
akgranerpleia2, :-)00:23
MarkDudeHello akgraner , is there any good news on you being able to make CLS or OSCON?00:32
akgranerI have it all covered except the plane ticket00:32
akgranerand I'll find out this week if I will get that covered00:32
MarkDudeIS UW going to have a table there?00:32
* MarkDude already has a table set to share for Oregon, Washington, California00:34
MarkDudeWe do have some table space for other Teams literature, stickers, etc.00:35
pleia2I don't think we were planning on it00:35
MichelleQwish I could be in attendance.  :(00:35
pleia2but maybe I can get some stuff printed for you to take up?00:35
pleia2akgraner: do we know what ever happened to the shirts and posters?00:36
MarkDudeI can put out UW stuff, and make whatever clarifications UW wants to specify that I am a member, don't represent it officially, etc00:37
MarkDudeWhatever keeps it copacetic00:37
pleia2yeah, I'll coach you at our A's geeknic!00:38
macoin linuxchix, the dudes that hang around are referred to as the Men's Auxilliary00:38
MarkDudeSounds good :)00:38
pleia2are we really doing the A's geeknic? I am so excited and don't know if it's real yet00:38
* MarkDude will pastebin the copy to you in a few pleia2 00:38
macooh sorry Gentlemen's Auxiliary00:39
MarkDudeCan I get a patch that says UW MA ?00:39
* MarkDude likes MA better :D00:39
macoso you're not GAH!!!00:39
* MarkDude would be ok with that00:39
macoMarkDude:  http://geekfeminism.org/2010/01/25/linux-conf-nz-and-drupalsouth/00:39
macojames_w is in the Gentlemen's Auxiliary00:40
akgranerpleia2, yep...00:40
MarkDudeBette than the other suggestions for me: loose cannon, uppity guy,00:41
akgranerThey ended up at my neighbors house who had no idea what it was...00:41
pleia2akgraner: haha00:41
akgranerand since they didn't know who Amber Graner was00:41
akgranerb/c they didn't know me as that name00:41
macothey know you as some other name?00:41
macoor just as "pete's wife"?00:41
pleia2"crazy lady"00:41
macothat was my other suggestion00:42
akgranernope  - my childhood nick and maiden name00:42
pleia2so do you have them now, or did they get sent back to tshirt and posterland?00:42
macodid they come over "amber, did you get married?"00:42
akgranerthey returned it all....00:42
akgranerbut I got it tracked down00:42
akgranerwe'll get it back :-)00:42
pleia2what an adventure :)00:42
akgranerpleia2, always...00:43
akgranerI need to write this stuff down - lie is really stranger than fiction00:43
akgranerlife even00:43
MarkDudeCool link, Liz Henry rocks!00:43
MarkDudeThe other thing was CDs for OSCON, I put a special request for 500 from shippit, (Kubuntu also at valorie's request ) was that the right place to submit for a convention? Or is there another tree I should bark at?00:48
pleia2that's the right place00:48
pleia2but I think they need 6 weeks notice for conferences, so I'd be sure to burn some too00:49
pleia2it's oscon so a lot of people will be familiar with ubuntu, burned cds along with pressed is fine00:49
MarkDudeThats ok either way. So does Ubuntu plan on having a table there also?00:52
pleia2canonical, you mean?00:53
pleia2"ubuntu being there" would be the loco teams, "canonical being there" would mean canonical00:53
* MarkDude means somebody else with Ubuntu CDs00:54
MarkDudeanybody :D00:54
pleia2but I'm not sure00:54
pleia2ok, I need to wrap up work and get to the gym00:54
MarkDudeyasumoto cant make it now, we need somebody else from CA , or I will be the rep from there also00:54
pleia2ah, shame00:55
* MarkDude tells pleia2 to go to the gym00:55
MarkDudenicely & encouragingly that is :)00:55
MarkDudeAnyone else in UW plan on going to OSCON, and possibly helping at the local table?00:56
akgranerMarkDude, I will be staffing the Linux Pro Booth if I get to go - but can help with getting giveaways and stuff like that00:58
akgranerI'll email you on what we did last year00:58
MarkDudeakgraner, sounds good, ZA hooked me up with some stickers00:59
MarkDude& a few of the penguin & Ubuntu case badges01:01
=== MarkDude is now known as omd
=== omd is now known as MarkDude
* czajkowski yawns 17:44
jledbetterczajkowski: That's contagious.19:49
DarkNemesismmm any dev's want to take an idea i have?22:37
AlanBelldepends on the idea and dev required I expect22:38
DarkNemesisis there a way of saving account details to ubuntu one so that one can transfer all your accounts (yahoo, hotmail,gmail icq... irc... jabber.. everything) to the new machine (web book / lappy 2nd desktop) via ubuntu one? like syncing account details, and passwords if not would any one build this as it would  be good and improve ubuntu  or just sync configs, including options for ff addons22:38
DarkNemesis                            22:38
AlanBellI believe such things have been thought about22:38
AlanBellaquarius (sil) is the lead developer of that stuff22:39
AlanBell#ubuntu-one is where it is happening22:40
macoAlanBell: wait*THAT* is what Aq is short for? do people randomly start singing "Age of Aquarius" when he's around?23:21
AlanBellI do23:22
AlanBellbut not out loud, that might scare people23:22
PendulumAlanBell: glad I'm not the only person who thinks that23:31
Pendulummaco: to make it more confusion I'm in an IRC channel that has both aquarius and an Aquarion. You can imagine the tab fail ;-)23:31
macoPendulum: just like el*y23:32
Pendulummaco: yes23:32
macoAlanBell: is he young enough to have been named for the song?23:32
Pendulummaco: I think somewhere his blog may explain where it came from, but I don't think it's the song23:33
AlanBellmaco: well his name is Stuart23:42

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