
LantiziaLaaa la laa please build TB3.1 laaaa la alala alaalaal laaa01:22
bobby_So... Anyone know a date for 4.0 Beta 1?03:01
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ddecatorLantizia: we're backed up because the team is basically 2-3 people and the backporting of firefox is a lot of work. once that's done, tb 3.1 is high on the list04:24
micahgddecator: FF3.7 rename just got bumped :)04:25
ddecatormicahg: finally :D04:25
micahgddecator: you want to try to do it?04:25
ddecatormicahg: what all does it entail?04:25
micahgddecator: basically, any of the packaging that says 3.7 becomes 4.0 for Firefox and Xulrunner 1.9.3 becomes 2.0.004:26
micahgor just 2.004:26
micahgno, 2.0.004:26
micahgno, 2.0 :)04:26
ddecatormicahg: yah, i can give that a shot04:26
micahgddecator: document in the changelog what you change04:27
ddecatormicahg: should i just do an entry for "bump up to 4.0" then list the files changed under it?04:27
micahgddecator: no, just change the source package name to firefox-4.0 and cahnge the version04:28
ddecatormicahg: in the main line you mean? right, i mean should i have a "* Version bump to 4.0" or something like that then list what files i updated under it? "- update debian/rules" etc.04:30
micahgddecator: in the commit comment you can say that, but in the changelog, it doesn't need it04:31
micahgddecator: take a look at how fta did the changelog for the 3.7 bump04:32
ddecatormicahg: good point :)04:32
ddecatormicahg: i'll start working on that04:32
micahgddecator: great, thanks, it'll probably break tonight04:33
ddecatormicahg: right. so the package name will stay -3.7 or does that need to change too?04:33
micahgddecator: no, change it to 4.0 and add a Replaces: firefox-3.7 in each of the binary packages in control04:34
micahgddecator: Replaces: firefox-3.7*  <--- whatever the binary is -dbg, -gnome-support04:35
ddecatormicahg: ok, i think i get it. i'll do that first so i can have you check it for me04:35
micahgddecator: nah, that's easy, just add a commit at the end for it04:35
ddecatormicahg: k04:36
ddecatorah, good, all of the changes from 3.6 -> 3.7 are right on loggerhead so i have a good reference :)04:40
ddecatormicahg: what should i do with the abrowser listings in /control? do those get bumped up to 4.0 too?04:43
micahgddecator: yep, same thing04:43
ddecatormicahg: k04:44
micahgddecator: tomorrow night will break :)04:54
ddecatormicahg: ?04:54
micahgddecator: tonight's upload was fine04:54
ddecatormicahg: ah, gotcha :)04:54
ddecatormicahg: btw, should i take care of xr1.9.3 -> xr2.0 or are you going to do that?04:56
micahgddecator: please take care of it if you can, I have a lot going on04:56
ddecatormicahg: sure thing :)04:56
ddecatorthat's why i asked04:56
micahgddecator: thanks04:57
ddecatormicahg: ok, firefox-3.7-shiretoko.desktop, do we have a 4.0 name that i can change that to?05:11
micahgddecator: I don't know if there is one yet05:12
ddecatormicahg: what should i do with that file?05:13
micahgddecator: you can change to 4.0, but there's no codename yet AFAIK05:13
ddecatormicahg: k, thanks05:14
ddecatormicahg: ok, and what is the xulrunner branch? there is no lp:xulrunner...so do i have to pull xulrunner-1.9.3 and work with that?05:33
micahgddecator: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.3.head05:33
ddecatormicahg: thanks05:33
micahgddecator: I have to get asac to change the owner to Mozilla Team :)05:33
ddecatorxr2.0 is already b2? huh..06:20
micahgddecator: b1 was tagged tonight06:23
ddecatormicahg: ah :)06:23
ddecatorwoot, looks like the patches still apply06:35
micahgddecator: same branch :)06:36
ddecatormicahg: yah, just wasn't sure. when sb jumped up to 2.0 they made a bunch of other changes at the same time, wasn't sure if i'd have a repeat of that :p06:36
ddecatormicahg: ...i just realized something. should xr2.0 replace xr1.9.3? idk if anything else uses 1.9.306:38
micahgddecator: yes06:38
ddecatormicahg: ok, good, that's how i set it up :p06:38
ddecatoroh, FF 4 has taller tabs...08:51
ddecatorah, there we go..08:53
ddecatordisabled all of my add-ons :(08:53
ddecatormorning BUGabundo_remote09:04
ddecatori really hope "Mozilla Developer Preview" doesn't stick as the name for the FF 4 beta..09:24
asacchrisccoulson: boing10:46
