
Ddordahow do i make a branch available for changes to a group?00:01
maxbDdorda: Change its owner to be the team you want to be able to write to it00:01
Ddordamaxb: how do i do that?00:02
maxb"Change branch details" on the branch's webpage00:03
Ddordamaxb: thanks00:04
thumperwe should keep track of the questions people ask and try to make things more obvious00:09
thumperor at least point to the right help00:09
thumperhi maxb00:09
maxbI suppose the tricky thing here is that "Change branch details" is a good a name as any for a general edit page for a branch00:10
maxbThe tricky thing is knowing that access control is managed through "Owner"00:10
* thumper nods00:14
thumperwe are looking to change that00:14
Kangarooohello ive forgot to finish bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-xapian-index/+filebug/lr3ZeUYaRYLze01iCz0TsHZ8fPB?field.title=update-apt-xapian-index+crashed+with+SIGSEGV+in+PyEval_EvalFrameEx%28%2900:16
Kangarooonow that link is not anymore awailable.. and crash files ive deleted. is stere still solution?00:17
maxbI think the answer is most likely "no" :-(00:19
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arankaironanyone know how to fix a bug?03:49
micahgarankairon: are you looking for support?03:51
arankaironor rather report a really big machine/OS incompatible / buggy mess of not-functioning03:51
arankaironi dunno at this point micahg03:51
micahgarankairon: is this with Ubuntu?03:51
arankaironi had to downgrade to jaunty jackalope03:51
micahgtry #ubuntu03:52
arankaironi was there, no one answered!03:52
micahgarankairon: you have to be patient, there are a lot of conversations in there at once usually03:52
arankaironshould i be more persistent?03:53
spmwithout knowing what you asked; it will help if you ask your question with as much specific detail about the problem and what you have tried to fix as possible. general "I have a problem" questions will be ignored by and large.03:54
spmie " <arankairon> anyone know how to fix a bug?" will typically only get a response of 'yes'. which helps neither you nor anyone else. ;-)03:54
arankaironall i know, without having documented my first fevered foray into fixing my own computer (although i could follow where i was lastnight)03:55
arankaironis that grub 2 does not upgrade, like, at all from grub on my older laptop computer03:56
spmthen phrase your question around trying to u/g grub to grub2 via <how> and it failed <error messages pasted> and this is a problem <because>.03:57
arankaironand i think that that upgrade is necessary to fix the problems people have been having with dysfunctional touchpads, no sound (on karmic koala) and total disabling of every possible interface on the computer (lucid)03:58
arankaironalright, thanks...03:58
arankairontake a gander at that problem though03:58
arankaironit sounds fun03:58
spmha. thanks for the generous offer. :-) Good luck with getting it solved tho!04:00
arankaironthat's pretty much all i wanted anyway, was to bring it to the attention of the general community04:02
arankaironi'm a total newb04:02
arankaironbut smart04:02
arankaironyeah, it was fun though, lastnight04:03
arankaironstayed up until 1:30am trying to get it to work04:04
arankaironmaybe one day i'll speak l33t ; )04:05
MeepHi - is there any way that you can track an RSS feed for PPA builds?05:33
micahgMeep: not yet, but you can subscribe to bug 207333 to find out when it becomes available05:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 207333 in Soyuz "RSS/Atom/Whatever status feeds (affected: 4, heat: 15)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20733305:34
MeepMartin Pool's comment in 207333 indicates there are APIs that can achieve the same thing.  I'll dig around dev.launchpad.net, but if there are any pointers to ways of interacting with the PPA, it would be appreciated.05:53
poolieMeep: have a look at https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/beta.html#archive etc05:54
poolielp:hydrazine has some example code you can peek at05:55
poolienot for this in particluar05:55
Z-RAY_guys i tried to manually reinstall kdenlive and MLT from source, because i had these white dots and lines and now kdenlive don't see many modules! help me, please to make this thing work07:23
jussiZ-RAY_: thats offtopic for here, try #kubuntu or #kde07:24
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
xapantuhi all !08:54
xapantuI have a problem with a ppa, an other member of my team clicked on the "delete" button (he thinks that he deleted only a package :s) and I can't re-create the ppa because launchpad say me thatthe ppa still exists08:55
