
dmattdemonstrated by BluesKaj and me :)00:00
dmattnUboon2Age: you're welcome00:00
BluesKajnUboon2Age, np , good luck :)00:03
nUboon2Agedmatt: BluesKaj: you two did great.  ty so much!!!00:03
BluesKajnUboon2Age, perhaps in the near future , you might consider dual booting windows and kubuntu00:04
nUboon2AgeBluesKaj: perhaps... i've been checking it out for me gf, who had used kde before and whom i'm trying to help migrate from Windoze...00:18
nUboon2AgeBluesKaj: i've got an all-ubuntu system now and used Wubi to check out kubuntu...00:19
BluesKajnUboon2Age,  ok , understood00:22
=== warren is now known as Guest66563
ejmholy crap! Kubuntu 10.04 is freaking fast! and Plasma actually works now.01:13
afiefHow can I get the Korganizer tray icon? it simply refuses to wrok no matter what I do(though the daemon is running)01:21
Typos_Kingafief:    sorry, I don't run it myself01:28
afiefTypos_King, It's a wonderful piece of software, been using it to organize most of my life01:28
Typos_Kingwell, there are others as well, like basKet01:34
moesIs grub 2...the boot load manager for kubuntu01:53
Typos_Kingmoes:  yes01:53
bazhangmoes, for which version of kubuntu?01:53
moesbazhang, 10.04 lts01:54
bazhangmoes, yep01:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:54
moesbazhang,  I now have lucid with grub 2 when I install kubuntu along side to I also use the grub01:55
bazhangmoes, alongside? why not just install kubuntu-desktop on existing install? then choose from login window01:56
amasonbazhang: i was just about to ask that :)01:56
bazhangxubuntu-desktop lubuntu-desktop etc01:56
bazhangubuntustudio and edubuntu as well iirc01:57
=== ajmal is now known as jjunk
jjunkhow do i clear window of quassel02:33
cato37all of my files are showing up in quadruplicate when i search for them in dolphin. is this normal?02:51
jjunki dont think so cato02:53
jjunki have problem here02:53
cato37when i select 3 of them (such as a pdf) i get error messages, but one of the four will load.02:53
jjunkthere isnt update manager nor nothing like synaptic in kubuntu?>02:53
jjunkplease report  a bug dude02:54
cato37i think the kubuntu package manager is kpackagekit. (at least that is what the name reads when selecting it from the launch menu)02:56
jjunkbut its no where close to update manager of ubuntu02:57
jjunki think room is dead now02:58
cato37it might be worldwide lunchtime. :)02:59
jjunknot really its morning in india dude02:59
[CM]jjunk in the trunk03:00
[CM]sorry had to03:00
jjunknow how do i configure kmail for accessing gmail account03:00
[CM]I tried setting up kmail03:01
[CM]and it kept putting sent emails in the LOCAL FOLDER03:01
[CM]even though I told it save on my imap server03:01
snarksterwhat is the file limit of dolphin??03:55
snarksterhow many files can it handle in a folder?03:56
SockPupCameOnI am having an issue opening a website on browsers in kubuntu04:51
SockPupCameOnthat doesn't happen with other os's04:51
SockPupCameOni am wondering if anybody has any guidance with settings04:51
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logyatihello guys!05:23
logyatii use ubuntu since dapper. Now i decided to give kde a try... i really enjoy kubuntu 10.04, but i think something is wrong here! the performance is too slow! as if im using software rendering... i dont know, please help!05:24
=== promulo_ is now known as promulo
Khaotici need a vnc client06:26
e_t_Khaotic: there are many VNC clients (and servers) for Linux. KRDC is one I use frequently. It can do both VNC and RDP, and is build on KDE. Wow, that was a lot of acronyms.06:41
Khaotice_t_: can i vnc to it from my andriod app?06:46
e_t_Oh, you want a VNC *server* on your computer so that you can connect from your phone.06:47
UrielCorinthianHi there... Silly question - I'm new to KDE (on Kubuntu 10.04). How do I set the default application for files? Every time I double-click a PDF (or open it from an e-mail), GIMP starts up and I really want Okular to handle it.06:49
crazy6KDM/X won't start. nvidia graphics card. fixable?06:49
macoUrielCorinthian: right click -> open with -> other06:50
