo(you asked IIRC)09:01
mvo(and others too)09:01
seb128mvo, indeed, thanks09:01
seb128didrocks, ok, normal update-manager maverick upgrade works and bring it unity places binaries09:19
didrocksseb128: sweet \o/ thanks for testing :)09:19
seb128those places are quite slow to display icons though09:20
seb128it takes over one second with blank icons and then screen is changing to real colored icons09:20
didrocksseb128: yeah, known issue09:20
didrocksseb128: kamstrup told there are low hanging fruit to fix that09:21
didrocksalso, there isn't any preferences/settings09:21
didrocksand it doesn't take XDG_CONFIG_DIRS into account09:21
seb128still it's very nice09:21
didrocksbut for a first iteration, it's not bad at all :)09:21
seb128didrocks, there is no way to get the expose mode now with those places?09:24
didrocksseb128: I think not, it's hidden right now with the ws switcher which has no ui09:24
htorquethanks for pointing me to unity-places-* - i was wondering what that empty black screen is all about :P09:28
didrocksmorning huats09:54
huatsmorning didrocks !09:54
mvoseb128: so the original error seems to be fixed with your upload, but now I get "Atk-1.0.gir" as a addtional file overwrite error (from libatk1.0-dev" - known issue?10:03
seb128mvo, bug #547244 I guess10:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 547244 in atk1.0 (Ubuntu) "package libatk1.0-dev 1.29.92-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gir-1.0/Atk-1.0.gir', which is also in package gobject-introspection-repository 0:0.6.5-0ubuntu1 (affects: 6) (heat: 54)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54724410:04
mvo(libatk1.0-dev <-> gobject-introspection-repository)10:04
mvoseb128: yeah, sounds like it10:04
mvoseb128: I wait until its finished, but I think #574837 is verfication-done10:05
seb128mvo, thanks10:05
seb128mvo, I will get the atk issue on the .1 lucid buglist10:06
seb128mvo, the atk bug is milestoned for lucid .1 and assigned to TheMuso now10:12
seb128TheMuso, I've assigned you that atk replaces issue, would be nice to fix when you update atk to the current stable, thanks10:13
geserdidrocks, huats: do you know when our anjuta package gets libanjuta-dev? or should packages waiting on it get changed to use anjuta-dev?10:35
seb128geser, when somebody does the merge on debian I guess?10:36
seb128geser, you are welcome to do it if you want10:37
huatsseb128, I can try to handle it otherwise later today or monday10:37
seb128hey huats10:38
seb128if you want to do it you are welcome ;-)10:38
huatsseb128, I know I know... and you have not idea how much I'd like to do it...10:39
huatsI am just lacking time :(10:39
huatsbut I still hope :)10:39
didrockshuats: didn't you take some tasks already last week?10:41
didrockshuats: reviewing and integrate patches IIRC10:41
huatsdidrocks, yep10:41
huatsI had10:41
didrockshuats: don't take too much on your plate :)10:41
huatsbut I should have much time starting monday10:41
kiwinotemvo: would I be right in assuming that the cache file from python-apt is more complete/actively developed, but that it is still missing functionality from the gdebi cache file?11:01
mvokiwinote: that is possible, if so I think we should also port the missing bits (if they make sense). whats bits are that in particular?11:02
kiwinotemvo: gdebi's debfile was calling cache.getProvidersFor(), but I can't find an equivalent for that in python-apt's cache11:03
mvokiwinote: right, lets move it over then :)11:04
kiwinotemvo: ok ;)11:04
pittimvo: u-n's autogen.sh says "do not use gnome-autogen.sh as long as it's broken"; it works fine in current lucid, do you happen to remember what was broken in particular?11:12
pittimvo: but in fact merely using autoreconf works just fine, and that's the upstream recommended way now11:14
pittimvo: would you mind if I clean that up a bit? i. e. using autoreconf, move to configure.ac, etc.11:14
* pitti is in cleanup mood11:14
pittioh, it is already11:18
pittijust with an extra bunch of stuff11:18
glatzorseb128, hello11:19
glatzorseb128, may I point you to #389766?11:19
glatzorseb128, should the gconf defaults be shipped with gnome-settings-daemon or with packagekit?11:20
glatzorseb128, g-s-d detects an installed packagekit and tries to load the font installer extension. but this isn't installed, since we don't support this feature.11:21
glatzorseb128, we would have to set11:21
glatzor /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/gtk-modules/pk-gtk-module11:21
glatzor to false11:21
