
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
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bbordwell!info gnome-codec-install02:34
ubot2bbordwell: gnome-codec-install (source: gnome-codec-install): GStreamer codec installer. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 20 kB, installed size 600 kB02:34
bbordwellDoes anyone know if gnome-codec install is an offical part of gnome? I can not find it on gnome bugzilla02:34
subledubin the Ubuntu netbok edition, i loose Applications menu , but i still have Système03:36
subleduband in System/Preferences/Principal Menu : doesn't work anymore03:36
subledubi clic on byobu menu before crash03:37
subledubbut i was also installing software03:37
subledubso i dont know what is the cause03:37
ddecator_subledub: this channel is related to bug reporting and triage, support is on #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners :)03:40
subledubok, sorry :/03:43
ddecator_subledub: no problem, just wanted to help you find help :)03:43
subledubthx a lot :)03:44
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arjunak01can someone take a look at this bug, 59763909:33
lifelessbug 59763909:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 597639 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautrilus crashes on opening /usr/bin (affects: 1) (heat: 391)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59763909:33
lifelesswhat about it09:33
arjunak01no one seems to be responding to it09:34
arjunak01the symlinks are broken and it causes nautilus to crash09:38
lifelesswell it hasn't been triaged yet09:39
arjunak01does it crash on your pc09:40
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Kangarooohello i have some big bug after kernel update yester day. last kernel numebers 32-23 . after update was asked about Xorg safe mode and reconfiguration did that. but i cant after that get in TTY when i got to TTY cant make even back to TTY7 so on going to TTY video is lost. also with keys cant make reboot so somewhere something fdreezes11:21
^arky^hi fellows13:20
^arky^howz it going this weekend13:21
penguin42well, I've not broken anything yet :-)13:36
^arky^penguin42: good answer13:40
* penguin42 goes out13:42
Kangaroooi have some big bug after kernel update yester day. last kernel numebers 32-23 . after update was asked about Xorg safe mode and reconfiguration did that. but i cant after that get in TTY when i got to TTY cant make even back to TTY7 so on going to TTY video is lost. also with keys cant make reboot so somewhere something fdreezes13:53
RhondaKangarooo: Hey. Did you receive my last mail about your wesnoth purge issue? Did it clear up your misunderstanding?14:05
arandRhonda: bummer :/14:06
* Rhonda peeks at arand? What? :)14:06
arandRhonda: Possibly disconnected just in time to miss it..14:08
RhondaI still see Kangarooo in the channel?14:08
Kangarooono i saw messege and pidgin crashed. w8 im reading14:10
Kangaroooyes Rhonda all is ok.. so since thats not possible now with one command to remove all a new solution is needed14:18
RhondaPlease don't seek for such a solution within the wesnoth package. It won't happen. If you want that to happen it has to work as general concept.14:19
RhondaAnd then, would you want gimp to remove all the images it created when you purge gimp?14:20
RhondaOr audacity to remove all its tracks?14:20
RhondaI doubt that your wish for that would get anywhere. Though, don't let my personal impression of it hinder you from trying. :)14:21
KangaroooRhonda: yes of course its for all packages needed and not just wesnoth. i wrote for wesnoth couse thats first time i used purge and first time saw after purge still .wenoth was in home14:24
KangaroooRhonda: images wont be saved in .gimp14:25
RhondaPatterns are.14:25
RhondaSavegames are also stored in .wesnoth14:25
Rhondadownloaded addons.14:25
KangaroooRhonda: yes if dont want some programm completly i dont need savegames and dont need addons thats why is needed that system is as it was when i have that kind of wish14:27
Kangaroooas it was berfore installing that14:28
Kangaroooim having some xorg problems crashing a lot14:28
geohackerRhonda: Kangarooo: Doesn't the configuration files get removed on a 'Complete Removal' ?14:29
mr_pouitsystem-wide ones, yes14:31
Kangarooogeohacker: theres no such complete removal.. its needed14:32
Kangarooogeohacker: ah u mean in synaptic i havent long time used it. faster is command line. i think remove completly is the same as purge so still config files in home folder left14:46
geohackerKangarooo: right. purge should remove the config files too. I have experienced the same in Jaunty.15:38
Kangarooogeohacker: heres bug 601146 i made yesterday about this.. i dont understand how its possible to not understand this and havent been done already for all years ubuntu is been made..15:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 601146 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "Wishlist: Make ~/.unneededprogramm users' local settings be gone on purge (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60114615:40
