
Scoobydoomaxwellian System>Prefs>Keyboard shortcuts00:00
soadkombuchaIs it at all possible to remove panels from one workspace and not the others so one workspace shows ONLY the desktop?00:00
DasEihomiziado: you can just ask for possibilities for now, as the box isn't in reach, but if money isn't the issue, a tft will be best for such, or is it a lcd tv also on hdmi ?00:00
maxwellianScoobydoo: I'm using Xfce, not Gnome, so I have to do a little translating here...00:00
Scoobydoomacwellian: Just need to figure out how to open a new terminal window with python running in it00:01
homiziadoDasEi it is a lcd tv on hdmi00:01
ZykoticK9Scoobydoo, "gnome-terminal -e python"00:01
ScoobydooZykoticK9: Saves the day!00:02
maxwellianScoobydoo: Yay! :)00:02
treble54with ubuntu (8.10 specifically atm), how do I set up dual monitors with different resolutions, not mirrored? is there a guide people usually recommend ? I have an intel 945 (or 965, I'm not exactly sure, but it is one of the two) graphics chipset00:02
DasEihomiziado: well.. don't know how far linux is on the latest developments, but then playing around with ssh and config is real promising00:02
DasEitreble54: nvidia is still doing it best, but might look :00:03
maxwellianNitzchONot: So after updating grub, burg is gone?  Is that it?00:03
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:03
robertzaccourshould i install 64 bit or 32 bit chrome browser?00:04
NitzchONotmaxwellian, yes, i updated GRUB2 today and after the reboot, my BURG's gone :<00:04
soadkombucharobertzaccour: Depends on the processor you have... And Chrome 64 bit isn't out yet?00:04
DasEirobertzaccour: depends on your host OS00:04
maxwellianNitzchONot: Is it actually uninstalled?  Or just not running on startup?00:04
robertzaccoursoadkombucha, yes it is look http://www.google.com/chrome/eula.html00:05
soadkombucharobertzaccour: Hmm.00:05
soadkombucharobertzaccour: Chances are I have it installed already then00:05
treble54whenever I connect a second monitor to my laptop, ubuntu detects it (using the application "Monitor Resolution Settings" or "Screen Resolution" in Control Center), but gives me this message when trying to apply any change outside of mirroring my laptop's screen:00:05
treble54"Monitor Resolution Settings has detected that the virtual resolution must be set in your configuration file in order to apply your settings. Would you like Screen Resolution to set the virtual resolution for you? (Recommended)"00:05
NitzchONotmaxwellian, no, it's installed.. it didnt got removed. It just got 'overwritten' by GRUB and doesnt load anymore.00:06
maxwellianNitzchONot: Looking here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Burg/  it seems burg-install might be your answer...00:06
robertzaccoursoadkombucha, :D00:07
ftnHey there. I remember that in previous versions kazehakase  was in the repos but I can't find it in lucid. Do you know where can I find it?, please00:07
soadkombucharobertzaccour: Haha. I'm currently installing a Windows XP VBox and I'm going to run it seamlessly.00:07
Alan502_ubuntu is not using the correct interface to connect to the internet for some apps00:07
homiziadoDasEi sorry for the delay, just plugged everything and am in recovery mode00:08
NitzchONotmaxwellian, thanks. Im gonna reboot (damn thats the only way :< ) and i'll come back with the results.. thanks for your time :D00:08
DasEihomiziado: fine , I just read up some more about caky, it also has dvi then00:08
maxwellianNitzchONot: Hold on...00:08
maxwellianNitzchONot: Is burg-emu of any use?00:09
NitzchONotmaxwellian, Dont think so, it just emulates how burg will look.00:09
maxwellianAlan502_: Which interface is the "correct" one, and which one do you think is being used instead?00:09
maxwellianNitzchONot: Okay, good luck!00:09
DasEihomiziado: is it connected to internet, too ?00:09
NitzchONotmaxwellian, cheers, thanks :)00:09
Alan502_ppp0, and i think apps are tyring to connect using eth000:09
Alan502_maxwellian,  ppp0, and i think apps are tyring to connect using eth000:09
robertzaccourchrome is just fine now yay00:10
robertzaccourremoved chromium00:10
soadkombucharobertzaccour: Woot.00:10
soadkombucharobertzaccour: They're the same thing00:10
treble54DasEi: even though I do not have an nvidia graphics chipset, can I still use the nvidia program to manage my dual monitor setup ?00:10
Alan502_maxwellian, the reason why i think they are using eth0 is because when i disconnect eth0 everything works fine00:10
homiziadoDasEi i don't think so but i have wifi00:10
robertzaccoursoadkombucha, thats weird, chromium was buggy, but chrome isn't00:10
Alan502_maxwellian, but when i connect it i can't use the internet00:10
homiziadoDasEi should be able to connect if from wifi but not configured00:10
soadkombucharobertzaccour: Yeah but the only difference between the two is a different colored logo and Chrome has Google Tracking00:11
DasEitreble54: no, bu there are ways to configure xorg for dualhead.. mm onboard chips might be a hassle00:11
maxwellianAlan502_: Does it affect every application, or just your browser?00:11
Alan502_maxwellian, every application00:11
maxwellianAlan502_: Really, your apps are not going to know which interface they're using.00:11
DasEihomiziado: there is a router present providing dhcp ?00:11
maxwellianAlan502_: Has this setup worked before?00:11
NitzchONotmaxwellian, thanks mate, "burg-install" worked! Cheers:D00:11
maxwellianNitzchONot: Great news!  Have fun!00:12
DasEihomiziado: sudo dhclientt00:12
homiziadoDasEi i'm not sure how to check that but i have a router00:12
Alan502_maxwellian, :/ no, i just started using a mobile/broadband and eth0 together00:12
DasEihomiziado: sudo dhclient00:12
Alan502_maxwellian, actually, i could get get it a little better by selecting "use this connection onlly for resources on its network" under "routes" of the ipv4 tab of eth000:13
robertzaccoursoadkombucha, how come chromium was buggy them? also is there a chromium 64 bit?00:13
soadkombucharobertzaccour: I'm not exactly sure.00:13
soadkombucharobertzaccour: On either account.00:13
Alan502_maxwellian, i could use xchat, firefox, squid still couldn't connect to the internet though00:13
DasEihomiziado: any ip found ?00:14
maxwellianAlan502_: What do you mean, couldn't connect to the Internet?00:14
maxwellianAlan502_: If you were using those programs, you were connected.00:14
DasEihomiziado: you can check, if ssh is already installed : sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart00:14
homiziadoDasEi not sure how to interpret the output but I don't think so00:15
maxwellianAlan502_: Oh, were you saying only Squid couldn't connect?00:15
Alan502_maxwellian, i mean that they were running fine didn't have internet access00:15
Alan502_maxwellian, yes :P sorry00:15
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Alan502_maxwellian, that, after i had selected "use this connection only for resources on this network"00:15
meowbuntuminty frosted lans is quite today00:15
DasEihomiziado: if client was succesful, some iface would have assigned an ip00:15
meowbuntuoh there you are00:16
Alan502_maxwellian, squid and ALL my apps work fine accessing the internet when i disconnect eth0 though00:16
LinuxGuy2009I installed the "preload" package and was wondering if I need to create a startup entry or if its handled automatically?00:16
homiziadoDasEi command not found00:16
maxwellianAlan502_: It sounds like you are having a route table issue.  Unfortunately I'm not super knowledgeable in that area. :P00:16
Alan502_maxwellian, eth0 is what's giving me all the trouble :(00:16
DasEihomiziado: the ssh one  ? so not installed then00:16
Alan502_maxwellian, lol yeah i guess so00:16
homiziadoDasEi but man ssh tells me it exists?00:16
maxwellianAlan502_: Can you run netstat -nr00:16
homiziadoDasEi, yes the ssh00:16
Alan502_maxwellian, UH        0 0          0 ppp000:17
Alan502_192.168.0.0   U         0 0          0 eth000:17
Alan502_169.254.0.0     U         0 0          0 ppp000:17
Alan502_0.0.0.0         UG        0 0          0 ppp000:17
FloodBot3Alan502_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:17
maxwellianAnd put the results up in ubuntu.pastebin.com00:17
maxwellianAlan502_: Whoops, sorry...should have gotten to you earlier.00:17
Alan502_haha, my fault00:17
Alan502_i knew about this earlier00:17
meowbuntui am looking for a way to connect remotely to my friends computer what is the best option for me. i may need access to his windows os or other linux os00:17
RocketLauncherI have attempted to install Ubuntu from my flash drive using Unetbootin. When booting from flash drive, it skips it and goes on back to Windows. That's if I format it FAT32. If it's NTFS, I get BOOTMGR MISSING00:17
DasEihomiziado:  : sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start          ,but same as above00:17
knoppiesmeowbuntu, VNC might be what you looking for.00:17
Alan502_maxwellian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/458530/00:17
maxwellianAlan502_: You have two default routes.00:17
soadkombuchaRocketLauncher: Do it with FAT32 and make sure to set USB as the primary boot device using your BIOS settings00:18
Alan502_maxwellian, so that could be the problem?00:18
meowbuntuRocketLauncher: does it have the unetbootin screen with boot prompt coming up00:18
meowbuntuvnc ok is that availble on ubuntu00:18
Line_hello Ive set up virtualization in server 10.04 and i can access my virtual pcs using vnc over lan, but I cannot outside of my network, how can i enable outside connections?00:18
homiziadoDasEi also command not found00:18
maxwellianAlan502_: My understanding is that when you try to access anything on the Internet, your computer looks up the default route so it knows who to connect to first.00:18
maxwellianAlan502_: Since you have two default routes, they are probably interfering with each other.00:19
Alan502_maxwellian, aha00:19
SuperMiguelwhats faster jwm or fluxbox???00:19
Alan502_maxwellian, which are the default routes?00:19
DasEihomiziado: so either we need to fiugre out a working inetconnction first, or use a usb stick and get a deb for ssh from the lappi00:19
meowbuntuRocketLauncher: HELLO DID YOU GET THAT00:19
soadkombuchameowbuntu: I also said something and he apparently didn't get that either00:20
inspironhey guys how can I determine what connection my hard-drive has? I did lspci and it says my montherboard has IDE SATA interface I think that my HDD is SCSI though00:20
codebrainzinspiron, look at the cables :)00:20
maxwellianAlan502_: Is it possible to disable the ppp0 device?  To see if that also solves the problem?00:21
DasEiinspiron: hwinfo is more detailed, better install gnome-device-manager,  bill gates is near ;-)00:21
maxwellianAlan502_: I want to be more certain that it's the fact that they co-exist that's causing the issue.00:21
maxwellianAlan502_: I don't know anything about ppp0, though.00:21
vaulZykoticK9: Well, they have support not only for 4,096 cores now.00:21
DasEihomiziado: so there are ethernetports, too , is there a free one on your router   ?00:22
Alan502_maxwellian, it's just a mobile/broadband connection. I'll disable it and copy the netstat -nr for you00:22
Alan502_maxwellian, ppp0 is how we are chatting though, so 'll log out for a few moments00:22
meowbuntuok soadkombucha00:22
RocketLauncherI have attempted to install Ubuntu from my flash drive using Unetbootin. When booting from flash drive, it skips it and goes on back to Windows. That's if I format it FAT32. If it's NTFS, I get BOOTMGR MISSING00:22
vaulZykoticK9: It is really easy to get lubvdpau working with VLC now.00:22
homiziadoDasEi there is but too far away from the tv00:22
DasEiRocketLauncher: see 2 answers above00:23
maxwellianAlan502_: I thought nothing worked when both were enabled?00:23
KapliHi, I am on ubuntu 10.04, when I put a file on my desktop it doesn't show up, it shows up in nautilus but not when i look at my desktop00:23
vaulZykoticK9: Everything neccessary is present in repositories.00:23
ZykoticK9vaul, i have NO idea!  I just read the news that the feature was added!  I use mplayer for everything myself.00:23
homiziadoDasEi, sorry waht is lappi? I'm searching for a deb00:23
RocketLauncherDasEi: i d/c'd so i couldn't see them. i was lagging like crazy earlier00:23
DasEihomiziado: I ask it to get it to networking ~inet00:23
ZykoticK9vaul, i HIGHLY doubt the version you need is in any repose.  check webpd8 site?00:23
DasEihomiziado: lappi = laptop00:23
vaulZykoticK9: Just install VLC, libvdpau — both from repositories, mark the checkbox «Use hardware acceleration» in VLC, and voiala!00:24
RocketLauncherDasEi: could you tell me the two answers again?00:24
ZykoticK9vaul, NICE00:24
DasEiRocketLauncher: fat is the right format for unetbootin, let it enough time to finish, unmount cleanly, set bios to boot from usb , should do the job00:24
vaulZykoticK9: Unfortunately, support is not perfect, so system load is still high, but acceptable.00:25
meowbuntuknoppies: ok vnc may be what is the application for ubuntu called00:25
Alan502maxwellian, this is the output of netstat -nr when ppp0 is disabled: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458534/00:25
vaulZykoticK9: So, thanks again — I'll be going.00:25
meowbuntu!ask | meowbuntu00:26
ubottumeowbuntu, please see my private message00:26
maxwellianAlan502: And everything works?00:26
Alan502maxwellian, when i disable ppp0? no, because i have no internet connection through eth000:26
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Alan502maxwellian, i already enabled ppp0 again00:27
Capt_Blackwooddoes anybody know where the "Themes" are stored00:27
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, so when ppp0 is disabled, and it's just ethernet, you have no connectivity?00:28
DasEihomiziado: the question about the giganetports was for internet on the calebox, so additional software can be easily pulled from the web00:28
Capt_Blackwoodgot one that didn't install properly00:28
Alan502maxwellian, yeah00:28
ZykoticK9I'm running into a problem with xulrunner-1.9.2 on 10.04.  Update Manager is asking for a "partial" upgrade, to remove this package,  which will break gnome-shell (which I realize is NOT essential) - any way around this?00:28
Alan502maxwellian, i have newtork connectivity, but can't access the internet at all00:28
maxwellianAlan502: Why do you have both devices again?00:28
DasEiZykoticK9: try from runlevel one with option --dry-run to see apt's suggestion ?00:29
homiziadoDasEi do you think it can be done without it ethernet access to the router?00:29
Alan502maxwellian, the only reason why i have both devices active is because i must share this ppp0 connection with my sister >:( and i used to do it through ICS with windows00:29
Alan502maxwellian, so for linux, i installed squid on my machine00:29
Alan502maxwellian, and i will let her browser connect to squid00:30
homiziadoDasEi sorry still searching for ssh .deb file00:30
DasEihomiziado: I think so, but as this is really new stuff, it would be nice (and much safer) to have a view inside this box, not acting on a crystal ball00:30
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, so describe your setup to me.  You have cable, DSL, dialup, what?00:30
Alan502maxwellian, I have a 3G modem connected to this computer, that's ppp0 from which i access the internet00:31
Alan502maxwell_, then i have eth0 which is a network card connected to a router00:31
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Alan502maxwellian,  then i have eth0 which is a network card connected to a router00:31
Alan502maxwell_, sry00:31
Alan502maxwellian, hmmm on this machine i have squid00:32
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maxwellianAlan502: Wireless modem?00:32
Alan502maxwellian, yeah a 3G wireless modem00:32
Alan502maxwellian, that's ppp000:33
meowbuntuthere are several apps in synaptic that are to do with vnc "tightvncserver",  "xtightvncserver", "x2vnc"and "tsclient"  i am not sure what to use i need to access windoes and linux computers to help ppl and teach them stuff.00:33
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, so without your sister mucking things up, your normal setup would be the wireless modem, and that would communicate through the ppp0 interface?00:33
meowbuntumint is my first choice00:33
Alan502maxwellian, the router to which eth0 is connected is a simple wireless router, just the router and me00:33
meowbuntubut ubuntu is a good os i use as my server00:34
Alan502maxwellian, yes, if i wouldn't have to include my sister in this network i would just unplug eth0 and connect to the internet with ppp0 normally00:34
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, but you can't get rid of her, so you added a wireless router, which is connected to your machine via ethernet.00:34
Alan502maxwell_, right!00:34
maxwellianAlan502: And she is supposed to be connecting via the router.00:34
Alan502maxwellian, yup00:35
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treble54how would I find out what max screen resolution my graphics chipset (Intel 945GM) can handle ?00:35
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, so I don't really know how this works, but it seems to me that your machine is assuming that both the ppp0 interface and the eth0 interface are good options to get out to the Internet.00:36
maxwellianAlan502: But really, only the ppp0 is going to get you very far.  The eth0 will only take you to your sister, at best.00:36
Alan502maxwellian, uhu, and that's why i can't connect to the internet with eth0 plugged00:36
Alan502maxwellian, right :P00:37
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, so hold on, let me look up some routing info.00:37
Alan502maxwellian, ok take your time :D00:37
homiziadoDasEi just plugged the usb to the machine00:37
Alan502treble54,  you normally know your max resolution from your provider00:37
jacob_hey guys, I have ubuntu 10.04, and when I suspend my computer, I can't resume, so is there a solution to this problem?00:38
DasEihomiziado: containing the ssh-deb ?00:38
Alan502treble54,  from intel, in this case00:38
homiziadoDasEi yes00:38
codebrainztreble54, http://www.intel.com/design/mobile/datashts/309219.htm00:38
DasEihomiziado: sudo fdisk -l  , which device ?00:38
codebrainztreble54, section 1.300:38
daichihey all, i remember a program which allowed apache to create vhosts on the fly00:38
daichii think it started with r00:39
daichii can't remember the name00:39
DasEidaichi: rapache ?!00:39
daichiomg! duh yes00:39
homiziadoDasEui /dev/sdb/ ?00:39
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, so right now, you've disconnected the ethernet?00:39
daichithanks :D00:39
homiziadoDasEi /dev/sdb ?00:39
DasEihomiziado: prbly,  yes /dev/sdb1  I assume00:39
Alan502maxwellian, yep00:40
DasEihomiziado: sudo mkdir /media/stick00:40
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:40
homiziadoDasEi I think so also00:40
DasEihomiziado: sudo mount /dev/sdb1  /media/stick00:40
maxwellianAlan502: Go into the Terminal and type "traceroute google.com"00:40
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:40
DasEihomiziado: cd /media/stick00:41
DasEihomiziado: ls00:41
Alan502maxwellian, ok it's running now00:41
DasEihomiziado: ssh-deb there ?00:41
lpetrovwhy the fuck after dist-upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 all my storage devices got changed from /dev/hdx -> /dev/sdx ? and the more important question, why didnt the upgrade just replaced all paths in /dev/fstab ??00:42
homiziadoDasEi no :(00:42
nerdy_kidi dont think apt-get is auto updating like I have it set to do in synaptic, how can i fix this?  I did a ground up install so i might be missing a few packages. thanks!00:42
maxwellianlpetrov: Language.00:42
DasEihomiziado: sudo mkdir /media/stick00:42
inspironso how can I find what connection is used by my HDD? lscpi?00:42
claygis it possible to have windows 7 ubuntu and xp pro on one systerm/;00:42
DasEihomiziado: sudo mount /dev/sdb1  /media/stick00:42
DasEihomiziado: cd /media/stick00:42
DasEihomiziado: ls00:42
DasEils = "LS"00:42
homiziadoDasEi "is already mounted on /media/stick"00:42
lpetrovmaxwellian: i'm mad.. 4hours downtime because of startup screen sayn' "cant find /dev/hdx"00:42
Alan502maxwellian, let me paste the output....00:43
maxwellianclayg: Have you tried looking up something like "triple boot" in google?00:43
DasEihomiziado: was just a repeattition, case you missed a step00:43
Alan502maxwellian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/458537/00:43
inspironlpetrov: Because that's ubuntu - it's made to work as it is but it has 1000s of bugs. I've NEVER made a successful dist-upgrade so far. But if you want the latest and greatest and a system which makes minimal use of the VERY VERY POWERFUL command line then use ubuntu00:44
maxwellianAlan502: Uh...was that with the ethernet unplugged?00:44
claygmaxwellian, Npo00:44
claygmaxwellian, I have not but I'll take that question as a suggestion and do so, thanks00:44
Alan502maxwellian, yeah, weird but i can still ping google....00:44
codebrainznerdy_kid, i think it does this via the Update Manager (system->administration->update manager->Settings)00:44
homiziadoDasEi weird  ... no files00:44
Alan502maxwellian, i'm running traceroute again00:45
Alan502maxwellian, just in case00:45
maxwellianAlan502: It should show the different machines you're connecting to to reach Google.00:45
homiziadoDasEi should I try another usb?00:45
nerdy_kidcodebrainz yeah under "software sources", i have that set to "daily" but i dont think it works.00:45
inspironlpetrov: if you are running a server consider debian. Ubuntu you will have to change at least once every 3 years and changes are drastic. Files are no longer used, have changed places or whatever.00:45
homiziadoDasEi... I transfered the .deb from a mac, any influence?00:46
Alan502maxwellian, hahaha i got the same again xD00:46
lpetrovinspiron: thanks, that is what i wanned to hear :)00:46
Alan502maxwellian, let me paste it to you anyway00:46
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, so the only interface enabled right now is ppp0?00:46
meowbuntuubuntu rocks00:46
DasEihomiziado: sure no drive-miss ? prbly there will just be sda and sdb .. errrm mac-deb  or a deb from web, d/l by mac ?00:46
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!00:46
codebrainznerdy_kid, you just want the upgrades to automatically install?00:46
Alan502maxwellian, yes :)00:47
homiziadoDasEi download from a mac and put on the usb from the mac00:47
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Alan502maxwellian, running ifconfig doesn't show any adress under eth000:47
nerdy_kidcodebrainz no just notify me00:47
maxwellianAlan502: The traceroute indicates to me that you cannot, in fact, reach Google.00:47
Alan502maxwellian, so i'm sure eth0 is disable00:47
DasEihomiziado: which filesystem does the stick have ?00:47
Alan502maxwellian, i can ping it though00:47
maxwellianAlan502: Hrm...00:47
codebrainznerdy_kid, yeah, then where i said under Update Manager00:47
Alan502maxwellian, PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.00:47
DasEihomiziado: sudo fdisk -l00:47
Alan50264 bytes from mia04s03-in-f104.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=531 ms00:47
Alan50264 bytes from mia04s03-in-f104.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=539 ms00:47
FloodBot3Alan502: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
homiziadoDasEi not sure but I can reformat it00:48
DasEihomiziado: sudo fdisk -l00:48
nerdy_kidcodebrainz right i have that set00:48
maxwellianAlan502: Don't paste in here.00:48
Alan502sorry again00:48
DasEihomiziado: if mount hasn't complained, won't be the issue then00:48
inspironAnyone know how to ubottu we know we know - don't use debian repos in ubuntu. Otherwise ubuntu might actually stop crashing and work properly. On ubuntu I'm afraid to update because I don't know whether the next update is not going to make my system unusable. I do agree that ubuntu does a lot but it's not my cup of tea. I need something which is ROCK solid.00:48
inspironanyone know how to find out what connection my HDD has? Is it SATA? SCSI?00:49
maxwellianAlan502: Can you pastebin the contents of /etc/network/interfaces?00:49
homiziadoDasEi "warning: gpt (guid partition  table) detected on /dev/sdb the util fdisk does not support gpt. use gnu parted" ?00:49
codebrainznerdy_kid, and it doesn't pop up from time to time with the new updates?00:49
sebsebsebinspiron: Rock solid,  probably about the closest your going to get Linux distrowise is Debian Stable00:49
homiziadoDasEi can be a cause?00:50
inspironsebsebseb: and that's what I'm running00:50
DasEihomiziado: there are some basic tries one could do on graphics, but as this iegd with hdmi is very new to me, I'd like to know more about the environment beforehands00:50
Alan502maxwellian, ok...00:50
Alan502maxwellian, pasting..00:50
sebsebsebinspiron: well in that case support is #debian00:50
nerdy_kidcodebrainz no; i have another pc though and it works fine.00:50
Alan502maxwellian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/458540/00:51
DasEihomiziado: seems like mac table then, use fat or ntfs ?!00:51
inspironsebsebseb: yeah but I need something different - I want to find out what connection my HDD has00:51
codebrainznerdy_kid, yeah, not sure.  the packages are 'update-manager*' and 'update-notifier*'00:51
homiziadoDasEi not sure which it is but its not fat00:51
maxwellianAlan502: Okay, nothing weird there.00:51
codebrainznerdy_kid, and 'update-inetd'00:52
DasEihomiziado: sudo fdisk -l     will tell you about fs00:52
sebsebsebinspiron: well then support is ##hardware00:52
DasEiinspiron: gnome-device-manager tried ??!00:52
Alan502maxwellian, nope, arghhh but can't i select only just one interface as default with route?00:52
LJRuffinspiron, also try parted -l, which will tell you the UID's, filesystems, etc...00:52
maxwellianAlan502: Unfortunately, what you're trying to do is foreign to me, and I'm not sure it's even possible.00:54
nerdy_kidcodebrainz hmm i dont have a /etc/inetd.conf, i think im supposed to have that?00:54
nerdy_kideven though the package is installed00:54
maxwellianAlan502: At least, you may have to do some router configuration in addition to whatever you do to your own machine.00:54
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Alan502maxwellian, ahhh well,  but THANKS for your time :) at least i got an idea of what could be the problem00:54
codebrainznerdy_kid, i do, but it's empty00:55
Alan502maxwellian, what type of configuration on my router?00:55
maxwellianAlan502: Stick around if you can, maybe someone will come on who can help more with weird networking.00:55
tripelbwill someone please look at this pastebin with the log file in it. I've asked 3 times over a period of 5 hours. !!  --Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dthSQbYs00:55
Alan502maxwellian, ok i'll try the forums probably00:55
tripelbthanks!!! ia00:55
maxwellianAlan502: Your router has to know how to pass information between networks.  Don't know if it's going to know what you're trying to do by default.00:55
Agu10I have compiz installed, and I enabled it via "Compiz Fusion Icon" app. but everytime I boot ubuntu, and log-in, it is disabled... how could I solve this?00:56
Alan502maxwellian, ok, thanks!00:56
inspironwell I mean it says SATA but the connector is like the pins on a mmc or sd card - the flat ones00:56
DasEitripelb: try another app, else medium might be incompatible00:56
DasEitripelb: sudo apt-get install k3b brasero00:56
codebrainzAgu10, Settings->Appearances->Visual Effects->Extra is probably the easiest00:57
maxwellianAlan502: Sure, sorry I wasn't more help.  I'm reading up on multiple default paths, maybe something will come up. :)00:57
DasEiinspiron: that's sata then00:57
Alan502maxwellian, ok :D00:57
Agu10codebrainz, no, because I'd loose my compiz config00:57
vol7ronhello all00:58
codebrainzAgu10, it will load whatever you've set in compiz config settings manager00:58
DasEiinspiron: ide is the 80 (40) post-connector , sata 1/2/3  the ~4cm width plug00:58
inspironDasEi: Once I bought a SATA enclosure and it required those needle pins, not the flat card-like ones00:58
Agu10codebrainz, are you sure? I once did that, and it disabled all the plugins, if I remember right00:58
vol7roncan someone help me out with bash, i'm new to it and am not sure where to define my functions00:58
DasEiinspiron: p-ata likely00:59
inspironDasEi: the enclosure is pata you mean?00:59
codebrainzAgu10, no i'm not sure, but worse case scenario, you spend 2 minutes reconfiguring it00:59
DasEivol7ron: script or aliases ?00:59
nerdy_kidcodebrainz http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1152521 same issue00:59
DasEiinspiron: p-ata likely if owns the needle one type, yup00:59
vol7ronDasEi, either.  I'm used to doing something like: alias emacs "emacs \!* &"01:00
Agu10codebrainz, that won't make it be enabled when I log-in, will it?01:00
jimjimhey room01:00
Agu10and why not the Compiz Fusion Icon then??01:00
codebrainzAgu10, it does for me :)01:00
vol7ronDasEi, I imagine the bash equivalent would be: emacs(){emacs $@ &;}01:00
codebrainzAgu10, i don't think i have said icon01:00
Agu10what's the problem why it goes back to Metacity?01:00
DasEivol7ron: /etc/bash.bashrc01:00
codebrainzAgu10, unless compiz isn't working, it shouldn't fallback to metacity01:01
jimjimi need help getting my resolution properly set on my Parallels virtalization of Ubuntu 10.401:01
vol7ronDasEi, so ~/.bashrc wouldn't work?01:01
Agu10codebrainz, it IS working. that's why I don't understand why it starts metacity instead01:01
DasEivol7ron: there you can have a line like alias check="sudo apt-get update"01:02
RocketLauncherI still can't get Ubuntu to install off a flash drive. It still skips when I try to boot from it01:02
DasEivol7ron: once you open a new shell, it'll work01:02
vol7rondasei, i could have that same line in my ~/.bash_aliases01:02
codebrainzAgu10, it's hacky, but you could add a start up program with the command 'compiz --replace' but you shouldn't need to do that01:02
MaRk-IRocketLauncher: you need to set your bios to boot from USB media01:02
DasEivol7ron: yes01:02
Agu10codebrainz, I'll try that01:02
vol7ronthat doesn't help01:02
jimjim i need help getting my resolution properly set on my Parallels virtalization of Ubuntu 10.401:02
RocketLauncherMaRk-I: I'll try again01:02
airtonixAgu10, have you got fusion-icon installed (it'll make managing compiz easier)01:03
vol7ronthe problem is the error, I'll see if someone knows in  #bash01:03
codebrainznerdy_kid, not sure, short of trying to reinstall the packages i listed01:03
Agu10airtonix, yes, I do01:03
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Agu10airtonix, but even if I enable it, next time I boot and log-in, it's disabled :S01:03
MaRk-IAgu10:  and codebrainz  is correct you need to enable compiz through system preferences01:03
Agu10it appears as enabled in the menu though01:03
airtonixAgu10, whats disabled ?01:03
Agu10airtonix, metacity's running instead01:04
DasEivol7ron: I don't know the syntax for bash_aliases from my head, might be different01:04
nerdy_kidcodebrainz im also missing the "dist upgrade" part of software sources...strange!  ok well thanks! :)01:04
clemHello,I have a question about deb package,for example,if I install a php5-cgi package by aptitude,how can I know the configure options of the package,from aptitude program or php executable file?01:04
vol7rondasei, the problem is bash can't take parameters like csh can.01:05
DasEihomiziado: as time is running on, configuring your wireless is a more common job on that atom-platform, and would also ease install of ssh01:05
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:05
Zombu2hello there01:05
codebrainzclem, you mean to see the configure options that the binaries were built with?01:05
behappy1_ I have an IP attack my server on port 80 I try to block it with iptables but its still attack , is there any thing to do to drop this IP immediately ?01:05
Mr_Sonomaanyone know a good how to on setting up ircd-hybrid with hybserv? having a few issues getting them to play nicely together.01:06
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nerdy_kidcodebrainz ah i found it, missing the update notifier package, i had all the update manager packages though :) thanks!01:06
DasEivol7ron: it can, least it's in-build ones like date n time, else need a script01:06
codebrainznerdy_kid, good stuff!01:06
Zombu2does anyone know how to use pxe to boot windows over a lan???01:06
RocketLauncherMaRk-I: tried it, still skips01:06
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homiziadoDasEi ok I was just trying to reformat the usb and repeating the commands01:07
MaRk-IRocketLauncher: are you sure you're selecting the usb as a boot media?01:07
clemYes,codebrainz,that is really what I need!01:07
homiziadoDasEi could you just tell me more or less what would be the steps you would do afterwards?01:07
codebrainzclem, i *believe* you can find this if you do 'apt-get source thepackage' (could be wrong)01:07
RocketLauncherMaRk-I: there's USB-FDD and USB-ZIP. I just put them on boot #1 and #2 since i didnt know which one was which01:08
DasEihomiziado: yes, install some helping apps : pastebinit, hwinfo, htop ,  check the hardware, backup a possible xorg-configuration and then try to configure x for hdmi01:08
behappy1_    376
MaRk-IRocketLauncher:  heh well you need to know which one, also you could try pressing F10 and select the appropiate USB01:08
RocketLauncherMaRk-I: yeah i did that01:09
RocketLauncherwhich i got the sure-fire one01:09
DasEihomiziado: check if the sources.list ist complete, check the syslog, check dmesg01:09
MaRk-Ihow did you burn the iso in the usb?01:09
DasEiMaRk-I: unetbootin he used01:10
MaRk-Ithat should work01:10
clemcodebrainz,the command will download a source package, but I need a string of configure options.01:10
MaRk-Istill that usb.fdd doenst look good lol  a usb floppy?01:10
homiziadoDasEi ok and thanks a lot for your time and patience :)01:10
RocketLauncherMaRk-I: i used unetbootin01:10
DasEiRocketLauncher: you verified the d/L (md5sum) ? right architectuure (no x64 on i386 ?)01:11
RocketLauncherDasEi: yes and yes01:11
DasEihomiziado: as said, interesting stuff you pulled apart there, these atoms are really neat in consumption01:11
jake_hi all01:12
evonHello everyone. Something is eating up my CPU power and I don't know what. The computer was working fine yesterday with the exact same settings. Can someone please advise me on how to trouble shoot this? I have already tried system monitor but it does not told me anything useful. It shows that most things are not using the CPU at all and there are only 2 other things that are using about 15% each.01:12
MaRk-Ievon:  open a terminal and type: top01:12
Daekdroomevon, have you made it show you processes from all users?01:12
homiziadoDasEi green and no windows tax :) tks again!01:13
MaRk-Iyou'll see the processes and which one is eating up cpu/mem01:13
jake_I am having all the trouble in the world trying to get my sound going. I have an intel D865GLC mobo, with 82801EB/ER on board sound01:13
DasEiRocketLauncher: so it boots, and then .. what happens after saying grub .. isolinux  ?01:13
evonDaekdroom. there is only one user. Me ;-)01:13
codebrainzclem, totally guessing, but under thepackage/debian/rules maybe01:13
clemcodebrainz,could you tell me something about how can I get the configure options form a source package?01:14
Daekdroomevon, but some processes are ran under a user called "root" when they need acess to certain folders and configs..01:14
Daekdroomevon, the graphical server, for example, and it's not an unusual cause for CPU hogging..01:14
jake_i even removed my tv card, which shard an irq with it. I have had issues in the past with that card not sharing01:14
codebrainzclem, apt-get source thepackage, and then cd thepackage-version/debian and then cat rules (it looks like some configure options in there, but not really sure)01:14
evonDaekdroom. how do i check for this?01:14
DasEijake_ : sudo apt-get install alsamixergui01:15
MaRk-Ijake_: press alt-f2 type: padevchooser01:15
Daekdroomevon, top command, as mentioned above.01:15
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evonDaekdroom. So here's an update. I've restarted my compiz and everything is fine now. But why would this happen in the first place?01:15
Ha4poon02:15 ||| Slayer [~Gentoo@] has quit Client Quit01:15
Ha4poon02:15 ||| Slayer [~Gentoo@] has quit Client Quit01:15
clemThere is no debian file or directory in my source package,codebrainz.01:16
jake_DasEi, I tried alsamixer (not gui) and nothing is muted01:16
codebrainzclem, http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-dreq.en.html#s-rules01:16
Daekdroomevon, that isn't enough to identify a cause..01:16
ballongenhow do i install VLC 0.9.8 ?? my vlc-rar-plugin dont work on 1.001:16
jake_DasEi, but i'll install it anyways01:16
codebrainzclem, otherwise, i'm afraid i can't help much more :)01:16
evonDaekdroom. That top command is pretty cool. It's showing that Xorg is hogging 50% of the CPU01:16
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DasEijake_ :  alsamixergui (gui) also displays if snd-module was found, but mute is also to be checked01:16
evonDaekdroom. Any suggestions how I would go about gathering more info?01:16
Daekdroomevon, oh well, I'm not very into Xorg problems.01:17
MaRk-IDasEi: the reason he has no audio is pulseaudio selecting "digital stereo" instead of analog01:17
clemOK,anyway,thank you,codebrainz.01:17
MaRk-Ihe needs to change it to analog01:17
jake_DasEi, it just says "card pulseaudio, chip pulseaudio"01:17
DasEievon:  htop is even nicer01:17
evonDaekdroom. Cool. thanks anyway for the help. at least i learned 2 new commands01:18
ballongenpulseaudio with network streaming works unbelievable well, wathcing a movie through it now. :)01:18
jake_MaRk-I, I have padevchooser installed. Its an applet, correct? There are many options, which should I look for?01:19
evondasei: you're right htop is nicer01:19
DasEijake_: system > preferences > sound  , mind what MaRk-I said, try changing the device01:19
MaRk-Ijake_: go to volume control01:19
DasEievon : sort by F601:19
Agent_bobdefault fonts 10 for everything ?    no wonder i can't read anything on a default install01:19
MaRk-Iwhere it says "configuration" select "analog output" instead of digital01:19
ballongenwhere can i find vlc 0.9.8 old package? in a .deb?01:20
ballongenwould it work to install?01:20
DasEievon : another possib is conky, which can run as single window and highly configurable ( if you want to spend more time..)01:20
MaRk-Ijake_: "Analog01:21
MaRk-I*Analog stereo duplex"01:21
evonDasei, i've tried conky and I don't want to spend more time ;-)01:21
p_alright... so i have both sun's java and openjdk, how do set sun's java to be active/default/whatever work in here01:21
jake_MaRk-I, I have no configuration tab. I went "volume control -> preferences -> output" and observed that the "connector" value was set to "Analog Output / Amplified"01:21
DasEiballongen: it would, but you'd have to lock it in apt then, and there are security-fixes getting lost then01:21
jake_MaRk-I, I'll change it now to *Analog stereo duplex"01:22
ballongenDasEi, sweet, how do i lock it in apt?01:22
p_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Choosing the default Java to use01:23
jake_MaRk-I, Okay, I went "volume control -> preferences -> Hardware" and changed the profile option to "analog stereo duplex"01:23
sudosusomeone can help me in private?01:23
bazhangsudosu, ask here01:23
MaRk-Ijake_: ok log out of ur desktop log back in should work01:23
jake_MaRk-I, oh okay. I'll give it a go. Maybe not logging out was the issue I was having all along01:24
DasEiballongen: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html  , section 3.1001:24
jake_MaRk-I, there is no sounds playing right now, hopefully a log out will fix it01:24
MaRk-Ijake_:  you need to restart pulse to take efect01:24
MaRk-Igood luck01:24
ballongenDasEi, sweet again, thank you01:24
pabloarrubuntu one ask me always when the system is starting01:27
pabloarris annoying01:27
McFly2008anyone can help with grub?01:27
McFly2008I tried ti setup a USB boot, but it gets stuck01:28
pabloarrubuntu one ask me always when the system is starting01:28
pabloarris annoying01:28
jake_MaRk-I, that didn't seem to work01:28
pabloarrhow i cant off01:28
MaRk-Ijake_: you dont have sound system wide or just a specific program?01:28
tkesslerI just installed a fresh copy of 10.04 and I'm using a "02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs [SB Live! Value] EMU10k1X" and can't get any output.  I checked my settings in alsamixer and the volume is up on everything.  I checked my sound preferences in System -> Preferences -> Sound  too01:29
pabloarrubuntu one ask me always when the system is starting01:29
pabloarrplease help01:29
IdleOne!es | pabloarr01:29
ubottupabloarr: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:29
malgorathIs it normal for ubuntu to us up almost 800M of memory just running basic setup with gnome?01:29
xanguapabloarr: do you have automatic log in activated¿¿01:29
tkesslerpabloarr:  go to System -> Preferences -> Startup   .. is it listed there?01:29
pabloarrcome on man!01:30
jake_MaRk-I, system wide. Nothing plays01:30
pabloarrxangua: vos estabas en ubuntues01:30
ph0xideany non interactive pop3 client01:30
MaRk-Ijake_: dang, sorry I have also an intel sound and that usually the problem the "analog"01:30
MaRk-Iother than that I have no idea01:31
jake_MaRk-I, lsmod gives me snd_intel8x0 amoung other things01:31
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jake_MaRk-I, okay thanks anyway. Maybe I should chuck my yamaha ymf724 in and diusable onboard and see if that works01:31
MaRk-Ijake_:  good luck01:32
jake_MaRk-I, np :)01:32
tripelbDasei what does the k3b do?  I already have brasero and it failed first. Did you understand the fail log?01:32
pabloarrtkessler: yes...but i want ubunu one...I will not be prompted for a password01:32
tripelbwill someone please look at this pastebin with the log file in it. I've asked 3 times over a period of 5 hours. !!  --Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dthSQbYs  --- (I tried brasero first.)01:33
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pabloarrtkessler: yes...but i want ubunu one...I will not be prompted for a password01:33
MalgorathSo what is normal memory consumption for 10.04 Ubuntu running Gnome.01:34
_Elbachacospake spanidh?01:34
zinHI ,everybody I just switched to ubuntu but my linux is running way too hot in idle state .01:34
SRejectMalgorath, depends on what things u have installed01:34
tkesslerpabloarr:  I'm trying to get my dad's sound working so i can't look at my setup right now , but I have ubuntu one at home and it starts up without prompting for a password01:35
zinhablo espanol?01:35
MalgorathSReject, Basic laptop install is all01:35
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:35
bazhangzin _Elbachaco /join #ubuntu-es01:35
SRejectfresh install01:35
_Elbachaco[zin] q bien01:35
_Elbachaco[zin] hablame01:36
bazhang_Elbachaco, zin its english only here01:36
pabloarrtkessler: ok...the pass deposit is bloqued..say01:36
zinI never had this problem in ista only with ubuntu01:36
_Elbachaco[bazhang] spake spanish?01:36
SRejectzin, the reson u are prompted for a password no matter what, is b/c there are 2 accounts created. Root and User01:37
blaze||hello does anyone know if ubuntu 1.04 32 bit recognizes 4gb of ram01:37
bazhang_Elbachaco, no. /join #ubuntu-es for spanish01:37
bazhangblaze||, with the pae kernel sure01:37
zinIs there anyone here who know of a workaround for this problem01:37
SRejectblaze||, 10.04? Yes ut dies01:37
SRejectit oes*01:37
xangua!pae | blaze||01:37
ubottublaze||: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info01:37
Malgorath_Elbachaco, ¡No hablamos español aquí, su inglés solamente!01:38
bazhangblaze||, install linux pae kernel and it will01:38
Malgorathbah I was delayed :p01:38
zinI'm really thinking of removing ubuntu because of thsi temperature problem.01:38
zin90°C in idle state , it's way too much.01:39
GreenmeanieCan anyone help me please?01:39
razorryeah my desk gets burned too01:39
SRejectblaze||: Both the CD and DVD installer of Ubuntu 10.04 automatically installs the PAE enabled kernel if it detects more than 3 Gb of available memory. In the case of the liveCD, a working network connection is required, since the PAE enabled kernel packages are not present on the CD.01:39
zinnot a joke , it' sreally annonying01:40
bazhangGreenmeanie, ask a question first01:40
MalgorathGreenmeanie, don't ask to ask, fastest way to ignoresville :-/01:40
daichiwhat does ::1 mean in /etc/hosts file?01:40
Greenmeanie9.04 no sound but when i run sound test or rythmbox its ok01:40
zinThe problem with linux distribution is that there is even fewer internet support than for windows really.01:40
MalgorathGreenmeanie, any reason you didn't update to 10.04?01:40
Greenmeaniefps drops01:41
bazhangzin, did you wish to trouble shoot or just chat01:41
Greenmeaniei just went back to 9.04 then01:41
_ElbachacoShit Stupids01:41
bazhang_Elbachaco, no cursing here. please stop01:41
IdleOne!language | _Elbachaco01:41
ubottu_Elbachaco: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:41
Greenmeanieil update to 9.1001:41
zinI want some help for this problem really , pretty please big technorati show me the way.701:42
Alan502_Elbachaco, /join #ubuntu-es pendejo01:42
Malgorathzin, #1 ubuntu has a much larger user base and support base then windows(especially free), #2 complaining about linux in a linux distro channel probably wont win you many friends, and can lead to being Off-topic and moved to OT channel.01:42
xanguaAlan502: neither you can offend01:42
Alan502xangua, xD ok01:43
bazhangAlan502, that language is unacceptable.01:43
Alan502ok ok :)01:43
osmodivsHow do I PM?01:43
bazhangosmodivs, better to ask here01:43
_Elbachaco[Alan502] the mother01:43
osmodivslike, this :Alan502: Hello01:43
Alan502osmodivs, hi :)01:43
osmodivsSo, how do i PM?01:44
osmodivsyes, like that01:44
Alan502on IRC? just /msg user message here01:44
bazhangosmodivs, ask them first, then /msg nickname hello01:44
osmodivscan you give me an example?01:44
bazhangosmodivs, I just did01:44
osmodivsAlan502, can i send yo a PM?01:44
Alan502osmodivs, of course :) /msg Alan502 hi01:45
_ElbachacoBe kept silent stupids go to the shit foreign homosexuals take his mothers01:45
osmodivslike that?01:45
osmodivsSo I can talk to someone specificaly, and my message do not get lost in the crowd01:45
Alan502osmodivs, yeah, excellent. Are you new to irc?01:46
storrgieanyone know anything about persistant interfaces?01:46
bazhangosmodivs, ask here01:46
jamil_1hi, it takes forever to setup acpi-support-base (0.137-3) when i do sudo dpkg --configure -a01:46
osmodivsIs there a way to save channels so I dont have to look for them everytime i log in?01:47
bazhangosmodivs, which client01:47
sevenseekerdoes anyone have a system that involves zero editing of xorg or other config files... to simply plug and go with an external monitor or projector on a laptop or other dual display system?01:48
sevenseekersystem meaning process and/or tools... url would be nice... google is often NOT your friend01:48
bazhangosmodivs, blender is not an irc client01:48
osmodivswell, I found it here01:48
osmodivsin the list channel01:49
bazhangosmodivs, what irc client are you using01:49
IdleOne-osmodivs- VERSION xchat 2.8.6 Ubuntu01:49
Malgorathsevenseeker, google is always your friend, you just have to like a real person know how to manipulate and use that friendship to better your needs01:49
Alan502osmodivs, are you using xchat?01:49
inductiveloadhi! anybody know about rss-glx screensavers? i can see an xml file for each screensaver in the source which appears to describe a settings window (spinbuttons for parameters, etc), but I don't see how to get to that window. anyone know?01:49
osmodivsIsn't anybody else using this client?01:49
Alan502what client?01:50
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sevenseekermalgorath, yes... I guess the long uneeded explanation is that I need authoritative, accurate, and timely solutions... not archives that require days of fiddling which I have zero time for01:50
bazhangosmodivs, its easy. go to xchat -->network list -->ubuntu servers-->click edit--->add the channels you wish to auto join01:50
sevenseekergoogle is just google01:50
IdleOneosmodivs: many use xchat, what is your question?01:50
osmodivsWell, all of this chat lingo is new to me01:50
sevenseekerRTFM responses are RTFM responses01:50
osmodivssave channels01:50
osmodivshow to?01:50
bazhangosmodivs, see my explanation above01:50
SIRENis there a keybord command for bringing up bash?01:50
Alan502but what client are you using?01:51
IdleOneosmodivs: right click on the channel name then click Add to favorites01:51
osmodivsAh, ok01:51
IdleOneAlan502: he is using Xchat01:51
MaRk-Iosmodivs: you click Xchat menu, servers list, select freenode, edit and there's a line to auto join channels01:51
Alan502IdleOne, ok01:51
Malgorathsevenseeker, your solution isn't gonna be easily found probably, most things when you plug them in require some configs to work correctly. You could actually right a BASH script to update things when you plug stuff in so you can just cp a config file here and backup the original01:51
osmodivsTHX EVERYBODY! I am outta here to the Blender channel01:51
IdleOneosmodivs: welcome01:52
Alan502Is somebody here good with network routes? I got an issue with ubuntu having two default routes...01:52
MarupaIs there any way to stream music played from rhythmbox TO a shoutcast server?  I don't want to listen to a shoutcast server.01:52
tripelb ----Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dthSQbYs  --- (I tried brasero first.)01:53
jamil_1hi, it stucks at setting up acpi-support-base (0.137-3) when i do sudo dpkg --configure -a01:53
jarHeadlessis there a way to make my mouse pointer always go to the centre of my screen?01:54
zuscan i use gwibber social client for skype as well?01:54
bazhangzus, not that I know of, skype is proprietary and very locked down01:55
xanguaand skype is not a social network :S01:56
greezmunkeyjarHeadless: I don't know about that, but here is an easy way to visually locate you mouse pointer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/accessibility/linux/seeing/pointer/locating/sub_3.shtml01:56
sevenseekerMalgorath, thank you.  That is however unacceptable as this is for my mom and wife.  It is a clear shame that the open source community has yet to figure this out.  If I won the lottery and had a few years I guess I would do it myself... not being a c-guru and having to work and support  fam, guess Mac is my friend, thanks01:56
zusso id have to have skype open if i am expecting a call?01:56
MaRk-IMarupa: you mean listen to a shoutcast stream in rhytmbox instead of shoutcast page?01:56
bazhangzus, why not check skype documentation for that01:57
bazhangsevenseeker, in my experience projectors and such will generally work, not sure why you would need a script for that01:58
packratso, my sd card wont mount when i insert it into my AAO running UNR 10.04.  how do i shot mounting?01:58
Malgorathsevenseeker, they can't click an icon? BASH scripts do not require C knowledge01:58
greezmunkeypackrat: this doc may be of some help: http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&q=sdricoh_cs&btnG=Search01:59
zusbazhang,  thanks then, i will.01:59
sevenseekerMalgorath icon?  Is there a stock program that they can click?01:59
Malgorathsevenseeker, you can link BASH scripts to an icon01:59
packratgreezmunkey, is that the reader that the AAO has?01:59
MalgorathKinda like how in windows you can run shell scripts from a shortcut01:59
sevenseekerMalgorath, ok, I will google for some examples of those scripts01:59
sevenseekermy knowledge of gui's is sadly limited, I am used to servers :(02:00
k0rnIm having a problem geting a splash screen to work. Im using the Splash Screen Utility but its not working.02:00
greezmunkeypackrat: idk, what is an AAA - the doc I sent concerns sd readers in general (sort of)02:00
k0rnim useing Ubuntu 10.0402:00
packratAcer Aspire One02:00
Malgorathsevenseeker, umm bash is CLI and used by a lot of server admins02:00
greezmunkeypackrat: I said it may be of some help, check it out and see :)02:01
MarupaMaRk-I, No.  i want to stream, not listen.02:01
daichihi i want to use the apache command (a2ensite) to enable my sites using a bash script -- what command do i enter in the script?02:01
sevenseekermalgorath, yup, never said it wasn't... but logically and easily deduce-able by my statements and initial query are the fact that I don't know how to do it02:01
Malgorathsevenseeker, you know how to copy a file from the command line?02:02
MaRk-IMarupa: I doubt you can, you have to setup an icecast/shoutcast server, do a google search02:02
packratgreezmunkey, sadly, im not entirely sure what to do with the information in the link you provided.  im fairly green with linux02:02
sevenseekermalgorath, not in the mood for pissing contests02:02
SIRENis there a keybord combation to bring up bash?02:02
k0rnanybody know how to get a splash screen working02:02
MarupaMaRk-I, I have a shoutcast server set up, but I do not want to do a playlist like it supports.  I want to do live DJing.02:03
wodKaHi, I'm getting a weird issue with ubuntu on my laptop where everything freezes/wifi disconnects/etc after like 30 seconds of being inactive, then unfreezes after moving the mouse. I made a video of it if it helps :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzQHzIjQaws02:03
Malgorathsevenseeker, wasn't a pissing contest and I can see now your just lazy. So enjoy life. I was helping you but your being ignorant02:03
bazhangMalgorath, sevenseeker lets please move on02:03
bazhang!abs | sevenseeker02:03
ubottusevenseeker: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:03
sevenseekermalgorath, yup... it is a pissing contest if nothing else by your 'I can see now you are just lazy' thanks for giving oss another black eye... move on02:03
sevenseekerI feel like this is the gentoo channel02:03
=== audumla|afk is now known as audumla
bazhangsevenseeker, check that guide, perhaps #bash will be willing to help you02:04
Line_I cannot get vnc_listen = "" in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf to work! someone please help?!!02:04
sevenseekerbash isn't the issue02:04
thune3SIREN: you can set one in System->Prefs->Keyboard Shortcuts [add button]02:04
sevenseekerxorg is02:04
sevenseekerxorg is a beast in my experience, albeit limited, to make 'smart'02:04
cjdevlinsevenseeker: this may helphttp://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/X.Org/Dual_Monitors02:04
Malgorathbazhang, he is to lazy or ignornat to probably change the projector resolution when he plugs it in cause he bought a cheap projector.02:04
daichihttp://www.commandlineidiot.com/blog/2007/plate-up-bash-script-for-apache-vhost-setup/ -- i am using this guide to create vhosts. how can i sym-link my created vhost in the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder02:04
greezmunkeypackrat: at the bottom of the resulting page there is a link to a howto on mounting sd cards in linux. That's probably a good start.02:04
sevenseekerso I naively assumed there would be some smart systems for managing a common issue02:04
bazhangMalgorath, that's not necessary, lets move on02:05
laiemanHi. Is there a protocol, e.g VNC, that allows you to have steamless-windows which RDP (RemoteApp) and Citrix offers?02:05
daichiaccording to the guides sym-link -- it creates a new folder, so the created vhost ends up in /etc/apache2/available-sites/available-sites -- the last being the symbolic link02:05
MaRk-IMarupa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143455502:05
Malgorathbazhang, sorry just tired of immature people coming into a channel and thinking we will just have the instant fix and when we don't 'we are giving OSS another black eye'02:05
sevenseekerOSS is thought of in many circles to be the realm of bad attitude trolls hacking away in their mom's basements... I have been fighting this for more than a decade, now I feel like it is 2 steps back02:06
sevenseekerMalgorath, spare me02:06
wodKaanyone have any ideas for my problem? :(02:06
wodKaim so lost with this02:06
ohziewodKa, Sorry, I've been flipping in and out02:06
ohzieLet me read it.02:07
MalgorathwodKa, looks like it might be a powersave issue, is it a laptop?02:07
wodKait is a laptop02:07
wodKaive disabled everything in power management02:07
MarupaIDJC does not do what I need.02:07
MalgorathwodKa, does it do it if you turn of the wifi?02:07
wodKaill let you know in about 30 seconds02:08
Malgorather turn off the wifi even02:08
wodKayup still does it02:08
Alan502How to know which user is running a daemon?02:08
MalgorathwodKa, checked the usual log files?02:08
wodKawhere can i check those?02:09
Malgorathin the /var/log directory02:09
k0rncan someone help me with getting a splash screen to work.02:09
Malgorathalso do dmesg | more and read through for errors02:09
cjdevlinAlan502: at the terminal type: top02:09
jimi_Sometimes, when I view a flash app a bunch of times, it stops displaying until i restart firefox, what could cause this?02:09
=== audumla is now known as audumla|afk
tripelb ----Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dthSQbYs  --- (I tried brasero first.)02:09
MalgorathAlan502, if you know the daemon name like httpd you can also do: ps aux | grep httpd02:10
sevenseekerok, so lets start over... what is the right tool or google search string for enabling a laptop to connect at anytime to arbitrary projectors or external monitors both of high quality and resolution via a vga or perhaps a hdmi connection?02:10
Alan502cjdevlin, nevermind, i found out. Can I make auto eth0 not available to an specific user?02:10
Alan502Malgorath, i found out, but know i want to block a networking interface to that specific user02:10
ohziesevenseeker, There is no easy way, it requires reconfiguring and restarting X.02:10
inductiveloadtripelb: are you sure it is blank?02:10
tripelb---- I just did sudo apt-get install k3b brasero and there are all kind of errors as it is intslling. Will my life thn be worse?02:10
ohziesevenseeker, The easiest way I have found is through KDE's screen setup02:11
tripelbinductiveload, I thought so. If it is not blank then it would get seen.02:11
ohziesevenseeker, it seems to be built a little better than Gnome's, from what I can tell02:11
tripelbI'll try the next disk. I only tried 2. none have failed before inductiveload02:11
MarupaMaRk-I, IDJC does not do what I want it to do.  I need a program that has, as amarok or rhythmbox has, a library of MP3s I can search through.02:11
ohziesevenseeker, but it will only work with Open Source drivers. the closed source nvidia driver blows for changing x configs.02:11
inductiveloadhmm, i had a problem with a half-burned disc with gnomebaker last week02:12
tripelbi've had no half burned disks before but maybe inductiveload02:12
wodKanothing in dmsg, theres a bunch of logs which one(s) should i look in?02:12
FabParmaPlease, how to create a link to "aptitude" to work as root?02:13
cjdevlinsevenseeker: xrandr and turning off the laptop display is going to be your best bet02:13
sevenseekerok, guys... thanks... sad to hear but thank you.  Is there an effort sorta like the LDTP project, to improve this?  I will gladly help the effort in any way I can02:14
fuyaohow do i get ibus on interpid?02:14
spiol78I have an issue with my wireless card not being recognized.  It is an ipw2100 and it stopped working for after a reboot.  Can somebody help me trouble shoot it?02:14
spiol78ipw2100: eth1: Firmware 'ipw2100-1/3.fw' not available or load failed02:14
spiol78ipw2100: eth1: ipw2100_get_firmware failed -202:14
spiol78ipw2100: eth1: Failed to power on the adapter.02:14
spiol78ipw2100: eth1: Failed to start the firmware.02:14
FloodBot3spiol78: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
FabParmaPlease, how to create a link to "aptitude" to work "aptitude" as root askink for password on launch02:14
wodKaI don't really see anything in the couple logs i  looked at, i dont relaly know what i'm looking for but nothing that hits me in the face as "error" or anything.02:15
RocketLauncheri tried to install ubuntu from flash drive using unetbootin but it just skips it when i try to boot from it. whats wrong?02:15
sevenseekercjdevlin... I tried mucking through the different laptop display settings but it didn't like any.  The external displays I am using to test are admittedly higher than my laptops display, though not by much02:15
MalgorathwodKa, sorry doing 4 things at once right now, does the laptop run another OS fine?02:15
greezmunkeysevenseeker: you, figure out what resulotions you plan to use in advance - xrandr is good for that, then build those into your Xorg.conf file. Then whilst in Gnome, or whatever window manager, ctrl+alt and + or - will cycle through the resolutions you have "preprogrammed"02:15
tripelbinductiveload, same thing. Question: did you look at the pastebin?02:16
inductiveloadpastebin where?02:16
wodKaMalgorath: yeah it runs vista fine, i actually formatted and reinstalled it last night since ubuntu has been unusable because of this. 8.04 and 8.10 worked fine, ever since the 9.x series i've gotten this issue02:16
wodKarunning off live cd to test this stuff right now02:16
inductiveloadno, one sec02:16
Alan502How can i configure the networking of a system user?02:17
tripelb ----Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dthSQbYs  --- (I tried brasero first.)  -----  I can look and see if my new results are the same.02:17
tripelbinductiveload, just above02:17
MalgorathwodKa, what about 10.04?02:17
wodKa10.04 LTS is the disc i have in right now02:17
inductiveloadyep, well looks like it can't see a disc (seems like my problem, but I didn't look at the log for that, just changed the disc and away i went)02:18
inductiveloadother that that, i may not be very useful to you...02:18
maxwellianAlan502: Sorry, that's probably not the path you need to take bud...02:18
wodKai reinstalled 8.04 just to see what it would do, and it worked great. updated from that and iirc it started freezing again after i finished the updates02:18
FabParmaPlease, how to create a link on desktop for "aptitude" to work as root, maybe asking for password on launch? At the moment it works only as unpreveliged task02:18
sevenseekergreezmunkey, thanks... I am not sure if the current xorg uses the ancient (as I am) modedisplay settings, can I just put in lines that say the resolution, depth, and Hz and then be done with it?02:19
maxwellianFabParma: If you're doing GUI stuff, have you considered Update Manger or Synaptic?02:19
cannonfodderhey is there a shell command that lists my main system stats ...i want to post them on craigslist so i can sell my laptop02:20
=== audumla|afk is now known as audumla
tripelbinductiveload, almost the same. here's the new one http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/GhgeZ40u02:20
daichilooking for assistance -> http://pastebin.com/CTSfT95Q02:20
cjdevlinsevenseeker: did you read the how to i recommended? they are both from this article: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2008/95/ASK-KLAUS02:20
tripelbinductiveload, please use my name in lines where I should read it. ty02:20
cjdevlindownload and read the pdf. then try to do something. let us know what the problems you are having.02:21
tripelbdaichi state your problem so someone who might know can read it02:21
daichii put all info in the pastebin02:21
=== Georg is now known as Georgiy
MarupaSo it is not possible to stream audio from rhythmbox or amarok to a shoutcast server?02:21
greezmunkeysevenseeker: that hasn't changed a lot that I could see. Here is my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458562/02:22
cannonfodderhey you guys...is there a tool in ubuntu or a terminal command that will show my system stats?  i want to post my stats on craigslist so i can sell my computer02:22
maxwelliandaichi: Give me a minute, I'm having trouble understanding your problem.02:22
maxwelliandaichi: Just need to read it again a couple of times. :P02:23
inductiveloadtribelb: i don't really know more than that,,,i'm just sayin' i had a similar problem recently02:23
inductiveloadbut seems not related02:23
sevenseekercjdevlin, thanks for that... yeah I read it and realized I had tried most of it already... sadly.  At least to switch to clone and extend sytems.  I have an ATI system so maybe that is part of the problem.02:24
greezmunkeysevenseeker: and here is xrandr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458565/02:24
fuyaohow do i get ibus on interpid?02:24
sevenseekergreezmunkey, looks familiar enough... thank you a TON02:24
cjdevlinthe xrandr option usually works. where did you run into problems?02:25
=== netrat is now known as netbookrat
greezmunkeysevenseeker: heh, as you can see from my xorg.conf, I've pretty much tried everything I could to get the most of my ATI adapter, I runs as well as possible now, but it still isn't good enough to run compiz...02:25
sevenseekercjdevlin, well it flickrs and wavers on the external monitor or projector system... while I blow it off I am tired of folks complaining and saying 'use windows' grrrrr02:25
wodKaanyone else willing to help me out since the guy that was helping me left? :/ im about to give up02:26
maxwelliandaichi: Is your goal to be able to use this script as is?02:26
soreaugreezmunkey: Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log?02:26
maxwelliandaichi: Or are you trying to make your own using it as a model?02:26
greezmunkeysoreau: sure02:26
jarHeadlesswel my thx is centred now!02:26
sevenseekercjdevlin, not sure what the prob is... back in crt days I just mucked with the refresh rate o.O02:26
daichimaking my own as a model02:26
daichiit works great02:27
cjdevlindaichi: are you trying to allow all users to have their own web space?02:27
daichibut the problem is -- the apache command to enable the vhosts - a2ensite only works for sites in the folder '/etc/apache2/sites-available'02:27
greezmunkeysoreau: here you are: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458568/02:28
wildbatproblem. if i set xchat in Startup Application, the tray icon fail to show, and can't switch back to xchat once you minimize to tray icon ~ any fix for that ?02:28
ScuniziwodKa: have you attempted to fresh install 10.04?02:28
FabParmamaxwellian: I was wrong, I meant "synaptic" in my answer. I cant start "synaptic" via a normal link, if I do it I get "synaptic" working as unprevileged ... any idea? in more, what is the "update manager"? Do you mean the "Ubuntu software center"?02:28
maxwelliandaichi: So you're trying to make the folders under /etc/apache2/sites-available/ symlink to folders in your home directory?02:29
greezmunkeysoreau: my adapter does not have enough memory... ;(02:29
wodKaScunizi: yes, 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04. all give me the same problem02:29
daichiso teh vhost gets created in /home/USER/www-config/sites-available/VHOST which creates a symbolic link to /etc/apache2/sites-available/sites-available02:29
soreaugreezmunkey: Yea, that's ati rage, probably over 10 years old. It is not capable of running compiz02:29
cjdevlinsevenseeker: for anyone to be able to help you with your issue we have to follow the format of: 1) this is the goal  2) i tried this - then tell us what happened vs what you expected02:29
ScuniziwodKa: and since I'm late to the party.. what is the problem?02:29
Alan502maxwellian, i figured out, to solve my problem i can click "use this connection only for resources on its network" on gnome-network-manager. This only applies to my user though, and squid is running under proxy. Do you know how can i do the same but with the system account "squid"02:29
greezmunkeysoreau: yeah, I gave it hell trying though!02:29
maxwelliandaichi: If I'm understanding it properly, you have those links backwards.02:29
cjdevlinsevenseeker: even though there isn't a fancy automatic gui, there is usually a 'simple' way to achieve what people are looking for02:30
wodKaScunizi: everything freezes and processes running stop (wifi, downloads, music, etc) after about 30 seconds of inactivity. moving the mouse or any other kind of user input makes it snap out02:30
soreaugreezmunkey: heh. nowadays, nearly all ati cards that are compiz capable work with the default radeon driver02:30
daichiin my main sites-available folder (/etc/apache2/sites-available) i have another folder in it -- which is the symbolic link of the sites-available folder in "/home/user/www-config/sites-available"02:31
ScuniziwodKa: anything show up on dmesg?02:31
sevenseekercjdevlin: optimistically I agree, its just that I am clueless in this domain... however, I will say that xrandr has brought me success on various netbooks (with my 'dynamic' requirement)02:31
wodKaScunizi: i don't know what i'm looking for but theres nothing obvious sticking out to me02:31
jarHeadlesscan i set my left/right mouse botton to snap to the centre of my screen02:31
Mr_Sonomaanyone know a good how to on setting up ircd-hybrid with hybserv? having a few issues getting them to play nicely together.02:31
maxwellianFabParma: try making the link 'gksudo synaptic'02:31
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daichithat symbolic link folders content should copied to the main sites-available folder, instead of into another folder02:32
soreaugreezmunkey: The good news is, that you can get a card made in this past century that can run compiz for next to nothing02:32
cjdevlindaichi: i believe maxwellian is correct, symbolic links don't create directories: they are just pointers02:32
greezmunkeysoreau: yeah, this is a Dell 600SC that I got for free, so I'm cool withit. I was given an Ultium 2 tape drive recently, and a compatible adaptec scsi board (that actually works in this 600 - also free) so, all in all I'm doing ok.02:32
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antonio_hey everyone02:32
soreaugreezmunkey: neat02:32
daichiso, instead of having, /etc/apache2/sites-available/sites-available/VHOST, it should be /etc/apache2/sites-available/VHOST02:32
ScuniziwodKa: should be at the tail end of the file.. and if it's not looking like a sore thumb then probably doesn't show there.. Is this a home built machine, store bought, desktop or laptop?02:32
daichithe directory exists02:33
maxwellianAlan502: I'm sorry, that's even less obvious to me. :(02:33
cjdevlinsevenseeker: is your goal to get a monitor/lcd setup working on a computer that you wife/grandmother is going to be using?02:33
greezmunkeysoreau: free computer, free operating system, fix the bugs, next? Use it guilt free :)02:33
wodKaScunizi: store bought gateway laptop, ran 8.04 and 8.10 fine as well as vista02:33
antonio_I've got a training video that I bought and downloaded, and I used devede to encode it...and brasero to burn it.  It won't play on my magnavox cheapy from walmart...02:33
bellmanwhere does pcmanfm get its ' installed application' list from?02:33
antonio_Is there any way to specify the region code either when burning or encoding the dvd?02:33
maxwelliandaichi: /etc/apache2/sites-available/VHOST should be a symlink to the VHOST in your home directory.02:33
un214shouldn't it set it to any region?02:33
ScuniziwodKa: vista isn't a good comparison.. 8.04 & 8.10 are.. the question is what's changed enough to give the machine a headache..02:34
dive-oAnybody know how to fix Ubuntu 10 so that I don't have to redo my compiz settings every time I log in? It loses them on reboot every time - yet once I re-enable effects in the appearance menu, everything comes back and I just need to re-enable desktop cube/rotate cube02:34
maxwellianAlan502: I don't think you can set up per-user networking.02:34
daichithe script creates the VHOST in teh home folder -- i want to link it to the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder02:34
dive-othis only happens on one machine, and I'm not sure why - I use the same compiz setup on others, this one has just been upgraded thru more versions of ubuntu02:34
wildbat!who | daichi02:34
ubottudaichi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:34
antonio_is pal used in europe and ntsc used in the us?02:34
maxwelliandaichi: You are not understanding what a symlink is.02:34
soreaudive-o: Install simple-ccsm package, then select Custom from gnome-appearance-properties (sys>prefes>appearance>visual effects)02:35
ScuniziwodKa: could be a touchpad thing..  maybe ACPI... AH! do you have a separate /home directory?02:35
daichimaxwellian: the script creates the VHOST in teh home folder -- i want to link it to the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder02:35
wildbatdive-o, may be try purge and reinstalled?02:35
un214antonio_: you see, the actual DVDCSS key resides in a part of the DVD that is blanked out on consumer DVDR's so there is no CSS and therefore region code is kinda pointless02:35
maxwelliandaichi: A symlink does not copy or move anything around.02:35
