Tm_T | that | 00:44 |
IdleOne | what | 00:44 |
funkyHat | hat | 00:45 |
bazhang | @ | 00:45 |
IdleOne | sat | 00:45 |
bazhang | gothenburg has had more than enough warnings for his nonsense. | 00:57 |
Tm_T | bazhang: have he said anything since I warned him? | 00:58 |
bazhang | Tm_T, earlier today/yesterday he did; he told some user to RT<fine>M and called him a noob; I was away eating dinner so missed it. | 00:59 |
bazhang | just waiting for the next instance | 01:00 |
Tm_T | same, I have him on my hilight | 01:00 |
bazhang | whoa not a nice translated message | 01:03 |
=== gord_ is now known as gord | ||
dasu | hi is there any reason why #ubuntu remains +r? | 01:53 |
dasu | it causes problems for newbies | 01:53 |
dasu | no one wants to register to nickserv for quick ubuntu help :D | 01:53 |
h00k | dasu: I'm not sure why they did earlier, but it's likely because of spam | 01:54 |
h00k | dasu: it isn't always set +r | 01:54 |
Tm_T | it's because of spam | 01:54 |
dasu | ok I was just letting you know, as I don't see spam recently annd it's been +r for a while I think | 01:54 |
dasu | isn't there bots that auto ban spam? | 01:55 |
dasu | auto banning spam is better than limiting all users who need help and dont have nickserv, IMO | 01:55 |
h00k | yes, they set +r. Users get sent to #ubuntu-unregged with instructions on how to register and identify | 01:55 |
Tm_T | dasu: that wont stop this kind of spam, unfortunately | 01:55 |
dasu | that isn't easy to do and it makes new users think ubuntu is too hard, i think | 01:56 |
Tm_T | dasu: as they spam and go, with numbers | 01:56 |
h00k | and it's nice to prevent it, rather than chase it around :( | 01:56 |
dasu | if I just downloaded ubuntu and needed irc help, i wouldn't bother to register my nickname here, and would just reinstall windows | 01:56 |
h00k | /join; spam; part; | 01:56 |
dasu | well idoru klines them | 01:56 |
dasu | :] | 01:56 |
Tm_T | dasu: which wont help when they come next round | 01:57 |
h00k | sure, after they've spammed. | 01:57 |
Tm_T | +that | 01:57 |
dasu | if they are klined they can't spam anymore? | 01:57 |
dasu | and spammers can make nickserv accounts, but n00bs wont | 01:57 |
bazhang | very easy to register and identify and very helpful staff in #freenode | 01:58 |
dasu | noobs wont unless they are determined to use ubuntu | 01:58 |
h00k | Also, we don't appreciate the term 'n00b' and the like | 01:58 |
dasu | they will just reinstall windows | 01:58 |
IdleOne | dasu: We appreciate your concerns but if a new user to Ubuntu really wants to get ubuntu support they will understand the importance of registering | 01:59 |
bazhang | dasu, never seen it as an issue, to be honest. | 01:59 |
IdleOne | and the reason why we are asking them to do so at this point in time | 01:59 |
IdleOne | dasu: registering to nickerv is no more complicated then having to register for a forum | 02:00 |
bazhang | lately the spammers have made the channel much less usable. I imagine newer users would have trouble getting help with the spamfloods | 02:00 |
h00k | it's also very distracting | 02:01 |
IdleOne | with 12 years on irc I doubt I could get any help in #ubuntu if we didn't set +r | 02:01 |
IdleOne | I see. you just don't want to register | 02:03 |
Seeker` | dasu: you don't see any spam in #ubuntu *because* it is +r | 02:10 |
dasu | whatever | 02:10 |
dasu | just want the +r removed it is useless imop | 02:11 |
dasu | bye | 02:11 |
bazhang | bye | 02:11 |
bazhang | that was odd | 02:11 |
IdleOne | not odd ata ll | 02:11 |
IdleOne | at all* | 02:11 |
IdleOne | he likes to argue | 02:11 |
bazhang | aha | 02:12 |
IdleOne | -NickServ- dasu is not registered. | 02:13 |
IdleOne | guess he does not want big bad freenode having his email | 02:13 |
bazhang | blendmaster1024, hi | 02:19 |
blendmaster1024 | ... | 02:19 |
blendmaster1024 | how did i get in here? | 02:19 |
blendmaster1024 | all i did was open my client .. | 02:20 |
