
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell, RAOF ...00:14
rickspencer3I know, I know00:14
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rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell, RAOF for what it's worth, I added the irc log to the meeting page00:40
rickspencer3and to answer your question, yes I feel very guilty about doing a crappy job with the Eastern edition the last few weeks00:40
rickspencer3robert_ancell, you activity report added to the wiki would be appreciated00:41
rickspencer3thanks dude00:45
rickspencer3did you guys see chrisccoulson's mozilla update?00:45
rickspencer3so, any word?00:47
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso, robert_ancell can  you guys keep an eye on mozilla bugs and make sure there are no world-melting issues that spring up while Europe sleeps?00:47
robert_ancellreading it now...00:47
RAOFYeah, can do.00:48
rickspencer3you can follow the crisis response on the canonical wiki if something seems more that a bug fix00:48
TheMusoYeah I'll do what I can00:48
rickspencer3thanks getns00:51
rickspencer3gents, even00:51
rickspencer3so, A3 this week!00:52
ograwasnt that last week ?00:55
* RAOF suspects rickspencer3 means A2. At least, I certainly hope so!00:55
rickspencer3yes of course00:55
rickspencer3so starting A3 this week though!00:55
ograRAOF, you never know, he also belives europe sleeps :)00:55
RAOFogra: I'd be a bit concerned that a month or so's development had entirely passed me by, though :)00:56
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chrisccoulsonwow, some people are actually still using firefox 2?01:24
pittiGood morning06:47
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti07:08
pittihey didrocks07:10
micahgpitti: does people with firefox-2 installed in Hardy and can't update to Firefox 3.6.6 count as a critical bug to ring alarms for or just needs an update later today?07:22
pittimicahg: what does "can't update" mean?07:30
pittiapt-get holding back packages?07:30
pittior "after the upgrade their system is broken"?07:30
micahgpitti: no, the update fails... bug 60002207:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 600022 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu Hardy) (and 1 other project) "package firefox 3.0.19 nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/bug/firefox/presubj', which is also in package firefox-2 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60002207:30
pittimicahg: urgh; it's certainly something that we need to fix today07:31
micahgpitti: yes, but should I wake up chris for this?  I was thinking not since the number of installs for firefox-2 should be minimal07:32
pittimicahg: I'd think it requires quite some more people, since this would need to -security, right?07:33
micahgpitti: oh right, yes, he did tell me about that...so my guess would be that's a no then?07:34
pittioh, it's still quite an important bug07:34
micahgpitti: of course, but is it a wake people in the middle of the night bug?07:34
pittinot sure whether it's important enough to block it from the mirrors07:34
pittimicahg: does firefox start up after the failed upgrade? i. e. does it really depend on the postinst bits?07:35
pittioh, hang on, dpkg would just roll back to the previous version, wouldn't it?07:36
pittiso it should still actually work07:36
pittiso as long as you have a working firefox, we can wait half a day for the security team to wake up, I think07:36
* micahg should probably test in a VM07:36
pittiso the fix would be adding a simple Replaces: firefox-2, AFAICS?07:38
pittior just drop the bug script, we don't use it anyway07:38
micahgpitti: well, I was debating that, I was thinking Breaks w/out Replaces since some people on Hardy use firefox-2 for custom apps07:39
pittimicahg: but then you couldn't install them in parallel any more07:39
pittiI don't think it's a good idea to suddenly force firefox-2 uninstallation within a stable upgrade07:40
micahgpitti: true, so I wasn't sure07:40
pittithe replaces would just overwrite the bug file, and otherwise leave firefox-2 alone07:40
micahgpitti: oh, I didn't know that, that sounds better :)07:41
* micahg needs to read the manual again for control07:41
pittireplaces: silently overwrites files; conflicts or breaks force the other package to get uninstalled07:41
micahgpitti: firefox 2 works, firefox 3 (default doesn't and the icon is gone from the panel since the -branding package can't install)07:49
pittimicahg: you mean you are trying to install firefox-3, not upgrade it?07:50
pittiI thought the scenario was that you already have the old firefox-3 and branding packages installed and the upgrade fails?07:51
micahgpitti: no, firefox (firefox 3) won't upgrade and won't work after the install failure, but the secondary firefox-2 will07:51
pittiI thought dpkg would just roll back to the previous version on an upgrade failure07:51
micahgthere's a dpkg security update I didn't apply but I don't think it'll fix that07:52
pittino, it won't07:53
pittiI'm still puzzled07:53
pittimicahg: what does dpkg -s say about firefox-3.0 and -branding? do you have the old package or the new package installed?07:53
pittiit's probably unconfigured07:53
micahgpitti: firefox is installed, firefox-branding is not installed, firefox-gnome-support is unpacked07:54
pittimicahg: oh, the old firefox 3 didn't have a branding package?07:55
micahgoh, it seems we goofed :( should not have added abrowser to hardy...07:55
micahgpitti: I think it was in intrepid we started with the alternative branding07:56
pittiah, so it fails the install before it unpacks -branding?07:57
micahgpitti: I think so07:57
pittiright, then we are doomed07:57
pittiI think I'll ask IS to block the update for now07:58
micahgpitti: k, should I call chris?07:58
micahghe should be up in a couple hours anyways07:58
pittimicahg: if you can, would be better07:58
micahgpitti: k, will do07:58
pittimicahg: oh, wait07:59
pittimicahg: no, the critical path is the security team07:59
pittipreparing an update should be easy, it's just adding a replaces07:59
pittibut we need to get it uploaded and published, which I think needs the security team07:59
