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dinodell2100 | im having trouble installing a program with wine. when i run the setup.exe wine shows a problem in the terminal and does not continue | 00:07 |
senorpedro | dinodell2100, which problem does it show? | 00:08 |
senorpedro | can you paste the output to http://nopaste.info/ | 00:08 |
dinodell2100 | k sec | 00:08 |
dinodell2100 | ty | 00:09 |
cato37 | wine works in the first login, but vituralbox looks pretty good. | 00:12 |
quentusrex | Help. I tried to install kde but now that I try to login but I get an error that "can't start ksmserver" | 00:12 |
senorpedro | cato37, yeah, virtualbox is awesome :) | 00:13 |
dinodell2100 | senorpedro: http://nopaste.info/e3ac424849.html | 00:13 |
senorpedro | quentusrex, is there more info? | 00:13 |
vbgunz | forgive me for being stupid here but is the crop tool in gwenview broken? holy cow, what skill level do you need to crop an image? | 00:14 |
quentusrex | senorpedro, there is no other info. | 00:14 |
quentusrex | but to check the installation | 00:14 |
senorpedro | dinodell2100, that looks like wine bug. ask that in #wine again | 00:15 |
dinodell2100 | ok tyvm | 00:15 |
quentusrex | senorpedro, would there be logs somewhere of what went wrong? | 00:15 |
senorpedro | quentusrex, i dont know, sorry. maybe the folks in #kde can help | 00:16 |
cato37 | is it better to use apt-get or the gdebi for the virtualbox? | 00:16 |
vbgunz | holy cow, I figured it out. the option got lost in the noise :/ | 00:17 |
senorpedro | cato37, you can use "apt-get install virtualbox-3.2" to install virtualbox (though i prefer aptitude). i dont know what gdebi is so i cant say anything about that | 00:17 |
James147 | cato37: the .deb from the site in needed if you want usb support inside the guest OS but other then that installing it from apt-get is fine | 00:17 |
cato37 | k. thanx | 00:18 |
James147 | senorpedro: gdebi is a frontend for install .debs i beleave.. its what is called when you click on a .deb in dolphin | 00:18 |
cato37 | i was told to be careful when installing from outside apt-get or aptitude cause it might break the dependencies. | 00:19 |
senorpedro | James147, ok thx for the info. i always use dpkg -i for that | 00:19 |
James147 | cato37: it 'might' I have installed the one from virtualbox site before it should be fine... | 00:20 |
James147 | cato37: but unless you really need usb support the one in the repos should be good enough | 00:20 |
senorpedro | cato37, if you install .deb packages there will be no problems. the person who told you that probably meant when you compile from source with ./configure && make && make install | 00:20 |
cato37 | no, i just need to run one prog from m$ because of my work, which i am in the process of trying to get the workgroup to try ubunut. :) | 00:21 |
cato37 | *ubunt | 00:21 |
cato37 | u | 00:21 |
cato37 | sigh, i cant type on this little kb | 00:22 |
cato37 | k. thanx james, and señor pedro. | 00:22 |
cato37 | reboot. brb. | 00:23 |
cato37 | back... lol. i double clicked... i am still getting used to the hover and select method. so virtual box is being reinstalled. .. | 00:25 |
sirbobbyuk | hi, i have a cisco 877W router and at the moment im not sure how to set it up. is there any free software that i can use to set it up | 00:31 |
sirbobbyuk | At the moment im seeing two lights one light is flashing, which is the one that waiting to be connected up to the phone line | 00:32 |
tolkach | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6202/index.html | 00:32 |
sirbobbyuk | ive gone to the Cisco web site, but they are wanting money for the downloads | 00:33 |
sirbobbyuk | Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any software that works with a cisco router | 00:35 |
ikonia | "works with" ? | 00:35 |
sirbobbyuk | Cisco router 877W | 00:35 |
ikonia | yes what about it ? | 00:36 |
sirbobbyuk | well i have one and im having problems in setting it up | 00:36 |
ikonia | you need to know how to configure cico through the ios OS | 00:36 |
sirbobbyuk | yep | 00:37 |
ikonia | ok, so that's nothing to do with kubuntu | 00:37 |
sirbobbyuk | in a way it is cos im using 10.4 of Kubuntu at the moment | 00:37 |
ikonia | sirbobbyuk: it's nothing to do with kubuntu how to configure a cisco device | 00:37 |
sirbobbyuk | ok, so if other than to do with Kubuntu im singing up the wrong tree | 00:38 |
ikonia | correct | 00:39 |
ikonia | the channel is for kubuntu support only | 00:39 |
ikonia | check /topic for more info | 00:39 |
sirbobbyuk | I dont get it im using Kubuntu and im trying to set up the router...but i cant ask if there is away to set it up if it nothing to do with Kubuntu...which it is | 00:40 |
ikonia | sirbobbyuk: what part are you having a problem with ? | 00:40 |
sirbobbyuk | All of it at the moment... spent the best part of 4 and a bit hours trying different areas... | 00:41 |
James147 | sirbobbyuk: what router you have is irrelevent to connecting to it... if you want to set up the router (to configre it) you need to see the routers documenttation... although most router can be configured through a web interface | 00:41 |
ikonia | what part do you "want" help wtih | 00:41 |
ikonia | be specific | 00:41 |
ikonia | James147: only home class cisco's come with web interfaces | 00:42 |
ikonia | the rest expect cisco experience | 00:42 |
sirbobbyuk | Ok all i want to know is, is there some information on Kubuntu that helps novies like me in setting up a Cisco router. | 00:45 |