asacchrisccoulson: sorry for the pain england had to endure :-P10:46
chrisccoulsonhi asac ;)10:46
asacchrisccoulson: on maverick ffox 3.6 daily or something is really hanging a lot10:46
chrisccoulsonwe deserved it really, england were pretty terrible10:46
asacchrisccoulson: maybe a bad sqlite version?10:46
asacchrisccoulson: yeah. well. it was a big mistake that we even got in the situation where someone could claim that 2:2 would have made a difference (could be!)10:47
chrisccoulsonasac - thanks. i'll take a look when i get the chance. i don't notice these things as i'm not running maverick yet ;)10:47
asace.g. at that time england was really good10:47
asacchrisccoulson: yeah. just wanted to let you know. its really terrible ;)10:47
asacevery few operations it hangs hard ... ghosting etc.10:48
chrisccoulsonasac - and thats just affecting the dailies? (ie, not the in-archive version)10:48
asacthen continuing. not only while loading, but also while typing in gmail etc.10:48
asacchrisccoulson: i assume its also a problem in the archive version. let me see10:48
chrisccoulsonok, thanks10:48
chrisccoulsoni need to hurry up and finish this backporting work, so i can upgrade to maverick ;)10:48
chrisccoulsoni can't really afford any down-time atm though10:48
asacits not a big problem (if you dont see it in lucid ;))10:49
chrisccoulsoni'm stil trying to figure out why epiphany doesn't shut down properly any more in hardy :-/10:50
chrisccoulsonwow, we have some rain!10:52
asacchrisccoulson: i think epiphany had crash bugs on window close in hardy anyway before ;)10:58
asacbut usually it means that some thread is kept alive etc.10:58
asacor even the mainloop ;)10:58
asaci know that is not really helpful ... but still :-P10:58
asacshame on me ... i didnt even have the security ppa enabled ;)11:02
asacchrisccoulson: oh ... if upstream is out you can always push to maverick to get more exposoure11:03
asaceven if staging takes a bit longer ... at least thats what i usually did ;)11:03
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i uploaded 3.6.6 to maverick yesterday11:03
asacok. so my apt cache was too old ;)11:05
asacoh there is no maverick in security ppa?11:05
asacok got 3.6.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu111:06
Dimmuxxwill firefox 4.0b1 build1 be built in any of the ppas?12:02
gnomefreakit will be but right now we havent changed the versioning of 3.7. 3.7==4.012:03
gnomefreakright now 3.6 is #1 on the list of things to do12:04
gnomefreakDimmuxx: you are best off posting to our mailing list12:04
gnomefreakor wait for Micah12:04
Dimmuxxokay will do12:05
gnomefreakfinally got around to fixing my jabber account12:53
ftaamd6413 9455 jobs (four days)12:59
ftai38614 17437 jobs (five days)12:59
fta*sigh* another full test rebuild :(12:59
asacthose are usually having really low prio13:01
ftaasac, my ch builds are scheduled to start in 19h13:02
ftaso bye-bye the dailies13:03
asacfta: wait a bit. the scheduler is a bit confused most likely13:03
asacjust see what happens ;)13:03
asaci assume normal uploads will go first ... maybe they said 3 bulders or so get the rebuild now or something13:04
asacif they did anything at all to speed those builds up13:04
asacmy build is also waiting :(13:10
asacand it was an important one ;)13:10
gnomefreaktb has a mind of its own. the editor loaded without an address field so i know i didnt click anything for it and tb is not loaded just that one window13:16
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I plan to release lucid and hardy within a couple/few hours (more testing). is that still ok? what is going on with epiphany?14:15
ddecatorDimmuxx: i made the changes from 3.7 -> 4.0 last night, i just need to get everything setup the right way so it can be merged into the daily PPA. with any luck, it'll be merged tonight14:18
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - that should be ok. i don't think that i'll have epiphany fixed though14:19
chrisccoulsoni'm still trying to understand what is happening during shutdown14:19
jdstrandchrisccoulson: that's fine. I will file a bug and release note that it is being orked on14:19
Dimmuxxddecator: nice, but will there be beta ppa with 4.0 betas since I rather stay on betas than using daylies14:19
