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ddecator | drew212: not sure i'll be able to help, but you can ping me in -chicago or -beginners later | 02:42 |
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^arky^ | hi all | 06:21 |
ddecator | hey ^arky^ | 06:22 |
^arky^ | howz life ddecator ? | 06:24 |
* ^arky^ looks around for micahg | 06:24 | |
micahg | hi ^arky^ | 06:24 |
^arky^ | howdy micahg, can I trouble you with a question about ubiquity testing | 06:24 |
micahg | ^arky^: you can try, I don't know much about it though | 06:25 |
^arky^ | Yeah, i need to test ubiquity for a11y. Do you know how I can run it so that I can test it with accerciser | 06:25 |
micahg | ^arky^: nope | 06:26 |
^arky^ | np micahg | 06:26 |
micahg | ^arky^: maybe in -quality | 06:26 |
micahg | ^arky^: or -desktop | 06:26 |
^arky^ | I'll look it up | 06:27 |
^arky^ | any hugdays coming up micahg ? | 06:27 |
micahg | ^arky^: yesterday :) | 06:28 |
micahg | ^arky^: xkeyboard-config | 06:28 |
^arky^ | darn! missed it | 06:29 |
ddecator | ^arky^: not bad, and yourself? | 06:29 |
micahg | ^arky^: feel free to finish the bugs off :) | 06:29 |
ddecator | ^arky^: so far we've been pretty good about having hugdays every thursday :) | 06:30 |
^arky^ | cool, will do that. Right now I am finishing off a11y bugs in software-center | 06:30 |
drew212 | micahg: are you around? | 07:07 |
drew212 | or ddecator? | 07:07 |
ddecator | drew212: yesum | 07:07 |
drew212 | mind if i PM you about a serious problem? | 07:08 |
ddecator | drew212: sure | 07:08 |
micahg | drew212: I'm here too if it helps | 07:09 |
drew212 | micahg: ddecator is helping me, for now, i did a fresh install of ubuntu on the HDD i had some important(business) pictures on, and i need to find them | 07:10 |
drew212 | micahg: any ideas on how to recover them? | 07:11 |
micahg | drew212: k | 07:11 |
micahg | drew212: let's take this to -chicago | 07:11 |
^arky^ | Hi Mvo, | 08:04 |
mvo | hi ^arky^ | 08:04 |
^arky^ | Regarding the progress bar a11y bug in software-center | 08:05 |
^arky^ | I now have a counter "10%" as well now | 08:05 |
^arky^ | Were you able to play with span id selector problem? | 08:06 |
mvo | ^arky^: not yet, sorry. I want to do it today | 08:10 |
^arky^ | mvo, Here is updated code for AppDetailsView.html http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/458188/ | 08:13 |
mvo | ^arky^: thanks! | 08:13 |
^arky^ | I haven't styled counter yet | 08:13 |
^arky^ | Still struggle to get aria progress bar to work with orca on lucid | 08:14 |
^arky^ | mvo, who's responsible for webkit aria on ubuntu ? | 08:15 |
mvo | ^arky^: best is probably kov(at)debian.org - he is also around in the #webkitgtk irc channel usually | 08:17 |
mvo | but different TZ | 08:17 |
^arky^ | thanks I will chase him down | 08:17 |
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Kangarooo | hello ive got one mail one day about bug but dont understand whats there.. heres blog about thtat bug i got in email http://extats.blogspot.com/2010/03/annoying-error-message-from-startxfce4.html | 15:41 |
ziggystar | Hi. I'm having problems with a supposed bug concerning the network manager applet. Any chance I find some help here? | 16:56 |
ziggystar | I created a second user and that user can't access wifi. At least not properly. Somehow it works after waiting for ages. Running nm-applet with sudo on that accounts works. | 16:57 |
ziggystar | There are also some error messages in syslog about getting no d-bus reply and something with permissions. Can anyone tell me how nm-applet gets run by gnome? | 16:58 |
Darxus | My computer has been crashing at least once a day since upgrading to Lucid. Known video driver bug. I know I can get it to stop crashing by going back to Jaunty. I believe the important difference is that in Jaunty, hardware acceleration for this (Intel 845) video card is black listed. | 18:40 |
Darxus | What is necessary to just blacklist hardware acceleration again? | 18:41 |
Darxus | Bug #541492. | 18:43 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 541492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup (apport-crash) (Should KMS be blacklisted?) (affects: 74) (dups: 30) (heat: 498)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/541492 | 18:43 |
Darxus | Also, why is this "High" ranked bug which has been triaged for four months not assigned? | 18:45 |
arand | Darxus: Possibly because the work is being done upstream, and the only thing ubuntu is commited to do is the packaging, which is minor, and doesn't really need an assignee... Also, there's really no strict policy it seems when it comes to ubuntu, and many bugs will be fixed without assigning anyone, because it's clear anyways, or that it's to unclear to be definite. (My thoughts from my knowlegde...) | 18:50 |
Darxus | I'm sure the majority of people with this video card have changed video cards, downgraded Ubuntu, or gone back to Windows. That's infuriating. | 18:52 |
jcastro | Darxus: you might want to check in #ubuntu-x | 18:54 |
