ruben23 | hi guys if i do ifconfig i cant see any ehternet, but when ifconfig -a i see the eth0, even i put the IP and oter details on it, when i restart ti fails | 00:19 |
ruben23 | any idea..does my ethernt really are not installed..? or installed | 00:19 |
clusty | hey | 00:41 |
clusty | i tried making my tiny asus boot from pxe using a netboot image | 00:42 |
clusty | it could nto detect my network card: suported after kernel 2.6.18 | 00:42 |
clusty | any clues how i can fix the whole thing? | 00:42 |
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pmatulis | ruben23: did you get the ethernet problem fixed? | 01:15 |
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storrgie | i put a new nic in my server | 01:42 |
storrgie | removed the old one | 01:42 |
storrgie | how do i make the new nic operate as eth0 | 01:42 |
storrgie | i want to stop the persisitant interfaces | 01:42 |
storrgie | :( | 01:44 |
ruben23 | pmatulis: ...? | 02:09 |
ruben23 | you there | 02:09 |
pmatulis | ruben23: yes | 02:09 |
ruben23 | pmatulis: still my ethernet fails | 02:10 |
ruben23 | what should i do | 02:10 |
pmatulis | ruben23: how did you configure your interfaces? | 02:10 |
ruben23 | i did pico /etc/network/interfaces | 02:11 |
pmatulis | ruben23: pastebin that file | 02:12 |
ruben23 | | 02:12 |
v1ad | what the problem again? sorry jst joined in | 02:13 |
ruben23 | when- command ifconfig - i dont see anything, but ifconfig -a, i see eth0 no ip. | 02:14 |
v1ad | o | 02:14 |
v1ad | is he network working though or no? | 02:14 |
ruben23 | but i already manualy put the IP on the interfaces and make it static. | 02:14 |
ruben23 | v1ad:you mean..? | 02:14 |
v1ad | so what you have there is what you out in correct? | 02:15 |
v1ad | what i meant iss did you set the variables for the ip | 02:17 |
ruben23 | yes i have already.. | 02:17 |
Shapeshiftr | hey. | 02:17 |
Shapeshiftr | wait, nevermind., | 02:17 |
Shapeshiftr | wrong channel >_< | 02:17 |
ruben23 | pmatulis: ..? | 02:18 |
v1ad | and if you ping google do u get a response? | 02:18 |
v1ad | basically what im saying if your router does not assign u a dhcp address and you try to set 1 manually with the router set as dhcp it won't work | 02:19 |
GhostFreeman | where is the grub menu.lst in 10.03 | 02:20 |
GhostFreeman | 10.04* | 02:20 |
v1ad | and if you have no network connections available make sure its pluged in good on both ends | 02:20 |
v1ad | in /boot | 02:21 |
v1ad | nvrm that was old 1 i think | 02:21 |
ruben23 | yes all of that i have look on tis, it properly plug, its set to static..and still fails. | 02:21 |
v1ad | if you have the older grub its in /boot/grub | 02:21 |
v1ad | newer grubs set themselves and it is stored in a different location | 02:22 |
v1ad | did u check your router | 02:22 |
GhostFreeman | so how do I configure boot settings | 02:22 |
v1ad | is that set 2 static? | 02:22 |
v1ad | define configure | 02:22 |
GhostFreeman | I need to add a rootdelay to see if it fixes an outstanding issue i have on my headless machine | 02:23 |
v1ad | like boot time or boot preference? | 02:23 |
GhostFreeman | rootdelay needs to be set | 02:23 |
v1ad | if you go to like /boot/grub | 02:23 |
v1ad | do u see menu.lst? | 02:23 |
GhostFreeman | No | 02:23 |
v1ad | o how fun let me check my server machine my pc has an older grub | 02:24 |
GhostFreeman | this is actually a recurring issue | 02:24 |
GhostFreeman | I try to boot and it throws me to initramfs busybox, complaining about how it can't mount my boot drive | 02:24 |
GhostFreeman | I exit busybox and it just works | 02:24 |
v1ad | update-grub | 02:29 |
v1ad | and also check the header in /etc/grub.d/ | 02:30 |
v1ad | something like 00_header | 02:30 |
GhostFreeman | Ok | 02:30 |
GhostFreeman | well I just tested it with a grub boot and the rootdelay is what I need to add to the kernel stanza | 02:31 |
GhostFreeman | grub.cfg has the settings i need | 02:31 |
GhostFreeman | it's a bit of a mess from last time though...I got it from here | 02:32 |