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - thanks14:20
chrisccoulsoni'm not being helped by my laptop this week. it slows to a crawl every time i try to do something in kvm14:20
jdstrandchrisccoulson: is this totem specific or all plugins?14:21
jdstrand(I think the latter)14:21
ddecatorDimmuxx: afaik, the milestone PPAs haven't been setup yet, so there are just stable and daily PPAs. i know the plan was to setup one at some point though14:21
Dimmuxxwhat about security? 3.6.4 rc builds were there after all14:22
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - it affects all plugins, but will only be noticeable with plugins that spawn an external helper14:23
ddecatorDimmuxx: what do you mean? why don't we do it as a security update?14:24
chrisccoulson_bah, i give up with my laptop now ;)14:26
Dimmuxxddecator: nah I really don't know what I meant. ;) But since you put rc builds of 3.6.4 there which were just sent out to beta users(win/osx) I thought that perhaps 4.0 betas could be there too. But the best solution would be a beta ppa like with chromium14:27
jdstrandchrisccoulson: fyi, filed as bug #59979614:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 599796 in epiphany-browser (Ubuntu Jaunty) (and 3 other projects) "plugins are not killed on browser close after viewing embedded media (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59979614:27
chrisccoulson_jdstrand, thanks14:27
ddecatorDimmuxx: right, that's what the plan is. we'll eventually make a PPA that is either updated with every beta release, or is updated starting with each alpha release (not sure of the exact plan, micah knows about it)14:29
Dimmuxxddecator: nice, I assume you don't know any eta on it? :)14:30
ddecatorDimmuxx: well, backporting firefox 3.6 isn't done, after that thunderbird 3.1 is high on the list...i'm not sure how long it would take to setup, but it won't be for a while yet14:32
Dimmuxxmaybe in time for final 4.0b1 then14:32
ddecatordoubt it, the daily is up to b2 already, so if b1 hasn't been released yet it will be soon :)14:33
Dimmuxx3.6.4 was in rc mode for a month at least so you never know with mozilla14:34
DimmuxxI think the current eta is at least 1 week away.14:35
jdstrandDimmuxx: I will be publishing 3.6.6 for hardy and lucid today14:35
jdstrandjaunty and karmic are at least 1 week away (due to openjdk)14:36
ddecatorjdstrand: oh nice, i had someone ask me about that last night14:36
Dimmuxxjdstrand: aha so maybe two weeks then? ;)14:37
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - i still need to get the xulrunner apps in karmic ported to 1.9.2 too, but that should fit nicely alongside the openjdk work14:38
jdstrandddecator, Dimmuxx: it is a complicated update, to say the least. the publication status (ie what is blocking USN publication) is being tracked in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade/SecurityPublication14:41
jdstrandchrisccoulson: yeah14:41
ddecatorjdstrand: yah, i know at least the dependecies have been giving you all trouble. thanks :)14:41
Dimmuxxjdstrand: heh that doesn't look fun14:45
jdstrandyeah, and that only covers the stuff I've been focusing on. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/xulrunner-list for what the mozilla team has been working on14:47
DarrenWhey folks :) does anyone know if thunderbird 3.1 will make it's way into the thunderbird stable ppa?14:50
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - do you think i should upload openjdk again?15:13
jdstrandchrisccoulson: sure, one of them should be fine, now that all the firefox's are done (excepting ia64)15:14
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - i think i'm getting somewhere with epiphany now15:25
chrisccoulsonfor some reason, the GtkMozEmbed widget has no parent when the main epiphany window is destroyed15:25
chrisccoulsonso that widget never gets destroyed before epiphany closes15:26
chrisccoulsonit's weird how that works with the old xulrunner though ;)15:26
chrisccoulsonwell, "has no parent" might not be entirely true. the container that is meant to hold the GtkMozEmbed instance has no children15:27
chrisccoulsoni suppose that's not technically the same thing ;)15:27
chrisccoulsonbut the results are the same15:27
