
dipankardfarning: Goodmorning.02:37
dfarningdipankar,  good morning02:38
dfarninghow are you?02:38
dipankarfine. Thank you. how was your day?02:38
dfarningdipankar, it was good:)02:38
dfarningdipankar, what are you working on now?02:39
dipankardfarning: Last night, I was handling two issues : The sugar-emulator launcher to be changed.. and the other is the logger change for 'gsm not set' error02:40
dipankardfarning: you told you would help me in patching with logger issue and we then we will send a bug fix request to Debian02:41
dfarningah yes, did you find which package contains the sugar emulator laucher?02:41
dipankardfarning: So I tried on poking with sugar-emulator files, but couldn't get it done :(02:41
dfarningdipankar, ok, i'll help you look.02:42
dipankarThe very obvious one is 'sugar-emulator-0.88'02:42
dfarningdipankar, that make sense.  IIRC sugar-emulator is a wrapper which sets some stuff up and the creates a sugar session02:45
dipankardfarning, ok..02:46
dfarningdipankar, so one option would be to find where the sugar-emulator script starts the sugar session and add the -f flag there.02:47
dipankardfarning, ok, that I found in /usr/bin/sugar-emulator02:47
dipankardfarning, In the last line there was written 'Starting emulator' then a long script calling python02:48
dfarningdipankar, another probobly better option is to modify the menu item itself02:49
dfarningThat can be found in /usr/share/menu/sugar-emulator-0.8802:50
dipankardfarning, yup that too I found in /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator-0.8802:50
dipankardfarning, but what ever I changed there did not reflect on the applications menu02:50
dfarningdipankar, I think there is command like 'dbload' to cause ubuntu to reread the contents of /usr/share/menu otherwise your get the cached results.02:52
dipankardfarning, this one? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man1/v.to.db.1grass.html02:53
dfarningdipankar, I am still looking02:58
dipankardfarning: I am trying from my end :)02:59
dfarningdipankar, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#.desktop Files03:00
dfarningdipankar, /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop is the correct place menu/* is for a legacy menu system03:03
dipankardfarning, okk03:04
dipankardfarning, I am looking at that file only03:05
dfarningdipankar, can you patch, test, and upload this fix to the ppa.03:06
dfarningdipankar, the next thing that I would like you work on is git.03:07
dipankardfarning, I am still unable to find the fix on my machine03:07
dfarningdipankar, were you able to modify /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator-0.88 ?03:08
dipankardfarning, yes.. but no change in launcher..03:09
dipankardfarning, wait.. there is no file as 'sugar-emulator-0.88' in '/usr/share/applications/'..03:11
dfarningdipankar, it appears as the file sugar in the filemanger03:13
dipankardfarning, can you tell me the path?03:14
grantboware you looking for this?  dpkg -S `which sugar-emulator`03:16
grantbowon my machine the binary package is named "sugar"03:17
dfarninggrantbow, dipankar is looking for the desktop file to modify the menu entry03:18
dipankargrantbow, Hello. As dfarning said I want to change the menu launcher by changing the script..03:19
dfarningdipankar, use your terminal to look for the file.  The GUI filemanager treats .desktop files as launchers rather than normal files03:19
grantbowaha, "dpkg -L sugar" shows that /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop is in the sugar binary package too03:19
dipankargrantbow, dfarning, I tried that file already.. I made changes, did a restart, but in vain.. :(03:21
grantbowhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/DesktopFiles is probably relevant but I don't see anything about updateing03:24
grantbowlots of apps must do this in post-install scripts03:25
* grantbow looks03:25
dipankar* dipankar, looking03:27
grantbow/var/lib/dpkg/info/tomboy.postinst has something called update-menus in it03:27
* grantbow uses man03:27
dipankarguys, brb in 5 minutes.03:28
dfarningdipankar, I just modified the /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop file03:28
grantbowEtoys is still under Science in my menus from a previous install03:29
dfarningdipankar, so that Exec=/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f03:31
dfarningthen I logged out and back in and it worked.03:31
dfarninggrantbow, ok thanks I have added fixing the etoys menu to our todays todo lists03:33
grantbowwell, etoys is a package and sugar-etoys is dependent03:33
grantbowon my machine right now (Lucid with some PPAs) I have etoys 4.0.2340-1~ppa2 and sugar-etoys 115-1~ppa103:35
dipankardfarning, Mine is still not working :(03:37
dfarninggrantbow, but it would seem that it would make sense for etoys to be a general education app03:37
dfarninggrantbow, hmmm I just installed etoys from universe (i think) and it is correctly listed under the education menu.03:39
dfarningdipankar, can you paste your  /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop to paste bin?03:40
dipankardfarning, in a minute03:40
grantbowdfarning: "dpkg -l etoys sugar-etoys" tells me 4.0.2340-1~ppa2 and 4.0.2340-1~ppa2 - what do they show for you?03:41
dfarninggrantbow, etoys          3.0.1916+svn1303:43
dipankarddfarning, ^^ the pastebin link03:44
dfarningdipankard It does not start full screen?03:46
dfarningdipankard it looks right03:46
dfarningdipankard try right clicking on the application menu to edit the menu by hand to see what it show for the sugar 'command'03:47
dipankarddfarning, I screwed up my '/usr/bin/sugar-emulator' right now03:48
dfarningdipankard :)03:49
dfarninglfaraone, are you around?03:49
lfaraonedfarning: yes, currently working on sugar-terminal-activity.03:49
dipankarddfarning, how do I recover it? I took a back up before.. but I seem to not get the extension correctly03:50
