ruben23 | hi guys any suggestion, im currenty planing to purchase a avps hosting, but thinking its hihg cost, is it equivalent like have a cloud server and setup my own email server on it, is still the same power with VPS. | 00:29 |
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veenenen | I've been trying to get kvm to work all day. Is the existing default of kvm package working? | 02:01 |
veenenen | First the boot strap python script was broken, and now I'm getting a random error about qemu not being able to figure out what version it is. | 02:01 |
veenenen | I had been running xen on 8.04 with no issue, and decided to try to make the switch to kvm on 10.04. | 02:02 |
kobrien | veenenen: how's it working for ya? | 02:15 |
kobrien | oh, I misread | 02:15 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #601502 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo novo script pre-installation retornou estado de saĆda de erro 1" [Undecided,New] | 02:15 |
veenenen | yeah, it's kind of sucking | 02:18 |
veenenen | plus I'm running this on a macbook pro and grub2 doesn't work with rEFIt for some reason | 02:18 |
kobrien | i'm not familiar with mac, can't help with that. one sec while I poke around | 02:20 |
veenenen | I'm less worried about the mac part. I don't plan on restarting it that often, so that isn't really an issue. | 02:22 |
kobrien | there is #ubuntu-virt. They seem quiet today though. Might be an idea to post info in there and idle a client to wait for answers. | 02:23 |
veenenen | ok, thanks | 02:25 |
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Crucible | Hello all. | 09:03 |
Crucible | Looking for help on an issue, had a 10.4 desktop running and encrypted two sata drives with the integrated disk manager, the HD running the desktop gave out and now I'm trying to figure out how to mount the 2 drives in my ubuntu server 10.4. Any help is greatly appreciated! | 09:06 |
Crucible | Looking for help on an issue, had a 10.4 desktop running and encrypted two sata drives with the integrated disk manager, the HD running the desktop gave out and now I'm trying to figure out how to mount the 2 drives in my ubuntu server 10.4. Any help is greatly appreciated! | 10:11 |
Gorlist | hi, slight concern with my ubuntu 8.04 (plesk) server. Today in the logs I had this appear: "User www-data: /var/tmp/.ICE-UNIX/update >/dev/null 2>&1: 1438 Time(s)" | 11:36 |
Gorlist | yep right theirs allot of bits in tmp directory. compermised | 11:38 |
qman__ | yeah, looks like you've been rooted | 11:41 |
qman__ | best move is to back up your data and blow it away | 11:41 |
qman__ | build from scratch | 11:41 |
qman__ | you can analyze the logs if you like but they're probably also compromised | 11:42 |
Gorlist | just thinking that - im purged everything I can find. What worrys me was how did they managed to gain access | 11:51 |
Gorlist | looks like through plesk :| | 11:51 |
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Gorlist | looks like a fresh install is in order | 11:52 |
RoyK^ | Gorlist: check the owner of that file | 12:16 |
RoyK^ | also, download a fresh copy of chkrootkit | 12:16 |
RoyK^ | and run it | 12:16 |
Gorlist | kk | 12:16 |
Gorlist | thanks | 12:16 |
RoyK^ | if you have allowed login for www-data with an easy password, some worm might have guessed that password and installed some stuff under that user | 12:17 |
RoyK^ | that's quite common | 12:17 |
RoyK^ | if so, remove whatever is running, and you should be clean | 12:18 |
Gorlist | all passwords done using | 12:18 |
RoyK^ | rooting a box is far harder now than what it was, say, 10 years ago | 12:18 |
RoyK^ | perhaps some bug in something apache related | 12:19 |
RoyK^ | what did chkrootkit say? | 12:19 |
RoyK^ | (ps: run with -q) | 12:19 |
Gorlist | sorry on phone | 12:21 |
Gorlist | one sec | 12:21 |
Gorlist | INFECTED (PORTS: 465) | 12:24 |
Gorlist | eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[3666]) | 12:24 |
Gorlist | eth0:1: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[3666]) | 12:24 |
