kryptic | is that when the next LTS would be released? | 00:00 |
phillw | the next LTS will be april 2012, but LTS are supported for five years | 00:01 |
kryptic | got it | 00:06 |
phillw | kryptic: explains about the release schedule | 00:06 |
kryptic | does empathy support IRC? | 00:15 |
ddecator | not very well, but yes | 00:15 |
phillw | kryptic: | 00:17 |
phillw | ddecator: I'm still in the stone age and use pidgin :-) It supports IRC quite well enough for me ;-) | 00:25 |
ddecator | i hear pidgin is decent for IRC, but empathy is pretty basic | 00:25 |
zkriesse | lol phillw | 00:26 |
zkriesse | phillw: come to -wiki | 00:26 |
DarkNemesis_ | hmm where to get a mirror from for brainstorm? | 01:10 |
DarkNemesis_ | ie the ubuntu site | 01:10 |
phillw | is this what you need? | 01:12 |
phillw | nhandler: ping | 01:52 |
zkriesse | phillw: whats up? | 01:52 |
phillw | zkriesse: nothing, | 01:56 |
phillw | he is my master | 01:56 |
zkriesse | yes i know | 01:58 |
hobgoblin | morning nUboon2Age greenjon | 07:28 |
greenjon | evening | 07:29 |
greenjon | ;P | 07:29 |
hobgoblin | :) | 07:30 |
ddecator | evening hobgoblin and greenjon :) | 07:30 |
hobgoblin | hi ddecator | 07:30 |
greenjon | hehe. how goes it? | 07:30 |
hobgoblin | slowly, it is first thing in the morning :) | 07:32 |
greenjon | what time is it for you? | 07:32 |
hobgoblin | 7:32 | 07:32 |
ddecator | 2:33am here, and building xulrunner and firefox nightlies :) | 07:33 |
greenjon | i shouldn't have evening exactly. it's 11:32 p.m. for me | 07:33 |
ddecator | someone is on the west coast :p | 07:33 |
greenjon | aye | 07:33 |
hobgoblin | :) | 07:33 |
greenjon | northern cali | 07:33 |
greenjon | used to be oregon until i decided for whatever reason to move here heh | 07:34 |
greenjon | sorry if i'm a bit talkative. really bored and trying to unwind from a really stressful day | 07:35 |
greenjon | hello zkriesse | 07:37 |
zkriesse | uh hi? | 07:37 |
* zkriesse is a newb | 07:37 | |
* ddecator was unaware zkriesse was a newb | 07:38 | |
zkriesse | damnit | 07:38 |
zkriesse | ddecator: you could have let me try and confuse greenjon | 07:38 |
zkriesse | ddecator: you done ruined my fun dog | 07:38 |
ddecator | zkriesse: i think the fact that you have voice kinda ruined that from the start >.> | 07:38 |
zkriesse | ddecator: sure | 07:38 |
greenjon | ah, but you couldn't have confused me. i come in here quite a bit. i just don't talk much :P | 07:38 |
zkriesse | lol | 07:39 |
ddecator | greenjon: you lurker :p | 07:39 |
zkriesse | damnit! | 07:39 |
greenjon | (:) | 07:39 |
greenjon | was still worth a shot though. i'll give you that lol | 07:39 |
hobgoblin | ddecator: I was aware zkriesse was a noob ;) | 07:39 |
greenjon | hehe | 07:39 |
ddecator | HIYOOOO | 07:39 |
zkriesse | hobgoblin: hey you pixie | 07:39 |
hobgoblin | no pixie here - maybe a piskie, maybe an elfy, a hobgoblin and a urukhai though :D | 07:40 |
zkriesse | ok i pick the urukhai | 07:40 |
* zkriesse is a Elf though | 07:40 | |
hobgoblin | funny I thought you were a troll ... | 07:41 |
hobgoblin | :) | 07:41 |
zkriesse | oh shut up | 07:41 |
hobgoblin | THAT is against the CoC and as a voiced user - you shut up :) | 07:41 |
greenjon | lol | 07:42 |
zkriesse | damn | 07:44 |
zkriesse | oh hobgoblin you'll always be the best | 07:44 |
=== zkriesse is now known as Glorfindel | ||
* Glorfindel annihilates hobgoblin the Urukhai | 07:56 | |
hobgoblin | sigh | 07:57 |
hobgoblin | morning MarkDud | 07:57 |
Glorfindel | hobgoblin: why sigh? | 07:58 |
MarkDud | Hello hobgoblin | 07:58 |
hobgoblin | Glorfindel: you think that a nick change does these things - I actually am a goblin :D had you forgotten? | 07:59 |
Glorfindel | hobgoblin: oh please | 08:00 |
Glorfindel | hobgoblin: send me a pic then i'll believe you | 08:00 |
hobgoblin | Glorfindel: I will get one of my lot to do a woodcarving in the tree just up the road from you - no camera I'm afraid | 08:01 |
hobgoblin | all quiet on the western front then | 08:05 |
* Glorfindel stalks in | 08:06 | |
hobgoblin | and slips up | 08:06 |
Glorfindel | forgot my bow | 08:07 |
hobgoblin | you don't need to bow - I really hate that | 08:07 |
Glorfindel | ah forget it | 08:07 |
=== Glorfindel is now known as zkriesse | ||
ddecator | my transitioning from this convo to reddit and back is surprisingly smooth | 08:07 |
hobgoblin | lol | 08:08 |
zkriesse | hey ddecator you play urban terror? | 08:08 |
ddecator | zkriesse: never heard of it | 08:08 |
* hobgoblin is urban terror | 08:08 | |
hobgoblin | :) | 08:08 |
zkriesse | ddecator: look it up in software center | 08:08 |
hobgoblin | I hate that new app :( | 08:09 |
