shaun__ | hello? | 04:09 |
MTecknology | shaun__: hi | 04:25 |
shaun__ | I'm new to ubuntu web dev team | 04:28 |
shaun__ | as you already know of coarse | 04:29 |
MTecknology | yup :) | 04:30 |
MTecknology | how goes it? | 04:30 |
shaun__ | well I'm trying to get drupal going I think I may already have it installed | 04:31 |
shaun__ | lol | 04:31 |
MTecknology | did you try that guide at all? | 04:32 |
shaun__ | some | 04:32 |
shaun__ | I have it installed to /var/www/drupal I just checked | 04:33 |
MTecknology | what's your apache config look like? | 04:34 |
MTecknology | your config will be aroung /etc/apache2/sites-available | 04:34 |
shaun__ | Document root is /var/www | 04:36 |
shaun__ | is this correct | 04:36 |
MTecknology | nope | 04:37 |
MTecknology | /var/www/drupal | 04:37 |
shaun__ | didn't think so | 04:37 |
MTecknology | put the 6 at the end of drupal too | 04:37 |
MTecknology | for both parts | 04:37 |
shaun__ | on a side note have you herd of bluefish web editor | 04:38 |
MTecknology | yucky | 04:38 |
MTecknology | errr- wait.. | 04:39 |
shaun__ | lol | 04:39 |
MTecknology | I was thinking something else | 04:39 |
MTecknology | nope, I use vim | 04:39 |
shaun__ | oh | 04:41 |
MTecknology | one of our devs swears by komodo edit - personal i think it's an ugly bloated bug | 04:41 |
shaun__ | lol | 04:43 |
shaun__ | now is it just the folder or is it a file inside the drupal directory | 04:44 |
MTecknology | /var/www/drupal6/install.php | 04:45 |
MTecknology | you want that - and everything else lined up | 04:45 |
shaun__ | oops I downloaded drupal 5 | 04:45 |
shaun__ | :( | 04:45 |
MTecknology | yucky | 04:46 |
MTecknology | D5 is nearly dead actually | 04:47 |
shaun__ | Can't I update it from the terminal | 04:47 |
MTecknology | hm? | 04:47 |
shaun__ | or is that just for Ubuntu's aps | 04:47 |
MTecknology | don't use the one from the repo - it's always out of date | 04:47 |
shaun__ | so should I do a MAJOR clean house and reinstall? | 04:48 |
MTecknology | ? | 04:48 |
MTecknology | no | 04:48 |
shaun__ | no | 04:48 |
MTecknology | aptitude purge drupal5 | 04:48 |
MTecknology | follow that guide - after removing drupal5/6 | 04:49 |
shaun__ | I didn't mean reinstalling the system | 04:49 |
MTecknology | oh, then - go for it | 04:49 |
shaun__ | That would take for ever | 04:49 |
shaun__ | lol | 04:49 |
MTecknology | shaun__: I'm heading to bed - it's usually quiet in here but others will be aroudn to help - if not I'll be back on in the (mine) morning | 04:59 |
shaun__ | k | 04:59 |
shaun__ | see ya | 04:59 |
MTecknology | g'luck | 05:00 |
Viper550 | hey | 05:52 |
shaun__ | hey guys good morning | 11:16 |
stas | shaun__: hey | 11:25 |
shaun__ | are you familiar with how to set drupal up | 11:26 |
shaun__ | ? | 11:27 |
stas | shaun__: yes, but I'm not the guy to ask about drupal :) | 11:27 |
stas | talk to MTecknology | 11:27 |
stas | though he's in US tz so it might take a while till he's online | 11:27 |
shaun__ | I'm in US also | 11:29 |
shaun__ | I woke up | 11:29 |
shaun__ | lol | 11:29 |
stas | well dunno then :) | 11:29 |
shaun__ | ok thanks anyway | 11:29 |
shaun__ | :) | 11:29 |
=== shaun__ is now known as php_Dude1 | ||
=== php_Dude1 is now known as shaun__ | ||
ilmari | why isn't maverick included on | 12:33 |
MTecknology | stas: hi | 14:19 |
MTecknology | shaun__: you still need help? | 14:19 |
stas | MTecknology: hey | 14:19 |
mhall119 | newz2000: stas: MTecknology: Check out | 15:32 |
newz2000 | mhall119: looking good! | 15:33 |
MTecknology | mhall119: shiny | 15:33 |
stas | yeah, nice | 15:34 |
stas | though that footer sucks when we have just a little content | 15:35 |
newz2000 | great work | 15:37 |
knome | um, the header "ubuntu loco team directory" looks weird | 18:38 |
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl | ||
=== MTecknology is now known as MTeck-rcider | ||
=== MTeck-rcider is now known as MTecknology | ||