micahgpitti: yeah, well, asac, chris, or the security team can upload and build, publishing is security only08:00
micahgpitti: we have the security PPA :)08:00
pittiah, right08:01
pittimicahg: ok, please call him then08:01
pittiI think I can do the package copy as well08:01
pittior any archive admin really08:01
pittiI just can't upload anything to security08:01
pittimicahg: thanks; I'll prod IS for blacklisting and create an incident report08:01
micahgpitti: k, will do08:02
pittimicahg: ok, I checked the "crisis" guidelines08:06
pittiI think "high" bug priority matches here, affects a small portion of the user base08:07
micahgpitti: k, I left a message, I'll try again in a couple minutes if I don't get a call back or see him08:07
pittiso, let's just push out the fix ASAP08:07
micahghi chrisccoulson08:07
pittimicahg: thanks; can you upload to that PPA as well?08:07
micahgbug 60002208:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 600022 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu Hardy) (and 1 other project) "package firefox 3.0.19 nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/bug/firefox/presubj', which is also in package firefox-2 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60002208:07
pittichrisccoulson: good morning08:07
micahgpitti: no, sorry08:07
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:08
pittichrisccoulson: micahg and I discussed this, and since it breaks things pretty badly for the folks with firefox-2 installed, we should push out a fix ASAP08:09
pittichrisccoulson: simplest would be to add a Replaces: firefox-208:09
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i was thinking about it last night. i wasn't sure whether to just do that, or actually provide a transitional firefox-2 package to remove the old firefox-2 during the upgrade08:10
pittichrisccoulson: let's not08:10
chrisccoulsoni can't see any reason why anybody would still be using that08:10
micahgchrisccoulson: I know of some cases08:10
pittichrisccoulson: removing packages in an SRU is rather evil08:10
micahgchrisccoulson: or rather at least one08:10
pittiand if we want to do it, we should do it separately, in a few weeks, when the dust has settled08:11
pittifor now, let's just push out a 100% safe fix08:11
pittichrisccoulson: so can you please add the replaces, upload to the security PPA, and the two of you give it a quick test? micah should still have his VM with the broken state08:12
pittiand otherwise we just need to check for misbuilds, etc., i. e. that it still starts up08:12
pittiI think I can publish it to the archive from the PPA, please ping me08:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, can do. although i did start work this morning to move the conflicting files last night and add some logic to move the conffiles back to a non-conflicting location too08:13
chrisccoulsonbut i had to go to bed at about 530 when i started to fall asleep ;)08:14
chrisccoulsonso i've not tested it yet08:14
pittisorry about that08:14
chrisccoulsonheh, no worries08:14
pittichrisccoulson: there are conffile conflicts as well?08:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's the hard bit08:14
chrisccoulson/etc/firefox/pref/firefox.js is in both08:14
chrisccoulsonright, i'm going to have a quick shower and wake up a bit more08:15
pittihm, I have an /etc/firefox-3.0 here08:15
pittichrisccoulson: and I suppose the 3.6 firefox.js would rather break 2.0?08:15
pittichrisccoulson: in that case an Conflicts:/Replaces: might be easier indeed08:16
pittito remove -2 during upgrade08:16
chrisccoulsonpossibly, i haven't tested the effect on firefox-208:16
chrisccoulsoni was thinking rather a transitional firefox-2 package provided by the new firefox source rather than a conflicts08:16
micahgchrisccoulson: how much longer do you need me tonight?08:17
chrisccoulsonelse update-manager offers partial upgrades08:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - you can get some rest if you like08:17
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'm assuming you have a hardy VM from the testing?08:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that's no problem08:17
chrisccoulsonright, i'll be back in 5 minutes or so08:18
micahgpitti: is that ok then if chrisccoulson tests in his VM?08:18
pittimicahg: absolutely; doesn't seem hard to reproduce08:18
pittimicahg: thanks a lot, and sleep well!08:18
micahgpitti: np, have a good day :)08:19
micahgpitti: I just one question, is it too late regarding introducing the branding in hardy (i.e. we wouldn't roll that back now) that's my only unanswered question ATM?08:20
pittimicahg: we could move it all back into firefox itself and make the branding/abrowser packages empty transitional packages08:21
pittibut since we now need to support upgrades from the real branding/abrowser pacakges anyway, I'd rather do that as a separate step, or keep them08:21
pittiso reverting back would only complicate the packaging chagnes now08:21
pittichrisccoulson: as for moving the conffiles, would firefox 2/3 even look into different folders? or does it need a code change?08:22
micahgpitti: k, thanks, I'm off to bed then, good night08:24
micahgs/night/morning :)08:24
baptistemmfirefox -p --> run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.6/firefox-bin.pure.08:26
micahgbaptistemm: what release?08:31
baptistemmmicahg in lucid08:42
seb128baptistemm, what in lucid?08:43
baptistemm"firefox -p" --> run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.6/firefox-bin.pure.08:43
baptistemmhmmm, my bad -p wait an arg08:44
seb128baptistemm, what that working before the update?08:44
baptistemmI don't know I just needd to create a profile now08:45
baptistemmbecause I needed a profile with specific parameters to test things. I was surprised that -p without args doesn't work, as It works on windows for instance, but this a real problem08:47
baptistemm*this NOT a real problem08:47
pittibaptistemm: perhaps you mean -P ?08:49
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm, firefox -Profilemanager08:49