RoyK^ | ah | 12:26 |
RoyK^ | well, reinstall the thing | 12:26 |
Gorlist | :) | 12:27 |
Gorlist | yep :( | 12:27 |
RoyK^ | only problem is - how did they get in? | 12:27 |
RoyK^ | have you updated the OS on the box regularly? | 12:28 |
Gorlist | yep all upto tdate | 12:31 |
Gorlist | upto date | 12:31 |
Gorlist | thats whats worrying me | 12:31 |
Gorlist | because theirs been nothing in the daily logs to indicate it occurring. and only I have sudo access through ssh/different port | 12:32 |
Gorlist | all ftps/web mails have 128bit passwords so... im at a loss | 12:32 |
Gorlist | I did have some problems with the bind server, dns spoofing which I knocked on the head a few weeks ago. perhaps related | 12:32 |
MakX | Could be a 0day, but I doubt a group would use one on a random for no reason. | 12:34 |
MakX | Sorry to hear it happened :( | 12:34 |
Gorlist | can't be helped, thanks. Anyway I better get worrying about the reinstall. luckly I wrote a guide last time I did it :) | 12:35 |
RoyK^ | Gorlist: if you have a spare drive around, install on that, and try to find the reason it got rooted later | 12:42 |
RoyK^ | there are usually logs around | 12:43 |
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RoyK | Gorlist: since once it's happened, it can happen again | 12:44 |
Gorlist | I have got a spare drive in the box but im hesitant about using it as its in Raid0. I might just do a clone and look locally. | 12:45 |
RoyK | Gorlist: a raid0 drive? or more drives striped up? | 12:53 |
serverhorror_ | Gorlist: the recent ssl renegotiation bug could be something. IIRC it effectively enable man in the middle attack for anything that used the openssl lib... | 13:28 |
serverhorror_ | Gorlist: and ssh on a different port is totally useless. just _telnet_ to the port and look at what the first line is that comes back... | 13:29 |
cloakable | serverhorror_: never noticed that! | 13:47 |
serverhorror_ | cloakable: IIRC that is mentioned in the FAQ from the openssh homepage :) | 13:50 |
cloakable | serverhorror_: Ahh, never read it :) | 13:51 |
serverhorror_ | besides even if it wouldn't answer in plaintext, it's usually quite easy to find out what daemon is running on any port. Even if you don't want to take the effort of analyzing the protocol, nmap will just do fine :) | 13:51 |
cloakable | nice | 13:52 |
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incorrect | i've just installed a new server, the server is a kvm host that is remotely controlled by the build master, so when the server is not being used it could go to sleep | 14:44 |
incorrect | is there something i can apt-get to save on power? | 14:44 |
volve | hey all, I'm trying to setup a samba share so that Bob and Jane can both read and write but can't delete/change each others files. My tests seem to let them both create files with -rw-r--r-- Bob:Bob & -rw-r--r-- Jane:Jane, but for some reason | 14:56 |
volve | Jane can still delete Bob's files! :( | 14:56 |
cloakable | volve: check the permissions of the parent folder | 15:05 |
volve | what should they be for this scenario? | 15:06 |
volve | I have the ownership as nobody:nogroup | 15:06 |
cloakable | Hmm, not sure | 15:07 |
cloakable | volve: /var/mail has drwxrwsr-x so that might be a good start for you? | 15:08 |
volve | hm | 15:08 |
volve | Will test, thanks. What does the 's' for group execute do? | 15:09 |
cloakable | sticky, iirc. | 15:12 |
cloakable | means anything in there is set to that group | 15:12 |
joschi | cloakable: sticky bit is 't'. 's' means setuid/setgid | 15:17 |
cloakable | aha | 15:18 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #601624 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] | 16:45 |
cn1109 | I'm currently trying to run chmod through perl, I get the following error: operation not permitted in the error.log file | 17:35 |
giovani | cn1109: sounds like more a perl issue than an ubuntu issue | 17:38 |
giovani | but in order to change the permissions of a file, the perl process will need to be running as the owner of the file | 17:39 |
