[02:43] does anyone know how to get suspend/resume working on a radeon hd 4500? [02:46] It doesn't already? [02:50] RAOF: weird, it works on and off. [02:50] RAOF: when i suspended from the menu, it worked, when i closed the lid, it didn't resume. [02:59] Yay lidswitch! [03:01] lol [03:03] From the top of my head I'd guess it's a race between “Oh! The user has shut the lid; let's disable LVDS” on the driver side and “Oh! The user has shut the lid; let's suspend” on the g-p-m side. [03:04] oh that sucks =\ [03:04] Combined with resume happening after the lid is opened. [03:04] Well, that would be sucky driver's fault, realy. [03:04] File A Bug™ :) [03:04] * ajmitch hates sucky drivers for such things [03:05] heh [03:05] * hyperair doesn't own the hardware [03:17] What laptop is it? [03:26] dell studio 15 [13:42] tseliot, i think we had a miscommunication the other day about nvidia-current [13:42] bjsnider: ? [13:43] the package creates two modprobe.conf files [13:43] /lib/nvidia-current/modprobe.conf and /usr/lib/nvidia-current/modprobe.conf [13:44] i was talking about the contents of the former. the latter contains the alias line [13:44] I'll check that [13:45] the former should be enough though [13:45] i think this was done because of the separate partition for /lib. remember that? [13:45] yep [13:45] my system complains unless i have the alias line in the /lib file [13:45] actually a separate /usr partition [13:45] ok [13:47] the /lib file does not contain the alias line. there is no code in the rules file to add it. so my system is not totally crazy [13:47] i sorted through the variables in the rules file and the command works out to: [13:47] echo "alias nvidia nvidia-current" >> $(CURDIR)/debian/nvidia-current/usr/lib/nvidia-current/modprobe.conf [17:48] bjsnider: the file in /lib is fine too [17:49] but yes, we should have only one === asac_ is now known as asac