seb128hey chrisccoulson, up early today? checking how the firefox update went?08:49
pittiI always use -P and that works fine; it gives me a dialog with a profile chooser08:49
pittiseb128: bug 600022 ..08:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 600022 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu Hardy) (and 1 other project) "package firefox 3.0.19 nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/bug/firefox/presubj', which is also in package firefox-2 (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60002208:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, we have 1 bug ;)08:49
chrisccoulsondue to firefox 2 ;)08:50
pitticould be much worse, though :)08:50
seb128pitti, urg, I checked recents bugs on firefox today but not on firefox-3.n08:50
seb128pitti, right08:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've been watching them, and that's the only issue so far08:51
chrisccoulsonwe had 2 other non-bugs after the upgrade08:51
chrisccoulson(1 broken system due to ubuntuzilla and another broken firefox because the user hadn't restarted)08:51
chrisccoulsonthe usual ;)08:52
seb128chrisccoulson: did you stay up all night to watch those? or did you start your day early?08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i stayed up most of the night and got up early08:52
pittiafter a 3 hours sleep you should probably crawl back into bed when this bug is sorted out08:52
seb128chrisccoulson: great work in any case, and yeah you should get some time off after those settle08:53
chrisccoulsonthanks ;)08:53
* pitti hugs chrisccoulson08:54
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti and seb12808:54
* seb128 hugs chrisccoulson08:54
seb128didrocks, hey08:55
didrockssalut seb12808:55
seb128didrocks, is there any reason the unity xsession desktop is not in unity itself?08:56
seb128I did apt-get install unity yesterday08:56
seb128which gives a working unity but not gdm session...08:56
didrocksseb128: the gdm session is in the settings package as it was the case for n-l in lucid08:56
didrocksxsession desktop file*08:56
seb128didrocks, right, but users will install unity from software-center08:58
seb128or apt-get install it08:58
seb128shouldn't that give them a gdm session in some way?08:58
seb128seems a broken experience from an user perspective right now08:58
didrocksseb128: hum… I was thinking they want to install the ubuntu-netbook session08:59
seb128ie I've read about unity and did apt-get install unity and though that was broken08:59
didrocksseb128: a lot of people don't read the unity wiki page I setup. maybe we can put a recommend on the settings package, what do you think?09:01
seb128let me think about it09:02
seb128I just think it's broken that installing "unity" doesn't give you a way to use unity09:02
seb128but yeah, if the session is in some une setting package you should recommends it09:03
didrocksI agree with that, but most of people installed ubuntu-netbook previously and not netbook-launcher for instance09:03
seb128or move the session to unity itself09:03
seb128well I'm using Ubuntu desktop09:03
seb128I just wanted to try unity09:03
seb128I didn't want the full une experience09:04
seb128ie I don't want my settings to be changed or whatever09:04
didrocksthe settings aren't changed, as it's a separate session09:04
mvodidrocks: please check "lp:~mvo/softwware-center/plugin-support" that should give you a very basic starting point. I think we need to refine the API to make writing the plugins much simpler (instead of just dumping the SoftwareCenterApp class to the plugin as its done now). but it should b e a good enough to start :)09:07
didrocksmvo: thanks a lot, I'll have a look later this morning and give you some feedbacks. Seems a good start :-)09:09
didrocksmvo: btw, for the update-notifier change, I'll go with a thread calling g_spawn_sync() all script ordered, does that sound good?09:10
mvodidrocks: u-n> I don't really mind as long as it works, I was thinking of a gtimeout but a thread should be fine given that no UI is touched09:11
didrocksmvo: if we want to launch one script after another, we have to get a way to know the first child is stopped, is there something in g_spawn_async apart from getting the PID and monitor it?09:13
mvodidrocks: just g_child_watch_add()09:15
didrocksmvo: oh sweet, that will be handy, thanks09:15
seb128pitti, oh about CD space, did you consider dropping tcl and tk from the CD?09:37
seb128pitti, seems they are only a recommends for some printing binary from what I've seen the toher day09:37
pittioh, easy to fix then?09:37
pittiseb128: I'll have a look09:37
pittitcl/tk 8.4 even..09:38
pittiugh, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.maverick/rdepends/tcl8.4/tcl8.409:39
pittiah, foo2zjs recommends: tk8.409:41
pittithe others should be fine indeed09:42
pittiseb128: cheers! looking at that09:42
seb128pitti, we also had the discussions about directfb some time ago09:42
seb128pitti, libsdl is the only thing bringing it in the default install now that directfb backends have been dropped from the installer stack09:43
seb128not sure how many people use libsdl directfb though09:44
seb128I would assume almost nobody...09:44
pittiseb128: right, in lucid it was cairo as well, but maverick got that fixed09:44
seb128yes, that was part of having the gtk stack building a directfb backend for the d-i09:44
pittiseb128: I think we shuold just declare it unsupported in Ubuntu; we never quite supported anything non-Xish09:45
seb128but since d-i switched to x11 that got dropped09:45
seb128pitti, that would win quite some CD space as well09:45
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pittifoo2zjs uploaded09:47
seb128pitti, rock on!09:50
seb128didrocks, those gconf warnings are fixed in maverick for a week now09:52
seb128didrocks, and I think lucid had those as well but gconf was not on trigger the same way in lucid so you don't notice them at every schemas installation09:52
didrocksseb128: oh ok, I didn't know that. Thanks for the headup, I'll comment on the bug report09:53
pittiseb128: i. e. we can drop libsdl1.2debian-udeb?09:53
