
candybanHi guys. I'm having an issue with ubuntu 10.04 where some scripts (e.g. snmpd, conntrackd) do not start properly because some interfaces are not ready yet (e.g. eth2/eth3). Both scripts have Required-Start: $network, so I wonder if there is a bug in upstart where it does not wait for the dependency to be met before starting the script10:46
candybananyone alive in here?11:14
candybanIs it possible for upstart to run /etc/rcX.d serial rather than parallel ?11:15
candybancan I force scripts to somehow wait for "all" interfaces to be available & configured before continuing?11:16
twbOn Ubuntu 10.04, there are upstart services that I wish guarantee are NEVER EVER started, but due to package dependencies, I can't simply remove the package via apt.12:08
twbSince "update-rc.d foo disable" and policy-rc.d are not applicable, my next instinct is to "dpkg-divert --rename /etc/init/avahi-daemon.conf", so that upstart will see (and hopefully ignore) a file "/etc/init/avahi-daemon.conf.distrib".12:08
twbIs there a better way to blacklist services?12:09
candybantwb, I'm here for help myself on 10.04 ... usually when I have a problem like that, I go ugly and just do chmod -x /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon13:11
candybantwb, or I suppose you can edit /etc/init/avahi-daemon.conf13:12
twbPermissions on non-conffiles aren't preserved13:12
twbBut yeah, you could dpkg-divert /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon13:13
candybantwb, just add exit 0 at the top of /etc/init/avahi-daemon.conf (not sure if that works)13:13
twbUnfortunately, upstart jobs are a hodge-podge of DSL and embedded sh13:14
twbSo I doubt that would work.13:14
twbIn any case, editing the file is basically what I'm trying to avoid.13:15
oli1980Hi all13:16
oli1980i have a strange issue with upstart :/ when trying to stop ssh in Ubuntu 10.06 the stop command does not return13:17
sorentwb: Just remove the job?13:23
twbsoren: you mean rm -f it?13:23
twbHmm, I suppose that WOULD work, because it's a conffile13:24
sorentwb: Yes, that's what I mean.13:24
sorentwb: It's absolutely supported. And absolutely offtopic for this channel, but there you go :)13:25
twbI guess because upstart jobs (i.e. conf files) are distro-specific, and thus off-topic?13:25
sorentwb: Conffile handling is not an upstart issue.13:46
oli1980when i try to stop ssh with "stop ssh" i simply get in the debug of init  init: job_process_handler: Ignored event 20 (5) for process PID13:49
candybansoren, is there a way to start the network and make all the rest wait until that is completed?14:42
sorencandyban: Generally, no.14:44
sorencandyban: Mostly because there's no way to know when you're going to be done configuring the network.14:45
sorencandyban: I mean.. It's very difficult to define when configuration of the network has been completed.14:45
candybansoren, I'm having trouble with snmpd (which I bind on eth3) and conntrackd (which syncs on eth2)14:46
sorencandyban: then start them when they come up.14:46
candybansoren, they are both started before the network is properly initialized14:46
sorencandyban: "start on net-device-up IFACE=eth2"14:47
sorenAdjust as appropriate.14:47
sorenThis is assuming an Ubuntu system, by the way.14:47
sorenOther distros may or may not have a net-device-up event.14:47
candybansoren, 10.04 (but snmpd and conntrackd are "regular" init scripts in /etc/init.d ... there is no equivalent in /etc/init ... do I need to recreate the scripts?14:48
sorencandyban: You can also add a post-up line to your network configuration in /etc/network/interfaces that just calls the relevant init scripts. This is completely off-topic here, though. If you want to discuss this, please take it somewhere like #ubuntu-server14:51
candybansoren, I never had these kinds of problems with regular SysV boot ... so I spent most of today learning about upstart as I want to understand what and where it goes wrong and how I can fix it the right way. (e.g. creating a new upstart script for snmpd/conntrackd)14:54
sorenNo, with sysv boot you had different problems.14:54
candybansoren, true, but at least it was predictable. Now booting of certain services fails/succeeds at random14:55
candybansoren, anyways, back to topic. Should I create a new /etc/init script (or can I modify the existing SysV-style script)14:56
sorenI'm not sure what you want me to say. Even driven boot is racy if not configured correctly. All you need to do is configure it correctly.14:56
sorenAs I said:  This is  completely off-topic here, though. If you want to discuss this, please take it somewhere like #ubuntu-server14:56
candybansoren, ok, thanks.14:57
bencerhi all18:01
benceri'm having some issues with upstart starting squid 2.x on lucid18:01
bencersyslog says:18:01
bencerJun 25 16:58:50 eboxdev1 init: squid main process (27716) killed by TERM signal18:01
bencerJun 25 16:58:50 eboxdev1 init: squid main process (28441) terminated with status 118:01
bencerbut squid after his default shutdown_lifetime says:18:01
bencer2010/06/25 16:59:21| Squid Cache (Version 2.7.STABLE7): Exiting normally.18:02
bencerit's like upstart was killing squid for not being stopped inmediately18:02
bencerand look at the times, it matches the default 30sec squid shutdown_lifetime18:03
bencerand the funny thing is that if i comment the pre-script on the upstart script i can't reproduce the issue18:05
benceri think i've found that the expect fork option doesn't work very well, just not using that and running squid with -N (do not background) works as expected18:28
bencergoing to submit a patch on squid package...18:28
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