ikonia | sirbobbyuk: no | 00:45 |
ikonia | sirbobbyuk: your routers configuration is nothing to do with kubuntu | 00:45 |
ikonia | sirbobbyuk: you need to have ciso knowledge, which depends nothing on your OS | 00:45 |
anode | hey, is there a way I can see what packages are on a 'specific' repository using apt-get or aptitude? | 01:04 |
Torch | anode: usually you can just browse the repository with a web browser | 01:06 |
Torch | anode: and read the packages index file | 01:06 |
anode | Torch: I have no web browser | 01:07 |
Torch | anode: how comes? | 01:07 |
anode | does't matter. If i'm trying to install something remotely via ssh, that only thing I have is cli | 01:07 |
anode | anyhow, is there a way to do so? | 01:08 |
Torch | anode: there are web browser for text mode | 01:08 |
anode | okay... is there a way to do it with apt-get aptitude? | 01:08 |
James147 | anode: elinks :) a terminal web browser | 01:08 |
anode | I know............ | 01:08 |
anode | is there a way to do it with apt-get aptitude? | 01:08 |
anode | or * | 01:08 |
Typos_King | apt-get aptitude? | 01:09 |
anode | apt-get or aptitude | 01:09 |
Typos_King | what does that mean? | 01:09 |
anode | are you serious???? It means, how can I use either apt-get or aptitude in order to find packages of a specific repository.. | 01:10 |
Typos_King | ok | 01:10 |
Typos_King | soooooo | 01:10 |
Dragnslcr | anode- might be an option for apt-cache search | 01:11 |
JontheEchidna | you mean something like this? http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopxn1560-jpg.jpg | 01:11 |
anode | Dragnslcr: isn't that for packages you've downloaded already? | 01:11 |
anode | JontheEchidna: yes, exactly like that actualy | 01:12 |
JontheEchidna | anode: Synaptic does it, but I'm not too sure if either aptitude or apt-get can | 01:12 |
tolkach | anode- man aptitude has a bit on search | 01:12 |
anode | tolkach: so you can do that with aptitude? | 01:12 |
tolkach | Searches for packages matching one of the patterns supplied on the command line. | 01:13 |
tolkach | try it | 01:13 |
tolkach | i have no idea :) | 01:13 |
Typos_King | anode: what are you looking for? if I may ask | 01:13 |
anode | Typos_King: nothing in particular actually... | 01:14 |
anode | Typos_King: i'd rather just know how to search for something form specific sources if I am somehow unable to use X | 01:15 |
Dragnslcr | anode- apt-cache search checks the local package database, which lists everything available from the servers (assuming you've done apt-get update recently_ | 01:16 |
Typos_King | yeah | 01:16 |
Typos_King | anode: just use apt-cache search | 01:17 |
Dragnslcr | anode- I don't know if there's a way to only search a single repository, but I don't know why you'd want to anyway | 01:17 |
Typos_King | anode: apt-get has autocomplete, fyi | 01:17 |
anode | Dragnslcr: versioning, differentiating from my own sources or sources on the network, etc.. | 01:19 |
anode | administration really... | 01:19 |
James147 | anode: i know aptitude can list different version it knows about... at least I have see it in the interactive mode | 01:19 |
snarkster | how do you use bw43-fwcutter? | 01:20 |
snarkster | do i need to go out on the net and get the driver? | 01:21 |
Typos_King | snarkster: why do you need it? | 01:21 |
snarkster | got a friend that installed 10.4 and his wireless isnt working. he has broadcom4306 | 01:21 |
tolkach | yeah i saw the errors with that. my wifi doesn't work sometimes too | 01:24 |
tolkach | but then also apparently, the wifi router was messed with while i was gone from the house, and that might not work either right now | 01:24 |
snarkster | so we dont need fw-cutter anymore? | 01:24 |
tolkach | ..of course i am left with only ubuntu boxen to test it lol | 01:24 |
Typos_King | ... snarkster the drivers will be there, I'd think | 01:27 |
tolkach | i'm curious if there's a command analogous to dhclient in ubuntu. i'm more used to bsd still in some ways and i can't figure out what the equivalent would be | 01:28 |
tolkach | i mean, typing "dhclient similar ubuntu bsd" is sort of a bad search ;p | 01:28 |
tolkach | as i've found | 01:28 |
James147 | tolkach: umm... dhclient.... | 01:29 |
Typos_King | snarkster: http://pastebin.parentnode.org/103627 <---- is what I've used | 01:31 |
snarkster | thanx typos_king | 01:52 |
cato37 | is there a good program for getting rid of duplicate folders and files? | 03:11 |
changbing | hello,everyone. | 03:15 |
changbing | I manually installed nvidia graphic card driver 256.35 downloaded from Nvidia official website, and now I want to remove it | 03:16 |
changbing | how can I do that | 03:16 |
changbing | the reason why I want to remove this driver is because when I run "hardware driver" in Kubuntu 10.04, I found I have already intalled nvidia_173, but it is not currently used | 03:18 |
changbing | and with manualled installed driver 256.35, there is a display issue, the chracters can not be displayed sharply, it appears a little flaky and fussy | 03:20 |
changbing | fuzzy | 03:21 |
sleepwlker | Hello Kubuntu iRC | 04:30 |
sleepwlker | So | 04:30 |
sleepwlker | I'm fairly new to Linux | 04:30 |
sleepwlker | Can anyone explain to me how I would install a custom driver? | 04:30 |
sleepwlker | I have an EnGenius Wireless N USB Adapter but it won't plug and play it | 04:31 |
moetunes | do you have a linux driver for it sleepwlker ? | 04:35 |