GhostFreeman | Thank you :) | 02:32 |
v1ad | kk good luck | 02:32 |
v1ad | ruben seems more of a hardware issue than a software. to set your ip to static takes more than just setting it in a config file. i would leave it as dhcp and figure out why your network is not getting the address so since you already set it to static | 02:36 |
v1ad | go into your router and make sure its not broadcasting a dhcp address. there will be a conflict. | 02:36 |
pmatulis | ruben23: can you configure it manually? | 02:37 |
v1ad | he pasted this | 02:37 |
pmatulis | ruben23: can you configure it manually? | 02:38 |
pmatulis | ruben23: (on the command line) | 02:38 |
ruben23 | thats | 02:38 |
ruben23 | manually | 02:38 |
ruben23 | ocfigure | 02:38 |
ruben23 | i have pasted | 02:38 |
pmatulis | oh well, good luck | 02:39 |
pmatulis | (when you use the interfaces file you are not doing it manually, you are giving parameters that *some other* thing will use to do it for you) | 02:39 |
pmatulis | try | 02:40 |
pmatulis | ruben23: sudo ip address add brd + dev eth0 | 02:40 |
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ne7work | how can i install jdk on ubuntu-serveR? | 03:06 |
GhostFreeman | I've got an even bigger problem | 03:20 |
GhostFreeman | I'm trying to get Samba to start but it appears the /etc/samba directory is gone | 03:20 |
GhostFreeman | actually nevermind, I forgot about this dpkg thing | 03:21 |
GhostFreeman | actually | 03:24 |
GhostFreeman | yeah its still an issue | 03:24 |
GhostFreeman | what would cause samba to drop the /etc/samba directory, and how do I get it back (and smb.conf) | 03:24 |
ne7work | GhostFreeman can you help me dude please :( | 03:33 |
ne7work | really please :( | 03:33 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
GhostFreeman | install jdk? | 03:39 |
GhostFreeman | Try sudo apt-get install openjdk | 03:39 |
GhostFreeman | that should get you in the right direction | 03:40 |
ne7work | please someone help me with l2 server :( | 03:59 |
kman | Any webmin users out there? | 05:00 |
kman | Anyone out there? | 05:04 |
jmarsden | !webmin | 05:05 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 05:05 |
kman | Ok I was looking and seems to be people still using it and getting it to work. Will explore your suggestion with !ebox. | 05:08 |
v1ad | im pretty sure webmin supports ubuntu | 05:08 |
kman | and hopefully the other way around - Ubuntu supports webmin | 05:09 |
v1ad | Webmin - 2 visits - Apr 1 | 05:09 |
v1ad | Currently Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Redhat Enterprise are supported. If you like it, you can upgrade to the commercial version. April 12, 2010 .. | 05:09 |
v1ad | ive used itwith fedora and ubuntu | 05:10 |
v1ad | no issues | 05:10 |
kman | It looks like Webmin installed OK but am getting an error when trying to run. Error is "no such file or directory" when run https://localhost:10000 any suggestions? | 05:11 |
jmarsden | See for background on why webmin was dropped. Use at your own risk. | 05:12 |
v1ad | where do u run that | 05:12 |
v1ad | u do enter it into a web browser correct? | 05:12 |
v1ad | | 05:12 |
v1ad | open chrome or firefox | 05:13 |
kman | I tried that from the command line. not sure how to get a browser like interface going from the command line. | 05:13 |
v1ad | u dont | 05:14 |
v1ad | u install it | 05:14 |
v1ad | and then u access it from a web browser | 05:14 |
v1ad | u cant access it from command line | 05:14 |
v1ad | if u are accessing it remotely u will need to do ipaddress:10000 or if u have a domain name | 05:14 |
kman | I was trying to test it from the server before I tried from a remote box. The server does not have any graphical interface. | 05:16 |
v1ad | u cant test it from the server then | 05:16 |
v1ad | if u have a firewall make sure that port 10000 is open | 05:17 |
kman | I'm new to this so I apologize for my ignorance. Ok I'll try from another box. | 05:17 |
v1ad | no problem we where all ther ebefore | 05:17 |
