
=== jjohansen is now known as jjohansen[afk]
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
cjwatsonCD builds on manual until the new ubiquity arrives00:54
slangaseksomeone broke livecd.sh again00:56
ograalready fixed and uploaded00:56
ograsorry for that00:56
ograit's waiting for the publisher00:58
* ogra is working since 20h in a row and getting unconcentrated, i propbably shouldnt do uploads in that state 01:01
cjwatsonlamont: I forget the exact timings of the auto-upgrade; could you please make sure that the builders get upgraded to livecd-rootfs 1.129 once it's available?01:04
cjwatsonI'll want to do CD builds tomorrow once new ubiquity is available01:04
ogracjwatson, it gets upgraded to the latest on every run now01:06
cjwatsonogra: every publisher run?01:09
cjwatsonoh, every build?01:09
ograBuildLiveCD upgrades it before running livecd.sh01:09
ScottKcjwatson or Riddell: Look like getfem++ fell back into Universe somehow.  This will make kdeedu ubuildable (see depwait on powerpc)04:48
slangasekScottK: cf. Riddell's comment at the bottom of bug #51215105:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 512151 in getfem++ (Ubuntu) "[MIR] getfem++ (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51215105:25
ScottKslangasek: OK.  In the mean time kdeedu is depwait on powerpc as a result of the demotion even though it's built everywhere else.  It'd be nice to at least get the builds finished first ....05:27
pittiGood morning06:45
pittiScottK: I temporarily moved getfem++ back to main, will demote once kdeedu built06:50
pitticjwatson: so it seems that "the new ubiquity" did not arrive yet; I'm just going to respin an alternate to check how the CD size improved07:06
pittiok, that looks much better07:17
pittithe alternates are well within size limit now (although they have almost no langpack)07:18
pittithe xorg/anthy/cups/g-i-t fixes helped a lot07:18
ttxgood morning07:25
aramorning ttx, all07:28
arammm, no candidates images yet07:28
pittiara: I just spun some alternates07:30
pittifor Ubuntu07:30
pittifor a first smoke test07:30
arapitti, OK, I will start with those, are they ready yet?07:31
pittiara: yes, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20100630/07:32
pittiI might just as well post them to the tracker, and also build kubuntu etc.07:32
arapitti, cool, I will resync and will start smoke testing those07:33
araI will let you know ASAP if anything goes terribly wrong07:33
pittiara: tracker set up for a2, and ubuntu alternates posted07:43
pittiother alternates building, will add them as they come in07:43
arapitti, thanks07:43
* pitti yays at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20100630/report.html being empty07:43
pittiseems that koffice is still unhappy, the rest of http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/maverick_probs.html is by and large the well known KDE arm breakage07:44
pittiara: which arch are you currently testing? I can give amd64 a shot here07:45
arapitti, I have started with amd6407:45
pittiok, I'll test amd64/OEM/german then07:45
arapitti, OK07:46
arapitti, mark it as started in the tracker, please07:46
pittiI posted ubuntustudio and server ISOs to the tracker08:32
pittixubuntu is uninstallable due to what looks like an old kernel (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/20100630/report.html)08:32
pittikubuntu is uninstallable as well (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20100630/report.html)08:32
pitticjwatson: spinning desktops is still blocked on an ubiquity upload, right?08:34
pittiI don't quite understand why the xubuntu alternate build saw linux-meta version; we are at .6.708:36
pittimeh, and I can't reproduce any of the kubuntu uninstallables in a clean maverick main-only chroot08:39
arapitti, maybe something was uploaded in the mean while?08:39
pittiI didn't see an upload, but maybe something finished building for Kubuntu08:40
pittibut then again my last apt-get update in the maverick chroot was about the same time as I triggered the cd build08:41
arapitti, in the tracker you posted ubuntu desktop i386, instead of the alternate08:41
pittioops, fixing08:41
pittiara: oh, indeed the report date looks very strange: "Generated: Wed Jun 23 04:21:16 UTC 2010 "08:44
pitti^ from kubuntu 2010063008:44
pittiweird, I triggered it around 7 UTC08:44
* pitti rebuilds08:44
cjwatsonEvan's just finishing up the u6y upload now08:45
cjwatsonI'll investigate Xubuntu08:45
pittibut June 23 is quite old, and xubuntu's report looks even older, so I wonder how much we can trust those reports in the first place08:45
pitticjwatson: looks like a problem with old reports? xubuntu says "Generated: Tue Jun 22 09:07:15Z"08:45
pitti8 days ago we probably did have
cjwatson$ isoinfo -lR -i cdimage/www/full/xubuntu/daily/20100630/maverick-alternate-i386.iso | grep linux-generic08:46
cjwatson-r--r--r--   7    0    0            4380 Jun 25 2010 [ 158967 00]  linux-generic_2.
