
duanedesignnewboon2age_: yeah that is an 'upstream' bug report so only people associated with that project can assign importence00:07
duanedesignnewboon2age_: the ubuntu project is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client00:07
newboon2age_duanedesign: thank you for that.00:09
newboon2age_duanedesign: is your project in the .deb packaged stage yet?00:09
duanedesignnewboon2age_: we should be doing that this weekend00:10
newboon2age_duanedesign: i'd like to check it out.  Tell me again (very briefly or point me somewhere) what it does?00:10
duanedesignnewboon2age_: stipple backs up .config files to a couchdb. Ubuntu one then replicates those databases to all your computers. Then the program will put the .config files in the appropriatte places on the 'other' computers00:12
duanedesignthere are quite a few plugins already for it. Writing new plugins is easy.00:13
newboon2age_and is a different plugin required for each different app?00:13
newboon2age_is it in python?00:14
Chipacaduanedesign: have you spoken with the guys doing oneconf at all?00:14
duanedesignChipaca: yes i have00:15
duanedesignChipaca: my project also backs up packages, so we shared notes00:15
duanedesignChipaca: however once OneConf comes online i will probably phase out that feature.00:16
Chipacaduanedesign: ok00:16
newboon2age_duanedesign: does it require a different plugin for each different app?  are plugins written in python?00:18
duanedesignChipaca: i think they are going to limit their project to packages and leave more 'advanced' uses like backing up config files to projects like stipple00:18
duanedesignnewboon2age_: yes that is correct00:18
Chipacaduanedesign: great news00:18
duanedesignChipaca: yes. didrocks has been super friendly and very helpful00:19
ChipacaI'm glad00:33
Chipacavds: your network card sucks, you know? :)00:43
duanedesignnewboon2age_: here is a recent screenshot.  It determines which plugins to load based on what packages you have installed. http://people.ubuntu.com/~duanedesign/stipple.SS.2.png00:47
billdayFor some reason the UbuntuOne music store thinks that I am in the EU rather than the US.  Is there a way to correct this?00:57
Chipacabillday: it's based on your IP address01:03
Chipacabillday: are you in some kind of vpn?01:03
billdayThank you.  I know it is based on the IP address.  I am not in a VPN, but I do sometimes use a proxy.01:04
billdayIt seems that I have managed to confuse the store.01:04
billdayCan I unconfuse it?01:04
newboon2age_duanedesign: cool, i'll look forward to checking it out...01:05
Chipacabillday: just starting a new session should suffice01:10
Chipacabillday: i.e. restarting rhythmbox01:11
billdayChipaca:  OK, thanks, I'll give it another go.  Cheers.01:13
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korbencan i ask u all something about ubuntu one?02:41
duanedesignhello korben02:46
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josephnexuscould someone point me in the direction of the kubuntu client?03:50
duanedesignhello josephnexus03:57
duanedesignjosephnexus: here is a recent thread on the forums by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9535765#post953576504:00
duanedesignjosephnexus: newboon2age is in here fairly regularly. It is his/her post04:01
duanedesignjosephnexus: also: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/59404:03
duanedesignjosephnexus: the final link i have on the subject might be similar to the Launchpad FAQ. But just in case: http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-install-and-setup-ubuntu-one-in-kubuntu/2010/03/1504:04
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nuboon2Winsorry, new to pidgin and it functions differently than i'm used to ..04:33
nuboon2Winapachelogger: can you give an update on the status of ubuntuone-kde ?04:34
duanedesignhello nuboon2Win04:35
nuboon2WinChipaca: as an experiment i set up Portable Ubuntu and tried ubuntuone-client-gnome on it.  The results of my experiment so far are on http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9540830&postcount=204:36
duanedesignjosephnexus was just asking about U1 on KDE. I linked him to your forum post and the FAQ by joshua04:36
nuboon2Winduanedesign:  howdy, this is nuboon2age, i'm writing this from pidgin running on Portable Ubuntu on Vista.  Wierd huh?04:37
duanedesignyes, i have not tried portablew Ubuntu04:39
duanedesignnuboon2Win: what do you think?04:39
duanedesignlike it04:39
