=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed | ||
CIA-99 | [libqapt] jmthomas * 1145443 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h globals.h package.cpp package.h) Implement an undo/redo stack, with undo functions, redo functions, and various ways to save/restore states manually. (Ported from synaptic ;) | 01:31 |
valorie | synaptic has an undo? | 01:36 |
valorie | heh | 01:37 |
valorie | I've never tried using it | 01:37 |
JontheEchidna | Hidden away in an edit menu ;) | 01:38 |
JontheEchidna | *in the edit menu | 01:38 |
=== Guest51139 is now known as Adri2000 | ||
valorie | right, I found it | 01:38 |
valorie | if only that would help in installing ubuntuone-kde | 01:39 |
JontheEchidna | Synaptic's backend code actually isn't half bad. Some of the organization/API is a bit iffy, and it's obvious it was written by GNOMEies, but otherwise it is a great reference | 01:39 |
valorie | instead, I'll wait for the apachelogger magic | 01:39 |
valorie | right, I use it usually | 01:39 |
valorie | it's a workhorse | 01:39 |
valorie | ugly, but usable | 01:39 |
JontheEchidna | but now, I can make muon automagically undo itself if you try to work things into a broken mess :x | 01:40 |
valorie | I only use kpackagekit for little upgrades | 01:40 |
valorie | ever since it crashed and ruined my puter | 01:40 |
valorie | I don't trust it | 01:40 |
valorie | I shoulda used apt-get | 01:41 |
valorie | my bad..... | 01:41 |
valorie | I got a nice fresh install out of it, so all's well that ends well | 01:42 |
JontheEchidna | ;) | 01:42 |
JontheEchidna | Konversation being held in new queue has led to a valuable test case for me. | 01:42 |
JontheEchidna | Since it didn't go to new queue for all the other archs, as long as I don't check for updates I have a situation where trying to upgrade it without checks would break the package cache if it was allowed to go through | 01:43 |
valorie | woah | 01:43 |
JontheEchidna | which is why I need to make muon check before blindly marking it, and restore the old state | 01:44 |
valorie | I don't exactly understand, but "break the package cache" sounds serious | 01:44 |
lex79 | :) | 01:44 |
JontheEchidna | you won't be able to install/remove anything until you resolve the dependency issue, basically | 01:44 |
lex79 | JontheEchidna: qtcreator is too big to upload for you? 17.4 MB | 01:46 |
JontheEchidna | lex79: my mother is uploading vacation photos to Facebook, so she'd probably not like it if I tried :( | 01:46 |
valorie | I've found that to be true anyway, unless you can force | 01:46 |
lex79 | ok no problem :) | 01:46 |
valorie | which I choose not to do | 01:46 |
valorie | I used to break my system rather regularly back when I used gentoo | 01:47 |
valorie | and don't want to go there again | 01:47 |
JontheEchidna | http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopct1560-jpg.jpg | 01:47 |
JontheEchidna | ^I forced the removal of libgtk2.0-bin, but forced software-center to stay installed | 01:48 |
JontheEchidna | well, I didn't have to force the removal of libgtk2.0-bin, but I had to force software-center to stay installed ;) | 01:48 |
valorie | right | 01:48 |
valorie | Broken in red = :( | 01:49 |
JontheEchidna | I should use the html flash code :D | 01:49 |
JontheEchidna | *flash tag | 01:49 |
valorie | lol | 01:49 |
valorie | oh, how I miss that | 01:49 |
valorie | and the scrolling banners | 01:49 |
JontheEchidna | <flash><color=red />BROKEN!</flash> | 01:50 |
valorie | hahahah | 01:50 |
valorie | it made for such classy webpages | 01:50 |
JontheEchidna | geocites... angelfire.... | 01:50 |
valorie | oh, Myspace..... | 01:50 |
JontheEchidna | myspace == embedded mp3's of crappy music playing way too loud | 01:51 |
valorie | some of those still exist | 01:51 |
valorie | sometimes multiple mp3s! | 01:51 |
valorie | and flashy little crap | 01:51 |
valorie | dear lord it was awful | 01:51 |
JontheEchidna | yay, muon stopped me from breaking konversation: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopkj1560-jpg.jpg | 03:23 |
JontheEchidna | now I just have to show the user *why* it can't be done | 03:24 |
JontheEchidna | ...preferrably not while berating him/her | 03:24 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145455 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (6 files in 2 dirs) Don't allow actions that will break packages. Next up: A GUI to show why an action will break something | 03:25 |