maxwelliandaichi: It's like a shortcut in Windows.02:35
dive-owildbat: purge and reinstall compiz?02:35
wodKaScunizi: not that i know of, everything on the install was default. clean format and install02:35
jarHeadlessantonio   PAL is for anyone in eropa02:35
wildbatdive-o, yes02:35
Alan502maxwellian, ok thanks :)02:35
dive-oGuess I could try that, I was hoping there was a better answer02:35
soreaudive-o: reinstalling compiz will effectively accomplish nothing02:35
antonio_ok un214: if I burned it as pal would that keep it from playing on a player here in the us?02:35
dive-osoreau: that's my suspicion as well02:36
wodKaantonio_ yes02:36
ScuniziwodKa: so no separate home with old stuff lying around.. well.. that makes it more difficult.. what's the make and model of the gateway?02:36
maxwelliandaichi: What you want to happen is that when you run that Apache setup utility, it will look in the /etc/.../sites-available/VHOST and will FOLLOW the symlink back to your home directory.02:36
antonio_wodka: haha...thanks02:36
dive-osoreau: I'm wondering if my config is just old enough that the newer gnome doesn't like saving it, or something similar02:36
un214antonio_: maybe but a computer player would be able to play it anyway even if the hardware player couldn't02:36
wildbatdive-o, soreau it work for me at least02:36
ScuniziwodKa: DOH!  what's the model of the gateway02:36
soreaudive-o: Install simple-ccsm package, then select Custom from gnome-appearance-properties (sys>prefes>appearance>visual effects) then you might want to close all windows and go to sys>prefs>startup applications>options and click Remember Currently Running Applications02:36
antonio_un214: explains why it works on my comuter :D02:36
jarHeadlessantonio   PAL is for anyone in eropa02:36
jarHeadlessantonio   PAL is for anyone in eropa02:36
thune3antonio_: also consider that some cheap/old dvd players don't work with dvd+-rw, but may work with dvd+r/dvd-r02:37
wodKaScunizi: it's a M-153xl02:37
un214I don't think Europa has any population02:37
dive-osoreau: trying that now02:37
soreaudive-o: Also to reset all compiz settings, use ccsm>Preferences>Reset to Defaults02:37
jarHeadlessantonio depends on your hardware02:37
un214jarHedless: Europa is a moon of Jupiter, Europe is a continent of Earth02:37
jarHeadlessantonio_: depends on your hardware02:38
un214jarHeadless: Europa is a moon of Jupiter, Europe is a continent of Earth02:38
wodKaScunizi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzQHzIjQaws02:38
daichiok, if i understand this -- i have a folder ABC and inside this folder is a file, help. /ABC/help.  I want to copy/link the help file to /etc/apache2/sites-available. with the current symb link. it creates the shortcut to the folder so that it appears as /etc/apache2/sitesavailable/ABC/help02:39
jarHeadlessun214: and your point is?02:39
greezmunkeyI thought Europa is where the mysterious onyx monolith from 2001 came from...02:39
daichiso hwo can i remove the ABC out of the symb link02:39
xxiao_i have some dpkg-ed packages on ubuntu, is there a command i do to find all them out?02:40
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cjdevlindaichi: i've been following your thread for a bit, and i still am having trouble figuring out what the goal is. why do you want/need to create virtual hosts from a bash script? the one downloaded directly from the site will work. if you just want to set up web space for many users, that is not what vhosts are for02:40
un214greezmunkey, so did I02:40
xxiao_want to find out any packages that are not in standard ubuntu repo before I upgrade from 8.04 to 10.0402:40
daichii want to have many development sites to play around with. so i want to create vhosts on the fly with a script02:40
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xxiao_dpkg -l can not really tell02:41
maxwelliandaichi: ln -s /etc/apache2/sitesavailable/help ~/ABC/help02:41
greezmunkeyun214: Hal was a pretty cool character, it was probably running ubuntu ;)02:41
maxwelliandaichi: Er, sites-available02:41
daichilet me try that02:41
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un214I always thought HAL ran AIX02:41
maxwelliandaichi: Those are not real filenames, obviously.02:41
greezmunkeyun214: er, nevermind, it had sound.02:41
antonio_hopefully this damn dvd will play02:41
ScuniziwodKa: most likely it's related to the ATI card.. but I"m guessing.. there have been issues with ATI after a certain release because X.org was updated and the drivers ATI provided were for specific cards only.. Unfortunately I"m no ATI guy.. Nvidia here.. which has always worked well except on my machine with 10.04 ubuntu.. but fine with Kubuntu.. have you tried kubuntu?02:41
daichimaxwellian: ^^ i know02:41
un214greezmunkey: HAL = IBM02:41
cjdevlindaichi: the other option is right click and create link02:42
daichicjdevlin: i want to get used to the terminal02:42
dive-osoreau: that made it worse. Now not only do I get no window decorations when I login, but it draws my left monitor about 2" off the side of the screen until I go set it to normal again02:42
greezmunkeyun214: That's right! heh, I should rent it again.02:42
wodKai haven't, i actually read a thread about it on a kubuntu forum though with the same problem. he also had an ati card but no one was able to solve the problem02:42
maxwelliandaichi: As you should. :)02:43
dive-ogonna try resetting to defaults and giving that a shot02:43
soreaudive-o: Did you hit the 'remember currently running applications button' after selecting Custom?02:43
ScuniziwodKa: I'd betchya a dollar to a donut that it's the ATI card doing it.02:43
wodKawonderful :/02:43
dive-osoreau: no, because I'm still trying to get it to forget to start 4 gnome-terminals02:43
soreaudive-o: You exit out of all other windows first02:44
ScuniziwodKa: check the ati site and see what cards are supported by the latest driver for linux.. see if you card is listed..02:44
soreaudive-o: Close all windows and go to sys>prefs>startup applications>options and click Remember Currently Running Applications02:44
dive-oright - I mean I don't generally like the "remember running apps" setting - if I want it running, I start it. Why should ccsm be any different?02:44
soreaudive-o: while compiz is running02:44
ScuniziwodKa: then I think there's an ATI driver and one produced by someone else.. checkem' both out to see if they may work.. sorry.. that's about all I can offer.02:45
soreaudive-o: The problem is there is a bug where after upgrading, it will want to start compiz.real but it does not exist. It needs to be told to start 'compiz'02:45
taninmade first drum roll sound then sound dies 10.0402:45
osmodivsIs there a way to share pictures in this chat ? I want to explain something to other guys in another channel02:46
soreaudive-o: It's a ubuntu thing02:46
dive-osoreau: ahh, okay02:46
osmodivsAnd, since i do not speak good english, i would like to comunicate with pictures02:46
wodKaScunizi: the driver on their site says "Automated installer and Display Drivers for X.Org 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, or 7.5"02:46
dive-osoreau: that makes more sense :) I was thinking I probably had some obscure compiz setting somewhere that I'd forgotten about that it just wasn't compatible with02:46
dive-ogiving that a try now :)02:46
LJRuffosmodivs, what is your native language?02:46
wodKais one of those the current version of x.org?02:46
ScuniziwodKa: yes.. but what cards does it support02:46
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wodKathat's on the driver page for the mobility 4000-series driver02:47
ScuniziwodKa: the current versioin is 7.1 or above.. not sure which02:47
taninhelp sound02:47
MaRk-Iosmodivs: you can upload a picture to a site and share the resulting link... example:  http://img.flashtux.org/02:47
soreauwodKa: Why are you trying to install fglrx?02:47
jarHeadlessEuropa is one of the smoothest objects in the Solar System hence europe!02:47
soreauwodKa: On 10.04, the radeon driver should already be working02:47
Scunizisoreau: wodka has issues with the computer simply stopping all processes until a key is pressed or the mouse is moved.02:47
cannonfodderhey you guys...i created a bash script called airnuke.sh   and chmod +x airnuke.sh   then why i try  sudo ./airnuke.sh  says cannot open file ....whats going on?02:47
soreauScunizi: So the first thing to try is the vesa driver, which is already installed as well02:48
soreaunot fglrd02:48
soreauScunizi: This would tell whether the problem is with the graphics driver or not02:48
antonio_jarheadless: I'm using devede to encode the iso again..this time with ntsc.  Since I'm playing this on a standalone dvd player, should I have to worry about region codes?02:48
cannonfodderwhy isnt my bash script running?02:48
Scunizisoreau: let wodKa know.. I've gotta run.. the idea was to verify that the current driver worked on his particular card.. not to replace the driver.02:49
soreaucannonfodder: because you didn't make it executable02:49
cannonfodderi did02:49
johngilbroughI'm new to xchat - How do you not cause an automatic join to #ubuntu?02:49
cannonfoddersudo chmod +x02:49
wodKathanks for trying Scunizi02:49
antonio_apparently with this cruddy dvd player you can't make it region free02:49
ScuniziwodKa: good luck!02:49
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v1adto automatically join ubuntu channel right click and add 2 favorites02:49
soreauwodKa: Can you show the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?02:50
dive-osoreau: that worked perfectly :) thanks!02:50
jarHeadlessantonio_: are you encoding from ntsc to pal?02:50
soreaudive-o: Cool, gald to help ;-)02:50
soreauglad, too02:50
johngilbroughvlad - right click where?02:50
v1adon the channel name02:50
un214the two scariest sounds in starcraft "ghost reporting" "nuclear missile ready"02:50
v1adleft side02:50
wodKa"the program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed."02:50
un214never play with sound on at a lan party02:50
TomT64un214: played sc2 yet?02:50
antonio_jarheadless: I downloaded a training video that I bought a few weeks ago..02:50
soreauwodKa: Please use my nick in what you say so I get highlighted here02:51
TomT64just wait till you click on an SCV02:51
antonio_with it being a downloaded avi, is pal/ntsc already embedded on it?02:51
wodKasoreau: sure sorry02:51
robertzaccourdoes anyone know how to upload a video to youtube without the quality being really crappy?02:51
robertzaccourlooks fine in totem, crappy on youtube02:51
TomT64robertzaccour: start with the size being really crappy02:51
robertzaccourtomatto_, how do i fix that?02:52
jarHeadlessantonio_: well if you bought the thing surely its in the format you need!02:52
soreauwodKa: So it tells you which package provides glxinfo and you're installing it, right?02:52
TomT64you're using ubuntu?02:52
robertzaccourtomatto_, yes02:52
antonio_jarheadless: how can I tell what format its in?02:52
TomT64I don't know if there's a virtualdub download, but it should be able to convert any home made video in any way you want02:53
wodKasoreau: yes apparently i have to add universe or something, im looking for it02:53
jarHeadlessantonio_: it depends on what you downloaded02:53
soreauwodKa: see sys>admin>software sources02:53
jarHeadlessantonio_: avi is pretty common02:53
soreauwodKa: You can check all five main repos are enabled02:53
wodKasoreau: it's installing02:53
cannonfodderhey you guys...why is my bash script being stupid...it keeps saying cannot open file....  i did chmod +x airnuke.sh    then when i try  sudo ./airnuke.sh   says cannot open file02:53
antonio_also when I searched for my dvd player to find the region code I found this "DVD with region codes other than 1 or ALL"02:54
* dive-o ponders - is there a recommended way to get a kerberos ticket upon login? I wasn't planning on kerberizing auth on my workstation, but the first thing I do when logging in is kinit so I can get into other stuff02:54
wodKasoreau: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R600 (RV630 9581) 20090101 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL DRI202:54
antonio_how would I make it a region 1? can this be specified in either devede or brasero?02:55
jarHeadlessantonio_: so your player is suspect!02:55
soreauwodKa: Ok, does /etc/X11/xorg.conf exist?02:55
antonio_"The owner’s manuals notes that there are many unplayable discs and these are: DVD-RAM, DVD-audio, CD-I (I think), photo CD, video CD, DVD with region codes other than 1 or ALL"02:55
jarHeadlessantonio_: where are you based    europe or usa?02:55
wodKasoreau: no02:56
jarHeadlessantonio_: wheres your player from and wheres your download from?02:57
antonio_player is from the us...02:57
antonio_I downloaded the training video from a us site...while the speaker on the training speaks with an english accent..so methinks it might be encoded in pal02:58
antonio_and the site isn't up anymore, as it was a "special event" - a kind of promotion type thing02:58
soreauwodKa: How long do these 'stops' happen and can you re-describe your problem in detail?02:58
antonio_last time I encoded it with devede, I didn't bother to change it to ntsc...but this time around I did...so I'm hoping it will play02:59
jarHeadlessantonio_: I m   sure you usa player can play PAL files03:00
wodKasoreau: happens after 10 seconds to a minute or so of inactivity, everything on the screen freezes and processes stop (wifi shuts off, music stops playing, etc) indefinitely until i press a key, move the mouse, flip the wifi button off and on, anything. i put a video of it on youtube if you want to see it in action, its pretty much just that description though.03:00
jarHeadlessantonio_: but yhis is very odd if it cant03:00
antonio_do you think it makes a difference by not encoding at in devede as ntsc?03:01
wodKasoreau: it has happened since 9.04, 9.10, and now 10.04. 8.04 and 8.10 worked great back when i used those.03:01
antonio_jarheadless: the player I have is the Magnavox DP100MW8B03:02
nanothiefOn the ubuntu download page http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download it states that 64 bit isn't recommended for daily desktop usage, however on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit page it recommends 64bit. Which is should I get (computer is definitely capable of 64bit)03:02
jarHeadlessnanothief: if uyou can do 64bit all is well03:02
wodKasoreau it's on a gateway m-153xl laptop, tried both 32 and 64-bit versions as well03:02
jarHeadlessantonio_: Im a bit lost here now to be honest03:03
antonio_ah ok...03:03
jarHeadlessantonio_: Im in europe so PAL is king!03:03
nanothiefjarHeadless: that's good, I currently have more than 4gb of RAM, and it seems to be wasted atm. Are the flash problems mostly solved (heard there was a lot of problems with that in the past)?03:03
soreauwodKa: ok, sounds like a kernel/driver/module bug. So this has always happened on the same machine, right? Do 'lsmod' then start blacklisting modules starting with the obvious problematic ones like wifi and video, then maybe even some audio driver or any other strange module could cause the issue03:04
anthony_how can i adjust my brightness on ubuntu 5.10 on a imac g303:05
jarHeadlessnanothief:  well Im running 64bit flash for the last few months with no problems03:05
anthony_how can i adjust my brightness on ubuntu 5.10 on a imac g3?03:05
IdleOne!patience | anthony_03:05
ubottuanthony_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:05
nanothiefjarHeadless: great well thanks for the help03:06
anthony_how can i adjust my brightness on ubuntu 5.10 on a imac g3?03:06
IdleOneanthony_: Please do not repeat to quickly.03:06
jarHeadlessnanothief:  I didnt really help much but np :)03:06
anthony_how can i adjust my brightness on ubuntu 5.10 on a imac g3?03:06
wodKasoreau how do you blacklist modules?03:06
wildbatanthony_, 5.10? i don't think it is supported anymore03:07
antonio_jarheadless: I thought it might have been the type of dvds I used...so I tested the same dvd type (sony dvd+r) of another movie..and it worked...03:07
jarHeadlessantonio_: ok  well thats good!03:08
ABBADONHi, I just tried to boot the 2.6.32-23-generic kernel on Ubuntu 10.04 - it was working fine last night, but when I tried to boot into it today, it wouldn't boot, so I tried to boot into recovery mode.  No dice - it throws a segfault error 6 in libc-2.11.1.so03:09
ABBADONI did some searching for the error on Google, and apparently it's a bug in plymouth.  I was wondering, has anyone else had this error, and if so, is there a fix?  I can provide logs if needed.03:09
spiol78My wireless card is not recognized.  Here are the details http://paste.ubuntu.com/458571/   Could somebody help me trouble shoot this issue?03:09
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jarHeadlessantonio_: so maybe it wasnt a PAL verses NTSC problem   (but it dosent matter really)03:09
ABBADONBy the way, this issue does not happen in 2.6.32-22-generic.03:09
LJRuffspiol78, ifconfig wlan0 up03:10
LJRuffeth1 is for ethernet interfaces.03:10
spiol78LJRuff - tried that03:10
LJRuffspiol78, Is your wireless light on?03:10
antonio_is there any terminal command to eject a disc from a dvd/cd player?03:11
IdleOneABBADON: you can search on launchpad.net to see if a bug has been filed and any possible work arounds/fixes03:11
spiol78LJRuff - it doesn't have a light :(03:11
FabParmaHow to run file.sh directly in the terminal skipping the ask if I want to display it etc?03:11
ABBADONIdleOne: Thanks, will do.  Is there any way to fix any broken packages in 2.3.32-23 from another kernel version?03:12
airtonixantonio_, eject ? or umount03:12
antonio_never mind, found it ;)03:12
spiol78LJRuff - the laptop doesn't have a light to tell if its on or off03:12
thune3ABBADON: i'm a proponent of hanging-back/reverting on a minor kernel upgrade if it causes problems. Stick with the one that works (unless you are into the debugging) The03:12
LJRuffspiol78, one moment03:12
spiol78LJRuff - did you see the dmesg errors03:12
wodKasoreau: ran out of time to play with this tonight, thanks for your help03:12
LJRuffspiol78, yes, I am working on it now.03:12
spiol78LJRuff - thanks03:13
shpookHello everyone. Is there a way to manually fetch the firmware that b43-fwcutter downloads? I don't have wired access on the ubuntu machine.03:13
ABBADONthune3: Ok, so stick with the working kernel for now, then.  Am I still able to use the patched Intel drivers I got from the PPA mentioned in the release notes for 10.04?03:13
antonio_so I have this dvd that wont play on my dvdplayer...is there any software that can tell me what region it is burned as?03:14
corstar@antonio_ if the cd/dvd is stuck, wine eject gets the bugger out03:14
LJRuffspiol78, you can try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258603:14
spiol78LJRuff - ok03:14
Reallycooldoes sfill preserve files that haven't been deleted?03:14
antonio_corstar: already got it, thanks03:14
spiol78LJRuff - I think that has potential... I am trying it now03:15
thune3ABBADON: i asusme so, those drivers were published two weeks ago.03:15
jarHeadlessantonio_: were you having hardware issues?03:16
antonio_with my standalone one?03:16
shpookOr, yet, is there anyway to get wireless working without having any type of wired connection?03:17
LJRuffshpook, depends on if you have the firmware available03:17
jarHeadlessantonio_: yeah I guess03:18
shpookLJRuff: well, from what I've gathered, b43-fwcutter is supposed to fetch the firmware, but it needs a network connection. :/03:18
ABBADONthune3: Ok, just making sure.  Those drivers solved my shutdown issue, which is good, but I just wanted to make sure they don't depend on the newest kernel version.  Thank you thune3 and IdleOne for your help.03:18
antonio_well, since I have this dvd that wont play on the standalone, I'd like to see if I can tell what region the dvd is encoded in...03:19
LJRuffshpook, What card are you using?03:19
shpookLJRuff: Broadcom 430603:19
josephnexushello everyone, would someone here be able to help me reproduce a fairly annoying bug I believe I've found?03:19
josephnexusI can reliably recreate it on my machine03:20
LJRuffshpook, is the machine connected to the internet?03:21
spiol78LJRuff - I still have the error03:21
LJRuffspiol78, lsmod | grep -i net03:21
spiol78LJRuff - nothing returned03:21
shpookLJRuff: not at all, I only have wireless available. iwconfig shows wlan0, but ifconfig doesn't.03:22
LJRuffshpook, is the wireless light on?03:22
LJRuffspiol78, hmmm, one moment while I look around03:22
shpookLJRuff: Yessir, I've been bit by that bug before. :D03:22
jarHeadlessantonio_: maybe you should invest in a region free player!03:22
spiol78LJRuff - no problem... I have been looking all day03:22
LJRuffshpook, Do you have wpa?03:23
antonio_jarheadless: yeah I know, but in the meantime, I simply want to find out what the region is of this dvd that I just burned..03:23
antonio_is this possible?03:23
josephnexuscan someone here (in their spare time) set their screensaver to come on in a short time (like 5 minutes or something) and then click on applications (or any other menu) and leave with the menu open?  Whenever I have a menu open, the screensaver doesn't ever seem to start03:23
shpookLJRuff: No, it's a completely open network, nothing special, no security, no MAC filtering, nothing.03:23
bitphazerDoes anyone know any open source web mail service?03:24
LJRuffshpook, iwconfig wlan0 essid "enter wireless ssid here" > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf03:24
josephnexusbitphazer, what do you mean?03:24
denonso.. how old/ancient/etc is Ubuntu 8.04 in the scheme of things? for a handful of reasons I need to run vmware server on a box, and afaik, that's the latest ubuntu that's officially supported03:24
LJRuffshpook my bad03:24
LJRuffshpook, don't use that03:24
bitphazerAn hotmail alternative i.e.03:24
LJRuffshpook, iwconfig wlan0 essid "enter wireless ssid here"03:25
LJRuffthat one03:25
josephnexusbitphazer, you could set up a server and run squirrel mail or roundcube on it03:25
josephnexusis that what you are asking?03:25
Flanneldenon: 8.04 was released in April of 2008 (that's where the numbers come from). It's an LTS, and is supported for three years on the desktop (Until April of 2011) and five on the server.  10.04 is the most recent LTS (being released in April of this year) for comparison.03:25
bitphazerOh, yes!03:25
shpookLJRuff: "SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not permitted."03:25
LJRuffshpook, sudo it03:26
denonFlannel: hmm.. this would be server, of course. I assume the 64-bit ver would easily support 12GB and a 3ware card.. seems to me the 3ware support was mostly fixed in 6.x03:26
LJRuffspiol78, did this happen after a kernel update?03:26
trentDoes anybody know good resources/tutorial for how to build php website that can easily be scaled onto multiple servers - I am starting a rebuild and want to keep the scale solution in mind from the start but I have no experience in amking a website work across a server farm situation03:27
Flanneldenon: Yes on the 12GB, I have no idea on the 3ware card03:27
spiol78LJRuff - no... I was playing around with aircrack03:27
LJRuffspiol78, has it worked before?03:27
Flanneltrent: You might try ##php03:27
LJRuff!hi | crunchbang03:27
ubottucrunchbang: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:27
Segojosephnexux, are they in the ubuntu repository?03:27
jarHeadlessantonio_: Region codes are a permanent part of the disc so where did yourv disc come from?03:27
LJRuffshpook, if it works then dhcpcd wlan0 and you're good to go03:27
shpookLJRuff: I knew that. :) It went through, but to no avail. nm-applet lists Wireless Networks as "device not ready"03:27
antonio_ah, so blank disks already have a region code set?03:28
spiol78LJRuff - Yes... I worked perfect.  Any wireless card I put in the laptop doesn't work.  It also effects my other Ubuntu partition.03:28
denonFlannel: is the ubuntu server disc a live cd as well? or is that just the desktop stuff?03:28
LJRuffspiol78, any wireless card you put into the computer fails to work???03:28
bitphazerjosephnexus: Just hoping that there will be something ready03:28
spiol78LJRuff - I had this problem before and the solution was to boot into Windows, but I don't use Windows anymore03:28
josephnexusbitphazer: i don't understand... I could be getting lost in the overall business of the channel, go ahead and PM me pls03:29
spiol78LJRuff - Correct, my PCMCIA card won't work in that laptop, but works in other laptops03:29
Flanneldenon: No, just the desktop CD is a liveCD, the alternate and server CDs are just installers (and rescue CDs)03:29
LJRuffspiol78, same here. = / I won't touch windows. Put in a card and then reinstall ubuntu is the only thing I can think of. Otherwise it's beyond my capabilities to help. Sorry03:29
denonFlannel: nod, k thanks03:29
shpookLJRuff: Don't have dhcpcd installed. Always a wall. :)03:29
trentoh woop  yes thanks Flannel03:29
antonio_jarheadless: its a blank dvd that I bought here in the us...are blank dvds already setup with certain region codes?03:30
spiol78LJRuff - Thanks for your help.  I am trying to avoid installing again, but I might have to.03:30
LJRuffshpook, you're going to need to hook that machine to a network via wire then.03:30
jarHeadlessantonio_: NO!03:30
bitphazer josephnexus: No, you are understand exactly what I say!03:30
LJRuffspiol78, Sorry! But sometimes that's the only thing we can really suggest. I know reinstalls suck. = /03:30
antonio_ok, thats what I thought..03:30
josephnexusAre you looking for a service to have an address?03:30
josephnexusor are you trying to set up a server?03:30
spiol78LJRuff - I could install Windows, but I gave that CD away!03:30
bitphazer josephnexus: And you gave me already the answer, thanks!03:31
antonio_What I want to do is to test the dvd that wont play on the player...is there any software that will tell you what region code it has on it?03:31
nurealhey, why isn't truecrypt in the repositories?03:31
josephnexusok, bitphazer, glad I could help03:31
LJRuffspiol78, =P03:31
spiol78LJRuff - Something in the Windows boot process solves it03:31
shpookLJRuff: I had a feeling you would say that. I'll put it to the side and try to bring it to work Wednesday. :) Thanks very much for the help, regardless.03:31
crunchbangspiol78: which card?03:31
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LJRuffshpook, yw03:32
LJRuffcrunchbang, intel 210003:32
spiol78crunchbang - any card03:33
spiol78crunchbang - http://paste.ubuntu.com/458571/03:33
C4coloI just installed 10.4 and I made sure to install the de-css libraries and w32codecs packages but I still have very bad image data corruption playing a dvd.  I even ripped the dvd to a .iso file and mounted it and played it direct from the hard drive with the same blocky corruption.03:33
C4colois there something I need to do to get dvd playback working on 10.4?03:33
spiol78crunchbang - the weird thing is that it effects the other partition of Ubuntu03:34
guyqHi everyboby03:34
crunchbangspiol78: this is wireless right?  why eth1?03:34
C4colovlc plays choppy and has multi-colored blocks intermixed with good video data, movie player reports an error and fails to play anything.03:34
SegoC4colo, I had the same problem, I tried differnt player like mplayer, gnome player, and found that different ones would play blocky bad graphics and some woujldn't.03:35
jarHeadlessantonio_: you need to explain more03:35
spiol78crunchbang - Yes, it is wireless.  The wired works fine.  eth1 is what it was assigned.  It happens on my PCMCIA ath0 card03:35
spiol78crunchbang - its actually wlan003:35
C4coloSego, do you know which one worked and which would you suggest I try?  I have the default movie player app and vlc now.  That is all I tried03:36
crunchbangspiol78: what happens with sudo iwlist scan?03:36
Segoapt-get mplayer for one03:36
antonio_jarheadless: when I encoded the dvd with devede, I think it had pal set on it automatically...so I'm encoding another one with ntsc selected to see if it makes a differece...03:36
Segotry the ubuntu rep as well, good stuff in there.03:36
C4colook, doing so now03:36
ne7workhello all03:36
ne7workplease someone tell me how to run database_installer.sh03:36
antonio_what I want to do, is to test the dvd that was encoded with the pal setting..to see what region the dvd is03:36
jarHeadlessantonio_: you seem to me to be running aroud in circles03:36
dive-one7work: sh database_installer.sh03:36
spiol78crunchbang - Interface doesn't support scanning - eth1 and lo... not wifi listed03:37
crunchbangspiol78: what chipset is this supposed to be?03:37
spiol78crunchbang - eth0 not eth103:37
ne7workdive-o and says me can't open..03:37
dive-one7work: what's the exact error?03:37
crunchbangspiol78: the wlan0 interface isn't setup because there is no driver03:37
ne7worksh: Can't open datebase_installer.sh03:37
spiol78crunchbang - intel and atheros03:38
X32Im having a problem where I need to remove this in iptables and change RETURN to ACCEPT RETURN     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:500103:38
dive-oI thought you said it was database_installer.sh, not datebase_installer.sh03:38
spiol78crunchbang - it acts like all wireless interfaces are dead03:38
ne7workdive-o and now what03:38
ne7worki don't understand you03:38
dive-oyou asked how to run database_installer.sh, then said datebase_installer.sh wasn't found03:39
dive-odatebase and database are two different words...03:39
spiol78crunchbang - did you see the dmesg errors?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/458571/03:39
crunchbanglet me look - was googling your card03:40
trentBackup solution question: I am new to Ubunto - migrated last week from Vista and very happy, I understand I can easly rsync my home directory as a bacup solution, howvere is there a recommened way to do backup such that if I kove HD I don't have to reinstall all programs again03:41
ridinhow do i remove the system tray icon in opera 10.603:41
crunchbangspiol78: does the adapter need to be activated in the bios?  This is built-in adapter?03:41
guyqso many people03:42
ne7workdive-o can you help me with l2 server?03:42
ubnunthow can i adjust my brightness on ubuntu 5.10 on a imac g3?03:42
X32nevermind I guess I fixed it already since the media server showed up03:42
spiol78crunchbang - I have checked the bios.  Turned it off and on... no dice03:42
ubnunthow can i adjust my brightness on ubuntu 5.10 on a imac g3?03:43
Black_Phantomubnunt ubuntu 5.10 ;/ ?03:43
Black_Phantomare you sure its ubuntu 5.10 ?03:43
spiol78crunchbang - I had this issue before on a different distro on different hardware.  The solution was to boot into Windows.03:43
SamualI have a samba share running on Ubuntu 10.04, but for some reason it's impossible to access.. Every time I try and connect, it prompts for the password and user -- I enter the correct info, but it just prompts for the info again and again03:44
spiol78crunchbang - I didn't have to do anything with the Linux install.  Just boot into Windows.03:44
crunchbangspiol78: lets check the pci id#03:44
SamualAny ideas?03:44
RoastedSamual, what are the permissions on the samba share?03:44
spiol78crunchbang - how do I do that?03:44
crunchbangspiol78: lspci -v and look for your adapter info03:45
RoastedSamual, samba interacts directly with the users of the system, so the "users" on the system need to have access to the folder you're sharing out via samba.03:45
SamualRoasted, not sure, I just added it to share from Nautilus -- It used to work previously a long time ago03:45
crunchbangspiol78: looking for a number letter combo 123:abc03:45
RoastedSamual, where is the share located?03:45
SamualRoasted, the share is on a mounted storage drive (Not the main hard drive)03:45
RoastedSamual, what is the path of the drive03:46
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Samual- /media/Storage/03:46
spiol78crunchbang - where do I look?03:46
RoastedSamual, what are the permissions, owner, and group ownership to that folder03:46
SamualI'm sure the user has access, as I use files from it all the time?03:46
crunchbangspiol78: in a terminal type "lspci -v"03:46
RoastedSamual, well, let's make sure before we dive in further :)03:46
steven__dose someone know something i can download to make rap beats03:46
crunchbangspiol78: look for wireless adapter03:47
spiol78crunchbang - sorry... missed that one03:47
spiol78crunchbang - I am there03:47
SamualOwner is my user, "create and delete files"  -- But hmm, it says under Others "none"03:47
RoastedSamual, its fine if it says none under others, AS LONG AS your user is owner or group.03:47
SamualI'm owner and group, so03:47
RoastedSamual, in fact, its a good thing to have nothing (or at the very least, read only) permissions as "all others" for security reasons.03:47
spiol78crunchbang - 02:03:003:48
RoastedSamual, and "you" are the user in question, right?03:48
RoastedSamual, do you have a samba user that matches your ubuntu user?03:48
crunchbangspiol78: try this instead "sudo lshw - C network"03:48
RoastedSamual, aka, you need a "samba" user on top of your system user.03:48
subledubHi dears, i have a probleme In the Ubuntu netbook edition, i loose Applications menu content03:48
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SamualI didn't set up any samba user, Roasted03:48
RoastedSamual, hm, I always do.03:48
Guest50249Whats the default color saturation in the background of xfce??03:48
SamualRoasted, mind helping me set that up then?03:48
RoastedSamual, I didnt think samba would work WITHOUT a samba user...03:49
RoastedSamual, absolutely.03:49
Roastedsamferry, are you using a GUI application to set up samba shares, etc?03:49
RoastedSamual, *03:49
FloodBot3Roasted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:49
SamualRoasted, yes, Properties > Share03:49
subledubit seams a beug, bc i can't edit anymore Principale Menu editor03:49
RoastedSamual, that's sharing via nautilus, not necessarily through a samba gui utility.03:49
spiol78crunchbang - trying something... I will try that in a sec03:49
RoastedSamual, I'm going to just give you a command to run to add the user, alright? Afterwards, I'll direct you to a samba GUI tool I recommend. Very easy to use, manage, etc.03:50
RoastedSamual, what is the name of your user? Is it by chance, samual?03:50
SamualRoasted, Haha yes, samual.03:50
RoastedSamual, run this: sudo smbpasswd -a samual03:50
mirskenscan anyone help me with an audio issue?03:50
RoastedSamual, it'll ask for your root pw, type it. Then it'll ask for your samba password.03:50
ne7workunexpected operator?03:51
ne7workwhat is that?03:51
RoastedSamual, you can make your samba password anything. To be honest, I use the same password as I do for my system.03:51
RoastedSamual, so I have "jason" on Ubuntu, but I at one time ran sudo smbpasswd -a jason too and added a "samba" user.03:51
spiol78crunchbang - did it lshw -C network03:51
spiol78crunchbang - what do you need?03:51
SamualRoasted, okay, added03:51
RoastedSamual, then try on your windows box to connect to it. If it doesn't work, no problem, there's another thing we can try .03:52
ss7I am installing ubuntu server; partitions /home and swap are to be encrypted. can I enter a key remotely (ssh) to allow access to /home and swap in the event of powerfailure/reboot?03:52
jacob_hey guys, I can't resume after sleep, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, do you have any idea about this problem, thx in advance03:52
SamualRoasted, aha, it worked.03:52
crunchbangspiol78: missed lshw -C03:52
RoastedSamual, I honestly don't know how it worked before :P03:52
crunchbangspiol78: can you pastebin lspci -v output03:52
RoastedSamual, I always thought you needed samba users + ubuntu users to "play together" for it to actively work.03:52
Guest50249Whats the default color saturation in the background of xfce??03:52
spiol78crunchbang - ok... it will take a minute03:52
RoastedSamual, there's a few things I'd liket o point out that may help you in the future, though... assuming you have another 5 minutes to spare?03:53
SamualRoasted, thanks mate -- So what is that tool you recommended for samba? But well, I don't know how it worked before either :P It was always flakey before03:53
RoastedSamual, youre on 10.04 right?03:53
SamualRoasted, sure. and yes i'm on 10.04.03:53
RoastedSamual, fire up software center and search for "samba". The 2nd option that comes back with the sub heading "create, modify, and delete samba shares". Download that quick.03:54
RoastedSamual, its a very simple, basic, easy to use tool for samba if you just want to set up quick home sharing.03:54
SamualI never use software center, too slow -- What is the package name precisely?03:54
RoastedSamual, system-config-samba in synaptic.03:54
RoastedSamual, you on an old box or something? Software center is relatively snappy over here. :P03:55
SamualRoasted, nah, it's just buggy. Some times I can't install apps through it either, it will just freeze. -- I also don't have compositing right now, which adds to slowness.03:55
RoastedSamual, *shrug*. Can't say I ever had a problem with it. I still prefer hitting up terminal for apt-get but software center is a pretty decent app as far as I can tell.03:56
steven__i need help03:56
RoastedSamual, did you manage to get that package, though?03:56
steven__how can i make raps beats on linux what do i need to download03:56
SamualRoasted, I normally just use the terminal for everything -- I may seem like a relatively oblivious user to Samba, but i've been using Linux for years ^_^03:56
mirskensis there anyone available that can help me figure out why i can't hear any audio on ubuntu? I am new to the system and have tried various fixes I found online but nothing has worked. It's a Sony Vaio.03:57
SamualBut, yeah I got it03:57
RoastedSamual, very nice. I'm a big fan of terminal too.03:57
RoastedSamual, hit up System - Admin - Samba. That's the gui tool you just downloaded.03:57
RoastedSamual, if you hit preferences and then samba users, you can add users here. This is the equivalent of "sudo smbpasswd -a samual" that you ran a few minutes ago.03:58
SamualRoasted, oh the other reason for slowness is my swap file by the way -- I forgot to remove it earlier, so the kernel keeps aggressively swapping things when I have 3gb+left to spare03:58
steven__Samual: can you help me out03:58
RoastedSamual, whats nice is, you can quickly add new shares if you hit the plus sign on the main page. Additionally, once you hit the plus sign and add the path of your directory to share, you can set share name, description, and whether or not you want it to be writable + visible.03:58
Samualsteven__, what's the problem?03:59
RoastedSamual, then, under the "access" tab you can pick and choose what users you want to have access to that share. Even if your Linux permissions are 777 on the folder you're sharing, Samba would restrict them at a user level if you have restricted them from access via this menu.03:59
steven__Samual: what do i need to down load to make rap beats03:59
crunchbangspiol78: hows it going?03:59
RoastedSamual, This is very nice, because my computer has extra drives in it to act as a backup server. I don't want my parents to stumble across my brother's backed up pictures, documents, etc, so I said only curtis can have access to curtis, only tyler can have access to tyler, etc, so that way things are securely separated.04:00
C4coloSego, thank you, mplayer can play it but I had to symlink /dev/cdrom to /dev/dvd04:00
RoastedSamual, all of these changes you make in this simple tool directly change the config file for samba, which is located in /etc/samba/smb.conf if you ever wanted to check it out. I used to make changes in the GUI and then re-check the config file, just to see how this GUI tool adds/removes entries04:00
SamualRoasted, interesting, thanks for this tool too, although i'm the only one who will be accessing the data ^_- -- Unless my wife gets curious, but still no issues.04:00
C4coloand it did not show up in the menus, I have to run it from the command line, but it does decode the dvd video well.04:00
ne7workplease someone help me with l2 server :(04:00
RoastedSamual, well, keep it in mind, because its extremely handy. My ubuntu box has several shares on it besides backup documentation. One for media, one for "guest" access in case my buddy comes over and wants to transfer some files to my box and doesnt have a flash drive, etc.04:01
Samualsteven__, not sure, I don't really know any good opensource programs for that.. Most of the things i've seen are for e.g. techno songs though04:02
FabParmaI would like to install samba but i am afraid that it takes too much resource. do you know more or less the real amount of resouces used when is idle?04:02
RoastedSamual, the beautiful thing about samba is it works with mac, linux, and windows... and since I have 3 windows boxes here, 1 linux laptop, 3 linux desktops, and a mac laptop, everything plays nicely. :) I can stream music to my old ibook laptop in the garage from my ubuntu box.04:02
RoastedFabParma, let me see if it shows up in my resources listing, 1 second04:02
SamualEr, he left...04:03
SamualI was going to recommend some apps..04:03
FabParmaRoasted: thanks04:03
spiol78crunchbang - almost there04:03
RoastedFabParma, its not under system monitor. Know any terminal apps to find what samba may be using?04:03
SamualRoasted, yeah, the computer I was accessing this with was actually an Ubuntu laptop04:03
RoastedSamual, yeah, if youre doing linux to linux and thats IT and thats all itll ever be, NFS is nice to use too.04:03
spiol78crunchbang - thanks for waiting http://paste.ubuntu.com/458596/04:04
RoastedSamual, I like a wide variety of support though, since I have windows, mac, and linux boxes, so samba is really a sure-fire win.04:04
SamualNah I have windows computers as well04:04
FabParmaRoasted:  not present typing "top"?04:04
ylmfI like Ice cream04:04
RoastedFabParma, Im not seein git. I have top running now04:04
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SamualAnyway, gotta go, thanks again04:04
RoastedFabParma, I really, really doubt samba uses much resources though04:04
RoastedSamual, no problem man. Enjoy!04:04
RoastedFabParma, I've ran samba on pretty old laptops. Its just a file sharing protocol.04:05
crunchbangspiol78: "sudo modprobe ipw2100"04:05
RoastedFabParma, the only "hit" my computer takes is when somebody is writing a massive amount of data to my computer as I'm using it. Then it's just regular resource wear as the hard drives write the data that the user is p ushing to their share.04:05
spiol78crunchbang - it doesn't return anything04:05
crunchbangspiol78: its not supposed to04:06
UrLamemy nmap is saying "Warning: Hostname locahost resolves to 2 IPs. Using" what does this mean ??04:06
RoastedFabParma, but I have 3rd party apps for those guys to auto-backup at 4 am, and it only lasts a few seconds, so I never see any performance hit :)04:06
crunchbangspiol78: "lsmod" and look for ipw210004:06
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spiol78crunchbang - check out http://paste.ubuntu.com/458571/  lsmod is towards the bottomm04:06
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spiol78crunchmod - ipw2100 69768004:07
crunchbangspiol78: in a terminal type "lsmod" and look for ipw2100 - we are verifying the driver got loaded04:07
FabParmaRoasted: a: ps command select all processes on a terminal, including those of other users04:07
Mqueuecan anyone help me with nmap showing 2 ips please :)04:08
RoastedFabParma, still not seeing nay output04:08
RoastedFabParma, yet my samba is running. My virtual machines can see my shares, etc.04:08
spiol78crunchbang - it is there ipw2100 69768004:08
ainsophwhen i run steam through wine it works but when i try to run coutner striek source it stays stuck at the preparing to launch window04:08
ainsophdoes anyone know why that may be04:08
crunchbangspiol78: Now in a terminal type "ifconfig" and tell me what interfaces you see now04:09
spiol78crunchbang - lo and eth004:09
spiol78crunchbang - ifconfig -a returns the same04:09
crunchbangspiol78: are you using the computer right now to chat with me?04:09
spiol78crunchbang - no04:10
crunchbangspiol78: did you compile anything yourself?04:10
spiol78crunchbang - no04:10
FabParmaRoasted: ps aux | less this is the good one04:11
mirskensSince installing Ubuntu yesterday on my Sony Vaio, I have not been able to hear any audio. I have tried basic fixes such as adjusting the channels/volume levels in terminal, updating, etc. It seems to be that my driver is not supported. Is there any solutions, such as a way to download a different driver?04:11
ridinhow do i remove the system tray icon in opera 10.604:12
crunchbangspiol78: are you using gnome?04:12
FabParmaRoasted: try this, im sure that youll'se samba04:12
RoastedFabParma, theres so much there, and nothing "samba" sticks out. I'm tellin ya though, I run it on old laptops, old desktops, etc.... samba yields no difference in resource usage that I can tell04:12
sejukserver irc.plasa.com04:12
spiol78crunchbang - yes and no... I have 2 partitions with the same issue.  One gnome and the other KDE04:12
crunchbangspiol78: which one are you working on this problem in?04:13
spiol78crunchband - kde04:13
FabParmaRoasted: thank you for your opininion04:13
crunchbangspiol78: do you see a network icon on the panel?  What does it show?  Is wireless enabled according to the icon?04:13
blendmaster1024what is a paste site where i can set a password?04:13
spiol78crunchbang - it doesn't see the wireless04:14
jarHeadlessblendmaster1024: paste site???04:14
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:14
blendmaster1024jarHeadless, like pastebin.com but where I can set a password04:14
crunchbangspiol78: is there an option to "enable" wireless - there is in the gnome manager via icon04:15
spiol78crunchbang - it feels like the problem is at the lower levels because it effects 2 partitions04:15
jarHeadlessblendmaster1024: pastebin is a public arena04:15
spiol78crunchbang - the gnome wireless indicator will not let me enable wireless.  Its grayed out.04:15
blendmaster1024jarHeadless, exactly, I want something where I can set a password04:15
crunchbangspiol78: did you say this was a build-in adapter?04:16
blendmaster1024wait nevermind! thanks anyway04:16
spiol78crunchband - built in and PCMCIA... the PCMCIA works fine in my other laptop04:16
jarHeadlessblendmaster1024: password for what?04:16
crunchbangspiol78: so you have two adapters - a pcmcia card and a built-in wireless adapter?04:17
spiol78crunchbang - correct... two adapters04:17
crunchbangspiol78: and you want to get the build-in one working, i.e Lan2100?04:17
spiol78crunchbang - I want to get both working... I am working on the internal.  I think both will be fix if one gets fixed04:18
Sc00t3rAnyone got a clue why right now I can't find an IDE drive in the Ubuntu Install while I can find it in Disk Utility?04:18
crunchbangspiol78: only in the internal has the same chipset/driver as the external04:18
whatTurtlehow can i generate keyboard signals from bash shell ?04:19
spiol78crunchbang - different chipsets.  This isn't a chipset issue04:19
spiol78crunchbang - its not your normal wireless issue04:19
crunchbangspiol78: definitely not the normal issue :)04:19
crunchbangspiol78: what version is the pcmcia card?04:19
whatTurtleHi does anybody remember how can i generate keyboard signals from bash shell ?04:20
spiol78crunchbang - this is why I want to fix it.  I had this before and I fixed it by booting into Windows and then booting into Linux04:20
whatTurtlethere is a command starting with x but i don't remember .. grrrrrr :(04:20
spiol78crunchbang - its a proxim 8470-wd04:20
crunchbangspiol78: that fixed it forever until you installed new linux?04:20
bastid_raZorwhatTurtle: xev ?04:20
spiol78crunchbang - that was on a different distro on different hardware04:21
spiol78crunchbang - I was playing around with aircrack and rebooted... then all wireless went dead04:21
crunchbangspiol78: never used aircrack....04:22
spiol78crunchbang - something in the Windows boot process fixed it last time... I don't use windows anymore04:22
robertzaccouri'm trying to figure out how to upload videos to youtube without the videos losing quality. i converted the ogv with devede, and upload, and its bad quality. am i missing something? is there a screencast program that records in anything besides ogv?04:22
whatTurtlebastid_raZor,  hmmm that one finds the keybord events i want one that binds events...04:22
spiol78crunchbang - I suspect that Windows resets something in the boot and Linux doesn't04:22
whatTurtlefrom bash shell.. but probably they would be using the same libraries...04:23
crunchbangspiol78: according to the ubuntu wiki, the 2100 should work out of the box ....04:23
spiol78crunchbang - it was working just fine04:23
crunchbangspiol78: you were playing with aircrack in kde or gnome?04:23
spiol78crunchbang - kde04:23
unomiHi, I have a mobo with 1 sata connector, is it possible to connect 2 hdds to it?04:24
crunchbangspiol78: what happens now when you boot gnome?04:24
FabParmaRoasted:  i found a tool very usefull. if you want try it "sudo apt-get install htop" it swos all process, you can scroll down to see everything an in more pressing f3 you ca searche exactly the process that you are looking for04:24
whatTurtlebastid_raZor,  i think i found it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:24
crunchbangspiol78: I'm assuming you did not install aircrack in gnome as well??04:24
spiol78crunchbang - same thing... and its on a different partition04:24
whatTurtlebastid_raZor,  it's xdotool :-) :-)04:24
robertzaccourspiol78, if you install a DE in crunchbang, then whats the point of crunchbang?04:24
whatTurtlebastid_raZor,  http://www.semicomplete.com/blog/projects/xdotool/04:25
spiol78crunchbang - gnome is an almost untouched install of the latest Ubuntu release04:25
whatTurtlei am happy now :-) I just typed apt-cache search keyboard :-) ;)04:25
crunchbangspiol78: same kernal for both the kde and ubuntu install?04:25
whatTurtleby guys have a nice day/night whatever :-)04:25
spiol78crunchbang - nope... different kernals04:26
crunchbangspiol78: and the lan2100 just worked in gnome as well?04:26
spiol78crunchbang - everything worked perfect... no issues at all04:26
aurillianceHow can I record the currently playing audio?04:26
spiol78crunchbang - now all wireless is dead in both partitions04:27
crunchbangspiol78: I would uninstall aircrack myself04:27
mkquistaurilliance: what are you using to play it?04:27
spiol78crunchbang - its not going to solve it.  It only runs when I run it04:27
aurilliancemkquist, myspace music04:28
mkquistaurilliance: streaming station?04:28
mkquistaurilliance: i think thats flash04:28
spiol78crunchbang - its lower level... do you know of any lower level tools?  Something that can reset the firmware?04:28
aurilliancemkquist, yes04:28
aurillianceI just want to record what is going to my headphones socket...04:28
MaRk-Ispiol78: you already checked in aircrack-ng room? maybe your cards are stuck in raw mode04:29
mkquistaurilliance: you might find a 'flash get' plugin for your browser...04:29
sprout`I'm running UNR on a Dell Mini 10 - I got wireless to work shortly, but now it's claiming to connect but not actually connecting. Where do I start to diagnose? ping says connect: Network is unreachable04:29
crunchbangspiol78: ...hmm... it would have to be another native linux driver for the lan 2100 or something04:29
nitram9Hi I've never used IRC before so bare with me please (and teach me what I'm doing wrong)  I have a 10.04 wubi install.  It now crashes when it's supposed to be loading grub.  When I turn it on it goes to the windows boot loader where I choose ubuntu.  It immediately resets at that point with no error messages.  I have booted in windows and found that \ubuntu\disks\boot\grub is empty04:30
Zelozelosaurilliance, i just got here, but r u trying to upgrade to flash 10 on a 64bit?04:30
spiol78MaRK-I - nobody is responding04:30
nitram9Any help04:30
crunchbangspiol78: maybe google if the manufacturer has a linux driver you can try04:30
aurillianceZelozelos, nope04:30
TuxthePenguinIf I recall Wubi doesn't use GRUB. Am I right?04:30
spiol78MaRk-I - raw mode ... I need to look into that04:30
TuxthePenguinI thought it used GRUB4DOS04:30
nitram9I believe it does or atleast it did when i was using 9.1004:31
nitram9maybe when I upgraded they made a change.04:31
spiol78crunchbang - I don't think its a driver issue because booting into window and making no changes in linux solves it04:31
NiteSnowoh dear god ecryptfs04:31
gallifreyhow do I connect to my wifi on ubuntu-netbook04:31
NiteSnowIt's not decrypting at login04:31
gallifreyit's tricky nhasian04:31
TuxthePenguinnitram9: Do you have any data on it (Did you just install it)04:31
gallifreyer nhandler04:31
TuxthePenguingallifrey: Is there a WIFI icon (Wireless of some sort) on your top panel?04:32
nhandlergallifrey: Double tab-fail04:32
nhasiangallifrey, sorry what was that?04:32
nitram9Ok no I didn't just install it I've been using it for a few months.  I just did one of those nearly daily updates and there was an error.  Something with a linux header update.04:32
gallifreynhasian: yeah04:32
spiol78MaRk-I - I am googling raw mode... thanks for the tip04:32
NiteSnowgallifrey, click it04:32
nitram9I didn't record that error unfortunately.04:33
NiteSnowgallifrey, then click the access point you want to connect to04:33
gallifreyshe said the pannel is missing04:33
MaRk-Ispiol78: yw just a hunch04:33
sprout`What if it says I've connected but both Firefox and ping can't find anything?04:33
NiteSnowgallifrey, now ID'm lost04:33
crunchbangspiol78: you might want to google aircrack and your Lan2100 and see if others have reported the loss of networking.04:33
nitram9I had restarted initially because it became slow and it also just announced to me that it was goiing to run in low graphics mode.  those may be red herrings though04:33
Zelozelosnitram9, is the old grub still there? can u use that one? that happened 2 me once n i fixed it by uninstalling the new one04:33
gallifreyme too04:33
nitram9There is no grub04:34
nitram9I'm worried it was corrupted.04:34
nitram9and so in windows it doesn't show up.04:34
v1adgood thing i never went the wubi route04:34
Zelozelosahh...duh u're usin Wubi ;)04:34
NiteSnowanyways how do i get the ecryptfs to decrypt on login i have my passphrase04:34
ilumihey guys, if the girl you loved liked to get naked and play at front of other guys, would this make you jealous? yes or no?04:35
nitram9my suspicion is that I just have to get the grub stuff back but I don't know what should be there and what confige I will need.  Is there a menu.lst,  do I need a grub executable?04:35
NiteSnowilumi, #ubuntu-offtopic04:35
Zelozelosilumi wrong room dude, try ubuntu-offtopic rofl04:35
gallifreyI told her she should just throw the netbook away04:36
NiteSnowZelozelos, beat you to it :)04:36
gallifreyor place a timelock on it04:36
spiol78crunchbang - googled that, the dmesg and every other error all day04:36
NiteSnowgallifrey, if she doesn't want it send it to me04:36
ilumiplease just some yes or nos04:36
gallifreyNiteSnow: it's like a 4 year old eeepc - 4 gigs04:36
nitram9So does anyone know if there is a page somewhere that lists what should be installed in a 10.04 wubi install.04:36
inno89can anyone help a newbie with a really annoying problem after my installation of 10.04? my touchpad isn't working at all and nothing works so far :(04:36
NiteSnowgallifrey, I can do a lot with that :)04:36
gallifreyNiteSnow: it takes care of it self, no help needed04:37
spiol78MaRk-I - do you think this will help???  http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=airdriver-ng  MaRk-I04:37
gallifreyinno89: run the command 'sudo jockey'04:37
nitram9I'm new to irc and everythingg is flying by how do I search for comments directed towards me or rather filter for comments to me.04:38
gallifreyah, I love this stuff04:38
inno89gallifrey: what would that do04:38
inno89cause it's not even recognizing it04:38
gallifreyinno89: it opens a program that searches for proprietary apps04:38
crunchbangspiol78: gotta go.  Good luck!04:38
gallifreyi think it lives in admin or preferences04:38
MaRk-Ispiol78: you know when you typed (i.e. airmon-ng wlan0 start), do the opposite like airmon-ng wlan0 stop04:38
inno89ok i will try it. thanks04:38
gallifreyit looks like a soundcard04:38
spiol78crunchbang - thanks for all the help04:38
abidi just installed lampp, everythings goes well until i change the Document root, lampp says, Error 1, bla bla... anyone has a suggestion? thx04:38
crunchbangnight o/04:39
spiol78MaRk-I - I rebooted since then... that didn't help04:39
ChogyDanabid: Can you pastebin the whole error?04:40
MaRk-Ispiol78: can you put it in monitor mode??04:40
spiol78MaRk-I - nope... the card is not found at all04:40
spiol78MaRk-I - nothing in ifconfig -a04:40
spiol78MaRk-I - My other partition doesn't even work!!!04:41
MaRk-Ispiol78: tried the livecd?04:41
ennuiIs there a way to hide the window titlebars displayed at the top of windows by metacity in gnome? they take up a lot of space when you have several windows open04:41
spiol78MaRk-I - thought about that.... I haven't done it yet04:42
spiol78MaRk-I - trying the liveCD now04:43
abidsorry i just uninstalled it, and try them one via apt-get. if I didn't miss spell it, it say "I have no idea, try community help" or st. similar04:43
MaRk-Ispiol78: good luck04:43
fuyaoi got a problem that i dont know the answer of04:44
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fuyaoim trying to save a file from a download, then it give me this error04:44
fuyaoError stating file '/home/fuyao/Downloads': No such file or directory04:44
=== Unix is now known as DJGB
volvehey all, is there any sort of gui app to setup MD RAID arrays?04:45
LJRufffuyao, Then the directory doesn't exist.04:45
fuyaoshould i create one?04:46
LJRufffuyao, if you intend to save there, it'd be a good idea.04:46
TuxthePenguinfuyao: sure04:46
fuyaook thanks guys04:46
spiol78MaRk-I - WOW... THE CARD SHOWED UP04:47
MaRk-Ispiol78: I think it has to do because the card staid in "raw/monitor" mode04:47
MaRk-Inow you have to find out how to get it out of that state04:48
nitram9Is there anyone thinking about my problem and helping me or does no one have any ideas? In otherwords should I just give up here and look somewhere else?04:48
spiol78MaRk-I - booted back into the install... it still doesn't work04:48
spiol78MaRk-I - I think you are right about raw/monitor mode04:49
Mqueuenitram9>> what was your question again ?04:49
MaRk-Ispiol78: only aricrack ppl might help, that's all I can think of sorry04:50
emstrandI can't figure out how to use empathy or should just keep using XChat?04:50
spiol78MaRk-I - thanks for the help... I think you have me going in the right direction04:51
MaRk-Ispiol78: yw04:51
Mqueue<emstrand> it's easy what's the problem with it04:52
reeseHi...Has anyone else had the Python issue with the current 10.04 image?  I tried downloading the ISO from both bittorrent and directly from the Ubuntu site and I get the same issue with both images.  When I burn the image to CD and put it in the drive, I get all sorts of "Disc missing" Python errors.  And when I try to boot from the burned disc, it starts loading the Ubuntu booter and then says something about not being able to read th04:52
OpenNoobAnyone here using Openfiler?04:52
emstrand<Mqueue> Guess im just dumb04:53
Chaorainhey all, I:m trying to convert a video file and I was wondering what happened to VLC:s wizard? Following a guide04:53
ChogyDanreese: try checking the cd04:53
OpenNoobI keep hearing how Linux does not require a reboot after updates but my install of Xbuntu needed 3 restarts tonight - what gives?04:54
Mqueue<emstrand> just add your account and that should be it04:54
Mqueue<emstrand> where r u stuck04:55
ChaorainOpenNoob: some things do, most don:t04:55
emstrandMqueue: I'll try again with more patience04:55
ChogyDanOpenNoob: depends on what was updated.  Kernel upgrades will probably always need a reboot.04:55
nitram9Mqueue:  I have a 10.04 wubi install.  grub does not load the computer simply resets.  when I load windows my ubuntu/disks/boot/grub folder is empty.  I suspect everything that was in that folder was corrupted or deleted.  how do I rebuild that?  was there supposed to be stuff in there to start with?04:55
Mqueue<emstrand> u using 10 ubuntu ?04:55
OpenNoobok I was just surprised - I dont think it was kernel - is rebooting getting more common as linux progresses?04:55
red2kicOpenNoob: No. :<04:56
reesechogydan: the CD is fine...Like I said I've tried burning many times with ISO's from multiple sources.  Nothing wrong with my burner or the discs I'm using.  (and no I'm not a noob, not just burning the .iso onto the cd by itself).  And when I put it in with Windows running, after I keep clicking OK to those Python errors it works.  Still get the "can't find disc" errors from the booter though, which is weird because it finds the disc 04:56
emstrandMqueue: Yes 10.04.. it didn't find any channels04:57
OpenNoobI have say Xbuntu is running nice on this Celeron 1.6 and 512k Dell04:57
reeseI would just boot from USB but the computer I'm trying to install it on won't boot from USB04:57
Mqueuenitram9 i think u didn't install the bootloader when installing ubuntu04:57
Roastedreese, does it support usb booting?04:58
robertzaccourIn Pitivi>Project Settings, what settings should i choose in the "Export to" part at the bottom? It takes a long time to transcode and I wanna make sure I do it right. Thanks in advance.04:58
reesenope :(04:58
Roastedreese, check out plop boot cd.04:58
robertzaccourI'm trying to put recordmydesktop screencasts on youtube04:58
kmanHi all.  Webmin - Just installed. Error trying to run webmin with Ubunto 10.04 server.  Error is "no such file or directory" when run https://localhost:10000 any suggestions?04:58
ChogyDanreese: is this wubi?04:58
Roastedreese, you put the CD in, fire it up, and itll "force" a usb boot (as long as the usb drive is in of course) and it'll boot accordingly.04:58
nitram9well that's not it since I've been using this for months.  but the solution to that problem would probably solve mine.04:58
Roastedreese, Plop Boot CD - remember it. :P04:58
emstrandgotta go watch fireworks now...bye04:58
mirskensI am having problems with audio on my newly installed Ubuntu. I am using a Sony Vaio and am not getting any audio at all (it worked fine previously in Windows 7). I have tried basic fixes such as adjusting volume levels, using the system controls, etc. Any advice on how I can fix the problem, or, if necessary, switch to an audio driver that Ubuntu can support?04:59
nitram9I can't just reinstall because I have tons of un-committed work on that image.04:59
kmanAny webmin users out there?04:59
Roastedmirskens, by chance, is PCM muted?04:59
mirskensroasted, sorry i am new to this, what is PCM?04:59
Roastedmirskens, you know in windows how in your advanced volume control you have volume in 1 slider, and wav in another slider, and if either is muted, you have ZERO sound?05:00
reeseyes, Wubi...I can't find a distribution of 10.04 without it?  as for Plop - I'll try the CD version.  I tried to just do the PLoP boot hack on the other box, but it's got some crazy installation of XP Media Center that I can't find boot.ini on for the life of me05:00
Roastedmirskens, thats kind of like PCM/volume in linux. Two individual sliders, both need to be set appropriately or itll be muted.05:00
Roastedmirskens, its just a quick thought, I have no idea if itll help, but lets make sure... are you on ubuntu 10.04?05:00
reeseThanks very much for the help!05:00
mirskensroasted - where can i check the settings for PCM, then?05:00
mirskensroasted, yes i'm on 10.0405:01
Roastedmirskens, hm, in the GUI I'm not sure where it's located in 10.04. They must have moved it from where I previously remember it.05:01
ChogyDan!wubi | nitram905:01
ubottunitram9: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:01
Roastedmirskens, open a terminal and type "alsamixer" and hit enter05:01
Roastedmirskens, you should see several sliders. PCM (for me) is the 2nd slider over. Is it muted?05:01
ChogyDannitram9: there are directions on how to boot a livecd and recover with that05:01
nitram9ChogyDan:  What does !wubi | nitram9 mean05:02
nitram9ChogyDan:  don't use wubi?05:02
bullgard4What does "stripped" mean in '~$ file /usr/bin/make; /usr/bin/make: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped'?05:03
ChogyDannitram9: I directed ubottu to send you a message05:03
LinuxFetusHey the ubuntu updater thingy just ran and gave me this error: http://pastebin.com/fXtbnM3Z05:03
MqueueWubi is lame..lol..it just sounds lame05:03
mirskensroasted, it says "100<>100" for the PCM slider.05:03
RoastedLinuxFetus, if I remember correctly I got the same error...05:03
nitram9ChongyDan: Ha and what does that mean?  sorry I have never used irc before.05:03
OpenNoobAnyone here using Openfiler?05:03
Roastedmirskens, what does it say for "master"05:03
ChogyDanLinuxFetus: the graphical updater?05:03
LinuxFetusChogyDan: Yeah.05:04
mirskensRoasted, master slider says 00 and it has a colored bar running all the way to the top05:04
andwhat's this?05:04
ChogyDan!ubottu | nitram905:04
ubottunitram9: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:04
abidnow everything seems to runs smooth. I just purge apache2, php5, and mysql-server then reinstall the lampp, change to DocumentRoot again, restart the lampp, and.. goooooall05:04
LinuxFetusChogyDan: It's a GUI that says "Update Manager" in the title bar.05:04
Roastedmirskens, under the PCM slider, there is an icon just above the 100 <> 100 you saw05:04
ChogyDanLinuxFetus: mind using a terminal?  can you run: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?05:05
Roastedmirskens, itll either say MM, or have a green square with 00 in it. Whcih is it?05:05
nitram9ChongyDan: oh get it now.05:05
ChogyDanLinuxFetus: and then pastebin the output05:05
inno89I tried running sudo jockey, but it did nothing for my touchpad05:05
mirskensroasted, most of the other sliders have either a green square with 00 or MM, but there is no such thing on the PCM slider05:05
Roastedmirskens, ah, for me its the opposite - I have nothing for master, but for pcm I have that option. That's probably because pcm may be listed as your primary audio adjustment device.05:06
Roastedmirskens, let me think a minute...05:06
Roastedmirskens, highlight the master slider, and bring it up to about 3005:06
Roastedmirskens, then play some sort of audio and see if you hear output05:06
inno89is there any way for it to search specficailly search for touchpad driver sor something05:07
LinuxFetusChogyDan: http://pastebin.com/r1FqC3f7  Oh yeah one more thing - It told me it couldn't find a menu.lst file in my grub directory and it asked me if I wanted to create one and I said no the first time, but then it kept asking me, so I said yes.05:07
ChogyDaninno89: I think it is the synaptic driver05:07
tripelb ----Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/GhgeZ40u --- (I tried brasero first.)  -----  I can look and see if my new results are the same.05:07
mirskensroasted, no luck with that, still no audio05:08
Roastedmirskens, is there a "MM" under master?05:08
ChogyDanLinuxFetus: try sudo apt-get update, then repeat the earlier command05:08
mirskensroasted, no, it says 00 in the box and then 30 below that for Master05:08
Roastedmirskens, and PCM has 00 in the box and is maxed?05:09
ross_is that a good dictionary program for ubuntu that i can install05:09
Roastedross_, have you checked software center by chance?05:09
mirskensroasted, there is no box for the 00 in PCM, but it does say "100<>100" underneath where that box should be05:09
Roastedmirskens, ahhh thats right. I forgot you said that.05:09
ShadowFoxBiHhey anybody around?05:10
Roastedmirskens, what kind of sound card do you have05:10
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, theres 1,290 of us aro und05:10
ShadowFoxBiHlol great I need some help05:10
LinuxFetusChogyDan: http://pastebin.com/F6YA5Nne05:10
Roastedask away and if anybody can help, they'll chime in. :)05:10
Te3-BloodyIronhi i just uninstalled mythtv and a bunch of other related packages and now my package manager can't find any mythtv package to install except the backend05:10
ShadowFoxBiHjust switched to 10.04 and I am having wifi issues05:10
Te3-BloodyIronall i want is the front end05:10
LJRuff!ask | ShadowFoxBiH05:10
ubottuShadowFoxBiH: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:10
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, what card?05:10
Te3-BloodyIroni've tried rebooting and reloading the sources, but to no avail05:10
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, can you see the wireless network?05:11
ShadowFoxBiHjust wont let me connect to it05:11
=== rabies_ is now known as rabies
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, by chance, if you remove security, can you connect? (had this issue with an atheros card at one point)05:11
inno89My touchpad still isn't working, neither for ubuntu 9 or fedora :(05:11
ShadowFoxBiHI havent tried that05:11
ShadowFoxBiHI use wpa2 as security05:11
rabiespeople takin my nickname...05:11
ShadowFoxBiHbecause lots of people around me steal internet05:11
mirskensroasted, it is an Intel 340005:12
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, well, 2 minutes wont hurt. I'd remove security and see if you can connect then.05:12
Roastedmirskens, is this a laptop?05:12
Te3-BloodyIroncan i get some help with my issue with my packages not showing up for mythtv?05:12
rabiesannyywhoo, anyone know why when copying a 9.10 cd to a usb drive and running syslinux it wont boot?05:12
ChogyDanLinuxFetus: doesn't look like there is a problem05:12
ShadowFoxBiHalright let me give it a try05:12
rabiesim using this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:12
mirskensroasted, it is a laptop, sony vaio vcpeb11fm05:12
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, this would at least differentiate if you CAN Connect vs if the security is preventing it05:12
LinuxFetusChogyDan: Alright, cool.05:12
ShadowFoxBiHalright I can confirm that without the wpa2 enabled it connects05:12
ChogyDaninno89: I suggest googlin your laptop model and ubuntu, see what other people's experience have been05:12
rabieswhat am i doing wrong? =(05:13
LinuxFetusChogyDan: Tanks.05:13
LinuxFetusChogyDan: *Thanks.05:13
inno89i tried that, cant find any05:13
Roastedmirskens, hmm... I'm not too sure bro. All I know to check for is the obvious things (muted, etc) and the PCM + Master, making sure both are NOT muted and both have adequate sound level.05:13
ChogyDaninno89: what is the model?05:13
Roastedmirskens, for example, when I hit volume up/down, it changes master. AS a result, I leave PCM maxed @ 10005:13
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, hmm... okay... what if you clock the security back to standard WPA - can you connect then?05:13
inno89it's a vaio f1205:14
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, so WPA and WPA2 bomb out for ya?05:14
ShadowFoxBiHyeah basically05:14
ShadowFoxBiHshould i give wep a try?05:14
ShadowFoxBiHor see if i can find some drivers?05:14
Roastedyou COULD... but I had this issue with an Atheros card, and it didnt like ANY security.05:14
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, did you install restricted drivers? Or was it auto detected?05:14
ShadowFoxBiHauto detected05:14
ShadowFoxBiHmost of my peripherals work05:14
ShadowFoxBiHeven the touch pad05:15
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, I don't have much experience with realtek. I went through hell getting my RTL8187B supported. Once 8.10 acme out, it supported it out of box - but around that time, the laptop died. :P05:15
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, it worked fine in 9.10?05:15
ShadowFoxBiHwell someone else said update ubuntu to see if an update will fix the issue let me give that a try05:15
ShadowFoxBiHbefore I decided to hardwire my laptop05:15
Roastedlets back up a second05:15
Roastedat any given point in time, did THIS laptop with this realtek card work with wpa2?05:16
ChogyDaninno89: have you tried the 32bit livecd, rather than the 64bit wubi?05:16
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ShadowFoxBiHworks with my windows 7 install05:16
Roastedwhat about linux05:16
Roasteddid you ever run an older version of linux and it work05:16
Te3-BloodyIroncan anyone please help me with my problem?05:16
ShadowFoxBiHnope just did a fresh install of linux05:16
Te3-BloodyIronnobody is addressing me05:16
Roastedbecause it works in windows doesnt mean itll work in linux, and vice versa. :P05:16
inno89chogydan: i havent done that yet but this seems to be a kernal issue from what i read05:16
ShadowFoxBiHI had xubuntu on another laptop05:16
RoastedIve had stuff work in linux that hardly worked in windows, and other way around at times too.05:16
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, ok, whats up?05:17
ChogyDaninno89: are you sure that is the model?  f12?05:17
ShadowFoxBiHyeah well I hate windows05:17