Kangarooocan anyone who has acces to hiden bugs tell me if this bug can be made public? is it having all sensitive data clean? Bug 57792515:56
ubot2Kangarooo: Bug 577925 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/577925 is private15:56
hggdhpurge removes system configuration, not user files17:53
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trinikronohey guys, ddecator you around19:20
partloerFor Bug #597481 I think that this should be wishlist can someone change the importance setting19:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 597481 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy doesn't play sounds when chats are focused (affects: 1) (heat: 529)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59748119:21
bcurtiswx3partloer: on it19:24
dutchieisn't that a feature?19:24
dutchiei thought that made sense, as if the window's focussed, you're looking at it and don't need the sound to tell you19:25
bcurtiswx3hmm, by default it won't play sounds if the chat is focused.  So I believe it would be wishlist19:25
bcurtiswx3gj partloer19:26
partloerbcurtiswx3: what should i set the status to?19:27
trinikronoleaving it to incomplete should be ok until the reporter responds partloer19:28
bcurtiswx3i took care of it, but once it becomes wishlist it should be forwarded upstream.  So you would mark it as incomplete (because the bug requires more action), and status to wishlist (once you have the ability to do so)19:28
partloeroh ok thanks19:29
trinikronoyou can check and see if anyone made a bug for it upstream19:29
trinikronoand link to it right bcurtiswx3 ?19:30
simarqense, hi19:30
bcurtiswx3trinikrono: absolutely19:30
qensehello simar19:30
qenseHow are you doing?19:30
bcurtiswx3partloer: give a go at bug #60053719:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 600537 in empathy (Ubuntu) "roster status icons don't update on gnome theme change (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60053719:31
simarqense, I think i have successfully triaged my first two bugs. Now how to forward them upstream ...19:31
qensesimar: Good!  A small correction though: a bug isn't fully triaged until it actually is forwarded upstream. :)19:32
qensesimar: A basic overview of the way Ubuntu relates to upstreams can be found at <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Upstream>, but you don't have to read all of that since it covers pretty much everything.19:33
qensesimar: The first thing you need to do when forwarding a bug upstream is considering whether the report contains enough information to be actually useful to the upstream project.19:33
qensesimar: Next you have to find the upstream bug tracker and search it for possible duplicate reports.19:34
qensesimar: I assume your bug reports are reported against xorg-xserver-input-synaptics?19:34
simarqense, I see19:34
partloerbcurtiswx3: i am thinking i would forward it upstream19:42
bcurtiswx3partloer: any duplicates?19:43
partloerah yes i need to look at that19:44
simarqense, my internet broked, i logged in again.19:46
simarqense, ya bug 581659 if you want to have a look . I think it contains all the information. I have really worked on synaptics driver and xorg. To my knowledge it can be forwarded upstream but still if its possible I think this could be reviewed by some expert in this field .19:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 581659 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor jumps when two fingers are used (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58165919:46
simarqense, where to find upstream bug tracker?19:47
qensesimar: The X.org project uses the FreeDesktop bug tracker, which can be found at <https://bugs.freedesktop.org/>.19:50
simarqense, ya i have a account there..19:51
qensesimar: Good!19:51
qensesimar: Do you know how to search for possible similar reports on there?19:51
simarqense,  no19:51
simarqense, also tell me how to search the bug reports that are solved ie fixed .. someone told me that are good source of knowledge about triaging19:52
qensesimar: Do you see the search box at the top of the Bugzilla page? Type in some search terms related to the bug, but not too close, and scan the results list.19:52
qensesimar: You need the advanced search options for that. On Launchpad you can find the options for selecting all statuses (including Fix Released) when you press the Advanced Search link next to the search box.19:53
qenseOn Freedesktop you need to go to the search page.19:53
simarqense, i'm getting it19:54
qenseSpotting any possible duplicates?19:56
qensePlease mind that the bug might just as well be fixed upstream already.19:57
simarqense, it says please stand by19:57
simarqense, qense, should not i have checked for existance of duplicate bugs and fixed bugs upstream as if they already exist then whats the need for triaging them?19:58