chrisccoulsonright, time for a reboot15:29
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asac_fta2: i whipped a bit and now the rebuild is disabled until we figure why the scheduler gives them high prio15:58
micahgfta: can you delete thunderbird-3.1 from the daily PPA and pause the daily build job for it?16:06
micahgfta: I see people are trying to get the real thing and will end up with a pre-alpha :(16:06
ftaasac, i did earlier today too16:18
ftamicahg, if i do that, it will erase the history16:22
micahgfta: ah, hmm16:22
micahgfta: any suggestions or is just fix it the only option?16:23
ftamicahg, for some reason, it's not disabled in the bot, yet, there's no new snapshot since last year16:30
micahgfta: it's pointing to comm-central and the version is 3.2 and it's broke :)16:30
ftamicahg, what's so difficult to unbreak anyway?16:31
micahgfta: the versioning patch needed something added IIRC, but I couldn't get it working 6 months ago, I know quite a bit more now and could probably do it as soon as I get a little time16:32
ftaif you're busy, maybe ddecator could have a look :) it should be similar to the 3.7->4.0 (ie, re-use what i did for tb 3.0->3.1)16:32
micahgfta: no, it broke before the transition to 3.216:36
ftaobviously, the transition must be fixed 1st16:44
micahgfta: I was going to rebranch after fixing the codebase for 3.116:47
micahgor branch first maybe and then merge select changes...16:47
micahgthere's a comm-1.9.2 branch now16:47
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - calling gtk_widget_unrealize on a GtkMozEmbed widget causes it to be reparented to an offscreen window (GtkMozEmbed overloads the unrealize function to do this)16:49
* micahg forgot about alpha2 when asking chrisccoulson to delay upload thunderbird to maverick :(16:49
chrisccoulsoni just need to understand why it doesn't do this in the old version ;)16:49
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i forgot about alpha 2 when i uploaded firefox to maverick and to the u-m-s PPA for all releases, uploaded openjdk and DoS'd the build daemons ;)16:50
micahgchrisccoulson: that was yesterday and the freeze is today though16:50
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, but i was stopping maverick things from being built to get the archive consistent ;)16:51
micahgchrisccoulson: should we try to get thunderbird in or have an outdated version on the CD?16:51
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we can wait until after a2 now, it's not too much of a problem16:51
chrisccoulsoni'm just a bit concerned about tying the builders up (i still need to get openjdk built too)16:52
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'll test the build then tonight in the PPA and make sure the symlinks works16:52
ftaddecator, micahg: remember that for the 3.7->4.0 migration in the daily ppa, there's an action on my side too: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fta/+junk/ppa-confs/annotate/head:/ppabot-pkgs-umd.conf17:07
micahgfta: well, they made the transition in m-c, so it'll probably be tomorrow before we get ddecator's merge in for 4.017:08
micahgfta: should we rename the 3.7 branch or just push a new one?17:08
ftaalso, it would be nice for ff 4.0 to build its own xul17:08
micahgfta: yes, it will at some point17:09
ftamicahg, whatever you do for the branches, i have something to change on my side. at least vpattern and the source package name17:11
micahgfta: k, I'm thinking to just rename, I'll ping you after I make merge the branch changes17:11
micahgchrisccoulson: the xul192 discussion is getting more interesting in Debian :)17:17
ddecatormicahg: i was just going to get everything setup for FF and XR, so it'll be available tonight even if it can't be merged yet17:30
micahgddecator: k17:30
jlebarWhat replaced the linux-image-debug package?18:14
jlebarWhoops; wrong channel.18:14
=== asac__ is now known as asac
ddecatordang, micah left...18:24
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - so, the epiphany issue is looking more like a mozilla bug18:43
jdstrandfyi, I've started publication of hardy and lucid18:49
micahgjdstrand: thanks, I've been telling people to go to the u-m-s PPA :)18:50