macoUrielCorinthian: pick okular in there and check the "remember" checkbox06:50
UrielCorinthianmaco - I've done that though...06:54
UrielCorinthianIt still seems to reset it...06:54
UrielCorinthianPlus - check the image attachment here - why is there a million copies of Okular in the list of choices here...? http://imagebin.org/10340206:54
e_t_UrielCorinthian: You can also right click -> properties, then click on the wrench icon to the right. The lower half of the window that appears allows you to select which applications to use for a file type, and in what order.06:56
UrielCorinthiane_t_ - thanks... Just found that one... Looks more promising, since I can see that it stays on Okular now :)  Do you have any idea why there would be so much repetition in the Open With dialog though?06:58
UrielCorinthianThere are other apps that also have multiple instances listed there...06:58
Khaoticanyone know how to install wine?06:59
Khaotice_t_: yes06:59
e_t_UrielCorinthian: That I do not know.06:59
UrielCorinthianOkay :)  Thanks for the help though06:59
maco2UrielCorinthian: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/59978507:00
maco2UrielCorinthian: bah wrong bug07:01
Khaotici need help07:01
UrielCorinthianI'll wait07:01
e_t_Khaotic: The counterpart of KRDC is KRFB, the KDE Remote Frame Buffer. It is a VNC server, and you can either send invitations or allow open connections. If you've got a VNC client on your phone, you should be able to connect. That's the nice thing about standards.07:01
maco2UrielCorinthian: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/57434207:01
maco2UrielCorinthian: kdesu kate /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache07:01
maco2UrielCorinthian: move okular to first07:01
Khaoticso get KRFB?07:01
e_t_Khaotic: Or, you can pick something from "aptitude search vnc". As I said, there are many clients and many servers.07:03
Khaotici want something that i can view windows stuff too07:03
Khaotici really want realvnc07:03
Khaoticbut idk how to set it up07:04
UrielCorinthianmaco2 - thank you. THink that should do it...07:04
UrielCorinthianI'll check it out07:04
e_t_Khaotic: VNC is VNC. If you have a Windows box with a VNC server on it, you'll be able to connect to it.07:04
Khaoticwell i have 2 windows computers and this linux laptop07:05
Khaotici wish teamviewer worked on linux07:06
e_t_Khaotic: so you want to view the Windows boxes from the Linux laptop?07:06
e_t_Khaotic: OK. Install KRDC, then open it. You can press alt+F2 and type krdc, or you can search for it in the K menu > Programs > Internet > KRDC.07:09
Khaotice_t_:  i need a client like teamviwer07:12
UrielCorinthianThanks for the help guys, I'm out07:12
e_t_Khaotic: I do not know of a Linux app that does as many things as teamviewer seems to do, but a combination of (any) VNC client + FileZilla FTP + Kopete/Pidgin IM seems like it would offer similar features.07:18
Khaoticwats a vnc client like it07:19
Z-RAY_guys i tried to manually reinstall kdenlive and MLT from source, because i had these white dots and lines and now kdenlive don't see many modules! help me, please to make this thing work07:20
e_t_Khaotic: how does this look? http://www.ubuntusquad.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/screenshot-rdp-krdc.png07:20
Khaoticlike i wanna vnc to and from linux07:22
Khaoticto and from windows07:22
=== ajmal is now known as jjunk
e_t_Khaotic: Then you need a client and a server on each end. I think your choice of specific software is a matter of preference. Try several and see what you like. You can always remove the others.07:25
Khaotici never found how to remove software lol07:25
e_t_Khaotic: apt-get or aptitude can both install and remove software. "sudo apt-get install $package" installs, and "sudo apt-get remove $package" uninstalls.07:27
Khaoticcan you help me install realvnc?07:30
Khaotickrdc isnt seeming to let me connect07:30
e_t_Khaotic: Have you configured your server to allow connections?07:31
ajmalcan i install hdd temperature monitor on kubuntu07:31
ajmalany software....?07:31
e_t_Khaotic: realvnc is a proprietary/commercial app. I'll refer you to their website: http://www.realvnc.com/products/enterprise/4.5/install_debian.html07:35