lfaraonedipankar: the file should be anything.desktop03:50
lfaraonedipankar: or were you editing the /usr/biin/sugar-emulator file itself?03:50
dfarninglfaraone,  ahh great, when you get a chance, can you introduce dipankard to git and maintaining packages in aloith.03:51
dipankardlfaraone: editing /bin/sugar-emulator03:51
lfaraonedipankard: sudo apt-get remove sugar-emulator; sudo apt-get install sugar-emulator03:52
dfarningdipankard, If you think something is screwed up I recommend.... luke bet me to it.03:52
dfarningdipankard, can you take a break from the menu entry and work with luke awhile to learn git?  We can look at the menu after you have cleared your head.03:53
dipankarddfarning, :) Ok sure03:54
dipankardfarning, So I have to work on git /alioth?03:55
lfaraonedipankar: for starters, do the three things listed in the first section of wiki.debian.org/Sugar/GettingStartedGuide03:55
dipankarlfaraone, ok03:56
dfarningdipankar, I would appreciate it if you did.  It is a critical skill.  once you learn it you will be asked to teach the rest of the USR team:)03:56
dipankardfarning, :)03:57
dipankarlfaraone, done. I have sent requests to join the teams04:16
dfarningdipankar, are you familar with git and why we want to use it?04:18
dipankardfarning, I guess you told me that Jonas uses git. If we apply patch, Jonas can also be notified. uploading the patches to PPA doesn't help in that.04:20
dfarningdipankar,  yes, and now to take a step back as to 'why' jonas (and many other projects) use git?04:21
dfarningdipankar, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)04:22
dipankardfarning, "Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server".. unlike PPA.04:24
dfarningdipankar, yes and it has two very help full properties:) branching and merging.04:25
dipankardfarning, yeah.. I remember now.. The problem that occurred while packaging for sugar-artwork04:26
dfarningwhen you branch you can make a copy of an existing branch and modify that branch.  Very handy when modifying packages like we are.04:26
dfarningdipankar, exactly git allows you to merge two branches, both of which have changed, back to to a single branch04:28
dipankarok.. thats great04:28
dfarningdipankar, jonas can make changes to upsteam and we can make changes to ubuntu and we can automatically merge both change sets.04:29
dfarningdipankar, and a third reason is it is trivial for one branch to 'cherry-pick' changes from another branch.... it we make a useful patch jonas can 'pull' it into his upstream patch.04:30
ankurhello all, can i join now in between04:31
dipankardfarning, that makes sense..04:32
dipankarankur, hi04:32
ankurread the irc log :)04:32
dfarningdipankar, I'll let lfaraone finish the rest he is the debian guy.04:32
dfarningankur, sure feel free to jump in anytime.04:33
dfarningankur, what are you working on?04:33
lfaraonedipankar: finally, the critical reasons we use git (compared to the other VCSs that support building Debian packages) are twofold: Upstream (Sugar) uses Git already, and Jonas (the main DD behind Sugar-on-Debian) uses it for all his packages.04:33
ankuri was working on checking control panel for crashing and the date/time crash buge04:34
ankuri uploaded the sugar artwork package04:34
lfaraonedipankar: so, you should now understand why git is useful. are you familiar with its  usage?04:35
dfarningankur, ahh yes and that looked pretty good.04:35
ankurand bug #3 and #7 were solved in here https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/seeta.in/ccc?key=0AkSamhAwInnsdGowV2dJc3ZzMzMxX2hfR2QxVFZaLWc&hl=en#gid=004:35
ankuri mean the bug mentioned there04:35
dfarningankur, for a few days we are going to be working on leaning new skill.04:36
ankurAlso, in control panel there was only one more bug i found that it does not restart04:36
ankurdfarning,  great :)04:36
dipankarlfaraone: I guess so.. I have used it before : git-buildpackage..04:36
dfarningankur, I would like you to look at installing and packaging Sugar for ubuntu 10.1004:36
lfaraonedipankar: okay. that's only one command, which handles building the package itself.04:37
dipankarlfaraone, i have never uploading to git.04:37
dipankar*never done04:37
lfaraonedipankar: okay. git makes changes locally by default in your own little "git repository".04:38
lfaraonedipankar: so you can play around there without worrying about breaking other people's toys.04:38
dfarningankur, do you think you could set up a ubuntu 10.10 test system?04:38
lfaraonedipankar: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gittutorial.html explains how to use git for most tasks, and is applicable to any time you use git, not just building Debian packages. I would recommend you read through it and be familiar with the commands mentioned.04:39
ankurI dont know exactly how to proceed but few pointers from your side could well get me up and running04:39
ankurdfarning,  as for starters any thing recommended , also i am searching from my side as well04:40
dfarningankur, are you running ubuntu in a vm or as a dual boot setup?04:41
ankurdfarning, i am running ubuntu as dual boot system.04:41
dfarningankur, so now you will want to make it tri-boot windows, ubuntu 10.04, and ubuntu 10.1004:42
dfarningankur, do you have enough harddrive space to make a 5 GB partition for Ubuntu 10.1004:43
ankurdfarning, or i can run ubuntu 10.10 in virtual box on my current ubuntu as i wont have to restart every time , if there is no problem. And yes i have enough free space.I have 500gb harddisk and most of it is free04:44
dfarningankur, That would be a good idea to run in it a VM.04:45
ankurdfarning,  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.10/alpha-1/ ?04:46
lfaraonedfarning: I need to be sleeping, I'll talk to you folks later :)04:46
dfarningankur, do you need time to set up the vm host, I prefer Virtual Box on Ubuntu?04:46
