
zkriesseakgraner: you 'round?03:37
macopleia2: crimsun and i were both at a concert seeing victor wooten, perhaps the best jazz/funk bassist alive05:11
maco(we didnt know we were both there. i got on a metro train with a mutual acquaintance who had gone with crimsun and we both went "wait...you're familiar..."05:11
maco(he uses linux too. we all met in a coffee shop going "hey wait... you use linux??")05:11
scott_evmaco...better than stanley clarke?05:11
scott_evdifficult choice, huh?05:12
macodunno, but since jaco died there's a crown to be handed out05:13
macopleia2: so that calendar thing is just an event set to recur indefinitely05:13
macoit theoretically happens05:13
macobut... since there's no rsvp system...05:13
nigelbakgraner: when you're around can you link me the doc for this week?05:44
nigelbI manage to lose it every time thanks to working on different computers :/05:56
akgranernigel no worries one sec14:14
akgranermaco, going to see victor wooten sometime soon but I forgot the date ;-/14:14
akgraneranywho on to UWN14:14
akgranernigelb, just use the wiki - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue20014:15
akgranerhowever if the google doc is easier here is the link to that as well - https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en14:16
akgranermaco your calendar you linked me to  - is great but why not just use the FOSSEvents one and if you know of an event that is not on there just add it?14:17
akgranerThis way the whole FOSS community gets to know about it?14:17
akgranerhighvoltage, ping (in the right channel - I'll be dropping in planet links to the wiki in about 10 mins are you still good to go with writing the summaries?15:20
zkriessehey akgraner15:36
akgranerzkriesse, hey15:36
scott_evno sleep for the wicked....15:50
scott_evso....I'm exhausted15:50
* scott_ev is really an angel15:50
scott_ev''flutter eye lashes"15:50
highvoltageakgraner: yep! and this weekend is way more relaxed than last weekend so it should go much better :)16:08
highvoltage(I'm finally in Canada)16:08
akgranerhighvoltage, awesome!16:08
akgranerok I'll drop them in now for you then16:08
akgranerthank you16:08
akgranerhighvoltage, they are on the wiki now16:21
macoakgraner: uhhh because i didnt know about it when i started that one 2 years ago? and still dont?16:58
akgranermaco, http://fossevents.org/ check it out :-)17:02
macoakgraner: do they have little widgety things?  my gcal i have embedded at the bottom of my blog17:07
macoO_o they put HOPE on it?17:08
akgranermaco, ask laura or issy they both help with that one17:08
macothats not foss.... thats hardware and phone hacking mostly17:08
akgranermaco anyone can add stuff to it - "they" is not FOSSevents they would be anyone who wants to add what "they" consider to be related to FOSS17:09
macoi see17:09
akgranerPendulum, I have added some ITB stuff to the wiki...17:09
akgranerare you still ok with working on that section this week?17:10
* maco likes own calendar... not watered down with little things like LUGs17:10
akgranernigelb, who posted the Cleansweep stats for last week  - you david or jorge or someone else?17:10
akgranermaking sure I am snagging the right stats17:11
akgranermaco, that's cool - it's all about choice :-)  was just pointing out another source of information you may want to use/add to17:11
Pendulumakgraner: yep. I can do ITB17:11
Pendulum(I'd have told you before this if I thought I couldn't)17:11
akgranerPendulum, :-)  thanks!17:12
nhandlerakgraner: This is where the cleansweep stats come from: http://daniel.holba.ch/review/report17:12
akgranerI just like to double check with everyone so I know how to plan my sunday mornings17:12
akgranernhandler, yep that's the link I have but I know they talked about rotating who posts them and since they were in the same format as last time I was just double checking17:13
macoakgraner: it looks like fossevents wants to have *everything* ... i wanted something thats a quick glance at whats going on in the larger foss world, so release dates and regional/national/worldwide events, not city-wide ones17:13
akgranerand they like to include them on their blogs so I was trying to see who listed them17:14
nhandlerakgraner: In terms of blog posts, I saw http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/745744996/cleansweep-updates  and http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=70917:16
akgraneryep jorge posted them this week on his blog  - I should note these things earlier in the week - I hate when life gets in the way of my Ubuntu Fun17:16
akgranerzkriesse, thanks for updating the wiki did you update the UWN issue as well for the list of contributors?17:27
