
kwwiioooh, slashdot is down06:05
=== DanRabbit is now known as DanRabbit|sleepi
=== DanRabbit|sleepi is now known as DanRabbit|Sleepi
=== DanRabbit|Sleepi is now known as DanRabbit|Asleep
vishthorwil: kwwii: i added a re-direct from the  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity  page to  Artwork/official..09:12
vishseveral keep asking where it went , so seemed easier than , redirecting everytime :D09:12
thorwilvish: the wiki notifcation was faster than you :)09:12
thorwilawesome, my test messages to my new address all had been tagged as spam, leaving me wondering why forwarding didn't work09:14
thorwilwould someone be so kind to send a mail with a bit of meaningless but non-spammy content to self@thorsten-wilms.com ?09:15
vishthorwil: sent.. ;)09:16
vishgrr , extra "am"  :(09:17
vishthorwil: "self" is an odd name for you id though ;)09:20
thorwilvish: i just OKed a send receipt from the address this was forwarded to, so that should fail09:20
vishbah.. /me calls it a day!09:20
vishthorwil: i received it , from t_w@...09:21
thorwilkwwii: nice post. what is your book going to be about?15:46
kwwiithorwil: the life and times of an under-paid designer15:57
thorwilaww, cool :)15:57
* thorwil hits the road15:59
kwwiiI'm heading out in a bit as well16:19
kwwiinight all21:33

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