valorie | yes, calling people noobs is frowned upon! | 03:27 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145457 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/DetailsTabs/MainTab.cpp --debug | 03:30 |
JontheEchidna | oh, I suppose I could implement undo/redo in the gui too | 03:32 |
JontheEchidna | but maybe I'll just kick back for a bit and relax, satisfied with my not-broken package system | 03:34 |
* valorie passes out the Friday night beers | 03:35 | |
maco | JontheEchidna: its a <blink> tag not a <flash> tag | 05:55 |
NCommander | Riddell: morning | 05:55 |
maco | oh it is isnt it? its 7am there eh? | 05:56 |
maco | hmm | 05:56 |
valorie | he mixed the two horriblenesses | 05:58 |
NCommander | maco: we're at Akademy | 07:08 |
NCommander | or at least, he's supposed to be. I haven't seen him. | 07:08 |
maco | i know you are | 07:08 |
NCommander | maco: :-) | 07:08 |
maco | i assume finland is on the same timezone as france and germany? | 07:09 |
maco | or is it one more? | 07:09 |
NCommander | its one over | 07:09 |
maco | oh so 9am there now | 07:10 |
shadeslayer_ | \o | 07:21 |
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as Guest71139 | ||
evilshadeslayer | better :P | 07:22 |
evilshadeslayer | oh oh kcm_kio is not installed in kde 4.5 | 07:23 |
evilshadeslayer | so no more proxy configuration diaologs | 07:23 |
evilshadeslayer | http://imagebin.ca/view/e0s1zpY.html | 07:25 |
evilshadeslayer | ScottK: ^^ | 07:25 |
evilshadeslayer | if you can have a look ... | 07:25 |
tsimpson | is there no libsmokekde-dev in lucid? | 12:10 |
nigelb | Remove all binary packages that have no rdepends or reverse-build-depends. We don't want to support this many packages when they have no rdepends and when we're on the doorstep of an LTS release. | 12:13 |
nigelb | tsimpson: ^ from changelog of kde3bindings | 12:14 |
ulysses | strange, there is lbsmokekde-dev in maverick, it's in universe | 12:14 |
tsimpson | it was in lucid (apparently) for 4.3.2, just not 4.4 | 12:15 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: kdepim takes _alot_ of time to compile :( | 12:20 |
tsimpson | erm, I meant libsmokekde4-dev actually | 12:28 |
tsimpson | still missing in lucid though | 12:28 |
tsimpson | also, bug #601340 | 12:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 601340 in kdebindings (Ubuntu) "libsmokeqt-dev and libsmokeqt4-dev should conflict" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/601340 | 12:44 |
tsimpson | re-emergence of bug #330079 | 12:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 330079 in kdebindings (Ubuntu) "[jaunty] libsmokeqt4-2-dev conflicts with libsmokeqt-dev but doesn't have proper dependencies" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/330079 | 12:44 |
tsimpson | well, similar not re-emergence | 12:44 |
Riddell | tsimpson: what do you need it for? | 12:56 |
tsimpson | Riddell: nothing in particular, I just wanted to learn about smoke and kross today :) | 12:56 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: i think.. kolab's gone :P | 12:57 |
shadeslayer | must have been renamed or something | 12:57 |
shadeslayer | oh btw does akademy have a OGG stream? | 13:00 |
nigelb | Riddell: nice blog post. <3 the last pic :) | 13:08 |
Riddell | tsimpson: our packaging got merged with debian and I think debian don't package those headers and .so links becuase there's nothing that uses them (and often when nothing uses a library the ABI isn't as stable as it should be) | 13:12 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: oh oh .. no proxy module in 4.5 packages | 13:14 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: http://imagebin.ca/view/e0s1zpY.html | 13:14 |
Riddell | jjj | 13:19 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: works for me | 13:21 |
Riddell | presumably you have something not installed | 13:21 |
shadeslayer | :( | 13:21 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: such as ? | 13:21 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 13:22 |
* shadeslayer pokes kubuntu-desktop | 13:22 | |
shadeslayer | seems so | 13:23 |
shadeslayer | i didnt want rekonq,so i removed kubuntu-desktop,and now it has added deps | 13:23 |
Riddell | rekonq should be a recommend, you can remove it without removing kubuntu-desktop | 13:23 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: its a direct dep | 13:24 |
