
thumpernoticed we just passed bug 60000000:42
_mup_Bug #600000: missing dependency on Bazaar <hitchhiker (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/600000>00:42
spmis that 600,000 bzr bugs? or am I being a transparent troll again?00:44
thumperescaping the vortex of home to get some fud01:43
poolielifeless:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/60008107:23
_mup_Bug #600081: count/time of for queries and page rendering should be visible, at least to developers <performance> <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/600081>07:23
pooliewhat's even better is i can probably fix bug 60000007:24
_mup_Bug #600000: missing dependency on Bazaar <hitchhiker (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/600000>07:24
lifelesspoolie: cool, thanks for filing that - really good observation that it should be more visible.07:30
lifelessWe can do that just for mbp, if you like.07:32
pooliegiant fist of doom for everyone else07:33
lifelessyou are in a web site. there is a performance meter near the top. To the left, some content, to the right a menu. Don't look down.07:35
poolieand we now have more bugs than bugs.d.o07:56
pooliedespite starting ~8 years later?07:56
lifelessmore users of ubuntu, and more users of lp07:58
poolieand it's easier to file bugs, for better or worse07:58
adeuringgood morning08:24
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
thumperpoolie: reply sent to launchpad-dev list09:42
jmlthumper, ever wanted to know what tests would fail if we had no branch sample data? http://paste.ubuntu.com/457259/10:14
lifelessjml: that is cool. I only saw your quesiton; sadly the operational 'work' part of network isn't so much, for me right now.10:20
lifelessjml: its a lot less than it was once, perhaps ?10:20
jmllifeless, I don't know.10:20
jmllifeless, probably.10:20
jmllifeless, I get the impression that the code team hasn't been adding tests which require sampledata, which counts for a lot.10:20
lifelessI'm glad you did that experiment.10:20
lifelessI wonder if its worth putting that in a cron job with an auto merge of trunk and an alert if it increases?10:21
lifelessprobably not :)10:22
jmlI guess I think I could probably fix all of the tests and delete the branch sample data in only a few hours10:22
jmlthe cronjob might take less time, but would be more fiddly10:22
lifeless82 tests10:22
jmlyeah. don't forget that the doctests are deceptively big.10:23
lifelessif it was 3 minutes work per test, then I'd agree with that assessment10:23
lifelessso I don't think its a few hours work.10:23
lifeless< 1 week, > a day10:23
lifelessassuming no surprises10:23
lifelessit would be worth doing a few hours work on it, if you have a few hours up your sleeve.10:24
jmlI might soon.10:24
lifelesshmm, back to my slides I think10:24
jmlme also.10:24
jmlgood bye IRC.10:24
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
deryckMorning, all.10:54
jtvhenninge: been looking at the pottery bug with quoted names in the gettext package name.  My solution is to have ConfigFile.getVariable strip quotes (at least if it's clearly a case of a properly-quoted string).11:49
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henningejtv: sorry, got distracted.13:27
henningejtv: yes, that seems to be simple stripping of quotes.13:27
henningejtv: I was thinking of another bug that is more complicated.13:27
jtvhenninge: ah13:27
jtvthis is bug 58033713:27
_mup_Bug #580337: pottery fails with quoted GETTEXT_PACKAGE <pottery> <Launchpad Translations:In Progress by jtv> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/580337>13:27
henningeyes, I was thinking of bug 58218513:28
_mup_Bug #582185: pottery produces "@PACKAGE@.pot" for lp:gawk <pottery> <Launchpad Translations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/582185>13:28
henningejtv: thanks for going after that fix.13:28
jtvhenninge: do you think I should strip [m4 quotes] as well?13:30
jtvOr just single/double quotes?13:30
henningejtv: I thought I was already doing that.13:30
jtvYes, you are...  so not sure it has any value.13:30
jtvI mean, not sure it would have any value for me to add that to getVariable.13:30
henningejtv: it would, if you remove it from whereever it is done now.13:31
jtvIt's definitely not limited to this particular variable... so would you like me to strip [bracket quotes] off as well?13:31
henningelet me take a closer look13:32
henningejtv: so, I'd create a function/method that does the stripping and apply it to both the return values of ConfigFile.getVariable and .getFuncitonParams.13:36
jtvSounds sensible.13:37
jtvOK, I can do that.13:37
henningejtv: then remove the stripping fom _get_AC_PACKAGE_NAME13:37
henningejtv: thanks13:37
jtvbut first, OCR.  :)  I need lunch & sunlight too.13:38
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salgadoflacoste, I remember somebody saying that zope.deferredimport wouldn't help us workaround our circular dependencies.  do you know why?14:59
