bcurtiswx3 | whew... moving sucks.. | 02:51 |
bcurtiswx3 | back in action :D | 02:51 |
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trinikrono | ddecator: you around? | 06:15 |
ddecator | trinikrono: yessir | 06:16 |
trinikrono | :d nice bug 582778 | 06:16 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 582778 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "RFE: Support cloning an existing Ubuntu installation onto another disk in a bootable form (affects: 1) (heat: 102)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/582778 | 06:16 |
trinikrono | the dev said to invalid it =\ | 06:16 |
ddecator | well, guess that solves that one then. you can close it and leave a comment saying the user is still welcome to file on the brainstorm site, but the developers are not currently insterested in adding that functionality to usb-creator | 06:18 |
trinikrono | aha | 06:20 |
trinikrono | ddecator: http://paste.ubuntu.com/456728/ | 06:27 |
trinikrono | can that work? | 06:27 |
ddecator | trinikrono: looks good to me :) | 06:30 |
BUGabundo_remote | morning | 08:58 |
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xelister | suddenly I can't login to desktop - pam_succeed_if(gdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user ... | 11:52 |
xelister | upgrade + reinstall of kdm&gdm helped. | 11:58 |
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Kangarooo | hello BUG in FF. in one tab watching yt then while it plays i pressed to open next video and FF crashed. reproduced 5 more times. with exact the same way. and same video. in YT video play list i have 2 videos im on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWiUNWZiYv0&playnext_from=QL and clicked in playlist to play 2nd video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZOaa2w4i8Y&playnext_from=QL and FF crashes | 16:40 |
Kangarooo | sometimes immidiatlly on click and sometimes after video starts loading. | 16:41 |
Kangarooo | just now crashed again when watching in another tab next video | 16:48 |
pedro_ | Kangarooo, enable apport and report the crash? | 16:50 |
pedro_ | Kangarooo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How%20to%20enable%20apport | 16:52 |
Kangarooo | pedro_: ive reported already. actually i have about 20 bugs against FF each different. since this has been 5 times then i wont make 5 times if reproduced. or should i even reproduced bug again report? report is again ready. 230mb big .. send it? | 16:52 |
pedro_ | Kangarooo, If you manage to reproduce a crash, report it , it won't hurt anyone. | 16:53 |
micahg | Kangarooo: the same crash? | 16:53 |
micahg | Kangarooo: are you running 3.6.3? | 16:53 |
Kangarooo | ah ok but i dont dont know if theres any change in info.. dont know jet where to look and whats important info | 16:54 |
Kangarooo | micahg: latest in ubuntu 3.6.3 | 16:55 |
micahg | Kangarooo: if you're running lucid, can you try the version from the ubuntu-mozilla-security ppa> | 16:55 |
micahg | that has 3.6.6 and has flash in another process and shouldn't crash teh browser | 16:56 |
Kangarooo | micahg: when it will be for everyone in ubuntu ppa? | 16:57 |
micahg | Kangarooo: it will be in the repos soon, this has been slightly delayed since we're updating a lot of apps hardy/jaunty/karmic for this update | 16:58 |
Kangarooo | heh while im writing 2nd video again opened and another crash is beeing collected.. after 10min there will be 2 more the same crashes | 16:59 |
Kangarooo | ok ill add ppa and making list update will ask for update of FF yes? | 16:59 |
micahg | Kangarooo: yeah, that should solve at least part of your problem | 17:03 |
micahg | Kangarooo: are you running the flash from the archives? | 17:04 |
Kangarooo | micahg: if ur asking from where ive installed flash then flash is installed flashplugin-nonfree | 17:05 |
micahg | Kangarooo: k | 17:05 |
Kangarooo | and there was update a week or 2 ago | 17:05 |
Kangarooo | and it updated ive saw in update log | 17:05 |
