=== mark_ is now known as MarkDude [08:56] curious stuff on planet.ubuntu-women.org at the moment [09:14] Someone might have forgotten she's syndicated [09:15] Haven't seen her around for quite a while. [09:33] I am not complaining, just an observation of mild surprise [11:18] morning [11:18] AlanBell, you're not the only one to observe with surprise. [11:23] I wish the feed Yolynne Medina had actually had content on the planet rather than linking to her page [11:24] Romana Branden has been busy blogging alright, last week the same about 5 posts in one go [11:26] Meeting orla who took part in the UW Play day competition http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/07/03/june-ubuntu-hour-and-meeting-orla/