cjwatsonah, there was a partial build failure in there08:46
cjwatsonPossibly invalid template maverick-src-1.template08:46
cjwatsonmake: *** [imagesums] Error 108:46
pittiah, so it just kept copying the old reports?08:47
cjwatsonI'm not sure08:47
cjwatsonI'll look into it and sort it out08:47
pitticjwatson: affects ubuntu alternates as well08:47
pitticjwatson: thanks!08:47
pittiI'll post xubuntu and kubuntu isos in the meantime08:47
pittiok, koffice should now be fully sorted out, everything works in my chroot08:56
pittinext update of maverick_probs.html should have that fixed08:57
pittigetfem++ demoted again as well (was just temporary to have kdeedu build on powerpc)08:57
cjwatsonpitti: ogra broke the reports, fixing08:57
cjwatsonsyntax error in the preinstalled stuff08:57
pittiwith that, we just have kubuntu/arm and landscape left, I investigate landscape now08:58
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks08:58
cjwatsonsorry, NCommander broke them actually08:58
cjwatsonso all the report.html files are nonsense.  let me see if I can still regenerate them08:59
pittiah, landscape fixed as well, seems smart moved back into universe erroneously; re-promoted08:59
pittithat should get i386/amd64 uninstallability pretty close to 009:00
cjwatsonall report.html files updated09:02
* pitti syncs ledit to fix that installability as well09:02
pitticjwatson: \o/09:02
cjwatsonkubuntu-desktop still uninstallable09:02
cjwatsondue to kopete09:02
cjwatsonthe xubuntu problem I mentioned still persists but must be breaking something else09:03
pitticjwatson: hm, kopete installs fine here; I'll have a look at this09:03
cjwatsonamd64 only09:03
pittiI'm on amd6409:03
cjwatsonbut yeah, in chdist too09:03
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20100630.1/report.html has the same indeed09:04
pittion i386 as well09:04
cjwatsonaudacity/amd64 uninstallable for ubuntustudio09:04
* cjwatson updates chdist for universe to have a look09:05
cjwatsonok, that one is at least still real09:05
cjwatsonpossibly *just* fixed09:06
cjwatsonrebuilding ubuntustudio09:07
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/2.3.0 BTW09:08
cjwatsonI just didn't want to have the lucid installer for another alpha release ...09:08
pittiyay btrfs!09:09
pitticjwatson: so if all goes well we can trigger desktops in 2 h09:09
pittistill puzzled by kopete, but I'll poke that further09:10
pittithis doesn't happen to have a verbose mode to say why it's uninstallable?09:10
cjwatsonnot that I know of09:12
cjwatsonyou could unpack the CD, point chdist at its apt archive, and try chdist apt-get cd install09:12
pittiplasma-scriptengine-ruby should now be the only i386/amd64 uninstallable left on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/maverick_probs.html in the next run09:13
cjwatsonpitti: I can have a look at this in c. 30 minutes if you want09:13
cjwatson(the kubuntu uninstallable)09:13
NCommandercjwatson: what did I break?09:14
cjwatsonNCommander: [ ! "CDIMAGE_PREINSTALLED" ] instead of [ ! "$CDIMAGE_PREINSTALLED" ]09:14
pitticjwatson: that be great, thanks09:14
* NCommander gulps09:14
NCommandercjwatson: oops :-/09:14
cjwatsonfixed now, no worries09:14
cjwatsonI recommend syntax highlighting - vim made the mistake really obvious because it was highlighted in a different colour from the other similar stuff on the same line09:15
pitticjwatson: I asked ccheney about the armel/oo.o breakage, but it looks far from trivial; I'd unseed it for armel for now, does that sound ok to you as well?09:15
pitti(to make ubuntu-desktop installable on arm again0-09:16
cjwatsonpitti: ok by me09:16
NCommanderpitti: the FTBFS ARM FTBFS isn't in OOo, java is segfaulting on a build-depend09:16
cjwatsonnothing armel/oo.o-ish is going to be fixable by Thursday anyway09:16
pittiNCommander: right, but we don't fix it by tomorrow09:17
NCommanderpitti: ah right. I'll make sure that it gets looked at by someone as soon as A2 goes out the door.09:17
pittiNCommander: cheers!09:19
* cjwatson jigdos dvd and kubuntu alternate in parallel; I'm sure that will help speed both up :P09:21
* ttx smoketests server ISOs09:22
pittihello ttx09:22
ttxpitti: yo!09:22
ttxalso bug 599921 (that was preventing cloud images from being built) should be fixed now09:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 599921 in pyyaml (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "python-yaml 3.09-3 is not installable (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59992109:23
ttxScottK fixed it and I triggered a no-change rebuild09:23
pittieww, rebuilding ubuntu-meta adds bootchart and pybootchartgui by default09:26
pittithis causes quite some slowdown, was that intentional?09:26
pittiah, was from cjwatson, r171409:27
pitticjwatson: but the log doesn't say why it's included by default?09:28
cjwatsonit was to assist benchmarking, with the idea that it'd be removed before beta09:33
cjwatsonhm, why did I put that in desktop09:34
cjwatsonit'd be sufficient to have it in live-common I think09:34
cjwatsonbut if you think we don't have space, feel free to nuke it09:34
pittialso, pybootchartgui is a dependency, we don't need that explicitly09:34
pitticjwatson: oh, space is rather trivial; but it slows down boot, needs quite some CPU to generate the charts, and piles up lots of stuff in /var/log/09:34