seb128pitti, not sure; moving to #ubuntu-devel09:55
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didrocksmvo: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~didrocks/update-notifier/async-scripts/ should do what you want10:52
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mvodidrocks: cool, I check it out10:57
didrocksmvo: sorry, just fixing something, forgot to g_timeout the result :) will ping you again10:59
mvodidrocks: please add a changelog entry with your name as well :) just for the credits, otherwise it looks fine, good work11:01
mvodidrocks: I will merge after lunch when your change is in11:01
didrocksmvo: thanks, enjoy your lunch11:01
didrocksmorning huats11:01
didrocksmvo: when you are back: pushed11:11
didrockspitti: should I directly edit  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview for alpha2 or is there a wiki page somewhere to prepare it?12:01
pittididrocks: no, that _is_ the preparation page :)12:01
pittididrocks: please go ahead12:01
pittididrocks: the final one will be on www.ubuntu.com/testing/12:01
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didrockspitti: ok, doing it now, thanks :)12:01
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didrockspitti: seb128: do you think I should take some time today to clean the UNE oversized image (removing langpack as well and part your changes made to the seed to the netbook one) or this is fine as most of user will use an usb stick?12:33
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'll have that fix ready shortly. the conffile handling is quite complicated to get right under all circumstances ;)12:47
didrocksmvo: ok, just look at the code, sounds fine for now and that's a way to see to which class I'll need in the futur to see what should be exported to the API. Thanks :)12:51
mvochrisccoulson: are there any known issues with the ff version in maverick? wen I start it it it gets crazy and goes to ~2gb virtual memory in safe-mode here12:52
chrisccoulsonmvo - asac mentioned something similar yesterday, but i'm not running maverick atm (i won't be until i've got the backports out of the way)12:53
mvodidrocks: yeah, you will be the guinea pig12:53
chrisccoulsonso, there could be an issue12:53
mvochrisccoulson: ok, on my amd64 is pretty much usuable12:53
didrocksmvo: heh, not sure I like the title to be honest :-)12:53
seb128didrocks, hum, une still breaks you gnome session clock applet config does it?12:55
seb128didrocks, I was wondering why I get not locations listed in my clock applet today12:55
didrocksseb128: depends on what you tell about "break", if that's having two, right12:55
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seb128didrocks, breaks like in breaking something12:56
seb128didrocks, like in used to work and doesn't now ;-)12:56
didrocksseb128: oh, the indicator you mean, yeah, it is feature-less12:56
seb128I'm not using the UNE session today but my desktop one12:56
didrocksok, it shouldn't break anything12:56
seb128but all the locations I configured in the gnome-applet clock applet are not listed12:56
didrocksyou don't have your locations?12:57
mvochrisccoulson: that should read: "not much usable", sorry12:57
didrocksseb128: I'm puzzled, all gconf key related to that are removed12:57
seb128didn't you divert some keys between sessions to avoid conflicts? or avoid UNE changes to impact on the GNOME one?12:57
pittididrocks: it's not much of a blocker for alpha-212:57
pittididrocks: but if you have time to do it, please do12:57
didrocksseb128: no, I didn't divert anything, it was just an added gconf path for the UNE session only12:57
pittididrocks: it feels wrong to dump > 2.5 GB on the disk and call that "lightweight"12:58
pittichrisccoulson: indeed it is -- how do you do that, install in a separate path?12:58
seb128didrocks, I know we had a similar issues during the sprint in paris when you renamed some applets in the UNE config12:58
didrocksseb128: yeah, but that part is moved away for ages. Let me check the settings12:58
seb128didrocks, don't bother, I was just wondering if that was due to it12:59
didrockspitti: ok, I prefer to focus on other things if possible, so, let's focus on this for A3 to get reasonnable size with default apps change :-)12:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - the complicated bit is that the conffile was already moving between 2 binary packages, and changed install location at the same time. the contents are also different and i've tried to handle the migration without showing the user a conffile prompt13:00
chrisccoulsonand now i have to add logic to move it back to the original location (but in the new binary package)13:00
chrisccoulsonwithout triggering a conffile prompt during the upgrade ;)13:00
didrocksseb128: the issue in paris was only the UNE session to not have the location displayed as it was using a different applet. The trick was to have the same but lead to further complication and was removed in A3 for lucid IIRC13:00
chrisccoulsoni think i've nailed it now though, i just need to test all the upgrade combinations again to make sure it still works13:01
didrocksseb128: just checked again gconf keys from UNE, I don't see anything related13:01
didrocksso I would say it's not related for now13:01
seb128didrocks, ok, dunno why those vanished then13:01
seb128didrocks, thanks13:01
didrocksseb128: I don't have event notification integration as well, can be related to e-d-s or that's totally different for locations?13:02
seb128didrocks, that's different13:02
didrocksok, bad try :)13:02
seb128pitti, well done13:06
seb128didrocks, ok, sorry for the noise, I remember now removing my clock applet rather than the appmenu one by error yesterday13:07
seb128didrocks, I guess that's what cleaned the config13:07
didrocksseb128: oh ok, and cheating the applet name, you can maybe get them back, no?13:07
didrocksseb128: the applet name should correspond IIRC, there is still some hope :-)13:08
didrocks(of course, removing the applet can have removed all related configuration if you're not lucky)13:08