dipankarlfaraone, It just came to my mind. Don't we have to have an account for git upload?04:46
ankuri have virtual box already installed on my system04:47
dfarninglfaraone, ok see you in the morning04:47
lfaraonedipankar: let me know if you find anything in the git tutorial confusing. When you finish, go on to the git-tutorial-2 part04:47
lfaraonedipankar: to upload, yes. so we don't have to worry about that until you "push" your changes.04:47
dipankarlfaraone, ok.. see you in some hours then. Good night :)04:48
dfarningankur, yes, give that a shot.... but it might fail.  in that case we can try another method04:48
dfarningdipankar, please ping me with any questions... if you have them.04:48
dipankardfarning, I sure will :P04:49
ankurdfarning,  what is the other method in between04:49
dfarningankur, we can install ubuntu 10.04 in the vm and upgrade it to 10.1004:50
ankuroh right04:50
ankurthat too will do it i suppose04:50
ankurdfarning,  i have already installed USR iso in my virtual box04:50
ankurdo you think it will be a good idea to upgrade that to 10.10 ?04:51
dfarningankur, yes, that is worth trying:)04:51
dfarningankur, lets find some instuctions04:51
dfarningankur, there is a good intro and instruction to upgrade at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/alpha104:52
dipankardfarning, Is there any package I can try my 'hands-on'.. The written portion is so boring04:55
dfarningdipankar, what resource are you reading?04:57
dipankarthe one which luke provided http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gittutorial.html . I am not complaining about it.. its just that I want to try that on some package05:00
dfarningdipankar, try going through http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/everyday.html it is much more hands on.05:00
dfarningdipankar, each section has a hand on part with a explation of what the steps of the hands on part did.  it is the way I prefer to learn:)05:01
dfarningneeraj, how are you this morning?05:02
dipankardfarning, great..05:02
neerajdfarning:  I am fine.. :)05:04
dfarningneeraj, what are you working on?05:04
neerajManu sir asked me to go through sugar-manual.. I was doing that..05:05
neerajis their anything on which I an work right now..05:05
dfarningneeraj, I was thinking today would be a good time to learn to package activities.05:06
neerajdfarning: fine.. where should I start..05:07
neerajI tried googeling it after reading your mail but couldn't find any suitable link..05:07
dfarningneeraj, ok let's work on packaging for a while then you can read then sugar manual after I go to sleep:)05:08
dfarningneeraj, packaging activites is just like packaging the core pieces we are allready packaging.05:09
dfarningwe want to grab an activity from debian, modify it as necessary and upload it to the ppa.05:10
dfarningneeraj, but one little twist is that we are going to have to double check that we have the latest version from aslo.05:11
neerajdfarning, sorry got dc.05:15
dfarningneeraj, np05:15
neerajHow should I start with packaging activities.. which you mentioned in the mail05:15
dfarningneeraj,  we want to grab an activity from debian, modify it as necessary and upload it to the ppa.05:16
dfarning neeraj, but one little twist is that we are going to have to double check that we have the latest version from aslo.05:16
dfarningneeraj, does that make sense?05:20
neeraj_this is frustrating.. train passed through no network are again :(.. nyway I will look into irc logs05:21
neeraj_dfarning,  can i try to package one activity in eve?05:22
dfarningneeraj_, sure ping me when you are ready.05:23
neeraj_k.. thanks :)..05:23
dipankardfarning, how about I contact you in the evening (IST)? I will go through git today06:01
dfarningdipankar, sounds good.  I'll try to be back in about 6 hours.06:02
dipankardfarning, good night then :)06:03
dipankarlfaraone, around?13:16
dipankarlfaraone, goodmorning13:16
dipankardfarning, good morning. Around?13:21
ankurkhuranadfarning,  around?13:45
ankurkhuranagood morning :)13:45
ankurkhuranaManusheel sir, dipankar   good evening :)13:47
Manusheelankurkhurana : Good evening Ankur.13:48
dipankarlfaraone, goodmoring13:58
lfaraonedipankar: sorry, just woke up. if you'll pardon me, I'll have breakfast and be back  in thirty minutes.13:58
dipankarlfaraone, no problem. sure13:59
lfaraonedipankar: I have a presentation to give at 10am local. (another thirty minutes for me) can you emial me your questions?14:31
dipankarlfaraone, No problem. I just had two urgent-questions14:32
dipankarlfaraone, It will take two minutes14:32
lfaraonedipankar: okay14:32
dipankarlfaraone, First one is: I am unable to add anything through 'git add .'14:32
dipankarwhen I run 'git commit' after that.. it gives me a weird msg: 'Commit message unchanged'14:33
lfaraonedipankar: "git add ." adds the current directory (".") and its contents to git.14:33
lfaraonedipankar: did you put something in the folder?14:34
dipankarlfaraone, no.. I got confused..14:35
lfaraonedipankar: okay. so you create a git repository in the current directory with "git init", right?14:35
dipankarlfaraone, done14:35
lfaraonedipankar: then you copy some files into t he current directory.14:36
lfaraonedipankar: then you add the files with "git add ."14:36
dipankarlfaraone, then I made a simple hello world script14:36
lfaraoneokay. tell me what the output of "ls -lat" is.14:36
dipankarjust a sec14:37
dipankartotal 2014:37
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 7 dipankar dipankar 4096 2010-06-30 17:45 .git14:37
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   46 2010-06-30 17:45 x2.sh14:37
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 3 dipankar dipankar 4096 2010-06-30 17:45 .14:37
dipankar-rw-r--r-- 1 dipankar dipankar   40 2010-06-30 17:40 x1.sh14:37
dipankardrwxr-xr-x 4 dipankar dipankar 4096 2010-06-30 17:36 ..14:37