ddecator | zkriesse: not seein' it | 08:10 |
ddecator | hobgoblin: there's an app for that | 08:10 |
zkriesse | ddecator: your using 'buntu right? | 08:10 |
hobgoblin | the software centre | 08:10 |
greenjon | i'm not fond of the software center myself... | 08:10 |
* greenjon shrugs | 08:11 | |
ddecator | zkriesse: | 08:11 |
ddecator | zkriesse: yes* | 08:11 |
zkriesse | hmm | 08:11 |
* ddecator still uses synaptic | 08:11 | |
zkriesse | ddecator: Urban Terror | 08:11 |
zkriesse | hmm | 08:11 |
zkriesse | weird | 08:12 |
ddecator | zkriesse: nothin' | 08:12 |
jon__ | How many homosexuals can you fit into an industrial blender? | 08:12 |
ddecator | ಠ_ಠ | 08:12 |
zkriesse | jon__: ah thats not appropriate for this chanel | 08:12 |
hobgoblin | ignore the trolls | 08:13 |
zkriesse | ddecator: ah need the GetDeb repository for it | 08:13 |
hobgoblin | they go away eventually | 08:13 |
ddecator | zkriesse: yah i don't have that anymore | 08:13 |
zkriesse | ddecator: ok get it back and then get urban terror | 08:13 |
ddecator | zkriesse: ...why? | 08:14 |
zkriesse | ddecator: because its awesome | 08:14 |
zkriesse | ddecator: and i wanna pawn you | 08:14 |
ddecator | zkriesse: i might another night, but not right now | 08:14 |
zkriesse | cool | 08:14 |
zkriesse | let me know if you do | 08:14 |
ddecator | sure thing | 08:15 |
awe | Should the police use midget officers for sting operations on paedophiles? | 08:15 |
greenjon | that is one bored troll... | 08:18 |
zkriesse | totally | 08:18 |
hobgoblin | well there are a couple of buntu ops idling in here - pity they are away | 08:19 |
ddecator | woot, got FF 4 working again | 08:19 |
greenjon | indeed | 08:19 |
zkriesse | Oih | 08:20 |
hobgoblin | ddecator: and what does FF4 bring that doesn;t include a few microseconds speed improvement? | 08:20 |
ddecator | hobgoblin: compared to which version of FF? | 08:21 |
hobgoblin | whatever is current in lucid | 08:21 |
raw__ | Does eating brown bread make you a racist? | 08:21 |
greenjon | 3.6.6 | 08:21 |
hobgoblin | greenjon: ty - I rarely take any notice of any of the version numbers of anything other than the release :D | 08:22 |
zkriesse | raw__: HAHA | 08:22 |
greenjon | i only know because i just checked :P | 08:22 |
greenjon | i knew it was 3.6.something | 08:22 |
zkriesse | greenjon: you use ff? | 08:22 |
greenjon | ya | 08:23 |
ddecator | FF 4 includes Sync (i think it's built in...i've always had it installed) and WebM support, plus the bit of extra speed. no major ui changes yet | 08:23 |
ddecator | 3.6.6 already has lorentz included | 08:23 |
zkriesse | latah team | 08:25 |
greenjon | cya :) | 08:26 |
ddecator | cya zkriesse | 08:26 |
=== Guest26822 is now known as Puck` | ||
vaey | If I steal a rotten apple, is that a crime? | 09:14 |
Puck` | jesus will not love you, that's for sure | 09:15 |
seidos | vaey, where are you "stealing" it from? | 09:18 |
seidos | or is "a rotten apple" a euphemism for a macbook? | 09:19 |
Puck` | guess we'll never find out | 09:20 |
seidos | hehe | 09:22 |
hobgoblin | please don't feed the trolls - he's been in and out all morning | 09:22 |
hobgoblin | and morning Puck` | 09:24 |
Puck` | oh ya, hi there hobgoblin :P | 09:24 |
hobgoblin | how are you? | 09:28 |
Puck` | sleepy still | 09:29 |
hobgoblin | :) | 09:32 |
Puck` | how you doin' goblin friend? | 09:34 |
hobgoblin | pretty good thanks - you? | 09:39 |
Puck` | i share your state of 'doin' | 09:39 |
hobgoblin | excellent | 09:41 |
greenjon | k 1:46 a.m. | 09:46 |
greenjon | night guys | 09:46 |
hobgoblin | night | 09:46 |
Puck` | c u | 09:46 |
=== Puck` is now known as Guest62446 | ||
lukjad | guerd87 ! | 12:19 |
lukjad | Guest62446 ! | 12:19 |
bobo123 | I have problems with getting games use the screen fullscreen.... | 13:04 |
bobo123 | I assume that something fails at changing resolution so it paints black on the rest of the screen. are there something bad with my settings? I use nvidias graphic drivers | 13:05 |
geirha | I don't have time to help you at the moment, but I recommend you provide some additional info to make it easier for others to help you. 1. what type of game? native linux or windows via wine? 2) Using Compiz? 3) What resolution does the game try to use? | 13:29 |
bobo123 | both starcarft in wine, and for example extremtuxracer. | 13:30 |
bobo123 | I'll be back later | 13:30 |
=== Puck` is now known as Guest28700 | ||
mohi57o9 | hobgoblin, what application you prefer to create a movie? | 14:55 |
=== Guest28700 is now known as Puck` | ||
hobgoblin | mohi57o9: not something I have done | 15:12 |
mohi57o9 | aww ok | 15:12 |