ddecatorwow, lifehacker did a test and FF 3.6.6 used the least amount of memory in the various conditions :)18:52
ddecatormicahg: i'm guessing you'll get the emails, but i pushed the branches and requested merges. i'm guessing i'll to tweak some minor things, so just let me know what i need to change whenever you get around to it18:52
micahgddecator: k, I won't be able to look till after 9 tonight most likely18:53
ddecatormicahg: np, i wasn't even sure you'd be able to look tonight :)18:53
micahgjdstrand: you're not copying Seamonkey, right?18:54
jdstrandmicahg: not until you guys tell me to, no18:54
micahgjdstrand: k, thanks18:55
jdstrandmicahg: but nss is copied, so whenever you are ready, let me know18:55
jdstrandmicahg: obviously I'm talking about hardy here18:55
micahgjdstrand: k, lucid too, no changelog for CVEs yet18:55
jdstrandmicahg: right, I just meant I didn't copy nss anywhere except hardy, since I am only doing hardy and lucid and lucid didn't need it18:56
micahgjdstrand: ah, k, thansk18:56
gnomefreakmicahg: i know it wouldnt have mattered since you didnt push a fix but the daily ff3.6 has 2 AU, i was board this morning while i was here19:00
micahggnomefreak: 2AU?19:01
micahggnomefreak: ah, yes19:01
gnomefreakmicahg: yep19:01
gnomefreakops sorry this is languages19:01
micahggnomefreak: right, so we're now using the hunspell dir in maverick instead of the myspell dir, but there are still dupes and we'll try to get them cleaned up before beta19:01
gnomefreakmicahg: k just testing :). when is the ETA on renaming 3.7 ->4.0 IIRC B1 was released19:02
micahggnomefreak: they did it last night, tonight's upload will probably fail, and hopefully have the transition done by tomorrow19:03
gnomefreakmicahg: ok thanks. someone was asking about that this morning19:03
* gnomefreak thinks someone said the builds will fail. ft_a i thinkl19:04
gnomefreakthe person assking was Dimmux_x IIRC19:05
ddecatorgnomefreak: yah, i told Dimmux-x that it was in the works19:07
gnomefreakddecator: thanks19:07
gnomefreaknot sure what i typed the first time but its highlited19:07
gnomefreakxul193 sucks badly19:09
ddecatorhow so?19:09
* micahg wants to set up a firefox beta PPA19:10
gnomefreakits one of the running scripts warning19:10
* micahg is itching to try 4.0b1 :)19:10
gnomefreakworks fine in 19219:10
gnomefreakmicahg: that makes 2 of us19:10
micahggnomefreak: the warning doesn't work?19:10
gnomefreakmicahg: it warns me that it is running. it should no keep running the script on the page19:11
micahggnomefreak: if you're running last night's build, that's basically the beta19:11
gnomefreakthat is a bug as i recall19:11
micahgsounds like a regression, it should pause the script if the warning is being displayed19:11
gnomefreakmicahg: i can give you the warning if i can reproduce it but i do have XPCOM warning now on screen19:12
ddecatormicahg: there have been requests for it :)19:13
gnomefreakok seems i cant copy and paste (should be another bug IMHP seeing as it has the "copy" choice19:13
gnomefreakok that is 3 script warnings19:13
* ddecator doesn't get the script warning...19:13
gnomefreakim in gmail in one of my boxes other site i was on == no warning19:14
ddecatoryou're getting the script warnings on gmail?19:14
gnomefreakoh you are not going to like 3.7 languages19:15
gnomefreakok that was odd :(. ok what i was trying to type was 3.7 == 2AU 2US 2UK 1CA and 1 of antoher i dont recall19:22
gnomefreakfor some reason the batch of updates would let me type in temrinal/irssi until i rebooted19:23
* gnomefreak should have pain attention in the bot class :(19:31
gnomefreakanyone have a clue why ozilla-plugin-vlc depends on libqt3-mt is it works with Gecko browsers not a mention to qt browsers19:36
ftaddecator, lol19:37
fta-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-13.7 USA.19:37
fta+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-14.0 USA.19:37
micahggnomefreak: well, vlc is a QT app I thought19:37
ftaddecator, the DESKTOP_BRANDED part is most probably wrong19:38
gnomefreakmicahg: it is but not understanding why if Gecko has no qt anything19:38
micahggnomefreak: opera needs it not mozilla-plugin-vlc19:38
gnomefreakthat is a good reason. if only we supported Opera ;)19:39
micahggnomefreak: there are a few things that need it still...aptitude why libqt3-mt19:40
