=== doko__ is now known as doko === dgjones is now known as djones === dgjones is now known as DJones === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [13:59] #startmeeting [13:59] Meeting started at 07:59. The chair is NCommander. [13:59] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:00] Now I need coffee [14:00] ping: persia GrueMaster davidm ogra dyfet NCommander [14:00] funny how you ping yourself :P [14:00] * GrueMaster responds with a groggy wave. [14:00] G'day [14:00] hello 1 [14:00] * davidm takes another sip of coffee [14:01] ogra: well, it began with a bunch of us attending a meeting, then I pinged people, then you said it was funny that I pinged my self, and I began to explain saying that it began ... [14:01] heh [14:01] are you in clownesque mode today ? :) [14:01] [topic] Action Item Review [14:01] New Topic: Action Item Review [14:01] do we have a wikipage link ? [14:01] [topic] ogra to talk to persia about IRC channels [14:01] New Topic: ogra to talk to persia about IRC channels [14:01] oh [14:02] [link]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100629 [14:02] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100629 [14:02] bah, persia do you like IRC channels ? i surely do ... [14:02] NCommander, done :P [14:02] ogra: :-P [14:02] indeed, c/o [14:02] persia said he may or may not be here due to power outages in Japan [14:03] [topic] Standing Items [14:03] New Topic: Standing Items [14:03] [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile.html [14:03] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile.html [14:03] still green [14:03] i wonder how we do that all the time [14:03] [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/all-maverick-alpha-2.html [14:03] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/all-maverick-alpha-2.html [14:03] er [14:03] wrong page [14:04] [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile-maverick-alpha-2.html [14:04] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile-maverick-alpha-2.html [14:04] We're in the red there [14:04] no, we should have both on the meeting page [14:04] * NCommander fixes that [14:04] yes, and i cant promise i'll make my last item in time [14:05] (flash-kernel changes require an image ... we still dont have one, waiting for the gtk+ upload to finish building and be published) [14:05] I have posted a preliminary test procedure at http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/LiveImage [14:05] LiveImage ? [14:05] Although I should rename the wiki. [14:05] yeah. should be PreinstalledImage [14:06] [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier) [14:06] New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, mpoirier) [14:06] GrueMaster, and you dont *need* to reboot at the end (its indeed a good measure, but not necessary) [14:06] fixed critical bug for alpha2. [14:07] ogra: It is to insure that oem-install and jasper don't try to run again. [14:07] more problems to fix - userspace apps generating oom. [14:08] done unless there are questions. [14:08] GrueMaster, right [14:08] mpoirier, thanks a lot for the last minute fix, that was great work [14:08] we were lucky. [14:09] it could have taken much longer, like the SD card problem... [14:09] [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster) [14:09] New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster) [14:09] Not a lot to report atm. Still no daily build images. [14:10] [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) [14:10] New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) [14:10] I tested the new kernel. Haven't seen the oom messages yet, but my main focus so far has been just booting. [14:10] GrueMaster, where are you on A2 work item? [14:10] I had been looking at apr this morning [14:10] mine isn't quite toast [14:10] Been looking at KDE, but it likely won't be fixed until I'm at Akademy and can beat upstream in person [14:10] GrueMaster, you should have dailies tonight [14:11] ok. [14:11] I did not think I would get further than Michael in KDE either... [14:11] NCommander, did you plan to discuss the changes to QT at akademy ? [14:11] NCommander, the stuff we discussed with asac before i mean [14:11] ogra: discuss, but I can already tell you that there will be no short-term fix coming from upstream on this [14:11] (upstream requested us to drop all QT patches) [14:12] NCommander, i thought it was only one more option that needed to be added [14:12] we aren't acrrying any ARM patches to QT [14:12] *carrying [14:12] we're carrying the patches everywher else [14:12] right [14:12] we will get a option from upstream to change soname [14:12] also upstream will decide on the qws preferred soname at least [14:12] and we could drop them if we would build QT differently [14:12] and we could use that option for libqt [14:12] which upstream asked for [14:12] I'm not rehashing this argument now [14:13] We'll take it offline and report back [14:13] * ogra would like to have it in the meeting log [14:13] thats why i brought it up [14:13] iirc you said that you were willing to use the double real if you had a way to easily bump soname to something that doesnt match upstream soname [14:13] so we dont pretend we are compatible with something we effectively arent [14:14] asac: right, but upstream needs to implement that. I don't want some quassy hack over this, and it still needs discussion wtih Qt downstream apps as their build systems will have to handle it [14:14] so upstream promissed to get the feature about sonames added. i can take action to get update on that [14:14] NCommander: downstream