sleepwlker | I downloaded a .tar from the site | 04:35 |
sleepwlker | the EnGenius site that is | 04:35 |
moetunes | have you unpacked it? | 04:36 |
sleepwlker | Yeah | 04:36 |
moetunes | any readme? | 04:36 |
sleepwlker | Yeah | 04:37 |
moetunes | can you paste it? | 04:38 |
moetunes | !paste | 04:38 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 04:38 |
sleepwlker | Gah | 04:39 |
sleepwlker | I can't wait till I get a new laptop >.> | 04:39 |
moetunes | heh | 04:39 |
sleepwlker | 512 MB of RAM is simply not enough | 04:39 |
sleepwlker | http://paste.ubuntu.com/458972/ | 04:39 |
moetunes | sleepwlker: line 64 says you need the kernel sources- do you have them installed? | 04:41 |
sleepwlker | If they didn't come with Kubuntu | 04:41 |
sleepwlker | probably not | 04:41 |
sleepwlker | All I've done so far is install Kubuntu | 04:41 |
sleepwlker | Installed FireFox | 04:41 |
sleepwlker | Installed NetBeans | 04:42 |
FloodBotK2 | sleepwlker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:42 |
moetunes | sleepwlker: in terminal do sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source-`uname -r` | 04:44 |
sleepwlker | Couldn't find package linux-source-uname -r | 04:46 |
moetunes | did you forget the backtics? ` | 04:47 |
sleepwlker | What is that? Lol | 04:47 |
sleepwlker | ` | 04:47 |
sleepwlker | Ah | 04:47 |
sleepwlker | I did ' I think | 04:47 |
sleepwlker | Lol | 04:47 |
moetunes | next to the number one button looks like ` | 04:48 |
sleepwlker | I got it I think | 04:48 |
moetunes | :] | 04:48 |
sleepwlker | are they both `? | 04:48 |
moetunes | yep | 04:48 |
sleepwlker | Couldn't find package linux-source2.6.32-23-generic | 04:49 |
moetunes | forgot the - this time | 04:50 |
moetunes | sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source-`uname -r` | 04:50 |
sleepwlker | wait | 04:51 |
sleepwlker | was uname supposed to be my name? xD | 04:51 |
moetunes | no uname is an application | 04:51 |
moetunes | uname -r gives the kernel version | 04:51 |
sleepwlker | I typed exactly what you did | 04:52 |
sleepwlker | and got te same error | 04:52 |
moetunes | try copy and paste-just drag the left mouse button over the command | 04:53 |
sleepwlker | Same error | 04:53 |
moetunes | k | 04:53 |
sleepwlker | http://paste.ubuntu.com/458977/ | 04:54 |
moetunes | try an update maybe sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 04:54 |
sleepwlker | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 04:55 |
moetunes | apt-cache search linux-source might show something | 04:56 |
sleepwlker | linux-source - Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches | 04:56 |
sleepwlker | and | 04:56 |
sleepwlker | linux-source-2.6.32 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.32 with Ubuntu patches | 04:57 |
sleepwlker | So I should do | 04:58 |
sleepwlker | sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source-2.6.32 | 04:59 |
sleepwlker | Right? | 04:59 |
moetunes | yep and you should throw checkinstall in there too | 05:01 |
moetunes | !checkinstall | 05:01 |
ubottu | checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 05:01 |
sleepwlker | Ok | 05:02 |
sleepwlker | Now what? | 05:02 |
moetunes | line 60 from the readme | 05:07 |
moetunes | cd /path/to/dir-with-the-driver | 05:07 |
sleepwlker | Ok | 05:11 |
sleepwlker | I'm there | 05:11 |
sleepwlker | Sorry I took awhile to reply, I ran to get a glass of water | 05:12 |
sleepwlker | What next moetunes? | 05:12 |
moetunes | line 62 from the readme says to check it is set for linux - it's just checking two lines | 05:12 |
moetunes | so open the make file and "set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and chose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX" " | 05:13 |
sleepwlker | Everything looks good | 05:13 |
moetunes | then type make and sit back :] | 05:14 |
moetunes | watch out for errors | 05:14 |
sleepwlker | I sure hope this driver works | 05:19 |
sleepwlker | Cause I feel like it's wasting my Wireless N Router | 05:19 |
sleepwlker | if I use a Wireless G receiver | 05:19 |
sleepwlker | FUUU | 05:21 |
sleepwlker | Bunches of errors | 05:21 |
sleepwlker | My favorite | 05:21 |
sleepwlker | Well | 05:21 |
sleepwlker | I've gotta AFK for a bit | 05:21 |
sleepwlker | I'll take anohter crack at this later | 05:21 |
ybit | how to enable transparency in konsole? | 05:24 |
ybit | also when is kubuntu getting the window tiling option? | 05:25 |
ybit | aha | 05:26 |
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ybit | right click on the window bar and there's an opacity setting | 05:26 |
ybit | now for that tiling :) | 05:27 |
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|newbie| | ïðèâåò | 07:48 |
|newbie| | åñòü êòî ìîæåò ïîìî÷ü è ðàçîáðàöî? | 07:49 |
spawn57 | what language is that? | 07:51 |
|newbie| | russia | 07:51 |
macintux_ | No its not. | 07:51 |
spawn57 | yeah, no kidding | 07:52 |
macintux_ | Я русский. | 07:52 |
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slow-motion | hi | 09:16 |
sobczyk | hi, is there some tool to detect duplicate images?what I've found so far compares only 1:1 images (diferent name) and I would need some tool to detect resized ones etc. | 09:27 |
darkas | hi | 10:10 |
darkas | I'm having problems with my touchpad on the Acer Aspire 1830T (netbook remix, 10.4): any configuration I'm doing isn't applied | 10:11 |
darkas | so the changes are done in the menus and are actually saved, but I can configure what I want without any effect | 10:11 |