cjwatsonit was mostly because there was somebody benchmarking live CD boots09:35
cjwatsonand it's hard to install bootchart in that context09:35
pittiah, for those09:35
pitticjwatson: I can move it to live-common then?09:36
cjwatsonI'm doing it09:36
cjwatsondone, go ahead and update -meta09:41
cjwatsonpitti: hm, so I can't reproduce the kubuntu cd uninstallability with apt-get09:41
cjwatsonoh, wait, I can09:41
pitticjwatson: -meta> doing, thanks09:41
cjwatsonkubuntu-desktop shows up as installable but kopete doesn't09:42
cjwatsonah, kopete is only a Recommends so apt-get just skips it but britney checks it anyway09:42
cjwatsonit's a blacklist violation09:43
cjwatson  libmediastreamer0: Depends: libavcodec52 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1) but it is not installable or09:43
cjwatson                              libavcodec-extra-52 (>= 4:0.6~svn20100505-1) but it is not installable09:43
pittiah, that explains why it doesn't turn up on maverick_probs09:43
cjwatsonRiddell: TB resolution of 2007-01-02 says that libavcodec* is not to be shipped on CDs.  Can it be arranged that kopete doesn't (indirectly) depend on it?09:44
* Riddell looks09:45
NCommandercjwatson: what's the dependency chain? (I don't think kopete is directly pulling in libav*)09:45
Riddellkopete -> libmediastreamer0 -> libavcodec5209:47
NCommanderoh, do'h09:47
pittiubiquity FTBFS09:48
pittiinstall: cannot stat `d-i/source/apt-setup/finish-install.apt-cdrom-setup': No such file or directory09:49
pittiev: ^ missing bzr add or something like that?09:49
pittihm, no, it's an included package09:50
cjwatsonev fixed it in trunk09:50
cjwatsonfixed xubuntu source cd building, possibly09:50
* ogra hugs slangasek and cjwatson for last nights help ... seems it worked http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/current/09:51
ogra(needs some touching of make-web-indicies post A2)09:51
cjwatsonmake-web-indices changes can be done now09:52
cjwatsonif there's time09:52
ogracjwatson, i still need to look at flash-kernel changes (which needed the image ready first) i'm fine to go with the current website for A209:53
ttxpython-smartlib uninstallable blocks server install, investigating10:23
* ttx mumbles something about uploading broken packages during freezes10:32
ttxpitti: any idea why python-smartpm would be missing from the Server ISO, while it is a dependency of recently-uploaded landscape-common ?10:39
pittittx: I repromoted it to main this morning10:39
pittittx: should be fixed in the next rebuild10:39
pittittx: does it break installation?10:39
pittittx: I can respin the image if you want10:39
ttxpitti: yes, landscape-client is installed by default10:39
ttxpitti: yes, please10:40
pittittx: sure, rebuilding10:40
pittittx: done, adding to tracker10:46
pittittx: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20100630.1/report.html looks good now10:47
pittittx: sorry, reports were broken on the previous builds, so I didn't notice10:47
ttxpitti: np, that's what smoketesting is for :)10:47
pittitracker updated10:48
pittittx: will you/smoser add the EC2 ones?10:48
* ttx rsyncs and resmoketests10:48
ttxpitti: smoser will do.10:48
pittigood, thanks10:48
* cjwatson read that as "rockettests"10:51
pittifor the record, I checked koreport uninstallability; doesn't break images and is just an obsolete package (replaced by koffice-libs011:13
pittiso http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/maverick_probs.html looks good enough now11:13
pittikoreport removed due to NBS11:15
cjwatsonstarting desktop builds now11:52
cjwatson$ echo ubuntu; buildlive ubuntu && for-project ubuntu cron.daily-live; echo kubuntu; buildlive kubuntu && for-project kubuntu cron.daily-live; echo xubuntu; buildlive xubuntu && for-project xubuntu cron.daily-live; echo mythbuntu; buildlive mythbuntu && for-project mythbuntu cron.daily-live; echo ubuntu-netbook; buildlive ubuntu-netbook && for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.daily-live; echo kubuntu-netbook; buildlive ...11:52
cjwatson... kubuntu-netbook && for-project kubuntu-netbook cron.daily-live11:53
pittiah, publisher already done? thanks11:53
pitticjwatson: I hope kdenetwork builds in time11:53
pitticjwatson: if you didn't yet, perhaps move kubuntu a bit back?11:53
cjwatsonoh, er, can't really now11:55
cjwatsonit can just be repeated11:55
pittiok, it should fail early then11:55
lamontcjwatson: BuildLiveCD (as ogra mentioned) now does a dist-upgrade of the target-suite's chroot prior to doing the build.  So you should always have the latest livecd-rootfs for each build you do12:02
cjwatsonok, thanks12:03
pittiI'm off for some 45 min for lunch; good time slot now until the desktops built12:05
ogracjwatson, i changed the crontab to include preinstalled omap images now but didnt switch it live since you are in manual anyway, can you trigger it once you switch back to autobuilding ?12:29
cjwatsonogra: please edit the live crontab to match, but don't uncomment things12:37
cjwatsonunless that's what you mean you did12:37
ogracjwatson, yes, thats what i did12:37
ograi just didnt call the crontab command for it12:37
cjwatsongo ahead and trigger it, you can run it in parallel12:38
ograhmm, there are no comments in /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/etc/crontab12:39
