jcastro | jono: around? | 00:56 |
jono | jcastro, sue | 00:57 |
jono | sure | 00:57 |
jono | jcastro, sorry, I have had my nose in mail all day | 00:57 |
jcastro | oh no worries | 00:57 |
jono | I know we missed our call | 00:57 |
jcastro | I won't complain. :D | 00:57 |
jono | I am nearly through it all though | 00:58 |
jono | :) | 00:58 |
jcastro | jono: I actually have a whinier problem | 00:58 |
jono | it has been a mierable day | 00:58 |
jcastro | Icarus? | 00:58 |
jono | wiener problem? | 00:58 |
jono | lol | 00:58 |
jono | what about Icarus? | 00:58 |
jcastro | Flight of ... ? | 00:58 |
jono | what about it? | 00:58 |
jcastro | vocals? | 00:58 |
jono | not recorded it yet | 00:58 |
jono | lol | 00:58 |
jcastro | was wondering if you had made progress | 00:58 |
jcastro | damn | 00:58 |
jono | I might need to can it | 00:59 |
jcastro | ? | 00:59 |
jono | I smell licensing hot water | 00:59 |
jono | although I am asking maiden if I can release it | 00:59 |
jcastro | oh | 00:59 |
jono | we will see what they say | 00:59 |
jcastro | I thought you had done all that already | 00:59 |
jono | nope | 01:00 |
jono | I was planning on playing a game of screw the rules | 01:00 |
jcastro | heh | 01:00 |
jono | but then I checked into it | 01:00 |
jcastro | I am pretty sure even if you cover songs live you're supposed to pay or get permission | 01:00 |
jono | and I think my heroes may screw me | 01:00 |
jcastro | aka. we break the law every uds | 01:00 |
jcastro | nah, I remember the last time I saw maiden they told me to pirate their albums! | 01:01 |
jcastro | you could do an "inspired by maiden" track | 01:01 |
jono | haha | 01:02 |
jcastro | sum41 did that for metallica's battery | 01:02 |
jono | I could release Plight Of Toys R'Us | 01:02 |
jcastro | http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&qscrl=1&q=sum+41+battery&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= | 01:02 |
jcastro | click play | 01:02 |
jcastro | and guess the metallica song | 01:02 |
jono | Ride....like a beagle... | 01:02 |
jcastro | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl0EWYTVrlw | 01:03 |
jcastro | actually, way better | 01:03 |
jono | wow they are good | 01:04 |
jcastro | yeah | 01:04 |
jono | I always thought Sum41 sucked | 01:04 |
jcastro | they were like a blink 182 type "punk band" | 01:04 |
jcastro | but ends up they're the world's biggest metallica fan | 01:04 |
jono | cool | 01:05 |
jono | :) | 01:05 |
jcastro | and they covered the real battery for an MTV metallica tribute | 01:05 |
jcastro | and they were really good | 01:05 |
jono | so Mr Castro | 01:05 |
jono | I have a question for you | 01:05 |
jono | uds content | 01:05 |
jono | :-) | 01:05 |
jcastro | It shall be yours by our call tomorrow | 01:05 |
jcastro | sorry, I had real alpha 2 items today. | 01:06 |
jcastro | but it shall be yours | 01:06 |
jcastro | I only have one item left for A2 | 01:06 |
jono | please get to it tomorrow | 01:06 |
jono | I want to get it in shape for a call this week that was scheduld | 01:06 |
jono | with Jane and Gerry | 01:06 |
jono | thanks, al | 01:06 |
jono | pal | 01:06 |
jcastro | hmm | 01:06 |
jono | jcastro, it should be cool | 01:07 |
jono | this call came out the blue today | 01:07 |
jono | was news to me, so I would like a first cut of the site done by EOD wed | 01:07 |
jono | which is totally doable | 01:08 |
jcastro | no worries, I'll have a draft for you by the time you start tomorrow | 01:08 |
jcastro | that'll give me time to polish before my EOD. | 01:08 |
jono | perfect | 01:09 |
jono | thanks, pal | 01:09 |
jono | sorry it is all a little last minute | 01:09 |
jcastro | yeah | 01:09 |
jono | A2 is definitely priority, but it seems you are mostly in shape there | 01:09 |
jono | and look at the glory that is http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-community.html :-) | 01:09 |
jcastro | I've been middle-of-the-road-but-not-totally-backburning it since it's not on my WIs | 01:09 |
jono | yeah I know what you mean | 01:10 |
jono | if it aint a WI, it is dead to me | 01:10 |
jcastro | heh | 01:10 |
jono | apart from..y'know...the clustered ball of crazy that is my damn inbox | 01:10 |
jono | I hate email so much | 01:11 |
jcastro | I sent kiko a mail | 01:11 |
jcastro | to link him up with stormy, wrt. linaro <-> gnome collaboration | 01:11 |
jcastro | and he responds | 01:11 |
jcastro | it's like | 01:11 |
