
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: oh, yeah. gnome lynx00:00
PoisonSerpent** gnome on lucid lynx00:00
ChrazRittsebsebseb, i think my problem is that the fan isn't being run as fast as it does in windows, and with less air movement comes lower temp at the exhaust vents00:00
sebsebsebChrazRitt: with 10.04?00:00
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: didn't want to give you things to try, and you dont have those things, lol00:00
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ChrazRittsebsebseb, yes00:01
AAAChrazRitt  lm-sensors will control fan speeds00:01
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sebsebsebChrazRitt: possibily an older version of Ubuntu would work better, or another distro http://www.distrowatch.com00:01
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: lmfao - "yeah, PoisonSerpent, go load up k3b" ... uhmm, what?00:01
ozatomicHey guys, with PXELinux is it posible to keep the stack open after telling teh computer to boot to the local driver and then be able to send remote commands to reboot the system?00:01
PoisonSerpentim gonna do a reboot00:01
ChrazRittAAA, i can't get those packages to install properly00:01
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: k00:01
ChrazRittsebsebseb, an older version might not rum my sound hardware00:02
egerlachHey Ubuntu peeps: When using NX with 10.04, all my windows grey out like they're not responding to events (except they are).  Any way to fix that or disable the greying of windows?00:02
gundasHi all, I'm trying to run xclock - however I keep getting an Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0 - is there something I'm missing here?00:02
sebsebsebChrazRitt: what sound hardware?00:02
ChrazRittsebsebseb, amd/ati hdmi vid and sound chipset00:03
sebsebsebChrazRitt: does it overheat when your running the Live CD as well?00:03
egerlachgundas: if you open up a new terminal window, and type "00:04
ChrazRitti never ran the live cd long enough to find out sebsebseb00:04
egerlachgundas: if you open up a new terminal window, and type "set | grep DISPLAY" (without quotes) what do you get?00:04
kermitwhat does 'enable notifiaciotns' in nm-applet do?00:05
ChrazRittbtw sebsebseb, i could have a lockup any time here00:05
PoisonSerpentthat didnt fix anything00:05
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: can you open the sound preferences00:06
Jordan_Ugundas: How are you trying to run xlock, is it from the package xlock, xlockmore, or xlockmore-gl, and why aren't you using gnome-screensaver?00:06
m4dm4xinput tab00:06
egerlachJordan_U: xclock, not xlock00:06
PoisonSerpentm4d: yup.00:06
thune3_kermit: show the connect/disconnect floating messages when status changes. (i think)00:07
Jordan_Uegerlach: :) How are you trying to run xclock?00:07
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: yep, im in it00:07
PoisonSerpentyay, autocomplete on xchat works. =)00:07
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: what is in the connector dropdown menu00:07
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: Internal Audio Analog Stereo00:07
bobfcincinnatiHey all can anyone recommend a program for creating database diagrams on linux ... visio esque but just for mapping out tables and keys and what not00:07
egerlachJordan_U: I'm not trying, gundas is, but I just noticed that you identified the wrong problem. :-)  gundas doesn't seem to be responding, though.00:08
h00kbobfcincinnati: check out Dia00:08
kermitthune3_: no its not that, its to do with libnotify, whatever that is00:08
kermitthune3_: or at least, disabling it doesnt change the notifications it gives me00:08
bobfcincinnatih00k: TY00:08
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: above the "Choose a device for sound input" what do you have00:08
h00k!info dia | bobfcincinnati00:08
ubottubobfcincinnati: dia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.1-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 197 kB, installed size 572 kB00:08
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: if you need to look up my specs, my netbook is a Gateway LT3114u00:09
trece8I have access to a PC via ssh. How do I run firefox through its network connection with ssh -X? Can it be done?00:10
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: On my input tab, below my input volume settings, and level meter, there is a drop down menu00:10
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: it lets me choose what I want to use as the input00:10
meowbuntui have the 64 bit version of ubuntu 10.04 sometimes i find that i cant rune some applications i would like to am i better off reverting back to the x8600:11
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: http://i.imgur.com/ab6ty.png00:11
PoisonSerpentthats what mine looks like00:11
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: I have a multi channel sound card, so I have 5 options00:11
newboon2age_Hey y'all can i get help with my laptop that is stuck  on the plymouth boot splash http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151931200:12
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: hmm, ok, do you have a line in jack?00:12
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: yes00:12
PoisonSerpentand a line in jack00:12
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: i have a headphone/line in jack, a mic/line out jack, and a mic (which i believe is seperate)00:12
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: mic in, line in, and built in mic, correct?00:12
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: correct.00:13
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: can you do a lsusb to make sure it is not a usb mic00:13
PoisonSerpentit picks up my webcam00:14
PoisonSerpentwhich is usb00:14
PoisonSerpentpicks up 4 things which say Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub, and one thing that says Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub, and that's it.00:15
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: on the hardware tab, does it only list one device?  and what profile is it using00:15
PoisonSerpentoh and one thing that says Microsoft Corp.00:15
sebsebsebHi  Loshki00:15
PoisonSerpentoh, the microsoft corp thing is my wireless usb mouse.. lol00:15
Loshkihi sebsebseb, long time...00:15
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: one device. which is my line in and line out i believe00:16
sjmtrece8: not sure, have you tried it?00:16
thune3_kermit: i don't have 10.04, you could run "gconftool  --all-entries /apps/nm-applet00:16
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent: and which profile?00:16
trece8sjm, tried what? Yes, I tried00:16
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: Analog Stereo Duplex00:16
sjmtrece8: and did firefox run?00:16
thune3_kermit: before and after toggling the switch to see if the configuration shows as one of those00:16
trece8But When I run firefox, it runs through THIS machine's network, but with the other's machine software00:16
sjmtrece8: yes, I think that's what I saw last I tried it a couple of years ago.00:17
sjmtrece8:  what are you trying to do?00:17
trece8Use other computer of mine as a proxy00:17
trece8Or see it as remote desktop00:17
trece8Or use it's network, or such00:17
h00k!enter | trece800:17
ubottutrece8: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:17
sjmtrece8: just set up squid on that box and use it as an actual proxy00:18
newboon2age_I need support -- my laptop is stuck  on the plymouth boot splash http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151931200:18
trece8I'm lazy, don't know how to set up squid.... I should research it. damn I hate research00:18
m4dm4xPoisonSerpent:  do you have a live cd to boot with?00:18
sjmtrece8: or set up VNC to run through an ssh tunnel.00:18
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: not on me, no.00:19
PoisonSerpenti might have my live usb00:19
trece8yes, other thing that needs config. And I have remote access, so I can't just go there and click.00:19
PoisonSerpentif i havent formatted it00:19
sjmtrece8: VNC across ssh might be quicker00:19
meowbuntuis it a good idea to force install x86 apps on 64bit os00:19
trece8Yes, it would but mostly... instructions say... go to the preferences tab (visual) and such00:19
PoisonSerpentm4dm4x: yes, i still have my live usb00:19
m4dm4xcan you try that real quick, just to make sure its a setting issue?00:20
sjmtrece8: for a pretty good VNC setup search for ssvnc on the web.00:20
t_polhey there, i have a big problem, my wifi network manager vanished and i do not know how i can get it back in order to select the wifi netword i want to use, can somebody help me?00:20
m4dm4xand look to see what is listed in lspci00:20
m4dm4xand settings00:20
trece8sjm, too long. I thought it could be quicker with ssh-x00:20
erUSULt_pol: alt + f2 -- run nm-applet00:20
vu1kant_pol: do you mean the network monitor on your panel?00:21
sjmtrece8: sorry I can't help more.00:21
meowbuntuis it a good idea to force install x86 apps on 64bit os00:21
sjmtrece8: one other option depending on how you have remote access.00:22
trece8making rdesktop there didn't work00:22
sjmtrece8: is set up the remote box as the gateway for your local PC00:22
newboon2age_Hey everyone, I need support -- my laptop is stuck  on the plymouth boot splash http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151931200:22
trece8And I can't restart the other PC, because it has DNS and I would lose the IP00:23
sjmtrece8: how are you connecting to the other pc?00:23
sjmtrece8: do you have a VPN connection or just ssh across the open net?00:24
sjmtrece8: do you just want to use a browser or other programs too?00:25
t_polvu1kan=> i do not know i used to have an icon on which i could right click to select ther  wifi network i wanted to use, and as for the command nm- applet on the terminal it says well it is already running but i do not have graphical access to it ;-\00:25
trece8just the browser00:25
Nightrosehi folks - my computer decided to restart in the middle of an upgrade to 10.04  - i finished the upgrade on command line and now the graphics get garbled after the bootsplash - seems to be an X problem00:25
Nightrosecan anyone help me fix it please? i really need the system to work again :(00:26
Nightrosemaco already helped me reinstall the xorg packages with aptitude00:26
Nightrosebut that didn't help00:26
vu1kant_pol: right-click your panel, choose 'add to panel...' and add 'network monitor"00:26
sjmtrece8: you're probably stuck with either something like ssvnc or setting up squid for a proxy.00:27
trece8thanks anyway, bye00:27
PoisonSerpentthe live usb didnt pick up my mic either00:28
ZykoticK9Nightrose, do you currently have an xorg.conf file?  if so, move it to a new name, and try restarting X/GDM.00:28
t_polvulkan, i already tried that but unfortunately i do not have the choice00:28
PoisonSerpentbut jokosher picks it up and records with it just fine00:28
kermitis there a way to keep NetworkManager from telling applications about changes in the network?  some apps are overreacting to minor changes.00:28
NightroseZykoticK9: i had one - moved it - didn't help :(00:28
t_poli have no entry named network manager although i am sure it is installed00:28
ZykoticK9Nightrose, so i have no further ideas ;)  good luck.  what gfx card are you using?00:28
Nightrosesome ati radeon00:29
t_polthe icon disappeared just today00:29
t_poli have never had this problem before00:29
vu1kant_pol: do you have the notification area added?00:29
PoisonSerpentscratch that, jokosher doesnt work with my mic00:31
PoisonSerpentit just records static00:31
anigmadoes ubuntu use a firewall by default?00:31
ZykoticK9Nightrose, you should find out your model, in a terminal you can run "lspci | grep -i vga" and it should return your gfx card00:31
macoanigma: enabled by default, yes, but not configured00:31
m4dm4xPosionSerpent: sorry, i was away, did the live cd work?00:32
macoanigma: however there are no services listening on any ports, so a port scan would show it the same as if it was drop all00:32
PoisonSerpenthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller - this might work.. maybe?00:32
Nightrosei have kdm!00:32
Nightrosedon't ask why it works now...00:32
Nightrosei have no idea00:32
FloodBot2Nightrose: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:32
* Nightrose tries to log in00:32
anigmamaco: what's the name of the firewall?00:32
anigmacould it be ufw?00:33
t_polvulkan i have just added the notification applet, i have no notification area that i can choose, but it does not do anything except an icon to configure my email, and another one to control the volume00:33
t_poli am at a loss here00:33
macoanigma: ufw is a frontend to it, yes00:33
macoanigma: ufw is simply a wrapper to iptables00:33
h00k!firewall | Andy-at-home00:34
ubottuAndy-at-home: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.00:34
t_polvu1kan=> i tried to kill the nm-network or sth and restart it but it gives me nothing that i can use graphically00:34
h00ksorry, Andy-at-home. the person I was trying to tab parted.00:34
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vu1kant_pol: that's the 'indicator applet', my network monitor is in the 'notification area'00:34
t_polvu1kan=> how come when i right click the panel i cannot choose that option?00:35
vu1kant_pol: of course my install is an upgrade from 8.04->10.04, so i may have some quirks in gnome00:35
vu1kant_pol: you may not have the packages for those applets00:36
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=== minty9 is now known as meowbuntu
vu1kant_pol: try <sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome>, that may let you add the network manger00:42
Yossii just updated from 9.10 to 10.04 and my mouse pointer disapeared after reboot00:47
rwwt_pol, vu1kan: the network manager applet isn't an actual gnome applet, it's a program that runs in the normal gnome notification area. if it's not automatically running, make sure you have a notification area and run "nm-applet" manually.00:47
Yossithe mouse works and i can click on things, but the pointer is invisible00:48
BusterBFMCQuestion: what is the other option for pulse audio for adding a headset in Skype?00:48
fumanchu182has anyone had libgcflashplayer.so crash recently when trying to go fullscreen?00:49
t_polvu1kan=> actually everything is already installed, so what you are basically asking me is to uninstall and reinstall everything right?00:49
kostkonYossi, for a start, check what theme you are using in system → preferences → appearance. Click on your current theme and press the customize button.00:49
t_polyet that does not explain why it disappeared like that overnight00:50
vu1kanrww: synaptic's description of the package states: "This package contains a systray applet for GNOME's notification area"00:50
vu1kant_pol: if you already have the package, i dunno why you can't add the monitor to your panel, i think your issue is beyond my skillset00:51
rwwvu1kan: "systray" is a technically-incorrect term for "notification area"00:51
rwwit is not a right-click-add-to-panel applet.00:51
WopakCan anyone possibly know how i can upgrade Feisty 7.04 to 7.10 hence the automatic update page doesnt work?00:51
kostkonYossi, the mouse theme tab or whatever its name is00:51
zwqghi, does anyone know how to make the windows key act like a normal key instead of a modifier (i.e. the old behavior)00:52
bazhangWopak, neither of those is still supported00:52
kostkonYossi, try selecting a different one00:52
vu1kanrww: i get that, but even with the notification area added t_pol doesn't have that applet, nor are they able to add the systray independant monitor to the panel00:52
Wopakbazhang solution? :P00:52
Yossididn't fix it00:53
bazhangWopak, at this point making a separate home partition and installing a fresh, supported version would be optimal00:53
bazhang!home | Wopak00:53
ubottuWopak: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:53
kostkonYossi, ok :/00:53
rwwWopak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Feisty , then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Gutsy , then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades00:53
jukenCan anyone tell why my microphone isn't working based on these pictures: http://i.imgur.com/OEl2w.png ; http://i.imgur.com/apegR.png ; http://i.imgur.com/Nvcx1.png ; http://i.imgur.com/tmA5L.png00:54
rwwWopak: personally, I'd recommend a reinstall, but there are the instructions if you feel like engaging in tedium00:54
vu1kant_pol: one last package to try would be the gnome-netstatus-applet00:54
* rww sighs00:55
bazhangWopak, more recent version (ie Lucid Lynx , 10.04) can achieve that much more readily00:55
WopakMy main goal is to possibly run an emulator and use windows or dualboot windows00:55
Wopakhence the ubuntu must remain as it is cous its a company laptop and has to stay with software provided by the company without lateration in the core OS or its settings :(00:55
kostkonYossi, there is a possibility that it's related to compiz. you could check your compiz prefs.00:55
Wopakonly choice was to possibly do a minor update to 7.1000:56
kostkonYossi, if you don't have the ccsm installed already, the package is called "compizconfig-settings-manager"00:56
rwwWopak: upgrading 7.10 to a supported Ubuntu version is nowhere near a "minor update"00:56
Wopak7.04 to 7.10 :)00:56
Wopaki run feisty 7.0400:57
Wopakto 7.10 is a minor upgrade00:57
Yossii would rather not use compiz at all00:57
FloodBot2Wopak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
rwwWopak: no, it's not. distro upgrades aren't minor, unsupported ones doubly so00:57
sebsebsebWopak: you should upgrade to at least 8.0400:57
Yossicompiz is off, but the problem persists00:58
kostkonYossi, ok00:59
Doonzwhere do imagemagick binaries reside01:00
fumanchu182Where can I file an official ubuntu bug for the fullscreen flash issue?01:01
bazhanggothenburg, do you have a question?01:02
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gothenburgbazhang: no01:02
gothenburgbut fumanchu182 can upload screenshots at those sites01:02
bazhanggothenburg, then please keep chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:02
gothenburgbazhang: MEN HÅLL KÄFTEN DIN JÄVLA JUDE01:02
bazhang!bugs | fumanchu18201:02
ubottufumanchu182: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:02
fumanchu182thank you bazhang01:03
zwqgDoes anyone know how I can bind "open terminal" to the windows key WITHOUT other keys? It looks like they changed the behavior of the windows button.01:04
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Doonzwhere do imagemagick binaries reside or how can i find out. Iinsyalled it using apt-get01:05
Typos_KingDoonz:    whereis FILENAME; or locate FILENAME01:06
bazhangDoonz, imagemagick is command line only, you are aware?01:06
Doonzyes im setting up gallery201:06
Doonz but i cant figure out where the binaries ended up01:07
bazhangDoonz, try which imagemagick01:07
Doonzdidnt show anything01:08
trismDoonz: they're all in /usr/bin, there is no single binary though, each function has it's own (convert, etc), man imagemagick lists them all01:08
Doonzi was just try to go to deep with the path01:09
Yossikostkon, rebbot brought back the mouse pointer01:10
kostkonYossi, :)01:10
Yossii also have a problem with firefox01:11
Yossiit closes soon after opening01:11
sebsebsebYossi: a bad profile I guess01:11
Yossibefore it can ever draw the inside of the window01:11
Yossihow do i fix the profile?01:12
cultclassicHello all, first time in this channel!01:12
hiexpowhat happened why having to identify ?01:13
sebsebsebYossi: the hidden .mozilla folder is your Friefox user data, so bookmarks and such for example01:13
hiexpoIdleOne,  hello01:13
sebsebsebYossi: so if you delete that, its gone,  if you move it some where else, and then re open Firefox you get a new profile. hidden .mozilla folder in home01:13
IdleOnehiexpo: Channel is experiencing some spam issues01:14
Yossii want to preserve my open ttabs01:14
hiexpoIdleOne,  - figured01:14
sebsebsebYossi: the history is in a file in the profile01:14
Yossiso mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-backup01:14
loopidityneed some help ,the skype vdo test renders only black screen01:15
cellofellowYossi: firefox -ProfileManager might help01:15
sebsebsebYossi: yeah that will work I guess01:15
kostkonYossi, you can create a new profile and then transfer you info from the old to this new profile. more info here http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_Manager01:15
wildbatqestion i seem that my laptop can't wake up back to ubuntu if there is sshfs mounted before sleep/suspending, any how do i fix that ?01:16
hiexpoturn sleep off01:16
hiexpopower management01:17
wildbathiexpo, hmmm ~ i want a auto unount the sshfs better01:18
fumanchu182bazhang, Well I debugged firefox using sync.01:18
cultclassicis there a graphical tool to see file utilization in Ubuntu, like FileMonger in windoz?01:18
fumanchu182Apparently Gdk is blowing up.01:18
Yossicultclassic, yes01:19
Yossidisk usage analyzer01:20
cultclassicoh ty Yossi.... My MythTV box's freespace is dissapearing, and I'm down to 700Megs. I want to know where the space is soing... I'll look that up01:21
AAAcultclassic  and du -sh on the command line, fyi01:22
IdleOnecultclassic: it should be in Applications > Accessories01:22
cultclassicty AAA and IdleOne. I'll have install it, because I'm not seeing it under Accessories01:23
IdleOnecultclassic: what version of ubuntu?01:23
cultclassicbut du is there01:23
CuervoAre there any good howtos or tips out there about how to improve the battery life on netbooks with lucid?01:23
cultclassicWell it's MythBuntu, so it's stripped down, I guess01:24
IdleOne!mount > Guest4701101:26
Loshkicultclassic: du is all you need, in a pinch. Let me know if you need instructions...01:26
cultclassicwhoa! there are several gigs on mythbackend.logs! so that's where the space went!!!01:27
cultclassic16 gigs od logs lol01:27
razz1what is the best way to get manual duplex in 10.04? One option is gnome-manual-duplex, any other options?01:27
cultclassicthanks! du was just what I needed!01:27
Loshkicultclassic: my mythtv logs are all quite small. Have a look through yours before you delete them to see if they're full of some error message you need to be aware of...01:28
SlikerThey does anyone know what media player is the best out there to use01:29
cultclassicyes Loshki there are several of them, like log.0 log,1 etc... it full of "skipped frame blah blah blah"01:30
cultclassicSlikerT, I like VLC Media Player01:31
cultclassicavailable on linux, window, and Mac01:31
Barridustouchpad doesn't disable while typing, despite having syndaemon in startup apps, and the checkmark ticked in mouse options.  what's up01:31
klandwehr_I'll second VLC01:31
sebsebsebto late01:31
ScuniziEvery time I open Konsole there is a lag and the first line that shows up in the new window is "#updates: command not found"... how do I get rid of that?01:31
sebsebsebthe Freenode anti spam bot got him01:31
sebsebsebwhen it shoudn't have01:31
Loshkicultclassic: might wanna check with #mythtv-users to see if it's significant....01:32
KaliniumSlikerT: Mplayer + SMplayer01:32
hiexposebsebseb,  - what u mean anti spam got him ?01:32
sebsebsebhiexpo: idoru  thought he was spamming when he asked his question, so banned him01:33
sebsebsebsometimes that bot msses up01:33
cultclassicoooh thanks Loshki. didn't there was a group here.01:33
rwwsebsebseb: and this is why one shouldn't crosspost to a bunch of channels (which is what I assume they did)01:33
Loshkicultclassic: last I looked, there were 8669 groups on freenode...01:34
sebsebsebrww: well looks like another innocent user, got effected by the bot01:34
cultclassiclol ty This is my first day here...01:34
cultclassicI joined because of the FLOSS weekly podcast01:34
rwwsebsebseb: and now they have an object lesson in not crossposting ;P01:35
Loshkirww: Ah, I wondered what triggered the spam-eater. Kinda scary...01:35
rwwLoshki: I'm assuming that's what it is. Or idoru is becoming sentient and killing off anyone who notices. Who knows.01:35
alketHow can I uninstall unity ? I installed from this post http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/accessing-apps-has-never-looked-so-good.html01:36
sebsebsebrww: well hopefuly marienz  or whoever unbans them later, I guess01:36
alketplease help me Im having lots of troubles: Slow system, Self-closing applications etc01:36
silentx1Hey, there .. I've Compaq AMD and Nividia VGA CARD installed ubuntu lucid with latest updates .. and I notice there is hanging in the performance ..!! means that it stops for less than one sec and back for ten sec and the stops and like that ..!! please help what is the problem with it ?01:37
wildbatqestion i seem that my laptop can't wake up back to ubuntu if there is sshfs mounted before sleep/suspending, any how do i auto umount sshfs on suspend?01:37
Barridustouchpad doesn't disable while typing, despite having syndaemon in startup apps, and the checkmark ticked in mouse options.  what's up01:37
vu1kan!touchpad | Barridus01:37
ubottuBarridus: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad01:37
DarkStar1That registration require was sprung on me by suprise01:39
cultclassichello danmichel01:40
cultclassichellu uLinux01:40
Claudinuxhi uLinux01:40
danmicheli cant seem to get my fedora to boot. i tried this http://pastebin.com/YpFSf6qs and this http://pastebin.com/1SBYT0A001:40
danmichelhi uLinux01:41
Loshkicultclassic: got a url for the FLOSS podcast. Google's top hit is for 'Tom's of Maine Floss' :-(01:41
cultclassicyes Loshki... hold on01:41
wildbatdanmichel, wrong channel ^.^~ #fedora may be ~01:41
Loshkidanmichel: best place to ask is #fedora01:42
danmichelwildbat, but this is ubuntus grub configuration im editing01:42
danmichelim dual booting fedora and ubuntu01:42
cultclassicLoshki, http://twit.tv/floss12101:42
vu1kan!grub2 | danmichel01:42
ubottudanmichel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:42
Loshkicultclassic: cool, thanks!01:42
fumanchu182Launchpad just wigged out on me, no way in hell am I typing that bug in again.01:43
danmichelcan anyone help with my grub config?01:43
uLinuxI'm having a problem... my ssh tunnel works with gSTM but  doesn't work with PuTTY if I try to open a page on Firefox  it won't do nothing01:43
silentx1I've Compaq Presario CQ60, Ubuntu lucid updated, the problem is that I see the System monitor hanging continuously and this is for the whole system also ... please help where could the problem ??? .. I'm not new user01:43
danmichelvu1kan, ive read that01:43
vu1kandanmichel: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527501:43
dumonthow do I resume a process that I stopped in shell using ctrl+Z ?01:44
DarkStar1tbh I need grub help too. All of a sudden it refuses to pick up the windows 7 drive (Not that I blame it) do I re-install or is there a way I can get it to pick it up?01:45
Shinydanhey all. trying to burn a 10.04 DVD using Brasero. Not getting anywhere. d/ling Gnomebaker - how do I make sure the system uses that, rather than Brasero?01:45
Barridushow do you just create a blank file from CLI01:45
Loshkidumont: usually by typing 'fg' to foreground the command...01:45
arthurmacielhi! is anyone running ubuntu on a samsung n220 netbok?01:45
cultclassicLoshki, I recommend the entire FLOSS series, each week they feature a new Open Source project...01:45
cellofellowBarridus: touch filename01:45
wildbatdanmichel, what's wrong witht he booting anyway?01:45
DarkStar1dumont: It is to my knowledge that when you kill (ctrl-Z) a process it's gone01:45
dumontLoshki thx01:45
dumontits not kiling01:45
vintneranyone successfully run newsleecher in ubuntu?01:45
DarkStar1dumont: Oh you sent it to the background01:46
Loshkicultclassic: watching the freenode episode right now. Wow, 53 minutes long...01:46
dumontctrl+z, not ctrl+c or x01:46
danmichelwildbat, thanks01:46
Loshkidumont: did it come back?01:46
DarkStar1dumont: Sorry it's 2 am here and I'm not thinking straight01:46
danmichelvu1kan, thanks01:46
danmicheli got it01:46
danmichelrebooting now01:46
dumontLoshki yes thx01:46
Barridusvulkan, it seems those instructions haven't been updated for lucid01:47
Barridusthe touchpad link01:47
silentx1:( no one answer me :(01:47
dumb_dumbguys anyone installing kannel on ubuntu?01:48
DarkStar1silentx1: Sorry I did not see your question01:48
LoshkiShinydan: I think k3b is best for burning, actually....01:49
Loshkisilentx1: sorry, I saw your question but don't know the answer...01:49
silentx1DarkStar1: Thanks it is this "  I've Compaq Presario CQ60, Ubuntu lucid updated, the problem is that I see the System monitor hanging continuously and this is for the whole system also ... please help where could the problem ??? .. I'm not new user"01:49
ShinydanLoshki - ok, can dl that.01:49
JCakeChello everyone.01:49
vu1kanBarridus: i don't have a touchpad myself, just thought the link might help ya...mebbe someone else knows?01:49
silentx1I hope you understand it because i don't know how to say it in English more than this :( .. if not tell me to try to explain01:50
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h00k!anyone | dumb_dumb01:50
ubottudumb_dumb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:50
Shinydanahhh, I see. So you don't actually use the left-click dropdown stuff.01:50
LoshkiShinydan: remember to use 'image mode' when burning system DVDs, ok?01:50
JCakeCI have a project for creating an interactive presentation and I need to choose OS. my main concern is: the computer will not be as secure as I would like it to be, so anyone could get to the machine...01:51
JCakeCI need to lock the main display but prevent the external video output from beign blocked out01:51
JCakeCcan this be possible with linux?01:51
fumanchu182can someone help me install the dbg packages necessary for firefox?01:52
fumanchu182to work with gdb?01:52
ShinydanLoshki - that was my next question. Looting the help files now...01:52
DarkStar1silentx1: Did this happen after the update because you're the second person I've seen to have this problem01:52
LoshkiJCakeC: to be honest, if someone can get access to the machine physically, they can take it over. I don't think there's any 100% reliable way to secure it...01:53
LoshkiShinydan: k3b should recognise that it's an ISO and 'do the right thing' automatically...01:53
silentx1DarkStar1: I always update everything ..01:53
ShinydanI'm getting a hash error on downloading k3b.01:54
JCakeCLoshki: I know, but I can "lock" it so the main screen and the system cannot be used01:54
DarkStar1silentx1: That's true for everyone but It helps if we know what action you performed last before this symptom cropped up01:54
JCakeCwhile the external monitor keeps showing the video/interactive animation01:54
Barridusvulkan, oh well thanks anyhow man01:55
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=== FrankLV is now known as FrankLv
LoshkiJCakeC: Sorry, I dunno how to do that. But you can ask your question here every 15 minutes until someone answers...01:55
LoshkiShinydan: are you using a dial up modem to download?01:56
silentx1DarkStar1: ummm I left the labtop in bad temp. and now windows is not working too ..!! but I didn't notice if there is that problem or not ... but I think it is new ..01:56
JCakeCLoshki: thanks a lot...01:56
ShinydanWas using Ubuntu Software Centre. Package Manager seems to be working though.01:57
DarkStar1Ooohh... possible hardware damage can manifest itself in a number of ways01:57
LoshkiShinydan: it's very rare to get corrupted downloads over broadband. Has this happened before?01:58
ShinydanNo. But I have k3b now.01:58
iflemaJCakeC laptop? set lid shut to blank screen, shut the lid and put a sign "dont touch" and kick the arse of anyone who opens it........01:59
LoshkiShinydan: ok, crank it up, and open the ISO file inside k3b. You should get a menu for burning...01:59
DarkStar1silentx1: when you got back had the laptop reset?01:59
ShinydanLoshki: No optical drive found. K3b did not find any optical device in your system. Solution: Make sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices.01:59
silentx1DarkStar1: I'm going to do that .. you're reading my thoughts .. Then I'll back here again if the problem persists ..02:00
LoshkiShinydan: out of the frying pan... Did brasero find the drive?02:00
JCakeCiflema: I will not be there for the whole presentation runtime... so that is not a fair solution (believe me I thought of it as a last resort)02:00
DarkStar1silentx1: Ok.. Good luck02:00
JCakeCiflema: I also thought of getting a desktop and taking out the monitor so they can just see the box there...02:01
silentx1DarkStar1: Thanks you too .. BBye ..02:01
JCakeCbut I wan thinking a more elegant way... locking the computer. The problem is that if I lock it out, all monitors go blank...02:01
ShinydanLoshki - no.02:01
melkorif I run sudo shutdown now my computer hangs at shutdown, if I use the gnome panel it shuts down fine.02:02
JCakeCI know it's the way it sould be, but in this case... I need it to behave differently... :S02:02
LoshkiJCakeC: there are releases called 'kiosk' distributions. One of those might be what you need...02:02
ShinydanNautilus does, fwiw.02:02
aztek[tum]any ideas on temp monitoring a power supply02:02
LoshkiShinydan: you may have a hardware problem. Did this drive ever work?02:02
JCakeCloshki: I'll go look for them right now...02:02
Shinydanbut it was a while back.02:02
DarkStar1melkor: that's odd. what is the command you're using to shutdown?02:03
melkorsudo shutdown now02:03
vintnerdoes anyone know of an alternative to newsleecher that runs on nix?02:03
melkorDarkStar1: I've tried -h also.02:03
DarkStar1melkor: there are options to go with that02:03
LoshkiShinydan: open a terminal, and type: dmesg | egrep -i cd-rom02:04
DarkStar1melkor: hang on a sec let me load the options02:04
LoshkiShinydan: do you get any output?02:04
DarkStar1melkor: Can never remember options that go with needless CLI commands :D02:04
iflemaJCakeC New profile for the presentation, lock it right down02:05
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ShinydanLoshki - yes.02:05
LoshkiShinydan: can you paste the output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com please02:05
melkorDarkStar1: its pretty nice, because I can set it to d/load something and then have it shutdown it 2 hours.  or 15 minutes, but it hangs when I do it now.02:05
JCakeCiflema: but when I lock them the video outputs are blacked out (and I need the 2nd display to always be showing the interactive presentation)02:06
DarkStar1melkor: where does the process hang?02:06
ShinydanLoshki: done02:06
melkorDarkStar1: at the splash screen, it goes through the dots a couple of times and then hangs.02:06
LoshkiShinydan: what was the url it gave you :-)02:06
melkorDarkStar1: I'm not sure where the error would be log'd either, maybe an older sys.log that the one dmesg shows?02:06
Shinydanoh, whoops02:06
iflemaJCakeC are you worried it will be stopped? bios boot password and even encrypted HD with a profile that cant do basically anything02:07
starnostar_anyone know if its possible to force lan traffic through eth0 and internet traffic through wlan0?02:07
iflemaJCakeC im pretty sure the function you after does not exist.... Have you seen this used else where?02:08
melkorstarnostar_: whats the difference?02:08
LoshkiShinydan: ok that's good, it means the kernel detected your sony dvd-rw at /dev/sr0. Next, try running 'sudo eject /dev/sr0'. Does the dvd door open?02:08
d0xHi i'm upgrading to 10.04 today and i wan't to encrypt my whole disk now. Does anyone have a good howto for a new installation?02:08
synthHas anyone attempted to find appropriate patches to compile fglrx from ATI's 9.3 driver download on Ubuntu 10.04? It's historically been patched by hand for .29 kernel and higher because of various changes in the driver interfaces... but 10.04 now runs 2.6.32 which I cant find patches against. I've searched the web for days, please anyone with insight lend a hand? the reason for 9.3 is because my ATI is an X300, support was dropped02:08
synth afterwards. free driver is horrible02:08
DarkStar1melkor: I'm not an expert log reader or Linux user yet but, have you tried using the -P option and seeing if the system does things differently?02:08
JCakeCiflema: I'm worried they mess around with the system. I can script it to prevent shutdown (just restart) and make it start the presentation again on boot)02:08
starnostar_i need to monitor my bandwidth and im having a heck of a time finding something like vnstat that seperates the two, thought it might be easier to just split the connections up02:08
melkorDarkStar1: I could try it.02:08
iflemaJCakeC if the profile cant reboot + the rest your safe02:09
ShinydanLoshki - no, it didn't.02:09
LoshkiShinydan: any error message?02:09
melkorstarnostar_: does each one have its own ip address?02:09
JCakeCiflema: that's my concern, and that's why I'm looking on Linux... as MS and MAC can't be easily hacked02:09
DarkStar1melkor: Reason I suggest this is because the system can behave however it like with the -h option02:09
ShinydanLoshki - no error message.02:09
starnostar_i can give each its own, through my router, my wifi isnt even on right now02:09
LoshkiShinydan: ok, please run 'sudo hdparm -I /dev/sr0' and pastebin the output...02:09
JCakeCiflema: I'll try to test all possible scenarios then...02:10
iflemaJCakeC bios password use a livecd02:10
Loshkistarnostar_: what about one of these: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html02:10
JCakeCiflema: custom built livecd... hmmm... sounds interesting02:10
ShinydanLoshki: done, same url02:10
melkorstarnostar_: I know there are some linux tools for that, though there might be some nice gtk versions too.  You could try #debian or #linux if you don't get any answers here.02:11
starnostar_tried ALL of those, still cant figure out a way to seperate the two streams of data02:11
DarkStar1starnostar_: What you're trying to do is akin to what a router does, but it requires giving each interface is own seperate address and subnet02:11
iflemaJCakeC maybe... hackety hackety..... a friend perhaps... :)02:11
LoshkiShinydan: are you sure? I get the same (old) output when I refresh the page?02:11
starnostar_most of them are realtime and dont log traffic, im on a cap and have a lot of data moving around02:12
JCakeCiflema: yeah... when system can't do what you want, stick to procedures, right?02:12
Shinydanhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Vs9jzS7N apologies.02:12
smallfoot-ATI, Intel and Nouveau supports kernel mode-setting, does VESA / VGA / default fallback driver support KMS?02:12