Khaoticim on ubuntu07:35
e_t_Khaotic: Ubuntu is a Debian derivative. You'll follow the same steps.07:36
Khaoticoh awesome07:36
e_t_Khaotic: Just put "sudo" on the front of the commands to run them as root.07:38
emrehey all08:15
noaXessgood morning08:15
noaXesshey emre08:15
emrei was using ubuntu and switched to kubuntu-desktop. but i'm having sound problems right now.08:16
noaXessemre: maybe pulseaudio will be the solution..08:16
emrenoaXess, which packages i should install?08:16
emretrying it, thanks08:17
noaXessemre: just a german page.. http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Pulseaudio#Nachtraegliche-Installation08:18
noaXessemre: i installed this packages... in kubuntu.. sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio pavucontrol08:19
noaXessemre: but i haven't switech from ubuntu to kubuntu-desktop.. but maybe it can help you08:20
noaXessdoes anybody work with racoon? i start racoon with sudo racoon and with specific settings.. after few minutes the racoon connection goes down, cause sudo timeout.. then i need to insert the racoon command again..08:21
noaXesscan i set a temprary timeout for a specific sudo command?08:24
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=== morning is now known as hrw
* Hiryu is gone. Gone since Tue Jun 29 11:24:00 201009:07
tsimpson!away > Hiryu09:10
ubottuHiryu, please see my private message09:10
amichairis kde 4.4.5 an unofficial release?09:31
amichair(there's no news about in on kde nor kubuntu site, but it's already in the kubuntu ppa)09:32
jussino, its the rc109:33
amichairjussi: I don't use the beta repo (as the link says), only ppa and backports... is an RC supposed to be there?09:36
jussiamichair: Im not sure. I dont use the "ppa" - is it the experimental ppa? if so, could be anything there...09:36
amichairjussi: as I understand it, it's supposed to be updates akin to ubuntu updates repo09:38
Space_Manjoin #gentoo09:43
amichairjussi: Riddell clarified that it's not 4.5RC, but indeed a 4.4.5 - which just hasn't been anounced yet by anyone (upstream or kubuntu). Sounds safe, in any case. Thanks!09:56
Khaoticim on an INM Thinkpad and have no sound10:15
Khaoticwhat do i do10:15
Khaotici think my sound driver was lost when i installed linux10:15
IraqHow install file .tar.zg ? please step by step10:21
bazhangIraq, on bt4?10:21
IraqAllah Akbar10:21
Iraqwhat you doing here again10:21
bazhangIraq, #backtrack-linux for bt4 support not here10:21
Iraqi didn't asked your help so please if you can do not insert your noise in some thing not your business and thank10:22
bazhangIraq, as has been explained to you many times, backtrack is not supported in ubuntu channels. #backtrack-linux is the support channel for bt4 NOT here10:23
Iraqman can you keep your noise , do not talk with me i will not reply you10:24
Khaoticwhat is back track?10:26
ikoniait's an ubuntu dirivitive10:26
ikonianot to worry though, kubuntu is the distro of choice here10:27
Khaotici think my sound driver was lost when i installed linux10:27
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ofirkI am looking after some source about Dreamworks using Kubuntu12:46
ofirkI don't know if it is true, though so if someone here knows anything about it...12:47
=== ofirk is now known as ofirk_
=== ofirk_ is now known as ofirk
ikoniaofirk: contact dreamworks, it's not really something the community can help with unless they work for drreamworks12:51
ofirkikonia: thanks12:52
ikoniasorry it's not the best response12:52
ikoniabut anything else would just be speeculation, if it does help I do know they have linux machines for rendering, but its not really #kubuntu sort of discussion, join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat about it12:52
=== djordjelacmanovi is now known as cleric^^
cleric^^any1 on this channel? O_o13:51
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
Z-RAY_can anybody tell me what is -fPIC and how to recompile with it?14:24
galvaoGreetings. I can't make my headset's mic to work at all in Kubuntu 10.04. Can someone please help? Some detail can be found here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151437115:08