bobo123 | mohi57o9: nice to hear that you are creating a movie, remember to tell us when it is finished :-) what kind of movie are you creating, a carton, a 3D computer graphics thing or one with live actors? | 15:21 |
mohi57o9 | bobo123, just a small skit like with live actors =] | 15:22 |
bobo123 | aha | 15:24 |
bobo123 | I think there are lots of good video editors, you could perhaps try cinelerra | 15:26 |
DarkNemesis_ | i want to make i list of all uk government departments on twitter so i can keep a track of them but not have my main feed full of spam how can i make a list from downingstreetgov ? | 15:55 |
DarkNemesis_ | the people they follow | 15:56 |
bobo123 | if anyone what to do so fullscreen games can change the screen resolution fit their needa, just beep here and I'll be back later, ok? | 17:26 |
bobo123 | for example the native linux game Monsterz, that uses 640x480, but for me is presented in the middle of the 1600x1200 screen instead :-( | 17:27 |
bobo123 | I use nvidias graphic drivers, and I think I have compiz running (a ps shows /usr/bin/compiz running), but I certianly don't need it (should I turn compiź off and how?) | 17:29 |
kryptic | where can i find installed programs within the file system? | 17:39 |
kryptic | anyone?? | 17:42 |
philinux | "/bin and /usr/bin" | 17:44 |
philinux | kryptic or go into synaptic and select the app in question and hit the installed files tab | 17:45 |
kryptic | philinux:synaptic gives me many locations. im in a fix as to which one contains the file that runs the program | 17:51 |
kryptic | tried a couple but its no good | 17:52 |
philinux | kryptic: which program | 17:53 |
kryptic | programs i install like xchat | 17:55 |
philinux | "usr/bin/xchat | 17:56 |
philinux | Or just xchat from a terminal will launch it. | 17:57 |
kryptic | thanks | 17:57 |
philinux | You can use from the terminal "which xchat" without quotes | 17:58 |
philinux | Or "locate xchat" but then you get everything | 17:58 |
kryptic | nice. i was getting a little troubled | 17:59 |
philinux | kryptic: don't get troubled there's always an answer out there :) | 18:00 |
kryptic | philinux:there certainly is | 18:09 |
bdfam0916 | Any gvfs experts out there? | 18:29 |
Fanshawe | hey everybody. I tried to configure LVM to recognise two apparently separate hard drives as one volume. | 18:49 |
Fanshawe | It seems to have worked when I look at the disk usage analyser (with the total space showing up as the sum of both drives) but everytime I get close to 4GB (the space of the first device) I get low space warnings. | 18:50 |
Fanshawe | Have I done something wrong? Is there a simple way to recognise all devices as one drive so I can stop worrying about disk space? | 18:52 |
Fanshawe | If I can't do that, is there a way to install new programs on the second drive? | 18:52 |
stlsaint | Fanshawe: one sec | 18:56 |
stlsaint | you have lvm configured correctly? | 18:58 |
stlsaint | Fanshawe: i suggest reading the man pages on lvm...its really short and easy to configure your current setup | 18:58 |
Fanshawe | Alright. Thanks. Any chance of a link? | 18:59 |
zkriesse | !LVM | 18:59 |
ubot2 | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 18:59 |
stlsaint | Fanshawe: open a terminal and type: man lvm | 18:59 |
Fanshawe | Okay. It displays all of the commands... I can edit volumes from here? | 19:01 |
stlsaint | Fanshawe: are your volumes mounted currently? | 19:02 |
Fanshawe | the second device is mounted, but I | 19:03 |
Fanshawe | 'm not sure if the volume is | 19:03 |
Zaxim | hello people | 19:04 |
Zaxim | I'm having a problem getting my xfs partition to mount | 19:05 |
stlsaint | Fanshawe: to maipulate volumes they must be may have to do your work via the livecd | 19:05 |
Zaxim | I think I was able to mount the volume once | 19:06 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: have tou tried mounting it in fstab? | 19:06 |
Zaxim | but after that I keep getting xfs filesystem not recognized | 19:06 |
Zaxim | so I modprobed xfs, like google told me too | 19:06 |
Zaxim | modprobe xfs, returns Error inserting xfs [PATH.ko]: Cannot allocate memory | 19:06 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: i have never modprobed a xfs setup so honestly im probably of no use to ya | 19:07 |
Zaxim | hehe | 19:07 |
Zaxim | thanks anyway :) | 19:08 |
Zaxim | anyone else know what could be my problem? I think it's a general issue with loading kernel modules and not being able to allocate memory, but google hasn't been able to help me | 19:08 |
* zkriesse has no idea atm sorry | 19:10 | |
Zaxim | it's all gravy I guess | 19:10 |