smallfoot-does VirtualBox support kernel-mode setting in Ubuntu?02:12
melkorsmallfoot-: to your first question I am going to guess no.02:13
DarkStar1starnostar_: MAnually assign a subnet IP address to the interface you need to route Lan traffic02:13
Niglophow can I broadcast a radio station on linux02:13
starnostar_im not a networking guru, does it matter which subnet and do i do this through the router or the network preferences?02:13
smallfoot-someone needs make a list of what cards are support by KMS02:14
melkorsmallfoot-: there probably is one for the different vendors.02:14
starnostar_and do i have to assign the same subnet to the other lan computers02:14
iflemaJCakeC its possible, but for one presentation....02:14
smallfoot-melkor, well should be a list of vendors supported by KMS02:14
LoshkiShinydan: ooh, that's *not* what the output is supposed to look like. At all. You could try rebooting, making sure you power down between reboots so the hardware gets a full reset. If it still doesn't work, I'd suspect the drive is broken...02:14
ShinydanRight. I'll be back shortly.02:15
Niglophow can I broadcast a radio station on linux02:15
starnostar_what would be even better is if i could get vnstat to ignore lan traffic02:15
kostkonNiglop, you can use icecast02:15
melkorNiglop: to you have a transmitter?02:15
DarkStar1starnostar_: YEs. If an address is part of a subnet it would need to go through a gateway to contact any addresses outside the subnet02:15
Nigloplet me download one, which one is least bandwidth consuming02:15
Niglopi am capped ;(02:16
melkorstarnostar_: more than likely you are using one interface.02:16
spursncowboysanybody have any luck using rhythmbox, banshee, or amarok for IPOD Touch?02:16
JCakeCiflema: well, I'd like to do it as a challenge... and it's an interactive presentation (camera, IR camera, laser, multitouch)... and the main screen will hold the configuration screen for the app, so it's worth the try just for 1 presentation02:16
Niglopkostkon>  melkor  couldnt find package transmitter or icecast02:16
melkorNiglop: I meant the hardware, literally a transmitter.02:17
melkorNiglop: You have music and you want to start an internet radio station?02:17
Niglopi mean an online radio not like a radio radio02:17
Niglopyeah melkor02:17
iflemaJCakeC sounds like fun.... good luck02:18
=== Niglop is now known as Adem
Ademgreetings Dr_Willis02:18
JCakeCiflema: thanks... I'll need it...02:18
=== Adem is now known as Niglop
Niglopyeah melkor i have music and want to play it on an internet radio station02:18
melkorNiglop: where did you look for icecast.  You could google it.02:18
Niglopi tried apt-get in terminal melkor02:19
Shinydanback. Loshki, I have a new pastebin addy for you if you don't mind?02:19
thune3_starnostar_: for "totals" monitoring /proc/net/dev has totals since boot, and ifstat can give you a realtime view of each interface.02:19
LoshkiShinydan: type away!02:19
DarkStar1starnostar_: still here?02:19
HaPK_PerCarhi people02:20
starnostar_but can ifstat differentiate between lan traffic and internet traffic?02:20
LoshkiShinydan: excellent. That's what the output *should* look like. So try k3b again...02:20
kostkonNiglop, it's "icecast2"02:20
melkorNiglop: google it, then check out Synaptic, icecast server finds some stuff, but you might want to read a little before you install.02:20
HaPK_PerCarDoes someone knows of an AV that scans for virus in NTFS partittions, and clens them?02:20
Niglopi downloaded the tarball frm google, let me unzip 1 sec02:20
melkorNiglop: icecast2 is in the repos.02:21
DarkStar1starnostar_: (it's 2am here and I'm not fully complete upstairs so bear with me here) you give each of your interface addresses that belong to separate subnets and the rest of the job need to be done at your routing station02:21
kostkonNiglop, or just give sudo apt-get install icecast202:21
Niglopok 1 sec koshie02:21
lickwidHi all, I'm having a bit of trouble booting 10.04 if anyone's free to help.02:21
Niglopkostkon> *02:21
HaPK_PerCarlickwid, what the problem exactly?02:21
sebsebseblickwid: Whats the exact problem?02:21
starnostar_so how do i change the subnet, im in network connections now02:21
ShinydanLoshki: Looks like you've cracked it for me. K3b is doing the checksum now...02:21
lickwidI'm dual-booting Windows 7 and 10.04 - when I choose 10.04 at the GRUB menu, about 75% of the time I just get a blinking cursor afterwards.02:22
DarkStar1starnostar_: assuming you don't want the LAN traffic interface contacting the outside world, you would have to set that at it's gateway (which would be your router in this case)02:22
Niglopkostkon>  i got icecast 2, now what?02:22
LoshkiShinydan: well, it's not completely done until the burn completes, and the verification passes, but this is major progress...02:22
kostkonNiglop, you can follow this guide for example http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_webradio_with_icecast2_ices202:22
HaPK_PerCarlickwid, maybe you'll have to reinstall the GRUB02:22
iflemaJCakeC make a  transparent screensaver02:22
lickwidHaPK_PerCar, sebsebseb - more details here: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151963202:22
kostkonNiglop, to setup your server02:22
DarkStar1starnostar_: so your LAN interface device should only be seeing packet traffic from the LAN02:22
lickwidI've tried reinstalling GRUB already.02:22
NetersLandreaui bought a new tv last night and am trying to hook up my computer via hdmi.. when i try to connect my tv as a monitor, it is not detected.. vga works fine at the office.. what do i need to do?02:23
DarkStar1starnostar_: Hope that helps you draw a picture in your head?02:23
JCakeCiflema: interesting approach...02:23
starnostar_looking through my router config page now02:23
iflemaJCakeC but is activated the password promt would be visable....02:24
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JCakeCbut not on both screens...02:24
LoshkiNetersLandreau: try also asking on #mythtv-users. Those guys know tons about connecting PCs to TVs...02:25
HaPK_PerCarlickwid, this may sound a bit extreme, but maybe you'll have to use anothe booter, like lilo02:25
smallfoot-can i easily switch between nvidia-glx and nouveau?02:25
NetersLandreauthx Loshki :)02:25
HaPK_PerCarlickwid, I can't help you more, sorry02:25
lickwidHaPK_PerCar, how would I replace the GRUB with lilo?02:25
DarkStar1starnostar_: Never tried such a thing with a routing device, but it should have something to do with either your routing table or NAT (or both) and set the DCHP server to assign the addresses correctly. This is assuming your router is capable ofc.02:26
sebsebseblickwid: ok yeah just as I thought02:26
sebsebseblickwid: Plymouth issue or something02:26
HaPK_PerCarHaPK_PerCar, I don't really know, sorry02:26
ShinydanLoshki: sudo chown Loshko ~/beer02:26
digimerAnyone here familiar with changing a DVD-RW's region code? (ubuntu 10.04 x86_64)02:26
starnostar_dgl-4500 /w 1.15 firmware02:26
LoshkiShinydan: did it finish?02:26
HaPK_PerCarDoes someone knows of an AV that scans for virus in NTFS partittions, and clens them?02:26
lickwidsebsebseb - yeah, when it loads it comes up with something about plymouth and a kill command?02:26
sebsebseblickwid: basically  Ubuntu 10.04 uses a new boot up and also for shut down called Plymouth,  its great in Mandriva, its good in Fedora I guess,  well last time I tried Fedora was Fedora 11.  and it sucks in Ubuntu 10.04  for loads of people with propritary Nivida or ATI drivers02:26
JCakeCiflema: I found how to turn the black screen screensaver to transparent with compiz... I'll try it later... thanks.02:26
Loshki!virus | HaPK_PerCar02:27
ShinydanLoshki: Yes it did. Thank you!02:27
ubottuHaPK_PerCar: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus02:27
sebsebseblickwid: well Plymouth isn't new, but it is for Ubuntu02:27
LoshkiShinydan: excellent. Brewskis all round...!02:27
lickwidsebsebseb: I've removed the proprietary drivers though, and i'm still having the same problem?02:27
sebsebseblickwid: with a propritary driver installed for some of us,  Plymouth will look really odd02:27
starnostar_would it be possible to use another router for lan traffic only, i have another one lying around somewhere, if i cant find it...is there a "cheaper than a router" piece of hardware that does lan only traffic?02:27
sebsebseblickwid: right well even with no propritary driver installed on the other computer, boot up wasn't working as good as it should, sometiems02:28
sebsebseblickwid: your issue is a bit differnet though02:28
Bravewolfhi. how can I setup the default page format for print to pdf or ps included in every gnome application?02:28
sebsebseblickwid: so problems straight afater a clean install?02:28
jbwiv_guys, I have a dvd drive I recently installed. It shows up as /dev/sr0. I can mount it as my default user (i.e., not root), but for some reason it mounts it as user id 4294967295, and my user can't read it. Any idea how to fix this?02:28
lickwidsebsebseb: indeed.02:28
Loshkistarnostar_: I can't believe there isn't a traffic monitor that won't segregate traffic by interface. Are you *sure* there isn't one?02:29
BravewolfI want to use A4, but currently the setup is US letter.02:29
sebsebseblickwid: Did you check your ISO? No I guess not, well if you still got it you can.  Good idea to, so you know that your CD is fine,  unless a bad burn.02:29
sebsebseblickwid: however thats not really to do with your issue as such I guess02:29
DarkStar1starnostar_: It would simplify your job massively02:29
jbwiv_oddly, it also shows up as /dev/scd002:29
kostkonNiglop, you can use darkice (and it has a gui, darksnow) instead of ices2. just make sure that you change the device from "/dev/dsp" to "default" in its config file to make it work with pulseaudio.02:29
lickwidsebsebseb: how would i go about checking it?02:30
arthurmacielsee you, guys02:30
Niglopsec kostkon  let me etry02:30
sebsebseblickwid: however if your CD isn't burnt properly, and you install for it, you could get problems, but I don't think this is why you have a problem02:30
lickwidcan't hurt to check anyway02:30
sebsebseblickwid: indeed02:30
sebsebseb!md5sum | lickwid02:30
ubottulickwid: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:30
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.02:30
Niglopkostkon>  do i need to install darkice darksnow and pulseaudio seperate?02:31
jbwiv_file perms on /dev/sr0 look like brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2010-06-28 21:30 /dev/sr002:31
kostkonNiglop, you only need to install darksnow and darkice.02:31
Niglopkk sec02:31
sebsebseblickwid: and graphic cards will sometimes be odd with Ubuntu depending on which card it is, and ATI graphics cards don't tend to work that well with Ubuntu02:31
kostkonNiglop, they are small sized packages, nothing special02:31
Niglopkk ive installed them now what02:32
NiglopDarkIce 0.19 live audio streamer, http://darkice.tyrell.hu/02:32
NiglopCopyright (c) 2000-2007, Tyrell Hungary, http://tyrell.hu/02:32
NiglopUsing config file: /etc/darkice.cfg02:32
NiglopDarkIce: DarkIce.cpp:146: no section [general] in config [0]02:32
FloodBot3Niglop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
lickwidsebsebseb: I'm using an Nvidia card02:32
sebsebseblickwid: ok same here,  another distro on here now though, but other computer with Ubuntu is also Nivida02:32
sebsebseb!es | Agu1002:33
ubottuAgu10: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:33
Agu10hey, I have a problem when suspending my laptop in ubuntu02:33
sebsebseblickwid: when you have the propritary Nivida driver installed what happens then?02:33
kostkonNiglop, you need to modify the darkice config file02:33
Niglopkk sec02:33
Loshkijbwiv: 4294967295 is user 'nobody' I think. It usually happens when you mount a filesystem that doesn't have unix style permissions. Is it a FAT filesystem or some such?02:34
Niglopcant find no /etc/darkice.cng kostkon02:34
lickwidsebsebseb: while booting?02:34
sebsebseblickwid: yes02:34
sebsebseblickwid: or shut down02:34
kostkonNiglop, also, you need to install the pulseaudio volume control utility. it will allow you to send the audio coming out of your media app to darkice02:34
lickwidthe exact same thing - blinking cursor on boot.02:34
sebsebseblickwid: oh so the boot up animation doesn't even show02:35
Niglopkk i already got pulseaudio kostkon02:35
* DarkStar1 waves goodnight to everyone02:35
the123guys, I need to record the sound coming out of my computer...specifically this video ( http://www.argoatv.com/recreational/entry.aspx?x=wRmZMkYwJlo%3d# ) audiorecorder doesnt seem to be working..help me plz02:35
lickwidquite literally immediately after choosing ubuntu from the GRUB OS list i'll get a black screen with a grey blinking cursor in the top left hand corner.02:35
kostkonNiglop, just c/p and modify the example cfg file from here /usr/share/doc/darkice/examples/darkice.cfg02:35
the123I also can't download it..for some reason when I do..it gives me another video02:35
the123halp me plz02:35
lickwidi have to restart quite a few times to have a chance of booting properly.02:36
sebsebseblickwid: ok I think I have seen that on the other computer or something similar, anyway does it ever boot up, and show you the log in screen?02:36
kostkonNiglop, then start darkice like this:  darkice -c ~/mydarkice.cfg02:36
wildbatcompiling problem, "checking for X... no      configure: error: X development files not found." which lib do i need to install ?02:36
sebsebseblickwid: Newer is not always better, so with Ubuntu it depends on the user and their hardware.   As a result it could be a great idea for you to try 9.10 and maybe even 8.04.02:37
lickwidsebsebseb: it does boot correctly occasionally. usually flashes up something about plymouth and a kill command, not entirely sure what it says though.02:37
sebsebseblickwid: you could also try to disable plymouth well kind of02:37
Random832wildbat: xlibs-dev or some such02:37
jbwiv_guys, I have a dvd drive I recently installed. It shows up as /dev/sr0. I can mount it as my default user (i.e., not root), but for some reason it mounts it as user id 4294967295, and my user can't read it. Any idea how to fix this?02:37
sebsebseblickwid: well its not working properly anyway02:37
Loshkijbwiv: 4294967295 is user 'nobody' I think. It usually happens when you mount a filesystem that doesn't have unix style permissions. Is it a FAT filesystem or some such?02:37
Random832Loshki: uh, i thought nobody was 6553402:37
sebsebseblickwid: basically you get a text boot instead,  and it will show black on the screen for a while, before the log in screen loads,  well if it works for you02:38
Random832jbwiv_: is this on one specific disk or on everything?02:38
sebsebseblickwid: boot up is quite ugly  for Ubuntu 10.04 though really, when Plymouth doesn't work, compared to previous versions02:38
LoshkiRandom832: I did too, but on a 64 bit machine, I wonder if it isn't 4294967295 ?02:38
jbwiv_Random832, let me check02:38
lickwidsebsebseb: it's worth a try, how do i go about that?02:38
jbwiv_Loshki, it's a DVD my brother created from old VCR tapes. Not sure what type of fs02:39
wildbatRandom832, no such package :<02:39
sebsebseblickwid: if you want a nicer boot up that will probably work no problem, and a version that isn't that old, and still supported untill the end of April next year. well Ubuntu 9.1002:39
Random832Loshki: it has nothing to do with the number of bits available - uids have been 32 bits for like forever02:39
sebsebseblickwid: anyway right this Plymouth fix thing02:39
Random832type 'id nobody' to check02:39
sebsebseblickwid: logged into Ubuntu now yeah?02:39
Dr_WillisTo Whomever it was trying to doload that Amphibious 6 Wheel Vehicle Video -  the 'DownloadHelper' Extension for firefox let me download it..02:40
sebsebseblickwid: open the terminal and  well your going to edit a config file and that02:40
jbwiv_Random832, looks like it's just this cd. Another cd I have works fine02:40
RoyallIs there an easy way to get a browser or computer to autocorrect things like website.prg (to .org) for convenience?02:40
Dr_Willishttp://www.argoatv.com/_uploads/entrypages/videos/266_ArgoinActionODGandCloserLRv1.flv and http://www.argoatv.com/_uploads/entrypages/videos/266_Ent-ArgoAdventureHRv1.flv02:40
LoshkiRandom832: sorry, obviously I'm talking through my hat...02:40
Random832jbwiv_: probably that cd has somehow broken rockridge extensions02:40
lickwidsebsebseb: okay02:41
jbwiv_Random832, even dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/tmp/my.iso and mounting via loop shows and empty file system02:41
jbwiv_Random832, but the darned thing works under windows02:41
Random832jbwiv_: try mounting with -o norock and see if the uid still happens02:41
Agu10I have a problem when suspending02:41
sebsebseblickwid: you know how to install and remove programs using terminal yeah?02:41
jbwiv_Random832, k, one sec02:41
lickwidyeah i do02:41
sebsebseblickwid: I use purge instead of remove though when it comes to removing packages, since that will get rid of some config files as well02:42
imyousufHow can I check the Ubuntu One log in Jaunty? I am pressing Connect but it is not connecting :(, so I want to check what is wrong02:42
bcurtiswx3hi all, so I have been building empathy from source, but now I want to go back to using the ubuntu packages.  What do I need to do?02:42
Dr_WillisAgu10:  if no one in here can help. You may want to check the Ubuntu forums for your exact machine make/model and see if others have similer issues.02:42
sebsebseblickwid: and to edit a file I would use gksudo gedit02:42
lickwidsebsebseb: that's what i tend to do :)02:42
sebsebseblickwid: you shoudn't use sudo on a graphical app.  ok you know this stuff, just checking, since your new02:42
jbwiv_Random832, interesting. that seems to allow me to read it02:43
Agu10when I use the suspend function, it goes into suspended mode, but then when I press the power button, to restore, it reboots02:43
Agu10and I loose the data02:43
sebsebseblickwid: remove plymouth-label, plymouth-theme-ubuntu-{logo,text}, and plymouth-x11; then remove "splash" from /etc/default/grub and do sudo update-grub02:43
jbwiv_Random832, why would that be? when it initially mounts, is it trying to do something that's not supported? Interesting to note all file names are lowercase now02:44
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  ive had that 'trick' work on one box for me.. on other box. it sort of works.. but i cant get to the consoles. :) but that may be more of a nvidia driver issue.02:44
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  heres a pastebin of my notes, and script i used to sort of automate it. - <  pastebinit  remove-plymouth.sh02:45
jbwiv_Random832, and if I do it this way, do I have the potential to lose any data? Is it safer to try to copy on Windows?02:45
Big_D_271can somebody help... i cannot get my screensaver to start, or have the monitor turn off after 60mins!02:45
lickwidsebsebseb: okay, that's that sorted.02:45
sebsebsebDr_Willis: on our other computer well,  uhmm  boot up uhmm may show stuff or may just be black and log in screen, as for shut down uhmm.  it shows a weird graphic or something02:45
sebsebsebDr_Willis: 10.04 would have been great after my customziing if it wasn't for their badly done Plymouth, and Grub 2 uh and GDM 2 uh.02:46
flan_suseAnyone know how to restore and/or boot into Express Gate on ASUS laptops/netbooks after installing Ubuntu? The quick boot button no longer works, and there is no option to boot into Express Gate anymore, even though the 11 GB FAT partition still exists.02:46
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  Heh. Yea.   the Ghost of Plymouth is still haunting us.02:46
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  i have really no issues with grub2. and gdm2 well - i dont worry about themes.02:46
sebsebsebDr_Willis: Plymouth is done awesomely in Mandriva :)   nice grpahical boot, hit esc for text boot02:46
eroscherhello, i've found that gnome DIsk Utility let's you make LUKS partitions02:47
eroscherI want to find how to create lvms over this partition02:47
eroscheri've installed lvm2 pkg02:47
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  yes. it definatly needs work in ubuntu.  Grub2 should also show menu on escape. or just al2ways show it. not hide it   like it wants to defauilt to02:47
sebsebsebDr_Willis: I don't care that much about themes, but I don't like black and white much on the computer, black background white text or whatever02:47
sebsebseblickwid: now your meant to re boot, your computer, and try  it, and then tell me how that went :D02:47
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  im actually suprised theres not some fancy eyecandy grub wallpaper by default02:48
sebsebsebDr_Willis: yeah other distros do it02:48
lickwidokay, brb.02:48
flan_suseDr_Willis, Mint 9's Grub2 has the Mint 9 colors and wallpaper by default on the Grub menu.02:48
sebsebsebDr_Willis: well theres blurg or whatever its called,  in development at the moment, that will do proper themes, based on Grub 2 yeah02:48
nadancan't get fglrx to work.  sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx  then aticonfig --initial -f reboot safe graphics mode.02:48
eroscherbut i've been searching over google for a while and i didnt found how to create lvms02:49
Dr_Willisflan_suse:  ive set up similer things in ubuntu. its not too hard to do. but i guess its another layer of things to break in the end. :)02:49
nadansegmentation fault on glxgears, since its not enabled.  lucid up to date.02:49
eroscheri'm trying to do it over the console02:49
sebsebsebDr_Willis: and then Nivida or ATI drivers can really mess up Plymouth as well uh.  So I wonder what 10.10 will be like, when it comes to this stuff.02:49
flan_susesebsebseb, what makes me nervous is once GDM and Grub become easily themeable again, they might push out a newer version of both that goes back to square one. (Just like with the new GDM and Grub2 we are currently on...)02:49
eroscherbut i dont know what to issue there02:49
sebsebsebflan_suse: yeah the new GDM 2 sucks, and  most of us were rather fine with the old Grub02:50
flan_susesebsebseb, I'm with you there as well.02:50
Big_D_271anyone?  ... I am getting frustrated that I cannot have the screen go off after 60 mintues! ... I have nvidia card, with twinview running ... Please Help Me :D02:50
Dr_WillisTheres more to 'grub2' feature wise then what most people notice. It needed work done to set the foundation for its ussage for the next generation of pcs :)02:50
thune3_imyousuf: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log02:50
flan_susesebsebseb, GNOME-looks.org and Bisigi are moot when it comes to login themes.02:50
sebsebsebflan_suse: one reason I use Mandriva on here :D  altough its  old KDM or whatever instead of GDM since the way they did it was a bit uhmm.  and yeah it came with old Grub so :D  and I am waiting for a delayed next version still02:51
imyousufthanks thune3_02:51
sebsebsebflan_suse: yep the old GDM themes won't work with GDM 202:51
Dr_WillisBig_D_271:  all i can say is that it seems to work here for me on my 8800gtsxxx02:51
b2bwilddoes Pen Tablets work on Ubuntu Linux?02:51
nadani have a touch screen tx2z it works.02:51
Big_D_271Dr_Willis are you using stock Gnome-screensaver?02:51
Dr_WillisBig_D_271:  pretty much. I tend to just use the 'blank screen' one. i come back after a while and my screen is powerd down.02:52
Random832jbwiv_: "norock" turns off unix extensions - and the unix extensions apparently included a strange uid ownership of files02:52
Random832you probably won't lose any data, but if you're worried just mount it normally and copy as root02:52
eroscheranyone knows how to create lvm volumes from the console?02:52
Dr_WillisBig_D_271:  some video players and other apps can disable it if they are running.02:52
eroscheror maybe a lvm tool02:52
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:52
jbwiv_Random832, gotcha. Thanks!02:52
Big_D_271Dr_Willis .. mine used to do that.. but not any more... I can reboot, and not start anything and the screen will stay on all day!02:53
Big_D_271anyone else have ideas?02:53
Big_D_271I cannot find any solutions in the forumns02:53
lickwidsebsebseb: nothing :(02:53
sebsebsebflan_suse: I kind of regret not putting  9.04 back on the other computer in Januarey (since the hard disk got re done, since someone got a virus in XP or whatever)  however I don't use that computer that much anyway,  and my brothers don't seem to care much about how Ubuntu looks.02:53
Dr_WillisOther then double checking the powersaver/screensaver settings.. not really Big_D_271 .02:53
sebsebseblickwid: no luck?02:53
lickwidunfortunately not02:53
sebsebseblickwid: ok02:54
Random832with extensions turned off you'll also get only 8.3 character filenames02:54
sebsebseblickwid: well Dr_Willis  flan_suse and me, were just talking about it,  how there are some issues with 10.0402:54
eroscherDr_Willis, why !lvm??? i need it to put even the swap on a luks partition02:54
Big_D_271Dr_Willis I have checked and tripple checked... they all are on, I even installed "brightside" which allows me to activate the screensaver, or screen off, but  the screen doesn't stay sleepling.02:54
Random832though you'll see a trans.tbl file giving the full ones somewhere02:54
Dr_Williseroscher:  that bot factoid is the whole extent of my LVM/raid knowledge..02:54
flan_susesebsebseb, GDM and Grub2 are upstream decisions though.02:54
civproim wanting to do a server cluster starting with 120 servers all from the same datacenter, any recommendation to what software to use for this02:54
sebsebsebflan_suse: indeed02:54
Dr_Williseroscher:  you did read the bots factoid/urls ?02:55
=== thune3_ is now known as thune3
eroschererr i nope02:55
civprothey are all gigabit lines also02:55
sebsebsebflan_suse: however Ubuntu didn't have to use them, and its not like they care that much about upstream Gnome anyway for example, I mean all this Gnome changing they have been doing since 9.0402:55
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  you can install the old GDM if you want to. At least you used to bne able to.02:56
flan_susesebsebseb, true. And also the icons/buttons issue with GNOME 2.28 and then 2.30...02:56
sebsebsebDr_Willis: some how yeah, not as simple as just install and use though02:56
bastid_raZorcivpro: possibly ask in #ubuntu-server02:56
sebsebsebDr_Willis: I use KDM instead :)   for Ubuntu.  looks nice by default with 10.0402:56
sebsebsebDr_Willis: and looked ok in 9.1002:56
TraumaPonyAnyone know if it's possible to run a wubi install in a VM? I don't feel like rebooting all the time.02:56
jbwiv_guys, one other question. In both totem, xine, and vlc on my desktop, videos play in sort of negative colors. Blues appear orange and so on. On videos do this. Any idea how to fix this?02:57
sebsebsebflan_suse: no icons in system menu yeah, that was upstream Gnome, easy to sort that out though :)02:57
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  i seem to recall it not being very hard. I never tried.. because i dont worry about  a screen i see for 10 sec  once a weekoor less  due to my Huge massive Uptimes. :)02:57
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  clarify what you are trying to do.02:57
JCakeCbye people... thanks for the help... see you around!02:58
Dr_WillisI recall a gnome setting years ago to disable ALL icons in all the gnome menus..  wonder if thats been removed?02:58
flan_susesebsebseb, not quite. They removed the option in 2.30, so now you have to use gconf to revert it back. Because it's a "tweak". Like someone said, soon enough with GNOME, you'll need to use gconf-editor to change your wallpaper because that's a "tweak".02:58
TraumaPonyI have a windows install, and a wubi install, and I want to run the wubi install in a vm02:58
sebsebseblickwid: Ubuntu is a good first distro,  but how good, depends really on the user, their hardware,  and the version02:58
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  i dont think thats doable. there are ways to convert a wubi install to a 'normal' install ive heard. or perhaps a VM session install.02:58
sebsebseblickwid: out of the versions that are still supported,  I find 8.04 and 9.04 the best02:59
LJRuffsebsebseb, 8.04 was my first Linux ever - I might be a little biased, but I think that was a *damn* good release...02:59
LJRuff!hi | eroscher03:00
ubottueroscher: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:00
sebsebsebLJRuff: second release in 2005 of Ubuntu for me, not my first distro also, so yeah I know my Ubuntu :D03:00
eroscheranyone used lvm within livecd?03:00
eroscheri need to create lvm volumes03:00
eroscherwhere do i start?03:00
eroscher(besides google)03:00
LJRuff!flood | eroscher03:00
ubottueroscher: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:00
sebsebseblickwid: I don't mind having a bit of a pm as well, for off topic type stuff,  but if support is done in here, someone else may benefit as well03:01
LJRufferoscher, please remember that the Enter (Return) key is not the same as a spacebar and cannot act as a substitute for it.03:01
lickwidsebsebseb: what were the plymouth packages you told me to remove?03:01
eroschersorry, i'm swapping from gtalk on one computer03:01
eroscherand xchat on this one03:01
sebsebseblickwid: Plymouth itself you can't remove03:02
Loshkieroscher: you start with the urls Dr_Willis gave you 15 minutes ago...03:02
sebsebseblickwid: well not without taking a load of the system with it anyway03:02
eroscheroops i did it again03:02
un214working on it03:02
sebsebseblickwid: and packages that should be installed03:02
imyousufI am using Ubuntu One on Jaunty and Lucid (3 separate machines - 2 Jaunty, 1 Lucid). I had to remove my machine permission for my office laptop and mistakenly I revoked permission for one of my home laptops (its a jaunty). After that when I try to connect I get the following log - http://pastebin.ca/189151103:02
imyousufAny idea how I can get my Jaunty machine reconnect again?03:02
sebsebseblickwid: the best you can do is sort of disable it, which is what I told you how to do03:02
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto03:02
lickwidsebsebseb: yeah, what was it that i was removing?03:02
un214heck I may have a way to remove plymouth soon03:03
BeeBuuanyone know any USB sniffer in ubuntu?03:03
sebsebsebun214: oh?03:03
LJRuffBeeBuu, try lsusb03:03
sebsebsebLJRuff: you were removing the two default themes for it03:03
un214need to make source changes to mountall first03:03
sebsebseblickwid: you were removing the two default themes for it03:03
BeeBuuLJRuff:i mean sniffer03:03
sebsebseblickwid: and that kind of thing03:03
lickwidsebsebseb: could you give me their names again?03:03
LJRuffBeeBuu, I am too newbie to know anything about that. =)03:03
un214if your system is traditional hd you don't need plymouth period03:04
sebsebseblickwid: rww actsually gave me that line originally, the one I gave you03:04
BeeBuuLJRuff: thanks for you reply03:04
LoshkiBeeBuu: I found this on google: http://hackaday.com/2009/03/19/usb-sniffing-in-linux/03:04
sebsebsebun214: well if you find out how to remove Plymouth without loads of the system with it, or how to get xsplash  working in 10.04,  be sure to tell me :)03:04
BeeBuuLoshki: i had google, but..... let me try your show03:05
sebsebseblickwid: remove plymouth-label, plymouth-theme-ubuntu-{logo,text}, and plymouth-x11; then remove "splash" from /etc/default/grub and do sudo update-grub03:05
BeeBuuLoshki: it seem good~~~03:05
LoshkiBeeBuu: I've never tried it myself. Best of luck...03:05
BeeBuuLoshki: :)03:06
lickwidsebsebseb: okay, cheers...just thought i'd check to see if i'd properly removed them, and i have.03:06
thune3imyousuf: i think you sign in to web interface and add your machine: https://one.ubuntu.com/support/installation/  instructions 7-8 sign in:https://one.ubuntu.com03:07
lickwidsebsebseb: bit frustrating, this. i guess i'll have to try an earlier release of ubuntu03:07
sebsebseblickwid: yes could be a good idea,  and  I am thinking 8.04 at the moment03:08
sebsebseblickwid: well 9.04 :)  ,but thats on the verge of running out of support, so a bit silly to put that on now03:08
sebsebseblickwid: and 9.10 is ok, but  8.04 :)03:09
imyousufthune3: trying it out03:09
sebsebseblickwid: you could uhmm03:09
sebsebseblickwid: virtual machine or Live CD both, and then put one on03:09
lickwidsebsebseb: alright, i'll give it a go :)03:09
GrazzMancan anyone help me with a Partition misaligned issue?03:10
sebsebseblickwid: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10  http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04  check the ISO as well03:10
Alan502What's an http tunnel?03:11
imyousufthune3: I was hoping that page comes, but page for 7 is visible only once connect tries oauth authentication03:11
sebsebseblickwid: you can have really nice log in themes for GDM in 8.04, in 9.10 or 10.04 nope03:11
hd1trying to set up a new ubuntu box, and getting a dependency cycle when installing sun-java6-jdk between libc6 and perl-base, any ideas?03:11
sebsebseblickwid: I used to use blubuntu its in the repo and really nice :)03:11
imyousufin my case I need to delete the old oauth token from my installation and somehow instruct the ubuntu one client to re-negotiate. Any idea where the client saves the oauth token? so that I can delete it or reset it?03:12
imyousufthune3: I would grateful if you could kindly help03:12
thune3imyousuf: i don't know the details. i was thinking you just go to https://one.ubuntu.com in the browser and hit the sign in button. Once inside there would be an option.03:14
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imyousufbut there is no such option I am afraid thune3 :(03:14
perlsyntaxi did this and now i get kick off when i dial up03:17
perlsyntaxsudo chmod a+rw /etc/ppp/pap-secrets03:17
perlsyntaxsudo chmod a+rw /etc/ppp/chap-secrets03:17
perlsyntaxIs there away i can change this?03:17
perlsyntaxany ideas03:18
wildbatcompiling problem, "checking for X... no      configure: error: X development files not found." which lib do i need to install ?03:18
trismwildbat: xorg-dev should get you most of the stuff you need03:19
perlsyntaxDo anyone know how i can get it to work in gnome-ppp?03:19
IdleOnewildbat: xserver-xorg-dev MAYBE I really don't know03:20
wildbattrism, thx ~ installing now03:20
wildbatIdleOne, thx too03:20
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imyousufAny idea where ubuntuone stores its OAuth key? I need to remove it so that I can instruct my client to renegotiate03:20
sebsebseblickwid: ok hash didn't match,  get another 10.04  ISO,  burn to CD, and try that03:21
lickwidsebsebseb: yeah, gonna try that now.03:22
Alan502Any cross-platform http tunnel?03:22
sebsebseblickwid: and obviously get rid of the bad install03:23
thatwebdevguyUbuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 does not seem to show that I have a sound card in my Asus EEE PC 150003:24
thatwebdevguysorry, 101503:24
iymoviesAnyone else having problems using Facebook with Gwibber?03:24
sebsebsebiymovies: yes there have been problems03:24
sebsebsebiymovies: and I guess still are then, since your asking about that03:24
sebsebsebiymovies: I guess its still broken then03:24
sebsebsebmaybe not with the gwibber ppa though03:24
thatwebdevguyI used to have audio through speakers only03:24
thune3imyousuf: have you tried "u1sync --authorize" which i saw in a few bug reports.03:25
imyousufthune3: ok trying that03:25
Methosewhen booting my Ubuntu Desktop 9.04 I'm getting an error stating Grub Loading stage1.5 Error 203:25
sebsebseb!grub | Methose03:26
ubottuMethose: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:26
imyousufthune3: the problem was solved by deleting the ubuntuone oauth token Accessories - Passwords & Encryptions03:28
thatwebdevguyAnyone know about about my problem?03:28
imyousufso now its working just fine :)03:29
thune3imyousuf: cool.03:29
Methosety sebsebseb , I'll try those steps, I tried booting the live CD and was unable to mount the /dev/sda1, as was mentioned in another post, but I'll try this set of instructions03:29
sebsebsebMethose: ok good luck03:30
imyousufthanks thune303:30
thune3imyousuf: you gave *me* the answer ;)03:30
imyousufbut you led me to find the log which enabled me to diagnose the problem :)03:31
Methosewhen booting to the live CD and using the grub command I get an error 15: File not found, and also when I try to browse the drive, I get mount: wrong fs type, bad option,  /dev/sda1 missing codepage03:35
GrazzMancan someone tell me how to creat a partition without getting a misaligned error??03:36
edbianGrazzMan, Use gparted and it aligns everything for you?03:39
abhijainproblem with dual boot grub menu lost with xp03:39
abhijainwindows hide my ubuntu grub menu03:40
GrazzMank, will give it a try03:40
abhijaingrub issue with dual boot window xp in lucid 10.4 how to resolve it03:41
sebsebsebabhijain: you put Windows on after Ubuntu?03:41
xanguaabhijain: reinstall grub03:41
sebsebseb!grub2 | abhijain03:41
ubottuabhijain: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:41
thune3your problem description is too short, could you elaborate.03:42
perlsyntaxWhen i try to dial up i get connect and then it kick me off why is it doing this?03:42
Methosesebsebseb: any thoughts as to a possible fix or what the problem might be?03:42
sebsebsebMethose: ok old grub03:43
sebsebsebMethose: whats the problem?  something wont' boot up?03:43
alexbobPwhen is somebody going to make a version of apt-get that torrents the debs?03:43
abhijainubottu: grub issue with dual boot with windws03:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:43
sebsebsebabhijain: which one won't boot up?03:44
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know anything on dila up03:44
abhijainsebsebseb: yeha03:44
sebsebseb!dialup | perlsyntax03:44
ubottuperlsyntax: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up03:44
sebsebseb!patience | perlsyntax03:44
ubottuperlsyntax: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:44
comsammm maybe dialup03:44
perlsyntaxi use gnome03:44
perlsyntaxi did remove modemmanager03:45
sebsebsebabhijain: Windows won't boot or Ubuntu?03:45
abhijainsebsebseb: ubuntu 10.4 hide due to xp installation03:45
comsaperlsyntax try ppp config03:45
perlsyntaxi useing gnome-ppp03:45
thune3abhijain: you installed xp after ubuntu? or ubuntu afte xp?03:45
sebsebsebabhijain: I don't help with Grub 2, but I can maybe help Methose with the old version03:45
Methosesebsebseb: I'm pretty sure it's the old version of grub, it's 9.04. I tried find /boot/grub/stage1 and the error 15 File not found03:46
sebsebsebMethose: yes 9.04 uses the old version :)03:46
perlsyntaxi don't know my dns numbers.03:46
