
Eghiedoes anyone know how to add a GPG key from keyserver.ubuntu.com to a preseed file (via apt-setup/local0/key)?08:39
EghieI want to add a couple of PPA repositories to my preseed file08:39
Eghiebut I cannot find the url on keyserver.ubuntu.com which will get me te GPG file itself, so the apt-setup will accept that08:40
_rubenbah, mailx package went from transitional to virtual package .. is there some magic i can add to my preseed file to it'll install mailx for 6.06 and 8.04, but bsd-mailx for newer versions?09:44
CIA-97installation-guide: cjwatson * r474 ubuntu/ (1133 files in 269 dirs): merge from Debian 2010051810:13
CIA-97installation-guide: cjwatson * r475 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog en/hardware/hardware-supported.xml): Adjust list of armel architectures for Ubuntu.10:16
CIA-97installation-guide: cjwatson * r476 ubuntu/build/build.sh: drop hppa harder10:19
CIA-97installation-guide: cjwatson * r477 ubuntu/ (build/entities/common.ent debian/changelog): Bump release version and names for Maverick.10:22
CIA-97installation-guide: cjwatson * r478 ubuntu/ (build/entities/common.ent debian/changelog): Bump kernelversion to
CIA-97installation-guide: cjwatson * r479 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog en/bookinfo.xml): Update Canonical's copyright years.10:29
CIA-97debian-installer: cjwatson * r1323 ubuntu/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Move to 2.6.35-6 kernels.11:04
CIA-97ubiquity: cjwatson * r4124 ubiquity/d-i/sources.list: bump to maverick11:18
CIA-97ubiquity: cjwatson * r4125 ubiquity/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Add btrfs support.11:23
CIA-97installation-guide: cjwatson * r480 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100518ubuntu111:50
cjwatsonev: I'd like to fix this 10.04/10.10 bug in the slideshow for alpha-2, but it isn't easy to just do a sed - I'll have to break translations.  Do you think that's OK for me to just go ahead and do in lp:~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html ?16:14
evcjwatson: yeah, by all means16:18
evI'm not concerned about breaking translations at this point in the cycle16:18
CIA-97debian-installer: cjwatson * r1324 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20100211ubuntu1016:26
cjwatsonev: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/455043/ look OK?17:00
evcjwatson: looks good17:01
cjwatsonwhat's the translation update rune?17:02
cjwatsonmake translations?17:02
cjwatsonhm, just 'make' I think17:03
evhrm yeah, hadn't noticed that nit before17:04
cjwatsonwe probably ought to upload ubiquity for alpha-217:09
evI'm off on Monday, but I'll sort it out on Tuesday17:10
CIA-97ubiquity: cjwatson * r4126 ubiquity/ (82 files in 4 dirs): Add an intro message noting that we're alpha again.17:13
CIA-97ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: cjwatson * r273 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (253 files in 9 dirs):17:30
CIA-97ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: Bump version numbers to 10.10. Many slides still need to be rewritten;17:30
CIA-97ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: this is just a minimal change (LP: #588677).17:30
CIA-97ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: cjwatson * r274 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/ (source source/format source/options changelog): Switch to source format 3.0 (native) with bzip2 compression.17:32
CIA-97ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: cjwatson * r275 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/ (changelog control): Policy version 3.8.4: no changes required.17:33
CIA-97ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: cjwatson * r276 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2317:34
msergeiI'm trying to follow guide outlined in the book Professional Ubuntu Mobile Development to build a custom ISO image. I've created a local lucid mirror checked out ubuntu-cdimage, debian-cd, britney and germinate. So everything seems to be installed and configured. However when I try to build just default "daily" ubuntu-server cd it fails to create an image. (it actually thinks it creates it but there is nothing) http://pastebin.com/18:46
cjwatsonyour message was truncated at "http://pastebin.com/"18:46
cjwatsonwhat command are you running to do the build?18:49
msergeiSorry forgot: CDIMAGE_ROOT=/imax/dev/ubuntu-cdimage CDIMAGE_NOSOURCE=1 DIST=lucid ARCHES=amd64 CDIMAGE_NOSYNC=1 DEBUG=1 for-project ubuntu-server cron.daily18:50
cjwatsonhave you edited debian-cd/CONF.sh at all?18:50
cjwatsonok, you'll need to in order to disable post-release updates18:50
cjwatsonlook for the paragraphs containing 'export SECURITY=', 'export UPDATES=', and 'export PROPOSED=', and comment them all out18:51
cjwatsonif that doesn't work, pastebin the entire debug output of cron.daily for me18:51
msergeiIs there a wiki somewhere? Since this can be quite a challenge for someone to uncover18:52
cjwatsonafraid not, not that I know of anyway18:54
msergeihttp://pastebin.com/ca63Tu9F full debug output from console18:59
msergeiI've unset SECURITY, UPDATES and PROPOSED18:59
msergeiI've created mirror using the following command: http://pastebin.com/RFeYpBEf19:03
cjwatsonfirstly, you don't have a source mirror so it's all kind of noisy19:03
cjwatsonsecondly, you have your mirror on a different device from your build directory19:03
cjwatsonsee debian-cd/README, search for "symlink farm"19:04
msergeiYes, my mirror is on NFS share t19:04
cjwatsonand search for that in debian-cd/CONF.sh19:04
cjwatsonincidentally, now that I think of it, you should also apply this patch to ubuntu-cdimage/bin/run-germinate to disable post-release updates harder:19:05
msergeiHow did you figure out that I was using NFS?19:09
cjwatsonI didn't know it was specifically NFS, but there were loads of "Invalid cross-device link" errors in the debug output19:12
msergeiI seeā€¦ is there any reason why script creates lucid-server-amd64.raw instead of ISO?19:14
cjwatsonhistorical - Debian used to do some postprocessing on it19:19
cjwatsonit's never been worth changing19:20
msergeido you use exactly the script with no updates, security and proposed to create "release" images? Or may be I would rephrase it, once 10.04.1 release ready to be built. Will you just enable updates and build it or updated packages will migrate into the main lucid folder? It is interesting that this book (Ubuntu Mobile Development) is the only place where I found full procedure to be documented (and this happened by coincidence).19:21
cjwatsonwe enable updates - updated packages don't migrate to the lucid suite19:23
cjwatsonyes yes I know we suck at documentation ;-)19:23
msergeiDo you think if I document process through which which I was able to build this cd image it will be helpful?19:23
cjwatsonthere are certainly reproducibility problems with point releases - what we really need there is a representation of point releases in Launchpad, which there isn't currently19:24
msergeiI don't know proper procedure. Do I just create Wiki page and it gets accepted or there is a review process?19:24
msergeiI wonder if I will violate some law since procedure is described in the book.19:25
cjwatsonyou could ask its authors, they're probably on IRC somewhere19:27
cjwatsonon wiki.ubuntu.com, you can create pages freely19:27
msergeiMy ultimate goal is to create "minimal" distribution fully preseeded that has no suggested or recommended packages, only minimal dependency tree and a few of my own packages. How would I change scripts (is there a variable or something) to force building cd with dependant pages only (I think in lucid it was announced that all suggested packages are being installed)19:32
msergeiThank you very much Colin for your support! Just fantastic.19:47

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