bazhang | ban forward I suspect | 02:20 |
blendmaster1024 | why would i ... oh yeah | 02:20 |
* blendmaster1024 rolls his eyes | 02:20 | |
IdleOne | that is odd | 02:21 |
bazhang | him being banned? | 02:21 |
IdleOne | for someone who spent so much time in -ot to refuse to discuss why and how to resolve the ban | 02:22 |
IdleOne | seriously though @comments are so awesomely helpful | 02:22 |
bazhang | yoplait, hi | 03:00 |
yoplait | ello | 03:00 |
bazhang | yoplait, what can we help you with today | 03:00 |
yoplait | well, i'd like to know what to feed my pet piraƱa. | 03:00 |
bazhang | yoplait, perhaps try #defocus or #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:01 |
yoplait | oh | 03:01 |
IdleOne | bazhang: ban evading | 03:01 |
yoplait | I thought i was in offtopi | 03:01 |
yoplait | c | 03:01 |
yoplait | No, no.. | 03:01 |
yoplait | i'll go away, lol sorry | 03:01 |
yoplait | ... | 03:02 |
IdleOne | yoplait: welcome back | 03:02 |
yoplait | haha | 03:02 |
yoplait | it says im banned from offtopic? | 03:02 |
IdleOne | yoplait: you will continue to be sent here as long as you try to join #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:02 |
yoplait | I've never been there. | 03:02 |
bazhang | IdleOne, ban forward, but a pretty broad ban | 03:02 |
yoplait | what's that? | 03:03 |
IdleOne | yoplait: do you use any other nicknames? | 03:03 |
yoplait | was my ip area banned or something like that? | 03:03 |
yoplait | nope this is it | 03:03 |
yoplait | so far | 03:03 |
IdleOne | funkyHat: ping | 03:06 |
IdleOne | yoplait: give us a few minutes please | 03:06 |
bazhang | yoplait, uLinux was a previous nick? | 03:06 |
yoplait | never had that nickname | 03:07 |
funkyHat | IdleOne: hi | 03:14 |
bazhang | funkyHat, uLinux ban may have caught yoplait | 03:14 |
IdleOne | funkyHat: can you take a look at 26188 | 03:14 |
funkyHat | @btlogin | 03:14 |
funkyHat | yoplait: I've removed the ban, sorry about that. Hopefully the person who was causing problems before won't reappear. | 03:19 |
IdleOne | yoplait: try joining #uubntu-offtopic now | 03:21 |
IdleOne | err | 03:21 |
IdleOne | spell it correctly though :) | 03:21 |
funkyHat | ;) | 03:21 |
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ | ||
ubottu | In ubottu, IdleOne said: lmgtfy is Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, lmgtfy, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 06:44 |
bazhang | should be !no factoid is <reply> etc etc | 06:53 |
IdleOne | !no lmgtfy is <reply> Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, lmgtfy, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 06:55 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-ops, IdleOne said: !no lmgtfy is <reply> Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, lmgtfy, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 06:55 |
IdleOne | better :) | 06:55 |
jussi | 07:02 | |
ubottu | While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 07:02 |
jussi | IdleOne: perhaps !lmgtfy is <alias>google ? | 07:02 |
Flannel | I think that'd be more appropriate | 07:03 |
IdleOne | sounds good | 07:03 |
jussi | !lmgtfy is <alias>google | 07:07 |
ubottu | But lmgtfy already means something else! | 07:07 |
jussi | !lmgtfy | 07:07 |
ubottu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 07:07 |
jussi | !-lmgtfy | 07:07 |
ubottu | lmgtfy is <alias> noob - added by elky on 2009-12-26 04:08:02 - last edited by Pici on 2010-05-25 18:45:28 | 07:07 |
jussi | !no lmgtfy is <alias>google | 07:07 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 07:07 |
jussi | !no lmgtfy is <alias>google | 07:07 |
jussi | better like that methinks | 07:07 |
jussi | !lmgtfy | 07:08 |
Flannel | !lmgtfy | 07:08 |
ubottu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 07:08 |
jussi | lol | 07:08 |
jussi | !no lmgtfy is <alias>google | 07:08 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 07:08 |
jussi | !no lmgtfy is <alias>google | 07:08 |
jussi | hrr | 07:08 |