sebsebsebMethose: so what won't boot up? Windows or Ubuntu?03:46
MethoseI only have Ubuntu installed03:46
comsaperlsyntax you have to have dns numbers03:46
abhijainsebsebseb: tell me the steps03:46
Methoseand it's what will not boot up03:46
sebsebsebMethose: did you have Windows before?03:46
MethoseI did not03:47
perlsyntaxi said said i don't know the dns numbers03:47
sebsebsebMethose: did 9.04 boot up before?03:47
Methoseit did03:47
sebsebsebMethose: ok go on the Live CD03:47
sebsebsebMethose: open the partition from it03:47
sebsebsebMethose: /boot/grub/menu.lst03:47
MethoseI'm using the desktop 9.04 i386 iso for  alive cd, that's ok?03:47
sebsebsebMethose: pastebin the file and give me the link03:48
sebsebsebMethose: yes the 9.04 desktop ISO03:48
perlsyntaxall i know the prob i ave is pppd that why is drop me off.03:48
Agu10hey, when I try to connect to a wifi network, the icon keeps "connecting" forever03:48
Agu10what should I do?03:48
comsahang on03:49
sebsebsebMethose: so get your Live CD booted, come back here, and do what I said :)03:50
Methosesebsebseb: I cannot browse the hd, due to the error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda103:50
sebsebsebMethose: uh03:50
perlsyntaxcomsa this what i did and i think it kick me off03:50
Methosemissing codepage or helper03:51
perlsyntaxsudo chmod a+rw /etc/ppp/pap-secrets03:51
perlsyntaxsudo chmod a+rw /etc/ppp/chap-secrets03:51
comsa  internal or external modem03:51
perlsyntaxmaybe that it03:51
perlsyntaxbuild in modem03:51
perlsyntaxi got mwaavem mdoem driver installed.03:51
sebsebsebMethose: so you can't get into the partition from.  the places menu   or  /media or /mnt ?03:51
comsaexternals work better on linux03:52
perlsyntaxi know this modemk works in ubuntu becuase it worked before03:52
Agu10hey, how can I connect to wifi networks?03:52
sebsebseb!wireless | Agu1003:52
ubottuAgu10: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:52
GrazzManRecreated the Partition using GParted, still getting a Misaligned by 512 bytes... Anyone have any ideas? Does this really matter?03:53
Agu10it keeps "connecting", but it doesn't finally connect03:53
Methosesebsebseb: that's what it seems, though I see it as a 10.2 GB drive Media in Places03:53
perlsyntaxcomsa it did pick up my modem.03:53
sebsebsebMethose: ok could be a permissions issue or it just being stupid since you didn't shut it down properly last time03:53
Methoseok, so reboot her?03:54
sebsebsebMethose: that won't fix this, but might.  I have another idea, but you would need to be a bit careful with it03:54
digimerAnyone here have experience getting 10.04 to boot over PXE?03:54
Methosecan't mess it up too much more, she wont boot ;)03:55
sebsebsebMethose: open the terminal03:55
comsaperlsyntax  try pppconfig in terminal03:56
sebsebsebMethose: now if you run gksudo nautilus you become sudo/root for everything in there, so  be a bit careful not to delete a system file or something by mistake03:56
sebsebsebMethose: and then try to access the partition like that03:56
perlsyntaxi told you i waqnt gnome-pp to work and i got it to work before.03:56
coz_mm when someone types   !ops   is that across freenode or just this channel? I keep seeing my nick03:56
sebsebsebcoz_: only channel03:57
Cpudan80it is per channel - many channels use that trigger though03:57
coz_sebsebseb, ok thanks03:57
perlsyntaxkii don't know the dns numbers for pppconfig.03:57
Cpudan80coz_: lately #ubuntu has had spammers which do that trigger while listing -every- person in the channel03:57
coz_Cpudan80,  ah  mm  ok thanks03:58
sebsebsebMethose: can you access the partition like that?03:58
coz_i dont belive I have ops in this channel  that's why I asked03:58
Methosesebsebseb: got nautilus running, there was an error in the terminal when launching it.03:58
perlsyntaxanyone will to help me.03:59
Methosethe drive no longer shows in Places03:59
sebsebsebMethose: maybe its not mounted now03:59
Methosemistake, I mean in the browser, it does not show in the folder menu on the left03:59
sebsebsebMethose: ok, but on the first screen it should say stuff like filesystem and what not.  filesystem would be the Live CD04:00
digimerNo PXE love, eh?04:00
sebsebsebMethose: your partition should also show there04:00
sebsebsebMethose: or maybe not, but should be able to get into it from  filesystem /media or /mnt04:00
perlsyntaxthis room a joke04:00
Methose /media and /mnt are empty04:01
sebsebsebMethose: ok close nautilsu04:01
sebsebsebMethose: what was the error in the terminal? patebin04:02
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount04:02
sebsebsebMethose: I think your partition might be a bit currupted or something, hence why you can't just access it from the Live CD, and why Grub had an issue with it04:03
Methosesebsebseb: was the !mount for me?04:05
sebsebsebMethose: odd error04:05
sebsebsebMethose: does it show the partition on the desktop of the Live CD?04:05
Methoseit does not, thought it shows in Places04:06
chewbrancawhat's the best way to get spidermonkey installed on Lucid? I can't find anything about it, and it looks like libmozjs-dev was removed in Lucid: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libmozjs-dev04:06
sam555hello all04:06
sam555how does one change make the ip address static?04:06
sebsebsebMethose: does it show in places now?04:06
Methoseit does, as a 10.2 Media04:07
chewbrancasam555, http://www.iceteks.com/forums/archive/t/3298/04:07
comsa  perlsyntax>i 'd  use pppconfig but use   dynamic DNS.04:07
sebsebsebMethose: ok good :)04:07
sebsebsebMethose: anyway your error message that you showed me, mentions samba, which is odd04:07
Agu10can you help me with wifi?04:08
sebsebseb!wireless | Agu1004:08
ubottuAgu10: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:08
Methosethat is odd, it's only real purpose was ntop and nagios04:09
sebsebsebMethose: whats that the second bit?04:09
Methosesecond bit?04:09
sebsebsebMethose: ntop and nagios04:10
MethoseI was agrteing that it was odd about samba, because it's only purpose was to run ntop and nagios, neither requires samba (to my knowledge)04:10
sebsebsebMethose: there is data on the partition that you want I guess?04:11
crdlbchewbranca: what do you need it for?04:11
sebsebsebMethose: Is it only Ubuntu on the computer?04:12
sam555besides vi, what command line editor can I use?04:12
Methoseit is only ubuntu on the machine, but yes the config files for tha Nagios install would be useful if not extremely time saving04:13
YzNNhow do u use the away command on irssi?04:13
YzNNAWAY %|[-one | -all] [<reason>]04:13
sebsebsebMethose: What is Nagios ?04:13
MethoseI'm already rebuilding a new box with server 10.0404:14
sebsebsebMethose: oh04:14
Methosenetwork monitoring for IT infrastructure04:14
Methoselife saver :D04:14
sebsebsebMethose: well there are other ways to get that file from the partition probably,  uhmm I think theres a command or something to like force unmount the partition properly, and then you mount it agan and should work.  and  chmod or whatever it was to get into files from the Live CD on a partition04:15
sebsebsebMethose: and Grub is no longer supported upstream, since Grub 2,  and 9.04 will run out of support at the end of October, so a good time really for you to clean install on that computer with 10.04 really04:15
Methoseyup, just dead in the water, i'd like to have the old up and running and rebuildthe new in a less critical timeframe04:16
Methosethink I could over install Grub2 and rebuild the mbr?04:17
Methoseor am i way off base04:17
sebsebsebMethose: yes  you can install Grub 2 into 9.04, but that may not help04:17
sebsebsebMethose: you could also re install the old Grub04:17
sebsebseb!grub | Methose04:17
ubottuMethose: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.04:17
edbianI am just learning emacs.  I like to have a shell open in one window but I noticed the emacs shell isn't quite the same as my gnome-terminal shell.  Is there any way I can give it a more native feel?  What do you do?04:17
Methosei'm down to try that04:17
sebsebsebMethose: so the first link in the factoid, even though Windows didn't do it04:18
sebsebsebMethose: I mean mess up Grub04:18
sebsebsebedbian: #emacs04:18
edbiansebsebseb, thanks bud04:18
sebsebsebedbian: np04:19
* YzNN YzNN yawns04:19
Methosesebsebseb: I'm nto sure if i'm following that one correctly, sorry04:19
* YzNN yawns04:19
sebsebsebMethose: when people put Windows on after a Linux distro04:19
sebsebsebMethose: it goes over the MBR (Master Boot Record) so only Windows will boot04:19
sebsebsebMethose: so  well the rest of Grub in /boot is still there, but not what was on the MBR04:20
sebsebsebMethose: in your case Windows hasn't done that, but your Grub is messed up, so if you follow the instructions for re installing Grub, the same one people who had Windows going over the MBR would use,  then hopefuly things will wrok again04:20
suicidepillswhen i go to administration > shared folders and create a new share, "samba" doesn't appear as an option in the "share through" drop-down.  Does anyone know why that might be?04:21
sebsebsebMethose: also if you Google the error Grub is giving you,  then you can probably find out what is wrong.  I think its an actsaul partition issue04:21
sebsebsebMethose: that it hasn't been unmounted/shutdown properly04:21
Barridusntfs-config appears to be broken.  i'm trying to automount a NTFS partition in fstab manually.  i know the uuid from blkid, but i can't seem to add a line that's valid04:21
CuervoIs there any way to make files on a read only filesystem executable?04:23
CuervoI have files on a dvd that I want to execute, but it says it can't because the dvd is read only.04:23
sebsebseb!permissions | Cuervo04:23
ubottuCuervo: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:23
Methosethat one didn't work because of the find couldn't load the device04:23
sebsebsebMethose: also maybe not really the best solution to get the file you want, but this could work.  Deleting the partition and then using Testdisk to recover data from it.  It seems Testdisk only works with partitions that have actsualley been deleted.04:24
Jordan_UMethose: Run "sudo fsck -y /dev/sda1" from a LiveCD.04:25
Cuervosebsebseb: I know what file permissions are, and and I know how to use chmod, but the point is the filesystem is read only. chmod does not work.04:25
sebsebsebMethose: ok here we go :)  Jordan_U  knows his stuff04:25
joshmuffincan anyone help me, im using ubuntu 10.04 and I compiled gnome-shell from source, when i gnome-shell --replace it flickers and is unusable for about 30secs before it crashes, terminal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/456343/04:25
Methosesuperblock has an invalid journal04:26
Cuervosorry if I didn't explain myself well.04:26
Methoseand now a bunch of scrolly shit that goes on and one.. lol shoulda piped the out to file :)04:26
Methosety Jordan_U04:27
Methosei has fingers crossed04:27
sebsebsebJordan_U: anyway I am basically done with this for now :)  so hopefuly you can help Methose properly,  two issues.  1.  his Grub won't boot up Ubuntu thats the old Grub and Ubuntu 9.04  2.  he can't access the 9.04 partition from the Live CD04:27
Methosety very kindly sebsebseb for all your help and patience04:28
sebsebsebMethose: Ok well good luck :)04:28
h00kMethose: please watch the language and keep it family friendly04:28
CuervoNever mind. Figured out that I could just use wine directly.04:29
Methoseso sorry h00k, certainly will do04:29
GrazzManI'm about to go back to windows....04:29
sebsebsebGrazzMan: Why?04:29
GrazzManstill cant partition without getting a misaligned error04:29
Jordan_UGrazzMan: What is the exact error and when do you see it?04:30
GrazzManin Disk Utility: The partition is misaligned by 512 byted. This may result in very poor performance. Repatitioning is suggested.04:31
foobarbecueHi, I have several computers on a network. When updating ubuntu packages, is there a way I can avoid repeating the same downloads for each computer?04:31
sebsebsebMethose: good idea to back up :D04:31
sebsebsebMethose: that way if somethign like this was to happen again, oh well04:31
ubottuSongbird is a media player based on Mozilla. Official Linux builds and support ended in April, 2010. See http://blog.songbirdnest.com/2010/04/02/songbird-singing-a-new-tune for more information. Ubuntu installation instructins at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird04:31
Methosesebsebseb: this is actually my backup copy04:31
Alan502an http tunnel i could with ubuntu and windows?04:32
YzNNqestion about compiz fusion04:32
sebsebsebMethose: oh04:32
Jordan_UGrazzMan: Partition with Disk Utility then, since it's the utility complaining about misalignment it should allign things properly when creating partitions itself.04:32
sebsebsebMethose: well then why not do 10.04 on there soon, and copy the original to that install?04:32
YzNNanyone can help?04:32
codebrainzfoobarbecue, http://keystoneit.wordpress.com/2006/08/25/local-network-ubuntu-repository/ is one way04:32
sebsebseb!ask | YzNN04:32
ubottuYzNN: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:32
joshmuffin!factoids > Alan50204:32
ubottuAlan502, please see my private message04:32
YzNNi cant get my screen to rotate into a cube04:33
Methosewell this is a VM running on ESX, the host died, we rebuilt and restored the vm from a backup copy04:33
YzNNi have compiz fusion however04:33
GrazzManJordan_U: So it is partition, and formatted to Ext4. So, just ignor it and go on with life?04:33
joshmuffin!details | YzNN04:33
ubottuYzNN: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:33
foobarbecuecodebrainz: thanks04:33
sebsebsebYzNN: ok04:33
sebsebsebYzNN: you see on the bottom panel04:33
sebsebsebYzNN: you need four workspaces instead of two04:33
Jordan_UGrazzMan: If you're not noticing performance issues then don04:33
GrazzManKK... Will do04:34
Jordan_UGrazzMan: ...then don't worry about it.04:34
YzNNyeah, i have four, its automatically there in the latest version04:34
thune3foobarbecue: there are other options, apt-cacher and apt-cacher-ng  are options04:34
joshmuffin!enter |m YzNN04:34
ubottum YzNN: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:34
Methosesebsebseb: so I was trying to get the vm up and running, so I can build the server 10.04 up proper04:34
sebsebsebMethose: vm?04:34
sebsebsebMethose: what vm?04:34
foobarbecuethune3: aha, good because I really don't need to mirror the whole repo04:34
Methosevirtual machine04:34
sebsebsebMethose: yeah where are you doing vm?04:34
YzNNsebsebseb: ctrl - alt just left  just switches between desktops...04:35
sebsebsebMethose: 10.04 server vm? or 9.04 is a vm?04:35
sebsebsebMethose: anyway by the way with server edition you can get support in #ubuntu-server04:35
YzNNsebsebseb: what do u think?04:35
Methosewell both. we're running ESX on the physical server, it has a gues vm running 9.0404:36
sebsebsebYzNN: system > preferences  >  appearance04:36
sebsebsebYzNN: desktop effects04:36
sebsebsebYzNN: put it on extra or whatever it is.  I am not even using Ubuntu right now :D04:36
MethoseI'm rebuilding a 10.04 server edit on the same phsical ESX host, but would like to restore the 9.04 to have running until the new one can be properly built out nad tested04:36
sebsebsebYzNN: anyway I don't tend to use Compiz so I won't be of much help, and I am on the verge of  finnishing in here for now04:36
jukenWhat can I do when my machine won't startup and says "BUG: soft luckup - CPU#3 stuck for 61s! [modprobe:747]"04:37
sebsebsebMethose: oh right ok04:37
intmedtools for checking the errors in dvd. that should show the file that cannot be copied04:38
sebsebseb!compiz | YzNN04:38
ubottuYzNN: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz04:38
YzNNhaha sebseb: thanx man, much appreciated04:38
Methosesebsebseb: :)04:38
codebrainzjuken, i've heard of that bug before, it's fairly common i think04:39
NinoScripthaving my cellphone connected through usb, just to charge it, if I open and close it (it's the slide kind), it suspends my notebook! haha! it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen04:39
jukencodebrainz: I've been Googling around and it looks like VirtualBox is the cause some of the times, but I don't have VirtualBox installed.04:39
MethoseJordan_U: I'm sure there are many variables but roughly how long would fsck take?04:40
codebrainzjuken, one thing to try would be to disable some USB controllers or anything like that in BIOS to see if it helps04:40
Jordan_UMethose: How large is the partition?04:41
Methose10.4 GB04:41
Methoserunning on 2 x 1 GB procs and 2 GB RAM04:42
codebrainzMethose, 3.12 minutes04:42
Methosecodebrainz: hahaha ;)04:43
Jordan_UMethose: I'd expect it to be less than 30 minutes, but I wouldn't be worried if it's more.04:43
codebrainzMethose, hehe, i don't think very long though04:43
wmcinnisquestion when i installed compiz and turned on the cube i get bad video taring i tried the vsync to 60hz but its still having a problem i have a good video card and i do have the catalyst drivers installed04:44
Jordan_UMethose: It takes longer when there's actually problems to fix, which in your case there are.04:44
Methoseyup, I was trying to gauge how bad off I am04:44
codebrainzwmcinnis, I'm not familiar with the word taring04:46
wmcinnisumm its not smooth04:46
shishirehow do I change the time to screensaver from the command line?  I'm writing a script to activate on certain conditions and increase the time until the screensaver starts.04:47
codebrainzshishire, man xscreensaver ... it's all in there (just checked)04:48
shishirehow do I change the time to screensaver from the command line?  I'm writing a script to activate on certain conditions and increase the time until the screensaver starts.04:48
shishiredamn up arrow04:48
shishirecodebrainz, ty04:49
joshmuffincan anyone help me, im using ubuntu 10.04 and I compiled gnome-shell from source, when i gnome-shell --replace it flickers and is unusable for about 30secs before it crashes, terminal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/456343/04:50
shishirecodebrainz, just checked, I'm using gnome-screensaver not xscreensaver, and I don't have xscreensaver installed.  man gnome-screensaver and man gnome-screensaver-preferences give no helpful information.04:51
codebrainzshishire, there's an  /apps/gnome-screensaver in gconf-editor where you can change this04:52
Jordan_Ushishire: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeScreensaver/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#I.27m_developing_an_application_that_has_a_fullscreen_mode.__Is_there_a_way_that_I_can_disable_the_screensaver.3F04:52
codebrainzshishire, what language you using?04:52
shishirecodebrainz, bash scripting.  Jordan_U, I don't want to disable it, just lengthen the time before it starts.04:53
codebrainzshishire, ok, so you can use like this gconftool-2 --set '/apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_delay' --type int 5 or similar04:54
shishirecodebrainz, cool thanks04:54
codebrainzshishire, man gconftool-2 for proper syntax of course :)04:54
shishiresetting it so that when I'm connected to my home network the screensaver takes longer to activate.  But I want it to be fast when I'm somewhere else :D04:54
bsmith093im trying to connect to a windows network and samba ( or whatever i use when i open the network folder) says cannot get share list from server04:58
codebrainzbsmith093, did you try the Connect to Server... option?  that's what I usually use for gui samba04:59
bsmith093well i dont know the ip of the comp im connecting to04:59
bsmith093i just want to see if my share is on the network04:59
codebrainzit should work with the hostname i think04:59
bsmith093just checked05:00
codebrainzbsmith093, i can't help much, I never had much luck with any samba/cifs GUI programs I just end up putting the mounts in /etc/fstab so it 'just works' and then I forget all about it :)05:02
bsmith093well the ip arent static05:02
codebrainzbsmith093, it's *supposed* to work with hostnames I believe05:03
bsmith093whats the syntax05:03
joshmuffincan anyone help me, im using ubuntu 10.04 and I compiled gnome-shell from source, when i gnome-shell --replace it flickers and is unusable for about 30secs before it crashes, terminal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/456343/05:03
edbianjoshmuffin, The gnome-shell in the repos is more stable. Try that :)  Little tip, turn off compiz first as well.05:05
joshmuffinI don't have compiz installed :)05:06
joshmuffinand isnt the one in the repos outdated?05:06
edbianjoshmuffin, define "outdated"  Development has been done on gnome-shell (as probably every other piece of software in the repos).  But the one in the repos is stable05:07
joshmuffinedbian, last time i tried the repo version i got the same issue. im pretty sure the issue is with the ati drivers05:07
edbianjoshmuffin, It's complaining about ubuntu new notifications05:09
kickingintenderkubuntu is not installing inside windows.....any help05:10
kickingintendershould i try virtual box>>??05:11
abhi_navkickingintender, ask in #kubuntu05:11
iflemakickingintender good idea but its not as good as the real thing......05:12
th2hi all. im using newest ubuntu+compiz. i have this strnge problem with youtube: when i go fullscreen it just "moves" player to black background(i have 2 displays)05:14
kickingintenderactually virtual box isnt 2 good05:14
kickingintenderi know...problems with virtual box accessing drives05:15
codebrainzvbox is the best in its class imho05:15
iflemakickingintender m.... spin the livecd if it goes good install it native I say.... *cough* KDE4sux *cough*05:16
kickingintendercodebrainz what about other vm's05:17
codebrainzheh, kde won't even run on my computer, even if i do a full blown kubuntu-desktop install05:17
codebrainzkickingintender, i love qemu, but it's slow and acceleration doesn't work on my computer I don't think05:17
codebrainzkickingintender, vmware player and server have lousy interfaces and I've never used the $ version05:18
kickingintenderyeah ubuntu with compiz and so bling wud be better than kde405:18
un214that does it05:18
un214I can't see one good reason why I should even keep upstart or mountall anymore05:19
Gumbyhi all, running 10.04 LTS on a new laptop and the nVidia drivers do not seem to be recognizing my geforce 310M GPU.  Anyone familiar with getting this chip working?  It works ok with the default driver05:19
kickingintenderi have a question about upgrading dudes ....which is better choice a new ram or new graphics card?05:19
un214it now yields to me zero benefit over sysvinit05:19
IdleOne##hardware would be a good place to ask that05:20
kickingintendergumby u installed kubuntu isnt it?05:20
Gumbykickingintender: yeah I did05:21
th2hi all. im using newest ubuntu+compiz. i have this strnge problem with youtube: when i go fullscreen it just "moves" player to a black background(i have 2 displays) and it stays small05:21
Gumbykickingintender: Im no sure thats even relevant though as I believe they'd use the same nVidia driver and the same xorg05:22
codebrainzth2, i get video in fullscreen, but it's unwatchable05:22
kickingintendergumby truth is kde4 isnt all that good install ubuntu05:23
th2codebrainz, how come?05:23
joshmuffinkde4 is great05:23
joshmuffinwhat are you on about05:23
codebrainzth2, flash sux05:23
Gumbykickingintender: thats a matter of opinion really05:23
Gumbykickingintender: and somewhat irrelevant to my question05:24
joshmuffinGumby, install what you want05:24
thune3un214: it sounds like a bug, i'm just wondering how you came to notice it since full filesystem checks are infrequent, and the chances of this causing a noticable slowdown seem infrequent.05:24
codebrainzth2, i have excellent graphics performance and everything else runs absolutely perfect, except flash05:24
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:24
un214touch /forcefsck05:24
th2codebrainz, me too. I have almost brand new ati and everything else works fine!05:24
joshmuffin!opinion | kickingintender05:24
ubottukickingintender: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:24
th2codebrainz, but how is your youtube unwatchable? I mean does it blur or something?05:25
Gumbyjoshmuffin: I plan on it.  I have to figure out why the nVidia drivers do not work with this card though :)05:25
kickingintenderwell iam not here for discussion on kubuntu vs ubuntu05:25
kickingintenderi want 2 know some issues can be resolved05:26
codebrainzth2, it's fine in regular size, but in fullscreen it stutters to much, it's like less than a frame a second05:26
un214what would it take to bring back sysvinit05:26
codebrainzth2, two boxes, one ati, one nv, both decent, same prob on each05:26
FlomasterI am getting an error that I can't seem to understand05:26
kickingintenderi want my pc to run smoothly  on net.....system testing says it doesnt find working internet connection05:26
Methoseyay, it's done05:26
Flomaster?? pastebin05:27
kickingintenderalso what package is neccessary 2 boost internet performance05:27
MethoseJordan_U: anything else I should do or just reboot her?05:27
th2codebrainz, those are bad news. so its possible that theres no workaround?05:27
joshmuffin!details | Flomaster05:27
ubottuFlomaster: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:27
codebrainzth2, you should be able to at least get some sort of picture05:28
kickingintenderiam finding problems with totem as it doesnt work in normal mode shows blank screen....i have quick time movies to watch....nothing much05:28
thune3un214: /forcefsck is not an everyday occurance. For normal filesystems with staggered check intervals, no one would notice. (that said, it is still a bug)05:28
codebrainzth2, have you tried downloading the plugin straight from adobe?05:28
un214until your uptime exceeds the check intervals05:28
adantehi, how do i logoff from a gnome session without a mouse?05:28
Flomasterjoshmuffin: I forget the pastebin link and don't want to get banned for posting 5 lines of code05:28
jitshi guys.. i am trying to setup a dual display in ubuntu .. one is via inbuilt and another via a pci card .. but only the card display is being identified .. lshw shows both cards05:29
th2is this an user error only: I cant screenshot full screen flash movie like youtube? when I hit Prt Scr it exits the full screen.05:29
th2codebrainz, I have a picture. but its small. like the default player on youtube.05:29
simarhow con i change icons of .mht file in ubuntu??05:29
simari want to change the default icon05:29
Flomasterhere is my error EOFError: EOF when reading a line using the program  Sickbeard and Sabnzbd05:30
codebrainzth2, oh, i see, i though it was always black, well that's not too bad then :)05:30
kickingintendermht files wont even run inside ubuntu...they are ie files05:30
kickingintenderfirefox kicks these files05:30
th2codebrainz, those 1080 dpi clips aint so impressive in a small box :(05:30
thune3un214: that is the one thing missing from your bug report. the impact. it is unclear how much time is "lost" from checking the partitions simultaneously instead of searially. [i agree this is a bug btw]05:31
joshmuffinFlomaster, what version of ubuntu are you using05:31
thune3un214: but how much actual time is that05:32
Flomaster10.04 lucid desktop http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/FP9Js8mL05:32
Flomasterjoshmuffin: 10.04 lucid desktop http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/FP9Js8mL05:32
simarkickingintender, I had made these run with a firefox extension .. I want to ask is how in general we can change the icons of a particular type eg - txt file may be05:32
joshmuffinFlomaster, what are you trying to do, what happens when you try to do? what do you expect to happen05:32
codebrainzth2, have you tried just opening the screen shot utility from the menu ahead of time?05:32
MethoseJordan_U: I'm still not able to view /mnt or /media in nautilus05:32
simarkickingintender, is there good themes avaliable ..??05:32
un214who cares, I'm probably about to replace the entire boot sequence anyway05:32
th2codebrainz, hmm I could try that. I use Print Screen key normally05:33
Flomasterjoshmuffin: sickbeard is searching websites for Nzb files it find the file and should send it to Sabnzb to be dowloaded but I get this error and the file doesn't get sent nor downloaded05:33
joshmuffinFlomaster, from my limited python understanding it looks like there is a problem in the actual code. did you write it yourself? where did you get it, if you didnt?05:34
badmoxhi i have some problem with Solr, installed it, installed Java removed all and tryed again but always got "java -jar post.jar *.xml" "Unable to access jarfile post.jar"05:34
joshmuffin!java | badmox05:34
ubottubadmox: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.05:34
thune3un214: because 2 minutes every 3 months is slightly annoying at most.05:35
Flomasterjoshmuffin: here is the entire error code http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/h2i38X4K05:35
codebrainzFlomaster, you can add a try/except block around that and just pass on an EOFError to skip that file (if it's a bad file issue)05:35
leprechauprobably been asked a thousand times...and I'm sorry...but does anyone here know if there is a PPA for thunderbird 3.1-release for amd64?05:35
un214what's annoying is the obvious incompetance of the developers05:35
joshmuffinFlomaster, can you please answer my questions then we can move further towards getting this issue solved05:35
th2codebrainz, ah I didnt even know that theres a Timer! thanks for the tip05:35
un214in trying to squeeze a few extra seconds they demonstrated they do not understand unix05:36
Flomasterjoshmuffin: sorry I didn't see your question do I didn't write it myself05:37
codebrainzFlomaster, is it one specific file that won't work, or many?05:37
joshmuffinFlomaster, try joining #python and asking there?05:37
Flomasterjoshmuffin: thanks05:37
thune3un214: fstab has a well defined syntax that defines behavior that is not being honored, it is a bug. But i don't think *this* is the issue to wage a jihad against upstart over.05:38
th2codebrainz, heres my problem caught on camera! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8278927/youtube%20problem.png05:38
codebrainzth2, if it's not a flash bug (more likely), you can try a different screen cap utility, prolly a few more in the repos05:39
joshmuffin!botsnack | *05:39
ubottu*: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!05:39
joshmuffin!botsnack | /me05:39
ubottu/me: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!05:39
th2codebrainz, hmm whats "screen cap utility"?05:39
codebrainzth2, like the little program you're using now, but a different one05:40
PhoenixzWhy is it since like Ubuntu 9.10 that whenever my harddrive is busy that at once the entire UI freezes up? At times I cant even move the mouse just because the HD is busy..05:40
PhoenixzAnything I could do to get that better?05:40
codebrainzth2, search in Synaptic Package Manager for screen shot/screen capture05:40
th2codebrainz, for what purpose?05:40
|ns|nR8Phoenixz, sounds like your hard drive is dying05:41
codebrainzth2, to take screenshots of your full screen flash05:41
joshmuffinth2, recording what your doing on your computer in video format05:41
joshmuffinth2, or images05:41
Phoenixz|ns|nR8: Nope, HD is perfect05:41
Phoenixzits just busy05:41
th2codebrainz, ahh theres some kind of misunderstanding now. that screenshot is fine :) problem is that as you can see the video isnt "full screen"05:42
|ns|nR8Phoenixz,  How do you know its perfect05:42
codebrainzPhoenixz, is there a indexing service or anything like that running which is thrashing the system?05:42
Phoenixzcodebrainz: already looked for friggin strigi, not there.. any other ones I should be aware of?05:42
codebrainzth2, correct, and I'm suggesting that using a different program to capture the image would potentially result in a proper fullscreen capture instead of the little box with black borders as in your screenshot you posted05:43
Phoenixz|ns|nR8: because it was replaced like a month ago.. the one before had the same problem but crashed after the laptop fell on the floor..05:43
th2codebrainz, but in reality my youtube "fullscreen" is just that little box05:44
codebrainzPhoenixz, not sure specifically to find out what's using the most disk activity, but top/System Monitor will show CPU%/MEM which should indicate some culprits05:44
shishireok, sudo -i, then su shishire, then gconftool-2 gives me a different set of configurations than my normal one.  Shouldn't gconf get it's values from my /home/shishire/.gconf2 dir?05:45
codebrainzth2, oh ok.  then my original solution of: "flash sux"  :)05:45
PhoenixzAlso, when swap was in use, the swap stays, even until hours after when its not needed anymore (mem using app is closed).. I made a quick swapflush script that I run manually that does swapoff, swapon.. but that too takes like half an hour to run for 200 meg swap.. very very slow05:45
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codebrainzPhoenixz, leave memory management to the kernel05:46
Phoenixzcodebrainz: thats the thing.. top shows nothing usefull (AFAIK) on disk usage.. cpu usage is like 30% and I can hardly move the mouse05:46
simarhello, can anyone tell me what is gtk+05:46
th2codebrainz, :(. sry for my english05:46
Phoenixzcodebrainz: well, my system noticably speeds up after I flushed swap.. its swapping like crazy while there is enough ram available..05:46
codebrainzsimar, it's a programming toolkit which helps write GUI programs for linux/windows/maybe mac05:46
nascentmindhi. When i do a sudo net ads join -U user I get a Failed to join domain: User specified does not have administrator privileges. How can I fix this?05:46
simarcodebrainz, whats the ful form..05:47
codebrainzsimar, GIMP ToolKit Plus05:47
codebrainzif that's what you meant05:48
=== ^oo^ is now known as STiK
simarcodebrainz, ok i think i got it in wikipedia .. thanks05:48
simarcodebrainz, Is there a way of changing the default icon of any particular type of file in ubuntu ex may be text file???05:49
codebrainzsimar, under /usr/share/icons, the themes there, just directories of icons one for each theme.  change the icons in there under your selected theme05:49
codebrainzsimar, I think GTK mostly uses the system icons, so it should also use your modified icons05:50
MaletorI need to purge and install alsa. However, it says it will remove ubuntu-desktop when I select to purge alsa, how can I stop it from doing that?05:50
simarcodebrainz, ok i will try ..05:50
codebrainzMaletor, apt-get --purge --reinstall install alsa might do it05:52
MaletorLet me know what you think of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6589810#post658981005:52
perlsyntax Would be good idea to install the tar file of mwavem would that be better idea if the deb file not working?05:53
Jordan_UMethose: You can try mounting it again, or just boot and see if everything works now.05:54
codebrainzperlsyntax, you can compile from source if you want, will probably get you a newer version, but might be a pain05:54
perlsyntaxi download mwavem 1.0 or should i download 2.0?05:55
perlsyntaxi see05:55
codebrainzperlsyntax, use the version recommended by the developers05:56
perlsyntaxall i have to do if ./configure make install that it?05:56
perlsyntaxwhere can i find that.05:56
codebrainzperlsyntax, on the website for whatever that is i guess, and see the README or INSTALL file in the tar for install instructions05:57
shishireok, something is seriously wrong here, and I can't figure out what: http://pastebin.com/7rdPGZhJ05:57
joshmuffinFlomaster, from my limited python understanding it looks like there is a problem in the actual code. did you write it yourself? where did you get it, if you didnt?05:58
joshmuffincan anyone help me, im using ubuntu 10.04 and I compiled gnome-shell from source, when i gnome-shell --replace it flickers and is unusable for about 30secs before it crashes, terminal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/456343/05:58
codebrainzjoshmuffin, have you tried the gnome channel?05:59
shishirehttp://pastebin.com/j0yAGjJb  <-- Better highlighted version05:59
codebrainzshishire, gconf settings are per-user, so with sudo, you're getting root's gconf settings, and without, you're getting yours06:00
joshmuffincodebrainz, no one has replied all day06:00
shishirecodebrainz, no, but I sudo su to root, then root su's to me, so I should be back to my gconf settings.  But I'm not.  idk why06:01
codebrainzjoshmuffin, yeah, it's slow over there, they are very helpful when they're around.  there's some junk on google06:01
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joshmuffincodebrainz, im gonna try ubuntu-devel06:02
codebrainzjoshmuffin, is it anywhere near stable yet?06:02
joshmuffinbut theres some majour issue with ati graphics cards06:03
joshmuffinlike mine06:03
codebrainzshishire, maybe try the --login option for su, not really sure otherwise06:03
shishirecodebrainz, tried that too, no change.  Just checked the file in /home/shishire/.gconf/apps/gnome-screesaver/, and it contains 60, which is what I see when running chained through root.  But the current gconfd hasn't taken notice or something06:05
froeshi, how can i make ubuntu reload all system variables without restarting the system ????06:06
dim3000hi, how much swap space should i put for 4GB of ram under 32-bit?06:06
codebrainzshishire, maybe the --config-source option on gconftool-206:07
froesi have changed the path, did a source /etc/environment .. it works for the local user .. not for sudo commands ... even after running source with root user06:07
froesany ideas?06:07
shishirecodebrainz, ok, this is getting weirder and weirder.  when chained through root, gconftool-2 --ping returns 2, which means the gconfd isn't running.  When not chained, it returns 0, which means it is running06:08
quietonemy laptop fell and I'd like to know what to do to check the disk. I have run 'extended tests' in the disk utility and all is well. But, should I do more? If so, what?06:08
codebrainzdim3000, if you use hibernation it'll need some room, probably less than 4GB though06:08
th2When I do "swapon -a" output is swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=5b19d265-2804-436e-a522-73f31d204cf806:09
dim3000codebrainz: ok how much if hibernation?06:09
codebrainzshishire, why are you substituting root only to substitute back?06:09
shishireahah!  codebrainz, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gconf/+bug/29064706:09
th2When I do "swapon -a" output is swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=5b19d265-2804-436e-a522-73f31d204cf8. But Im able to mount it via gparted :S06:09
dim3000codebrainz: 4gb also?06:09
codebrainzdim3000, I don't think all 4GB, probably compressed or something06:09