seb128didrocks, it's not like adding location was hard, I had a bunch only, I was just wondering why they were not listd13:09
seb128didrocks, but thanks ;-)13:09
seb128didrocks, (it did clean the config, nothing in .gconf)13:09
didrocksno worry :-)13:09
didrocksok :-)13:10
pittiseb128: gtksourceview2 is newer in maverick than in lucid, but older than lucid-proposed, so I can't just copy the current lucid-proposed to maverick13:32
pittiis it planned to get 2.10.4 into maverick soon? (or just sync from Debian or so?)13:33
seb128pitti, I was planning to sync on debian whenever they update since we are in sync13:33
seb128pitti, I can upload the lucid-proposed version there for now if you want though13:34
seb128there = maverick13:34
pittioh, so we can just scribble over the maverick one?13:34
pittithen I can try a package copy, too13:34
pittiseb128: ah, seems that worked13:35
pittithanks for confirming13:35
seb128pitti, ok, thanks13:35
vishtedg: hi , can we get suspend > sleep reworded ? Bug #540826 we missed this last cycle due to UIF14:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 540826 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Rename "Suspend" to "Sleep" (affects: 5) (heat: 49)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54082614:07
tedgvish, Probably not because we still can't translate modified documentation.14:11
vishoh .. mpt^^14:12
seb128vish, does it make such a difference? if that really makes sense why not arguing upstream for the change?14:13
vishseb128: that doesnt need to be changed upstream. only in the session menu14:14
vishand in the accompanying dialogue prompt14:14
vishtedg: modified documentation of which?  looked like a change in the session menu was sufficient14:15
mclasenif it does make it difference, it should be changed upstream...14:16
tedgvish, I believe there were also changes required in gnome-panel and gnome-power-manager.  Perhaps gnome-session, but I don't remember.14:16
seb128vish, it's not only the session menu, it should be consistent in gnome-session, gdm etc14:17
vishhmm , then the bug is being filed in the wrong place.14:17
vishrather has been filed in the wrong place14:19
loolasac, ogra, didrocks: What's the plan WRT liblauncher-0.1?14:22
loolasac, ogra, didrocks: Who is in charge of it, and who still cares for it?14:22
lool(there is a FTBFS issue with a new Linaro toolchain which is fixed in newer versions of the lib, and I'd like to know whether I should care14:23
lool(Hi BTW, i didn't take time to say hello!)14:23
didrockslool: I have no more dep on it, I think n-l-efl still needs it. I'm not sure to have the time and tests for enough maitainance. I still can help if needed14:23
didrocksand hey ;)14:23
vishmclasen: which is the right package for that to be sent upstream? -session / -power-manager?14:26
loologra: Could you comment whether mobile teams still cares about n-l-efl?14:26
loologra, didrocks: What about moving to newer liblaunchers?  too much work?14:26
loolasac: do we care about n-l-efl?14:27
didrockslool: last time I tried for n-l is was working, but we have no maintainance on it too as the code is now on unity14:28
didrockslool: this FTBFS should be easy to fix, I can give it a look, but don't rely on active maintenance :)14:29
looldidrocks: It's trivial to fix, I wanted to chekc whether we should still invest in it14:33
didrockslet's wait for asac and ogra's answers so :)14:33
pittididrocks: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-live/20100630/14:37
pittihappy testing :)14:37
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pitti706 MB, it's not actually that bad14:37
didrockspitti: sweet, thanks14:37
didrockspitti: yeah, your size love did a lot, thanks!14:37
* didrocks hugs pitti14:37
looldidrocks: is there a bzr branch for liblauncher-0.1 upstream?14:38
* pitti hugs back didrocks14:38
didrockslool: lp:~liblauncher-team/liblauncher/0.114:38
looldidrocks: thanks14:42
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looldidrocks: Do you know where autogen.sh comes from in this branch?  it doesn't support automake-1,1114:46
vishseb128: hmm ,  that bug needs to be sent to gpm/gdm or which is the main package it needs to be sent to?14:47
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didrockslool: really? I runned autogen.sh on lucid without any issue. I think it's one from GNOME. njpatel should be able to tell that ^ (liblauncher 0.1 autogen.sh)14:48
seb128vish, not sure, either to be raised for discussion on desktop-devel-list of open as wishlist on those components and gnome-session I guess14:48
looldidrocks: I only have automake-1.11, and it broke the script; I fixed it now14:48
loolif there's another place to update, that would be lovely14:48
didrockslool: I'll check for other places. I'm still puzzled as I don't think I had other automake on my lucid box, but well, nice to know it's fixed :)14:49
vish oh noes! d-d-l :s14:50
slomoseb128: now please sync/merge the new gstreamer uploads from debian/experimental ;) that's core/base, good, python and ffmpeg
seb128slomo, ok, thanks14:57
seb128pitti, ^ is there any CD build likely to be broken by uploads?14:57
seb128ie should I delay those or not14:57
slomoseb128: oh wait, good has ubuntu specific changes (the farsight stuff) :( then please merge this one...14:57
pittiyes, the recent hplip upload just broke the netbook build14:57
pittiwe sorted it out, but please test stuff before, and make sure it doesn't change dependencies14:58
pittiat least not add dependencies to non-main14:58
seb128slomo, do you know if upstream ever plans to do a such change?14:58
seb128pitti, ok14:58
slomoseb128: base/good depends on orc now (in universe last time i checked...)14:58
slomoseb128: well, yes. but i don't think someone is actively working on that14:59
seb128slomo, ok, will probably do those changes after a2 then14:59
looldidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/liblauncher/0.1-lp-600207/+merge/2888614:59
slomoseb128: you could ask Tester in #gstreamer, maybe he knows the plans15:00
looldidrocks: note that there's a commit fixing automake-1.11 in there15:00
seb128slomo, ok15:00