seb128glatzor, is there a schemas for this key somewhere?11:23
glatzorseb128, no. I haven't found any.11:26
seb128I'm not sure to understand the bug11:26
seb128what is checking that key if it's not set anywhere?11:26
glatzorseb128, gnome-settings-daemon11:27
pittiseb128: would you mind checking the maverick status of the gdm and empathy SRU bugs on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html?11:27
seb128glatzor, no it's not11:27
glatzorseb128, oh. true11:27
seb128glatzor, grepping for "pk-gtk" in g-s-d sources lists nothing11:27
glatzorI did so too now.11:27
seb128well, whatever defines this key should be changed11:28
seb128not sure what component that is though but it's not g-s-d11:28
seb128pitti, doing that, dunno if you read my comments yesterday where I said I would take care of updating maverick tasks for the gdm sru11:28
pittiseb128: I did read that, but I wasn't sure what "take care" means -> close the bugs or apply the patches, etc.11:29
glatzorseb128, sorry. I have mixed something up in my mind.11:29
seb128pitti, well, it means close the tasks that should be closed and comment on other and milestone them as they should11:29
glatzorseb128, the schema is part of gnome-packagekit11:30
seb128pitti, I said I will not waste efforts to backport git commits to maverick when we will get a gdm next version in the next days11:30
seb128glatzor, ok, so that's the one that should set the default value11:30
pittiseb128: ok, thanks; so I just keep gdm and empathy in proposed until I see the followup11:30
seb128pitti, it don't worry I will do things as they should ;-)11:30
seb128didrocks, ^ can you update the empathy ones, closing the maverick tasks for things fixed in 2.31.3?11:34
didrocksseb128: hum? I didn't list them? weird11:34
didrockssure, let me check11:34
didrocksseb128: ok, all wasn't listed in the changelog (one without upstream task, the other upstream bug not listed in NEWS) but the 2 remaining were ok. Fixing the 2 others11:36
seb128didrocks, not listed, but you didn't do the 2.31.3 update so those didn't get closed11:36
seb128didrocks, thanks11:36
seb128pitti, I'm not sure what you want on the gdm bugs in fact, you want the maverick bugs to be closed before accepting the sru to updates?11:36
pittiseb128: that, or milestoned to maverick alpha-3 or so11:37
seb128pitti, because the tasks are already in a correct state, I've milestoned them now11:37
seb128to alpha211:37
pittiI really don't want changes in SRUs which are forgotten about in maverick11:37
seb128I will get that on monday if they didn't roll a tarball11:37
seb128pitti, well they are not forgot, they are in git waiting for a tarball to be rolled11:37
pittiseb128: and a check that our packaging changes are all in bzr at least11:37
didrocksok, it wasn't me, afraid of doing something wrong. Yeah, it was a debian merge :)11:38
seb128pitti, right, I've done that as well, those are fix released in maverick already11:38
pittilike 06_run_xsession.d.patch11:38
pittiseb128: packaging changes released and other changes in upstream git is sufficient11:38
seb128pitti, np, sorry that this update is a bit of a mess, with the version revert in proposed11:39
pittiI know, I introduced the broken one :-/11:39
seb128pitti, well to be fair I asked if you could help on GNOME sru updates and asked you to look at this one ;-)11:43
seb128pitti, anyway all sorted now11:43
* seb128 hugs pitti11:43
* pitti hugs you back11:43
RAOFAnyone feel like a nice simple Xorg upload to add pitti's wonderful attach_drm_info to the xorg apport hook?11:58
pittican do11:58
pittiRAOF: got a debdiff or branch?11:59
RAOFThanks!  OEM stuff is more calm today, then? :)11:59
pittiRAOF: yes, we are out of ideas, and need to wait for the Lexington guys to wake up anyway :)11:59
pitti(and we should be over the finish line anyway)11:59
RAOFOr the ubuntu branch in pkg-xorg git.11:59
seb128will that close some of the workitems on your a2 list?11:59
seb128you have the higher count for the team right now ;-)11:59
RAOFThat will, yes.12:00
seb128would be nice if you could try to get those a2 work items in shape for next week12:00
seb128ie delay those you will not get done12:00
rodrigo_an icon we were using in lucid from gnome-icon-theme (stock_contact) is no longer in that package in maverick, any idea?12:01
RAOFWill do.12:01
seb128rodrigo_, g-i-t 2.30 change IIRC12:02
seb128rodrigo_, it's avatar-default now12:02
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok12:02
seb128rodrigo_, check to be sure but there was a similar issue in empathy12:02