CyberaX2195 | evening all, I'm trying to locate some kind of update on bug 539814 , the patch has been available for 6 months, yet it still hasnt been incorporated or sru'ed | 18:10 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 539814 in tar (Fedora) (and 4 other projects) "tar/gnulib bug prevents bootstraping Lucid on Dapper, causes Lucid upgrade to abort on older linux kernels (e.g. in a chroot or Xen VM) (affects: 8) (heat: 83)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/539814 | 18:10 |
CyberaX2195 | it seems as if allmost like its dropped off the radar | 18:11 |
simar | Hello all. I'm a new triager could anyone tell me that how bug triagers maintain the bugs they have triaged. I mean how to remember or keep track of the bug number that you have say commented or done some activity. Whats the usual practise for this used by triagers? | 19:25 |
micahg | simar: subscribe to the bug | 19:28 |
simar | micahg, Then how to get the list of all your subscribed bugs? | 19:29 |
micahg | bugs.launchpad.net/~you/+subscribed-bugs? | 19:29 |
Z-RAY_ | after amateur tries to update MLT to 0.5.6 i have left without ffmpeg modules and even ffpmeg is installed, kdenlive says that some not installed at all. also it says that some sound module is not installed. i spent all day to make "lines and dots" bug dissappear (white lines and dots - was promised to be fixed in MLT 0.5.5) and i couldn't make it, even worse - now modules "avformat module", "Quimage module", "Title module" are missing and reinstalling | 19:30 |
Z-RAY_ | of the program and ffmpeg does not helping. | 19:30 |
Z-RAY_ | help me please to make this thing work correctly. my skype is "woanerges", or write me here. please, bro's, come on, i need some support here! | 19:30 |
Z-RAY_ | white dots and lines examples: | 19:30 |
simar | micahg, thanks | 19:30 |
Z-RAY_ | http://kdenlive.org/sites/default/files/shot1_0.png | 19:30 |
Z-RAY_ | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrFXr_bx2a0 | 19:30 |
vish | Z-RAY_: #ubuntu is for help , pls dont paste in several channels with same message | 19:34 |
simar | vish, Hi vish, if you are free, please help a newbie bluntu in #ubuntu trying to install ubuntu in his computer but stuck there. I'm trying to help him but have limited experiance myself. I hope you could help him better.. | 19:47 |
vish | simar: #ubuntu already has a lot of folks ;) , I'm sure someone already hanging out there can take over. | 19:49 |
simar | vish, Not really till now. He's still stuck but we are working out .. anyways thanks | 20:18 |
jcastro | bdmurray: thanks for fixing that bug on the qa pages! | 20:48 |
bdmurray | jcastro: well it could use some improving still ;-) | 20:52 |
MikeChapman_home | hello all... struggling to know how to search on a bug I seem to have... basically on boot my taskbar isn't visible and the only way I can get it back is to set the Appearance > Video Effects either to normal or extra, ie. something to kick the vid drivers and put the taskbar back | 20:56 |
MikeChapman_home | any ideas? 10.04 UNR on an EEE 901 | 20:56 |
MikeChapman_home | 2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP | 20:57 |
MikeChapman_home | have hunted for a bit but can't seem to find an obvious solution/similar problem | 20:57 |
om26er | MikeChapman_home, are you using metacity compositing? | 20:58 |
MikeChapman_home | om26er: not that I know of?? | 20:58 |
om26er | MikeChapman_home, in gconf-editor, apps>metacity>general>compositing manager check if its ticked.. | 20:59 |
MikeChapman_home | not ticked | 21:00 |
om26er | MikeChapman_home, does gnome session works fine? | 21:03 |
MikeChapman_home | om26er: it does once I have 'kicked' it... but windows render oddly (no grab bar at top of them, no re-sizing) if I don't dabble with the settings... which annoyingly don't persist :( | 21:04 |
om26er | MikeChapman_home, sudo apt-get remove maximus logout and login again to gnome session | 21:06 |
MikeChapman_home | om26er: OK, will try and re-join to let you know how it goes, thanks v much | 21:07 |
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