gnomefreakthe libqt3-mt was a file manager bca or something like that19:40
gnomefreaki double checked. most if not all should depends on libqt419:41
micahggnomefreak: yes, but try the command I gave you and it'll tell you why you have it instlaled19:41
gnomefreakcant atm19:42
gnomefreakin Synaptic19:42
gnomefreakmicahg: we need to update mozilla-packagekit it needs firefox-3.019:43
gnomefreakassuming that is ours19:43
* micahg wonders how we missed that :(19:44
* micahg wonders if that's why apt doesn't work in the browser19:45
* gnomefreak thinks that is a good choice19:45
micahgchrisccoulson: ^^19:45
gnomefreakonly if it was as easy as to change depends. if it is i can run that through19:46
micahggnomefreak: depends on what it needs :)19:46
gnomefreaklet me see what else it haad19:46
chrisccoulsonwhat's up?19:46
micahgchrisccoulson: seems like we forgot mozilla-packagekit19:46
gnomefreak |Depends: firefox-3.519:47
gnomefreak    firefox19:47
gnomefreak |Depends: abrowser-3.519:47
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i've not had any issues upgrading19:47
gnomefreakmaybe its jsut me but depends shows those19:47
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: installing it from Synaptic says firefox-3.019:48
chrisccoulsonwhich release are we talking about?19:48
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't have it installed, could that be why some people have issues with apt: in the browser or is that apt-url only?19:48
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: maverick. one sec19:49
chrisccoulsonoh, i thought you were talking about the security updates19:49
micahgchrisccoulson: oops, sorry for scaring you :)19:49
gnomefreakthat shows other browsers but synaptic says installing firefox-3.019:49
chrisccoulsonthat shouldn't be an issue. the pacakges it depends on are just metapackages which pull in the real firefox19:50
micahggnomefreak: breaks ff30 :)19:50
gnomefreaki already have firefox19:50
chrisccoulsongnomefreak - but you wouldn't get another firefox ;)19:50
gnomefreaktry to install it see what it says. maybe this is a mvo bug19:50
chrisccoulsoninstalling mozilla-packagekit will install the firefox-3.5 metapackage, which depends on the firefox you already have installed19:51
chrisccoulsonwe should fix the depends to not pull in the metapackage anyway19:51
chrisccoulsonbut that shouldn't be causing any other issues19:51
gnomefreakgive me a while let me get synaptic done than ill try in a terminal maybe its synaptic19:51
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: it says it breaks firefox-3.0 so it shouldnt even suggest it19:52
gnomefreaklet alone depends on it19:52
chrisccoulsonwhere does it suggest it?19:52
chrisccoulsonit depends on firefox-3.5 | firefox19:53
chrisccoulsonand it breaks firefox-3.019:53
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: it doesnt but in synaptic it wants to install it19:53
chrisccoulsonit wants to install which package?19:53
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: if it breaks 3.0 than why does it want me to install 3.019:53
chrisccoulsoni've no idea, that seems a bit weird ;)19:53
gnomefreaki will post a screenshot when i can but if you can please test in terminal19:54
chrisccoulsoni can't really test it atm, i'm busy with other things19:54
gnomefreaksynaptic wont stop now so it will be a while (20 or so minutes)19:54
gnomefreakok be back19:55
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - i see you've copied the packages now19:59
chrisccoulsonthanks :)19:59
jdstrandchrisccoulson: sure!20:00
jdstrandstill adjusting overrides and getting the langpacks to -updates and doing the actual USN publication. but the packages are in -security! :)20:00
gnomefreakok apt shows it as a broken package due to ff3020:01
gnomefreakhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/457001/  <<install output20:02
gnomefreakso i take it if i would have tried to install it in synaptic it would have showed same thing20:02
micahgchrisccoulson: should I get rid of the transitional packages in maverick for Firefox?  Does this also mean get rid of them in .head or should I branch maverick?20:03
Dimmuxxmicahg: beta ppa with 4.0b1 is a very nice idea ;)20:03