ograno additional ones at least12:39
ogrado i miss something ?12:39
cjwatsonthat's not the live crontab.  'crontab -e' edits the live crontab.12:41
ograah, crontab -l differs12:41
cjwatsonI just commented out the whole active chunk.12:41
cjwatsoni.e. s/^/#12:42
ograto revert that, do you just edit it again or do you run crontab /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/etc/crontab ?12:42
cjwatsonI would only do the latter with care12:43
cjwatsoni.e. I'd diff first12:43
cjwatsondo you want me to make this change to the live crontab?12:43
ograwell, once you enable it again at least12:43
ograas long as autobuilding is off it doesnt matter12:44
cjwatsonI've edited it12:45
* ttx njoys fast dpkg again12:46
pittidarn, kdenetwork finished building 2 minutes too late13:05
cjwatsonpitti: re bug 600120, which mirror are you using?13:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 600120 in openoffice.org-l10n (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "In Maverick Alpha 2, the langpacks are not downloaded during the installation (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60012013:06
pitticjwatson: I'm posting the images so far to the tracker, ok?13:06
cjwatsonyes please13:06
pitticurrent ubuntu lives are within size limit \o/13:06
pitticjwatson: good question, let me boot my VM; if it autoselects, then I'd guess de.archive.u.c.13:07
cjwatsonde.archive.ubuntu.com could apparently do with catching up too13:07
cjwatsonso I think there's nothing to fix, we just need to wait a bit13:07
pittioh you mean it's fixed in the recent OO.o build?13:08
cjwatsonthe openoffice.org-l10n upload from the start of this month that finally managed to build early this morning13:08
pittiso in my chroot I have the current version 1:3.2.1~rc2-2ubuntu113:09
cjwatsonof what package?13:09
pittichecking VM now (still booting)13:09
cjwatsoncheck 'apt-cache policy' there before you update13:10
pittiI wasn't going to update13:10
pitticjwatson: but wasn't that supposed to drop the language-support-* stuff at all?13:10
pittiin my chroot I see13:10
pittiDepends: openoffice.org-l10n-common (>= 1:3.2.1~rc2), openoffice.org-common (>= 1:3.2.1~rc2) | language-support-translations-de, openoffice.org-common (<< 1:3.2.1~rc2.1) | language-support-translations-de13:10
pitticjwatson: confirmed, de.a.u.c, and policy has 3.2.0-7ubuntu113:11
pittiso it's older indeed13:11
cjwatsonwell, maybe the |-ed deps should go away, but that's not the cause of this bug and it's not urgent in any way (so shouldn't be milestoned)13:11
cjwatsonyou were just seeing that as a side-effect of the whole thing being fundamentally uninstallable at the time13:12
pittiapt-get install in VM still breaks, let me take a closer look13:12
pitticjwatson: ah, right; versioned dependency to oo.o-common breaks it13:13
pittithat's why it's falling back to lang-support13:13
pittiswitching to archive.u.c./update/install works13:14
pittiright, so we can set that to "fix committed" perhaps and close it tomorrow?13:15
pittiah, saw you update now; WFM13:15
pittiubuntu and kubuntu13:18
pitti... posted to tracker13:18
pittiwill watch cdimage for progress on the others13:18
Riddellpitti: kubuntu images not going to be final presumably? wrong kopete version13:20
pittiRiddell: right13:20
pittibut it'll take some time until we can respin, until Colin's build'em'all queue finishes13:20
pittiRiddell: but since the livefs built, it should at least be installable for a quick smoketest?13:21
pittiRiddell: kdenetwork just finished building after the current publisher ran, so it'll be at least another 1:40 hours until we can respin13:21
Riddellok thanks13:22
cjwatsonfeel free to respin kubuntu any time it's convenient13:31
cjwatsonit can go in parallel with my current queue, which is past kubuntu now13:31
cjwatsonwe'll probably need to respin Ubuntu for new Wubi too, so that Wubi actually works13:34
pitticjwatson: what package do we need to wait on for ^ this?13:42
cjwatsonnone, it's fetched from people.c.c/~evand/ or some such13:42
pittiah; I didn't see anything relevant on -changes13:43
pittixubuntu desktops posted, please test13:43
cjwatsonslotting in an Ubuntu rebuild now13:45
pitticjwatson: so this ^ doesn't require a new livefs, just a new cron.daily-live?13:46
evassuming we're just talking about wubi, it does not need a livefs rebuild13:46
pittiev: thanks13:46
evsure thing13:46
cjwatsonoh, damn, I did a livefs rebuild anyway13:46
cjwatsonthey're faster than they used to be ...13:47
pittiyou can probably still ^C it?13:47
cjwatson^C-ing livefs builds doesn't tend to be effective13:47
pittiit should wait until the other ones (mythbuntu, netbook, etc.) are done anyway?13:47
cjwatsonthey still keep running on the other side of the ssh trigger13:47
pittiah, right13:48
cjwatsonand no, I slotted in between mythbuntu and ubuntu-netbook13:48
cjwatsonis it a desperate matter to avoid a livefs rebuild?13:48
Davieymythbuntu won't be putting too much attention into A2 tests.. So that can be made a low priority.13:48
pitticjwatson: I wouldn't call it "desperate"; it's maybe 45 mins, not the end of the world13:49
cjwatsonDaviey: it's already built13:49
cjwatsonpitti: more like 25 now13:49
Davieycjwatson: super, thanks13:49
pittiDaviey: right, they just landed; I'll post them anyway, perhaps someone is interested13:49
