
KianaConclusion: use gnome desktop instead of Xfce (xorg drivers for S3 UniChrome Pro are outdated: at least 5 kernels old)00:15
cdoublejj|afkwhats the wine repository apt line for xubunut 9.04?01:23
bazhangcdoublejj|afk, check in #winehq01:25
kr4zy10whats the diff b/w unbuntu and xunbuntu01:29
bazhangxfce4 and gnome, as well as certain apps01:29
kr4zy10ok, thanks01:29
=== cdoublejj|afk is now known as cdoublejj
=== samba is now known as Guest93384
=== ShapeShifter499_ is now known as ShapeShifter499
_Techie_hello sambaDwol03:22
sambaDwoli'm a newer or a newbie of xubuntu and i count on your help for improve03:22
_Techie_glad to hear sambaDwol, i hope my fellow #xubuntu users and i can be of help to you03:23
Raggshi _Techie_03:24
_Techie_heya Raggs03:24
sambaDwoli can't continue my XChat IRC configuration cause i don't what to put in  Nickserv password and Server password.  Do i have to create mine or they already exist?03:24
_Techie_dont bother about nixkserv and server password untill you have registed a desired nickname03:25
sambaDwolok, but i think i've already a desired nickname03:26
sambaDwolSo i have to create mine, _Techie_, or they already exist03:26
_Techie_you will have to create it03:27
sambaDwolor i can connect by using a different name by connection?03:27
_Techie_just stick to the basics to start with03:28
sambaDwolI think i'm doing well for my first use of an IRC channel03:28
sambaDwolAre you an developper, _Techie_03:28
_Techie_im just a regular computer tech03:29
sambaDwolI wanna become a C developper03:29
sambaDwolI'm a comuter technician too03:30
sambaDwolbut i was on windows03:30
sambaDwolnow i fall in love for gnu/linux03:30
_Techie_i work with linux windows and mac, i started out working with windows and started to use linux as a hobby and its gone places from there03:31
sambaDwolsometimes i find some failures on linux and i don't know how to resolve them03:33
sambaDwolbut i use it well i think cause i'm helped by people on the net03:33
_Techie_sambaDwol, with a bit of knowledge and experience you will be able to overcome these failures03:33
sambaDwolI really hope so03:33
_Techie_and maybe one day you may choose to help out others in this channel as many others have chosen to do03:34
sambaDwolby example sometimes my panel disappear and i don't know what to do for seeing it again03:35
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/03:35
_Techie_we get that one alot03:35
_Techie_anyway, im gonna go watch some music videos, ill be back later03:39
sambaDwol if i need to see how much computers are connected on the same network with me, do oblige i configure the samba04:01
sambaDwolgood bye every body, you know that we must sleep04:03
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
robertzaccourwill there be a new theme for maverick?04:54
robertzaccourthe current one is great, can't imagine it being much better04:55
__Techie__im broadcasting live, feel free to listen in05:14
=== Balsaq is now known as uyyg
robertzaccourlets just pretend balsaq is your last name haha05:24
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:47
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:47
bazhangjust testing, my apologies05:48
Niglopdoes anybody recognize this icon pack? http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/894/1277853924822.png05:51
robertzaccouri made my own chat05:59
=== thoffmeyer is now known as thoffmeyer|AFK
sagari have execute for certain file formats in xubuntu can anyone tell me how to change it to be non executable at double clicks06:45
xubuntu287anyone out there?07:57
ping__lucehi. I installed wicd, and then removed it with apt-get. after doing that I cannot restore the network manager icon on the xfce-panel. what could I do ? thanks08:30
bazhangping__luce, wicd removes network manager iirc, tried reinstalling it?08:31
ping__lucebazhang: network-manager-gnome is installed. I can launch the applet that edits the connections (nm-applet) but I can't see the status of the connections08:33
ping__lucewhich is shown in the icon I just said08:33
bazhangping__luce, not sure, I generally do it via the command line08:33
bazhangis this wireless or wired08:34
ping__lucebazhang: it's a mobile usb. through command line, how can I enable it ? it's on ttyUSB008:34
ping__luceand it's correctly configured08:34
bazhangping__luce, it shows up in ifconfig and iwconfig?08:35
ping__lucebazhang: no.08:35
bazhangsomething like wlan0 ath0 or the like08:35
ping__lucebazhang: no08:35
ping__luceI only see eth0 and lo08:35
bazhangthen it does not have the correct drivers I suspect. what chipset for that NIC lsusb to check08:36