darkas | the relevant part of my Xorg.0.log is: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/64TE3nta | 10:12 |
darkas | is there anyone who could help me with that please? | 10:13 |
Mr_L | Hi | 10:25 |
Mr_L | I want to play an AVI-Movie. But unfortunately when I start it, Kubuntu freezes. I tried with 3 players (Kaffeine, Dragonplayer, VLC). Whats wrong? | 10:26 |
darkas | I've also googled a lot for my problem but this didn't help too... | 10:30 |
keepitsimple | What is a good audio podcast client for KDE/Kubuntu ? | 11:30 |
keepitsimple | (not mentioning Miro) | 11:30 |
Andrew9 | keepitsimple: VLC ? | 11:31 |
Mamarok | keepitsimple: Amarok | 11:37 |
keepitsimple | Andrew9: yep, definitely the best option :) | 11:37 |
Andrew9 | keepitsimple: was it sarcasm? =D | 11:38 |
keepitsimple | No :P, I forgot that Amarok has podcasts, for what I need both can do the job. | 11:39 |
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coz_ | hey guys I noticed on this kde set up that if I left click and hold it brings up move cursor and interferes with normal clicking in application...any way to disable that? | 11:46 |
coz_ | sorry about that | 11:48 |
coz_ | let me repeat hey guys I noticed on this kde set up that if I left click and hold it brings up move cursor and interferes with normal clicking in application...any way to disable that? | 11:48 |
poyntz | i can't maximise windows through the quick launcher on kde 4.3. is this a bug? | 12:13 |
poyntz | actually, it works from the desktop | 12:13 |
poyntz | but not if i have a window currently maximised | 12:13 |
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yuyun | What The best facebook client for facebook | 12:27 |
ToxinPowe | wow faceboof client for facebook, I don't know facebook client for other network =) | 12:30 |
coz_ | hey guys.. is the wallpaper options going to be fixed so that one wallpaper can span both monitors on a dual monitor set up?? | 12:50 |
ToxinPowe | coz_: I don't think, kde 4.5rc still doesn't it | 12:51 |
coz_ | ToxinPowe, yeah I am on 4.5 now and was hoping this would have been fixed... gnome is also doing the same thing... I feel stuck now :) | 12:52 |
ToxinPowe | yep, I have dual monitor too, and I'm miss that =) | 12:52 |
coz_ | ToxinPowe, I wanted to move over to kde permanently but with this "one" issue I dont think I can... maybe xfce or lxde will do for now i will have to test :( | 12:53 |
ToxinPowe | only for that? I'm a old gnome user, and now I think kde 4.4/4.5 is just amazing ;P | 12:54 |
coz_ | ToxinPowe, same here but yes... this is an issue that should have been fixed already although I believe it was removed for sme strange reason | 12:55 |
ToxinPowe | coz_: maybe you can set your dual wallpaper manually with gimp or something, I don't know :s | 12:55 |
ToxinPowe | coz_: I agree ;) | 12:55 |
coz_ | ToxinPowe, no that doesnt work the issue is in both kde and now gnome | 12:55 |
ToxinPowe | ok | 12:55 |
niteye | in KDE4 now, when i copy files instead of seeing a progress bar i just see a spinning circle in the corner that indicates a 'job', which i keep having to click to see its progress, how do i set it so it becomes an old fashioned dialogbox again that shows speed and a permanent progress bar? | 13:01 |
Mamarok | niteye: click on that circle, it should pop up the notification | 13:19 |
Mamarok | eventually a right click on it gives you more options | 13:21 |
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supermagnum | hi, my screen goes black/ the system hangs after i updated to the latest updates on 10.1 | 13:44 |
supermagnum | i have tried to run dpgk-reconfigure -a but that did not help | 13:45 |
supermagnum | any sulotions ? | 13:46 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8y29gqX9SU | 13:48 |
supermagnum | thanks, i will try that | 13:49 |
keepitsimple | (if the kernel upgrade is the problem) Did you just updated the proprietary graphics drivers ? | 13:49 |
supermagnum | i updatet the whole system and all upgrades avaible | 13:50 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: what kind of computer are you using? Laptop? If so provide the name | 13:51 |
supermagnum | it is a panasonic cf-29, it is a laptop | 13:52 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: if using the previous version of the kernel is not working, you could try login into Recovery Mode http://goo.gl/I25f and after that sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , maybe something went wrong with the update in some way | 14:01 |
supermagnum | i have tried recovery mode | 14:03 |
coz_ | hey guys.. ubuntu maverick here with lde 4.5rc1... I notice with an application open if I click and hold left click I get a move cursor...any way to disable that? | 14:03 |
supermagnum | and the apt-get update etch. | 14:03 |
mfraz74 | coz_: yes, hold on and i'll find it | 14:03 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: I could be either the video driver not being loaded correctly into the kernel, or the kernel itself, or maybe a problem with KDE? Are you using only the default respositories? | 14:04 |
coz_ | mfraz74, I would really appreciate this one :) | 14:04 |
mfraz74 | coz_: oxygen-settings | 14:04 |
mfraz74 | and then it's the move window menu | 14:05 |
supermagnum | yes, the default ones | 14:05 |
keepitsimple | coz_: you could try #kubuntu-devel | 14:05 |
supermagnum | i am not 100% sure | 14:05 |