pittiDaviey: if nobody tests them, we just don't announce them13:50
Davieypitti: we will test them, but not too focused on them13:51
cjwatsonI'll try to get DVDs built after all of this, though they tend to take longer13:52
smoserso heres where we are on uec/ec2 images.  I've tested 20100629 build, and those tests went well.  They do have bug 596062 in them.13:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 596062 in landscape-client (Ubuntu) "broken python-pycurl dependency (affects: 2) (dups: 2) (heat: 22)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59606213:53
smoserbuild 20100630.1 is publishing to ec2 right now.13:53
davmor2cjwatson: the xubuntu cd's that just landed are they included13:54
davmor2including the new wubi13:54
* davmor2 wonders why delete is so close to the enter key13:55
smoserrecently, publishing to the ap-southeast-1 region has been a sticky point.  amazon seems to not be able to meet demand for their services in that region, and I get "insufficient capacity" when trying to publish.  My publishing scripts don't handle that terribly well, so at the moment, the whole thing just fails without the option to resume.13:55
cjwatsondavmor2: no13:56
cjwatsondo I need to respin those too?13:56
davmor2cjwatson: I'll try one for you asap and let you know13:57
cjwatsonwell, wubi won't work13:58
cjwatsonthat much is a given13:58
davmor2cjwatson: if wubi won't work then it's worth respining the live cd's I would imagine13:59
smoserthe publish has been right around a 6 hour process, so if all goes well, the 20100630.1 build would be available ~ 17:45 UTC14:07
cjwatsondavmor2: ok, will do after this Xubuntu rebuild14:09
pittixubuntu respin for wubi would again just need a cron.daily-live, and thus can happen in parallel, right?14:24
pitti20100630.1 ubuntu desktops posted to tracker14:35
pittiubuntu netbook posted14:38
pitticjwatson: just to confirm, you didn't build ports (netbook armel etc.) yet, right?14:38
cjwatsonxubuntu respin (no livefs rebuild) in progress14:39
cjwatsonkubuntu-netbook failed14:39
cjwatson  hplip: Depends: hplip-cups (= 3.10.5-3ubuntu1) but it is not installable14:41
pittihplip was just uploaded about an hour ago14:42
pittiI guess i386/amd64 buildd desync?14:42
cjwatsonthis was an i386 build14:42
cjwatsonhplip-cups is in universe14:43
pittiah, can promote14:43
cjwatsonI wonder why it's not listed for promotion14:43
pittipackage is ~ 350 kB and looks reasonable14:43
cjwatsonthat's a good chunk of the MB we saved on X, presumably on most CDs ... but OK14:44
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
pitti"Removed hpijs from Recommends: of hplip, as we already14:45
pitti    require hplip-cups via Depends:, hpijs is not needed any more for using14:45
pitti    HPLIP with all supported HP printers"14:45
cjwatsonah, ok14:45
pittihpijs is 472 kB14:45
pittiso I hope that'll go away then14:45
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
pitticjwatson: FYI, we'll need to respin netbook; didrocks is preparing a fix to make ubiquity actually appear in the menus15:14
pitti(it's nowhere right now)15:15
arapitti, the desktops posted at the tracker (20100630.1) have everything now?15:15
araor are we expecting a respin?15:15
pittiara: should; I'm currently test-installing them in kvm15:15
pittibut it shoudl have the new wubi15:15
arapitti, OK, I think that those that are going to be respin (alternate?) should be marked as such in the tracker, so people know where to focus15:16
pittiara: oh, is something broken in the alternates?15:16
pittimy previous test install went quite well (OEM/German/manual partitioning)15:16
arapitti, no, it isn't, I just thought they were going to be respin15:16
aramaybe I misunderstood the conversation here15:16
pittiI'm not aware that we need to; cjwatson, are you?15:16
pittialternates do not have wubi15:17
cjwatsonright, alternates should be fine15:17
cjwatsonara: the OOo language pack problem you had was to do with the installer fetching stuff from the mirror, not off the CD image, so it doesn't require a respin to fix15:18
aranice, thanks all!15:18
Davieyhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20100630.1/maverick-server-amd64.iso <-- is that the correct A2 candiate?15:29
pittilooks correct to me, Daviey15:32
Davieypitti: oddly, i just saw the python-yaml issue :/15:32
Davieyfailed to install at pkgsel due to dep problem with python-yaml.15:32
araDaviey, have you double checked that your iso has the same md5sum?15:33
Davieyara: 1908a53db7a727a1be65254fdf67ae9b  maverick-server-amd64.iso15:33
Davieyyes.. i can try again..15:34
Davieyara: I'm actually doing it by creating a usb pendrive, using usb-creator-gtk.. not that it should matter :/15:34
pittipyyaml was just rebuilt today15:34
Davieypitti: i thought the spin happend after the rebuild15:35
pittiDaviey: can you check the pyyaml version on that CD?15:35
pittiDaviey: that's what I thought as well15:35
Davieypitti: on it15:35
Davieypitti: 3.09.3... not the rebuild :S15:37
* pitti checks archive15:37
pittipython3-yaml | 3.09-3build1 |      maverick | i38615:37
pittipython3-yaml | 3.09-3build1 | maverick/universe | amd64, armel, ia64, powerpc15:37
pittiDaviey: I think i386 will work15:37
* pitti promotes15:37
Davieypitti: yeah.. amd64 is UEC's main candidate TBH15:38
DavieyCan we have a respin please :)15:38
