h00k | *yet | 00:00 |
Jordan_U | h00k: You can install to a btrfs root with the daily alternate CD. I don't think it's available in the Desktop CD. | 00:10 |
h00k | Jordan_U: the Alternate CD will let me, alright. I think I'ma do that tonight on my netbook. | 00:10 |
h00k | and Unity and the like, see how btrfs is on the SSD's | 00:10 |
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h00k | bah, what is the name of the executable for the Startup Disk Creator? | 01:45 |
h00k | It isn't showing in my Unity menu :( | 01:45 |
IdleOne | usb-creator-gtk | 01:47 |
h00k | ahha! | 01:47 |
h00k | IdleOne: thanks:) | 01:48 |
IdleOne | sure thing | 01:48 |
* h00k leaves to install Mavericks on btrfs | 02:01 | |
=== Barridus_ is now known as Barridus | ||
h00k | the alternate CD is taking /forever/ on my netbook :( | 03:47 |
h00k | so far, it's been about an hour and a half, it's still configuring and installing software | 04:05 |
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DanaG | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1481973&page=7 | 05:22 |
DanaG | ooh, subvolumes... spiffy. | 05:22 |
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ | ||
DanaG | oh yeah, random thing I get at boot: ERST: table not found | 06:32 |
DanaG | And ndiswrapper tends to cause kernel panics. | 06:33 |
DanaG | And r8192e_pci gives "Initialization is failed!" | 06:34 |
Jordan_U | Maverick has been installing for hours now and it's still just at 36% of "Select and install software" | 06:53 |
Jordan_U | Another hour and now the install is at 47% | 08:04 |
Ian_corne | It's weird that nothing is actually breaking :p | 08:06 |
Ian_corne | it's just taking ages | 08:06 |
Jordan_U | Woot, 50% | 08:24 |
* Jordan_U goes to sleep and hopes that it's at least close to finished by the time he wakes up. | 08:25 | |
coz_ | ' | 08:44 |
hrw | hi | 08:51 |
hrw | I wonder when X.org will finally be able to work without /etc/X11/xorg.conf for dual head setups | 08:51 |
BUGabundo_remote | morning | 08:58 |
crdlb | hrw: what does it need xorg.conf for now? | 08:58 |
hrw | crdlb: without it I have 1680x1050 on both displays (highest common res) and as clone. so at each x11 session I need to use xrandr to change res and placement | 09:00 |
crdlb | hrw: right, that's supposed to be stored in ~/.config/monitors.xml and loaded on each session | 09:03 |
hrw | crdlb: what reads that file? | 09:03 |
hrw | crdlb: and I am not using gnome | 09:03 |
crdlb | what are you using? | 09:03 |
hrw | KDE 4 | 09:04 |
crdlb | on gnome, it's read by a plugin in gnome-settings-daemon; on kde, I don't know if they use that file or something similiar | 09:04 |
hrw | from what I see they do not handle that | 09:05 |
hrw | there is settings panel for setup displays but it does not look like it stores setup | 09:05 |
hrw | and launching x11 and then using xrandr ends with few ugly things anyway... panel not full width etc | 09:06 |
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hrw | http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2010/06/29/switched-to-ati-radeon/ describes my system | 09:23 |
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Ian_corne | what's the deal with "ubuntu one disabled" in nautilus? | 12:24 |
Daviey | å | 12:25 |
gnomefreak | Ian_corne: its a bug in Nautilus | 12:28 |
Ian_corne | ok | 12:29 |
gnomefreak | i also asked for it to be removed and people can open it at will instead of being forced on you | 12:29 |
gnomefreak | so hopefully next upload will fix at least one of them | 12:30 |
* gnomefreak not holding breath | 12:30 | |
* gnomefreak smoke | 12:30 | |
Ian_corne | It looks to me like ubuntu is trying to force ubuntu on on us :p | 12:30 |
gnomefreak | it tried | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | s/it/they | 12:37 |
TommyThaGun | is there a page that you can search for and report hardware specific compatibility with 10.10? | 14:50 |