pittiRAOF: nudged archivewards12:02
seb128and those changes are why we didn't update g-i-t in lucid12:02
rodrigo_avatar-default is available, yeah12:02
seb128lunch time, bbl12:03
RAOFpitti: Awesomeitude.12:03
pittilunch! now, that's a bright idea12:03
pittilunch for real now, bbl12:38
didrockspitti: enjoy12:39
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seb128mvo, bug #39464213:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 394642 in gnome-app-install (Ubuntu) "merged duplicate strings to reduce # of msgstrs (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39464213:26
seb128mvo, could you review the patch there? it's on the review team list13:26
mvocan do13:27
seb128mvo, thanks13:28
pittimvo: ah, I found out about xapian; it does work, just takes ages; I suppose it's due to a lot of seek operations (it accesses p-apt's .record field a lot)13:57
pittiI'll look into this in python-apt13:57
pittimvo: I'm just about unsure what to work against -- lp:python-apt seems to be fairly out of date13:58
pittiis there a more recent trunk somewhere? lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/python-apt/ubuntu is just our packaging branch, right?13:58
mvopitti: hold on a second, there should be a debian-sid branch somewhere13:59
mvopitti: ours is the ubuntu branch that is also very up-to-date13:59
pittilp:~mvo/python-apt/debian-sid is 44 weeks old13:59
pittimvo: so should I just use that then?14:00
pittilp:~ubuntu-core-dev/python-apt/ubuntu I mean14:00
pittihttp://bzr.debian.org/apt/python-apt/debian-sid -- aah!14:01
mvopitti: yeah, this one or the lp:~mvo/python-apt/debian-sid-mirrored (that should be the one that debian is using14:01
pittimvo: perfect, thanks14:02
mvopitti: I made lp:python-apt point to this one now14:02
pittiah, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/python-apt updated for this14:02
* pitti hugs mvo14:02
mvocheers, thanks for pointing this out14:02
pittiso, let's see what I can do about the performance problem14:03
pittimvo: otherwise it seems that lp:~pitti/apt/compressed-indexes works pretty well these days14:03
pittimvo: and yay for p-apt having a nice test suite :)14:05
pittimvo: it doesn't seem to have any kind of local repo for debs, though? just an "edgy" sources.list14:06
pittiah, just seems to use the system one14:07
pittifine for me :)14:07
seb128ccheney, hey14:10
seb128ccheney, is there any news about that presentation and compiz issue?14:10
ccheneyseb128, haven't had time to work on it yet, hopefully over this weekend i can look at it14:15
ccheneyseb128, been beating on a kernel bug related to server14:16
seb128ccheney, ok14:16
seb128ccheney, we need it uploaded by end of next week14:16
ccheneythis is for lucid sru, right?14:17
ccheneyor in maverick?14:17
seb128lucid sru14:17
seb128we want it in .114:17
seb128which is at end of july, but time validate the sru, build images, etc14:17
ograseb128, do you know if the gstreamer packges will stay at the current version for maverick ?14:25
seb128ogra, they will most likely not14:26
ogra(TI is rebasing some work/patches and want to know if the version stays)14:26
ograseb128, thanks !14:26
seb128ogra, we are still very early in the cycle, depends of upstream but I guess they will roll updates during the cycle14:26
seb128ogra, though I don't know when14:26
ograworst case they have to forward port the patches :)14:27
seb128ogra, I can try to figure if that's important14:27
didrocksalf__: hey, why did you removed control.in? I remember asking you to put it back and generate debian/control from it :)14:32
didrocksalf__: also, how is the discussion with the DD btw about dh 7 and such?14:33
alf__didrocks: I must have missed that, sorry. That being said, what is the need for control.in when using dh7? I thought it was only useful when using cdbs.14:35
didrocksalf__: hum, good point, I think debian has still some uploaders: for DM and such, let me check if it's the case for this package14:35
didrocksalf__: yeah, they have the GNOME_TEAM for uploaders. Not sure they have the fix for dh7 and that btw (and not sure the debian GNOME team wants to use dh7)14:36
didrocksalf__: did you check with them?14:36
alf__didrocks: Not yet, I am going to send a mail in a while14:37
didrocksalf__: ok, let me check the rest first14:37
didrocksalf__: why did you bump libcairo2-dev to 1.6? configure.ac says 1.414:41
alf__didrocks: let me check14:41
alf__didrocks: ...because README says > 1.6, I didn't notice configure.ac was different. Now, what to believe? :)14:43