ping__lucebazhang: I'm pretty sure that the drivers are correct08:37
bazhangping__luce, yet it does not show up in ifconfig? that's a first for me then08:37
ping__lucebazhang: ID 0b3c:c00008:39
bazhangping__luce, and a netsearch of that ID provides what?08:39
ping__luce# This udev rule automatically eject the virtual USB CD-ROM drive when connecting the Olivetti Data Card 100 HSDPA modem08:40
ping__luceKERNEL=="sr[0-9]",SYSFS{idVendor}=="0b3c",SYSFS{idProduct}=="c700",SYMLINK="GKxdatacarddisk",RUN+="/usr/bin/eject -s %k"08:40
ping__luceand that:08:40
ping__luce# This udev rule automatically loads the usbserial kernel module for the Olivetti Data Card 100 HSDPA Modem08:40
ping__luceSYSFS{idVendor}=="0b3c",SYSFS{idProduct}=="c000",RUN+="/sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0b3c product=0xc000"08:40
ping__luce(I edited:  sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/10-OLIdatacarddisk.rules and sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/11-OLIdatacardmodules.rules)08:41
ping__luceI'm running xubuntu 10.0408:41
bazhangthat's a mouse08:42
ping__lucebazhang: ... no08:43
bazhangwireless modem is what you meant, not a wireless usb NIC device08:43
bazhangtry the package usb-modeswitch08:46
bazhang!info usb-modeswitch08:46
ubottuusb-modeswitch (source: usb-modeswitch): mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.0-2 (lucid), package size 32 kB, installed size 136 kB08:46
bazhangthey're still patching the kernel to support that08:47
ping__lucebazhang: so what could I do?08:47
bazhangtry the package usb-modeswitch08:48
bazhangjust a month ago the kernel developers were discussing a patch for that device08:48
ping__lucebazhang: and after having installed this package?08:48
bazhangie the Linux kernel developers (not Ubuntu)08:49
bazhangping__luce, there are a couple of google links on how to patch the kernel for that device08:49
bazhangping__luce, its seems it is quite new and not yet supported without some serious workarounds08:49
ping__lucebazhang: but after installing usb-modeswitch what I have to do?08:50
bazhangping__luce, just a suggestion, one of the links on patching the kernel suggested installing that08:50
bazhangand hope your changes work out08:50
ping__luceI see. thanks08:51
ping__lucebazhang: but this means that I have to recompile the kernel, right ?08:54
bazhangping__luce, you see by that link that its a more recent kernel, right?08:55
ping__lucebazhang: I don't know that08:56
bazhang!info linux08:57
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)08:57
ping__lucebazhang: my kernl is 2.6.32-21-generic08:57
bazhang2-6-34 is what they are referencing08:57
bazhangie full kernel inclusion in either 33 or 3408:58
ping__lucebazhang: I see. so, what I have to do? I have to install a new patched kernel?08:58
bazhangping__luce, for the time being it would seem so. I would try another device if you have one as that would be a much easier workaround while waiting for the inclusion in the kernel08:59
bazhangbut that's entirely up to you08:59
ping__lucebazhang: I don't have another device08:59
ping__lucein addition, a lot of people used that device on 9.04 and it worked09:01
bazhangping__luce, I would check the ubuntuforums then, if you wish I will take a look as well09:01
bazhangthe e220?09:02
ping__lucebazhang: ?09:04
bazhangmodel number09:04
ping__luceI already checked ubuntuforums . And I found guide for installing this device on 9.04 .09:04
ping__luceBus 002 Device 007: ID 0b3c:c000 Olivetti Techcenter09:05
bazhangand the model number was ?09:05
bazhangie on the box it came in, or on the device itself09:05
ping__lucebazhang: OLICARD10009:07
ping__luce(I only have model  name)09:07
bazhanghttp://www.witchcityweb.com/275/how-to-install-linux-on-a-stick-tim-olivetti-100/ from this?09:09
ping__lucebazhang: exactly09:09
bazhangwell it apparently worked up to 9.10 ; perhaps a bug report for Lucid 10.04 is in order09:10
ping__lucebut now I'm seeing that there are some instruction added09:10
ping__lucelet's try09:11
bazhangthe instructions say sudo gedit which is incorrect, btw; it should be gksudo gedit09:11
Sysi(xubuntu has mousepad by default)09:13
bazhanggskudo mousepad ?09:13
bazhangerr gksudo mousepad?09:13
bazhangthanks Sysi09:14
Sysiping__luce: have you had connection to internet with that modem?09:16
Sysiwith lucid09:16
Sysiif you start nm-applet in terminal, does it give error?09:19
ping__luceSysi: I can launch nm-applet and it does not give me errors. I never had connection to internet with that modem09:21
ping__lucebut the major problem is that I cannot see the connections icon anymore!09:22
