
TakyojiOoo, community-built GeoIP: http://www.hostip.info/05:14
Takyojihappens to be the only one correct currently as well for my location05:14
tonyyarussoClearly it still needs work:  "Location:  ... actually we haven't a clue. "05:15
TakyojiThen tell it your city. :P05:15
TakyojiYou win a gold star sticker!05:16
TakyojiAnyway; anyone written plugins and such for Supybot at all?05:17
tonyyarussoSeveas has05:17
TakyojiBecause I'm contemplating what to use a basis for an IRC bot, but something that isn't a pile of programming paradigms with more lines of code needed and unnecessary classes just to do a basic task.05:18
tonyyarussoand tsimpson and jussi05:18
Takyojiotherwise I'll idly poke at it tomorrow05:56
TakyojiTrying to remember; what's the one CLI-based networking tool that you can run a client/server, but just plaintext, and you basically write the output?19:10
Takyojiahh, ncat19:11
kermitTakyoji: what's wrong with eggdrop?21:31
kermiti forgot TCL though so i just write mine with awk21:31
TakyojiFelt like poking with Python a little21:33

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