gnomefreakfirefox-3.0 should be removed from the package entirely20:03
micahggnomefreak: it's a transitional package in lucid/maverick20:03
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not too sure yet. won't they disappear from all the dailies as well then?20:03
chrisccoulsonwe shouldn't branch maverick just yet, that will create a lot of work for us ;)20:04
gnomefreakmicahg: than what do you do with it if not remove it from depends20:04
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, so, just leave in maverick and get rid of them before the final upload?20:04
gnomefreakfirefox == transitional package20:04
micahggnomefreak: no20:04
chrisccoulsoni'd like to clean all the cruft from the packages, but i just haven't decided the best way to go about doing that yet20:04
micahg*final upload before release20:04
chrisccoulsoni need to have a think about that once the dust has settled with 3.6.6 ;)20:04
micahgchrisccoulson: k, cleaning up was one of my tasks that wasn't given a milestone due to lack of time20:05
gnomefreak3.5 == transtional to firefox20:05
micahggnomefreak: yes :)20:05
gnomefreakand 2.0 and 3.020:05
micahggnomefreak: yes :)20:06
gnomefreakdo we really need all of those since we dont have 2.0 is any ubuntu supported20:06
micahggnomefreak: hardy :)20:06
gnomefreak!info firefox hardy20:06
ubot2gnomefreak: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.19+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 65 kB, installed size 120 kB20:06
micahg!info firefox-2 hardy20:06
ubot2micahg: firefox-2 (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 8990 kB, installed size 26100 kB20:06
gnomefreakdefault is 3.020:06
micahggnomefreak: yes, and?20:07
gnomefreak2.0 is still needed?20:07
micahggnomefreak: transitional20:07
micahggnomefreak: needed where?20:07
gnomefreakare we every going to be able to clean it up a little since we are pushing 3.6 to all20:07
gnomefreakshould not need 3+ transitonal packages per release20:08
micahggnomefreak: well, the stable packaging won't change, but maverick will20:08
gnomefreakthat is a lot of cruft20:08
gnomefreak2.0.0.21~tb.21.308+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1  << "tb"?20:09
micahggnomefreak: not getting updates unless someone is feal really ambitious in their backporting :)20:09
gnomefreakwe dont need to backport the packages they should go to secuity i thought we decided20:10
micahggnomefreak: probably means took the patches from TB as they were the same gecko revision20:10
gnomefreakgood point20:10
micahggnomefreak: I meant patches20:10
micahggnomefreak: Firefox 2 is probably vulnerable to >100 CVEs20:11
gnomefreakyeah good point20:11
* micahg is reminded of the need to backport fixes for TB in hardy, jaunty, and karmic...20:11
gnomefreakhardy EOL 11.04 GUI)20:11
gnomefreakso does jaunty?20:12
gnomefreakdrop 2 releases in one month20:12
micahggnomefreak: karmic20:13
gnomefreakkarmic ==9.1020:13
micahggnomefreak: yes20:13
gnomefreakso when is jaunty EOL20:14
micahggnomefreak: end of october20:14
gnomefreakok than karmic+hardy EOL in 11.0420:14
gnomefreakfor our packages20:14
micahggnomefreak: yes, then we can really start cleaning up :)20:14
gnomefreakok that is a good idea to look forward to in 11.0420:15
chrisccoulsonwe'll have 2 more releases to support by then  ;)20:15
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, but we can transition all the new stuff to dh7 and all the lucid tools :)20:16
chrisccoulsonthat will be fun ;)20:16
micahgchrisccoulson: just a crazy thought, did anyone test the backports with apport?20:16
gnomefreakyay i get another troll to my list this week20:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i didn't, although it should carry on working as usual. i didn't change the apport hooks, and they are still named the same as the source package20:18
chrisccoulsonso they should just carry on working as normal20:18
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, ok20:18
gnomefreakwill unity run on anything or is it just UNE20:27
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, it should run on anything with the graphics drivers to support it20:33
chrisccoulsonif you install it, then you have the option of logging in with a unity session from gdm20:33