stlsaint | zkriesse: LOL...wheres ibuclaw when you need him!! | 19:11 |
zkriesse | stlsaint: i know right! | 19:11 |
Zaxim | who is this ibuclaw you speak of? | 19:12 |
zkriesse | Zaxim: A super uber awesome dude who knows everything | 19:12 |
zkriesse | Zaxim: he's nobody | 19:12 |
Zaxim | a nobody, yet super awesome, an interesting dichotomy | 19:13 |
zkriesse | It's called sarcasm | 19:13 |
Zaxim | which has been proven countless time to not translate well over the internet :) | 19:14 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: ibuclaw is one of the people in this channel who could help you...a few others arond just not in right now | 19:14 |
phillw | Zaxim: may be of help to you, i've no experirence of xfs | 19:14 |
Zaxim | that looks promising. Since my issue appears to be the kernel module, and not fstab | 19:15 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: my i ask why you choose xfs over ext4 or btrfs? | 19:16 |
Zaxim | I have a 1TB drive with media on it, like movies and music, that I've had for like two years. I went with XFS because of the alleged better handling of large files | 19:16 |
stlsaint | interesting | 19:17 |
Zaxim | I am tempted to just reformat this drive to ext4 or something, because I do have all the files backed up | 19:17 |
Zaxim | but this does concern me that I can't load any xfs drives :( | 19:17 |
Zaxim | stlsaint: and what is btrfs? | 19:18 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: all benchmarks really do show ext4 as the better filesystem! | 19:18 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: btrfs==the FUTURE!! | 19:18 |
stlsaint | =D | 19:18 |
Zaxim | ah, based on btrees | 19:19 |
stlsaint | | 19:19 |
Zaxim | I'm liking this fault tolerance stuff | 19:20 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: system restore also! | 19:20 |
Zaxim | I assume I'd have to do something crazy like compile my own kernel? | 19:20 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: nope | 19:21 |
stlsaint | Zaxim: actually btrfs is already in fedora and is moving quikly into mainstream ubuntu | 19:21 |
stlsaint | | 19:21 |
Zaxim | nice | 19:21 |
Zaxim | we'll have to see what the perf is like | 19:22 |
phillw | stlsaint: i was under the impression that btrfs is not quite ready for / ? | 19:22 |
stlsaint | phillw: on the contrary it is IMO | 19:23 |
stlsaint | it has already been put in use... | 19:23 |
Zaxim | to be fair, people are usually pretty cautious, look how long it took before ext4 was accepted as / vs ext3 | 19:23 |
phillw | i'm still on ext4, but am following the discussion on the 10.10 testing area. | 19:23 |
Zaxim | ok, another newbie question, how do I see what version of a package I have installed? | 19:25 |
zkriesse | Zaxim: which package | 19:26 |
Zaxim | mountall | 19:26 |
geirha | aptitude show mountall or aptitude -F %V search mountall | 19:27 |
phillw | Zaxim: mountall --version | 19:27 |
Zaxim | hmm ok | 19:28 |
Zaxim | so phillw, the thread you linked me too was referring to versions of mountall lower than 2.0 | 19:28 |
phillw | it was about the most recent one i could find. most of others refer back to 7.04 !!! | 19:29 |
Zaxim | that's what I found too with my google searching | 19:29 |
Zaxim | but no dice, I'm running on 2.15 evidently | 19:29 |
Zaxim | and I'm not convinced it's an fstab issue | 19:29 |
zkriesse | hey phillw off topic, how's Lubuntu? | 19:31 |
phillw | coming alon well, alpha2 for 10.10 is out and about | 19:35 |
=== zkriesse is now known as mohi | ||
=== mohi is now known as zkriesse | ||
stlsaint | careful zkriesse :P | 19:48 |
zkriesse | stlsaint: careful? | 19:49 |
stlsaint | zkriesse: you know how folks feel about name changing in the channel | 19:49 |
stlsaint | just dont want folks getting *too* frisky...NOT saying your doing anything wrong | 19:50 |
zkriesse | stlsaint: ah yes, i was just checking the info on a nick | 19:50 |
stlsaint | gotcha | 19:50 |
win_2_linux | software center, synoptic nor apt-get is working | 19:55 |
win_2_linux | software center and synaptic start then go gray and quit | 19:56 |
zkriesse | win_2_linux: what did you do? | 19:57 |
win_2_linux | nothing havent used them in a few days, | 19:57 |
win_2_linux | just tried apt-get upgrade because the upgrade manager doesn't work either | 19:57 |
win_2_linux | and i get bus errordepency tree | 19:58 |
win_2_linux | oops thats errordependency tree | 19:59 |
win_2_linux | /usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/apt/ GtkWarning: gtk_container_add: assertion `GTK_IS_CONTAINER (container)' failed | 20:01 |
win_2_linux | gtk.main_iteration() | 20:01 |