kman | Thanks have a good night. | 05:19 |
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uvirtbot | New bug: #601288 in dhcp3 (main) "package dhcp3-server 3.1.3-2ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: vidinis procesas installed post-installation script nutrūko gražindamas reikšmę 127" [Undecided,New] | 08:06 |
corecode | hey | 09:17 |
corecode | i have a mdadm raid 1 that i want to mount during boot, but it doesn't contain my root. somehow I always have to scan+assemble the array manually | 09:18 |
corecode | where is the init.d code that will assemble the raid? | 09:19 |
corecode | i can't find it | 09:19 |
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KnightStalker | how to setup a proxy server? | 10:53 |
joschi | KnightStalker: proxy for what? http? smtp? imap? ldap? | 10:54 |
KnightStalker | http | 10:54 |
joschi | | 10:55 |
KnightStalker | Thanks,let me look at that | 10:55 |
KnightStalker | joschi,it times out | 11:22 |
KnightStalker | I changed the port and restarted it and it still times out | 11:22 |
KnightStalker | I use local IP and port | 11:22 |
KnightStalker | 192.168 ect | 11:22 |
KnightStalker | okay seems to be firewall | 11:24 |
steffan | /4/2 | 13:27 |
GhostFreeman_ | I'm having issues trying to reinstall mysql-server | 14:00 |
LeeQ | hi folks, if I want to mirror a server... I should rsync /etc /lib /var ? | 14:02 |
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clusty | was curious what's the main diff between the server and desktop ubuntu? | 17:12 |
clusty | just that server is strippe down of all the shit? | 17:12 |
cloakable | clusty: server has a different default kernel, and no gui. | 17:14 |
clusty | i just set up an ubuntu torrentbox (headless) and put desktop on it and stopped gdm | 17:15 |
cloakable | Erk, why? | 17:15 |
clusty | was that addressed to me? | 17:16 |
cloakable | yes | 17:16 |
clusty | the only gui tool i kinda like is gparted | 17:16 |
clusty | and was not in the mood to write 2 cd's just for that | 17:17 |
cloakable | The only gui server tool I like is... um, none :P | 17:17 |
clusty | tried doing a netinstall, but the kernel there is ancient | 17:17 |
clusty | and my netcard was not detected | 17:17 |
clusty | cloakable: also i think at some point i installed a server ubuntu and was a big pain in ass to get cpu-freq going | 17:20 |
clusty | was a few years back | 17:20 |
cloakable | Hmm | 17:20 |
clusty | while the desktop had everything fine by default | 17:20 |
clusty | anyways i am sure it's fine cause i cannot demand performance from it cause it's a piece of shit anyways... :D | 17:21 |
IdleOne | !language | clusty | 17:21 |
ubottu | clusty: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:21 |
clusty | oops | 17:21 |
clusty | sorry. piece of faeces :D | 17:21 |
IdleOne | you can express your dislike for something without bad language. Thanks | 17:21 |
clusty | any clues where is mod_deflate for apache2 ? | 17:27 |
clusty | i can't find the package for it... | 17:27 |
cloakable | it's in the default apache2 install | 17:30 |
cloakable | sudo a2enmod deflatw | 17:30 |
cloakable | sudo a2enmod deflate | 17:30 |
sacul | I've been doing some research on setting up a central server on my home network. I'd like users home directory on any client to be stored on the server for universal settings and storage for each client... I'm looking at a guide on LDAP... is that the direction I should be going? | 17:38 |
sacul | I'd also like the users to be authenticated by the server so that the users are the same on all machines. and if I change my password on one machine it changes on all of them... etc | 17:39 |
cloakable | LDAP is a great choice for central auth | 17:39 |
cloakable | And it's not too hard to set up if you're doing pure Linux auth | 17:40 |
cloakable | sacul: look at the ubuntu server guide | 17:40 |
sacul | cloakable: thanks a lot.. thats what I was looking at.. just wanted to make sure I wasn't overcomplicating the process | 17:40 |