Te3-BloodyIronso i upgraded to ub 10.0405:17
ShadowFoxBiHI used ubuntu up untill my old laptop died05:17
Te3-BloodyIronand i tried to run mythtv-frontend a few minutes ago and it complained about a vdpau issue05:17
rabiesno one understands me either! -o_o05:17
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, I'm not too sure what else you can do. I know in synaptic there should be a WPA supplicant installed, but I think that comes installed from the get go.05:17
Te3-BloodyIronso i figured hey maybe i should just reinstall the frontend05:17
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, what exact realtek card is it05:17
Te3-BloodyIronso i removed all the mythtv packages on this system (not my backend)05:17
inno89Chogydan: try VPCF1. it's referred ot as the f12 too05:17
Te3-BloodyIronand now it's not showing up in my package manager05:17
ShadowFoxBiHno clue i dont even know how to check lol05:18
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, i have absolutely no idea, but did you search the bugzilla on launchpad?05:18
Te3-BloodyIroni've rebooted and reloaded the sources a couple times, no luck05:18
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, go to terminal and run "lspci"05:18
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, at the end there should be 2 network controllers. 1 wired, 1 wireless.05:18
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, whats the wireless one say05:18
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, maybe its not in the new repos?05:18
Te3-BloodyIroni've googled it and couldn't come up with worthwhile keywords, i assume it also crawled bugzilla05:18
Te3-BloodyIronbut no i have not directly consulted bugzilla05:18
Te3-BloodyIrontertl3: why would they remove mythtv from the repos?05:18
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, i would search the official docs in launchpad05:19
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, idk, do you have a better explination05:19
inno89Chogydan: i've done so much stuff with that xorg.conf file but nothing works, i mean the system doesnt even detect it05:19
Te3-BloodyIronis there anything else i can do in the mean time?05:19
ShadowFoxBiHrealtek semi co device 817205:19
ShadowFoxBiHrev 1005:19
Chaorainhey, I have a dual boot system with 10.04 and Win 7. Can I use Wine to run programs on my Windows partition?05:19
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, is there a Mythtv wiki or anyithng?05:19
Te3-BloodyIronthis isn't a myth issue, it's an ubuntu issue05:20
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, official documentation is essentail for these things05:20
augustoMy Netbook does not recognize my Wifi Atheros AR 2427..05:20
nitram9!ask | /me05:20
ubottu/me: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:20
emstrandBack from the fireworks 15min worth05:20
ShadowFoxBiHlol damn 297 update05:20
tertl3Te3-BloodyIron, if all else fails, try Fedora :)  jk, but not really05:20
ShadowFoxBiH297 mb05:21
ChogyDaninno89: I think that model is the f11, anyway: http://code.google.com/p/vaio-f11-linux/issues/detail?id=105:21
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, read post number 10 of this forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135304905:21
augustoMy Netbook does not recognize my Wifi Atheros AR 2427..How can i get help?05:21
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, they talk about downloading the driver straight from realtek and installing05:21
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, worth a shot I suppose05:21
inno89ChogyDan: f11 was the older model. the f12 came out last week05:21
ShadowFoxBiHthanks roasted you are a lifesaver05:21
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RoastedShadowFoxBiH, Ive recently become a huge intel fan with wireless with linux. I had a broadcom in my laptop and it would connect to some networks, but not others.05:21
frithDoes xfce ONLY use the power management settings for the monitor, or is there a way to use a screensaver with it? The goal is to have it auto-lock my screen and put my monitor to sleep05:22
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, I bought an intel card for 13 bucks, B G N card brand new on amazon.com. Solved 100% of my problems.05:22
jamil_1Hi, When apt-get stucks at setting up acpid. any suggestions ?05:22
ShadowFoxBiHhey you got any advice on where to get some drivers for an intel HD audio card?05:22
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, Atheros is real good too from what I understand. But keep in mind if this drives you NUTS and you just want a card that works well, look up what kind of form factor your wireless card is and see if you can grab an intel for a few bucks.05:22
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, It sucks but, its not Ubuntu's fault that companies put out crappy drivers. Atheros and Intel however have proven themselves to me in the wireless department. Broadcom, however, sucks. Badly.05:23
augustoMy Netbook does not recognize my Wifi Atheros AR 2427.. Any sugestion?05:23
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, not sure. My audio has always worked out of box. *shrug*05:23
ShadowFoxBiHwell it works05:23
ShadowFoxBiHjust i know my speakers can go louder05:23
Roastedaugusto, can you see the network?05:23
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, maybe your PCM is low.05:23
ShadowFoxBiHhow do i check?05:23
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, run alsamixer in terminal and check the levels of PCM and Master. They both need to be @ adequate settings for it to work, similar to Volume + Wave sliders in Windows.05:24
ChogyDaninno89: it looks like it will be fixed with the next release, or if you want to download the .34 kernel from the mainline ppa05:24
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, I leave PCM maxed @  100 and just up/down the master volume when needed.05:24
ShadowFoxBiHalright let me check05:24
bribroderaugusto, have you confirmed that your OS has drivers for the card?05:24
inno89ChogyDan: how can i do that?05:24
augustotyping  lspci appears Atheros..05:24
cameron_Hi all. I was hoping someone could help me diagnose a wireless problem05:24
ShadowFoxBiHpcm is at 100%05:25
robertzaccouremma, i'm gonna switch to youtube if i can get it uploaded right05:25
ShadowFoxBiHmight just be a driver issue05:25
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, below the slider, there should be either 00 or MM05:25
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, what is it05:25
augustoUbuntu netbook 10.04 installed05:25
ShadowFoxBiHunder PCM there is nothing05:25
ChogyDaninno89: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds05:25
cameron_a very slow connection.05:25
Roastedcameron_, whats the story?05:25
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, k, thats fine05:25
RoastedShadowFoxBiH, as long as its not at 005:26
NiteSnowso does anyone know anything about ecryptfs ?05:26
tenochslbguys is it possible for a sound card to burn out or something like that?05:26
ShadowFoxBiHyeah its probably a driver issue I will go see if i can find some drivers05:26
emstrandShadowFoxBiH: Had the same prob ..turned out to be my onboard sound05:26
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Roastedemstrand, fixable?05:27
jamil_1hi, apt-get hangs at while setting up acpid.05:27
=== KnightStalker is now known as Guest92107
emstrandRoasted: put in a PCI sound card05:27
Roastedemstrand, well, yeah - hard to do on a laptop :P05:27
ioxewhen i run glxgears i get "1596 frames in 5.0 seconds"; is that allot? how do i know if 3d is enabled? is sticking this gfx card into and older computer effecting the fps?05:28
emstrandRoasted: sorry05:28
inno89Chogydan: so I dwonload the linux-headers-2.6.34-020634-generic_2.6.34-020634_amd64.deb, correct?05:28
augustolspci --> NetworkController Atheros Comunications Inc. Device 002c (rev01) What does it means? but05:28
cameron_Roasted I have a dsl connectionat about 17Mb/s  and can stream video at about 5mb/s on other connections (wireless) but on my ubuntu machine I can barly get 1Kb05:28
bribroderaugusto, one-hit fix is often to apt-get remove network-manager and apt-get install wicd05:28
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v1adthe 2.6.35 kernel been out for a few months also05:28
Roastedcameron_, is this for everything? like if you go on youtube, does it run very slow?05:29
ShadowFoxBiHemstrand i know my speakers can go louder since i used them in win 705:29
ShadowFoxBiHjust now they seem to be weak05:29
bribroderthe default net manager is notoriously bad for wifi05:29
Roastedbribroder, not really. It used to be a lot worse. I would HARDLY call network manager "notoriously bad"05:29
cameron_Roasted, Yes. It takes about 10mins to buffer then bufferes every 3-4 secs05:29
Roastedwhile you CAN try wicd to see if the issue solves it, its not always the case.05:29
ShadowFoxBiHoh lol rookie mistake i didnt check the audio lvl in music lvl05:29
emstrandShadowFoxBiH: I have some external tiny speakers05:30
RoastedWICD's development is so slow these days its hard for me to trust it.05:30
v1adRoasted, it sounds good though05:30
Slookbribroder, it works fine for me, - gateway nv53 - then again no 2 computers are the same05:30
bribroderRoasted, IMHO. Not as bad as it used to be != good05:30
Roastedvladwhat does.05:30
ShadowFoxBiHoh and anyone know where i can find a nice music player05:30
Roastedbribroder, it used to suck. It used to flat out suck. I admit.05:30
v1adnotoriously bad05:30
Roastedbribroder, today I would hardly call it bad, though.05:30
ShadowFoxBiHthe standard one is not my favorite05:30
v1adnowadays its decent05:30
v1adi still like Wicd though05:30
RoastedI like wicd too. but its development is "wicked" slow :P05:31
bribroderRoasted, possibly it's improved since I left it05:31
v1adit is05:31
Slookglad I could see he IRC since i'm always on the forum, I'll be back later05:31
Roastedpretty much has 1 or 2 guys working on it on random weekends.05:31
bribroderbut wicd has always just worked for me05:31
Roastedbribroder, it was "getting there" in 9.04. 9.10 I thought highly of it. 10.04 seems better yet.05:31
linux_is_my_herohow do i get chromium for ubuntu?05:31
Roastedbribroder, I like WICD myself too.05:31
vijay1hello everybody!05:31
Roastedlinux_is_my_hero, in the software center05:31
ShadowFoxBiHjust use the software center05:31
vijay1 i am asking a strange question from all of you05:31
ShadowFoxBiHand search chrome05:31
vijay1which one is better windows or ubuntu05:32
ShadowFoxBiHubuntu my friend05:32
ShadowFoxBiHscrew windows05:32
v1adapt-cache search filename05:32
vijay1i have a very bad experience with ubuntu 10.04 even bad than ubuntu 8.1005:32
v1adto me ubuntu05:32
v1adso far no bsod in ubuntu05:32
bribroderRoasted, I think net-man is great for ethernet connections; my complaint is mostly with its wifi handling05:32
cameron_I prefer ubuntu even when I can get my wireless working05:32
NiteSnowv1ad, you can't get a bsod in ubuntu lol05:33
ShadowFoxBiHoh anyone know why flash 10 isnt available on 64 bit ubuntu?05:33
v1adlol i know05:33
Roastedbribroder, my opinion about 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04's network manager was STRICTLY from a wireless standpoint.05:33
Roastedbribroder, wired is.. whatever. It works, never had an issue, etc. The only time I interact with network manager is through my wireless machines.05:33
bribroderShadowFoxBiH, http://www.duber.com/LetsTalk/playerCheck.html says flash 10 is installed on my 64 bit 10.0405:34
ShadowFoxBiHhmm youtube is asking me for flash05:34
Roastedbribroder, not to mention the quality of the card/driver plays a huge role in it. For example, I ran a Broadcom in my laptop w/ STA drivers. Network Manager sucked, WICD sucked, I had issues no matter what I did. Random disconnects, some networks connected, others didnt connect (for whatever reason), etc.05:34
bribroderapt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:34
bullgardWhat does "stripped" mean in '~$ file /usr/bin/make; /usr/bin/make: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped'?05:34
Roastedbribroder, ended up grabbing an Intel BGN card brand new off Amazon for 13 bucks. Plopped it in. 100% of my problems are GONE. I connect to networks in 5-7 seconds instead of 30-35 seconds like it was on my broadcom. Not to mention, at work I can walk VERY fast and bounce from access to access point without the connection dropping. With the broadcom, it would drop unless I took milimeter baby steps down the hall.05:35
ShadowFoxBiHhey bribroder it says the file doesnt exist05:35
int__heya. trying to troubleshoot a synaptic touchpad issue in X.  my device is recognized and used by X as the mouse input.. but `synclient -m 1` shows no input coming from the device. anyone have experience with this?05:35
Roastedbribroder, point being, the card/driver plays a bigger role (imho) than network manager vs wicd (these days, at least).05:35
bribroderRoasted, you're probably right about the hardware mattering way more05:36
Roastedbribroder, however, wicd is NICE with it easily being able to select alternative drivers right there in the GUI.05:36
bribroderRoasted, my experience with net-man was in a low-end netbook05:36
Roastedbribroder, by chance, what kind of network card were you running?05:36
Roastedbribroder, wireless-card wise.05:36
bribroderShadowFoxBiH, you need to enable the partner repos in the update manager and reload05:36
vijay1I HAVE PROBLEM connecting via bluetooth GPRS and i also searched ubuntu wiki andfollowed instructions and typed some commands ,edit some files  and got result zero05:36
linux_is_my_heroalright chromium is up and running...whats the best way to get flash plugins for it05:37
bribroderRoasted, let me check... it was in an Eee PC 1008-HA05:37
bribroderwhich has since gone somewhere, but I'm not sure where, lol05:37
nurealhey, why isn't truecrypt in the repositories?05:37
vijay1is there  no gui to connect via bluetooth gprs05:37
TuxthePenguinlinux_is_my_hero: try installing the package ubuntu-restricted-extras05:37
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, check the flash its probably already working05:37
linux_is_my_heroTuxthePenguin: already have it :-)05:38
TuxthePenguinoh, then it should be working05:38
IdleOnelinux_is_my_hero: install flashplugin-installer05:38
linux_is_my_herov1ad: firefox is acting finicky so installed chromium...yet chromium is getting errors when i open flash sites like youtube05:38
Roastedbribroder, do you by chance have the machine there? I'm trying to google for it and Im not finding an exact brand name of wireless card it had.05:38
vijay1now what to do in that case? when i am unable to get resolution greater than 800x60005:39
linux_is_my_heroidleOne: trying now :-)05:39
bribroderRoasted, hunting for it... somewhere around here05:39
TuxthePenguinGood Night guys :)05:39
Avaszwhich ap can be used to open/edit sqlite2 file?05:39
vijay1infact my laptop is able to provide resolution 1280X?05:40
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, fine lets go the easy way. http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ download the APT 105:40
ShadowFoxBiHthanks bribroder05:40
linux_is_my_heroidleOne: i get this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/458618/05:40
IdleOnelinux_is_my_hero: don't worry bout that05:41
v1ad<linux_is_my_hero, or u could download the .deb05:41
Roastedbribroder, sounds like its an atehros card.05:41
bribroderRoasted, found it!! booting05:41
IdleOnelinux you can run apt-get autoremove like it says if you want to05:41
Roastedbribroder, its weird, because atheros is normally looked at  as a well supported linux company.05:41
IdleOnelinux_is_my_hero:  you can run apt-get autoremove like it says if you want to05:41
linux_is_my_herov1ad: I get the message "adobe-flashplugin" is virtual05:41
Roastedbribroder, but I have a laptop here that has an atheros card. Works fine in 9.04, but in 9.10 and 10.04, itll only connect if theres no security.05:42
Roastedbribroder, needless to say, I ordered a linux wifi card for it earlier today to replace it. :P05:42
bribroderRoasted, yeah, my issues started in 9.1005:42
Roastedbribroder, an intel wifi card*05:42
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IdleOnelinux_is_my_hero: ok well seems flash is installed. test it.05:42
vijay1it hangs after  every boot on  many machines that my friend's have05:42
linux_is_my_heroIdleOne: youtube still doesn't work whats another flash-based site?05:42
bribroderRoasted, my biggest problem was that if I tried to load anything bigger than a website the connection would drop05:42
Roastedbribroder, yeah. Gotta love that :P05:43
vijay1than what is better?05:43
bribroderRoasted, installed wicd and the issue was gone05:43
Roastedbribroder, I dont mean to sound like a big fan boy, but going from a problematic broadcom to a 100% working intel that wouldnt drop connection no matter what I did, it just surprised me.05:43
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, if you are not running x64 then run the .deb if you are let me know and ill find u a auntomated script05:43
Roastedbribroder, not to mention, wicd could have used a different driver by default than network manager.05:43
bribroderRoasted, no I completely agree. I should just replace that piece of shit and call it a day05:43
Roastedbribroder, thats what's great about open source software. We have choice. Dont like net man? get wicd. etc. :P05:44
IdleOne!language | bribroder05:44
ubottubribroder: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:44
mcl0vindpkg: error processing gnome-power-manager (--configure):  package gnome-power-manager is already installed and configured05:44
mcl0vinErrors were encountered while processing:  gnome-power-manager05:44
linux_is_my_herov1ad: how do i get a x64 .deb for flash 10?05:44
IdleOnelinux_is_my_hero: umm the adobe site has a flash test05:44
linux_is_my_herov1ad: i run x6405:44
Roastedbribroder, I was just trying to give network manager credit cause I DO think they've come a long way in the recent year or so.05:44
mcl0vin^^ 9.10 can someone help me please05:44
bribroderRoasted, Atheros AR928505:44
karen20100702HELP! I accidently missed an dot, and chmodded recusrivly everything from / - can you solve my "failed to connect to configuration server" error I get when I log in?05:44
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, there is no .deb ill go get u the script off the forums05:44
linux_is_my_herov1ad: thanks :-)05:45
linux_is_my_heroIdleOne: whats the link?05:45
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, first enable the partner repository and then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:45
mcl0vinon my way to home from a long day, wife calls and say that the box was not responding so she figure if she turn off the power and turn it back everything will be cool.05:46
Roastedbribroder, scanned forums for that card in the title, some users reported issues with it. :(05:46
mcl0vinby the time i am home i got the warm welcoming , so i looked at the screen and there it is , "The configuration default for GNOME power manager didn't installed correctly"05:46
linux_is_my_herobribroder: how do i enable repos?05:47
mirskensI am new to ubuntu and having an audio issue on my Sony laptop. I spoke with roasted earlier, he suggested adjusting the PCM and master audio controls in alsamixer. At first I heard no sound at all, but I now am able to hear a very faint sound through headphones only, not through the main speakers. All levels are maxed. Any advice?05:48
bribroderRoasted, yeah it's not a very good card. I think it recently just killed itself05:48
linux_is_my_herolinux_is_my_hero<--kinda new to this. :-(05:48
edtMy wife wanted a system easier to maintain so I just install 10.04 on her laptop - it had arch on it before.  Its now sluggish so slow as to be almost unusable.  Is there a checklist somewhere?  There were NO speed problems on arch running kde4...05:48
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, Sytem menu > Administration > Update Manager > Settings button in the lower left05:48
linux_is_my_herobriboder: thanks :-)05:48
Roastedbribroder, not to mention, I'm reading now that installing the backports often enable better support for atheros cards. Not sure what thats about... never heard of that fix, but some users reported it working05:48
Voldenetedt, checklist?05:48
karen20100702HELP! I accidently missed an dot, and chmodded recusrivly everything from / - can you solve my "failed to connect to configuration server" error I get when I log in? (GNOME)05:49
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, great no more x64 flash support. ill see how we can install a different 105:49
robertzaccourI'm converting an ogv to avi. does it matter which audio and video codecs I choose?05:49
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, then the "Other Software" tab and make sure that the first item is checked--it should say partner at the end05:49
edtto figure out why ubuntu is so much slower that arch linux?05:49
robertzaccouri'm doin it with Pitivi05:49
bullgardWhat does "stripped" mean in '~$ file /usr/bin/make; /usr/bin/make: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped'?05:49
Voldenetcheck your vid driver05:49
Voldenetyour kernel config05:49
Voldenetand compare them05:49
linux_is_my_herobriboder: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner?05:50
statimive got a ton of weird file looking things in /lost+found/ ... ive ran fsck and im able to boot up ok.  but i cant get rid of this stuff... is there a right way to do this?05:50
edtfor example open office opened in seconds on arch - it taked minutes on ubuntu05:50
linux_is_my_herov1ad: thanks for your help :-)05:50
bribroderRoasted, I did get the backported drivers working temporarily, but it wasn't very well behaved05:50
jarHeadlessbullgard:you try ne not!05:50
Voldenetedt, i believe it is a matter of compiling05:50
Voldenetwhat amount of ram does this notebook have?05:51
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, that sounds correct05:51
edtVoldenet I used a stock kernel on arch.  started with .32 and upgraded to .33 both were fast05:51
karen20100702Could somebody please pastebin a "ls -la" of their home dir?05:51
karen20100702I need to fix permissions05:51
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, Check it, it close, and reload05:51
linux_is_my_herobriboder: it was already checked :-)05:52
VoldenetKardos, fixing permissions is ineffective and usually does not work05:52
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, then you should be good... just do sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree05:52
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, er that's flashPLUGIN05:52
Voldenetchmod -R is imo the most dangerous command now05:52
vijay1it hangs after every boot on my many friend's machine while they have popular hardware ,so i will have to uninstall it from their machines ,what could i do? and i also tried to change their file systems from ext4 to ext3 but could not:'(05:52
linux_is_my_herobriboder: i did/  whats a good site to check it on? besides youtube05:52
karen20100702Voldenet: COuld have been an rm! :)05:52
bullgardjarHeadless: I beg your pardon?05:52
robertzaccourI'm converting an ogv to avi. does it matter which audio and video codecs I choose? I'm using Pitivi05:52
Voldenetkaren20100702, well, rm and dd are not participating in competition05:53
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, registers mine as LNX 10.1.53.somethingsomething05:53
edtVoldenet I've been running linux for 10 years - this is the first time I've ever had it behave this badly.  Looks like the write drivers have been detected but something is killing performance on the laptop.05:53
Voldenetedt: iotop05:53
Voldenet2 tools to run05:54
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, u try this? "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"05:54
vijay1on some machine where it is running smoothely ,games makes it defeat against windows05:54
linux_is_my_herov1ad: that was the first thing i tried. :-(05:55
karen20100702Anyway, pastebin your "ls -la" in home, anyone? Other than /home, everything else is easyish to fix.05:55
bribroderRoasted, I did get it working with backported drivers, but it still wasn't working very well with WPA2 security05:55
robertzaccourI'm converting an ogv to avi. does it matter which audio and video codecs I choose? I'm using Pitivi05:55
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, i know they disabled the older support :[05:55
murftownI heard linux is good05:56
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, let me see something else also05:56
linux_is_my_herov1ad: why is it difficult to get flash support for a popular browser? i know people are dumb, but these people are software engineers.  kinda sad....05:56
linux_is_my_heroyou'd think they would do it right the first time05:56
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, did flashplugin-nonfree not work out?05:56
linux_is_my_herobriboder: testing right now05:56
mcl0vinhow do i reconfigure gnome-power-manager05:57
linux_is_my_herobriboder: adobe's site gives me results similar to yours, and it is finding it. :-)05:57
karen20100702Please somebody post their "ls -la" output for their home dir on pastebin, I messed up my permissions with a chmod in the wrong place!05:57
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, sounds like it works, then05:57
linux_is_my_herobriboder: so we jsut went "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" and that did it :-)05:57
linux_is_my_herobriboder: what about java?05:58
MaRk-Ikaren20100702: have you tried: chown -r user:user /home/user      ?05:58
bribroderthe package is sun-java6-jre05:58
soreaukaren20100702: try chown -R $USER $HOME05:58
NeverCastlinux-is-my-hero, You can either use use sun java or OpenJDK05:58
valkurewho needs help one ata time05:58
linux_is_my_heronevercast: frostwire is installing right now so we shall see...its putting in sun java :-)05:59
karen20100702MaRk-I: Ownership hasn't changed. Some things don't like their new 0777 permissions!05:59
NeverCastlinux_is_my_hero, Love Frostwire :P05:59
linux_is_my_herothank you everyone for your help :-)05:59
linux_is_my_herobriboder: nice work ;-)05:59
NeverCastlinux_is_my_hero, I was hoping there would be an Ares for Linux, but no.. I'll have to port it or something05:59
bribroderlinux_is_my_hero, my pleasure05:59
linux_is_my_heronevercast: yeah, i like it too. i stopped using limewire because it got too big...then i left windows forever.05:59
mcl0vin'sudo dpkg --configure gnome-power-manager <----how can i force this please05:59
NeverCastlinux_is_my_hero, I'm on my way to leaving windows06:00
linux_is_my_herobriboder: thats what she said.06:00
NeverCastlinux_is_my_hero, But since I'm a windows developer..06:00
linux_is_my_heronevercast: its like getting a divorce...lol06:00
bribroderhaha, /nick bribroder_is_my_hero06:00
NeverCastlinux_is_my_hero, it might take a while longer06:00
NeverCastlinux_is_my_hero, Haha yeah :P06:00
bahiehey.. where i can view all my system icons? i forgot the directory :'(06:00
linux_is_my_heronevercast: i like the pwoer and versatility of windows, just not all the unnecessary backdoors and the fact that it uses a lot more system resources06:01
soreaubahie: /usr/share/icons?06:01
karen20100702Please somebody post their "ls -la" output for their home dir on pastebin, I need to fix my permissions!06:01
soreaukaren20100702: try chown -R $USER $HOME06:01
=== tik_ is now known as TiK_
Dr_Williskaren20100702:  most everhting is owned by the user06:01
linux_is_my_herogoodnight everyone06:02
NeverCastlinux_is_my_hero, Lol.. Yeah Windows is a whore, but I love Windows 706:02
karen20100702soreau: thanks, but the owner is fine, it's the permissions. Dr_Willis: Yes, but some things need a specific permission otherwise they are ignored, e.g. .dmrc has to be always 0644. THere are others that I can't remember06:02
bribroderRoasted, I think that drivers for the AR card in my netbook aren't even included in the 10.04 release anymore :p06:02
bahiesoreau, yes.. thanks but there is also one more place..06:02
Roastedbribroder, what.. why?06:02
Roastedwhy would they kick drivers out?06:02
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, i got an idea just did it to myself06:02
Dr_Williskaren20100702:  you can delete .dmrc and it will get remade as needed06:02
v1adworks great06:03
v1adthe new flash player06:03
Dr_Williskaren20100702:  .ssh and the files in it are also special i recall06:03
leoechevarriahey there06:03
bribroderRoasted, I tried booting it into a minimal install and the network cards aren't detected06:03
MaRk-Ikaren20100702:   http://pastebin.com/KpQttRXL06:03
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, go to the flash website and download the .tar.gz06:03
karen20100702MaRk-I: Thanks very much!06:03
Roastedbribroder, is it perhaps possible that the minimal install, by default, supports quite a bit less?06:03
v1adlinux_is_my_hero, flash player and extract it to your desktop06:03
Dr_Willisbribroder: wired or wireless network cards?06:04
v1ado he left06:04
leoechevarriai just got one little question: i've just installed ubuntu lucid in a hard drive containing windows xp. Now when i try to update grub it doesn't find windows installation. I haven't deleted any partition of the installed windows (i've just resized it), any idea?06:04
bribroderkaren20100702, move the things you want to keep to a backup folder and get yourself a new profile06:04
v1adjust installed the new flash 32bit on my x64 system works great06:04
bribroderDr_Willis, Roasted, one second, testing some more06:05
TiK_i installed th 64 bit flash works great06:05
bahiev1ad, now watch the cpu usage..06:05
bribroderit's fast and furious in here this friday night06:05
bahieTiK_, lovelt cpu ussage aint it?06:05
v1adbahie, got the i7 920 and overclocked to 3.606:05
Dr_Willisbribroder:  actually its sort of quiet. :)06:05
bahiev1ad, doesn't matter..probably will consume 20% of ur i7..which is ALOT06:06
OpenNoobhow can I tell if I am getting the proper performance from my video card chip06:06
v1adbahie, 8 cores 4 physical 4 virtual. will never reach 20 %06:06
Dr_WillisOpenNoob:  and whats your video card?06:07
karen20100702Woo! Solved. Needed to clear /tmp aswell, as all the locks had the wrong permission06:07
OpenNoobIntegrated Radeon X20006:07
OpenNoob 32006:07
OpenNoobOptiplex 320 Dell06:07
MaRk-Ikaren20100702: good06:08
karen20100702THanks everyone. Bye06:08
abhijainhelp me i want cd dvd writer for ubuntu lucid06:09
ubuntuhello can someone help me correctly install ubuntu and windows seven in a dual boot...i already have windows 7 installed and i am in the partitioning step for ubuntu's installation06:09
TiK_choose advanced06:10
Kardosabhijain, k3b?06:10
macoubuntu: simply select the "install alongside the existing os" option. itll show a diagram of how much of the disk goes to each OS06:10
v1adbahie, looking and my cpu and can't even tell a loss of performance with flash running06:10
abhijainKardos: gnome baker06:10
macoubuntu: you can grab the handle and drag it a bit to determine how many GB of your hard disk go to windows and how many to ubuntu. thats all you need to do06:11
TiK_nah chose advanced06:11
Kardosok use that06:11
macoTiK_: that requires far too much explanation and has no net benefit06:11
abhijainKardos: which one is best06:11
Kardosive only used k3b. it does what i need to do :)06:11
ubuntumaco i would like to partition manually though... could you help me put the correct settings on the new partition06:11
Dr_WillisI do find that windows can resize the windows partitions faster then the resizer tool in the ubuntu installer.06:11
Kardosthat seems like a data-dependent situation DrW06:12
mirskensi am seeking advice on an audio problem -- using ubuntu on a sony laptop -- audio is coming in very quietly through headphones and not at all through the main speakers. All levels are maxed in alsamixer. Any suggestions? It previously worked fine in Windows 7 (recently switched to ubuntu)06:12
TiK_ububtu: choose advanced and select the partition06:12
Kardosa fair comparison would have to have the same files arranged in the same fashion before resizing06:12
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you may want to use windows to resize the partition (shrink it) and leave a section of the HD unallocated at the end for you to do your custome partioning layout in.06:12
ubuntutik: yes i am there06:12
macoubuntu: its not going to be any different... but sure fine. just edit the existing windows partition so its set to a smaller size. add a new partition thats 2x the size of your ram and set it to "use as: swap" then for the rest of the empty space set it to "use as: ext4" (or ext3 if you want something more tried-and-tested but a bit slower) and set its mount point to /06:12
TiK_ubuntu: you can select the old partition under advanced06:13
ubuntui clicked on the free space and selected add... should i choose primary or logical06:13
bribroder*cries* why is my flash stick refusing to umount?06:13
sdwrageHey guys. I have a Microsoft Sidewinder Plug & Play (Yeah yeah... Micro$haft)... is there a way to get it to play nicely with Ubuntu?06:13
macoTiK_: primary06:13
Dr_WillisKardos:  ive have seen it be like 4x+ faster..  Not tried it in win7. or in 10.X   but about a year ago. it took windows about 10 min to resize and ubuntu took like 40+ min.06:13
TiK_why would he make another partition on his windows 7 drive when he has a ubuntu one alrady06:13
TiK_he allready did that06:13
macoTiK_: you can have 4 primaries or you can do 3 primary and 1 logical. since you only need 3 partitions total though, primary is fine06:13
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abhijainKardos: i want to install xp3 in my system but i know that occur the grub issue. is there any possibility to solve or recover in lucid06:13
ubuntuDr_Willis i already have my windows partition the size i want it to be06:14
Dr_WillisIve also noticed lately windows7 comming with all 4 primary partitions allready setup and used.. making resizing much harder.06:14
macoTiK_: no he doesnt...06:14
TiK_yes he does06:14
macoTiK_:  he said he has windows and now he's trying to install ubuntu06:14
Kardosyeah but ya gotta do a fair comparison!! if ubuntu has to move 50gb of files, and win7 has to move 2gb, obv win7 wins06:14
macoTiK_: he said nothing about already having ubuntu there06:14
Dr_Willisubuntu:  so repartition the otehr space as needed.  I tend to use 4 primaries.  (windows) (/) (/home) and (swap)06:14
TiK_he sid he is trying to fix an allready installed ubuntu06:14
Kardosanyway, kind of a tangent to whatever the actual discussion is on, carry on!06:14
macoTiK_: and will you please learn to highlight people instead of talking to the wall?06:14
macoTiK_: no he didnt06:15
macoTiK_: all he said was "hello can someone help me correctly install ubuntu and windows seven in a dual boot...i already have windows 7 installed and i am in the partitioning step for ubuntu's installation"06:15
macoTiK_: nothing there about a broken install06:15
sdwrageanyone know?06:15
ubuntuyes i already have windows installed on a 100 gb partition...now i want to install ubuntu and i am in the partitioning step ... there is about 60 gb free space06:15
Kardosabhijain: sorry i dont understand what you're talking about :/06:15
macosdwrage: i dont even know what a sidewinder is. sounds like a remote control toy car06:16
macosdwrage: in fact i remember remote control toy cars by that name06:16
sdwragemaco, It is a gamepad controller06:16
scripwarlockany improvements abou splash in lucid?06:16
macoscripwarlock: uhhh as compared to...?06:17
Dr_Willisscripwarlock:  its using Plymouth now. Not usplash or whatever other splash's have beenused in the past.06:17
prince_jammysyou'd need the remote control toy car kernel modules06:17
abhijain2Kardos: grub issue06:17
hotfloppyubuntu : just put your cd and follow on screen instruction.. make sure to choose side by side installation.. or if you prefer, you can manually arrange the partition..06:17
scripwarlockhmm some of my mahcines in my cyber shop reso is 800x60006:17
ubuntufor the ubuntu partition should i choose primary or logical? and what should be the mount point?06:17
bribroderDr_Willis, do you have any thoughts on swapd vs. a swap partition?06:17
Dr_Willissdwrage:  My old MS sidewinder gamepad has worked for me in the past. Its possible you need to manually load a module for it.06:17
abhijain2Kardos: grub issue dual boot with xp3/ windows in lucid06:18
Dr_Willisprince_jammys:  i always set up a swap partition at the end of every HD on my systems.06:18
Sam_FisherHowdy Ya'll06:18
bribroderubuntu, choose primary and the mount point is /06:18
scripwarlockdunno if this bug or just a default splash reso06:18
Kardosyeah sorry you were talking about burning software before, i missed the transition06:18
prince_jammysDr_Willis: cool :)06:18
ubuntuhotfloppy: yes i am already there. i am in the advanced partitioning step06:18
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Sam_FisherI am buying an AMD X6 1055T from Fry's for $500 and wonder if it will run Ubuntu?06:18
ubuntubribroder ok thanks and should i create a swap partition and a seperate partition for grub?06:19
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bribroderubuntu, how much ram do you have?06:19
ubuntubribroder i have 4gb of ram06:19
hotfloppyubuntu: so, need some more help? if not, good luck then :)06:19
sdwrageDr_Willis, what do you mean?06:19
abhijain2guys i want to install windows on my another partition can any body help me how can i recover my grub after installation06:19
bribroderubuntu, it's generally considered unnecessary to have a swap partition with +2gb of ram06:20
scripwarlockabhjain, what version of ubuntu using?06:20
bribroderubuntu, I recommend installing the package swapd after your first boot06:20
scripwarlockabhijain, what version of ubuntu using?06:20
abhijain2scripwarlock: 10.4 lucid06:20
bribroderubuntu, that's a program which dynamically handles a swap file for you and gets rid of it when not needed06:20
bribroderubuntu, so there's no wasted disk space06:20
richie0i copied a shell script to install an autopackage file and the mdsums don't match.  how do i fix this?06:20
ubuntuok could you show me how to do that after my first boot06:20
scripwarlockabhijain, plug your usb or live cd06:20
Dr_Willissdwrage:  devices use 'modules' in ubuntu. You may need to 'sudo modprobe WHATEVER' to get tjhe proper module. Theres several differnt sidewinder gamepads i recall.06:20
bribroderubuntu, you should probably create a separate home partition for all your personal files06:21
abhijain2scripwarlock: i have live cd06:21
abhijain2scripwarlock: den06:21
bribroderbut you may want to pad / with a few extra G's06:21
sdwrageDr_Willis, how would I get the "WHATEVER"06:21
scripwarlockabhijain, start reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:22
abhijain2scripwarlock: after live cd steps. grub 2 or grub 106:22
ubuntubribroder after i create a separate home partition will ubuntu automatically detect it as the home partition or will i need to change some settings to tell it that i have a separate home partition06:22
scripwarlockgrub 206:22
scripwarlockabhijain, grub 206:22
hotfloppyubuntu: better to make swap partition up to 2gb if you plan to use hibernation and dont forget to separate /home partition so you can reformat your Ubuntu without losing all you data..06:22
bribroderubuntu, as long as you set the mount point of your home partition as /home it will be incorporated automatically06:23
sdwrageDr_Willis, could I get a list of devices? is there a way to?06:23
bribroderubuntu, and it doesn't matter if it's a primary or a logical06:23
Sam_FisherI am buying an AMD X6 1055T from Fry's for $500 and wonder if it will run Ubuntu?06:23
Dr_Willissdwrage:  what is your exact controller? is it usb? or the older gameport?06:23
ubuntuok thanks and should the /home be primary or logical?06:23
Dr_Willissdwrage:  how are you even testing the gamepadd?06:23
sigmab3tahey guys. logging in takes a really long time on my desktop. like, almost a minute and a half. but it only takes a long time the first time after a reboot - i.e. subsequent logins are like 5 seconds, but if i reboot, getting to the login screen takes like 15 seconds, and then logging in takes forever again. this is uncharacteristic. any ideas?06:23
sdwrageDr_Willis, emulator06:24
Dr_Willisubuntu: I tend to use all primaries. Unless I need more then 4 partitions06:24
bribroderubuntu: /agree with Dr_Willis06:24
Dr_Willissdwrage:  try it in some other programs also.  ,  plug it in, check 'dmesg' output after a few sec ..06:24
sdwragegamepad = Sidewinder Gamepad Plug & Play USB06:24
yuggeHey guys, what is a good way to toggle the screensaver from the terminal?06:24
ubuntudr_willis ok thanks so the grub partition will be primary too...correct?06:24
Dr_Willisubuntu:  the /boot/ partition can be primary. but i dont bother with a /boot/ parittion much these days06:25
scripwarlockabhijain, much simplier guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:25
bribroderubuntu: more /agree with Dr_Willis :p06:25
sdwrageDr_Willis, [32576.454075] input: Microsoft Microsoft SideWinder Plug & Play Game Pad as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb4/4-1/4-1:1.0/input/input606:25
ubuntubribroder & dr_willis what size do you recommend for the ubuntu partition06:26
hotfloppyubuntu: in my box, i just have 3 partition.. / , /home and swap :D06:26
yuggetried xset -dpms but it still seems to fade out06:26
xxxx16480hi guys... i need help with a little issue in rhythmbox...06:26
banisterfiendhi...i have a 3g modem and i am trying to share its internet around my house in a wireless network. I bought a 'belkin wireless router' (as they did not sell access points) and i put the router in 'access point mode'. The other computers can now see the belkin wireless on the wifi list...but connecting to it doesn't allow them to use the internet. What do i do?06:26
bribroderubuntu, I would go with 15-3006:26
bribroderubuntu, and the rest for /home06:27
xxxx16480hi guys... i need help with a little issue in rhythmbox...  send me private PLZ...06:27
Dr_Willissdwrage:  now in a terminal try -->  cat /dev/input/js006:27
ubuntuok thank you all you have been very helpfull06:27
84XAAKY1M!ask | xxxx1648006:27
ubottuxxxx16480: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:27
Dr_Willissdwrage:  then wiggle the pad/buttons06:27
sdwrageDr_Willis, getting weird characters06:28
Dr_Willissdwrage:  it should print out random charaters if its working.  ctrl-c to quit that test06:28
Dr_Willissdwrage:  so.. it works. :)06:28
Dr_Willissdwrage:  configure whatever programs you are using to use /dev/input/js006:28
sdwrageok... I will try that06:28
Dr_Willissdwrage:  a lot of OLD programs would default to /dev/js0 which is not corr3xct these days06:28
Dr_Willis!info jstest-gtk06:29
ubottuPackage jstest-gtk does not exist in lucid06:29
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Dr_WillisHmm. I got jstest-gtk from some repo/ppa -06:29
DeaD_SouLthe ISP in my country is blocking most technical sites, is there anyway solve that? any tip at all? (btw, the proxies address are too slow)06:31
Dr_Willissdwrage:  from the 'getdeb' unofficial repos i got jstest-gtk that lets you test out the joysticks in a nice gui. theres proberly other tools out that are similer.06:31
bribroderDr_Willis, Roaster, It looks like they took out the atl1c driver support06:32
sdwrageDr_Willis, sweet :) thank you for all of your help!06:32
yuggesdwrage, Joystick trouble? A last resort might be to use http://qjoypad.sourceforge.net/ to emulate keyboard presses using the joystick06:32
yuggeKinda like joytokey for windows06:33
sdwrageyugge, thanks :)06:33
tripelb ----Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/GhgeZ40u --- (I tried brasero first.)  -----  I can look and see if my new results are the same.  (been asking this since yesterday eve)06:35
DeaD_SouLany ideas06:35
chalcednyhow does one download 10.04? it's big for our CD?06:35
EvilTrekchalcedny:  its an ISO file, and downloading it and burning to a CD will work fine.06:36
xxxx16480I had a little issue: I HAVE ALL MY SONGS IN A HDD, and i play them on my RHYTHMBOX, but when i close and open the program it shows me a message that "ALL FILES MISSING".... any ideas  ???...06:37
tucemiuxchalcedny, are you downloading ubuntu or ubuntustudio?06:37
frumiousDeaD_SouL, not an expert but there are relatively cheap/free providers of SSH tunnels.  Much luck.06:37
Dr_Willischalcedny:  and how big is your cd? it can fit on a standard 700mb cd I recall.06:37
jalex_brownDoes anyone here use Chromium?06:37
Dr_Willischalcedny:  theres also some confuseion lately with the 'MB' vs 'MiB' sizes being displayed by some apps06:37
DeaD_SouLfrumious: great, can you help me with links, howtos, tutorials, anything..!06:38
ubuntu_hi everyone06:38
xxxx16480I had a little issue: I HAVE ALL MY SONGS IN A HDD, and i play them on my RHYTHMBOX, but when i close and open the program it shows me a message that "ALL FILES MISSING".... any ideas  ???...06:38
ubuntubribroder & Dr_Willis: the windows install has two partitions, one for the system files and one for the OS, and i am creating 3 partitions in ubuntu (/ ; /home ; /boot) that adds up to five. Dr_Willis advised to keep less than four primary (i am not sure if both windows partitions are primary but i am guessing they are) so should i make one of them logical or keep all five of them primary?06:38
ubuntu_can someone help me with fixing my MBR?06:38
ubuntu_I tried following the steps on the wiki but it isn't working06:39
Dr_Willisubuntu_:  you Must use one logical + extended also06:39
jalex_brownI'm trying to figure out if there is a way to completely disable the status bar in Chromium (the one at the bottom that only shows when pages load or you hover over a link).06:39
Dr_Willisubuntu_:  you CANT have more then 4 primaries.06:39
bribroderubuntu, set your fourth partition to logical06:39
ubuntu_sorry, I don't know what that means06:39
bribroderubuntu, and then you will be able to create more06:39
bribroderubuntu just make sure your third partition is / and is a primary partition06:40
* Dr_Willis thinks the Ubuntu* nicks need to change nicks.06:40
boxbeatsyhi, can somebody help me install screen on cygwin?06:40
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boxbeatsyi'm trying to follow these directions: http://osdir.com/ml/screen-users-gnu/2010-01/msg00031.html06:40
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boxbeatsybut i dont know where execvpe.patch is06:40
Dr_Willisboxbeatsy:  check the cygwin website/docs and channel? i recall it having some gui installer tool/package manager that made it rather easy to do that.06:40
ubuntuI'm not sure what's wrong with it though06:40
chalcednyDr_Willis, ty my husband was doing it, not sure yet what he did06:40
ubuntuwindows broke grub when I reinstalled it06:40
xanguajalex_brown: i see no statusbar in chromium06:40
boxbeatsyo hmm ok ill check thanks Dr_Willis06:40
blaze||bribroder ok so make / primary, /boot primary, and /home logical?06:41
bribroderubuntu, boot a livecd and type sudo grub-install /dev/sda06:41
ubuntuI tried06:41
ubuntuit gives me an error06:41
jalex_brownXangua: I downloaded Chromium, and it is just a little box in the bottom left that will only show up when pages are loading or you hover over a link.06:41
ubuntuI'm on a liveUSB right now06:41
ubuntuthis is the error: grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub.06:42
ubuntuNo path or device is specified.06:42
ubuntuTry ``grub-probe --help'' for more information.06:42
ubuntuAuto-detection of a filesystem module failed.06:42
ubuntuPlease specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.06:42
FloodBot3ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:42
bribroderblaze||, IMHO you don't need /boot, but if you prefer it, then it should be your third primary partition06:42
bribroderblaze||, after you create your third primary and make your first logical partition, you'll find that the first logical partition doesn't actually appear to exist06:43
ubuntu@bribroder so something went horribly wrong06:43
ubuntubribroder: the liveCD can't install grub06:43
blaze||bribroder, i installed ubuntu 10.04 before and i did not create a /boot partition and it ruined my windows installation somehow so i just want to be safe06:43
bribroderubuntu, put your error in pastebin or something and drop us a link06:43
ubuntubribroder: ok06:43
Dr_Willisblaze||:  use of /boot/ does not make windows any safer.. i imagine somthing else webt wrong..06:44
ubuntubribroder: this is the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458639/06:44
Dr_Willisblaze||:  dont forget as swap partition also.06:44
blaze||Dr_Willis it something went wrong with grub and my windows boot loader06:44
bribroderubuntu can you install it to the master boot record? use /dev/sda instead of sda606:45
ubuntuone moment06:45
jalex_brownThis is what I'm talking about.06:45
ubuntubribroder: same error06:45
blaze||Dr_Willis is it recommended to have a swap partition even though i have 4 gb of ram? if i should, should it be a logical partition?06:45
bribroderI've already mentioned the swapd package as an alternative to a swap partition06:46
bribroderyour choice, just like /boot :p06:46
ubuntubribroder: so what options do I have?06:46
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blaze||bribroder ok i will install it there, i did not know that was the mbr06:47
blaze||bribroder, i think i will use swapd06:47
bribroderubuntu ok I think this is what you need: mount --bind /dev /mnt/new/dev06:47
ubuntubribroder: what will that do?06:47
bribroderblaze||, ok so you have two windows partitions which are primaries, your /boot partition which is a primary06:48
bribroderyou need to add the host's nodes to the livecd environment06:48
bribroderblaze||, and then the rest of your partitions, however many more that follow, are all logical06:48
blaze||bribroder can i clarify something.... when i make a /boot partition, that is where grub will be installed right?06:49
bribroderblaze||, correct06:49
bribroderreference Dr_Willis06:49
macobribroder: not quite how logical works06:49
blaze||maco how does logical work?06:50
bribrodermaco, his logicals will show up as sda5+ though, right? and sda4 won't exist?06:50
macobribroder: you need an extended partition to put the logicals inside06:50
Dr_Willisblaze||:  i always make a swap partition. of at least 512mb..   You may not want more.06:50
macoyou cant just put them right after the primary without encapsulating in an extended partition06:50
ubuntubribroder: what will that command do?06:50
Dr_Willisblaze||:  grub FILES and the kernel can be in /boot/ grub still 'installs' to the MBR of the hard drive.06:51
Dr_Willisblaze||:  i dont see much need for a /boot/ partition except in special cases these days06:51
ubuntubribroder: it says that it doesn't exist06:51
blaze||Dr_Willis ok i will not make a /boot and i will keep 4 primary partitions to make it easier06:51
bribroderubuntu http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/06:52
mcl0vinguys df -k return 100% used how can i find which are the big files in my system06:52
ubuntubribroder: ok, I'll check back once I'm done with it06:52
bribrodermcl0vin, Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyzer06:53
tripelbmy CD drive can read a CD but cant see a blank one. I want to burn and it used to work. Please help06:53
bribroderubuntu kk06:53
mcl0vinbribroder: cli please06:53
mcl0vini can access my desktop06:53
xxxx16480I had a little issue: I HAVE ALL MY SONGS IN A HDD, and i play them on my RHYTHMBOX, but when i close and open the program it shows me a message that "ALL FILES MISSING" and i have to rescan all the files to add them to the library...06:54
blaze||Dr_Willis is it ok to have the swap partition be logical? or should i just use swapd like bribroder recommended06:54
ActionParsnipYo yo yo06:54
bribrodermcl0vin, I guess you could do:   find / -size +10000k -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l06:54
xxxx16480I had a little issue: I HAVE ALL MY SONGS IN A HDD, and i play them on my RHYTHMBOX, but when i close and open the program it shows me a message that "ALL FILES MISSING" and i have to rescan all the files to add them to the library...    SEN A PRIVATE PLZ.....06:54
bullgardWhat does "stripped" mean in '~$ file /usr/bin/make; /usr/bin/make: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped'?06:54
bribrodermcl0vin, the / is your <path>06:55
ActionParsnipxxxx16480: no need for the caps dude, and keep support in channel06:55
mcl0vinbribroder: +10000k this is how much please06:56
ActionParsnipbullgard: its a compile thing. You can make the binary, then strip it. Not sure what's removed but it makes it smaller as far as I'm aware. I'd ask in #c06:56
bribroder10000k = 10mb. 1000k per mb06:56
DocPlatypusokay... just upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10. I'm having a problem with sound. most desktop apps play sound fine, including Firefox, but one of my games does not (Nexuiz).06:56
ubuntubribroder: it fails at step 506:56
DocPlatypusthe sound applet in the toolbar when I go to tweak the volumes says "waiting for sound system to respond"06:57
mcl0vinbribroder: well i need to search for Gigs06:57
ubuntubribroder: actually, one moment06:57
bribroderubuntu, I may have gotten you off on the wrong foot... I hate to say it, but you may want to reboot and try again06:57
bullgardActionParsnip: I will give it a try in #c06:57
xxxx16480I had a little issue: I HAVE ALL MY SONGS IN A HDD, and i play them on my RHYTHMBOX, but when i close and open the program it shows me a message that "ALL FILES MISSING" and i have to rescan all the files to add them to the library...  SEND A PRIVATE PLZZ...06:57
ubuntuI'll be back once I get everything setup06:57
bribrodermcl0vin, then do the math. there's 1,000 mb in 1gb06:57
ActionParsnipxxxx16480: make sure you are the owner of all of you home folder, may help: cd /home; sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ./$USER06:57
DocPlatypusxxxx16480: we keep answers in channel here06:58
bribrodermcl0vin, you can also use other symbols than k... try m for megabytes06:58
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xxxx16480im sure that im owner of all my home folder06:58
ActionParsnipxxxx16480: if you don't have write access to the config for rhythmbox it cannot store the config you set06:58
ActionParsnipxxxx16480: its worth running to make sure06:59
int__anyone with any idea why `synclient -m` would report no activity on a trackpad configured  in xorg.conf and recognized/used by X?06:59
xxxx16480ok, ill check06:59
tripelbplease help?06:59
tripelbmy CD drive can read a CD but cant see a blank one. I want to burn and it used to work. Please help06:59
ActionParsniptripelb: what apps have you tried burning with?07:00
tripelbhi ActionParsnip brasero gnomemaster07:00
tripelbhi ActionParsnip brasero gnomeBAKER07:00
bribroderblaze||, going well?07:00
slgmaanyone ever pair their iphone/ipod touch with ubuntu via bluetooth?07:01
tripelbActionParsnip, . I tried it again today and have a new pastebin  ----Why did my gnomebaker disk burner fail to like the disk I put in??  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/GhgeZ40u --- (I tried brasero first.)  -----  I can look and see if my new results are the same.07:01
slgmai was curious about playing music over bluetooth from my ipod07:01
bribroderslgma, let me know if you hear of anyone getting an iphone 3gs to work07:01
ActionParsniptripelb: if you have a cd in the drive and run: sudo lshw -C disk ,does it show the optical drive as having media in. You can use a disk with data on to compare output07:01
slgmawell i came across a post about it07:02
slgmabut it seemed a bit too over complicated07:02
slgmaim sure theres an easier way to do it07:02
MrNazso i have to buy a macbook 15". how well is the hardware in the macbooks supported by ubuntu? still patchy?07:02
bribroderslgma, this is the best I've heard of: http://www.rockbox.org/07:02
ActionParsniptripelb: might be -C drive ,I never remember which it is :(07:02
tripelbActionParsnip, = ActionIntelligence   -- I'll try it.07:02
tucemiuxyoure going to get a mac? LoL07:02
bribroderslgma, not bluetooth but at least it works07:02
slgmathis plays it over bluetooth bri?07:02
slgmawell its worthless then07:02
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:03
slgmarhythmbox works 100% with all ipods07:03
slgmaif youre using the cord07:03
|GaiJin|bribroder, I have an iphone 3gs, and if your talking about getting it to mount... I have no problems in 10.0407:03
slgmano point in using this piece of crap07:03
kernelshieldare available for anybody out there? I need help.07:03
kernelshieldI want to modify XMMS logo. How do I change the logo on the panel?07:03
kernelshieldIt looks ugly, I'm talking about the square logo07:03
slgmai just wanna be able to make ubuntu act like a headset and stream audio from the ipod over bluetooth07:03
Dr_Williskernelshield:  where did you get 'xmms' from ?07:03
slgmathanks for the help though07:03
slgmabut rhythmbox handles wired support easily07:03
bribroderslgma, /facepalm, forgot about that :P07:03
tripelbActionParsnip, told me this --   capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd     configuration: ansiversion=5 status=open07:03
ActionParsnipkernelshield: right click it -> properties. Then click the icon. You can now set it07:04
kernelshieldActionParsnip. i know but i want to change icon on bottom panel07:04
macoslgma: ipods arent mass storage devices so you cant really mount them to access stuff randomly like you would access a folder.. im not sure what youre asking to do can be done in linxu07:04
tripelbActionParsnip, oops the door is open I'll repeat it07:04
ActionParsniptripelb: doh07:04
slgmafirst of all they are mass storage devices07:04
slgmaand can be mounted with no configuration07:05
slgmaand you can access files/folder and all that07:05
blaze||bribroder can i send you a pm?07:05
ActionParsnipkernelshield: not sure there. If you modify the .desktop in /usr/share/applications it may respect it07:05
slgmayou can also sync the music with rhtyhmbox just fine07:05
ActionParsnipkernelshield: copy the standing one to $HOME so you have the original07:05
slgmawhat im trying to do is possible because i seen a post about it from a month or two ago, it just seemed over complicated for such a simple process and was wondering if anyone figured out a better way07:05
slgmai can do it just fine plugged in, rhythbmox auto mounts my ipod and plays music from it with no problem07:06
slgmaid just like to be able to do it via bluetooth07:06
bribroderslgma, you're after bluetooth transfers, right?07:06
slgmaand floodbot is about to cry so ill be quiet for a few07:06
slgmano, just streaming07:06
slgmatransfers work fine07:06
tripelbActionParsnip, oops the door is open I'll repeat it    capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd      configuration: ansiversion=5 status=busy   Wait,again  ---- configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc07:07
slgmaread the link i posted it will explain what im trying to do07:07
R3cur51v3I bought a USB to serial converter on eBay. When I do sudo lsusb, the command hangs for about 3 seconds and then returns, and the converter doesn't show up in the output. Is it broken, then?07:07
slgmato get ubuntu to act like a wireless headset and make my ipod pair with it and stream over it07:07
ActionParsnipslgma: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146418907:08
ActionParsnipYeah same07:08
Dr_WillisR3cur51v3:   check the end of 'dmesg' output after you plug it in also. Its possible it needs a module loaded.. or its possible its not supported by linux.  or it maybe broken.07:08
slgmaactionparsnip i just pasted that link07:08
slgmaliterally 3 minutes ago07:08
ActionParsnipIts marked as solved dude07:08
ActionParsnipslgma: I realised dude. Chillout07:08
slgmayea in a very ghetto way, thats why i asked if anyone knew of a better way07:08
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Guest45174bribroder: I'm back07:09
slgmai am chilled out, dont be a douchebag07:09
ActionParsnipslgma: if it works then id use it07:09
Guest45174bribroder: standby, it need to fix chatzilla07:09
slgmaif youre just gonna read bits and piece of what im typing then dont bother to attempt to answer the question07:09
slgmano shit, i asked if anyone knew of an easier way07:09
ActionParsniptripelb: tried a different brand of disks?07:09
lapionhmm latest maverick backported-lucid kernel seems to be stablest so for for i915 with i855 chipset07:10
ActionParsnip!caps | xxxx1648007:10
KnightStalkerstop caps locking07:10
ubottuxxxx16480: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:10
lapionxxxx16480, please no SHOUTING07:10
greezmunkeyslgma: people here a volunteers, please be kind, and respectful, or go away.07:10
xxxx16480ok, sorry07:10
macoslgma: watch your langauge07:10
slgmagreeze please m,ind youre own business07:10
slgmaway to swing from my testicles in a group07:10
slgmagonna give me stretch marks07:10
ActionParsnipxxxx16480: log a bug then is all I can suggest07:10
greezmunkeyslgma: this is my business.07:11
slgmathanks alot for reading all that i said before spouting out answers07:11
kernelshieldActionParsnip: http://i45.tinypic.com/10mszdy.png07:11
slgmai told him thanks for the attempt but to read all of what people say before answering the question next time07:11
kernelshieldthis is my problem.07:11
xxxx16480and what can i do then ?07:11
ubuntubribroder: okay, I'm back07:11
ubuntubribroder: so what now?07:11
NssOnei'm having an issue with bchunk is anybody here has any insight07:12
frumiousI have a question that is very important to me and you all better answer it in the proper tone, or else!07:12
NssOnejust thought i'd try here07:12
tripelbActionParsnip, 1. discard almost everything I said. put in a recorded disk. learned it is in drive 0. shows=> configuration: mount.fstype=iso9660 mount.options=ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,utf8 state=mounted ------NOW I look and there is a blank cd in the other drive. Did something get confused becasue of that? now I will see if I can burn. ie I'll try it again. (Yes that shouldnt mess it up but I've been able to burn just fine till this time-o07:12
tripelbf-trials in the last 4-5 days of agony and woe. :)07:12
bribroderubuntu did you reboot to a livecd and give it another try?07:12
ActionParsnipI just read the guide he posted. Its not hard at all. Probably thinks its hard because its not using some gui stuff07:12
lapiononly problem I have is that I do not get oss-devices in it07:12
ubuntubribroder: I rebooted07:12
ubuntubribroder: but I haven't tried again yet07:12
ubuntubribroder: I have a question07:13
NssOnek, i try using bchunk to convert a bin/toc but i get this "ouch, no space after track" error and nothing happens07:13
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  but the terminal is 'scary'! :)07:13
NssOneany insight?07:13
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: totally07:13
ubuntubribroder: I used a utility to make the live CD rather than just burn the .iso directly onto the flash drive07:13
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: I bet his other pc is a mac07:13
ubuntubribroder: could that be causing the issue?07:13
tucemiuxanyone knows how I can bind "CTRL-ESC" to the main menu?07:14
|GaiJin|well... first linux I sat my ass on was gentoo... so the terminal isn't too scary.07:14
|GaiJin|seems some peeps are just abit afraid to learn07:14
ActionParsnipubuntu: did you md5 test the iso?07:14
R3cur51v3Dr_Willis, I get "device descriptor read/64, error -71"07:14
bribroderubuntu, unetbootin works fine if that's what you used... but if you're on a flash stick, I bet your hard drive is sdb not sda07:14
vu1kantucemiux: system>prefs>keyboard shortcuts07:15
R3cur51v3Dr_Willis, that one of the last lines in the output of dmesg when I plug the device in.07:15
ActionParsnip|GaiJin|: snap. Teaches a lot07:15
bribroderubuntu, type sudo fdisk -l and see where your root is07:15
tucemiuxvulkan which one of the 300 options would it be? im looking at it right now07:15
|GaiJin|thought me alot atleast... very little I remember, but you quickly learn wherte to get help, and how to ask:D07:15
bribroderubuntu, I thought of mentioning that but figured you were on a livecd :p07:16
vu1kantucemiux: "show the panel's main menu"07:16
ubuntubribroder: no I'm on a usb07:16
ubuntuone sec07:16
ActionParsnipubuntu: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?07:17
Dr_WillisR3cur51v3:  You could try it on other machines, or even a windows box see if it works there.  Ive not used those sort of devices in ages. but the last one i did use. I just plugged it in. and it worked.07:17
ubuntubribroder: linux is on sda6 and the linux swap/solaris is sda707:17
R3cur51v3Dr_Willis, even if I don't have drivers, it should still be recognized by lsusb, no?07:17
ubuntuactionparsnip: no I didn't07:17
ActionParsnipubuntu: then how do you know the file is error free and complete?07:18
tucemiuxvu1kan, thanks!!  It worked!  and remove the 1 from the nickname please!! 0_o07:18
ubuntuactionparsnip: but it's the same file I used that I had stored on another hard drive as I used to install the ubuntu I'm using now07:18
ubuntuactionparsnip: I guess I don't07:18
vu1kantucemiux: type 'vu' and press <tab>07:18
jalex_brownIt seems that there is NO WAY to disable the status bubble in Chromium.07:18
vu1kanit works on any nick and in the terminal07:18
ActionParsnipubuntu: its worth a check. Takes a few seconds07:18
bribroderubuntu, how fried is your boot sequence? does it put you in the grub rescue prompt?07:19
ubuntubribroder: no it just goes to windows07:19
bribroderubuntu, /agree with ActionParsnip07:19
Mqueuecan anyone help me with Belkin 4050 usb wireless card ??07:19
greezmunkeyR3cur51v3: how much did you pay for it? Some of the cheaper converters can be, well, troublesome.07:19
kickingintenderevolution looks ages old infront of outlook07:19
bribroderevolution is sad, sad, sack of dung07:19
tucemiuxvu1kan, yes i know but i kept typing the first three letters, anyway thank you for the help! good night!07:20
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: run: sudo lshw -C network ,you will be told the chip. The make/model is fairly moot07:20
jalex_brownDoes Chromium have an IRC channel?07:20
ubuntuactionparsnip: how do I check?07:20
Mqueuecan anyone help me with Belkin F6D4050 v 1 usb wireless card ??07:20
R3cur51v3greezmunkey, bottom dollar on eBay: $2 with shipping07:20
red2kicubuntu: Type this "/nick AOL_Disc"07:20
ActionParsnipUbuntu: md5sum filename07:20
tucemiuxMqueue, it's supported it should work right out of the box, what problem are you having?07:20
greezmunkeyR3cur51v3: did you see what ActionParsnip sent me, try that...07:20
NiteSnowMqueue, pm me the output of lspci07:21
greezmunkeyR3cur51v3: nevermind.07:21
ActionParsnipMqueue: sudo lshw -C network ,websearch for the product line to find guides07:21
NiteSnowMqueue, pm me the output of lsusb **07:21
Mqueuei just need help setting it up ..i have markvell drivers setup but they are not working with aircrack so i need this usb to work07:21
tucemiuxMqueue, i meant to say **if** the hardware is supported then it should work out of the box, but what problem are you having?07:21
greezmunkeyR3cur51v3: you could try sudo lshw, to see if that shows anything - worth a shot.07:21
|GaiJin|anyone know if there is a nowdays version of gedestlet or something similar for gnome?07:21
Mqueuemoe@moe-desktop:~$ lsusb07:21
MqueueBus 005 Device 002: ID 045e:0039 Microsoft Corp. IntelliMouse Optical07:21
MqueueBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:21
MqueueBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:21
MqueueBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:21
FloodBot3Mqueue: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:21
MqueueBus 002 Device 002: ID 045e:00b4 Microsoft Corp.07:21
ubuntuactionparsnip: it's running the check now07:22
tucemiuxMqueue, youre supposed to send NiteSnow a PM07:22
ubuntuActionParsnip: what sum should I get?07:22
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.07:23
ubuntuActionParsnip: It's clean07:23
kickingintenderubuntu he quit07:24
ubuntuI didn't see an exit message07:24
red2kicI love my ubuntu setup.07:24
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ubuntubribroder: so now what?07:24
greezmunkey|GaiJin|: heh, I haven't thought of that word (your nick) in years. I was stationed in Japan in the late eighties.07:24
|GaiJin|greezmunkey, yes... you would have been yelled that after abunch of times07:25
bribroderubuntu, I'm not entirely sure, if that guide didn't work out... it's worth trying again from the livecd, I may have given you the wrong first step initially07:25
bribroderat least out of order07:26
greezmunkey|GaiJin|: I made it my nickname while I was there. It was all great fun.07:26
BlackWebis anyone familiar with vector linux07:26
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  i imaghine they have their own support channel/site07:26
tripelbaction parsnip quit and I find my drive cant see a blank disk any more. what could be up?07:26
tripelbitt says nodisc07:26
tripelbshould it?07:26
BlackWebo wrong tab07:27
|GaiJin|greezmunkey, :D kinda like what I am doing. Had a japanese Sensei who kept calling me it... so ended up with it07:27
|GaiJin|still does, just rarer nowdays...07:27
greezmunkey|GaiJin|: there are pleanty worse...back to work.07:27
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  :) and i dident see the point of using vector linux over Kubuntu - last i tried vectorlinux07:27
rema_xzhi everybody!07:29
tripelbwhat should "sudo lshw -C disk" say if there is a blank cd in the drive?  It says this for a burned disk -> configuration: ansiversion=5 mount.fstype=iso9660 mount.options=ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,utf8 state=mounted status=ready07:29
r_f_ai installed sqlite3-documentation - where can I read it?07:29
tripelbotherwise it always says no disk07:29
tripelbrema_xz, can yo help me?07:30
greezmunkeytripelb: I'll shove one in there and see, brb.07:30
bribroderubuntu let us know how it goes07:30
tripelbthanks greezmunkey I've been unable o burn for days. Asking to look at my pastebin log file didnt get me anyone to help.07:30
|GaiJin|when playing movies, the movie is kinda blue, light blue hue on the entire movie. Is there a place with an answer for this?07:30
Dr_Willis|GaiJin|:  what video chipset?07:31
abhi_navI am here07:31
ubuntubribroder: I think I have a cd here07:31
Dr_Willis|GaiJin|:  the nvidia-settings tool has some adjustments. Or the video player may also have some adjustments for that,.07:31
ubuntubribroder: I'll be back in a little bit07:31
keonhi everyone, my ubuntu no longer loads with the panel and bar underneath, i cannot figure out whats wrong!07:32
rema_xztripelb:  ask your question to everybody please. if someone knows will answer you. if i can i will be happy to answer you.07:32
BlackWebDr_Willis ya I personally use ubuntu for personal computer. Trying Gave it a try and on another computer and running into screen resolution problems :)07:32
|GaiJin|yeah... but it just happened, it was picture perfect some hours ago:D07:32
greezmunkeytripelb: The only real diff is status=ready07:32
rema_xzi am susing ubuntu 10.04. i have installed elementary-thme for gnome properly. but i am getting an error when i check the updates. : W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4D17133CFC5D50C5     . for me it is not problem to see this erorr mesaage but ubuntu will be update the other packages ?07:32
|GaiJin|in same player with same movie07:32
abhi_navrema_xz, for such users use !pm factoid07:32
rema_xz abhi_nav: please write ytour problem again to me. i delete the log.07:33
abhi_navrema_xz, no not myy problem. i am telling you to use !pm factoid. you just type a long line regarding not pm to you to tripelb07:33
rema_xz abhi_nav: ok. sorry . i am doing so musch thinks. my fall...07:33
abhi_navrema_xz, ok07:34
|GaiJin|brb... need a relo07:34
keonhey, my ubuntu doesnt have any panels anymore, whats wrong?07:34
red2kic!resetpanels | keon07:34
ubottukeon: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:34
tripelbgreezmunkey, nope I dont get that. worked a week ago.07:34
keonred2kic, gnome-panel: no process found07:35
greezmunkeytripelb: you are sure the hardware is cool? Have you recently updated your system? What about burning software, changes there?07:36
soadkombucha|GaiJin|: welcome back07:36
red2kickeon: You're not using Gnome?07:36
abhi_navrema_xz, there is info to authenticate keys here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu07:36
tripelbgreezmunkey, neither drive sees. no hardware changes. ubuntu updates.07:36
keonIm using xfce07:36
|GaiJin|thanks. using the 173 NV>IDIA driver from the hardware thingy makes my video blue. Just switched back to the current version07:36
