
czajkowskidinda: that tag is taking off alright :)00:15
nigelbelky: poke!07:37
nigelbjussi: looks like troll attack?07:39
jussilooking that way, lets see07:39
rwwmuffin dude has history in #ubuntu, doesn't he?07:39
rwwnick looks familiar, anyway07:39
nigelbwe're off -invites ?07:40
nigelb3 people joining in 3 secs and starting to talk BS makes me suspicious07:40
rwwah, someone mentioned #ubuntu-women in #ubuntu. I guess that explains that.07:48
akgranerhey all - we have two slots left for Developer Week - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep15:36
akgranerok one slot left15:40
akgranerAlanBell, Jussi can you all do a Bot-Devel session???15:42
dindaops:  I'm getting pms from a (10:16:58 AM) IR9455: hello16:19
dinda(10:17:08 AM) IR9455: babby16:19
dindaops:  ping16:20
akgranerjussi, ^^^^16:22
dindahe left, thank goodness16:22
jussididnt seem to be present here or -women?16:23
AlanBellhi akgraner16:52
AlanBelldon't think I am really up to the job of that one!16:53
AlanBelljust about figuring it out myself16:53
MichelleQSo... apparently I missed yesterday's meeting, too.  Sheesh.23:59

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