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: it looks like it will but i havent installed it yet, cleaning up other packages atm20:33
gnomefreakit seems to have very high mem usage from what i am hearing20:34
gnomefreakok be back going to install20:34
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I wonder if the fix for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=532246 (MFSA 2010-28) has anything to do with the epiphany issue...20:56
ubot2jdstrand: Error: Error getting Mozilla bug #532246: NotPermitted20:56
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - i can't see that ;)20:56
jdstrandwell, me either, but maybe [reed] could help with that20:57
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I'm writing USN text. this is the mfsa: http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-28.html20:57
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - i'm not sure if it's related. the bug i'm looking at doesn't look like it's plugin related (that's just an effect of the bug)20:59
jdstrandchrisccoulson: k. fyi only...20:59
gnomefreakyay chromium update :)21:11
* gnomefreak needs to figure out what i have to do to get media keys to work21:12
gnomefreaknevermind email works21:12
[reed]jdstrand: yo, what's up?21:30
jdstrand[reed]: hi! I thought a CVE fix might have caused a regression we are seeing, but we couldn't see the bug. chrisccoulson said he didn't think that was the case, so you can ignore me :)21:32
gnomefreaknow only if limewire did movies21:36
gnomefreaki guess songbird is still having issues?21:46
[reed]jdstrand: ok21:46
[reed]jdstrand: let me know if you need access to the bug21:46
jdstrand[reed]: thanks :)21:48
chrisccoulsonmicahg - re bug 557275 - we don't really want to do that22:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 557275 in xulrunner-1.9.2 (Ubuntu) "xulrunner + dynamic linker run-time bindings (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55727522:03
chrisccoulsoni commented on another bug yesterday which had a similar suggestion22:03
micahgchrisccoulson: I saw your response to the other bug :), I was going to mark won't fix with your comment22:03
chrisccoulsonthanks, i can do that now22:03
micahgchrisccoulson: k22:04
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_DrWho
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | ML: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.6 Now in Hardy/Lucid/Maverick | Help test the Firefox 3.6 and xulrunner 1.9.2 migrations in Jaunty and Karmic -- Caution is advised -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Firefox3.6.4Upgrade/ | Next Meeting: TBD
BUGabundo_DrWhofta worse ! oracle bought apache??23:04
micahgfta: saw that :)23:04
BUGabundo_DrWhois that a good thing?23:05
micahgBUGabundo_DrWho: yes :)23:06
jdstrandchrisccoulson: fyi, bug #599928 came in. I cannot reproduce and this is something I explicitly test for23:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 599928 in firefox (Ubuntu) "cannot create a new folder/ link/ separator on the quick link bar (above the tabs and below the address line) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59992823:12
micahgBUGabundo_DrWho: apparently Dr Who sent you into a time warp :)23:14
BUGabundo_DrWhoI've been rickroled23:14
micahgjdstrand: use needs to restart firefox after the update23:14
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, yeah, i was thinking what micahg just said23:14
* micahg was going to comment later23:15
jdstrandthat's what I was thinking too23:15
chrisccoulsonthose empty dialog boxes are tell-tale signs of the user having not restarted23:15
jdstrandalright, I'm heading out for a while now for real23:15
micahgchrisccoulson: and extensions patch of /u/l/firefox-3.6.3 is a good hint too :)23:15
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ah, i didn't spot that23:16
ddecatorfta: i know it is, but they don't have a codename for FF 4.0 yet so i wasn't sure what to put. that can be changed quickly though, i just put something so i could make sure it would build.23:33
ddecatorfta: oh, that part...i never even noticed that changed :p23:36
ddecatorfixed that little issue, didn't see any others..23:45

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