xapantuis there a way to completly remove it ?08:56
noodles775xapantu: AIUI, creating a new PPA with the same name as the one you've deleted is not yet possible. See bug 39288709:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 392887 in Soyuz "Cannot delete a PPA (affected: 40, heat: 257)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39288709:05
xapantunoodles775, ok, thanks :s09:06
xapantuso, I am going to create a ppa with another name.09:06
lagIs there any way to 'move a bug' onto another package?09:56
lifelessclick on the icon to the left of the package name10:05
lifelessyou should get an expanded section10:05
lifelesstype in the new package name10:05
lifeless(well, after you click save)10:06
laglifeless: Which icon?10:21
lifelessthe one with a horizontal bar and a triange pointing down right under the bar10:22
geser(assuming one has enough rights to edit that bug)10:22
lagI want to move this bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=SYNC_LOST_DIGIT&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status:list=NEW&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status:list=CONFIRMED&field.status:list=TRIAGED&field.status:list=INPROGRESS&field.status:list=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has10:23
geserjust tell the bug number10:24
lagI can do better than that, wait one10:24
lagI want to move it from 'linux-ti-omap' to 'linux-ti-omap4'10:26
StevenKlag: Done.10:26
lifelesslag: bug numbers are best.10:27
lifelesslike this10:27
lifelessbug 2003410:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 20034 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "sk98lin driver non-existent, driver from syskonnect does not compile (affected: 0, heat: 1)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2003410:27
StevenKlag: I hit the drop-down button next in the Affects column, and changed the package name10:27
lagSo you did10:28
lagNicely done10:28
lagThanks chaps10:28
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[Dmitry]1Hi all12:07
[Dmitry]1How i can cancel my build request on lp?12:07
[Dmitry]1Please tell me how to cancel, otherwise many users will be broken update ...12:12
DavieyIs there a known issue with subscribers not showing up on bug reports?12:20
DavieyI'm seeing a bug report, where the subscribers aren't being loaded (but the UI is aware i am subscribed as it's offering me the option to unsubscribe)12:20
Quintasanjames_w: ping12:22
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deryckDaviey, subscribers list might not load if it is very long and times out.12:27
Davieyderyck: I wouldn't think it's *huge* for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/56679212:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 566792 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu) "metadata service returns empty data with 200 OK (affected: 1, heat: 26)" [High,Confirmed]12:46
Davieyderyck: loaded that time :/ odd12:47
deryckDaviey, looking at the bug now....12:48
deryckDaviey, the "also notified" i.e. implicit project subscribers list is sort of long.  I suspect postgres cache to the rescue on the reload.12:49
Davieyderyck: Not worth raising a bug about?12:59
deryckDaviey, I don't think so, no.  Not about the specific bug you have issues with.  the subscribers list timeouts have a bug.13:02
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getxsickour project needs more amount of RAM to build, is it possible to increase RAM amount for our builds?13:28
james_wQuintasan: hi13:50
Quintasanjames_w: oh hi there14:20
Quintasanjames_w: is there anything more on Launchpad recipes for daily builds than https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyBuilds/ ?14:21
james_wQuintasan: you mean documentation?14:21
Quintasanjames_w: yes, and guides or some tutorials14:22
QuintasanI want to revive Project Neon but the current Ruby magic is just well...errr, crappy14:22
james_wQuintasan: not unless anyone has written anything on help.launchpad.net14:22
Quintasanjames_w: okay, thanks14:23
Quintasanwell, now just to get my code imported14:23
Quintasanjames_w: I have one question though, how often the code gets imported to launchpad for builds? each time I start a build?14:24
james_wno, every 6 hours or so14:24
Quintasanoh, okay14:24
Quintasanthat's more than enough14:24
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benceris there any way to make a mirror of a ppa or downloading the full content ?15:07
bigjoolsuse debmirror15:09
