=== Destine is now known as Final_Removal === vorian is now known as gallifrey === Final_Removal is now known as Destine === Destine is now known as Final_Removal [19:12] sorry for being so late [19:14] tsimpson: topyli Pici hi [19:15] \o [19:15] hi. we still meeting. i was just now able to come [19:15] right, so shall we do this? [19:15] we have 3, which is enoguh [19:15] * topyli peruses agenda quickly [19:16] it's empty [19:16] yeah [19:16] any bugs? [19:16] err any new bugs...? [19:16] nope [19:17] the sticky sticky ones only :) [19:17] right, so anyone here that wants to bring something up? [19:17] who wants to write something to the list/wiki that nothing happened... [19:17] ? [19:17] ie. "minutes" [19:17] I suppose we could quickly go over the policy on dual-cloaks [19:18] Id like nhandler to be here for that [19:18] indeed [19:18] @random jussi tsimpson topyli [19:18] jussi [19:18] ha! [19:18] doh! [19:18] looks like its me [19:19] heh [19:19] I still dont know how the wiki works... but I guess Ill learn [19:20] right, so thats it today? [19:21] just update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/NEXTMEETING and reports/Current basically [19:22] If I work it out correctly its the 13th? [19:23] in anycase, we are done. [19:23] yeah === nizarus_ is now known as nizarus