jcastro | "I am too busy to be responsive over mail, randomly grab me on IRC." | 01:11 |
jono | lol | 01:11 |
jcastro | and I was like, wow .... | 01:11 |
jono | Not a Solution(TM) | 01:11 |
jono | :-) | 01:11 |
jcastro | yeah, I don't he's a GTD guy or something | 01:12 |
jcastro | <-- dinner, bbl | 01:12 |
jono | later, pal | 01:12 |
doctormo | jono: You need a secretary, man I put my CV forward for the position :-D | 02:22 |
doctormo | jono: I feel I should put myself in your work items so I'm not dead to you, maybe get a call once a month for an update on things. | 02:23 |
jono | doctormo, heh, you are not dead to me | 02:26 |
jono | but the community is a pretty big place :) | 02:26 |
doctormo | Oh vast, you won't believe how mind bogglingly large it is, I mean you might think your bingo club is big, but that's just peanuts to the ubuntu community. | 02:36 |
doctormo | jono: I hope you saw my wallpaper and the H2G2 quote in it | 02:36 |
doctormo | bbs | 02:56 |
doctormo | Back :-) | 04:19 |
dpm | morning all | 06:07 |
doctormo | hello | 06:07 |
nigelb | morning dpm | 06:13 |
nigelb | hello doctormo :) | 06:13 |
doctormo | nigelb: I wanted to improve my background a little | 06:13 |
nigelb | doctormo: desktop background? | 06:13 |
dpm | hey nigelb :) | 06:14 |
dpm | hi doctormo | 06:14 |
nigelb | dpm: you're early today :) | 06:21 |
dpm | nigelb, yeah, I've got a couple of things on my plate and I'll be away for an hour or so later on :) | 06:22 |
czajkowski | aloha | 06:35 |
doctormo | nigelb: I was updating this: http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-Circuit-169288271 I thought I showed you yesterday morning? | 06:43 |
doctormo | czajkowski: How's your mum? | 06:43 |
czajkowski | grand sleeping I hope, anasthetics don't agree with her at all | 06:45 |
doctormo | czajkowski: I hope everything goes well, I know my body doesn't really like anasthetics. | 06:47 |
czajkowski | aye she'll hopefully be let hope some time this weekend depending on her blood pressure. sHe has very high blood pressure usually but it;s a bit low atm | 06:49 |
dpm | hey czajkowski | 06:55 |
czajkowski | dpm: morning | 06:56 |
dpm | nigelb, out of interest, do you use a localized system? | 06:56 |
dpm | i.e. not English? | 06:56 |
czajkowski | dpm: just a question someone was asking and I'd not a clue, when translators translate a wiki page, the title of the page isn't translated is it? as in the URL part ? | 06:57 |
dpm | czajkowski, exactly, it is not translated, so that the translated pages are subpages of the original. I.e. OriginalPage and OriginalPage/Translation (where "Translation" is a 2 or 3 letter code representing the language) | 06:58 |
dpm | e.g. OriginalPage/ga for the Irish translation | 06:59 |
czajkowski | ahhh I see | 06:59 |
czajkowski | dpm: thanks for explaining | 06:59 |
dpm | no worries :) | 07:00 |
nigelb | dpm: nope, english | 07:02 |
nigelb | doctormo: the gnu meets oss? | 07:02 |
nigelb | czajkowski: I appreciate the fact that we have a CoC most when I see communities that don't | 07:02 |
doctormo | nigelb: Ah well, that's a trick of the light :-D | 07:03 |
nigelb | doctormo: you hadn't shown me that one, and it is beautiful :) | 07:03 |
czajkowski | right off to Dublin | 07:04 |
nigelb | czajkowski: have a nice trip :) | 07:04 |
czajkowski | catch folks around 5pm my time again . Going to be a long day | 07:04 |
dpm | nigelb, thanks. Nevertheless, do you happen to know anyone using Ubuntu in Punjabi, by any chance? I'm getting in touch with translation teams and it seems that the Punjabi one is no longer active (the team owner stopped using LP and that was it) | 07:04 |
czajkowski | job interview part III | 07:04 |
dpm | czajkowski, have a good trip and good luck! | 07:05 |
nigelb | dpm: ouch, I don't know anyone using a localized version here. I can hunt around on the mailing list if you want me to | 07:05 |
nigelb | (also, I can't read punjabi btw) | 07:05 |
dpm | nigelb, no, don't worry, thanks. I'll try to contact the few members of the team who've got a visible contact address | 07:06 |
nigelb | :) | 07:08 |
dpm | nigelb, would you say localized Ubuntu is not so popular in India, or only in your region? (I know India is huge and that I cannot ask you for all languages - I'm just trying to get a rough impression here :) | 07:10 |