galvaoI have a web meeting in 6h and i'd hate to forcely look for a cyber cafe to do this... =/15:11
Soldier3galvao: mic it is microphone ?15:19
galvaoSoldier3: Yes, sorryt about that: Microphone15:19
=== Y0Y0 is now known as yoyo
Soldier3I have same problem. Skype do not work. but...15:22
Soldier3I install pulseaudio15:23
Soldier3sudo aptitude install pulseaudio15:24
Soldier3and sudo apt-get install pavucontrol15:24
galvaoI've already installed pavucontrol15:24
galvaoit's there, on the post15:24
bazhang!info padevchooser15:25
ubottupadevchooser (source: padevchooser): PulseAudio Device Chooser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 19 kB, installed size 132 kB15:25
Soldier3galvao: look pavucontrol/inpute Devices15:26
galvaoSoldier3: where can I find that?15:27
tucemiuxpulse audio? LoL15:27
tucemiuxif you install pulse audio you might regret it later15:27
galvaoSoldier3: My pavucontrol doesn't work. Once again, it's all there in my post in ubuntuforums15:28
galvaoOn an unrelated note: Can I just add the ppa and upgrade KDE? Nothing to worry about here? (Yes, I have a backup, but it's always better not to use it, if you know what I mean)15:30
Soldier3galvao: Good15:30
galvaoSoldier3: Good?15:30
Soldier3make sudo apt-get install pulseaudio15:30
galvaoI don't wanna sound bitchy, but shouldn't pavucontrol installed that as a dependency in case it wasn't already installed?15:31
galvaoI mean pavucontrol must depende on pulse audio... or at least that seems to be logic15:31
Soldier3galvao: I know  English bad.15:33
galvaoSoldier3: Where are you from?15:33
Soldier3galvao: jast do what I seid15:34
galvao[upgrading to  KDE 4.4.4]15:34
Soldier3galvao: Ukraine15:35
Soldier3galvao: first install pulseaudio15:36
galvaoSoldier3: Sorry, I'll pass on that15:37
galvaothis shouln't be necessary at all15:37
Soldier3galvao: did you do it15:37
galvaosomething is just wrong with the whole case15:37
galvaono, and wont do it15:37
galvaounless someone proves me that's an excellent reason to do so15:37
Soldier3In console15:38
galvaoI'm not an advanced [k]Ubuntu/Linux user as you can see, but I'm not too new either and I need good arguments. This whole pulseaudio thing just doesn't seem logic15:38
Soldier3sudo apt-get install pulseaudio15:38
galvaoSoldier3: Sorry to take yoour time and thanks for the help so far15:39
=== Riddell_ is now known as Riddelll
thomasfustonaloha, i am using kubuntu 10.04, i got a question about activities, there are 2 kinds avail at moment: "Desktop" and "Folder View", but on kde.org i see more kinds, like a quickstarter activity etc. how to install them on kubuntu ?15:40
Soldier3galvao: :-)15:40
galvaoIf anyone can jump in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1514371 and give some help I'd really appreciate it.15:46
Soldier3galvao: You on mic at Kmix ???15:46
falktxhi guys16:23
falktxis this the right place the discuss kubuntu development?16:23
falktxor is it another channel?16:23
tsimpsonfalktx: #kubuntu-devel16:24
falktxok, thanks16:24
Machtinhow to install mplayer-plugin? i'm unable to find it in the repositories.16:27
markithi, I've booted a laptop with kubuntu 10.04 live just for test. Seems that everything is ok except the keyboard F1..F12 keys. To use them I have to press the "Fn" key first, while their usual behaviour is the second function (like mute, brightness, etc.)16:54
markitany glue?16:54
markitclue? emh, tip?16:54
moetunescheck the right keyboard is selected markit16:59
=== warren is now known as Guest49654
SIDanyone around?17:32
urgenbetween the miriads of joins and parts there are probably quite a few people around17:34
urgenquestions get answered often17:34
SIDanyone around that can help me out?17:34
urgenbut not if you don't ask17:34
SIDim looking to dual boot windows 7 with Kubuntu17:35
SIDand wondering the best way to go about it17:35
=== mohammed is now known as Guest86684
SIDalso......does wubi actuall install the OS? or does it run it from the iso?17:35
* urgen checks what wubi is17:36