pittiso after the next publisher, at 1600 UTC, we can re-spin15:38
Davieyttx: ^^15:38
Davieypitti: Super, thanks!15:38
pittibut I won't be here any more, need to leave in about 30 mins (my mother's bday today)15:38
ttxpitti: not sure about that15:39
pitticjwatson: are you still here in 1:20 for the server and netbook respins, or shall I do a sleep;build ?15:39
Davieyttx: I reckon pitti knows when his mother's birthday is! :)15:39
ttxpitti: I tested amd64 and i386 alright15:39
* ttx checks15:40
Davieyttx: open the iso in file-roller, and navigate to the pool15:40
pittiDaviey: where did it fail for you?15:40
Davieypitti: pkg selection, unable to select and install software15:40
pittiDaviey | failed to install at pkgsel due to dep problem with python-yaml.15:40
pittithat's with a particular task perhaps?15:40
Davieypitti: yes, UEC15:41
ttxpitti: that package is also hit with basic installs15:41
Davieycloud-init was the package that depends on python-yaml in this instance15:41
pittittx: so, if you need a respin, can you please ping cjwatson, Riddell, or slangasek to do it in 1:20 hours?15:41
arawow, ext4 d-i installation is soooo slow in my dell mini9, it looks like it is being written with a hummer and a chisel15:41
Davieypitti: will do15:41
ttxpitti: yes15:41
Davieyoh, you asked ttx.15:41
pittiwell, either of you :)15:41
pittibut it will need 1:20 hours to actually promote into the archive15:42
ttxI just want to understand why this only affects the UEC install15:42
pittittx: presumably because other tasks don't depend on that package?15:42
Davieyara: Yes.. that bums us out aswell.. thanks to the fsync.15:42
ttxpitti: the thing is... they do15:42
ttxI hit that bug this morning in my testing, and I don't have it anymore15:42
Davieyttx: Hmm.. were you testing amd64 or i38615:43
Davieyttx: i can try a tradional server install using this if you want?15:43
ttxI'm trying a UEC install now... and it seems to work alright15:44
Davieyttx: I checked the md5sum.. it matches :/15:45
pittieek -- "General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started"15:45
ttxyou checked the md5sum on your installation media ?15:45
Davieyttx: if you open your ISO.. can you check what python-yaml is in the pool?15:45
pittithat's from a stock "use all disks" amd64 desktop install15:45
ttxor the one from the file you think you put there ?15:45
GrueMasterMorning.  I am going to be testing the new preinstalled image for Arm Beagleboard.  Today is our first image.  Since it is not in the tracker database yet (A3), how should I report test results?15:46
Davieyttx: no.. tested the .iso.. but the rebuild isn;'t in the .iso.. so so.15:46
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Davieyttx: I can burn it, and check the md5sum if you think.. but from where i'm sat.. if it's aint in the .iso, it aint gonna be on the disk :/15:47
ttxDaviey: just wait for my install to complete, I may still hit the bug :)15:47
pittiGrueMaster: I'm happy to add it, but first time I do that; where's the image? do you use standard build numbers for that?15:47
Davieyttx: Ok.. keep in mind that yaml rebuild wasn't moved over by AA's for amd64, only i38615:47
Davieypitti: just promoted amd6415:48
Davieypitti: Sorry, talking about you.. not to you :)15:48
GrueMasterThe images are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/.  Nust sure what you mean by build numbers, but they are yyyymmdd.b15:48
ttxDaviey: you hit this on the CLC or the NC install ?15:48
Davieyttx: CLC15:49
Davieyttx: not tried a NC yet15:49
GrueMasterI also have special instructions at http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ARM/PreinstalledImage15:49
ttxDaviey: may I ask why you'd have cloud-init installed on that ?15:50
Davieyttx: I didn't do that..15:50
ttx<Daviey> cloud-init was the package that depends on python-yaml in this instance15:50
Davieyttx: from the logs..15:51
Davieyttx: i've done no magic, other than a normal install15:51
ttxah, it's cloud-utils15:51
ttxnot cloud-init15:52
Davieyah yes, sorry15:52
ttxI just hit it15:52
Davieyttx: but normal server install for amd64 worked for you?15:53
ttxDaviey: yes15:54
ttxDaviey: I suspect we picked up a workaround in the mean time15:54
* ttx grumbles15:54
ttxall that good ISO testing lost15:55
ttxDaviey: I guess you can now see the importance of that early, from ISO, testing15:56
ttxdoing it earlier would have avoided losing a few hours work15:56
araand that's why it is important, son15:58
ttxand doing it with netboots from archive state would not have caught that.15:58
Davieyttx: I started doing the test as soon as i was asked! :/15:58
ttxDaviey: oh, it was not meant as a blame, more as a proof by example... you weren't so convinced15:58
pittittx: not lost, it confirmed that there aren't other grave problems15:59
ttxby the extra hassle of doing the install from ISO (instead of convenient netboot/archivestate)15:59
ttxpitti: right :)16:00
Davieyttx: oh sure.16:00
pittiara, Daviey: if you test ubuntu desktops, confirming or denying bug 600244 would be appreciated16:02
pittiI tested it two times with the same result16:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 600244 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Maverick alpha-2] boot failure on "use entire disk" install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60024416:02