apps would just the same -dev [14:14] for them it should be transparent [14:14] asac: er, think LD flags [14:14] for qt itself we wait till we have the soname through configure paramater feature and then bump it to something [14:14] Unless the build system is semi-smart, it might include the wrong -l*soname* [14:15] NCommander: the soname includes lib name and version part [14:15] i would expect we bump the version to something like 1.real [14:15] hmm i see what you mean i think [14:15] asac: I was of the opinion that I think trying to resolve this right now is more work than it should be. If you were instant on making IMHo, a useless change at this point, then that's how we would have to do it [14:15] but afaik that version thing should work. [14:15] kk [14:15] I'll discuss it at Qt upstream [14:16] well. deccision could be done by next time you need to port something ;) [14:16] so if nothing happnes again, then keeping it that way is fine [14:16] The only proper way to fix this once and for all is to have mainline Qt change, but that can't happen until Qt breaks their ABI again. [14:16] qt has other options to strip and untrip abi parts from qt [14:16] the qt everywhere is really just theoretic [14:17] upstream said they are currently trying to get source compatibility established among distros ;) [14:17] and binary isnt that important as its not the current practice anyway [14:17] but they would love to see that of course ... but there it wont happen before upstream bumps soname on their own anyway [14:17] anyway .. out ;) [14:17] lets take it offline [14:18] right [14:18] [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [14:18] New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [14:18] waiting for gtk to finish building [14:18] They're coming. [14:18] then we should be able to get our first image [14:18] hopefully today [14:19] We smashed out some last minute publishing bugs, so its getting there [14:19] we both worked on remaining bugs today in the build infrastructure [14:19] and have high hopes that we smashed them all :) [14:19] Only thing left at this point appears to be some cosmeic stuff in make-web-indices [14:19] though only an actual image build will tell [14:19] ogra: well, we haven't caused antimony to rm -rf / itself [14:19] yet [14:19] so we're still ahead of the game [14:20] :P [14:20] we didnt run through the whole build process yet so you never know if it kicks in at the end ;) [14:20] but all the pieces look good ... we'll see how well they work if run together [14:21] sadly the gtk build blocks the very first setp atm [14:21] *step [14:21] Unfortunately [14:21] Then 1-2 hours for a live image build [14:21] then 10 minutes to do a preinstalled run [14:21] rather 2 [14:21] right [14:21] so basically [14:21] so about 2.5h for an image build [14:21] "Watch this spot." [14:21] [topic] Any Other Business [14:21] New Topic: Any Other Business [14:22] * NCommander has none [14:22] actually watch this spot: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/ ;) [14:22] actually [14:22] yes I do [14:22] I'm gone next week for Akademy [14:22] I may or may not be present [14:22] Who wants the meeting? [14:22] * ogra will take it if nobody else is voluntold [14:22] dyfet, can you take the meeting? [14:22] or that :) [14:23] Okay I can do so [14:23] * NCommander wishes he had davidm's voluntelling powers [14:23] [action] dyet to run the IRC meeting next week [14:23] ACTION received: dyet to run the IRC meeting next week [14:23] dyfet, thanks [14:23] [action] dyfet to run the IRC meeting next week [14:23] ACTION received: dyfet to run the IRC meeting next week [14:23] that's it for me [14:23] anyone else [14:23] Well, I can ping myself then, too :) [14:23] NCommander, you missed an actrion above btw [14:23] NCommander, please review with dyfet what he needs to do, thanks [14:24] NCommander, so upstream promissed to get the feature about sonames added. i can take action to get update on that [14:24] [action] NCommander, asac, ogra, and all interested parties to take Qt discussion offline and bring it back to the meeting [14:24] ACTION received: NCommander, asac, ogra, and all interested parties to take Qt discussion offline and bring it back to the meeting [14:24] thx [14:24] [action] asac to poke upstream Qt [14:24] ACTION received: asac to poke upstream Qt [14:24] next week i will be travelling so you wont be able to check if i did that (make that a 2week action) [14:24] asac: well, I'll be seeing Qt upstream in two days [14:24] maybe I should take this action item [14:25] [action] NCommander to poke Qt upstream at Akademy [14:25] ACTION received: NCommander to poke Qt upstream at Akademy [14:25] there [14:25] Eveyrone has actions now, unless someone feels left out :-P [14:26] closing [14:26] 3 [14:26] 2 [14:26] 1 [14:26] #endmeeting [14:26] Meeting finished at 08:26. [14:29] ogra: NCommander: will i be listed as "attendee" ;) [14:29] after all the lines i wrote i would love to see some credits :-P [14:30] where do you want to be listed ? [14:30] ogra: on the wiki summary/notes [14:30] * ogra will happily list you everywhere you like [14:30] as attending this meeting [14:30] ;) [14:30] sure [14:30] thx!! [14:31] NCommander, ^^^ please make sure he shows up in the summary [14:58] cjwatson: hi [14:58] hi [14:58] hello [14:58] kees: your chair I think - I forgot to update the agenda from last week :( [14:58] let me quickly purge it now [14:59] cjwatson: I was just going to ask; I don't see last meeting's minutes [14:59] does anyone know if sabdfl is around, I don't see him on IRC [14:59] kees: he was