
opijHow difficult would it be to make some kind of setup with a core 2 duo 1.7 GHz w/ 2 GB RAM computer connected to a tv somehow (wireless or otherwise) and preconfigure a list of free streams on the internet that I could then flip through with a remote control with the receiver either connected to my computer or connected to the TV?00:26
qwebirc93688Mythbuntu 10.04 32b loaded fine but after updates frontend won't run01:14
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].01:18
opijcould someone please help me03:33
jolarenHey lads. I can't get my mythtv setup to work.. still12:06
jolarenOnly difference is some changes in ip etc, cuz ive moved it to my familys country house12:06
olx69is there a wiki entry for mythtv ppa?15:54
olx69I'm using mythbuntu and I'm interesting in using weekly build.15:54
olx69are these only 0.23 and fixes? is it safe in daily usage?15:55
olx69I'm confused: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/30?dist=lucid list fixes and trunk; how to select fixes only? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mythbuntu/0.23 doesn't distuingish between16:01
Zinn[www.ubuntuupdates.org] UbuntuUpdates - PPA: Mythbuntu 0.2316:01
Shadow__Xolx69: in mythtvbuntu ppa as far as i know it has .23-fixes and .24-trunk16:38
Shadow__Xand using the installer it does differentiate16:38
olx69you mean aptitude /apt-get16:39
olx69do I have to use both build on server and client?16:44
olx69I would assume, that the protocoll doesn't has been changed between fixes16:45
Shadow__Xbetween .23 to .23 fixes? that i am unsure of but still you need to run fixes on both if not bad things could happen16:45
olx69backedn ist mythbuntu, client is "vanilla" ubuntu16:45
Shadow__Xyeah run the auto builds on both16:46
Shadow__Xit will be a ok i have done that as well16:46
olx69mmh, that's more than only mythtv, firefox etc16:52
olx69ops, sry; didn't update on backend since a long tim16:53
tgm4883hmm, well thats an interesting sit17:25
rhpot1991tgm4883: what now?17:44
tgm4883rhpot1991,  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/30?dist=lucid17:46
Zinn[www.ubuntuupdates.org] UbuntuUpdates - PPA: Mythbuntu 0.2317:46
tgm4883Not entirely sure why it exists though17:46
rhpot1991tgm4883: as long as it stays up to date its not a bad thing17:50
Shadow__Xtgm4883: do you use storage groups?22:34
Shadow__Xmeta data images work on my fe/be but for some reason they dont no appear on any other fe22:35
Shadow__Xi am sure i am doing something wrong i just can not figure out what22:35
tgm4883do you have frontend locations set up for images?22:36
Shadow__Xno i was under the impression storage groups handled that and i no longer had to have it mounted locally22:37
tgm4883frontend log errors?22:37
Shadow__Xone of the frontends is a os x one where would i find the log22:39
* tgm4883 shrugs22:40
Shadow__Xlol ok hold on22:40
Shadow__Xtgm4883: where does the frontend logs for a regualr ubuntu install go22:45
Shadow__Xtgm4883: on my ubuntu fe does htis help current mythvideo shcema version 1032 mdediamonitorunix adddevice empty device path22:52
Shadow__Xcannot load language en_us for mdoule mtyhvideo22:52
Shadow__Xso whats weird is i can goto edit metaata and elect the correct file22:56
Shadow__Xtgm4883: what would i be looking for23:06

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