Davieypitti: I'm a desktop dodger!16:02
pittiDaviey: that's fine, just in case :)16:02
pittiGrueMaster: I don't seem to be able to define new test cases in the tracker for the prebuilt images ("Sorry, this feature hasn't been reimplemented yet")16:05
pittiGrueMaster: I'm afraid this needs some tracker superuser like stgraber with DB access to define new ones?16:06
GrueMasterNo problem.  I'll file a bug and get it for A3.16:06
araGrueMaster, I told you to send me the name of the images, cases and url so I could do it16:06
GrueMasterJust wanted to know if there were an alternate method for me to use this time around.16:06
GrueMasterI'll post results on a wiki page.  I'll let everyone know the location once I have one.16:07
araGrueMaster, if you send me that information, I can add them for you today16:07
GrueMasterara ok.16:07
cjwatsonpitti: I have an interview to run at that time, so won't be able to concentrate on respins16:08
ttxpitti, smoser: does that promotion affect the cloud images as well ? should their generation be restarted in 60 min ?16:08
pittittx: if they also depend on/ship that, then yes16:08
pitticjwatson: ok, I'll set up a timed build16:08
ttxsmoser: ^16:08
smoserpromotion ?16:08
cjwatsonara: it should be faster in maverick than in lucid, but there is more to do I agree16:09
ttxsmoser: looks like the fixed pyyaml wasn't in the archive16:09
smoserumm... the images built16:09
pittittx: new server isos will build in 50 minutes16:09
Davieysmoser: There was a problem with yaml amd6416:09
smoserand they didn't *build* before.16:09
Davieysmoser: you have built amd64 images?16:09
ttxsmoser: if the images work, then forget it16:09
smoseri dont know that they work. but they built.16:10
Davieypitti: Thanks for that.16:10
smoserbefore the fix to python-yaml and python-defaults, the images did not build.16:10
pittiI need to run out for today now, sorry16:10
pittiI'll get up early tomorrow morning16:10
ttxpitti: go!16:11
Davieysmoser: Can you confirm you have a built amd64 image?16:11
Davieysmoser: The issue was only a problem with amd64, not i38616:11
smoseri have: python-yaml 3.09-3build1 in both i386 and amd64 images that are built already and currently publishing to ec216:11
ttxDaviey: well, the build1 package was missing from both16:11
smoserhttp://uec-images.ubuntu.com/maverick/20100630.1/ has those files now.16:12
Davieysmoser: erm, http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/maverick/20100630.1/unpacked/maverick-server-uec-amd64.manifest16:13
Davieydoesn't have build1 there16:13
Davieymy bad16:13
Davieyyes it does.16:13
ttxsmoser: your build process might not block on universe packages16:14
GrueMasterara:  Bug 600249.  Thanks.16:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 600249 in ubuntu-qa-website "Need to add arm preinstalled images to the tracker database (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60024916:14
stgraberpitti: I'd need to check if I still have access ... last time I tried, IS didn't update the ssh access for the new box16:15
smoserttx, it pulls from universe if it needs to.16:15
arastgraber, I'm on it16:15
ttxsmoser: ok, that explains it16:16
araGrueMaster, the links will not work until alpha 3, but I can add the images to the list16:16
ttxsmoser: so your cloud images should be alright16:16
GrueMasterThat works for me.16:16
araGrueMaster, what name do you want the image to have in the tracker16:16
GrueMasterWho knows, we might even have this figured out by then.  :)16:16
ttxDaviey: you'll still be around in 1 hour to validate the fixed ISO ?16:17
GrueMasterUbuntu Arm Daily Preinstalled16:17
GrueMasterOr something like that.16:17
araGrueMaster, do I add 20100630.3 build to the tracker?16:22
GrueMasterI think there will be a .4 in an hour.16:23
GrueMasterApparently the kernel cmdline is missing a root= parameter, failing bootup.16:23
araGrueMaster, ok, let me know when you want it added to the tracker. Other than that, everything is now set up16:24
GrueMastergreat, thanks.16:24
Davieyttx: Well depends how urgent, i was planning on leaving at 5:00 UTC, and coming back 2 hours later to carry on.. But if you consider this urgent, then i can postpone that.16:25
ttxDaviey: should be alright. I just want to be sure there aren't any other blocker16:28
ttxDaviey: you should have time to complete a basic test before 1700UTC16:28
Davieyttx: ok.. cool16:30
smosercan someone populate the uec images tests with 20100630.1 please ?16:36
cjwatsonsmoser: "Ubuntu Server UEC amd64" and "Ubuntu Server UEC i386"?  done16:41
cjwatsonpitti: bug 600244 may need an initramfs-tools cherry-pick which maks alerted me to earlier today16:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 600244 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Maverick alpha-2] boot failure on "use entire disk" install (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60024416:42
cjwatsonI'll have a look later16:42
cjwatsonI bet it's virtio-specific16:42
smosercjwatson, yes. thanks.16:43
ograseems publishing of the preinstalled images stopped working just now16:50
ograhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100630.4/ seems empty16:51
ograbut : cdimage@antimony:~$ ls -lh /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/www/full/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100630.4/|grep bz216:51