coz_ | mfraz74, let me see if I can find that | 14:05 |
keepitsimple | (this channel is for the stable release) | 14:05 |
coz_ | keepitsimple, thanks | 14:05 |
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keepitsimple | supermagnum: you could also try to boot into recovery mode then choose failsafe X, and after the system is up and running go to /etc/X11/ and look for a file xorg.conf.failsafe copy it or move it under the name xorg.conf | 14:12 |
Trollinator | how do i make passwd(1) shut the f*ck up about my password being too simple? | 14:14 |
supermagnum | keppitseimple: ok | 14:15 |
dimitri | Hi ! | 14:16 |
supermagnum | keepitsimple rename it to xorg.conf ? | 14:18 |
keepitsimple | Trollinator: less that 6 chars for a password is considered a security risk | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | 'morning folks | 14:18 |
Trollinator | i don't give a fuck about this machine. | 14:18 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: yes, and then restart | 14:18 |
Trollinator | i don't *need* ubuntu to instruct me about passwords. | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | !language | Trollinator | 14:18 |
ubottu | Trollinator: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 14:18 |
bline | what proxy scripts does the automatic proxy setting use? | 14:19 |
Trollinator | and my chosen password has 6 characters. | 14:19 |
bigbrovar | hi guys, I was wondering if kde bluetooth supports a2dp bluetooth headsets? | 14:19 |
keepitsimple | Trollinator: maybe you don't but you're not the *only* person using this OS, anyway it's possible to change from /etc/pamd.d/common-password or something similar | 14:20 |
Trollinator | yeh I | 14:21 |
Trollinator | 've looked at that file | 14:21 |
mfraz74 | I'm still hoping that KDE bluetooth will allow me to transfer files again at some point | 14:22 |
Trollinator | what do i need to put in there to make it work? | 14:22 |
Trollinator | and btw, i don't think that just denying users simple password does any good. | 14:24 |
Trollinator | it'll just lead to people sticking post-its with the passwords to their monitors. | 14:24 |
Trollinator | or the like. | 14:24 |
Trollinator | a warning is OK, denying the users to choose their passwords as they see fit isn't. | 14:25 |
keepitsimple | Trollinator: some information on why the password checks are done can be found in the manpage: man passwd | 14:26 |
supermagnum | keepitsimple : renaming the file you suggeste worked! | 14:26 |
keepitsimple | Trollinator: you can change it, but I don't know how.. research for yourself.. all I know is that it has something to do with PAM | 14:26 |
supermagnum | thanks! | 14:26 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: glad to hear that, also check what updates where made and see what kernel version you have and graphics drivers | 14:27 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: my kernel version is 2.6.32-23-generic, you can find this information by typing in a terminal: uname -r (or uname -a) | 14:28 |
supermagnum | keepitsimple: 2.6.32-21-generic | 14:33 |
supermagnum | i tink it was realted to the kernel | 14:33 |
supermagnum | looks like the xorg.con file was missing | 14:34 |
supermagnum | the tpuchpad mouse also strated to work, ant the toucsreen | 14:34 |
ubuntu | hey there how can I have grub installed on a partition which is independant from OSs? | 14:34 |
supermagnum | keepitsimple: http://forum.notebookreview.com/panasonic/496467-cf-29-ubuntu-10-4-success.html | 14:35 |
keepitsimple | ubuntu: you install grub on that partition | 14:35 |
supermagnum | keepitsimple: i will try to configure the touchsreen using the metod suggested there | 14:36 |
keepitsimple | ubuntu: using either a livecd with ubuntu or an already installed one | 14:37 |
keepitsimple | (that partition has to be unmounted. I think) | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | supermagnum, the xorg.conf file is longer part of any new (k)ubuntu OS, so it needs to generated if one has a particular need to use it. | 14:38 |
supermagnum | aha | 14:38 |
supermagnum | the only thing that puzzles me a bit is that the instructions on the page i mentioned states that it is neccesary to create a file in a directory that is named xorg.conf.d | 14:39 |
supermagnum | that does not exist on my laptop | 14:39 |
keepitsimple | that's wrong, the filename is xorg.conf | 14:40 |
keepitsimple | and it resides in /etc/X11/ | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | supermagnum, if you're interested , here's a relevant tutorial, | 14:42 |
BluesKaj | http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/ubuntu-9-10/xorg-conf-file-create-on-ubuntu-9-10/ , supermagnum | 14:42 |
supermagnum | aha.. | 14:43 |
keepitsimple | Manual configuration of X Window System has to be done only when it fails to detect and configure some of the hardware present on the machine (like mouse, keyboard, video card, touchpad, etc); | 14:50 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: also in the future when something fails, boot into the recovery mode and *read the logs* http://goo.gl/AWwt using a command-line text editor already installed, like *vi* or *nano* | 14:53 |
supermagnum | ok | 14:53 |
keepitsimple | they can give you hints on what's worng | 14:53 |
keepitsimple | *wrong | 14:53 |
