[03:22] Hey all, I'm trying to make a live USB key from a custom ubuntu-based .iso. I'm unable to get the usb-creator-gtk program to do respond to any button clicks or, connectedly, create a USB disk. [03:23] using version 0.2.22 on a fresh Lucid install [03:23] the ISO image I'm attempting to live-USB can be found here: http://teach.laptop.org/~it/USR-i386-20100208.iso [03:23] Thanks! [03:24] *and yes, I tried running usb-creator-gtk as root [08:56] Ian_Daniher: don't run usb-creator-gtk as root, it's entirely unnecessary. It has a privileged process that it talks to over dbus for such tasks. [08:57] Ian_Daniher: can you pastebin your ~/.usbcreator.log [10:36] ev: am I being a dipstick? How do I put the install into debug mode when I don't get the grub options in the first place [10:39] davmor2: can you elaborate? Which grub options? Ubiquity or Wubi? [10:41] ev: so I've installed the windows side of wubi, I've rebooted windows, as soon as grub kicks in it drops into grub shell [10:42] ev: So normally I would select from the grub menu the debug option and carry on with the install but I don't have that option [10:42] oh, hold down shift [10:42] cjwatson: whats the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcfg/+bug/218965 [10:42] Launchpad bug 218965 in netcfg (Debian) (and 1 other project) "preseeding hostname doesn't work in a network install (affects: 1) (heat: 11)" [Unknown,New] [10:43] before you get to grub [10:44] ev: nope tried that it's dropping straight into grub shell [10:49] davmor2: can you go back into windows, edit the grub config under C:\Ubuntu to have 'set debug=all' at the top, then reboot. [10:50] that I can probably do. Need to reboot this machine biab [11:05] ev: okay so added the set debug=all at the top of C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub\grub.cfg rebooted straight into grub shell again [11:07] was it more verbose in its output though? [11:14] nope identical from what I can see. There is no disk started so no files logged so I don't know if I can get output from grub shell itself [11:19] odd [11:23] I'm wondering if grub just can't find the disk and is just stopping dead [11:23] what do you mean by, "there is no disk started"? [11:26] suggests that it isn't managing to read that grub.cfg [11:27] the-dude: not currently high on my list [11:40] cjwatson: could be [11:43] cjwatson: can I help in any way? [11:44] davmor2: can you file a bug so we can track this? [11:44] the-dude: probably best to raise it on debian-boot, since it's a long-standing bug there too [11:45] see the linked Debian bug [11:46] ev: yeap [11:46] davmor2: cheers [12:27] ev: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/600578 [12:27] Launchpad bug 600578 in wubi "installer drops into grub shell after rebooting from windows. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [12:28] thanks [12:32] ev: did you have a chance to look at bug 588705? it's still in the alpha-2 release notes, and we'll release with it, but I don't want to carry that note over too often [12:32] Launchpad bug 588705 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "maverick alpha1 alternate - impossible creation of encrypted /Home (affects: 1) (heat: 139)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588705 [12:35] cjwatson: no, I've been head-down in development mode. But as you suggest this is important, and I've marked it in my calendar to make sure I address it this/next week. [12:40] thanks [12:40] cjwatson: im going to rebuild initrd with the provided patch and see if that works [14:25] debian-installer: cjwatson * r1327 ubuntu/ (build/util/get-packages debian/changelog): Support building with new apt mirror method. [14:29] ev: you might be clear, I can't reproduce the encrypted home bug [14:30] (I ran out of stuff I could face doing, so tried it) [14:30] heh, hooray [14:31] I'll still give it a go, see if I can reproduce it [14:31] yeah