ogra-rw-rw-r-- 1 cdimage cdimage 523M 2010-06-30 16:29 maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.bz216:51
ogra-rw-rw-r-- 1 cdimage cdimage 1.1M 2010-06-30 16:38 maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.bz2.zsync16:51
cjwatsonmight still be syncing, but you'd have to ask #is to confirm16:51
ograwell, i'll wait a bit more first16:52
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
Riddelllinstalled Kubuntu daily-live/20100630/  reboot said can't mount filesystems and dropped me to a shell16:54
cjwatsonbug 60024416:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 600244 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Maverick alpha-2] boot failure on "use entire disk" install (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60024416:56
cjwatsonanyone wants to beat me to debugging it, be my guest, I won't have time until about four hours from now16:57
shadeslayerhi quick question,is btrfs a option for the file system in the new installer?17:01
cjwatsonas per the constraints in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-June/030918.html, yes it should be17:03
ttxcjwatson: is the server ISO respin automatically triggered when the publisher is finished running ?17:11
ttxthe ISo tracker does not show "rebuilding" yet17:13
* ttx will be back in two hours to check status17:13
shadeslayercjwatson: this applies for Kubuntu as well17:22
GrueMasterara: 20100630.4 arm image is ready to be added to the tracker.17:26
araGrueMaster, ok, adding17:27
araGrueMaster, done: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/426317:29
smoserslangasek, can you populate tracker from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/maverick/20100630.1/17:35
slangaseksmoser: done17:41
cjwatsonshadeslayer: should do17:45
cjwatsonttx: I don't know, pitti was doing it.  Integration with the tracker isn't automated though17:45
shadeslayercjwatson: ok.. zsyncing iso17:45
cjwatsonok, unexpectedly have some time now, I'll look at this mountall failure17:47
Davieycjwatson: Happen to know when 20100630.2 will show on cdimages.u.c?17:51
* Daviey hoped to try it before EoD'ing17:51
cjwatsonDaviey: if it's not there already, then there's something wrong with syncing and #is needs to be asked17:56
Davieycjwatson: Ah, it's there now \o/18:06
ttxara: could you promote the 20100630.2 server ISO to the test tracker ?19:18
arattx, sure19:18
arattx, done19:19
ttxthx, notification received19:19
cjwatsonwell, we'll certainly need new desktop CDs19:35
cjwatsonmarked all desktops as rebuilding; uploading ubiquity 2.3.219:57
cjwatsonoh, and netbook as well19:58
GrueMasterI am unable to add any more bug numbers to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/4263/69520:33
GrueMaster(and I have plenty).20:33
smoserec2 tests have all been run except for those in ap-southeast-1 where there is low capacity.  amazon isn't able to provide virtual instances for me to test on.  other than that everything looks good.20:46
* cjwatson respins desktop/netbook world21:53
pitticjwatson: thanks for fixing 600244!22:26
cjwatsonobvious once I saw it, utterly obscure until I did ...22:29
cjwatsonUbuntu desktop on tracker22:30
cjwatsonerr, somebody has attached 600244 to the alternate amd64 disk22:30
cjwatsonthat's got to be a mistake22:30
pittiI was just wondering about that22:30
pittibut it's not an oem-config problem22:30
pitticjwatson: I removed the bug ref from there22:31
pitti(funny that I can edit other people's results)22:31
pitti"To mark a test as failed, you need to provide a bug number."22:32
pittibah, now I need to invent one22:32
pittiok, there22:32
pittione red bug less22:32
pittiotherwise it seems the alternates hold together pretty well so far22:33
cjwatsonhave you tested the alternate?22:33
cjwatsonI did but I think not the absolute most current version22:33
pittiI did, amd64/OEM/manual partitioning/German22:33
* pitti waves good night, will get up earlier tomorrow to continue testing and brushing up the tech notes22:50
pitticjwatson: do you have the other desktops queued, or are there more problems to look into?22:51
cjwatson$ echo ubuntu; buildlive ubuntu && for-project ubuntu cron.daily-live; echo ubuntu-netbook; buildlive ubuntu-netbook && for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.daily-live; echo kubuntu; buildlive kubuntu && for-project kubuntu cron.daily-live; echo kubuntu-netbook; buildlive kubuntu-netbook && for-project kubuntu-netbook cron.daily-live; echo xubuntu; buildlive xubuntu && for-project xubuntu cron.daily-live; echo mythbuntu; ...22:52
cjwatson... buildlive mythbuntu && for-project mythbuntu cron.daily-live22:52
pittiah, seems it's currently munching at netbook and kubuntu22:52
cjwatsonI might not stay up long enough to get those all onto the tracker though22:52
cjwatsonit's on kubuntu right now22:52
pittiI can add the rest tomorrow morning22:52
cjwatsonthat netbook build is somebody else's22:52
pittior perhaps slangasek can22:52
cjwatsonogra's, by the looks of things22:52
pittibut I'll check in the morning either way22:52
pittiah, -s omap22:53
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cjwatsonUNE posted22:56
cjwatson(oversized though)22:56
cjwatsonKubuntu desktop posted23:16

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