shaun__ | hey | 20:59 |
shaun__ | guys | 20:59 |
newz2000 | hey shaun__ | 21:00 |
shaun__ | I need some help setting up my system to help with web development | 21:01 |
newz2000 | where are you at in the process? | 21:01 |
shaun__ | I installed Xampp for linux and downloaded and unpacked drupal | 21:02 |
shaun__ | is xampp ok for what we're doing here | 21:03 |
shaun__ | ? | 21:03 |
newz2000 | it's good for a nice simple system that doesn't intrude on the normal operation of your computer | 21:03 |
newz2000 | I've not used it for a while myself so it's not fresh in my memory though | 21:04 |
newz2000 | where did you install it to? | 21:04 |
shaun__ | well how do I use drupal (drupal is a bit new to me) | 21:04 |
newz2000 | find out where you want to put it, unzip it (or untar) | 21:05 |
newz2000 | cd sites/default | 21:05 |
shaun__ | I unzipped it to /var/www | 21:05 |
newz2000 | ok. That may not be the normal place for xampp, but it's a start | 21:05 |
newz2000 | cd /var/www/sites/default | 21:05 |
shaun__ | no that's where I installed drupal | 21:05 |
newz2000 | you should see a sample config file there | 21:05 |
newz2000 | yeah, but xampp may not see it there, but it's ok for now | 21:05 |
newz2000 | Do you see the sample config file? | 21:06 |
shaun__ | Oh I'm sorry I actually installed it to /opt | 21:08 |
newz2000 | ok, good | 21:09 |
newz2000 | /opt/lampp/htdocs is a great place to put it | 21:09 |
newz2000 | do you have /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/ ? | 21:09 |
shaun__ | no but I could move drupal from /var/www to that path | 21:10 |
newz2000 | it'd be easier if you moved it there | 21:10 |
shaun__ | ok | 21:10 |
shaun__ | hey thanks for the help | 21:10 |
newz2000 | then cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/sites/default | 21:11 |
newz2000 | ls to see the sample config file | 21:11 |
newz2000 | I think it's default.settings.php | 21:11 |
newz2000 | cp default.settings.php settings.php | 21:12 |
newz2000 | then edit it to add the database options | 21:12 |
newz2000 | if you don't know the database settings then start xampp and go to http://localhost and I think it will give you a list of helpful info | 21:13 |
shaun__ | this might sound like a "doh!" question but add database settings where (I'm done with everything else) | 21:22 |
newz2000 | shaun__: in that file is a line that says $db_url = ... | 21:23 |
newz2000 | you need to edit that one | 21:23 |
newz2000 | it's remarkably well buried | 21:23 |
shaun__ | found it | 21:24 |
shaun__ | it says ... $db_url = 'mysql://username:password@localhost/databasename'; | 21:25 |
shaun__ | so I change it to where drupal is or where mysql is? | 21:25 |
newz2000 | you need to use your mysql settings that xampp suggests | 21:25 |
shaun__ | OH DURRRR | 21:25 |
shaun__ | sorry | 21:26 |
newz2000 | no sweat | 21:26 |
shaun__ | well it's xampp isn't showing any helpful info | 21:31 |
newz2000 | shaun__: when you go to http://localhost do you get an information page so you know it worked? | 21:32 |
shaun__ | oh | 21:32 |
shaun__ | so it's showing xampps homepage so I'm finished? | 21:33 |
newz2000 | shaun__: well, you konw it works | 21:33 |
newz2000 | I think there's some tools that come with xampp that give you database access | 21:33 |
newz2000 | do you see something like that? | 21:33 |
shaun__ | phpmyadmin is there | 21:33 |
newz2000 | ok, you'll want to go there and create a database for drupal | 21:34 |
newz2000 | you can just call it drupal | 21:34 |
shaun__ | database made | 21:35 |
newz2000 | ok, so go to your drupal settings.php file | 21:35 |
newz2000 | that line should be something like this: | 21:36 |
newz2000 | $db_url = 'mysql://root:@localhost/drupal'; | 21:36 |
newz2000 | (assuming no password) | 21:36 |
newz2000 | Then you can probably go to http://localhost/drupal to see the site | 21:36 |
shaun__ | darn it says object not foudn | 21:41 |
shaun__ | found* | 21:41 |