dipankarsorry luke.. I pasted here.. to save some time..14:38
lfaraonedipankar: okay. what does "git status" tell you?14:38
dipankar# On branch master14:38
dipankar# Initial commit14:38
dipankar# Changes to be committed:14:38
dipankar#   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)14:38
dipankar#new file:   x1.sh14:38
dipankar#new file:   x2.sh14:38
dipankar* sorry once again14:38
lfaraonedipankar: okay. that tells you that there are new files that are staged to be committed. What does "git commit" tell you?14:39
lfaraoneit should take you to an eidtor.14:39
dipankaryes.. just like the dch one..14:39
lfaraonedipankar: okay. so now that you've added files to the git repository, you have to specify a commit message.14:40
dipankarlfaraone, ok..14:40
lfaraonedipankar: in the editor, above the second line, explain the changes you made, then save+quit the editor.14:41
dipankarlfaraone, done14:42
dipankarlfaraone, now no more error messages14:42
lfaraonedipankar: okay. so git tells you you've committed.14:42
dipankarlfaraone, ok14:42
dipankarlfaraone, after that I have to run the git-buildpackage command I guess14:43
lfaraonedipankar: well, no.14:43
dipankaroops.. I guess no14:43
dipankarI haven't made the debian folder yet14:43
lfaraonedipankar: heh, no worries.14:43
dipankarlfaraone, What should be next step then? According to manual page that you specified, it explains to use 'git --diff'14:44
dipankar* git diff --cache <sorry about the above>14:44
lfaraonedipankar: try "updating an existing package" from http://wiki.debian.org/Sugar/GettingStartedGuide14:45
dipankarlfaraone, Ok.. I will contact you after your presentation then.14:46
dipankarlfaraone, thanks for clearing my doubts14:46
lfaraonedipankar: hope I could help.14:47
dipankarlfaraone, you sure did, and best of luck for your presentation14:47
Ankur_Khuranalfaraone:  do u know when will david be able to come?14:49
=== Ankur_Khurana is now known as ankurkhurana
=== ankurkhurana_ is now known as ankurkhurana
ankurkhuranadipankar: though i have already set 10.10 test system , i was hoping to set it in my windowx as well15:13
ankurkhuranaif i install it again, thought i will be able to import my pgp keys, but i am afraid that you will have to provide access to me again.15:14
ankurkhuranato vm host15:15
dfarninggood morning -- sorry to be so late.  I just can't live on a few hours of sleep anymore.15:19
dfarningwe will have decide which is more useful for me to join you in the morning of evening.15:20
ankurkhuranadfarning: good morning15:23
dfarningankurkhurana, good morning how is it going?15:26
ankurkhuranaeverything is fine.15:26
ankurkhuranai set the test system in afternoon15:26
dfarningankurkhurana, the ubuntu 10.10 on a vm?15:27
ankurkhuranathere was only one problem, that when i click on about ubuntu, it shows 10.04 and when i check in terminnal thru this command, lsb_release -a i get 10.1015:27
ankurkhuranayes on a vm15:27
dfarning:)  they probably have not updated the artwork and all of the strings to reflect the current version.15:29
ankurkhuranaokay, so what are we onto today?15:30
dfarningankurkhurana, did you set everything to update to the most recent repsoitories in synaptic?15:31
ankurkhurananot yet15:32
ankurkhuranai just installed the system.15:32
ankurkhuranawill do it, also can you give me 10 minutes so that i can reboot.I was in windows currently. :)15:32
dfarningankurkhurana, ok that is just some thing to remember.15:32
dfarningsure and your next set of tasks will be updating the sugar packages to 10.1015:33
ankurkhuranai was installing ubuntu under windows in vm as of now15:33
ankurkhuranait will take 10 minutes or so15:34
ankurkhuranain the meanwhile we can discuss on how to proceed , if that is a good idea15:34
dfarningkandarpk, how is debian coming?15:36
kandarpkHaven't installed sugar on it yet15:37
kandarpkwas doing some documentation on sphinx15:37
kandarpkI shall try doing it now15:38
dfarningkandarpk, welcome back.15:40
kandarpklogged into Debian15:40
kandarpkshall I install sugar-emulator-0.88 ?15:41
kandarpkor education-desktop-sugar ?15:42
dfarningSure, that would be good.  The goal will be to test debian for the bugs we found in ubuntu and submitted the patches to debian if they exist there15:42
dfarningkandarpk, btw what did you upgrade too15:42
kandarpkupgrade as in ?15:43
kandarpkdidn't get you ..15:43
dfarningNow that you have debian succeffully installed, you will want to upgrade to 'unstable'15:44
kandarpkI somehow managed to get that weekly release working15:44
kandarpktold you Windows-manager wasn't there15:45
kandarpkso installed Gnome-session,  Gnome-panel, etc15:45
kandarpkthen updated the system15:46
kandarpkdfarning, selecting education-desktop-sugar is selecting 0.84 version of all packages inside sugar15:46
kandarpkshould I leave it then ?15:47
dfarningkandarpk, ok great and good job,  you will still want to set things up so you are sure you are working on 'unstable'15:49
kandarpkHow do I do that ?15:50
dfarningkandarpk, there is a good faq at http://wooledge.org/~greg/sidfaq.html15:51
dfarningkandarpk, You do that by editing /etc/apt/sources.list and changing your sources from stable to unstable.15:52
kandarpkI've some sources like :15:56
kandarpkdeb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free15:56
kandarpkdeb http://security.debian.org testing/updates main contrib non-free15:56
kandarpkis testing  same as unstable ?15:57
dfarningunstable is even more bleeding edge than testing:)15:58
kandarpkOk. :)15:58
kandarpkdfarning, by the way, the installation failed because my cd was corrupt16:01
dfarningkandarpk, arggg . that is frustrating.16:02
kandarpkit had an integrity test16:02
kandarpkcame to know after running that16:02
dfarninggood morning neeraj, how are you doing?16:05
neerajgood morning dfarning  I am fine..16:06
neerajhow are you?16:06
dfarningneeraj, how are the activities coming.16:06