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marssalgado, that does lazy and/or caching imports, does it not?15:13
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salgadomars, yes15:14
marssalgado, so that would break the import loops, at the expense of making the code look messier :/15:15
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marsIIRC the function and effect is clear when reading the mainline Zope code15:15
marsBut I also remember that the I saw were primarily for the purpose of marking functions as deprecated15:16
salgadothat's one of the functionalities it provides, but certainly not the primary one15:17
marsI must have not realized that when I read the code15:21
flacostesalgado: i don't, i think gary is the one that made the explanation, but he's offline until Monday15:21
salgadomars, the docs ( http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.deferredimport) have just a brief mention of how to use it for deprecating things15:23
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marslosa ping17:22
marsoops, wrong channel17:22
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bdmurrayleonardr: is there a special way to remove an exported item in the API or is it as simply as removing exported()?20:05
leonardrbdmurray: you need to remove it in a backwards-compatible way (ie. at this point, it has to still be present in beta and 1.0)20:05
leonardris this a field or a named operation?20:05
bdmurrayleonardr: its a field - can_expire from the review yesterday20:06
leonardri believe i mentioned the syntax in my review. let me check20:06
leonardr    can_expire_beta = exported(Bool(...), exported_as='can_expire',20:08
leonardr                               ('devel', dict(exported=False))20:08
bdmurrayyes, I think so20:08
leonardrthat means it's present in beta and 1.0 but not in devel20:08
leonardror subsequently20:08
leonardrwhat do you think of flacoste's comments?20:08
bdmurrayI agree with them and will remove unexport can_expire20:08
leonardrok, just remove it totally if you like20:09
leonardrby removing exported()20:09
bdmurrayso it doesn't need to backwards compatible then?20:09
flacostebdmurray: i left this to your judgement in a way :-)20:10
flacostei doubt it was used20:10
flacostebut leaving it for backward compatibility isn't that bad either20:11
flacosteapart for the cruft it leaves in the code20:11
bdmurraywell, it was and that is what made us realize people were misinterpreting its meaning20:11
flacostethen let's leave it in20:11
flacostefor backward compatibility20:11
flacosteand to some degree, we need to stick with our policy20:11
flacosteotherwise, we'll get burned at some point20:12
bdmurraybut if they thought it meant something it doesn't mean aren't we helping them?20:12
bdmurrayand people here is likely 1 or 2 people20:14
flacosteI'd say better to get rid of the cruft20:14
flacostelet's nuke the whole attribute altogether20:14
flacostetheir script will blow up though20:14
bdmurrayI was planning to let the consumers I know of know about this20:15
bdmurraybut really either way is fine with me20:17
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lifelesswhere are the current docs for landing an approved branch ?20:51
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james_wlifeless: https://dev.launchpad.net/LandingChanges  is what I wrote when I researched this for myself. Linked from https://dev.launchpad.net/PatchSubmission, linked from the front page.21:14
lifelessthank you21:15
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
lifelesssinzui: ping23:16
sinzuihi lifeless23:16
lifelessdid you get my mail about profiling?23:17
sinzuiI did and I think it is fine to keep the config in its module23:18
lifelessI'm popping down to reception to pay for the last week we've been here and pickup some soft drink, but if you want to talk about how to make headyway on milestones, I've got time and interest right after that.23:18
lifelesssinzui: no, I don't mean the config, I mean for use with analysing the milestones timeouts23:18
sinzuiOh, yes I did read your email23:18
lifelessthose patches were just me cleaning up the stuff I looked at as I pulled on the 'why isn't profiling easy' thread23:19
thumperwho was chasing the merge conflict between stable and db-devel?23:28
lifelesssinzui: so yes23:31
lifelesssinzui: you say you haven't made headway; is it just no time, or would you like a hand ?23:31
sinzuiNot much time this release23:31
lifelessno worries23:32
sinzuiThe packaging oopses and feature have precedence.23:32
lifelessif you would like a hand, making things fast is a bit of a passion :)23:32
sinzuiI would like a hand. I am exhausted today, but would like to talk about it latter, may be in a few hours after I eat23:34
poolieenjoy your dinner sinzui23:35
lifelessI'll be mostly around except for a short gap while I go from hotel to poolie's, who is very graciously letting me use a desk @ his place23:35
lifelessanytime you want, ping me23:35
=== flacoste is now known as flacoste_afk

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