around earlier [15:00] Keybuk: are you here? [15:00] I am [15:00] are you? ;-) [15:00] kees: edited the agenda now - I've given myself an action to sort out last week's minutes [15:00] damnit, editmoin is timing out, one sec [15:01] Keybuk: i am! :) [15:01] hello all, hello ChanServ [15:01] #startmeeting [15:01] Meeting started at 09:01. The chair is kees. [15:01] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [15:02] [topic] review actions from last meeting [15:02] New Topic: review actions from last meeting [15:02] we're waiting on moin to not be broken, one moment [15:02] agenda is up to date now [15:02] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda [15:02] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda [15:02] * cjwatson to write up 2010-06-15 minutes [15:03] not done which is why I just gave myself that action; sorry [15:03] np [15:03] * cjwatson to reword StableReleaseUpdates to indicate that panic button only applies to -updates [15:03] pitti did this for me [15:03] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?action=diff&rev2=146&rev1=145 [15:03] * pitti to (ask for help to) get !sru added to ubuntu-bots [15:03] I changed that along with the new !regression-alert factoid [15:03] cjwatson: if you don't get to it today, let me know as I can help with it tomorrow if needed [15:03] I think I saw this and !regression get added? [15:04] cjwatson: (the notes) [15:04] * cjwatson to remove "mail TB" step from SRU docs [15:04] kees: !regression-alert for now, but I'm happy to add some more aliases; just that !sru is already taken [15:04] pitti did that one too [15:04] mdz: thanks, hopefully I will though [15:04] * cjwatson to find out about spam-cleaning technical-board@ archives with IS [15:04] I just asked about this; Ng doesn't think that list administrators have the necessary privileges, so I've opened an RT ticket [15:05] cool [15:05] [topic] Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed [15:05] New Topic: Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed [15:05] [link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/ [15:05] LINK received: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/ [15:05] I looked through this last night and just deleted spam. did anyone see anything I didn't? [15:05] I see nothing new [15:06] nothing since the last meeting except spam [15:06] onward [15:06] [topic] up on community bugs (standing item) [15:06] New Topic: up on community bugs (standing item) [15:06] [link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bugs?field.assignee=techboard [15:06] LINK received: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bugs?field.assignee=techboard [15:06] (the RT ticket for spam is RT#40118) [15:06] just the drivers bug, which is still under way, IIUC. [15:07] it missed the window for this Launchpad cycle [15:07] I don't even have the list moderation password; I'm happy to help out with the moderation if someone sends it to me [15:07] and is settling in comfortably in the backlog [15:07] well, it didn't miss the window, it just wasn't selected [15:07] at least it has lots of company there [15:07] pitti: I'll send you it [15:07] but bdmurray said he would look at it during his LP rotation [15:08] mdz: "comfortably in the backlog", so it hasn't gotten a specific milestone? [15:08] kees: no, they're doing kanban now, so they don't make commitments beyond current work in progress [15:08] next stakeholder meeting is 2010-07-27 [15:09] okay. do we need to show up to that meeting to push it? what's the next forward step for that bug? [15:09] I think the next step is to see what bdmurray can do for us on an ad hoc basis [15:09] okay, I can take that. [15:10] and then follow up at the meeting if more is needed [15:10] [action] kees to check up on 174375 with bdmurray [15:10] ACTION received: kees to check up on 174375 with bdmurray [15:10] [topic] other business [15:10] New Topic: other business [15:10] anything else we should cover that's not on the agenda? anyone have questions/issues for the tech board? [15:11] do we need to follow up on last week's compiler discussion with doko? [15:12] IIRC, it sounded it was in his court for now? [15:12] *sounded like ... [15:13] I'm OK with that if others are [15:13] I asked doko on #ubuntu-devel after last week's meeting [15:13] and he said: [15:13] 15-06-2010 16:12:59 < doko> mdz: could we do this later this week? running out of time today, and I'd like to get some performance data (benefits) on ix86. For now the test packages are available in https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ppa [15:13] doko: did you get the performance data you wanted? [15:14] * kees times out [15:14] shall we add an action for someone to follow up with doko? [15:15] mdz: can you follow up with him? [15:15] kees: OK [15:16] did the rebuild complete? [15:16] [action] mdz to follow up with doko on toolchain, ix86 performance [15:16] ACTION received: mdz to follow up with doko on toolchain, ix86 performance [15:16] anything else? (short meeting...) [15:17] did we get a full rebuild with the CS toolchain? [15:17] last I heard from it was doko asking me about some technical details of package sets in order to try to reduce the amount of stuff hitting the armel buildds in a rebuild [15:17] smart to prioritize things in explicit sets [15:18] ok, i'll wait to hear more from mdz's discussion with doko [15:18] can we have that on-list rather than wait for the mtng? [15:19] that makes sense, faster turn-around on that. [15:19] nothing more from me [15:19] okay then... [15:20] [topic] chair selection [15:20] New Topic: chair selection [15:20] alphabetical by nick makes it Keybuk [15:20] I think it's Keybuk next, following nick alpha ordering [15:21] WFM [15:21] (was just checking that wasn't Prague week) [15:21] alrighty then... [15:21] thanks everyone, that's it! [15:21] thanks everyone [15:21] #endmeeting [15:21] Meeting finished at 09:21. [15:21] cheers all === cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox === cking is now known as cking-afk === cking-afk is now known as cking [18:00] Roll Call [18:00] * cking is here \o/ [18:00] * ogasawara waves [18:00] * smb \o [18:00] * tgardner is here [18:00] o/ [18:00] * manjo waves === kamal-away is now known as kamal [18:00] * lag waves o/ [18:00] \o [18:00] apw is on vacation [18:00] so is jfo [18:01] #startmeeting [18:01] \o [18:01] looks like MootBot just died [18:01] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting [18:01] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick [18:01] # [18:01] # NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input. [18:01] # [18:02] [TOPIC] Open action: manjo to send a firewire patch with test info [18:02] I believe pgraner tested this with kino and dvgrab and reported it to work. [18:02] I had submitted a bzr patch making the switch to ubuntu kernel mailing list, [18:02] waiting for tgardner or Keybuk to pick this up. [18:02] hmm, I think we're still awaiting some test results [18:02] hmm? I don't do kernel stuff [18:03] tgardner, test results from ? [18:03] Keybuk, its just a matter of swizzling some blacklists [18:03] manjo, results from pgraner et al [18:03] ah, the old kansas city shuffle [18:03] tgardner, ok [18:03] how about Luke's audio supprt changes? [18:03] qwsn't there an app that needed updating? [18:04] he was going to upgrade some of the audio packages [18:04] wasn't* [18:04] and he volunteered to do it [18:04] manjo, has he done so? [18:04] tgardner, I will check with him again today [18:04] .. [18:04] manjo, once we have a synopsis of resul;ts, then I'll make the blacklist changes [18:05] tgardner, ack [18:05] .. [18:05] [TOPIC] Open action: JFo to put out a CFT on new firewire stack [18:05] No status, JFo on vacation [18:05] [TOPIC] Release Metrics: (JFo) [18:05] No status, JFo on vacation [18:05] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-apparmor (jjohansen) [18:05] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-apparmor [18:05] Synced latest upstreaming version of AA into Maverick. Marc Deslauriers already [18:05] hit Bug #599450.which testing missed. I am looking at it and it should be a quick fix. [18:05] Launchpad bug 599450 in linux (Ubuntu) "[apparmor] getattr handled incorrectly in 2.6.35-6.7" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/599450 [18:06] .. [18:06] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-firewire-stack (manjo) [18:06] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-firewire-stack [18:06] we already talked about it [18:06] .. [18:06] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-misc (apw) [18:06] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-misc [18:06] No status, apw on vacation [18:06] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-new-kernel-on-lts (tgardner) [18:06] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-new-kernel-on-lts [18:06] The Lucid LTS backport kernel from Maverick continues to track the Maverick kernel. [18:06] .. [18:07] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel (jjohansen) [18:07] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-pv-ops-ec2-kernel [18:08] no change. I just started looking at this again and will have a new test kernel today [18:08] .. [18:08] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-tracing-support (cnd) [18:08] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-tracing-support [18:08] nothing new, development work is done, should be removed from meeting schedule [18:09] (or moved to JFo for lp bug handling) [18:09] .. [18:09] cnd, noted [18:09] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-ubuntu-delta-review (ogasawara) [18:09] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-ubuntu-delta-review [18:09] All Alpha2 work items are complete. Nothing new to report. [18:09] .. [18:09] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-union-mounts (apw) [18:09] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-union-mounts [18:09] No status, apw on vacation [18:10] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bug-handling (JFo) [18:10] [LINK] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bug-handling [18:10] No status, JFo on vacation [18:10] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-upstart (apw) [18:10] [LINK] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-upstart [18:10] No status, apw on vacation [18:10] [TOPIC] Blueprint: kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation (cking) [18:10] [LINK] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-bios-test-automation [18:10] Changes to Firmware Test Suite this week: [18:10] 7 Additional tests: [18:10] maxfreq: check CPU freq scaling max frequency against CPU max freq. [18:10] cstates: measure C states across CPUs and check activity when loaded [18:10] WMI: inspect DSDT for WMIs and dump out WMI methods and events (for hotkeys). [18:10] lid: interactive lid event detection test. [18:10] Other improvements + fixes: [18:10] klog scanning: use pcre rather than glibc regex. [18:10] Improved progress feedback (-p, --show-progress). [18:10] mtrr: check for MTRR config of VGA regions by BIOS. [18:10] mttr: fix prefetchable region detection bug [18:10] Add batch or interactive modes of testing. [18:10] Include 800+ example klog errors to test against. [18:10] .. [18:11] when will the klog scanning in python be ready? [18:11] :-) [18:11] bjf, I will look at that this week [18:12] was just kidding [18:12] [TOPIC] Status: Maverick (ogasawara) [18:12] I know [18:12] We uploaded a last minute linux-2.6.35-6.8 Alpha2 kernel on Sunday to resolve bug 597904 which was a blocker for building Alpha2 arm images. We will essentially be uploading a 0-day Alpha2 kernel, linux-2.6.35-6.9, to resolve bug 588861. I've been given the green light to upload it late Wed. We currently have it uploaded to our kernel-ppa as an interim solution. [18:12] Launchpad bug 597904 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "No video on beagleboard with 2.6.35 kernels." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/597904 [18:12] Launchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588861 [18:12] All of our team's Alpha2 work items are complete, so good job everyone. Alpha 3 is Thurs Aug 5th which is a little over a month away. Please review the list of work items for Alpha 3: [18:12] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick#Milestone maverick-alpha-3 [18:12] .. [18:13] [TOPIC] ARM Status (lag) [18:13] - Marvel (mvl-dove): [18:13] Nothing new this week. [18:13] - Freescale (fsl-imx51): [18:13] Nothing new this week. [18:13] - Texas Instruments (ti-omap): [18:13] In Maverick, cooloney prepared a branch which includes some ASoC audio and [18:13] other fixes for git pull. [18:13] - Bugs: [18:13] cooloney went through the omap bug list, located here: [18:13] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap. [18:13] Closed a bug to won't fix. Nothing new on other bugs. [18:14] .. [18:14] [TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb) [18:14] Dapper: 2.6.15-55.84 (security) [18:14] Hardy: 2.6.24-28.70 (security) [18:14] 2.6.24-28.71 (proposed)[11] 0 / 1 verifications done [18:14] Jaunty: 2.6.28-19.61 (security) [18:14] Karmic: 2.6.31-22.60 (security) [18:14] 2.6.31-22.61 (waiting for approval) [18:14] - mvl-dove 2.6.31-214.28 (security) [18:14] 2.6.31-214.29 (waiting for approval) [18:14] - fsl-imx51 2.6.31-112.28 (security) [18:14] 2.6.31-112.29 (waiting for approval) [18:14] - ec2 2.6.31-307.15 (security) [18:14] 2.6.31-307.16 (waiting for approval) [18:15] Lucid: 2.6.32-22.36 (security) [18:15] 2.6.32-23.37 (proposed)[18] 14/39 verifications done [18:15] - LBM 2.6.32-23.37 (proposed)[15] 3/ 3 verifications done [18:15] - mvl-dove 2.6.32-205.18 (security) [18:15] 2.6.32-206.19 (proposed)[11] 13/41 verifications done (+ 1) [18:15] - fsl-imx51 2.6.31-608.14 (security) [18:15] 2.6.31-608.15 (proposed)[11] 4/ 8 verifications done (+ 2) [18:15] - ti-omap 2.6.33-501.7 (security) [18:15] 2.6.33-502.8 (proposed)[11] 0/ 4 verifications done [18:15] - qcm-msm 2.6.31-802.4 (security) [18:15] 2.6.31-802.5 (proposed)[11] 1/ 5 verifications done [18:15] - ec2 2.6.32-306.11 (security) [18:15] 2.6.32-307.12 (proposed)[11] 12/38 verifications done [18:15] No feedback for ec2 boot tests (jjohanson?) [18:15] All requested fsl-imx51 tests done. [18:15] One requested mvl-dove verification done. Two to go (ericm?): [18:15] * BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/576257 [18:15] Launchpad bug 576257 in linux-mvl-dove (Ubuntu Maverick) "[dove] BSP update for LSP 5.1.1" [Undecided,Triaged] [18:15] * BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/591249 [18:15] Launchpad bug 591249 in linux-mvl-dove (Ubuntu Maverick) "[dove] BSP update for 5.2.1" [Undecided,Triaged] [18:15] No requested ti-omap verification done (mpoirier?). Still open: [18:15] * BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/584920 [18:15] Launchpad bug 584920 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Maverick) "netinstall fails, it has no network driver for moschip" [Medium,Fix committed] [18:15] * BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/566238 [18:15] Launchpad bug 566238 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) "wlan0 "Interface doesn't support scanning." -- CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT is not set" [Undecided,Fix committed] [18:15] .. [18:16] smb: marjo pinged me yesteday about leveraging hw cert machines for testing -proposed, has he contacted you? [18:16] wow.. really? :D [18:16] ogasawara, not yet [18:16] smb: hrm, ok [18:16] smb: we should all get on the same page [18:17] ogasawara, True. For this time and Lucid [18:17] smb: ack, we can chat after the meeting [18:17] .. [18:17] it seems Martin was relatively happy with the current state [18:17] So Lucid might move to updates at some point in the near future [18:17] .. [18:18] [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo) [18:18] No status, JFo on vacation [18:18] [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo) [18:18] No status, JFo on vacation [18:18] [TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything? [18:18] I would want only inform you that I placed -lowlatency and -realtime kernel on Zinc and in my PPA (https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa) for review. Ever if anyone have time and chance to do it. ;-) [18:18] o/ [18:19] kamal, go [18:19] o/ [18:19] regarding bug 594837 ... [18:19] Launchpad bug 594837 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lucid SRU: Intel Core i3/i5/i7 hang on resume from suspend (SCI_EN)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/594837 [18:19] still no response to the patch I submitted to stable@kernel.org 14 days ago: [18:19] [PATCH] ACPI: Unconditionally