jussi | I figure it out later. too early in the morning | 07:08 |
Flannel | I've always gotta massage alias modifications too, no idea why | 07:08 |
IdleOne | I still think the acronym lmgtfy should be added to the !noob factoid | 07:08 |
Flannel | !lmgtfy | 07:10 |
ubottu | While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 07:10 |
Flannel | jussi: I think the repeat of identical command triggers spam prevention or something, I got it to work by doing "no, lmgtfy is..." and then "no lmgtfy is..." (difference of a comma) | 07:11 |
jussi | yeah | 07:11 |
jussi | that is in there, so sounds right.m | 07:11 |
jussi | mornings... | 07:11 |
Flannel | Interesting that even without the change it triggers a touch of the factoid | 07:11 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !stop =~ s/o4o/guidelines/ | 07:53 |
bazhang | <joshmuffin> Is there rules against flooding in #ubuntu-bots? | 08:55 |
bazhang | nice answer tsimpson :) | 08:56 |
tsimpson | well, it's the truth ;) | 08:56 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-bots, joshmuffin said: !songbird is the best itunes alternative | 09:00 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-bots, joshmuffin said: !songbird is the best program | 09:00 |
* tsimpson suspects he's not going to remain in a good mood for much longer | 09:01 | |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from joshmuffin) | 09:14 |
rocket16 | Hello hon'ble operators, | 09:28 |
rocket16 | I have a question, | 09:28 |
rocket16 | How to add more info to the database of Ubutto? | 09:29 |
rocket16 | And are we allowed to do so? | 09:29 |
rocket16 | Did I ask anything wrong? | 09:32 |
rocket16 | Anybody here? | 09:47 |
rocket16 | Have I been quieted? | 09:47 |
ubottu | In ubottu, globalmixmaster_ said: !silence is to remain silent and let the others talk | 10:08 |
bazhang | IdleOne, you called it on dasu | 11:04 |
marienz | hmm? now what did he do | 11:11 |
knome | mneptok, if i am correct, i am not authorized :P | 11:12 |
jpds | Is smallfoot- suppose to be in #u? | 11:30 |
bazhang | marienz, arguing in here earlier that #ubuntu should not be +r, then in #freenode that user should be -i so he can stalk them more easily | 11:34 |
bazhang | jpds, just banned in #ubuntu+1 and -offtopic | 11:35 |
bazhang | he wanted there to be a #ubuntu-whining channel | 11:36 |
jpds | Nice. | 11:36 |
jussi | /mode #ubuntu-whining +if #ubuntu-offtopic :P :P | 11:37 |
jussi | hello LjL | 11:39 |
LjL | hey there are some users in #ubuntu-unregged which seem clearly part of a botnet. dunno if staff would like to check them out | 11:39 |
LjL | hi jussi | 11:39 |
jussi | marienz: ^^ | 11:39 |
LjL | at least I9fN5mE95e4xAt hNjM3om9RgNnrk0N LyCOnIPnDf eYWW8ChD | 11:40 |
marienz | any others? | 11:41 |
jussi | marienz: he said thank you :) | 11:46 |
marienz | jussi: I saw (see #-unreg itself) | 11:47 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Uboy said: no, ff is ff | 13:08 |
ubottu | FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 13:19 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 13:19 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) | 13:19 |
IdleOne | Morning | 14:57 |
funkyHat | Hello! | 15:00 |
Pici | Aloha | 15:00 |
jpds | Olaho. | 15:06 |
=== funkyHat is now known as wonkyHat | ||
Pici | wonkyHat: incoming | 15:12 |
polomint | hi | 15:12 |
wonkyHat | Hi polomint | 15:12 |
polomint | what the hell is going on? | 15:13 |
wonkyHat | polomint: please read the Ubuntu IRC guidelines | 15:13 |
wonkyHat | !guidelines | 15:13 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 15:13 |
polomint | if id been abusive then a ban is fine, also ubuntu forums have language. fair enough but i never cussed,,, | 15:14 |
IdleOne | read the section on obfuscating | 15:14 |
IdleOne | you did. 3 times | 15:14 |
polomint | this isnt a great way to welcome new users... :( | 15:14 |
polomint | sry if i did, its auto for me | 15:14 |