nigelb | dpm: well, we learn about computers in english, so its naturally assumed that people who first use ubuntu would like to use ubuntu in english | 07:12 |
dpm | oh right | 07:12 |
nigelb | but the advantage of having it localized is when its beign adopted by say state governments when they might want to have the interface in the official language for ease of transition, etc | 07:12 |
dpm | ok, thanks for the info nigelb :) | 07:14 |
nigelb | dpm: no problem :) | 07:15 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:19 |
nigelb | morning dholbach :) | 07:28 |
dholbach | hey nigelb | 07:30 |
akgraner | I am really turning into a geek - I find myself getting frustrated b/c my hands have to leave the keyboard to use the mouse... WOW! akgraner notes this day in her calendar :-/ | 07:30 |
dholbach | hola ara | 07:31 |
dpm | morning dholbach, hola ara | 07:32 |
dpm | hey akgraner :) | 07:32 |
dholbach | hey dpm | 07:32 |
ara | morning dholbach, dpm | 07:32 |
dholbach | how are you all doing? | 07:32 |
ara | good thanks, slowly starting the day, yourself? | 07:33 |
nigelb | akgraner: haha :) | 07:34 |
nigelb | morning ara :) | 07:34 |
dholbach | ara: same here, definitely slow sitll :) | 07:34 |
ara | morning nigelb | 07:35 |
akgraner | dpm, nigelb et al - howdy! :-) | 07:35 |
dholbach | hey akgraner - still up? | 07:36 |
akgraner | nah - I got some sleep :-) Just started my day early | 07:36 |
dholbach | very early, eh? :) | 07:37 |
akgraner | yeppers - it's 0230 here | 07:37 |
dholbach | I'm just not hard-core enough for this community | 07:38 |
dholbach | got up a bit before 8 :) | 07:38 |
nigelb | dholbach: don't worry, akgraner has a bad sleep pattern ;) | 07:49 |
* nigelb runs | 07:49 | |
akgraner | nigelb, not bad - just unique - I get 8 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period :-) | 07:49 |
nigelb | akgraner: right, every half our you sleep for 10 minutes :p | 07:50 |
akgraner | nigelb, :-P | 07:51 |
akgraner | power naps rule! just sayin' | 07:51 |
dholbach | maybe I'm starting my day even slower today - I just made coffee and forgot the coffee powder | 08:06 |
akgraner | dholbach, it's Tuesday - you can't have a case of the Monday's on a Tuesday :-) (however that sounds like something I would do, nice to know I am in good company) | 08:06 |
dholbach | usually I smell the coffee when it's ready, it didn't even surprise me today that the coffee did not smell coffee like - man, I hope I wake up quickly :) | 08:08 |
nigelb | haha | 08:12 |
dholbach | we're at #599655 in LP already | 08:16 |
dholbach | how long until we hit 600000? | 08:16 |
jussi | :D | 08:16 |
* jussi goes to file 345 bugs :D | 08:16 | |
nigelb | dholbach: my guess is it will take max of 1 week | 08:27 |
* nigelb goes to check daily patterns | 08:28 | |
nigelb | dholbach: ok, so I was talking at the Debian side about sponsorship in Debian | 08:55 |
nigelb | I'm wondering if we can have something there for ubuntu developers who want to upload to Debian | 08:56 |
nigelb | (actually Rhonda just suggested it to me) | 08:56 |
nigelb | I'm out for lunch, we'll continue the conversation when I'm back :) | 08:56 |
dholbach | hola randa_ | 09:25 |
randa_ | hi dholbach | 09:25 |
dholbach | nigelb: there's the debian mentors already? | 09:25 |
dholbach | nigelb: it's great if you want to improve it and collaborate with Debian people to make it better, but I'm afraid I'm totally maxed out and in too many concurrent discussions right now | 09:26 |
dholbach | I'm totally behind on emails and still got loads of work items to go through | 09:27 |
jussi | what? dholbach is human? o.O | 09:27 |
dholbach | the problem is: we're never short of good ideas | 09:28 |
dholbach | although nigelb's and Rhonda's idea is indeed very good | 09:29 |
dholbach | nigelb: I'm happy to give my feedback at some stage, but I can't be leading this effort too | 09:35 |
nigelb | dholbach: ok, I'm back. I can take it forward in a limited manner till my laptop is back and then I can work with rhonda on getting a system for ubuntu developers to find sponsorship faster | 09:42 |
dholbach | nigelb: great, let me know how it goes | 09:42 |
nigelb | debian-mentors is sadly not as great as our own sponsoring system - its a bit tough to find an actual sponsor | 09:42 |
dpm | akgraner, the link you've just sent me to share for the interview with the Spanish translation team is for me to review or just for confirmation? | 09:45 |
