
AnAntHello, is there an alpha release this week ?04:02
micahgAnAnt: yes, alpha204:02
AnAntah, that's why syncrequests aren't processed then04:02
micahgAnAnt: for main, yes04:02
micahgAnAnt: well, if a MOTU is free, it can be done with the new syncrequest script04:03
AnAntwhat new script ?04:03
macoits not that new04:03
macopitti's had it kickin around for a bit04:04
AnAntmicahg: how ?04:04
* micahg is finding04:05
micahgAnAnt: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/annotate/head:/syncpackage  <-- should be in ubuntu-dev-tools04:06
AnAntmicahg: did you try it before ?04:16
micahgAnAnt: I don't have upload rights yet :)04:16
AnAntah, ok04:16
micahgAnAnt: I'm hoping to get some next week :)04:16
macoAnAnt: the version in dev tools i dont think works yet. because its waiting on some lp functionality04:35
macoAnAnt: you have to actually grab the script that pitti posted to ubuntu-devel04:35
micahgmaco: I think the script works, I know bdrung was working on it, you might need the version from trunk though04:36
AnAntmaco: it works here04:37
macoso they made the button on lp now then?04:37
micahgmaco: no04:37
micahgnot AFAIK anyways04:37
AnAntmaco: syncpackage creates the changes file, and I dput that04:37
AnAntdunno about that LP button04:40
macohmph. thats what the original did. for a while the one in dev tools didnt do that though. it did some lplib stuff that assumed thered be a button in lp. i guess it was reverted04:40
macothe button in lp never existed04:40
macoso that version never worked04:41
AnAntmaco: thanks for the tip04:46
keesjdong: say, do you have your irssi apparmor profile available somewhere?06:34
jdongkees: http://bodhizazen.net/aa-profiles/jdong/ubuntu-8.04/usr.bin.irssi it's a bit old though06:34
jdongI'm not sure if that's my most recent...06:34
keesheh, audio :)06:35
jdongkees: heh that was the one where I had a audible ping extension06:35
jdongand I either didn't feel like or didn't know about subprofiles06:35
jdongunfortunately I didn't make an irssi profile for general use, just something that made me happy for my irssi config...06:36
* kees recommends "owner @{HOME}" in place of "/home/*" and @{PROC} in place of /proc06:36
jdongabsolutely; I knew you were gonna call me out on that one!06:36
keescool; it looks very similar to one I put together this afternoon.06:37
jdongpersonal use or for the apparmor-profiles package?06:37
keescould probably go in apparmor-profiles, but I'm hoping to use it too.  maybe ship it with irssi itself :)06:38
keesthough given the perl extensions, probably not, since it would need a lot of stuff06:38
keesjdong: thanks for the url; I'm off to bed.  :)06:40
jdongkees: sure thing, good night!06:41
dholbachgood morning06:58
ajmitchmorning dholbach07:02
dholbachhey ajmitch07:02
EzraRanyone want to review a package on revu? :) It got one ak already should be an easy one!07:26
EzraRventrilo for linux cool app07:28
LLStarkshmm. minitube isn't pulling any of its dependencies. is this intentional?07:58
Rhondawhat do you mean, isn't pulling any of its dependencies?07:58
RhondaIf they are dependencies then it's apt's job to pull them.07:59
* Rhonda sighs at packages.ubuntu still not knowing about maverick properly. %-/08:00
LLStarksrhonda, minitube pulls none of the dependencies it needs08:05
RhondaIt's Lucid Lynx, right?08:05
LLStarksit pulls nothing.08:06
LLStarkslucid and maverick08:06
RhondaLLStarks: That question was independent to your issue. ;)08:06
RhondaThe full name is Lucid Lynx?08:06
RhondaUpdating the UbuntuBackports help page.08:14
RhondaWhat do people put into the debian/changelog for backports? Version number and the likes?08:28
LaneySource change backport from XX to YY (LP: #zzzzzz)09:07
dupondjegeser: you check to sync Opal? Or should I file a sync request ?10:01
geserdupondje: test building it right now10:01
dupondjefine fine :)10:01
RhondaLaney: What would it read for backport wesnoth-1.8 version 1:1.8.2-1 to lucid-backports, e.g.?10:05
geserdupondje: bug #60012110:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 600121 in opal (Ubuntu) "Sync opal 3.6.8~dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60012110:08