shishirecodebrainz, I'm trying to see what the script I'm writing sees.  It's run as root by NetworkManager, and has to su to me06:10
codebrainzshishire, how come?06:10
shishireum, NetworkManager runs as root, so all it's scripts spawn as root processes?06:11
codebrainzshishire, but how come it needs to become you?06:11
shishirecodebrainz, so it can update my gconf06:11
shishireotherwise it will try to update it's own gconf, which is undesired06:12
codebrainzshishire, i think the --config-source option of gconftool-2 will work on any arbitrary config06:12
codebrainzshishire, not tried it, but i believe that's what it's for06:12
shishirecodebrainz, will try.  Also found a possible workaround dealing with exporting the DBUS session shell variable correctly to the su.06:13
th2When I do "swapon -a" output is swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=5b19d265-2804-436e-a522-73f31d204cf8. But Im able to mount it via gparted :S06:17
yessir_turanHello, my startup programs don't work in ubuntu 10.0406:18
yessir_turancan anybody help?06:18
ridinis there a program where i can convert .swf files into .mp3 files?06:18
codebrainzth2, is that correct UUID?06:18
codebrainzridin, avidemux should06:18
yessir_turanI have a .gnome2/session while with entry for yakuake06:18
th2codebrainz, how do i check that06:19
codebrainzth2, do you know the device name (ie. /dev/sda4)06:19
th2codebrainz, yes06:20
yessir_turanI added it using gnome-session-properties, but that doesn't help either.06:20
codebrainzth2, then     ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep /dev/sdaX06:20
codebrainzth2, where sdaX is you device name06:20
yessir_turananybody please?06:20
codebrainzyessir_turan, no startup programs run?06:21
yessir_turancodebrainz: none that I've added do.06:21
codebrainzyessir_turan, try the 'command' from the terminal and see if they run then06:21
yessir_turancodebrainz: yes it does.06:22
Alan502So what's the difference between a tunnel and a proxy?06:23
crdlbyessir_turan: ~/.gnome2/session hasn't been used for a while, but the GUI should work (it puts items in ~/.config/autostart/)06:23
yessir_turancrdlb: there is an entry in there too.06:23
ridincodebrainz, avidemux can't open the file, do you know another?06:23
yessir_turanAlan502: proxy is usually application level, it sends a modified request. tunnel is ip layer level, it changes your ip packet headers.06:24
th2codebrainz, that returns nothing :(06:24
codebrainzridin, pitivi, kino, kdenlive06:24
yessir_turancrdlb: the Exec entry shows /usr/bin/yakuake, but it doesn't work.06:24
=== CaptainTrek is now known as EvilTrek
yessir_turancrdlb: codebrainz:, are there any logs of autostart that i should check?06:25
Alan502yessir_turan, ah i see, but they perform about the same task right?06:25
codebrainzth2, try just    ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid06:25
crdlbyessir_turan: ~/.xsession-errors perhaps06:25
Alan502yessir_turan, in what environments should proxy/tunnel be used?06:25
th2codebrainz, now I see06:25
th2codebrainz, and thats not the same...06:26
codebrainzth2, make sure that matches up with what's in /etc/fstab06:26
yessir_turanAlan502: proxy can usually allow only those protcols for which it opens ports, e.g. it won't allow imap if it doesn't have to. No such things with tunneling.06:26
Alan502yessir_turan, ah that's a lot of help, thanks! :)06:27
yessir_turancrdlb: thank you :)  This is what I found: gnome-session[31742]: WARNING: Could not parse desktop file /users/mti2006/ashishag/.config/autostart/yakuake.desktop: Key file does not have key 'Type'06:27
yessir_turanAlan502: No problem. feel free to ask :)06:27
yessir_turancrdlb: I'll look at the entry and let you know06:27
crdlbyessir_turan: it should have Type=Application, but the easiest thing it to delete it and create it from scratch again06:28
th2codebrainz, heres the problem: # swap was on /dev/sdb8 during installation06:28
th2codebrainz, should have checked fstab first... never learn06:29
yessir_turancrdlb: Okay. Thanks for the help :) It should work on next start :)06:29
joshmuffinhey all I just added ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa and ran apt-get upgrade because i was trying to get gnome-shell to work now i cant boot, gets stuck on ubuntu splash06:33
tzilyHello, What is the command to reset my PPPOE connection? I need a new ip (it's dynamic) and unplugging and plugging the cable back leaves me without a connection until restart. Cand't find anything about this on google.06:35
tzilyIt was more easy in windows ...06:35
joshmuffin!opinion | tzily06:36
ubottutzily: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:37
joshmuffintzily, it was only easier because you already new how06:37
tzilyand how should i know how this works on linux06:37
shishirecodebrainz, found the solution.  Basically the DBUS variable isn't set correctly, so gconftool-2 can't find the correct gconfd process to send the reload signal to.  So it changes the config, but silently fails to update it.  By setting the DBUS variable correctly, I'm able to get it to send the signal to the right process and voila!  My idle delay for screensaver is now 60 min at home, and 10 everywhere else :D.06:38
SwedeMiketzily: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE06:38
tzilythat's why i came on the support channel to ask06:38
joshmuffintzily, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+reset+PPPOE+connection06:38
froesanyone have any ideas of how to reload all the system environment variables without restarting the linux server ????06:38
codebrainzshishire, cool.  now write a patch for nm-applet to add this functionality :)06:39
codebrainzseems useful06:39
tzilyjoshmuffin, if you check that link you will see you have no right results, like i said i already searched google06:40
shishirecodebrainz, hmmm... good idea.  I'll think about implementing that :D.  In the meantime, I'll stick the script up on my blog with instructions on how to use it.06:40
IdleOne!lmgtfy | joshmuffin06:40
ubottujoshmuffin: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.06:40
tzilySwedeMike, thanks mate. i searched wrong. looks like there is no reset. it's stop and start :) that's why there were no results06:41
IdleOnethat includes lmgtfy06:41
codebrainzshishire, port it to python, there's python-gnome and python-dbus and such, plus python-pygtk for writing a simple panel applet :)06:41
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shishirecodebrainz, heh, now I have a good reason to learn python :P06:41
miststlkr'allo all06:42
FandekaspI have a problem with the bicyclerepair man tool ... I've installed it with "sudo aptitude install bicyclerepair", and it has been installed. But I can't use it with vim, so I've probably missed something, and I don't know what. Do you know what should I do ?06:44
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joshmuffintzily, IdleOne sorry06:52
miststlkris there a way to not have removable hard drive icons automatically added to the desktop in 10.04?06:53
joshmuffinmiststlkr, install ubuntu-tweak06:53
SilentDishello, I'm trying to get kismet working in 10.04, how can i tell what driver/card type i'm using for wifi?06:54
miststlkrjoshmuffin - thanks, mate!06:54
joshmuffinmiststlkr,Uncheck "show mounted volumes on the desktop"06:55
joshmuffin!wifi | SilentDis06:55
ubottuSilentDis: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:55
SilentDisjoshmuffin: thank you, giving it a lookover now :)06:55
codebrainzmiststlkr, or go in gconf-editor and uncheck stuff under /apps/nautilus/desktop dir06:56
joshmuffinSilentDis,is it a USB or Card?06:56
SilentDisjoshmuffin: built-in to an acer aspireone netbook06:57
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joshmuffin /exec lspci -v | less in xchat window06:57
joshmuffin /exec lspci -v | less            -in xchat window**06:57
miststlkrcodebrainz - I'll have a peek at that too, thanks!06:57
SilentDisjoshmuffin: no need for the /exec, it's sitting next to me, I'm sitting on the desktop hehe06:58
joshmuffinyeah but im expecting to help you further with driver patching ect so i thaught i may aswell find out your card type in advance06:59
SilentDisjoshmuffin: rockin.  Atheros on the ath5k driver.  thanks muchly!06:59
miststlkrcodebrainz - that was the one I was looking for.  I had done that on an old install and forgot where it was... That's a good one to remember...06:59
joshmuffinSilentDis, do you need help with kismet ?07:00
SilentDisjoshmuffin: just getting it setup now, got a remote machine on my wifi setup to gen traffic, i'm sshed into it, etc.  i want to see how it all works :)07:01
joshmuffinAh okay, well just tell me if you need any help07:01
SilentDisjoshmuffin: thanks!  ^_^07:02
alissaare there any ubuntu iso's that will start up with output to the serial console?  i would like to avoid making my own if possible.07:03
SilentDisjoshmuffin: aha, network manager no likey me do this, it appears....  hrm...07:03
codebrainzalissa, it's a kernel option, all the ubuntu cd's can do it with changing the kernel options07:04
ljsoftnetanybody here?07:04
codebrainzalissa, i believe it's console=/dev/ttyS0 or some such07:04
codebrainzdepending on your port07:04
SilentDisjoshmuffin: I know i can kill off network manager and such... but isn't there a way to spawn a 'fake' card in monitor mode for kismet to use?07:04
ljsoftnetcan i move gnome window text to the left?07:04
alissacodebrainz: yep, i know the kernel options.  but i want to make sure that i will be able to see that initial menu/command line so i can type the options.  i have no physical access to this computer.07:05
miststlkrOne other question, if I may push my luck.. in Mythbuntu they added the Applications menu to the desktop context menu.  How might I go about doing that?07:05
codebrainzalissa, oh i see, I've never tested whether there's a fallback for the gfx boot screen, guessing here is07:05
trupheenixi installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu07:06
trupheenixit changed my bootsplash07:06
trupheenixhow do i revert to the ubuntu bootsplash?07:06
alissacodebrainz: yeah, i am sure hoping there is.  but wish i could find some documentation about it to be sure.07:07
SilentDistrupheenix: someone correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe `sudo tasksel ubuntu-desktop` can do it.  probably a much easier and less heavy handed method too.07:08
trupheenixSilentDis: ok07:09
trupheenixSilentDis: what option should i give to tasksel?07:10
ljsoftnetcan i move gnome window text to the left?07:10
SilentDistrupheenix: it's been a long time since i've had to muck with that myself...  i believe `sudo tasksel` will allow you to pick-n-choose from a little menu, though.  just make sure there's a * next to Ubuntu Desktop and OK your way out.07:11
crdlbljsoftnet: I don't know what you mean by that07:11
hey_joejust out of curiosity, if one was to install using say, 6.10 server, is it possible to upgrade all the way up?07:12
BaribalHi. I just created a new swap partition and want to modify /etc/fstab to use the new instead of the old one. Partitions are referenced by UUID in fstab. How do I figure out the new swaps UUID?07:12
crdlbhey_joe: not realistically; the supported path is 6.10>7.04>7.10>8.04>10.0407:13
FlannelBaribal: `sudo blkid` will list them07:13
ljsoftnetcrdlb: im talking about, the text on the window of an application like this " * Firefox - Mozilla                                    - [] x"07:13
IdleOne6.10 being EOL complicates that07:13
SilentDishey_joe: Yes, but you've got ~500MiB*8 to download heh07:13
hey_joehrm, well 4 gigs is nothing..07:14
hey_joebut i see your point07:14
SilentDishey_joe: just think of the poor, pained servers you're about to torture!  that's 4GiB of pr0n that will download slower for me! ;)07:14
crdlbljsoftnet: the alignment of that text is determined by your window border theme07:14
IdleOnehey_joe: then why not just download 10.0407:14
IdleOne!ohmy | SilentDis07:15
trupheenixSilentDis: that didn't work07:15
ubottuSilentDis: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.07:15
trupheenixSilentDis: i can't get replace the kubuntu bootsplash with the regular ubuntu one :(07:15
BaribalFlannel, that left out that partition. Is there something like mkfs.swap that I could have missed out after cfdisk?07:15
hey_joebecause 10.04 won't work..07:15
hey_joei need to go from 6.10 to 8.04 maybe 8.1007:15
ljsoftnetcrdlb: you know any window border theme, with left window text?07:15
Alcohol52[trupheenix] how about making gdm default desktop manager?07:15
hey_joewhich is only 2 gigs ;-)07:15
SilentDistrupheenix: It 'worked' for me way way back in 8.04 when i went from Gnome to KDE, but that was a while ago, and it may not quite be the same anymore.  sorry :(07:15
crdlbljsoftnet: how is it aligned now?07:15
trupheenixAlcohol52: nope doesn't work07:16
ljsoftnetcrdlb: its in the middle07:16
IdleOnehey_joe: I don't understand why you want to install 6.10 then upgrade. download 8.04 or 8.10 and install07:16
BaribalFlannel, nevermind, yes there is.07:16
FlannelBaribal: You do need to mkswap, but you shouldn't need to do that to have the partition show up.  This page might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq07:16
SilentDisIdleOne: sorry, was just trying to illustrate the bandwidth concerns in a comical manor ;)07:16
trupheenixAlcohol52: i am using GDM at the moment. i want some consistency in appearance. not liking the kubuntu splash screen.07:16
hey_joeIdleOne: because I am anxious, and with internet, and without media. for at least a few days...07:16
hey_joeany good tools to get a cd image bootable onto a flash drive?07:17
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:17
SilentDishey_joe: There's one included in the install, and live CD of 10.04.  :)07:17
miststlkrIdleOne LOL.. THAT common, eh?07:17
crdlbljsoftnet: one example is 'Mist', but it is very plain; you should be able to edit your current theme07:17
Alcohol52[trupheenix] you got me wrong. What is your default desktop manager? Which one you choose while installing kde-desktop?07:17
hey_joeand this will all work on *8.04* right07:18
ljsoftnetcrdlb: you know how to edit?07:18
Alcohol52[trupheenix] Have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm. It worked for me07:18
trupheenixAlcohol52: whether i choose KDE or GNOME, i get the Kubuntu bootsplash when i shut down07:18
hey_joelike all the other how-tos say.. but are wrong.07:18
RudyValenciaWhy does the GNOME panel not appear?07:18
miststlkrhey_joe I went to pendrive linux website and did it their way, running 10.04 that way right now on my netbook07:18
trupheenixAlcohol52: yes!07:18
crdlbljsoftnet: what is the name of the window border theme you are using?07:18
SilentDishey_joe: I'm just curious, why the older versions?07:18
trupheenixAlcohol52: i'm on lucid lynx07:18
hey_joeSilentDis: ldap07:18
hey_joepain in my ass.07:19
SilentDishey_joe: ahhh :)07:19
NiglopGoing into to a folder of a dvd that a put in, showing the video and audio ts folders, how do I autoplay it?07:19
ljsoftnetcrdlb: metabox07:19
IdleOne!language > hey_joe07:19
ubottuhey_joe, please see my private message07:19
RudyValenciaHey, why does my GNOME panel not appear after I log in, unless I do "killall gnome-panel"?07:19
hey_joeubottu: your not real.. i refuse to answer private messages from spam bots.07:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:19
SilentDis!restrictedformats | Niglop07:19
ubottuNiglop: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:19
IdleOne!language | hey_joe07:19
ubottuhey_joe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:19
hey_joeubottu: especially ones that can't respond.07:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:19
Niglopits not an issue, its a simple question im asking how to autoplay07:20
th2!language > th207:20
ubottuth2, please see my private message07:20
BaribalThe partition doesn't even show up in /dev/ (though other partitions on that disk do). Does /dev/ need some kind of... refresh?07:20
crdlbljsoftnet: ok, so the first step is to cp -R /usr/share/themes/Metabox/ ~/.themes/07:21
SilentDisNiglop: as in, put a DVD in, and vlc/whatever your favorite media player is comes up and just starts with the DVD goodness?07:21
iflematrupheenix in a terminal    sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so07:21
Niglopyeah SilentDis  but its opening in mplayer, i want to run it in vlc07:21
crdlbljsoftnet: if that fails, you need to mkdir ~/.themes/07:21
trupheenixiflema: ok07:21
lucidityyeah problems with irc software here07:21
RudyValenciaWhy does my GNOME panel not appear after I log in, unless I do "killall gnome-panel"? It's getting annoying.07:21
iflematrupheenix should give you a menu to select from....07:22
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SilentDisNiglop: aha, I will be honest, I am a KDE user (shh, don't tell anyone, i'm trying to get kismet workin'), so things are a little different here.  kde offers a control panel dealy to set stuff like that, i'm certain there's something similar in gnome's System menu though :)07:22
hrp2171Hi.  is it possible to use ultimate edition themes in 10.04?07:22
trupheenixiflema: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for usplash-artwork.so.07:22
NiglopSilentDis>  i use xfce07:23
SilentDisNiglop: I won't tell if you don't :D07:23
iflematrupheenix lucid lynx 10.04?07:24
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trupheenixiflema: yes sir07:24
iflematrupheenix sorry...  that used to work....07:25
miststlkrany tips on adding the Applications menu to the GNOME desktop context menu in 10.04 as they did in Mythbuntu under X?07:27
NiglopLMAO, wrong channel sorry07:27
=== thoffmeyer is now known as thoffmeyer|AFK
trupheenixiflema: :(07:28
^Jay2^why is it that when i plug in my external drive with an icon for it, the icon on my desktop is like a txt file or something???07:28
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BaribalHow can I force the kernel to reread the partition table of a drive?07:29
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SilentDisyay!  kismet workin', now on to aircrack and the like :D07:31
^Jay2^SilentDis, what is kismet?07:32
SilentDis^Jay2^: WiFi packet sniffer :)07:32
reeniginEesreveRhow can i port forward with iptables such that all my traffic on port 2525 goes to port 25?07:32
^Jay2^is there an airoscript in ubuntu?07:33
codebrainzmiststlkr, the window/desktop manager handles this07:33
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=== mkquist__ is now known as mkquist
iflematrupheenix wanna try another one.... there was a recent change i overlooked, try    sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth07:38
Anom01ySilentDis, I am trying to set up kismet07:38
Anom01yjust for experimentation07:38
mkquistchannel blown out from the spam?07:39
mkquistusually alot more activity...07:39
SilentDisAnom01y: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/kismet-an-802-11-wireless-network-detector-sniffer-and-intrusion-detection-system.html this guide helped me tons.07:39
Anom01ySilentDis, cool thanks07:39
Fudgestill having problems with wpa_supplicant, anyone able to assist please?07:40
SilentDisAnom01y: another wonderful person on here showed me `lspci -v | less` to get my wifi card info, too :D07:40
Error404NotFoundI am using an EDGE usb to connect to internet, can i share this connection over wireless? My laptop does have a wireless card.07:40
SilentDisError404NotFound: Yes.  Once you're on, it's basically an internet connection you want to share out.  The guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless should help (just rather than eth0, you'll be sharing ppp0 or the like)07:41
uwjameshey folks, I'm having issues with my atheros ar5001. Scan doesn07:42
uwjamesshow my networks07:42
uwjamesthe whole sob story is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1520021&highlight=ar500107:42
Fudgethink i have the same card uwjames07:42
uwjames:) I'm not even sure what card it is.. other than the chipset. Did ath5k work for you?07:43
Error404NotFoundSilentDis, i tried that but my ppp0 doesn't have an IP from private subnet, which is required by the docs, "The Server's wireless0 has to be in a range of 192.168.x.2 and 192.168.x.24. Why? our computer is usually using unless you're on a big network, can't be used for it and ranges higher than 24 in the last number are only allowed for Wireless networking,(1.reference please) or so I've read.".07:43
Fudgethis is a netgear 108 card and it appears with no extra driver in the driver base07:44
danmichelanybodu here use skype? im trying to make skype use my other sound card, but the only options in the drop-down is 'PulseAudio server local'07:45
Error404NotFoundSilentDis, okay, got it..07:45
SilentDisError404NotFound: the 'server', in that sentance, is your computer.  I believe it's a limitation of firestarter (just how it works), and you set a static ip on wlan0 on the server (your) computer is all.07:45
SwedeMikedanmichel: I can move the sound of skype between ports using the audio settings in system07:46
uwjames@fudge... yeah the 5001 is in a lot of gear07:46
SwedeMikedanmichel: so you can't change it in skype, you have to use the system wide settings tool07:46
danmichelSwedeMike, i cant do that. the option is not there07:46
xpbootusb_i'm booted into 8.04 live cd, i would like to make an xp iso fresh install boot from usb??07:46
SwedeMikedanmichel: what option is not there?07:47
danmichelSwedeMike, the applications tab under sound is empty07:47
uwjames@fudge I discovered that when I was trying to find a good driver for ndiswrapper07:47
SwedeMikedanmichel: not application, hw input and output tab.07:47
danmichelSwedeMike, but then i'd have to use my headphones for universal sound on my system07:48
damian_-_is there a program i can use to turn an mp3 + image into a video for youtube. im a  musician07:48
xpbootusb_shouldnt it just be able to extract it to the usb, then make it bootable..and it should boot correct?07:48
iKernelI'm trying to install an i386 package but it won't let me, saying wrong architecture i386. I have an x86_64 system, obviously 32-bit programs run on 64-bit operating system, so how do I make it let me install the package?07:48
iflematrupheenix that last one works....07:49
xpbootusb_you d/l the amd64 bit version07:49
codebrainzdamian_-_, avidemux should be able to do it07:49
SilentDisiKernel: I assume you're trying to install a .deb package from somewhere?  is this correct?07:49
iKernelSilentDis, yes07:49
xpbootusb_the 64bit version will run 32bit apps it won't run 32 bit os's07:49
miststlkrhmm... I just accidentally removed something from my panel, I thought it was the notification area, but when i re-added one it is blank.   what do i add back to get, for example, the rythmbox icon, the volume control, etc?07:50
drowner1979hi everyone. Dumb question: i just modified my fstab, is it safe to run "sudo mount -a" ? I mean, will it cause my root partition to remount?07:50
iKernelxpbootusb_, there isn't one or else i wouldn't be asking... say, how do you boot XP from a usb disk?07:50
SilentDisiKernel: if the program is compiled to strictly use the 32bit libraries, it probably won't work on a 64bit install.  what app are you attempting to install?07:50
iflemamiststlkr indicator-applet07:50
iKernelSilentDis, a modified version of xqf. I tried compiling it but I got an error.07:50
damian_-_ahh thanks il check it out07:50
rileyplucid stops booting at initramfs07:51
xpbootusb_i'm trying to figure that ou ikernal..07:51
miststlkriflema: CHEERS!!!07:51
SilentDisiKernel: I'd say diagnose the error in the compile, rather than attempt a .deb that isn't either 'universal' or specified.07:51
rileypaafter botting to muy karmic partition07:51
iKernelyeah alright07:51
xpbootusb_but i know 64 bit os's run on 64 bit systems..but use vitualization to run 32bit apps in 54-bit07:51
iKernelSilentDis, looks like I'll have to get help with this one though07:51
xpbootusb_if you have a 386-64 the amd64bit version is the package you want to install07:52
drowner1979i will try one more time....07:53
drowner1979hi everyone. Dumb question: i just modified my fstab, is it safe to run "sudo mount -a" ? I mean, will it cause my root partition to remount?07:53
SilentDisiKernel: semi-unrelated, but darn you. my wow server is down for 24 hrs, the Starcraft2 beta is done, and i'm gonna be totally bored tomorrow (my day off).  you've now given me reason to live, play UT/Quake/etc.  lol07:53
rileyplucid stops booting at initramfs after booting from my karmic partition Can anyone help me with this07:53
iKernelxpbootusb_, again, there isn't an amd64bit version of the package or else i wouldn't be asking. oh, and do tell me how one boots xp from a usb disk07:53
xpbootusb_i have no mouse so i can't play tremolus xc07:53
codebrainzrileyp, does it spit out any errors?07:53
rileypit says /sbin/init is missing07:54
SilentDis!troll | xpbootusb_07:54
ubottuxpbootusb_: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel07:54
xpbootusb_kernal ubuntu has a 64bit version..07:54
rileypand a few other things  Im not at it right now07:54
xpbootusb_!mute/ignore silentdis07:54
codebrainzrileyp, hard to help if you can't say what errors it display, it could be a number of things07:55
xpbootusb_i'm just saying that ubuntu has a 64-bit version that is on their site...you should try that os...unless your not refering to ubuntu os..07:55
rileypIt first says failed to mount kernal on uuid blah blah bla as root07:55
damian_-_sudo synaptic07:55
damian_-_ahh wrong window07:56
codebrainzrileyp, did you mess around with your hard drive(s) or partition(s)?07:56
rileypno i have karmic on sda5 lucid on sda3 swap on sda 107:56
rileyplvm on sda 607:57
joshmuffinhey all I just added ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa and ran apt-get upgrade because i was trying to get gnome-shell to work now i cant boot, gets stuck on ubuntu splash07:57
codebrainzrileyp, and you didn't muck around with the partitions?07:57
rileyplucid has been working fine for about 3 weeks07:57
indusanyone knows how to get sound direct from the tuner card and not from the cable which goes from it into the motherboard07:58
rileypi went and booted from my karmic partition to pick up a few bits of code i was after07:58
xpbootusb_plug into the ports on the card itself07:58
rileypand then on reboot back to karmic it failed to boot07:58
xpbootusb_that cable that goes into the motherboard could simply be routeing sound and usb features to another panel on the pc07:59
rileypIts like when karmic booted and ran its checks it upset lucid07:59
xpbootusb_it should work both ways07:59
rileypand now lucid is missing bits08:00
xpbootusb_riley are these on the samee partition?08:00
xpbootusb_or hard drive?08:00
rileypyes all on a 500g wd drive08:01
Fudgeyeah uwjames  athk508:01
codebrainzrileyp, in Grub (press esc or shift to show it on boot), edit the kernel line and replace the UUID= just with your /dev/sdX08:01
xpbootusb_when you update an os on the same hd it overrides previous versions...this will conflict with the older ones..grub and ubuntu will want the newest shell loading..if each install had it's own partiton this would be prevented and qwould each be bootable08:02
renehollananyone have luck with postfix-policyd install on 10.04?08:02
rileypcodebrainz can iI run update grub in karmic to fix it?08:02
rileypAs yesd it seems the uuid is wrong like you suggest08:03
xpbootusb_you'll need to instal the other versions on a new partiton..and repair lucid08:03
uwjames@Fudge good to know. Maybe I need to roll back the madwifi and give ath5k another go08:03
xpbootusb_but go with others adivice of course..i'm quite noob08:04
codebrainzxpbootusb_, they are on each their own partition08:04
rileypxpbootusb_,  karemic is on sda 5 and lucid on sda2 or 308:04
mshadledoes anyone here have vmware server 2.0.2 working under 10.04 properly? mine just randomly stopped working.08:04
codebrainzrileyp, i guess update-grub will do his damage each time you run it, not sure how to configure it not to use UUID other than hand editing the grub.cfg file08:05
Aciidhearly hearly, psad crashes on lucid , if you enable ENABLE_DSHIELD_ALERTS08:05
rileypKarmic had exact same problem a while ago lucid would boot  and karmic wouldnt now its changed its undies and its the opposite08:06
jitshi guys.. i am trying to setup a dual display in ubuntu .. one is via inbuilt and another via a pci card .. but only the card display is being identified .. lshw shows both cards08:06
codebrainzrileyp, i'm not a fan of grub2's configuration system, I prefer lilo or grub-legacy where you were meant to manually configure it08:07
MACscrafter i updated ubuntu this evening, jvm no longer works. Any tips? One of my java apps cant seem to find jvm08:08
codebrainzrileyp, under /etc/default/grub file uncomment the line GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true08:08
rileypgrub2 has always worked good for me but I think when I installed lucid i put grub in the wrong spot and its upset the apple cart08:08
codebrainzrileyp, i think both versions have their own idea of what the UUID should be maybe08:09
rileypcodebrainz yes this sound like the problem08:09
xpbootusb_ok i'm attempting an extraction of the iso i want to be bootable to the usb drive...then i'll make it bootable...should this let me install xp on boot via usb?08:09
codebrainzrileyp, so the above *should* make grub use the /dev/sdX type device naming08:10
rileypI remember after grub was installed after installing lucid it said you should not have put grub here...08:10
codebrainzrileyp, that's probably from installing grub into a partition08:10
rileypwell it was all to late then.. If only gthe grub installer told me that before it installed08:10
xpbootusb_you try removeing and re-installing java? and its headers?08:10
xpbootusb_riley you find a resolution?08:11
codebrainzrileyp, it shouldn't matter, as long as the one in the MBR of the disk is configured properly08:11
rileypxpbootusb Im happy to talk about it a bit before I run off and truley kill my server08:12
xpbootusb_yea, if it fixes it i'd like to know.. i could possibly suggest it for other similar situations08:12
mshadlewhy did vmware change 2.x to suck08:14
codebrainzmshadle, it always sucked :)08:14
xpbootusb_define "suck"08:14
ryuslashhello everyone08:14
mshadle1.x had a nice client side console. this web one is all messed up, heavy on java, so many browsers hate it, it decided just to stop working for me and i can't find any decent help for it.08:15
codebrainzmshadle, yeah, i made it about 5 seconds with that version, i couldn't take it08:15
renehollanany way to get apt-get to give more hints when a post-install script barfs?08:15
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)08:15
mshadlei cant run less than 2 now, 1.x doesn't seem to work anymore on modern ubuntus08:15
renehollan-v gives version info08:15
rileypcodebrainz,  If i were to install lucid or karmic onto a free partition would this fix it?08:16
codebrainzmshadle, ever tried vbox?08:16
iKernelIs it possible to still get a working glib-config script? It's deprecated and now replaced with pkg-config but this older program I'm trying to compile relies on it.08:16
codebrainzrileyp, it's much easier to fix than that08:16
mshadleubuntu 8.04 maybe 8.10 worked with 1.x rck solid08:16
xpbootusb_0.o oh, i'm used to it giving verbose infomation like with lshw??08:16
renehollansubprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1008:16
renehollanlike THAT's helpful08:16
mshadlevbox doesn't run as a service really.. and yes i've tried them all.08:17
rileypI know that but Im looking for an way out and if I can put grab back to whre it shpuld be in the process another lucid part wont hurt when things fallover if the y happen to08:17
codebrainzmshadle, yeah, i have very specific/limited use for VMs ... although I'm sure you could get vbox to do it08:17
iKernelWhat would REALLY be helpful is if I can still get libglib1.2 ...08:17
xpbootusb_is there a way to make an xp boot usb stick.. in ubuntu??08:18
iKernelxpbootusb_, probably :)08:19
xpbootusb_someone told me i need winPE or bart... but i havent found a good d/l for them08:19
rileypxpbootusb_,  thats like saying can I swap my mercedes for a scoda!08:19
xpbootusb_well you could...08:19
codebrainzrileyp, you need to login to each ubuntu version, do a grub-install /dev/sdX then edit /etc/default/grub and make the change i just said, then run update-grub, do this in both versions, you should be golden08:19
xerox1is there an alternative for mcabber that supports multiple accounts?08:19
xpbootusb_the scoda isn't as bloted xD08:20
xpbootusb_if ubuntu ran everything that windows did and more...it would be buggati vs toyota lol08:21
rileypcodebrainz, when i log into lucid it stalls at intitramfs is this enough to be able to upfdet grub08:21
codebrainzrileyp, change the UUID= part in grub menu manually each time until you log into each and do the fixes, afterwards it will boot properly08:22
xpbootusb_espeacially the ubuntustudio version with rt kernal08:22
xpbootusb_i'm loving that08:22
xpbootusb_it's over cloacked p4 too..it's niice08:23
rileypcodebrainz,  ah ok so i get the uuid of my lucid partition then edit grub manually log in the update grub08:23
rileypsorry then update grub with the info you suggest08:23
no-name-ubuntu 64 bit. how do i get the right flash? installed it from software center. plays but doesn't let me pause or change volume. doesn't let me play if its a video on a page that doesn't play automatically08:24
codebrainzrileyp, in grub on boot, replace UUID=blah with /dev/yourpartition once booted in, do the things i said08:24
xpbootusb_which java port you using?08:25
no-name-xpbootusb_: how do i find out?08:25
codebrainzno-name-, interestingly, if you right click over the play button, then with the menu up, quickly left click, it will press play right?08:25
no-name-codebrainz: let me see, i'll find a page08:25
xpbootusb_well the offical java, the openjava, or iced tea.. it's usually pretty easy..they will be checked in the add/remove apps08:26
rileypcodebrainz, thnaks very much for your help Ill have a crack after dinner ~ half an hour08:26
codebrainzrileyp, np, good luck08:26
joshmuffinhey all I just added ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa and ran apt-get upgrade because i was trying to get gnome-shell to work now i cant boot, gets stuck on ubuntu splash08:27
no-name-xpbootusb_: OpenJDK 6 Java Runtime and OpenJDK Java Database08:27
xpbootusb_i've had best luck on my 32.bit system with the openjdk..the other 2 mess up in numerous ways08:27
no-name-yea, but i have 4 GB ram so i wanna use 64 :(08:27
codebrainzjoshmuffin, is it running  a fsck or something?08:27
chadino-name-: use 32 with pae08:28
featherofmaathi everyone, i have the n00biest question ever.08:28
xpbootusb_java is a 32bit app??08:28
joshmuffincodebrainz, its stuck on the purple and yellow "ubuntu" slpash08:28
codebrainzno-name-, it's actually a flash bug (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-flash-is-not-recognizing-mouse-clicks.html)08:28
xpbootusb_i don't know of a 64-bit java...08:28
no-name-chadi: physical address extension?08:28
featherofmaatis it now very safe to mount an NTFS partition under Jaunty?08:29
joshmuffinit freezes with all four dots red (indicating complete)08:29
codebrainzjoshmuffin, is your hard drive light flashing?  does pressing Esc do anything08:29
no-name-codebrainz: thank you. i will try what the webpage suggests and then get back to you08:29
joshmuffinIts a desktop, no but Ctrl + Alt + Del restarts the machine08:30
Jordan_Ufeatherofmaat: Why are you still using jaunty?08:31
chadino-name- yes08:31
codebrainzjoshmuffin, not sure, you could try reinstalling gdm, sounds like that's where it's stuck08:31
joshmuffincodebrainz, Ive been holding down shift then booting into recovery mode and then selecting restart X option to get into the machine but its not a good fix08:31
=== thoffmeyer is now known as thoffmeyer|AFK
ubottulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic08:32
xpbootusb_ah ok there is a 64bit version of java..cool08:32
KB1JWQxpbootusb_: That'll do. :-)08:34
bazhangxpbootusb_, /msg ubottu08:34
xpbootusb_soon we won't need to be tied to a chair to compute...we'll use our minds and multitask haha08:35
no-name-whats the difference between gksudo and sudo?08:35
xpbootusb_ooh, has ubuntu tested brain wave HID's yet?08:36
bazhanghttp://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo no-name-08:36
iceroot!gksudo | no-name-08:36
ubottuno-name-: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)08:36
bazhangxpbootusb_, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic08:36
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:36
no-name-thanks bazhang, iceroot08:37
rodhello!, does anyone know if I need 'msstcorefonts' package for some program to work, if its already installed with ubuntu 10.04 by default? (sorry I am not very experienced)08:37
ljsoftnethow do i automatically login with my password on xchat when connecting to #ubuntu?08:38
bazhangrod, you need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras for that08:38
gbjkHi. I've just upgraded xubuntu 9.04 to 10.04. I have sound working, however I generally mute some channels (using alsamixer or amixer, whatever) of my sound card to switch music from speakers to headphones. With 10.04 this has stopped working. Muting any channel makes them all muted.08:38
rodah thanks bazhang08:38
renehollanGrrr. no luck with postfix-policyd08:38
bazhangljsoftnet, put the username:password in the server field08:38
ljsoftnetbazhang: where is the server field found?08:39
roddoes ubuntu-restricted-extras install msstcorefonts or does it just allow me to download it? (sorry again !!)08:39
rod ** just allow me to install it ** i meant08:40
bazhangljsoftnet, xchat network ubuntu servers (edit) server field08:40
bazhangrod, yes it installs them08:40
rodthanks again08:40
ljsoftnetbazhang: thanks08:41
=== timmillwood_ is now known as timmillwood
ljsoftnetis there a video that i can watch, when ubuntu user's day comes?08:43
JackNJIs there a GUI tool for touchscreen caliberation?08:44
codebrainzjoshmuffin, (why) are you doing that?08:46
joshmuffinGah sorry08:47
=== kraut_ is now known as kraut
jagosixHello People08:47
bullgard5What is the function of the phy0 process on my Ubuntu 10.04 computer?08:47
jagosixanyone here ever installed ppc ubuntu08:48
joshmuffinTwas an accident08:48
tsimpsonjoshmuffin: stop flooding the floodbot ;)08:48
Gnea!ppc | jagosix08:49
ubottujagosix: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ08:49
no-name-didn't work :(08:49
joshmuffinwho said i was flooding the floodbot08:49
tsimpsonjoshmuffin: I see debug info from the bot, I can see08:49