MTecknology | hi | 21:42 |
shaun__ | hello | 21:42 |
MTecknology | newz2000: root:@localhost/drupal <- really? | 21:43 |
MTecknology | that sounds.. bad | 21:43 |
newz2000 | MTecknology: that's the default for xampp I think | 21:43 |
newz2000 | it's only meant for local dev, not for public sites | 21:43 |
newz2000 | shaun__: | 21:43 |
MTecknology | newz2000: i suppose - I just like to always make a user for a db instead of having things wide open | 21:44 |
shaun__ | well I think I found the problem | 21:46 |
shaun__ | Do I need to do anything with the DB upon creation of it | 21:47 |
newz2000 | no, as long as your settings.php is right drupal will do the rest | 21:47 |
shaun__ | then there's my problem | 21:47 |
newz2000 | sorry, got to step away for a few min | 21:48 |
shaun__ | ok | 21:48 |
newz2000 | I'm back if you still need help | 22:19 |
knome | wow, what a match | 22:20 |
shaun__ | yep | 22:28 |
knome | ghana should | 22:28 |
knome | have won | 22:28 |
knome | really | 22:28 |
knome | i feel like unsportmanship has won, even if gyan failed to score the goal himself | 22:28 |
knome | it should have been a goal without a penalty shot | 22:28 |
shaun__ | still need help | 22:29 |
shaun__ | I've found out that apache isn't in the xampp folder | 22:29 |
shaun__ | unless I'm looking in the wrong place | 22:29 |
newz2000 | how did you start xampp | 22:30 |
newz2000 | shaun__: ^ | 22:30 |
shaun__ | well I don't know | 22:30 |
shaun__ | let me look again | 22:30 |
shaun__ | where would it usually be do you know | 22:31 |
newz2000 | try this: | 22:31 |
newz2000 | /opt/lampp/lampp stop | 22:31 |
newz2000 | everything should shut down, http://localhost should give an error | 22:31 |
newz2000 | confirmed? | 22:31 |
shaun__ | confirmed stop yes | 22:31 |
newz2000 | http://localhost no longer works? | 22:32 |
shaun__ | correct | 22:32 |
newz2000 | ok, so /opt/lampp/lampp start | 22:33 |
newz2000 | confirm that http://localhost works | 22:33 |
shaun__ | yep | 22:33 |
newz2000 | once that works, please try http://locahost/newz2000-rocks | 22:33 |
newz2000 | and confirm that you get a page not found (404) error | 22:34 |
shaun__ | ???? >:| | 22:34 |
shaun__ | sorry | 22:34 |
shaun__ | just had to get that out of my system | 22:34 |
shaun__ | loll | 22:34 |
newz2000 | I had to come up with something that was guaranteed to get a 404. ;-) | 22:34 |
knome | newz2000, doesnotworkforme | 22:34 |
newz2000 | knome: are you testing xampp too? | 22:35 |
knome | newz2000, no, but http://localhost/newz2000-rocks does not give a 404 | 22:35 |
shaun__ | yeah it's actually a page I think | 22:35 |
knome | yeah | 22:35 |
knome | it says | 22:35 |
knome | "just kidding" | 22:35 |
newz2000 | well, I just want to make sure you recognize a 404 error page. Some systems make them so pretty you dn't realize it's a 404 | 22:36 |
shaun__ | oh nevermind I typed it in wrong | 22:36 |
shaun__ | yep it recegnizes it | 22:36 |
shaun__ | recognizes* | 22:36 |
newz2000 | wait, what? | 22:37 |
shaun__ | I already know because when I run http://localhost/drupal I get a 404 | 22:38 |
newz2000 | ok, that's what I'm getting at | 22:39 |
newz2000 | so now in your terminal go to /opt/lampp/htdocs | 22:39 |
newz2000 | create a file called newz2000.php | 22:39 |
newz2000 | inside put: | 22:39 |
newz2000 | <?php phpinfo(); ?> | 22:39 |
newz2000 | save and close it | 22:39 |
newz2000 | then go to http://localhost/newz2000.php | 22:39 |
newz2000 | you should get a nice long php diagnostic page | 22:43 |
newz2000 | if not, then we don't know what your document root is, and when we find that, move your drupal folder there | 22:44 |
knome | (or create a symlink there) | 22:44 |
shaun__ | yeah that worked | 22:45 |
newz2000 | shaun__: ok, so ls -1 /opt/lampp/htdocs and paste the output to | 22:45 |
shaun__ | it's there | 22:50 |
newz2000 | where? | 22:50 |
newz2000 | shaun__: after you paste it and submit you need to tell the url | 22:50 |