nuboon2Winjosephnexus: my experiment w/ ubuntuone-kde seems to be working despite the fact i got error messages when i was trying to install it (due to the fact i'd previously installed ubuntuone-client-gnome I'm pretty sure -- if i'd done a clean install i don't think i'd have too many problems).04:40
nuboon2Winduanedesign: Portable ubuntu seems to be working at least better than wine does.  its sort of like the reverse of wine.04:41
nuboon2Winduanedesign: i'm going to play with it anyway.  Ubuntu One only seems to see the top level files.  No nested files.04:42
nuboon2Wini'm thinking i may be able to workaround this by symbolic links.  Don't know yet...04:43
nuboon2Winit gives at least some of the experience of running Ubuntu (but from within Windoze).  Seems like it could be a good tool.  One of its claims to fame is that you can put it on a pen drive and have another way to run Ubuntu portably on different Windoze machines (in addition to the possibility of creating a bootable pen drive of course).04:45
nuboon2Winduanedesign: the 'tres' version i'm running is the latest and its based on Karmic04:46
nuboon2Winduanedesign: geeze i'm going to wake everyone by mistake... in Konversation i can test a nick before sending it, but in pidgin i guess one letter, return and i end up notifying everyone who'd nick starts with that letter...04:49
nuboon2Winduanedesign: :)04:51
nuboon2Winduanedesign: can you take a sec and tell me about your ide and programming environment you're using for your project?  I'm interested in setting up a development environment for python, but i'm new to development on Ubuntu and python.  Any tips you could share?  Do you know if there is a sort of standard set up for the canonical developers?04:56
duanedesignthere are certain things that are encouraged04:59
duanedesignpython, Couchdb for persistence, GTK05:00
duanedesigni just use Gedit05:00
duanedesignthere is a little guide there for setting up Gedit05:01
nuboon2Winduanedesign: rats another who 'just uses Gedit' :)05:01
duanedesignif you have a solid foundation i would recommend quickly05:01
nuboon2Winduanedesign: oh that's a neat resource...  very cool...05:02
nuboon2Winduanedesign: how do you keep track of complex multi file projects w/ only Gedit?05:03
nuboon2Winduanedesign: Also, i'm wondering did you use quickly on your project?05:06
duanedesigni did not use quickly.05:07
duanedesignwhen i started it m it was a command line app05:07
duanedesignquickly is for GUI apps05:08
nuboon2Winduanedesign: oh, and how do you keep track of complex apps with lot's o library files and such w/ only Gedit?05:09
nuboon2Winduanedesign: or maybe your project is not as complex as some of the gui things are...05:10
duanedesignstipple has a gui now.05:10
nuboon2Winduanedesign: i'd like some aids to help me keep track of all the imports and such...05:10
nuboon2Winduanedesign: oh yeah that's right... duh05:11
duanedesigni also have another project. clicompanion05:11
duanedesigni have used IDLE, that is a popular IDE for python05:11
nuboon2Winis python your main language duanedesign?05:15
duanedesignyes. i am trying to learn more C05:16
duanedesignbut there is enough in python to keep you busy for awhile :)05:16
duanedesignerr, keep me busy05:17
nuboon2Wini saw that one of the ide's (can't remember if it was IDLE) allowed you to plug in whatever editor you wanted (could plug in Gedit for instance).  As an editor i've certainly liked Gedit (though I haven't done that much with it, just basic edits).05:17
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nuboon2Winduanedesign: okay well i won't detain you further.  I appreciate your input, and look forward to seeing stiple in action...05:19
duanedesignnuboon2Win: been nice talking to you05:20
nuboon2Winduanedesign: thank you for all your irc support. :)05:20
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GeorgiusCzhello, some ubuntuone developer here ? I have a tiny compilation question ...08:57
GeorgiusCzhonk ... ?08:58
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: compilation of what?09:36
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: next time, just ask the question :)09:36
lifelessmorning Chipaca09:36
GeorgiusCzChipaca: I just wanted to be sure not to pose the question in the vacuum. I am trying to compile ubuntuone for N900 and I would like not to compile against nautilus - see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/512052?comments=all09:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 512052 in ubuntuone-client "Support for maemo (Nokia n900) (affects: 60) (heat: 292)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:38