shadeslayer | and the module is working now | 13:24 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: http://pastebin.com/ipJg82Z4 | 13:24 |
Riddell | ryanakca: can you change the URL on this to news/maverick-alpha-2 ? kubuntu.org/node/159 | 13:29 |
ryanakca | Riddell: Done | 13:57 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145586 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (MainWindow.cpp muonui.rc) Initial bits for undo/redo. Still need to save state whenever we mark a package, though. (And I need to enable/disable it based on the undo stack size, which I may need to add methods for in libqapt) | 14:04 |
Riddell | ryanakca: do you use konqueror to do that? | 15:10 |
shadeslayer | anyone heard of a DW1520 Wireless-N WLAN Half-mini card? any ideas how to make it work with K/Ubuntu? jockey doesnt list any drivers... | 15:26 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: kdepim will take some time.... huge changes | 15:35 |
ScottK | Riddell: qmf, qtmobility, and phonon-backend-vlc are all in New waiting for you .... | 16:04 |
shadeslayer | kdepim is going to kill me.. single package taking so much time to modify | 16:09 |
shadeslayer | either A) im doing something wrong , or B) kde devs went krazy | 16:10 |
shadeslayer | probably A ... | 16:10 |
shadeslayer | or C) there really are so many changes | 16:10 |
ScottK | D) All of the above | 16:12 |
shadeslayer | :P | 16:12 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: can you do the kdepim-runtime package? | 16:14 |
shadeslayer | or wait.. maybe it wants less changes | 16:14 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: Not today. I've got no free time at all. | 16:14 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:14 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: i have to manually check for each and every line in the *.install files | 16:15 |
shadeslayer | im getting dh_install: cp -a debian/tmp/usr/lib/libkorg_stdprinting.so.4.5.0 debian/korganizer//usr/lib/ returned exit code 1 | 16:15 |
shadeslayer | have to go through install files one by one :( | 16:15 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: The way I do that is log into a chroot, build the package in the chroot, then when it fails, you can inspect the build tree, fix the .install file and then run dpkg-buildpackage -nc -us -uc. The .nc skips clean so it doesn't have to recompile again. | 16:16 |
ScottK | .nc/-nc | 16:16 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: what im using is debuilld -nc | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | without chroot... | 16:17 |
ScottK | That gets the same result. | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | ill build it in pdebuild tho.. later | 16:17 |
ScottK | Using maverick? | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: yes,but fixing each install file line by line is insane | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: yes :) | 16:17 |
ScottK | What version are you packaging? | 16:18 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: 4.5 Beta 1 | 16:19 |
ScottK | Why? | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: because maverick needs it? | 16:19 |
ScottK | No. | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | and Riddell asked :P | 16:19 |
ScottK | OK | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:19 |
ScottK | I'd expect that one to be a lot different then. | 16:20 |
ScottK | So I'm not suprised it's painful, they just aren't all that hard. | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: i have to check each and every line of install files... its not hard to fix.. just painfull :D | 16:21 |
* ScottK notes he doesn't find it particularly painful for shadeslayer to update tons of install files and heads out for the rest of his day .... | 16:22 | |
shadeslayer | hehehe :D | 16:23 |
ryanakca | Riddell: Yes | 16:28 |
ryanakca | Riddell: I'm guessing www-admin is still painfully broken on your end? | 16:28 |
maco | shtylman's phone's voicemail is in russian | 17:15 |
maco | ending in spaciba | 17:20 |
maco | er spociba | 17:20 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: ill need help with kdenetwork,can you highlight me when your free... | 17:23 |
CIA-99 | [libqapt] jmthomas * 1145660 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/package.cpp The maintainer field can sometimes be UTF-8, so we must construct a QString as UTF-8 when retrieving the data from libapt-pkg | 18:46 |