simarbefore i mean to say19:58
qensesimar: Checking upstream to see whether the bug is already reported is indeed a way of finding more information if the bug is very complicated. However, most bugs are simple and don't require a very deep investigation.19:58
qensealso: before checking with upstream you need to be sure with what is exactly going on, you cannot just mark a bug as a duplicate when you don't have enough information.19:59
simarqense, ok20:00
simarqense, ya got a duplicate bug .. exact one but the bug 581659 has two issues one is in duplicate but the other is not there...20:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 581659 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor jumps when two fingers are used (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58165920:02
qenseah, a duplicate on Launchpad!20:02
qenseNow, that is something you should check before putting a lot of work in triaging the bug.20:03
qensesimar: or not?20:03
qensesimar: Anyway, two issues should have two bug reports, you shouldn't report two different issues in one bug report.20:03
qenseso if the one (major) issue is already in a (which?) bug tracker it is a valid duplicate indeed.20:04
simarqense, ya i see20:05
simarnow what should I do..20:07
qensesimar: Is the duplicate in the upstream tracker?20:07
simari think theres good enough information in the new bug to learn for me ...20:07
simarqense, ya20:07
qensesimar: In that case you should leave a comment upstream with a link to the Launchad bug report, tell them anything they don't know yet and then link the upstream bug report on Launchpad.20:08
qensesimar: You can link an upstream bug report to a report on Launchpad by creating a bug watch.20:08
qensesimar: but first leave the message upstream, then I'll guide you through registering a bug watch.20:08
simarqense, ok20:08
simarok i will do that first20:09
simaranyways for any reason this is the bug https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2161420:09
ubot2Freedesktop bug 21614 in Input/synaptics "Touchpad cursor jumps when two fingers are used" [Normal,New]20:09
qensesimar: have you left the comment on the upstream bug report?20:21
simarqense, i have just completed it needs a minute ...20:21
qensesimar: Now copy the url to the bug report (make sure you've got the right one) and go back to the bug report at Launchpad.20:23
qensesimar: Do you see the "Also Affects Project" link underneath the bug tasks?20:23
simarqense, ya20:25
simari can see20:25
qensesimar: press it and confirm that you're opening a new task in the Xorg synaptics project.20:26
qensesimar: you should have a field for the link to the upstream bug report, paste the link there.20:27
qensesimar: This is how we link upstream bug reports: when you've linked it Launchpad should update the status of the bug watch entry so we get notified in Launchpad when something changes upstream,20:27
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simarqense, To be more familiar with teminology, what exactly do you mean when you say opening a new task in Xorg synaptics project??20:29
qensesimar: Have you pressed the "Also Affects Project" link?20:30
qensesimar: That creates a new task which links to the upstream bug report. To make that work there is a project in Launchpad for every package.20:31
simarya i have added the bug watch ... it says 'Bug #308191 also links to the added bug watch (freedesktop-bugs #21614)' and four similar notifications ...20:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 308191 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Multitouch support not available for -synaptics (affects: 31) (dups: 2) (heat: 200)" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30819120:31
qensesimar: but you shouldn't worry too much about that  yet, just make sure the page you should be viewing right now says the project is the Xorg20:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 21614 in debian (and 1 other project) "lam: FTBFS on m68k due to ICE, try lower optimization? (heat: 1)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2161420:31
qensesimar: That could mean that your bug is a duplicate.20:33
simarqense, I got the meaning of task ...20:33
simarqense, I;m checking the other bugs right now ..20:33
yofelfreedesktop 2161420:33
ubot2Freedesktop bug 21614 in Input/synaptics "Touchpad cursor jumps when two fingers are used" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2161420:34
qensethat sounds like a better candidate, don't you think?20:34
qenseit sounds almost exactly the same20:35
* vish taps qense its the same bugs ;p20:35
yofelI lost track of the conversation and found the link too late in the backlog :P20:36
qensesimar: I think bug #581659 is a duplicate of #36594320:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 581659 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Mouse cursor jumps when two fingers are used (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58165920:36