keonIm very new to ubuntu07:36
tripelbgreezmunkey, I also added gnomebaker and tried that ditto07:37
shubbari compiled installed mencoder, but now its not listed as installed in apt-get or synaptic, how can i fix this?07:37
cntrationalkeon: xubuntu? that's the name of the xfce version of ubuntu07:37
red2kickeon: Ah I see. I don't know. Somebody with XFCE experiences will have to help you on fixing the panels.07:37
tripelbI just want a working system. Ubuntu NRFPT07:37
keoncntrational, thats what Im using07:37
tripelbit's a project07:37
greezmunkeytripelb: I'd crack the box open, and verify that everything is seated well, and try again first.07:37
cntrationalkeon: yeah07:37
keonthis is bothering my very much, its very inconvenient to not have a panel07:37
tripelboh, greezmunkey thanks. I'm screwed.07:38
keonCan anyone help me?07:38
greezmunkeytripelb: why?07:38
abhi_navkeon, http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=3477.007:38
cntrationaliirc, it's called "xfce4-panel" in xfce07:38
cntrationalthe process, that is07:38
soadkombuchaWhere do programs install to if they don't go to /opt07:38
xanguakeon: xfce4-panel07:38
xanguakeon: better ask in #xubuntu for xfce related07:38
tripelbkeon could your panel be there? is there a box with a small arrow at the right or the left where the panel should be? (it can hide you know and it does it mysteriously on my computer.07:39
abhi_navI gave him the link.07:39
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  when using the package manager  they can go all over the place where their 'parts' are supposed to go. You can use the package manager tools to see exactly what files they put where.07:39
bribrodersoadkombucha, /usr/bin usually07:39
prince_jammys!filesystem  | soadkombucha07:39
ubottusoadkombucha: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier07:39
keonabhi_nav thank you very much, after viewing that topic I tried the first command and got the error xfce4-panel not running, so I ran it and it worked. I dont know why it didnt run itself07:39
keonthanks a lot man07:39
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  /opt/ wouldbe for stuff thats not normally in the repos. or you compiled from source.07:39
soadkombuchaYeah. I just can't find BatMon but it's not running properly anyway. I'll look for something else.07:40
Dr_Willis!find batmon07:40
ubottuFound: batmon.app07:40
Dr_Willis!info batmon.app07:40
ubottubatmon.app (source: batmon.app): Battery monitor for GNUstep. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-5build1 (lucid), package size 16 kB, installed size 156 kB07:40
soadkombuchabattery monitor07:40
soadkombuchaIf we're Jamaican maybe07:40
ubuntubribroder: I found a liveCD07:41
soadkombuchaUgh I need a non-acpi based hardware monitor07:41
ubuntunow what?07:41
greezmunkeyHoly manhole covers Batman, they went into the sewers...07:41
ubuntutry again?07:41
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  some gnustep apps do have .app as part of their name. :)07:41
bribroderubuntu yup, go for it07:41
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: Do you know of any hardware monitoring apps that would work with ACPI disabled or am I screwed?07:41
abhi_navkeon, ok! if you first do all your homework ie.. wiki,help pages, man pages and google and respective forum then majority times you may dont need to come here you already get easily answer. ofcourse you are always welcome here too.! ;)07:41
ubuntubribroder: a link back to that page would be nice :p07:41
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  no idea. I rarely bother with hardware mionitoring07:42
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: I don't really need to worry about it with a 12 cell battery I just would LIKE to knowe07:42
bribroderubuntu http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/07:42
abhi_navsoadkombucha, i tryid batmom some time ago and itts not working properly for me too.07:43
waieezHello, could anyone suggest to me a good program to convert a .bin file to an iso?07:43
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keonabhi_nav , believe me I did. Im very new to ubuntu and didn't know what the exact problem was so it was hard to find help on the net. My best option was to come here, but I ended up figuring out sort of on my own with your help , thanks again!07:44
soadkombuchaabhi_nav: Hardware monitoring needs acpi which I have off07:44
abhi_navkeon, yes you are always welcome here. :)07:44
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  if acpi was working. You may get longer battery life also. but ive not had issues with acpi in ages07:44
cntrationalkeon: a note, the xfce version of ubuntu is usually referred to as xubuntu07:44
abhi_navsoadkombucha, ok07:44
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: My computer simply will not boot if ACPI is enabled.07:44
Dr_Williswaieez:  theres one called bchunk i think07:45
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: It doesn't matter what distribution I run, it causes kernel crashes07:45
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  that is weird.  try 10.10 perhaps?07:45
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  if that works - then theres at least a light at the end of the tunnle.07:45
abhi_navkeon, yah. and you alwasy get more information regarding xfce desktop version of ubuntu in #xubuntu channel. if not you can come here always.07:45
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: I'm not talking just Ubuntu. I tried Fedora, Mint, Arch, OpenSUSE, Zevin, and a bunch others07:45
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: It just doesn't work.07:46
kickingintendernever heard of zevin07:46
ubuntubribroder: it says this: sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu07:46
Andre_good morning from portugal. I'd like to get some help related to installing ubuntu dualbooting with windows, where windows is already installed on my computer.07:46
abhi_navhi kickingintender07:46
ubuntuthen it says it worked07:46
soadkombuchazoran maybe07:46
ubuntulemme paste it07:46
soadkombuchaI can't remember exactly some weird name07:46
Dr_WillisAndre_:  scandisk/defrag the windows system.. then boot the cd. and follow the installer. It shouldent be too hard.07:46
abhi_navyou mean 'Xandros'?07:46
kickingintenderits easy andre07:46
Andre_thanks, Dr_Willis07:47
ubuntubribroder: this is the out put from the last step: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458653/07:47
soadkombuchaIt IS Zorin http://jeffhoogland.blogspot.com/2010/06/zorin-3-distro-review.html07:47
kickingintenderok....i know that07:47
soadkombuchaUbuntu derivative, but I was trying to cover my bases07:47
bribroderubuntu, try restarting, with fingers crossed07:48
ubuntubribroder: copy that, I'll come back07:48
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  sounds like a underlieing kernel issue - Thats why i suggested trying 10.10 its got a newer kernel.07:48
abhi_navsoadkombucha, here some major linx listed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions07:48
kickingintenderDr_Willis can i resize my ubuntu partition without messing grub207:48
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  or perhaps some other sourced based disrtos where you can play with kernels easier07:49
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: What's the kernel version?07:49
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: I'm on 2.6.32-23-preempt07:49
Dr_Williskickingintender:   You should be able to. if you just resize. and not move it.07:49
kickingintenderwith what app07:49
Dr_Willissoadkombucha:  no idea. I havent tried 10.10 yet. I dont keep up with kenels. last i had toworry about kernelw as a few yrs back with a 'new' laptop that had flakey linu support.   but the next release then fixed all my issues. :)07:49
Dr_Williskickingintender:  gparted from a live cd. is what i normally use.07:50
Dr_Williskickingintender:  you may want to give more details as to whatyou are trying to do07:50
soadkombuchaDr_Willis: But I'll try it.07:50
abhi_navsoadkombucha, thats your blog?07:50
soadkombuchaabhi_nav: Nope, a friend of a friend07:51
abhi_navsoadkombucha, ohhh07:51
kickingintenderi have xp & ubuntu,after installing xp i wanted 2 install ubuntu on 5gb of hdd space but ubuntu took 12gb of hdd space07:51
larryAmenconk 显示温度的 插件,里面的datatype07:52
Dr_Williskickingintender:  i would suggest at leat 20gb for a useable ubuntu install.07:52
tripelbgreezmunkey, I'm not taking it  apart. it worked. I have to pay time warner. if I break the connection it will be dead. It's 2 drives ---wait, it can see a pre-burnt disk so that means it is sitting properly,, right?07:52
tripelbthe bottom one sees neither07:52
larryAmen/join #ubuntu-cn07:52
brunsgenusdoes anyone know where I might be able to go to find a programmers who might be interested in modifying simple website software?07:52
kickingintenderi dont use ubuntu apps as much as i use windows apps07:52
greezmunkeytripelb: yeah, I'd say so.07:52
Dr_Williskickingintender:  you could alwaos use ubuntu inside virtualbox on windows.07:53
Lancelotbribroder: it worked!07:53
Lancelotbribroder: I've never been so happy to see my desktop background!07:53
bribrodersoadkombucha, latest kernel is 2.6.32-23. you can check yours with uname -r07:53
tripelbgreezmunkey, another day07:53
bribroderLancelot, that's great :D07:53
Lancelotbribroder: thanks very much for the help07:53
abhi_navkickingintender, there are so many great aps for linux. I use them. I hardly go to my vista .though it is geniune.07:53
bribroderLancelot, you followed the guide, that's the hard part07:54
Lancelotbribroder: i really appreciate it. I was about to give up and reinstall07:54
Lancelotyeah, no kidding :p07:54
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  Yep. I rarely need windows for real 'work' these days :)07:54
abhi_navDr_Willis, :)07:54
bribroderglad to help07:54
* Dr_Willis just wonders why these web sites take 30+ min to print out on his new brother hl printer. they print.. its just real slow.. so i cant figure out where to look at for the issue07:55
kickingintenderutorrent,mysql,quicktime and ms word .....alternatives are not compelling07:55
Dr_WillisThe 15+ yr old laser printer seems to print the same sites  100x faster07:55
bribrodersomeone kill me, my flash drives are refusing to umount07:56
veirkovhey ya!!!07:56
kickingintenderthen force bribroder07:56
bribroderdoes anyone know if copy operations across drives can mess with your flash drives?07:56
abhi_navI am here since about 20 weeks and for the first time i saw Dr_Willis also have some issue to solve. ;) I just seen you helping only. :)07:56
Dr_Willisbribroder:  try mounting them by hand.07:57
bribroderDr_Willis, HL-2040?07:57
kickingintenderhe meant unmount willis07:57
Lancelotbribroder: no, not in my experience07:57
Lancelotbribroder: I've done it tons of times with no issues07:57
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  Yea. Its real weird. I print some gfx inensive web site to the Brother Printer.. it takeing 30+ min to process/spool and print. It could be its just transfering a LOT of data over wireless.07:57
abhi_navDr_Willis, hmm :)07:58
kickingintenderalso there isnt a good alternative for daemon tools in ubuntu07:58
bribroderDr_Willis, try a different print queue?07:58
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  less image intensive sites dont have the  issue. and the old HP printer on the parallel port also prints them faster.07:58
Lancelotbribroder: before I go, could you give me that link again? I wanna bookmark it for future reference07:58
abhi_navDr_Willis, I see.07:58
Dr_Willisbribroder:  using the lpd/lpq feature of teh wireless printer right now. I may hook it up via wire and see if it goes any better.. but thats defeating the purpose of me buying a wireless printer. :)07:58
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Lancelotbribroder: nevermind, I found it. Well I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day of installing crap on windows07:59
bribroderLancelot, http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/07:59
kickingintenderDr_Willis can u tell me alternative for mounting iso images in ubuntu07:59
Lancelotbribroder, thanks again07:59
zeffire_scan someone please tell me what is the "source code" option on the "ubuntu software" tab at the "software source" ?07:59
bribroderhaha have fun with microsoft07:59
bribroderhave a good night, Lancelot07:59
* Lancelot vomits07:59
Lancelotyou too07:59
Dr_WillisI need to track down a 'better' web site printing front end. Firefox and other browsers juat have way to many issues these days with some sites. For example I get 1 page thast actually prints from this (very neat info) site08:00
abhi_navkickingintender, furiousiso mount?08:00
Dr_WillisPage 2 of 2 - is totally blank. so i loose half the info on the site08:00
bribroderDr_Willis, can you use IPP instead of lpd/q?08:00
Dr_Williskickingintender:  when in doubt use the Mount command.08:00
Dr_Willisbribroder:  it might be able to. the printer showed up as like 5 different 'things' in the CUPS scans.. smb, ipp, and a few others.08:01
kickingintenderabhi_nav do u think can i mount other types of images also with that tool08:01
zeffire_s can someone please tell me what is the "source code" option on the "ubuntu software" tab at the "software source" ?08:01
Dr_Willisbribroder:  right now its using --> dnssd://Brother%20HL-2170W%20series._printer._tcp.local/          whatever dnssd: is08:01
abhi_navkickingintender, give it a try. see its discriptin in ufs08:02
Dr_Williszeffire_s:  that enables the 'source' repoositories. if you ever need them. Most people dont08:02
bribroderDr_Willis, my brother is slightly better behaved with IPP, but similarly slow08:02
Dr_Williszeffire_s:  if you ever want to do development, or compile stuff/recompile packages08:02
zeffire_sDr_Willis: i will unchecked it. i dont want the source code of the softwares..08:02
abhi_navzeffire_s, it is used to tell the ubuntu if user wants to download the source of repsective software or not? if not selected it will only download program if selected it wll also donwload its source code. source code is the tihng used to compile and install program. in short its the code08:02
Dr_Williszeffire_s:  it dosent install the code till you ask for it. but removing it will gain a little speed on updates08:03
inertialin ubuntu netbook edition how do i change the command line of shortcuts on the 'desktop'? i  need to add an extra argument to one08:03
brunsgenusDoes anyone know where I could find an irc with programmers in it? I need to find one to pay to do some website work.08:03
zeffire_sDr_Willis abhi_nav: ok thank you!08:03
Dr_Willisbribroder:  i will try that. So far this slowness is the ionly issue ive had with that printer08:03
macobrunsgenus: well thats offtopic for here, but maybe in #ubuntu-offtopic ?08:03
abhi_navzeffire_s, welcome. :)08:03
prince_jammysbrunsgenus: there is ##programming08:03
linux_is_my_heroI'm having trouble playing dvd's08:04
linux_is_my_heroits saying it cannot read from specific resource08:04
linux_is_my_heroits not my drive, and its not my dvd...i have a fresh install of ubuntu08:04
Motilonhello evry1. I suffered a power outage while upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04. Now, I cant boot with ubuntu (I did once though). Tryin to reinstall, Im asked which  file system i want for that partition. Which one should I select? TIA08:04
abhi_nav!dvd | linux_is_my_hero08:04
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:04
abhi_navlinux_is_my_hero, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs08:05
=== DaZ is now known as Guest64050
Motilonhello evry1. I suffered a power outage while upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04. Now, I cant boot with ubuntu (I did once though). Tryin to reinstall, Im asked which  file system i want for that partition. Which one should I select? TIA08:07
abhi_navMotilon, file system? for lucid? select ext408:08
abhi_navkickingintender, you will get its info in ubuntu software center (USF)08:08
abhi_navkickingintender, click on more info button08:08
kickingintenderso is it available in software center08:08
Motilonabhi_nav: ok, thx08:09
naftilos76hi, is there an app in ubuntu that lets me edit boot options like which kernel to use etc?08:11
kickingintendernaftilos76 no08:11
Dr_Willisnaftilos76:  theres limited gui tools for that task. theres the grub2 configs you can edit via a text editor to change most anything. Once you learn how08:11
prince_jammysan editor, and /etc/default/grub08:11
WXZis there anyway to organize files without actually changing their physical location and name?08:11
WXZlike a little virtual drawer which you can hover over?08:12
naftilos76prince_jammys: i know that! just thought that there would be something else! thnks anyway...\08:12
prince_jammysnaftilos76: i know you know that. i wasn't being entirely serious08:12
bribroderWXZ what do you want to do? how do you want to 'virtually' organize them?08:12
WXZwell a little drawer that I can "hover" over08:13
kickingintenderbrasero says some plugins are missing how 2 install them08:13
WXZand it pops out all the files I put in there would be nice08:13
WXZor atleast some kind of box on my desktop, everything within the box is part of group A or something08:13
WXZI was (will?) actually go as far as redrawing the desktop background08:14
WXZbut I thought I'd come here before I do something stupid08:14
naftilos76prince_jammys: my wireless microsoft keyboard ver 1.1 does not work when i get the menu to select kernel but it works if i select to get into the BIOS. have you got any idea what is causing that? is there an option in /etc/default/grub?08:14
bribroderWXZ, so like... shortcuts to files? in a folder on your desktop?08:14
WXZmmm... that doesn't really work08:15
Dr_Willisnaftilos76:  Ive had some machines where USB keyboards dont work in the GRUB menus. but do in BIOS. Theres a 'legacy' usb option in bios that MIGHT make them work in the grub menus.08:15
WXZunless I name all the shortcuts with a special prefix08:15
WXZso I know they're all part of the same group :s08:15
Dr_WillisWXZ:  with soft links. you can organize all sorts of things.. but that may get complex08:16
bribroderWXZ, use folders within folders to create groups08:16
WXZI don't want to use folders though, that's the point08:16
naftilos76Dr_Willis: ok thanks! I ve got that disabled! I'll try enabling it! thanks08:16
WXZchanging the physical location of the files = a no no08:16
naftilos76see you in a min...08:16
bribroderWXZ, if you make shortcuts also known as soft links or symbolic links, you can use folders without actually moving the original file08:17
bribrodercan someone trigger that thing that tells you to address people you're talking to so it's not lost in the chatter?08:17
WXZso have a folder of "soft links" is what you're saying08:17
prince_jammys!who | bribroder08:18
ubottubribroder: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:18
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:18
reya2276How can I get rhythembox to detect my ipof touch with IOS4?08:18
WXZwell alright, not exactly what I was hoping for08:18
WXZbut thanks08:18
prince_jammysWXZ: there's likely an applet/app/gizmo that does what you want08:18
bribroderWXZ, you could try Avant Window Navigator08:18
prince_jammyscheck out the apps that come with gnome's panel08:19
WXZall the add-to ones08:19
WXZI'll do it, but I don't think there are none (atleast in the standard ones, maybe I could d/l some though)08:20
frumiousWho would win in a fight, #ubuntu's bots or #debian's?08:20
prince_jammysdpkg is a serious contender.08:21
bribroderwxz, check out AWN08:21
WXZyeah, I'm dling it now08:21
bribroderyou can put folders in a dock-like thing and they pop up with their contents08:21
bribroderWXZ, still need to put the links in the folder, though, AFAIK08:22
WXZI know08:22
WXZyou have any idea how to do the folder thing though?08:22
bribroderso you have a file you want to put in the folder08:25
bribroderright click, make link08:25
bribroderdrag to folder08:25
WXZyeah, I know08:25
WXZI'm talking about the avant thing, where you can put that folder on the navbar08:25
WXZand make it pop up08:25
abhi_navWXZ, i use cairo dock08:25
robertzaccourwhen will youtube make ogv compatible?08:26
bribroderWXZ, http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2007/09/avant-window-navigator-gets-blingtastic-new-applets.ars08:26
abhi_navWXZ, http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/05/08/the-best-and-worst-docks-for-ubuntu/08:26
prince_jammysbattle of the long-ass URLs08:26
kickingintenderthey are not bling thing IMHO08:27
WXZI'll go look for the stacks applet then brib08:27
kickingintenderprince_jammys watch ur languages08:28
prince_jammysi shall08:28
robertzaccouris there a desktop recorder that records in avi?08:28
prince_jammysu should watch ur english, too.08:28
prince_jammys2, rather.08:28
WXZthat's almost exactly what I'm looking for bribroder08:28
kickingintenderiam quiet lucky that i can talk in english08:28
prince_jammysaren't we all08:29
bribroderWXZ, glad to help08:29
abhi_navprince_jammys, istunbul08:29
bribroderAnyone know if you can force the minimal install to use another source besides the archive mirrors?08:30
Dr_WillisYea - my printer is printing faster now. :) The Forums are so handy08:30
bribroderDr_Willis, what was the fix?08:30
DanDareI wont gdm at Ubuntu start. I can just delete /etc/init/gdm.conf ?08:31
DanDare*I dont want08:31
bribroderDanDare, sudo apt-get remove gdm08:31
DanDareoh yeah thanks08:31
prince_jammysDanDare: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove08:32
Dr_Willisbribroder:   chaged the uri, and the driver to  the generic plc5 simplied driver. :) let me find the url i used08:32
Dr_Willisbribroder:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1461480&highlight=brother+printer+slow08:32
prince_jammysDanDare: or, yeah, uninstall it if that's what you want.08:32
bribroderprince is more correct08:32
DanDareyes sounds just perfect08:32
Dr_Willisbribroder:  next to the last post on the page.. scroll WAY down. :)08:32
bribroderDr_Willis, thanks... I'll give this a shot tomorrow morning, see if I kick it into gear08:33
MinusSevenWhat's the correct way to delete entries from the grub bootup menu?08:34
udssr_shortyhi! do you know when the firefox 3.6 update for karmic will be available??? i thought this would happen shortly after 3.6.4 is released...08:34
bribroderudssr_shorty, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-6-in-ubuntu-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html08:35
Dr_Willisbribroder:  yea. I bookmarked that url. and added a comment for my exact printer. Hope it gets fixed in the next release. Ive not seen any lost functionality from using the generic drivers.08:36
Dr_Willisudssr_shorty:  i had some firefox update today. but I have a lot of extra ppa's enabled.08:37
Dr_Willisudssr_shorty:  useing 3.6.6 right now.08:37
Dr_Willisso it may get ported to the older releases real soon.08:37
udssr_shortybribroder, Dr_Willis , thanks08:38
mneptok*if* you have the backports repo enabled08:38
denonve t08:38
Dr_Willismneptok:  aha. yea. Frogot about that.08:39
Dr_Willisudssr_shorty:  so be sure to enable the Backports repository08:39
udssr_shortyDr_Willis, ok thanks i will check08:39
mikeXyis it the same code for all pc hardwares to show speed of fans , temperatures of cpu ,hdd, gpu, motherboard ?08:39
Dr_WillismikeXy:  that sort of info is often very very different from one  PC maker/mb/ to another. it can cause a lot of problems08:40
mattwj2002hi guys.....I have a question how long would it take to convert a 2 TB hard from ext3 to ntfs using a gparted live CD....I know I am off topic a bit08:41
mattwj2002any ideas?08:41
Dr_WillisIm am not even sure gparted can Convert from ext3 to NTFS.08:42
mattwj2002I think it can08:42
mattwj2002any guesses if it can?08:42
mattwj2002time guesses I mean08:42
Dr_Willismattwj2002:  try it and see. i dont think it can.08:42
Dr_Willisit would depend on how full the HD is. :)08:43
Dr_Willisand i would say a few hrs.. to be safe08:43
chalcednymy husband tried to upgrade his ubuntu to 10.04, it's erroring and won't finish the bootup. Verifying DMI Pool Data --- GRUB loading stage 5, GRUB loading, please wait.. and freezes.08:43
=== VZCB is now known as Princekid
chalcednyi apologize for needing help - we probably did this before, a few years ago, but I don't have a good memory08:44
mattwj2002it has complete ntfs abilities08:45
KnightStalkerHow to make backups from Ubuntu?08:45
bribroderchalcedny, it's no problem, everyone here is a volunteer, not a slave08:45
hiexpoupgrade from one distro  to another = train wreck08:45
ShadowFoxBiHoh anyone know a quick way to install beryl on 10.04/08:45
u_pilli am using ubuntu 10.04. i write to dns adres textbox this :,,, . now it is looking first to google dns and if it fails it looks for opendns ? is that true ?08:46
bribroderchalcedny, I agree with hiexpo... if possible, backup your data and reformat the machine08:46
chalcednybribroder, thank you, i do volunteer on another nwtwork and here.. but i hate being stupid.08:46
LSD|NinjaShadowFoxBiH: bereyl's been deprecated for quite some time now, everything's been rolled into compiz-fusion (which is installed by default and activated automatically on compatible hardware on Ubuntu) now08:46
bribroderchalcedny, upgrading can be a tremendous hassle, and a fresh install takes about 20 minutes depending on hard drive size08:46
ShadowFoxBiHhmm what hardware is required for compiz?08:47
bribroderu_pill, that's correct08:47
chalcednybribroder, he didn't do backups and has things we can't lose08:47
mattwj2002yeah I just installed ubuntu today08:47
u_pillbribroder ok. thanks!08:47
chalcednyi could scream08:47
mattwj2002it was really  fast!08:47
Dr_WillisShadowFoxBiH:  hardware withs upported 3d drivers.08:47
mattwj200210.04 is great!08:47
bribroderchalcedny, you have a live cd, right? no external backup drive?08:47
ShadowFoxBiHok so does that include integrated graphics or no?08:47
Dr_WillisShadowFoxBiH:  totally depends on the chipset.08:48
LSD|NinjaShadowFoxBiH: depends on the chipset08:48
Dr_Willisthe fact they are Integerated - dosent matter08:48
ShadowFoxBiHok well I have a newer chipset08:48
ShadowFoxBiHinte mobile 4 chipset08:48
hiexpochalcedny,  not knowing is notdefxined as stupid /// stupid is answering a ?  you don't know the answer to08:48
LSD|NinjaShadowFoxBiH: Intel 915 an up support it, SiS don't as near as I can tell and I have no clue about VIA08:48
hiexpo^ not defined08:49
ShadowFoxBiHwell mine is newer than the 915 chipset08:49
Dr_WillisShadowFoxBiH:  try enabling compiz and play with the effects.. see if they work08:49
ShadowFoxBiHhow do you enable it?08:50
LSD|NinjaShadowFoxBiH: easiest way to check is to go into System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects and see if it's set to either "Normal" or "Extra" and if not, try selecting one. You'll be told one way or the other if they work or not08:50
ShadowFoxBiHi have extra on08:50
ShadowFoxBiHno issues08:50
Dr_WillisShadowFoxBiH:  then its working.. :)08:50
Dr_WillisShadowFoxBiH:  hold down the windows key and move the mouse wheel08:50
Loshkimattwj2002: are you still there?08:50
mattwj2002yeah I am here08:50
Dr_Willisthats the 'zoom' feature my wife loves08:50
ShadowFoxBiHlol its nice08:51
hiexpoalsoneed simple ccsm08:51
mattwj2002what is up?08:51
Dr_Willis!manual | ShadowFoxBiH08:51
ubottuShadowFoxBiH: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:51
ShadowFoxBiHI am used to fedora but ubuntu is not exactly the same08:51
Loshkimattwj2002: I wouldn't take that 'complete ntfs capabilities' too seriously. Unless it's changed recently, ubuntu's ntfs implementation still lacked some key features e.g. a full filesystem check capability. And I'm with Dr_Willis about converting from ext3 to ntfs -- I don't recall anyone ever doing that via gparted before...08:52
hiexpoShadowFoxBiH,  get simple ccsm also me be on there already not sure but with it you can do even more neat stuff08:53
mattwj2002I'll let you know in about 20 minutes08:53
mattwj2002I thought I did it before08:53
mattwj2002I just couldn't remember for sure08:53
Loshkimattwj2002: I definitely believe that you could create an ntfs partition and copy the contents of an ext3 partition to it, but an in-place conversion sounds unlikely, to be honest...08:54
ShadowFoxBiHis there really a rain feature?08:54
delete_wi am using ubuntu 10.04. from live cd conky and "system monitor" shows that i am not using swap space(ok for that). but when i install it on hdd conky and "system monitor" shows that i am using 1 gb swap space. but i am sure that i have not make a swap space on installation. i re-installed ubuntu again but the problem not solved. my hardware is good : i have 2gb ddr2 ram, intel with 4 cpu. normally i have never use up on 1 gb ram. so why ubuntu uses swap spa08:54
hiexpodelete_w, you need swap08:54
delete_whiexpo: no i dont need.08:55
Dr_WillisShadowFoxBiH:  compiz has so many useless eyecandy effects..its scary08:55
ShadowFoxBiHlol well time to find out how many there actually are08:55
bribroderdelete_w, did you let ubuntu automatically partition the hard drives during the install?08:55
delete_whiexpo: i normally always have at least 1 gb free on my ram.08:55
delete_wbribroder: no. i did manually.08:55
delete_wbribroder:  i look for gparted for a swap space but there is no a swap space.08:56
LoshkiDr_Willis: useful eyecandy. Interesting concept....08:56
SwedeMikedelete_w: linux will generally swap out unused memory so it can have a more effective disk cache, you can google for "swappiness" if you want to change this behaviour.08:56
zusdones one need to sign up and register with hulu b4 downloading hulu desktop for linux? or no?08:56
Dr_WillisYou really Do want at least a small swap partition. That can save your backside if somthign goes berzerk and starts grabing all the ram. I also recall some benchmarks ages ago (out of date? now) that showed even if not used. some how you did benifit from having a small swap parittion.08:56
bribroderdelete_w, type free-m and pastebin the output08:56
bribrodersorry, free -m08:56
delete_w bribroder: free-m: command not found08:57
hiexpofree -m08:57
SwedeMikedelete_w: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq08:58
delete_wbribroder http://textsnip.com/777a8308:58
halvorsI have set Some startup programs by the "Setting Programs to Start Automatically When You Log In" in the Startup programs dialog. But how remove them again?08:59
halvorsAlso dont start up last session...08:59
bribroderwow, I guess you have swap... does it show up in fdisk?09:00
SwedeMike!hi | techproman09:00
ubottutechproman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:00
techpromanwhats up?09:00
MeekroSo I installed the Intel i7 980X CPU (3.33 gHz, 6 cores with hyperthreading) on my server, but /proc/cpuinfo is reporting each of 12 cores at only 1600mHz. That doesn't seem right09:00
zamnedixanyone know if theres a window manager out there that supports windows that rotate or change shape?09:00
SwedeMikeMeekro: it'll clock down the CPUs when they're not used to save power.09:01
halvorsAnyone kan help me?09:01
techpromanWith what?09:01
MeekroSwedeMike: but it's still aware of their full potential when they're needed? is there any way I can clock them up to convince myself of that?09:01
halvors have set Some startup programs by the "Setting Programs to Start Automatically When You Log In" in the Startup programs dialog. But how remove them again? Also dont start up last session...09:01
halvorsWith this....09:01
SwedeMikeMeekro: do something that'll keep them busy and check. play a media file or something09:02
dugger5688Meekro: CPUs are scaled down. With a CPU that fast it will rarely go very high.09:02
LoshkiMeekro: isn't there some kind of benchmark you can run?09:02
MeekroLoshki: if you know of a good CPU benchmarking tool, I'd love to give it a shot09:03
Dr_Williszamnedix:  there was one called 'metisse' (i think thats spelt right) that had all sorts of weird effects like that. Compiz has Some features like that. but it depends on wha tyou need.09:03
Dr_Williszamnedix:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metisse09:04
LoshkiMeekro: I see a bunch of hits when I google "ubuntu cpu benchmark". Poke around those a bit...09:04
Dr_WillisMetisse video --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxsUKX6xXyE09:04
KnightStalkerAny applications to backup Ubuntu?09:04
halvorstheckmroman: Do cant help me?09:05
Loshki!backup | KnightStalker09:05
xtheunknown0I can't login!09:05
bribroderwhat happened to that delete_w dude09:05
ubottuKnightStalker: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:05
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate09:05
halvors teckproman: Do cant help me?09:05
Dr_Williszamnedix:  if you really want ty try it -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149096009:05
SwedeMikehalvors: stop doing that.09:05
sylonhmm xscreensaver is coming on even if i select the "disable screensaver" option in VLC, is this cause it only works with gnome-screensaver or something?09:05
KnightStalkerhmm I actually want to clone ALL of my Ubuntu09:05
zamnedixThanks Dr_Willis09:06
SwedeMikehalvors: ask your question once every 30 minutes or so until someone answers, don't harass people.09:06
halvorsSwedeMike: Stop doing what?09:06
xtheunknown0Can someone please help me with my login problems?09:06
guest2has anybody booted lucid with ati 5770 gfx? i upgraded linux-firmware from lucid-proposed repos and installed driver from ati website... but the display still goes to sleep on boot09:06
SwedeMike!details | xtheunknown009:06
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning09:06
ubottuxtheunknown0: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:06
halvorsI only mean that is bad that you can do some Options but not get it back to default....09:07
bribroderhalvors, open the CLI and go to ~/.config/autostart09:07
LoshkiKnightStalker: Ironically, that isn't what ubottu calls cloning. You want to look for 'bare metal backup' or some such...09:07
oCean_xtheunknown0: describe your issue (detailed) to the channel (try to keep it in one single line)09:07
halvorsI should do it in GUI09:07
delete_wbribroder: what you mean what happened ?09:07
xtheunknown0@ubottu: I enter my password, it's the right password, the screen flashes like I'm about to log onto Lucid, but then it goes back to the login screen.09:07
Dr_Willisxtheunknown0:  ubottu  is a bot. :) ie: a program.09:08
delete_wbribroder: i have not make any swap space. so which space using ubuntu now ?09:08
bribroderdelete_w, does your mysterious swap space show up in fdisk?09:08
Dr_Willisxtheunknown0:  try making a new user. see if they can login.09:08
SwedeMikedelete_w: did you even read the swap FAQ page I pasted to you?09:08
bribroderhalvors, CLI = command line interface09:08
codebrainzxtheunknown0, also try "failsafe" option in the login window09:08
xtheunknown0How do I make a new user using the command line?09:08
Dr_Willisxtheunknown0:  sudo adduser billgates, then  sudo passwd billgates09:09
halvorsbribroder: And then?09:09
delete_wSwedeMike: i have already read it. many time. i just found to kill command to use swap space. but this is just a temp solution.09:09
halvorsBut its bad it is no GUI, it do Ubuntu useless for normal users...09:09
bribroderhalvors, delete the items from the autostart folder you don't wish to start anymore09:09
delete_wbribroder no. ithere is no a space 1 gb on my all hdd.09:09
SwedeMikedelete_w: look in /etc/fstab, there will be a line regarding swap there.09:09
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot09:09
halvorsIs does not list up anymore...09:10
nowimproveduh I always forget09:10
MadRobotHi all. It seems I have the following apt authentication issue. I'm really not sure how to fix it: http://pastebin.com/EecBqL4909:10
nowimprovedhow to I switch to gnome09:10
MadRobotAnd help please?09:10
Dr_WillisI dont even have an Autostart folder that i can find. :)09:10
bribroderhalvors, then get dirty and get in the CLI. the sooner you start, the sooner you master it09:10
nowimprovedfrom fluxbox, back to the default setup that is09:10
corecodesomehow my /dev/shm is not created with go+w09:10
corecodewhere can i set this?09:10
Dr_Willisnowimproved:  at the login screen. menu item at bottom.09:10
corecodechromium needs this to run09:10
KnightStalkerLoshki: where can I find a bare metal backup software?09:10
delete_wSwedeMike: no any swap work on fstab file.09:10
nowimprovedDr_Willis, I don't have that, I have to move a file..09:10
bribroderdelete_w, pastebin your fstab?09:11
halvorsbribroder: If it is not possible i will go to reinstall my computer, and switch to Window (Much better)...09:11
xtheunknown0No, billgates can't log on either09:11
Dr_Willisnowimproved: You are logging in via the console and using startx ?09:11
delete_wbribroder http://textsnip.com/4eca6509:11
Dr_Willisnowimproved:  the .Xsession and .xinitrc files are normally used by startx09:11
oCean_delete_w: the command "swapon -s" should show you which partition(s) and/or files are used as swapdevices09:12
nowimprovedDr_Willis, oh yes09:12
LoshkiKnightStalker: check out http://www.mondorescue.org/about.shtml09:12
codebrainzxtheunknown0, did you try the "failsafe" option in the login window?09:12
delete_woCean_: FilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority09:12
delete_w/dev/ramzswap0                          partition1030232010009:12
delete_w 09:12
bribroderhalvors, if you're giving up you can /leave09:12
xtheunknown0I was sudo apt-get "removing" lots of the things beginning with evolution; I think I might have removed sth like acpi, I just used a lot of tabbing09:12
MadRobotHow do I fix an apt authentication problem?09:12
xtheunknown0How do I try failsafe?09:12
halvorsbribroder: I want to do it with GUI not CLI09:13
codebrainzxtheunknown0, it's in the session drop down box iirc09:13
SwedeMikedelete_w: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=726874109:13
arunkumar413i'm trying to build NM tried to install by typing ./configure got this output http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JA1TfjaP09:13
bribroderhalvors, your GUI is clearly not working. you need to try something else.09:13
xtheunknown0I don't understand codebrainz09:13
codebrainzKnightStalker, if you just want a bit for bit backup, you can use dd or one of it's descendants.09:14
halvorsbribroder: It's bad it not are possible to use Ubuntu for normal user. You need to be a programmer to use it?09:14
codebrainzxtheunknown0, where you type your username/password, there should be a drop down box for session, and in there, there should be a "safe" option or some such09:14
bribroderhalvors, maybe you're not a normal user09:15
xtheunknown0Ah - I must have sudo apt-get removed it because I only have Language and Keyboard !!! :o09:15
bribroderhalvors, maybe you should take the advice offered to you09:15
ShadowFoxBiHlol halvors what in the world are you talking about09:15
ShadowFoxBiHprogramming yeah right09:15
corecodewhere do i find the mdadm-raid upstat script?09:15
ShadowFoxBiHdo you even know how to program your vcr son ?09:15
bribroderlol i'm a political science student... if I can figure out how to delete the crap from my autostart, you can do it too09:16
halvorsI ask, whay is Ubuntu not avaliable to use without useing the terminal?09:16
bribroder /ignore09:16
ShadowFoxBiHbecause halvors you are not using windows09:16
codebrainzxtheunknown0, i don't use gdm, but i think it's a different drop down box than that09:16
halvorsI have never used Windows before, how is it?09:17
oCean_!ot | halvors09:17
ubottuhalvors: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:17
guest2it's an excellent workstation os09:17
Loshkimattwj2002: your 20 minutes is about up. Do you have anything to report?09:17
KnightStalkerand a terrible client09:17
delete_wSwedeMike: OK. i try it. i have to restart to see. if the problem still i will come back. thank you!09:17
* Dr_Willis missed the memo on when we 'had to limit ourselfs to the gui'09:17
guest2so.. nobody has lucid working with 5770?09:17
ShadowFoxBiHi have lucid working with 597009:18
mattwj20025 or 10 more09:18
bribroder!manual | Dr_Willis09:18
guest2how did you get it to boot?09:18
ShadowFoxBiHjust seems to be a bit sluggish09:18
ubottuDr_Willis: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:18
Dr_Willisbribroder:  I helped edit that during beta. :)09:18
guest2my display goes into sleep mode whenever I start X..09:18
halvorsShadowFoxBiH: Maybe one reason to people not use Linux ;)09:18
xtheunknown0codebrainz there are no other clickable items on my login screen09:18
bribroderDr_Willis, does it explain how to firefox??09:18
Dr_WillisNow we have all totally frogotten halvors  actual problem.09:18
guest2I installed official ati drivers, fglrx.. nothing works09:19
Dr_Willisbribroder:  not sure. ive not really looked at the other changes since early beta.09:19
codebrainzxtheunknown0, i'm pretty sure there is, make sure your username is selected, and i think it's along the bottom09:19
Loshkimattwj2002: the suspense is killing me....09:19
Dr_Willisbribroder:  i did print it out at work and gave a few copies to people. :)09:19
DocPlatypusokay, my filesystem just got corrupted and I lost the preferences and administration menus in GNOME. what do I need to reinstall to get them back?09:20
arunkumar413help me friends09:20
lindsaymobil22I know this is offtopic but no one is on the ubuntu offtopics or mint offtopics, so, has anyone tried manhattan os beta 1? its based on ubuntu09:20
guest2there's dozens of confirmed cases on launchpad, and the only official response was a new linux-firmware package in lucid-proposed which doesn't work09:21
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  theres always #linux channel09:21
bribroderlindsaymobil22, looks interesting! i may check it out09:21
lindsaymobil22thanx dr_willis09:22
lindsaymobil22Dr-Willis what server does it use09:22
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  i find most ubuntu variants are not really worth messing with. :)09:22
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  Hmm? #linux channel is here on freenode..09:22
bribroderguest2, did you try the Hardware Drivers application? it's usually pretty good with ATI drivers09:22
lindsaymobil22thank you09:22
ShadowFoxBiHyeah i got my 5970 to work with a new set of drivers09:22
xtheunknown0@codebrainz - Well it isn't - it's just language and keyboard - not that different to http://images.pcworld.com/howto/graphics/158059-Ubuntu-18-Login-Screen_copy_350.jpg after clicking on username09:22
Loshkilindsaymobil22: just what the world needed. Another linux distro....09:22
guest2bribroder, i'm 100% unable to use/start X09:23
Dr_WillisLoshki:  but it has prettier thmes and artwork!09:23
bribroderoh, balls09:23
codebrainzxtheunknown0, in that version, you would use the "Select Session..." option in the menu, but i think the new version is a bit different09:23
dugger5688You guys should remember that when Ubuntu was forked people probably said over in #debian, "oh great another crappy off-shoot"09:23
guest2ShadowFoxBiH, from ati website?09:23
alsayedI'm printing from XP to Ubuntu printer but it's not working. It was working before. now I can't find it in the share but I can see a shared file09:24
ShadowFoxBiHgood luck getting drivers from there that work09:24
guest2where did you get yours from?09:24
ShadowFoxBiHlet me find the link09:25
mattwj2002I have the results09:25
Loshkimattwj2002: tell us...09:25
xtheunknown0Can someone tell me how to try log in using failsafe mode in 10.04?09:25
mattwj2002you can't convert09:25
bribroderguest2, can you try startx in TTY 9 10 11 or 12?09:25
bribroderxtheunknown0, hold shift during boot09:25
guest2i don't have tty 9 10 11 or 1209:25
ShadowFoxBiHguest2 try the drivers form the ati website seems they got new ones09:25
chalcedonythe ubuntu page says not to get 64 bit for regular desktop use? the chip i have is an amd 64, should i just not get it?09:25
mattwj2002luckily I'll have a bunch of free space09:26
mattwj2002so I can resize, move, etc09:26
bribroderchalcedony, I've used 64bit on AMDs and Intels in my home desktop, it seems great to me09:26
mattwj2002it will take a while though09:26
Loshkimattwj2002: remind me why you wanted to go from ext3 to ntfs in the first place?09:27
bribroderxtheunknown0, and when grub shows up select recovery mode09:27
arunkumar413what does this mean  configure: error: wireless-tools library and development headers >= 28pre9 not installed or not functional09:27
codebrainzxtheunknown0, for example, this: http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/20128/gdm_screenshot_buzQpR.png  do you see the Sessions drop down?09:27
chalcedonyi have 64 bit on my desktop now, but it's 9.0409:27
bribroderchalcedny, can you backup to an external?09:27
oCean_arunkumar413: that means something is not installed right?09:27
xtheunknown0@codebrainz: no09:27
codebrainzxtheunknown0, or with the default theme: http://www.debianadmin.com/wp-content/gallery/1004/1.png09:27
arunkumar413oCean_: but it is installed09:27
mattwj2002I have a dual boot Ubuntu and Windows09:27
oCean_arunkumar413: ?09:28
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:28
Dr_Willischalcedony:  the site is a little old and over-consertive I use 64bit whenever i can.  How much ram do you have?09:28
mattwj2002I want access in both operating systems09:28
arunkumar413oCean_: i'm trying to build nm from source09:28
xtheunknown0codebrainz: no again09:28
mattwj2002Loshki: you still here?09:28
=== Nijverheid is now known as Guest43521
codebrainzxtheunknown0, i suppose it's possible you delete gnome.  you could try to reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package and have it dragged back in09:28
mattwj2002dang netsplit09:28
chalcedonyi don't know what's on the box i'm building, the issue is that the box can't see the new onboard lan card with 8.04 - needs the upgrade - 1 gig ram - it's not for gaming it's for storage mostly09:29
oCean_arunkumar413: yes, and...?09:29
=== Me is now known as Guest13091
xtheunknown0I've got the first two (language and keyboard) but like I said, I lost session.09:29
arunkumar413when i tried to configure i got that error09:29
Dr_Willischalcedony:  if you have 4gb+ ram - then you will want to go with 64bit - for a fileserver. It proberly wont matter.09:29
oCean_arunkumar413: install what it asks for.09:30
Dr_Willischalcedony:  theres very few reasons to not use 64bit these days09:30
codebrainzxtheunknown0, other than reinstalling gnome (as above), I'm not sure what else you could do.09:30
mattwj2002qpt what the heck?09:30
chalcedonyDr_Willis, ok ty09:30
arunkumar413oCean_: ya tried,it says the version is already the newest.see this  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JA1TfjaP09:30
bribroderwhy is complaining about raping women and calling us fags?09:31
oCean_bribroder: just ignore please09:31
chalcedonybribroder, ignore it it's someone teasing09:31
bribroderstruck me as ironic :)09:31
codebrainzbribroder, his mom wouldn't give him his allowance09:31
quietonelucid is really slow, 5 seconds for most mouse clicks to respond but same hardware works great in gNewSense. Where do I start looking to 'fix' this?09:31
xtheunknown0Alright then: I sudo iwlist wlan0 scan in CLI, then iwconfig, then dhclient but I can't sudo apt-get anything09:31
geohackercould someone help me as I'm not able to send files from my old nokia 6600 via bluetooth to my lucid box.09:31
mattwj2002I have found that vnc is really slow with lucid09:32
mattwj2002unusedly slow09:32
oCean_arunkumar413: ok, you're close, but missing the point :) It says it is missing the wirelesstools development files. Not wireless tools itself09:32
oCean_arunkumar413: wait, let me see which package it is09:32
arunkumar413oCean_: how to proceed09:32
guest2doesn't even boot on 6-12 month old ati cards ;(09:32
damian_-_should lamp be in the repos? what package should i be searching for09:33
dugger5688Ummm... probably Apache and MySQL09:33
Dr_Willis!lamp | damian_-_09:33
ubottudamian_-_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:33
guest2lighttpd & postgresql09:34
oCean_arunkumar413: I think I found the package, but let me show you: Go to http://packages.ubuntu.com, enter "wireless development" in searchbox, tick the descriptions and it'll show up with relevant packages09:34
quietonemattwj2002, not using vnc09:34
guest2hrm, after reinstalling ati drivers.. 'X' in recovery console now open a blank screen.. but booting ubuntu still causes monitor to go into standby :(09:34
oCean_arunkumar413: my guess is you need package "libiw-dev"09:35
geohackeri'm not able send/receive files from my nokia 6600 in ubuntu lucid. using bluez. any clue?09:35
gryllidaWhat application do you recommend me to open / convert .chm (MS HTML Help) files? There are several of them in the Software Center (xCHM, E-book reader, CHM Viewer, ChmSee) -- how do I choose?09:36
Dr_Willisgryllida:  try one.. if you dont like it.. try another.09:36
guest2so, how do i tell what is causing the sleeping monitor issue09:36
bribroderguest2, does this happen right after a fresh install?09:37
guest2yes, lucid has no support for 6-12 month old ati cards09:37
geohackerplease help me with the bluetooth09:37
guest2had to use text-based installer..09:37
codebrainzgryllida, i've used chmsee, it works fine for opening09:38
dugger5688guest2: which card?09:38
guest2doesn't even drop back to low-resolution vesa..09:38
bribroderguest2, :\ I have a Radeon 4850, works perfectly09:38
guest2but that's 12+ months old09:38
bribroderso specifically that period09:38
arunkumar413oCean_: sorry my network is slow09:39
Jordan_Uguest2: Hold shift during boot and choose the recovery mode option. Then choose the root shell with networking option and run "sudo jockey-text" to install the proprietary ATI drivers.09:39
gryllidacodebrainz, Dr_Willis, Why are there several of them in first place?09:39
guest2i'm in recovery mode, I intalled the ati drivers09:40
codebrainzgryllida, choice09:40
guest2the monitor still goes into standby on boot09:40
Jordan_Uguest2: How did you install them?09:40
guest2 ./ati-driver-intaller*09:41
guest2installed xorg 7.5 driver for debian-style distro..09:41
guest2then i ran ati-config --initial to create the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file..09:41
Jordan_Uguest2: It's best to use the packaged drivers.09:41
dugger5688Boy am I glad I DON'T have ATI :-D09:41
arunkumar413oCean_: its asking for dbus09:42
dugger5688But yes, Jordan_U is correct.09:42
bribroderguest2, have you tried booting with the nomodeset option?09:42
arunkumar413oCean_: No package 'dbus-1' found09:42
arunkumar413No package 'dbus-glib-1' found09:42
Dr_Willisgryllida:  why should there only be 1 :)09:42
guest2bribroder, via cd or hdd?09:43
geohackerplease help with the bluetooth.09:43
Dr_Willisgryllida:  xchm is prioberly using the original/minimal X libs. Others are proberly designed with different goals. and are not as old.09:43
Jordan_Uguest2: In fact, I'm not sure if ATI's installer disables KMS, which is not compatible witht the proprietary drivers.09:43
simargeohacker, whats the matter09:43
geohackersimar: just that I cannot send/recieve files from my nokia 6600 old one09:43
geohackersimar: using bluez.09:44
bribroderguest2, hdd... add it to grub and update-grub09:44
simargeohacker, geohacker which ubutnu version are you using?09:44
guest2jordan_u, so i'd need to remove those? any idea what they are called?09:44
geohackersimar: im on lucid.09:44
techpromanWhat good things can you do on ubuntu>09:45
bribroderguest2, more specifically, edit /etc/default/grub and add nomodeset to the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="09:45
techpromancause I have it as my main machine09:45
bribroderguest2, then update-grub09:45
oCean_arunkumar413: If you insist on rebuilding/compiling it yourself, restart your search at packages.ubuntu.com, and find all dependencies you need. Could be lots of work, that is why we recommend to use packages from the repositories09:45
simargeohacker, whats the error message?09:45
Dr_Willistechproman:  its a computer operationg system.. it does whatever other Computer/OS can do.. basically anything.09:45
bribrodertechproman, investigate to discover09:45
Dr_Willis!manual | techproman09:45
ubottutechproman: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:45
geohackersimar: when i click bluetooth dun, it says, connection failed. Service not supported. but I had used it in other windows boxes.09:45
geohackersimar: and also not able to send files, says unable to connect even though its on and discoverable.09:46
appi_uppiHi, Are there any known issues after upgrading ubuntu 9.04 to 10.04 version?09:46
Dr_Willisgeohacker:  the other day -i had to use teh phone to pair with the PC befor i could use the 2 together.. if i tried to use the PC to pair with the Phone. it dident work right.09:46
Jordan_Uguest2: First remove the drivers installed by ATI's installer, and the Xorg.conf that it created. Then run "jockey-text" to install and configure the packaged drivers.09:46
Dr_Willisappi_uppi:  theres some issues with video cards/drivers and wireless.09:46
Dr_Willisappi_uppi:  but it all depends on yoru exact setup09:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:47
guest2bribroder, that didn't work ;(09:47
geohackersimar: so ? what do you suggest me to do?09:47
bribroderguest2, you followed up with update-grub, yes?09:48
appi_uppiDr_Willis, Oh ok, then will try to install the fresh one.09:48
guest2monitor still goes into "no signal" 5 seconds after booting09:48
appi_uppiDr_Willis, thanks for your info09:48
simargeohacker, try to pair from the phone. Sometimes the connection request from the pc may be of some other format like using some fixed keys etc...09:48
geohackersimar: tried. but still i cannot use the bluetooth DUN nor send files09:49
guest2Jordan_U, won't that put it into the initial state?09:49
simargeohacker, make your pc discoverable in the option menu in the bluetooth icon09:49
Jordan_Uguest2: No, the packaged proprietary drivers are not installed by default.09:49
geohackersimar: tried that. i can pair, but cannot send/recieve files or use bluetooth DUN09:50
simargeohacker, ok, have you tried this for other phhones?09:50
simargeohacker, does that work?09:50
bribroderguest2, the restricted drivers are definitely a good bed09:50
geohackersimar: yeah it works with other phones. but not with this particular one.09:51
geohackersimar: but i can confirm this is not an issue with my phone.09:52
Dr_WillisIve had Phones that connect to each other.. then have a problem with one specific phone also.  I can get bluetooth workign good withmy phone -> linux. but i cant get it working  from Phone->windows. :) go figure.09:53
bribroderguest2, if restricted drivers don't work, have you tried xforcevesa?09:54
simargeohacker, This is the issue of the command the serial commands that are send while object push or others. 600 is a old phone may have old specifications.  try googling around may be you could find somthing then ask in chat .. or you may also ask in ubuntu forums09:54
arunkumar413oCean_:what does this means  "Alternatively, you may set the environment variables DBUS_CFLAGS09:54
arunkumar413and DBUS_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.See the pkg-config man page for more details."09:54
guest2hrm, Cannot connect to D-BUS when I run jockey-text09:55
guest2bribroder, not yet09:55
arunkumar413oCean_: how to set those variables09:55
bribroderguest2, some forum posts suggest that may work09:55
simarxtheunknown0, hi09:56
simarxtheunknown0, what your issue?09:56
xtheunknown0What is the package for the Session pop-up menu at the bottom of the login screen for Lucid?09:56
bribroderi think that's just part of gdm?09:56
Jordan_Uguest2: Try running "service dbus start" before "jockey-text"09:56
Dr_Willisxtheunknown0:  those get generated from the various foo.desktop files in specific locations09:56
xtheunknown0B/c I was sudo apt-get removing a handful of packages using the tab button a lot and now I've lost the Session pop-up menu at the start.09:57
Dr_Willisxtheunknown0:  for example -> /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop09:57
bribroderis there *any way* to skip loading network drivers on the minimal install?09:58
codebrainzxtheunknown0, like i said before, you're best bet is probably just to reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package to drag in all the crap you probably need to get up and running (ie. gnome)09:58
simarDoes anyone know what are the packages about  is kbd, gpm general purpose mouse driver , evdev and mousedev .. these are drivers but for what purposes ???09:59
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Dr_Willissimar:  dont do 'HELP' like that..09:59
Dr_Willissimar:  gpm = mouse support in the console.09:59
ikoniasimar: whoaaa calm down09:59
xtheunknown0A hah - do I need acpi-support, acpid, or any of the evolutions?09:59
ikoniasimar: what do you want to do09:59
guest2"service dbus start" > "unable to connect to Upstart"09:59
Dr_Willissimar:  fire up synaptic and read their descriptions.09:59
simarikonia, I'm a new triager resaerching on touchpads ..10:00
Dr_Willissimar:  gpm is only needed if youw ant to use the mouse on the console.10:00
ikoniasimar: ok - so if you are part of the simar then you should know that this channel is for ubuntu support only, not generic linux questions10:00
simarDr_Willis, I got gpm . Is it a part of default installation?10:00
Jordan_Uguest2: Did you use the recovery mode boot option or did you do something like adding init=/bin/bash as a kernel paramter to get to a shell at boot?10:01
guest2i used rescue console10:01
xtheunknown0I'm trying to apt-get install stuff and I get Could not resolve 'au.archive.ubuntu.com' - what can I do?10:01
simarikonia, ya thats why i ask question about the general information about packages that i mentioned..10:01
simarDr_Willis, whats kbd?10:02
guest2i guess things are very b0rked...10:02
guest2i'll try jockey-text after a fresh reinstall10:02
simarxtheunknown0, you have an improper internet connection i suppose10:03
guest2Jordan_U, should I expect forcevesa to work with the standard iso?10:03
xtheunknown0@simar: What do you mean by that?10:03
guest2or should I use the alt iso which takes ~90 mins to install10:03
galorinI just found a USB joypad in my box-o-bits, and I want to get it working.  Is there a GUI calibrator and something to do mapping?10:03
ikoniasimar: improper internet connection ???10:03
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codebrainzxtheunknown0, the mirror works fine here through firefox, are you connected to the net?  can you ping that address?10:04
simarikonia, I mean not a working connection. I get such errors when the internet connection is down..10:04
ikoniasimar: what about DNS - could it not just be a dns issue ?10:04
xtheunknown0No, I can't ping it10:04
ikoniaxtheunknown0: can you resolve anything else ?10:05
xtheunknown0How do I try to resolve something else?10:05
baeroHi all, can someone help me? I have hp probook 4515s, and after cca. 10-15min my lcd backlight get lower,,, how to incrace it againt? i can't fix it with power management. Tnx10:05
ikoniaxtheunknown0: can you browse any websites in the browser ?10:05
simarikonia,may be but i could be about connection also ..10:05
xtheunknown0I'm in the CLI because I can't actually login.10:05
codebrainzxtheunknown0, try pinging google.com or other websites10:05
ikoniaxtheunknown0: you can't login ???10:05
simarikonia, whats the right channel to ask the question about the driver packages ..10:06
ikoniasimar: ask with the driver maintainers10:06
ikoniasimar: sorry, the package maintainers10:06
ikoniasimar: if you look on launchpad.net you'll find out who  maintains the package and you can contact them10:06
xtheunknown0B/c the password I enter is right but the screen flashes and sends me back to the login screen.10:06
Jordan_Uguest2: If upstart isn't working properly then you have more serious problems than graphics.10:06
ikoniaxtheunknown0: ok - so how did you get to the command line ?10:06
ikoniaxtheunknown0: you would still have to login to get a command prompt10:07
ikoniaxtheunknown0: ok, now I see where you are going10:07
simarikonia, ok but i think synaptics is not on launchpad? Does in your knowledge they have a channel on irc?10:07
ikoniaxtheunknown0: you've not logged into the desktop, so gnome-network-manager has not configured your network connection for you yet10:07
xtheunknown0OK...so what can I do about this?10:07
ikoniasimar: synaptics is the package manager, not the package, you want to ask the maintainers of the packages gdm, etc10:07
codebrainzikonia, doesn't the NetworkManager daemon handle that outside of Gnome?10:08
ikoniacodebrainz: no10:08
ikoniacodebrainz: only activates when you login10:08
ikoniaactually - that's not quite true10:08
simarikonia, i'm talking about xserver-xorg-input-synaptics this is the touchpad drivers and not a part of x.10:08
codebrainzikonia, i think only nm-applet is after the login, networkmanager itself should run on boot, no?10:09
ikoniasimar: ok - so talk to the person who maintains xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:09
ikoniacodebrainz: correct, better description of what I was trying to say, thank you10:09
simarikonia, ok thanks10:09
Jordan_Uguest2: When booting the Desktop CD try pressing f4 and choosing safe graphics mode.10:09
abhi_navarunkumar413, what my guess is in the configuration file of that nm, you wll find this things10:10
Jordan_Ucodebrainz: Connections are only made before login if they are "shared to all users"10:10
gprajeeshhi all10:10
ja660khey all, i just reinstalled ubuntu, but i cant remember what apt-get i need so i can start developing and video codecs?10:10
can__hi everybody10:10
gprajeeshanybdy hav any idea why the ubuntu 10.04 taskbar freeze ?10:11
xtheunknown0So how do I properly connect to the network found by iwconfig?10:11
codebrainzja660k, what kind of development?10:11
abhi_navja660k, for which platform you want to develop using which language etc?10:11
guest2Jordan_U, there is no such mode10:11
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AhoxHi, is it possible to mount an ext3 partition s.t. only root has read/write access and everyone else ro?10:11
codebrainzxtheunknown0, is there no way to use a hard wired connection temporarily?10:11
gprajeeshany help on taskbar freeze bug ?10:11
guest2just "normal", "use driver update disc", "oem install (for manufacturers)"10:11
xtheunknown0@codebrainz: Oh ok10:12
ja660kcodebrainz, any... i remember just installing something via apt, then getting whatever language i needed.10:12
Ahoxja660k,  for videocodes have a look at medibuntu10:12
ja660kAhox kk10:12
gprajeeshanyone help in taskbar freeze bug10:12
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Jordan_Uguest2: Did you press F4?10:12
codebrainzja660k, it's completely dependant on which language and such you want to use.  are you thinking of build-essential?10:12
ja660kcodebrainz.. yes! :-D thankyou... btw, what does that do?10:13
gprajeeshhi codebrainz... could you help on taskbar freezi ng problem10:13
Jordan_Uguest2: I just checked that the option exists on an lubuntu 10.04 LiveCD, so I would expect it to be there in the standard Ubuntu CD as well.10:13
codebrainzja660k, "This package contains an informational list of packages which are10:13
codebrainz considered essential for building Debian packages.  This package also10:13
codebrainz depends on the packages on that list, to make it easy to have the10:13
codebrainz build-essential packages installed." -dpkg10:13
guest2Jordan_U, F4 on the display where it says "try Ubuntu without installing, install ubuntu, check disc for defects" etc?10:14
ja660kcodebrainz, thanks :)10:14
Jordan_Uguest2: Yes.10:14
gprajeeshguest2 please help on taskbar freezing issue10:14
guest2Joradan_U, does not have that option10:14
abhi_navja660k, eclipse,netbeans, codelite,quntaplus,devhelp?10:14
codebrainzgprajeesh, are you talking about gnome-panel?10:14
gprajeeshJordan_U can u help on taskbar freeze bug10:15
gprajeeshit freezs randmoly10:15
guest2is there a value I can type in the boot options?10:15
can__greetings eartlings10:15
gprajeeshand i hav to restart the system after tht10:15
gprajeeshny idea Codebrainz10:15
guest2hrm xforcevesa10:16
can__i have a quiestion please10:16
gprajeeshCodebrainz any help10:16
* guest2 predicts it fall over again10:16
can__im trying to get my webcam to work in the gos dist. Please help10:17
ikoniacan__: sorry, but Gos is not supported here10:17
guest2oh, xforcevesa does work :)10:17
codebrainzgprajeesh, relax, and keep it in the channel10:17
kvikendeHello. Are there any way to remove the Ubuntu specific translations and only use the official GNOME ones?10:17
guest2(i think)10:17
can__thought it was based on ubuntu?10:18
guest2yes, it does \o/10:18
codebrainzgprajeesh, keep it in the channel, lots of smart people here10:18
guest2hooray :-)10:18
Dr_Willis!webcam | can__10:18
ubottucan__: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:18
ikoniacan__: it is based on ubuntu - but its not ubuntu, so it's not supported here as it is different10:18
gprajeeshanyone on genome panel freeze bug please10:19
joshmuffin!details | can__10:19
ubottucan__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:19
Dr_Williscan__:  install cheese see if it works. If it dosent.. well its possible its not supported by linux yet.10:19
cpufreqhelp5how do i find he correct govener and drivers for my p4...for cpu overclocking??10:19
ikoniajoshmuffin: no details, it's not supported here10:19
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ikoniaDr_Willis: gos is not supported here10:19
can__ubuntu version 810:19
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ikoniacan__: it's not10:19
Dr_Williscan__:  i suggest using a more up to date release of ubuntu.10:19
joshmuffincan__, seeing as im not allowed to help you here, as it upsets some :S:S would you like to pm10:19
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: there isn't such as thing as "cpu" drivers, overclocking is a hardware thing10:20
Dr_Williscan__:  it will have more support.10:20
guest2ubuntu is finally sexy enough to cause me to drop linux mint..10:20
cpufreqhelp5can, many people aren't on the 8.04 "page" anymore10:20
gprajeeshthe problem is the Genome panel freezes. i am using ubuntu 10.0410:20
gprajeeshafter the freeze i have to restart the system10:20
joshmuffin!offtopic | guest210:20
ubottuguest2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:20
ikoniajoshmuffin: good attitude, thank you10:20
guest2ok josmuffin10:21
ikoniajoshmuffin: (I meant helping the guy out in pm)10:21
joshmuffinikonia, sorry i just think that we should help if we can10:21
can__well tell that to my ibm thinkpad ? i tried ubuntu 9 and possibly ten but it had a fit lol!10:21
cpufreqhelp5ok hhow do i setup cpufreq properly for my hw?10:21
codebrainzgprajeesh, maybe it's this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/18754010:21
Pirate_Hunterhow do I go about checking/outputting an in-depth view/list of all processes an application uses?10:21
can__so i went back to basics10:21
ikoniajoshmuffin: that's not the channel policy, but you're welcome to help in pm, thats super cool10:21
nwq6152cpufreqhelp5: cpufreq is *not* for overclocking10:21
cpufreqhelp5can.. th alt instaler are about 700mb10:21
joshmuffinikonia, okay, sorry for the attitude10:22
Dr_Williscan__:  Most thinkpads should be very well supported.   Perhaps check the forums for your exact make/model to see what issues others have had.10:22
cpufreqhelp5so it can't be used to change the cpu frequency?10:22
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: not beyond it's bounds. as I've said, overclocking is a hardware change, not software10:22
dugger5688ubuntu 9 and 10 don't exist, ubuntu is versioned by $YEAR.$MONTH10:23
cpufreqhelp5i do have powernow-d...10:23
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: that makes no differece10:23
cpufreqhelp5ikonia, software like cpufreq and powernow d have options to change the cpu freq.. i just need the governer setup10:23
cpufreqhelp5software changes the hardware settings..10:24
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: they are not used for overclocking10:24
cpufreqhelp5i can't set things up by hooking wires to random pins...10:24
codebrainzPirate_Hunter, i think something like ps -A | grep whatever10:24
cpufreqhelp5software is used for that now10:24
dugger5688cpufreqhel5: until more recent chips CPU scaling has only been available on Laptops. Recent CPUs have unlocked the multipliers somewhat to allow for scaling but you won't be able to overclock from inside the OS. The max clock is set in the BIOS10:24
nwq6152cpufreqhelp5: cpufreq uses standard cpu features to *lower* the freq in order to save battery life. overclocking is very board specific and not what cpufreq is intended for.10:24
xtheunknown0I've been able to sudo apt-get install acpi-support and acpid but get 404'ed for gnome-applets and the rest of those packages - why???10:24
joshmuffinxtheunknown0, your sources correct?10:25
codebrainzxtheunknown0, have you run apt-get update? does that run fine?10:25
cpufreqhelp5ook.. you can set the front side bus...thats what i want to do..and overclocking is what i want to do10:25
xtheunknown0codebrainz: no, lol10:25
Dr_Willisxtheunknown0:  edit the sources.list and remove the au. at the start of those entries.  it could be that server is down10:26
Dr_Willisxtheunknown0:  or having issues10:26
cpufreqhelp5i don't want to change multiplyers in the cpu or it's voltages.. and frontside bus has no locks that i know of..10:26
nwq6152cpufreqhelp5: right, and that is not covered by any standards. each board manufacturer does its own proprietary shit.10:26
xtheunknown0Dr_Willis: nah - it's looking ok10:26
dugger5688cpufreqhelp5: this isn't the place to ask how to change the FSB speeds. If you don't already know how to do so, then you shouldn't be OC'ing.10:27
ikonianwq6152: easy on the lnaguage please10:27
xtheunknown0It's working!!!10:27
cpufreqhelp5dugger, software called setfsb does not work in linux...10:27
nwq6152ikonia: just telling what absence of standards is10:27
ikonianwq6152: yes, but you don't need to use offensive language10:27
xtheunknown0Now how do I remove billgates (an account temporarily created)?10:27
ikoniacordel: stop that please.10:27
ikoniaxtheunknown0: use the useradmin gui10:28
ikoniaxtheunknown0: system -> administration -> users and groups10:28
cpufreqhelp5knwoin g how to mess up text files has nothing to do with wanting my computer to go faster, unless that is my only option in linux10:28
xtheunknown0What about CLI - that's how I created billgates10:28
ikoniaxtheunknown0: userdel -r billgates10:28
cordelok i want to stream music10:28
Nigehello, I am trying to boot off a live cd, but I have hit the 5750 raedon bug where I am greeted with a blank screen, I am looking for the cure to this problem10:28
xtheunknown0Thank you, ikonia10:28
dugger5688cpufreqhelp5: you CAN'T OC from inside an operating system! Your motherboard sets it at boot and is locked until the next cold boot.10:29
cpufreqhelp5setfsb is not its own operateing system...10:29
xtheunknown0Awesome - everything works now!!!10:29
cpufreqhelp5and it can change fsb settings10:29
cordelyeah asus mother boards are awesome for oc10:29
Pirate_Huntercodebrainz, will try10:29
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: ok, so we need to step back here. This channel is for ubuntu support issues, overclocking your hardware is nothing to do with ubuntu, so try a better channel dedicated to hardware/overlocking10:30
xtheunknown0Thanks to everyone - include ikonia, your pal around an hour ago and codebrainz!10:30
cpufreqhelp5ubuntu is the operateing system...10:30
kvikendeI try again: Are there any way to remove the Ubuntu specific translations and only use the official GNOME ones?10:30
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: yes, and we've told you the tools you want to use are not for overclocking,10:30
cpufreqhelp5that controls the hw i want to overclock..10:30
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joshmuffincpufreqhelp5, overclocking is a hardware thing, ubuntu is software.10:31
codebrainzcpufreqhelp5, check with your motherboard/cpu manufacturer and see if they provide a linux utility to change this stuff10:31
cpufreqhelp5is that an ubuntu hardware? or ubuntu overclock?10:31
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: this will be the last time it's explained. The tools you want to use in ubuntu are not for overclocking.10:31
cpufreqhelp5stop saying it's hw only..its not..softaware is used to change these settings..10:31
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: yes, but the software you want to use is NOT for overclocking10:32
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: it's normally do through the bios or specific software, which is not within ubuntu10:32