supermagnum | keepitsimple: i will try to paste the section and he values that are about the toucsreen in xorg.conf that are mentioned here : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/panasonic-toughbook-cf-29-touch-screen-485053/page14.html | 14:55 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: you could try first genering one automatically to see what's detected: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 14:57 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: before doing this make a backup of your current xorg.conf in case it fails | 14:58 |
ubuntu | hey there how can I have grub installed on a partition which is independant from OSs? | 15:00 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: you also need to: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch and after that run the command I mentioned above | 15:00 |
supermagnum | i have that already | 15:01 |
supermagnum | and, it generates a xorg.conf file that looks ok to me | 15:01 |
keepitsimple | supermagnum: try a reboot and see what things work and what not, and then add more information to xorg.conf as per what needs to be configured | 15:02 |
supermagnum | ok | 15:02 |
keepitsimple | ubuntu: http://goo.gl/lidK && http://goo.gl/TKms also bear in mind that there are two version of Grub out-there depeding on which version of Kubuntu you have, Grub 0.97 and Grub2, they use different configuration files | 15:05 |
hemal | i need help using hp f4488 on kubuntu | 15:27 |
hemal | i am able to see the printer in system setup and print to it also | 15:28 |
hemal | but HP Device Manager does not recognize it | 15:28 |
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BluesKaj | hemal, do you have hplip installed? | 15:35 |
=== Guest87302 is now known as gillbates | ||
hemal | BluesKaj yes i installed it using Add Remove Software but that was an older vesion | 15:50 |
hemal | so i unstalled it and now downloaded from sourceforge | 15:50 |
hemal | and now it seems i need to reboot... | 15:51 |
keepitsimple | hemal: there is a ppa for this package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip | 16:00 |
keepitsimple | (packages) | 16:00 |
hemal | keepitsimple hi | 16:01 |
hemal | keepitsimple i rebooted because it kept saying old package cannot be removed but it said that even after reboot | 16:02 |
hemal | but: now it told me to disoconnect and reconnect usb and this time it discovered my printer | 16:03 |
BluesKaj | hemal, yeah sometimes things don't change from windows procedures :)\ | 16:04 |
keepitsimple | HPLIP package from the repository should work just fine in most cases, if it is not the latest version from upstream, anyway if you really need the latest version you can install it either from the official site http://goo.gl/U6GC or from Launchpad HPLIP's page just mentioned earlier | 16:08 |
keepitsimple | *even if | 16:08 |
hemal | keepitsimple i suspect the previous one would have worked, i think the trick was to disconnect and reconnect | 16:10 |
hemal | but right not it all seems good | 16:10 |
hemal | HP Device manager can show ink levels in cartridge :) | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | hemal, yeah , but don't believe it's accuracy :) | 16:12 |
keepitsimple | only for some printers, my HP Photosmart C5280 All-in-one just died some weeks ago, when I open it up it just shows "Please refer to the printer documentation" , I think it's because of refilled cartridge or something, I have to buy a new one :-) | 16:12 |
hemal | thanls keepitsimple i'll rememeber that | 16:14 |
BluesKaj | I used my HP f4210 for only about 20 pages worth of text and the cartridge was showing as "low" ...printers are made just to sell more cartridges IMO | 16:14 |
BluesKaj | black cartridge that is | 16:14 |
hemal | BluesKaj yes thats where the money is -- in cartridges | 16:14 |
keepitsimple | btw you guys buy new ones everytime one gets emptied or you refill it, like me ? | 16:15 |
keepitsimple | (offtopic) | 16:15 |
BluesKaj | it's been showing "low" for 6mos now :) | 16:15 |
hemal | tried to convnice my wife that we should just get a b/w laser but it seems my daughters have too much schoolwork that needs colors | 16:16 |
hemal | keepitsimple i am indina | 16:16 |
hemal | india* | 16:16 |
BluesKaj | keepitsimple, I refill some and also buy some , refills aren't reliable in my experience | 16:16 |
hemal | we even refill use-and-throw cameras :P | 16:17 |
hemal | so i got to explore...but i want to try to restrict printing to bare minimum so hopefully not need to refill | 16:18 |
BluesKaj | hemal, yeah i run my printer in the grayscale mode after the colour cart runs out ...just use the printer for receipts and bank transfers etc | 16:19 |
hemal | BluesKaj, oh business use...problem with home use is that they just go dry with all the heat and dust, without getting used even | 16:20 |
* BluesKaj nods | 16:20 | |
hemal | anyway, so far this is much better than the epson cx5500 it is replacing | 16:21 |
BluesKaj | mine is for home use , but we are active on ebay etc and helping our kids with emergency funds every now and then. | 16:22 |
hemal | its printing, i can control quality, i can scan and it is telling me at least what it it thinks the ink levels are | 16:22 |
hemal | all rightie folks time for dinner...thanks for hearing me out on this. bye bye | 16:23 |
sourcemaker2 | I am currently logged in via command line... can somebody read this message? | 16:31 |
sourcemaker2 | 2/whois sourcemaker | 16:33 |
sourcemaker2 | ping??? | 16:33 |
Dragnslicer | sourcemaker2- yup, coming through loud and clear | 16:33 |