win_2_linux | Bus error | 20:01 |
win_2_linux | this what i get when i try to run it from terminal | 20:01 |
phillw | win_2_linux: head over to it looks like your issue, and has a solved tag (I love solved tags :-D ) | 20:04 |
win_2_linux | ok will try | 20:05 |
win_2_linux | nope didn't solve it for me | 20:11 |
win_2_linux | still grays out and quits | 20:11 |
phillw | from terminal, does gksudo software-center | 20:18 |
phillw | work? | 20:18 |
win_2_linux | no | 20:19 |
win_2_linux | starts up turns gray and quits | 20:19 |
win_2_linux | doesn't even ask me for my password, apt-get doesn't work either nor synaptic nor upgrade center | 20:20 |
win_2_linux | they all worked fine a couple of days ago, thats the last time I used them | 20:20 |
phillw | have you recently added ubuntu-restricted-extras to your repo list? | 20:20 |
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005 | ||
win_2_linux | phillw no | 20:21 |
win_2_linux | /usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/apt/ GtkWarning: gtk_container_add: assertion `GTK_IS_CONTAINER (container)' failed | 20:22 |
win_2_linux | gtk.main_iteration() | 20:22 |
win_2_linux | thats what i get when trying to run it from terminal also | 20:22 |
win_2_linux | trying to run synaptic from terminal sudo synaptic i get bus error | 20:23 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: hi | 20:24 |
win_2_linux | hi newboon my turn with problem LOL | 20:24 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: :/ at least you have ubuntu companions to help figure it out... | 20:25 |
win_2_linux | yup | 20:25 |
win_2_linux | this is going in my blog | 20:25 |
phillw | win_2_linux: try post #6 from | 20:25 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 591129 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Install Button not Working - nothing happens (affects: 2) (heat: 133)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 20:25 |
phillw | it seems to be a policy kit related problem, from reading the thread on the forum. | 20:26 |
win_2_linux | oh phillw apt-get doesn't work either gives me depencendcy tree error | 20:28 |
win_2_linux | Ok I tried the policy kit and it still gives me the same problem, they gray out wont start doesn't ask for pw | 20:29 |
phillw | that sounds as if something has tried to install and failed | 20:29 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: post #7 on that bug really sounds similar to what you're describing. | 20:30 |
win_2_linux | yes that is it, now if something installed and failed and is tying things up how do i find out what program tried to install and fail so i can kill it :) | 20:32 |
phillw | he he - I'm just looking that up :-0 | 20:32 |
phillw | :-) | 20:32 |
win_2_linux | :) | 20:32 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: if something tried to install and failed isn't there an apt-get command to clean things up? | 20:33 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: win_2_linux I'm thinking that's what i had to do before... | 20:33 |
win_2_linux | good thinking newboon | 20:33 |
win_2_linux | oh whenever i try to run apt-get i get dependency tree erros bus error | 20:35 |
win_2_linux | so apt get is froze in time too | 20:35 |
win_2_linux | funny thing i don't remember installing anything and not having it not complete, i haven't used apt-get or synaptic or software center in a few days | 20:36 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: win_2_linux: maybe apt-get check first cuz that's checks for broken dependencies. if you can run it of course. | 20:36 |
win_2_linux | will try | 20:36 |
win_2_linux | nope same bus errordepenccy tree thing | 20:36 |
win_2_linux | sudo apt-get check | 20:37 |
win_2_linux | Reading package lists... Done | 20:37 |
win_2_linux | Bus errordependency tree... 0% | 20:37 |
phillw | sudo apt-get -f install | 20:38 |
win_2_linux | ok things worked | 20:43 |
win_2_linux | thanks | 20:43 |
al_ | win_2_linux: are you going to sign yourself on to that bug so it can get some developer love? | 20:43 |
win_2_linux | after i did sudo apt-get -f install then i was able to do upgrade and pdate | 20:43 |
win_2_linux | no need to it's already tehre | 20:44 |
win_2_linux | there | 20:44 |
win_2_linux | #7 | 20:44 |
phillw | the -f option will try to tidy things up when they are in an unexpected state. | 20:44 |
al_ | win_2_linux: oh that's you. Did you mark 'affects you' and subscribe to it to? | 20:44 |
win_2_linux | no i didn't know how to do that, but it seems to be working now | 20:45 |
al_ | win_2_linux: do you have a launchpad account yet? | 20:46 |