looldidrocks: Do you think you could handle uploading after A2 of the fix as a patch to the package or something?15:00
looldidrocks: I can prepare a debdiff if you like15:00
didrockslool: no need for a debdiff, I'll upload it after A2, merging now15:01
looldidrocks: thanks15:01
didrockslool: yw :)15:01
seb128lool, did you get kicked out the upload keyring? ;-)15:01
seb128lool, hey btw15:01
loolseb128: hey there!15:01
looldidrocks: I could prepare it in lp:ubuntu/liblauncher-0.1 if you like15:01
didrocksseb128: wasn't you who I asked that? I clearly remember at last UDS to speak to other archive admins :-)15:01
seb128didrocks, asked what?15:02
seb128didrocks, to have lool kicked out of the keyring? ;-)15:02
didrocksseb128: right :-)15:02
didrockslool: as you wish, if you already have it there, that would be nice :-)15:03
loolI dont but will do15:03
loolno patch system though15:04
didrocksyeah, we tend to release only for UNE component and avoid distro patch when we have the time15:05
didrockslool: will do a release, don't bother15:05
loolIt's ok, I'm taking the almost laziest option15:05
asac__didrocks: lool: whats the question for nlefl?15:06
asac__we dont care about great fallback and magic for linaro ... if thats what you ask15:07
asac__(e.g. i dropped the une-launcher epsec from linaro user platforms list last night ... ubuntu arm or desktop have to pick that up)15:07
didrocksasac__: it was about who is in charge of liblauncher 0.115:07
asac__didrocks: unity needs a newer version that would break efl?15:08
didrocksasac__: unity doesn't depend on it anymore15:08
didrockspitti: hum, ubiquity isn't in netbook-settings, I should add it to the live session. Is there still time for a respin?15:09
asacdidrocks: why is there any action needed then?15:09
pittididrocks: sure15:09
looldidrocks: pushed, if you hate me because of the changes, revert them  :-)15:09
didrockslool: heh, no worry :-) thanks15:09
loolI dont know whether you used format 3.0 (quilt) yet, it's the first time I commit to bzr and it's kind of weird15:09
pittididrocks: does that mean "in the favourites"? or "nowhere at all"?15:10
didrockspitti: in the launcher, it should be in the application places, rebooted to test another thing15:10
asac__can someone ping me one time please ;)15:10
loolasac__: liblauncher-0.1 FTBFS, I fixed it but wondered whether that was actually useful15:10
didrockspitti: is it just me or "Try Ubuntu Netbook" in ubiquity doesn't start any session and just hang? (did you already test it on the desktop?)15:11
asac__lool: it was decided to keep efl in low prio maintenance mode15:11
asac__to be reviewed if we find it to cause too much work15:11
pittididrocks: I didn't test it yet; currently installing ubuntu desktop amd6415:11
asac__its still needed for ubuntu arm anyway15:11
asac__lool: mterry is still in charge if there are issues that need an owner15:11
didrockspitti: oh wait, after 4 minutes it switched! Yeah for my netbook :)15:12
didrockspitti: it doesn't show up either in the application places as we don't have the "System" menu for now. So, yeah, I'm fixing it ASAP15:13
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pittididrocks: thanks; that sounds fine for a respin, especially since we just have built the previous one, so not much left15:14
didrocks(and having an empty Files place is weird :))15:14
pittididrocks: but smoketesting the current one is still appreciated, in case something else goes wrong15:14
didrockstesting install first15:14
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pittididrocks: booting here, too; right, seems that X crashes/restarts after the "try/install" choice dialog, but it comes up after some 30s15:25
pittiwow, first time I see the new places/overlays15:25
didrockspitti: thanks for confirming :)15:25
didrocksheh, yeah, they look nice!15:25
pittididrocks, kenvandine_: are the broken accelerators in the app menu a known bug?15:26
pittiI see "_File" instead of "File" with the _ under the F15:26
didrockspitti: yeah, it's a known bug15:26
didrockspitti: also some matching doesn't work15:26
pittiand if I open e. g. RB, I see the menu in both RB and the panel15:27
pittialso known? or should I report?15:27
seb128pitti, design decision15:27
seb128the appmenu is not working well enough to turn menu in the softwares off yet15:27
pittiso, "Design decision as a temporary workaround" then?15:28
seb128or you would have any menus for ie empathy15:28
seb128or evolution15:28
seb128pitti, right "decision to keep both until we are confident appmenu is working fine enough"15:28
pittiok; you gave me a little shock :)15:28
jcastropitti: it's for people to be able to confirm what the menu should like in the app and note how it's broken in the top thing15:28
didrockslool: confirmed, I had some issue with quilt format and full source package there too (extra files)15:29
pittididrocks: do the entries in the session menu work for you? it's completely dead for me15:29
pittiactually, _all_ indicator menus are dead for me15:30
didrockspitti: finishing installing, will tell you then15:30
pittididrocks: in the live system15:30
didrockspitti: dead, like, "not opening" ?15:30
pittiit opens, but the mouse doesn't select anything, and clicking doesn't work15:30
seb128pitti, are you in the places view?15:30
pittino, normal desktop15:30
seb128ie GNOME?15:31
didrockspitti: clicking works here (in unity)15:31
pittino, unity, but I see the desktop, no overlay15:31
didrockspitti: there is bug if you don't move the mouse though, the menu won't close15:31
seb128pitti, use a launcher on the left and try again?15:31
pittifun, now it works again15:31
didrocksand a focus issue15:31
pittisomething seems to trigger it and fix it again15:31
seb128bug #59610815:31
didrocksright, the focus issue, the current wokaround is what seb128 said15:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 596108 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Focus problems (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 335)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59610815:31
seb128pitti, ^15:31
pittiah, cheers15:31
pitti"Desktop menus will go here" :)15:32