simarqense, Ya and others are also someway linked ...20:37
vishwho is " RussianNeuroMancer "20:37
vishanother troll attack?20:37
qensesimar: I'd say: mark the bug as a duplicate20:37
vishhe has close the bug as invalid from triaged :s20:38
qensevish: Ah, troll attacks. Haven't seen that happening for a while now.20:38
vishprobably why the invalid wouldnt have shown up in earlier searches20:39
simarya this is exact duplicate. ok i will mark it duplicate20:40
qensesimar: ok20:40
vishhmm , who is re-opening the invalid?20:41
yofelvish: which one?20:43
qensevish: A troll moving a bug to triaged, you said? How did he get in Bug Control?20:43
simarqense, one more issue the user madmed  on launchpad which was the origional reporter of the bug 581659 has also commented in bug 365943 on a back date ... and he's seem to be experianced user (karma around 2000) .. why did he??20:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 581659 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Mouse cursor jumps when two fingers are used (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58165920:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 365943 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Mouse cursor jumps when two fingers are used (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 42)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36594320:43
vishnot in bug control20:43
visherr , wait20:44
vishBug #30819120:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 308191 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Multitouch support not available for -synaptics (affects: 31) (dups: 2) (heat: 200)" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30819120:44
vishthats the one closed from triaged20:45
qensevish: Would you mind asking the Launchpad guys how he managed to get the bug to Triaged? I'm off now20:46
qensesimar: I don't know why he did that, but he shouldn't have opened a new bug for that.20:46
yofelqense: he set it to invalid20:47
yofelit was triaged20:47
qenseah, ok20:47
qenseno security breach!20:47
* vish corrects it20:47
qenseCalm down everyone. :P20:47
qenseor, better said: calm down qense20:47
vishqense: you were the one confused after the you beat brazil ;p20:47
qensevish: :)20:48
simarqense, i may be wrong but i think this way users earn more karma value...20:48
qenseMhwa, we don't strive for full karma purity. :) It doesn't matter if someone has a bit more while doing nothing to earn it. It gives a good general indication, but it's not that important.20:49
simarqense, surely not in spirit of ubuntu code of conduct20:49
qensesimar: It could have been not knowing what to do exactly.20:50
qenseAnyway, I should be going right now.20:50
qensesimar: If you have any more questions: let me know. I'll respond to your mail tomorrow. If you got more questions meanwhile you can ask here or send another mail.20:50
qensegood night everyone! :)20:50
simarqense, ok good bye qense and thanks for the lessons. I think i learnt a good deal today ...20:51
Kangarooohello how with aptitude install dbg symbols for all programms i have installed?21:23
easter_eggKangarooo, you need to install one by one21:38
Kangaroooeaster_egg: no its possible with command. i dont know how to make custom commands..21:39
easter_egghmm... let me see if I can find a way to make this21:42
penguin42Kangarooo: I guess you could do something like dpkg -l | awk -F' ' '{print $2"-dbgsym"}'  and then filter it against which dbgsym packages exist21:43
penguin42make that dpkg -l | awk -F' ' '/^ii/ {print $2"-dbgsym"}'21:44
Kangarooopenguin42: actually solution by makin install installed programm name + at end -dbgsym will be good solution for comp wihtout any dbg symbols couse all will be installed and nonexisting wont do anything21:52
Kangarooobut what i actually need to install -dbg packages or -dbgsym ? or both ? is for some one and for others other? is both making run on programm startup and on crash add more info?21:54
penguin42I'm not sure, the -dbgsym are for postcrash22:06
RhondaKangarooo: It hasn't been done in all the years because it's user's stuff and policy is to not touch user stuff, at all. It's not the scope of package management.22:59
RhondaKangarooo: Furthermore it's not only "config" files - and even then, users still might want to have it. The home of a user is not the scope of the sysadmin, he has no business in there. That's part of the reason why user stuff won't get removed on purge.22:59
Kangaroooim admin of my own computer. i want to remove all unneded to clean space..23:02
RhondaThen do it.23:02
KangaroooRhonda: others can use purge and leave .config i need another command to clean totaly23:03
RhondaOnly the user themself can know what's "unneeded"23:03
Kangarooomost are also user and admin in one person23:03
RhondaI doubt that.23:03
