[01:13] godbyk-android: alive? [01:13] or lost in the wilderness of the USA [01:14] 'twould seem the latter [01:14] I think I'm online for a moment [01:14] how are you doing? [01:14] it's probably a sensible time where you are actualyl [01:15] But still going through the mountains, so it could drop the connection at any moment. [01:15] sounds fun [01:15] Not bad. It's 18:15 local time. [01:16] my wireless could drop the connection at any moment, but that's because the router's rubbish [01:16] it's 1:15 am local time [01:16] Heh, nice. [01:16] i have no desire to go to bed [01:16] w:( [01:17] some sort of fez? [01:17] maybe not a fez [01:17] a novelty hat of some description [01:18] or an interesting hair cut [01:18] could be [01:19] heh [01:20] brandonj: ping [01:21] I'm here [01:21] zkriesse: pong.. [01:21] just wanted to know if you'd like to discuss that kernel issue [01:21] oh [01:21] what about it [01:21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel [01:21] Take a look at that....what do you think we should pull [01:22] I think it only needs to be 2 or 3 sentences [01:23] Ok [01:23] my thought too [01:24] I think if you want inspiration this article will be more helpful: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(computer_science) [01:25] simple english wikipedia is wonderful ;) [01:26] Definitely [01:27] I wouldn't even mention micro vs monolithic though [01:27] that isn't important [01:28] Wasn't going to [01:28] The Kernel is best described as the core, or almost the brain, of the operating system. It's responsible for creating and destroying memory so programs have space to reside on the hard-drive, and it also can be thought of as the program which mangages any and all programs on the computer. [01:28] That's what i got so far [01:29] I think the 2nd sentence might even be too technical [01:30] How would you word it? [01:31] hmm [01:32] The kernel is the shift manager of the operating system; it is responsible for allocating memory and processor time. [01:32] something like that maybe [01:33] ok [01:33] I'll commit it/push it [01:33] and then seperate the part after "and it can also be though of" into another sentence maybe [01:34] the 'almost' in the beginning sounds awkward to me as well, but thats all I can think of right now [01:37] What page is this going on? [01:37] prologue [01:37] ok [01:41] i forgot where the revision page is at [01:41] wait got it [01:42] it's pushed [01:42] go ahead and grab it to see [01:42] ok [01:42] I think perhaps it should be folded into the "What is Linux?" section rather than on its own [01:42] ok [01:42] I can fix that [01:43] gimme one sec [01:43] and when you name it call it the Linux kernel [01:43] if you introduce it as just 'the kernel' it might be confusing initially [01:43] true [01:44] Put it right after the ending sentence of what is linux? [01:44] no [01:44] google) run some variant of a unix system [01:44] yeah, after that probably [01:44] ok [01:47] ok pushed [01:49] how's it look [01:50] oh I think it should be a new paragraph [01:50] how come in the recent revisions my bug lp:bug doesn't link to the bug itself [01:50] but your's does [01:51] don't put lp:bug, put lp:###### which the number of the bug [01:51] replace ###### with the bug number, that is [01:52] bzr commit --fixes=lp:596853 -m "Fixed bug lp:bug 596853" [01:52] that should be bzr commit --fixes=lp:596853 -m "Fixed bug lp:596853" you mean? [01:52] yes [01:52] oh ok [01:52] :D [01:52] I'm getting the hang of it i think! [01:53] good [01:53] for some reason every time i do "bzr push" it comes back with [01:53] Using saved push location: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e2/ [01:53] bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/lucid-e2/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() [01:54] but if i do bzr push lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-e2 it runs fine [01:54] you should probably be pushing to https [01:54] so for some reason it has the http url saved in there [01:54] ok so how do i save the https? [01:54] and not the https one [01:54] I have no idea [01:54] hmm [01:55] you could always just push any changes you've just made, and remove your entire manual directory and redownload it [01:55] I think the gui you were using did some things to the bzr config [01:55] you mean remove the ubuntu-manual from Projects? [01:55] yeah [01:55] ok [01:56] you can always get it again with 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual' [01:56] just cd into projects right? [01:56] yes [01:56] ok lemme try that [01:56] then you'll have to do bzr push lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-e2/ the next time you want to push, but it shoudl save it after that [01:57] ok [01:57] gonna delete that gui too [01:58] i deleted bazaar explorer [01:59] do i need ground control? [01:59] i dont think so [01:59] ok [02:00] i'll delete it too [02:01] what bzr plugins do you use? [02:01] bzr-dbus one is nice [02:02] i dont have any installed i dont think [02:02] ok fetching manual again [02:03] while that's downloading i'm gonna go take a shower...be back shortly [02:03] ok [02:45] zkriesse: I would move the last sentence of the 1st paragraph under "what is linux" onto the next paragraphh [03:25] brandonj: say that again? [03:27] zkriesse: I would move the last sentence of the 1st paragraph under "what is linux" onto the next paragraphh [03:27] oh [03:34] zkriesse: I would move the last sentence of the 1st paragraph under "what is linux" onto the next paragraphh [03:34] brandonj: ok...i'm trying to figure out what's wrong