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Venim | anyone know where the xfce session files are stored? | 01:57 |
Venim | i'm trying to get the command I set up for a "run at startup" from my old install | 01:57 |
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robertzaccour | is ubuntu switching to gnome shell in maverick? | 04:08 |
robertzaccour | anyone here? | 04:16 |
Raggs | yep | 04:16 |
robertzaccour | i left too soon? | 04:22 |
Raggs | well, i did answer you, then you left | 04:23 |
pleia2 | robertzaccour: you're in the Xubuntu channel which uses XFCE, not Gnome as a desktop environment, you're probably better off asking in a regular Ubuntu channel :) | 04:23 |
Raggs | xfce rocks | 04:23 |
pleia2 | +1 | 04:23 |
robertzaccour | I'm starting to think so. if shell is the future of gnome, then xfce count me in | 04:23 |
pleia2 | last I heard it wouldn't be default (but it would be in the repos), but it's been a few months since I've kept up | 04:25 |
robertzaccour | still, it seems to be the future of it | 04:27 |
Raggs | embrace the future | 04:27 |
robertzaccour | i wonder if xubuntu maverick will have a new theme | 04:28 |
robertzaccour | the current one is great | 04:28 |
robertzaccour | oh, i tried to use the android os, it wouldn't boot up the live session | 04:29 |
Raggs | LC I am using buntu | 04:30 |
robertzaccour | does xubuntu have the window buttons on the left side? | 04:42 |
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pleia2 | robertzaccour: no | 04:51 |
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robertzaccour | will there be Xubuntu distros for the next several years? | 06:58 |
Raggs | robertzaccour, hard to know what will happen in a couple years isnt it? | 06:59 |
robertzaccour | yes true | 07:08 |
Raggs | but of course | 07:08 |
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slow-motion | hi | 10:11 |
slow-motion | re | 12:25 |
giampiero | Hello. How can I show registry file? | 12:47 |
knome | giampiero, by registry file, you mean what? | 12:51 |
giampiero | The log file showing error messages at startup. | 12:51 |
knome | giampiero, see in /var/log/ | 12:52 |
giampiero | I see plenty of files. Which one should I open? | 12:56 |
knome | what are you looking for? | 12:56 |
giampiero | Error messages at startup. | 12:56 |
knome | which error messages? | 12:56 |
knome | what about looking at boot.log? | 12:57 |
giampiero | The ones the pc prompts for too short to read them. | 12:57 |
knome | different things are logged in different places | 12:57 |
moetunes | try /var/log/syslog | 12:58 |
giampiero | Is there an application allowing to handle them? | 12:58 |
knome | handle? you mean read? | 13:00 |
giampiero | I get this error message at startup: "rsyslogd-2039: Could no open output file '/dev/xconsole'" | 13:27 |
giampiero | This file doesn't exist. Is it supposed to exist? How can I fix it? | 13:27 |
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xubuntu994 | equalcunoitalino | 16:40 |
xubuntu994 | ce kualko ialiano | 16:40 |
xubuntu994 | ???? | 16:40 |
bazhang | !it | 16:40 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 16:40 |
xubuntu994 | vv ringrazzio | 16:41 |
Dr4x | hi there | 17:14 |
Dr4x | i was on ubuntu, i installed xfce i wanted to remove gnome, but now my Wine can't start 3D apps (i dunno why) | 17:15 |
Dr4x | i had to reinstall the nvidia driver but it's still not working any idea? | 17:15 |
slow-motion | hi | 18:03 |
judgen | I need some cool new free games. I dont play fps, but otherwise im open to mostly anything. | 18:12 |
Dr4x | hi, is there any known compatibility problems between xubuntu-desktop and wine + 3D games ? | 18:41 |
Dr4x | coz i had gnome + 3D games working perfectly, i removed the ubuntu-desktop, installed the xubuntu-desktop and it doesn't work anymore :( | 18:42 |
duckslammer | greasings and salivations to all my fine fiends | 19:19 |
duckslammer | can anyone tell me where the setting is that associates file names to applications? i have just installed open office and it is not being recognized by firefox when i download a .doc file and there is no place in firefox to add a mime type | 19:20 |
duckslammer | hello? | 19:21 |
likemindead | You want it to be associated with OOo? | 19:22 |
duckslammer | yes | 19:22 |
likemindead | That would be cool. I've always thought about it, but never bothered to do anything about it. | 19:22 |
duckslammer | can't think how to describe this so i could google it | 19:22 |
duckslammer | i've just upgraded to 10.04 - in previous version the installation would set it up automatically | 19:23 |