IdleOne | also not a great way for new users to introduce themself | 15:14 |
polomint | yes i agree, | 15:15 |
topyli | polomint: you doubled it after being asked not to | 15:15 |
polomint | do u never auto type? | 15:15 |
polomint | like typing lol after someting? | 15:15 |
IdleOne | lol anf F*** is very different | 15:15 |
topyli | what a terrible excuse | 15:16 |
Pici | cooks. | 15:16 |
polomint | so we cant put stars in front of a cuss? | 15:16 |
polomint | ok | 15:16 |
IdleOne | Pici: agreed, I will back away from the stove | 15:16 |
Pici | IdleOne: :) | 15:16 |
polomint | ok, ill not say much again, can i be allowed back in? | 15:17 |
IdleOne | it's up to wonkyHat | 15:17 |
wonkyHat | polomint: have you read the guidelines? | 15:17 |
polomint | some of them, but its common sense... dont post dodgy links, dont cuss, etc... ok | 15:17 |
polomint | i understand | 15:18 |
polomint | well? | 15:19 |
wonkyHat | Please finish reading them, and then if you agree to follow them I will remove the ban. | 15:19 |
polomint | ok, let me check them again... | 15:20 |
polomint | Code of Conduct, hard to read, but easier than most.... | 15:22 |
polomint | although "#ubuntu is an English language channel. " should be changed, i thought ubuntu was an african term,,, | 15:23 |
wonkyHat | Right, but it refers to the fact that people are expected to speak English in the #ubuntu channel itself. Supporting a room with multiple languages would get very difficult, so we have other channels for non-English speakers. | 15:24 |
polomint | yes i understand that, i know how hard it is to support multiple langs | 15:25 |
polomint | how many langs does ubu work with? forums/irc? | 15:25 |
IdleOne | | 15:26 |
Pici | !loco | 15:27 |
ubottu | Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at | 15:27 |
polomint | ahh, it seems like u lot know alot... do any of u use mono? is it worth it? ive been looking at code:blocks too | 15:27 |
wonkyHat | polomint: this channel is only for resolving bans in #ubuntu* IRC channels, not other discussion | 15:27 |
polomint | o ok, but unfortunately i cant get in the normal offtopic channel atm, :( | 15:28 |
wonkyHat | polomint: did you finish reading the guidelines? | 15:28 |
polomint | yes | 15:28 |
wonkyHat | And you agree to follow them? | 15:29 |
polomint | hard damn work, but i uderstand, yes | 15:29 |
polomint | hard to read i mean | 15:29 |
polomint | i like this damn OS, so ill do whatever i need to stay | 15:30 |
IdleOne | drop the damn's also | 15:30 |
IdleOne | please | 15:30 |
* polomint waits for monodevelop to be good | 15:30 | |
polomint | ok IdleOne , sry | 15:30 |
wonkyHat | polomint: the ban is lifted | 15:31 |
polomint | ty, sry for the hassle | 15:31 |
polomint | it wasnt intended | 15:31 |
wonkyHat | polomint: no hard feelings :). If that is all this channel has a no idling policy, so please /part here now. | 15:33 |
IdleOne | polomint is pushing the limits | 15:37 |
IdleOne | ahh your still here | 15:37 |
IdleOne | well that will save you having to join again when you get banned | 15:37 |
bazhang | polomint, please part the channel here | 15:41 |
polomint | part? | 15:42 |
polomint | exit? | 15:42 |
IdleOne | type /part | 15:42 |
gord | polomint, type /part | 15:42 |
bazhang | yes | 15:42 |
IdleOne | I learned a valuable lesson this morning. | 15:56 |
IdleOne | Don't mention -ops in -ot | 15:56 |
IdleOne | :( | 15:56 |
jpds | Why not? | 15:57 |
bazhang | the ongoing discussion in -ot that followed | 15:57 |
IdleOne | it's like I set fire to a gas station | 15:57 |
abhi_nav | hello guys here I am again :) | 16:30 |
bazhang | abhi_nav, hi | 16:30 |
abhi_nav | hi | 16:30 |
IdleOne | what's up | 16:30 |
IdleOne | ? | 16:30 |
abhi_nav | I need to know procedure to update our #ubuntu-in channel guidelines? how to? what should I do? | 16:30 |
=== wonkyHat is now known as funkyHat | ||
abhi_nav | IdleOne, ^^ | 16:30 |
IdleOne | abhi_nav: I would refer you to #ubuntu-locoteams | 16:31 |