set SCI_EN on resume [18:19] should we continue to wait, or move forward with a Lucid SRU, or something else? [18:19] kamal, Greg seems to have re-surfaced recently [18:19] kamal, But you might re-ask [18:19] stable was on vacation. [18:20] maybe I'll give it another week then, thanks. [18:20] .. [18:20] lag, go [18:20] I'd like to request that the ARM Status item is brought forward i.e. placed nearer the top of the agenda. Otherwise; if the meeting goes on longer than 45-60mins I will be unable to present the item as I have to leave imminently for 'other things'. :) [18:20] lag, i have no problem with that [18:20] lag, i'll make it so [18:20] I don't want to tread on anyone's toes [18:21] lag, it was an arbitrary decision on my part, i can change it [18:21] Great, thanks [18:21] .. [18:21] lag won't be lagging behind [18:21] * lag sighs [18:21] anything else? [18:22] thanks everyone [18:22] #endmeeting [18:22] thanks bjf [18:22] bjf, thanks [18:22] * manjo thanks bjf [18:22] thanks bjf [18:22] Cheers all [18:22] * lag out === asac__ is now known as asac === bjf is now known as bjf[afk] [18:57] ~o~ [18:57] hello all [18:57] hallyn: no, you're supposed to go like this (no clue why...) [18:58] o/ [18:58] ... [18:58] SpamapS: :) [18:58] so we have jib kirkland mathiaz and smoser away. That would make SpamapS the chair/scribe [18:58] (if jib doesn't show up at last minute) [18:59] ttx: Daviey took my turn last time so i was goin gto do it today [18:59] \o [18:59] but i'm fine the other way :) [18:59] o// [18:59] hallyn: works for me... but you'll have to scribe again ? [18:59] hello [18:59] [19:00] hallyn: your call: chair/scribe or pass [19:00] \o [19:00] #startmeeting [19:00] ttx: I thought the deal was scribe + chair? [19:00] hm, didn't work [19:00] yes, it's scribe+chair, the same meeting [19:00] * SpamapS hugs hallyn :) [19:00] MootBot is not around [19:00] how do we start it? [19:01] hallyn: We'll have to do without :( [19:01] hallyn: you don't, you do without ! [19:01] uh, ok [19:01] first time driving, and no brakes [19:01] i'll just pretend it's there [19:01] I'm sure daviey can emulate the bot [19:01] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [19:01] Meeting started at 07:59. The chair is hallyn :) [19:01] ttx to coordinate testing for Alpha 2 [19:02] added as an agenda item, will be covered during this meeting [19:02] so consider it DONE [19:02] cool [19:02] smoser to chase IS regarding cjwatson's access and improving [19:02] DONE [19:02] cooler [19:02] (I'll proxy smoser [19:02] ) [19:02] jjohansen to ask kamal to email ubuntu-server mailing list with results of atop patchset [19:03] so the email, so i assume that's done [19:03] ah? [19:03] oh no [19:03] right, he did basic testing and handed it back to me [19:03] so status? [19:03] I emailed jos, and ttx, and sent an email to k-t for discussion [19:03] jjohansen: so it's still todo, but on your side ? [19:03] yes, the discussion is really been stalled by alpha2 [19:04] jjohansen: ack === bjf[afk] is now known as bjf [19:04] so action for next week, or wait until alpha3 to do that? [19:04] I will send a mail today [19:04] Basically server team needs to decide if atop is worth it [19:04] [ACTION] jjohansen to send email regarding atop patchset [19:05] ok, thanks, moving on [19:05] jjohansen, tim or andy to email ccheney and Daviey with test kernels for bug #588861 [19:05] Launchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588861 [19:05] that was fully bisected right? [19:05] this was DONE and fixed. [19:05] Yup.. the kernel team and ccheney rock! [19:05] yeah, tim rocks [19:06] rockin' [19:06] People to subscribe to the test coverage for http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all [19:06] ttx: do you know if everyone is subscribed? :) [19:06] not really DONE, so I decided to split the work myself, see below [19:06] (makes more sense anywayĆ  [19:06] ) [19:07] ok i see it thx [19:07] hggdh to email interested parties about the results of the ppa euca build [19:07] tests still being run on latest & greatest version of the patch. So far, so good [19:08] \o/ [19:08] so carry over? [19:08] hallyn: no [19:08] I hope I will have a position in about 30 min [19:08] right now, ~400 instances, no issue [19:08] Keep in mind that upstream just confirmed that they aren't *entirely confident* it fixed it.. but think it has [19:09] considering we started with failures in less than 100 instances, this is a big improvement [19:09] so... the tests are still running... any action to track? [19:09] hallyn: no [19:09] k [19:09] jjohansen to follow up on bug #TBC - EC2 kernel (lucid/maverick kernel ?) [19:09] ^^ a bug was opened about that. [19:09] Daviey: LP:#? [19:10] give me a sec, to find it again [19:10] it was at the end of the last meeting.. /me glares at the scribe :) [19:10] Bug #597387 [19:10] Launchpad bug 597387 in Ubuntu "pv-ops kernel only works in 3 or 4 zones in EC2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/597387 [19:11] I have a new kernel I am building and will be testing in just a little but [19:11] s/but/bit/ [19:11] jjohansen: ok, we'll discuss that later in the meeting [19:11] ok thanks. moving on [19:11] zul to mail the ubuntu-server mailing list with the SRU nomination process, and document his process from there [19:12] done [19:12] * hallyn craftily evades Daviey's glare [19:12] ok, thanks [19:12] [TOPIC] Maverick development (ttx) [19:12] Alpha2 subcycle status [19:12] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-2.html [19:12] Specs should be at 90-100% now [19:12] Only two days left [19:13] Please