sourcemaker2 | cool... thanks | 16:34 |
sourcemaker2 | I am using the kubuntu recovery cd... and have started a command line irc now :-) | 16:34 |
Dragnslicer | Fun experience, huh? | 16:34 |
sourcemaker2 | my problem ist... that my system does not start... grub is loading fine... but then I receive the message PANIC! /dev/mapper/sourcemaker-root does not exists | 16:35 |
=== Lordveda is now known as Guest44633 | ||
sourcemaker2 | and the busybox initramfs opens a command line | 16:35 |
sourcemaker2 | any ideas? | 16:36 |
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Lordveda | what package provides php documentation? | 16:38 |
Dragnslicer | Lordveda- I've always just used their online docs | 16:39 |
Lordveda | I don't want the online docs since I can't be always online | 16:39 |
Lordveda | if there is a package that provides php-documentation for ubuntu, please tell me about it. | 16:41 |
Dragnslicer | Lordveda- not that I know of, but you can get a copy of the online docs from the site | 16:46 |
=== mike is now known as Guest35088 | ||
rajeev | Hello | 17:04 |
lucjan | hello | 17:05 |
lucjan | Kubuntu is shit, use a Mint KDE | 17:05 |
tsimpson | lucjan: take it somewhere else | 17:06 |
rajeev | I installed it just few days back | 17:06 |
rajeev | in fact i am new to linux | 17:07 |
mo0n | русские есть ? | 17:09 |
tsimpson | !ru | mo0n | 17:10 |
ubottu | mo0n: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 17:10 |
mo0n | не ставятся драйвера на НВИДИА | 17:14 |
BluesKaj | mo0n, Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 17:17 |
mo0n | да там хуй кто помогает | 17:18 |
IdleOne | mo0n: Пожалуйста, будьте вежливыми | 17:19 |
mo0n | извените | 17:20 |
BluesKaj | hmm, some ppl just don't get the message | 17:20 |
IdleOne | BluesKaj: I believe the factoid needs the command inserted i.e. /join #whatever. in any case he said the people there were not very helpful in a not so nice way. according to google | 17:22 |
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BluesKaj | well IdleOne , he should know better than to expect help here , we don't even use the same alphabet | 17:24 |
tsimpson | BluesKaj: could you suggest a change to the factoid to include the /join command? | 17:25 |
IdleOne | tsimpson: I think all we have to do is leave the factoid as is + /join | 17:26 |
BluesKaj | me ? | 17:26 |
atticus | hi i have one question | 17:27 |
tsimpson | BluesKaj: sorry, I missed that you just copped/pasted there | 17:27 |
IdleOne | ubottu: ru is <reply> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 17:27 |
mo0n | как зарегится на канале | 17:27 |
atticus | when i play .mkv video files the picture freezes | 17:28 |
atticus | im using vlc media player on ubuntu 10.04,,, | 17:29 |
atticus | could anyone help me out? | 17:29 |
atticus | :) | 17:29 |
BluesKaj | mo0n, Пожалуйста посетите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 17:30 |
mo0n | ubuntuhelp | 17:32 |
resu | Hello, does anyone know how to get an extended serverlist in Quassel IRC? | 17:32 |
tsimpson | resu: I don't think there is one, but ask in #quassel | 17:32 |
resu | never mind, found the presets | 17:33 |
BluesKaj | atticus, what kind of graphics card do you have ? it may not handle Hi def files like mkv | 17:33 |
BluesKaj | atticus, to find your graphics card, type in the terminal , lspci | grep VGA | 17:36 |
atticus | BluesKaj: i have intergrated graphic nvidia nforce.. but on win xp for example it plays perfect | 17:37 |
BluesKaj | atticus, laptop? | 17:38 |
atticus | no | 17:38 |
atticus | PC | 17:38 |
BluesKaj | atticus, on windows, VLC or WM ? | 17:44 |
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ubuntu | what should I do plzzz? I install Windows and all grub disappeared | 18:49 |
tsimpson | !grub | ubuntu | 18:50 |
ubottu | ubuntu: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 18:50 |
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=== Sunmaster_14 is now known as dfrishberg | ||
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rmrfslash | What happened to knetworkmanager | 19:15 |
rmrfslash | I just installed all of the latest updates, rebooted and now all of a sudden I have no knetworkmanager anymore | 19:16 |
rmrfslash | I had to run dhclient manually just to get online (and had to wire connect my laptop) | 19:16 |
rmrfslash | wireless isn't working at all and the little knetworkmanager icon in the system tray says "Network Management Disabled" | 19:17 |
rmrfslash | I need to restart kde | 19:18 |
rmrfslash | So I just reinstalled network-manager-kde and nothing | 19:21 |
rmrfslash | still messed up | 19:21 |
=== plassy is now known as plassy_cooking | ||
rmrfslash | Apparently I had to "wake" the networkmanager (and a reboot does not do this) using qdbus --system org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wake | 19:28 |
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user___ | hello guys | 19:41 |
user___ | Im from Rio de Janeiro | 19:41 |
user___ | any eser Kubuntu 9.10 in chat | 19:42 |
Mehrab | hi, I think I have some problems with nepomuk. my .xsession-errors file size gets bigger and bigger and will eat up all free disk space of my home folder and when I see it's contents, it is full of some texts related to Nepomuk | 19:44 |
gorgonizer | Mehrab: what version of KDE are you using? | 19:46 |
Mehrab | gorgonizer: 4.4.5 | 19:46 |
gorgonizer | Mehrab: I did have that on KDE 4.5 Beta 2, but has been fixed in 4.5 RC 1... | 19:47 |