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bencerbigjools: yes, that's what i saw, i can use debmirror with ppas too, thanks15:14
shadeslayerhi! im creating a branch in bzr which mirrors kdelibs,but it seems SVN is not suppported16:02
shadeslayerhow do i import it then?16:02
Quintasanjames_w: ping16:07
james_whi Quintasan16:09
Quintasanjames_w: hello, I'm fighting with the recipe16:09
tsimpsonshadeslayer: did you have a look at https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Imports ?16:10
Quintasanjames_w: I have imported Qt to bzr under https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon/qt-kde, then in my recipe I have lp:~neon/project-neon/qt-kde and bzr dailybuild complains that only Bazaar branches are allowed16:10
shadeslayertsimpson: ok16:10
james_wQuintasan: that import should have been under launchpad.net/qt really16:12
james_wQuintasan: can you show me the full error?16:12
Quintasanjames_w: bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'qt'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."16:13
Quintasanjust this16:13
james_wQuintasan: please run again with "-Derror" on the command line and pastebin the full traceback16:13
Quintasanjames_w: http://pastebin.ca/189254416:15
james_wQuintasan: ah, can you pastebin the recipe, I expect the syntax is incorrect16:15
james_wor rather the contents of two fields are reversed16:15
james_wQuintasan: that's not a valid branch: lp:~neon/project-neon/debian/qt16:18
james_wwhich branch are you trying to refer to?16:18
Quintasanokay, I wanted to grab a directory form the whole branch16:19
Quintasanis that possible?16:19
james_wno, not right now16:19
Quintasanokay, so I will recreate it16:19
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Quintasanjames_w: is this feature going to be implemented someday?16:37
james_wQuintasan: perhaps today, depending on exactly what your needs are16:59
Quintasanjames_w: well, I wanted to have a branch named debian which would store debian dirs for packages for Project Neon17:00
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
lamontwgrant: I'm assuming you're asleep now?17:22
lamontwgrant: tradition for changelogs in lp-buildd is to use UNRELEASED instead of hardy-cat, until such time as the code is actually released.17:22
* maxb looks at /builders17:28
* maxb cries17:28
maxb*two weeks* build queue on PPAs !?17:29
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micahgmaxb: archive rebuild :)17:35
maxbarchive rebuild AND ppa builders borrowed for mysterious canonical purposes :-(17:35
micahgmaxb: probably alpha2 testing/release17:36
bigjoolsbuilders will be back in due course17:36
bigjoolsthe queue is not that big either, it's got a bunch of stuff in it that won't ever get built17:37
bigjoolsit'll be back to normal tomorrow17:37
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bladernr_hey, could someone take a look at this merge proposal and let me know what I did wrong? https://code.launchpad.net/~mago-applications/mago/mago-reorganize-applications/+merge/2868622:05
bladernr_When I created the merge proposal, no diff was made22:05
james_wbladernr_: that is odd. A bug is probably in order22:07
bladernr_ok... this is the first time I've done a merge request under a team account and not my own22:07
james_wbladernr_: oh, no, the branch has already been merged, so it doesn't have any unmerged revisions22:07
bladernr_yeah, that's the thing...22:08
bladernr_I created a branch, and someone merged it before I ever made the merge request...22:08
bladernr_I think Ara did it...22:08
bladernr_I didn22:08
james_wit's not possible to create a merge proposal for that situation really22:08
bladernr_I seem to have done it though :/22:09
bladernr_So I created the branch, then worked on the code, and pushed the changes... that's when I found out that someone had already merged the branch (It's status was merged)22:11
james_woh sure, it's possible to create an "empty" one like that,22:11
bladernr_That's when I created the merge proposal22:11
james_wI meant that it's not possible to create one for what your intent was, now that the code has already been merged.22:11
james_wit looks like you did exactly the right thing, and it would have worked fine if the code hadn't been merged first22:12
james_wso if they are happy with the code being in lp:mago now, then I suggest just moving on and it should work fine next time22:12
bladernr_ok... I just wasn't sure if revno 127 and 128 actually got into mago... heh...22:13
bladernr_james_w:  thanks for helping me sort this out!22:13
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