PiciIt installs it to a file inside your windows partition.17:37
SIDdoes it run any slower than a proper install would?17:37
SIDwhat i mean is....is it the same as running from the live CD?17:37
SIDbecasue thats hella slow17:38
PiciNo, it is much more like a 'real' install.17:38
SIDcould i partition my hard drive with the windows 7 disc....then install 7 on one of the partitions and then boot from the kubuntu cd and install it on the other partition?17:39
=== mohammed_ is now known as Guest92207
Guest92207hi how can i install kubuntu along windows 7?17:40
Guest92207HELP!!!! PLEASE!!!17:41
urgentwo in one17:41
Guest92207so can u help17:41
urgenalong can mean a few things17:41
Guest92207dual boot17:41
urgenusually you make multiple partitions and use a boot manager17:42
urgenbut this wubi thing looks cute17:42
Guest92207can u explain?17:42
djusticeGuest92207: install windows7 first. then just do the next-next-next stuff for kubuntu. it splits/shrinks/dual-boots with windows by default..17:42
urgena virtual virtual system17:42
djusticescrew wubi17:42
Guest92207i already have windows 7 installed17:43
ridinGuest92207, when you start the installation via the cd, you have the chance to resize your partitions17:43
djusticeGuest92207: just next next next the kubuntu installer disc then17:43
urgenpartitions can be resized if there is space17:43
djusticedont worry about partitions. just boot the disc. and follow the installer.17:43
Guest92207i put the cd in my computer now what17:44
urgenisn't there a wiki?17:44
Guest92207should i click run wubi.exe17:44
ridinGuest92207, how big is your harddrive17:45
Guest92207500 GB17:45
ridinoh, you'll get a small kubuntu partition, either like 30/15 gb17:45
ridinwhat do you mean how17:46
Guest92207i don't know what i should do to install kubuntu in windows 717:46
* urgen looking for the wiki steps17:46
urgenI don't feel like holding hands today17:46
ridinGuest92207, do you want to try it out or install it completely with more disk space?17:46
Guest92207sorry but could u plz help thanks17:46
Guest92207intall it completley17:46
ridinwell, you need to restart your computer, and boot from your cd17:47
Guest92207will that replace my windows &?17:47
urgenread the wiki first17:47
Guest92207windows 7?17:47
djusticeGuest92207: after you put the disc in, reboot the computer. kubuntu should boot.17:47
djusticeGuest92207: if not, you may have to enter your computers bios and tell it to boot from cd drive.17:48
djusticeGuest92207: after kubuntu boots, there is an 'installer' icon.17:48
Guest92207so it won't replace windows 7 right?17:48
djusticeGuest92207: nope17:48
ridinGuest99207, no you have the chance to install side by side17:48
Guest92207ill try it now17:48
djusticeinstalling side-by-side is the default.17:48
Guest92207plz wait thanks a lot17:48
djusticeoverwriting everything is a nondefault option. so you must tell it explicitly to do so.17:49
djusticeGuest92207: np :)17:49
djusticeGuest92207: welcome to kubuntu17:49
Guest92207ubuntu is the best!17:50
djusticechakra is the best sir. ;) meanwhile, until you gain wizardly skills. *ubuntu is best.17:50
ridini heard gentoo and arch was for advanced17:51
Guest92207i see a blue screen asking for language17:51
urgenall linux is for advanced17:51
ridingo to your language17:51
urgenbut things are still changing17:51
Guest92207i selected enlish and now i see a another screen i should slect install right?17:51
urgenit is always a good idea to be capable of not letting technology push you around17:52
djusticeGuest92207: no.17:52
ridinGuest92207: does it say Try Kubuntu out without installing and install kubuntu?17:52
djusticeGuest92207: try it first. just to see if it works with your computer.17:52
Guest92207i just see a black screen with nothing on it now17:53
djusticeridin: they are. but they take days to configure. chakra is preconfigured. like ubuntu. except based on simplicity rather than inclusive complexity.17:53
djusticeGuest92207: wait ;)17:53
ridinyes, wait because kubuntu is a bit "chunky"17:54
guest135someone has a few moments help me fixing a dpkg error?17:55