neerajdfarning: As I told you earlier I was just going through sugar mannual I will start with packaging activity now..16:07
dfarningneeraj, I am well rested... I will have to either work work you guys longer in the morning of longer in the evening.  I was not getting enough sleep meeting you on both ends16:07
dfarningneeraj, ok16:08
kandarpkdfarning, sugar got installed16:08
neerajdfarning:  I will ping u in 15 min.. after dinner..16:08
dfarningkandarpk, awesome. does it work?16:08
dfarningneeraj, see you soon.16:08
kandarpkemulator is working better than it did in Ubuntu16:09
kandarpkcompletely amazing16:09
ankurkhuranadfarning,i am back16:09
kandarpkweb browser is working good16:10
ankurkhuranacurrently in ubuntu.16:10
dfarningnice, we will have to figure out what is going wrong with ubuntu and why16:10
kandarpkits now that I know how sugar is supposed to behave16:10
kandarpklet me try sugar session16:12
dfarningkandarpk, cool.  since ubuntu works much better on debian.  It might be a good idea to focus on creating the documentation so everyone else can see how well it works.16:14
dfarningankurkhurana, how are you doing?16:14
ankurkhuranadfarning,  i would be leaving early today , as it's my parents anniversary today, can you assign me the tasks so that i could get back to you after i am done with them?16:14
kandarpkdfarning, do we have only browse and read activity ?16:15
ankurkhuranadfarning,  i am fine :)16:15
kandarpkhey ankurkhurana, wish them a happy anniversary16:15
dfarningankurkhurana, you are working in ubuntu 10.10?16:15
neerajdfarning: I am back.. I can work on packaging activities :)16:15
ankurkhuranano i am currently in 10.0416:16
ankurkhuranawith a virtual box running 10.1016:16
dfarningankurkhurana, ok then the next task for you will be testing the sugar packages in 10.10.  and then updating the as necessary16:17
dfarningneeraj, great.16:17
ankurkhuranai would be adding sugar ppa in 10.10 and try to run xephyr in it after upgrading everything16:18
dfarningankurkhurana, are their sugar packages available in 10.10 with out adding the ppa?16:19
dfarningankurkhurana, they might be auto synced from debian already16:19
ankurkhuranachecking on it16:20
kandarpkdfarning, read activity failed to start16:23
neerajdfarning: can you guide me where should I start?16:23
dfarningkandarpk, I belive that you will need to install activities manually with apt-get or synaptic.16:24
ankurkhuranadfarning, i can't upgrade sucrose because of browse activity.16:24
ankurkhuranadidnt we remove the browse activity dependency?16:24
dfarningkandarpk, can you write down the problems you come across and email them to me.  I will talk to manu about the order he want to tackle them.16:26
ankurkhuranadfarning,  i am getting errors ,all those which we tried to solve in past few days.I suppose i will have to add ppa to get the latest version16:26
kandarpkhave some other problems as well16:26
dfarningankurkhurana, exactly +1 ppa packages are for 10.04 so you will have to rebuild the necessary packages for 10.1016:27
dfarningneeraj, I would start by going to the debain activity package list16:28
ankurkhuranadfarning, got it, they will need repackaging and change in dput.cf file as well and then we upload them to our ppa16:29
ankurkhuranaam i right?16:29
dfarningYes that is correct.16:29
ankurkhuranadfarning,  any tutorials or link for that , sure i will search for them but i will be leaving now.so16:30
ankurkhuranapointers to perform the job.i will meet you in morning(IST)16:31
dfarningankurkhurana, it is exactly the same process as we used for building and uploading the packages to the ppa for 10.0416:32
dfarningankurkhurana, if you get lost on anything the other members of the team can help you.... that is way we are spending so much time cross training:)16:33
ankurkhuranadfarning,  i was not exactly asking that, i was asking for keywords and changes. and surely that is a much smarter way. Shall i try to upload packages on my own, as i get it? i am sure if anything goes wrong it can be rectified or shall i wait for you tommorow evening?16:35
ankurkhuranaalso what time you will be coming from now on, your morning or evening?16:36
dfarningankurkhurana, I think that It will work better if I come for my evening add stay longer as needed.16:37
kandarpkdfarning, oh no...16:37
dfarningankurkhurana,  go ahead and upload. it is impossiable to break anything.16:37
dfarningkandarpk, yes.16:37
ankurkhuranadfarning,  then i will be looking for you this evening. going now.Bye everybody tke care :)16:38
kandarpkI am not available in the morning(IST) most of the times16:38
dfarningkandarpk, how about evenings starting around 7 or 8 your time.  That will let me get a normal nights rest.16:40
neerajdfarning: Sorry for I ignorance but I guess you are talking about package listed here http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=sugar16:42
dfarningkandarpk can you seen a quick email to jonas at the olpc-devel mailing list introducing your self and describing what you are doing.  He is getting eager to meet you:)16:42
kandarpkand its 9:15 here16:43
kandarpkso if you can come at around 816:44
kandarpkit will be great16:44
dfarningkandarpk, I will try16:44
dfarningneeraj, yes, can you start by looking at the calculate activity?16:45
kandarpkshall I mail it on the mailing list addressing Jonas ?16:45
dfarningkandarpk, yes, that would be good.16:45
kandarpkby the way, I had joined the IRC as kandarpkaus-010a16:46
kandarpkfrom sugar16:47
dfarningnice I was wonder what systems your various name were for.16:48
kandarpkdfarning, sugar's the culprit ....is that another bug in sugar16:50
dfarningkandarpk, I think sugar create the name kandarpkaus-010a on purpose.  we will have to ask upstream16:53
neerajdfarning: please enlighten me what exactly I need to do.. I think my main task is to download these packages and push them in sugar ppa after building16:53