=== al_ is now known as newboon2age_ | ||
win_2_linux | yes i think i do when i joined the nyc loco group | 20:46 |
newboon2age_ | sorry, al's me and i'm al... | 20:47 |
win_2_linux | lol | 20:47 |
newboon2age_ | well, i'm not really al but my computer thinks i am. | 20:47 |
newboon2age_ | if you log into you launchpad account then you'll be able to leave a comment there, mark that it affects you, subscribe and I'll follow up w/ it by marking it confirmed. Then the bug squad and developers can get ahold of you to ask any additional questions they need. If you have that terminal output it'd be handy to put it into a comment too. | 20:50 |
win_2_linux | ok how do you mark it affects me, i just left a comment on what phillw suggested | 20:50 |
duanedesign | there should be a link at the top of the bug | 20:51 |
win_2_linux | i see affects project, affect distribution but no affects me | 20:52 |
win_2_linux | found it | 20:53 |
phillw | This bug affects 3 people. Does this bug affect you? | 20:53 |
phillw | :-) | 20:53 |
* phillw i had to sign on to my launchpad accounr | 20:54 | |
newboon2age_ | phillw: i guess it would help if win_2_linux would need to give his os version # and the version of software center, and apt-get??? What's the standard procedure on that? | 20:56 |
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005 | ||
win_2_linux | oh i always forget that, since windows every assumed xp vista at the time lol | 21:01 |
win_2_linux | i forget about linux lol | 21:01 |
win_2_linux | lucid 10.04 | 21:01 |
win_2_linux | now i'm readying about gnupg keys something i've not read about | 21:01 |
phillw | uname -a will give the version of ubuntu he is on | 21:01 |
win_2_linux | 10.04 lucid | 21:02 |
phillw | apt-get -v will give the version of apt-get. | 21:02 |
win_2_linux | apt | 21:05 |
phillw | win_2_linux: add that to the posting you made on the bug report :-) | 21:05 |
phillw | *add those * | 21:05 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: win_2_linux since the bug is written v the software center, it'd probably be good to get that version # too... yes? | 21:07 |
phillw | newboon2age_: you cannot really put too much information on. | 21:08 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: win_2_linux I suppose an easy way to get that is to look in Synaptic, if you don't know the CL command. | 21:08 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: win_2_linux: yeah, to avoid the dreaded 'incomplete bug' :) | 21:09 |
win_2_linux | so now i'm doing a gpug key lol | 21:11 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: btw, in case you're wondering i haven't discovered a way to actually update a comment, so i think it has to be a new comment. | 21:11 |
duanedesign | yeah once you make a comment on Launchpad there is no changing or deleting it | 21:12 |
win_2_linux | oh they don't offer edit | 21:12 |
duanedesign | you can edit the 'Bug Description' on a bug. But not the 'Comments' | 21:12 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: were you able to get the version number for software center also? | 21:13 |
duanedesign | Help > About will also give you the version info | 21:15 |
newboon2age_ | duanedesign: good call! | 21:15 |
win_2_linux | 2.0.5 | 21:16 |
win_2_linux | but apparently the bug wasn't with those programs it was with something didn't install and tied things up | 21:17 |
win_2_linux | when I did was phillw suggested, it cleared things up and i was able to use apt-get, synaptic and software center | 21:17 |
win_2_linux | was-what | 21:17 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: well the bug is really about how software center handles that situation. The situation will happen from time to time, but does USC handle it gracefully or silently and inexplicably fail? Right now its failing in a way that doesn't give a clue as to what to do and a new user (which is the target audience for USC) will be flumoxed. | 21:21 |
Imyky | is there a bash command I can use to make a beep? | 21:22 |
shredder12 | hi everyone, I am having a little trouble with the basic linux ownership issue. I have a file created my me in my home directory, when I try to change the ownership to another user, I get "operation not permitted". Shouldn't the owner of the file be able to change the ownership? | 21:24 |
phillw | shredder12: when you do 'ls -l filename' does it show as being owned by you? | 21:25 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: okay, I'm not sure if you caught the request to post that info on the bug report, so i guess i'll add it. | 21:25 |
shredder12 | phillw, yes my user name appears in both the owner and the group columns | 21:26 |