djusticeheh. itz the 4.4.3 stuff. and the cron jobs. and the debian 'way' that are chunky. kubuntu is just a few metapackages..17:55
djusticeguest135: maybe.. what is it?17:55
guest135its an uncofigured package17:55
Guest92207the install guide says: The Ubuntu installer will overwrite your Master Boot Record and you will later be forced to recreate it.17:56
Guest92207is that true17:56
djustice"sudo dpkg --configure -a"17:56
guest135error is quite long, where should i post it?17:56
djusticeGuest92207: no. at the end of the install, it installs grub to the master boot record. automatic like.17:56
djusticeguest135: pastebin.ca17:56
guest135k tnx17:56
Guest92207thanks djustice, i appreciate the help, peace17:58
guest135pastebin is not responding, ill just paste the last few lines here17:58
guest135dpkg: error processing qt4-qmake (--configure):17:58
guest135 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 217:58
djusticeguest135: hm. thats no help. try pastebin.com, i need the command you ran too. and the goal in question.17:59
djusticekde-devel? aspiring qt-devel?17:59
guest135well its basically every command i run involving dpkg18:00
guest135like apt-get ...18:00
djusticeguest135: ah.. so.. pastebin.com the output of 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'?18:01
guest135gonna paste at pastebin18:01
ridinpaste.ubuntu.com may help too18:02
djusticeya. ive always been a pastebin.ca fan.. the custom account/syntax stuff is kewl. ;P and kde's pastebin widget can drag'n'drop there. and to imagebin, filebin, etc.18:03
guest135ok its this one18:04
djusticekk. one sec.18:05
djusticeguest135: kk. do this. 'cd /var/cache/apt/packages; sudo dpkg --force-all -i ./qt4-qmake*'18:07
djusticesomebody made a bad qt4-qmake pkg.. ;D.. or you can just keep apt-get updateing until they fix it..18:07
guest135there is no packages below apt18:08
djusticeguest135: hrm.. idr the name.. i havent used kubuntu in ages.. its somewhere under cache/apt tho..18:11
djusticearchives. thats it.18:11
djusticeme and dpkg dont jive... or the update-alternatives stuff... or the built-in cronjob stuff.. or the broken/busted pkgz.. or the hacks..18:13
djusticethe whole stack is wrong. its for servers not desktops. dpkg stacks must be -seriously- solidified before distrobution...18:13
guest135well i tried the command above18:14
djusticeguest135: same error?18:14
guest135the error is... gimme a sec18:14
djusticeyou may have to edit the status file by hand...18:15
guest135you mean /var/lib/dpkg/status?18:15
djusticei do..18:16
djusticehttp://www.khattam.info/2009/08/04/solved-subprocess-pre-removal-script-returned-error-exit-status-2-error/ <- a guide on how to fix it.18:16
djusticewhat did --force-all say tho?18:16
guest135says: cannot acces archive: no such file or directory18:17
guest135when tried with ./qt4-qmake* (--install)18:17
guest135the status for qt4-qmake looks as the one in the link above, i'm gonna try that out18:20
djusticeguest135: hm.. id use --force-all first.. but you must find the actual qt4-qmake deb file.. which i dont guess is in your apt/archives cache...18:22
djusticeguest135: the status way is more of a hack than a solution..18:22
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=== Geo is now known as kayla
guest135and what about that postinst script mentioned in the first error?18:23
guest135i see there is one in /var/lib/info called qt4-qmake.postinst18:24
guest135but its empty18:24
guest135may that be involved?18:25
[1]choppahi, i have a friend of mine on KDE 4.4.4 et he has a problem connecting on wifi; sometimes it works; sometimes it stays on 'activation' and asks the password again; it's the same with knetworkmanager, nm-applet, and wicd, so for now i'm staying on knetworkmanager, could someone help please?18:25
djusticeguest135: probably not.. i think you may have just got a corrupted qmake pkg from your mirror..18:29
djusticeguest135: you can probably download the new pkg from somewhere (online), and --force-all -i on it to fix everything.18:29
djusticeinstead of mucking about in your status file..18:30
guest135ok im gonna try that out18:30
guest135thanks alot djustice18:30