abhi_nav | ok | 16:31 |
IdleOne | they will know more then I do on the subject | 16:31 |
abhi_nav | yah ok i am there | 16:31 |
bazhang | abhi_nav, was there anything else you need assistance with? | 16:32 |
abhi_nav | bazhang, actualy wait. because if nothing happens there then i still need to be here | 16:32 |
abhi_nav | because still nobody reply there | 16:32 |
IdleOne | abhi_nav: not really, this channel is for discussing #ubuntu* bans and such. | 16:33 |
abhi_nav | IdleOne, but what is nothing happends there? where do i go? | 16:34 |
Pici | abhi_nav: #ubuntu-irc would be more appropriate. | 16:34 |
abhi_nav | ok | 16:34 |
IdleOne | abhi_nav: popey just answered you :) | 16:34 |
abhi_nav | yah just now | 16:34 |
abhi_nav | so i go from here now. | 16:34 |
abhi_nav | thank you all. | 16:34 |
gay_jesus | what did i do wrong? | 16:34 |
gay_jesus | is ubuntu supportative of the gay community??? yes or no | 16:34 |
gay_jesus | so far i'm seeing NO | 16:34 |
bazhang | gay_jesus, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support | 16:35 |
gay_jesus | yes it does | 16:35 |
gay_jesus | i'm wondering whether or not to switch to it | 16:35 |
gay_jesus | and i want to know if ubuntu is supportative of the gay community | 16:35 |
gay_jesus | i can now see it isn't | 16:35 |
gay_jesus | you're a bunch of homophones | 16:35 |
gay_jesus | you're a bunch of homophobes | 16:36 |
IdleOne | gay_jesus: sexual preference has nothing to do with Ubuntu | 16:36 |
gay_jesus | i was asking if there were any homosexual coders on the Ubuntu team | 16:36 |
gay_jesus | i was banned based upon my sexual preference! | 16:37 |
IdleOne | gay_jesus: probably but who cares | 16:37 |
bazhang | which has zero to do with ubuntu technical support | 16:37 |
bazhang | thus offtopic, and highly inflammatory | 16:37 |
gay_jesus | that is untrue, because i don't want to run an operating system that is coded by homophobes | 16:37 |
gay_jesus | bazhang: you're a homophobe | 16:38 |
gay_jesus | Jesus is going to send you to hell | 16:38 |
gay_jesus | you too IdleOne | 16:38 |
Pici | gay_jesus: Are you finished? | 16:38 |
IdleOne | been there, done that. | 16:38 |
gay_jesus | no | 16:38 |
gay_jesus | i'm not | 16:39 |
gay_jesus | Ubuntu sucks, it's like windows | 16:39 |
gay_jesus | but for idiots | 16:39 |
bazhang | okay then | 16:39 |
gay_jesus | you guys are like Microsoft employees | 16:39 |
gay_jesus | but without a paycheck | 16:39 |
gay_jesus | your operating system sucks, run Debian it's better | 16:39 |
Murduk | homophobia is offtopic on freenode | 16:39 |
IdleOne | sadness | 16:40 |
Pici | Murduk: do you have anything on-topic to disucss here? Please make note of our channel topic. Otherwise, have a nice day. | 16:42 |
Pici | Murduk: You can still talk, just only I can see you. | 16:43 |
bazhang | bots set #ubuntu to -r , is that okay? | 16:45 |
IdleOne | will see | 16:46 |
Pici | Probably not. | 16:46 |
Pici | oops | 16:46 |
Pici | Since the guys here were probably related to the attack, we'll see. | 16:47 |
bazhang | that was too synchronized to have been a coincidence | 16:48 |
Pici | No kidding. | 16:48 |
Pici | He was asking me in pm why his friend gay_jesus was being persecuted. | 16:48 |
bazhang | argh | 17:08 |
ikonia | Pici: he's fine in -ot | 17:19 |
bazhang | he means he can't join here | 17:19 |
ikonia | I can't see a ban on him anymore | 17:19 |
IdleOne | Pici: removed it | 17:19 |
bazhang | it was removed a short time ago | 17:19 |
ikonia | x0x now trolling #puppylinux | 17:22 |
ikonia | #puppylinux/#debian | 17:23 |
IdleOne | I am not sure how his trolling of other linux channels is any of our business but it does show a pattern of trollish behavior | 17:25 |
ikonia | it not "our" business | 17:25 |
bazhang | indeed not | 17:25 |
ikonia | I'm just discussing him to you as individuals | 17:25 |
IdleOne | ahh | 17:25 |
bazhang | yep | 17:25 |
IdleOne | well then ok | 17:25 |