didrocksalf__: ahah, that's the question :)14:44
didrockslet me check what we have14:44
didrocksalf__: well, in any case, we are higher even in lucid, I would say don't care and keep 1.6 :)14:44
didrocks(even hardy has 1.6)14:44
didrocksalf__: is the json stuff mandatory? what's used for?14:45
alf__didrocks: json is used for loading predefined interfaces (like eg XML is used for glade)14:47
didrocksalf__: it's just from my curiousity, but some clutter interfaces are json documents?14:47
alf__didrocks: They can be :)14:49
alf__didrocks: There is a small example in the Clutter wikipedia article14:50
didrocksalf__: oh sweet, I will have a look, thanks! back on the review14:50
alf__didrocks: BTW, thanks for taking the time to review, I know you are very busy :)14:51
didrocksalf__: why did you conflict the two -dev package against libclutter-1.0-dev, do they install the same file?14:52
didrocksalf__: no worry, sorry for it taking so long :)14:52
didrocksI assume that eglx-es11 and eglx-es20 are installing the same library name, hence the conflict, as well on -dev package but for glx backend, it's another story, no?14:54
alf__didrocks: Unfortunately all -dev install pkg-config files using the same name.14:54
didrocksurgh :/14:54
alf__didrocks: We have talked to upstream about this...14:55
didrocksyeah, that's not good at all :/14:55
didrocksalf__: will they fix it?14:55
alf__didrocks: No, answer yet...14:55
didrocksalf__: ok14:56
didrocksalf__: I saw you added a bunch of patch14:56
kiwinotemvo: I've finished  merging the debpackage, debsrcpackage, cache files with the python-apt cache and debfile files.14:56
kiwinotemvo: It took a bit longer than it should have, but I've done some testing and it seems to work.14:56
kiwinotemvo: I'll start porting gdebi now, and hope that things still work nicely ;)14:57
didrocksalf__: while I'm not sure about debian/patches/fix_po_makefile_out_of_tree_build.patch and  debian/patches/fix_test_data_path.patch (they should be other way to fix it, I'll have a look), can you add infos on them following this format: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/14:57
didrocksalf__: it enables knowing that the patch has been forwarded upstream, and description/authors14:58
mvokiwinote: cool, let me know once there is a branch to look at14:58
alf__didrocks: Ok, I 'll take a look. I have already pushed some of them upstream.14:59
kiwinotemvo: I'll push python-apt once I've finished doing gdebi, as for some reason bzr wants to upload 70mb, which takes 30mins over here. I can pastebin the files if you want to have a look now though14:59
mvokiwinote: thanks, I will just wait for the push, that is fine15:00
didrocksalf__: we usually use one -dbg package by source package15:01
didrocksalf__: do you have name collision?15:01
didrocksalf__: I think you can with eglx-es11-1.0 and eglx-es20-1.0 so files, right?15:01
alf__didrocks: Yes, these two produce the same .so file15:02
didrocksalf__: ok, forget it so :)15:02
didrocksalf__: it's cool, you call dh_girepository and using gir:depends :) Just one gir file copied from es20? (es11 and e20 shared library can be used with the same gir file? same interface?)15:05
alf__didrocks: Yes, they are (at least they are supposed to be :)) completely ABI compatible.15:07
didrocksalf__: sweet! very good work, all the remaining seems good to me15:07
didrocksthat's really a bunch of good work :)15:08
didrocksalf__: so, I would say: fix remaining things I noticed previously and talk to debian15:08
didrocksalf__: on the bright side, if you don't want to carry the autoreconf patch, you should build-dep on dh-autoreconf and add the call to dh_autoreconf15:08
alf__didrocks: Thank you, so just to be clear, the remaining stuff is only the patches info?15:09
didrocksalf__: let me check :)15:09
didrocksalf__: yeah, patch info + looking for the control.in if debian has something for their GNOME_TEAM in dh715:11
didrocksand then, talk to debian :)15:11
didrocksalf__: dh-autoreconf if you have the time too, it's really good15:11
didrocksagain, nice work :-)15:11
alf__didrocks: thank you, and thank you for reviewing it :)15:11
didrocksalf__: yw :)15:11
didrocks(hum, the json interface builder is fun :))15:13
kenvandinedidrocks, what's that?15:22
didrockskenvandine: for clutter, see the wikipedia page15:22
* kenvandine looks15:22
kenvandinebetter than xml stuff15:23
kenvandinealthough... i find it annoying that when using json-glib to parse json it is just as painful as dealing with xml parsing15:24