xtheunknown0So when you guys get the Update Manger screen, how do you guys decide what to install? Do you google the various packages, do you go here to talk about it, do you go to a forum?10:32
cpufreqhelp5so there is no ubuntu hw or ubuntu overclocking channel?10:32
joshmuffinnor related to ubuntu10:32
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: there is no such thing10:32
oCean_xtheunknown0: I always install all updates10:32
kvikendextheunknown0: I take everything.10:32
cpufreqhelp5so then i'm stuck here...10:32
dugger5688Even then I wouldn't try to fiddle with FSB settings while running anyway incase it borks something.10:33
oCean_xtheunknown0: because I trust all my sources10:33
joshmuffincpufreqhelp5, overclocking has nothing to do with ubuntu10:33
cpufreqhelp5looking for somone who knows what to do10:33
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: you're welcome to ubuntu support here, but stop asking for overclocking support, the tools you want to use are not in ubuntu10:33
bazhangtry ##hardware10:33
yeryrytry ##hardware10:33
yeryryor google10:33
guessI use 10.04 on a Dell Latitude with Intel Mobile IntelB. GM45 Express graphics chipset. Every once in a while Gnome replaces my screen with something colourful but inreadable, and then quickly returns to the normal display. Is that normal or something to worry about?10:33
joshmuffincpufreqhelp5, it can be done with or without many different os's depending on your cpu ect10:33
cpufreqhelp5i tried google, but those comands did not work10:33
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: because (as you've been told) the tools you want are not in ubuntu10:33
bazhangcpufreqhelp5, none the less, its off topic here10:33
cpufreqhelp5and apparantly i can't set my fsb or cpu clock speeds with those tools10:34
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: correcct10:34
cpufreqhelp5even tho it's in the softwares documantation and others have used it for overclocking10:34
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: what software documentation ?10:35
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: please show me the documentation that says it's for overclocking your hardware10:35
KnightStalkerhow to disable ICMP completely?10:35
cpufreqhelp5my only issue is those commands don't work for me..and the "govener" has not been setup yet10:35
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: show me the documentation that tells me the tools are used for overclocking10:35
nwq6152KnightStalker: bad idea10:35
KnightStalkernwq6152 :p10:35
ja660khey, what does this segment mean, in .bashrc in the PS1 variable ... "${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}"10:36
codebrainzcpufreqhelp5, are you talking about the cpufreq utility?10:36
dugger5688cpu scaling != overclocking10:36
codebrainzcpu scaling == underclocking :)10:36
nwq6152KnightStalker: for example, disabling icmp make ipv6 unusable10:36
KnightStalkerI can make exception for that10:36
chirpisWhat about plurbs?10:36
* joshmuffin is trying very hard not to loose his temper10:36
nwq6152KnightStalker: and in ipv4 disabling icmp, it breaks pmtu discovery10:37
chirpisAnd skiggles?10:37
cameron_Who here is a gdm expert?10:37
dugger5688could always just \/ignore10:37
cpufreqhelp5well for one thing nvclock defies the theory  that i need to use hardware clock..i've used that to overclock my nvidia 5500 successfully10:37
nwq6152KnightStalker: path mtu discovery10:37
cpufreqhelp5without editing any bios files10:37
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: no more discussion, show me the documentation that shows me the tools you want to use are for overclocking your cpu10:37
dugger5688Nvidia GPU = controlled by board firmware and can be messed with at runtime w/o bringing the system down. CPU, not so much.10:38
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: overclocking a video card is different, show me the documentation that says "these tools are used for overclocking"10:38
Dr_Willisja660k:  PS1 = the bash prompt variable.  example -->  PS1='---->'10:38
nwq6152KnightStalker: disable icmp and you will wonder why certain websites won't work anymore10:38
Dr_Willisja660k:  that changes your shells prompt. Theres fancy codes you can use to get different things.10:38
KnightStalkernwq6152,k :p I changed my mind ;p10:38
Dr_Willisja660k:  the ${} stuff is command/variable replacement to get different effects.10:39
ja660kDr_willis, i know, im trying to be all 1337 and change the colors, but what does... ${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)} do? i echo $debian_chroot, and its empty?10:39
Dr_Willisja660k:  that debian_chroot would be a variable set if you are chrooted into a system10:39
Dr_Willisja660k:  so empty otherwise. :)10:39
ja660kdr_willis, spoke to soon :) thanks10:39
cpufreqhelp5oh i see10:39
oCean_!hi | redhat10:40
ubotturedhat: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:40
can__can you use your sony digital camera as a webcam ?10:40
cpufreqhelp5linux assumes that everyone buys and builds their own pc's so they must already have bios features that overclock...so you don't have anyone building such software for linux??10:40
ikoniacan__: please stop asking you've been told gos is not supported here10:40
Dr_Williscan__:  depends on the camera. Ive seen some that have that feature10:40
guest2oh god..10:40
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: show me the documentation that says these tools are for overclockng - or stop discussing it10:41
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codebrainzcpufreqhelp5, knock yourself out :)  http://www.intel.com/products/processor/manuals/10:41
can__ikonia i know that im not asking you and this is not related to gos thank you10:41
ikoniacan__: it's also offtopic as this channel is for ubuntu support only10:41
can__simple yes or no thaks10:41
cpufreqhelp5i'm just looking for help from the peole who support the os i'm using...10:42
can__im asking you10:42
ikoniacan__: stop asking10:42
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: and you've been told, more than once it's not for overclocking, so stop asking10:42
can__does anybody else know ?10:42
Spyzerhi all, using the startup disk creator can i make kubuntu startup disk from "ubuntu" as well ???10:42
ikoniacan__: do not ask again for offtopic support10:43
cpufreqhelp5so then move on to something that does...your basically telling me i have to buy a motherboard with very limited overclocking options..and build en entirely new pc just to overclock under ubuntu...10:43
codebrainzcan__, if it's supported by v4l2 then yes, you can use it for a webcam10:43
Nigeoh dear the 10.04 live cd does really not like my system :(10:43
cameron_It's a bit busy here. Can anyone recommend a channel where I can get support on getting X started? (I can't go online as I can't start X)10:43
ikoniaNige: what's up10:43
bazhangNige, tried the alternate cd?10:43
can__thank you thats all i needed to know10:44
Nigebazhang,  not yet, I go download it10:44
dugger5688cpufreqhelp5, RTFM10:44
cpufreqhelp5that was un called for...10:44
oCean_dugger5688: don't do that10:44
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: that is your only warning - drop it10:44
bazhangcameron_, what about starting up in recovery mode10:44
Nigeikonia, I am gretted by io errors and blank screen when booting off the live cd, which is odd because I can boot into windows 7 fine. This is brand new pc so there shouldnt be an issue10:45
bazhangcameron_, hold shift at boot and choose recovery mode10:45
dugger5688What kind of errors?10:45
ikoniaNige: io errors suggest it's not burnt correctly10:45
theanalystany googlecl users here?10:45
reiserxmy intrenet service provider has blocked youtube.com. i use google dns . but i can not go just to youtube because it is blocked also by ip number. where i can found ip numbers for youtube.com for my country ?10:45
cpufreqhelp5sorry if i upset you.. i would just like to be able to do it..10:45
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Nigehmm, I can reburn it, i might do a checksum as well10:45
cameron_bazhang, I'll give it a go thanks.10:45
bazhangNige, did you md5 the iso and burn very slowly, followed by a disk integrity check?10:45
ikoniacpufreqhelp5: and you've been told "they are not the tools"10:45
codebrainzreiserx, where do you live china?10:46
Spyzerhi all, using the startup disk creator can i make kubuntu startup disk from "ubuntu" as well ???10:46
theanalystany googlecl users here?10:46
reiserxcodebrainz:  turkey.10:46
Spyzerplease answer10:46
AhmedBHSpyzer: Yeah ?10:46
Dr_WillisSpyzer:  yes.10:46
codebrainzreiserx, they actually block the whole youtube.com domain!?10:46
bazhangSpyzer, sure, or unetbootin, which is my preference10:46
cpufreqhelp5code what?!10:46
Dr_WillisSpyzer:  dont follow questions with 'please answeer.. and help me,.. and so forth...'10:46
NigeI hardly ever do the integrity check, firstime I have had a cd fail :( I have been using it from hardy10:46
KnightStalkerreiserx,use IPv6 I say XD,it bypasses the blocks in here(Iran)10:47
ikoniaNige: every now and then one slips in10:47
dugger5688I've had a few burn badly, sometimes it's a failing drive on the machine I'm booting. It happens :-)10:47
Dr_WillisSpyzer:  Startup Disk creator should work with all the official ubujntu variants. but the server edition I think wont work. or alt-installer.10:47
Spyzer<Dr_Willis>:well when i asked before nobody replied so i had to add up please :)10:47
reiserxcodebrainz: i dont know whta you tell me . but i know that we can not go by changing our dns google or opendns because there is a way to clok a site "by blocking ip " way.10:47
Nigeyep, anyways I will go away and check those things and then come back, thanks for the advise :)10:47
Dr_WillisSpyzer:  i was allready typing the answer when you said please.. :)10:47
bazhangSpyzer, many or most live iso will work with unetbootin10:47
Dr_WillisSpyzer:  you could of jsut tried it also.. :)10:47
Dr_WillisSpyzer:  for NON-ubuntu variants and other disrtos. unetbootin would be the tool to sue.10:48
codebrainzreiserx, bummer.  other than what KnightStalker said, you could try something like TOR i guess?10:48
cpufreqhelp5soo, some channel suggestions for (un-mentionable)10:48
reiserxcodebrainz: i just need the ip of youtube.10:48
teknohanhi I nedd to learn where wine keeps folders !10:48
reiserxcodebrainz:  there are many ip s for youtbe. i need them.10:48
dugger5688You've been told. #hardware, also use a search provider for 'overclock BIOS'10:49
Dr_Willisteknohan:  .wine/XXXXXX10:49
reiserxsome people give me some ips fotr youtube but they are going to google.com :( i dont know why .10:49
Dr_Willisteknohan:  it can also use links to your users other directories.10:49
reiserxthey said that it is working now..10:49
geirhateknohan: ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/...10:49
reiserxbut not for me.10:49
teknohangeirha: thanks alot10:50
KnightStalkeryep,that goes to google10:50
oCean_reiserx: http://compnetworking.about.com/od/traceipaddresses/f/youtube-ip-addr.htm do these work?10:50
reiserxcodebrainz:  that is not working. can you connect to youtube with ?10:50
codebrainzyeah, same here, i got it from ping youtube.com10:50
codebrainzreiserx, no it goes to google10:50
dugger5688DNS fail....10:50
theanalystany google cl users here?10:51
AhmedBHwhats apcalc ?10:51
reiserxoCean_: no they are not working for me.10:51
reiserxi think i have to use turkish forums to do it. you can not help me from other countrys ...10:52
reiserxthank you!10:52
KnightStalkerhow to setup a proxy server?10:52
oCean_reiserx: there is also turkish irc: #ubuntu-tr10:52
codebrainzit blows my mind that governments sensor out a whole huge domain like youtube.com10:52
reiserx oCean_: they have blocked me . i have to go to pardus cahannel.10:52
dugger5688Try VPN maybe.10:52
oCean_codebrainz: don't start that discussion10:53
Spyzerone more question, will the start up disk creator make a bootable usb without differentiating between 64 bit or 32 bit iso images ????10:53
oCean_!crosspost | KnightStalker10:54
ubottuKnightStalker: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:54
dugger5688Spyzer: not sure what you're asking. If you use a 32 it'll be a 32 live USB, 64 will be 64.10:54
KnightStalkeroCean_ I just remembered that server related questions goes there10:54
KnightStalkersomeone else told me that some while ago10:54
=== ian__ is now known as iflema
Spyzerno i mean if i make a usb pendrive from a 64 bit iso image on a 32 bit system (having the host ubuntu), will that be fine???10:54
cameron_Help Help Help! I can't start my x server! the driver isn't mounting on boot for some reason and when I load it manually I get a purple screen and can't do anything.10:55
bazhangcameron_, what about recovery mode10:56
theanalysthas anybody worked googlecl with a non gmail account?10:56
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erUSULtheanalyst: well i spect googlecl to *only* work on/with google services10:57
cameron_bazhang, I couldn;t get into recovery mode. No matter what I hold down at boot it takes me straiht to the login screen (command line).10:57
bazhangcameron_, what version of ubuntu10:57
cameron_bazhang, 9.1010:58
MadRobotHi all. It seems I have the following apt authentication issue. I'm really not sure how to fix it: http://pastebin.com/EecBqL4910:58
theanalysterUSUL,  so can't get it working using a yahoo/open id account? I mean blogger,picassa supports them rite?10:58
MadRobotAny help please?10:58
erUSULtheanalyst: blogger and picassa are google products. yahoo mail is not10:59
codebrainzcameron_, what happens when you run /etc/init.d/gdm start?  what about 'startx'?10:59
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »11:00
cameron_codebrainz, the screen flikers a little and that's it.11:00
theanalysterUSUL, i don't mean yahoomail ,i meant i can use picassa,blogger using my yahoo account, can't however get googlecl working with that11:00
codebrainzcameron_, and it drops back to text-mode?11:00
cameron_codebrainz, yes11:00
codebrainzcameron_, and it used to work fine?  what changed?  updates?11:01
snowyrooftopsI've got an old laptop that doesn't support booting from USB. Is there anything I could do to boot with one version of Linux and have the distro switch over to USB so I can use the CD drive?11:02
snowyrooftopsI know I ought to be installing Linux to the hard drive, but the drive is clunky... read errors and almost on it's last leg11:02
ikoniasnowyrooftops: you can use a bootcd to boot a usb11:02
snowyrooftopsikonia: Is there anyway to get the CD out after having Linux running?11:03
cameron_codebrainz, Oh yes sorry I should have started with that. The bleeding edge compat-wireless package.11:03
ikoniasnowyrooftops: depends if you're just booting from it (yes) or running the OS from it (no)11:03
snowyrooftopsikonia: Perhaps something like a chroot to switch over11:03
Pirate_Huntersnowyrooftops, probably the simplest answer can' you change the hard disk and does it even support usb booting11:03
snowyrooftopsikonia: I haven't been able to figure out how to boot from a CD but run the OS from USB11:03
ikoniasnowyrooftops: you'd need to make a custom boot disk, that saw the usb device as a "disk"11:03
snowyrooftopsPirate_Hunter: It's a pretty old notebook... doesn't support SATA so I can't get parts for it11:04
wildbat|GER-GOAL!plop | snowyrooftops11:04
snowyrooftopsPirate_Hunter: I'm just using it as an experiment11:04
snowyrooftopswildbat|GER-GOAL: What's a plop?11:04
snowyrooftopsikonia: Do you mean install grub on a CD?11:04
wildbat|GER-GOALerrr ~ just google plop ~ it's bootloader can boot USB11:04
codebrainzcameron_, hmm, not sure what to do.  i guess you can check the xorg log file and see if anything useful is in there11:05
ikoniasnowyrooftops: actually lilo works better on a cd11:05
Pirate_Huntersnowyrooftops, no worries, follow ikonia's suggestion I would be interested in finding out how to do that make the system see the usb as a hard drive11:05
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: correct11:05
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: some of the boot cd software can see a usb disk as a hard disk11:05
snowyrooftopsI'll look up Plop11:05
codebrainzi think you could also put the kernel and initrd on a cd and have it mount the rootfs from the USB drive once the kernel starts11:06
ikoniacodebrainz: that's pretty much it11:07
cameron_codebrainz, It says there is no driver. which is confirmed by lspci, when I manually load nvidiafb everything goes cactus.11:07
Pirate_Hunterikonia, excellent you're a genius been looking for something like this for a few years, wish I had my old machine, oh well better late than never and wildbat|GER-GOAL  thanks for that info just browsed their website11:07
snowyrooftopsIs there are way I could boot a text-only distro of Linux from CD and then chroot over to the USB drive after mounting it?11:07
codebrainzcameron_, isn't nvidiafb just for the framebuffer?  i think it's called nv or nvidia11:08
elghDoes anybody have problems with Wireless Network? In Mint 9 and Ubuntu 10.04, my password doesn't work... =/11:08
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: to be honest I've never got it %100 to work as I've never had to and only really "played with it",11:08
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: it's certainly do-able though11:08
cameron_codebrainz, what's the modprobe command that lists all available drivers?11:09
Pirate_Huntersnowyrooftops, I think plop might do the trick check it out and tell me how it goes http://www.plop.at/en/home.html11:09
snowyrooftopsBTW, Plop uses LILO too11:10
Pirate_Hunterikonia, I wasn't even aware it was possible until today (this is one of the reasons I can never forget this place)11:10
codebrainzsnowyrooftops, probably easiest to put a bootloader (lilo,syslinux,etc) on the CD with vmlinuz(kernel) and initd.img and configure the root option in the bootloader to point to your usb stick11:10
snowyrooftopsI wonder why the Linux community decided to drop floppy-boot support11:10
Spyzerwhich irc channel is most suitable for asking questions about unetbootin ??11:10
erUSULcameron_: modprobe -l ?11:10
codebrainzsnowyrooftops, when did they do that?11:10
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: it's someting I should do from start to end, I've just never bothered11:10
erUSULsnowyrooftops: becouse floppy disks died ?11:10
cameron_erUSUL, thanks11:10
snowyrooftopscodebrainz: Thanks, will try that... I came across some old distros that boot from floppy11:10
Pirate_Huntersnowyrooftops, you can always upgrade to grub once the os is installed and hmmm lilo is not bad I've used it before11:10
snowyrooftopscodebrainz: I've read notes on kernel 2.6.x not supporting floppy-boot11:11
codebrainzsnowyrooftops, i think it can do it, but it's so bloated now, that it'd take a lot of disks11:11
Pirate_Huntersnowyrooftops, if you just want to slap a minimal os than go for puppy/dns tyring ubuntu might be overload on that comp11:12
snowyrooftopserUSUL: Fair enough, but I meant that for old systems11:12
erUSULsnowyrooftops: the kernel wont boot from floppy how it used. int now ( well since 2.6.x) needs a bootloader in floppies too11:12
Dr_WillisPleasse insert disk # 194 to boot the system11:12
erUSULsnowyrooftops: installing grub in a floppy is easy enough11:12
snowyrooftopsDr_Willis: LOL! I remember installing Windows from floppies :-)11:12
Dr_Willissnowyrooftops:  tiny core linux = 10mb. :)11:12
erUSULsnowyrooftops: but anyway; try to find a kernel this days that fits in a floppy11:13
purveshhow to extract .7z files at Ubuntu 10.04 ?11:13
erUSULsnowyrooftops: 600 KiB kernels are long go11:13
snowyrooftopsDr_Willis: Tiny core is pretty good for a test environment.11:13
erUSUL!info p7z-full11:13
ubottuPackage p7z-full does not exist in lucid11:13
erUSUL!info pzip-full11:13
ubottuPackage pzip-full does not exist in lucid11:13
wildbat|GER-GOALLOL erUSUL11:13
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Pirate_Hunterikonia, actually that gives me a couple of ideas, I could have a custom install of a linux os on a 16GB pen drive and use plop to load it up on machines that don't support usb booting as it is independent from the BIOS as it states on their site11:13
codebrainzsnowyrooftops, you can also whip up a pretty darn small linux with buildroot (my last one was around 12MB)11:13
erUSULpurvesh: is p7zip-full11:14
purvesherUSUL, ok.11:14
Dr_Willis quit11:14
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: that's it, you've got the idea11:14
erUSULwildbat|GER-GOAL: yep i just returned -ENOTENOUGHCOFFEE :)11:14
* erUSUL points out http://gujin.sourceforge.net/ <<< boot loader11:15
wildbat|GER-GOALerUSUL, you pour extra cup ~ :> waiting for Germany to own Argentina11:16
Pirate_Hunterikonia, thanks for the info now i am going dormant again11:16
erUSULwildbat|GER-GOAL: i'm waiting for an Argentina - Spain semi-final ;P11:17
* wildbat|GER-GOAL starts to throws shoes at erUSUL xD11:17
purvesherUSUL, u know command to install unrar ?11:18
erUSUL!rar | purvesh11:18
ubottupurvesh: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:18
erUSULpurvesh: so « sudo aptitude install unrar » or unrar-free11:20
purvesherUSUL, Thanx buddy. :)11:21
someone235hi, I need help with Brasero. I put in a data disk a list of songs, and it sort them automatically by filename. how can I force him to maintain the original order?11:22
cameron_Can someone do me a huge favor and post the direct link to the nvidia drivers for linux so I can wget the package.11:24
Pirate_Huntercameron_, why can't you just go to their website I would but I dont have nvidia and they have different types of drivers11:26
cameron_kevin, thank you.11:27
kevin_np :o)11:27
cameron_Pirate_Hunter, because I can't open a browser. I have no x server.11:28
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Dr_Williswas it links or lynx that had a framebuffer gui mode? :)11:29
Dr_Willisor both..11:29
Dr_WillisHandy for web surfing from the console.11:29
cameron_Dr_Willis, What is it?11:30
Dr_Williscameron_:  a console based qweb  browser. Theres several of them. One (or more) had a graphical mode that was more like a 'normal' browser. instead of juist a text mode briowser11:30
Dr_Willis!info links11:31
ubottulinks (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (lucid), package size 510 kB, installed size 1168 kB11:31
kielanmatthi all11:31
kielanmattI have a problem with irda11:31
cameron_Dr_Willis, Can you think of a package name that I could apt-get?11:31
kielanmattexactly same one as that11:31
Dr_Williscameron_:  bot said 'links'  :) as the pacakge name for a browser. or theres 'lynx'11:32
Dr_Willis!info lynx11:32
ubottulynx (source: lynx-cur): Text-mode WWW Browser (transitional package). In component main, is extra. Version 2.8.8dev.2-1 (lucid), package size 210 kB, installed size 248 kB11:32
cameron_Dr_Willis, Thanks Doc, I'll give them a go.11:33
decodersince the last updates, my gf's notebook plays sound with a high pitch, like a higher sampling rate11:38
decoderat least in firefox/flash11:39
decoderknown issue?11:39
zambai'm having a stupid time with text files encoded in different charset.. for one reason 'file' recognizes one of them as "Non-ISO extended-ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators", whereas the other is recognized as "ISO-8859 text, with CRLF line terminators" and i have no idea why the difference.. what determines how it's classified?11:39
zambafor some reason*11:39
elghWhy can I use Facebook in Pidgin in Mint but not in Ubuntu?11:39
asigelgh: do you have the java runtime installed?11:41
Geierelgh: maybe sudo apt-get install pidgin-facebookchat11:41
braiampelgh: Geier has the reason, is a plugin.11:42
bullgard4'~$ startx; Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0; If this server is no longer ruunning, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.' How to check on the command line if the X server is running?11:44
elghPre-installed plugin in Mint?11:45
Pirate_Hunterbraiamp, I think they would've worked it out sooner or later specially since Geier just told them11:45
david651just installed the ununtu, thanks guys, looks great11:45
braiampps ax | grep Xorg11:45
david651210 updates :)11:46
elghThank you :)11:46
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  ps ax | grep SOMEPATTERN11:46
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  is one way11:46
Nigebbs testing cd11:48
bullgard4Dr_Willis: what do you mean by "SOMEPATTERN"?11:52
darthow can i set ftp server on apache211:52
Dr_Willisbullgard4:  a regular expression pattern. See example that braiamp  gave,11:53
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:53
Dr_WillisHmm :) no grep factoid11:53
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erUSULDr_Willis: use --> pgrep -l SOMEPATTERN ( you avoid a command and a pipe ;) )11:58
david651took ages to set a swap partition when installing?11:58
david651other versions did it almost instantly11:58
Dr_Willisnever noticed any delays here ins etting up a swap partition12:00
bullgard4!who | braiamp12:00
ubottubraiamp: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:00
braiampubottu: thanks12:00
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:00
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:01
* durarara is away: sbla sbla12:01
* durarara is away: va a pisciare12:02
ikoniadurarara: please disable your public away script12:02
Guest61534Hi, have a question regarding screen resolution12:02
* durarara is back (gone 00:01:40)12:03
Guest61534I'm using 8.10 but the scr resolution  1600x1050 is not avaiable12:04
Dr_WillisGuest61534:  state to the chanel your chipset, what drivers you are usiong, and the monitor type12:04
erUSUL!away > durarara12:05
ubottudurarara, please see my private message12:05
durararayes im reading sorry12:05
durararai was testing it12:05
Guest61534I'm using GeForce 6150SE nForce 430v and a samsung syncmaster 226bw monitor12:06
ShapeshifterHi. Can I just dd the ubuntu iso to a usb stick or do I really have to use something like this "make stuartup disk" thin that ubuntu ships with12:06
alsayedI'm printing from XP to Ubuntu printer but it's not working. It was working before. now I can't find it in the share but I can see a shared file12:07
abhi_navShapeshifter, you want write iso to usb stick? then use make startup disk12:07
Shapeshifterabhi_nav: well, you know, the archlinux iso can be both burnt to disk or dd'd to a usb drive. That's why I'm asking.12:08
abhi_navShapeshifter, i dont knwo about that.12:08
Dr_WillisShapeshifter:  no you cant dd the iso to the usb.. there ARE some disrtos that you can..12:08
Dr_WillisShapeshifter:  but im not sure how they manage that trick12:09
ShapeshifterDr_Willis: allright, thanks.12:09
Guest61534'm currently using 1024x768, but the resolution 1600x1050 is missing12:09
Dr_Willisusing dd also means you are somewhat limited in iother uses of the usb stick i find.12:10
Dr_WillisGuest61534:  dvi or vga conection?12:10
Dr_Williscan you use DVI?12:10
alascaHow do you unpack a tar.bz2 archive from the terminal? What is the command?12:11
Guest61534no unfortunately not. I dont have a cable12:11
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:11
braiampShapeshifter: Ubuntu does not do by himself, this maybe help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick12:11
alascaabhi_nav,  Thanks12:12
braiampalasca: tar xzf file.tar.bz212:12
codebrainzGuest61534, are you sure it's not 1680x1050?12:12
abhi_navahhh ok. I just forget why you are thanking me. ;)12:13
alascabraiamp,  It's firefox, and were do I put it, usr/bin?12:13
alascabraiamp,  I managed to unpack it, but were is the default location for putting programs?12:13
Guest61534it might be, but it is not avaible in the list12:13
braiampalasca: Is't a source tarball12:13
walidslt tous12:16
haddouchslt walid12:16
voveriuscan i ask for a help?12:16
braiampvoverius: Of course!!12:16
abhi_nav!ask | voverius12:17
ubottuvoverius: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:17
voveriusmy problem is a dummy, but i cant selve myselft it- Ubuntu can not get IP from a dhcp server12:17
voveriusVista works12:17
Dr_Willisvoverius:  wireless? wired?12:18
Dr_Willisvoverius:  theres the  'dhclient' command to try out. 'sudo dhclient' that should tell it to ask for a ip@12:18
voveriusand Vista configuration:12:20
Dr_WillisYou could also set up a static ip . using the same info as the4 windows box is gettting12:22
voveriusSee you, i have tried to run dhclient eth0 command... Nothing good..12:22
kielanmatthow do I get my goddamn irda port working12:22
mifadirwho i can download from youtube and similar on ubuntu12:22
kielanmattI've been trying every single tut12:22
mifadircan i have name12:22
Dr_Willismifadir:  theres Firefox exctensions and other tools for that12:22
mifadirwhere i can found it12:22
Dr_Willismifadir:  at the firefox extension 'collection' page.12:22
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voveriusDr_Willis, i also have tried, but does not work, or i have madet a mistake :\12:23
XLVanyone knows of any copy utility that does also some crc/hash checking to ensure integrity of copy?12:23
htrejhwhen using headphone on my laptop, the speakers still work (on ubuntu), how to fix that?12:23
Dr_WillisXLV:  fsarchiver ican do tthat i recall12:24
Dr_Willis!info fsarchiver12:24
ubottufsarchiver (source: fsarchiver): file system archiver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (lucid), package size 93 kB, installed size 276 kB12:24
Dr_WillisI think it even does like several kinds of checking12:24
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Dr_WillisI need to find a Firefox addon to let me print web sites in a more readable format.12:25
wildbat|GER-GOAL!cn | Guest9949812:26
ubottuGuest99498: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:26
psimynhtrejh: that sounds hardware related. what kind of laptop?12:28
htrejhpsimyn: its a toshiba qosmio12:30
eitanDell studio 1558 laptop can't use advanced graphics mode. Any idea12:30
htrejhbut on windows it works12:30
eitanhtrejh, what works on windows?12:32
htrejheitan: the speakers mute when using the headphone12:33
trexyzhello i don't find listen_port line12:34
trexyzin vsftpd.config12:35
trexyzhow can i change port number in this case?12:35
kielanmattI cant get irda working12:35
kielanmattloading modules fails12:35
kielanmattoutput :   FATAL: Error inserting nsc_ircc (/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/drivers/net/irda/nsc-ircc.ko): No such device12:35
=== Luke is now known as Guest40576
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:36
Nigehmm seems the ich10r chipset is not supported yet... :(12:37
erUSULNige: do not think so ...12:37
erUSULNige: what part of the chipset? sata controller?12:37
NigeerUSUL, yep, just having installation issues, cant even check the DVD12:38
Nigei checked the DVDon another pc and its okay12:38
Nigeslightly annoying, but my own fault for using such new hardware12:38
erUSULNige: make sure you have it in ahci mode in the bios. Linux works best with ahci ( as oposed to raid or ide-legacy )12:39
kielanmatthow do I get my goddamn irda port working12:39
kielanmattI've been trying every single tut12:39
kielanmattI cant get irda working12:39
Nigeahh okay12:39
kielanmattI've been trying every single tut12:39
karim_is rc.local ran after all other init scripts are finished running, or after they are all ran ?12:39
kielanmattloading modules fails12:39
kielanmattoutput :   FATAL: Error inserting nsc_ircc (/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/drivers/net/irda/nsc-ircc.ko): No such device12:39
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  you are sure the device is supported?12:39
erUSULkarim_: the former12:39
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  check dmesg output for info also12:39
kielanmatt I did /dev/ttyS112:39
kielanmattdmesg nothing12:40
Dr_Willisusb irda thing?12:40
kielanmatti think its the nsc-ircc12:40
abhi_navdo we need to restart to login to newly created user account? or just logout and lgoin is enough?12:40
NigeerUSUL, I might go have another look in the bios again12:40
kielanmattno I have a serial port12:40
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  log out/back in12:40
kielanmatton irda12:40
erUSULabhi_nav: the later12:40
abhi_navDr_Willis, ok.12:40
erUSULNige: good luck12:40
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  you did load the proper serial port modules?12:40
abhi_naverUSUL, yah.12:40
abuayyoubhello, can someone help me with a program called HellaNZB?12:40
Dr_Willisabuayyoub:  where did it come from? theubuntu repositories?12:41
Dr_Willis!info hellanzb12:41
ubottuhellanzb (source: hellanzb): Newzbin (nzb) & BinNews (bns) files downloader and post-processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13-6 (lucid), package size 169 kB, installed size 764 kB12:41
abuayyoubDr_Willis,  yes12:41
Dr_Willisabuayyoub:  and the issue with it is?12:42
kielanmattI do load the serial modules12:42
kielanmattwhat do I do12:42
Shinydan_Ok. My volume control widget on the bar at the top of the screen is no longer there. No sound is playing when I try Rhythmbox or VLC.12:42
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  sudo modprobe modulename  (and i dont know the  names, or if this is just barking up the wrong tree)12:42
kielanmattI do that12:43
kielanmattmodprobe irda012:43
kielanmattmodprobe ircomm_tty12:43
abuayyoubDr_Willis, I got everything set up good, i actually used it once, I dropped a NZB into the folder and it caught it, downloaded, par2'ed, RAR'ed everything was perfect. a little while later i dropped some more nzbs into the folder and it just stands at "now monitoring queue"12:43
Shinydan_On opening Sound Preferences, I see that my volume isn't at zero.12:43
psimynhtrejh: try adding "options snd-hda-intel model=toshiba" to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf12:43
blue_annahow can I tell my system to only use a fraction of the %cpu available? I'm on a powerpc12:43
blue_annaactually its weird, half my cpu cycles are idling and yet my fans are all spun up12:44
turtle_hi I've just done a fresh 10.04 install but I have no display12:44
ssamblue_anna, not sure thats possible. why do you need to12:45
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  check modprobe output. The way your error looks like its not seeing the device. Thus i would think its some how not got all the needed modules loaded12:45
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  may be some other serial port modules in -> /lib/modules/2.6.32-23-generic/kernel/drivers  you need12:45
blue_annassam, my computer is running as if it was loaded, but I've only got a browser and ssh terminal open12:45
kielanmattwhoah this is complicated12:45
kielanmattwhat do I do12:45
blue_annaI reniced the firefox bin and gtk-gnsh .. but its still running loud12:45
kielanmattwhen I modprobe irda012:45
kielanmattthat is the output12:46
turtle_the display was fine in the live session on the disc, but when I did install and then restarted, I now get nothing beyond the grub screen12:46
kielanmattoutput :   FATAL: Error inserting nsc_ircc (/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/drivers/net/irda/nsc-ircc.ko): No such device12:46
ssamblue_anna, i think there are some fan control issues with some macs. have you had a search in the forums12:46
blue_annassam, I reniced the firefox bin and gtk-gnsh .. but its still running loud12:46
blue_annassam, yea, mine's not one of them12:46
MaRk-Iblue_anna: cpu frequency scaling monitor12:46
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  and in  /lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/drivers/serial there MIGHT be some modules you need to 'sudo modprobe' Im just guessing here. since i dont have your exact hardware.12:46
blue_annaMaRk-I, what's the command?12:46
kielanmattoh ok12:47
MaRk-Iblue_anna: on gnome just right-click your taskbar click add to panel12:47
ssamblue_anna, which machine do you have?12:48
guntbertkielanmatt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! And if you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say12:48
Pr0jectRec0nis there some place that I can map my own key-mappings ?12:48
blue_annaMaRk-I, found it thank you :)12:48
ssamblue_anna, if it really is overheating you might need to get the dust out12:48
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  tab completion works for modprobe i see. :)  -> sudo modprobe ser<TAB> shows several that Might be needed to activate a serial port12:48
erUSULPr0jectRec0n: System>Preferences>Keyboard ?12:48
MaRk-Iblue_anna: yw, from there you can choose power saving or percentage etc.12:49
blue_annassam, ty -- you're probably right, there's a grid in front of the cpu intakes that is terribly hard to clean :P12:49
Pr0jectRec0nerUSUL, I think you misunderstood me - I wanted to define my own aliases for invoking certain applications (with keyboard shortcuts)12:49
kielanmattDr_Willis: I think there aint a nsc-ircc12:50
kielanmattin the file12:50
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  its also possible you are using the wrong /dev/ttyS#  and the S is upper case it seems.12:50
erUSULPr0jectRec0n: System>Preferences>Key bindings/shorcuts ? (my system is in spanish not sure how appears in english)12:50
ssamblue_anna, get a can of compressed air (some times called air duster) from your local computer shop12:50
winlianybody using edubuntu lynx?12:50
Dr_Willis kielanmatt  nsc_gpio  nsc-ircc12:50
kielanmattttyS always has S uppercase12:50
kielanmattwhat is nsc_gpio12:50
MaRk-Isystem/preferences/keyboard shortcuts12:51
Dr_Willisthats weird that ttyS# is the only /dev/XXXX entry i see with a upper case letter. :)12:51
acer_ce qualche italiana12:51
helloI dual boot windows and ubuntu 09.04. I want to wipe 09.04 and do some distro hopping. will wiping ubuntu do anything to grub?12:51
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  sudo modprobe nsc<tab>12:51
blue_annassam, yea -- I _have_ done that recently, best I can. the thing is, the metal grid will bend whe the pressure is too great, even canned air can do it .. they really should have used a different housing over the cpus12:51
erUSUL!it | acer_12:51
ubottuacer_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:51
Dr_Willishello:  it will remove grub files.. so  the system wont boot..12:52
Dr_Willishello:  unless you got some other disrto handling grubn12:52
acer_ma dve devo scriverlo?12:52
blue_annassam, thanks again :)12:53
MaRk-Iacer_:  scriverlo aqui12:53
helloDr_Willis I will want the next distro to do that. but none is doing that atm. is there a way of being able to wipe ubuntu and keep grub?12:53
erUSULhello: grub will be still in the mbr but will fail to do a full boot becouse it needs file in /boot/grub/12:54
Dr_Willishello:  what are you going to boot ifn you remove ubuntu?12:54
erUSULhello: restore the windows bootloder. ##windows can help with that12:54
Pr0jectRec0nalso, one more query, I find it weird, that I have compiz on to the fullest level, but in this case, I just dont wnt the transparency in gnome-terminal.12:54
dankobumafter my last update to 'Ubuntu, mit Linux 2.6.32-23-generic' I have sometimes boot hangings12:54
erUSULPr0jectRec0n: disable it in gnome-terminal configuration12:55
Pr0jectRec0nCan I just disable that somehow, still retaining the 'fullest' compiz setting?12:55
helloi havent thought about the windows loader that will be a good interim one. i will probably replace with debian or a small slackware based distro12:55
XLVrsync by default checksums original and copied files to ensure integrity of copied data?12:55
erUSULPr0jectRec0n: Profiles>Profile Preferences>background tab12:55
Pr0jectRec0nerUSUL, worst part is, that's still checked as 'solid color' and not 'transparent'12:56
Pr0jectRec0nerUSUL, :(12:56
helloi have nothing against ubuntu i just want something small to play with. i use windows 99% of the time coz it works for me12:56
erUSULXLV: by default it does not. it relays on timestamps and size changes to figure out what to copy12:56
razorrif u think that windows suit you then go with them12:56
turtle_anyone help me with display problems?12:57
Pr0jectRec0nerUSUL, you were right, I can manually modify it12:57
erUSULPr0jectRec0n: then maybe you added transparency to terminal windows in compiz settings disable only that12:57
erUSUL!ccsm | Pr0jectRec0n12:57
ubottuPr0jectRec0n: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:57
razorrthis is  the ubuntu community12:57
MaRk-Ihello: just delete it, get your windows cd install and do a mbr repar that's it12:57
XLVerUSUL, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync#Algorithm here it seems that the copying algorith does just that...12:57
erUSULXLV: man rsync « Rsync finds files that need to be transferred using a "quick check" algorithm (by default) that  looks  for  files that  have  changed in size or in last-modified time.12:58
hellothanks. looks like that will be the easist thing to do and then install a new grub with the next dist12:58
erUSULXLV: quick test is *default*12:58
erUSULXLV: #rsync12:58
hellorazorr i am a big fan of buntu and came here bcoz ubuntu installed grub for me. im not being a fan boi and i apologize if i offened you12:59
erUSULXLV: to force the use of chcksum you have to pass -c13:00
erUSULhello: no offence; just that help with reinstalling ntldr is best obtained in ##windows13:00
AceKingI have a questions.. How do I setup a program to start without having to put in a password every time?13:01
XLVerUSUL, i dont mean the checksum of data to see whats different to be copied, i mean checksum to ensure whats copied is same between sender/receipient13:01
ikoniaAceKing: which program13:01
ikoniaAceKing: how are you launching t13:01
XLVerUSUL, i know about the -c option, what i ask is different13:01
erUSULXLV: i do not think rsync can be used for that13:02
erUSULXLV: anyway; better help probably in #rsync13:02
AceKingikonia, I go into applications/ Internet and click on the launcher13:02
ikoniaAceKing: the chances are it's being launched with root privileges using "sudo" from the menu, you need to adjust your sudo rules to allow it to be launched without a password13:03
AceKingikonia, how do I do that?13:03
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ikoniaAceKing: ok, I'm just going to request you take a setp backwards first13:03
AceKingikonia, ok13:04
ikoniaAceKing: is it a big deal that it asks you for a password13:04
sudiptai am using karmic.should i upgrde to lucid13:04
ikoniaAceKing: the reason I'm asking as messing with sudo rules if your not confident with them is dangerous13:04
AceKingikonia, not really, I guess it is more annoying than anything13:04
ikoniaAceKing: so before we start, just think about the issues this may cause if you're not %100 certain about modifying the rules13:04
ikoniaAceKing: that said it's straight forward to do13:05
AceKingikonia, ok13:05
ikoniaAceKing: do you want to change it ?13:05
ikoniaAceKing: actually I may have a quick and easy cheat for you - hang on13:05
AceKingikonia, yes13:06
MadRobotHi all. It seems I have the following apt authentication issue. I'm really not sure how to fix it: http://pastebin.com/EecBqL4913:06
MadRobotAny help please?13:06
=== karthik is now known as Guest29787
sudiptai am using karmic.should i upgrde to lucid??????13:06
Guest29787hi .. I have a problem while executing a python script it works fine .. but when I put it in a crontab it shows a module(python mysql connector) is not able to load13:07
Dr_Willissudipta:  flip a coin.. or weigh your needs and decide.13:07
MaRk-IAceKing: I think ipblock is already running, that menu is to change options/update lists13:07
ikoniaAceKing: do "sudo visudo"13:07
AceKingikonia, ok13:07
BloI installed ubuntu 10 but there is a lot of updates for it so I wants to download a lot of files from internet. it is too bad13:08
ikoniaAceKing: scoll down to where it says "admin"13:08
ikoniaAceKing: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL13:08
ikoniaAceKing: see that ?13:08
AceKingikonia, got it13:08
astrojpIs there a console IRC client written in Python?13:08
ikoniaAceKing: change it to %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL13:09
ikoniaAceKing: paste me the line back so I can see what it looks like13:09
AceKingikonia, just out of curiosity, does that make me vulnerable at all?13:09
ikoniaAceKing: not vunerable, but it won't prompt you for a password for super user privileges again13:10
sudipta<Dr_Willis>i have read in net that lucid is not different in terms of features and my karmic works fine.i have nvidia card.does it work fine in lucid lynx?13:10
Guest29787Hi .. is there a diffence between executing a python command normally vs as a cron tab ??13:10
ikoniaGuest29787: only the local users shell environment13:10
Guest29787ikonia: I am sorry I did not get you ..13:11
ikoniaGuest29787: there is no difference other than the users shell evnironment, eg: Guest29787 your user has a shell enviornment, and the controb user has a shell enviornment13:12
AceKing ikonia, I did that and pressed enter but it didn't do anything13:12
ikoniaAceKing: pressed enter ???13:12
sudiptaDr_Willis: yesterday soomeone told me to stick with 9.1013:12
ikoniaAceKing: your modifuing a file13:12
ikoniaAceKing: that's not a command, your modifying a file13:12
AceKingikonia, ok, now I see, I thought I had to press enter to save13:13
ikoniaAceKing: no no, you save using your editor (I don't know what you're using)13:13
Guest29787ikonia: Sorry .. still didnt understand fully .. did you mean that shell environment when I type the command is diffent from shell environment when executed as cron ??13:13
ikoniaGuest29787: correct13:13
ikoniaGuest29787: that is the only difference13:13
Guest29787ikonia:  Any help in how do I  find the difference ..please ?13:14
ikoniaGuest29787: are you having a problem ?13:14
AceKingikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/458742/13:15
ikoniaAceKing: looks good13:15
Guest29787ikonia: ops sorry I didnt mention the problem... When i type a python command it works fine.. but when as a cron job  a python module(python mysql connecting module) doesnt get loaded ..13:16
AceKingikonia, now I can just exit out of the terminal without doing anything else?13:16
ikoniaAceKing: look at the bottom ctrl+X13:16
AceKingikonia, that worked. Thank you!!13:17
ikoniaGuest29787: what user's crontab are you using13:17
ikoniaAceKing: no problem13:17
ikoniaAceKing: just be careful as it won't prompt you for a password for any root commands13:18
Guest29787both as the same user ..13:18
ikoniaGuest29787: then there should be no difference13:18
AceKingikonia, ok13:18
Guest29787ikonia: okay .. I ll see if  I did any mistake ..13:18
Guest29787ikonia: Thanks for your help13:18
ikoniaGuest29787: if your using cron, make sure all your paths are absoloute13:19
ikoniaGuest29787: that's a common issue, eg: instead of python, /usr/bin/python etc13:19
Guest29787ikonia:  oh .. okay ..13:20
DocPlatypusI am trying to troubleshoot a non-working Nautilus in 10.04. I get a message about no reply from DBus (can pastebin this upon request) and need to know the next step to see what exactly might be going sour13:21
Pr0jectRec0nWhat do you all guys prefer ? vim or vim-gnome or vim-gtk13:22
erUSULemacs ;P13:22
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: it's personal preference, it doesn't matter what others like13:22
grpaceI have a question:  Some software package I've installed has attached apache2 and mysql as a 'service' which starts each time the machine boots.  As a result, my XAMPP won't start correctly.  Is there a way I can find out which app did this, and furthermore, how can I remove the services upon boot ?13:23
UserXPr0jectRec0n, just vi13:23
UserXsince it's pretty much on all *nix boxes13:23
Guest29787ikonia: I tried to put env in cronjob  and env normally .. it showed some difference in some paths .. May be that caused the problem .. Thanks for your advice ..13:23
Pr0jectRec0nikonia, I know, but I'd like to know the difference between all these, you see i need to install one13:23
Pr0jectRec0nI might like to see some screenshots13:23
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: then install both and see what you like, remove what you don't like13:23
Pr0jectRec0nikonia, fair enough13:24
ankit999999i have a question. i  have Excel macro which i want to migrate to openoffice.13:24
ankit999999The macro fetches data from Sql Server.But Excel VBA's "copyfromrecordset" command is not working in OpenOffice.13:24
ankit999999So,i am using loop to get data from recordset,but its very time consuming.13:24
ankit999999Can anyone suggest me fastest way to fetch data from Recordset in openoffice?13:24
Pr0jectRec0nikonia, vim-gnome and vim-gtk are both one and the same in look, apart from the fact that they use their respective libraries?13:24
guntbertankit999999: please ask in #openoffice.org13:24
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: so that answers your question then13:25
Agan_squiddywhere is the default directory for files wit gadmin-proftpd?13:25
nanomachineThe first example here works. Why is the second one not working? http://paste.ubuntu.com/458745/13:25
ankit999999can any one tell me to use virtual box for using windows xp th i have already installle din my boot device13:25
ikoniaankit999999: you cant use vbox to boot an existing installation13:26
guntbertnanomachine: this is not a programmers channel13:26
ankit999999is dere any sw available to do tht13:26
UserXPr0jectRec0n, one of those gui vims has huge dependencies13:27
ikoniaankit999999: you can do it from within kvm13:27
Pr0jectRec0nUserX, HMM - WHAT DO U RECOMMEND?13:27
ankit999999thanx ikono will chk it out13:27
Pr0jectRec0nUserX, sorry for the all-caps, my lock was on :(13:27
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: stop asking13:27
ikoniaPr0jectRec0n: it's personal prefernce, try them13:28
guntbertgrpace: our recommendation: stay with lamp, don't use xampp13:28
guntbert!xampp | grpace13:28
ubottugrpace: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.13:28
nanomachineguntbert, neither is it a programming channel a linux channel13:28
grpaceThank you, guntbert.  But, how do I remove the daemons on boot ?  I don't want them running all the time...  Just when I want them running.13:29
guntbertnanomachine: I beg your pardon? this is ubuntu support, not scripting/programming support13:30
ikonia!topic | nanomachine13:31
ubottunanomachine: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:31
dankobumafter my last update to 'Ubuntu, mit Linux 2.6.32-23-generic' I have sometimes hangings at boot13:31
guntbertgrpace: have a look at man update-rc.d please13:32
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grpaceThank you, guntbert.13:33
guntbertgrpace: Good luck :-)13:33
UserXPr0jectRec0n, well i think vi(m) with graphical menus kinda takes away the point.. i would recommend you just learn vi to start with since it's already installed on all *nix boxes. however if you get stuck, those graphical menus can help. http://www.flamingpenguin.co.uk/vi/vicribsheet.html13:34
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* nanomachine ignores guntbert13:35
ikoniananomachine: no - he's told you the correct channel topic13:35
* nanomachine ignores ikonia 13:36
atmos4are normal init scripts ignored on ubuntu lucid?13:37
ravibnatmos4 : shoot your question13:37
iceroot!upstart | atmos413:37
ikoniaatmos4: no, but they are launched through upstart13:37
ubottuatmos4: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:37
atmos4I've got several services that don't come up at boot after upgrade to lucid13:37
otakuhi ubuntu community :) can somebody help me get the 3D abilities of my graphics adapter running again? this morning i switched of my laptop display and it wouldn't switch back on so i "emergency powered" it off. now after rebooting i realized that 3D stuff isn't working anymore :( any ideas?13:37
abuayyoubhello iceroot, could you help me with a problem I am having with a program called HellaNZB?13:38
atmos4ikonia: so I'd have to create an upstart script for each old style init script?13:38
BluesKajotaku, which graphics card?13:38
ikoniaatmos4: well you can also cheat and tell upstart to launch your old style init script13:38
ikoniaatmos4: if you look at ubuntu 10.04 services, not all are converted to upstart yet13:39
abuayyoubhello, can someone help me with a problem i am having with a program called HellaNZB?13:39
otakuBluesKaj, ATI mobility radeon hd 347013:39
atmos4isn't that the same thing?13:39
UserXanyone else experiencing problems with gnome-shell broken packages? gnome-shell: Depends: libgjs0 but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages13:39
anoncowI have been experiencing apt-get problems.13:39
anoncowIt tells me to make a bug report.13:39
icerootabuayyoub: never heard of it13:40
anoncowI find this difficult because somehow my system has become corrupt enough that firefox is segfaulting on me.  Any advice?13:40
MaRk-Iatmos4: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Upstart jobs cannot be run in a chroot13:41
abhi_navuse softfox and chrome13:41
BluesKajotaku, did you run system / hardware drivers/13:42
otakunope, i'm a complete noob, how do i do that? BluesKaj13:42
BluesKajotaku, look in the menu for hardware drivers13:43
atmos4MaRk-I: well it's jsut that vdr doesn't come up at boot, so it seems I have to add an upstart script for it, same for netatalk13:43
otakuok will do so BluesKaj :)13:43
atmos4but I wonder why their lucid pakcages don't come with upstart scripts if they depend on it to start at boot13:43
otakuit says a proprietary ATI/AMD driver is activated and in use13:44
otaku@ BluesKaj13:44
ikoniaatmos4: which packages ?13:44
LeeQHello all, I seem to have broken something in my system and need a little help.13:44
atmos4ikonia: both netatalk and vdr don't come up, although the symlinks for old style init are in place13:44
ikonia!info netatalk13:45
ubottunetatalk (source: netatalk): AppleTalk user binaries. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.5-3 (lucid), package size 901 kB, installed size 2336 kB13:45
ikonia!info vdr13:45
ubottuvdr (source: vdr): Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.0-9ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 865 kB, installed size 2604 kB13:45
LeeQfresh install of server 10.04, playing with rsync and rsynced the /bin folder from another server running 8.1013:45
ikoniaatmos4: do they have non-upstart init scripts13:45
volveI'm trying to install 10.04 Server i386 and I've made sure the MD5 of the ISO is correct, but no matter how I burn the ISO or what blank discs I use, I always seem to get checksum errors when running "Check disc for defects". What the heck am I doing wrong?13:45
LeeQand now I have no 'ls'13:45
atmos4ikonia: sure13:45
ikoniaLeeQ: you're going to need to reinstall13:45
ikoniaLeeQ: you should never use binaries from other servers13:46
ikoniaLeeQ: never from other versions either13:46
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atmos4under ubuntu karmic both old style and upstart init scripts were started13:46
LeeQikonia: that's what I figured, wanted to see what would happen... is why I did it on a fresh install anyway ;-)  but there is no playing with it?13:46
BluesKajotaku, did you just logout and in again after powering down, or reboot ?13:47
ikoniaLeeQ: no13:47
otakui only rebooted, BluesKaj . I can reboot again if that helps. But i thought that only helps on windows systems ^^13:47
LeeQikonia: kk, thanks... no better way to learn than to break stuff, right?  :-P13:48
MaMoUshow to install thunderbird in ubuntu 10.04   (best way)13:49
MadRobotHi all. It seems I have the following apt authentication issue. I'm really not sure how to fix it: http://pastebin.com/EecBqL4913:49
MadRobotAny help please?13:49
serensudo apt-get install thunderbird13:49
OerMaMoUs, synaptic ?13:49
erUSUL!software | MaMoUs13:49
ubottuMaMoUs: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:49
biopyteis there a way to disable 'plugin-container' )firefox) eating up my CPU?13:49
LeeQhere is another question... I was trying to install yesterday from a usb drive, but I kept getting the error that it couldn't find the cdrom to mount the files from...13:49
MaMoUserUSUL: any thing but the best way and the newest version13:50
erUSUL!latest | MaMoUs13:50
ubottuMaMoUs: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.13:50
anoncowI saw a long error with this in it, "Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:"  I also have been experiencing segfaults in various applications including firefox.  Do I have to reinstall Ubuntu or is this recoverable?13:51
LeeQsince it is installing from USB, why is it still looking for files on teh CDROM?13:52
abhi_navLeeQ at which stage you got this error?13:52
vishnuhow to shut down in ubuntu?13:53
abhi_navvishnu, on the very top right corner of desktop click there there are option to shutdown,restart, lock sreen etc13:53
LeeQabhi_nav: right after keyboard detection13:53
erUSULvishnu: press the button in your cpu ? use the icon in your panel bar ?13:53
abhi_navLeeQ hmm dont know then13:53
vishnuabhi_nav, There is no icon in top right corner. why ?13:54
abhi_navvishnu, there is same i con as that os icon on your computer shutdown button.13:54
abhi_navvishnu, desktop or laptop?13:54
vishnuabhi_nav, palmtop13:54
abhi_nav!pm | affan13:54
ubottuaffan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:54
=== affan is now known as Resti
BluesKajotaku, have you updated since ? in the terminal, sudo aptitude update13:55
abhi_navpamtop? using ubuntu netbook remix? vishnu ?13:55
LeeQikonia: is it worth playing with the "rescue a broken system" option on the livecd?  (nothing worth rescuing, just playing)13:55
ikoniaLeeQ: no13:55
vishnuabhi_nav, how do i find if i use netbook or laptop ?13:55
LeeQikonia: kk, thanks again :-D13:56
abhi_navvishnu, no no I am talking about os not about hardware. you just said that you are using paltop. so i dont know if which version of ubuntu you are using13:56
fixer_33witam, mam taki głupi problem jak kompiluje plik i niby uruchamiam plik wykonywalny co mi powstaje a.out to nie idzie13:57
vishnuabhi_nav, version 10.413:57
bazhang!pl | fixer_3313:57
ubottufixer_33: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:57
vishnuabhi_nav, thanks, yeah , spotted. I am new to ubuntu :-)13:57
abhi_navvishnu, ok. i dont now about ubuntu netbook remix.13:57
abhi_navspotted what?13:58
vishnuabhi_nav, How do i use c/c++ in ubuntu ?13:58
vishnuabhi_nav, Power icon13:58
Ego_Proctorcan anyone help me diagnose why my system always screws up my sound when I change sessions or restart?  The sound does not work when I enter a new session or restart, if I check the volume control it looks full.  If I try turning the volume up or down it doesn't change.  If I Mute the volume and then turn it up it begins to work.  Is there a way to diagnose this?13:58
abhi_nav!manual | vishnu, read this,13:58
ubottuvishnu, read this,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:58
vishnuabhi_nav, bye13:58
abhi_navvishnu, for that you need gcc or g++ and if you want full featured ide e.g. i use is codelite and eclipse and netbeans13:59
abhi_navvishnu, bye? okk. bye!13:59
otakuBluesKaj, rebooting helped :D thanks for the hint ;)13:59
vishnuabhi_nav, where is your house ?13:59
abhi_navvishnu, Mumbai13:59
vishnuabhi_nav, me too... :)13:59
MaMoUserUSUL: i went to Thunderbird website and i download it (soo how to install it from tar.gz2)?13:59
=== angela is now known as angela_
abhi_navvishnu, continueing in pm. read pm13:59
LeeQfor mirroring a server, rsync /var, /lib, /etc?14:00
soreauMaMoUs: Why are you trying to install other than what is already in the repos?14:00
MaMoUssoreau: what u mean ?14:00
soreauMaMoUs: thunderbird is already in ubuntu repos so you dont need to download it from a site14:00
tsooiQ: How can I find out on which harddrive my Grub boot loader is located?14:00
soreau!info thunderbird14:01
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 10160 kB, installed size 28632 kB14:01
MaMoUssoreau: Cz in repo it is 3.0.4 but in website it is 3.114:01
soreauMaMoUs: and?14:01
MaMoUssoreau: 3.1 have new features14:02
soreauMaMoUs: well you should have said that when I asked the first question ;)14:02
voss749cause mamous is a cutting edge badass14:02
MaMoUssoreau: sorry did not understand ^^\14:02
Pirate_HunterMaMoUs, such as and how will they affect your browsing assuming I am correct your not a developer or designer14:02
soreauMaMoUs: Ok, so there is no deb package, they only offer the source tarball?14:03
abuayyoubhello, can someone help me with a problem i am having with a program called HellaNZB?14:03
MaMoUssoreau: yes14:03
MaMoUsPirate_Hunter: yes not not i'm just new to Ubuntu14:03
reedswwill upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 erase the ndiswrapper and driver work I put into getting this dell wireless capable?14:03
Pirate_HunterMaMoUs, I guessed that already just trying to figure out what 3.1 offers you and why you want it14:04
ShrekLappyhmm, cannot connect to my samba server from ubuntu (well from the gnome interface) but windows boxes work fine14:04
angela_hi how do i ket sudopower in ubuntu termenal?14:04
ShrekLappy(it does require a username/password)14:04
MaMoUsPirate_Hunter: u can go to the website and see ^^, there is a list of features there14:04
soreauMaMoUs: Typically what you want to do is 1) Remove the repo package, ie apt-get remove thunderbird 2) Install build-essential 3) Build it. Depending on what the build system is, this process will vary slightly. I might be able to guess if you show the output of ls from the source directory after extracting it from the tarball14:04
reedswangela_, sudo <command>14:04
MadRobotHow do I use cron to start a certain program at a specific time?14:04
MaRk-IMaMoUs: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/download-thunderbird-31-ubuntu-deb.html14:05
kielanmatt_yo can I downgrade my lucid to kernel 2.6.2314:05
voss749pirate who cares why he wants it14:05
soreauMaMoUs: But, its much easier to install a deb package if you can find one *cough*14:05
angela_but i whant tologin as sudopower?14:05
Pirate_Hunter!cron > MadRobot14:05
ubottuMadRobot, please see my private message14:05
Pirate_Hunterhmmm ob otu doesn't have anything on cron, weird14:05
MaMoUssoreau: Pirate_Hunter just gave me a .deb XD14:06
soreauMaMoUs: *cough*14:06
Ego_Proctoris there a fix to the sound defaulting to mute on boot bug yet?14:06
MaMoUssoreau: in this website http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/download-thunderbird-31-ubuntu-deb.html14:06
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto sure it does14:06
reedswangela_, You want to login to the terminal with root power? purpose?14:06
ShrekLappymeh, sftp works i guess...14:06
MadRobotThanks Pirate_Hunter.14:06
soreauMaMoUs: much easier14:06
MaMoUssoreau: and thank u very much for ur time ^^14:06
MadRobotI also have another issue.14:06
angela_yes whit root password14:06
MaMoUssoreau: i have other question14:06
MadRobotHi all. It seems I have the following apt authentication issue. I'm really not sure how to fix it: http://pastebin.com/EecBqL4914:06
MadRobotAny help please?14:06
MaMoUssoreau: is there a way that i make Thunderbird make Auto check mail?, even if i close it ?14:07
soreauMaMoUs: I have no idea as I dont use mail clients14:07
kielanmatt_can I downgrade my lucid to kernel 2.6.2314:07
MaMoUssoreau: ooops ^^14:07
MaMoUssoreau: and thank u again for your time14:07
Pirate_HunterMadRobot, earlier in the morning you were askign about that same problem and I know erUSUL  gave you the link to follow through obotu14:08
JhongHey everyone. Does anyone know how I can get the built in chat accounts (specifically Facebook Chat) and Ubuntu One to work with my system-wide proxy settings?14:08
MaMoUsPirate_Hunter: the deb file link is not working14:08
soreauMadRobot: KEY=40976EAF437D05B5; gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv $KEY && gpg --export --armor $KEY | sudo apt-key add -14:08
engemecFISL 11, somebody will go?14:08
angela_reedsw yes whit root password14:09
bazhangengemec, what is that14:09
soreauMadRobot: Run that all as one command in your terminal and it should add the pubkey14:09
voss749why did I switch my laptop from ubuntu to mint because i liked the green color and i like having the menu  button on the bottom and close box button on top right...and han shot first and coke does taste better with sugar not corn syrup14:09
Pirate_HunterMaMoUs, I didn't give you not .deb package or link you got it confused, if you want the source of thunderbird you must uzip and compile which is a long procedure at first but worth the experience14:09
bazhangvoss749, please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic14:09
engemecInternacional Forum of Free Software14:10
bazhangengemec, did you have an ubuntu support question?14:10
MadRobotsoreau, Thanks.14:10
MaMoUsMaRk-I: the link u gave me when i try to download i is not working14:10
bazhangengemec, don't paste here14:10
MaMoUsPirate_Hunter: sorry i miss up between u and Mark-l14:10
MadRobotPirate_Hunter, I apologize for not noticing that.14:10
MaRk-IMaMoUs:  too bad, works for me, good luck compiling from source14:11
Pirate_HunterMadRobot, no worries it happens14:11
Ego_Proctorhow can I determine what my sound driver/volume control application is?14:11
JhongBeing in China, I need proxy support to work properly, disappointed that the chat accounts, etc. that they made such a big deal about seem to be half-baked14:11
voss749bazhang my point is when someone asks a question they want an answer not another question14:11
bazhangvoss749, interesting but offtopic. please take it to the appropriate channel, thanks14:11
MadRobotsoreau, It seems the problem did get solved still. : /14:12
Pirate_HunterMaMoUs, 3.1 is a release candidate still like I said it should be pretty straight forward compiling it unless you got a .deb which you can just double click14:12
engemecbazhang, all right! I would like to recieve somebody at my house. I'll represent ubuntu-br-ce with a talk, but no problem. Bye! See you never again!14:12
soreauMadRobot: Did the command return without errors?14:12
soreauMaMoUs: FWIW, that deb link worksforme here14:12
MadRobotsoreau, yes.14:13
MaMoUsPirate_Hunter: i found a deb14:13
MaMoUssoreau: in the download page it just keep refreshing cant donwload14:13
MadRobotsoreau, it was ended with an "OK".14:13
engemecNow, I have a technical question. How can I change at kernel my wireless perfomance?14:13
soreauMadRobot: hmm, not sure then, sorry14:14
MaMoUsany one can help me in sourceforge it just keep refreshing the page cant download any thing14:14
MadRobotsoreau, it's ok, thanks. :)14:14
engemecI connect with 50% or more of signal, but windows system connect with 10% of signal.14:14
soreauMaMoUs: You have to remember this is #ubuntu not #sourceforge14:15
Guest29787hi .. I have  setup rsync and its listening on port 873 ..  While trying to rsync its asking for password .. rsync@'s password:  ( is where rsync daemon is running)... I gave my ssh password its not working ... what password should I give ??14:15
icerootGuest29787: the ssh passwort from the server not your local machine14:15
icerootGuest29787: maybe /var/log/auth.log and /var/log/daemon.log is giving usefull info14:16
LeeQanyone know anything about mirroring a server?  what directories should I rsync?14:18
ikoniaLeeQ: what do you mean by "mirroring"14:19
Guest29787iceroot: I am giving the password of the server .. I do ssh .. the password works fine .. But rsync doesnt .. Can you please have a look at this and advice if I am doing anything wrong .. http://pastebin.com/syKKyFh514:19
ikoniaGuest29787: rsync is not normally an interfactive user14:20
ikoniaGuest29787: you've got the password for root - not rsync14:20
LeeQikonia: I have a very simple web server box, I want to have another identical box pull from it every night just in case the first one dies for whatever reason I can just plug the backup in and be running again14:20
ikoniaLeeQ: ok - so first of all you won't be able to do an exact clone, as to be on the network at the same time they will need different IP addresses14:20
MadRobotPirate_Hunter, unfortunately the solution soreau gave didn't work.14:20
ikoniaLeeQ: all you really need to do is install the same packages on the new server and sync the web content14:21
Guest29787ikonia: you mean there is a user named rsync ?14:21
ikoniaGuest29787: you are syncing as a user called rsync14:21
icerootGuest29787: there is no user named rsync normally14:21
ikoniaGuest29787: rsync -avz -e ssh rsync@
Guest29787ikonia: iceroot: Should I create another user ?14:21
icerootGuest29787: no14:21
ikoniaGuest29787: is this an ubuntu box?14:21
ikoniaGuest29787: look your using rsync14:21
LeeQikonia: how about config files?  like apache configs and postfix and stuff?  are they safe to sync?14:21
Pirate_HunterMadRobot, huh....? sorry no clue what is the solution so could you explain again what your problem is and maybe this should've been redirected at soreau14:22
Guest29787ikonia: No its centos ..14:22
ikoniaGuest29787: then why are you asking in #ubuntu - use #centos14:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:22
icerootGuest29787: ssh usernameontheserver@
ikoniaLeeQ: the configs won't be the same due to different IP's14:22
Pirate_HunterMadRobot, solution that was given*14:22
Guest29787iceroot: okay .. thanks ..14:22
ikoniaLeeQ: take the time to install the same packages, then copy (not sync) the configs over, changing the host names and IP's14:22
icerootGuest29787: you are trying to conncect with the user rsync which doesn not exist14:23
reedswwill upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 erase the ndiswrapper and driver work I put into getting this dell wireless capable?14:23
MadRobotPirate_Hunter, he gave me this command: "KEY=40976EAF437D05B5; gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv $KEY && gpg --export --armor $KEY | sudo apt-key add -"14:23
LeeQikonia: ok, thanks again... you are my hero today :-D14:23
oCean_LeeQ: also, if you need to "sync" your mysql databases, you should be very careful just copying the files over.14:23
ikoniaLeeQ: no problem14:23
icerootreedsw: maybe 10.04 is supporting your card without ndsiwrapper14:23
ikoniaLeeQ: keep in mind for system files/configs never rsync14:23
Guest29787iceroot: I understood one that that I am a fool .. Sorry to bother you ..  I copied the command pasted as it was .. sorry ..14:23
MadRobotPirate_Hunter, it worked flawlessly but didn't solve my Apt issue.14:23
MaRk-IMadRobot: you have to do that command for all the keys missing14:23
ikoniaLeeQ: for mysql as oCean_ use replication rather than sync14:24
erUSULreedsw: probably you will have to redo the ndiswerapper support. or maybe the wifi will work out of the box with the new kernel.14:24
icerootGuest29787: np but it is always a good idea to understand a command instead of copy and paste14:24
erUSULreedsw: what wifi chip is this?14:24
LeeQikonia: where should I look for more info on doing that?  or is it easy for you to just tell me?14:24
Pirate_HunterMadRobot, find the source that is giving you that error and download the correct key from their site14:24
reedswiceroot, I really doubt that. Pulling this monster for this card was a chore14:24
MadRobotMaRk-I, one by one?14:24
ikoniaLeeQ: what do you want to know ?14:24
MaRk-IMadRobot: yes14:24
ikoniaLeeQ: we are here to help14:24
icerootreedsw: maybe start the system with a 10.04live-cd to see what is working and what not14:25
LeeQikonia: exactly what steps I should take to replicate the mysql db14:25
Guest29787iceroot:  Yes you are correct ..   Just another info needed if you can provide would help me .. Is it  must that there should be a rsync daemon running ? if  its not must any advantage of having  a daemon..14:25
ikoniaLeeQ: ahh ok, so that's a big topic, 1.) be aware that mysql is the correct channel to talk 2.) it's a big topic so check the high level info on www.mysql.com14:25
ikoniaGuest29787: stop asking please14:25
ikoniaGuest29787: this is ubuntu support, use #centos for centos support14:25
reedswits a Broadcom, if memory serves14:26
LeeQikonia: excellent, I can't thank you enough :-)14:26
ikoniaLeeQ: if you have specific questions, or something not working we can help, but it's a big topic to just start "talking about"14:26
reedswand it was pain to get ndiswrapper to pull it14:26
icerootGuest29787: running a rsync-daemon is good so you can compress the data14:26
reedswiceroot, thats a good idea14:26
erUSULreedsw: usually it is enough to do « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter » while connected via wired to make broadcoms work14:26
Guest29787ikonia: Sorry .. the question was regarding rsync .. Still I shouldnt ? ..14:26
Pirate_Hunterikonia, don't they need something like a clustered server or  apache heartbeat for that instead of rsync? Just wondering...14:26
ikoniaGuest29787: no - you shouldn't14:26