DarthFrogHmm, there's a new kernel upgrade today.18:32
Renovatiothere's a way to know wich daemons are running on my pc?18:37
DarthFrogRenovatio: "ps auxww | less" will show you all processes running on your machine.18:38
RenovatioDarthFrog, thank you. do you know if there is a daemon for audio?18:40
DarthFrogPhonon or pulseaudio.18:43
DarthFrogIn my experience, pulseaudio causes more problems than its worth.18:44
DarthFrogAudio in Linux is a mess, a real dog's breakfast.18:45
Renovatiook, cause i have a problem, audio don't works :)18:49
DarthFrogUse System Settings/Multimedia to try different audio devices.18:57
DarthFrogAlso use Kmix to play with the various volume settings.  Check that your output channels aren't muted.18:58
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PasNoxi encounter strange problems with kubuntu 10.0419:17
PasNoxin the kpackagekit, i deactivate "auto install system update"19:17
PasNoxbut the system still persists to install some system component itself19:17
PasNoxlike openoffice update, and just right now kernel update19:18
PasNoxis it normal ?19:18
PasNoxit's strange because it does not auto install upate, just some one19:18
PasNoxauto install all updates*19:19
Khaoticare there any none java ides?19:20
PasNoxnobody have an idea for my problem ?19:36
oxymoronCan someone help me solve this problem http://pastebin.com/AFrcP5Ae - I cannot remove or install the packages somehow, I just want them GONE NOW!19:39
oxymoronI tried remove the lang .mo files but it didnt help.19:40
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ridinoxymoron, try using bleachbit19:51
oxymoronridin: bleachbit? :S Isnt that for removing files?19:51
ridinuh yes, isn't that what you want?19:51
oxymoronAnd then I cannot use bleachbit, because I cannot install anything until I solved current problem xD DOH! :D19:52
ridinusually a restart fixes those problems19:52
ridin!aptlock | oxymoron19:52
ubottuoxymoron: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:52
oxymoronridin: Eh no? I want to remove an application, or well its files but I dont know which files to remove.19:52
ridinsudo apt-get remove application then sudo apt-get autoremove19:53
oxymoronridin: http://pastebin.com/AFrcP5Ae19:53
oxymoronYes, but its not possible until I removed that FREAKING (******************) error in dpkg.19:53
ridinwell, i'm only 1319:53
ridinbut i want to help19:53
oxymoronI cannot use apt-get at all.19:53
oxymoronYes, I like help no matter age, thanks for trying :)19:54
ridini think a restart shall help19:54
ridini've had problems related to that19:54
oxymoronNo restart wont help, I tried this yesterday so a reboot has been done already.19:55
oxymoronThe problem is aptitude and dpkg, I would like to kill the programmers made it because it SUCKS!19:56
oxymoronIf ONE thing breaks everything breaks.19:56
oxymoronAnd mostly it isnt user made breaks, its package incompabilities thats not solved. Its pathetic.19:57
gorgonizeroxymoron: you can do   sudo dpkg -i --force-verwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdevplatform1-libs_1.0.0-1ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa3_amd64.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/kdevelop-data_4%3a4.0.0-2ubuntu1~lucid~ppa1_all.deb in that instance I believe..20:00
ridindang, i was about to type that20:02
ridinyou win20:02
ridini'm not worthy20:02
* ridin bows20:02
gorgonizerI am also unworthy, just I have used that command more than I care to admit :)20:03
oxymorongorgonizer: Thanks, got same solution in another channel at the same time "cd /var/cache/apt/archives/;  sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i kdevelop-data*.deb;  sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i kdevplatform1-libs*.deb"20:03
gorgonizeroxymoron: as I usually use bleeding edge packages (such as the 4.5 RC 1 packages) I am more than familiar with that command :)20:04
oxymorongorgonizer: I have been using that command sometimes earlier when got similar problem with dependecy lock, moment22 :P And I am using RC1 myself ;)20:05
gorgonizerexcellent news :)20:06