dfarningneeraj, that is correct.  Our end goal is to have all of the important activites individually packaged for ubuntu.16:54
dfarningneeraj, to get started I rolled all of the activites into a single packages.... it was quick but will not be accepted in to ubuntu universe16:56
dfarningneeraj, the process ( for now ) will be to grab a couple of easy packages from debian, update them to the latest version on ASLO, upload them to the ppa, remove that activity from the current activity clump, and test out your work.16:58
dfarningneeraj, after you have done a couple of activities, we will ask you to start packing activities directly in debian.17:00
dfarningneeraj, is that more clear?17:01
neerajdfarning: crystal clear :)17:01
neerajwait.. aslo?17:03
dfarningneeraj, currently kandarpk is setting up and testing sugar in debian, dipankar is learning to use git and package for debian, and anurak is installing and testing ubuntu 10.10, and you are learning to package activites.  This weekend I hope that we can start combining these skill and start building activies directly in debain and autosyncing them to ubuntu.17:05
dfarningneeraj,  ASLO stands for activites.sugarlabs.org17:06
neerajdfarning: kk..17:06
dfarningneeraj, it is where all of the most recent versions of activities are available.17:07
neerajdfarning: mainly after building these packages we will upload it at both ASLO and ppa..17:08
neerajAfter that we will test them on our local system.. for ny bug(if ny)17:08
dfarningneeraj, actully, we will be grabbing the activites from ALSO, adding some packaging stuff, and uploading them to debian.  Then we will 'pull' the activites into ubuntu using something called autosync.17:11
neerajdfarning: ok..17:12
dfarningneeraj, there is information on syncing at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess17:12
dfarningneeraj, we can't sync to ubuntu 10.04 because it is too late in the release process for 10.0417:15
dfarningbut we can sync to 10.10 until sept 24 according to the calander at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule17:15
neerajdfarning: ok..17:17
dfarningneeraj, I understand it is confussing.... but I think all of the pieces will start to make sense in a week or so.17:18
neerajdfarning: yeah.. hope so the confusion gets clear soon :).. Ok can you help me with calculate activity now so that I can get a clear idea17:19
dfarningneeraj, I am looking for a link that lfaraone sent to dipankar last night.17:25
neerajdfarning: Ok.. I will wait..17:25
dfarningneeraj, the link I was look for is http://wiki.debian.org/Sugar/GettingStartedGuide17:27
dfarningneeraj, can you start by creating the following: An account on Alioth.17:29
dfarningA subscription to the debian-olpc-devel mailing list17:29
dfarningMembership in the debian-olpc and collab-maint Alioth teams.17:29
dfarningand then send a brief email introduction to debian-oplc mailing list describing what you are going to be working on.17:30
kandarpkdfarning, what should I look for now ?17:31
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj
dfarningkandarpk, can you follow the same instructions I just gave neeraj?17:33
kandarpkI am a member of debian-olpc17:33
kandarpkand mailed just now17:33
dfarningkandarpk, Yes, see you are subscribed and successfully sent an email to the list.17:35
dfarningkandarpk, have you created an account on alioth and applied for membership to the two teams.17:37
kandarpkI am searching for it17:38
kandarpkIs this the link :17:38
dfarningkandarpk, there are links at the top of http://wiki.debian.org/Sugar/GettingStartedGuide17:39
neerajdfarning: I guess there is something wrong with alioth.debian.org registration process. Tomorrow morning, I will again try to register on it17:43
manusheelneeraj: Please let me know what issues are we facing there.17:47
neerajmanusheel sir : after clicking on confirmation mail, I get redirected to alioth.debian.org with the following msg17:49
neerajIn order to complete your registration, login now. Your account will then be activated for normal logins.17:49
neerajbut when I try to log in then it shows17:50
neerajCould Not Get User17:50
manusheelneeraj: I have seen that problem occuring while registering myself at certain list servs. Sure.17:50
manusheeldfarning: Is there a workaround for this? Whom can we contact on this issue?17:51
kandarpkneeraj, did you add -guest after your username ?17:52
neerajkandarpk: thanks... I forgot to add -guest :)17:56
kandarpkso did I17:56
manusheelneeraj and kandarpk:17:57
manusheelglad it worked out17:57
manusheelkandarpk: Experience matters.17:57
manusheelneeraj: We can now move forward with the next set of tasks. Appreciate your patience.17:58
neerajmanusheel sir: Sure.. Right now I am applying for debian-olpc  and collab-maint Alioth teams.18:00
manusheelneeraj: Sure, Neeraj.18:00
manusheelneeraj: Kindly send me an e-mail once you get a confirmation on it.18:01
neerajmanusheel sir: Ok18:02
dfarningmanusheel, everyone is ramping  up to start packaging directly on debian.  dipankar learnined about git. neeraj is learning about packaging activities, and kandar is gaining familiarity with debian unstable and sugar on debain.18:04
dfarningmanusheel, the goal over the next couple of day will be packaging activities on debain using git.18:05
dfarningmanusheel, I have specifically ask each person to concentrate on a part of that problem so they will be able to teach the others their new skills and come together as a team.18:06
dfarningmanusheel, and ankur is installing and gaining familiarity with ubuntu 10.01. so he can 'sync' the new debian packages to ubuntu 10.10.18:08
dfarningmanusheel, that will bring us full circle on the entire packaging workflow and the skill neecessary to achive it.18:09
manusheeldfarning: Great. That is wonderful to hear.18:11