joshmuffinfair enough08:49
sweetpibullgard5: wireless08:50
no-name-is there a way to run the 32 bit flash and firefox on ubuntu 64bit? (10.04)08:50
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:50
no-name-thanks tsimpson08:50
indusno-name-,well thats how by default ubuntu runs it08:50
codebrainzno-name-, did you apply the fix and logout/backin?08:51
industsimpson, that factoid should be changed i think due to adobe discontinuing 64 bit due to some security issue08:51
no-name-codebrainz: lol can't remember08:51
no-name-i'll do that now08:51
codebrainzno-name-, it's a specific bug, with an easy fix, i experienced it as well08:51
codebrainzi didn't think it was in Lucid though08:51
bullgard5sweetpi: NetworkManager shows that wireless networks are not connected. Why does phy0 still exist?08:52
tsimpsonindus: the factoid point to a wiki page, which anyone (with a Launchpad account) can change08:52
industsimpson, well its an official factoid in officialubuntu irc imo08:53
Jon--I am looking for a cross-platform torrent solution that would be able to download from both my Windows 7 and my Ubuntu machine with the same .torrent file set to the same directory without issue. Is such a thing impossible? I know this is a bit off topic but it's late and there are few questions08:53
Fudgeok guys so gnome network manager connects to my wireless, but wpa_supplicant the ap tiems out and black lists it08:53
no-name-codebrainz: method 1 didn't work after i restarted and method 2 only removed flash08:54
industsimpson, just asking if the ops have considered issuing a warning08:54
magentarno-name-, best solution is to run a 32bit browser in a 64bit os08:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:54
no-name-magentar: how do i do that?08:54
magentarinstall one ;)08:54
bazhangjoshmuffin, /msg ubottu08:54
tsimpsonindus: the factoid just points to a link explaining how to install 32bit flash on a 64bit OS (and info for 64bit flash)08:54
no-name-ok :)08:54
magentaryou can simply download firefox from mozilla.com08:54
joshmuffinwill do sorry08:54
no-name-of course :P08:54
joshmuffinIs there rules against flooding in #ubuntu-bots?08:55
indusdoes chrome use the firefox plugin directory ?08:55
magentarno-name: maybe you'll need to install some additional libraries, but then it should work just as well as the 64 bit version08:55
Jon--indus: No08:55
tsimpsonjoshmuffin: depends how much you flood and what mood I'm in08:55
codebrainzno-name-, it works fine if you apply that fix, I'm 99% sure that's your problem :)08:55
no-name-i did apply the fix, codebrainz08:56
indusJon--, sure ? i have 64 bit google chrome and i have flash playing fine08:56
indusJon--, i dont have the 32 bt flash installed08:56
joshmuffinOh wait, theres no floodbot in there08:56
no-name-I don't like chrome08:56
Jon--indus: Did you mean plugins?08:56
codebrainzno-name-, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/41040708:56
indusJon--, hmm plugin directory08:57
indusJon--, isnt that what i said08:57
Jon--indus: I misread08:57
Jon--indus: about:plugins works in both browsers. Go there to see where it is getting it's plugins from08:57
indusJon--, ok thanks08:58
Jon--indus: You'd be correct. My Chrome has Shockwave-flash plugin from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so08:58
indusJon--, :)08:59
bullgard5What is the function of the phy0 process on my Ubuntu 10.04 computer?08:59
Jon--I am looking for a cross-platform torrent solution that would be able to download from both my Windows 7 and my Ubuntu machine with the same .torrent file set to the same directory without issue. Is such a thing impossible?09:00
^Jay2^Hello, does ubuntu have auto load balancing when 2 wifi/2lan are connected to different network segments?09:01
magentarJon--, azureus is crossplatform, it should be possible, though i can't give you any details09:01
brontoeeeJon--, maybe azureus, java it was09:02
indusJon--, can windows acess the torrent file from where you placed it?09:03
iflemajon-- probably not.... have a common download folder (must be on windows, i guess) and execute the stub(s) to restart the download(s) which are not illegal09:04
Jon--iflema: "which are not illegal" ... Thanks09:04
Jon--Hmm. I have vuze on Ubuntu right now [it's the rename for Azureus from about a year ago], but I only tried doing mixing with uTorrent. Assuming that they piece files differently and that's the issue? I should try vuze on both09:04
diverse_izzuehi all. i'm for the first time using ubuntu on intel graphics (with lucid). i thought the intel drivers were mature, but now i cannot connect to my external screen, it just shows "input signal out of range". the same screen on a different machine also running lucid, but with ATI graphics, worked flawlessly. what can i do?09:05
no-name-I went to mozilla.com and got firefox (only had option for linux not 32bit or 64bit) its a tar.bz2 file i know its an archive but what do i do with files inside it?09:06
Jon--My issue is I really really love uTorrent but it doesn't run too cleanly under WINE, so my options are Az/Vuze or installing Transmission on Windows.. or something like deluge I suppose09:06
mawstDoes anyone happen to know if photorec can preserve directory structure in it's output?09:06
codebrainzdiverse_izzue, System->Preferences->Monitor and configure the monitor under there09:06
no-name-Jon--: transmission is good09:06
no-name-lite and fast09:06
codebrainzmawst, not sure but i doubt it09:06
diverse_izzuecodebrainz, i got that far...09:07
Jon--no-name-: I am not a FOSS fanboy.. Transmission is okay. I don't like how it makes filename.part when it's downloading. Makes it completely unusable by any other BT client.09:07
Slartmawst: I'm not sure, it's been a while since I used it but I think it just gives you all the files.. perhaps it can sort them according to file type though09:07
Jon--no-name-: The web interface is nice when I'm not at my comp and want to pause09:07
diverse_izzuecodebrainz, xrandr shows the monitor with the correct resolution and refresh rate, but i get no image on the screen.09:07
Jon--The lack of a scheduler, it handles magnet links weird, the DHT seems natively slower at finding new clients than uTorrent, preferences/options are limited... It's a "good enough" BT client for my needs. I may just install Transmission under Windows. Not really a fan of Vuze, way too flashy/tries to do everything.09:10
Jon--uTorrent dev for Linux would be amazing. :P09:10
=== dgjones is now known as djones
joshmuffintransmission is the fastest torrent client ive found...09:12
joshmuffinit doesnt have all the fancy features, which in my opinion is a good thing09:12
gryllidaHi, what is this thing called, when I can select a block of text, then middle click to 'paste' it somewhere else?09:13
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P09:13
joshmuffin"<BestBot> The BESTEST torrent client is deluge-torrent"09:14
joshmuffinrtorrent is also good in my opinion09:14
=== bkadoctaj is now known as bkadoctaj|zzz
tsimpson!ot | joshmuffin09:14
ubottujoshmuffin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:14
willwork4fooHi all - does anyone know how to get the Networking icon back into the notification area on ubuntu Netbook Edition? I had a problem and needed to remove /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state - and now my networking works again (clearly, coz I am online!) but the icon is gone?09:15
gryllidatsimpson, isn't joshmuffin answering someone's support question about torrents, why redirecting him to "ot"?09:15
joshmuffinsorry i was answering a question09:15
tsimpsongryllida: if the question was "what's the best torrent client", it's offtopic anyway09:16
gryllidawillwork4foo, already rebooted?09:16
joshmuffin"Jon--> My issue is I really really love uTorrent but it doesn't run too cleanly under WINE, so my options are Az/Vuze or installing Transmission on Windows.. or something like deluge I suppose"09:16
willwork4fooanyone got any clues on the networkmanager icon in Ubuntu netbook? I'd quite like it back so I can use it to manage my wireless connectivity, and it's gone :) gryllida yep several times09:16
joshmuffinIt wasn't an opinion question09:17
willwork4fooanyone got any clues on the networkmanager icon in Ubuntu netbook? I'd quite like it back so I can use it to manage my wireless connectivity, and it's gone :) gryllida yep several times09:17
gryllidawillwork4foo: ok, we see it09:17
willwork4fooanyone got any clues on the networkmanager icon in Ubuntu netbook? I'd quite like it back so I can use it to manage my wireless connectivity, and it's gone :) gryllida yep several times09:17
Jon--tsimpson: Get off your high horse please. He was answering my question.09:17
willwork4foodidn't mean to do that09:17
tsimpsonJon--: I have not horse to get off of, now keep it on topic09:17
willwork4fooweirdly, I now seem to have a virtual host eth1:avahi on my ifconfig list09:18
willwork4foois that normal, and I've just never spotted it before?09:18
tsimpsonwillwork4foo: that avahi, it's part of "zeroconf". it's used when you connect to a network with no DHCP server so clients can communicate09:19
tsimpsonwillwork4foo: normally you don't need it and it does no harm anyway09:19
willwork4footsimpson: fair enough. thanks09:19
willwork4fooSo - I'd really like to get my networkmanager icon back... is it worth just deleting all my dotfiles from my home dir and rebooting, so I get a clean config?09:20
willwork4fooor will that not fix it?09:20
willwork4fooI'm going to give that a go. Drastic and annoying though it may be, it's probably the quickest route to fix.09:22
airdemhow can i give audio group permission to /dev/raw1394?09:23
* iflema :|09:23
gryllidaairdem, maybe 'man chown' could help09:24
airdemgryllida, no that will be reverted after reboot09:24
tensa_zangetsuhave it run automatically on each reboot?09:25
willwork4fooNope, still doesn't work09:25
gryllidanot the right thing imo09:25
ryuslashhello again, I have a problem, I was messing around with my grub config last night and somehow I seem to have messed up my xsession or something because I can only log in using xterm as my session :s09:25
gryllidaryuslash, run recovery from live cd?09:26
jgbryuslash: noooooooooooo don't do that09:27
ryuslashjgb: how so? :P09:27
jgbryuslash: for one, you can just run  start gdm09:27
jgbryuslash: to get into gdm first09:27
=== dgjones is now known as DJones
ryuslashjgb: gdm starts, X starts too, just when I log in either using GNOME, GNOME (failsafe) or awesome as my session it just doesn't do much09:28
tensa_zangetsui have a problem with getting my inbuilt mic to work in skype09:28
tensa_zangetsuit works well in guvcview (my webcam is a uvc one)09:29
gryllidasounds like skype problem09:29
tensa_zangetsubut in skype the sound is always either low or garbled09:30
damian_-_  Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)09:30
tensa_zangetsuhopefully now that skype has released some kind of api someone's going to make an open source client09:30
ssnhi guys09:30
damian_-_ahh? who knows about this error?09:30
jgbryuslash: if you look at /etc/gdm/Xsession you see that xterm gets executed as the default if the other stuff fails09:31
ssnis there a simple command line way (to use in a script) to add the universe/multiverse/restricted/partner repos?09:31
gryllidatry to look into its options window yet, tensa_zangetsu?09:31
jgbryuslash: what happens when you run  gnome-session  from the console?09:33
ryuslashjgb: I'll try that09:33
willwork4fooaha!!!!!!! I has FIXED the networkmanager icon issue09:33
magentarno-name-, extract it and double click on firefox ;)09:33
willwork4fooI has knowledge to share on how I did it. All you need to do is make sure that there is nothing in the /etc/network/interfaces file after the iface lo inet loopback line09:34
jgbnow I have an issue of my own... cpufreq-selector has stopped having any effect...09:34
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willwork4fooif there is system file config, the networkmanager app won't start.09:34
ryuslashjgb: gnome starts, but with an endless list of messages of something failing to load it seems09:35
jgbryuslash: well I haven't had that yet, so you'll need to tell me what the messages are09:35
tensa_zangetsugryllida: i have. audio settings don't offer any choice. all 3 are set to pulseaudio server local and there's nothing else to select. must be a skype problem. a mic in another usb webcam works properly though.09:36
tensa_zangetsuleaving now09:37
ryuslashjgb: it's saying something about being unable to load a saved session and that a window manager is already running09:38
gryllidatensa_zangetsu: I have to admit, skype customer support is awful, they're going to introduce skype for blueberry in may 2009 but haven't done it yet... still, contacting them seems to be the only choice09:40
gryllidatensa_zangetsu: you can also google <camera model> driver ubuntu, which is unlikely to help much, but might, at least better than skypeCo09:41
=== Weust`afk is now known as Weust`_
kittensneedhomei stopped a script?09:46
kittensneedhomehow to list channels?09:46
tlarsonKitar|st: huh?09:49
tlarsonkittensneedhome: huh?09:49
tlarson(stupid auto-complete)09:49
=== RichiH_ is now known as RichiH
DjAngo23Hey everyone. I just saw that the sendmail function was missing in my apache installation. I installed it via aptitude. But now every page i execute locally, with, or whitout mail function, is very very slow.09:59
DjAngo23Any idea what it could be ?10:00
ohojAhoi, ist es möglich, im Nautilus (Dateimanager) sich eine bitgenaue Dateigröße anzeigen zu lassen?10:02
indusahoy german !de10:02
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:02
ohojIs it possible to get shown the bitexact size of a file in Nautilus?10:03
SwedeMikeohoj: files can only be equal byte size length.10:04
ohojok, that's what I meant, sry.10:05
rwwohoj: right-click -> Properties -> look at size field10:05
rwwmine says "7.5 MB (7821009 bytes)" (for example)10:05
ohojrww: is exactly not what I was looking for ...10:06
rwwohoj: what exactly are you looking for, then?10:06
ohojas I wrote ... ?!?10:06
ohoj"... In Nautilus ..."10:06
ohojNautilus -> List View10:07
rwwyes, I'm in Nautilus. Those instructions are for Nautilus.10:07
rwwyou can't add it to list view, no10:08
ohojI want to see byte-exact file sizes in the list view of filemanager Nautilus. Is that possible? (More exact i am not able to describe)10:08
ohojrww: do you want to kidding me?10:08
ohojI do not want see kB, MB or else.10:09
rwwohoj: no, I'm not. you can't add size in bytes to list view in Nautilus.10:09
=== gryllida is now known as zGryllida
ohojrww: 'add ...' Haeh? Are u sure u understand me?10:10
harovaliI have a jaunty system (which I cannot replace now with a newer ubuntu) , that is having problems downloading a correct g++_4%3a4.3.3-1ubuntu1_i386.deb10:10
rwwohoj: yes10:10
rwwohoj: feel free to ask #ubuntu-de, they'll tell you the same thing.10:10
kaushalis there a way to know the file size using lsof command ?10:11
tomas_hey guys i need some help i have this "No Indicators" where the shutdown icon should be what do i need for that10:11
ohojExample: Name:afile.jpg   Rights: -rwxrwxrwx  Size: 1.038.234 [and NOT 1MB!!!]    ...10:11
harovaliapt-get throws : dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute old pre-removal script: Exec format error10:11
rwwohoj: again, this is not something you can do in Nautilus' list view.10:11
nmvictori have a large file whose content takes the form CODE 110: <DESCRIPTION OF CODE>, in each line.Is their a way I could delete the whitespace character between CODE and 110 using a command or a script?10:12
ohojBut why?10:12
rwwohoj: because nobody programmed it as an option10:12
tomas_hey guys i need some help i have this "No Indicators" where the shutdown icon should be what do i need for that10:12
rwwubottu: repeat | tomas_10:12
ubottutomas_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:12
ohojthat sad ...10:12
tomas_where do i get ubottu from10:12
GarpQuestion: My laptop now makes some fancy noise when I open/close the lid; where can I change that? Thanks. Version: DISTRIB_RELEASE=9.04 in x86_64 using KDE. Thanks.10:13
nmvictori have a large file whose content takes the form CODE 110: <DESCRIPTION OF CODE>, in each line.Is their a way I could delete the whitespace character between CODE and 110 using a command or a script?10:13
ohojrww: ok so far, thx anyway :)10:13
rwwubottu: repeat | nmvictor10:14
ubottunmvictor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:14
tomas_opps thats the robot10:14
nmvictorrww: thanks anyway guys, think i got an idea with java Gona give it a shot10:15
Garpnmvictor: sed -e 's/CODE \([0-9]*\)/CODE\1/' myfbigfile.txt10:17
Garptoo late ;)10:17
ohoj@ChannelAdmin: Maybe it could be usefull to log this channel with http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/ so it is possible to search former asked questions.10:18
rww!1984 | ohoj10:18
ubottuohoj: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/10:18
ohoj@ChannelAdmin: Would be nice if there were a link to those logs in channel headline.10:19
kaushalchecking in again for my query ?10:19
rwwohoj: it's mentioned in #ubuntu's terms of service, which are linked from the channel entry message.10:20
ohojrww: in a second level of reachability ... that means not existant10:21
ohoj.. in terms of usability10:22
rwwohoj: considering that "Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService", users should read that page and be aware of it anyway.10:22
rwwif they aren't, they likely aren't the type to read channel topics.10:22
ohojproof it!10:22
bazhangohoj, lets get back on topic please10:23
bobthemilkmanapt-get is giving me a ton of 404 errors when I try to upgrade or install new packages. I think my particular mirror (ftp.riken.jp) is down or something similar, anyone else having this problem?10:26
bobthemilkmanAlso, the --fix-missing parameter for apt-get is a misleading parameter. It should be --ignore-missing. :(10:27
airdemi have problems installing wine-dev10:28
airdemwine-dev: Depends: wine1.2-dev but it is not going to be installed10:28
airdemhow can i fix this?10:28
MikeChelenbobthemilkman: try a different mirror?10:31
bobthemilkmanThe mirror's online... but it's pointing to files that don't exist on the mirror. I just ran apt-get update (and again).10:31
bobthemilkmanLet me try a different mirror...10:31
bazhangbobthemilkman, what about the Taiwan mirror10:32
Finnix_somebody known how to enable acpi after boot? my hardware boot only with acpi=off kernel cmdline parameter, but acpi is required to get sound works fine (current sound is croak)10:32
bobthemilkmanEh. I'll just use the ftp.jaist.ac.jp mirror. :(10:32
bobthemilkmanBut I only get 1.5MB/s off that one :(10:33
bobthemilkmanBut I don't understand why apt-get update, apt-get upgrade would give me 404 errors.10:34
AfiefMy laptop needs the proprietary wl-broadcom to connect to the internet, is there a way I can download it in windows and install it manually in Linux?10:34
rwwbobthemilkman: because the mirror didn't update fully or is having issues?10:34
Finnix_i try to use ubuntu 10.04 i386 with pulseaudio10:35
bobthemilkmanI guess it's just a temporary error with the mirror... I'll just use this other one for a few days, I guess.10:35
SnadderWhen I stop mysql with the init script I get: "ERROR 1053 (08S01) at line 1: Server shutdown in progress" and lots of: "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"10:35
SnadderAnyone know why I get all theese errors?10:35
rwwAfief: Which version of Ubuntu (10.04, 9.10, etc.) and architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) are you using?10:36
SnadderI'm using ubuntu 9.1010:36
Afiefrww, Kubuntu 9.10, x86(32 bit)10:36
bobthemilkmanHmmm. It might be worthwhile to convince my university to host a mirror.10:36
bobthemilkmanThen I could get even faster downloads...10:37
abhijaini installed tomcat and jre  on lucid now i want run my jsp files . where should to paste my jsp files ?10:37
rwwAfief: Download the package from one of the mirror links on http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/bcmwl-kernel-source/download , copy it over to Ubuntu, double-click it in file manager to install it.10:37
Afiefrww, thanks a million:D one more question though, I read that the 2.6.32 kernel's b43 driver finally has support for my wireless card, is there anything I should check out about why ubuntu can't use it by default?10:39
rwwAfief: Which Broadcom chipset are you using (e.g. BCM4312)?10:39
AfiefBCM4312 IIRC (dunno how to check in windows)10:39
Finnix_somebody expirienced to enable acpi after boot  (even acpi=off parameter passed to the kernel)?10:40
rwwAfief: BCM4312 isn't supported by 2.6.32 due to a bug. It is in 2.6.33 and higher, though you need b43-fwcutter and the firmware it downloads then.10:40
^Jay2^rww:  will that bcmwl set the wireless as wlanX or ethX ?10:40
rww^Jay2^: the wl driver uses ethX, b43 uses wlanX10:41
Afiefrww, oh :( so another 6 months of proprietary drivers10:41
rwwAfief: if that package installation fails saying you need additional packages, you can get links to them from http://bit.ly/9LBkoe , btw.10:41
^Jay2^rww: would it be possible for conky to display the essid from ethX?10:41
rww^Jay2^: no idea, I don't use it10:41
MylistoAnyone familiar with smartmontools?10:41
rwwconky, that is10:41
Mylistoconky, you a TPB fan?10:42
^Jay2^rww: i see. i love conky but i still had to make it work lol10:42
rwwAfief: indeed. Even with the free drivers, that firmware I mentioned is proprietary, so...10:42
rwwAfief: and b43's performance isn't as good as wl's for me.10:42
^Jay2^rww: have you used compat-wireless?10:42
Afiefrww, still proprietary firmware is better than a proprietary driver I guess10:42
rww^Jay2^: no. I run crack kernel builds though.10:43
zGryllidawhat is this thing called, when I can select a block of text, then middle click to 'paste' it somewhere else?10:43
rwwhence me knowing how b43 performs ;)10:43
^Jay2^rww: what do you mean crack kernel builds?10:43
rwwzGryllida: http://www.jwz.org/doc/x-cut-and-paste.html covers the various terminology10:44
AfiefzGryllida, Unix style copy-paste :P10:44
rww^Jay2^: the only supported kernel version for e.g. Lucid is 2.6.32. I run higher kernel versions anyway, using testing packages provided by Ubuntu's kernel team.10:44
rww(which are unsupported here)10:45
^Jay2^i see10:45
Afiefrww, how unstable are those testing packages?10:45
^Jay2^because somebody told me that if i run a high-er kernel version, i can make my tplink wn722n wireless usb to work10:45
MylistoAnyone familiar with smartmontools?10:45
rwwAfief: they work fine for me, but I wouldn't recommend them to end users10:46
Afiefrww, you wouldn't happen to know how the open source ati drivers are faring?10:46
rww^Jay2^: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ . If it breaks, you get to keep both halves and #ubuntu won't offer support for it.10:46
rwwAfief: no idea, I switched to an Intel machine a few months ago. sorry :(10:47
Afiefrww, thanks for your help:D the packages just downloaded I'll try to install them now10:47
abhijainhow can i paste my jsp files in usr/shr/tomcat6/webapps10:47
rwwMylisto: you'd probably get a better response if you asked an actual question10:48
^Jay2^rww: i dont know what to do with that webite. lol sorry i am a complete noob in linux10:48
MatBoyguys, how do I move hidden folder using mv ?10:48
rww^Jay2^: then I really wouldn't recommend using it10:48
^Jay2^rww: :P10:49
MatBoyhidden folders10:49
MatBoynot just one10:49
Mylistowell rww: I've been having weird issues...so I decided to try to test the hd..and found out about smartmontools, and installed gsmartcontrol...10:49
rwwMatBoy: assuming that by "hidden folders" you mean folders beginning with a period that are thus hidden by ls and whatever, you'd do it the same way you move any folder :\10:49
Mylistothats the output I got10:49
MylistoAlso, I think its due to my fan...10:50
Mylistoas my fan apparently has stopped workinb10:50
azlonhow can i open port 80? i have apache installed but when i do nmap -p80 <myip> it says port 80 is closed10:50
MatBoyrww: ls -lna shows me all file, also the .folder ones10:50
willwork4fooI have to ask a fairly daft question - I'm using UNE lucid and I've managed to somehow detach my little white envelope icon in the notification area from Evolution. Whereas previously I'd click it and it'd give me the choice of mail or chat, now it just does chat. Also, it used to light up green when I had an email as well as a new chat, now it only reports new IM. Any idea how to re-configure this envelope icon to link into evolution again?10:50
Finnix_it is possible to enable acpi after boot even if acpi=off parameter passed to kernel cmdline?10:50
^Jay2^rww: is it possible in ubuntu to load the external's drive icon whenever it is plugged in?10:51
rwwwillwork4foo: is the evolution-indicator package installed?10:51
MatBoyrww: mv -lna or whatever does not work10:51
willwork4foorww: lemme look10:51
rwwMatBoy: mv .hiddenfolder destination10:51
MatBoyrww: yes, but I need all... so do a mv .* ?10:51
willwork4foorww: nope. Installing that now10:52
willwork4foorww: ah, that fixed it! Thanks!!!!!!10:52
MatBoyrww: yes did the trick :)10:52
MatBoywas not sure atm :)10:53
rocket16Hello all,10:54
rww^Jay2^: no idea, sorry10:54
rocket16Has the Sound applet of Ubuntu been changed? After an upgrade, I see that the appearance is different.10:55
rwwrocket16: yes10:55
rocket16rww: I see, thanks. Has it been improved in anyway?10:55
rwwrocket16: It's now integrated into the indicator system. Whether this is an improvement depends on your opinion on indicators :\10:56
rocket16rww: Tanks, :)10:56
zGryllidaAfief, rww, yay for ubuntu's unix-style copy paste, and thank you for your reply10:56
rocket16* thanks10:56
nikolamdo you use some indexing service on Ubuntu and how are you content with it?10:58
nikolambeagle or tracker ?10:58
nikolamwhat gui do you use with tracker, per example?10:59
project2501bthe command prompt10:59
zGryllidaAfief, rww, is ubuntu having 'x11'?11:01
rwwzGryllida: Ubuntu uses the X.org implementation of X11, yes11:01
zGryllidarww: can you link me to something about it please11:01
rwwzGryllida: umm, http://www.x.org/wiki/ ? Depends what you want to know about it...11:02
tomas_hey guys is there a way to install the System indictors11:03
zGryllidatomas_: define "System indicators".11:03
tomas_system indicators the buttons on the end of the top bar that houses the shutdown and restart buttons11:04
tomas_any omne11:07
rwwtomas_: did you used to have them, remove them, and need help re-adding them; or do you need their package names to install them?11:09
tomas_i need to install them rww11:09
rwwtomas_: which version of Ubuntu are you using?11:10
rwwtomas_:  indicator-applet-session for the shutdown/status/userswitch one, and indicator-messages for the Me Menu11:11
tomas_i get them from apt-get install indicator-applet-session11:12
rwwtomas_: yes. If that doesn't make them appear, right-click an empty area of the panel, click Add to Panel, find them in there. (I don't have them installed, and can't remember what they're named in there.)11:13
tomas_ok i have that installed but it shows up with "No Indicators" in the corner where they should be11:13
rwwtomas_: have you logged out and back in since you installed them?11:13
tomas_and reset11:14
rwwtomas_: odd. I'm not sure what to try next, sorry :(11:15
tomas_dam lol11:15
tomas_ok found out which one it is11:16
tomas_Indicator Applet Session11:16
=== zGryllida is now known as gryllida
=== gryllida is now known as zGryllida
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smallfoot-help, guest account dont work11:27
smallfoot-when i try to enter guest account, instead it does "lock screen"11:27
zGryllidasmallfoot-: type 'guest', hit 'login'11:28
smallfoot-doesnt work11:28
zGryllidareinstall, or wait for another user here11:30
zGryllida...to respond.11:30
mum-n-dadAnybody know how to make a .tgz of this .deb? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/ttf-indic-fonts/ttf-tamil-fonts_0.5.10ubuntu1_all.deb11:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:32
jpdsmum-n-dad: Use the one already available at http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/ttf-indic-fonts/ttf-indic-fonts_0.5.10ubuntu1.tar.gz ?11:35
icerootmum-n-dad: we dont need crossposting in #ubuntu and #debian11:35
mum-n-dadthanks jpds11:39
lakituhow to un7zip 7z.00x files?11:40
lakituin 9.1011:40
smallfoot-7z --help11:40
smallfoot-man 7z11:40
MaT-dgis there a tool to strip de videostream from the flashplayer so you can play it in a local player? I'm sick of the stutter...11:41
iflemaMaT-dg firefox addons, search for mp4 or cache them and fetch from /home/ian/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default/Cache11:44
iflemaMaT-dg replace the ian and the xxxxxxx :)11:45
shiro_Isn't flash content downloaded in /tmp ? tempnam is used to create it if I remember well11:46
shiro_The prefix is Flash11:47
brontoeeeflash is usually separated from the movie file11:48
brontoeeeand acts as a player/decoder only11:49
no-name-what file system should i make this pen drive that i'm going to put ubuntu 10.04 64 live "cd" on?11:49
shiro_In this case, the link to the Mp4 is somewhere in the source11:49
brontoeeeyes, only depends on how 'protected' the thing is11:49
brontoeeethis will fail if there is real streaming going on thought11:50
brontoeeethe cache method i mean11:50
iflemano-name no need to worry... just start the process11:50
GarpQuestion: My laptop now makes some fancy noise when I open/close the lid; where can I change that? Thanks. Version: DISTRIB_RELEASE=9.04 in x86_64 using KDE. Thanks.11:50
brontoeeeno-name-, there is a tool for this process11:51
no-name-brontoeee: yeah i know. i use unetbootin11:51
no-name-does that just format it for uou?11:51
brontoeeeit should format as well11:51
=== _rwc_osa is now known as _rwc
RugeHey folks, anyone know where I can grab ATI drivers for my fresh Ubuntu install? I used to have an nvidia one and there was a command, not sure about the ATi11:55
wildbathow do i umount my memory card w/o rebooting? i pulled the card out without umounting, now the system can't umount/remount it. tried with -f but it just hang>.<11:58
hateballRuge: You should be able to find it in System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers11:58
MaT-dgiflema: shiro_: brontoeee: yes, it's for protected content (BBC iplayer etc), can't find cached video11:58
iflemaMaT-dg FireFox you use?11:59
MaT-dgiflema: yes11:59
RugeHmm just did that and it failed :o12:00
iflemaMaT-dg ya gotta letem play first, choppy or not......   ~/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default/Cache12:00
shiro_wildbat: if  $>mount  shows your memory card being mounted, umount it.12:00
Rugehateball: SystemError: installArchives() failed12:01
iflemaMaT-dg plugin is the easiest way otherwise manually sorting by size and/or file type12:01
hateballRuge: and you're connected to the internet, and have fully updated ?12:01
wildbatshiro_, like i said ~ umount  just freeze12:02
shiro_wildbat: you don't try to umount the memory card while it's not plugged in, do you ?12:03
wildbatshiro_, yes ~12:03
shiro_if it's freezing while your memory card is plugged in, blame your OS (that is, linux) and reboot :).12:04
Rugehateball: Actually im downloading 10.04 as we speak and I'll install that and give it a go12:04
wildbatshiro_, no other option?12:05
henuxHi. Ubuntu 10.04 seems not to have /boot/grub/menu.lst file at all. What is the way to add my own kernel to the GRUB boot menu in this system?12:05
brontoeeewhats the file where i can setup ip to domain redirection?12:05
guntbert!grub2 | henux12:05
ubottuhenux: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:05
wildbat!grub2 | henux12:05
brontoeeelike > myserver12:05
henuxGreat okay12:05
guntbertbrontoeee: /etc/hosts12:05
shiro_wildbat: I don't have a linux box to test, but there's maybe a "service" under /etc/rc.d/ or something like that, that you could restart.12:05
brontoeeeguntbert, thanks12:05
shiro_wildbat: or try using a tool like fstat and grep your device/mount point from its output12:07
shiro_wildbat: I think linux equivalent to fstat is lsof12:08
shiro_wildbat: I mean GNU/linux12:08
brontoeeehow do i get nautilus to make thunbs for mp4 videos?12:09
Tobias92When I log in, I get a window saying that I can not log out (?) because gnome-power-manager is not responding. How can I work around this?12:15
Jork Hello guys. I was trying to install latest intel graphic drivers on lucid, but gives me an following error; http://pastebin.ca/1891724. How can I fix this?12:16
red2kicTobias92: "killall gnome-power-manager" ? Just a wild guess.12:16
aprilharehi. i want to install 64 bit thunderbird 3.1 - how do I do this?12:17
Tobias92red2kic, it gives me the option to "logout anyway" so I can login anyway. It's just damn annoying that I have to click this everytime I log in. Also, it makes no sense :(12:17
erUSUL!ppa  | aprilhare use mozilla ppa ?12:18
ubottuaprilhare use mozilla ppa ?: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:18
red2kicTobias92: Something went haywire. Meh. I can't really construct an answer around that issue.12:19
Tobias92red2kic, that's okay. I'll try to reinstall gnome-power-manager12:20
aprilhareerUSUL, i could compile from source... :)12:21
aprilharecause it aint on no ppa i know of!12:21
erUSULaprilhare: finding a deb. (even third party) is allways a prefered option.12:21
erUSUL!backports | aprilhare12:21
ubottuaprilhare: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:21
erUSULaprilhare: first hit in the ppa search page https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/thunderbird-stable12:22
bazzif i make changes in /etc/fonts/conf.d how do i get fontconfig to update everything?12:23
aprilhareerUSUL, hope it has it :)12:23
aprilharenope 3.0.512:23
aprilharelatest 3.112:23
aprilharei know this because 3.1 is the one that can make you breakfast.. or something.12:24
erUSULaprilhare: then i dunno; maybe you just have to wait a few days12:26
red2kicaprilhare: What is so special about 3.1? I'm curious. :P12:26
aprilharered2kic, better quick search, better support for setting up e-mail boxes, makes you breakfast, ...12:27
aprilhareoh and it's based on latest web browser engine12:27
ArttatusIs AdobeAIR working on Ubuntu 64bit?12:31
razorrhi!!anyone to help me with my md5 hash?12:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:32
razorranyone tha knows about md5 hashes?12:32
razorri have my hash and i want to crack it12:33
brontoeeerazorr, what about?12:33
razorra girl died12:33
aprilhareArttatus, i've used it - but it's not recommended. it makes flash unstable.12:33
razorrand she has her facebook profile12:34
razorrand i want to diactivate it12:34
Arttatusaprilhare: on 32bit also?12:34
razorrand i have the hash12:34
razorrif u can plz help me12:34
aprilhareArttatus, on 64 bit i am12:34
razorrbrontoeeee come private12:34
Tobias92red2kic, dpkg-reconfigure gnome-power-manager fixed it for me12:35
clarnistwitam panie i panowie12:35
red2kicTobias92: Ah I see. Thanks for the head up.12:35
Arttatushej clarnist12:35
clarnistporzebuję pomocy12:35
ranjanHi all which is the best squid log analyser??12:36
icerootranjan: you12:37
ranjaniceroot, what??12:40
icerootranjan: you are the best for analysing your logs, not a program12:40
ranjaniceroot, i mean the program which can generate neat html reports12:41
icerootranjan: awstats i guess12:41
ranjaniceroot, thank you let me see :)12:41
eFfeM_workhi, is it (easily) possible to install a 32  bit kernel adjacent to the 64 bit one I have now? I have an app that does not work for 64 bit :-(12:51
laegi have intermittent sound in wine because of pulseaudio, is there a ubuntu supported/recommended fix?12:52
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions12:53
laegvery much "drop-in".12:53
icerooteFfeM_work: what app is not working with amd64 but with i386?12:55
willwork4fooHi - Does anyone know the name of the volume applet that sits in the notification area for Ubuntu Netbook Edition? I've somehow managed to uninstall or disable it, and I need to get it back!12:56
* cast wonders if that's a general question12:56
TenPhil'lo, when I try to open a folder from the places menu, it instead scans it for viruses with Clam... why?12:56
eFfeM_workiceroot: i have an issue creating a gcc cross compiler for nios2 under 10.04/64 bit, worked like a charm under 8.04/32 bit12:56
icerooteFfeM_work: 10.04 != 8.0412:56
Pici!chroot | eFfeM_work12:56
ubottueFfeM_work: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot12:56
eFfeM_workiceroot: I know, I migrated from 8.04/32bit to 10.04/64 bit and stumbled upon this12:57
eFfeM_workPici: thanks12:57
icerooteFfeM_work: with a new install you mean12:57
casteFfeM_work: i think he's suggesting you can't isolate it to an arch problem12:57
PicieFfeM_work: Unfortunately, I can't help much more than just providing the factoid.12:57
eFfeM_workiceroot: yeah tried to generate the cross compiler from scratch, same source12:57
icerooteFfeM_work: so 10.04 32bit should work but you have not test it12:58
willwork4fooanyone got any idea what the volume applet is called - running the volume control in the notification area of Ubuntu Netbook Edition?12:58
eFfeM_workiceroot: that is what I was expecting,and that is why I was asking if I could install 32 bit aside 64 bit12:58
icerooteFfeM_work: you can have a amd64 kernel with a 32bit userland, i dont know if you have have a i386 kernel with an amd64 userland12:59
icerooteFfeM_work: i am using amd64 kernel with 32bit userland and its working fine13:00
eFfeM_workyeah, actually I still have my 8.04 in a different partition, but when installing 10.04 I opted for ext4 which seems a bad move since the 8.04 boot can't access ext413:00
zulgabanmy ubuntu box died 2 weeks ago13:02
zulgabanpower supply unit blew up13:02
DarkStar1I officially am starting to have issues with the login system >:o13:02
zulgabanit's called security DarkStar113:03
^Jay2^why is it that people from youtube using wine can play zuma's revenge, and our ubuntu can't?13:03
willwork4fooanyone got any tips on the volume control icon in the notification area? My notification area is present, but the volume control is gone...!13:03
DarkStar1I can't enter my password through the pidgin gui I have touse the "/msg" metheod13:03
TenPhilwillwork4foo: I think it's gvfs that does the volume monitoring... might have a tray applet.13:03
DarkStar1zulgaban: I'm get the security and support it, but in the name of simplicity...13:04
willwork4foogvfs is a userspace virtual filesystem.....!!!13:04
willwork4fooTenPhil: are you sure about that?13:04
zulgabanDarkStar1: nobody is perfect XD13:04