TommyThaGun | like... maybe something that will tell me whether I will be able to turn my computer on if I upgrade to 10.10? | 14:51 |
avu | TommyThaGun, it's handled by the BTS just like any other regression | 14:53 |
=== funkyHat is now known as wonkyHat | ||
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TommyThaGun | BTS? | 15:15 |
BUGabundo_remote | TommyThaGun: bug tracker system | 15:18 |
BUGabundo_remote | anyone recalls the grub option we passed for nvidia when it failed to boot? | 15:18 |
BUGabundo_remote | bjsnider: Sarvatt ^^^^^^ | 15:18 |
bobo123 | oh so alpha1 is already out... I wonder if there are any new sexy (or horrible) new things in it.... | 15:58 |
=== wonkyHat is now known as funkyHat | ||
dupondje | Somebody here uses Ekiga ? :) | 16:39 |
bobo123 | ekiga... that is some video conferencing program, right? | 16:51 |
ripps | Somebody broke evince again, it won't open my cbz files anymore. Somthing about being unable to open zip files. | 17:28 |
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone | ||
Z-RAY_ | after amateur tries to update MLT to 0.5.6 i have left without ffmpeg modules and even ffpmeg is installed, kdenlive says that some not installed at all. also it says that some sound module is not installed. i spent all day to make "lines and dots" bug dissappear (white lines and dots - was promised to be fixed in MLT 0.5.5) and i couldn't make it, even worse - now modules "avformat module", "Quimage module", "Title module" are missing and reinstalling of | 19:28 |
Z-RAY_ | the program and ffmpeg does not helping. | 19:28 |
Z-RAY_ | help me please to make this thing work correctly. my skype is "woanerges", or write me here. please, bro's, come on, i need some support here! | 19:28 |
Z-RAY_ | white dots and lines examples: | 19:28 |
Z-RAY_ | http://kdenlive.org/sites/default/files/shot1_0.png | 19:28 |
Z-RAY_ | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrFXr_bx2a0 | 19:28 |
Pici | Z-RAY_: If you aren't using Maverick, you shouldn't be asking in here. | 19:32 |
Z-RAY_ | what is maverick? | 19:33 |
gnomefreak | i think that answered the ? | 19:33 |
gnomefreak | Z-RAY_: maveric is next ubuntu release that is under development for release in OCT. | 19:33 |
gnomefreak | Z-RAY_: please join #ubuntu for your problems | 19:34 |
Z-RAY_ | "You have been quieted" - it means, that i have been banned? | 19:34 |
tsimpson | it means you are not allowed to post messages | 19:34 |
gnomefreak | no means you have been muted. Pici is that your doing? | 19:34 |
tsimpson | gnomefreak: mine | 19:34 |
gnomefreak | tsimpson: ok thanks | 19:35 |
gnomefreak | ok if VLC is used with Gecko why would it depends on libqt3-mt that is insane | 19:35 |
gnomefreak | at least the plugin does | 19:35 |
tsimpson | vlc (at least the newer versions) are Qt4, not sure why it'd depend on qt3 | 19:36 |
tsimpson | well, I say it's Qt4, I mean the default GUI is Qt4 | 19:37 |
vish | gnomefreak: he posted the same message on atleast 4-5 channels ;) | 19:37 |
gnomefreak | ok loos like it is qt4 maybe that broings in libqt3-mt? | 19:37 |
tsimpson | no, libqt3-mt is the old Qt3 | 19:37 |
tsimpson | Qt4 is a completely different set of libraries | 19:38 |
gnomefreak | ok the libqt3-mt was for somehthing else (a file manager bcsomething | 19:39 |
Z-RAY_ | i don't like codename maveric | 20:15 |
Z-RAY_ | mortal combat sounds better | 20:16 |
TommyThaGun | mighty mouse? | 20:16 |
gnomefreak | Z-RAY_: this is a suppport channel please leave it to 10.10 support only | 20:16 |
Z-RAY_ | "ubuntu 10.10L: mortal combat" | 20:16 |
gnomefreak | join #ubuntu-offtopic for random talk | 20:17 |
IdleOne | I agree maveric is a bad name. Maverick on the other hand is nice | 20:17 |
* IdleOne moves to -offtopic | 20:17 | |
The-Compiler | Official Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat support/discussion | 20:18 |
The-Compiler | I assume this is a discussion about Maverick. :P | 20:18 |
gnomefreak | tsimpson: support | 20:18 |