kenvandinepython-simplejson ftw!15:24
seb128kenvandine, Riddell: could you update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus if you have anything to note there?15:26
seb128kenvandine, I'm pinging you but I'm not sure it's required since dbarth does dx summaries15:27
kenvandineseb128, btw... did i mention i'll be gone on vacation next week?15:27
kenvandineseb128, no worries.. sometimes i do have stuff :)15:27
didrockskenvandine: can you access to your futon?15:28
didrocks(the couchdb one :))15:28
seb128kenvandine, I don't think you did before, enjoy those ;-)15:28
kenvandineseb128, sorry... meant to mention it earlier in the week15:28
seb128that's ok15:28
seb128kenvandine, your work items for a2 at done so nothing to worry about ;-)15:28
seb128kenvandine, could you make sure your a3 work items reflect what you will do during the next iteration though?15:29
seb128kenvandine, not sure if you did review those yet15:29
seb128kenvandine, is the tpapprover still blocked on something?15:29
kenvandineseb128, not anymore15:30
kenvandinei think...15:30
kenvandineshould be ready for me to work on when i get back15:30
kenvandinethey merged what i needed15:31
kenvandinebut nobody has really used it yet15:31
kenvandineseb128, i am about to do the first release of libgwibber15:32
seb128kenvandine, ok15:32
highvoltage2in 2115:33
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mptmvo mvo mvo16:02
mpthi :-)16:02
mptmvo, if you could save a text file containing the name of every package installed on your computer, what could you use it for?16:03
mvoyou mean from a security perspective? or from a cool-things-to-do-with-that perspective?16:03
mptmvo, cool-things-to-do-with-that16:04
mvowith just the names relatively little, with name+version we could tell what needs updating and download it16:04
mptTake it to another computer and "cat inventory.txt | xargs apt-get install", or something like that?16:04
mvowith enough data (and some cleverness) we could data-mine it and try to make suggestions16:05
mvoyeah, clone the package list16:05
mvothe installed packages16:05
mvoto me cloning is the most interessting use case16:05
mvoand reinstall of course16:05
mvore-install into the same system as before16:05
mptWe'd need to record somehow which archive (e.g. PPA) each package belonged to16:06
mvowhen using it with a clever backup system it can avoid backup a lot of data16:06
mvoright, so (packagelist+versoin, sources.list-conent) is needed16:07
mvoand for a full "backup" some way to re-create packages that are not/no-longer downloadable16:07
mvo(not sure if that is something to care about)16:07
mptMore than that, if someone has forced a particular version16:07
* mvo nods16:07
mptok, thanks mvo16:08
didrocksmvo: mpt: the issue is recording packagelist + version is when you save the list on lucid and want to install it on maverick, for instance16:13
didrocks(same issue with sources.list, is the new ppa/source available for the new version?)16:14
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seb128chrisccoulson, hi17:16
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #57828117:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 578281 in ubufox (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Add search plugin for Baidu (affects: 1) (heat: 79)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57828117:16
chrisccoulsonhi seb12817:17
seb128chrisccoulson, do you think you can get that done next week? we are getting close of the upload line for .1 updates17:17
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that's already on my list of things to look at17:17
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, thanks17:17
seb128rickspencer3, ^17:18
rickspencer3thanks seb128 and chrisccoulson17:19
rickspencer3so, looks like a bit of work for me to get 10.04.1 organized next week17:22
rickspencer3time for a bit of a break then, I think :)17:22
seb128rickspencer3, see, this week didn't end yet that you are already loaded with tasks for next week17:23
pittigood night everyone, have a nice weekend!17:23
seb128rickspencer3, isn't working in Ubuntu great ;-)17:23
seb128pitti, thanks, enjoy your weekend as well!17:23
didrocksenjoy your week-end pitti17:25
rickspencer3seb128, indeed!17:36
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kiwinotemvo: lp:~kiwinote/gdebi/use-python-apt and lp:~kiwinote/python-apt/merge-gdebi-changes17:53
kiwinotemvo: the latter includes my patches from yesterday17:53
