
=== DanRabbit is now known as DanRabbit|sleepi
=== DanRabbit|sleepi is now known as DanRabbit|Sleepi
=== DanRabbit|Sleepi is now known as DanRabbit|Asleep
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
doctormompt: Did you send a message to the starfish team? Can't seem to approve it, disappeared.14:28
mptdoctormo, yes, just now14:29
mptfeel free to forward it on14:29
doctormompt: If I ever get it, nothing yet.14:29
doctormoI just got the admin message saying it was queued.14:29
mptdoctormo, https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg03182.html14:30
doctormompt: Ah thanks, yes I see your points. Seahorse is really a different tool, it looks after keys and well bureaucracy removal is the job at hand, all that end to end is either platform or application.14:33
mptdoctormo, be fearless and cross the application boundaries with your designs. Otherwise we'll just have years more of the status quo, e.g. ~0% of e-mail being encrypted.14:35
mptdoctormo, <http://www.templetons.com/brad/crypt.html> may provide some inspiration on that particular use case.14:36
doctormompt: I'd like to do as you suggest and have the use cases end to end, but I'd also like to consider the edu and discoverability cases which seem to be missing from most use cases (which assume the objective is encryption).14:38
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
qensegood afternoon15:04
and471tedg: I shall speak to you here then15:40
and471tedg, I am using vala/genie to implement an appindicator15:40
and471tedg, I am subclassing the appindicator and I have got it to work except one thing15:41
and471tedg, it doesn't show15:41
and471tedg, the code is here lp:~and471/+junk/not-working15:41
and471tedg, basically, the weird thing is that when I put all the functions in the init of the subclass into a function, and then call with Gtk.main() - it works15:42
and471tedg, the people on the vala mailing list said it might be worthwile compiling to C and then showing it to you, to see if you could see a problem15:42
and471tedg, would this be useful?15:42
tedgand471, Uhm, yes.  But first ensure that you're setting the status.  The default is PASSIVE, which means it won't show.15:43
and471tedg, yes that is set, I have uploaded the C files to this branch, along with the genie code15:47
and471tedg, https://code.launchpad.net/~and471/+junk/not-working15:48
and471tedg, by the way, you only really need to look at main.c and indicator.c15:49
tedgand471, Hmm, nothing stands out.  Let me look a little more.15:55
and471tedg, thankyou for this :-)15:55
jcastroand471: what application are you working on? (out of curiosity)16:04
and471jcastro, https://launchpad.net/wasiliana16:05
and471jcastro, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/elementary-inspired-mail-client-looks.html and http://whyareyoureadingthisurl.wordpress.com/2010/06/14/introducing-the-wasiliana-mail-client/16:05
jcastrooh cool!16:06
vishhehe , just got a mail from someone writing ... the RB icon[app indicators] suck! :)16:14
* vish sends links16:14
tedggord, Could you look at and471 Vala code above?  I can't see any issue with it, but perhaps I'm missing something.17:01
tedggord, He's trying to subclass AppIndicator17:01
gordlemme see what i can see17:02
gordi can't really see any problems, but then again i know almost nothing about genie. can't build it either because there is not valide on maverick17:08
and471gord, you don't need valide17:11
and471just use..17:11
and471valac --save-temps --pkg gtk+-2.0 --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg gobject-2.0 --pkg webkit-1.0 --pkg appindicator-0.1 --vapidir=../vapi main.gs indicator.gs main_window.gs17:12
and471tedj: any luck?17:37
and471tedg: any luck?17:37
and471vish, it just worked for me again18:15
and471installed ubuntu in VM18:15
and471opened SC18:15
and471installed artha18:16
and471opened artha18:16
and471it all worked18:16
vishand471: really odd , when i select the text it and ctrl+alt+w , it doesnt show the synonyms for me :s18:17
and471does the window appear?18:17
and471vish, the main window18:17
and471vish, does the notification icon appear?18:18
vishand471: nope , when i click the icon the window appears , but not when i highlight and press keycombo18:18
and471how strange..18:19
and471vish, what app do u use?18:19
and471vish, in what app do you highlight?18:20
vishand471: FF18:20
and471do you have the VM handy?18:20
and471vish, could you do it in gedit or something?18:20
vishand471: just a sec18:20
vishand471: nope , gedit , i typed , selected , crtl+alt+W > nada! ;)18:25
and471vish, ah well18:26
and471vish, gotta go now18:26
and471vish, see ya18:26
vishand471: cya18:27

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