gnomefreak | damniot | 20:18 |
Z-RAY_ | how about "Ubuntu 10.10: Jew edition" ? | 20:18 |
gnomefreak | The-Compiler: support | 20:19 |
IdleOne | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ Z-RAY_ | 20:19 |
The-Compiler | gnomefreak: so why does the topic say "support/discussion"? :P | 20:19 |
gnomefreak | The-Compiler: support disscusstions == not opinions | 20:19 |
The-Compiler | okay okay I'm giving up :P | 20:20 |
gnomefreak | for example "new GUI, ect.." is good | 20:20 |
gnomefreak | The-Compiler: he has been uncompiant in the last hour if not more | 20:20 |
The-Compiler | also, anyone happens to know why my system (UNE 10.10 with Unity) starts to swap heavily and become unresponsive after some time? Even when the RAM (1GB) isn't full it starts to swap like crazy | 20:21 |
gnomefreak | dont hold me to this but i could swear i heard that from someone else in here the other day | 20:22 |
The-Compiler | I'd love to resolve that issue, because after like 2 hours of work my system becomes totally unusable | 20:23 |
gnomefreak | it was unity that was the problem, isnt there a choice or do you have to have unity | 20:23 |
The-Compiler | well of course I could use "normal" gnome, but I fell in love with unity :P | 20:24 |
gnomefreak | UNE has had problems since conception IIRC not always same problem. 1st edition was apps were getting bugs normal systems were not seeing | 20:24 |
The-Compiler | hmm let me see if I find anything on launchpad on that. | 20:25 |
gnomefreak | unity will run on anything right? | 20:25 |
The-Compiler | guess so, atm it's only targeted for UNE afaik | 20:26 |
The-Compiler | maybe it's mutter though? | 20:26 |
gnomefreak | mutter i have since i have gnome-shell. also have lubuntu but not sure what it uses off hand | 20:27 |
gnomefreak | lubuntu should run gnome but not positive | 20:28 |
Daekdroom | lubuntu runs LXDE.. | 20:28 |
The-Compiler | https://bugs.launchpad.net/netbook-remix/+bug/498404 maybe... | 20:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 498404 in Ubuntu "execive use of memory" [Undecided,New] | 20:29 |
The-Compiler | also I have a load of like 4-5 | 20:29 |
The-Compiler | well I need to go now, back later when I'm in the train maybe | 20:29 |
jcastro | hey The-Compiler | 20:30 |
jcastro | when you get back please file a bug against "unity" and I'll have someone look at it | 20:30 |
* gnomefreak installing unity. ill tell you though the description of the unity and freinds packages suck | 20:30 | |
Daekdroom | !info unity | 20:31 |
ubottu | unity (source: unity): Unity Interface for Ubuntu Netbook Edition. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.12-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 85 kB, installed size 804 kB | 20:31 |
gnomefreak | see | 20:32 |
gnomefreak | seems everything has 1 maybe 2 lines that are very unhelpful | 20:32 |
gnomefreak | that was one of the things i had to worry about when i learned packaging | 20:33 |
Daekdroom | gnomefreak, I'll check if somebody has put a suggestion regarding that on brainstorm. | 20:40 |
gnomefreak | that is more of a bug IMHO | 20:42 |
gnomefreak | ok be back going to log out and test | 20:42 |
Daekdroom | I'd say that's more like a "to-do" thing :P | 20:42 |
Daekdroom | "Get decent package descriptions. Not-done." | 20:42 |
The-Compiler | jcastro: will do later. I'm sick atm so I'm not really like collecting bug information atm. | 20:43 |
jcastro | no worries | 20:45 |
jcastro | someone noticed bad battery life too | 20:45 |
DrHalan | new nvidia kicked in... my machine still defaults to nouveau | 21:21 |
gnomefreak | i have no problems with nvidia-current | 21:31 |
DrHalan | i don't understadn this -.- | 21:49 |
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_DrWho | ||
chilicui1 | hi, I'm trying to use dl-ubuntu-test-iso to download maverick, I'm only interested in downloading isos for x86, I've already edited .dl-ubuntu-test-iso.cfg but it doesn't change anything, does anyone know if it's broken?, does I need to change another file? | 22:47 |