dipankarmanusheel: Hello Sir. Sorry, had to go somewhere urgently.18:12
dipankardfarning: Hello. Sorry got late a bit18:12
manusheeldfarning: In this way, our patches will go upstream to Debian, and will be easily synced with Ubuntu. Will save us lot of trouble while working on each of the functional areas.18:12
manusheeldipankar: Sure. You can join us in the assignments now.18:13
manusheeldipankar: How has the git work been coming along?18:13
dipankarmanusheel: Sir, I got started with adding files and committing in git.18:14
dfarningmanusheel, Yes exactly the 'cost' of learning the new skill will be paid back within a couple weeks because of the reduced maintaince work.18:14
manusheeldipankar: Great. That is neat to hear. Please document the required things when you get time.18:14
dipankarmanusheel: Next task that Luke assigned me was trying out updating a package. This I am planning to do now before going to sleep.18:15
manusheeldfarning: Sure. The idea is to get our team to become a master in core operating system functional areas, and develop core technical expertise. The following steps should be very helpful in this direction.18:16
manusheeldipankar: Sure. That is a neat workflow.18:16
manusheelkandarpk: Thank you for raising the issues. I'll put them in the spreadsheet.18:17
manusheelWe'll start working on them once we arrive at good conclusion on the set of tasks assigned to all of us.18:17
kandarpkmanusheel sir, please assign me some task for the coming days18:18
manusheelkandarpk: Sure, Kandarp.18:18
dipankarmanusheel, dfarning : I guess I have missed quite a lot of things.. Let me go through irclogs. I will join you in a 5 minutes18:18
manusheeldipankar: Sure.18:18
manusheelkandarpk: You have debian at your system, right? neeraj: you too, right?18:19
manusheelsystem -> local machine.18:19
kandarpkyes sir18:20
neerajmanusheel sir: no.. I don't have debian on my system18:20
manusheelkandarpk: Great. We should start working on the blocker issues in Debian.18:21
manusheelneeraj: Ok.18:21
manusheelkandarpk: Me and David just had a discussion on it.18:24
manusheelneeraj: Learning git and how to package with git is something that we all need to learn to effectively work on the entire packaging workflow. Would like you and Kandarp to work with Dipankar and Luke on developing a clear understanding on this area.18:25
dipankarlfaraone: ping18:28
manusheelneeraj: It would be great if you work on activities while developing this skill set. You'll need to set up the Debian system on your local machine.18:28
manusheelneeraj: Will send you a document on it.18:28
manusheelneeraj: Any questions you have in reference to this area?18:28
neerajmanusheel sir: I guess no ques till now.. Will get back to you or dfarning in case if I need any help.. :)18:32
dipankarlfaraone: you around?18:32
manusheelneeraj: Neat.18:33
lfaraonedipankar: sorry, still in the mtg18:33
manusheelneeraj: I'll send you a manual to get an understand of Sugar software activities (applications).18:33
dipankarlfaraone: ok, No problem18:34
manusheelneeraj: Do go through it side by side.18:34
neerajmanusheel sir: Ok18:35
manusheelkandarpk: I would like you to learn to use git and how to package with git. That is very important for all us to understand the entire packaging workflows.18:35
manusheelWould like to work with Dipankar, Luke and Neeraj on this area.18:36
manusheelkandarpk: I would like you to work on blocker issues in Debian while working on this key area.18:36
kandarpkmanusheel sir, issues like ?18:37
manusheelThe focus will be on control panel, activation and interface in the beginning.18:38
manusheelkandarpk: Three of the issues that were reported by you are blocker issues.18:38
manusheelLet us fix them at the earliest.18:38
manusheelWe can start with -18:38
manusheel1) sugar-emulator crashes on selecting date/time under My Settings.18:39
manusheel3)  nothing happens on selecting language, except for cross and tick appearing on top right side.18:39
kandarpkmanusheel sir, 1) is solved18:39
kandarpkafter updating18:39
manusheel5) Emulator doesn't restart automatically after changing color18:40
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, great.18:40
kandarpkmanusheel sir, the emulator never restarts18:40
kandarpkafter updating values18:41
kandarpkunder my settings18:41
manusheelkandarpk: That is an issue, Kandarp. We'll need to open a separate issue for this.18:41
dfarningI am going to good to lunch.  but before I go I would like to mention that I had a good talk with Jonas this morning.  He understands our long term commitment to Sugar on Ubuntu and Debian.  He will try to be as patient and helpful as possible..... but while jonas has very good technical skills, he somethimes forgets to use his social skill.  So please don't take anything he says personally:)18:42
manusheeldfarning: Thank you for informing us about it. Appreciate your support.18:42
manusheelkandarpk: Let us see if we can get some help on this issue.18:43
manusheelkandarpk: Can you undo the changes and see if the emulator starts up?18:44
kandarpkthe emulator can be restarted manually18:45
kandarpkthere is no problem in that18:45
kandarpkbut shouldn't selecting restart now restart it automatically ?18:45
manusheelkandarpk: Let us discuss this issue on debian mailing list, and see if we can get some help for this issue.18:46
manusheelIt should.18:46
manusheelkandarpk: Please mention the initial issue, the fix committed, the new issue (emulator restart problem) in that memo.18:47
kandarpkOk sir18:47
dipankarmanusheel: Sir, I have done the upgrading a packaging in git.18:47
manusheeldipankar: Neat. Glad to hear.18:48
manusheelHow did you find it?18:48
dipankarmanusheel: Sir, They are somewhat different from regular packaging that we have done so far..18:49
manusheelkandarpk: Let us work on the other two issues #3 and #5 in the meantime.18:49