dupondjegreat :)10:09
LaneyRhonda: does it need changes or can you just build the M packages on L?10:23
RhondaCan someone please change bug #524490 to wont fix? That is the way that SASL works, it requires plain text stored passwords.10:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524490 in ejabberd (Ubuntu) "Passwords are in plain text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52449010:25
RhondaLaney: It doesn't require any changes, I even build it straight ahead on karmic.10:25
LaneyRhonda: then you don't need to write a changelog entry at all10:26
Laneyjust request the backports — archive admins have scripts to do no-change backports10:26
RhondaLaney: Yes, but for a test build, potential to offer through PPA for others to test?10:27
RhondaFrom what I understood it is encouraged to offer test packages.10:27
* Laney has never done this10:27
Laneybut for a PPA I guess it's not important what you write10:27
Laney* No-change backport from M to L10:28
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IraqQ: How install File arichef filename.tar.gz ?step by step learn me please11:29
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bdrungtumbleweed: welcome in MOTU (i just got the log from the DMB meeting)14:52
shadeslayertumbleweed: congrats :D14:54
tumbleweedbdrung, shadeslayer: thanks14:55
shadeslayertumbleweed: i became member tho :P14:55
shadeslayerwill apply for MOTU in 2-3 months time :D14:56
tumbleweedshadeslayer: yes, do14:58
bdrungshadeslayer: you became ubuntu member?14:58
shadeslayerbdrung: yes14:58
shadeslayerbdrung: On monday14:59
shadeslayeractually... Kubuntu Member14:59
bdrungshadeslayer: that's why you were not on the DMB log14:59
shadeslayerbdrung: DMB ??14:59
bdrungtumbleweed: i saw that you became member of the sponsors team. welcome there too. the team needs man power. ;)15:00
tumbleweedshadeslayer: developer membership board - where you apply for contributing-developer / motu15:00
tumbleweedbdrung: thanks, I cleared out all the easy stuff from the queue15:00
bdrungtumbleweed: what do you specify as easy?15:01
tumbleweedbut there's a lot of things in there that look like tehy'll never be sponsored15:01
tumbleweedbdrung: syncs and merges15:01
bdrungtumbleweed: did you played with ack-sync?15:01
tumbleweedactually, no. but I have been using syncpackage15:01
bdrungsyncs are very easy ones ;)15:01
bdrungtumbleweed: ack-sync is a wrapper around syncpackage15:02
tumbleweedaah, that'd save effort15:02
bdrungyou just type 'ack-sync <bug-number>' and i will download the source, call syncpackage, and build it, then you press enter once and it will be uploaded15:03
tumbleweedsounds way too esay :)15:03
bdrungit works on my and on fabricesp's setup.15:05
bdrungtumbleweed: that's why i did 164 to maverick (most of them were sponsored syncs)15:07
tumbleweedheh. not that doing it by hand is much more work: almost all of the sync requests come from the same 5 people (who will presumably become motu)15:11
bdrungtumbleweed: there are more than 5 people requesting syncs. it's the 90/10 rules. 90 % come from 5 people. ;)15:15
bdrungtumbleweed: if you want hard work. go to http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ and sort by date and take the oldest.15:18
tumbleweedbdrung: yeah, that's what I mean about things that never look like they'll be sponsored15:18
bdrungtumbleweed: old bugs don't mean that they are in the queue for a long time!15:20
tumbleweedbdrung: that's true, but many of them have been pending review for a few years15:22
bdrungtumbleweed: i sponsored some SRU requests for karmic that were one year old. old dosn't mean that it's not needed any more, but a lack of man power.15:23
tumbleweedbdrung: yeah, I will look into them. but it's hard not to feel that some were ignored for a reason15:24
bdrungtumbleweed: i doubt that most of them were ignored for a reason. if you want to review sponsor requests for main, you can work on them and ping me if the request should be uploaded.15:25