CIA-99 | [libqapt] jmthomas * 1145662 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h) Add methods for determining the emptiness of the undo/redo stack (useful for enabling buttons) as well as a method to determine whether the package cache is broken or not | 18:49 |
lex79 | if someone can upload qtcreator is here: https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/ppa/+packages | 18:49 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145663 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/MuonStrings.h Compile fix. I hadn't noticed it due to CMake caching or something | 18:50 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145664 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/PackageModel/PackageView.cpp Fix the details widget randomly pop up on group switching | 18:50 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145665 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Add undo/redo actions to the GUI, as well as a messagebox telling the user when upgrades cannot be marked for whatever reason | 18:51 |
JontheEchidna | aw, almost had 5 commits in a row, numerically. I missed 1145661 though :( | 18:52 |
ScottK | apachelogger: Did you see notmart's Akademy presentation. There is what looks like a Fluffy screen shot in it. | 18:57 |
CIA-99 | [libqapt] jmthomas * 1145666 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/backend.cpp When we undo a change, prepend (not append) the current state to the redo stack, or else we can only ever redo to the state before the first undo | 19:02 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145668 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/TODO SVN_SILENT: TODO update | 19:05 |
ulysses | Why doesn't exist koffice-l10n-hu package?:o | 19:18 |
JontheEchidna | I guess koffice 2.2 didn't release with -hu? | 19:19 |
JontheEchidna | nope, no hu in the koffice-l10n 2.2.0 tarball :( | 19:23 |
ulysses | :( | 19:23 |
ulysses | 6700 of 11658 messages are translated in stable, not enough:/ | 19:24 |
ulysses | maybe it releases only the completed translations like Catalan | 19:26 |
ulysses | in this case it should be translated:P | 19:30 |
shadeslayer_ | lex79: poke | 19:33 |
shadeslayer_ | lex79: http://pastebin.com/hZg9Q1PT | 19:33 |
shadeslayer_ | where do i put the first one? | 19:33 |
shadeslayer_ | libtemplateparser | 19:33 |
shadeslayer_ | bah.. ill take this up tommorow .. huge headache ...-.- | 19:35 |
shadeslayer_ | cya | 19:35 |
lex79 | oh, he left | 19:36 |
CIA-99 | [libqapt] jmthomas * 1145672 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Clear the undo/redo stacks on cache reload | 19:50 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145675 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Fix a bug where the first package clicked wouldn't show the details widget | 19:55 |
CIA-99 | [muon] jmthomas * 1145676 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (MainWindow.cpp MainWindow.h muonui.rc) Add a revert all changes button to the toolbar and menu | 19:55 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
mfraz74 | Can someone confirm an odd problem I'm having in KDE 4.5? | 20:48 |
mfraz74 | If I move an email from one folder to another in KMail, afterwards the window will scroll to the top. | 20:49 |
mfraz74 | also happens in Amarok. If I delete a song from somewhere near the bottom, after deleting it will scroll to the top of the window | 20:50 |
ulysses | I deleted two song from the playlist, nothing happened | 20:51 |
JontheEchidna | I moved a message from down the list to the trash in kmail, nothing happened | 20:52 |
mfraz74 | not in the playlist, but in the local music list | 20:52 |
ulysses | confirmed | 20:53 |
ulysses | I deleted a song, then it jumped at the bottom | 20:53 |
mfraz74 | ok, in kmail, i'm in my inbox sorted by date, i delete an email from the bottom and it instanty moved to the top | 20:53 |
mfraz74 | ulysses: so, what do i file that bug against? | 20:54 |
ulysses | I don't know, I'm looking now for a Klipper bug | 20:56 |
ulysses | https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=243467 | 20:56 |
ubottu | KDE bug 243467 in general "klipper opens actions menu twice" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 20:56 |
JontheEchidna | apachelogger: can I show you code that will make you br0kenlogger? | 20:57 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: you can, however I do doubt that you want to ^^ | 21:07 |
JontheEchidna | :P | 21:08 |