Kangarooowho is your personals computers admin?23:04
Rhondathat is, I doubt the "most" part reasoning, and even then that's no reason to ignore the other cases.23:04
Rhondawho is your sever admin?23:04
KangaroooRhonda: :D i dont have server why u ask?23:05
RhondaThat argumentation line doesn't get us anywhere, sorry. It would mean to ignore the cases that you personally aren't interested in but aren't uncommon, at all.23:05
RhondaI don't have a personal computer.23:05
Kangaroooso you have no rights in computer ur using.. admin can do there what he wants23:05
Kangaroooand a comand witch leaves some files is good for some. but why make different remove and purge and not make complete purge?23:08
RhondaBut let's assume your sentense does make sense to me, I'm picking up on the last part: I definitely don't want the admin to fiddle around in my home directory.23:08
RhondaThat's none of their business, as long as I don't go over disk quota.23:08
RhondaBecause purge has no business in user's home directories. It is about systemwide configuration settings.23:09
RhondaAlso, purge often doesn't purge all data.23:09
RhondaPurging databases often leaves the database data behind. Purging of servers leave their logfiles behind.23:09
KangaroooRhonda: if u have some rights im guessing u pay for cloud computer then of course what u say to admin to do there he does that and nothing more. if u say that program isnt needed and wont be neede then he removes that totaly and not with purge only23:10
Rhondacloud computer? you've lost me.23:11
Kangaroooyou said server.. where better server then cloud computer?23:11
Kangaroooremove i dont know why is needed. purge is good but not fully since still something left. a new command is needed to remove totaly as purge + .configs23:13
RhondaI don't think so.23:13
RhondaAnd I pointed out to you that it's not ".configs".23:13
RhondaIt's ".userdata", and that's a relevant difference.23:14
RhondaAnd I also don't think that a cloud computer is better than a real server, sorry. :)23:14
Kangaroooexample i want to purge .config so then install clean without any configs.. i need to find folder and delete it if better command is made23:15
RhondaThere is more than just PCs, there is more than just one-system-per-person, and your argumentation gets in the direction of ignoring all the other cases.23:15
RhondaThe .wesnoth1.6 folder doesn't only contain configs.23:16
Kangarooofor otheer cases there is already a comand23:16
RhondaIt's userdata, not config, you are still confusing it.23:16
Kangarooocloud comp u can upgrade and degrade with only changing montly payment. real physical server you have to have 1000-10000$ for server and what if project isnt succesfull? also you dont need all in start.. btw23:18
RhondaWhat project?23:20
Kangaroooweb project for example.23:21
RhondaThere's more than the web, and for a web project a web server would be enough, doesn't call for the "cloud" for me.23:21
Kangaroooalso scientific projects. all the cases that needs server..23:22
Kangaroooyes i see :)23:22
Kangaroooso since theres command for all cases exept mine then new command is still missing23:23
Kangarooowhat different cases solve remove and purge?23:24
Rhondaremove removes the package. purge purges the package systemwide configuration. the files below /etc23:27
RhondaIt isn't missing, you are the first person that seems to see an issue with this approach. And I tried to point out to you the reasoning behind, which is that the user data in a user's home is of no business for the admin and the admin has no right to have data removed from in there on package removal.23:28
Kangaroooi even dont know what for i would need to not delete configs in /etc so im using purge and i dont need .userdata if im sure im done with programm - finished it and now can easily delete them23:29
RhondaTo be able to reinstall the package at a later time and not lose customization to the configuration the admin has done.23:30
Kangarooohehe :) no i cant be first one this is obvious user want to remove programm and all with that that came then he want to have that command23:30
RhondaYou as user can be sure to be done with the program - the admin of your system can't be sure of that.23:30
RhondaThe userdata though didn't come with that.23:30
RhondaIt comes when you start the program. It doesn't come from just installing it.23:31
RhondaIt comes when you actually _use_ the programs.23:31
Kangaroooah Rhonda actually here another command is needed.. for user to remove only hes userdata..23:31
Kangarooook i dont know what costumizability is in etc i just know i either want programm or dont want. if i dont then all customizability also i want to go away since i wont use it anymore.. or maybe i want to remove all configs and userdata to default programm..23:33
Kangarooobb sleep23:42
unomiHi, anything new on the libparted 2.2 bug with some usb sticks?23:59

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