cn1109 | giovani: Just came from the perl channel. Rough individuals. They are stating that it could be the kernel which doesn't make sense since I can run chmod just fine as root. THe owner of the file as permission to make such changes. | 17:39 |
giovani | cn1109: what user are you executing the perl script as? | 17:40 |
cn1109 | giovani: personal account. | 17:41 |
giovani | cn1109: is the personal account the owner of the file you're attempting to run chmod on? | 17:41 |
Yonitg | hiya ubuntu server 10.04LTS | 17:41 |
cn1109 | giovani: Yes. Also the user is in the root groups as well | 17:41 |
Yonitg | apache is installed by default I think? | 17:41 |
giovani | Yonitg: I don't think it is | 17:41 |
Yonitg | but my question is.. if it installed by default why doesnt it have the A flag in i apache2 - Apache HTTP Server metapackage | 17:42 |
Yonitg | i dont remember installing it :| | 17:42 |
giovani | cn1109: can you paste your perl code in a pastebin, and also paste the output of an ls -la on the file you're attempting to chmod? | 17:43 |
cn1109 | giovani: The odd thing is that the perl script was working just fine in another linux box. We moved everything to the new ubuntu server. | 17:44 |
Yonitg | giovani: there is no log in /var/log/apt/history.log about installing apache either!!! :| | 17:44 |
Yonitg | giovani: $ cat /var/log/apt/history.log | grep apache | 17:44 |
Yonitg | giovani: only shows UPGRADE: libapache2-mod-php5 (5.3.2-1ubuntu4, 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2) | 17:44 |
giovani | Yonitg: maybe it was installed as part of a tasksel style setup? | 17:45 |
giovani | I'm not sure if it would appear in the apt logs then | 17:45 |
Yonitg | any way to find this out? | 17:45 |
giovani | I'm not sure | 17:46 |
giovani | you can easily remove it | 17:46 |
giovani | if it's not desired | 17:46 |
giovani | I haven't done a 10.04 server install yet -- but, I'd be extremely skeptical if apache2 were installed by default -- that would be a ton of bloat | 17:46 |
Yonitg | nah, its fine. i just didnt remember installing it and it didn't have the A flag | 17:46 |
Yonitg | is there a neat way to find packages that have never been used, or orphaned? | 17:46 |
giovani | "used" -- I don't know what you mean by that | 17:47 |
giovani | but orphaned, yes | 17:47 |
Yonitg | giovani: mysql is installed by default.. isnt that worse? | 17:47 |
giovani | Yonitg: maybe, maybe not -- it's possible it's a dependency of something -- I certainly wouldn't want it installed on my server | 17:47 |
Yonitg | it is installed by default :o | 17:47 |
giovani | 'sudo apt-get autoremove' removes orphanted packages | 17:48 |
giovani | Yonitg: are you sure you did a completely minimal server install? or did you select server "roles"/"tasks" during the install? | 17:48 |
Yonitg | i dont remember.. this is a purchases dedicated server | 17:49 |
Yonitg | maybe the host did it | 17:49 |
Yonitg | i asumed they would do a minimal install.. maybe not | 17:49 |
giovani | haha | 17:49 |
giovani | why would you assume that? | 17:49 |
Yonitg | they _should_ do that shouldnt they? | 17:49 |
giovani | ask them | 17:49 |
giovani | I would never presume such a thing | 17:49 |
Yonitg | what packages are installed on a minimal install? | 17:49 |
giovani | you want a complete list? | 17:49 |
Yonitg | yes | 17:50 |
Yonitg | of the minimal | 17:50 |
giovani | I can't provide it | 17:50 |
giovani | do an install yourself | 17:50 |
giovani | there are too many dependency layers to just grab the complete list | 17:50 |
Yonitg | okay :P | 17:50 |
giovani | but things like mysql and apache2 certainly weren't in it when I did a 9.10 server isntall | 17:50 |
giovani | it really is minimal | 17:51 |
giovani | no user-level server applications installed by default | 17:51 |
giovani | only things required for basic administration -- ssh, etc | 17:51 |
giovani | and, from personal experience, I've never had a VPS set up with a perfectly clean install of any distribution | 17:52 |