mvokiwinote: thanks. cache.downloadable() can go, there is "package.candidate.downloadable" now17:59
mvokiwinote: I guess that needs updating in the debfile.py as well, let me check17:59
mvokiwinote: and for get_providers_for() I wonder if we can merge that with get_providing_packages() they are very similar18:04
didrockskenvandine: is there a way to know if couchdb has finished or not its replication?18:04
kenvandinedidrocks, ^^18:05
didrockskenvandine: no API :)18:05
mvokiwinote: hm, I guess a mail is better than irc :)18:06
kenvandineask CardinalFang in #ubuntuone18:06
kenvandinedidrocks, that is the current documentation :)18:06
kenvandinedidrocks,  did you say futon wasn't working for you too?18:06
didrockskenvandine: ok, is it intended to clean this log one day18:06
didrockskenvandine: yeah18:06
kenvandinei think it is rotated now18:06
didrockskenvandine: because it's something like 65 MB here18:07
kenvandineoh that is nothing18:07
didrockskenvandine: and on lucid, before reformatting it went to 300 MB18:07
kenvandinein feb at the sprint... we looked at mine, and it was 1.5G18:07
kenvandinedo you have .1, .2?18:07
kenvandineor actually .[date]18:07
kenvandinealthough... i have nearly a months worth of logs there18:08
kenvandinei hope it deletes old ones...18:08
didrockskenvandine: I have .[date]18:10
didrocksbut very old18:10
kenvandinehumm.. i have a bunch18:10
didrockskenvandine: can you ask OLS to work on that? it's hundreds of MB spoilt there18:11
didrocks(and I don't use gwibber)18:11
kenvandineyeah... ok18:11
kenvandinewell my whole directory is 31M18:12
kenvandineis the current file the big one?18:12
mvokiwinote: the gdebi changes look fine, thanks for workinG on this18:13
didrocksif every softwares did that…18:14
didrockskenvandine: no, it's not the biggest18:14
didrockskenvandine: but would be nice to make some cleaning there…18:14
didrockseven my weechat log folder, which is older is smaller. and I'm on 30 irc channels everyday18:15
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kiwinotemvo: thanks for the comments, will fix those this evening18:48
kiwinotemvo: I will look at automatic testing sometime later18:49
om26erfta, there?18:55
om26erfta, gwibber-daily needs to depend on python-libproxy else gwibber dont start.18:56
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ftakenvandine, ^^ (gwibber), do you still maintain it?19:11
kenvandinewhich branch is it again that the dailies pull from?19:11
ftabug 59774419:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 597744 in gwibber "Missing dependancy: python-libproxy (affects: 9) (dups: 3) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59774419:11
ftakenvandine, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fta/+junk/ppa-confs/annotate/head:/ppabot-pkgs-gwibber.conf19:12
ftalet me know if it's now in another branch19:13
kenvandinei am merging the dep change into that branch19:16
kenvandinesorry, i forgot about your dailies :)19:16
ftakenvandine, it seems lots of people are using those dailies19:17
kenvandinefta, i pushed the change to that branch... but i can't build it locally19:18
kenvandinefails to construct the tarball... no time to look at it...19:18
kenvandinesorry, hopefully your daily will build :)19:18
ftarespinning, we'll know soon enough19:19
kenvandinethx fta19:22
* kenvandine -> lunch... bbiab19:26
ccheneyseb128, if i disappear over the next week unexpectedly it will be due to a medical emergency, i can fill you guys in later if you want to know20:06
ccheneyseb128, my wife might have to be hospitalized, she is going to see a doctor on tuesday afternoon if she is ok until then20:08
seb128ccheney, oh ok, thanks for letting us know and take care of your wife, work tasks can wait20:11
ccheneyseb128, ok, i think that she will be ok, she's going downhill but not nearly as rapidly as back in sep 2007 (not sure if you knew about that)20:12
ccheneyseb128, and we think we might finally know the root cause of the problem20:12
seb128ccheney, (no I didn't) ok, that's a least something I guess, let us know how it goes20:15
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fta*sigh* http://codereview.chromium.org/283802321:18
ftakenvandine, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/597744/comments/321:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 597744 in gwibber "Missing dependancy: python-libproxy (affects: 9) (dups: 3) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Fix released]21:54
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