pittiwhat will be there actually? apps is already covered, and so is places15:32
pittiwill this get a system menu? (that would be a bit weird)15:33
didrocks"Desktop menus will go here" ? where do you see that?15:33
seb128didrocks, default menu on session start15:34
seb128it's displayed as "Desktop"15:34
seb128pitti, bug #59610815:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 596108 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Focus problems (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 335)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59610815:34
looldidrocks: Ok, what were the issues?15:35
didrocksseb128: oh, I never clicked on that one and then, as you can't have it back :) dunno about the answer though15:35
and471tedg: are you free to help with some AppIndicator stuff?15:38
tedgand471, I'm in another meeting, but I can respond slowly :)15:38
and471tedg, thanks :-)15:39
seb128and471, you might also want to use #ayatana for such topics15:39
seb128tedg is on that channel as well15:39
and471seb128, sure thing15:39
vishand471: hey , for the update manager merge , probably setting mvo as the reviewer is better?15:44
mvoand471: hi, what is the bugnumber/branch for tihs?15:45
and471mvo: gimme a sec15:45
and471mvo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/update-manager/+bug/38619615:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 386196 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "package synopsis/tagline/summary should be first, not package name (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Low,Triaged]15:46
and471vish, mvo: Hi :-)15:46
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mvothanks and471 (and hello to you as well :)15:46
vishand471: exams are over i guess? ;)15:47
and471vish, are you mac_v?15:47
vishand471: yup :)15:47
and471vish, I thought so :-)15:48
ogradidrocks, lool, n-l-efl is our default environment on arm15:50
ogralool, why was liblauncher ftbfs and did you test it (we're spinning A2 images and i really dont like to break our default desktop on omap)15:52
and471vish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/artha/+bug/59847816:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 598478 in artha (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "artha doesn't do anything (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Invalid]16:00
and471vish, as per my comment (and marking invalid) do you still see the behaviour?16:00
vishand471: yeah , i'm able to reproduce it only in VM , but when i try to run from terminal in VM it doesnt give any output16:00
and471vish, what did you use to install?16:01
and471vish, apt-get?16:01
vishand471: SC16:01
and471vish, ah16:01
and471vish, gimme a sec, I will try with software-center this time16:01
seb128didrocks, do you use any template or something for your mir bugs?16:03
seb128didrocks, I noticed you often have a similar formatting for the description16:04
didrocksseb128: hum no, I just copy and paste from one to another as I had a bunch of them TODO :)16:04
seb128didrocks, ok thanks16:04
loologra: did I test it?  no16:06
loologra: it was FTBFS due to a new warning -- it should probably also be fixed not to -Werror, but that's another story16:06
loologra: I build tested, and could reproduce the issue and could confirm the fix16:06
ogralool, ah, thanks, yeah, it should definately not -Werror16:07
ogralool, i dont see it on the ftbfs list ??16:07
loologra: It is there, i saw it earlier16:08
ograi wonder which list you look at then ... weird16:08
ograhttp://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ definately doesnt have it16:09
asacmaybe because its fixed now?16:10
ograasac, there was no upload16:11
seb128some days I hate launchpad16:11
seb128it just timeouted on my mir bug and dropped the description16:12
ogralool, where exactly did you see it ... i'm monitoring the ftbfs list every day, i'm sure i would have noticed it on there since its a core part of ubuntu-arm16:12
didrockspitti: I got twice an "error mounting file system" at boot (just having one lucid partition and a maverick one I manually partitionned to ext4 for /). You didn't experienced that I guess otherwise, you would have pushed the big red button already :-)16:13
* ogra is confused about fixes for soemthing thats not been broken16:14
asaci dont see an upload by lool for liblauncher-0.1 either16:15
* asac has nothing against not existing fixes for something that isnt broken :-P16:15
didrocksseb128: got a lot of crash with last clutter and unity, but pushing into the ppa so that you can at least work with it16:16
seb128didrocks, thanks16:17
seb128njpatel, ^16:17
ograasac, well, i wouldnt like uploads of a core component during the freeze16:19
ograasac, so its fine that there is no upload ... waht bothers me is that i dont even see the breakage16:20
asacogra: its a ghost ;)16:23
ograheh, yeah16:23
asaci usually dont try to hunt those down until they become physical ;)16:23
and471vish, still works for me16:27
vishand471: weird , I tried it in VirtualBox  [if it makes any difference]16:28
and471vish, same here16:28
didrockspitti: again the same issue there, even in erasing the full disk with automatic partition. I'm wondering what happen and will try with the desktop CD now16:31
njpateldidrocks, seb128: i think we'll take a closer look on qa day this friday, but if you can get it into a ppa, that would be awesome16:34
didrocksnjpatel: it's building in the desktop team ppa right now (~ubuntu-desktop)16:34
njpateldidrocks, awesome,16:36
didrocksmvo: is it possible to load plugin after the main interface to be built? for instance, adding menus and other stuff create some weird issues there :)16:44
didrocksmvo: forget it, I suck :-) (but some placeholder can be good for plugins)16:45
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* zyga just noticed improved sound menu!17:03
zygawoot :D17:03
zygathat's really really cool :D17:03
hyperairO_o the sound menu's implemented already?17:04
ftakenvandine_, i'm getting lots of complaints about gwibber on karmic (gwibber-service: Depends: python-libproxy (>= 0.3.1) but 0.2.3-0ubuntu5 is to be installed)17:05