see the remaining work items and let me know if you can't make it [19:13] Alpha2-milestoned bugs [19:13] so all must be done by EOD thursday? or start of day? [19:13] the sooner the better -- there are a few documentation items that can be completed eod [19:13] (or bug triage) [19:14] Bug 588410: dynamic block storage should use virtio [19:14] Launchpad bug 588410 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "dynamic block storage should use virtio" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588410 [19:14] Bug 595421: Eucalyptus doesn't start with latest stable version of "Groovy" [19:14] Launchpad bug 595421 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "Eucalyptus doesn't start with latest stable version of "Groovy"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/595421 [19:14] It was fixed in bzr ages ago, pending a 1.7 upload. However, that has been blocked by some known issues. Therefore i'm doing an unwanted of upload of 1.6.2 with the 2 fixes for Bug 588410 and Bug 595421 before EoD. [19:14] ttx: I have a lot of MIR's that are still under consideration/undone .. do those have to be accepted into main by thursday? [19:14] Daviey: good ! [19:15] SpamapS: it's part of the feature delivery, so yes... but that's hardly your fault if you pushed them as much as you could [19:15] SpamapS: if we have to postpone such items, I can bring it to the release meeting to point out a resource shortage [19:16] (but it's a well known one) [19:16] Bug 574554: tgtd needs init script or upstart job [19:16] Launchpad bug 574554 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) "tgtd needs init script or upstart job" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/574554 [19:16] same situation here [19:16] ttx: I'll poke them all today then. [19:16] though I wonder why this one was targeted to alpha-2 [19:16] if I may interrupt -- test run completed, 400 instances, no occurrence of the metadata issue. Of course, we are talking about a race, but I vote we consider it a success [19:16] Daviey: any clue ? [19:17] \o/ [19:17] w00t [19:17] Daviey: you need tgtd for something in UEC ? [19:17] ttx: nothing to do with me :/ [19:17] ... ok [19:17] i have to update the tgtd upstart script [19:17] will ask kirkland when I get a chance [19:18] Alpha3 subcycle starts Friday [19:18] Hmm.. iSCSI is on our roadmap.. but i wasn't aware tgtd was a target for A2 [19:18] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-3.html [19:18] Please have a look at your specs and make sure the work items for Alpha-3 are current [19:18] I already had a look and most of them are ok, except mathiaz's ones [19:19] ttx: bug#586638 .. do I need to do something to complete the MIR? Kees gave it a +1 [19:19] [ACTION] mathiaz to provide work items for Alpha3 on his specs by Thursday [19:19] bug 586638 [19:19] Launchpad bug 586638 in libmemcached (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libmemcached" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/586638 [19:19] ttx: Hmm.. I wasn't aware server-maverick-uec-monitoring was re-assigned to me :/ [19:19] SpamapS: ask him if it's good to seed or if it was just a security ack [19:20] SpamapS: zul can handle the seeding for you if that's all what is needed [19:20] ack [19:20] Daviey: sync with kirkland on that one [19:21] ttx: will do [19:21] hallyn: done [19:21] [TOPIC] ISO testing coverage (ttx) [19:21] uh, [19:21] [TOPIC] Alpha2 ISO testing coverage (ttx) [19:21] ok, so alpha2 milestone candidates should hit us RSN [19:21] and we just start getting emails? [19:22] I split the team in subteams to make sure we do a complete coverage of server deliveries [19:22] hallyn: yes, we should [19:22] (if you're assigned to at least one test) [19:22] smoser will cover the EC2 images [19:22] (which i am) cool, thx [19:22] kirkland/Daviey/ccheney: Maverick UEC topologies, UEC Maverick images (on Lucid UEC), Netboot tests [19:22] hallyn/mathiaz/SpamapS/zul: non-UEC Ubuntu Server tests, Upgrade server [19:22] ttx/hggdh: random testing, cover holes in testing, replace missing people [19:23] yay! [19:23] zul: If you get bored, i'm sure we can find some UEC tests for you! :) [19:23] the last team needs to get a picture of the general QA level, so it's more free-form [19:23] that said, we know that hggdh will concentarte on UEC [19:23] for the time being [19:23] * hggdh sighs ;-) [19:24] and I'll replace mathiaz [19:24] for A2 [19:24] Just coordinate with members of your subteam to avoid duplicate testing [19:24] poor mathiaz [19:24] (deuplicate testing is good, but once we are at 100% coverage) [19:24] ttx: zul: re: tftd upstart script, not required for A2, I targeted it there as I thought zul/ccheney might be able to accomplish it within their given resources for A2; postponing to A3 is fine by me [19:24] kirkland: ok, thanks [19:25] moving on? [19:25] If any of this coordination is unclear, let me know [19:25] also ISO testing is open to everyone... this is just to ensure that all tests are covered by at least one person :) [19:25] hallyn: yes [19:26] thanks [19:26] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [19:26] if a tree falls in a forest... [19:26] I spent the last week on a sprint in Lexington; most work done, some left-overs to look at [19:27] anyone have any questions? [19:27] during this time I kept on testing the metadata fix(es) [19:28] (going once, going twice) [19:28] thanks hggdh [19:28] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [19:28] Bug 588861: "pad block corrupted" error with >=2.6.34 kernel [19:28] Launchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588861 [19:28] (\o/) [19:28] lol, we just wanted to see the 'fix committed' :) [19:28] :) [19:28] atop kernel patch [19:29] we're just waiting for the email to discuss there? [19:29] yes [19:29] its been built and tested email to server team list for discussion being composed [19:29] see if there is a real interest in this [19:29] any other questions for or from jjohansen ? [19:29] Maverick EC2 kernel issue [19:30] so at this point we'll have Lucidish kernels in A2 [19:30] right [19:30] (for cloud images) [19:30] The idea would be to fix that for A3 ? [19:30] heh [19:30] or another plan ? [19:30] yes we will have a kernel for A3 [19:30] it is likely to be the full xen kernel, [19:31] ok, I'll mark that bug appropriately [19:31] fianlly wanted to raise to your attention: [19:31] Bug 576066: ums-cypress.ko missing from server installer [19:31] Launchpad bug 576066 in linux (Ubuntu) "ums_cypress missing from lucid server cd" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/576066 [19:31] Sounds like a good thing to fix for 10.04.1 [19:32] jjohansen: can you prioritize it appropriately ? [19:32] yes [19:32] ok, I'm done :) [19:32] moving on [19:32] (thanks, jjohansen :) [19:33] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [19:33] don't have anything new myself... [19:33] sommer: You rock. [19:33] if anyone else does though feel free [19:33] sommer: did you fix the refresh issue ? [19:33] i have a feeling i should have a question at some point oabout lxc, but need to read up on processes first... [19:33] Daviey: :-) [19:34] ttx: I'll ping mdke again, through email this time [19:34] sommer: ok :) [19:34] thanks sommer [19:34] [TOPIC] Papercuts status (ttx) [19:34] thank you all [19:34] sommer: Agg! [19:34] hold fire! [19:34] Alpha2 iteration is finished [19:35] 14 targets - 10 fixed, 2 postponed, 2 invalidated [19:35] sommer: Hmm, an update you mentioned in a bug didn't seem to go live.. do you know what happend? [19:35] I processed the numerous nominations for A3 and decided to choose 18 among the 18 valid ones [19:35] (tough choices involved) [19:35] Daviey: was it fixed in maverick or lucid? [19:35] https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-alpha-3 [19:36] You should each have ~2 bugs assigned to you in that list [19:36] The easy ones are going fast :) [19:36] so [ACTION] everyone pick 2 or 3 papercuts? [19:36] This iteration ends up Aug 2nd [19:37] hallyn: yes [19:37] say, 2 [19:37] ok, thanks [19:37] [ACTION] everyone to assign themselves to 2 papercuts from https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-alpha-3 [19:37] moving on? [19:37] yep [19:37] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (zul) [19:38] is that moot given new email process? [19:38] well, I haven't seen the monday email yet [19:38] starting next week :) [19:38] i thought i saw it last night [19:38] so I figure we are still up for this one [19:38] (wow, what on earth is going on with me and my mbox) [19:38] so one is nominated for lucid [19:39] #576949 [19:39] where are the bots to expand bug # 576949 [19:39] i think its a good candidate [19:39] huh [19:39] zul: looks like a good one [19:39] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/576949 [19:39] Launchpad bug 576949 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu) "[lucid] LOAD DATA INFILE fails in replication, simple patch available in 5.1.43" [Medium,In progress] [19:40] bots like it as bug 576949 [19:40] Launchpad bug 576949 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu) "[lucid] LOAD DATA INFILE fails in replication, simple patch available in 5.1.43" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/576949 [19:40] :) [19:40] and last 8 days bug [19:40] bugs even [19:40] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [19:41] bug 597818 597818 looks good to me [19:41] Launchpad bug 597818 in dovecot (Ubuntu) "Include files parsed in reverse order" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/597818 [19:42] does bug 589056 need to be fixed in lucid ? [19:42] Launchpad bug 589056 in net-snmp (Ubuntu) "snmpd fails to upgrade" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/589056 [19:42] yes i think so [19:42] ok, nominate it [19:42] k [19:43] I think we are done [19:43] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [19:43] nothin' 'ere [19:43] Did everyone but hggdh lose in soccer ? [19:43] :-) [19:43] * hallyn pouts [19:43] ttx: Your team lost first :) [19:43] i did... [19:44] heh [19:44] Daviey: always first. [19:44] [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [19:44] Germany did teach our country a lesson.. that we suck. [19:44] Daviey: and we lost with lots of panache. [19:44] Tuesday 2010-07-06 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting [19:44] sorry I was a little slow reading SRU's, bug 575458 looks worthy of consideration [19:44] Launchpad bug 575458 in ntp (Ubuntu) "/etc/dhcp3/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ntp breaks local NTP server (patch)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/575458 [19:44] and -- please keep in mind -- next friday I will sort of busy in the morning [19:45] SpamapS: good catch [19:45] hm, yeah [19:45] zul ^ [19:45] acked [19:46] anything more to discuss? [19:46] nope [19:47] #endmeeting (thanks, DavieyBot) [19:47] hah. [19:47] Daviey: so i gather i'm scribe again this week then right? [19:47] hallyn: no, SpamapS should be [19:47] hallyn: yes [19:47] Daviey: no [19:48] Daviey took advantage of me last week :) [19:48] np, thanks [19:48] ttx: ok -> lets chat about it :) === zyga_ is now known as zyga