cloakable | The good thing about LDAP is that it can grow :) | 17:41 |
cloakable | Later on, you could set up a radius server, and use it to get WPA2-Enterprise on your wifi :) | 17:42 |
sacul | cloakable: the idea is actually for the server to eventually really be the backbone of my network including replacing my existing router | 17:42 |
cloakable | sacul: hmmm. I might avoid replacing your router with it. | 17:43 |
sacul | cloakable: oh? I'm running a really old lynksys 802.11b wireless access point right now.. its soooo slow | 17:43 |
cloakable | sacul: It's best to run as few services as you can on your gateway | 17:45 |
cloakable | I'm running two boxes myself, one gateway, one central server. | 17:45 |
sacul | cloakable: that makes sense... | 17:45 |
cloakable | sacul: yeah | 17:45 |
cloakable | sacul: And do you really want your LDAP server on an internet-facing box? | 17:46 |
cloakable | :) | 17:46 |
sacul | cloakable: true... | 17:46 |
sacul | cloakable: thats why I came here! :) make me see the stupid decisions. :) | 17:47 |
cloakable | Put the backbone server in the center of the network, and link the router to it. | 17:47 |
cloakable | I SHOULD do that, but I'm running Smoothwall. I'll eventually replace with either pfSense or another ubuntu server. | 17:47 |
sacul | cloakable: time to start downloading the server image.. thanks for the advice! | 17:49 |
cloakable | sacul: no problem :) | 17:50 |
maek | is there a way to install a local .deb with dependency support from my apt repos? | 18:43 |
Nafallo | gdebi | 18:45 |
Nafallo | ^-- maek | 18:45 |
uvirtbot | Nafallo: Error: "--" is not a valid command. | 18:45 |
maek | Nafallo: I thought that was a gnome tool? | 18:45 |
Nafallo | no. that's gdebi-gtk | 18:46 |
maek | so in 10.04 I see gdebi as a gnome pkg and gdebi-core as not being any type of DM thing. sorry for being dumb Im coming from redhat and have little ubuntu/debian experience | 18:47 |
Nafallo | yeah, you want the package gdebi-core installed to get the binary gdebi | 18:48 |
maek | Nafallo: thanks | 18:48 |
maek | oh this is sweet. I did dpkg -i mylocal.deb and then when I ran apt-get it said I had unmet deps and and apt-get -f install would fix them. and it did! | 18:49 |
Nafallo | heh, yeah. I trust gdebi more though. playing around with dpkg is one layer down ;-) | 18:50 |
maek | ok, ill fire up another vm and see what happens. I had to build a cobbler package and this point im just kind of winging it. | 18:51 |
maek | so something else im confused on. does the service command not work anymore with upstart? | 18:51 |
Nafallo | noclue I'm afraid. don't think I ever used what you are talking about :-) | 18:52 |
maek | im not sure what im talking about either. what I though was that upstart took over some portion of running services in 10.04 | 18:53 |
Nafallo | this is true. | 18:54 |
maek | do you know how I would start a service now, because the service comand and /etc/init.d/servicename start are not working | 18:55 |
Nafallo | start/stop/restart <service> | 18:55 |
maek | oh my. thank you! | 18:56 |
maek | do I need more then a start/start/status style init file in /etc/init.d/servicename for upstart to work? | 19:02 |
Nafallo | I don't believe upstart uses init.d | 19:07 |
Nafallo | /etc/init by the looks of things. | 19:07 |
maek | hmm, ok. so if I get a service ill have to redo the init.d to an init/service.conf thanks | 19:08 |
maek | so If I install a package from 10.04 repo like apache it should have an /etc/init/apache2.conf file ? but I get an /etc/init.d/apache2 file and start apache2 doesnt work | 19:09 |
Nafallo | it is very much possible all packages have not transitioned yet. | 19:11 |
Nafallo | I do believe all packages installed by default on a desktop installation was the target for 10.94 | 19:12 |
Nafallo | s/94$/04/ | 19:12 |
maek | thanks | 19:14 |
clusty | cloakable: thanks for the deflate | 19:29 |
cloakable | clusty: no problem | 19:29 |
clusty | cloakable: a while back that was a module | 19:29 |