TenPhilwillwork4foo: indicator-sound-service is the process running on mine13:04
willwork4fooTenPhil: thanks13:04
PiciDarkStar1: Many people feel that Pidgin is a poor IRC client.  We will remove the need to login to use this channel when the spam attacks subside, sorry for the inconvenience.13:05
DarkStar1willwork4foo: I have the same issues too but they're gone now sine my apple slim keyboard has buttons to control it :)13:05
Tobias92How can I disable wifi from the commandline without using sudo? I'm trying to create a makeshift wifi killswitch, for the fn+F1 key will not work13:05
willwork4fooDarkStar1: my netbook can control it with keys too, I'd just like to have the button13:05
willwork4fooright - I've installed the indicator. BRB - logging out / in13:05
DarkStar1Pici: I'm for the security and don't mind it. It's just the login method. I spent the last 5 mins wondering why my password wasn't accepted13:06
tomas_hey guys how do i get the ubuntu networking icon to show up13:06
willwork4fooAMAZING! That was it, thanks TenPhil13:06
DarkStar1tomas_: It should show up automatically, left of the date on the top bar13:06
willwork4fooYet again, #ubuntu has the answer.13:07
TenPhilwillwork4foo: no prob.13:07
willwork4foook - I am going to go grab some lunch13:07
willwork4foocheers folks13:07
tomas_hey guys how do i get the ubuntu networking icon to show up13:07
zGryllidatomas_: hey, hmm.. let me look.13:07
DarkStar1tomas_: I'm looking into it now13:08
iflematomas_ what happens when you, in a terminal type     nm-applet?13:09
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zGryllidaHi tom967!13:11
bobthemilkmanI'm having trouble configuring my fonts to work the way I want them to. Specifically I'm having trouble with anti-aliasing on CJK fonts that are aliased to Sans.13:11
zGryllidabobthemilkman: system > preferences > appearance > fonts > details13:12
aguitelhow to hide text during boot and shutdown process ?13:13
bobthemilkmanzGryllida: My cjk fonts are still unaliased below a certain font size.13:13
TenPhil'lo, when I try to open a folder from the places menu, it instead scans it for viruses with Clam... why?13:13
bobthemilkmanActually, they're unaliased between two font sizes.13:13
zGryllidaaguitel: not recommended to do, because in case of a shutdown error, it should show the error message, which wouldn't be seen otherwise13:14
nopeubuntu is starting to bug me a lot (10.04 server)13:14
zGryllida!details | nope13:14
ubottunope: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:14
nopewho figured that /var log cant be put in a separate partition?13:14
bobthemilkmannope: It can.13:14
aguitelzGryllida, a ok13:15
nopebobthemilkman: it wont boot when we have lvm log.vols for /var/log /var/run /var/cache etv13:15
nopeit just hangs13:15
tom967I got a strange message on boot "udevd-work [332] open /dev/null failed no such file or directory" appearing a few seconds and then leaving, any thoughts?13:15
nopecommented out all the /var/... entries in fstab, voila13:15
polomintheh, most of this goes whooshhhh over my head, but maybe, just maybe I'll remember this stuff when i have a problem,heeheheh13:16
zGryllidatom967, does it actually boot, or is this fatal error?13:16
bobthemilkmanThe only reasons for that to fail would be the kernel trying to write data to /var/* before it mounts them.13:16
bobthemilkmanWhich might happen if you wanted to be using FUSE for the /var partition (can't do this).13:16
nopebobthemilkman: seems to be an issue with ureadahead13:16
RobC0_polo: I'm trolling for golden nuggets of linux goodness as well...13:16
polominthehe RobC0_13:17
tom967>zGryllida: it boots OK13:17
geniinope: lvm stuff is processed before fstab, hence your /var isn't being mounted in this case before it wants to start writing there13:17
polomintits handy to have this channel open, i might actually learn something, :)13:17
tom967zGryllida: it boots OK13:17
tom967zGryllida: but I loose a fex seconds on each boot13:17
nopegenii: thanks, maybe I`ll do another reinstall and do /var/xxx as logical non-lvm volumes13:17
polomintalthough i do have a problem, monodevelop's gui editor is horrible, but thats not a ubuntu thing heheh13:18
=== emc_ is now known as emc
polomintis there a gui version of vim?13:19
jpdspolomint: gvim.13:19
guntbertnope: the only f13:20
polomintahh thx13:20
zGryllidatom967: it says (from GRUB) 'unknown char [32] you may .. [rest doesn't fit the screen]' on every boot, which I just don't care about13:20
zGryllidatom967: you can try to wait for someone to help us though, I also lose several seconds on each boot as well13:20
polomintzGryllida, do what i do.... ignore all errors, ubuntu normally sorts it out for me, lmao13:20
guntbertnope: the only directory that I wouldn't put in a separate lvm volume seems /var/run13:21
chetnickI want to add few things to kernel and recompile it. How do I do that (Without losing existing default configuration)? Thanks.13:21
Pici!kernel | chetnick Take a look at these links13:21
ubottuchetnick Take a look at these links: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages13:21
polomintkernel? recompile?  oh oh, im gonna run and hide.. hehh13:22
polomintdamn, i get scared compiling my own software lol13:22
jsquaredIf I've got sudo powers, is there a way to set passwords non-interactively?13:22
chetnickPici: I was looking at those, but it does not mention there how to do it without using current config.13:23
chetnickPici: I don't want to do ti from scratch, I just want to add support for few things.13:23
chetnickjsquared: yeah, you could write C program that does it.13:24
abhi_navwhatsup guys?13:24
chetnickabhi_nav: not much.13:24
abhi_navchetnick, hmm13:24
jsquaredchetnick: I could do that, I suppose, but there's no shell commands that'll do it?13:24
chetnickjsquared: not without interaction.13:25
RobC0_Is there anything I need to do special to set up two partitions, one to install XP and the other Ubuntu 10.  Should I opt for ext3 on a shared laptop?13:25
mguyDoesn't matter13:25
jsquaredchetnick: That's for the best, I suppose.13:25
chetnickjsquared: your input needs to be sent through one way encryption process, and that hash is store in /etc/shadow file.13:25
red2kic!dualboot | RobC0_13:26
ubottuRobC0_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:26
Picichetnick: If you follow the steps under "Alternative Build Method", can't you look at your old config and new config and use some or all of the old fixes?  Excuse me if I'm way off on this, its been a long time since I compiled my own kernel.13:26
chetnickPici: That's the thing, this is default Ubuntu install, I don't believe there is any config. Now I've tried to extract .config from kernel image, but default Ubuntu kernel does not have support for that in kernel (CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC and CONFIG_IKCONFIG)13:28
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Picichetnick: Perhaps #ubuntu-kernel would be the best place to ask13:29
chetnickPici: Ok thanks.13:30
bobthemilkmanI've found the error. The problem is file /etc/conf.d/66-wqy-zenhei-sharp.conf.   This file makes cjk fonts look like complete and total crap. Where do I file a bug? I'm not sure what package to file this under.13:33
* DarkStar1 sighs13:34
* polomint farts13:34
Picipolomint: Please don't.13:34
Picibobthemilkman: Looks like that file is in the the ttf-wqy-zenhei package, file a bug against that.13:35
polomintsry, couldnt help it... :p13:35
Picipolomint: If you feel the need to be random, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic to chat.  (Please keep in mind our channel guidelines there as well though).13:35
DarkStar1seriously.. I accidentally tripped the cable and pidgin tries to log me in with an unregistered nick13:35
polomintsry pici13:35
syst3m0verideheya guys, I upgraded my sound service and it lost my settings13:36
syst3m0veridecannot even find my sound card anymore?13:36
tomas_just a question is there a version of ubuntu that will let me install just the OS and no software13:37
Picitomas_: The Ubuntu Minimal CD install the bare minimums, letting you decide what extra packages you want to install.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:38
rkhshmwhere does /etc/passwd come from?13:38
rkhshmdpkg -S does not show anything?13:38
Picirkhshm: I would have to guess that it either comes from 'passwd' or 'login', both binary packages created from the 'shadow' source package.13:41
bugs_buggercan anyone tell me why i cant mount my cf on lucid?13:42
rkhshmPici: but they dont show up in dpkg -S why?13:42
indusbugs_bugger, whats a cf13:42
Wikitanvircan anyone give me a direct link to download the .deb file of vlc media player?13:42
Picirkhshm: Because they are probably created either at install time, or by using the tools for the first time... or even by other packages when installing things.  The files themselves are not part of any binary package.13:43
bugs_buggerindus: compact flash card13:43
Wikitanviri need to use ubuntu offline13:43
toyotafosgatehey everyone I am having some issues with Ubuntu Server 10.04 Installation am I in the right place or should I be joing a different chat channel?13:43
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PiciWikitanvir: See http://apt.alturl.com/13:43
indusWikitanvir, its there on vlc site13:44
rkhshmPici: any ideas?13:44
compsmanWifi Issues13:44
Wikitanvirindus: really? can u give me a direct download link?13:44
indusWikitanvir, ah no its a repository13:44
Picirkhshm: Any more ideas you mean? I responded above13:44
rkhshmPici: yes any more ideas13:45
Wikitanvirindus: oh ..13:45
indusWikitanvir, try getdeb.net13:45
rkhshmPici: coz passwd doesnt show it if i do dpkg -L passwd13:45
indusbut what pici gave is a better idea13:45
amokpauleHello, i have 2 computers both ubuntu lucid. Im here on my main computer and i try to coneckt the my second comp using the Remote Desktop viewer. It coneckts and i can see the second computers screen here here. But i cannot see here what i do, means i can watch my others comp screen and drag windows around stuff just on my main comp i only see the window like i logged in.13:45
Wikitanvirindus: okay. thanks :)13:45
compsmani cant connect to any wifi with out manually entering in the access point help!13:45
indusPici, it useful for offline installs13:45
indusWikitanvir, its useful for offline installs13:45
indusPici, sorry wrong nick13:46
rkhshmPici: sorry missed that one out.13:46
indusWikitanvir, http://www.getdeb.net/software/VLC13:46
chidhow would I troubleshoot touchpad issues13:46
chidubuntu 9.0413:46
toyotafosgateAny ideas why I might have a installation fail of Ubuntu Server 10.04 while trying to setup a simple raid 1 setup?13:46
vicesi'm seeing some imapd activity on my webserver and i'm not familiar with how it should look and what the reasons are13:47
compsman(also wifi radar wont auto pick up ip.13:47
toyotafosgateBasically getting the following errors went it boots up:13:47
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: Failed in what way?13:47
vicesthere are only 2 or 3 email addresses on the server and they aren't used frequently13:47
bugs_buggerindus: i have an integrated card reader(4slots). plugging in my cf sd card, i can just see the (empty) slots for the other three card types, but the cf wont appear13:47
toyotafosgatefsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/md1p2:13:47
toyotafosgateThe filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 11916690 blocks13:48
vicesis it normal to have 3 of these running?: /usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/imapd13:48
toyotafosgateThe physical size of the device is 116237296 blocks Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!13:48
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: use pastebin to post the error message13:48
indusbugs_bugger, try a command dmesg | tail13:48
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: www.pastebin.org13:48
rkhshmPici: there is any documentation on this.13:48
rkhshmPici: would like to know more13:49
corpsiclejust installed ubuntu with kde desktop, and im not getting any sound13:49
corpsicleany obvious things i should try ?13:49
compsmani cant connect to any wifi with out manually entering in the access point help! (also wifi radar can find wifis but wont connect)13:49
zGryllidacorpsicle: google "<speakers model> driver ubuntu"13:49
Wikitanvirindus: in find the link to download in getdeb..13:49
zGryllidacorpsicle: or paste your specs here for the channel to google it for you13:49
corpsicleits the driver for the soundcard i think actually13:50
corpsicleive had ubuntu running with sound on this laptop before13:50
Wikitanvirindus: it has a button download, but after click it gives me a alert13:50
corpsiclebut just reinstalled today13:50
indusWikitanvir, yeah use apturl13:50
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: http://pastebin.com/kSBkERNB13:50
DarkStar1corpsicle: go into System > Preferences > Sound and have a play around13:50
indusWikitanvir, from taht window wihch piops up13:50
Wikitanvirindus: i got it in apturl..13:51
bugs_buggerindus: output here: http://pastebin.com/3HReLe6A13:51
zGryllidacorpsicle: what ubuntu version did it work on, have you installed SAME version this time?13:51
indusbugs_bugger, problem with reading the medium it seems13:51
tydeasAny link on how to install ATI x1050 Radeon drivers?13:51
Wikitanvirindus: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/v/vlc/vlc_1.0.6-1ubuntu1_i386.deb this link looks okay?13:52
bugs_buggerindus: ok. so what am i gonna do to fix that?13:52
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: Is this a repetitive problem?? (as in have you tried a re-install?)13:52
indusWikitanvir, no dont do that, that will not install other dependencies needed13:52
corpsiclezGryllida: yep, same13:52
indusWikitanvir, like pici said, use aptoncd or somethinh13:52
Wikitanvirindus: then?13:52
corpsicle"audio plaback devide does not work"13:52
corpsiclevery helpful =/13:53
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: yes, I have actually tried differents setups with raid but they all seem to fail. I can install on one drive but raid seems to keep failing13:53
corpsicleits what kde notifier tells me13:53
compsmani cant connect to any wifi with out manually entering in the access point help! (also wifi radar can find wifis but wont connect) sorr for posting again i jiust like some help13:53
Wikitanvirindus: i am afraid what pici said? and what is aptoncd?13:53
corpsicleinstalled something, ill try restarting13:53
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: It seems almost like the raid setup is not completely being erased and causing it to not boot correctly, either that or something is being messed up in Grub13:54
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: The problem is probably down to your raid card. Had this problem a while back when Sata first came out and my friend and I were using a custom RAID card13:54
Cyber_AkumaIs there any way to make ubuntu install Grub on the logical partition instead of the MBR for purposes of chainloading it?13:54
Cyber_Akumaduring ubuntu install I mean13:54
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: see that's the thing the server I am using is an older HP DL140 and it only has IDE, I am trying to use the built in installer with mdadm to setup software raid13:55
MrEgg964Hi all. Using Samba on a Ubuntu server, is it possible to configure so as to allow windows clients to upload files to a specific folder, while at the same time not allowing them to download anything? tia13:55
compsmananyone? help me? or this no help?13:56
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: Aahh you're complicating your problem... my experience with software RAID on Linux is that the grey hair strands aren't worth the effort13:56
hebz0rlhello i wanted to try out btrfs on maverick (im using the mini iso for installation) how can i set the mount option to enable transparent compression when creating the partition? (i want to mount it to /)13:56
DarkStar1MrEgg964: It's totally possible...13:57
Wikitanvirindus: are you getting annoyed?13:57
MrEgg964DarkStar1: excellent - what directive am i looking for?13:57
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: It's odd because I used the same setup on another server with the exact same hardware and it worked correctly. I am not sure what could be the problem...13:57
indusWikitanvir, lol13:58
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: Hang on I'm trying to picture where your setup is going wrong13:58
indusWikitanvir, no13:58
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:58
FloodBot2indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:58
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: ok thanks13:58
indusWikitanvir, see aboive link13:58
bugs_buggerindus: dont wanna press you but any idea13:58
indusbugs_bugger, does the media work in windows ?13:58
indusbugs_bugger, there is a small tab on the cf which makes it write protected, move it !!!!!!!13:59
bugs_buggerindus: snap! didn try that yet.13:59
bugs_buggerstupid me :S13:59
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: Some more info, it seems like it is trying to load that /dev/md1p2 but I am only creating to raid devices, MD0 and MD1... Why does this even exist?13:59
compsmani cant connect to any wifi with out manually entering in the access point help! (also wifi radar can find wifis but wont connect) sorr for posting again i jiust like some help    last attempt13:59
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: correction "two" raid devices13:59
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: Is there a partitionon one of your hard drives?14:00
bugs_buggerindus: doesnt seem to have a lock-tab14:00
indusbugs_bugger, it does generally, check14:00
indusbugs_bugger, or google it , i dont have one right now14:00
Wikitanvirindus: above link? what link r u talking about?14:00
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: Before installing I removed all partitions and raid devices from within the installer. Is that what you mean?14:01
indus!aptoncd > Wikitanvir14:01
ubottuWikitanvir, please see my private message14:01
bugs_buggerindus: there aint no14:01
indusbugs_bugger, can you tell me which card this is14:01
indusbugs_bugger, what data you have on it14:01
compsmanok i am just wasting tiime here then..14:01
induscompsman, what is the issue14:02
compsmanwifi issues14:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:02
indusrude factoid :D14:02
amokpauleHow can i add an programm to "Applications"?14:02
xmagixxquistion what is the most optimal rsize wsize for mounting a NFS on LAN ?14:02
induscompsman, can you tell in here exactly how and which network you try to connect to14:03
bastid_raZoramokpaule: right click applications.. edit menu14:03
bugs_buggerindus: photos of a reflex14:03
Gneacompsman: by not explaining what the problem is, in detail, yes, you are wasting your time14:04
indusbugs_bugger, aN SLR you mean14:04
indusbugs_bugger, check in windows ifit works then we try again14:04
amokpaulebastid_raZor,  ty14:04
airdemi have a single os system so grub is no displayed at boot14:04
indusbugs_bugger, go !14:04
airdemis there a command to display it?14:04
airdemi need to bopot rescue mode14:04
Gneacompsman: but you might want to try wicd14:04
compsmanindus, i con connect with wifi only if i enter in the info... the app wifi radar wont connect it just freezes on dhcp (ip grabber)14:04
bastid_raZoramokpaule: you're welcome14:05
Tobias92Is there any way I can use the Fn key as a modifier in gconf?14:05
Gneacompsman: wifi-radar sucks, use wicd14:05
toyotafosgateDarkStar1: do you need any more information from me?14:05
multi_iowhat's the best way in Ubuntu to get a valid /lib/modules/<kernelversion>/build/.config for the running kernel so I can compile 3rd-party kernel modules?14:05
Gnea!info wicd14:06
compsmanGnea, sudo ap-get install wicd ?14:06
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB14:06
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indusairdem, yes14:06
DarkStar1Think I've found the answer to you problems :)14:06
multi_iois there a package that contains that file? Or do you have to compile a kernel yourself for that?14:06
airdemindus, but you dont know it? :)14:06
bugs_buggerindus: allright allright! thanks so far. hopefully my pics didn get lost...14:06
indusairdem,  :D14:06
Gneacompsman: then run it like this:  wicd-client -n14:06
indusairdem, press alt esc14:06
bugs_buggerindus: rebooting on windows, should be back in 1014:07
indusairdem, but if you want to see a menu permanently you have to edit /etc/default/grub14:07
airdemok alt+esc14:08
DarkStar1toyotafosgate: You see the private chat window messages?14:08
airdemi will try now, thank you14:08
compsmanGnea, I WILL BRB disconnecting eth14:08
indusairdem, wait 1 sec14:08
indusoh crap14:08
indusits shift button now14:08
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:08
z0nethow can I compile an amount of cpp files? :o14:09
jpdsz0net: g++ file1.cpp file2.cpp ....14:10
z0netjpds, I'll try thnx14:10
indusairdem, oops14:11
indussorry airdem its shift key :D14:11
indusairdem, just shift14:11
airdemokay :)14:11
indusairdem, and if you want14:11
indusairdem, permanently grub menu14:11
airdemyeah i know14:11
airdembut i just need it once14:11
indusairdem, ah ok14:11
airdem:) thanks again14:11
indusheh ok14:12
z0netjpds, I tried: "g++ *.cpp" and then a lot of errors =\14:12
compsmanGnea, still can obtain ip address14:14
z0netjpds, look the folder: http://images.cjb.net/70fa4.png14:14
PatrickBici wonder if i might better ask in some x11 related channel but I'll try14:14
PatrickBicnvidia driver ->  graphical artefacts (textmode) + lockup;... nv-driver -> graphical artefacts + 1-5s graphical mode then lockup.... vesa-driver -> graphical artefacts + working graphics mode14:14
z0nethow can I compile all these files: http://images.cjb.net/70fa4.png ?14:15
PatrickBicz0net, g++14:15
airdemokay my problem is a bit more than that14:15
airdemi have made backups of my home and root partition14:15
z0netPatrickBic, I tried g++ *.cpp14:15
z0netand then I got a lot of errors14:15
airdemrepartitioned my hdd and copied the backups to the new partitions14:15
PatrickBicz0net, fix them14:15
compsmanGnea, is it possible due to my broadcom wifi card?14:15
PatrickBicthere is no other way :P14:15
airdemi can boot ionto it but things like sudo do not work14:15
PatrickBicyou either lack a lib14:15
PatrickBicor the cpp code is faulty14:15
z0netPatrickBic, omg :O14:15
airdemi think the file permissions and ownerships are messed up14:16
airdemis there and easy way to fix all this? or should i reinstall=14:16
PatrickBicairdem, do you know the "right" file permissions?14:17
PatrickBicz0net, is that your code?14:17
z0netPatrickBic, yes.. all of it14:17
PatrickBicz0net, try something along that: "g++ -Wall moo.cpp moo2.cpp moo3.cpp -o program"14:18
PatrickBicreplace moo.cpp (and following) of course :P14:18
airdemPatrickBic, no i just went into rescue mode, mounted root partition and did a chown -R root:root on it14:18
PatrickBicyou copied your whole /home to some backup.. and back now.. right?14:19
airdemyes and root14:19
PatrickBicairdem, well.. from (guessing) i would say r,x,w to user, r,x to group and 0 to others14:20
PatrickBiclemme see what my /home says :P14:20
z0netPatrickBic, only the cpp files? or even the .h ones?14:20
PatrickBicz0net, you dont compile .h files14:20
PatrickBicthey get included when needed/used (#include and stuff)14:20
multi_iois there a kernel 2.6.31 source package that works with Ubuntu 10.04?14:20
z0netPatrickBic, so "g++ -Wall *.cpp -o program" should work?14:21
PatrickBicz0net, i wouldnt use *.cpp  (maybe you want to place temp files in this dir that shouldn't be compiled ... just personal opinion)14:22
PatrickBici would use moo.cpp moo2.cpp and so on14:22
PatrickBicso a list of .cpp files14:22
z0netok.. I'll try14:23
shishireis there a good way to get a trace of all files a program opens?  gnome-screensaver-preferences is doing something funky with it's idle_time value (i.e., not storing it in my gconf, but somewhere else), and I want to see what it's opening.14:23
PatrickBicshishire, there is14:23
PatrickBicone sec14:23
shishirePatrickBic, :D ty in advance14:24
z0netPatrickBic, I got a lot of errors again =\14:25
rileypanyone using nvidia 256 drivers?14:25
TroyTheTechGuyInstalled 10.4 last night but having issue when booting. I have 2 HD: 1 formated ext4 and partitioned /, /home,swap, other HD is mix of prev. ubuntu install (/,/home,swap) & XP.  When booting w/ both drives I get the following msg: "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEauthority  However, if I unplug the 2nd drive it boots fine.  Suggestions?14:25
PatrickBicshishire, ls -l /proc/2228/fd/14:26
mgrafbuy one big drive :P14:26
PatrickBic2228 being the pid14:26
compsmanGnea, still cant obtain ip address14:26
z0netPatrickBic, are busy or something? =\ I could send you the link of these sources so you could teach me how to fix these errors14:26
compsmanGnea, also another note wicd picks up my neighbors wifi and it wont obtain a ip there eiver14:26
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PatrickBicz0net, well.. i hardly see anything on the screen (think i partly killed my graphics card)14:26
PatrickBicyou can send them but i am unsure if i can have a look at them today/tomorrow14:26
PatrickBicno clue how long it takes me to fix that14:27
z0netPatrickBic, that's ok.. I'll keep trying then ;p14:27
compsmanor anyone?14:27
z0netPatrickBic, thanks a lot anyway ;p14:27
PatrickBicno problem14:27
PatrickBicok: anyone any idea on my posted question 10 to 15min ago?14:27
PatrickBicthing i came for :P14:28
mgrafi was having the same problem with wicd, ended up switching to knetworkmanager and it working fine14:28
compsmanno kdi14:28
mgrafdone need it, it use flux14:29
mgraf*i use flux14:29
compsmanstill wifi radar and wicd wont obtain ip14:29
PatrickBicdhclient wlan0 ?14:29
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chadi_how can I see what kernels I have?14:30
compsmanits eth12 not wlan0...14:30
PatrickBicwell.. :P14:30
PatrickBicchadi_, ls /boot14:30
PatrickBic(beside grub dir :P)14:30
PatrickBicand some stuff.. but mostly kernel images there14:30
chadi_yeah, ty14:30
PatrickBicchadi_, and installed kernel is uname -a14:30
osteenbergenHi, I need some help. Tried to connect my laptop to my new HDTV but it keeps saying no signal. Ubuntu sees my tv, but as 57" instead of 32"14:32
osteenbergenjust using VGA btw14:32
osteenbergenI know my laptop works and that my tv works.. Its a macbook pro 4.1 with nouveau drivers14:33
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know ow to setup a Data/fax 56k modem model AMB880214:34
=== chadi_ is now known as chadi
perlsyntaxwhen i try wvdilaconf14:35
perlsyntaxi  get this error14:36
perlsyntaxScanning your serial ports for a modem.Modem Port Scan<*1>: S1   S2   S314:36
perlsyntaxAnyone know why i get this?14:36
osteenbergenNot me14:36
perlsyntaxit a AmbiCom modem14:37
perlsyntax:) somene got to know14:37
perlsyntaxI not sure what driver i need for it i thought the driver was in the kernel.14:38
=== symtab_ is now known as symtab
galauxHi there !14:38
symtabanyone here who knows how to add the volume indicator to the panel?14:38
symtabseems like i removed it by mistake14:38
symtabubuntu 10.414:38
abhi_navperlsyntax, linmodem.org14:38
symtabit doesnt appear in the apps when you select add to panel14:38
osteenbergenindeed :O14:39
galauxDoes anyone know some about upstart? I made a simple script that I manage to get launched upon shutdown but upstart won't wait for it to finish14:39
perlsyntaxhow would i get scanModem to pick up what driver i need?14:39
osteenbergensymtab do you have the indicator applet on your panel14:39
osteenbergenthe volume is now part of that14:39
osteenbergenSo add to panel -> Indicator Applet14:40
perlsyntaxdead link14:40
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perlsyntaxlook like none know.don't look shock to me.14:41
* osteenbergen restarting and hoping that proprietary drivers can fix my 'no signal' issue :(14:41
cba123I'm trying to decide between Google-Desktop, Tracker and Beagle.  I had Beagle and it seemed to crash, and Tracker stopped working as my index was getting complete.  My only hesitation with Google-Desktop is that it isn't open source.  Any advice?14:41
symtabthank you14:42
perlsyntaxi rem the pc card did work with ubuntu 9.10 and i not sure why not pi up the modem.14:42
MikeChelencba123: haven't noticed crashes with beagle, it can be cpu intensive when indexing though14:42
Joe\\how do i make samba able to share files in /home/user/? right now it only works with folders in /14:42
symtabthe new desktop theme looks awesome btw14:42
cba123MikeChelen, I've searched for files that I know exist, and it either doesn't find them, or it crashes.14:43
perlsyntaxi love talking to myself it a fun hobby lol14:43
MikeChelencba123: what is the crash error, tried submitting bug report?14:43
MikeChelen!repeat | perlsyntax14:44
ubottuperlsyntax: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:44
perlsyntaxi do what i want to.14:44
perlsyntaxit  joke in here.14:45
abhi_navperlsyntax, had you visited linimodem.org? they are for this purpose only14:45
perlsyntaxhow would i get scanModem to ick up my pc card modem?14:45
cba123MikeChelen, No error is listed, it just doesn't want find it, even when it says the index is complete.  The search backend seems to crash as well, but I can't reproduce it at will.14:45
cba123it just doesn't find it*14:46
galauxHi! Any upstart gurus around here :) ?14:47
perlsyntaxwhat the matter get that shot out of your face.14:47
* abhi_nav bans Perun 14:47
MikeChelencba123: hmm weird, might be two different bugs, or possibly one is causing the other14:48
mibocoteis there a way to continously read a file and be able to pipe it to grep?14:48
ZykoticK9abhi_nav, FYI it's http://www.linmodems.org/ not linimodem.org14:49
abhi_navZykoticK9, yes. it was typing mistake. i live in idnia? you understand? then whats the problem?14:49
galauxmibocote, like 'tail -f' ?14:50
ZykoticK9abhi_nav, i see perlsyntax is gone, just wanted to point out the url problem14:50
abhi_navZykoticK9, yah. sure.14:50
mibocotegalaux: kind of, but I need to reread the entire file14:50
stickboyAnyone else here play Tremulous? I can't switch from the game window to another window or the desktop using commands. any ideas?14:50
galauxyou mean heach time it gets updated you need the full content?14:51
ZykoticK9stickboy, common with games that "grab" you mouse14:51
ZykoticK9stickboy, that's "your mouse and keyboard" ;)14:52
stickboyZykoticK9, any idea on how to disable?14:52
mibocotebeing able to read the file every second would work, I want to watch /proc/meminfo to see how low the free memory gets, so I want to do something like ??? /proc/meminfo | grep MemFree | awk 'BEGIN { min=9999999 }; $2 < min { $min=$2 }; END { print min }'14:52
galauxhum I see14:53
ZykoticK9stickboy, for mouse it would be VERY difficult to play perhaps if you did (thinking FPS).  You can always switch to a virtual console ctrl+alt+f1 and run console commands perhaps?  good luck man.14:53
cba123MikeChelen, Either way, is google-desktop something to worry about?14:54
stickboyZykoticK9, thanks14:54
galauxmibocote, what about a small script with a while true loop?14:54
mibocotethat would work, but I was hoping there would be a way to do it without making a copy of the script on all the servers14:54
MikeChelencba123: worry how so? it is a good piece of software, just isn't open source and therefore cannot be installed through repos or updated by the community14:55
abhi_navi was disconnected. anything i missed?14:55
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galauxmibocote, while true; do grep MemFree /proc/meminfo | awk 'BEGIN { min=9999999 }; $2 < min { $min=$2 }; END { print min }'; sleep 1; done14:57
cba123MikeChelen, I meant as far as privacy.  I know google claims privacy, but just a thought, idk14:57
symtabany ideas where empathy saves the account list?14:58
galauxDoes anyone know why upstart wouldn't wait for the end of my script before shutting down the computer?14:59
mibocotegalaux: awk won't keep any state in that so it will just print the value every second15:02
bugs_buggerindu: hey, sorry. i thought it might be clever to copy the data under win. took 15 mins to copy 2 gigs...15:03
bugs_buggerindus: hey, sorry. i thought it might be clever to copy the data under win. took 15 mins to copy 2 gigs...15:03
galauxhum true!15:03
bugs_buggerindus: but its working now. after safely removing the card under windows, ubuntu mounts it properly15:04
bugs_buggerindus: thanks for your time. cheers15:04
mibocotehm, awk has the while control structure with file io, I'll just write an awk program then15:04
galauxmibocote, sounds good! Let me know if you manage to do what you want15:06
hrp2171help!  can't install ultimate edition themes in 10.04.  10.04 no longer uses usplash and it's one of the dependencies.15:07
MikeChelencba123: don't have any reason to suspect it to be unsafe. there are some options about sharing indexing across computers that could be disabled to be on safe side15:07
symtabnow...here's my situatia...my old xps is dead...i have my messenger accounts from empathy in backup...i have a inspiron now and i want to get my old accounts15:08
symtabhow can i do this?15:08
symtabthe keyring is encrypted15:08
FloodBot2symtab: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:08
hrp2171symtab, which keyring?  the current one or the one in the backup?15:08
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symtabthe backup one of course15:08
hrp2171symtab, oh nevermind! was going to have you delete the current one and it should ask for new info.15:09
Oersymtab you do not know your messenger pass anymore ?15:10
symtabi have separate passwords for each accounts and it would be easier to just import them (aim, yahoo, msn,....)15:10
hrp2171off to UE forums...then work...laters!15:11
polomintanyone in the ubuntu-offtopic channel?15:11
polomintwonkyHat, why did u ban me?15:12
Picipolomint: Please join #ubuntu-ops if you'd like to appeal your ban.15:12
IdleOnepolomint: please join #ubuntu-ops to discuss bans15:12
polominti will15:12
zomgbiewow i somehow managed to kill my xorg/gnome setup after hopelessly trying to get my ubuntu 10 to see my ihpone 3gs15:13
zomgbieafter i already did a dist-upgrade ... can i somehow roll back or force reinstall of all default packages from the standard console?15:14
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frostburnis there an alternative to evolution for syncing AD calendars?15:16
zomgbieis there a way to roll back / reinstall all default packages from a given distribution on the console? (apt-get command)?15:16
perlsyntaxI install the kernel headers and modem driver when i do  wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf i get the same error.15:17
zomgbiegnome/xorg won't come up again after i seemingly took some crucial dependencies with some usb related packags15:17
abhi_navits again15:19
savidHi, I can see that something on my computer is using a lot of network bandwidth.  Is there a way to see what processes are using the most bandwidth?15:21
rww!info nethogs | savid15:22
ubottusavid: nethogs (source: nethogs): Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0-3 (lucid), package size 25 kB, installed size 100 kB15:22
savidrww, thanks!15:24
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whlspacedude1234 people in room!15:25
savidOdd, pulseaudio seems to be sending a lot of data15:25
abhi_navno they all are bots15:26
abhi_navI mean we all are bots. :)15:26
whlspacedudebut are you sentinel ?15:26
whlspacedudeobviously not15:27
kubancis ubuntu 10.04 for 64 bit processors good?15:30
abhi_navkubanc, offcourse!!!15:30
bastid_raZorkubanc: i use it and would recommend it for anyone.15:30
whlspacedudekubanc: i use it every day.15:31
kubancok, thnx for help, doing download already ;)15:31
ring0if i want to add an option to /etc/default/grub, would i use GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT or GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX?15:34
abhi_nav!grub2 | ring015:36
ubotturing0: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:36
overriderIs there a commandline curses app that lets me choose my sources, so i can pick a mirror close to me? Via GUI its Preferences -> Software Sources. Or should i find my mirror from somewhere on the Website, and add it manually into /etc/apt/sources.plist?15:38
ring0abhi_nav, so, considering i'd like to add an option for video=uvesafb, i'd take GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX so the resolution is modified even for recovery boot?15:39
abhi_navring0, that link wll give you more depth knowledge. i never done it15:40
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eazel7hi thousand of users, I googled, but I can't find or understand well the answers. my machine's hostname is 'lulu', but at some point it changes it's name to dhcppc42 I guess this is a dhcp supplied hostname. how can I tell my machine to ignore it and keeps it's lovely 'lulu' name?15:42
abhi_navhulu lulu15:44
belkinsaDid you ask in the forums?15:45
luciditynobody told me wubi how to?15:45
azlonhow can i get the path for my webcam? i thought it was /dev/video0 but it doesnt work15:45
abhi_nav!wubi | lucidity15:46
ubottulucidity: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.15:46
belkinsaWhat type of Wubi How to do you need?15:46
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luciditydo i need internet connection with wubi?15:50
belkinsaDoes any know if 181fm.com only uses Windows Media Player to play the internet radio stations?15:51
darkkraiis there anyway to get this functionality with empathy? http://img.digsby.com/screenshots/7_popups.png15:52
whlspacedudeaww lucidity left.15:52
belkinsaYeah, I wanted to answer the question.   :)15:52
whlspacedudedarkkrai: id use that too.  if you find it let us know15:53
belkinsaWhen you choose another app to open a file on FireFox, how to find what the app is in the file system?15:55
mguybelkinsa: Open a terminal and type 'whereis commmandname'15:56
darkkraiwhlspacedude, its planned in gnome shell15:57
whlspacedudedarkkrai: cool. thanks for the update15:58
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airdemhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/231341/ <-- whats wrong in here?16:00
Oerairden add the pub key of the repo you added.16:01
DjoefHi, any suggestions for a simple online knowledge base system, where I could store txt files, links images etc16:03