ping__lucewhen I launch wvdial --> Cannot open / dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory09:23
ping__lucewell. finally I solved all. but now this problem remains: the network manager applet doesn't show automatically, after boot. what could I do?10:09
bazhangping__luce, care to share how you solved it?10:09
ping__lucebazhang: it's absurd to say. I had to check "connect automatically".10:10
bazhangping__luce, okay nice; glad it was that simple10:11
ping__lucebazhang: yes, but surely there's a bug10:11
bazhangping__luce, could well be10:11
ping__lucebecause it's not a normal procedure10:11
ping__luceanyway, how can I restore this damned icon? after installing wicd, it disappeared10:11
ping__luceand there's no way to restore it10:11
bazhangthe notification area is there?10:12
ping__lucebazhang: the problem is that this notification area seems damaged and I can't remove it10:18
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
generalsnusHi all!, need some wifi help here.  Installed 10.04 on a old laptop with a pcmcia 11mb wifi card, o2 micro.. seems to work.. i can see my AP.. but it wont connect.. just sitting there thinking for a few min, and goes back to disconnected. i have even tried to turn off all wireless security on AP aswell.11:29
kthakorehi I am having trouble with my radeon card11:55
kthakoreradeon_texture.c:86: radeonFreeTexImageData: Assertion `!image->base.Data' failed.11:55
Niglophow can I edit my rick click menu?12:14
nicofshow can i listen to what my microphone is recording in real time?12:15
Niglophow can I edit my rick click menu?12:17
SysiNiglop: be patient12:20
SysiAFAIK it's not possible anymore in other way that modifying xml files12:20
* Niglop is back (gone 06:56:33)12:24
Niglopits not letting me right click my desktop?12:25
Sysi(using public away isn't good internet behaviour)12:26
nicofshow can i listen to what my microphone is recording in real time?12:27
Niglopits not letting me right click my desktop on this user12:52
Niglopany clues why?12:52
Sysisee desktop settings12:52
Nigloplol what part of it?12:52
Sysithe most right tab iirc12:53
Niglopwhere are desktop settings12:54
Niglopwhere are desktop settings12:56
Sysimenu → settings → desktop12:57
Nigloptheres no iirc tab12:57
Niglopjust background menus and icons12:57
Nigloptheres no iirc tab12:58
Niglopjust background menus and icons12:58
Sysiiirc stands for "if i remember correctly"12:58
Sysimy bad, didn't write it uppercase12:59
Niglopthats the icons tab L12:59
Niglopnothing there Sysi13:00
Sysitry menus13:00
duckslammeranybody here familiar with sendmail configuration?  i have a simple question13:03
fbxxklDoes anyone here have experience with ubuntu studio I am having trouble getting it to install/partition my SATA Raid0 Striped disks.13:13
Sysithis isn't channel for ubuntu studio13:13
fbxxklwell I thought i might ask since ubuntu studio is pretty quiet13:13
fbxxklpeople here are generally very helpful (and knowledgable)13:13
Sysidid you wait longer than 3 minutes? :p13:14
fbxxkl2 minutes 58 seconds? :P13:14
Sysi#ubuntu would be better than this maybe13:15
fbxxklok. thanks13:15
fbxxklThanks Sysi13:16
Sysiseems that livecd don't like raid13:17
fbxxklwhere do you see that?13:18
fbxxklI hate google.  They know everything :P13:18
Sysiimo it's not as good as used to13:19
fbxxklits very ad driven13:19
fbxxklhmm it says on the Ubuntu-Studio site that I am supposed to be able to do LVM/Raid installation13:23
fbxxklor I should say LVM and/or raid partitioning13:24
fbxxkldoes that mean software raid Sysi?13:24
Sysii don't know13:24
fbxxkltime to see if it partitions with out raid set up13:27
fbxxklthanks again for chatting13:27
duckslammergreets, i am having a problem with window placement on one particular app: when the pdf viewer launches, the window is positioned so the right side is off the edge of the desktop, and the window cannot be moved.  i'm getting around it by using the button on the left side of the window to maximize, which works, but it's a pain to have to do that every time.  how do i set the default to put the window in the middle of my workspace?13:27
* duckslammer .13:34
TheSheepduckslammer: try moving it by holding alt and dragging the window13:43
TheSheepduckslammer: it rememebers the last position13:43
duckslammera tip in the jar for TheSheep13:45
=== xxx is now known as Guest60860
Guest60860Hi -- I am trying to solve this error: Makefile:159: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. Stop.13:58
Guest60860Can I use Ubuntu Software Center to install "Linux kernel sources" ?13:59
Guest60860If yes, what should I search for ?13:59
Guest60860If not :)13:59