arand | It is a major issue indeed. It seems though that the issue has received considerable focus (hence the well-organised bugs), and my guess would be that plans are to get it ptched as soon as a proper[tm] solution is ready (since a temporary fix failed already: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/541492/comments/38) | 18:57 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 541492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "MASTER: [i845] GPU lockup (apport-crash) (Should KMS be blacklisted?) (affects: 74) (dups: 30) (heat: 498)" [High,Triaged] | 18:57 |
arand | Darxus: ↑ | 18:57 |
Darxus | Same bug. | 19:00 |
arand | Darxus: My comment above. (ubot2 is a bit agressive in linking constantly) | 19:01 |
Darxus | Ah. | 19:02 |
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Darxus | Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel State: installed Version: 2:2.9.1-3ubuntu5 | 19:03 |
Darxus | Newer than the version in which it was supposedly fixed. | 19:03 |
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zus | hello every one | 19:45 |
arjunak01 | can someone take a look at bug 597639 | 20:26 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 597639 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautrilus crashes on opening /usr/bin (affects: 1) (heat: 391)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/597639 | 20:26 |
arjunak01 | can someone take a look at bug 597639 | 20:32 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 597639 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautrilus crashes on opening /usr/bin (affects: 1) (heat: 391)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/597639 | 20:32 |
micahg | anyone else getting bug change mails from Kathy Stamatelakis? | 20:48 |
Kangarooo | ive got one mail one day about bug but dont understand whats there.. heres blog about thtat bug i got in email http://extats.blogspot.com/2010/03/annoying-error-message-from-startxfce4.html | 20:51 |
mr_pouit | Kangarooo: already reported upstream: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6314 | 20:57 |
ubot2 | bugzilla.xfce.org bug 6314 in General "Annoying messages on .xsession-errors" [Normal,New] | 20:57 |
Darxus | 01:50PM < arand> Darxus: Possibly because the work is being done upstream, and the only thing ubuntu is commited to do is the packaging.... | 21:03 |
Darxus | Upstream bug looks like no progress in a couple months: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26345 | 21:04 |
ubot2 | Freedesktop bug 26345 in Driver/intel "[845G] CPU/GPU incoherency" [Critical,New] | 21:04 |
chrisccoulson | b'ah, who the hell is Kathy Stamatelakis? | 21:04 |
chrisccoulson | they've just changed the status's of 5 mozilla bugs in quick succession for no apparent reason | 21:05 |
* chrisccoulson annoyed | 21:05 | |
jcastro | Darxus: you realize your comments in the upstream bug tracker and launchpad are just spamming people right? | 21:05 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I asked the question a little while ago w/no response | 21:05 |
Darxus | jcastro: What do you suggest? | 21:19 |
Darxus | jcastro: Also, your definition of "spamming" sucks. | 21:22 |
jcastro | the guy in the lp bug gave you a suggestion | 21:23 |
jcastro | @Darxus | 21:23 |
jcastro | Have you tried the Glasenhart 855-patch plus the libdrm and intel driver patches along with Brian Rodger's Mesa patch (installed in that order). Fixed everything almost on my i845 box. | 21:23 |
Darxus | Can I get an answer to my question about just shutting off hardware acceleration to just make it stop crashing? Is that all it would take? Is that hard? | 21:26 |
Darxus | jcastro: No, I haven't tried that. I want something that will make it stop crashing, instead of futilly trying to make it mostly work. | 21:27 |
jcastro | maybe just drop down to vesa? | 21:27 |
Darxus | That might be a good idea, thanks. Would that be effectively the same as disabling hardware acceleration? | 21:27 |
jcastro | yes | 21:28 |
jcastro | unfortunately you have old hw, it's probably your best bet | 21:28 |
jcastro | you won't get bling but at least it won't crash | 21:29 |
Darxus | That's exactly what I'm looking for, thanks. | 21:29 |
Darxus | jcastro: Vesa isn't allowing me to do screen rotation, or the resolution I was using under Jaunty, which didn't crash my display. So this is probably a better option for me, but still unfortunate. | 21:37 |
jcastro | yeah | 21:39 |
Darxus | jcastro: I really appreciate your help. | 21:49 |
jcastro | no worries | 21:50 |
simar | Please see the bug no 565543 | 22:11 |
simar | Please see the bug 565543 | 22:11 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 565543 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "horizontal scrollbar does not work in VAIO VPCEB15EL touchpad. (affects: 9) (heat: 54)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/565543 | 22:12 |
mcgowa_s | hello | 23:18 |
mcgowa_s | I am trying to get involved and I am on step 2 of How to Request a Mentor. Is "Set up your Ubuntu Wiki-page" referring to my launchpad homepage? | 23:20 |
hggdh | mcgowa_s: actually referring to wiki.ubuntu.com | 23:24 |
mcgowa_s | hggdh: Thanks... is there a how-to for this? I can't seem to find one. | 23:29 |
hggdh | mcgowa_s: I guess something like this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WikiCourse/01%20What%20is%20a%20MoinMoin%20wiki%3F | 23:33 |
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