DrHalan | chilicui1: aren't there daily isos that work just fine? you can also wait a little alpha 2 is about to be released | 22:48 |
chilicui1 | DrHalan: yep, I guess I can wait, thx | 22:50 |
Jordan_U | chilicui1: I always use zsync to grab the daily isos while only having to download the differences. zsync is a lot like rsync exept that it doesn't requre any special software on the server side and is IMHO simpler to setup on the client side (dl-ubunut-test-iso uses rsync). | 22:58 |
Jordan_U | chilicui1: You can use zsync to grab alpha2 when it's released also, just use add "-i /path/to/old/iso" to the zsync command and it will look for data in the old iso so that you're still just downlaoding the differences. | 22:59 |
chilicui1 | Jordan_U: thx for ur reply, I'm interested in downloading the latest iso everyday, that's why I'm trying to use dl-ubunut-test-iso ( i can add a cron job then), if u know of a script for zsync who could make the same I'll be happy to use it | 23:01 |
Jordan_U | chilicui1: just "zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/maverick-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync" | 23:03 |
Jordan_U | chilicui1: And you can setup grub2 to boot from the iso, so you don't even need to burn a CD to test it on real hardware. | 23:03 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | WTH oracle bought apache?? | 23:04 |
ajmitch | BUGabundo_DrWho: and that date on the news article you're looking at is what? | 23:05 |
ajmitch | april 1? | 23:05 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | ahaha | 23:05 |
chilicui1 | ohh, I didnt know that, I was just to use it on vbox. Jordan_U , thx for ur comments they're been really useful for me. I guess I'm gonna use zsync instance dl-ubuntu-test-iso | 23:06 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the_apache_software_foundation_receives | 23:06 |
ajmitch | "Thursday Apr 01, 2010 " | 23:07 |
ajmitch | that says it all :P | 23:07 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, whoa that's news | 23:07 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | LOL | 23:07 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | rickrolled | 23:07 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, oh | 23:08 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, is this a fake? | 23:08 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | maybe | 23:08 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, damn I fall for these things everythime | 23:09 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | shoiuld be | 23:09 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | me too | 23:09 |
coz_ | :) | 23:09 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, and I started posting that link to other channels lol | 23:09 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | eheh | 23:09 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | me too | 23:09 |
coz_ | lol | 23:09 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, 1.9 billion should have been the give away | 23:10 |
coz_ | 1.5 | 23:10 |
coz_ | rather | 23:10 |
ajmitch | oh dear :) | 23:10 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, although for that money i would have done it :) | 23:10 |
coz_ | and the date !!! how can I fall for these things | 23:11 |
coz_ | the logo is cool though :) | 23:11 |
ajmitch | next you'll believe that canonical has been sold to HP | 23:12 |
coz_ | ajmitch, well probably... | 23:12 |
ajmitch | more believable than being sold to Microsoft | 23:12 |
coz_ | I am such an easy mark | 23:13 |
coz_ | BUGabundo_DrWho, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc7CcAiTnGk | 23:16 |
BUGabundo_DrWho | no thanks | 23:16 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang |
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