apachelogger | ScottK: where is that to be seen? | 21:08 |
JontheEchidna | behold the ugliness that synaptic stole from apt-get to aid in determining why a package can't be installed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458876/ | 21:08 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: assuming you mean the protocol file -> the standard protocol install path which is somewhere in usr/share/kde4 | 21:09 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: hm | 21:10 |
apachelogger | hmmmm | 21:11 |
JontheEchidna | at its deepest point the statements is 7 levels deep | 21:11 |
JontheEchidna | but the indenting isn't even consistent | 21:11 |
apachelogger | are they serious about that? | 21:11 |
mfraz74 | https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=243535 | 21:11 |
JontheEchidna | apt was written by crack junkies :P | 21:11 |
ubottu | KDE bug 243535 in general "deleting/moving email in kmail makes message list jump to first email" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 21:11 |
apachelogger | if (Start != End) | 21:13 |
apachelogger | or | 21:13 |
apachelogger | if (Start == End) | 21:13 |
apachelogger | break; | 21:13 |
apachelogger | the particular word combination here is nice :D | 21:14 |
apachelogger | if we are starting at the end, we are broken ^^ | 21:14 |
JontheEchidna | oh, that's part of the loop that the while loop is inside :P | 21:15 |
JontheEchidna | the whole shebang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458882/ | 21:15 |
JontheEchidna | actually, it's part of the while loop | 21:16 |
JontheEchidna | but | 21:16 |
JontheEchidna | it increments the loop its inside inside itself | 21:16 |
JontheEchidna | O.o | 21:16 |
apachelogger | I like how they name variables like classes | 21:19 |
JontheEchidna | funfun | 21:20 |
apachelogger | JontheEchidna: isn't Start == End condition to end of while loop there? | 21:20 |
JontheEchidna | apachelogger: yeah | 21:20 |
JontheEchidna | I think | 21:20 |
apachelogger | that is super odd | 21:20 |
apachelogger | also I would make that for anyway, since they are itering | 21:21 |
apachelogger | This is very mad. | 21:21 |
JontheEchidna | I thought you might like it :P | 21:21 |
apachelogger | yeah, luv it :D | 21:21 |
* apachelogger closes it before running into an out of memory error from too large stack | 21:22 | |
apachelogger | doctor who | 21:22 |
apachelogger | Edge of destruction | 21:22 |
apachelogger | sounds a bit scary | 21:22 |
JontheEchidna | oh ya, that was a neat one | 21:23 |
JontheEchidna | the whole ep is inside the tardis iirc | 21:23 |
JontheEchidna | I've watched the first series up to the episode where they become tiny | 21:24 |
* apachelogger likes how silly the TARDIS looks ^^ | 21:24 | |
mfraz74 | i remember that episode | 21:26 |
JontheEchidna | apachelogger: btw, those slides Scott was talking about: http://www.notmart.org/index.php/BlaBla/Akademy_talk:_Slides_on_the_Plas | 21:30 |
neversfelde | Riddell: do you know when koffice 2.2.1 is going to be released? | 21:32 |
apachelogger | ScottK, JontheEchidna: that is no fluff - it is inferior to fluffy :P | 21:32 |
apachelogger | ah, the doctor looks like rambo! ^^ | 21:33 |
ulysses | Geronimo! | 21:34 |
apachelogger | not that doctor | 21:34 |
apachelogger | the old geezer doctor :P | 21:34 |
ulysses | is there any stream about the Akademy? | 21:35 |
lumm | gajim causes a empty x window here which craches plasma if i close it. | 21:41 |
lumm | alltray as well | 21:42 |
lumm | with rc 1 | 21:44 |
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz | ||
blueyed | Is amarok known failing to start with the beta ppa? | 22:33 |
Riddell | neversfelde: I don't know when koffice is going to be released but personally I never wait I just upload it, it's not worth the hassle of coordinating releases | 23:16 |
lex79 | Riddell: can you upload qtcreator from akademy? :) | 23:17 |
Riddell | lex79: yes although probably not until monday | 23:19 |
lex79 | oh well, I will ask around and if the | 23:19 |
lex79 | *they can't..I will reask you :) | 23:19 |
neversfelde | Riddell: k, packaging is finished, I'll do some upgrade testing and push to bzr and ninjas | 23:26 |
Riddell | neversfelde: for maverick? | 23:27 |
neversfelde | Riddell: yes | 23:27 |
neversfelde | Lucid ist still todo | 23:27 |
* neversfelde took a soccer break :) | 23:27 | |
lex79 | :) | 23:28 |
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