with xchat right now [03:35] haha i can see that [03:35] it won't join all the channels in my auto join list AND it joins channels that aren't in it [03:36] any ideas? [03:36] uh thats weird [03:36] no i have no idea [04:04] oh === topo is now known as Guest46261 [12:54] Hey, ubuntujenkins. [12:54] hey godbyk-android [12:54] o/ [12:55] it was hyperref that we are using differnt drivers for [12:55] I don't think it's possible to compile the translations of lucid-e2. (There aren't any translations for it yet, really.) [12:56] Ah, okay. [12:56] Can you get yours to match mine? [12:56] I had not noticed that he was e-mailing about edition 2 [12:56] I will try and make them match I can't find that driver yet [12:56] Hey, dutchie! [12:57] I don't think he mentioned it--it's just always been the case with that particular error message. [12:59] I hope its a missing package or something. I am few version numbers out here and there but there are some strange extra bits in my log file when you use meld diff viewer. I will send them to you [12:59] I'm a bit irked that cellphone reception in the middle of the Nevada desert is better than at my house. [13:00] 'kay. [13:00] yea that would be very anoying [13:01] I think I'm running a mostly up-to-date version of tex live 2009. [13:01] We're currently at a complete stop and I don't know why [13:01] godbyk-android: so will you move to the middle of the nevada desert, then? [13:02] Perhaps being 3 his behind isn't enough. [13:02] thorwil: i think I'll pass. I rather like trees. [13:03] I had a problem with the bin package and pactches not applying to for loads of reasons so that one is slightly out of date. [13:03] tree are awesome. they have leaves or needles and shit! [13:03] * dutchie is not full of love for trees at the moment [13:03] trees also have pollen :( [13:04] thorwil: exactly! Plus, I don't need temperature swings of 50 degrees every night. [13:05] Yay! We're moving again. [13:05] i seem to be slightly allergic to some pollen, but thankfully it's quite bearable and i don't even know or need to know what it is [17:07] congrats thorwil [17:07] * dutchie wonders if thorwil will know what ubuntujenkins is talking about [17:07] ubuntujenkins: heh, thanks :) [17:08] heh, yes [17:08] dutchie: i just come from watching the game with family [17:08] hmph! [17:10] prehaps pigin is not good for irc [17:10] it does not show you away on irc when you choose away in the me menu [17:10] file a bug [17:10] o no i lie [17:10] ubuntujenkins: not perhaps. or at least, when i last looked at it, it was amazingly terrible [17:11] last time i tried it was, I would liek to try and keep all my messaging in one program [17:26] ubuntujenkins2: [17:27] ubuntujenkins2: [17:30] ubuntujenkins2: [17:30] ubuntujenkins2: [17:30] pidgin is not bad actually once you enable a few plugins [17:39] ubuntujenkins: ping [17:40] * dutchie pokes ubuntujenkins2/ ubuntujenkins for spamming [17:40] use your own channel [17:40] sorry will do [17:41] I do forget you can make up a channel on the spot [17:55] oh, how verbose: http://dowebsitesneedtolookexactlythesameineverybrowser.com/ [17:57] i think that's one of aquarius's [18:03] aquarius? [18:04] When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars? [18:05] zach@zach-desktop:~/Projects/ubuntu-manual$ make [18:05] bzr version-info --custom --template="Revision number: {revno}\qquad Revision date: {date}\n\n" > revision.tex [18:05] /bin/bash: bzr: command not found [18:05] make: *** [main.pdf] Error 127 [18:05] think i uninstalled bzr [18:06] don't know how i did but i did [18:11] hey brandonj ping [18:22] hello askhl_ [18:41] hey godbyk-android [18:42] Hey. Talk fast; signal may drop. [18:42] just sayin hey is all [18:43] Ah, hey. [18:43] On a train just outside of Reno. [18:43] cool [18:44] gotta go..helping a guy compile new version of xchat [18:44] godbyk-android: where are you heading to, if i may ask? [18:44] Heading to TeX conference in San Francisco. [18:45] tug.org/tug2010 [18:45] godbyk-android: cool. will you wear a flower in your hair? :) [18:46] lol. I think I'll pass. :-) [18:46] really does sound like an awesome conference. for tex heads :) [18:48] Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It's entirely too eccentric for most people, though. [18:51] * thorwil checks a map and notes it's quite a trip [19:03] hello @all [19:04] hello daker [19:04] i konw you zkriesse ? [19:04] daker: Ah I'm not sure...do you? [19:05] no :) [19:05] ok [19:05] daker: and what brings you here today? [19:06] tell ubuntujenkins [19:07] tell me what daker? [19:07] ubuntujenkins, daker: and what brings you here today? [19:08] zkriesse, i should ask ubuntujenkins [19:08] ubuntujenkins, and what brings you here today? [19:08] well its fun here, i like to help people when i can [19:13] daker: hey, probably might need another banner :D [19:13] brb [20:12] * daker is back [20:21] zkriesse, nice to meet you :) [20:22] daker: likewise [20:23] zkriesse, editor ? [20:23] daker: somewhat... [20:23] daker: yourself? [20:23] webmaster (3w.ubuntu-manual.org) [20:24] any django experience ? [20:24] nope [20:24] * zkriesse has to go for a while [20:24] oki [20:26] people still use the word 'webmaster'? =P [20:38] flan, ping [21:45] hello zkriesse, sorry for not reacting earlier [21:45] askhl_: it's ok... [21:46] I don't even remember what i was asking at the time i pinged you [21:46] All right :) [22:31] ubuntujenkins, shame on ENG 4 - 1 :s [22:32] we were rubbish all though lampards goal was in and the ref should have gone to specvavers [22:32] *specsavers [22:32] yep it was