Guest60860I am using XUbuntu v10.0414:00
TheSheepI guess you need to use synaptic14:01
TheSheepin system->synaptic packagae manager14:02
Guest60860got it thank you14:17
Guest60860can you help me which headers to choose: ...2.6.32-22-386 or 2.6.32-22-generic-pae ?14:19
Guest60860this is a Thinkpad T43 -- 32 bit machine (5-6 years old)14:19
Sysiuname -a14:20
Guest60860Linux plfalxl100 2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 22:02:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux14:20
Sysinot PAE14:21
nicofshow can i listen to what my microphone is recording in real time?14:37
bababopperIs bluetooth installed by default or should I just install bluez?14:38
likemindeadBluetooth should be there by default.14:40
subspiderbababopper, i had to install it on mine14:40
likemindeadAh, I guess I'm wrong, it's not included by default in Xubuntu.14:41
subspiderbababopper, if you using bloutooth for developing you should install deve packge14:41
likemindeadI'm guessing gnome-bluetooth is the package to install.14:41
bababopperI just need it for a bluetooth mouse14:41
subspiderok bababopper go to console and type sudo apt-get install blueman14:43
subspiderafter that you should have your icon next to clock14:43
subspiderdoes anyone knows how to edit you bash profile on xubuntu14:45
subspideryou welcome14:45
Sysisubspider: there are .bashrc and .profile in home folder14:46
bababopperdo you just edit your .bashrc file14:46
nicofshow can i listen to what my microphone is recording in real time?14:46
Sysino not, .profile14:46
likemindeadI'd install audacity, nicofs.14:46
subspiderthanks Sysi how are you by the way14:47
Sysisummer holiday, weather is nice14:47
subspiderhahahaha nice Sysi i'm from portugal it's freackyng hot14:48
nicofslikemindead: how does that help me? i don't want to record... i want to "amplify"14:48
subspiderhey Sysi how it's possible do edit14:52
Sysisubspider: i'd try google, not done that really14:52
duckslammercan anyone answer a questrion about an apt-get error?15:29
duckslammeri'm trying to add some packages and getting a ton of errors, particularly "ebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable" - I am not running another instance of a package manager so far as I know - where would i find the lockfile and can i safely delete it?15:29
nicofsHow can i use my pc to amplify my microphone?15:33
duckslammerSysi: i found a reference to this on bugs.launchpad.net - it is a known bug - someone recommended deleting all the files in /var/cache/debconf - i'm not familiar with this system, what are the dangers and implications of doing that?15:35
Sysii don't know either15:36
duckslammerthere's a lot of info in those files about installed packages.  apparently there isn't a lockfile that can be deleted, and the problem is caused by an update that didn't complete15:37
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:37
nicofsHow can i use my pc to amplify my microphone?16:35
bababoppernicofs without having a very nice soundcard you would probably just add distortion.16:36
nicofswell... it would be nice if i could at least hear the mic while recording. i can't speak for linux. but with windows it was possible up to win2000. apart from that is my mic active.16:37
bababopperYou haven't tried your mic in xubuntu yet?16:39
nicofswhat exactly do you mean by try?16:39
bababopperInstalling xubuntu and plugging your mic into the mic port on your computer.16:40
bababopperor any other linux distro16:40
nicofswell... xubuntu is installed. mic is plugged in. and in audacity i can record.16:40
nicofsin ubuntu it worked as well.16:41
bababopperIt's just not loud enough for you?16:42
nicofsi want to hear it WHILE recording. i need to set it to some sort of play through.16:43
nicofsi don't want "stop motion", i.e. record, stop, play. i want "speak into mic" --> "what i say out of speaker".16:44
bababopperHave you tried changing the setting under Recording called Software Playthrough in audacity16:51
nicofshang on, will do16:56
nicofsok... works. BUT is slightly delayed and a bit too much for my pcs capacities... i was more looking for a "system setting" way of doing it. as ist was possible some time ago...16:58
nicofsit used to be just a box to tick in the sound settings... i'm looking for something like the old windows sound mixer with options "Master", "Sound", "MIDI", "Line-In", "Microphone" - where i just had to unmute the mic to hear it.17:03
bababopperHave you tried using mixer in the multimedia menu17:05
nicofsit has "master" - the only option.17:06
bababopperYou should be able to add other options when you click select controls17:07