abuayyoubhello, can someone help me with a problem i am having with a program called HellaNZB?14:27
reedswerUSUL, writing that down for future reference.14:27
Guest29787iceroot:  thanks for your help ..14:27
oCean_LeeQ: Not saying this one is solid, but might be useful: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-database-replication-in-mysql-on-ubuntu-9.1014:27
erUSUL!broadcom | reedsw14:27
ubottureedsw: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:27
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: not for mysql, that's just in-application replication, it's very good, for apache they could use something like lvs, but that's going a bit overboard14:27
LeeQoCean_:    :-D14:27
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: in my head, easier to just have another server on a different IP and either swap dns or the ip on other server failure14:27
erUSULreedsw: reboot after the install is complete14:27
reedswubottu, Yeah, wasnt working on this dell14:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
reedswerUSUL, Alright, will upgrade to 10.04 and see about these instructions.14:28
Pirate_Hunterikonia, ok, everyone has their method and yeah your way seems simple and easier14:28
Guest29787ikonia: com'n .. thats a normal linux related question...  thats not fair .. anywez  I m new to  linux/ IRC .. I ll  leave this channel14:28
erUSULreedsw: good luck... as said by iceroot you can see if it will work with a livecd14:28
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: nothing wrong with that you said14:28
ikoniaGuest29787: what part am I not making clear, there is a channel called #centos that WILL answer your questions as you are using centos14:28
ikoniaGuest29787: this channel is for ubuntu support only - you're not using ubuntu14:28
erUSULreedsw: in a livecd with wired connection... « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »14:29
Ego_Proctorwhat command would I use to manually unmute my sound and then turn up the volume from a command line?14:29
erUSULthere is also a rsync channel14:29
ikoniaalsamixer maybe ?14:29
ikoniaerUSUL: it's covered in #samba isn't it (he's gone though)14:29
erUSULEgo_Proctor: man amixer14:30
samba_print "hello world!"14:30
samba_i've do an upgrade and now my wifi doesn't work14:31
samba_wtf can I do?14:31
erUSULikonia: may be ( tridgell writted both) but #rsync exist and is not empty ( 22 )14:31
soadkombuchasamba_: Did you install it from source the first time?14:31
ikoniaerUSUL: ahh cool14:31
samba_soadkombucha,  hi, not i've the normal generic kernel14:31
MikeChelenanyone know a calendar app that show a 2 week view?14:31
=== root is now known as Guest83349
soadkombuchasamba_: Hmm.14:34
samba_soadkombucha,  nothing ?14:36
vaulCan anyone suggest an application to keep track of expenses? I need something a way simplier than GnuCash or HomeBank, as they are accounting application and offer a way more functionality than I need.14:36
erUSULsamba_: you can tell us what wifi chip is it for a start?14:36
erUSULvaul: a spreadsheet ? OO Calc14:36
samba_erUSUL,  I get it with lspci ?14:37
soadkombuchasamba_: I don't know do you still have the old kernel? Maybe if you loaded that wifi would still work? Or did you update your wifi drivers?14:37
erUSULsamba_: yep14:37
rabbit1is HTTrack right choice for offline browsing14:38
samba_erUSUL,  wifi card: RTL8101E/RTL8102E14:38
vaulTried googgling, didn't help.14:38
trupheenixmy sound is working on GNOME but not on KDE. why?14:38
MaRk-I!info buddi14:38
ubottuPackage buddi does not exist in lucid14:38
samba_soadkombucha,  I've tried all the old kernels14:38
soadkombuchatrupheenix: Pulse Audio fail?14:38
BluesKajdoesn't OO have a balance sheet app ?14:39
vaulerUSUL: I hoped to find a standalone app, not some «do it yourself» solution.14:39
BluesKajvaul, I repeat , doesn't OO have a balance sheet app ?14:40
erUSULsamba_: are you sure ? that looks like the gib wired NIC14:40
MikeChelenvaul: try http://www.getdeb.net/software/iFreeBudget14:40
soreauMadRobot: Yes, you have to do the same command for every key, changing the key in the command of course14:40
vaulBluesKaj: Maybe it does, but I want a standalone app.14:40
Ego_Proctorugh this is going to be a chore14:40
vaulMikeChelen: Thank you, I'll try.14:40
rabbit1is HTTrack right choice for offline browsing?14:40
quidnuncIs there a way to find out what type of RAM modules I have via software?14:40
MadRobotsoreau, I see.14:40
MadRobotsoreau, Thanks.14:40
erUSULquidnunc: sudo dmidecode | less or sudo lshw | less14:41
BluesKajvaul, I have ask the obvious, did you check the package manager ?14:41
MaRk-Iquidnunc: lshw -v14:41
RedbullFXhey everyone14:41
vaulBluesKaj: Maybe you had to, but that's rare case — for I did it.14:41
MikeChelenvaul: there are some other good ones to try in the software center such as grisbi, kmymoney, eqonomize, and skrooge14:41
quidnuncerUSUL, MaRk-I: thanks14:42
vaulBluesKaj: Okay, I didn't tried just all of them, actually.14:42
RedbullFXhave a question.  If i have Ubuntu installed 10.04 and its gnome.  I can add KDE or Flux or any other desktop, and use that instead of Gnome????14:42
OncaHey, could anyone point me in the direction of how to pick and choose my desktop environment, It's default is gnome and I want to use enlightenment!14:42
soadkombuchaRedbullFX: Yes.14:43
RedbullFXThats exactly what im asking Onca14:43
OncaIt used to be real easy.14:43
BluesKajvaul, , check what MikeChelen just suggested14:43
soadkombuchaRedbullFX: If you want to insatll KDE, go to software center and install the kubuntu package, lubuntu for lxfe, and xubuntu for xfce14:43
vaulBluesKaj: Doing that right now, thank you.14:43
MaRk-Iquidnunc: yw and it's just lshw -h for help14:43
soadkombuchaOnca: Enlightenment e17?"14:43
OncaI feel that although linux has gotten way better over the years, it's become less predictable when it comes to configurations.14:44
Oncasoadkombucha, yes!14:44
RedbullFXsoadkombucha:   thank you.  i appreciate it... i needed that information... and how do i launch it when i boot ubuntu14:44
quidnuncerUSUL, MaRk-I: ... but I don't see what *type* of memory modules are installed (DDR, DDR2, SIMM/DIMM)...14:44
soadkombuchaOnca: Hold on I know of a really good tutorial to compile and install e17 from source14:44
OncaI already installed it14:44
=== karthik is now known as Guest91837
Oncait's there I just need to somehow choose it.14:44
Oncaand set it as my default.14:44
sha0Good day to all.  My HDD annoys me to no end.  Every minute or so it does something, then sounds like it's spinning down and parking heads.  It's a laptop HDD.  Is there a power feature I can set to disable this, or do I have to DD the whole disk to keep it spinning at all times?14:44
soadkombuchaRedbullFX: When you click on your name, in the lower right you'll see a dropdown box that says gnome14:44
soadkombuchaRedbullFX: Click the dropdown and pick the desktop manager you want14:44
MaRk-Iquidnunc: lshw -C memory14:45
Oncasoadkombucha: oh, since my session automatically logs me in, is there a way to get to that?14:45
RedbullFXsoadkombucha:    thanks..i will try that... i appreciate your help14:45
soadkombuchaOnca: I have no idea to be honest. Try disabling autologin?14:45
soadkombuchaRedbullFX: Not a problem.14:45
quidnuncMaRk-I: No, that doesn't help14:46
erUSULquidnunc: this is what i get from lshw --> description: DIMM DDR2 Synchronous 333 MHz (3.0 ns)14:46
MaRk-Iquidnunc: you're typing sudo before that?14:46
quidnuncMaRk-I, erUSUL: Yeah I just checked it on my newer box. It works there. Not on my very old box.14:47
kielanmatt_can I downgrade my lucid to kernel 2.6.2314:47
MaRk-Iquidnunc:  you need to install lshw14:47
soadkombuchaI'll be back upgrading to 10.10a214:47
BluesKajvaul, if you're familiar with the cli there's an application called ledger.14:47
BluesKaj!ledger | vaul14:48
quidnuncMaRk-I: I have lshw installed. I guess my hardware doesn't support the queries14:48
rocket16Hello all. I read online that using Profiles, we can increase boot speed of Ubuntu. And the word is to be added there, in the edit menu of bootloader. I tried using e key to edit, but it does not get saved. How do I edit the entries manually?14:48
BluesKaj!infoledger | vaul14:48
rocket16Will simply editing the grub.cfg help?14:48
MaRk-Iquidnunc: then dmidecode14:48
vaulBluesKaj: I am familiar with it, but do not want to use it in the everyday activity. I am trying dsBudget right now, looks good.14:48
quidnuncMaRk-I: dmidecode doesn't work on this box.14:48
steffanHi, I use postfix and <user>@<domain> mail is forwarded to a local <user>. I want mail sent to <user>@<domain> where <user> is not a local user, to be passed to a local user. How can this be done?14:48
quidnuncMaRk-I: (it's a PII)14:49
BluesKajok vaul , good :)14:49
vaulBluesKaj: You gived up with that bot eventually?14:49
erUSULquidnunc: find a mobo manual14:49
MaRk-Iquidnunc: then just google the pc model + memory14:49
erUSUL!info ledger14:49
ubottuledger (source: ledger): command-line double-entry accounting program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.2-2 (lucid), package size 614 kB, installed size 1440 kB14:49
quidnuncerUSUL, MaRk-I: Okay thanks, I'll do that.14:50
RedbullFXGTK is gnome. is that correct?14:50
vaulerUSUL: Thank you.14:50
rabbit1webhttrack works good...14:50
vaulRedbullFX: Is used in Gnome, yes.14:50
RedbullFXVaul: thanks14:50
rocket16Where should I add the word "profile"? After initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-23-generic?14:51
BluesKajvaul, ledger is listed in the package manager14:51
joshmuffinIs there a way to get ubuntu to shutdown after a certain amount of time14:51
sha0Running this in a 'screen' appears to help me out: while true; do sync; sleep 1; done14:51
rocket16joshmuffin: Sure, there is. Download GShutdown and it'll help14:51
sha0It's just that the constant activity must be wearing my HDD.14:51
vaulBluesKaj: I do think so, but I still do not want to use a CLI app on regular basis. They just aren't nice.14:52
sha0I don't like it one bit.14:52
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MadRobotIs it a good idea to use a sources list generator?14:52
joshmuffinrocket16, is it in the repos?14:52
erUSUL!sources | MadRobot14:52
ubottuMadRobot: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:52
MadRoboterUSUL, Thanks.14:52
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rocket16joshmuffin: Yes, :)14:53
erUSULvaul: so you left us with no options. no cli; no gnucash; no spreadsheet; no (insert something here); no nothing ...14:53
MaRk-Ijoshmuffin: shutdown -h  +30  <<< will shutdown after 30 mins, shutdown -h 12:00 <<< will shutdown at 12 oclock14:54
vaulerUSUL: You just gave me some options, actually.14:54
LeeQis there an easy command to see what programs I have installed?14:54
erUSULLeeQ: dpkg -l14:54
LeeQerUSUL: thanks :-)14:55
erUSULLeeQ: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | less14:55
abhi_navyes I just configure empathy to use irc first time. now testing it.14:55
vaulerUSUL: And I'll stick to dsBudget if I'll manage to find pre-compiled .deb, what I am certain I'll be able to.14:55
H2Ohy all14:55
H2Oany one can help me please ?14:56
abhi_nav!ask | H2O14:56
ubottuH2O: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:56
smkyis there any reason the keyserver times out today?14:56
ubnuntcan you upgrade from ubuntu 5.10 to 8.1014:56
H2Oi executed tcl in shell when i close the shell des process kill automaticly14:56
H2Oi maked this command => tclsh policyserv.tcl > policy.log14:56
SomelauwCan I make it that if I want to open a textfile, it will prompt for a password first?14:56
abhi_nav5.10? does it still exists?14:57
ubnuntcan you upgrade from ubuntu 5.10 to 8.1014:57
ikoniaubnunt: sorry, no14:57
Somelauw.join #ubuntu-nl14:57
ubnuntikoni: why?14:57
ikoniaubnunt: incompatabilitie14:57
bazhang!eol > ubnunt14:57
ubottuubnunt, please see my private message14:57
ikoniaubnunt: incompatabilities14:57
ubnunti see14:58
H2Oabhi_nav ?14:58
abhi_navH2O: what?14:58
H2Oi executed tcl in shell when i close the shell des process kill automaticly14:58
H2O i maked this command => tclsh policyserv.tcl > policy.log14:58
IdleOneH2O: add a & at the end of your command.14:59
ubnuntthan i have to go to 6.04 to 6.10 to 7.04 to 8.04?14:59
ikoniaH2O: the tcl shell will close and anything running in it14:59
erUSULubnunt: better fresh install. if you inssist i would ... 5.10 --> 6.06 --> 8.04 --> 8.10 or 10.0414:59
ikoniaubnunt: no, that won't work either14:59
ikoniaubnunt: you'll need to do a clean install14:59
erUSUL!upgrades | ubnunt14:59
abhi_navubuntu why cant just get latest iso burned to cd ?14:59
ubottuubnunt: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:59
H2Ook ill try that tnx14:59
giacomohi there, can anyone halp me to transfer mp3 to my creative zen M ?14:59
ubnuntok thanks14:59
LeeQcan I just 'sudo cp user@server:/dir  /dir'  ?14:59
erUSULLeeQ: scp if you have sshd running15:00
ikoniaLeeQ: what directory15:00
MaRk-Iubnunt: just do a backup of your stuff and do a clean install, unless you want to spend hours upgrading each version15:00
ikoniaMaRk-I: he can't upgrade from 5.1015:00
bazhangMaRk-I, he quit15:00
silv3r_m00nI want to recursively search all files in a directory for a particular text , what shud be the grep command ?15:00
SomelauwHow can I protect a certain file with a password?15:00
ikoniaSomelauw: grep -r15:00
LeeQikonia: any directory... /var/www/files maybe?15:00
MaRk-Iikonia: I didnt offer an upgrade, just to do a clean/new install15:01
ikoniaLeeQ: fine yes, I'm just asking to make sure you don't do damage15:01
LeeQikonia: :-D  thanks for looking out15:01
ikoniaMaRk-I: unless you want  to spend hours upgrading each version15:01
ikoniaMaRk-I: he can't upgrade15:01
David2884hey, is there something extra that i need to install to be able to acces windows shared folders on a network? i installed samba, and people can acces my shared folders (from windows computers) but i cannot acces the shared windows folder (ubuntu 10.04 here).15:01
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: grep -R text dir/15:01
erUSULDavid2884: Places>Network>windows Network15:02
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David2884i can see the shared computers, but i cannot acces them erUSUL15:02
David2884"couldn't access the shared folders"15:03
Somelauwikonia, what do you mean? I want to enforce a password on a file.15:03
LeeQikonia: cp: cannot stat15:04
Somelauwgrep -r searches for a string in a file15:04
guntbert!keyserver | smky15:04
ubottusmky: The ubuntu key server is to be found at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371. If this one is unresponsive you can use most other gpg key servers as well - for instance http://pgp.mit.edu/15:04
erUSULSomelauw: encrypt it ?15:04
perlsyntaxWhere can i download the ubuntu 10.10 dvd?15:04
ikoniaLeeQ: wrong path15:05
smkyguntbert: thanks!15:05
guntbertsmky: :)15:05
IdleOne!10.10 | perlsyntax15:05
ubottuperlsyntax: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:05
ubuntuHello. This is my  first time compiling software. I compiled PHP but now i need to add libraries. It appears I'm not overwriting the old version. Do i need to delete the old ini file or what in order to change the settings15:05
scuniziI like chromium but I'm use to double clicking on the address line to retype for a new location.. chromium doesn't seem to do this easily.. any hints?15:06
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mnemonscunizi: tap three times15:08
Somelauwikona, erUSUL: Should I use gnupg?15:08
MaRk-Iscunizi: just press ctrl+l  start typing new address15:08
erUSULSomelauw: that's the best option yes. aviable almost anywhere15:08
scunizimnemon: thanks.. that works.. and also sounds like an old song :)15:08
erUSULSomelauw: a simple gpg -c file15:09
steffanany suggestions for getting 'gpg --gen-key' to work without the 'Not enough random bytes available.' message, since then I have typed over 500 keys?15:09
H2Onot work :( abhi_nav15:09
scuniziMaRk-I: wasn't aware of that shortcut .. thanks15:09
H2O i maked this command => tclsh policyserv.tcl > policy.log &15:09
H2O& it kill automaticly15:09
H2Owhen i close the shell15:09
MaRk-Iscunizi: yw15:09
abhi_navH2O: i ddnt told you anything15:09
erUSULH2O: use nohup15:10
oCean_H2O: use "disown" - that'll drop the job from job table15:10
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Somelauw$ gpg -c passwords.txt15:11
Somelauwgpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session15:11
iis Xubuntu 8.04 still supported15:12
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Guest33144is Xubuntu 8.04 still supported15:12
H2Otnxxxxxxxxxxxxx oCean_15:12
H2Oit worrrrrkkkkk15:12
oCean_H2O: yay :)15:13
edtwhere do I find alternate kernel images?  I perfer not to build my own atleast on the box in question.15:13
Guest33144is Xubuntu 8.04 still supported?15:13
SomelauwIt did prompt for 2 passwords.15:13
MaRk-Iedt: package manager/aptitude15:13
SomelauwIt created a new file called passwords.txt.gpg15:14
abhi_navGuest33144: yes. ask about xubuntu in #xubuntu15:14
SomelauwHow do I open it?15:14
SomelauwOr decrypt it?15:14
Guest33144hey if i say a bad word in here do i get kicked out?15:14
erUSULSomelauw: gpg passwords.txt.gpg15:14
Guest33144hey if i say a bad word in here do i get kicked out?15:15
mnemonGuest33144: if you ask that before you do, propably :)15:15
oCean_Guest33144: just don't15:15
Guest33144i wont15:15
Pirate_HunterGuest33144, no you dont15:15
Pirate_HunterGuest33144, we luv bad words15:15
Somelauwgpg: keyring `/$HOME/.gnupg/secring.gpg' created15:16
Somelauwgpg: CAST5 encrypted data15:16
Somelauwgpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session15:16
Somelauwgpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase15:16
SomelauwFile `passwords.txt' exists. Overwrite? (y/N) y15:16
Somelauwgpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected15:16
LeeQikonia: 'sudo cp user@server:/dir'  ?  I know I have the dir right, it is still giving me cannot stat...15:16
phibxrGuest33144, let me check that for you. PROPRIETARY FORMATS! *peers around searchingly*15:16
abhi_nav!paste | Somelauw15:16
ubottuSomelauw: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:16
oCean_Pirate_Hunter: drop it15:16
ikoniaLeeQ: no no no15:16
erUSULLeeQ: is scp not just cp15:16
edtMaRk-I synaptic does not show any images other than 2.6.32 - probably I am missing a repo?15:16
Pirate_HunteroCean_, please did they really need to ask?15:16
ikoniathank you erUSUL15:16
SomelauwOkay | abhi_nav15:16
erUSULLeeQ: cp is for local files... scp uses ssh15:16
LeeQikonia: erUSUL: ahhhhh, ok :-D15:17
notmorewindowsHi, if I have a HP intel centrino duo that software I can install in lubuntu so that  the sound card works better?15:17
MaRk-Iedt: that's the latest images in the repos what were you looking for?15:18
edt2.6.34-4 32 bit15:18
MaRk-II dont think that's been packaged yet15:19
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edtaccording to fourms it has been - what repo is the question15:19
LeeQikonia: erUSUL:  port 22: no route to host... this my firewall on the server?15:19
ikoniaLeeQ: probably ssh not running on the other host15:20
notmorewindowsHIIII if I have a HP intel centrino duo that software  can I install in lubuntu so that  the sound card works better?15:20
LeeQikonia: ssh user@server goes in just fine15:20
ikonianotmorewindows:lbuntu and ubuntu have the same sound server15:20
ikoniaLeeQ: what's the exact command your using15:20
LeeQikonia: sudo scp user@server:/dir /dir15:21
ikoniaLeeQ: what user name are you using15:21
Somelauwhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/458775/ (link includes question)15:21
ikoniaLeeQ: don't use sudo either15:21
LeeQikonia: same username as the one I use to ssh15:21
MaRk-Iedt: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/linux-image-2.6.34-4-generic-pae15:21
ikoniaLeeQ: root will not be permissted15:21
ikoniaok, so dump sudo15:21
notmorewindowsikonia i only want the software name for the sound card15:22
ikonianotmorewindows: software name ?15:22
bullgardhttp://lwn.net/Articles/21835/ speaks about "the top Makefile." What directory contains "the top Makefile"?15:23
notmorewindowsyes the drivers for the sound15:23
ikoniabullgard: normally the top direcotry of the source tree, but that's nothing to do with ubuntu15:23
ikonianotmorewindows: they are the same as the ones in ubuntu15:23
notmorewindowsikonia not because in ubuntu the sound is better than in lubuntu i have it tested15:24
Somelauwhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/458775/ What does that warning mean?15:24
ikonianotmorewindows: they use the same kernel and sound modules15:24
notmorewindowsikonia oin lubuntu the sound is worse than in ubuntu for this reason i need the software name for the sound15:26
ikonianotmorewindows: it's the same15:26
gsedejhi! someone maneged sync symbian Nokia (read sms)?15:26
notmorewindowsin lubuntu15:26
ikonianotmorewindows: it's the same15:26
RedbullFXwhat button is super in Ubuntu??15:26
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ikoniaRedbullFX: windows key15:26
RedbullFXThank you15:26
SailorRealityI'm installing ubuntu manually ...Does this look good for paritition sizes? /boot logical 100 Mb / Primary 5000 Mb /swap 125 Mb /home 1 Gb15:26
ikonia!away > Spyder|Away15:26
ubottuSpyder|Away, please see my private message15:26
ikoniaSailorReality: 125mb swap is pointless15:27
notmorewindowsikonia nooooooooot i have it tested give the software for the sound , the good15:27
SailorRealityikonia: i can make it a gig15:27
ikonianotmorewindows: but it is the same kernel modules15:27
ikoniaSailorReality: how much ram do you have15:27
SailorReality512 mb15:27
scuniziSailorReality: why a separate /boot?  the drive looks so small it really isn't necessary15:27
ikoniaSailorReality: ok, so it should be least as big as your ram, 2 x your ram if you want to use hibernate15:27
scuniziSailorReality: how much space do you have on the drive for ubuntu?15:28
phibxrikonia, should you always make a /boot partition if you want to use hibernate?15:28
notmorewindowsikonia the sound is much worse in luvbuntu than ubuntu , lubuntu has much limitations need install it  more s0oftware15:28
SailorRealityscunizi: I have up to 20 Gigs i was going to make it 515:28
ikoniaphibxr: that has nothing to do with it really15:28
IdleOnenotmorewindows: ask in #lubuntu15:29
steffanIs the Ubuntu keyserver down at the moment?15:29
ikonianotmorewindows: I don't know how to say this in any other way. They use the same kernel - it's the same sound components15:29
perlsyntaxdoes anyone get a black sceen after you try to install 10.04?15:29
steffanI'm getting this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/458776/15:29
scuniziSailorReality: you really only need 3 partitions.. / /swap and /home .. /home being the biggest of the 3 because it hold all the data you create15:29
MaRk-Iperlsyntax: what video card?15:29
coz_perlsyntax,   maybe here? http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/15:30
SailorRealityscunizi: ok thanks15:30
sanHey All15:30
notmorewindowsikonia what is the sound componet name in ubuntu for the card sound i only need the software sound name to have the solution15:30
ikonianotmorewindows: it IS the same15:30
notmorewindowsthe name ???15:31
sanI am getting "Unable to read fragment cache " I/o error while trying to install ubuntu 10.115:31
ikoniathere are many components, kernel modules, alsa, pulse, what part15:31
Pirate_Hunter!sound | notmorewindows15:31
ubottunotmorewindows: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:31
ikoniaactually never mind, I'm off, this is getting silly15:31
Pirate_Hunternotmorewindows, just check if pulse or alsautils detects your soundcard and it is configured properly15:31
notmorewindowsikonia the software name for the drivers of sound15:31
ikoniathey are the SAME15:32
ikoniathey are IDENTICAL ALREADY15:32
Pirate_Hunterikonia, :)15:32
edtis keyserver.ubuntu.com down?15:32
* Pirate_Hunter chuckles15:32
* abhi_nav_ watching the show.15:32
notmorewindowspiratehunter ok i only wanted that..15:32
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phibxredt, it can be a bit slow to respond at times.15:32
Pirate_Hunternotmorewindows, eeeerh ok it is good to know I was useful somehow *shocked*15:34
Pirate_HunterBoyka19, hi15:34
abuayyoubHi, can somoene Please help me with a problem I am having with a program called HellaNZB15:34
* scunizi runs for the defibulator for Pirate_Hunter 15:34
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, no one will help unless they know what is your problem with the program15:35
perlsyntaxMark-I,I know i can do this in grub after i install it goes to a black sceen to odd.15:35
perlsyntaxthat work i know of.15:35
MaRk-Iif it is an intel video card yes15:36
vaulBluesKaj: You know, after considering all options I think I'll stick to the GnuCash.15:36
abuayyoubPirate_Hunter,  thank you, i thought I would see if anyone here even knew the program before I started writing my question. Anyhow, the question is I just setup hellanzb and it is not taking the nzbs from my queue folder. it worked the first time then it wont work again15:36
perlsyntaxMark-I, i not sure why boot up after install with a black sceen? maybe i should wait for 10.10.15:36
MaRk-Iperlsyntax: hmm I had the same problem and fixed it, but if you want to wait...15:37
perlsyntaxi useing 9.10 now.15:37
BluesKajok vaul , good luck :)15:38
perlsyntaxMark-I,i got my build in modm to work on my ibm R50e15:38
abuayyoubPirate_Hunter, thinking i might have made a mistake in the hellanzb.conf file I redid it and changed all the dir's. again, i dropped a nzb into the folder and it caught it downloaded, par2'ed, rar'ed and everything worked perfect. dropped a new nzb in and nothing, just says hellanzb - Now monitoring queue...15:39
elpidiohi everybody!! I own a webcam that is able to record in HD, can you please suggest me a software capable to capture in high definition please?15:39
MaRk-Iperlsyntax: ic, i havent used a built-in modem in ages.15:39
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, well your assumption is wrong I have no clue about that program but I do know you have to compile it yet I am sure this aint your first time asking about the same app also I assume your compiling or are you using the one from the repos15:39
vaulBluesKaj: Why? It's not that complicated, it just contains a whole lot of accounting fearures I won't use.15:40
BluesKajvaul, I was being critical , I mean it.15:40
abuayyoubPirate_Hunter,  this is why I asked if somoene could help me with this specific program before I went into a long description about what the problem is.15:41
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, did you backup before editing? If not can you change it to the way it was and check if it works that way? You can check the logs if it has any15:41
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, it is better to explain the problem than ask if they know about hellanzb now you have more chances of getting help15:41
vaulBluesKaj: When you want an application to be present in official repositories, to update on regular basis, have a good GTK interface, it isn't that much choice. Critical? It's was some unnoticable criricism.15:42
abuayyoubi been asking for days, apparently im the only one left on on IRC that uses Usenet15:42
notmorewindowspirate hunter vey well now i have installed gnome alsa mixer, and my problem this solved, thank you15:42
vaulabuayyoub: You won't believe me, but even IRC itself is considered obsolete sometimes.15:43
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, I knew I remembered you yup you're probably not getting much help because that package has been abadoned15:44
magnetronhi! everytime i log in there's a popup about avahi. it claims that my network has a .local domain and avahi will be disabled. how do i remove the .local domain from my network?15:44
abhi_navwhich package he is talking about?15:44
perlsyntaxMaRK-I,It suck when i go to the cabin i have to use dial-up so that when i try scanModem out and try to find a driver for it:)15:44
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, have you tried  sabnzbd as the site suggests and like I said I really don't know much about it best bet is the logs and trying to redo your old setup15:45
scuniziperlsyntax: if you have access, the US Robotics usb fax modem works great.  Hardware controled..15:46
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, you can also try pan which is a designed news reader which works with usenet not sure weather it is still being worked on15:47
ACi5After suspending the pc resumes with blank screen. I can only shutdown the system with the power button. What am I missing here ?15:48
perlsyntaxMy imb modem built in modem i found the driver for it and it work in ubuntu 9.10:)15:48
perlsyntaxit a software driver if i am right.15:48
Hans_Henriki edited the DNS configs with network-manager some months ago to use OpenDNS and it worked perfectly, some days ago (or maybe about 1-2 weeks ago, its a server i rarely check up on)  it stopped working. (i cannot goto any website by domain name, i need to do it manually by IP), i have tried re-configuring the dns settings and restarting the whole pc, and its still not working. help please15:49
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scuniziHans_Henrik: check your /etc/resolv.conf to see if anything has changed there.. I find that mine changes all the time.. I use opendsn as well and the shortcuts that you can create.. I know things have changed when the shortcuts stop working15:51
oCean_!hi | zackn8715:52
ubottuzackn87: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:52
zackn87wutsup people15:52
abhi_nav!ot | zackn8715:53
ubottuzackn87: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:53
oCean_zackn87: this is ubuntu support only. Do you have a technical issue?15:53
steven__is there a way to adjust the system preferences to I wont get auto logged out after 10 minutes of inactivity?15:53
steven__running 10.0415:53
erUSULsteven__: logged out? you meant screen locked15:53
phibxrsteven__, are you getting logged out, or do you get your screen locked?15:54
steven__screen locked, and the prompt for the password comes back up15:54
Hans_Henrikscunizi: im not sure what its supposed to say, but it seems right, "# Generated by NetworkManager(newline)nameserver"15:54
erUSULsteven__: screensaver preferences ?15:54
steven__no screensaver enabled.15:54
phibxrsteven__, check power management options too.15:55
steven__first place i looked15:55
erUSULsteven__: system>preferences>energy15:55
erUSULsteven__: system>preferences>power managment15:55
erUSULabhi_nav: my system is in spanish. literal translation failure15:55
scuniziHans_Henrik: looks right to me too.. when mine changes it adds other name servers provided by my isp..15:55
abhi_naverUSUL, ok15:55
steven__there are 3 tabs, ac power/battery/general15:56
yooooygle 什么东西15:56
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:56
steven__none of them have a way to adjust the screen lock timer15:56
oCean_steven__: also check system>preferences>screensaver (default black screen, but locked by passwd)15:56
gerrit_Sorry to interfere, I would like ti change the language in the Dictionary. How do I proceed?15:56
abhi_nav!cn > yooooygle15:57
ubottuyooooygle, please see my private message15:57
steven__thanks a bunch15:57
david651any WoW euro players here?  Go to #ubuntu-offtopic, trying to start a guild15:58
david651should be fun once we get started15:59
magnetronhi! everytime i log in there's a popup about avahi. it claims that my network has a .local domain and avahi will be disabled. how do i remove the .local domain from my network?16:01
=== max is now known as Guest83137
sanHow can I install ubuntu from usb?16:02
phibxrsan, you get a very good guide for that when you download Ubuntu from http://www.ubuntu.com.16:02
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:02
soreau! hi16:03
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:03
jose__oh very good16:03
GreydonSquarehi does anyone know how to install the vmware fusion tar.gz file?16:04
jose__uhmm vware16:04
soreauGreydonSquare: Typically a tarball will contain source code you have to build with a compiler16:04
GreydonSquareso i need to find a compiler soreau?16:05
steffan!software | GreydonSquare16:05
ubottuGreydonSquare: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:05
GreydonSquarethank you16:06
jose__hello luna16:06
soreauGreydonSquare: Well first you need to extract the contents of the gzipped file, then install build-essential package will install some basic build tools including a compiler16:06
LalithaURGENT HELP NEEDED! My friend installed grub from his wubi and he can not boot his computer now. Please tell me how to solve this. i will tell him over phone. please it's very urgent16:06
steffan!gcc | GreydonSquare16:06
ubottuGreydonSquare: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:06
steffanGreydonSquare: actually I think that link will be of more use to you16:06
SailorRealitySo I just installed Ubuntu with the manual parition option, but it whiped windows out ...lol was that supposed to happen?16:06
soreau! grub2 | Lalitha16:06
ubottuLalitha: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:06
TMSI got(had?) a raid5 array with 8 devices and two disks were accidentally unplugged (would you believe me if I said it was the cat?). it's been so long since I set this up and had to touch mdadm last time that I'm a bit hesitant to rush into throwing commands at it. http://paste.linuxassist.net/21532916:06
clustyarghh. what package do i need to be able to mount cifs ?16:07
Lalithasoreau, well , he setup grub within his wubi. But it showed "Found xp"16:07
soreauSailorReality: you did it wrong16:07
SailorRealityI wrote the partition table on free space of /dev/hda but it named /dev/hda1  as one of the partitions and thats the same name it gave windows b4 i clicked ...16:07
Lalithasoreau, now, installing grub again will work ?16:07
soreauLalitha: If its a wubi install, not sure. You might want to just grab a live cd and fix it16:07
Lalithasoreau, he has got a live cd of ubuntu 1016:08
Lalithasoreau, cab grub fix the wubi ? atleast , is it possible to get back to windows xp ?16:08
kickingintenderhi lalitha16:08
Lalithakickingintender, Hi16:09
SailorRealitysoreau:do you know what i did wrong?16:09
soreauLalitha: I would just install ubuntu to the hard disk, which should fix grub to boot either OS, then go into windoze and just remove the wubi install16:09
soreauSailorReality: If you wanted to just use the remainder of the disk, there is an option for that which will keep your other os partition and configure the bootloader for it. No need to manually partition unless you have an advanced setup16:10
MaRk-ISailorReality: you selected the whole drive instead of the empty/free partition16:10
co_btmhi guys16:10
SailorRealitySorea: i saw that option it said 'install Ubuntu maually alongside windows' but i thought i could do that manually instead of selecting it16:11
co_btmany minicom expert here?16:11
abuayyoubhi anyone know of a widget  or something to display the top command at all times ( other than conky? )16:11
abhi_nav!hi | co_btm16:11
ubottuco_btm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:11
abhi_nav!ask | co_btm16:12
Pirate_Hunter!widget | abuayyoub16:12
ubottuco_btm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:12
* david651 is looking for ubuntu users to join the offtopic WoW team16:12
david651should be fun16:13
bazhangdavid651, please stop that16:13
david651all ubuntu though16:13
bazhang!ot | david65116:13
ubottudavid651: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:13
ikoniathe channel is a support channel16:13
Pirate_Hunterabuayyoub, screenlest, gkdesklets and a few16:13
SailorRealityi guess im fine with just having ubuntu that kind of sucks though16:13
bazhangdavid651, last warning16:13
Lalithasoreau, I have told him to fresh install in a sep partition16:14
Lalithasoreau, now, he asks me if he can access his files under wubi disk ??16:14
co_btminstalled minicom to 10.04 but it cant communicate with the usb modem, how to solve this?16:15
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
abhi_navco_btm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Minicom16:16
kvegroeghow do i connect tata photon plus in ubuntu 8.0416:17
kvegroegit s being recocgnized as a usb device16:17
abhi_navkvegroeg, just plugging in doesnt work?16:17
kvegroegno it is recocgnized as usb device16:17
abhi_navkvegroeg, is this helpful? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem16:18
edjuIs there a kde equivalent to gnome-power-applets?  Specifically,  the cpu frequency monitor?16:18
silentx1Hey,, I was updating my kernel then the electricity turned off .. now i cant update and i tried to install using synaptic but when the output of uname still the old one .. could please help me16:19
lindabenIs the Ubuntu keyserver down or something??16:20
abuayyoubHi, can somoene Please help me with a problem I am having with a program called HellaNZB it's not grabing the nzb files out of my queue folder.16:21
vitiumIs there a way I can install the packages that make iPhone/iTouch syncing possible through Rythmbox in 9.10? I don't want to update the computer to 10.04 if possible.16:22
abuayyoubLalitha, yea, you can16:22
abuayyoubLalitha, there is a file in the ubuntu folder in C:16:22
Lalithaabuayyoub, How? (I am a beginner)16:22
Lalithaabuayyoub, yes, how would i open that ?16:22
abuayyoubLalitha,  i had the same problem...16:23
Lalithaabuayyoub, How to open the wubi disk ?16:23
kvegroegis there anycommand to check how much internet i have used16:23
abuayyoubLalitha,  i forget what it's called exactly but inside it are all your files and settings.  what is the name of the file? in C:? something like wubi.disk or something?16:23
switch10_vitium: yes. http://u-bunted.blogspot.com/2010/03/how-to-finally-sync-your-iphone-or-ipod.html16:24
Lalithaabuayyoub, Yes. i know it's a  ".disk" file16:24
abhi_navkvegroeg, you can check from you isp web site16:24
abuayyoubLalitha,  ah yes, its root.disk16:25
abuayyoubcheck out this website16:25
vitiumswitch10 thanks16:25
abuayyoubLalitha, http://neosmart.net/forums/showthread.php?t=500416:25
inzi1985hello everyone16:25
inzi1985good day16:25
jacob_Hey guys,  I there a way to change the sound volume in the console mode?16:25
abhi_navjacob_, type alsamixer16:25
silentx1no one knows the answer of my question :(16:25
abuayyoubjacob_, alsamixer16:26
MaRk-Iabuayyoub: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=521179  check the last page16:26
abhi_navsilentx1, what was your questin?16:26
silentx1Hey,, I was updating my kernel then the electricity turned off .. now i cant update and i tried to install using synaptic but when the output of uname still the old one .. could please help me16:26
jacob_thx abuayyoub16:26
silentx1abhi_nav:  Hey,, I was updating my kernel then the electricity turned off .. now i cant update and i tried to install using synaptic but when the output of uname still the old one .. could please help me16:26
MaRk-Isilentx1: did you reboot after the upgrade?16:26
co_btmhave uninstalled then reinstalled minicom again and again, still it cant send the command given to the device, it detects the modem (with ATI command) but other AT command given will only give "OK" responses, cant turn on/off, check band status, etc16:27
=== satan is now known as Guest99934
abhi_navsilentx1, from terminal do sudo apt-get update16:27
abuayyoubMaRk-I, thank you. What is strange is that it worked the first time for me perfectly. I downloaded a 2gb file with no problems. Then i threw another nzb into the folder and nothing. Just sits at  Monitoring Queue16:27
silentx1abhi_nav : I've done that too ..16:27
silentx1abhi_nav: says no new updates ..16:28
MaRk-Iabuayyoub: there they had the same problem check the last page16:28
Lalithaabuayyoub, how to open that ?16:28
sistematicoWhen I try to create an iso with DeVeDe the following error appears: Could not add buttons to menus. It seems to be a SPUMUX bug.16:28
abhi_navco_btm, I suggest that as you have bought their service call to their call center. probaly they can be of any help.16:28
abuayyoubjacob_,  also, you might want to look at how to extract the files. I believe the .disk file is like an ISO so you can extract it and you will just be left with all your files. It is even possible to restore your settings and stuff if you want to do a direct install.16:28
abhi_navsilentx1, and that powercut happend when? yesterday?16:28
sistematicoAnyone know how to fix this?16:28
=== geowany[arg] is now known as Geowany[ARG]
pigbreathmm what would be the best way to install J2EE?, if i use the installer from the oracle site it's built against libstdc++5 which is not a part of ubuntu 10.0416:29
silentx1abhi_nav: the output of uname -a : 2.6.32-22-generic >> the output of " sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade " > ""0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. " .. no two days ago ..16:29
RoastedIf your touchpad buttons do not respond in Ubuntu 10.04, what's the first thing to do?16:30
RedbullFXI have this laptop. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220696       can someone tell me which ati drivers i need to install??? i would like effects on my ubuntu to work. THX16:30
rockelmehello, I've a problem with video driver  ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]16:30
troubledAnybody here able to confirm that ubuntu is broken with DVD-RAM media?16:30
MaRk-IRedbullFX: in terminal type: lspci      look for vga display16:31
troubledbrand new drive and media. worked fine for dvd-rw tests and lots of burning, but seems to totally break the system with DVD-RAM 80% of the times I try writting to it. already on hour 3 trying to write a copy of the linux git repo to a disk16:31
abhi_navsilentx1, is new kernel installed and not showing in uname ot it is nto installed at all?16:31
IdleOneroasted have you taken a look at !touchpad ?16:31
RedbullFXMark-I  ok one sec16:32
Roastedno? This isn't my problem. It's a problem somebody else brought to me. I never had this issue happen.16:32
RoastedIdleOne, just trying to help out and see if I can fix it16:32
troubledeven worse, on umount, it only blocks for 10 or 15 seconds, but then keeps writting in the background. and then a "sync" blocks forever until I ejet the disk16:32
IdleOne!touchpad > Roasted16:32
ubottuRoasted, please see my private message16:32
RedbullFXMark-I :  ok it says   TI Technologies Inc Device 68c016:32
IdleOneRoasted: there should be some useful info there16:32
silentx1abhi_nav: it was setting up while the powercut .. then comes some error if i update .. then I remove it and reinstall it using the synaptic but it is not in the uname -a ..16:32
RedbullFXMark-I :   TI Technologies Inc Device 68c016:33
abhi_navsilentx1, whats the current situation? is new kernel installed or not?16:33
RoastedIdleOne, thanks16:33
RedbullFXATI Technologies Inc Redwood HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5600 Series]16:33
silentx1abhi_nav: installed but not appear in the uname output ..16:33
co_btmabhi_nav, i used 9.04 before this and minicom did great, i try to use moserial as well, result is the same, responses are only "OK" or "ERROR", no other words at all16:33
IdleOneRoasted: hope it helps you trouble shoot at least :)16:33
RedbullFXVGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 68c016:34
MaRk-IRedbullFX: well that's your video card... ubuntu will detect the driver16:34
pigbreathmm what would be the best way to install J2EE?, if i use the installer from the oracle site it's built against libstdc++5 which is not a part of ubuntu 10.0416:34
abhi_navco_btm, ok16:34
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:34
silentx1abhi_nav: installed but not appear in the uname output ..16:35
G-manCan anybody tell me what the font name is for the default font on lucid lynx ubuntu16:35
RedbullFXMark-I:   well everything works fine..but when i try to turn on Effects ... it says Desktop effects could not be enabled16:35
abhi_navsilentx1, ok16:35
thune3silentx1: just reinstall the files for latest kernel16:36
DanDareHello, Im trying to compile something and get the error: "make: g++: Command not found". This mean i should try another gcc version ?16:37
silentx1abhi_nav: I've done that using the synaptic ..and it doesn't work... which method you want me to reinstall with ?16:37
abhi_navsilentx1, it was thune3 not me16:37
Lalithaabuayyoub, Thanks for the link. I willl try that.16:37
RedbullFXhow do  i use a theme in Emerald. Its installedd and now what?16:37
silentx1thune3: I've done that using the synaptic ..and it doesn't work... which method you want me to reinstall with ?16:38
silentx1abhi_nav: sorry ..16:38
abhi_navsilentx1, yah ok :)16:38
h00kDanDare: sudo aptitude install build-essential16:41
pigbreatherUSUL: i do not want java i want J2EE16:41
DanDareh00k, ok nice... thanks16:41
pigbreathJ2EE is not in the repositories16:41
h00k!compile | DanDare16:41
ubottuDanDare: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:41
pigbreathmm what would be the best way to install J2EE?, if i use the installer from the oracle site it's built against libstdc++5 which is not a part of ubuntu 10.0416:41
thune3silentx1: in synaptic, under installed, quicksearch for 2.6.32-23 (2.6.32-23 is the new one?) and reinstall those16:41
magnetronhi, mouse acceleration and sensitivity is way too high, even when set to minimum. how to decellerate further? i have no mouse section in xorg.conf16:42
charnleyHi Peeps, i just installed ubuntu on my alienware m11x, but there seems to be a problem with the graphics driver. There is two graphicscard in the machine, one for gaming, and one for long time use. The battery is only showing 3 hours (where it runs 7 in windows) How can i solve this?16:43
Oercharnley does it work 7 hours in windows ?16:44
abhi_navsilentx1, i found something on net (after so much searching ;) http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/34158-wrong-uname.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname. read it they are talking about sometihng called 'setname'16:44
civproim running debian 516:45
civproi have a nfs server and im trying to mount from it16:45
h00kcivpro: if you're looking for support for debian, this isn't the place16:45
civproum same kernel but ok16:45
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!16:46
charnleyOer: Yes.16:46
silentx1abhi_nav: I don't think it is just a wrong output of uname ..!! what if i wanted to reinstall it using .. " sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-23-generic "16:47
charnleyOer: in windows there was a possbility to switch between the gaphiccards, to save power.16:47
civprofigured u guys could answer but its alright16:47
abhi_navsilentx1, then reinstall16:47
civprojust a nfs server/client issue16:47
Archiloqueheya, the torrent download links on http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#bt seems broken, is it normal ?16:47
bjorkintoshis there an xubuntu/ubuntu repair mode?16:48
BlaDe^Hi guys, i'm trying to request a key from the keyserver and it's not doing anything' is the server up ?16:51
BlaDe^It just says: "gpg: requesting key F0876AC9 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com16:51
gafir1hello, I have no mouse pointer when using MythTV -- I can't find any documentation on this issue16:51
thune3silentx1: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.32-23-generic linux-headers-2.6.32-23-generic linux-headers-2.6.32-2316:52
abhi_navgafir1, ask in #mythtv-users16:52
gafir1abhi_nav: I did already16:52
gafir1abhi_nav: no answer16:52
silentx1thune3: Oky I canceled my command I'll use yours16:53
civprohas anyone ran into failed: RPC Error: Program not registered when doing a mount of a nfs?16:53
civproif so where am i going wrong at?16:54
=== Hans_Henrik_ is now known as Hans_Henrik
thune3silentx1: check to make sure it is automatically running update-grub stuff at the end16:54
Kevin`how can I run gdm or something for xdmcp without display hardware?16:55
silentx1thune3: update-grub is that a command in the terminal ??16:55
thune3silentx1: it should be automatically done when you upgrade kernel, but you can alsa run it (sudo update-grub)16:56
chrissfayaoutil de telechargement16:57
rockelmeI've this problem http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac137/rockelme/Ubuntu/Screenshot.png since I upgrade to Lucid16:57
silentx1thune3: Oky .. I'll .. but is that problem going to persist with the next version of the kernel ?? or is going to be automatically ?16:57
thune3silentx1: what problem?16:58
=== abuayyoub1 is now known as abuayyoub
silentx1thune3 and abhi_nav: thanks .. this way of updating .. " I'll reboot and come again .. " inshaAllah ..16:59
h00kchrissfaya: what are you doing?16:59
RoastedIf I was taking a shot in the dark at purchasing a new wireless card for a laptop that previously did not have one, what would the best brand be to go with that has the most likely chance of working without ANY issues?16:59
erUSULRoasted: intel or atheros would be my choices16:59
RoastederUSUL, those were my assumptions as well. I was a little hesitant with Atheros tho, due to an issue I had with a different laptop...17:00
abuayyoubI was hoping someone could help me with a problem I am having with a program called HellaNZB17:00
erUSULcivpro: maybe portmapper is not running ?17:00
bazhangchrissfaya, you are here already17:00
RoastederUSUL, it works w/ security on 9.04, but neds zero security to connect with 910 or 1004. Atheros chip inside, too. *shrug*17:00
erUSULRoasted: intel then ?17:00
RoastederUSUL, made me a little nervous to try A theros again but I heard previously they were a solid company with Linux support. Just wanst sure.17:00
bazhangchrissfaya, its /join #channel17:00
RoastederUSUL, does Intel provide Linux drivers? Are they open source? (curious if you know)17:01
civprodont think the server is running17:01
erUSULRoasted: both yes. besto source of info www.linux-wireless.org17:01
SunshardCan I interest anyone in helping me puzzle out a problem I'm having with 10.04?17:01
bazhangRoasted, kernel level17:01
RoastederUSUL, is atheros in the same boat, too?17:01
bazhangchrissfaya, stop that please17:01
erUSULRoasted: as of recently yes.17:02
erUSULRoasted: http://linuxwireless.org/17:02
soadkombuchaOK so I upgraded to 10.10 alpha 2 and before I had had PulseAudio uninstalled, because I needed to use alsalib, but on the new kernel removing pulseaudio goes to remove ubuntu-desktop. Is there a workaround?17:03
h00k!maverick | soadkombucha17:03
ubottusoadkombucha: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:03
erUSULRoasted: an ath9 based card looks like the best option ...17:03
zatliteHi, what's the command to turn off display? I forgot.17:03
RoastederUSUL, even moreso than intel?17:04
soadkombuchah00k: I know, I have Maverick installed17:04
BlaDe^ifuse is saying my iPhone isn't connected. But I can see it here: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 05ac:1292 Apple, Inc. iPhone 3G17:04
erUSULRoasted: it has the more "yes" here ;P http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers17:04
BlaDe^is there anything I can do?17:04
soadkombuchah00k: But I don't see why I can't remove PulseAudio without it removing the basic ubuntu-desktop package17:04
bazhangsoadkombucha, and support is not here but in #ubuntu+117:04
h00ksoadkombucha: yes, and that says to head over to #ubuntu+1 for Maverick support17:04
RoastederUSUL, ah, I see. Not too sure wh at all of those categories mean, though?17:04
civprokernel isnt supported for nfs-server17:05
silentx1thune3, abhi_nav: uname -a  > 2.6.32-23-generic >> THANKS A LOT .. but I still have two questions .. " I tried to patch the kernel for the ALFA (RTL8187L ... AWUS036H) but all the tutorials are not applied in the new version of the kernel " lucid in general " could you help me in that ??17:05
silentx1 I tried to patch the kernel for the ALFA (RTL8187L ... AWUS036H) but all the tutorials are not applied in the new version of the kernel " lucid in general " could you help me in that ??17:05
bazhangsilentx1, the alpha?17:05
IdleOnesoadkombucha: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package. you can safely remove it and then re-install later17:05
bazhangsilentx1, 10.10?17:05
soadkombuchaIdleOne: But isn't the entire gnome desktop?17:05
bazhangsoadkombucha, no17:06
silentx1bazhang: 10.0417:06
bazhangsilentx1, what is your reference to the alfa?17:06
kbrandtIs there a ppa that has the nviida 256 drivers for _lucid_17:06
rouslanI am considering switching from Gentoo to Ubuntu; my main requirements are for Ubuntu to 1. be fully compatible with encrypted LVM; 2. hardened kernel with optional PIE/SSP; 3. be upgradeable without breaking.17:06
erUSULRoasted: the mor important from an user point of view --> cfg80211 (will work well with Netork manager)  ap (it can act as AP) monitor ( can run aircrack and similar things )17:06
swatpullai am very new to backtrack....its my first use ever17:06
bazhangswatpulla, #backtrack-linux for support not here17:06
bazhangswatpulla, /join #backtrack-linux17:07
RoastederUSUL, ahh, so if I plan to war drive or something then full yes's may be more important, but otherwise cfg is where its most important for me17:07
silentx1bazhang: alfa is a wireless adapter the chpest used is RTL8187L ...17:07
swatpullaok.....i will17:07
rouslanMy only concern about Ubuntu is that it is not versionless.17:07
bazhangsilentx1, and you need to patch it why?17:07
swatpullado u all talk serious stuff here..?17:07
bazhangswatpulla, yep; #ubuntu-offtopic for chat17:08
swatpullaor random chat is allowed?17:08
RoastederUSUL, this list doesnt seem that thorough. My intel card I just bought isnt on here, nor is the 2nd Intel card I just bought for my moms laptop.17:08
swatpullathnx for help..17:08
silentx1bazhang: I cant use it with the aircrack-suit .. unless I patch the kernel but all tutorial i've seen are old and not applied to 10.0417:08
erUSULRoasted: the driver name may not match hardware name ...17:09
Sunshardman is it busy in here.17:09
manjulaHello all17:09
bazhangsilentx1, aircrack? what is the purpose of that?17:09
jackyboy633i have a problem with my wireless17:09
RoastederUSUL, oh, these are just drivers????17:09
RoastederUSUL, I thought these were wireless chips that were supported.17:09
silentx1bazhang: it is a suit for penetration testing .. for my wireless network cuz i want to test it ..17:10
erUSULRoasted: yes, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices17:10
erryHi, canan you help with this problem? http://pastebin.com/cDa297EQ17:10
RoastederUSUL, thaaaaat looks more like what I was expecting17:10
IdleOnesilentx1: #backtrack-linux17:10
bazhangsilentx1, not sure, if its legit pentesting you can try in #aircrack-ng ; be aware this network doesn't support cracking others wifi etc17:10
jackyboy633i've tried recompiling the drivers to enable wpa/wpa2 support, but it aint working17:10
Catzzhello my webcamera doesnt work in linux. I installed cheese but still no effect :( Cheese just cant find device :(17:10
MaRk-ISunshard: if you dont post your problem/question nobody is going to guess what's wrong17:11
RoastederUSUL, except theres NO intel on this page. LOL?17:11
bazhangsilentx1, this is Ubuntu right?17:11
erUSULRoasted: so it seems17:11
silentx1bazhang, i didn't cracked the others network ..!! and I'm using ubuntu it is just a program and i install it .. :S17:11
Catzzhello my webcamera doesnt work in linux. I installed cheese but still no effect. Cheese just cant find device.17:12
bazhangsilentx1, okay well perhaps in #aircrack-ng17:12
bluebaronno hdmi audio to my tv ... anyone know a super quick fix?17:12
silentx1bazhang, thanks :)17:12
SunshardMaRk-I: Point made. After installing an nVidia driver, display stopped outputting to my laptop's screen and came out on the VGA output.17:12
erUSUL!webcam | Catzz17:12
ubottuCatzz: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:12
bazhangerry, hi17:12
jackyboy633 hello, i have an issue with my wireless internet (chip rt2870)17:12
errycan you check my pastebin?17:12
CatzzerUSUL i have notebook17:13
bazhangerry, please give us a synopsis here17:13
errywell i try to mount it and it gives me that17:13
Catzzcant find drivers on my webcam :(17:13
bazhangerry, try to mount a hdd? how is it formatted? any other details you can share?17:13
SunshardMaRk-I: It doesn't seem to give the option to use laptop's LCD screen under display settings either (in the GUI anyway).17:13
jackyboy633what is your webcam make and model, Catzz?17:14
errybazhang, it's a micro sd. ti used towork.17:14
errybazhang, i dont remember which format it is17:14
MaRk-ISunshard: any errors when rebooting?17:14
ender_anyone know why when trying open things i get a ton of continuously opening messages?17:14
CatzzASUS notebook17:14
jackyboy633which notebook is it?17:14
Catzzdont know where to watch17:14
erUSULCatzz: « lsusb » should tell you17:15
erryaccording to Gparted, fat1617:15
jackyboy633maybe under it?17:15
erUSULCatzz: yes in a terminal17:15
Catzzjust wrute in terminal?17:15
erUSULCatzz: yep17:15
SunshardMaRk-I: No apparent signs. On startup in the latest kernel, there are a pair of messages that flash by too fast to read on the LCD. It then switches to outputting onto VGA17:15
errynvm it got fixed17:15
Kevin`where is gdm.conf or what happened to the full-featured gui gdm configurator?17:15
jackyboy633hello can anyone help me with my issue17:16
Catzzno such model in list :(17:16
erUSULCatzz: put the full output in a pastebin17:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:17
CatzzSyntec webcam - ASUS 8j17:17
thune3rockelme: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bug/537640 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/562138 these seem to be in the wheelhouse of your problem17:17
erUSULjackyboy633: tried installing linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic ?17:17
ubottuThe ubuntu key server is to be found at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371. If this one is unresponsive you can use most other gpg key servers as well - for instance http://pgp.mit.edu/17:17
MaRk-ISunshard: by vga you mean you have a monitor attached? try unpluggin it see if you catch any errors, brb ...17:17
jackyboy633all rite :)17:17
OerKevin`, gconf-editor17:17
Kevin`really? eww :)17:17
SunshardMaRk-I: Actually, I floundered around for a bit before I realised what Ubuntu was doing. Unfortunately, I don't have a monitor on hand.17:18
kickingintenderwho is watching movies here17:18
ender_anyone else ever get "Opening X" a million times in a row?17:18
SunshardMaRk-I: Not terribly helpful I realise. Sorry.17:18
Kevin`Oer: how do I enable xdmcp? search in gconf-editor doesn't show it, and all the information on google appears to be for the traditional gdm configuration17:19
SunshardMaRk-I: Hmm17:19
CatzzerUSUL what to do? SYNTEC WEB CAM - 8J and many such comb-s.17:19
SunshardMaRk-I: I do recall that after removing the nvidia drivers, that VESA didn't seem to revert to using the LCD either.17:19
bazhangkickingintender, some connection to ubuntu support there?17:19
jackyboy633brb, just restarting my computer.17:19
ClevelandRockI was messing with my gnome-alsamixer settings trying to get my microphone to work, and now none of my games have sound. Everything else has sound, but not my games!17:20
thune3rockelme: there appears to be an attempt to fix some of this stuff in latest kernel update, there are also some workarounds that work for some.17:20
nickbpXorg -configure hard-locks my machine (even sshd is no longer responsive) -- how can i find out what crashed after rebooting?17:20
whinisWhat  channel is for WiFi Help17:20
Kevin`nickbp: serial console or netconsole17:20
nickbpthis machine doesnt have a DB9 port17:20
Kevin`it's probably on a header inside the case17:21
Kevin`but if not, all you can use for debugging is netconsole17:21
nickbpokay, well in that case, what alternative do i have to getting a xorg.conf? all i want is to enable mouse3 emulation17:21
Pr3nt1c3I"m so confused... I've read every forum post I can find17:21
CatzzHello Cheese in ubuntu cant find my web camera (Syntec Web Cam) also tryed to find drivers but didnt.17:21
Pr3nt1c3yet I can't fix the opacity settings for my windowsx17:22
athlon1Any expert on squid proxy?17:22
bazhangCatzz, what about camorama ; is your webcam on the supported list?17:22
jackyboy633it works now. thanks.17:22
Pr3nt1c3I have a mixed theme... Azenis, CopperDeck and standard Ubu17:22
ClevelandRockHello? Can anybody help get my sound to work in games?17:22
bazhangClevelandRock, wine games?17:23
Pr3nt1c3I've scoured compiz and the forums... but I can't figure out how to fix opacity / transparency17:23
Catzzwhat is camorama?17:23
ClevelandRockbazhang: I haven't tried Wine games. Just Linux games.17:23
bazhang!info camorama | Catzz17:23
ubottuCatzz: camorama (source: camorama): gnome utility to view and save images from a webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19-2 (lucid), package size 203 kB, installed size 1488 kB17:23
nickbphaha damn the machine doesnt even respond to pings17:23
nickbphoo boy17:23
erUSULCatzz: ok; googled a liottl to find out what driver to use17:24
ender_i have a weird problem with opening networked drives can someone help me?17:24
Catzzwhere to get Linux UVC driver17:24
erUSULCatzz: try « sudo modprobe stkwebcam »17:24
coz_Catzz,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UVC17:24
coz_Catzz,  that's an old post but it should prove helpful17:25
erUSULCatzz: then do « dmesg | tail -n25  » and paste the output in pastebin17:25
Zweckfremdhey can someone perhaps help me with the debian package of "radare" .... whenever (or really often) when i try to debug s.th i ger seg fault17:25
MaRk-ISunshard: sorry i misunderstood you, had to re read, but right now I have to leave hope someone else can help you just ask again17:26
Kevin`anyone know how to enable xcmcp in ubuntu short of reinstalling gdm from scratch without the ubuntu modifications?17:26
augustlis ubuntu 10.04 using metacity?17:26
SunshardMaRk-I: No worries17:26
erUSULaugustl: yes17:26
SunshardMaRk-I: You tried, and I appreciate it.17:26
augustlerUSUL: tnx17:26
Pr3nt1c3there's no 'opacity' tab under general options in my 10.04... and my mouse wheel doesn't work as suggested by compiz17:26
kickingintenderaugustl definetely17:26
erUSULCatzz: any progress ?17:27
notmorewindowsHi, What  I need to install so that xbc average center recognizes sound of alsa?17:27
Pr3nt1c3all my drivers are correctly installed... and I've tried everything I can find for the cmdln17:27
Pr3nt1c3plz help17:27
augustlin metacity/ubuntu, is it possible to make a window "fill"? Much like maximize, but the bounds are other windows, not the entire desktop. Am I making any sense at all? :)17:27
bsmith093augustl: thats called tiling17:27
ClevelandRockPlease? Someone help me get sound in games?17:28
kickingintenderaugustl you mean cascade?17:28
SunshardOn that note, is anyone familiar with problems that happen to laptop displays in 10.04?17:28
bsmith093tile windows17:28
augustlI see17:28
notmorewindowsHi What  I need to install so that xbmc media center recognizes sound of alsa?17:28
augustlkickingintender: not sure17:28
augustlI don't want auto-tiling or anything like that, though17:28
* samiz is away: Away17:28
augustlI'm just used to that feature from pekwm ;)17:28
=== MK-BB is now known as MK|BNC
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
thune3Sunshard: if you don't have external monitor attached, does the LCD not come up on boot?17:29
Sunshardthune3: It boots up (or at least seems to start) on the LCD17:30
Zweckfremdcan somebody here help me with my "radare" problem???17:30
notmorewindowsWhat  I need to install so that xbmc media center recognizes sound of alsa?17:30
Sunshardthune3: Once X starts up, or the GUI anyway I lose it to the VGA output17:30
thune3Sunshard: even if external monitor is not attached?17:30
ClevelandRockWhy won't anyone help me get sound in games? =(17:31
irvkena friend with vista wants some remote desktop support fro me, whats a good way to set this up17:31
Hans_Henriki have a bank that will only accept secure connections with MS Internet Explorer, any good way to connect from ubuntu?17:31
Kevin`Oer: you seem to know something about this, do you have any idea?17:31
Sunshardthune3: Sadly yes. It doesn't list the LCD screen in the Display section of the preferences menu17:31
irvkenlog em in through a browser is my normal mode17:31
irvkenis there anything better17:31
MaRk-Iirvken: teamviewer17:32
Hans_Henrikthat would require a windows pc with logmein client installed, right?17:32
irvkenyes, I can get the to that17:32
ClevelandRockI guess I'll try later…17:32
ender_can someone help me with nautilus mines going crazy17:32
terryDoes a facebook user gets to know who are viewing their profile?17:32
RoastederUSUL, you still here? If so, remind me... was "IBSS" the aircrack compatible one?17:33
OerKevin`, i don't use XDMCP for exporting a dektop i use rdp or vnc.17:33
ender_it wont stop opening files17:33
iceroot!ot | terry17:33
ubottuterry: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:33
Kevin`Oer: the only method i've seen for creating multiple vnc sessions automatically involves X11/xdmcp. xrdp maybe works but it's not what I want =p17:34
OerKevin`, there are a lot of help pages  > http://marionote.wordpress.com/2010/03/07/ubuntu-xdmcp-access-with-xephyr/17:34
notmorewindowswith gnome player  the sound alsa is recognized but with xbmc the alsa sound doesnt work and the sound with xbmc media center is very  low17:34
Kevin`Oer: /etc/gdm doesn't exist in 10.0417:34
irvkencheers MaRk-I that looks the kiddy17:34
OerKevin`, true, i read that too, and you take a /etc/gdm/custom.conf to do the job17:35
Kevin`Oer: the gdmlogin program referenced in most of those custom.conf files from workarounds also doesn't exist in 10.0417:35
Kevin`i'll try it anyway.17:35
Motilonhello evr1. I'm having all kind of troubles with a new install of 10.04. First of all it took for ever to reboot and now, once i open any window, i can work within that window but thats about it: i cant manipulate the window and the system menu will not respond. If Ihe 1st window I open is the update manager I get an error message stating it cannot capture the mouse and the syetm freezes....17:36
Motilon...Please help! TIA17:36
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
notmorewindowsHi What  I need to install so that xbmc media center recognizes sound of alsa? with gnome player  the sound alsa is recognized but with xbmc the alsa sound doesnt work and the sound with xbmc media center is very  low17:36
sanHi All!17:36
Alan502Lol i am suddenly receiving a lot of connections to ports 445 and 13517:36
tonihi, is there a getting started page for empathy, to help a xp /msn person convert?17:37
Alan502hi san17:37
OerKevin`, this line means make a file called custum.conf > cat /etc/gdm/custom.conf17:37
sanI am unable to login to gmail from ubuntu17:37
ikoniasan: ubuntu has nothing to do with gmail's authentication17:37
Lalithaabuayyoub, thanks17:37
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Kevin`Oer: i was on the wrong computer. /etc/gdm exists, although no file of course. i'm a bit more optimistic about it working now17:37
sanI tried both firefox and chrome on ubuntu17:37
abuayyoubLalitha, did it work?17:38
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB
Lalithaabuayyoub, no, i saved the link. I will connect to my friend as remote desktop and will do it for him. Thanks17:38
ikoniasan: gmails authentication is nothing to do with ubuntu17:38
abhi_navits google problem, not buntu, san17:38
Lalithasan, check if you have cookies disabled . javascript too.17:38
Lalithasan, Enable cookies and javascript if they are disabled and try again. like ikonia said, it must be problem with g mail17:39
notmorewindowswell, i only need to install a plugin alsa for xbmc media center : i need the name of this plugin , software or component17:39
sanok thanks!17:39
thune3Sunshard: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9516295 this guy added Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP" to xorg.conf to get it to work, but now he can't get external monitor to work. He got instrcutions from:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia17:40
Salvad1Hello. If I install a new Ubuntu 's kernel; Do I get new Nouveau drivers too?17:40
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know where i can find Cunit runner for ubuntu?17:40
Sunshardthune3: Oooh. I'll have a look at this17:40
perlsyntaxIs it in the PPA?17:41
tonihi, is there a getting started page for empathy, to help a xp /msn person convert?17:41
=== Zweckfremd is now known as Zwecklos
soreauSalvad1: You get the newer kernel bits obviously but you will also want latest userspace components as well. You can get them by installing xorg-edgers repo17:42
deadvirushello. My laptop has an internal wireless device and a button to turn it on/off, but since it has bad reception I use an external USB wireless... The problem is that if I turn the internal wireless off using the button, it also turns the USB wireless off... This only started to happen in Ubuntu 10.04...17:42
Salvad1Thanks, soreau.17:43
deadvirusIt would be nice if I could use the button to only turn off the internal wireless, as it was before ubuntu 10.0417:43
notmorewindowsin this site all are  blind?: Hi What  I need to install so that xbmc media center recognizes sound of alsa? with gnome player  the sound alsa is recognized but with xbmc the alsa sound doesnt work and the sound with xbmc media center is very  low17:43
Sunshardthune3: I note that he's also using the same laptop as me, so it might be partially due to the hardware. Excellent find, and thanks.17:43
Motilonnotmorewindows: you might not get an answer with that attitude...17:44
notmorewindowsmotilon i only need a plugin or software of alsa sound for xbmc....17:45
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
guntbert!attitude | notmorewindows17:46
ubottunotmorewindows: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:46
bazhangnotmorewindows, perhaps no on knows the answer17:46
mcgotest. please respond17:47
guntbertmcgo: not here please17:47
calumHey people, if I wanted to run an ftp server over the internet, how could I securely log into it (on Ubuntu)?17:48
Hans_Henrikconsiddering ftp passwords go unencrypted, i guess through a encrypted VPN of some sort.17:49
notmorewindowsbazhang , this is linux, always the same problem for all , xbcm is the one media center that recognize my bellboys of sound in HP linux but the soud is very low.17:50
icerootcalum: sftp (ftp over ssh, whole traffic enrypted) ftps (ftp with ssl, username + password encrypted)17:50
calumyeh, I am concerned about password sniffing17:50
calumIs sftp different to ssh?17:50
rockelmethune3: thanks...17:50
icerootcalum: its filetransfer over ssh, the user have a loginshell if using sftp17:51
Hans_Henrikcalum: if the SERVER is a regular old ftp server, you cannot connect connect by sftp/ftps17:51
calumdoes this require me to set up ssh as well? I only want an ftp server17:51
icerootcalum: yes, openssh-server is needed17:51
thune3rockelme: np17:52
icerootcalum: or use proftpd with ftps17:52
calumiceroot:Is that easy enough to do??17:52
Motilonhello evr1. I'm having all kind of troubles with a new install of 10.04. First of all it took for ever to reboot and now, once i open any window, i can work within that window but thats about it: i cant manipulate the window and the system menu will not respond. If Ihe 1st window I open is the update manager I get an error message stating it cannot capture the mouse and the syetm freezes....17:52
Motilon...Please help! TIA17:52
Maks1hello UVC doesnt see my webcam what to do? (notebook ASUS)17:53
icerootcalum: security is not a question of "easy" its necessary17:53
icerootcalum: get a ssl-cert and setup proftpd17:53
calumiceroot:yeh, I was mostly concerned about sniffing passwords. I knew it would take more than just password protecting it17:54
Maks1hello UVC doesnt see my webcam what to do? (notebook ASUS)17:54
MTughan_webI'm having trouble getting a Windows 7 installation to show up on GRUB 2 installed with 10.04. I can set the root fine, and then try and chainload it, but nothing seems to happen. Anyone know how to fix this?17:55
Dr_WillisMaks1:  try 'cheese' and see if it sees it.17:55
Maks1tryed already17:55
calumthanks, I will take a look at proftpd17:55
oalIs there something like this for Linux? http://www.maxto.net/ Maximizing in regions, but I don't want a tiled wm17:55
Maks1ut driver isn't installed17:55
Dr_Willis!webcam | Maks117:56
ubottuMaks1: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:56
Maks1*but driver inst installed17:56
coz_oal,   the  grid plugin in  compiz does that17:56
pjarnahomMTughan_web, try to update grub.... sudo update-grub217:56
Dr_Willisoal:  compiz has so many features.. and so few docs about those features. :)17:56
oalcoz_, should've said I run KDE417:56