cloakable | clusty: aha | 19:30 |
Todd | shareware in a repo? I just vomited in my mouth a little. | 20:35 |
cloakable | D@ | 20:36 |
cloakable | D: | 20:36 |
cloakable | Todd: what's that? | 20:36 |
Todd | UltraEdit is in a repo that I'm using. | 20:36 |
Todd | I forget what I'm using it for. | 20:36 |
Todd | Oh it's in the partners repo. | 20:37 |
Todd | BAH.. that's even worse | 20:37 |
cloakable | Heh | 20:39 |
jpds | Todd: No, it's not. | 20:41 |
Nafallo | jpds: it was before... are you sure? | 20:44 |
pmatulis | no it's not in partner or no it's not worse? | 21:00 |
Nafallo | pmatulis: he meant "no, it's a good thing" :-) | 21:03 |
* Nafallo harrased him on jabber about it ;-) | 21:03 | |
clusty | what VPN server would you guys recommend? | 21:52 |
cloakable | clusty: for what application? | 21:55 |
clusty | to access a bunch of servers on the LAN | 21:56 |
clusty | now i tunnel over ssh | 21:56 |
cloakable | that works | 21:56 |
clusty | but this is annoying: 1 port for each service on each machine... | 21:56 |
cloakable | hmm | 21:56 |
cloakable | Are you looking for ease of use or? | 21:56 |
clusty | i got like 4 postgress connections | 21:57 |
clusty | yes | 21:57 |
cloakable | pptpd | 21:57 |
cloakable | on the gateway | 21:57 |
clusty | what are the alternatives? | 21:57 |
clusty | i mean why did you ask me of purpose | 21:57 |
cloakable | There's openvpn | 21:58 |
cloakable | Which is more secure, but harder to setup | 21:58 |
clusty | definately i don't care that much about security | 21:58 |
cloakable | pptpd is easy to set up, and there's a client built into most things | 21:59 |
clusty | does pptp have stream compression? | 21:59 |
clusty | ssh saves my ass with the -C part... | 21:59 |
cloakable | yes, but it's disabled by default, I'm not sure why. | 22:01 |
clusty | pptp it is then... :D | 22:02 |
cloakable | apt-get install pptpd :) | 22:03 |
clusty | for some reason all howto's i found started by compiling pptpd from source | 22:03 |
cloakable | That's because they weren't wise enough to use ubuntu | 22:04 |
clusty | that was under ubuntu | 22:04 |
cloakable | Hmmm | 22:04 |
cloakable | Weird | 22:05 |
cloakable | did it give a reason? Or was it just do it this way? | 22:05 |
clusty | they were patching the source | 22:05 |
cloakable | hmmm | 22:05 |
cloakable | What for? | 22:06 |
clusty | lemme check. when i reached that point i gave up :D | 22:06 |
clusty | felt like too much of a hassle | 22:06 |
cloakable | heh | 22:06 |
cloakable | yes | 22:06 |
cloakable | Well, slap it into a fileserver :) | 22:08 |
cloakable | *gateway | 22:08 |
clusty | | 22:10 |
clusty | must have been some old ubuntu 2007 | 22:10 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 2007 in openoffice.org2 "can't upgrade opneoffice.org2-common or -base" [Medium,Invalid] | 22:10 |
cloakable | Mmm | 22:11 |
cloakable | the plugin works now, iirc | 22:12 |
holmser | I am trying to set up an rsync backup for my server | 22:25 |
cloakable | and? | 22:25 |
holmser | everything was working great until I realized that I need to be super user to access everything in /var/www | 22:26 |
holmser | so now my script always asks for a password in the ssh login portion of it | 22:26 |
holmser | basically, when I run the command with sudo I get asked for a password, when I run it as a regular user I do not | 22:27 |
holmser | how can I set it so it doesn't ask for a password when run as sudo? | 22:27 |
jmarsden | holmser: I think you want to edit /etc/sudoers (using the visudo command) so you give yourself NOPASSWD permissions for that particular command. | 22:29 |
holmser | got it... I just needed to copy the keys from /root/.ssh/ over too | 22:31 |
holmser | well, the public key anyway | 22:32 |
holmser | now all I need to do is set up a root chron job | 22:33 |
holmser | damn... is there a way to make rsync follow symlinks? | 22:36 |
jpds | --copy-links | 22:38 |
holmser | thank you | 22:43 |
Cooro | I was wondering, is it possible to get Mysql to work on ubuntu? | 22:43 |