Yonitg | oh :| | 17:53 |
Yonitg | weird | 17:53 |
Yonitg | they should let the clients install things | 17:53 |
giovani | well, first of all -- it's a cinch to remove them | 17:53 |
giovani | second of all -- their typical client probably appreciates having those installed | 17:53 |
cn1109 | member:giovani: Should I give the folder permission a chmod 777? | 17:53 |
giovani | cn1109: that shouldn't be requried -- if you can change the permission of the file as the user, and then can't in a perl script running as that user, then there's something else wrong -- which is why I asked for those things to be pasted somewhere, so I can take a look for you | 17:54 |
cn1109 | giovani: okay. But, just changed the folder to 777 and it worked. I do see some other that are set to 777 | 17:56 |
giovani | cn1109: then I can't imagine that you could run chmod as the user in a shell | 17:56 |
Yonitg | giovani: but how do i know which ones to remove? :P | 17:56 |
giovani | Yonitg: the ones you don't want ... | 17:56 |
cn1109 | giovani: What you do mean? | 17:57 |
giovani | cn1109: I'm not sure how else I can explain it | 17:57 |
giovani | you said that you could chmod the file, as user x in a shell, but not as user x in a perl script | 17:58 |
giovani | then you said that changing the directory permissions allows you to do so from within the perl script | 17:58 |
giovani | that doesn't line up | 17:58 |
clusty | hey | 17:59 |
giovani | it's the same system call, no matter where you execute it | 17:59 |
clusty | i was curious if somebody could give me a hand with a iptables GRE forward | 17:59 |
cn1109 | giovani: The user is in the root group. I did run the chmod as the user in shell. Just to let you know, I did tar these files in the original server and copied them to the new server. | 17:59 |
clusty | how do I forward all GRE traffic from ext IF to a particular inside IP? | 17:59 |
giovani | cn1109: I don't know what any of that has to do with a perl script | 18:00 |
giovani | but, I'm glad you got it worked out | 18:00 |
cn1109 | giovani: It has nothing to do with perl. I was something permissions that the folder was getting created with. Still trying to see if it's actually working | 18:10 |
giovani | cn1109: then it must not have worked when you ran chmod on the file from the shell | 18:14 |
giovani | but you said it did | 18:14 |
cn1109 | giovani: I see. It's creating the folders with the user www-data as the owner and www-data as the group. | 18:15 |
cn1109 | giovani: I do not have such group or user. | 18:15 |
giovani | right | 18:15 |
giovani | so the user running the perl script is not the owner of the files | 18:15 |
cn1109 | giovani: The user doesn't exist. So the next step would be to create the user and group, correct? | 18:18 |
giovani | cn1109: that depends on what your goal is | 18:18 |
giovani | if you want a new user, then yes, that's fine | 18:18 |
giovani | if you want to use another user -- the next step is to chown the files with that user | 18:18 |
cn1109 | giovani: There are numerous of files with the same functionality. That would seem the to be the fastest way. | 18:18 |
giovani | one is not faster than the other | 18:19 |
cn1109 | giovani: I know. At this time I do not know all the files that are using that user. | 18:20 |
giovani | you don't need to | 18:21 |
giovani | the point here is -- you need to pick the right solution for your situation -- forget which is faster | 18:21 |
giovani | if you plan to serve these files over a web server, then the www-data user and group will be automatically created when you install the web server package | 18:22 |
wanderingi | i have installed lampp and put the files i want to be the website in the necessary directories. However all the files are not writeable. I will be doing a lot of editing and creating new files over the next few days, how can i manage this without needing to use sudo in a terminal window every time | 18:31 |
giovani | wanderingi: not writeable by any user except root? | 18:32 |