Mehrab | gorgonizer: you mean I should wait for 4.5 or try the RC? | 19:48 |
gorgonizer | I have not used KDE 4.4.5, but to solve it prior to KDE 4.5 RC 1, I used to delete the .xsession-errors file... not sure if that is a good thing, but it stopped the issue ;) | 19:48 |
gorgonizer | Mehrab: for me 4.5 RC 1 is very stable, and I like the changes from 4.4 to 4.5... but it is only a release candidate.. | 19:50 |
Mehrab | gorgonizer: I may try RC1 if I won't find a solution for this | 19:52 |
gorgonizer | Mehrab: good luck, but from I have experienced, you won't need any :) | 19:53 |
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avihay | say, how is the alt-F2 dialog box called in kde? need it to report a bug... | 20:11 |
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avihay | krunner? something like that? | 20:15 |
amichair | avihay: krunner | 20:15 |
avihay | oh, thanks | 20:15 |
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Jim_Morrison | stessa zuppa | 20:24 |
Jim_Morrison | sempre 640 massimo mida | 20:24 |
Jim_Morrison | mi da | 20:24 |
ikonia | ? | 20:25 |
Jim_Morrison | scusate | 20:26 |
ikonia | This channel is English only | 20:26 |
Jim_Morrison | sorry man | 20:26 |
ikonia | no problem | 20:26 |
amichair | !it | 20:27 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 20:27 |
Jim_Morrison | yes i know thx amichair :D | 20:27 |
amichair | Jim_Morrison: :-) | 20:28 |
ikonia | gratzi amichair | 20:29 |
Jim_Morrison | <3 Peace | 20:30 |
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petr_ | hi | 20:45 |
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moscow_php | hi | 20:45 |
moscow_php | hi girls | 20:45 |
moscow_php | does somebody know where is ZendFramework channel ? | 20:46 |
moscow_php | cammon girls | 20:46 |
moscow_php | lets talk | 20:46 |
=== al_ is now known as newboon2age_ | ||
moscow_php | zend zend | 20:46 |
moscow_php | I want to talk with zend-guyses | 20:47 |
moscow_php | I know that all my messages are stored on long long time | 20:48 |
moscow_php | ((( girls... do not be bussy | 20:48 |
moscow_php | SOMEBODY tell me commant trough which I can go to some channel!!!! | 20:49 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys is anyone having issues after upgrading ones 2.6.32-22 kernel to -23 | 20:50 |
eagles0513875 | i was having kernel object issues | 20:50 |
eagles0513875 | i tried to remove the driver which worked successfully but now trying to get it reinstalled it fails | 20:50 |
moscow_php | eagles0513875 man, what are you? | 20:51 |
eagles0513875 | mofux: ? | 20:51 |
moscow_php | what is your position? | 20:51 |
eagles0513875 | moscow_php: ?? | 20:51 |
moscow_php | eagles0513875 what is your position? | 20:51 |
amichair | moscow_php: to join a channel type "/join #channelname" | 20:51 |
eagles0513875 | moscow_php: are you looking for the russian channel | 20:51 |
eagles0513875 | !ru | moscow_php | 20:51 |
ubottu | moscow_php: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 20:51 |
eagles0513875 | amichair: any idea | 20:52 |
amichair | eagles0513875: I'm not familiar with any kernel issues myself | 20:53 |
eagles0513875 | amichair: i think its a problem wiht the nvidia-current driver have you had any issues with nvidia | 20:54 |
amichair | eagles0513875: I had a problem with the nvidia-current update of ~2 weeks ago, but that was due to residue from previous upstream installations | 20:56 |
eagles0513875 | amichair: mines on a clean install | 20:56 |
eagles0513875 | adn seems to happy wiht the current -23 kernel | 20:56 |
amichair | eagles0513875: if you specify what exactly the problem is, maybe someone here will be able to help | 20:57 |
eagles0513875 | prior to uninstalling the driver i was getting kernel object errors | 20:57 |
eagles0513875 | and i would have to restart x to get any login screen | 20:57 |
eagles0513875 | after removing the driver those issues disappeared but now i cant install it again | 20:58 |
eagles0513875 | the driver | 20:58 |
=== ricardo_ is now known as Ge-O | ||
Ge-O | System: Host ricardo-laptop Kernel 2.6.32-18-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Distro Ubuntu 10.04 lucid | 22:10 |
Ge-O | CPU: Dual core Intel Core2 Duo P8600 (SMP) clocked at 800.00 MHz | 22:10 |
Ge-O | Graphics: Card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series X.Org 1.7.6 Res: 1280x800@59.8hz | 22:10 |
Ge-O | GLX Renderer Mesa DRI R600 (RV620 95C4) 20090101 TCL DRI2 GLX Version 1.5 Mesa 7.7.1 | 22:10 |
Ge-O | Disks: HDD Total Size: 320.1GB (69.9% used) | 22:10 |
FloodBotK2 | Ge-O: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:10 |
Ge-O | Info: Processes 221 Uptime 6:44 Memory 2368.8/3932.6MB Client Quassel [M] v0.6.1 (dist-611ebcc) inxi 1.4.8 | 22:10 |
hotstew | hello :3 | 22:49 |
hotstew | switched back to Kubuntu after 5 or so years (kinda) | 22:50 |
hotstew | I like it but the CPU seems to overload easily -.- | 22:50 |
hotstew | Is there an easy way to run the installed Windows XP over emulator? :D | 22:51 |
hotstew | ... | 22:53 |
slow-motion | n8 | 22:54 |
zeltak | Hi , anyone know how to show the contents of a txt file with dzen or dmenu (or any other dead simple osd)> | 22:55 |
Reallycool | My KDE seems to have some issues with suspend/wake up, it will sometimes take a long time to suspend, take a long time to wake up, or seemingly crash on wake up, any possible fixes? | 23:58 |
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