akgraner | confirmation :-) you should have the actual email showing up in your inbox any second now... | 09:47 |
akgraner | just want to CC you on everything incase I get hit by a bus :-) | 09:47 |
dpm | akgraner, great, thanks! :-) | 09:51 |
dholbach | hey jono | 15:42 |
dholbach | jono: how are you doing? | 15:42 |
dholbach | jono: did you send me the notes for yesterday's call? not sure if I got them and I think I forgot something already :) | 15:42 |
jono | dholbach, hey | 15:44 |
jono | shoot, I didn't | 15:44 |
dholbach | no worries :) | 15:44 |
dholbach | jono: it | 15:44 |
jono | dholbach, they are on my other laptop, will send them son | 15:44 |
jono | son | 15:44 |
jono | soon | 15:44 |
dholbach | jono: it's not like I didn't have enough work items ;-) | 15:44 |
dholbach | take it easy :) | 15:44 |
* dholbach hugs jono | 15:44 | |
* jono hugs dholbach | 15:45 | |
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox | ||
jcastro | hey dholbach | 16:25 |
jcastro | jono: uds content link in your inbox, copy and paste away! | 16:25 |
jono | thanks jcastro! | 16:26 |
jcastro | jono: I have some questions when you integrate it | 16:26 |
jcastro | so just mumble me or something | 16:26 |
jono | jcastro, np | 16:28 |
jono | jcastro, a lot of this you could have cut out - it is from the last UDS | 16:29 |
jono | but I can do that | 16:29 |
jcastro | yeah so that was my question | 16:29 |
jcastro | for like travel and stuff, we don't have any of that info | 16:29 |
jcastro | so I was just placeholding | 16:29 |
jcastro | so I figured that would show what the page would look like better than making up a hotel, etc. | 16:29 |
jcastro | also, is this page in /addition/ to the wiki or will it replace it? I wasn't sure if I was supposed to link back to the more detailed stuff on the wiki. | 16:30 |
jcastro | I can't think of a way to explain like remote IRC without it sounding too complicated for what I think the site should be | 16:30 |
* jcastro rings the bell | 16:42 | |
jcastro | one more WI outta there! | 16:42 |
jono | jcastro, :) | 16:43 |
jcastro | dholbach: I need to chat about dailies for about 5 minutes if you have a chance today | 16:44 |
dholbach | jcastro: sure, just talking to the man with the plan right now | 16:45 |
dholbach | jcastro: afterwards we can mumble :) | 16:45 |
jcastro | \o/ | 16:46 |
jcastro | vish: wrt. papercuts, agree, just add the info! | 16:47 |
vish | cool! | 17:02 |
dholbach | jcastro: mumble? | 17:04 |
dholbach | alright my friends | 17:30 |
dholbach | I call it a day | 17:30 |
dholbach | see you tomorrow! | 17:30 |
* dholbach hugs you all | 17:30 | |
jcastro | woo! | 17:30 |
dpm | :-) | 17:33 |
doctormo | Morning all | 17:55 |
jcastro | woo, my kindle gets here today | 18:30 |
doctormo | jcastro: I thought kindles weren't very good. | 19:07 |
jcastro | *shrug* I got my brother one and he loves it | 19:09 |
popey | jono: what was the name of the wordpress theme people you said you used on a recent shotofjaq? | 19:13 |
jcastro | doctormo: I tried the nook one at B&N and it was pretty fail | 19:13 |
doctormo | jcastro: My sisters like Twilight, I've started being cautious of what my sisters like these days :-P | 19:14 |
doctormo | I'm waiting for a good book reader, perhaps even a tablet. | 19:14 |
jono | popey, woothemes.com | 19:18 |
popey | ace! thanks | 19:19 |
jono | :) | 19:21 |
jono | popey, they are fantastic themes | 19:21 |
jono | and I think they have a 4-for-1 offter too | 19:21 |
jono | offer | 19:21 |
popey | do they do custom work? | 19:21 |
jono | popey, not sure | 19:21 |
popey | will contact them | 19:21 |
jono | I usually take a theme and hack it myself with firebug | 19:21 |
popey | jono: do they do some kind of kickback / referral if I mention your name? | 19:44 |
jono | popey, I don't think so | 19:45 |
jono | thanks for the consideration though :-) | 19:45 |
popey | np | 19:45 |
jcastro | pleia2: thanks for your feedback, I'll incorporate that | 19:56 |
pleia2 | jcastro: sure thing | 19:57 |
pleia2 | just proposed the multi-language thing to the rest of -backstage, but it should be ok I think as long as we're clear about language when it's a non-english class and we have someone we can work with for scheduling | 19:57 |
jcastro | I'll just reword the bit so that it's more "talk to the learning team" too | 19:59 |
* pleia2 nods | 19:59 |
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