phillw | okies, one min, shredder12 let me just check somthing | 21:28 |
shredder12 | sure | 21:28 |
phillw | hmm, I'd not come accross that before, seems that you need to use sudo chown, and not just chown. No, I'm not sure why :-) | 21:30 |
shredder12 | phillw, I that worked but don't know why would I need sudo. Thanks for your time though :) | 21:33 |
phillw | i'm not sure, you didn't used to when i leaned unix many, many moons ago | 21:33 |
duanedesign | maybe because you are the owner now but you are changing it to not yo | 21:34 |
phillw | duanedesign: no, you could change it from you to someone else, just not the other way round without using sudo | 21:34 |
mohi57o9 | can one alter the owner privilege as a root?? | 21:36 |
phillw | yeah, that's what using sudo does ;-) | 21:36 |
win_2_linux | why do i need a gpg key for launchpad? | 21:37 |
Imyky | Is there a command i can run from a terminal that will make an audiable beep? | 21:37 |
mohi57o9 | phillw i missed your line. I am in half sleep now :D | 21:37 |
phillw | win_2_linux: you do not need one unless you want to digitally sign stuff (like the Code of Contact). | 21:38 |
shredder12 | hi duanedesign mohi57o9 while googling i found that this feature might have been removed because changing the ownership to another user can cause trouble as the file will be counted in that user's quota. so, trouble with large file | 21:39 |
mohi57o9 | ahha | 21:40 |
phillw | Imyky: have a read of | 21:40 |
shredder12 | and btw man page of chown doesn't say anything about this issue | 21:40 |
phillw | but I do not have beep installed either. | 21:40 |
mohi57o9 | phillw me too. coz my mom s sleeping outside and she ll know that I am awake :P | 21:41 |
phillw | shredder12: btw, one of the most useful commands is sudo !! :-) As it places a sudo in front of the last command and re-runs it. | 21:44 |
phillw | make me a sandwich .... make it yourself .... sudo !! .... okay | 21:44 |
phillw | | 21:45 |
duanedesign | that is pretty handy | 21:46 |
shredder12 | phillw, yeah bash provides you with some amazing shortcuts which makes life on cmd very easy. I once wrote about bash shortcuts, hardly any of them now | 21:46 |
shredder12 | *hardly remember | 21:46 |
duanedesign | zsh, with the right config file, is pretty amazing too | 21:47 |
phillw | i use sudo !! a lot, as I'm forever moving files around on my web area, or editing files etc. :-) | 21:47 |
shredder12 | phillw, a tip for you, if you don't already know this, you can use !-n to refer to the command n lines back e.g !-2 to call the second last command | 21:50 |
phillw | i use my up and down arrows :-), but thanks for the tip | 21:50 |
phillw | you can also do a search, but I can't remember that one, so it is not one I have used too often :-) | 21:51 |
shredder12 | ah... I think it was !?string?, haven't used it for a while either | 21:52 |
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse | ||
phillw | A database analyst walks into a bar and goes up to two tables. "Hi. Can I join you?" | 22:10 |
phillw | lol | 22:10 |
duanedesign | phillw: lol, thats bad | 22:39 |
phillw | i love the *whoosh* factor ;-) | 22:42 |
win_2_linux | thanks for all your help | 22:49 |
win_2_linux | btw, i didn't understand about putting a bug report in when it was just badly or partially installed programs | 22:50 |
win_2_linux | so it wasn't a bug with ubuntu or the software center, apt or synoptic | 22:51 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: the bug was that software center doesn't provide any feedback as to why its not working. | 23:20 |
newboon2age_ | if you go to the bug report now, you'll see i wrote up a whole thing on it (post #9) including all the work around steps you took. | 23:21 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: the work around that worked for you wasn't a bug or a bug fix, it was just a work around for the actual bug. Bascially it just doesn't trigger the bug then, but the bug in U | 23:23 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: the bug in USC is still there.. | 23:23 |
win_2_linux | i c | 23:24 |
win_2_linux | i get it. ok the software center, apt and synaptic should have told me what was wrong instead of a the crypitc message of bus error | 23:25 |
win_2_linux | thanks | 23:25 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: well at LEAST the USC. I don't necessarily expect it from Synaptic. Believe it or not Synaptic gives a lot MORE feedback than the KDE equivalent in Kubuntu. | 23:26 |
phillw | win_2_linux: that's the one!! they should fail gracefully and not sit there and sulk :-) | 23:26 |