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: the only part you have to compile is the nautilus part (unless you count the protobuf)09:41
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: or do you mean build the package?09:43
GeorgiusCzno, just build  the sync daemon09:44
Chipacathe syncdaemon is just python09:44
Chipacathe protocol_pb.py is "compiled" from the protocol description (this is in ubuntuone-storage-protocol), but I believe we include the compiled version as well as the protocol description anyway09:44
Chipacain other words: it should just work09:45
GeorgiusCz8-o ...09:45
Chipacahave you tried running it?09:45
ChipacaPYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug ?09:45
GeorgiusCzI have the source package (as N900 is ARM)09:46
GeorgiusCzgoing to test it in a scratchbox ...09:47
ChipacaI've got to have breakfast, and then do the checkout; I'm at the end of a weeklong sprint and a bit tired. email me how it went, and if something is broken, I'll try to fix it09:47
GeorgiusCz  File "bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon", line 34     from ubuntuone.syncdaemon.config import (                                             ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax09:49
Chipacayou need python 2.609:49
Chipacayou *might* get away with 2.509:49
Chipacasounds like you have 2.2 or somehting :)09:50
GeorgiusCzno, 2.509:50
Chipacaok, I'll bbl09:50
GeorgiusCzthanks so far09:50
GeorgiusCzoops, something weird with scratchbox ... going to test directly on the device10:15
GeorgiusCzSo, python 2.5.4 - Syntax errror on line 73 (file bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon) - args=args10:27
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: ok, 1 sec10:37
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: can you pastebin the whole traceback please?10:38
GeorgiusCznot easily, but I give it a try10:38
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: ok, so, there is no args=args in ubuntuone-preferences10:40
ChipacaGeorgiusCz: so, I figure you're reading the traceback wrong10:40
Chipacaoh wait10:40
Chipacawhy i am looking at -preferenecs?10:40
GeorgiusCznope, it is in  bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon10:41
GeorgiusCz-atN90mnt/card/bin/ubuntuone-client-1.2.0 $ bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon n  File "bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon", line 73n    args=args, usage=usage)n       ^nSyntaxError: invalid syntax10:42
Chipacaok, yes, that's a bug10:42
ChipacaGeorgiusCz-atN90: cool :)10:42
ChipacaI've found a python 2.5 to test with10:43
Chipacaand yes, this thing breaks :(10:43
Chipacabut I don't have time to fix it right now10:43
GeorgiusCzI am a python beginner, so I have to admitt that I do not have a clue what is trying to be done on this line10:44
Chipacai guess we're only testing 2.5 on the server-side things :(10:44
Chipaca(this is not good)10:44
ChipacageorgiusCz: next week, can you ping me on irc?10:44
ChipacaI'm pretty sure I'll forget this otherwise10:44
Chipacabut when I'm back at my office I can fix this in a few minutes :)10:45
GeorgiusCzOK, or some mail/ICQ/jabber/skype .. ?10:45
Chipacajohn.lenton@canonical.com, but that channel will be flooded  :)10:46
ChipacaI've got to set up a vm so i can test with 2.510:46
Chipacais debian still on 2.5?10:46
Chipacathat would make it an even more serious issue10:46
GeorgiusCzI guess so .. (because Maemo is debian-based)10:46
GeorgiusCzRecently I am on Ubuntu machine and I do not use Python on my Debian boxes (C++ or bash, nothing in between ;-) )10:47
Chipacaok, I've got to check taht too10:47
GeorgiusCzyep, lenny 2.510:48
GeorgiusCzsqueeze 2.6.5-510:48
GeorgiusCzand SID 2.6.5-5 as well10:48
GeorgiusCzSo stable is still 2.5, next version "comming soon ;-)" will be 2.610:49
Chipacaok, so I need a lenny vm and that'll fix it for both. Good!10:50
GeorgiusCzSo thank you so far and I will write both here and in the mail on monday morning CET10:51
Chipacaok, i've got to pack up and leave10:51
GeorgiusCzthank you again and good bye10:51
Chipacai'm on GMT-3, so CET might be a little early :)10:52
Chipacabut I'll get the message anyway, so go ahead10:52
duanedesign'lo all13:55
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nunatak_I'm trying to buy music at the UO music store for the first time. I payed by paypal but now there labeled all tracks I bought with "Queued" since 10 minutes.22:57