Patero-ngubuntu addicts17:56
oalDr_Willis, something similar for KDE/Kwin?17:57
coz_oal,   compiz is on kde as well just disable desktop effects  and start compiz17:57
Dr_Willisoal:  no idea. try #kubuntu17:57
coz_oal,  also install compizconfig-settings-manager17:57
MTughan_webpjarnahom: It's not auto detected, I already tried that.17:57
Dr_WillisI just drag a window part way over iin kde and get a 1/2 maxamized window :) thats handy enough17:57
oalcoz_, well, I dont want to run compiz, but I'll try in #kubuntu17:57
coz_oal,   ok17:58
ibrahimwhat about atheros wifi card17:59
Roastedwhat about it?17:59
Dr_Willisthey exist. :)18:00
soreauoal: You cant actually maximize windows to regions but there are a lot of different ways to resize them automatically18:00
oalsoreau, in kde for example?18:01
soreaulike coz_ said, compiz grid plugin can do this18:01
Dr_WillisIm not sure what  'maximize windows to regions' actually means.18:01
oalDr_Willis, if you move the window to one corner, and maximize, it will be resized to fit in that corner, within a given region18:01
oalAnd you can set these regions up yourself18:02
thune3rockelme: pm me if you need a low level walkthrough of steps to take18:02
soreauoal: Aside from using a tiling wm, compiz grid is about the closest you will come to this effect18:03
Dr_Willisoal:  kde has that to some degree. :) 1/2 size if the screen ive seen18:03
Dr_Willisbut not seen a 1/4 screen18:03
oalDr_Willis, yes, but self controlled regions would be the ideal thing :)18:04
soreaugrid does 1/4 screen in three different sizes, 5 in the 0.9 version18:04
* Dr_Willis tends to just fullscreen everything18:04
oalsoreau, hmm, maybe I have to try compiz again18:04
Patero-ngfullscren video I always did that on highschool18:04
oalDr_Willis, I have too many windows and maximizing everything confuses me18:04
Motilonhello evr1. I'm having all kind of troubles with a new install of 10.04. First of all it took for ever to reboot and now, once i open any window, i can work within that window but thats about it: i cant manipulate the window and the system menu will not respond. If Ihe 1st window I open is the update manager I get an error message stating it cannot capture the mouse and the syetm freezes....18:05
Motilon...Please help! TIA18:05
Dr_Willisoal:  sounds like you need to get organized. :)18:05
Patero-ngbut most americans just see it in window I think they feel it would be irrespecful to fulllscren it as they probably think is egoistic18:05
* atmos4 just finished watching germany vs. argentinia - what a game :-)18:05
oalDr_Willis, haha yea18:05
Patero-ngargaytina swallowed it18:05
bazhangPatero-ng, please stay on topic18:05
oalPatero-ng, I am not american ;)18:05
Patero-ngwell doh18:06
soreauMotilon: Sounds like no wm is starting. Try 1) going to a tty (ctrl+alt+f2) 2) Run DISPLAY=:0 metacity 3) Use ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to X18:06
Patero-ngif u have to watch multiplae videos due to prodcutioon maximing is stupid18:06
bazhangPatero-ng, did you have an ubuntu support issue?18:06
Maks1hello ubuntu doesnt see my webcam what to do? (notebook ASUS)18:06
bazhangPatero-ng, this is not a chat channel. please chat elsewhere18:06
Patero-ngam helping oal out18:06
Kuroganehow i can add files/dir in tar.gz file without losing the existent files ?18:07
AndrewMohawkhey guys, on 10.04 i seem to no longer use my own repo's over https ( self signed ) , i get the following error: "server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none18:07
AndrewMohawki've googled, but i cant seem to find anything relevant, can anyone point me in the right direction?18:07
MTughanI'm trying to chainload GRUB legacy from GRUB 2 with Ubuntu 10.04. The chainload seems to be kicking off legacy fine, but it's not finding its configuration file. The distro channel for legacy said I was chainloading wrong. How should it be done?18:08
DarkasI'm having a problem with my touchpad on the Acer Aspire 1830T with the netbook remix18:08
Maks1hello ubuntu doesnt see my webcam what to do? (notebook ASUS)18:08
Patero-ngdon't panic no more if u have searches 2 do go to ixquick.com is encrypted and private it doens't log ur searches18:09
Darkasthe problem is that it's detected as a generic PS/2 mouse18:09
atmos4Kurogane: I think you cannot append file to compressed tar18:09
atmos4so you'd have to uncompress it first18:09
Dr_WillisMaks1:  thers no nee4d to msg me.. I basically gave you all the info i had on webcams earlier.18:09
Dr_Willis!webcam | Maks118:09
ubottuMaks1: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:09
Motilonsoreau: I'm a noob ...  when trying to run DISPLAY:-0 metacity I get a DISPLAY:-0 command not found18:09
Maks1there is no info18:09
DarkasI've found a lot with google, but nothing that could help me...18:09
Maks1i tryed it18:10
Dr_WillisMotilon:  wheres the -0 comming from?18:10
soreauMotilon: That is not the command I gave you18:10
deadvirushello. My laptop has an internal wireless device and a button to turn it on/off, but since it has bad reception I use an external USB wireless... The problem is that if I turn the internal wireless off using the button, it also turns the USB wireless off... This only started to happen in Ubuntu 10.04...18:10
deadvirusIt would be nice if I could use the button to only turn off the internal wireless, as it was before ubuntu 10.0418:10
Patero-nggoogle self repeats results is not a good search engine18:10
Maks1to install drivers i need to install easy cam18:10
Patero-ngso it appears there are more results but is wrong18:10
bazhangPatero-ng, that has nothing to do with ubuntu. Please stop.18:10
bullgardHow can I determine the source code file name of the kernel process 'pm'?18:11
Maks1but terminal says that it didnt found such packet'18:11
DarkasI've found some forum posts where this problem was solved on slackware, but I don't have the same files...18:11
nmvictorwhats the command to add an application to the startup applications list>18:12
Maks1hello ubuntu doesnt see my webcam what to do? (notebook ASUS)! !webcam didn't helped :(18:12
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  for a user? thats that startup apps gui tool in the system menu.18:12
Dr_WillisMaks1:  you have checked the forums for your exact make/model?18:13
troubledanyone using gwibber know how I might get it to display tweets from twitter in the notification system? ever since I upgraded to lucid it stopped. seems like a shame to have to run it in a window and watch it 24/7 just to keep up on tweets :(18:13
Maks1i installed UVC18:13
Maks1there is Syntec camera supported18:13
Maks1but it still said check camera connection18:14
* Dr_Willis dosent even know wjhat 'UVC' is18:14
Maks1but it is INTEGRATED! :(18:14
Maks1UVC is ubuntu camera driver18:14
Maks1web cam driver18:14
nmvictorDr_Willis: well i have avant-windows-navigatot in that list but everytime i log in, it doesnt start automatically.18:15
Motilon_soreau: ok, Im geting "Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0" already has a window manager ..."18:15
Brokelhello i have cairo dock installed and set to run on start up but when i log in i get a pop up saying that openGL needs to run for better performance and if i dont want to see that pop up to add a -o flag how do i do that18:15
soreauMotilon: Then append --replace, as an argument to metacity18:15
deadvirusis there anyway to stop the wifi radio killswitch to affect usb wifi devices?18:16
=== Motilon_ is now known as Motilon
Dr_Willisnmvictor: You could make a script that waits a few sec after login then starts AWN. but i thoight awn had a option/checkbox to automatically start itself at login18:16
=== Motilon is now known as Motilon_
Maks1nmvictor go to System>Preff>Startup Apps>ADD> there write Avant Navi and in Command line  write this: avant-window-navigator --startup18:17
wildbat|GER-GOALwhat is a good place to put a single line of command that i wanna run on every boot?18:17
MTughanI'm trying to chainload GRUB legacy from GRUB 2 with Ubuntu 10.04. The chainload seems to be kicking off legacy fine, but it's not finding its configuration file. The distro channel for legacy said I was chainloading wrong. How should it be done?18:17
Motilon_soreau: looks like it froze...18:18
wildbat|GER-GOALMTughan, why would you need chainloading GRUB while you have GRUB2?18:18
MTughanwildbat|GER-GOAL: Because I have a working GRUB setup for another distro, that I'd like it to be able to update on its own without intervention from Ubuntu.18:19
DarkasI've also unloaded psmouse and loaded synaptics_i2c modules, but then the touchpad stopped working...18:19
Adam_hi, i installed windows 7 over my 30g windows xp partition and i left my 70g linux partition there but its not showing the linux and its not giving my os boot options its just going straight onto windows 7, but when i put my linux reinstallation disc in it shows me the partitions and linux is still there?18:19
VirigothYou'll need to restore your bootloader most likely Adam_18:20
invincilemutantJust wish to know if anybody here knows how to make evolution dock on the panel nicely...I am using alltray now, it does seem to be stable, and does not display nicely18:20
Adam_how Virigoth ?18:20
Maks1UBUNTU doesnt see my webcam (Note asus webcam Syntec) tryed cheese UVC18:20
bazhangAdam_, grub? or grub218:21
bazhangAdam_, have you read the grub2 wiki yet?18:21
bazhangAdam_, /msg ubottu grub2  if not18:21
Virigoththat wiki help should do it I think18:21
nmvictorMaks1: Dr_Willis Avant windows nav is already in System>Preference> Startup apps and even the check box in avant windos navigator is checked to start automatically18:21
bazhangVirigoth, the grub2 one in this case18:22
^Jay2^do you know where i can download more compiz plugins?18:22
^Jay2^i want to do the snowing with the wallpaper part and making the 3d cube into a world like thing.18:22
invincilemutantI need to ensure evolution always running to check my email every minute and then18:23
bullgardHow can I determine the source code file name of the kernel process 'pm'?18:23
=== Motilon_ is now known as Motilon
invincilemutantand amake it docking on the panel18:23
invincilemutantand idea apart from alltray18:23
Adam_Virigoth,  what did u google to find that link so i can find it once i switch os's?18:23
soreau^Jay2^: come to #compiz and we can help you with that18:23
bazhangAdam_, that's the grub-legacy one18:24
Adam_wheres the grub 2 one/18:24
bazhangAdam_, /msg ubottu grub   or /msg ubottu grub218:24
bazhangAdam_, in your case its grub218:24
Adam_be back soon18:25
invinciblemutantany idea to make evolution to dock on the panel18:25
bazhanginvinciblemutant, with alltray?18:25
invinciblemutantbazhang, i am using alltray now18:25
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.18:25
Motilonsoreau: my system froze after DISPLAY:=0 metacity --replace18:25
invinciblemutantit seems that it is not nice, 1 bgcolor is not transparent18:25
AndrewMohawkhow can i force apt to ignore self signed certs?18:25
dominicdinadawhich channel is for open office ?18:25
invinciblemutantbazhang, and it is not stable...18:26
soreauMotilon: Hmm.. its gnome right?18:26
invinciblemutantbazhang, evolution may crash and close by itself18:26
Motilonyes, but I have serious doubts about the integrity of the install...18:26
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invinciblemutantbazhang, is there any alternative that you know18:26
Motilonsoreau: yes, but I have serious doubts about the integrity of the install...18:27
bazhangdominicdinada, #openoffice.org18:27
nmvictortheir was a way to magnify an entire windows by setting some option in compiz config setting manager and i particularly used it to magnify the terminals on avant-windows navigator to fit screen size, anyone rememer that option?18:27
dominicdinadabazhang: thanks I missed the .org when i tried finding it18:27
soreauMotilon: 10.04?18:27
bazhanginvinciblemutant, dont use  evolution, so no idea sorry18:27
Motilonsoreau: yes, brand new install18:28
jrf99c5Can I use a memory stick formatted in Ext 2 on Windows as well as Ubuntu?18:28
soreaunmvictor: its ccsm>ezoom18:28
invinciblemutantbazhang, i like the gnome integration of evolution18:28
soreauMotilon: Try this command to stop compiz from being executed: sudo chmod -x $(which compiz)18:28
invinciblemutantif thunderbird integrates well with gnome, i will be very happy to switch back to thunderbird...:D18:28
soreauMotilon: Then, go and try to start metacity again18:28
Motilonsoreau: compiz is not installed ... dont ask me why ...18:29
invinciblemutantbazhang, anyway, thanks18:29
Motilonsoreau: how do i stop previous process?18:29
mankashHow to fix wifi card in my ubuntu machine18:29
invinciblemutantbazhang, just wish to listen what others say18:29
soreauMotilon: Ok, that is a sure sign of a broken install if its just straight ubuntu 10.04 (no kubuntu, xubuntu or anything)18:30
invinciblemutantmankash, what chip you use on your machine18:30
soreauMotilon: Ctrl+C to stop process in terminal18:30
KrishnanduHi friends, After installing NVIDIA Drivers, the resolution of boot screen got increased and it looks really bad. I found the fix in general section(sticky) but what resolution should I use for my monitor(Native resolution 1440x900??18:30
dunekI have the same problem18:31
Krishnandudunek: I found the fix but not sure what resolution to use to get the original one back18:31
niccoliquick question, is there a dxdiag or similar command for linux?18:31
invinciblemutantmankash, if ubuntu does not detect your wireless on your machine, may be it is not provided under linux...You can then go for ndiswrapper18:31
prowerhello :> is there a way that you could install a package from backports without enabling backports for -every- package18:32
mankashinvinciblemutant: how to install ndiswrapper18:32
nmvictorsoreau: thanks, but what key is button 1,2,3... n18:32
invinciblemutantmankash, install using the following command18:32
invinciblemutantmanckash: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper18:32
KrishnanduAny idea guys18:33
soreaunmvictor: Left button=button1, middle click=button2, right click=button3, 4/5 is scroll up/down18:33
KrishnanduOr do I have to try one by one??18:33
Dr_WillisKrishnandu:  just try one and see? not too hard. :)18:33
invinciblemutantmankash, ndiswrapper relies on your windows driver18:33
BluesKajprower, use the repos in the sources.list for just that app, then either comment it or remove it from the sources.list18:33
Motilonsoreau: i cannot stop compiz as its not installed. yes its straight ubuntu 10.0418:34
invinciblemutantmankash, therefore you need to get ready your windows driver18:34
soreauMotilon: Well if compiz is not installed on a clean straight ubuntu install, its definitely a b0rken install18:34
troubledurlwallace: url! :)18:34
invinciblemutantmankash, it has the x interface that allows you to easily load the windows driver18:34
soreauMotilon: Compiz is installed by default on ubuntu18:35
mankashinvinciblemutant: please check this http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/p5418:35
invinciblemutantmankash, what is your wifi chip18:35
urlwallaceHi troubled good to cya Im always here18:35
Motilonsoreau: is that fizable? what can i do, besides reinstalling?18:35
nmvictorsoreau: thanks18:35
troubledurlwallace: ah, your home away from home, so to speak?18:35
Motilonsoreau: fixable*18:35
soreauMotilon: Make sure to check your install medium. If its a cd, run the disk check utility18:35
Virigothfizable = feasible??18:35
Virigothoh ok fixable lol18:36
soreauMotilon: Then of course, reinstall again18:36
urlwallaceyes!  I just tried to run my vista dualboot so fragile compared to my ubuntu had to get  out of it18:36
soreaufizable means feasible to fix ;)18:36
Motilonsoreau: thanks18:36
troubledurlwallace: ah. welcome back :)18:36
dominicdinadaVista =(18:36
MotilonVirigoth: lol, thats y i fixed it18:36
skhaterHI All18:36
urlwallaceyea I use windows just to update it lol18:36
dominicdinadaNo just Vista =) Worst OS ever made18:37
dominicdinadaWell it is Great and Awful :) heh18:37
invinciblemutantmankash, i gonna leave, good luck18:37
skhaterUbuntu 10.4 is freezed after gdm loaded ?18:37
troubledurlwallace: heh. anyways, catch you in a bit for TTG18:37
urlwallaceok later my friend18:38
edtwhat do you use to see what ubuntu will start in init.d?  in gentoo its rc-update show.  what does ubuntu use? (rc-update.d is NOT the answer)18:38
khyqogood day everyone.. i am having a bit of problem regarding with user privileges when creating a website.. i can't alter my files.. am i in the right channel to ask this question?18:38
dominicdinadawell did you set permissions to the folder khyqo18:38
Alexnov@khyqo , did you check the permissions?18:39
dominicdinadachmod 777 www18:39
dominicdinadachmod 775 www .....18:39
KrishnanduHow to update VLC to 1.0.018:39
bullgardHow can I determine the source code file name of the kernel process 'pm'?18:39
KrishnanduI've already installed previous version18:39
MTughanwildbat|GER-GOAL: Because I have a working GRUB setup for another distro, that I'd like it to be able to update on its own without intervention from Ubuntu.18:40
MTughanEr, wrong history... :P18:40
niccoliHey all, is there any way to get ubuntu to tell me which video card Im using (because I dont know if my pci is actually running)18:40
dominicdinadaKrishnandu: I dont know I don't like VLC Gnome Mplayer is 10x better18:40
MTughanI'm trying to chainload GRUB legacy from GRUB 2 with Ubuntu 10.04. The chainload seems to be kicking off legacy fine, but it's not finding its configuration file. The distro channel for legacy said I was chainloading wrong. How should it be done?18:40
abhi_navKrishnandu, one way is to download .deb from there web site18:40
Krishnanduabhi_nav, ok...ya I know that.....but will it remove the older version??18:40
abhi_navKrishnandu, offcourse.18:41
SailorRealitywhen i double click the browser my computer goes into hibernation and i cant recover18:41
SailorRealitythere's just white bars on the screen18:41
khyqodominicdinada & alexnov: i tried changing the permission but to no avail.. i used gui to change the permissions.. i am using netbeans as my ide.. when i tried to load my project.. it says that my project folder is not writable18:41
Krishnanduabhi_nav, okies :)18:41
abhi_navKrishnandu, :)18:41
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dominicdinadakhyqo: Well you forgot to mention that, But is this a network location ? or on the pc your working on ?18:42
khyqodominicdinada: on my pc only18:42
SailorRealityanyone know what could be wrong?18:42
Krishnanduabhi_nav, dunno whats the problem...!! They are not providing .deb package. Informing to install using synaptic or terminal18:43
lousygaruaSailorReality, seems like you have two problems, one is that your computer goes into hibernation mode automatically and the other is that it can't come back from hibernation18:43
Patero-nganybody here knows how to make yogurt18:44
SailorRealitylousygaruga:  yea basically...im not sure if it's completely automatic though18:44
Psycho_Mariocan anyone suggest some face recognition/face tracking which works with webcams for ubuntu?18:44
icerootPatero-ng: we dont need off-topic here18:44
SailorRealityseems it only goes into it when i double click18:44
troubledSailorReality: curious, does it say its going into hibernation?18:44
troubledSailorReality: second, is your swap file as big as your ram?18:44
SailorRealityno it almost looks like a screensaver18:44
SailorReality2 gigs18:45
troubled(iirc, hiber uses swap, and if its smaller than ram, it fails, in my experience on this box)18:45
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SailorRealityits this screensaver with white bars floating up and down18:45
adam_Virigoth:  im using linux mint doing that method is different to ubuntu18:45
abhi_navKrishnandu, yah you follow that procedure18:45
troubledSailorReality: not sure why its entering hibernation though. perhaps just a really low value and its ignoring mouse events? *shrug*18:45
=== djgb is now known as abha
Krishnanduabhi_nav, I've already installed VLC18:45
abhi_navKrishnandu, already installed? then whats the issue now?18:46
Krishnanduand I already tried that......the update is not reflected yet18:46
ross_how do you add lines to the sources.list appropriately?18:46
Krishnanduabhi_nav, I want to install the updated version 1.0.018:46
Krishnandureleased today I think18:46
abhi_navKrishnandu, you go to their page and follow what they say. Have you dont that and failed? no? then? how can you come back as it is? first give a try naa? if faild then we wll see naa?18:47
adam_Virigoth:  im using linux mint doing that method is different to ubuntu18:47
Krishnanduabhi_nav, ya I'm saying the same thing.....I did it18:47
dominicdinadaWhy are .sh files opening up with gedit grrrr18:48
Krishnanduabhi_nav, and it says vlc is already installed18:48
Virigothoh fail :(18:48
Krishnanduabhi_nav, not updating it18:48
abhi_navKrishnandu, you did installed vlc as per their web site says? ok so you may want to first uninstall vlc manual and then again follow their site18:48
kevin_dominicdinada, right click them and give them execute.18:48
MTughanI'm trying to chainload GRUB legacy from GRUB 2 with Ubuntu 10.04. The chainload seems to be kicking off legacy fine, but it's not finding its configuration file. The distro channel for legacy said I was chainloading wrong. How should it be done?18:48
Motilonsoreau: sry to bother you again ... where and how do i run the disk check utility?18:48
VirigothIf you reinstall Grub2, it should detect the new Win7 install, and make you primary drive18:48
Krishnanduabhi_nav, ok what if I wait for some days?? Will I get the update from update manager??18:48
soreauMotilon: You mean fsck?18:48
Virigoththe bootloader(mint)18:48
vitiumIn order to install Ati's driver I need XFree86-Mesa-libGL, it's not in the repos - how can I install it?18:48
soreau! fsck | Motilon18:48
ubottuMotilon: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot18:48
abhi_navKrishnandu, cant say. depend upon ubuntu admins.18:49
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gnomefreakross_: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and just add the lines there or use software sources from the system -> prefferences menu18:49
Krishnanduabhi_nav, okies :)18:49
Guest213ubottu: hi18:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:49
dominicdinadakevin_: execute is not an option. What program do they runwith ?18:49
Pr3nt1c3I"m trying to fix the opacity for my windows... I've tried both emerald and compiz stuff in the forums18:49
lousygaruadominicdinada, execute permission on the properties dialog18:49
Pr3nt1c3however.... theere's no 'opacity' setting under general settings18:49
Pr3nt1c3I'm so stuck18:49
khyqoanyone who knows how to solvemy problem?18:49
soreauPr3nt1c3: Whats wrong with the opacity?18:49
kevin_dominicdinada right click go to properties then go to permissions18:49
ross_gnomefreak: i can add the lines anywhere?18:49
soreauPr3nt1c3: Use ccsm>Opacity, Brightness and Saturation, or Alt+Scroll18:50
Pr3nt1c3umm.... I can barely read what's going on in the chat... 50% opacity / transparency18:50
Pr3nt1c3tried that18:50
Motilonsoreau, ubottu: Thanks!18:50
gnomefreakross_: ok just add them using software sources menu entry18:50
dominicdinadakevin_: lousygarua correct18:50
Pr3nt1c3all I get is nothing, or scrolling in window18:50
soreauPr3nt1c3: Does it help if you disable desktop effects?18:50
abhi_navPr3nt1c3, only for terminal windows or for all window?18:50
bazhangross_, if you use gedit, be sure to prepend with gksudo (for graphical apps)18:50
Pr3nt1c3didn't think of diabling desktop effects18:51
* Pr3nt1c3 headdesks18:51
* Pr3nt1c3 eats the damned 'any' key18:51
abhi_navPr3nt1c3, yah give try to disabling18:51
ross_bazhang i don't understand : (18:51
kevin_dominicdinada :) never seen his post :) enjoy :)18:51
lunavoraxHello everyone !18:51
gnomefreakross_: use the menu entry18:51
wildc4rdevenin' all18:51
Pr3nt1c3hmm... still pretty transparent... but better18:51
bazhangross_, software sources is the easiest method18:51
gnomefreak!sources > ross_18:52
ubottuross_, please see my private message18:52
ross_i can't find it18:52
ross_in the repository18:52
bazhangross_, if you ever need to edit a configuration file with a graphical app like gedit though, you would use gksudo instead of sudo18:52
ross_because it needs to be added to the ppa18:52
Pr3nt1c3much better18:52
^Jay2^what is !sources18:52
ross_let me show you what i mean18:52
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:52
^Jay2^ohhh cool!18:53
lunavoraxI can't mount my HFS+ drive, do I have a package missing ?18:53
gnomefreakross_: go to System>preferences>software sources and add them from that dialog18:53
ross_look at the end of that page18:53
bazhangross_, from a PPA?18:53
ross_that's what i'm trying to add18:53
bazhangross_, there is a add-apt-repostitory command for PPA's18:53
ross_gnomefreak i don't have software sources18:53
Pr3nt1c3and now all my 'expected' shortcuts / habits need re-setting18:53
Pr3nt1c3it'll do18:53
ross_check out the link that i sent you please18:53
ross_that's what i'm trying to set up18:54
gnomefreakross_: than use synaptic to add them18:54
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ross_it's not in the synaptic18:54
ross_that's what i'm trying to tell you18:54
gnomefreakross_: open synaptic and in the menu you will see reprositories IIRC18:54
^Jay2^where can i find more repositories for ubuntu?18:55
khyqoguys.... i am having a bit of problem regarding with user privileges when creating a website.. i can't alter my files.. i am using netbeans 6.9 as ide.. it says source not writable when loading my project folder..18:55
gnomefreak^Jay2^: depends on what you want18:55
^Jay2^gnomefreak: games and pentesting18:56
gnomefreak^Jay2^: you wont most likely and as for pretesting i dont know what you mean18:56
ross_gnomefreak the lg3d package that i'm looking for is not in there18:56
ross_did you look at the link that i sent you?18:56
^Jay2^gnomefreak: penetration testing18:56
gnomefreakross_: you need to use what i told you to add the PPA not look for the package18:57
gnomefreak^Jay2^: you are very unlikely to find one18:57
^Jay2^gnomefreak: i see18:57
skhatercan any one help me18:57
ross_i don't have the software sources link from the preferences menu18:57
skhatergdm freeze18:57
lousygarua!ask | skhater18:57
ubottuskhater: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:57
Motilonsoreau: Issued the "sudo shutdown -F -r now", system started as usual and I'm geting same beaviour . Should I just reinstall so we can  stay friends?18:58
gnomefreakross_: what version of ubuntu are you using?18:58
soreauMotilon: Yes. Do the cd check first though, by pressing esc right after the cd boots18:58
alaska13Anyone know how to get sound working in lucid on a macbook pro (5,5).  I have already gone through the community documentation, still no luck!18:58
gnomefreakross_: it is there than18:59
ross_it's not18:59
ross_there is no software sources under preferences18:59
gnomefreakross_: you may need to edit the menu to add it but it is there if you are using gnome18:59
dugger5688It's under admin.18:59
Motilonsoreau: will try18:59
gnomefreakyeah addmin18:59
dugger5688system->administration-> Software sources.18:59
nmvictorfuck my previos subcriber, I unlocked my modem and now I have some great speed at low prices18:59
ross_it's under administration damn it18:59
ross_not preferences18:59
stefanoshello! when i minimize a window to the panel it gets disappear, how can i fix that?18:59
bazhangnmvictor, no cursing please18:59
ross_gnomefreak: ok now what19:00
nmvictori dint curse anyone here, atleast19:00
lousygaruastefanos, sounds like you removed the window list from your panel19:00
ikonianmvictor: you did - stop it19:00
azeryuwhen we do uname -r ?19:00
gnomefreakross_: open it and add it under one of the tabs. I dont have access to my gnome install atm19:00
lousygaruastefanos, right click on the panel, select `add to panel` and search for ' window list'19:00
azeryuin which case to check what ? uname -r19:01
lousygaruastefanos, or mayeb you resized the window list to a small width so you can't see it19:01
bliffleI'm looking for a vuze or azureus support channel.19:01
stefanoslousygarua: problem solved19:01
stefanosthank u!19:01
ross_gnomefreak what menu entry i don't see it19:01
MTughanI'm trying to chainload GRUB legacy from GRUB 2 with Ubuntu 10.04. The chainload seems to be kicking off legacy fine, but it's not finding its configuration file. The distro channel for legacy said I was chainloading wrong. How should it be done?19:02
ross_let me check again19:02
nmvictorikonia: bazhang okidoki, sorry! was just venting it out on my previous ISP, i unlocked my modem so I can use alternative sim cards and now i wonder why I lived without it, sorry any way19:02
gnomefreakross_: open software sources lease19:02
ross_i did19:02
ikonianmvictor: no problem19:02
bazhangnmvictor, thanks19:02
gnomefreakross_: i think it is the 2nd tab that should say repositoies or something likel that19:02
nmvictoranyone here using emacs?19:02
Virigothshould use vim ^_^19:02
VirigothI have a basic grasp of emacs, whats your question?19:02
gnomefreakross_: do you see an add button?19:03
ross_then add deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian stable contrib19:03
gnomefreakross_: yes where it tells you to19:03
ross_ok then what19:03
gnomefreakross_: save?19:03
hinskyi got a problem. i need to setup ubuntu for netboot to run another computer with a broken cd drive from it, but i cant find any tutorials on how to do that19:03
VirigothYou have network access for that netbook?19:04
VirigothYou could do a network install19:04
dugger5688I'm also interested in that :-) provide a link with a guide if possible.19:04
hinskyyes  both pcs got a network card. i need to safe my data from the other hdd19:04
gnomefreakross_: are you sure you want to use that archive. im guess if it breaks your system you are going to have a hard time fixing it19:04
azeryuin which case we do uname -r ?19:05
hinskyim running ubuntu in a VM ^^19:05
gnomefreakazeryu: kernel version19:05
azeryui normaly got ubuntu 10.0419:05
gnomefreaktype it in terminal than hit enter19:05
rabbit1i need to play a file from web, i use firefox, but i says, it need ie to play the video, how can i solve this?19:05
gnomefreakazeryu: 10.04 is not the kernel version it is the Ubuntu version19:05
azeryuwhen i do uname -r i got 2.6.27-gandi-277719:05
azeryuis that normal ?19:05
gnomefreakazeryu: should look like this, ypour version will not be the same gnomefreak@development:~$ uname -r19:06
bazhangazeryu, for 10.04 ? no19:06
Virigothhinsky: This has a bunch of different ways to install19:06
azeryuhow to change to that version ?19:07
dugger5688rabbit1: you could try the user agent switcher, it's a firefox plugin that can spoof it as IE19:07
gnomefreakdon quote me but that is a hardy kernel19:07
bazhang2. is the most up to date for 10.04 azeryu19:07
abhi_navhi rabbit119:07
Virigothoops forgot link ^_^19:07
Virigothhinsky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation19:07
azeryubut me got this one 2.6.27-gandi-277719:07
gnomefreakazeryu: that is not a kernel we provide19:07
azeryuso i need to change my kernel version19:07
rabbit1Abhinav: hi19:08
azeryuto put the correct kernel version19:08
azeryuhow to do ?19:08
gnomefreak-gandi-2777 sounds like a unofficial build of a kernel19:08
bazhangazeryu, did you install that yourself?19:08
rabbit1dugger5688: or else, i need to WMP on 8.04 hardy19:08
azeryuthis one for example
azeryuhow to do ?19:08
abhi_nav!tab > rabbit119:08
ubotturabbit1, please see my private message19:08
gnomefreakazeryu: you change it by install one or booting to a different one in grub19:08
snakez85i'm new for ubunutu19:09
meatbundoes win7 start edition let u repartition ur HD?19:09
snakez85can some one help me??19:09
snakez85i have 10.419:09
gnomefreakazeryu: if that is listed in grub choose to boot to it19:09
azeryui Can't do some thing like apt-get kernel change ?19:09
bazhangmeatbun, try in ##windows19:09
gnomefreaksnakez85: just tell us what you need19:09
meatbunbazhang: i need to repart, so i can install ubuntu19:09
bazhangazeryu, no19:09
bazhangmeatbun, but its a windows support question you asked19:10
meatbunno one is alive on #windows19:10
azeryui got lots of datat i don't want to reinstall everything19:10
alaska13anyone here running lucid on a mac?19:10
abhi_navVirigoth, yes like this19:10
abhi_nav!pm > Virigoth19:10
ubottuVirigoth, please see my private message19:10
gnomefreakmeatbun: we dont support windows so i would wait19:10
azeryuis there any other solution ?19:10
snakez85I Need software recourse19:10
abhi_navVirigoth, :D19:10
snakez85and with server i select19:10
bazhangsnakez85, software recourse? could you clarify please?19:11
gnomefreaksnakez85: that doesnt tell us what you need help with19:11
azeryusomeone help me last time19:12
azeryuof course we change the kernel19:12
=== azlon_ is now known as azlon
azeryuhow to do it ?19:12
gnomefreakazeryu: grub19:12
azeryui want to put the default one19:12
gnomefreakreboot and choose a differetn kernel to boot into19:12
azeryuthis one for example
ender_I get a continous Loop of "Starting File Manager" can someone help me19:13
gnomefreakazeryu: boot to a normal kernel than remove the 2777 kernel using synaptic19:13
bazhangazeryu, where did you get your current kernel? that cannot be for 10.0419:13
Pr3nt1c3opcaity 90% fixed19:13
Pr3nt1c3except for termina and xchat19:13
azeryumy ubuntu pc is an remote pc19:14
azeryui can't access on it physically for now19:14
Motilonsoreau: I'm not geting any errors with cd check but when I start the install cd i get an error "Installation failed. The installer encountered  an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so you might investigate the problem  or try installing again." I got this same msg when I installed and, not knowing how to check for errors I went straight to installing when desktop session...19:15
Motilon...started. Also, I've had to download the iso many times in the las 2 days, have tried burning it with different software on 3 different PCs and I'm always geting one error or another. This one seemed to me the least harmfull and it did indeed install. I did have problems when trying my 1st reboot though :(19:15
bazhangender_, can you get to a terminal?19:15
Dr_WillisMotilon:  try making a bootable flash drive to install from?19:15
bazhangender_, check what is eating the processes with the command top in the terminal19:16
ender_what am i looking for exactly?19:18
Virigoth!pm > Virigoth19:18
ubottuVirigoth, please see my private message19:18
Motilonsoreau, Dr_Willis: thats not all. I first installed 9.10 and upgraded to 10.04, geting all kinds of errors, so many I even lost wy winxp install. I came here and was adviced to install 10.04 from begining.19:18
bazhangender_, something that is using a lot of memory?19:18
dugger5688That's strange for an upgrade to even touch an XP install.19:19
Dr_WillisMotilon:  Hmm. with all the probpems.. it could be some hardware issue going on.19:19
TuxthePenguinMaybe GRUB2 just doesn't see the XP install19:19
Dr_WillisMotilon:  this is on a laptop or desktop?19:19
ender_let me recreate the problem then19:19
Motilondr_willis: desktop19:19
Dr_WillisMotilon:  so basically theres no OS  thats not crashing  or causing issues on it right now? xp is flakey? linux is flakey? installing an OS is flakey...19:20
Motilondr_willis: no, i installed xp already19:21
coz_Motilon,  you could check the md5sum on the ISo before burning it to be sure it is ok19:21
Dr_WillisMotilon:  so Xp is now seeming to 'work' properly? Dosent crash any more then xp normally does?19:21
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.19:21
ender_nothing seems to b eatting up mem or cpu19:23
Motilondr_willis: i havnt done a lot on xp this time, barely installed some ER apps but it seems to be doing ok19:23
kielanmatthey all19:23
kielanmattI have installed lucid19:23
ender_its just going crazy and not slowing the machine down at all19:23
kielanmattand tried getting irda working but it only kinda works on older kernel found in 8.0419:23
CainHi, On a dual boot machin i set up Win7 & Ubuntu Lucid, i have several ntfs partitions (since the machine was only a windows machine), ntfs is fine for those partitions to be read/written with both win7 & ubuntu without conflict ?19:23
kielanmattand I'm trying to use that kernel without reinstall19:23
Dr_WillisMotilon:  it proberly wouldent hurt to open up the case and give it a good dusting, and check all cables. -  to test linux on it. You may want to do an install to a flash drive. and run that for a few days and see if it acts up.19:23
kielanmatti installed the 2.6.24 kernel19:24
kielanmattbut when I try to boot it19:24
kielanmattit doesnt19:24
VirigothCain: 10.04 reads my NTFS fine19:24
dugger5688Does anyone have a tip on booting a live USB if the computer in question doesn't have BIOS support?19:24
Dr_WillisMotilon:  You might also want to track down a 2nd hard drive to install linux to  and keep the XP hd unplugged. :) Of course running memtest for a few hrs may show something wrong also. it cant hurt.19:24
wombatmanI have a rockbox-ed sansa fuze v1 that doesn't seem to show up at all when plugged in after boot. It will work if i restart the computer with it plugged in. Found a "fix" on a forum where you can put a usb thumb drive in first and then connect the fuze and that will work but I need to find a better solution if anyone knows why this weird behavior occurs. I do know that simply typing lsusb...19:24
wombatman...will not mount the drive though the drive does show up there and is ofcourse in msc mode as that's what I'd prefer19:24
Pr3nt1c3stil amazes me that this channel is almost a 'help for anything channel' even tho it's _not_ identified as such19:25
Dr_Willisdugger5688:  depends on what you are wanting to do with the pc. Install an OS?  just get it going? repair somtning?19:25
CainVirigoth : thx, mine does too, just want to be sure19:25
* Pr3nt1c3 slaps himself with a large piece of steak19:25
Motilondr_willis: will to follow, thanks!19:26
ender_bazhang: Im not getting anything out of the ordinary showing up19:26
* Pr3nt1c3 slaps himself again... wrong channel19:26
dugger5688Dr_Willis: get into Ubuntu to backup/remove viruses on an XP install.19:26
Dr_WillisMotilon:  i had a real flakey box once. and i opened it up and noticed an ide cable had a small cut from a sharp edge in the case..19:26
xanguaPLoP  Boot Manager Lets You Boot From An USB  Even If The BIOS Doesn't Support It http://ur1.ca/0jbb0 maybe this help you dugger5688 ¿¿19:26
deviwhat is an x3 player?19:27
Dr_Willisdugger5688: cant use a live cd ? There are some AV-Live cd's out there.19:27
dugger5688xangua: tried that, didn't work for me so I asked here. Thanks though.19:27
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:27
Motilondr_willis: gotcha. I keep a good eye on my hardware but it wont hurt to triple check19:27
dugger5688Dr_Willis: wanted full desktop env, I ended up using a live cd but the computer in question has a buggy CD drive and it was painfully slow.19:27
Dr_Willisdugger5688:  theres also ways to boot an iso file from a hard drive --> http://www.howtoforge.com/install-linux-without-burning-an-iso-to-cd-dvd-use-the-iso-downloaded-to-your-hard-drive19:27
devican someone help me? My movie is telling me I need an x3 player to watch it?19:28
ActionParsnipdugger5688: no usb boot?19:28
Dr_Willisdugger5688:  so thers no Linux on the machine right now. You want a perment linux setup on it? or just  wanting to 'scan' this windows box?19:28
snow_wonsI have problem with ubuntu, it switched the screen off once it starts ... the live cd as well ... when run it in safeX mode it starts and do not recognise the screen model19:28
snow_wonsany hint where to start?19:28
Dr_Willisdevi:  never heard of one.  what url/site is saying that?19:28
deviHey Dr_Willis, it's no site, the movie is on my computer...19:29
Dr_Willisdevi:  or do you mean to say. you play the movie.. and the MOVIE at teh begining says to go to some siet and get some thing....19:29
deviDr_Willis, yes that's what it says19:29
ActionParsnipsnow_wons: you can add boot options to set resolutions etc.19:30
dugger5688Dr_willis: Just scan19:30
Virigothsound sketchy19:30
netridersnow_wons do you have a backup of your information? or a second partition?19:30
Dr_Willisdevi:  well not to sound mean.. but.. err.. IS this a porno?19:30
deviDr_Willis hahaha.. no way!19:30
Dr_Willisdevi:  that sounds like a TYPICAL Malware/virus/ type thing..19:30
Dr_Willisdevi:  so where did the video come from?19:30
deviDr_Willis oh :( So I have to delete it?19:30
Virigothdevi: delete, find another source...19:30
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: sounds like copyrighted material asking for a "plugin" to me19:30
Virigothis what I'd do19:30
deviDr_Willis: I can't tewll you ;)19:31
ender_bazhang: if i wait long enough it will go away and leave me with no way to open files then if i end gvfsd-trash it starts again19:31
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  yep. but ive seen 'warez/mal-videos' also act likw that.19:31
deviVirigoth, ok, that sucks!19:31
Dr_Willisdevi:  guess you are on your own then.. sounds like Malware to me.. or some fancy DRM.19:31
deviDr_Willis, what's a DRM?19:31
Dr_Willisdevi:  copy protection19:31
Dr_Willissee 'apple' :)19:32
wombatmandigital rights management19:32
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: its usually some encoder (+malware) which misses certail patterns of bits. If you can find out the pattern etc you can retrieve the video19:32
joecrawfordare connections from freenode webchat banned on #ubuntu?19:32
Dr_WillisDigital RESTRICTIONS on Material :)19:32
deviaha, well ok, plenty complicated and I was so looking forward to that :(19:33
ActionParsnipjoecrawford: I was banned earlier when using it. I'm using andchat now and its fine19:33
deviBloody DRM!19:33
netridersnow_wons you can try to reinstall hit the live cd and destroy the partitios and create it again, are you installing lucid lynx? or other distribution?19:33
wombatmani don't think yours is drm19:33
wombatmanits probably a scam19:33
Dr_Willisdevi:  find a better source i guess..  IVe had to help friends 'reinstall windows' after they install some 'codecs' to watch videos on their machines. :)19:33
deviwell that sucks just as much19:33
wombatmanyou pay to play the file and it probably infects you with some malware19:33
Dr_Willisdevi: since you wont tell us the source.. well. :)  have fun.19:34
ender_can someone please help me im dieing here...19:34
Virigothcall 911?19:34
deviDr_Willis, I don't even remember the source...19:34
Dr_Willis'to play this video.. download this codec from some russian web site.....' <--- Never a good sign.19:34
ender_this isnt 911?19:34
* ender_ dies.19:34
VirigothI haven't been following your issue so I'm no help19:34
wombatmanI hate most drm but it can be done properly. The largest problem is that it already has been done wrong and so for most just the term leaves a bad taste19:34
ActionParsnipwombatman: most things like that stop after so many Mbs into the file. You can use dd with an offset to miss the start of the file out ;). Just takes websearching19:34
bluelfhey everyone , i cant find many things on compizConfig Settings . like cube reflection and deformations anyone knows how to get them ?19:35
ender_my issue is ive got an unending list of "Starting file manager" poping up and disapearing19:35
deviok everyone, thanks for ur help and goodnight19:35
Dr_Willisbluelf:  theres extra packages of effects/plugins in the repos. try there/those19:35
yukongtthe icon that is usually up in the panel to connect to networks is gone and i can figure out how to add it back. It automatically connected to the wifi at my house, but i cant get it to connect anywhere else because i cant see which ones are available. How can i get the network connections back in the panel?19:35
ActionParsnipbluelf: i'd ask in #compiz ,its more specific to you issue19:35
ender_and it doesnt seem to effect the computer in any way other than i cant open any files or folders19:35
wombatmanand if that doesn't work you can install from source pretty easily19:35
ActionParsnipyukongt: alt+f2 type: nm-applet press enter19:36
Dr_Willisender_:  i saw nautiuls do that once ages ago during beta..   id get 1000+ windows poping up.. then they would like crash.. then close...19:36
ender_ooh ooh what did you do to fix it?19:36
ActionParsnipyukongt: it doesn't need to be running to get connected, you just won't get notifications19:36
quidnuncWhat is the command to look up registrar information?19:36
Dr_Willisender_:  try update/upgrading from the console? perhaps theres some bug.19:36
Dr_Willisender_:  nothing. :) the updates eventually fixed it.19:36
xanguayukongt: do you have the notification area in your panel¿¿ if not add it, if yes then just launch: nm-applet19:36
bluelfDr_Willis any specific place i should look for these plugins?19:36
Dr_Willisbluelf:  the search feature of synaptic19:36
yukongtit is showing my battery info and sound and everything else i just cant do wifi like normal19:37
joecrawfordi can't connect to #ubuntu from webchat.freenode.net19:37
Dr_WillisNight all19:37
yukongti just did nm-applet and nothing changed19:37
wombatmanbluelf: synaptic is under system then administration19:37
netriderhi, do you know how can i make a room for play wormux in my local network?19:37
ActionParsnipyukongt: is the wifi configured?19:37
yukongti am on it now. It is connected but no icon19:38
dugger5688yukongt: nm-applet doesn't show batter, etc. It's only for networking.19:38
Spaztic_OneOK, so, i'm not exactly sure what I did, but I think I pressed control-alt-F11 and it logged me out and went into a full screen terminal. Any one know what that was about, or how to get the UI back to a GUI when it happens?19:38
ActionParsnipyukongt: it isn't needed to get wifi, you only need it to configure new and existing connections19:38
dugger5688You can try 'killall nm-applet' then use alt+F2 and enter 'nm-applet'19:39
dugger5688Might boot you off wireless though.19:39
ActionParsnipyukongt: the network manager service runs in the background and connects based on your configured networks19:39
guntbertSpaztic_One: press alt+F719:39
spock_join ubuntu-e19:40
abhi_navSpaztic_One, alt f8 or f10 somethingl ike that try yes as guntbert says19:40
andy_i know this should be asked in another chanel (i did already), but does anyone happen to know how to edit the Applications menu in xfce for ubuntu 10.4? I think i found the file but it doesn't work to modify it (/etc/xdg/.../xfce-applications.menu)19:40
yukongtyea but i was wanting back to normal. i want to be able to connect at work and everything19:40
ActionParsnipdugger5688: it won't, the applet is only a config gui. Just like you don't need firestarter running to have the firewall up19:40
Spaztic_OneOK, thanks guys. Now, can you tell me what exactly I did anyway?19:40
xanguayukongt: add the NOTIFICATION AREA to the panel19:40
wombatmanbluelf: you can also check http://wiki.compiz.org/Install/PluginsFromGit19:40
wombatmanbluelf: you should do the synaptic thing first and then if you still miss stuff do that19:40
abhi_navSpaztic_One, that was terminal you logged into without loosing your current session19:40
aczerirc after 15years19:41
yukongtxangua: thanks thats what i was looking for!19:41
aczerstill works19:41
invinciblemutantanyway to make evolution standby apart from alltrya19:41
=== sam_ is now known as sinusoid
Spaztic_OneAh, ok, but I had to login on that19:41
ActionParsnipAndy_: you can edit the files in /usr/share/applications if you want19:41
wombatmanbluelf: sometimes it can also help to install from source if the plugin is broken19:41
invinciblemutantis there anyway to make evolution standby on the panel apart from alltray19:41
aczeri have question about accu consumption in ubuntu19:42
aczeranybody help?19:42
ActionParsnipinvinciblemutant: there's a plugin for it online (not in the repo afaik)19:42
bluelfDr_Willis,  wombatman, thanks i just did synaptic thing19:42
abhi_nav!ask | aczer19:43
ubottuaczer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:43
ActionParsnipinvinciblemutant: what's wrong with alltray if it works? You can set a hotkey to show / hide the app as part of the alltray command19:43
=== elmar is now known as Guest25543
invinciblemutant1. alltray is ugly, 2. it is not really stable, my evolution closes by itself clashed19:44
aczerok boss19:44
ActionParsnipinvinciblemutant: gotch. There is a tray plugin for it from what I remember19:45
nico_i need help please i have my wireless card where it is registering on the computer it exists but can not get it to connect 2 the internet19:45
wombatmanwhat type of wireless card19:45
andy_ActionParsnip, thanks, this might work19:46
Majorastrothe cat in the hat19:46
ActionParsnipNico_: if you run: sudo iwlist scan ,do you see APs?19:46
Majorastrocat hat19:46
vitiumI need XFree86-Mesa-libGL & XFree86-libs, they aren't in the repos - how can I get them?19:47
invinciblemutantActionParsnip: i want it to remain on tray eventhough i hit the close button19:47
nico_hold on i will check.19:47
guntbertSpaztic_One: that is a feature - sometimes the only way to access your system when X has/makes trouble (ctrl+alt+F1) - back with alt+F7 or with repeated alt+left or alt#right19:47
Majorastroyou cat hat19:47
invinciblemutantalltray clashes quite frequently19:47
Dougwiservitium, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20628519:48
guntbertMajorastro: stop that please19:48
sdwrageHey guys. I am planning out my web application and I am going into the data planning stage. What do you guys consider a good text editor for this kind of stuff?19:48
Majorastromy hat cat19:49
vitiumDougwiser: thanks19:49
Dougwiserenjoy ubuntu vitium19:50
guntbert!ops | Majorastro19:50
ubottuMajorastro: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!19:50
bazhangguntbert, he's gone for now19:51
steffanbazhang: you removed the wrong person?19:51
steffanor is it my client :)19:51
guntbertbazhang: not really19:51
bazhangsteffan, guntbert my mistake indeed19:52
AltreusMy gnome menu content does not match what the edit menus utility says. How can I refresh it?19:52
paprnaHello, got anyone else problem with FF on ubuntu 8.04? after update19:53
nico_lo        Interface doesn't support scanning.19:53
nico_eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.19:53
nico_pan0      Interface doesn't support scanning.19:53
nico_wmaster0  Interface doesn't support scanning.19:53
nico_wlan0     Scan completed :19:53
nico_          Cell 01 - Address: 00:25:3C:73:FB:5919:53
nico_                    ESSID:"smithbiz.net"19:53
nico_                    Mode:Master19:53
nico_                    Channel:619:53
steffan!pastebin | nico_19:53
ubottunico_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:53
nico_                    Frequency:2.43719:53
Majorastrolk.jlk;;ghjuyllm;,kjn  kk`ghudtwef;ckl,klhlllhl;okgjltdyhhjhofgtgfyjjfjihuyuugv;j'dhufvdklsd,mklhgngmkfjcdmkkjjruuuyutnjbvxcxdasfrhfuytruuyipookuuyhdgvfnjjbsqddqwljhotrkkmkoirjyyehuthtkkoohyyikr89yi19:53
nico_ GHz (Channel 6)19:53
nico_                    Quality=100/100  Signal level:-17 dBm19:53
nico_                    Encryption key:on19:53
alascaDoes anyone know what's the difference between Google chrome and chronium?19:53
nico_                    Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s19:53
nico_                              11 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s19:53
abhi_nav!paste > nico_19:53
ubottunico_, please see my private message19:53
nico_                              48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s19:53
nico_                    Extra:tsf=0000000cb27b2ad619:53
v1adchrome is based of chromium19:53
abhi_navnico_ wasnt aware of this i think19:54
v1adchromium is the open sourced version and usually updated a bit faster\19:54
abhi_navi mena guidelines19:54
steffanbazhang: no problem :-)19:54
alascav1ad,   Ohh so I should get chronium instead ...19:54
alascav1ad,  thanks19:54
v1adalasca, yup19:54
alascav1ad,  I ask because firefox 3.6.6 is giving me such a hard time.19:55
alascav1ad,  it crashes, sadly flash player doesn't work on it some times... It eats a  lot of memory.19:55
abhi_nav!paste | nico__19:55
ubottunico__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:55
nico__or what my sudo lsint said so i was pasting it.19:55
igamaalasca, are you using a "new" profile, or a old profile from 3.0 ?19:55
steffanabhi_nav: he has had that three times now :-)19:55
abhi_navsteffan, just making sure that he wll not get again kicked! ;)19:56
alascaigama,  I don't know, I'm a beginner, I think I used the old profile19:56
alexbobPAnybody know exactly what script gets run on ubuntu when you tell it to shut down through the gui menu?19:56
alexbobPI want ot try customizing that19:56
alascaigama,  Now I apt-get purge firefox, and installed google chrome19:56
alascaigama,  Sadly I kinda liked firefox so much:(19:56
igamaalasca, try using a new profile, it made a difference for me19:56
alascaigama,  I have purged it, how can I get it back now?19:57
igamaalasca, I created a new profile, then imported my bookmarks back19:57
Pirate_HunteralexbobP, hmm maybe /sbin/shutdown19:57
alascaigama,  But not the ubuntu build...the official build.19:57
igamaalasca, your profile is in /home/user/.firefox or something , the purge does not remove those files19:57
alascaigama,  Ok thanks for telling me that.19:58
Randolphhi all19:58
igamahave to go, see ya all ;)19:58
Pirate_HunteralexbobP, at least thats the path so you can script or make a command pointing their if you got a wm liike flux or openbox etc19:58
alascaigama,  Take care and thanks19:58
RandolphI need to boot my ubuntu without xserver19:58
Randolphhow to do that ?19:58
nico__<ActionParsnip> i don't know what you mean by the aps i didn't see anything like that on there and i tried to paste it on here and got kicked off instead19:58
mneptok!paste | nico__19:59
ubottunico__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:59
abhi_nav!tab > nico__19:59
ubottunico__, please see my private message19:59
valissince backtrack is a ubuntu os is it alloted in here?19:59
mneptokvalis: no.19:59
Randolphthe last update of ubuntu had crashed nvidia module19:59
ActionParsnipYo yo yo20:00
Randolphwhen I restart my screen goes on power saving mode20:00
abhi_navnico__, it wasnt because you pasted here i was becuase you pasted more than 3 lines text here. for more than 3 lines use paste bin.20:00
nico__ok i can not get my wireless card to connect to the internet . my card is registering to the computer but not connecting. help20:01
abhi_navnico__, he is back Actionparsnip20:01
=== sdwrage is now known as sdwrage-hiking
ActionParsnipnico__: did the command show APs20:02
Szgani have a bit of a big problem20:03
ActionParsnipnico__: use pastebin as instructed in future20:03
Szgani can't install the ati vid card driver using the jockey anymore20:03
Szganand when i boot i get an error20:04
ActionParsnipnico__: ok if you use network manager in the top right can you connect?20:04
Szganhey RoH^  :)20:04
Szgani tried the "official" ati drivers, bad idea D:20:04
nico__i don't know how and personally am tired of being a 31 year old woman having to stick by rules for 4 year olds. if i didn't need to get this young ladies computer fixed i wouldn't even bother.20:04
ActionParsnipnico__: also try a wired connection and get updated. May help20:04
duffydackSzgan, install manually then.  apt-get install fglrx20:05
Szgansays it already at the latest version20:05
Szganbut every time i startup i get a error20:05
nico__i can connect because i am hard wired in but where she is she can only work wirelessly20:05
khyqoi guess no one knows how to solve my problem.. :'(20:05
Szganso i have to revert to low graphocs mode20:05
ActionParsnipnico__: you have the hard part done. The device his drivered20:05
DesiArnez6Why can I not add my own Google Talk Account?20:05
DesiArnez6as a Buddy^20:06
Szganwhen i uninstalled the ati drivers, it changed something in xorg or something and it errored20:06
Randolphno idea about to boot directly with a terminal and without xserver20:06
nico__yea i know that took me 3 days to accomplish, this is where i am pulling my hair out though because i'm going it is supose to be working!!!!20:06
Szgani googled and did the commands they said at that page20:06
Szganbut still gives me the error D:20:06
ActionParsnipnico__: I suggest installing wicd and using that. It will automagically remove betwork manager for you. Wicd gives a lot more info ab out how the connection is going20:06
nico__how do u do that?20:07
ActionParsnipnico__: you may also want to reboot and run: dmesg | less ,to see if the device needs a firmare file you don't have20:07
Hilikus_how can i convert bmps to jpgs from the console?20:07
sean-laptophello all i was wondering a little something that i hope someon can help me with20:08
mneptoknico__: the rules apply to everyone, not just you. i'm a 45 year old man and the rules apply to me.20:08
ActionParsnipnico__: sudo apt-get install wicd; sudo apt-get --purge remove network-manager*20:08
abhi_nav:D lol20:08
ActionParsnipHilikus_: install imagemagick and use the command: convert20:08
Hilikus_thanks ActionParsnip20:08
Szganso anyone know i can get rid of the error on startup? (the video driver one)20:08
ActionParsnipHilikus_: convert inputfilename.bmp outputfilename.jpg20:09
sean-laptopi have lucid installed on an old thinkpad t20 and i am using a usb wifi stick to get online.. after a while i lose connection and i was wondering if it was a power management thing that was causing it20:09
ActionParsnipHilikus_: if you have a lot to do you can use it in a script20:09
ActionParsnipsean-laptop: when it drops, run: dmesg | tail ,it should give clues20:09
sean-laptopin terminal?20:09
nico__i know but i have been on 4 different chats 2day and if i hear about one more set of rules i think i will scream. i can't post over a certain amount, someone can't help one they find out what distro i am using cause its against the rules, etc., etc. this has been the afternoon from hell just trying to get this done.20:09
ActionParsnipsean-laptop: yes20:10
duffydackTalkin of Chrome http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/07/chrome-dev-channel-adds-gnome-keyring.html  nice.20:10
duffydackdamn wrong chan20:10
wombatmannico__: shut it20:10
DesiArnez6Pidgin > How do I add my gtalk account as a buddy?20:10
mneptoknico__: at 31 years of age you should have learned by now that a day can get a LOT worse than computer problems. ;)20:10
sean-laptopyeah cause other than that its running fine and gives me a good connection speed off my single USB 1.1 connection that i use for it20:11
ActionParsnipnico__: think about it, if you paste like 40 lines it will scroll the channel like mad. Now there are about 1400 so even if 0.1% did it the channel would be complely useless as it would be full of people pasting stupidly long outputs20:11
sean-laptopby the way the USB stick i am using is a Nintendo Wifi adapter.. ubuntu seems to automatically recognize it as a USB wifi stick20:11
ActionParsnipnico__: its a rule so the channel is actually useful rather than a perpetually scrolling mess20:11
abhi_navI can understand nico__20:12
mneptokActionParsnip: which it is, anyway. :P20:12
nico__i ran the  sudo apt-get install wicd and it said it doesn't exist20:12
ActionParsnipnico__: to find you distro out run: lsb_release -a20:12
Szganso, is there a way to reset xorg.conf file?20:12
mneptoknico__: it's the wireless controller you're trying to get working?20:12
ActionParsnipmneptok: kinda but pastebin helps lots ;)20:12
nico__i have a wireless usb adapter that says it is there in the computer but will not connect 2 the internet20:12
ActionParsnipnico__: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install wicd20:13
mneptoknico__: i assume that you have already checked in System > Administration > Hardware drivers ?20:13
ActionParsnipmneptok: ilwlist show APs20:13
Pirate_Hunterive got a DUP connection going to not sure why and which service is using it, how can I go identifying this?20:14
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: the port number may be a clue20:14
mneptoknico__: may i PM you?20:14
nico__nope that didn't work either.20:15
nico__sure mneptok20:15
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip, yeah I know the port just not the service, eeerh how do I go about identifying it?20:15
Szganlooks like i got it :)20:15
Szganif not il return :p20:15
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: websearch for the port and protocol20:16
dickBonsoir tous le monde !20:18
ActionParsnipSalut dick20:18
dickcomment ça va ?20:18
RoH^I'm having trouble with CompizFusion wall plugin : the screen edges are too sensitive which triggers unwanted workspace flips. I failed to locate the appropriate setting in CCSM. Can anyone help ?20:18
ActionParsnipDick: oui ca va mais....20:19
ActionParsnip!fr | dick20:19
ubottudick: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:19
JULinuxUserI am trying to install COD4 (call of duty 4) on PlayOnLinux just like I have before but now I get error 1603 while it tries to extract the game20:19
dickok merci20:19
ActionParsnipRoh^: there's a section for screen edge size, make it smaller20:19
ActionParsnip!wine | JULinuxUser20:19
ubottuJULinuxUser: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:19
ActionParsnipJULinuxUser: use: /join #winehq20:20
nico__dick bonsoir20:20
duffydackRoH^, its there plain as day ;)  edge flipping tab20:21
RoH^lol I will look harder then20:22
civixierHokay! So, I have this Xbox. I have a crossover cable from it to my computer. I have internet from another network card. How do I forward the internet to my Xbox?20:23
fasTI don't think this it the right place  to discuss backtrack... Can anyone tell me what is?20:23
durt!ics > civixier20:23
ubottucivixier, please see my private message20:23
mattwj2002I got two big hard drives dieing20:23
Hilikus_my server froze while doing an update. what should i do?20:24
DHRI'm having a lot of trouble with k3b on Lucid.  It looks to me as if DVD auto-mounting (for lack of a better term) is interfering with k3b.  So I tried brasero (since it is more at home in gnome) and have the similar problems.  I've tried hal-disable-polling but that doesn't seem to prevent something trying to access the disk when I insert one.  Any ideas?20:24
^Jay2^are there any open radeon drivers for ubuntu/20:24
fasTI don't think this it the right place  to discuss backtrack... Can anyone tell me what is?20:24
alascafasT, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BackTrack20:24
civixierthanks durt, gonna check it out.20:24
durtfasT, how 'bout #backtrack20:24
steffan!radeon | ^Jay2^20:24
ubottu^Jay2^: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:24
abhi_navcivixier, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10388120:24
guntbertfasT:  #backtrack-linux20:24
^Jay2^steffan: thanks20:24
alascafasT,  Also check the irc channel durt gave you.20:25
mattwj2002I need some help really bad with fsck and e2fsck20:25
fasTthanks a lot guys20:25
durtfasT, didn't check to see if that's correct but there is a backtrack channel20:25
DHRmattwj2002: say more20:25
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:25
soadkombuchaI always forget: Where is the file located for editing GRUB options (not grub.cfg)20:26
mattwj2002ummm where to start20:26
durtsoadkombucha, in /etc/default IIRC.20:26
DHRsoadkombucha: it changed with the adoption of grub2.  Which are you using?20:26
mattwj2002Ubuntu has reported that one of my drives is out of normal paramaters20:26
DHRmattwj2002: is that SMART or something else?20:27
mattwj2002and another one it is starting to show corrupt too (one that I was moving partitions around on)20:27
mattwj2002one second I'll have to check20:27
mattwj2002the disk utility in 10.0420:28
soadkombuchaDHR: Grub 2 if it's default on 10.0420:28
mattwj2002yeah smart status20:28
soadkombuchaDHR: I know it's not /etc/grub/grub.cfg, I just always forget where exactly it is and google always points to grub.cfg it seems20:28
fasTwhen I try to join it says: "Cannot join #backtrack-linux (You are banned)."20:28
mattwj2002maybe I can fix the other one using the gui?20:28
DHRsoadkombucha: durt told you the right answer for frub220:28
fasTwhen I try to join it says: "Cannot join #backtrack-linux (You are banned)."20:29
Flare183fasT: Ask in #freenode20:29
soadkombuchadurt: Thank you.20:29
mattwj2002one of my partitions I check the filesystem and it says it is not clean? what does that mean? that is using the gui? the disk utility in other words20:29
DHRmattwj2002: smart is about disk "hardware", fsck is about software-imposed datastructure on disk (i.e. software).  Not that they are unrelated, just different levels.20:30
fasTFlare183: is it bout backtrack?20:30
nbohaychukmy netbook is trying to upgrade distros, but I'm on 10.04, what is going on?20:30
arkoldthosheya people, just by mistake i deleted  the whole /etc/X11, then i purged the whole xserver-xorg and reinstalled it. Im able to join GDM but Gnome doesnt start20:30
Flare183fasT: no but it'll they'll help you work it out20:30
nbohaychukI'm on Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix, fresh install20:30
fasTFlare183: Thanks. Let me check it out.20:30
fasTFlare: can you tell me why am I banned?20:31
steffanfasT: don't IRC as root20:31
mattwj2002is there an easy gui for cleaning a partition?20:31
DHRmattwj2002: basically, SMART is intended to tell you that your drive is sick and it's time to migrate off it before it dies.  Of course that is a gross simplification.20:31
steffanfasT: that is why you are banned in that channel20:31
Flare183!fsck | mattwj200220:32
ubottumattwj2002: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot20:32
DHRmattwj2002: what *exactly* is SMART saying20:32
RandolphI have solved my problem20:32
SailorRealityis there a way to disable suspend/hibernate completely?20:33
Randolphbut my screen still goes on power saving mode20:33
mattwj2002one moment20:33
Flare183Randolph: its supposed to?20:33
SailorRealityRandolph: and then you cant get it back?20:33
SailorRealitybecause i have the same problem20:34
RandolphSailor : yes20:34
RoH^duffydack: I m in the Edge flipping tab of the wall plugin but Ithere are only 3 options there : Edge Flip Pointer, Move and Dnd. Where can I reduce the edge sizes ?20:34
SailorRealityautomatic suspension basically i cant even use it for longer than half an hour20:34
RandolphSailor : I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:34
mattwj2002Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!20:34
duffydackRoH^, I meant to disable edge flipping...20:35
SailorRealityRandolph: did it work?20:35
Flare183mattwj2002: D:20:35
RandolphSailor : no20:35
auskai have a problem a friend asked me to take a look to her hard drive20:35
Flare183mattwj2002: backup everything, reformat and reinstall :S20:35
auskaconnected by a USB since it don't mount itself20:35
DHRmattwj2002: that's not a SMART messaeg.  But it sure is scary.  Can you carefully quote the whole thing?20:35
RoH^oh, but I want to make it less sensitive not disable it :)20:35
auskai have done a fdisk -l and i took: http://pastebin.ca/189400620:35
auskaand with a lsusb: http://pastebin.ca/189400820:35
auskaso it looks link my computer detects it but i did : sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force,umask=0 /dev/sda1 /media/externo20:36
auskaand i get: http://pastebin.ca/S:189400920:36
auskaany idea?20:36
mattwj2002one moent20:36
SuziHello guys, i have installer ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix about 1 hour before in hp pavilion dv4-2145x , i found that sound doesn't come from Haedphones?20:36
troubledis there a specific package or setting to get back the standard bootsplash image? After playing with kubuntu and switching back by removing the packages, I seem to have have reverted to some vga quality, 2 color image. thanks20:36
Suziwhat should i do?20:36
fasTI am booting from usb drive. Is there a way that I can save my changes? The OS I am using is BT4.20:39
DHRauska: /dev/sda is probably your internal hard disk.  It only has Linux partitions.  You want some other drive.20:40
OerfasT ask in #backtrack , it is not supported here.20:40
Suziin my laptop sound does not come from headphone, what should i do?20:40
bazhang#backtrack-linux fasT20:40
RandolphSailor : I tried to reinstall nvidia driver20:40
Flare183mattwj2002: is /dev/sdc1 mounted?20:41
auskaDHR,  but what i can see from what i see whit the lsusb and the fdisk it is detected, isn't it?20:41
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
Flare183mattwj2002: ok good phew20:41
mattwj2002it is ntfs though20:41
DHRmattwj2002: that looks not good.  I don't know how you got such a situation.  Does SMART say anything (command is smartctl; man page gives way too many options)20:42
mattwj2002should I let windows try to fix it?20:42
mattwj2002this is a dual boot20:42
Flare183mattwj2002: windows can't mess with ext filesystems20:42
mattwj2002I thought it was20:42
mattwj2002it is ntfs I think20:42
mattwj2002one second20:42
DHRmattwj2002: fsck thinks it is ext2 or ext3 or ext4.  Do you?20:43
mattwj2002I don't remember20:43
mattwj2002one second I'll tell you20:43
mattwj2002I was trying to convert everything to NTFS so my dual boot could read everything on both systems20:44
joeohCool (Y)20:44
Flare183mattwj2002: Bad idea :/20:44
Suziin my laptop sound does not come from headphone, i am using ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix20:44
DHRauska: I don't recognize a disk in the lsusb output20:45
DHRauska: but even if there were one, it probably isn't /dev/sda20:45
mattwj2002no that is definitely ext320:45
Flare183mattwj2002: converting filesystems is a VERY bad idea on linux20:45
mattwj2002is there a distro that specialize is fixing partitions?20:46
Flare183mattwj2002: they have certain restrictions on some that others don't it would be a very bad idea to do this20:46
sean-laptopok so i ran dmesg | tail20:46
mattwj2002I didn't convert it20:46
mattwj2002I resized and was going to move it by hand20:46
mattwj2002convert was the wrong term20:47
sean-laptopit seems to disconnect and have wlan0 change to wlan220:47
DHRmattwj2002: there is a very large number of ways of breaking filesystems.  how to fix depends on how it got broke.  You don't seem to know quite enough to even explain what you did.20:47
Flare183mattwj2002: oh ok phew, sorry that I got worked up20:47
mattwj2002yeah I used gparted the live cd20:47
mattwj2002I resized the partition20:47
mattwj2002and restarted and then I got this error!20:48
Flare183sean-laptop: 1. Are you schooley's brother? 2. Sounds like a driver issue20:48
Jordan_U!caps | Sainted20:48
mattwj2002does this help?20:48
ubottuSainted: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:48
sean-laptopno i am not lol20:48
DHRSainted: step on: don't touch the disk.  Make it read-only.20:48
SaintedLol tou'che20:48
sean-laptophmmm i tried another stick with an ndiswrapper.. it would quit after a while too...20:48
Flare183Sainted: You don't, your screwed no offense. Reinstall is your best option20:48
funkiwancan anyone tell me what i need to add to my firefox apparmor file so that i can launch kate/geany from firefox?20:49
smkygood god alsa updates are boring.. zzzzz20:49
Flare183sean-laptop: alright, lol sorry. What's the wireless card's name?20:49
Suzihey can anybody help me to figure it it out why i am not able to hear from headphone?20:49
DHRSainted: with great difficulty, you might recover some data (if it is precious).  A working system is not worth the bother.20:49
Jordan_USainted: If you have important files that you need to recover you can try photorec, but there is no way around needing to re-install.20:49
SaintedAlright lads, thanks for the heads up20:50
Saintedill just go about reinstalling later20:50
dark_ace_cipher_Also, does anyone know if I can use wubi to install not only this, but also mint and have Fedora on a partition?20:50
dark_ace_cipher_this being ubuntu20:50
sean-laptopit will work again when i unplug it then plug the wifi stick back in20:50
SaintedSuzi, have you tried changing your volume's inside alsamixer?20:50
SuziSainted, yes20:50
Flare183sean-laptop: driver issue yup20:50
Saintedbut your sound works normally? just when you plug in headphones it doesn't?20:51
sean-laptopFlare183: its a nintendo wifi adapter.. ubuntu recognized it right away as a wifi adapter20:51
Suziyes, sound still comes from from spaeker20:51
Flare183sean-laptop: XD No wonder, What driver is it trying to use?20:51
sean-laptophow do i find that out.. in terminal?>20:51
Flare183sean-laptop: dmesg  :P20:52
Flare183or well20:52
Flare183lsusb -v20:52
Saintedsuzi: hm, i had this problem awhile ago in ubuntu but alsamixer and turning all the volumes to max did the trick for me20:52
dhillon-v10... testing ...20:53
sean-laptopthe nintendo wifi adapter is jsut a rebadged Buffalo wifi stick20:53