manusheeldipankar: Ok, in what all aspects?18:49
manusheelSurely, they ought to be different.18:49
dipankarmanusheel: Sir, like we are not running buildpackage after changing any file18:50
manusheeldipankar: Sure, Dipankar.18:50
dipankarmanusheel: Sir, we just run git commit18:50
manusheeldipankar: Yes.18:50
dipankarmanusheel: Sir, then how come the changes are uploaded to git..18:51
manusheelkandarpk: Please send me the documentation reports too whenever you get time today or tomorrow.18:51
kandarpkSir. I've made the docs but was not able to run sphinx to generate HTMLs18:52
manusheeldipankar: They are approved by the central maintainer, and pushed by the person. We do a git push for pushing the changes to the git.18:52
manusheelkandarpk: Ok.18:52
kandarpkIts not installed on Debian18:52
manusheelkandarpk: Sure.18:53
dipankarmanusheel: Sir, Ok.. So we need not necessarily build package for pushing changes in git unlike ppa18:53
manusheeldipankar: Yes. That part is done by the tree maintainer. We can do that only when the person gives us those rights.18:54
manusheeldipankar - ppa is "personal" package manager. Git is not a personal package manager :-)18:55
dipankarmanusheel: ok Sir.. That makes sense, :)18:56
manusheeldipankar : :-)18:56
manusheeldipankar: Please do the git documentation at the earliest.18:56
manusheeldipankar: Very important. Kandarp and Neeraj will be coming upto speed on this front. They'll need in their core functional tasks.18:57
dipankarok Sir.. How about I do the documentation first thing in the morning tomorrow?18:57
manusheeldipankar: Sure.18:58
dipankarside-by-side I can continue understanding git closely.18:58
manusheeldipankar: Absolutely.18:58
dipankarI miss the bug removal tasks! :( They used to be so challenging..18:58
manusheeldipankar: You'll be working on them after completing this part. Very very important.18:59
dipankarok Sir :)19:00
manusheeldipankar: That area has not been very well done.19:00
manusheeldipankar: Power management is the functional area that I would like you to test side by side as you get time.19:00
neerajdipankar: kandarpk sir please upload the documents on usr development folder which Manu sir shared with us..19:00
manusheelyes, please do so there too, as explained in the e-mail.19:01
kandarpkdipankar, you modified sugar-emulator script successfully ?19:03
dipankarneeraj: I didn't get you clearly..19:05
manusheeldipankar, neeraj, kandarpk: will be writing a couple of technical documents. Please send me an e-mail to expedite communication.19:06
dipankarkandarpk: Sir. Sorry not yet.. David was able to produce the result from same codes where as I couldn't19:07
dipankarkandarpk: Sir, I will check that fix again tomorrow by running an update.19:07
kandarpkdipankar: you can replace $@ with -f19:08
kandarpkin /usr/bin/sugar-emulator19:08
kandarpklast line in the script19:08
neeraj dipankar  log in into your seeta mail a/c. Go to google -documents-> shared folder with me19:08
kandarpkdipankar, and just comment out the original line19:09
kandarpkdo not modify it19:09
dipankaractually the file we should be looking for is /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator19:09
kandarpkso that you know what the original script was19:09
kandarpkthe main menu is using /usr/bin/su...19:10
kandarpkso just thought that one is to be used19:10
dipankaryou may be correct..19:10
dipankarbut can try this in the morning only19:10
dipankarI am laptop and all sugar packages are installed on desktop (test-machine)19:11
dipankarbut sure I will give that a try19:11
kandarpkyou just need to edit 1 line19:11
kandarpkthat worked for me19:11
dipankarI got you :) The python -c... line19:12
kandarpkso not to worry19:12
kandarpkremember : do not modify19:12
kandarpkjust comment it out19:12
dipankarI thought -f was checked by the script only..19:12
kandarpk$@ means command line argument19:12
dipankarohk.. that explains19:13
kandarpkso, if you want it to always run in full screen19:13
dipankar...change $@ to -f19:14
dipankarBut I was thinking another way19:15
kandarpkdipankar, like ?19:15
dipankarthere is this file, sugar.desktop in /usr/share/applications/19:15
dipankaror sugar-emulator,.. confused with name..19:16
dipankarso in that file, the script /bin/sugar-emulator is called..19:17
dipankarwith a line Exec = '/usr/bin/sugar-emulator'19:17
dipankarI was thinking of adding a -f in the above19:17
kandarpkthats a better option19:18
dipankarthat would make the situation: if somebody runs emulator from applications menu19:18
dipankars/he will get a full screen19:18
kandarpkyou are right19:19
dipankarbut for developers like us, in terminal running 'sugar-emulator' would run a window mode19:19
kandarpkand executing emulator from terminal wont change its default behaviour19:19
kandarpkdefinitely a better approach19:19
dipankarI guess that would be a better option :)19:19
dipankarThis above process worked in David's machine19:20
dipankarBut not on mine :(19:20
dipankarI have to try again tomorrow morning19:21
dipankarbtw how's Debian as compared to Ubuntu?19:21
kandarpklooks good19:22
kandarpkbut not much of a difference19:22
kandarpkin the end they all are running Gnome19:23
dipankarwould try that some day..19:23
dipankarSo, the packages are working fine there?19:23
kandarpksugar is wonderful19:24
kandarpkon debian19:24
kandarpkcompletely different experience19:24
dipankarneeraj: Ok got it now.. I will do as you mentioned19:27
dipankarkandarpk: sir how so?19:27
dipankarI mean the packages are same...19:27
kandarpkbut everything is working almost perfectly19:27
kandarpkthe web browser19:28
kandarpkis just like any other we use19:28
dipankarthats why we are here :P19:28
dipankarmanusheel sir, kandarpk sir, neeraj , dfarning : I should go to bed now :) Bye all.  Goodnight19:31
neerajdipankar: good night19:32
kandarpkgood night19:32

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