newboon2age_ | KPackageKit. It looks nice, but it gives very little feedback. So several times it has just sat there stalled, not telling me anything. I had to run it and apt-get from the terminal to figure out what was going on. | 23:28 |
newboon2age_ | In Synaptic at least you can open the provided terminal window and get an idea of what's happening. KPackageKit doesn't have that. | 23:30 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: phillw: duanedesign: zkriesse: w/ my gf, in celebration of independence day we're going to make a 'revolutionary act' by running Portable Ubuntu (basically Karmic) for Windows on my gf's computer. Its the first real step she'll have taken to start the migration (which I've been steadily preparing for). | 23:34 |
phillw | win_2_linux: apt-get is better than most in suggesting how to repair things. | 23:34 |
phillw | newboon2age_: if her machine can boot from a usb-stick, put a persistent version of lubuntu 10.04 on it, it runs really snapiily from usb (end of advert for the baby of the family) | 23:36 |
newboon2age_ | a revolutionary step v the oppressive monopoly M$. Then I might demo a Wubi install. Then maybe we'll take the rev. step v. computers in generally of going our for a hike. :) | 23:36 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: yes, i've run xubuntu (which i had mixed feelings about) but I haven't tried Lubuntu yet. I like the idea of running from a USB pen drive. :) | 23:38 |
newboon2age_ | Its a netbook so at some point we might test drive UNE on it too... | 23:39 |
phillw | xubuntu has gotten somewhat larger over the years, have a look at the default apps for lubuntu (things like it uses Chromium as the default browser instead of Firefox) - lubuntu does run on netbooks, but there is not a dedicated release for it as yet. If you have problems with screen size etc., then give me a shout on #lubuntu and I'll ask on the mailing list for you. | 23:41 |
phillw | newboon2age_: | 23:41 |
phillw | 'unofficial' lubuntu stuff is over at :-D | 23:43 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: speaking of alt versions of Ubuntu, i was noticing how much unhappiness there is in the Kubuntu camp about lack of Canonical and Ubuntu community support. :/ I hope this will improve in the future. | 23:44 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: i realize its hard for Ubuntu to give attention in too many directions, but especially w/ Kubuntu this will probably need to improve in the future. | 23:46 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: win_2_linux: off to do this thing... | 23:49 |
phillw | i cannot speak for the other flavours, I have 'vanilla' ubuntu 10.04 and the dev 10.10 installed, but my production environment is lubuntu 10.04, with the 10.10 there also for testing with. | 23:49 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: yes, my main machine is ubuntu 10.04, upgraded to Ubuntu Studio, and then i've been experimenting w/ Kubuntu in Wubi install... | 23:51 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: since my gf is a little familiar w/ KDE from past use. Unfortunately there are some key parts of Kubuntu that aren't quite up to the level of Ubuntu which will probably prevent it from being what she uses at least to begin w/ | 23:52 |
phillw | he he, i had something like 5 partitions on during the 10.04 test cycle, I do not mind setting a few GB over to the test systems. | 23:52 |
phillw | my ist linux was knoppix, from quite a few years ago, I found kde to be nice. But I really like the low resource usage of lubuntu, as I only have a Celeron M processor 440 with 1GB RAM and running my development LAMP stuff on it, so every bit saved by the OS is better for me :-) | 23:54 |
win_2_linux | newboon2age she can use ubuntu and just install kde | 23:55 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: btw, I found a cool way to check out a distro using MultiBoot and VirtualBox. Drag and Drop .iso and it launches. | 23:57 |
phillw | you can add xubuntu, kubuntu and vanilla and remove them quite easily. Adding lubuntu is also easy, but we do not have a 'totally remove' it script yet. | 23:57 |
phillw | I know you can use grub2 to boot from iso images | 23:58 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: i've read about adding the different desktop packages and also just choosing the option at login but i haven't gotten that working yet. | 23:59 |
phillw | drs305 wrote something up for that, I can go dig it out for you, if you want. | 23:59 |
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