belkinsaI can't get totem or mplayer to play any streams from internet radio stations?  I have all of the plug-ins and extars, but nothing.  What am I doing wrong?16:03
edbianDjoef, Not sure what a knowledge base system but Ubuntu one lets you store personal files online16:03
belkinsaDropbox does also.16:04
Djoefedbian, it should be interactive, not just folders with files16:04
k1Hey. I want to encrypt my whole SSD that i runs ubuntu on. like i did in windows with truecrypt. how can i do that?16:04
belkinsaDjoef: Try Dropbox.16:05
Djoefbelkinsa, I have dropbox16:05
Oerbelkinsa look for .pls or .m3u to play radiostations16:06
DjoefI need to be able to create pages on the fly, with links etc, and I want to be able to search (keyword) for howto-pages ..16:06
edbianDjoef, Interactive?  Can you give an example of such a website?16:06
Djoefedbian, a bit like wiki16:07
edbianDjoef, ?  wikipedia?16:07
Djoefedbian, indeed16:07
airdemOer, i did a sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-desktop/ppa16:07
airdembu it still get the error16:07
darkkraihow do I install gnome shell?16:08
rwwdarkkrai: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell, on recent versions of Ubuntu16:08
rwwdarkkrai: then alt-f2 => "gnome-shell --replace" to actually run it16:08
Oerairdem, use the 2 key numbers like this >  sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0EE1BF5F3C8E2A7F && sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys D6B6DB186A68F63716:08
erghezihow font  issue as bug reports to launchpad?16:08
rwwubottu: bug | erghezi16:09
ubottuerghezi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:09
erghezirww:  but i cant report bad font :|16:09
jlillyWhere should I be looking for rebinding the F1 key to ESC?16:10
erghezidefault font in Ubuntu is so bad for persian people .16:10
abuayyoubHello all. Can someone help me please. I have a complete backup of my /home folder... if I were to do a complete re-install would I be able to completly restore all my files, folders, settings, themes etc just by replacing the /home folder? if so, how can I do that?16:10
airdemOer, i think its because of the keyserver. its down, possibly16:10
jlillyabuayyoub: most of them, probably.16:10
Slartjlilly: a utility called xmodmap16:10
airdemgpg: keyserver timed out16:11
airdemgpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error16:11
abuayyoubjlilly,  cool. How can I do that? I tried it before but i ended up breaking the entire install.16:11
Avaszcan i get some help on ssh here?16:11
ergheziis there any way, report "bad font" as bug in launchpad?16:12
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:13
k1I want to encrypt my whole system partition. how can i do that?16:13
Oerairdem, i see, there is something down16:13
abhi_navk1 truecrypt16:13
abhi_navk1, http://www.truecrypt.org/16:13
k1abhi_nav, I did that in windows but it's not supported in the ubuntu verison :/16:13
Avaszabhi_nav, if there is no openssh server installed in the machine then isnt there any way to ssh to it?16:13
Benkinoobyhi i found out, that when the "lm" flag is set, my laptop has a 64 bit cpu. i typed cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "lm" and i got lahf_lm. so is this 64 bit or not? the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo is http://pastebin.com/9G5VUs0616:14
abhi_navk1, ????? it is a open source project. it is for linux. sure. read first16:14
Benkinoobycan some1 tell me, wheter i sould go for 32 bit or 64?16:14
abhi_navAvasz, read that link16:14
abhi_navBenkinooby, for 64 bit for sure16:14
k1abhi_nav, "The version for Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP can encrypt the boot partition or entire boot drive."16:14
Benkinoobywhere can u read it from?16:15
abhi_navPici, now I highly recommend seriously for that !64bit factoid. Please consider it seriously.16:15
k1The most realible source in the world where everything is true. wikipedia!16:15
SlartBenkinooby: 64bit if your cpu can handle it and you've got more than 4gb memory16:15
abhi_navBenkinooby, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit16:15
Pici!64 | abhi_nav ?16:15
ubottuabhi_nav ?: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.16:15
azlonfor some reason i can't get zoneminder to recognize my cameras... anybody experience this?16:16
popeythat page directly contradicts ubuntu.com abhi_nav16:16
abhi_navPici, i ddnt know that16:16
Slartpopey: you mean the thing on the download page about 64bit not being suitable for home use?16:16
iflemaBenkinooby sudo lshw -C cpu16:16
abhi_navpopey, the link i gave is right. other is not updates. its wrong16:16
popeySlart: it doesnt say that, it says 'not recommended'16:17
popeyabhi_nav: its community documentation, it could be wrong :)16:17
Slartpopey: oh.. they changed it? it's still nonsense..16:17
popeySlart: no, they haven't the bug is still open16:17
abhi_navPici, can we add a sentence in it '64 bit is strongly recommended unless you have special reason to go for 32 bit' ?16:17
k1abhi_nav, Is there any other tool to encrypt the system partition that works good with ubuntu?16:17
abhi_navpopey, its not updates. the link i gave is updated and write.16:17
^DEMOSS^hello again16:18
popeyabhi_nav: i am sorry, I dont undertstand your terse replies. I'm specifically saying that the community wiki "recommends" 64 bit, ubuntu.com "recommends" 32-bit16:18
abuayyoubHi, anyone here use DockBarX? I am wondering if there is a way to put information like, volume, battery,networking, etc into Dockbar. I hate the indicator applet. it messes up my theme but I still need that info and the functionality16:18
Benkinoobyiflema: http://pastebin.com/muiwCDhB16:19
abhi_navpopey, so? whtas your point?16:19
Craig_DemPut that info into conky.16:19
popeyabhi_nav: conflicting advice16:19
^DEMOSS^i have a question for msql packages - need i for my server "mysql-server-core 5.1" or i can delete it ?16:19
Benkinoobyiflema: with is 32 bits.. so is it 32 bit cpu that understand 64 bit commands?16:19
k1abhi_nav, I think you misunderstood me, i dont mean to be impolite. im using truecrypt right now to encrypt my storage harddrives. but what do i do about the system one? you saw that text i pasted from wiki about truecrypt system partition encryption now working in ubuntu right?16:19
abhi_navpopey, there is no conflict. i gave him the link which recommends 64 bit. whats conflicting in that?16:20
popeyabhi_nav: as I said, ubuntu.com recommends 32-bit, that link recommends 64-bit, a conflict16:20
Benkinoobyabhi_nav: how did u know i have 64 bit cpu?16:20
collinkIs it possible to use both an nVidia GeForce card and an ATI Radeon card at the same time to acheive a 3-monitor setup?16:20
abhi_navohhh thats why I gave  the 'corrrect' link popey ?16:20
abhi_navBenkinooby, ??? whats your question?16:21
popeyabhi_nav: i give up16:21
abhi_navpopey, me too.16:21
whlspacedudei just recommend using the same architecture as the CPU for ubuntu.  especially if you have more than 4gb of ram16:21
=== emc_ is now known as emc
iflemaBenkinooby looks like a netbook.... 32bit cpu16:21
k1That's the spirit!16:21
abhi_navk1, whats wrong with truecypt?16:21
bastid_raZorBenkinooby: cat /proc/cupinfo | grep -i lm   .. if youget a result then you have 64bit16:21
k1abhi_nav, it does not support system drive encryption on the linux verisons16:21
abhi_navk1 hmm16:22
k1abhi_nav, "The version for Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP can encrypt the boot partition or entire boot drive."16:22
k1From wiki16:22
abhi_navk1 i see.16:22
erghezirww: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect16:23
Benkinoobybastid_raZor: this is what i allready did... i have something like lahf_lm. not lm alone16:23
erghezirww: here you can report directly16:23
k1I got a link in ubuntu-se now so i will check that out but thanks for yours time16:23
abhi_navBenkinooby, paste your uname -a result here16:23
BenkinoobyLinux box 2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 22:02:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux but uname gives me only info about my OS. this does not say, if my HW is 64 bit16:24
wonkyHat^DEMOSS^: which version of mysql server do you have installed? if it's not 5.1 then you don't. You can always try removing it and see if that causes other packages you need to be removed.16:24
iflemaBenkinooby i68616:24
abhi_navBenkinooby, its 32bit system16:25
Benkinoobyiflema: i was somehow confused, because i got the lahf_lm in my cpuinfo. but now i also guess it is 32 bit.. also because intel says so ;) http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=3633116:26
bazhangabhi_nav, that's just the installed arch, not the cpu16:26
Benkinoobyabhi_nav: thnak you for your time and efforts.16:26
Benkinoobyiflema: thank you fro your help+16:26
abhi_navbazhang, yah16:26
abhi_navBenkinooby, ok.16:26
bazhangabhi_nav, he wants to know the cpu , not the arch16:26
abhi_navbazhang, yah. i got it16:27
Oerinstall sysinfo, it will tell you more about your cpu16:27
Benkinoobyso now the search goes on :D16:27
^DEMOSS^wonkyHat:  iinstall "mysql server" then "mysql-server-5.1" then "CORE**"16:28
SlartBenkinooby: listen to bastid_raZor "cat /proc/cupinfo | grep -i lm   .. if youget a result then you have 64bit" .. I've seen that used before to decide if a system is 64bit capable or not16:28
^DEMOSS^but i think i do not need core16:28
abhi_navBenkinooby, you still dont know which cpu you have?16:28
bazhangBenkinooby, cat /proc/cpuinfo16:28
BenkinoobySlart, i did this, but i get lahf_lm i am not sure if this is 64 bit or not. i pastet all this to paste bin....16:29
^DEMOSS^can i have problem if install "mysql server" & "mysql-server-5.1" ??16:29
abhi_navBenkinooby, do as said by bazhang and see if a flag called 'lm' is listed. if yes then cpu is 64 if not then 3216:29
abhi_navBenkinooby, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-find-if-processor-is-64-bit-or-not/16:29
cyphasewhats the best way to install python2.5 in lucid?16:29
PiciBenkinooby: Alternatively, use lscpu, its human readable.16:30
Serephcan the places menu be configured at all?16:30
datacrusheris there a 3g monitor app?16:30
ExilantDoes someone know about the status of the ubuntu keyserver? http://keyserver.ubuntu.com just shows an "it works", and gpg cannot retrieve keys for it. Is this a temporary problem?16:30
datacrusherto search for signal issues or something16:30
=== wonkyHat is now known as funkyHat
SerephExilant: "It Works!" is the default apache website index page16:31
rwwExilant: It's temporary in that it's temporarily down. It's not temporary in that this happens frequently.16:31
PiciExilant: Likely, you can use pgp.mit.edu in its place if you need to download keys.16:31
rwwExilant: also, keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 isn't the normal keyserver address. It's on some random port that I generally use Google to get to16:31
=== gj is now known as gay_jesus
Benkinoobyabhi_nav, so has it to be lm or is lahf_lm also ok? i have see all these links you sent me before (usually i do my homework before asking questions) but i have no "pure" lm like the example from the site has. but i have lahf_lm16:31
abhi_navBenkinooby, 'lm'16:32
Benkinoobylscpu did it!!!!16:32
gay_jesusi want to use ubuntu, but i'm not sure it's for me16:32
rwwExilant: keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 , by the look of it. which is down right now, but for future reference...16:32
ddurhamany way to change the authentication order for ssh?16:32
ddurhamI see: debug1: Authentications that can continue: gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,publickey,password,keyboard-interactive16:32
BenkinoobyPici, thanks. this tipe helped a lot... got Architecture:          i68616:32
BenkinoobyCPU op-mode(s):        32-bit16:32
BenkinoobyCPU(s):                216:32
ExilantThanks a lot for the clarification. So i'll try the other keyserver, and otherwise wat till it's fixed(so apt-add-repository will work again)16:32
ddurhamI'd like to force keyboard-interactive16:32
gay_jesusis ubuntu supported by the homosexual community?16:33
Benkinoobyabhi_nav, ok, thank you, now i am 100% sure. lscpu is the magic command ;)16:33
bazhanggay_jesus, please stop that16:33
gay_jesusstop what?16:33
^DEMOSS^what about my question ?16:33
abhi_navBenkinooby, tell me also what happends?16:33
Benkinoobyabhi_nav, ?16:33
yessir_turangandhijee: Hello16:33
gay_jesushomosexuals are great coders, i'm wondering if there's any on the ubuntu team16:33
octedoes anyone know if you can create a raid1 with 1 drive and 1 drive missing in the ubuntu server installation?16:33
abhi_navBenkinooby, ok i read it. good luck. :)16:33
LjL!ot | gay_jesus16:33
ubottugay_jesus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:33
gay_jesusi want to know if ubuntu is supportative of the gay community16:34
gay_jesusLjL is a homophobe16:34
LjLgay_jesus: get out16:34
abuayyoubsomeone please ban gay Jesus16:34
voss749gay_jesus, as far as i know16:34
rwwvoss749: they're gone16:34
abuayyoubanyone here use a program called NZBGet?16:35
macoand for anyone wondering: yes, of course there are gay people involved in creating ubuntu16:35
octeubuntu is a gay distribution?16:35
phuzionHi, I just ran an update from 8.04 to 10.04 (individual steps), and now my server won't boot.  Any suggestions on how to resolve this?16:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:35
abuayyoubocte, i think this is offtopic16:35
macoocte: its for all  human beings16:35
phuzionocte, go troll elsewhere.16:35
EladI am attempting to run a perl page from my base apache install and I have tried setting up the directives but the perl page still just shows up as straight perl code.. how do I go about trouble shooting this16:35
octephuzion, thought i might as well as probably no one knows the answer to my question :p16:36
keith4Elad: put it in /usr/lib/cgi-bin16:36
cyphaseWhats the best way to install python2.5 in lucid so as not to break 2.6?16:36
abuayyoubAm I the only person on IRC that uses usenet?16:37
Eladkeith4, isn't there a way to do it in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default?16:37
azlonwhen i nmap my ip address it says my port 80 is closed. i have apache installed, how can i open port 80?16:37
abuayyoubI been asking for weeks and can't find a single person to help me16:37
voss749there actualy is gaybuntu16:37
LjLplease. seriously, stay on topic.16:38
LjLi can't believe there's still trails of the troll going on.16:38
keith4Elad: scripts aren't executable outside of a script dir, by default. but you can change that16:38
phuzionHow can I tell which bootloader I have on my install?16:38
Exilantazlon: well, depends on how you connect. in a default ubuntu installation, port 80 should open to the network16:39
Eladkeith4, it is bugzilla that I am trying to install16:39
LJRuffDoes /boot go in fstab and what options should it get if it does?16:39
OpenSourcedNickI want to read news from a couple of sites (rss), which program would you recommend should I do it with?16:39
azlonExilant, im sure it is something i'm not doing right, but this is my first time playing around with apache. am i correct by trying to nmap -p80 <myip>?16:40
keith4Elad: doesn't the package handle that for you, then?16:40
Exilantazlon: but that might be only local, and the dsl router/cablemodem/whatever might have a build-in fire16:40
dajhornLJRuff:  /boot should be in the fstab if it is a separate filesystem like this:  /dev/sda1 /boot ext4 defaults 0 216:40
Eladkeith4, I wanted the newer source so I installed manually - followed the install documentation to a 'T' but just get code to display instead of a bugzilla login page16:40
abuayyoubLjL,  is there a program I can use to scan my install for errors ? I have been having some strange things lately, my computer has been bogging down and the os becomes almost completely non responsive. no idea why. I have been considering doing a fresh install but I am afraid I will loose all my customizations ( which is nearly ever aspect of the distro) if I copy my entire /home file can I restore it after a fresh install if so how?16:40
phuzionExilant, eth0 on fire?16:41
Exilantazlon: can you try it on the machine itself? w3m localhost or so in ssh if it's headless, or use nmap there?16:41
dajhornLJRuff: If you installed your Ubuntu system to only one filesystem, then /boot does not go in the fstab.16:41
ImaLamerabuayyoub, best to backup both /home and /etc16:41
Exilantazlon, phuzion: s/fire/firewall/16:41
LjLabuayyoub: there's a program to check your HDD, and there's a program to check package consistency, but those don't seem likely culprits of what you are describing16:41
LJRuffdajhorn: / and /home have seperate parts16:42
ImaLamerabuayyoub: you have options to restore - grsync or another might be best16:42
phuzionExilant, reference to "lp0 on fire?"16:42
abuayyoubImaLamer, oh yea? cool. Do you have a program that you can recommend? I been using back in time but all that does I think is copy the home folder.16:42
azlonExilant, so i did a nmap -p80 and it says open16:42
keith4Elad: you need to allow CGI exec in that directory then. try #httpd16:42
azlonExilant, how can i find where the firewall is?16:42
ImaLameror you can try sbackup - though i'm limited on knowing backup applications on linux16:42
Exilantazlon: well, what is your local ip? what does ifconfig say?16:42
Eladkeith4, sorry for my ignorance, does #httpd mean that I should ask in that IRC room?16:43
phuzionI just ran apt-get dist-upgrade on my server, and now it won't reboot.  Can someone help me out?16:43
keith4Elad: yes16:43
Eladkeith4, thanks16:43
switch10_abuayyoub: Im pretty sure you can tell back in time to backup any dir that you choose.  I use rsync to backup.16:43
Exilantazlon: then the dsl-modem/cablesomething/whatever is probably at
azlonExilant, is open16:43
abuayyoubLjL, yea, I am not sure what the problem is. The entire computer gets super hot, it boggs down even if im just using something like chrome. This is a new machine, its got enough power, and I don't think its a cooling problem because the fan is blowing fine. For some reason I think it is the power managment thing.16:44
ImaLamerabuayyoub: your home folder is going to have most of your settings - but /etc should be backed up and restored as needed16:44
azlonExilant, right, the soho router is, nmap says is open16:44
Exilantazlon: and you need that device to port-forward to
ImaLamersorry, i have to go afk16:44
dajhornLJRuff: Then you do not need a /boot line.16:44
azlonExilant, it is forwarding to
LJRuffthx dajhorn16:44
ImaLameroh wait, i have a question!16:44
dajhornLJRuff: Welcome.16:45
abuayyoubswitch10_, you recommend it? will it restore the backup after I re-install?16:45
pepePluhey guys, i have ubuntu 10.04 and damn there's a lot of garbage on my grub menu, how to remove the garbage and keep 2 entries, Ubuntu and windows16:45
LjLabuayyoub: uhm, i wouldn't rule out overheating though. have you tried installing lm-sensors to see just how hot it gets?16:45
keith4azlon: lots of ISPs block incoming port 80...16:45
ImaLamerDuring an update I replaced grub with grub2 - where (if at all) can i find the old grub options16:45
^DEMOSS^i install "mysql server" then "mysql-server-5.1" then "mysql-server-CORE 5.1" \\ can i have problem if install "mysql server" & "mysql-server-5.1" ??  can i remove core ? i  need this pkg ?16:45
dajhornpepePlu: Describe the garbage.  What is there that shouldn't be there?16:45
ImaLamerbasically, i lost some custom kernel options...16:45
switch10_after you install what?  rsync is already installed on your system.  man rsync.  It will work better than any GUI application16:46
abuayyoubLjL,  no i haven't I will do that though.16:46
Exilantazlon: there is a difference between the local interface of the router thingy, and it's world interface with the public ip16:46
mistafeeshHi, just installed ubuntu server over a broken install of the same, and grub won't load - I just get a flashing line. I can see that this is a previously mentioned issue - grub gets confused if there was already a grub on the mbr. any ideas?16:46
azlon_Exilant, it is forwarding to
abuayyoubLjL,  any idea what could be causing this overheating?16:46
Exilantazlon: there is a difference between the local interface of the router thingy, and it's world interface with the public ip16:46
pepePludajhorn you know full description of the os, i don't need that i just want it simple text, and also i want to remove the recovery stuff and memtest and stuff i would never use16:46
LjLabuayyoub: no real idea.16:47
azlon_Exilant, can you nmap my ip for me?
ImaLamerpepePlu: grub2?16:47
=== azlon_ is now known as azlon
abuayyoubLjL, it gets too hot to touch at times. could software cause this? or is it time to throw it on ebay> lol16:47
nanderv@Imalamer: I have the same question for grub116:47
pepePluImaLamer yes16:47
switch10_abuayyoub: sounds like its time to clean the dust out of it...16:48
Exilantazlon_: seems to work fine16:48
mistafeeshcan I install grub2 from server install CD (32 bit)16:48
LjLabuayyoub: well, "too hot to touch" may be OK, depending on which processor you have. for some, it's quite normal to get hot. it could be due to software, but software should never make it become *too* hot.16:48
keith4azlon: there's a site up at that IP16:48
Exilantazlon_: i see a hello world from wordpress16:48
ImaLamerpepePlu, did https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 help?16:48
Exilantazlon_: pictures are broken though16:48
switch10_abuayyoub: is your system shutting down due to the heat?16:48
keith4azlon: although, it's misconfigured... because all of the content is pointing at localhost16:49
azlonExilant, ok, that is weird... how can you see it but i cant?16:49
abuayyoubLjL,  its AMD x64 newer Sony Vaio 201016:49
azlonkeith4, that makes sense because apache couldnt find my domain so it assumed localhost16:49
keith4probably a wordpress setting, no?16:49
LjLabuayyoub: well i think AMD processors can get quite hot, compared to Intel. although i'm not really sure, because i use very old processors16:49
abuayyoubswitch10_,  it boggs down so i cant even open a terminal. So I end up just doing a hard reboot16:49
pepePluImaLamer it has a lot of stuff, there's no direct answer to my question16:49
keith4azlon: you won't be able to access your external IP from the internal network. that's just a limitation of NAT16:49
ImaLamerabuayyoub, if the heat is sudden you may be headed for an RMA... make sure you have nothing running constantly16:49
azlonkeith4, nah, apache... i can fix that stuff later... i just want to be able to access the site here16:50
azlonkeith4, hrm... so how can i test? if i change all of my localhost references to my external address... wont they be broken here?16:50
keith4azlon: yes. and that is why you should use relative URLs16:51
switch10_abuayyoub: install hardinfo and run the cpu benchmarks.  also check the CPU temp sensors.16:51
Exilantazlon: well, the best way would be relative links16:51
ImaLamerpepePlu, i'm looking16:51
^DEMOSS^i install "mysql server" then "mysql-server-5.1" then "mysql-server-CORE 5.1" \\ can i have problem if install "mysql server" & "mysql-server-5.1" ??  can i remove core ? i  need this pkg ?16:51
Exilantazlon: wordpress is notoriously bad there, though16:51
azlonbrb, let me call my buddy and see if he can access the page... not that i dont believe you or anything... i just couldnt access it at work16:51
abuayyoubswitch10_,  ok hardinfo. I will do it now.16:51
switch10_abuayyoub: a freezeup during the benchmarking is normal.16:52
pepePluImaLamer i wanted to edit grub.cfg but it said that i can't because it will be updated automatically anway16:52
switch10_abuayyoub: just let it go..16:52
abuayyoubswitch10_, I do work this computer hard. I download a ridicules amount of data, something like 2tb a month, lappy is 6 months old so 12 -14 TB in that time, running constantly so I suppose it possible its a hardware issue16:53
ImaLamerpepePlu, with grub 2 you don't want to do that16:53
ImaLamerpepePlu: try this ... sudo apt-get install startupmanager16:53
pepePluok thanx16:54
ImaLamerwell i see that has less options than advertised16:54
^DEMOSS^i install "mysql server" then "mysql-server-5.1" then "mysql-server-CORE 5.1" \\ can i have problem if install "mysql server" & "mysql-server-5.1" ??  can i remove core ? i  need this pkg ?16:54
switch10_abuayyoub: it is possible, but unlikely.  If its running that often, I would bet it is caked with dust, which can cause all of the problems you have described.  I clean my laptop every 6 months.16:55
Pici^DEMOSS^: I don't understand what you are asking, can you rephrase?16:55
abuayyoubswitch10_,  crazy, I live in the desert too super dusty I bet your probibly right. ... can I ask how do you clean this sucker? just tear it apart? lol gonna break out my hammer lol16:56
Jao_madnAnyone knows about compression packge for ubuntu 10.04 with nice gui.16:56
abuayyoubswitch10_, ok i got hardinfo16:56
bellmanwhere is the "Installed Application" list that pcmanfm uses to show a list of applications that you can possibly open a file with?    gnome mplayer is in there.. I want to use mplayer nogui  instead16:57
switch10_abuayyoub: unscrew all of the back panels, hopefully you can get to the fan/heatsink, and blow it out with compressed air.16:57
abuayyoubcool cool, i think i will try that. You know, I also have had a problem with power managment. Ubuntu STILL dosent play well with sleep and hibernate for some reason ( had this problem since Daper Drake) i have several times closed the lid and thrown it in the bag only to find it 2 hours later like an oven16:59
=== willy is now known as Guest91943
abuayyoubI just hope that didn;t damage it16:59
aeon-ltdmw2 ftw17:00
danielhey guys I get this error in nautilus when Im trying to access one of my drives  Unable to mount 150 gb filesystem authentication is required please help me out17:00
aeon-ltddaniel: encrypted partition?17:00
paullyis the 150gb drive from a windows pc?17:00
danielits not encrypted partition and its a drive from a windows pc17:00
aeon-ltddaniel: run nautilus as root it should work17:00
pepePluImaLamer startupmanager doesn't allow me to delete stuff, so i just edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg, i removed menuentry's manually and changed the text, wish me luck going to reboot17:01
paullywas it from a W7 pc?17:01
switch10_abuayyoub: there is still some hardware that does not play nice with hibernate/suspend.  I would go into power management and change the settings so the system shuts down instead of going to standby.17:01
danielbut I got like 5 drives17:01
danielI cant mount17:01
paullythey all give you the same message?17:02
danielstrange when I running nautilus from root terminal I cant see the discs in the list :S17:02
paullyare there files on there you need or do you just want it (them) as additional hdds for storage etc?17:03
dbpatankardaniel : your /etc/fstab may be having a problem17:03
shoonyais there any gnome/gtk based id3 tagger which supports adding lyrics to mp3/flac ?17:03
danielI just want to have access paully to all my drivers also files of course17:04
danieldbpatankar yeah its maybe true17:05
dbpatankardaniel : so why dont you look inti it?17:05
danielmy visudo doesnt work at all. I have putted my user in the file but when I run su and enter password its fails. :S17:05
danielok dbpatankar  ok I can do it tell me how just :)17:06
aeon-ltddaniel: pastebin your file17:06
danielwhich file aeon-ltd?17:06
pepePluImaLamer it worked17:06
dbpatankardaniel : yes....... as aeon-ltd said.......pastebin the file17:06
aeon-ltddaniel: visudo sudoers17:06
danielok ok17:06
rat.join #lisp17:07
rat./join #lisp17:07
dbpatankardaniel : I was talking about /etc/fstab17:07
danielhere you go http://pastebin.com/Fcu7mUBD17:07
danielhaha sorry dbpatankar17:08
daniel2 many ppl talking to me but will I paste that one too?.17:08
dbpatankardaniel : su will not work even if you add your name to sudoers file17:08
danielok ok why ?.17:08
mistafeeshagh got kicked off using freenode website as no irc client on this computer. was asking about fixing grub on my new install of ubuntu server 32 bit. There was a previous install on the same disk and it's confused grub. I'm booting into rescue mode from CD now. Someone suggested grub2, but I don't know if I can install that from CD, and it can't get it onto network as my wifi adapter needs tweaking!17:09
Picidaniel: You should be using sudo, not su.17:09
Pici!sudo | daniel17:09
ubottudaniel: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:09
dbpatankardaniel : sudoers file is used to enable common users to use the command 'sudo' and not su17:09
Shinydanhi all17:10
danielok ok thanx a lot for the explaination :) dbpatankar thanks.!17:10
danielI got it.17:10
gonzaloafhello, how can I change my location preferences (number, date and currency) without modifying my applications language settings? I want to keep my system in english but set my number, currency and date to spanish17:10
PiciUnbuntu: Please don't do that.17:10
Shinydantrying to install 32-bit 10.04 Server Ed. to a Packard Bell Celeron M machine. Keeps on cutting back to the BIOS screen - any thoughts?17:11
bazhangUnbuntu, please ask a support question17:11
Unbuntuboss do wat17:11
Unbuntuboss why is roblox not on roblox17:11
danielpaully heres my discs --> http://pastebin.com/7UQ28TpW I wish I could mount em I could do it before with disk-manager but its not available I running 2.6.32-22-generic-pae17:11
dbpatankardaniel : do you have 2 hdd? or you installed from pendrive?17:11
bazhangUnbuntu, this is ubuntu support not chat17:11
healerhi everybody17:11
mguyShinydan: it's rebooting?17:11
Shinydanmguy: every time.17:12
Unbuntuubuntu fart17:12
healerwhy MC does not open some files(.avi for exaple)? i'm using ubuntu lucid17:12
Unbuntupiss ppl me serve17:12
healeri mean i hit enter, and nothing happens17:12
trupheenixi need help. i'm thinking of installing Ubuntu Lucid on a brand new Vaio E-series laptop. what would you guys advise?17:12
infoGhi. i want to dual boot ubuntu and windows. i already have windows installed and i have a partition for ubuntu at the beginning of the drive. is there anything special i need to do or know?17:12
mguyShinydan: I would try using a different media (CD, DVD, USB, whatever you aren't using now)17:13
danieldbpatankar I using dual boot.17:13
ImaLamertrupheenix google: "lucid lynx" and the model number, or start with the live cd17:13
thalibis there a way to listen local fm channels straemed vib websites17:13
ImaLamertrupheenix, you may find users already reporting what works/doesn't17:13
dbpatankardaniel : pastebin output of sudo blkid17:13
Takeasyi'm using xubuntu, any good web design software recommended?17:13
mistafeeshtrying to fix grub from server installer CD - should I execute a shell in the installer environment or my HDD?17:14
trupheenixImaLamer: that's the problem... i can't seem to figure out what to do. especially with windoz 7 installed it's all so weird!17:14
ImaLamertrupheenix, you have win7 on the entire drive?17:14
mguymistafeesh: What do you mean fix grub?17:14
danielok here you go --> http://pastebin.com/1tYTGDqP17:14
ImaLamerbc you have two options17:14
Takeasyi'm using xubuntu, any good web design software recommended?17:14
trupheenixImaLamer: no idea! trying to figure that out17:15
Shinydanmguy: It won't boot from a USB stick. I get as far as the "Install Ubuntu Server" and that's it17:15
ImaLamerTakeasy, try sourceforge17:15
cntrationaldance, soterios johnson, dance!17:15
trupheenixImaLamer: i'm not sure how to make a recovery copy of Windoz 7 though17:15
Jao_madnHey what file shoult i edit inorder to automount my one partition drive that does not detected by ubuntu 10.0417:15
ImaLamertrupheenix, you can either install inside windows (wubi) or shrink the volume17:15
ImaLamerJao_madn, fstab17:15
brontosaurusrexany clues on how would one connect to eduroam?17:16
trupheenixImaLamer: install inside windows no go17:16
trupheenixImaLamer: shrink? but how?17:16
ImaLamertrupheenix, why no go?17:16
mistafeeshmguy, I installed ubuntu server over a broken copy of the same, and grub isn't booting - just sits there on a flashy line right at boot. I read that this is a know issue, but all that page suggested was installing gag. Not much help as I have no working OS on that computer17:16
thalibis there a way to listen local fm channels straemed vib websites17:16
ImaLamertrupheenix, you can shrink the volume in disk management - but defrag first (google defraggler)17:16
trupheenixImaLamer: Defrag and shrink ok17:17
ImaLamerthalib, you need to find the website of the station17:17
Jao_madnis ubuntu 10.04 is limited only to detect 2 partition drive17:17
ImaLamertrupheenix, defrag first so you can get the best out of the shrink17:17
dbpatankardaniel : there are 6 ntfs partition. all are not mounting or only 5 of them?17:17
Dr_Willisthalib:  and it depends on how its streaming.  Theres a Neat adobe 'air' app called antanna (antenna?) that lets you tune in 1000's of sttions17:18
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
thalibthe website name is like this17:18
danielyeah 5 are available to mount 1 of em them is just system 100 mb disk to windows 717:18
thalibsorry [ mms://sunfmlive.serverroom.us/sunfmlive ]17:18
ImaLamertrupheenix, and i'd close EVERYTHING, disconnect from the net (unplug the cable) and then your antivirus17:18
rayvtirxhi people how do i change the time in ubuntu server that it takes for the monitor to turn off17:18
Dr_Willisthalib:  mss is easy. :) vlc/mplayer/others can do that17:18
ImaLamerthe defrag will go faster and be better17:18
Dr_Willisthalib:  vlc mss://whatever17:18
dbpatankardaniel : ok we will mount all of them.17:19
tenochslbguys, i need help. My sound is gone. It is not detecting any sound card. It used to work before17:20
ImaLamertrupheenix, btw, the windows backup can make an image, etc, works well from what i've *heard*17:20
danielis it available to make them to automount  (when I restart the pc) I running ubuntu base system with fluxbox also gdm17:20
dbpatankardaniel : create 6 dirs named sda1 sda2 sdb1 sdc1 sdd1 sde1 in /media17:20
danielok ok17:20
AscavasaionI just installed firestarter through synaptic and when I try to start it I am informed that my kernel does not support IPTables... huh?17:21
danielok done --> root@Home:/media# dir17:21
danielfloppyfloppy0  sda1  sda2  sdb1  sdc1  sdd1  sdel117:21
danielops the last one is wrong lol I fix it17:22
MKMhi.., i accidently deleted the sound icon from from my panel..., i want to get it back..., any idea how do i do it....??17:22
erUSULMKM: add the indicator miniapp to the panel ?17:22
Cyber_AkumaCan I use a ubuntu livecd to scan a windows system for viruses? If so, what programs are there to do this?17:22
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  yes. and 'clamav'17:22
thalibdr_willis [ vlc mss://sunfmlive.serverroom.us/sunfmlive17:23
thalibVLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye17:23
thalib[0x8601148] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.17:23
thalib[0x89007d0] main access error: no access module matched "mss"17:23
thalib[0x89057d0] main input error: open of `mss://sunfmlive.serverroom.us/sunfmlive' failed: no access module matched "mss"17:23
FloodBot2thalib: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
dbpatankardaniel : now sudo gedit /etc/fstab17:23
rayvtirx_i mean can i adjust the time it takes for ubuntu server to put the monitor on standby17:23
MKMerUSUL : ??17:23
danieloki done.17:23
trupheenixImaLamer: ok OK17:23
Cyber_AkumaDr_Willis: I thought clamav scanned for linux viruses?17:23
Dr_Willisthalib:  this worjked for me ->  mms://sunfmlive.serverroom.us/sunfmlive17:23
dbpatankardaniel : fstab file open?17:23
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  I imagine it can do both cant it. :) given how few linxu viruses are out there17:23
danielof course :)17:23
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  i even use clamav on windows.17:23
dbpatankarok ........ now I will pastebin some lines . just add those lines at the end of the file17:24
Cyber_AkumaHeh, but are there any others? Normally when I do a manual scan I use more than one scanner17:24
zezuI've tried everything I can think of w/ alsa-base.conf  on lucid  for  ICH10 audio (ALC1200)  I don't even see a codec for ALC1200 ... anyone know how to get it working??  It pops the speakers in the kernel right before GDM but no audio from mplayer or amarok and its not muted in alsamixer17:24
Cyber_AkumaI want to make sure the computer is safe before I put it on my network17:24
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  theres a few others for linnx i think avg has a linux version.. but im not sure.. I know theres at least ONE other one..17:24
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  you are worried about Linux viruses? or windows viruses?17:24
MKMerUSUL : thnx i got it...:-)17:25
Cyber_AkumaAre they in the reposotories or am I going to have to install them manually? the other scanners17:25
thalibdid u get the sound17:25
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  i recall one of the av companies had their own live cd system.. but i cant recall which one17:25
thalibmine says no data received17:25
Dr_Willisthalib:  it took a little time to get started.. but it worked.17:25
thalibgot it17:26
Cyber_Akumaok, thanks17:26
thaliblove it17:26
Dr_WillisCyber_Akuma:  not all are in the repos.17:27
danielhow is it going dbpatankar?.17:28
dbpatankardaniel : wait17:28
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KnitGalhi all . . . I'm trying to get Ubuntu 10.04, 64bit working on my Laptop - Toshiba Satellite C655.  Boot into GRUB, select 1st option - ubuntu w/linux 2.6.32-21 generic. I then hit 'e', enter acpi=off.  press Ctrl-X to boot up. And I still get a list of strange strings, ending with "child_rip+0x0/0x20" and then a blinking cursor at the end.  I can't type anything in and have to hit the Power button to restart the PC.  how can I g17:29
dbpatankardaniel : http://pastebin.com/AjaRfpt517:29
danielok I just add the text under ? :)17:30
dbpatankardaniel : copy all these lines to the end of /etc/fstab17:30
dbpatankardaniel yes17:30
danielis it just to run sudo mount -a now?17:30
dbpatankardaniel : now save the file17:30
danielit says: mount: mount point  does not exist17:31
danielmount: mount point  does not exist17:31
danielmount: mount point  does not exist17:31
danielmount: mount point  does not exist17:31
danielmount: mount point  does not exist17:31
FloodBot2daniel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
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danielstrange dbpatankar it working but in the terminal it says: it doesnt exists :S17:32
dbpatankardaniel : can you see those drives?17:32