likemindead | I think I've got it sorted. | 19:23 |
duckslammer | ? | 19:24 |
likemindead | Right-click on a .doc file, "Open With Other Application" & then click the default box at the bottom before you select OOo. | 19:24 |
duckslammer | ok but will taht add it to firefox's mime types? | 19:25 |
likemindead | Don't know about that. | 19:25 |
likemindead | What about Firefox Preferences>Applications ? | 19:26 |
duckslammer | went there - there's not a way to add to it | 19:27 |
duckslammer | although there are examples of adding to it in the firefox docs, there isn't an option in the linux version of firefox to do it | 19:27 |
duckslammer | apparently you do it on mac and windows | 19:28 |
likemindead | Hmm... | 19:30 |
duckslammer | thunar does know about OO but firefox doesn't | 19:31 |
duckslammer | maybe i need to reload firefox | 19:31 |
duckslammer | that was it -- ok, problem solved - but i wish i could find a way to add mime types | 19:32 |
duckslammer | ok, irc question: how do you register a nick? | 19:33 |
likemindead | http://linuxbasics.org/irc/how_to_register_an_irc-nickname | 19:35 |
kpel | hi. do you also get a message from software updater that there is a new dpkg package but it cannot be authenticated? | 20:29 |
kpel | i'm using xubuntu 10.04 LTS | 20:29 |
likemindead | Try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a Terminal, kpel. | 20:46 |
kpel | likemindead: before i do that, can you please check if you see this problem if you have set the updater to pick up proposed updates? | 20:48 |
likemindead | I've never really used the update manager GUI. I just do everything in the Terminal. What do you want me to check, exactly? | 20:48 |
kpel | you know how you have control over what sort of updates you should notified? like security fixes, recommended updates, proposed updates etc | 20:50 |
likemindead | Right. | 20:50 |
Sysi | iirc that happened to me, i just installed updates in terminal if gui didn't offer workaroun | 20:51 |
kpel | i was wondering if this problem occurs because the dpkg package in question is a proposed update i.e. part of lucid-proposed, not of lucid-security or lucid-updates | 20:51 |
kpel | likemindead: this is the url to the bug that this new package is supposed to fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/570805 | 20:51 |
kpel | perhaps they did something wrong with the package signing | 20:52 |
kpel | i'll post a comment there as soon as i make a Launchpad account | 20:52 |
kpel | Sysi: the gui allows me to override the warning about the authentication. wht i am trying to find out is if someone is doing something naught (e.g. a server may have been compromised) or if this is just human error | 20:53 |
Sysi | i trust to ubuntu servers and installation media | 20:56 |
Sysi | it's nothing like random websites of win-software | 20:56 |
kpel | Sysi: true. unfortunately in the past a debian server was compromised and was modified to serve trojaned versions of a certain package every Nth request for download. So it is not impossible for something similar to happen with a popular distro. | 21:00 |
Sysi | right | 21:01 |
kpel | most likely this specific issue is a problem with the auth keys but it's better to be sure. I added a comment to the bug report. | 21:01 |
kpel | Sysi: yep. google it if you like. you'll find that even openbsd.org got compromised and was serving trojaned OpenSSH packages. But that was years ago. | 21:07 |
Sysi | (openbsd :DD) | 21:08 |
kpel | yeap. they have a good history regarding security but evidently they are not perfect. | 21:14 |
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cdoublejj | is installing fluxbox as easy as synaptics manager and then logging out and choosing fluxbox? | 22:45 |
cdoublejj | as i understand xfce would be like having na extra program | 22:45 |
cdoublejj | and after logon it wouls use lfuxbox | 22:46 |
cdoublejj | i'm a some what newb | 22:46 |
Sysi | it's like you described | 22:46 |
cdoublejj | wow | 22:46 |
Sysi | if you choose fluxbox, xfce isn't used | 22:46 |
cdoublejj | never done any major mods/changes to *ubuntu | 22:47 |
cdoublejj | do i need fluxconf too? | 22:49 |
cdoublejj | or is it just supplemental | 22:49 |
Kiana | Hello. I have trouble finding a working driver for my graphics card VIA P4M800Pro [S3 UniChrome Pro]. Is it actually supported? All drivers I tried on Xubuntu yesterday only allowed vga. Now on OpenSUSE it isn' t any different | 23:03 |
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