ikonia | he says "I love you $distro" in channels, waits a while then says "I love you $wrong_distro" to try to provoke people | 17:25 |
IdleOne | I find it less stressful to ignore him | 17:26 |
ikonia | it's one of his standard trolls psi_jack in ##linux has tried to get him to stop | 17:26 |
IdleOne | he has a talent at getting under the skin | 17:26 |
ikonia | I don't care less really, he's not getting back into #ubuntu with this attitude, so it's not a real problem for any of the channels I'm really active in | 17:26 |
Pici | I can't tell you all what to do in channels outside our namespace, but I highly suggest not provoking. | 17:28 |
ikonia | I'm not provoking | 17:29 |
ikonia | he wants to brag about false certification, he has to be able to back it up | 17:29 |
ikonia | poor guy in #ubuntu just got killed by the freenode bot for spamming | 17:31 |
ikonia | I think he just messed up his paste buffer in frustration | 17:31 |
erUSUL | skydrome here again 18:43 < skydrome> HTML: Unable to validate | Takeasy: You need to supply a URI scheme (e.g http) | 17:44 |
jussi | erUSUL: sorted | 17:51 |
erUSUL | k | 17:51 |
* erUSUL ciao | 17:51 | |
skydrome | hey jussi, just got your pm and disabled the !html script | 17:57 |
jussi | skydrome: any other scripts you have that make noise should be disabled also | 17:58 |
skydrome | yes sorry, there are no others | 17:58 |
jussi | skydrome: no probs, you can rejoin #ubuntu | 17:59 |
skydrome | thanks | 17:59 |
jussi | nice when they are that easy :) | 17:59 |
shadeslayer | hi anyone around? | 19:45 |
shadeslayer | need to report a nick Z-RAY | 19:45 |
shadeslayer | he is asking support questions in non support channels | 19:45 |
Pici | shadeslayer: Which other channels? | 19:46 |
shadeslayer | Pici: #kubuntu-bugs | 19:46 |
shadeslayer | #ubuntu-packaging , #kubuntu-devel | 19:46 |
shadeslayer | to name a few... | 19:46 |
Pici | shadeslayer: meh, thanks. | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | cross posting :) | 19:47 |
Pici | shadeslayer: not 'meh' to you ;) | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | of course :P | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | ok ciao then | 19:47 |
Pici | tsimpson: You mentioned muting him somewhere, were you talking to him in pm? | 19:47 |
tsimpson | I sent a msg, but the only response I got was in +1 | 19:48 |
* tsimpson tries again | 19:48 | |
tsimpson | still no response as yet | 19:50 |
tsimpson | even though he's active in another channel... | 19:51 |
tsimpson | I got some response now, but they are having difficulty understanding that channels have topics | 19:59 |
mneptok | anyone here use OpenBSD on Mac68K? i have some MacOS 7.5 chainload questions ... | 20:14 |
* mneptok runs | 20:14 | |
* gnomefreak never had good luck with bsd ever | 20:16 | |
gnomefreak | zray is mine | 20:16 |
gnomefreak | ;) | 20:16 |
gnomefreak | ubottu: thanks | 20:25 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 20:25 |
gnomefreak | !treat | 20:26 |
gnomefreak | or not | 20:26 |
Pici | !botsnack | 20:26 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 20:26 |
gnomefreak | :) | 20:26 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, tahsin said: ubottu: my system is 64bit | 22:23 |
Jordan_U | bcj and PigeonCluster are posting mallicious commands. | 22:33 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
ubottu | FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1310 users, 0 overflows, 1320 limit)) | 23:48 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1310 users, 0 overflows, 1319 limit)) | 23:48 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1310 users, 0 overflows, 1320 limit)) | 23:48 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1310 users, 0 overflows, 1320 limit)) | 23:48 |
ubottu | LjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (set +R before the bots remove it) | 23:49 |
LjL | bots in -unregged | 23:49 |
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