wanderingi | yes it appears to be that way | 18:32 |
giovani | you could make them www-data user owned, and owned by another group that your regular user is in, and then give the group write permission | 18:32 |
giovani | and then edit them as your user | 18:33 |
wanderingi | how would i go about that? | 18:33 |
giovani | chgrp -R GROUPNAME /base/directory && chmod -R g+w /base/directory | 18:33 |
giovani | create the group first, obviously | 18:33 |
giovani | or, you can just add your user to the group that owns the files already | 18:34 |
giovani | it's likely www-data | 18:34 |
giovani | usermod -Ga www-data USERNAME | 18:34 |
wanderingi | ok i created a group: usersgroup | 18:35 |
wanderingi | the directorys are currently owned by rot | 18:36 |
wanderingi | root* | 18:36 |
wanderingi | that apears to have worked for the one directory but not all sub files and directories | 18:38 |
giovani | wanderingi: you likely left out the "-R" | 18:42 |
mikelifeguard | wanderingi: the -R option makes chmod/chown/chgrp recurse | 18:42 |
wanderingi | no ive got it now but when i do ls -all i get dwrx... 18 root usersgroup 2343 date directory | 18:44 |
giovani | yes | 18:44 |
wanderingi | when i try to edit the files they are still readonly | 18:44 |
giovani | did you run the second command I wrote? | 18:44 |
giovani | chmod -R g+w /base/directory | 18:45 |
wanderingi | yes | 18:46 |
wanderingi | chgrp -R usersgroup /opt/lampp/htdocs && chmod -R g+w /opt/lampp/htdocs | 18:46 |
giovani | ok | 18:47 |
giovani | can you pastebin ls -la /opt/lampp/htdocs ? | 18:47 |
wanderingi | | 18:48 |
giovani | looks exactly as it should | 18:49 |
giovani | now any user in usersgroup has read/write access to those files | 18:49 |
wanderingi | ok ill double check the user group settings | 18:50 |
giovani | note that in Linux group changes are only applied after you log in again | 18:50 |
wanderingi | ah ok ill try that | 18:51 |
giovani | you can check your current groups by running 'id' | 18:51 |
wanderingi | if it doesnt work ill be back, if it does then ill not be here and thank you very much for your help | 18:51 |
thebwt | is there a way to re-run the network configuration tool that's used during install? | 20:42 |
thebwt | I imagine it's a dpkg thing | 20:42 |
giovani | thebwt: you don't need the installation tool -- what changes are you trying to make? | 20:44 |
thebwt | giovani: I ran instlalatipon without a network connection, and I told it then to do network stuff later. I know when I plug a cord in later, I'll have to ifconfig eth0 up, I'd like to amke it all happen automatically | 20:46 |
thebwt | that method seemed the most simple | 20:46 |
thebwt | next to just learning to set auto eth0 | 20:46 |
thebwt | :p | 20:47 |
giovani | thebwt: you'll need to learn to configure networking anyway | 20:47 |
giovani | relying on the installation tool isn't a long-term solution, so I'd suggest taking this opportunity to learn | 20:47 |
thebwt | *nods* /etc/interfaces | 20:47 |
thebwt | I've done it before, my ideal solution is the server not use dhcp, but that's a fix for another day | 20:48 |
thebwt | but you make a great point... | 20:48 |
* thebwt will do it by hand | 20:48 | |
giovani | just search the wiki for network configuration | 20:49 |
giovani | it's a comprehensive walk-through | 20:49 |
thebwt | ubuntu server guide has all the stuff I need. | 20:49 |
giovani | it's /etc/network/interfaces btw | 20:49 |
thebwt | | 20:49 |
giovani | yes, that's the wiki | 20:49 |
thebwt | *nods* I was jsut saying it off the top of my head | 20:49 |
thebwt | I've done it before to do brdiging for kvm | 20:49 |
thebwt | thanks for the motivation :) | 20:50 |
giovani | good luck | 20:50 |
thebwt | thanks | 20:50 |
thebwt | thanks giovani that was easy | 21:10 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #601700 in libaio (main) "Merge libaio 0.3.107-7 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] | 23:26 |
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