holmser | yes | 22:44 |
guntbert | !lamp | Cooro | 22:44 |
ubottu | Cooro: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 22:44 |
Cooro | Ah | 22:44 |
Cooro | So I can't just install mysql, I have to use a different method? | 22:45 |
holmser | no, you can just install it with sudo aptitude install mysql-server | 22:45 |
Cooro | Hhmm | 22:45 |
holmser | what are you using it for? | 22:46 |
holmser | website? | 22:46 |
Cooro | Well, I'm trying to create my own game | 22:46 |
Cooro | and need the mysql. | 22:46 |
guntbert | Cooro: sudo aptitude install mysql-server | 22:46 |
Cooro | So it'll work just like if it was on windows? Sorry for my questions, first it using linux anything. xD | 22:47 |
holmser | depends on how you are using it. If you want to include it with your game, I would use SQLite | 22:47 |
Cooro | ah, k | 22:48 |
Cooro | Thank you | 22:48 |
holmser | np | 22:48 |
Cooro | Crazy that they want so much money for just one license of windows. -_- | 22:50 |
Cooro | Compared to ubuntu being free. lol | 22:50 |
Cooro | I was thinking about installing windows mysql 08 lite on it. | 22:54 |
Cooro | So what kind of gui does ubuntu have? | 22:56 |
cloakable | the server? | 22:57 |
cloakable | it doesn't have gui | 22:57 |
Cooro | Yeah or do I have to instal one? | 22:57 |
Cooro | ah | 22:57 |
cloakable | you can install one if you want | 22:58 |
cloakable | But it's mostly a waste of resources | 22:58 |
Cooro | It'd help. lol | 22:58 |
cloakable | your server will waste ram displaying a desktop nobody will ever see | 22:58 |
Cooro | Do you know where I can download a gui or is it included into the instal? | 22:58 |
cloakable | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 22:59 |
cloakable | Or aptitude | 22:59 |
cloakable | Aptitude will let you get rid of it easier | 22:59 |
Cooro | That the command? | 22:59 |
cloakable | yup | 22:59 |
Cooro | k | 22:59 |
Cooro | Where do I get the gui? | 22:59 |
cloakable | the command downloads it for you | 23:00 |
cloakable | Then installs it for you | 23:00 |
cloakable | Then does basic configuration for you | 23:00 |
cloakable | This isn't windows :P | 23:00 |
cloakable | You don't need to go out hunting for software | 23:01 |
Cooro | ah, kk, thanks | 23:01 |
qman__ | the GUI does not provide any advantages in managing a server, as all the server software is command-line based | 23:05 |
cloakable | indeed | 23:05 |
qman__ | ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop share the same repositories and package sets, they are just configured differently out of the box | 23:05 |
cloakable | Also, most ubuntu servers run headless | 23:06 |
Cooro | I'm sorry, what does headless mean? | 23:08 |
ChmEarl | Cooro, no eyes, ears, or nose | 23:08 |
Cooro | Ah, kk. | 23:09 |
ChmEarl | Cooro, actually no monitor keyboard or mouse | 23:09 |
cloakable | Cooro: Most ubuntu boxes are administered remotely, via secure shell. | 23:11 |
Cooro | ah | 23:14 |
Cooro | Well, kinda need a gui for this one. :( | 23:14 |
cloakable | Heh | 23:15 |
cloakable | What for? | 23:15 |
jmarsden | Cooro: Why? What server software needs a GUI? | 23:15 |
cloakable | Cooro: Do you think software needs to be on the local box to connect with mysql? | 23:16 |
jmarsden | If you just want "a desktop PC that will sometimes run some services", because you personally like a local GUI, you should just install Ubuntu Desktop. | 23:16 |
Cooro | Well, I normally use the sql through the gui | 23:22 |
cloakable | How do you connect to it? tcp/ip or socket? | 23:23 |
Cooro | tcp/ip | 23:28 |
jmarsden | Cooro: So run the "SQl GUI" (what application is that, by the way?) on your local desktop or laptop running Ubuntu Desktop, and connect over the network to the SQL server (MySQL or Postgresql or whatever) on your server. The server does not need a GUI, only your local desktop/laptop workstation needs the GUI. | 23:34 |
cloakable | indeed | 23:40 |
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