newboon2age_honk fo nunatak_22:58
newboon2age_duanedesign: do you know who could help nunatak_ out with that?    honk22:59
newboon2age_nunatak_: i meant " honk for nunatak_ "22:59
nunatak_yes, I read it!23:00
newboon2age_nunatak_: i'm just an end user like yourself.  I haven't tried out the music store yet.  What music did you get?23:03
nunatak_Its still 'Queued'...23:03
newboon2age_nunatak_: and what music was it, out of curiousity?23:04
nunatak_the artist is called Villagers23:04
nunatak_Becoming a Jackal23:04
nunatak_the album name23:04
nunatak_does that matter?23:04
newboon2age_nunatak_: i'll have to check them out.  What style?23:04
newboon2age_nunatak_: no i'm just curious...23:04
nunatak_indie i think23:04
nunatak_singer & songwriter otherwiese23:05
newboon2age_nunatak_: is it a direct download setup or some kind of torrent?23:05
nunatak_I don't know. Hiw I mentioned thats my first download from the UO music store. I don't know how it work. If its http or torrent download23:06
nunatak_its from 7digital23:06
newboon2age_nunatak_: i was thinking of trying it out.  I've only used torrents a few times.  it works quickly if someone has 'seeded' it, but if not it ends up where you wait until someone does i think.  I don't know much about it.23:07
nunatak_But I allready read at ubuntuusers.de that there are problems with downloading music from the store23:07
nunatak_unfortunatly the forum is offline caused by server-problems this weekend23:08
newboon2age_nunatak_: okay, well let's try Chipaca, and lifeless, and nhaines (they're folks i've asked questions of before)  honk.23:09
newboon2age_Chipaca: sorry to bother... can you help nunatak_ out or redirect them to someone who can...23:10
Chipacasure, what's the issue?23:11
newboon2age_nunatak_: take it away...23:11
newboon2age_nunatak_ said: I'm trying to buy music at the UO music store for the first time. I payed by paypal but now there labeled all tracks I bought with "Queued" since 10 minutes.23:12
ChipacaI didn't know you could pay with paypal, but ok23:12
nunatak_I think I payed allready23:12
Chipacaok. And have the songs turned up in one.ubuntu.com/files/ ?23:13
nunatak_yes. at paypal there is displayed the peyment23:14
Chipacanunatak_: ok. And have the songs turned up in one.ubuntu.com/files/ ?23:16
nunatak_thats what I see in rhythmbox music store: http://s239.photobucket.com/albums/ff165/nullm3ridian/?action=view&current=Bildschirmfoto-Musik-Wiedergabe.png23:17
Chipacaaquarius: hi!23:17
Chipacanunatak_: ok. And have the songs turned up in one.ubuntu.com/files/ ?23:18
Chipacanunatak_: that's the third time I've asked. Are you reading what I'm writing?23:18
Chipacanunatak_: if the question isn't clear, please tell me so23:18
Chipacaaquarius: what did 'Queued' mean in the music store thing?23:19
ChipacaI always forget23:19
aquariusChipaca, hey. Queued means "the song hasn't arrived on your machine yet", which could be because it's still being fetched from 7d, or because it's fetched from 7d into U1 but it hasn't started downloading yet23:20
Chipacaok, so I was on the right track23:21
Chipacanunatak_: so... *is* the album visible at http://one.ubuntu.com/files/ (in the "purchased from ubuntu one" folder) ?23:21
nunatak_Chipaca: Ah, ok. I know what u mean. I got a look!23:25
Chipacanunatak_: ah, good! I wait patiently.23:25
newboon2age_Chipaca: might have been a little language barrier prob.  looks like nun is native German speaker23:26
nunatak_hey, don't annoy!23:26
newboon2age_nunatak_: so does that mean you're seeing the albums on the ubuntuone account now?23:27
nunatak_but sorry. hehe.....they are in my ubuntuone files.23:27
nunatak_yes. no23:27
newboon2age_so problem solved?23:28
newboon2age_nunatak_: problem solved?23:29
nunatak_I think so. :)23:29
newboon2age_nunatak_: Yeah!!!23:29
newboon2age_nunatak_: i'll have to try out the music store sometime soon...23:29
newboon2age_nunatak_: maybe the villagers will be first up. ;)23:30
nunatak_newboon2age_: I slightly feel you mock at me. ;)23:30
duanedesignnewboon2age_: there are some free mp3s you can downloaad to try out the store23:30
newboon2age_nunatak_: not at all nunatak_,23:30
Chipacanunatak_: do you have the files _on your computer_ now?23:30
nunatak_yes of course. ^^23:30
duanedesigni use the free songs to test the store when someone has an issue23:30
nunatak_but i get them now23:30