shaun__ | | 22:50 |
newz2000 | the url you get after you submit | 22:51 |
shaun__ | 458502/ | 22:51 |
newz2000 | oh, ok | 22:51 |
newz2000 | mv drupal-6.17 drupal | 22:51 |
newz2000 | then your url should work | 22:51 |
shaun__ | the page shows the word "deprecated" a couple hundreds lines | 22:53 |
shaun__ | e.g. Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/includes/ on line 926 | 22:54 |
shaun__ | what does thsi mean | 22:56 |
newz2000 | shaun__: oh, right, you probably need to hit http://localhost/drupal/install.php | 22:57 |
newz2000 | ereg is deprecated, eh? I guess that's a good thing | 22:58 |
shaun__ | Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/includes/ in /opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/includes/ on line 618 | 23:00 |
newz2000 | I'm sorry, my php is getting rusty... there's a way to hide deprecation warnings. You need to do that. | 23:01 |
newz2000 | It will probably be in /opt/lamp/[something]/php.ini | 23:01 |
shaun__ | ok I think I remember how to do that | 23:02 |
shaun__ | what language do you use? | 23:02 |
newz2000 | Php, python, javascript, html, css | 23:02 |
shaun__ | ewww python | 23:02 |
knome | i mostly use finnish and english | 23:02 |
knome | ;] | 23:02 |
shaun__ | sorry it's just too complicated | 23:02 |
shaun__ | lol | 23:02 |
newz2000 | yeah, well, try using django to do a couple web apps and then switch to php | 23:02 |
knome | python is not too complicated | 23:02 |
newz2000 | you're perspective will reverse | 23:03 |
shaun__ | oh | 23:03 |
shaun__ | so you suggest trying python | 23:03 |
newz2000 | check out python / django or ruby on rails | 23:03 |
shaun__ | ok | 23:03 |
newz2000 | I wouldn't normally choose python or ruby for web apps but both of those let you focus on the fun parts of app dev | 23:03 |
shaun__ | but for now I'll stick with php I'm used to it because of c++ | 23:04 |
shaun__ | I used to dabble in c++ | 23:04 |
knome | and knowing python and not php lets you not interact with drupal | 23:04 |
newz2000 | shaun__: /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini | 23:04 |
newz2000 | search for the word error | 23:04 |
newz2000 | maybe error_reporting or something like that | 23:04 |
newz2000 | maybe set it to E_ALL | 23:05 |
knome | error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED | 23:06 |
dieki | The site is really bad; I've created a modified CSS file for it that makes it match the new branding. Can it be considered for use on (Example of page: ) | 23:07 |
newz2000 | dieki: yes, I'd love to recommend that | 23:07 |
newz2000 | dieki: would you put it into a branch in launchpad and send me the link? | 23:07 |
dieki | Sure. | 23:07 |
shaun__ | ; error_reporting | 23:09 |
shaun__ | ; Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE | 23:09 |
shaun__ | ; Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT | 23:09 |
shaun__ | ; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED | 23:09 |
shaun__ | // This is what's already there | 23:09 |
newz2000 | remove the semicolon from the last option | 23:09 |
dieki | Is there an existing branch for that I should branch off of? | 23:09 |
knome | shaun__, those are all comments | 23:09 |
shaun__ | oh DUH | 23:09 |
newz2000 | dieki: I don't know where it is but I suspect so | 23:09 |
shaun__ | I can't edit php.ini for some stupid reason | 23:15 |
newz2000 | try sudo | 23:15 |
knome | shaun__, try with sudo | 23:15 |
shaun__ | already did it's blank when it opens | 23:15 |
newz2000 | guys, sorry, but I must take off. Get some food and do some relaxing. | 23:16 |
shaun__ | ok | 23:16 |
newz2000 | I'll be online over the weekend for sure though | 23:16 |
shaun__ | I'll look into how to do this | 23:16 |
dieki | Hm... I can't find a branch for that anywhere. | 23:20 |
Viper550 | What forum scripts do the LoCo sites usually use? | 23:56 |
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