bdrungtumbleweed: over a half year ago i cleared the sponsors queue for universe (back then they were separate). some of the patches weren't needed any more, but there were still some valid ones.15:26
tumbleweedbdrung: ok, thanks15:28
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LLStarkshi, should ndiswrapper-common be pulling in ndiswrapper-dkms and causing endless module installation loops on maverick?16:25
EzraRanyone want to review a package on revu? :) It got one ak already should be an easy one!17:06
EzraRventrilo for linux cool app17:06
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^arky^Are there any software-center developers in here?17:41
* ^arky^ looks around for mvo and mpt 17:42
tumbleweedbdrung: why isn't ack-sync installed by ubutnu-dev-tools? (it isn't in setup.py)18:48
bdrungtumbleweed: because it's neither documented, nor tested on different systems (it works with my pbuilder configuration, but yours?)18:50
tumbleweedok fair enough18:51
bdrungtumbleweed: if you address these points, we can include it18:51
* tumbleweed better read teh source then18:51
bdrungtumbleweed: and no error is catched. someone should write nice error messages.18:52
tumbleweedwell I'll see how many exceptions I run into18:52
tumbleweedlooks like it'll get on with my pbuilder18:53
shadeslayerhi,anyone around?19:58
ari-tczewDear developers, as we are after DebianImportFreeze, I appeal to more frequently move syncs from ~ubuntu-archive bug-list.  Thanks.19:58
shadeslayeri need help with http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=833819:58
shadeslayerari-tczew: we already have import freeze19:58
shadeslayeroh :P19:58
* shadeslayer didnt read properly19:58
shadeslayerso.. anyone around to help with that revu? itll be quick20:01
shadeslayerive fixed points 1,3,4,5,6 and 820:02
tyarussoHi, I could use some help understanding debhelper, specifically dh_install.  Anyone around knowledgeable about that?20:15
c_korntyarusso: just ask your specific question. if someone has time and knowledge to help you he/she will do !20:16
shadeslayertyarusso: well.. i can help  abut20:18
shadeslayer*a bit20:18
tyarussoOkay, my issue is that it doesn't seem to be finding the files it's supposed to copy over.  Re-running to get the exact error now.20:19
tyarussoSome sort of a path problem within the build environment I guess.20:19
shadeslayertyarusso: ah,you need to specify the files to install in .install files,that can be found by using dh_install --list-missing20:20
tyarussoHere's the error:  dh_install: nagios-xi-agent missing files (conf/nrpe.d/*), aborting20:20
shadeslayertyarusso: what does dh_install --list-missing say?20:21
tyarussoshadeslayer: dh_install: nagios-xi-agent missing files (conf/nrpe.d/*), aborting20:21
tyarussoMy .install btw is shown on http://paste.ubuntu.com/457500/20:22
shadeslayertyarusso: no no, run dh_install --list-missing20:22
shadeslayervia console20:22
tyarussoshadeslayer: I did - that second paste was the output from that.20:22
tyarussoWhat were you expecting it to say?20:23
tyarussobtw, I'm building with pbuilder if that makes a difference.20:23
shadeslayerwell... i was expecting : dh_install : xxxx is installed in debian/tmp but not installed anywhere20:23
shadeslayertyarusso: doh!20:23
shadeslayertyarusso: one sec20:23
shadeslayertyarusso: put this hook http://pastebin.com/gp9DW5vP20:24
shadeslayerin your pbuilder20:24
shadeslayerthen run pdebuild20:25
shadeslayertyarusso: which puts a pretty log in the parent dir,with the necessary info about missing files,then put those files in proper foo.install files20:25
shadeslayertyarusso: oh and btw #ubuntu-packaging is a better channel for this20:26
tyarussoshadeslayer: um, what does this do?  My package neither involves kde4 nor uses CDBS, so perhaps this should be rewritten a bit?20:26
tyarussoWasn't aware a separate channel existed these days.  Good to know.20:26
shadeslayerdidnt realise that this hook was kde specific :P20:27
shadeslayeruh... can someone tell tyarusso that i went to sleep? :P20:30
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