Flare183sean-laptop: ahh, then its use the right driver, but since your using a laptop your laptop's wireless card might push it over20:53
mattwj2002I know how to fix it20:53
mattwj2002if I can get a little help20:53
sean-laptopthere is no wifi card in this laptop. its a thinkpad t20.. 8 years old20:54
Flare183mattwj2002: just ask :P20:54
Flare183sean-laptop: lolwut20:54
sean-laptopit HAD an old Linksys PCMCIA card20:54
mattwj2002with e2fsck does anyone know how you can say yes to all the questions besides the first abort?20:54
Flare183sean-laptop: are you sure about that? try pastebining your lshw20:54
sean-laptopyeah i upgraded the ram and i am running XFCE on it20:54
DHRmattwj2002: dangerous, but I think fsck has a -y flag.  Check the manpage.20:55
mattwj2002should I say no?20:55
mattwj2002gparted told me to20:55
Flare183well let gparted fix it20:55
Flare183just make sure its unmounted20:55
Flare183gparted knows what its doing20:56
DHRmattwj2002: "no" means declining a particular fix.  Fut it might not be the right fix.  That's why it is asking you.20:56
Flare183lol regex ^^20:56
funkiwanah, figured it out. adding "/usr/bin/geany Uxr," to /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.5 and then calling "$sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload" did the trick20:56
sean-laptoponly showing one wifi adapter.. the one i got plugged in20:57
bluelfhey all which are better open readon drivers or the ati proprietary ones?20:57
Flare183do this:20:57
Flare183sudo lspci -v20:57
Flare183sean-laptop: and pastebin it :P20:57
sean-laptopits that old it is running a PIII 650 for a processor20:57
sean-laptopok i am a noob. pastebin.. how do i do that?20:57
DHRbluelf: each has advantages and disadvantages20:57
Flare183sean-laptop: install pastebinit20:58
Flare183sean-laptop: sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:58
=== jak is now known as urlwallace
bluelfDHR: which have better performance ? any easy way i can switch and try without risking my system?20:58
WarlockLordhow can i set my default sound device back to pulseaudio in lucid? it somehow changed to photon20:59
guntbert!pastebin | sean-laptop21:00
ubottusean-laptop: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:00
DHRbluelf: I never use ATI's proprietary one.  It is higher performance for 3d / opengl kinds of things.  It doesn't coexist well with radeon or radeonhd drivers.  Sometimes it won't work with the latest kernel.  Since I don't use it, I don't keep track of that.21:00
sean-laptopok so it is installed21:01
sean-laptopnow what? lol21:01
Flare183sean-laptop: alright, sudo lsusb -v | pastebinit21:01
Flare183 the | is the button right above the enter key21:01
simarWarlockLord, Go to synaptics package manager install pulseaudio and uninstall what you don't want21:01
DHRWarlockLord: photon would be about light.  phonon is for sound.21:01
WarlockLordi upgraded my alsa to 1.23 for hdmi audio support on my nvidia card and now pulse is not available21:01
RandolphSailor : I finished to reinstall nvidia driver and it's OK21:01
bluelfDHR : how can i switch to open drivers ?21:02
sean-laptopis that right?21:02
RandolphSailor : all in a terminal21:02
DHRbluelf: do you know what you are using now?  How did you install it?21:02
DHRbluelf: I'm not trying to tell you that the open source driver is better for you, only that I've decided that for me.21:03
WarlockLordpulseaudio daemon says its running, but amarok does not let me pick pulse as my audio device21:03
DHRWarlockLord: windows solution: try rebooting.21:04
WarlockLordi did :-)21:04
alx_torresi have problems with UNR on my notebook21:04
bluelfDHR: I will like to give them a try anyway!21:04
sean-laptopFlare183:so... yeah.. what do you think21:05
ocatacoo what is the error on or from this http://fpaste.org/Japn/21:05
kjelealx_torres: What kind of problems?21:05
ocatacooerror from ssh21:05
alx_torresi dont have network21:06
DHRbluelf: I've heard complaints that the proprietary driver setup mucks config files or something else in a way that makes the open source driver not work.  Details unknown to me.21:06
WarlockLordso how do i make pulseaudio take preference over phonon?21:06
Flare183sean-laptop: hold on21:06
bluelfDHR: i am currently using ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphic card21:06
sean-laptopok sorry friend21:06
kjelealx_torres: wired or wireless?21:07
bluelfDHR : is it safe to try ?? cause i want to !21:07
=== clay is now known as claybustr
mysoogalshi guys im about to install leafnode, nntp server but i will need help if there is somebody who can help me please pm me thank you21:08
anirvanaone of kernel has got corrupted and I am using my older kernel, Is there any way to fix that kernel?21:08
kjelealx_torres: Can you detect any network with your wifi?21:08
DHRbluelf: I've not done it.  Historically, others have had little config problems.  Config problems with X are often annoying to figure out.  So my advice is: don't bother unless you are willing to have a minor adventure.  This may be coloured by the many little problems I'm having in other parts of Lucid.21:08
WarlockLordor better still, how do i make pulseaudio light up as an option again in phonon settings?21:08
bluelfDHR: oh then lets let it be ! maybe some other time .. thanks for your help21:09
DHRanirvana: how did that happen?  Easiest: let the package manager remove, then install.21:09
anirvanaDHR : It happened after I installed wireless driver21:10
usr_hello, I dont remember if I installed ubuntu 32 or 64, how can I know which version im using?21:10
Vroomfondleusr_: uname -a21:10
Vroomfondle64-bit will say "x86_64" towards the end21:11
DHRanirvana: that should break a kernel.  So maybe you mean something different from what I do by that phrase.21:11
bbigrasSomeone knows a guide/tutorial to create a simple upstart script with the 'supervision thing (to ensure a daemon is always running?21:11
birdman007Will my ati 4870 video card work in ubuntu and what drivers sholud I use?21:11
usr_Vroomfondle, thanks, got it21:11
armor-64hi i have a problem connecting my mobile broadband usb to my laptop!the think is that the led on the usb it says that is working(that receive internet connection)but the network manager applet don't show me the connection with the usb what can i do?21:11
mysoogalsanybody know how to setup Leafnode ? please help21:11
DHR[repeat] I'm having a lot of trouble with k3b on Lucid.  It looks to me as if DVD auto-mounting (for lack of a better term) is interfering with k3b.  So I tried brasero (since it is more at home in gnome) and have the similar problems.  I've tried hal-disable-polling but that doesn't seem to prevent something trying to access the disk when I insert one.  Any ideas?21:11
WarlockLordhmmm actually pulseaudio works in skype but not in amarok??21:11
kjelearmor-64: you have usbmode switch installed?21:12
anirvanaDHR : So what should I do?21:12
pepper_hazecan anyone help me with the program qemu?21:12
armor-64kjele: dunno but how to install?21:12
alx_torresno... i cant detect networks21:12
kjelearmor-64: apt-get install usb-modeswitch21:13
DHRanirvana: describe what you called "corruption".  google some of the messages that look relevant.21:13
=== sam_ is now known as sinusoid
thune3WarlockLord: you don't see "pulseaudio" in Amarok2 output device list?21:13
anirvanaDHR : I got the error "kernel panic not syncing......" .I am sure we call it corruption technically!21:14
devhellguys.. how do I disable RandR best in lucid? it's the gnome desktop.. I'm suspecting randr to be responsible for the screen flickering on my intel 4500 graphics card in my lenovo..21:14
anirvanaDHR : I got the error "kernel panic not syncing......" .I am not sure we call it corruption technically!21:14
DHRanirvana: the kernel panic message usually has lots of lines, including tracebacks and the like.  If you can get that in pastebin.ca that might help us.  But it might be more typing than you are willing to do21:16
armor-64kjele: ok i install it,and now what to do?21:16
linuxnoobYeah I just installed Lucid and all I get is a black screen and a blinking underscore21:16
anirvanaDHR, ok I need to restart for that21:17
dev_sorry.. had some trouble.. should anyone have answered sorry, please write again..21:17
DHRanirvana: wait!21:17
kjelearmor-64: replug it in21:17
_Eighteensi had lucid working for like 3 days then the power went out, and now i have nothing... and it wont reinstall for some darn reason, any help for me?21:17
anirvanaDHR , ok :)21:17
mattwj2002I tried testdisk21:17
mattwj2002here goes nothing!!!21:18
linuxnoobAnyone else having the black screen issue?21:18
mattwj2002gparted couldn't fix it21:18
DHRanirvana: is your system still running?  You then can capture the output of the dmesg command.  Much easier than typing.  And more reliable and complete.21:18
mattwj2002and I killed grub!21:18
bluelfDHR: i tried removing proprietary it says systemerror : installArchives() failed21:18
mysoogalscan somebody pm please i  need step by step with Leafnode i can also give you free remote access to the box if you n eed it, im really in need of help thank you21:19
anirvanaDHR : yes my system is running, I am working from an older kernel21:19
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cikizanhi..met pagi apa ada orang indo di sini21:19
DHRanirvana: ah, right, sorry, you already rebooted after the panic (or system did that for you).21:19
mattwj2002how do you recover grub?21:19
guntbertmysoogals: Please keep your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice21:20
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:20
linuxnoobDoes anyone have a solution for the blank screen and flashing underscore problem?21:20
nu1hello, can someone please remind me how to mount a drive?21:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:20
anirvanaDHR : I rebooted and got the kernel panic error, thus I chose the older kernel from the boot menu21:20
dapeamelhey guys I need a program which working as a icon holder to programs do someone prefer any ?21:20
guntbertnu1: sudo mount device mountpoint21:20
armor-64kjele: i have downloaded a script from my country(http://www.sakis3g.org/)with this is working,but with the usb-modeswitch is not working21:21
bluelfhey how can i remove ATI drivers i tried in sys>admin>hardware drivers remove it said system error : installArchives() failed21:21
DHRanirvana: do capture dmesg before rebooting just for reference.  But then reboot, repeat problem, and capture panic by dmesg if system remains up or via typing if it locks up.21:21
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linuxnoobAre my comments going through?21:21
WarlockLordok rebooted just to double check, but pulseaudio is still not an option and boxee gives me failed to open initialize audio devie when i open it21:21
planetesis keyserver.ubuntu.com down?21:21
planetesI can't install the best browser ever on my Lucid21:21
linuxnoobCan anyone help me??!?!?21:22
Chuck27what browser is that planetes ?21:22
planetesChuck27: leechcraft, of course21:22
hardcamparight a browser no one ever heard of21:22
Chuck27i'll check it out ty21:22
anirvanaDHR : http://pastebin.ca/189406121:22
ACi5bluegene, did you install the driver from Synaptic?21:23
nu1how can I make a folder in terminal?21:23
planetesChuck27: gl with it21:23
kjelearmor-64: See if your usb dongie is listed here. http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/ You might want to read the page for more information21:23
planetesI'm sure you would be impressed21:23
guntbert!patience | linuxnoob21:23
ubottulinuxnoob: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:23
Vroomfondlelinuxnoob: hi.21:23
Chuck27ty again21:23
tsooiQ: What packages are needed for playing flash files on youtube with 64bit Ubuntu? I can play youtube videos elsewhere, but just not on youtube.com, I simply get an error "an error has occurred". I have installed some packages, but it seems more are needed.21:23
bluelfAci5 : i guess u meant me?21:23
anirvanaDHR :sorry, I couldn't understand your last message, How do I capture panic by dmesg ?21:23
DanC_mmgpg: requesting key D36FE61D from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com21:24
DanC_mmgpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host21:24
ACi5bluelf, yes sorry21:24
DanC_mmanybody else seeing this problem with the keyserver?21:24
planetesDanC_mm: the same for me21:24
planetesit prevents me from installing leechcraft21:24
bluelfAci5 : ubuntu asked me i just followed21:24
guntbert!keyserver | DanC_mm planetes21:24
ubottuDanC_mm planetes: The ubuntu key server is to be found at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371. If this one is unresponsive you can use most other gpg key servers as well - for instance http://pgp.mit.edu/21:24
linuxnoobI've searched everywhere for an answer to my question and to no avail. Most of the questions are unanswered.21:24
linuxnoobI was hoping Ubuntu would be semi easy to set up for a noobie but I guess not.21:24
planetesmy lucid installation isn't completed without leechcraft21:24
mattwj2002linuxnoob: what is up?21:24
Vroomfondlelinuxnoob: you'll have to give us more information. Does the system boot?21:24
Vroomfondleor do you see the underscore immediately?21:25
DHRanirvana: if the system doesn't actually lock up at panic, you can run the command "dmesg" to get the text of the panic.  Best to redirect to a file so that you can look at it later too.21:25
linuxnoobThe underscore pops up right after the bios splash screen21:25
armor-64kjele: yeah it's listed as ZTE MF638 (aka "Onda MDC525UP") the same name is back from the usb21:25
* DanC_mm wonders how to use other keyservers with apt-key; maybe just manually download...21:25
kjelearmor-64: perhaps a reboot then.21:25
ACi5bluelf, if the driver was installed from synaptic, it can be reinstalled21:25
armor-64kjele: ok w821:26
planetesit seems that pgp.mit.edu doesn't know anything about needed key21:26
Vroomfondlelinuxnoob: sounds like your hardware isn't fully supported by Ubuntu yet. I had the same trouble on this laptop, until the most recent version of Ubuntu.21:26
DanC_mmthe relevant key doesn't seem to be on pgp.mit.edu (http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=D36FE61D&op=index )21:26
bluelfACi5 : i want to try remove it21:26
Kangarooohello how with aptitude install dbg symbols for all programms i have installed?21:26
anirvanaDHR : Once I get the panic error, I am not allowed to do anything, It locks up, I need to reboot manually afterwards21:26
ACi5bluelf, reinstall and then remove again21:26
linuxnoobOh, Its a HP MINI 110 netbook21:26
dapeamelhey guys I need a program which working as a icon holder to programs do someone prefer any ?21:26
* DanC_mm finds http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/what-to-do-when-keyserverubuntucom-is.html ...21:27
planetesso what? keyserver is down, pgp.mit.edu does nothing21:27
steffanplanetes: keyserver.ubuntu.com has been back and forth all day, I did ask about it earlier but had no response21:27
guntbert!cli | nu121:27
ubottunu1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro21:27
Vroomfondlelinuxnoob: hmm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks   suggests it should be supported21:27
steffanplanetes: pgp.mit.edu is up21:28
anirvanaDHR : What if I upgrade my kernel to 10.04, would that fix it automatically?21:28
Vroomfondlecertainly by Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 and Ubuntu 9.1021:28
DHRanirvana: too bad.  That means you need to copy the text by hand.  There is a lot of text.  Only some of it matters, but it is hard for me to explain what is important.  If you have a camera, take a picture and post that.  Saves a lot of typing!21:28
planetessteffan: yes, it's up, but it doesn't contain the key I need to install leechcraft21:28
linuxnoobYeah I downloaded full Ubuntu; does the Netbook Remix have all the eyecandy?21:28
DHRanirvana: I have no way of knowing if your but would be fixed in 10.04: I don't have a clue what your bug is.21:29
v1adlinuxnoob, yea but if u work a lot with computers u wont like it21:29
steffanplanetes: ah! I misunderstood21:29
Vroomfondlelinuxnoob: Netbook Remix has a special, different UI which is meant for small screens21:29
DanC_mmaha... found the key on keys.gnupg.net21:29
Vroomfondleit's quite pretty in its own right21:29
v1adlinuxnoob, i would go with the standard 32 bit 10.04 lts21:29
^Jay2^help. i upgraded my kernel to 2.6.34 and now my wifi wont work :D i am using lucid21:29
v1adits pretty but useless21:29
planetesDanC_mm: wow, thanks!21:30
^Jay2^help. i upgraded my kernel to 2.6.34 and now my wifi wont work :D i am using lucid. my wifi is bcm432221:30
planetesit really helped me too21:30
v1adsudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:30
linuxnoobah I have The Standard 32 on my Flash Drive,21:30
v1adsometimes headers will screw it up21:30
anirvanaDHR : ok then I would post the exact error code. Would you be here If I come back after like 24 hrs from now? It's already too late over this part of the world :)21:30
v1adlinuxnoob, the 10.04?21:31
Flare183^Jay2^: yeah um just go buy another wireless card, trust me mine won't work either :/21:31
Flare183^Jay2^: and I've tried everything >.<21:32
bluelfAci5: thanks they are removed can u tell how to install open source ones21:32
ACi5bluelf, the one from ati site ?21:32
v1ad^jay2^, try  reinstalling headers21:32
Kangarooohow with aptitude install dbg symbols for all programms i have installed?21:32
armor-64kjele: nothig it's the same21:32
linuxnoobIs there any way I can troubleshoot what might be going on?21:33
julian_I'm wondering what cell phones (possible "smartphones") do people find works best with ubuntu?  Sorry if this isn't the forum to ask.21:33
DHRanirvana: sure, but I'm unlikely to be here.  I only came to ask about my problem (no response).  Others should be able to help tomorrow.21:33
bluelfAci5 : are there any open drivers?21:33
fedeviolahi there21:34
kjelearmor-64: Well I guess you need to read http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/#trouble21:34
ACi5bluelf, no not that i know of :)21:34
sduboisis Google not working properly for anyon eelse?21:34
sduboisi can only search from google.com21:34
sduboisnot from a search result page21:34
^Jay2^the STA wont activate21:34
v1adlinuxnoob, whats your problem again21:35
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:35
linuxnoobThe blank screen and flashing underscore right after the BIOS splash screen.21:35
bluelfACi5 : i read somewhere open ones are better21:35
v1ado god21:36
v1adthats like a grub error21:36
linuxnoob^Thats what I've heard21:36
linuxnoobJust don't know what to do next.21:36
v1adlinuxnoob, go with reinstall and re partition21:36
v1adlinuxnoob, i fixed gruberrors before they are a bitch21:37
linuxnoobI've actually tried reinstalling 5-6 times21:37
v1addid u deleted the old partitions?21:37
ACi5bluelf, they should all work21:37
linuxnoobYeah I cleaned my entire drive with GParted21:37
v1adlinuxnoob, and are u dual booting?21:37
linuxnoobAll unallocated.21:37
^Jay2^:(( Sorry, installation of this driver failed.21:37
^Jay2^Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log21:37
Kangarooolinuxnoob: hav u tryd entering grub by holding shift before blank and blinking comes?21:37
v1adguess not21:37
linuxnoobNo I dropped Win 7 Starter for Ubuntu.21:38
linuxnoobYeah, You go into Recovery right Kangaroo?21:38
v1adall a good idea21:38
v1adjust i have a feeling u are doing something wrong on install21:38
freezwayhey im vid chatting with empathy, but i get a lot of noise... is there any way to cancel it?21:38
^Jay2^can you guys help me with this? :(( 2010-07-04 04:37:47,246 DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: blacklisted21:39
^Jay2^2010-07-04 04:37:47,441 DEBUG: fglrx is not the alternative in use21:39
dapeamelhey guys I need a program which is like panel I can place icons on. does someone know any?21:39
Kangarooolinuxnoob: if u can get in grub then its fixable. maybe even other kernel will wokr21:39
dapeameldoesnt work with fluxbox.21:39
linuxnoobhold on I just reinstalled21:39
nu1how can I unmount a drive?21:40
linuxnoobOkay I'm at the Grub Screen, Should I go to Recovery mode?21:40
briqSudo umount /media/xxx21:41
tarelerulzI can't kill xbmc at all. Not with sudo killall xbmc.bin21:41
tarelerulzwould login and out bill it ? or just make it so I don't see the box21:42
azeryuhello to change a kernel ?21:43
deeanybody here21:43
deecan tell me what this room is all about?21:43
Vroomfondledee: it is a support channel for Ubuntu21:43
deethanks Vroomfondle21:44
deei am using 9.10 ubuntu and i have downloaded image of 10.04 do anybody knows how to upgrade it?21:45
SteveThingdoes anyone know of a fix for flash-based web-content in 10.04 x64?21:47
linuxnoobHow do I solve a Grub error?21:47
SteveThinglinuxnoob, depends on the error21:48
joecrawforddee: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:48
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: does grub hang at a flashing underscore?21:49
linuxnoobWhat do you mean?21:49
linuxnoobNevermind yeah21:49
linuxnoobIt just sits at that screen until I manually shut the comp off21:49
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: http://bit.ly/dzODwV21:50
pepper_hazecan anyone here help me with the program qemu?21:50
dominicdinadahow to use xdebug with netbeans21:52
SteveThingis there a fix for flash-based web content in 10.04 x64? i.e. cannot pause videos on you-tube?21:53
kim0Hi folks .. how do I disable a service from running at bootup21:53
Brokelis there a way to change the login screen in 10.04 not just the background21:53
sebsebsebBrokel: sure, use another log in screen instead :)21:53
ShifftyOneJrI am trying to watch a video in Linux and all I get from Movie Player is "Cannot read from resource".  VLC does nothing.  It acts like it wants to play it then stops,21:54
magellanhalu is multiple workspace in disable in a ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition21:54
ShifftyOneJrI have tried 2 DVD'sw21:54
sebsebsebShifftyOneJr: ok to play commerical DVD's you need libdvdcss2/321:54
kim0What's the equivalent of "update-rc.d -f remove" for upstart jobs21:54
sebsebseb!medibuntu | ShifftyOneJr21:54
ubottuShifftyOneJr: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:54
guntbertjoecrawford: thats very old and for grub1 not for grub221:54
ShifftyOneJrOkay thank you.21:54
sebsebsebBrokel: KDM  :)  Slim :)21:55
dominicdinadahow to use xdebug with netbeans21:55
sebsebsebBrokel: KDM the KDE log in screen, so what Kubuntu will use,pretty nice.  Slim a rather customizable log in screen,  by default if install from repo get Debian theme, but other nice themes on its website.21:55
sebsebsebBrokel: theres XDM, and LXDM as well,  install LXDM and get Lubuntu theme by default21:55
linuxnoobOkay trying the link you sent joe21:56
Brokelok thank u21:56
joecrawfordguntbert: maybe his computer is not even getting to grub21:56
sebsebsebBrokel: plus theres a way to use the old GDM, but not as easy as just installing and using21:56
trismdominicdinada: perhaps: http://wiki.netbeans.org/HowToConfigureXDebug21:56
Brokelok i will research taht as well ty for the help21:56
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: i think that is a bit old, you might want to find a newer one21:56
sebsebsebBrokel: KDM is rather nice with more than one user account as well, since it will show the username of the user  account that was last logged in21:57
deeis there any light desktop for ubuntu?my laptop has only 256 mb RAM21:57
guntbertjoecrawford: ack - I possibly misread :-)21:57
ne7workplease someone who have lineage gracia epilogue server under ubuntu writes me on query21:57
sebsebseb!lubuntu | dee21:57
xanguadee lubuntu21:57
ubottudee: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu21:57
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:57
=== aubreyja is now known as JasonAubrey
sebsebsebdee: XFCE/Xubuntu is more lite waight than XFCE/Xubuntu21:57
SteveThingwhat does this mean? "Package 'adobe-flashplugin' is virtual."21:57
sebsebsebdee: uh Lubuntu is more lite waight than  Xubuntu21:57
deethanks all21:58
sebsebsebne7work: Who have what? If your using the server edition you can get support in #ubuntu-server21:58
capwie komme ich in den deutschsprachigen chat?21:58
ne7worksebsebseb I install ubuntu-desktop..21:58
guntbert!de | cap21:58
ubottucap: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:58
sebsebsebcap: /join #ubuntu-de21:58
ne7worki just need help with lineage 2 gracia epilogue server on ubuntu21:59
linuxnoobhttp://www.hackourlives.com/restore-grub-2-0-after-windows-7-install-ubuntu-10-04-or-9-10/ Would this work? I'm only going to be running Ubuntu on my netbook though22:00
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: use this http://bit.ly/daH9UB22:00
=== sdwrage-hiking is now known as sdwrage
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: or yours22:00
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: sorry .. bit slow ;-)22:00
ne7workubuntu 9.10 is unstable22:01
^Jay2^help me with this 2010-07-04 04:57:44,689 DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: blacklisted22:01
ne7workwhen i install this karmic.. logout me without reason..22:01
deehey joecrawford upgrade not working22:02
joecrawforddee: does it give an error22:03
^Jay2^after upgrading to 2.6.34 my bcm4322 stopped working :((22:03
deeno error but it is not upgrading22:03
deeWe are Looking to Train and Appoint talented Embedded Engineers for our prestigious clients (Bosh,TOSHIBA,HITACHI,CANNON,FUJI,HCL,L&T,IBM,EDS,HP, Etc..) Applicants must be B.E/ B.Tech/MSc (E&C,CS, E&T, EEE, IT, IS) with 60% Agg. 2008, 2009 and 2010 pass-out are eligible. Selected Candidates will be given written assurances for the Job and 100% refund granted if not placed22:04
deeSalary Minimum 18k to 25k p.m22:04
deePhone :- 080- 25633893, 2563077622:04
joecrawforddee: what is it doing22:04
deedee@dee-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:04
deeReading package lists... Done22:04
deeBuilding dependency tree22:04
deeReading state information... Done22:04
deeCalculating upgrade... Done22:04
dee0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:04
FloodBot1dee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:04
joecrawforddee: oops22:04
deeits seems there is no package available to upgrade22:05
linuxnoobWhen I go to restore the grub in terminal I get "grub0setup: error: cannot stat '/media/dev/sda1/boot/grub22:05
linuxnoob^What is that?22:05
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: have you mounted the harddrive?22:05
SteveThingthanx for all the help everyone... i fixed flash myself....22:06
deewhat shud i do to upgrade?22:06
linuxnoobno How do I?22:06
tsooiQ: System monitor window (processes), has a column named "Nice", what is this for? All values are 0, except one which is -11.22:06
alienkid10besides copying the MBR of my other drive do I need anything else from my Linux partition (like from /boot) to chainload GRUB2 from NTLDR?22:06
joecrawfordlinuxnoob: easiest way; go to places, click on drive, when the window is open, try terminal again22:07
alienkid10I have to go soon so if anyone wants to help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152295222:10
linuxnoobsame problem22:10
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:11
ShifftyOneJrI installed the libdvdcss2 package and now when I try to play a DVD the movie player closes/22:11
linuxnoobGetting the same problem, "grub-setup: error: cannot stat ' /media/dev/sda1/boot/grub"22:13
guntbertlinuxnoob: where does " /media/dev/sda1/" come from?22:14
linuxnoobThis link showed the command I'm using22:15
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sean-laptopFlara183: r u there?22:15
=== Guest78542 is now known as node357
sean-laptopFlare183 i mean.. are you there?22:15
Jordan_Ulinuxnoob: That guide is terrible, you should almost never run grub-setup directly. Follow: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide22:16
ss7anyone use kcryptd?22:16
ss7hard on cpu load22:16
ss7another option?22:17
kbrandtOkay very urgent problem here :-)  I three monitors working, but the wallpaper gui doesn't let me span and fill all three.  So if I span even tough the the center monitor has a higher vertical resolution then the rest, the top and the bottom get cropped.  Is there a manual way to set the backgronud so this doesn't happen?22:17
kbrandtI have xinerma with 3 different x displays22:17
guntbertlinuxnoob: in my opinion https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD is a bit more detailed and step for step22:17
beeftubeHi, anyone know where gnome hides the fonts? TIA :)22:18
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:19
sean-laptophey anyone want to help me figure out why my wifi stick keeps dying... i keep getting kicked offline .. here is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/uZ7L7Pyc22:20
^Jay2^how do i include the world linux-headers- to  `uname -r`22:21
linuxnoobThanks Jordan and Gunbert22:21
soadkombuchaDoes anyone know why my audio would play one song and then switch to nothing but static?22:21
linuxnoobWorking on it and so far so good22:21
mda_I heart the "linux-rt" package.  Makes my laptop waaay faster.  As does adding the powerstep panel to the tray/menu...keeps it going strong22:22
soadkombuchaI'm going to try a reboot after a process finishes running, I compiled the drivers, but I don't want to stop the currently running process22:22
guntbertsean-laptop: the lines of /var/log/syslog from around the time where you got disconnected might be helpful too22:23
tchebb^Jay2^: "echo linux-headers-`uname -r`"?22:24
hexstreamHi, since I upgraded from 6.06 to 10.04 the command I used to use to print with pap from netatalk no longer works... The command is: pap -p 'LaserWriter 4/600 PS:LaserWriter@*' my_file.ps and the error message is "nbp_lookup: Cannot assign requested address"...22:24
sean-laptopok how do i get them? i am kind of a noob to linux in general.. still learning terminal22:24
^Jay2^tchebb: hmmm i am having errors when i tried making a file22:24
guntbert!who | sean-laptop22:25
ubottusean-laptop: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:25
hexstreamIf I try to run atalkd it says that eth0 is "disabled". Which doesn't really make sense to me... Also I only have eth0 and lo as interfaces so it's not the bug where netatalkd gets confused about multiple possible interfaces.22:25
^Jay2^tchebb: look at this http://pastebin.com/YYgkQFrN22:25
sean-laptopguntbert, how do i access my syslog?22:26
WarlockLordhello, still looking for some help getting pulseaudio to work again after upgrading alsa22:27
guntbertsean-laptop: open that file with gedit, select the relevant lines, copy/paste them into a pastebin, then close that file again (without saving any changes)22:27
aeon-ltdphawx: greetings to you sir/madam22:30
michal|3sanyone installed ubuntu desktop (or whatever) on zotac?22:30
michal|3s10, lts.22:30
xanguamichal|3s: zotac¿22:30
aeon-ltdzotac mobo?22:31
michal|3sthat thing, not just ion mobo22:33
aeon-ltdmichal|3s: i don't see the difference between that and a reg. pc22:33
WarlockLorddamn, i keep losing my connection22:33
WarlockLordOK so again, I upgraded my alsa package and it seems like now PulseAudio isn't working, and audio in a lot of my apps isnt working22:34
sean-laptopguntbert, ok so copy and paste the lines into terminal then type pastebinit?22:34
=== christian is now known as Guest16011
LJRuffsean-laptop, pipe it with |22:35
LJRuffsean-laptop, command | pastebinit22:36
Guest16011how do i change my name with Xchat?22:36
Guest16011<--- total moron22:36
=== Guest16011 is now known as DuffHimself
DuffHimselfthere we go, thanks22:36
guntbertsean-laptop: no - copy them, then visit http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste them into the text field there - submit -- don't forget to tell us the url22:36
michal|3swell, the thing is22:36
LJRuffDuffHimself, /nick works in every irc client/browser, etc.22:36
DuffHimselfright, my question, i installed a program with the software center, but it didnt create launchers22:36
guntbertLJRuff: won't help in this case - he is posting part of syslog22:36
michal|3si've created usb installer stick with universal usb creator22:36
LJRuffguntbert, ah, my bad. I just came in and saw him ask that. =P22:37
DuffHimselfhow do i create the launcher myself?22:37
DuffHimselfi have no idea where the program is located22:37
michal|3sand during install of the server version it says it cannot find anything on the cdrom22:37
guntbertLJRuff: :)22:37
LJRuffDuffHimself, are you in gnome?22:37
DuffHimselfubuntu :p22:37
michal|3s'failed to copy file from cdrom'22:37
DuffHimselflike i said earlier, <-- total moron22:37
sean-laptopguntbert, http://paste.ubuntu.com/458896/22:37
LJRuff!gnome | DuffHimself22:37
ubottuDuffHimself: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.22:37
LJRuffDuffHimself, so the answer is yes. =) Right click the "Applications" button and click "Edit Menu"22:38
sean-laptopit just did it again so that should be about up to date (and i am on atlantic time so it is 1838 hours here now22:38
mneptokDuffHimself: what application is it?22:38
DuffHimselfits an N64 emulator :p22:40
LJRuffDuffHimself, most of us know what it is. =) Did you open the edit menus menu?22:40
DuffHimselfi did, yes22:40
LJRuffYou see two fields with icons, yeah?22:40
aeon-ltdDuffHimself: it will most likely be in /usr/bin so something like /usr/bin/mupen64 would be the path22:40
mneptokDuffHimself: i think that's a command-line app. in which case a GUI launcher will not be created for it.22:41
linuxnoobI'm trying to unmount root on the live cd, I just restored my GRUB22:41
linuxnoobIt is telling me that the device is busy what shoudl i do?22:41
guntbertsean-laptop: I don't see anything suspicious there - but I'm not too good with debugging wlan - maybe someone else can take a look (poking LJRuff :-))22:41
sean-laptopguntbert,  thanks man22:41
DuffHimselfyeah, menus and items22:41
LJRuffDuffHimself, in the Menus Field select Games, then select "New Item"22:41
aeon-ltdlinuxnoob: risky, but try to force it with a flag or via sudo22:41
guntbertsean-laptop: Good luck :-)22:41
sean-laptopLJRuff, you want a crack at this and possibly diagnose my issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/458896/22:42
LJRuffSure, sean-laptop, =) let me finish up with DuffHimself22:42
LJRuffDuffHimself, open up a terminal and type in ls -a | grep mupen22:42
sean-laptopLJRuff, thanks man.. means a lot.. i am using a nintendo wifi adapter to get online and it keeps dropping the connection22:43
LJRuffDuffHimself, did it return a line?22:43
aeon-ltdsean-laptop: i heard about that so was it just a regular 54mbps dongle acting as a access point?22:43
DuffHimself"ls -a | grep mupen" right?22:43
linuxnoobHow do I force unmount root?22:43
Oerterminal> mupen64plus --help22:44
mneptokLJRuff: if this is a CLI app that requires flags be sent to it (e.g. location of a ROM) then a GUI launcher is going to be as useful as a whistle on a plow.22:44
sean-laptopLJRuff, yep.. its just a rebadged Buffalo USB wifi stick22:44
LJRuffmnemon, I wonder how useful whistles are on plows.... but while I contemplate that - I am curious now where it launches from.22:45
sean-laptopLJRuff, in windows it needs a special driver but in ubuntu i just plug it in and it works as a wifi dongle22:45
goostHello, when I start my computer use to I was able to boot into windows xp or choose ubuntu or choose memtest, now since I upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04, I can't boot into windows xp. I can only boot into ubuntu and memtest, windows xp is just a black screen.22:45
aeon-ltdsean-laptop: damn, shoulda kept mine22:45
mneptokLJRuff: if installed from the Software Center, it certainly is not installed to the root of a user's home directory.22:45
LJRuffsean-laptop, so it works but it drops the connection on occasion?22:45
sean-laptopaeon-ltd, yeah works nice.. i had two given to me22:45
mneptokDuffHimself: type "which mupen64plus" in a terminal22:45
sean-laptopLJRuff, it will drop the connection randomly.. here is the pastebin url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458896/22:46
LJRuffmneptok, you got this for me with DuffHimself? =)22:46
mneptokLJRuff: sure.22:46
LJRuffsean-laptop, I am looking at it now22:46
sean-laptopLJRuff, thats the syslog copypasta22:46
LJRuffmneptok, thanks!22:46
mneptokDuffHimself: now just type "mupen64plus"22:46
mneptokDuffHimself: what happens?22:46
DuffHimselflots of text and then a GUI window opened22:47
alpha_How do I change sound device in ubbuntu 10.04? It used o be System -> Preferences -> Sound and under the tab "devices"22:47
mneptokDuffHimself: does the GUI window contain a way to load a ROM?22:47
LJRuffsean-laptop, I am looking into this now. =)22:47
sean-laptopLJRuff, thanks bud!22:47
DuffHimself"open rom"22:48
DuffHimselfand "play", "config controls" etc.22:48
DuffHimselfthe usuals22:48
mneptokDuffHimself: OK, then a GUI launcher will work.22:48
soadkombuchaOK so the issue is more pronounced than I thought.. Anyone know why my sound doesn't work as soon as I go to load a virtual machine?22:48
mneptokDuffHimself: close any windows that are currently open. let's get back to a clean screen.22:49
aeon-ltd!hi | re18222:49
ubotture182: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:49
armor-64kjele: i find something!the firefox is not connecting to internet but i can do thinks such as updates22:49
aeon-ltdarmor-64: check proxy settings22:49
DuffHimself(Duffhimself has left IRC)22:49
mneptokDuffHimself: well, not the obvious windows22:50
LJRuffsean-laptop, This is a little out of my league, methinks. =( Sorry...22:50
re182anyone know a program where i can view the sending/recieving packets for my wifi card?22:50
DuffHimselfright, ready22:50
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sean-laptopLJRuff, thats cool man.. works again when i unplug it and plug it back in22:50
mneptokDuffHimself: go to System > Preferences > Main Menu22:50
Pirate_Huntersoadkombucha, probably because you're not using pulse but instead your using alsa which means that the first application to request sound input gets control of it but than I just logged on22:50
re182I have one in windows, but i'm on a shoddy internet connection right now and it's hard to seek for one on the internet....irc works better22:50
LJRuffsean-laptop, you could always ask in #linux or #hardware.22:50
sean-laptopthanks man22:51
DuffHimselfmneptok: Then create item?22:51
LJRuffsean-laptop, yw22:51
mneptokDuffHimself: highlight "Games" and click the "New Item" button22:51
armor-64aeon-ltd: my main problem is that my laptop can not connect to internet via my mobile broadband usb,as i say i can do updates but not to surf with firefox,maybe you can help me with the proxy settings if it is the prob22:51
studentzre182  System-> SystemMonitor->Resources22:52
mneptokDuffHimself: "Tyoe" is "Application." "Name" is mupen64plus. "Command" is /usr/games/mupen64plus22:52
mneptokDuffHimself: when that's filled in, click "OK" and then look in the Games menu22:52
aeon-ltdarmor-64: so you are connected via mob. broadband, updates work, browsing doesn't. clear the proxy settings in ff if you get your settings set by your isp22:52
peroperohi all, after last apt-get upgrade my ubuntu doesn't start anymore, after grub it goes black and stays like that for ever. Now I'm on the live cd and I tried to do chroot /media/correctpartition and then apt-get upgrade but it dies with E: Sub-process http returned an error code (100).... any hint?22:53
DuffHimselfworks great :)22:53
DuffHimselfthanks a million mate!22:53
mneptokDuffHimself: rawk22:53
DuffHimselftime for some pokemon stadium22:53
re182studentz: that works, but i was looking for one that could show me the noise or interference based on the antennaes position in the room i'm in22:53
crystaltvHas anyone else had problems with the dual boot on windows xp freezing and not loading Ubuntu?22:53
peroperocrystaltv: same here22:53
mneptokDuffHimself: please go to Launchpad and file a bug against mupen64plus saying it does not create a menu item22:53
DuffHimselfwhat's the "launchpad"?22:54
crystaltvperopero thought it was just me :)22:54
peroperocrystaltv: black screen after selecting ubuntu from grub?22:54
DuffHimselfim new to ubuntu :p22:54
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/22:54
erpoI used to run a dual boot 9.10/Windows XP system. Then I erased 9.10 and did a fresh install of 10.04. Now I can't boot into Windows and apparently 10.04 uses grub2 that is configured completely differently from grub. How can I get access to windows again?22:55
=== noel is now known as Guest78579
aeon-ltderpo: chainloading probably isn't working22:55
studentzre182 Also, are you using  gnome or kde desktop?22:55
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linuxnoobWhat just happened?22:55
linuxnoobI got my netbook to boot22:56
crystaltvperopero depends  on which option I take but goes to console window then freezes22:56
linuxnoobUbuntu Lucid but before boot it told me a bunch of weird things about having to go to such and such to download this or that22:56
mneptok!launchpad > DuffHimself22:56
ubottuDuffHimself, please see my private message22:56
linuxnoobSaid something about downloading the correct firmware?22:56
re182studentz: gnome22:56
erpoaeon-ltd, I commented out the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true lines in /etc/default/grub and ran update-grub. Now I at least get a boot menu but there isn't even a Windows option.22:56
peroperocrystaltv: If iI select recovery mode it's the same, I get no console, how do you do that?22:56
erpoaeon-ltd, I don't think the chainloader is even being invoked.22:57
peroperoerpo: try this, it worked for me... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:57
armor-64aeon-ltd: thanks for your help but my friend type in firefox to fork offline and that's why i were haveng problems!thanks again for every think22:57
razorrcan anyone help me to crack md5 hash?22:57
Seppozheyhey, what can i do uding this installer? can i somehow use apt-get to install this for me? http://deb.linuxmce.org/ubuntu/new-installer-beta2.8.tar.gz22:58
aeon-ltdarmor-64: oh ok22:58
peroperorazorr: go google, not here22:58
aeon-ltderpo: is it anything like this? http://blogs.koolwal.net/2008/12/28/windows-xpvista-dual-boot-does-not-boot-from-grub2-or-grub-pc/22:58
Seppozrazorr, md5 has a lack of security but u may wanna have a look at google really22:58
ilonmy grub refuses to find the stage1-file22:59
michal|3sit sucks a lot22:59
armor-64aeon-ltd: sounds stupid tha i don't notice it earlier but never mint22:59
michal|3severytime i create usb stick with ubuntu desktop22:59
SamWeasleyHello. Anyone knows if mencoder on Lucid has now aac support?22:59
michal|3si get an io error22:59
kanv_hi all22:59
michal|3sduring boot22:59
michal|3si've created 2GB partition22:59
michal|3s(the stick is 8GB)22:59
kanv_anybody with mininote HP2133?22:59
erpoaeon-ltd, It's nothing like that. If this were original grub, I would say that /boot/grub/menu.lst didn't even have a Windows stanza in it.22:59
michal|3sbut still no go22:59
peroperocrystaltv: are you still there?22:59
erpoaeon-ltd, Now with the change to grub2 I have no idea what is missing from where.23:00
crystaltvperopero: I am.. looking at that lnk you sent someone else23:00
rautamiekkaWhen telling the system to (without quotes) "wget --no-verbose --no-directories --directory-prefix=/media/shares/_DOWNLOADS_/_OPERATION-FLASHPOINT_/ADDONS_/ --append-output=/home/administrator/wget0.txt http://www.opflashpoint.org/downloads/file.php?s=14&v=1", Wget saves the PHP file instead of starting to get the file the address should give. What am I doing wrong here ?23:00
michal|3syes, the checksum of cd images i create it from are correct23:00
michal|3slooks like ubuntu cannot be installed from usb23:00
peroperocrystaltv: I did it again for this new problem but it doesn't seem to solve it.23:00
erpoaeon-ltd, On second thought, that might do the trick.23:00
erpoaeon-ltd, Please tell me I don't have to write a shell script just to boot into Windows. :(23:00
dominicdinadaIs it normal for Xdebug to hang forever i mean a 200 lines scipt shouldnt take 10 mins23:01
aeon-ltdmichal|3s: did you use the .img(s) or .iso(s)?23:01
dominicdinadaI get no errors23:01
michal|3saeon-ltd: iso23:01
michal|3saeon-ltd: with universal usb installer. ... sth23:01
DuffHimselfright, bug reported to launchpad23:01
DuffHimselfthanks for the help guys :)23:01
crystaltvperopero: not sure what to do now..23:02
aeon-ltderpo: it'll be worth it though :)23:02
erpoaeon-ltd, Why did Ubuntu decide to make things harder?23:02
linuxnoobI got my netbook to boot Lucid then when I restart it refuses to boot again after 20 minutes of inputting terminal commands23:02
aeon-ltderpo: they didn't, they thought the new one would be even more automagic than the last23:02
peroperocrystaltv: that makes two of us, I don't know if it's related to the dual boot, to the 64bits or to the last upgrade... what else do we have in common? How do you get to a console?23:02
Pirate_Huntermichal|3s, this morning their was a talk about installing ubuntu from usb you might want to check out plop, it boots usb devices as hard disks independent from bios, I haven not tested it but it is possible and you could install the iso that way23:03
linuxnoobI feel like reloading win 7 on this computer...23:03
michal|3sPirate_Hunter: plop you say? i will google for it23:03
linuxnoobThis is ridiculous I have never had this much trouble just getting an OS to boot23:03
crystaltvperopero: hang on.. need to reboot after this poker tourney to try a Ubuntu boot ;)23:04
peroperocrystaltv: lol ok i'm on the live cd23:04
erpoaeon-ltd, Thanks for your help. I'm going to try rebooting. If I don't come back, that means it worked! :)....or my system is unbootable.23:04
Pirate_Huntermichal|3s, good luck tell me how it goes23:04
peroperocrystaltv: ping me as you reboot23:04
linuxnoobCan anyone help?23:04
michal|3sPirate_Hunter: thx, ok i will23:04
rautamiekkaWhen telling the system to "wget --no-verbose --no-directories --directory-prefix=/media/shares/_DOWNLOADS_/_OPERATION-FLASHPOINT_/ADDONS_/ --append-output=/home/administrator/wget0.txt http://www.opflashpoint.org/downloads/file.php?s=14&v=1", Wget saves the PHP file instead of starting to get the file the address should give, just like when accessing that address from a Web browser. What am I doing wrong here ?23:04
aeon-ltderpo: k, hope i didn't destroy anythin23:04
linuxnoobI just finished "restoring GRUB" and no its screwing up yet again...23:04
kohlrakhow do i configure gnome again for things like moving those buttons to where they make sense?23:04
kohlraksoulpro: what packages is gconf? it says i don't have it when i type it in the terminal23:05
ilongrub gives me this when i try to set it up again after installing windows XP: grub> root (hd6,0) grub> setup (hd0) Error 15: File not found23:06
blue112Hi here.23:06
ilonanyone able to help me?23:06
blue112I there a way to cleanly fix my sound ? Sometime it's working, sometime it doesn't... I'm getting mad.23:06
linuxnoobWhere did the people who were helping me earlier go?23:06
crystaltvperopero: sure thing.. IF I can get Ubuntu up23:07
peroperocrystaltv: Live CD rulez :D23:07
kohlrakilon: you're trying to install a harddrive that doesn't exist. Either your harddrive number is wrong or your path is23:07
crystaltvperopero: prolly gona go that way23:07
crystaltvor load a different HD and just call it good23:07
blue112The channel is pretty much empty... With about 1400 people, but still.23:07
linuxnoobI'm going to wipe again and reinstall23:07
kohlrakanyone know how i access gconf?23:07
blue112kohlrak, alt+f2 => gconf-editor23:08
kohlrakblue112: thank you...23:08
thune3rautamiekka: put the http address in quotes23:08
* kohlrak wonders why it can't simply be gconf23:08
ilonkohlrak: the drive from root is /dev/sdg5, for root is /dev/sdg1 (hd6,0)23:08
blue112kohlrak, gconf [tab][tab] in a terminal would answer you too.23:09
=== sandy is now known as Guest27430
Guest27430i need to get my speakers working again? thanks23:09
linuxnoobI know Linux is typically for the more tech inclined which I thought I was but shouldn't an OS like this just WORK and not give the end user hours of frustration just to boot to the login screen?23:09
blue112linuxnoob, sounds like a troll.23:09
kohlrakblue112: hm....23:09
linuxnoobI'm serioius23:09
crystaltvLinux is user friendly, but it is very picky about the friends it makes23:09
kohlrakilon: well grub's trying to work with "hd0"23:10
node357every time someone gets frustrated they get called a troll23:10
NinoScriptlinuxnoob, for me it just worked23:10
Pirate_Hunter crystaltv, I do agree on that one23:10
gryllidaWhy is about:crashes absent in Firefox?23:10
linuxnoobI'm not trolling I've been working on this for the entire day and it keeps hanging right after the BIOS splash screen23:10
linuxnoobBlack and with a flashing udnerscore23:10
sebsebsebHi sandy_23:11
sandy_ need help with sund please23:11
crystaltvPirate_Hunter :)23:11
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, if you explain your problem than maybe you'll get help and please nothing vague do explain so other can understand23:11
sebsebsebsandy_: are you the one I talked to before?23:11
linuxnoobI have just restored the grub, it booted after showing me some unknown error code that flashed by and then I restarted to make sure all was well, and then it went right back to the blank screen23:11
gryllidasandy_, just ask the full question in one line23:11
sandy_sebsebseb hi and yes i am23:11
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, how did you restore grub and what is this unknown error, can you go into recovery?23:12
ilonkohlrak: hd0 is present aswell, and i tried both 'setup (hd0)' aswell as 'setup (hd6)', neithe worked, same error23:12
sandy_sebsebseb there is a code to type in the terminal and i cant find it. thanks23:12
peroperohi all, after last apt-get upgrade my ubuntu doesn't start anymore, after grub it goes black and stays like that for ever. Now I'm on the live cd and I tried to do chroot /media/correctpartition and then apt-get upgrade but it dies with E: Sub-process http returned an error code (100).... any hint?23:12
linuxnoobI don't know exactly what it said but it flashed by with a URL and said something about needing correct firmware?23:12
linuxnoobyeah I can get into recovery23:12
kohlrakilon: well, it's been a long time since i've done it, so i forget exactly how this works, but try googling for a few more tutorials23:12
sebsebseb!details | sandy_23:12
peroperohi all, after last apt-get upgrade my ubuntu doesn't start anymore, after grub it goes black and stays like that for ever. Now I'm on the live cd and I tried to do chroot /media/correctpartition and then apt-get upgrade but it dies with E: Sub-process http returned an error code (100).... any hint?  - add info: 664bit and multiboot, as it should mean something...23:12
ubottusandy_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:12
kohlraki wish i could stay and help, but i have ALOT more setup to do X(23:12
studentzre182 the command in CLI is iwconfig, but I do not find any applet or appp that shows this information, Applications -> accessories->terminal type iwconfig. :)23:12
rautamiekkathune3: That did the trick. Thank you :)23:13
ubuntuHi - I got hit by the libparted bug23:13
linuxnoobI went to recovery and its stuck at [    2.26.2377] ata4: DUMMY23:13
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, that the problem you're not reading what your machine outputs if it tells you you need a firmware maybe you should try to find out what is the firmware, what type of machine you got (motherboard)23:13
ubuntuhow can I get ubiquity to tell gparted to not open /dev/sdb ?23:14
sandy_sebsebseb the speakers quit working again and everything says they are on. before some one gave me something to type in terminal that brought up a box and i was able to unmute them.23:14
sebsebsebsandy_: ah yes23:14
ubuntualso.. why can't I do apt-get install ncurses?23:14
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linuxnoobI have a HP mini 110. I couldn't have possibly read all of what flashed on the screen it was up for a second or two and then went to the login23:14
sebsebsebsandy_: maybe alsamixer in the terminal, even though Ubuntu uses pulseaudio by default since 8.0423:14
linuxnoobBios update maybe?23:15
ubuntulinuxnoob linux is chatty when it starts up23:15
Flare183linuxnoob: lol sounds like Ubuntu booting up really fast like its supposed to :P23:15
peroperohi all, after last apt-get upgrade my ubuntu doesn't start anymore, after grub it goes black and stays like that for ever. Now I'm on the live cd and I tried to do chroot /media/correctpartition and then apt-get upgrade but it dies with E: Sub-process http returned an error code (100).... any hint?  - additional info: 64bit and multiboot, as it should mean something...23:15
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob,  when it goes black can you change to any of the tty screens using ctrl+alt+f(1-6)?23:16
Pirate_Hunter!patience | peropero23:16
ubottuperopero: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:16
ubuntuHi, gparted - how to make sure it doesn't try to open /dev/sdb when ubiquity starts it for the install?23:16
^Jay2^can someone test this for me? i can't seem to compile this http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php23:16
linuxnoob:D Can't wait to get this running, I ditched Window 7 Starter because for pretty much any purpose it was completely useless.23:17
sandy_sebsebseb there is things missing in there this time some of the bars are not there.23:17
sebsebseblinuxnoob: ah yes indeed23:17
RickyWhif i'm tail watching a log file, how do I quit it?23:17
linuxnoobI'll get back to you on that Pirate23:17
studentzre182 Also Cairo-dock  has an applet that display his information. Install cairo-dock via synaptic or find the ppa. :)23:17
RickyWhi used tail -f log23:17
Flare183RickyWh: press q23:17
sebsebseblinuxnoob: starter editions of Windows three apps open at once and thats it, yeah?23:17
RickyWhFlare183, tried that, nope23:17
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob,  how did you lose grub is this a clean install, have you got your graphics drivers loaded23:17
ubuntuRickyWh: ctrl+c23:17
RickyWhsweet, yup23:18
peroperoPirate_Hunter: lots of joins, maybe some new comer knows the answer23:18
Dargonhow do i make dpkg auto satisfy dependencies?23:18
linuxnoobI don't know what graphics drivers it would use, I assume it uses intel graphics accelerator if anything at all. Its got the Intel Atom23:18
ubuntuguys, seriously, whats up with not being able to install weechat?23:18
Flare183RickyWh: that's the easiest way of stopping any program23:18
RickyWhok cool23:18
Pirate_Hunterperopero, maybe who knows its all about wait and see23:19
switch10_Flare183: ^c23:19
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, hmmm... was it working before or is this a clean install23:19
peroperois there any reason for apt-get update not working using chroot on an other partition if I can ping the repo?23:19
linuxnoobClean install.23:20
Flare183switch10_: what?23:20
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, did you try the tty screens?23:20
sebsebseblinuxnoob: your on a netbook?  so did the netbook edition?23:20
peroperoPirate_Hunter: sure, but except a mispelling correction I'm not flooding though23:20
sebsebseb!sound | sandy_23:20
ubottusandy_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:20
sandy_ok thanks23:21
linuxnoobsebsebseb its the full version the performance when it was working for a few minutes was great and I'd prefer to have all the features23:22
linuxnoobI'm trying it right now23:22
linuxnoobThe TTY screens I mean23:22
kanv_will be sometimes good 3D driver for S3 graphic card?23:22
ubutomkanv_, wouldn't hold my breath23:23
linuxnoobI tried CTRL ALT + F(1-6) and didn't get anything23:23
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob,  so its a clean install and your trying to fix it im not syaing the full day you've used up has gone to waste but wouldn't it have been much easier if you redo your installation and use the livecd to find out what type of hardware you have23:24
kanv_ubutom : :)23:24
rackandbonemanhas anything relevant been found about the i945 graphics nightmare in the last few weeks.....23:24
Rp3want to setup the boot partition to one drive, and the /home structure to another, can anyone point me to a simple tut or site for this... rather than google....23:25
crystaltvRp3 try Linux doc project on partitioning23:25
phibxrRp3, isn't repartitioning still quite a risky business?23:26
linuxnoobI am lost23:26
Rp3new install, so no biggie23:26
Flare183kanv_: I've got s3virge and it works pretty well with 3d stuff23:26
Rp3crystaltv, 10-4, will give it a look...23:26
phibxrRp3, ah, go ahead then. :D23:26
kanv_10.04 is very very better than before versions on my shit HP 2133, ubuntu team did a good job, but this graphic driver is problen also in 10.0423:26
quentusrexIs there a reasonable way to install KDE from Ubuntu? I want to run both Kbuntu and Ubuntu from the same system.23:26
Flare183quentusrex: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:27
rautamiekkaRp3: Are you talking about partitioning using Server or Alternate installer, or graphical installer ?23:27
linuxnoobWhat to do Pirate?23:27
lousygaruaquentusrex, try the package `kubuntu-desktop`23:28
Rp3desktop, hvae a ssd for boot then put everything else on HD, at least what I am thinking, brand new so I can play..23:28
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, just checked you lappy online and apparently the only issue it had or still has with ubuntu is the sound and ethernet not working other than that it should work so I assume something went wrong on install23:28
Flare183lousygarua: way ahead of you, I already told him :P23:28
lousygaruaFlare183, oh haha missed that23:28
Flare183lousygarua: :P np23:28
Flare183!hi | darkas23:28
ubottudarkas: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:28
megraHi, my USB-1 webcam won't work after booting if I don't change unplug and re-plug it. (logitech quickcam; ) I searched a lot, but couldn't find anyone with that problem. Ideas please ? :)23:28
lousygaruaFlare183, but you didn't give him the "if you later want to get rid of it, be warned!" :)23:28
lousygaruaFlare183, although it's not such an issue23:29
rautamiekkaRp3: Oh, then I can't assist right based off of my head, so I go find you a tut' for it.23:29
megra(my "logitech quickcam" lsusb ignature is 046d:0850)23:29
Flare183lousygarua: yeah that's the hard and evil part XD23:29
megraIdeas anyone? Please?23:30
Rp3rautamiekka, no worries, I will play and figure it out...new machine for GF so I have some time, as the other machine still works just slow...23:30
linuxnoobBut the install went wrong 5 or 6 times in a row? Is there a way to format the HDD so I can install on a truly clean drive? DBAN didn't work for me and said something about boot errors23:30
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks look for your laptop and read what it says23:31
=== links is now known as LiNkS^
blindI'm trying to tether my phone, but the only pages i can view are google pages. I can search, product search, image search, but can't load anything else.. but I can ping yahoo for example, but even trying to go to the ip address doesnt work.. weird, right?23:32
megrablind, can you open a terminal? If so, try "host google.fr" and "host yahoo.com", paste the result23:33
darkasI'm having a problem with my touchpad (netbook, ubuntu 10.4 netbook remix): it seems that synaptics doesn't like my touchpad: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/64TE3nta (important part of /var/log/Xorg.0.log)23:34
blindthis was probably poorly thought out. now im on wireless.23:34
megra(Second posting, anyone ?) Hi, my USB-1 webcam won't work after booting if I don't change unplug and re-plug it. (logitech quickcam; 046d:0850) I searched a lot, but couldn't find anyone with that problem. Ideas please ? :)23:34
blindi'll be back in a few.23:34
djanatyn-fonxaThrough some strange circumstances, my /etc/apt/sources.list has been wiped. Can anyone tell me the code to type in to get some basic packages from the official repos? I'm running i386, unsure of my version, but I have access to a TTY.23:35
Kangarooomegra: if cam drivers installed it will work on opening programm try cheese or skype23:35
megradarkas, your touchpad works or not ? The logs seems fine till line 5023:35
darkasand I also had to use the "old" 2.6.32-21 kernel instead of the 2.6.32-23 one, because this one detected my touchpad as a "Generic PS/2 Mouse"...23:35
ikoniadjanatyn-fonxa: use the software sources gui and just change the "download from" drop down and it will re-create it23:35
Petskulldjanatyn-fonxa, - hold on23:36
Flare183djanatyn-fonxa: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard23:36
brandon__is there anyway to get DeVeDe to remember settings?23:36
Petskulllemme get you ine23:36
djanatyn-fonxai don't have access to X.23:36
Kangarooomegra: some logitech works with skype but doesnt with other programms23:36
Flare183ikonia: He doesn't have a GUI atm23:36
djanatyn-fonxaikonia: X isn't installed yet ^_^23:36
Pirate_Hunterdjanatyn-fonxa, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/23:36
megraKangarooo, yes it works ... sometime. If I unplug and replug after boot/reboot, cheese works fine. If I don't, cheese shows nothinjg but a black screen23:36
senorpedrohow can i connect to wifi on boot? atm i have to login in the gui so that wifi connects23:36
darkasmegra: it works, but only like a mouse23:36
ikoniadjanatyn-fonxa: X is installed by default23:36
darkasso no scrolling etc.23:36
DesiArnez6In Pidgin, my Googletalk Account is signed, AND I am on my buddy list. Why does my buddy list say that im off line and then place a red X over the grey circle with the words "Not Authorized" underneath?23:36
Flare183ikonia: he's systems is b0rked23:36
ikoniait shouldn't "uninstall X" though23:36
djanatyn-fonxaikonia: ...well, I'm not using the standard desktop install. I prefer to get rid of my bloatware, and besides, I don't even use GNOME.23:37
ikoniadjanatyn-fonxa: what are you using23:37
megraKangarooo, and sometimes I get errors from "v4l" about input/output errors23:37
Petskulldjanatyn-fonxa, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/wzM6Gh0Z23:37
djanatyn-fonxa...not sure, this is from 306 days ago, according to my logs.23:37
megraKangarooo, I  just don't understand why it's doing that23:37
rautamiekkaRp3: If you're patient enough, I download the Ubuntu Desktop image and boot my other machine with it so I'll see what you see and can tell what to do.23:37
blindmegra, the host command works for any site.23:37
megraKangarooo, plus the webcam only works on some USB ports ... just *** strange :D . Do you think it might have something to do with working only in USB-1 mode ?23:38
phibxrDesiArnez6, pidgin is just trying to tell you that speaking to yourself is a bad sign.23:38
megrablind, ok, try "wget http://www.google.com"23:38
Kangarooomegra: no this u better all u wrote better post to ubuntu forums..23:39
blindlynx only loads google, too, no nothing else.23:39
megrablind, if it works, then your browser might be the problem otherwise, the network just don't like you :)23:39
DesiArnez6phibxr, lol iagree, but AIM, yahoo, and MSN let me do it23:39
Flare183blind: not if you press g and type in a url :P23:39
megraKangarooo, k23:39
blindFlare183, ?23:39
darkasmegra: the problem is that none of the configuration I do is applied to my touchpad23:40
Flare183blind: in lynx press g (to goto a url) and type in a url to goto23:40
darkasso I can enable scrolling, but nothing changes23:40
blindoh, i know that. i passed the url at the cli23:40
DesiArnez6phibxr, i also hop others are not seeing me as offline23:40
Flare183blind: oh alright, just letting you know :)23:40
linuxnoobNow my machine decides to boot up just fine, we'll see how it works after a couple of restarts23:41
djanatyn-fonxaPetskull: Thank you.23:41
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, eeeerh sounds more like over heating and did you read that link?23:41
Inph3rpessoal instalei o sendmail dessa forma apt-get install sendmail23:42
Inph3rdepois desinstalei apt-get remove sendmail23:42
Incarnationhey i installed vuze to ubuntu and im wondering how i can check out where the actual files for the program are located on the file system23:42
Inph3rso que agora quando tento instalar o sendmail novamente nao instala mais23:42
Incarnationwhat folders might they be in?23:42
Pirate_HunterInph3r, portuguese/spanish?23:43
Flare183!es | Inph3r23:43
ubottuInph3r: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:43
erUSUL!br | Inph3r23:43
ubottuInph3r: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:43
linuxnoobYeah I  did23:43
Pirate_Hunter!pt | Inph3r23:43
ubottuInph3r: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:43
unomiany fix for the gparted crash bug in 10.4 ?23:43
Flare183erUSUL: my bad, lol I didn't know >.<23:43
linuxnoobSomethinga about pressing shift and entering fail safe graphics mod23:43
erUSULFlare183: ;)23:43
Flare183unomi: I didn't know that gparted had any bugs?23:44
alpha_I just found a folder named "PROTECTED_STORE_PATH" under my home folder.What is it?23:44
unomiyeah it has a pretty serious one with some usb sticks23:44
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, if it tells you to do that for your machine its because they know why and it tells you what to install as well23:44
unomiI can't install ubuntu due to it23:44
linuxnoobah okay23:45
toolbearhi.  is there a way to convert "diff output text" into "plain text" or "ascii text".  i made a "patch" with diff and gedit won't open it because it "can't detect the character encoding"23:45
DesiArnez6In Pidgin, my Googletalk Account is signed, AND I am on my buddy list. Why does my buddy list say that im off line and then place a red X over the grey circle with the words "Not Authorized" underneath? I don't want others to think im offline when I am online23:45
Flare183unomi: Looks like gparted flipped out due to the actual drive23:45
Pirate_HunterFlare183, it has bugs with 10.4 mostly because of the way it deals with the hard disks you can read the changes/improvements in the release notes which I've never found important until recently23:45
Flare183Pirate_Hunter: ahh ok23:46
Incarnationim trying to get firefox to add vuze as one of the launcher applications for .torrent files when i download them23:46
Incarnationcan anyone help me?23:46
unomiflare yes, it can't seem to hand drives with less than 63 heads23:46
unomiwhere can I modify the script that ubiquity uses for install?23:46
Pirate_HunterFlare183, there is also other reason like some of the partition formats, changes in kernel etc23:47
Flare183Pirate_Hunter: hmm I alright23:47
unomiit would be nice if they would update the 10.4 images23:47
unomion a machine that I did manage to install it on, I had to dl 250mb of updates right off the bat23:48
unomisome of them arbitrary execution bugs23:48
linuxnoobPirate thanks for the help, not sure if my problem is fixed but it sure isn't acting weird anymore23:48
Compilingyou dont need to dl them all23:48
Pirate_HunterIncarnation, firefox has the option to open file with browse to you bin folder and find vuze or type in terminal 'whereis vuze' without quotes and browse to that folder and choose it23:48
Compilingid recommend the security ones though23:48
rautamiekka!hi | Bishop_23:48
ubottuBishop_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:48
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unomiCompiling: do you know where I can edit the install script for ubiquity?23:48
Flare183unomi: have you tried the alternative disk?23:49
unomiwhich alternative disk?23:49
Flare183!alternative | unomi23:49
ubottuunomi: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal23:49
Pirate_Hunterlinuxnoob, well at least its working even knowing I would feel better if the cause of the problem was known, still its better working than broken and you didn't have to reinstall which recently im more than happy suggesting people to do :'s23:50
IncarnationPirate_Hunter so the file vuze.1.gz is the file I need to point firefox to - but why is it vuze.1.gz, and do all files require a .1.gz extension name to be considered executable, like in Windows? Can you tell me a bit more about the nature of Linux operating systems so that I understand what I'm doing?23:50
unomiFlare183: wouldn't matter23:50
unomiits a bug in libparted23:50
Compiling.gz is a gzipped file23:50
Compilingyou don't execute them directly23:50
Pirate_HunterIncarnation, nope it wouldnt end in .gz that is the wrong file and is probably found in /usr/share/docs/... paste what you get from whereis23:51
IncarnationPirate_Hunter: sorry the file was in usr/bin/vuze - why do files in linux not have extensions? How does the system recognize them as being executable or not?23:51
unomiIncarnation: magic23:51
CompilingIncarnation: they have the execute bit set23:51
Incarnationunomi: I don't believe in magic23:51
Pirate_HunterIncarnation, now you got it, eeerh used to know the answer to that question, sorry can't answer you without opening a browser23:52
CrimsonIdolbut it is23:52
IncarnationCompiling: the execute bit? Can you show me how to view it?23:52
CrimsonIdolls -l23:52
CompilingIncarnation: run ls -l23:53
Compilinglook on the left side23:53
unomiIncarnation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_format#Magic_number23:53
Pirate_HunterIncarnation, ls -l /usr/bin/vuze it should have something like rwx (read, write, execute)23:53
unomiIncarnation: you should, its all around you23:53
CompilingIf you want to make it executable do chmod +x filename23:53
Mariouxhi there23:54
rautamiekkaIncarnation: If I'm not wrong, Linux-compiled programs have execution-indicating info in the very beginning of the file in addition to execution bit. Not sure, but I think that's how it is.23:54
MariouxI wanna know how to make to grub to recognize all my OS installed?23:55
Pirate_HunterCompiling, is there any difference from exciting a file using chmod compared to chown?23:55
IncarnationI'm just trying to figure out exactly how this system works, it's very complicated23:55
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IncarnationI can't really wrap my head around it23:55
IncarnationI mean I could but it would just take a lot of time23:55
CrimsonIdolit's called permissions23:55
belkinsaEr, I need help with wireless internet on Ubuntu 10.04.  I really to re-post this so here's the link to the forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152350323:55
Pirate_HunterIncarnation, one step at a time even rome wasn't built in one day it takes time23:55
rautamiekkaPirate_Hunter: CHOWN changes the owner of the file where CHMOD changes the handling permissions (Read, Write, Execute)23:55
Incarnationand I'd probably grow really old and nearly dead by the time I'd be finished and the payoff wouldn't be worth it...23:56
CrimsonIdolpermissions are the number 1 error for linux newbies23:56
rautamiekkaCrimsonIdol: Too right.23:56
CrimsonIdolme included! :)23:56
Pirate_Hunterrautamiekka, you're right that was a stupid question and I should've realised23:56
erkan^which option is the best: POP or IMAP for Gmail in Evolution?23:56
rautamiekkaPirate_Hunter: It was too obvious to realize without either asking or reading. I had to read about it back in time.23:57
CompilingPirate_Hunter: chown changes the file ownership (owner and group ownership)23:57
Pirate_Huntererkan^, depends on you most prefer imap because your files still remain on the server23:57
CompilingPirate_Hunter: chmod changes access permissions for the owner,group,and everyone else that doesnt fit into the first 2 categories23:57
Pirate_Hunterrautamiekka, Compiling, yeah but the problem I use it often and I forgot that I use numbers for chmod so I have no clue what that question was about23:58
CrimsonIdolnot error but cause of frustrations. ;)23:58
rautamiekkaPirate_Hunter: Don't lose your sleep due to it.23:58
rautamiekka!hi | Augustuen23:59
CompilingPirate_Hunter: you don't have to use the numerical hex assignment23:59
ubottuAugustuen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:59
belkinsa I need help with wireless internet on Ubuntu 10.04.  I really to re-post this so here's the link to the forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152350323:59
CompilingPirate_Hunter: You can do u+rwx,g+rwx+o-rwx23:59
Augustuenanyone know how to convice a guy to use Ubuntu server instead of Windows server?23:59
CompilingAugustuen: tell him the price23:59
Petskulllet him user Win Server23:59
belkinsaIt's free, and safer to use...23:59
Augustuennah, it wont help, he gets free codes23:59
Pirate_Hunterrautamiekka, I wont even knowing right now I need sleep but I just can't sleep yet my body tells me I want to sleep its an infinite loop23:59

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