nicofsmaster. only option17:09
nicofsHow can i use my pc to amplify my microphone? i don't want "stop motion", i.e. record, stop, play. what i want is "speak into mic" --> "what i say out of speaker" (instantly; hardware play through it was called, i guess). otherwise, microphone (recording) and sound (play audio files) work.17:38
Sysii don't know how actually do it or if it's even possible, but set up totem or something and put your mic as input17:39
Sysiyou could ask from other channels, repeating ere propably doesn't help much17:40
nicofsbeen repeating in other channels for quite some time now^^17:40
=== litenith is now known as pavlovgg
claoHello. Im having some problem now with the grub video mode, just for the booting part, X works fine. I was usually able to use vga=794 (1024x768, or something like that), but now i can only use the 80x60 video modes, i guess no framebruffer available, but it used to be. Here are some of the interesting bits that i got from the 'hwinfo' command: http://pastebin.com/25T4RGQZ18:31
claoPlease notice that there are two outputs for monitor, the second one appears to be theone that grub is seeing. Acording to the other monitor part, and the videocard part, i have should be able to have the other, wider video modes functuional for booting time, right? i remmeber i had before...18:31
moetunesclao: in /etc/default/grub is the line   GRUB_GFXMODE=   uncommented and what is the res there?18:51
claoi have no such file18:53
moetunesclao: which xubuntu version r you using?18:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:55
claookay, time to read, tahnks18:57
claohmm, i don't think i have grub2, should i install it?18:58
moetunesclao: if you are using 10.04 you have grub219:00
moetunes"ubottu> GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic."19:00
claobut i cant find any of the grub configuration files19:01
claowell, any of the grub219:01
moetuneshe said it wasn't there TheSheep19:02
claosynaptic does show me grub-pc, as package that isnt installed19:03
claogrub --version ->  grub (GNU GRUB 0.97)19:04
claook, so I selected grub-pc to install in synaptic and its going to remove grub...19:04
claoshould i allow it?19:05
claoah, working, great, thanks19:07
Renovatiohi there, i istalled xubuntu today but i'm having problems with audio. can someone help me?19:20
totorodo you use alsa?19:25
Renovatioi don't know, it is as cd istalled it19:25
totorohmmmm, hold on let me get on xfce19:25
ridinRenovatio, not sure where to find it, sorry :(19:31
Renovatiook ridin19:32
claook, now, another prob, if i have gdm2 installed, can i remove gdm?19:56
claoi installed gdm2 per launchpad instructions, but it said nothjing about remoding gdm, and now i have some problem with login screen, it should be disabled but it is always reseting itself to enabled everytime a reboot the pc19:58
duckslammercany anyone advise about MTAs?19:59
dr4xcan somebody help me i have no sound in my xubuntu freshly installed20:32
=== thoffmeyer|AFK is now known as thoffmeyer
gNewPowerHi! Does Xubuntu use a different version of X than Ubuntu?  I am asking this because my upgrade of Ubuntu to 10.04 has crashed my X config, but the Xubuntu live-CD works *perfectly* without using any Nvidia drivers.20:59
xubuntu388HEY fellas and ladies,  have just downloaded and installed xubuntu onto my old netbook and it has given it a whole new outlook on its life which i thought was over lol21:08
xubuntu388HEY fellas and ladies,  have just downloaded and installed xubuntu onto my old netbook and it has given it a whole new outlook on its life which i thought was over lol21:09
cody-somervillexubuntu388, Glad to hear.21:09
xubuntu388its one of the origional asus netbooks with 512 ram and 4 gig ssd21:10
bababopperThat is great xubuntu388!21:10
xubuntu388was listeninging to Leo Laport on his tech guy show and he was describing it to someone21:10
xubuntu388im from northern ireland myself21:10
xubuntu388and wite a small tech/general blog if you guys wana go check it out?21:11
xubuntu388be back in a minute, need coffee21:12
TheTechChairhey guys - how are you all doing?21:43
TheTechChairwow - what a chatty bunch you are lol21:44
cody-somervilleDoing well.21:45
bababopperGreat. How are you doing?21:45
TheTechChaircool, i was speaking to you ther about 10 minutes ago, new to the platform21:45
TheTechChairim great thanks21:45
TheTechChairloving xubuntu21:45
TheTechChairive just installed it on the original netbook - a 3 year old asus with 512 ram and 4 gig ssd21:46
TheTechChairand it is soooo snappy21:46
TheTechChairwhere you all from?21:47

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