danielyeah I can also get access to em17:32
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dbpatankardaniel : but you got errors on mounting?17:33
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danielyeah but I can go in the folders etc lol17:33
dbpatankardaniel : ok.... just reboot and see if there are any errors ? all drives should mount automatically17:34
danielok I be back17:34
danielthanks a lot master.!17:34
Incarnationhey guys i installed 10.04 and installed vuze on it, im trying to run vuze but it wont run17:34
danielI really appreciate for the help.!17:35
blackstar_hello, i need help on lucid to reconfigure xserver17:35
Incarnationi launch the application via the menu but i see nothing17:35
xanguaIncarnation: i believe vuze needs java installed, do you have it¿¿17:35
Incarnationim sure i do, i mean i ran it fine before17:36
Dr_WillisIncarnation:  it might also need 'sun java' not the other java.17:36
Incarnationmaybe i should try restarting my pc?17:36
blackstar_hello, i need help on lucid to reconfigure xserver, i cant finde the xorg.cfg17:36
Dr_WillisIncarnation:  run it from terminal. look for error messatges17:36
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Dr_Willisblackstar_:  what are you trying to recomnfigure in it?17:36
blackstar_hello, i need help on lucid to reconfigure xserver, i cant findethe xorg.cfg17:36
ImaLamerIncarnation, try from the command line: javaws then the app name17:36
Dr_Willis!patience | blackstar_17:36
ubottublackstar_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:36
ImaLamerIncarnation, check for errors :)17:36
blackstar_my xserver for synaptics17:37
Incarnationincarnation@incarnation-desktop:~$ javaws vuze17:37
Incarnationnetx: Invalid jnlp file vuze17:37
ridinIncarnation, did you do sudo apt-get install vuze?17:37
BusterBFMCI have a question about Pulse Audio / I was able through the help of someone here to configure my headset for Skype using a configuration that was not Pulse Audio's stock config. I have switched headsets and my system does not recognize them. Any ideas what that terminal command was?17:37
ridinIncarnation, try just putting in vuze17:37
Incarnationthat gave me a lot of lines17:38
Incarnationlet me pastebin it17:38
Dr_Willisblackstar_:   a lot of the synaptic config tweaking is no longer done in the xorg.conf  but im not sure where its at now in 10.04 - You may want to check the forums. It can vary depending on your exact release/version of ubuntu17:38
blackstar_Dr_Willis thanks17:39
ImaLamerBusterBFMC, do you see the headset in the sound manager?17:39
BusterBFMC<ImaLamer> no I do not17:39
trupheenixImaLamer: i have a question. supposing i get rid of Windows 7 without taking a backup, can I ask Sony to restore it for me later?17:39
trupheenixImaLamer: assuming I have a licence?17:39
azlon__Exilant, ok, so now my apache server is running the way i want. i have 2 sites i want to show. one is in /var/www and one is in /usr/share/zoneminder. how can i make it so when i type localhost/ it goes to /var/www and when i do localhost/zm it goes to /usr/share/zoneminder?17:39
Dr_Willistrupheenix:  sony will gladly sell you some restore disks i imagine.17:39
BusterBFMC<ImaLamer> it is a pair of cheap Cyber Acoustic until I can get a new pair17:40
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trupheenixDr_Willis: w00t!17:40
ImaLamerBusterBFMC, then it may not be detected first and you are beyond my help :(17:40
ImaLamerjust a line-in or usb?17:40
ridinincarnation: reading in line 34 & 35 vuze is already running, do pkill vuze and then type vuze again17:40
BusterBFMC<ImaLamer> thank you17:40
Dr_Willistrupheenix:  nice of them to take up part of your HD space for a 'recovery partition' then charge you for real media. :)17:40
ImaLamertrupheenix, it may be best to do an image17:41
trupheenixDr_Willis: ultimate nonsense. why don't they just provide the media?17:41
ImaLamertrupheenix, what is your wubi install problem?17:41
trupheenixImaLamer: CD shops are closed17:41
Dr_Willistrupheenix:   bottom line.. $$$$$ its all about them saving $3 per pc..17:41
trupheenixImaLamer: what is Wubi do?17:41
Incarnationridin: pkill vuze doesnt seem to do anything i still get the same errors17:41
narcosHello all! Anyone every do any Android development on Ubuntu? I've downloaded and installed the SDK, and have created a VM, but when I start the VM it doesn't seem to get anywhere past this screen -> http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/8230/screenshot5h.png17:41
trupheenixDr_Willis: that's so pathetic man. but will they reinstall windows if i ask them to?17:41
ImaLamertrupheenix, wubi will put ubuntu in a file on the NTFS drive, less risky, etc17:42
Dr_Willistrupheenix:  Personally on a laptop these days. I buy a 2nd hd. and image the original HD to It and use that one.. and keep the other 'safe' faster and easier then doinb their backup 'method' to optical disks.17:42
Dr_Willistrupheenix:  they will sell you some cd/dvd/s i imagine..17:42
Dr_Willistrupheenix:  and say here you go.. thany you for your money.17:42
ridinincamation: check in the system monitor under resources, see if something related to vuze is there17:42
wpbrownubuntu 64 with latest Zimbra install.  Has been working fine for several days now I get this error and postfix wont start up.17:42
ImaLamertrupheenix, yeah don't backup to optical: bad medium and costly, etc17:42
Takeasyi'm using xubuntu, any good web design software recommended?17:42
wpbrown[ 1230.565890] master[24106]: segfault at 0 rip 7f76f23bc95c rsp 7fff2be76550 error 617:42
revarrohh sorry17:43
wpbrownany suggestions?17:43
Dr_Willistrupheenix:  theres proberly some restore partition on the HD allready. In theory you can just 'image' that.17:43
erUSUL!html | Takeasy17:43
skydromeHTML: Unable to validate | Takeasy: You need to supply a URI scheme (e.g http)17:43
ubottuTakeasy: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/17:43
Incarnationok ridin ill try that17:43
ImaLamerDr_Willis / trupheenix ... though these restore partition are tricky17:43
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trupheenixDr_Willis: man this is so bleddy complex. i am way happier using my Dell N series laptop without all this crap in it.17:43
ImaLamerTakeasy, try netbeans :)17:43
ImaLamertrupheenix, see those restore partitions are setup in a way that if the drive changes sometimes it won't ever work17:44
Incarnationno, nothing related to vuze listed under the processes window17:44
Incarnationim going to try rebooting17:44
TeslaTonynarcos, try #android. If they can't get you going, nobody can17:44
revarrI have an Acer Aspire 5740 and I've installed Ubuntu 10.04.  I cannot change the brightness.  Any suggestions?17:44
claygI have 4 or 5 .iso's that are in a directory, when I view them through gnome one is not present, ctrl-h doesn't show it either but in the terminal I can see it an it's green what does this mean? I'm trying to mount it with gmount but it can't find it17:44
revarrhope that is the correct protocol for questions17:44
narcosOK thanks TeslaTony17:44
ImaLamertrupheenix, i tried to divide a partition and broke one on an HP laptop17:44
trupheenixImaLamer: sad. but if i give it in to Sony service they can restore it for me right?17:45
trupheenixImaLamer: ideally I would like to be able to dual boot.17:45
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ImaLamertrupheenix, i'd give wubi a go first17:45
trupheenixImaLamer: eeks. what will Wubi do?17:46
ImaLamertrupheenix, they may frown upon that dual boot idea when it comes time to get service17:46
trupheenixImaLamer:  i will have to boot into windows17:46
ImaLamertrupheenix, pop the cd while in windows, and run the wubi.exe17:46
trupheenixImaLamer: why should they frown? it's my laptop. i can run what i please17:46
trupheenixImaLamer: i have Usb17:46
thune3clayg: in terminal look at "ls -ld" in that dir and check owner and permissions for that file.17:46
ImaLameror you can download wubi.exe without a disc17:46
KnitGalany suggestions as to my issue?17:46
BusterBFMC I have a question about Pulse Audio / I was able through the help of someone here to configure my headset for Skype using a configuration that was not Pulse Audio's stock config. I have switched headsets and my system does not recognize them. Any ideas what that terminal command was?17:46
ImaLamertrupheenix, agreed - but you never know (again, to save a buck)17:46
helpmehow do i turn off kms in general, andnotjust on a driver-specific level?17:47
narcosErm, probably a stupid question, but when I try join #android I get '#android Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services', even though I've just registered my nick- 'NickServ(NickServ@services.)- You are already logged in as narcos.'17:47
ImaLamerBusterBFMC, did you say they were USB or just a line-in?17:47
oCean_narcos: ask in #freenode please17:47
ImaLamernarcos, try /nickserv identify17:47
BusterBFMC<ImaLamer> USB17:47
narcosoCean_: OK sorry, thanks17:47
ImaLamerBusterBFMC, but you know they work otherwise17:47
solifugusWhat do I need to install to get nvidia drivers working?  (I don't have gui working, the oss driver doesn't work with nvidia nvs 295)17:48
BusterBFMCImaLamer yes I took tham off another system17:48
narcosImaLamer: Yeah I did that already, and it tells me I'm logged in. Weird. I'll ask in #freenode17:48
trupheenixImaLamer: bad man. they ask us to buy a computer and tell us what we can run on it. pathetic17:48
ImaLamerBusterBFMC, can you give me the model/make again?17:49
ImaLamertrupheenix, see: iphone :)17:49
IncarnationOkay, rebooting didn't do anything - still the same problem. I'm going to try removing Vuze & reinstalling it17:49
ImaLamertrupheenix, you are already on the right path17:49
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ImaLamerIncarnation, do you have the open or official java17:49
jussi!html test17:49
skydromeHTML: Not valid - Errors: 72, http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.test.com17:49
IncarnationI'm not sure, ImaLamer17:50
solifugusnvidia-glx-new doesn't exist... what do I need to install?17:50
ImaLamerIncarnation, if you didn't install anything then the open set17:50
ImaLamerIncarnation, i had issues with those on 10, maybe get the official java setup17:50
Incarnationreinstall worked17:50
ImaLamerhappy day!17:50
trupheenixImaLamer: I dislike iPhone. i hope Nokia comes out with a kickass phone with MeeGo running on it.17:51
BusterBFMCImaLamer, Cyber Acoustics AC-85017:51
BusterBFMCInternet Communication17:51
BusterBFMCUSB Stereo Headset and Boom Mic17:51
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phuzionHow long should e2fsck take to run on a 1.5TB drive?17:51
ImaLamerBusterBFMC, are you impeteperry on the forums?17:52
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ImaLamerphuzion, need moar info... sataII, etc17:52
rayvtirx_i had a look at the  "BLANK_TIME" setting in /etc/console-tools/config. but that is set to 30 mins , mine goes lank after 5 or so17:52
phuzionsataII, moderately powerful box, single drive.17:52
BusterBFMC<ImaLamer> ? I am sorry ?17:53
phuzionImaLamer, ^^17:53
blouaapi have hectic desktop lag all of a sudden and have no idea why. when i click and drag any window and shake it around i can feel/see the lag17:53
ImaLamerphuzion, i realize i can't answer this :( was hoping somone would jump in for me!17:53
blouaapany ideas on how to fix this17:53
ImaLamerBusterBFMC, look at this please: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-224797.html17:53
BusterBFMC<ImaLamer> thanks :)17:54
solifugusnobody knows how to install nvidia drivers via command line?17:54
trupheenixImaLamer: God these recovery tools are so LAME!17:54
blouaapsolifugus, first ctrl+alt F117:55
BusterBFMC<ImaLamer> no that was not me17:55
Leonardsolifugus: Are you using the nvidia binary, and if so does it have 'quiet' flags?17:55
blouaapthen type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:56
solifugusblouaap: I chroot'd in from a gentoo livecd.17:56
blouaapthen sh nvidia-blah-blah17:56
LeonardAnyone come across the 10.04 "Encountered an unrecoverable error" installation error?17:56
mxe5Just installed 10.4 on a computer next to this one - when doing 1st download & install of updates (191.5MB) Update Manager complained about not being able to get some updates - Update mgr. just sitting there with circle going around - Not sure what to do now - Won't restart, etc. Hate to just hold in the power button - Any Suggestions ? ?17:56
solifugusblouaap: nvidia-glx-new package doesn't exist.. I'm not sure what package to install..17:57
solifugusit's a quadro nvs 29517:57
brandoncan anyone help me with audio on 10.04 on my 9,1 imac17:57
blouaapdid u get the binary from nvidi.com ?17:57
solifugusthe nouveau driver doesn't work17:57
phuzionmxe5, Do you have an ssh daemon installed on the box?  If so, ssh in, and run top, see if the box is actually hung or if it's just a process17:57
ImaLamermxe5, try killing it and then fixing a broken dpkg database17:57
mxe5Shutdown or Restart not responding as well.17:58
blouaapi only use the bin from nvidia.com17:58
revarrafter we ask a question how long should we wait to ask again?17:58
robert__hello, ive got some problems with my sis drivers on my Fujitsu siemens V5535. could someone help me with that? because i would like a diffrent resolution.17:58
solifugusblouaap: ok.. i will links to nvidia.com17:58
ImaLamerrevarr, what's the question?17:58
mxe5phuzion: Where do I check for the ssh ?17:59
phuzionmxe5, did you ever run "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" on the box that's locked up?17:59
revarrI have an Acer Aspire 5740 with an i3 processor.  I installed Ubuntu 10.04 and everything fine but I cannot change the brightness17:59
revarrwhat are some steps so I can create a effectient way to maipulate it18:00
brandonim having troubles with audio on 10.04 on my imac 9,1 any help would be appreciated18:00
mxe5phuzion: No - just did a install from latest 10.4 cd.18:00
phuzionmxe5, then you don't have ssh server installed then, that's ok.  Is the system responsive at all to anything?18:01
revarrsorry Ubuntu 10.418:01
ImaLamerrevarr, function + left right arrows do nothing?18:01
phuzionmxe5, does your mouse move, does anything work whatsoever?18:01
blouaapi have hectic desktop lag all of a sudden and have no idea why. when i click and drag any window and shake it around i can feel/see the lag18:01
revarrIt shows the brightnesss image changing the brightness but there is no actual change18:01
mxe5phuzion: After intial install did a reboot and did updates like I have in the past - never had this problem before.18:01
blouaapany ideas on how to fix this?18:01
revarrthe screen is at 100% at all times, which hurtfull to the eyes and my power consumption on batter18:02
xanguarevarr: have you tried yor brightness keys ot to add the brightness applet to the panel¿¿18:02
ImaLamerrevarr, i've seen that on an HP18:02
revarrI have both tried using the brightness applet18:02
phuzionmxe5, try this, it'll quit you out of any programs in your X session.  Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (Just like Ctrl+Alt+Del on windows)  It will restart Gnome for you.  Let me know if that works when you get back.18:02
revarrand my FN key combo18:02
hareldvdA friend installed Ubuntu on a Dell Studio 1558 laptop. He is unable to listen to audio data and probably this causes video clips to stutter as well. Any idea?18:02
terrylmHi all, how to fix a currepted apt-* database?18:02
ImaLamerrevarr, i see bugs and no solutions on google18:02
phuzionEr, you won't lose your chat session becase that's on another box, right mxe5?18:03
revarrso have I18:03
ImaLamerterrylm, did you break an installation in progress?18:03
revarrjust wanted to see if anyone my have discovered anything18:03
mxe5phuzion: Yea -I just tried clicking on the Apps/Menu to go to Terminal - But now nothing on the screen but the update manger.18:03
terrylmreather, it failed18:03
ImaLamerrevarr, see that it works or doesn't - maybe it's a kernel option such as acpi, noacpi, etc18:04
ImaLamerrevarr, i hate laptops :P18:04
mxe5phuzion: No - On another comp. right now - next to this problem child.18:04
terrylmNow when I try to open the pkg manager it says:18:04
revarrat least it is not a major bug18:04
terrylmE: The package taskcoach needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.18:04
terrylmE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.18:04
revarrI like em18:04
phuzionmxe5, try control+alt+backspace on the problem box18:04
revarrhow do I check these kernel options?18:04
mxe5phuzion: ok18:04
revarrsorry I am a Linux neophyte18:04
revarrthat and I don't want to kill 3 more hours on google18:05
ImaLamerrevarr, you need to interrupt grub, give them there18:05
mxe5phuzion: That's a no go....18:05
Andy2113hey everyone, I'm having a problem with my iPod (mini. First generation). I installed gtkpod and am using rhythmbox. Yesterday, the iPod and all of it's music was being recognized by rhythmbox, and this morning the same music sounded all choppy and broken. I closed rhythmbox, and restarted my pc (unmounted the volume as well) and after the reboot, no music shows up on my ipod on rhythmbox, or anywhere else, though the iPod DOES get d18:05
solifugusI hope by IA65, nvidia means x86-64 and not Itanic..18:05
ImaLamerone sec terrylm18:05
mxe5phuzion: Nothing happens.18:05
brandonsolifugus, i think it means itanic18:05
phuzionmxe5, ok, gimme a second, I'll try to figure something out18:05
ImaLamerrevarr, google this first: kernel options + grub18:05
brandonany mac guys in here?18:06
phuzionbrandon, if you want mac support, check out #mac18:06
ImaLamerrevarr, or it's as easy as getting APM installed, but idk sorry18:06
brandonphuzion, well its more ubuntu on mac18:06
brandonim having audio issues :P18:07
phuzionFire away then18:07
ImaLamerrevarr, if it is a bug, it may not be fixed until a patch is in place - maybe bookmark the bugtrackers18:07
brandonwell ive got a imac 9,118:07
ImaLamerterrylm, can you msg me that error again?18:07
brandonand im having the notorious issue of not being able to get audio working right unless i use the lenovo-sky option in alsa-base.conf18:08
terrylmE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.18:08
brandonhowever then the audio is extremely tinny.18:08
Andy2113 I'm having a problem with my iPod (mini. First generation). I installed gtkpod and am using rhythmbox. Yesterday, the iPod and all of it's music was being recognized by rhythmbox, and this morning the same music sounded all choppy and broken. I closed rhythmbox, and restarted my pc (unmounted the volume as well) and after the reboot, no music shows up on my ipod on rhythmbox, or anywhere else, though the iPod DOES get detected. Anyo18:08
revarrImalamer no problem, thanks for trying18:08
philsfhi. when I turn my laptop on, my bluetooth applet always starts turned on, it doesn't remember when I turn it off. how can I make it honor my choice?18:08
mxe5phuzion: It's pretty much hung now - When I tried the 1st one CTRL+ALT+Backspace nothing - THen tried CTRL+AT+Del and got error (Couldn't execute command: gnome-session-save--shutdown--dialog Verify that this is a valid command.18:09
ImaLamerterrylm, try apt-get remove of the offending package first18:09
revarralright I'll work from there18:09
phuzionmxe5, power cycle the box, let it run fsck if it wants on boot18:09
brandonphuzion, any thoughts?18:10
ImaLamerbtw, i came here to ask a question too :P18:10
abhi_navphilsf, remove it from startup aps. so it wll not strt automatically then you can start it when you want it18:10
phuzionbrandon, no experience with ubuntu on a mac, honestly.18:10
ImaLameranyone use vpnc? should i be losing access to ports (such as IRC) once connected?18:10
brandonhmm. any idea if anyone else in here might have a clue18:10
mxe5phuzion: Yea - It's rebooting now - It's a we'll see mode now - thx18:11
brandonbecause ive been desperatley looking to get this working18:11
phuzionbrandon, there's 1340 people in here.  If someone knows, they'll chip in and help you out.18:11
philsfabhi_nav, but that's overkill. I just want it to honor my choice. is there no way of doing this?18:11
BlaDe^For some reason im getting resource unavailable that it can't get a lock when trying to download or activate new drivers18:11
brandonokie doke phuzion18:11
BlaDe^but I don't have anything open except geany, firefox, terminal and xchat18:11
abhi_navphilsf, then check its wiki or help18:11
BlaDe^how can I find out what's causing it18:11
ImaLamerterrylm, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/e-internal-error-opening-cache-1-please-report-577973/18:11
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terrylmImaLamer, thanks.18:12
solifugusI --think-- the way to install nvidia is apt-get install nvidia-current..  but I also downloaded the nvidia driver from nvidia.com (problem is, it says its for redhat)18:12
Andy2113 I'm having a problem with my iPod (mini. First generation). I installed gtkpod and am using rhythmbox. Yesterday, the iPod and all of it's music was being recognized by rhythmbox, and this morning the same music sounded all choppy and broken. I closed rhythmbox, and restarted my pc (unmounted the volume as well) and after the reboot, no music shows up on my ipod on rhythmbox, or anywhere else, though the iPod DOES get detected. Anyo18:13
louis11Is there anyway to get JavascriptCore on ubuntu?18:13
sebersolei use konversation in ubuntu and run into problems with my sound cutting out after some time.  It only effects kde apps.  it goes away after reboot, for some time until it happens again.  the complaint is about phonon18:13
sebersolei had this issue before and ended up having to uninstall something, but i cannot remember what (this came back after i accepted a prompted "upgrade"; boy never doing that again)18:13
sebersoleanyone have ideas?18:14
jlebarWhat replaced the linux-image-debug package?18:14
erUSULlouis11: what is JavascriptCore ?18:14
LjLsebersole: have you tried asking in #kubuntu? that channel is specifically about KDE issues18:15
mxe5phuzion: Well so far everything looks good at this point - Should I check my repo's source to see if it's trying to get updates from correct place - Just opened Update Mgr. and say's it needs another 71.7MB's ??18:15
PerryArmstronghey can anyone tell me how i can enable voice calls....the mike is unable 2 take my speech on messengers.... it works fine in windows....but in ubuntu i am not able to use it...I checked the sound preferences and sound input is unmute.....can anyone help18:15
abhi_nav!hi | ubuntu_18:15
ubottuubuntu_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:15
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mxe5phuzion: Goes on the internet fine - I open FFox18:16
ImaLamerPerryArmstrong, is it set to where the mic is?18:16
sebersoleLjL: even though i use ubuntu?18:16
phuzionmxe5, it's possible that it didn't get all of the packages before crashing18:16
airgracehey fellas just got a quick question, are there any good guides to learn the CLI?18:16
PerryArmstrongImaLamer, ya18:16
erUSUL!cli | airgrace18:16
ubottuairgrace: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:16
airgracei've been unable to find any good ones.18:16
sebsebseb!terminal | airgrace18:16
ubottuairgrace: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:16
LjLsebersole: well, be sure to specify that, but since it only affects KDE apps, it's worth a shot to try asking there too.18:16
sebsebsebairgrace: basic commands in the manual18:16
sebersolei did :)18:16
sebsebseb!manual | airgrace18:16
ubottuairgrace: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:16
sebersoleok, will ask there too18:16
sebsebsebairgrace: theres also a Ubuntu Pocket Guide you can download18:17
airgraceerusl sebsebseb cheers fellas :)!18:17
Andy2113 I'm having a problem with my iPod (mini. First generation). I installed gtkpod and am using rhythmbox. Yesterday, the iPod and all of it's music was being recognized by rhythmbox, and this morning the same music sounded all choppy and broken. I closed rhythmbox, and restarted my pc (unmounted the volume as well) and after the reboot, no music shows up on my ipod on rhythmbox, or anywhere else, though the iPod DOES get detected. Anyo18:17
sebsebsebairgrace: np18:17
BlaDe^FOr anyone that has the same problem I did sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock and it fixed my issue18:17
mxe5phuzion: I'll do the normal "Install Updates" button - should be ok - possibly just hung....18:17
ImaLamerBlaDe^, we just had the same question in a similar manner18:18
phuzionmxe5, have you considered running updates from the console?18:18
phuzioner, the shell rather18:18
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BlaDe^ImaLamer,  i didn't see it- just tried to fix it myself instead (Or perhaps it was me who asked?)18:19
tucemiuxanyone knows how to use the ATI open source drivers and where I can download them, I want to use them for ATI HD 300018:19
mxe5phuzion: I forgot what the shell command is in Terminal for that.18:19
ImaLamerBlaDe^, no it was the same problem, different error18:19
BlaDe^ah right18:19
ImaLameri think it's a common question18:19
erUSULtucemiux: there should be already installed18:19
BlaDe^are you supposed to delete the file18:19
ImaLameri have this problem a lot with my iphone + cydia (jailbroken phones use apt-get(18:20
BlaDe^yeah I use iphone+terminal/cydia too18:20
BlaDe^but haev never had that issue18:20
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:20
ImaLamerhaha - i just fix them, not sure what is 'right'18:20
BlaDe^how do you fix them? the abve command ?18:20
ImaLamerthere you go :)18:20
ace__tucemix I think if you go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers it will install them for you18:21
ImaLamerI've had cydia crash during installs and had the same issue18:21
BlaDe^ah i see, I tend to avoid cydia18:21
PerryArmstrongImaLamer, any solution18:21
BlaDe^I only have a 3G and unless I'm just browsing I just use apt-get18:21
BlaDe^since cydia is really slow18:21
snake99hows evryone18:21
ubuntu_what is the command to revert back to a 'screen' session?18:22
BlaDe^screen -r ubuntu_18:22
BlaDe^ImaLamer,  do you use ifuse etc to mount your phone?18:22
ImaLamerBlaDe^, what terminal do you use?18:22
Andy2113ok... well does anyone know where I CAN get help for my issue, since nobody knows here..?18:22
ubuntu_BlaDe^: cheers, and how do i minimise the screen :)?18:22
ImaLamerNever tried anything like that18:22
BlaDe^it's just called "terminal"18:22
BlaDe^often I use ssh too18:22
BlaDe^screen -d is detach, ubuntu_18:22
ImaLamerBlaDe^, I ssh and have it mounted / bookmarked here in gnome18:23
BlaDe^what do you use to add music etc to your library?18:23
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ImaLamerBlaDe^, honestly a windows box18:23
BlaDe^Ah, I hate the whole having to re-synch the entire phone18:24
BlaDe^if you use ipod-convenience and ifuse you can just drag/drop music in18:24
BlaDe^it gets the firewire-guid etc for the decryption of the itunes.db18:24
ImaLamerhrrmmm will have to try that18:24
sebsebsebAndy2113: you didn't get an update for your Ipod from Apple right?18:25
sebsebsebAndy2113: they may come out with one that brakes Ubuntu's support18:25
ImaLamerBlaDe^, so i can drop the songs in and they will show up in the libr?18:25
trupheenixImaLamer: hey i got the recovery thing running. i'm restoring the system to factory. at the same time i'm reducing the space required for C drive. now you think I can install Ubuntu on it without getting rid of the recovery image?18:25
badmoxhi im still on my solr problem "java -jar post.jar *.xml" "Unable to access jarfile post.jar" canged java from openjre to sun reinstalled solr but the error is the same18:26
BlaDe^Don't need to resynch etc18:26
BlaDe^look for gtkpod and ifuse18:26
Andy2113sebsebseb I haven't even upgraded my firmware in about 2+ years. My iPod doesn't hold charge, so I saw no reason to upgrade it. It was working yesterday as I said, but this morning it was all choppy18:26
ImaLamerBlaDe^, glad i ran into you :)18:26
ImaLamertrupheenix, so you will have some empty space there to create a new partition?18:26
trupheenixImaLamer: yes i made C drive smaller and created an empty partition18:27
trupheenixImaLamer: another partition basically18:27
ImaLamertrupheenix, then you are on the way :)18:27
ImaLamer /cheer18:27
trupheenixImaLamer: ok18:27
trupheenixImaLamer: but now confusion. how do i get USB to boot?18:27
PerryArmstronghey can anyone tell me how i can enable voice calls....the mike is unable 2 take my speech on messengers.... it works fine in windows....but in ubuntu i am not able to use it...I checked the sound preferences and sound input is unmute.....can anyone help18:27
trupheenixImaLamer:I can't seem to make out18:27
ImaLamergo ahead and format the partition and label it18:27
ImaLamerjust to be sure which you will later reformat (ya dig?)18:28
DaekdroomSomehow my sound icon on the notification bar disappeared and I want it back.. Lucid 10.0418:28
ImaLamerDaekdroom, do you still have sound?18:28
xanguaDaekdroom: add the indicator applet to the panel18:28
Daekdroomxangua, what should I do after its already there?18:28
BlaDe^hehe ImaLamer  :) this page may help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone18:28
ImaLamertrupheenix, want to install from a usb stick?18:28
BlaDe^it has about iFuse, gtkpod and other alternatives18:28
xanguaDaekdroom: nothing, it just appears18:29
trupheenixImaLamer: yea USB live USB i have ready18:29
trupheenixImaLamer: can't seem to find a boot menu or bios18:29
ImaLamerso you can pick the USB from the bios boot and it fails?18:29
Daekdroomxangua, what do I do if it doesn't?18:29
Andy2113so.. nothing? ):18:29
xanguaDaekdroom: don't know, reinstall pulse¿¿ indicator¿¿18:30
notmorewindowshi i have this problem with vuze:(Vuze:5503): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead18:30
ImaLamernotmorewindows, sounds ominous!18:30
trupheenixImaLamer: this is so lame. the system rebooted some 4 times before the recovery could complete.18:30
trupheenixImaLamer: completely new architecture it seems.18:31
trupheenixImaLamer: it's the same old XPEE this windoze 718:31
notmorewindowsim not ominous  imalamer18:32
BjartrHey, I recently moved to dual monitors (TwinView) and am using awn. awn appears in the correct position on my left (primary) monitor, but maximized windows now extend over awn, before they stopped above it. On my right screen maximized windows leave enough room for awn, but I don't really want to move awn to the second screen. The left monitor has a lower vertical resolution than the right.18:33
PerryArmstronghey can anyone tell me how i can enable voice calls....the mike is unable 2 take my speech on messengers.... it works fine in windows....but in ubuntu i am not able to use it...I checked the sound preferences and sound input is unmute.....can anyone help18:33
ImaLamernotmorewindows, your error is18:33
SuperMiguelim using openbox, how do i change my resolution and set up dual monitor??18:33
notmorewindowsi have a problem with vuze:(Vuze:5503): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead18:34
Daekdroomnotmorewindows, Well, that is the terminal output, but what causes that error message?18:34
subsumeWhat should I set my hostname to?18:34
notmorewindowsmy error : i dont have the toolbar vuze for search with this error18:34
Segajahi, which daemon do i have to (re)start in order to make ubuntu recognise my usb devices?18:34
tulli have a problem with virtualbox puel: usb doesn't work on my installation of windows xp18:34
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tullhow can i do?18:35
Oertull Vbox OSE does not have usb support18:35
xanguadid you installed vbox from repository or it's web¿¿ you need to download it from it's web18:35
tullOer, have you read well? i use virtualbox puel18:36
tullPUEL is the proprietary version18:36
Picitull: Then you should ask in Virtualbox's support channel: #vbox18:36
tullthank you18:37
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subsumeWhat should I set my hostname of my webserver to?18:37
notmorewindowsdaekdroom i only to know :  i do not have the bar of the finder of vuze18:37
notmorewindowsI do not have any finder of archives for vuze18:38
notmorewindowsany toolbar18:38
BabalabonIs there a way to record a video of your desktop to a .avi, or mp4 or whatever without having to use a tv tuner card?18:39
Phantom_HooverIs there an easy way to move from 32- to 64-bit Ubuntu?18:39
notmorewindowsno tool search for vuze18:39
Pici!screencast | Babalabon18:39
ubottuBabalabon: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.18:39
bazhangPhantom_Hoover, full reinstall18:39
Phantom_HooverAh, well, I prepared for it.18:40
badmoxhi i have a solr problem "java -jar post.jar *.xml" "Unable to access jarfile post.jar" canged java from openjre to sun reinstalled solr but the error is the same18:41
joveHi all: I have a pkg "rpm" and don't know how to extrack or install it under dpkg...I hope someone can advice the basic Ubuntu syntax.18:41
notmorewindowsbalalabon the best is gtk-recordmydesktop.desktop i have it tested and is very good18:41
offyI changed fstab to mount sdb1 to /home/david/Desktop but the permissions are all root18:41
kappa_52how to take all permissions for a mounted drive ?18:41
Picijove: What package?18:42
offyI can't change permissions of the mounted drive18:42
offyi tried chown -R david:users18:42
unopkappa_52, depends on the filesystem of the mounted volume.18:42
jovevpnclient....rpm : Pici18:42
unopoffy, what filesystem?18:42
sjm!alien | jove18:42
ubottujove: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)18:42
offyunop: ntfs18:43
unopoffy, you can't do that then -- ntfs does not understand unix permissions18:43
jovePici: it's vpnclient.rpm18:43
notmorewindowshelp. s.o.s. hi i have this problem with vuze:(Vuze:5503): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead18:43
offyunop: Before I formatted I had it working.18:43
SuperMiguelis there a tool for intel video card system like nvidia-settings ???18:43
Picijove: There are a few vpn client applications in the repos, you shouldn't use an RPM package unless you absolutely have to, and chances are if it needs to integrate with other already installed packages, it won't work.18:43
sjm!alien | jove18:43
jovePici: here is the actual pkg: vpnclient-linux-4.8-8.EL5.i386.rpm18:44
unopoffy, to accept the chown command, i don't think so.18:44
kappa_52chmod 666 what was the command please tell me ! :(18:44
offyunop: Thanks. I'll probably change it to ext418:44
kappa_52ext4 filesystem18:44
Peprhow do I change the umask in apache?18:44
unopoffy, but first, why are you wanting to change the owners here?18:44
notmorewindowshi i have this problem with vuze:(Vuze:5503): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead18:44
Picijove: Have you looked in our package repositories first?18:44
offyunop: My second harddrive is used for files only. So I want all files saved there that are on desktop.18:45
offyunop: They are all root right now18:45
unopoffy, you're using the ntfs drive as a backup?18:45
jovePici, it's the specific certificate bundled in it, so I have to use rpm pkg18:45
offyunop: yes18:45
dax2112rush2I have a persistant entry in my routing table I'd like to get rid of. How can I find out what is adding it?18:46
tenochslbGuys alsa is not loading or working in my lucid lynx, it was working but now it does not. I need HELP!!118:46
unopoffy, you could use tar to create the backups -- and store the tar files on the ntfs drive - you'll preserve permissions and ownership that way.18:46
Pici!alien | jove18:46
ubottujove: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)18:46
unopoffy, but yea, probably much easier if you converted to EXTx18:46
jovePici, Currently I had my vpnclient up and run now, but the certificate will be expired the end of this month, so I have to update the vpnclient certificate18:47
offyunop: ok18:47
Picijove: see the message from ubottu above.18:47
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notmorewindowsi need another vuze file with debian , i want a link please ...18:47
Picinotmorewindows: What?18:48
notmorewindowswith debian pack18:48
ImaLamerIf i install the restricted nvidia drivers and it says 'current' version is that the latest from the nv site?18:48
tenochslbI go to System>Preference>Sound>output and the only option is dummy or something like that18:48
offytenochslb: I had that and a restart fixed it. Did you try a restart?18:48
boybuonvnhow can I have surround sound in ubuntu 10.04 ?18:49
notmorewindowspici i need a debian package of vuze for lubuntu18:49
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tenochslboffy, i noticed that too but only worked one day. I started with this problem yesterday and i would restart the system and it would work again. Today however the restart does nothing18:49
notmorewindowspici i need a link18:50
ImaLamerboybuonvn, need moar info (stereo or ?)18:50
offytenochslb: Yup same issue that happened to me. I gave up and reformatted18:50
boybuonvn@ImaLamer: 5.1 sound18:50
boybuonvn@ImaLamer: I use onboard soundcard18:50
ImaLamerIf i install the restricted nvidia drivers and it says 'current' version is that the latest from the nv site?18:50
ImaLamerboybuonvn, like one channel is plugged to the front-right, etc?18:51
Picinotmorewindows: Whats wrong with the version in the repos?18:51
tenochslboffy, that is not good. There should be a way to fix it without reformatt. Hopefully someone knows what is wrong.18:51
whlspacedudenotmorewindows: which version of ubuntu18:51
Hawkeye-Xhey. does anyone here know how to make the 2nd NIC work for the internal network?18:52
Hawkeye-Xthe internal network consists of a Windows 2003 server18:52
caffiendHawkeye-X, you mean ifconfig eth1?18:52
ImaLamerHawkeye-X, you get an int address? want to do what authenticate on that network?18:52
Hawkeye-Xcaffiend, yeah, something like that18:53
Hawkeye-XImaLamer, no, no int address18:53
notmorewindowspici i have istall the vuze of getdebian online and i have problems with this vuze the last version : i have a problem with vuze:(Vuze:5503): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead18:53
ImaLameryou can set this in the networking applet i believe18:53
ImaLamergive it an IP18:53
Hawkeye-Xbut my question is, can i keep it on the same subnet for eth118:53
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caffiendHawkeye-X, to what end?18:53
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Picinotmorewindows: So you have a bug with a third party package that you got from somewhere else?18:54
boybuonvn@ImaLamer: can you help me?18:54
ubuntucaffiend: sorry18:54
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