oxymoronStill QT4.7 not working with video + OpenGL + Ciaro Dock ... thats uhm just sad, known bug since ages and nobody cares.20:06
gorgonizernever used Cario dock..20:07
oxymoronridin: Tried them all, the only one that works best is Cairo Dock :P But then CD isnt working as I want it ... almost only xD20:13
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Kirymajor stupid question: can I burn the Kubuntu distro onto a CD on my Win7 box?20:31
PiciKiry: Sure.20:31
amichairKiry: sure.20:31
Kiryum, HOW?20:31
Kirya friend installed kubuntu on my laptop before and I don't know how he did it20:31
amichairKiry: using whatever cd burning software you use on windows 7 - they all have a 'burn image' option20:32
Kirymy Thinkpad has kubuntu 8.0420:32
jaksonok and?20:32
Kirydo I need to back up anything on the laptop first?20:32
PiciKiry:  If you don't have a tool to burn ISOs, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Windows20:32
Kirynoo, I don't think I did the latest update before 1020:32
ridinwait what20:33
ridinKiry, Windows 7 has a burning option20:33
jaksonwindows xp its ok20:33
Kiryit does? awesome!20:33
jaksonlinux ubuntu 9.0320:33
KiryI want the 32 bit, not netbook version, correct?20:34
ridinkiry, we aren't you20:34
ridinif you have a small screen then the netbook version might to fine20:34
KiryI know none of my boxes are 64 bit20:34
Kiry15" screen20:35
ridinok, 32bit then20:35
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vbgunzI have an nvidia card. I use the binary without a problem *but* there is something about the driver I fallback on that gets the framebuffer exactly right. if I don't use the nvidia binary, my framebuffer is at 1920x1080. I can never achieve this with the binary. How can I use the binary yet somehow use the other driver specifically for the framebuffer if this makes any sense?21:12
vbgunzgonna try some stuff21:15
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Reallycoolmy sound's messed up, I was given some audio related error, and now the first second of all system notification sounds doesn't play.22:22
Reallycoolis my cursor supposed to be a hand when it's on the desktop?22:33
ranmaruhibikiyaI don't think so22:36
ranmaruhibikiyamaybe cheking the cursor theme22:37
Reallycoolwhere's that? I don't see it in appearance.22:37
ranmaruhibikiyais in keyboard and mouse22:37
ranmaruhibikiyathen mouse, and theme22:38
Reallycoolstill the hands! my guess is... I have no clue, a restart will probably fix it, but it will likely come back after some time22:40
Reallycoolbefore I restart, one other thing. The widget download menu isn't working for me. it shows a blank list.22:41
ranmaruhibikiyaReallycool, try change the theme22:42
Reallycoolfor the mouse or widget problem? I already tried that for the mouse, and I don't see how that would help the widget issue...22:43
ranmaruhibikiyafor the mouse issue22:44
Reallycoolalready tried it...22:44
ranmaruhibikiyafor the widget, is asking for permission to access to the conection?22:45
ranmaruhibikiyabecause when I install one, ask for permission22:46
ranmaruhibikiyato connect, then appear the list22:46
Reallycoolthe one time it did work, I don't think it asked, either22:47
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_tonydoes kubuntu offer a live cd ?23:09
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ranmaruhibikiya_tony : http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download23:35
gmarianoHi! I question about upgrades...Will KDE 4.4.5 eventually make it into kubuntu 10.04? Or the only way to get it is adding kubuntu-ppa?23:45
ErtheCan anyone tell me what package to install to get the contents of KDE Extragear?23:46
TorchErthe: many23:54
TorchErthe: each app has its own package.23:54
TorchErthe: and that's really a good thing23:54
TorchErthe: what app do you want to install?23:54
ErtheOh, you know what?  I was looking at the wrong version.  I just updated to 4.4.5 (saw 4.5) and the KDE site states that in 4.5 Konqueror will be able to swap in the WebKit engine.23:55
ErtheSo really, I just have to wait til it's released.  :D23:55
ErtheOr use rekonq23:55

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