seb128fta, he's on holidays this week17:05
ftakenvandine_, complaints from users17:05
seb128fta, whoever is doing gwibber backports should backport libproxy as well it seems17:06
ftait's the daily gwibber ppa. i won't do it myself as i can't test it and it may break other stuff17:07
didrockspitti: ok, confirmed on desktop, and seeing your bug report about it17:08
loologra: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi17:09
loolasac: I didnt upload because it's A2 freeze and its in the images17:09
looldoesn't need an upload17:09
seb128didrocks, what do you confirm?17:09
didrocksseb128: you can install A2, but not start it. bug #60024417:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 600244 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Maverick alpha-2] boot failure on "use entire disk" install (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60024417:10
didrocksyeah, doesn't sound good17:10
jcastrodidrocks: do you happen to know what we need for the proper theme buttons for chromium for une?17:12
ogralool, weird, why is there so much discrepancy between their and our list17:12
jcastrodidrocks: dev release has them on the left, but they're the old style buttons, not the circles and the red thing17:12
didrocksjcastro: I saw that fta is working on it, right?17:12
ogralool, hmm, i guess thats not pulling from LP17:12
ogra(and doesnt have armel at all)17:13
jcastrodidrocks: that's the browser theme, I meant more the actual buttons on the title bar17:13
didrocksjcastro: it impacted it as well, the actual buttons on the title bar from what I understood. If not, I will try to have a look EOW. In any case, I saw screenshots with the title bar, so should be feasable17:14
jcastrodidrocks: ok just curious17:15
jcastrodidrocks: because when you use their native thinger it saves a ton of vertical space17:15
didrocksjcastro: the screenshots were from the bug report you pointed at, since the confusion is was all related17:15
jcastroas opposed to the native toolbar17:15
didrocksjcastro: in UNE, the title bar will be in the panel17:16
jcastrooh is that for maverick?17:16
jcastrook, never mind me17:16
didrocksjcastro: that's plan for it, hope we will get it :)17:16
didrocksor it will be a regression from lucid where we had that17:16
seb128slomo, hey18:18
seb128slomo, I just sent a bug with debdiff to the glib bts to install the gsetting schemas register binary in libglib-bin18:19
seb128slomo, with a trigger as well to register schemas18:19
seb128would be nice if you could review it for the next upload18:19
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ogradidrocks, hrm, could it be that there is no panel shipped anymore for the 2D session ?19:08
didrocksogra: the panel is still there, I kept it on purpose19:09
didrocksogra: you put the 2D session on n-l-efl as discussed at UDS?19:09
ograstrange, it desnt get started19:09
ograi didnt do anything desktopish in maverick yet, thats all A3 stuff19:09
didrocksogra: hum, do you still have the "UNE 2D session" ?19:10
ograbut i booted our preinstalled image for the first time now ... i get the launcher19:10
ograi picked that one19:10
didrocksshould be there, can you try the GNOME session as well?19:11
ograi doubt that will run in 256M without swap19:11
ograi'll do some more testing later, currently i need to debug some low level issues with the image, i just wanted to know if the panel is supposed to be there19:12
didrocksargh, I was thinking you were trying from a non arm hardware too :)19:12
ograno, arm beagleboard19:12
ograthe smallest thing we support19:12
ograluckily all other arm HW will have at least 512M19:12
didrocksok, it should be there, it's in the manifest in any case19:12
ogramy images dont have a manifest ;)19:13
ogra(they are preinstalled and resize themselves on first boot to full disk size)19:13
ograthats why i asked19:13
didrocksUNE at least should have it :-)19:14
ograUNE wont run on that HW19:15
ograonly 2D19:15
didrocksogra: I mean UNE as the UNE cd19:15
didrocksogra: so, with the 2D session19:15
didrocksgmpc 0.20.0 is great, but you can't order your music by clicking on column :/19:16
* ogra just notices its hard to log out without panel19:16
didrocksogra: gnome-session-save --logout is sooooo user friendly :)19:17
ograi think i just crashed the board anyway19:17
didrocksthat's the "quick shutdown mode" :-)19:18
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* didrocks waves goodnight21:58
bcurtiswx3nite didrocks21:58
seb128'night didrocks21:58
bcurtiswx3anyone know what's supposed to happen with the green envelope notification if someone decided to hide their panel?21:58
seb128or what do you mean?21:59
seb128it still goes green21:59
bcurtiswx3seb128: well with the panel hidden and the envelope goes green, and the user misses the bubble.. how will they see a new notification?22:02
seb128how do they see notifications when there is a flashing notification area icon?22:03
seb128note that you get a notify osd bubble when you receive a message or something22:03
bcurtiswx3seb128: i'm referring to bug #60035322:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 600353 in empathy (Ubuntu) "no notifications shown when using indicator-applet (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60035322:03
vishbug #60000022:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 600000 in hitchhiker (Debian) (and 1 other project) "missing dependency on Bazaar (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60000022:04
seb128the bug description doesn't really reply to my question22:04
seb128what happens in the notification area case when the notification area is on hidden bar?22:04
seb128vish, ???22:04
vishseb128: nah , i was surpried by ~350 bugs being filed withing a day :s22:05
vishseb128: i recall someone mentioning hitting 600000 just today noon and the bug# surprised me22:06
seb128no worry22:06
bcurtiswx3seb128: you're getting at asking the user what happens when the bar is hidden since he doesn't say that.. thx :D22:07
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