Chipacanunatak_: how do you get them?23:31
* Chipaca has visions of nunatak_ downloading them "by hand" from the web interface23:31
newboon2age_Chipaca: it sounds like nunatak_ is using Rhythmbox.  Don't know how that works...23:31
Chipacanewboon2age_: if you wait until I've made sure nunatak_ has his mp3s in the right way, I can explain23:33
Chipacayou information leech you :)23:33
newboon2age_Chipaca: he he23:33
Chipacanunatak_: ping23:34
nunatak_Chipaca: by downloading them from my ubuntu.one account23:34
Chipacanunatak_: please don't do that23:34
Chipacanunatak_: I mean, you *can* do that23:34
Chipacanunatak_: but, you shouldn't have to do that23:34
Chipacanunatak_: the system is designed to be automated23:34
nunatak_antoher question, maybe someone of you know it: Is Ubuntu-Linux supported with the money canonical get from the UO music store?23:35
Chipacanunatak_: can you open a terminal and type in23:35
Chipacanunatak_: u1sdtool -s23:35
Chipacanunatak_: and pastebin the output?23:35
Chipacanunatak_: yes, yes it is23:35
nunatak_Chipaca: why I shouldn't?23:35
Chipacanunatak_: because the beauty of the u1 music store is that you can connect multiple machines to u1 and then they will all get the music23:36
newboon2age_Chipaca: does downloading from the ubuntuone then remove it from ubuntuone and then your other clients won't have access to it Chipaca?23:37
Chipacanewboon2age_: no, of course not23:37
newboon2age_Chipaca: then i don't understand...23:37
Chipacanewboon2age_: what part don't you understand?23:38
newboon2age_why is it less good for nunatak_ to download it off web site?  Do you just mean nunatak_ is doing it the hard way?23:38
Chipacanunatak_: what was the output of «u1sdtool -s» ?23:39
Chipacanewboon2age_: yes, he's doing it the hard way23:39
Chipacanewboon2age_: doing it that way sucks23:39
ChipacaI don't like the stuff I build to suck23:40
mkarnickiaquarius: hey! I passed exams and I'm back to work. did you receive my last mail (Re: to the last one), your opinion is appreciated :)23:40
nunatak_the output: http://pastebin.ca/189412923:41
aquariusmkarnicki, I did -- I am still thinking about it :)23:41
mkarnickiaquarius: sure, thanks :)23:42
Chipacanewboon2age_: the server-side component of the music store injects the files into an ad-hoc folder in the user's account23:42
Chipacanewboon2age_: syncdaemon gets the notification that there is new stuff there, and downloads it23:42
newboon2age_Chipaca: so the songs probably *should* 'just show up' in rhythmbox? and do they also show up in the 'Ubuntu One' folder in the home directory?23:42
Chipacanunatak_: and the output of «find ~/.ubuntuone» ?23:42
Chipacanewboon2age_: no, it's in a "UDF", what you get when you right-click a folder in your home other than Ubuntu One and select 'sync with u1'23:43
nunatak_"no such file or directory23:44
nunatak_I downloaded the songs by the hard way. but I will check the term you said for the next time!23:44
Chipacanunatak_: can you open Ubuntu One under System -> Preferences and (wait a minute or so and) see if Music Download is enabled?23:46
nunatak_thanks for helping23:46
nunatak_yes i can!23:47
Chipacanunatak_: if it's not enabled, please enable it23:47
nunatak_I'll learn more about UO syncing tomorrow23:49
newboon2age_Chipaca: The good thing is that when you share something with me i can send it out through wiki help, forums and irc, so you save yourself some effort. :)23:52
Chipacanewboon2age_: I appreciate it. Try to make it google-able so people can find it, too :)23:53
newboon2age_Chipaca: yup on the wiki and forums it is.23:53
newboon2age_Chipaca: would you mind sharing which ide you use? or do you use an ide?23:54
newboon2age_Chipaca: and is there any kind of recommended ide w/in Canonical?23:54
Chipacanewboon2age_: I use emacs. And Canonical keeps out of the way and lets us get on with building awesome stuff.23:55
Chipacanewboon2age_: so some people in my team use gedit23:55
newboon2age_Chipaca: gotcha.  Thanks. :_23:55
Chipacasome, eclipse23:55
Chipacasome think they need to repay some karma or something and use vi23:56
newboon2age_Chipaca: :)23:56
Chipacaand some of us use emacs23:56
newboon2age_anyone using idle or (i think its) SPE?23:57
ChipacaI don't know; I think I've listed everybody. Manuel might use something stranger, I dunno.23:58
ChipacaI'm pretty sure nobody uses idle23:58
ChipacaI think I'd know because of all the cursing23:58
newboon2age_Chipaca: :)23:59

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