akgranerif not the UWN 200 issue list needs to be in the paragraph form like it is showing now not the column for as the wiki list... let me know if that makes sense to you?17:28
akgranerinternalkernel, hey if holstein can't do the In Other News Section can you?17:34
akgranerjohnc4510, if you have a moment can you add a comment to the comments from past/present editors from UWN - please and thank you!17:36
internalkernelakgraner: yeah, we'll hit it... mike is here too.17:40
internalkernelwe're at the wnclug...17:40
akgranerahh thank you!!17:41
akgranerinternalkernel, tell everyone hello - wish I could be there...thanks for working on those sections17:42
internalkernelfor sure, no worries...17:42
akgranerso stats and updates will get added tomorrow  and I think everyone has their links and knows what's happening  - if you see a link I missed or think things should go in let me know - I have to finish editing some interviews and some special things to go into the issue tomorrow - need to step away for a while...17:49
akgranerI have asked mako, bueno, johnc4510 and boredandblogging to add to the comments from past/present editors  - if you want to touch base with other editors you all know please do and ask them to add a few lines to that section..:-)17:51
akgranerI think I am missing some loco news so if someone wants to look into that an drop some links into the LoCo section that's cool as well if not I'll work on it later today... :-)17:52
akgranerhighvoltage, Pendulum internalkernel holstein johnc4510 scott_ev and nhandler thanks in advance for the work on your sections!  You all rock!17:53
nhandlerakgraner: You rock as well. You have been doing a great job with the UWN!18:26
scott_evnhandler: agreed - akgraner works way too hard19:28
scott_evbut the pursuit of perfection has it's price19:29
zkriesseakgraner: RE: Wiki Page19:30
scott_evawesome; matthew helmke gave me his endorsement19:41
zkriessescott_ev: so going for membership on the 6'th?19:42
scott_evI think.  it's on my calendar19:42
zkriesseit's at 20:00 UTC19:43
scott_evoutstanding; I had it right19:43
newboon2age_akgraner: OpenOffice gets Ubuntu-media friendly  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/02/openoffice_adopts_gstreamer/22:55
zkriessescott_ev: ping23:13
zkriessescott_ev: want to work on your wiki page?23:14
scott_evman I have to calm down after that...23:14
zkriessecalm down after what23:14
scott_evI'll pm23:14
scott_ev                  up.  with their 'power boost' it tests out as high as 55 down and 8 up with pfSense23:15
scott_ev                  in place on an appliance that is all gigabit.  When I put the WRT back in place the23:15
scott_ev                  tests slow to ~25 and 5.  Is this due to the hardware of the Linksys all being 10/10023:15
scott_ev                  or can firmware be slowing things down? This Linksys has DD-WRT on it and because of23:15
scott_ev                  things I've heard and read I really don't want it on there any longer.  I'm just23:15
scott_ev                  wondering if the firmware change to OpenWRT will result in any better speeds.  Either23:15
scott_ev                  way I plan on switching..23:15
scott_ev14:22 <+scott_ev> [mbm]: any input?23:15
scott_ev14:24 <@[mbm]> I'm from openwrt, not dd-wrt .. that's like asking for cyanogen support in droidmod23:15
scott_ev14:26 <+scott_ev> no it's not.  I'm asking if openwrt would possibly show any gains23:15
scott_ev14:26 <+scott_ev> I'm going to switch anyway23:15
scott_ev14:27 <+scott_ev> or is the limited speed due to a 10/100 nic being overloaded by overhead?23:15
scott_ev14:28 <+scott_ev> my thinking is that a 10/100 nic should move more than 25bm/s...23:15
scott_ev14:36 <+scott_ev> so am I to believe you can't even be bothered to tell me you have a great product and23:15
scott_ev                  I should be very hapy with it especially since it's not in violation of licensing?23:15
scott_ev14:36 <+scott_ev> hah23:15
scott_ev14:56 <@[mbm]> I don't give a damn what you run, I don't make any money off openwrt and having you run23:15
scott_ev               it would just be further annoyance23:15
scott_ev14:59 <+scott_ev> haha23:15
scott_ev15:00 <@[mbm]> from my point of view dd-wrt is great, it means I don't have to deal with self entitled23:16
scott_ev               idiots like you23:16
scott_ev15:01 <+scott_ev> just flashed.  worry not oh great one - I'll not be annoying you with further23:16
scott_ev                  questions23:16
zkriesseok scott_ev23:16
scott_evbrb in 5 - 10 min23:16

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