newboon2age_ | nunatak said something about the forum servers being down, but i'm getting the . Do you know what nunatak meant Chipaca? | 00:00 |
newboon2age_ | oh i meant | 00:01 |
Chipaca | I think he meant or something | 00:01 |
Chipaca | | 00:01 |
Chipaca | yep, 503 | 00:01 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: ah.. gotcha. Thanks for the help for me and for nunatak. with the info on development environment i'm helping the wiki team with a wiki page on developer beginners | 00:04 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: one more question i have on ubuntuone... | 00:06 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: i'm looking at my files on the account and one of my folders has a little icon like a link on it. What does that signify? The other computers on my account don't seem to be getting synced with that. | 00:07 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: on the web page, right? | 00:08 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: yes on the web page... | 00:09 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: hover over the icon, tell me what it says | 00:09 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: now that i look closer at it i guess it looks more like a cylinder with something funny at the bottom | 00:10 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: i'm using konqueror and do not get anything when hovering over it. | 00:10 |
Chipaca | strange, you should | 00:10 |
Chipaca | let me check | 00:10 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: this is my kubuntu setup | 00:11 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: konqueror doesn't give you any text when you hover the mouse over the icon? | 00:11 |
Chipaca | that's a buuug | 00:11 |
Chipaca | it should say 'Synced folder' | 00:11 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: bug in konqueror or in Ubuntu One? | 00:12 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: in konqueror | 00:12 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: the html is correct | 00:12 |
Chipaca | i know, i wrote it :-) | 00:12 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: the icons aren't super clear; as we couldn't find ones that obviously represented what things were, we aimed for ones that were distinctive enough so you could tell what they were easily once you figured them out | 00:13 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: the drum with the chain on it is a folder synchronized with Ubuntu One, other than the default ~/Ubuntu One/ | 00:13 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: and, we special-cased the music one to have a music symbol :) | 00:14 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: okay. So setting the Konqeror bug i guess the next level of the question maybe about the ubuntuone-kde ... hmmmm... | 00:14 |
Chipaca | and this is where I say I'm off to bed | 00:15 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: i same prob on Portable Ubuntu (basically Karmic) with ubuntuone-client-gnome . It was working syncing w/ stuff in the ubuntu One folder, but not the other folder... | 00:16 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: okay thanks for your help. (no idea what time it is there)... | 00:16 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: I need a verb to make sense of your first sentence :-/ | 00:16 |
Chipaca | it's early, 00:16; I'm just tired | 00:16 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: did i give enough to make the sentence make sense? | 00:17 |
newboon2age_ | i meant setting the other bug aside... | 00:17 |
Chipaca | I'm probably just too tired; you're not making any sense at all | 00:18 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: so on both ubuntuone-kde AND | 00:18 |
newboon2age_ | on ubuntuone-client-gnome running on Portable ubuntu on Windows | 00:19 |
Chipaca | ooooh | 00:19 |
Chipaca | karmic didn't have UDFs :) | 00:19 |
newboon2age_ | the other synced folder isn't getting down to my desktop | 00:19 |
Chipaca | so, you could use a backport of ubuntuone (from the ubuntuone-hackers ppa) on karmic, and get the udfs | 00:20 |
Chipaca | or, not get udfs at all | 00:20 |
Chipaca | your choice | 00:20 |
newboon2age_ | okay and i guess the kde version also doesn't support udfs? | 00:20 |
Chipaca | kde on karmic? | 00:20 |
Chipaca | there is no kde version, so udfs should work if you're using lucid | 00:21 |
newboon2age_ | the ubuntuone-kde version i mean | 00:21 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: what is ubuntuone-kde? | 00:21 |
newboon2age_ | that's the project that apachelogger was working on. I can't tell how supported/unsupported it is... | 00:22 |
Chipaca | ah, me neither, I haven't synced with him in a long while | 00:22 |
newboon2age_ | okay, well thanks again for your help and cheers! | 00:22 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: you could try running magicicada (from trunk), click on the 'folders' button, and see what folders are subscribed | 00:23 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: maybe your kde vm or whatever isn't subscribed to the folders | 00:23 |
Chipaca | newboon2age_: you could use u1sdtool for the same effect, btw | 00:23 |
Chipaca | and now yes, to bed! | 00:24 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: okay will do. i hadn't experimented with it yet. however apachelogger did it it must be different because some of the tools that you speak of don't seem to be active in his solution | 00:24 |
newboon2age_ | Chipaca: like ulsdtool . gnite! | 00:24 |
newboon2age_ | for completeness (even though Chipac a is gone, i'll report here that now I was able to see a message when i hovered (mouse over) on the UDF. I don't know what made the difference... | 00:50 |
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Eric | Super quick question | 06:12 |
Eric | I signed up following the guide, and it said I had to add my computer | 06:13 |
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Guest6601 | but I didn't see the "Add this computer" anywhere | 06:13 |
Guest6601 | hello? | 06:14 |
=== JUMPA is now known as jumpa | ||
dbrodie | Does anyone know if the notes syncing is down? | 10:38 |
dbrodie | I am getting errors both on the web and on the desktop client | 10:39 |
beuno | dbrodie, if you go to the dashboard | 10:46 |
beuno | does it say it's down? | 10:46 |
dbrodie | Nope, also on the UbuntuOne Status page it doesn;t say anything but when I click on the webpage I get an OOPS | 10:48 |
dbrodie | I just created the account so not 100% sure what I'm supposed to see, just assuming its not that :) | 10:49 |
beuno | heh, you are right | 10:49 |
beuno | can you file a bug with the oops id? | 10:49 |
dbrodie | Here we go: OOPS-ID-1646appserverZEHEAIdHaCBJAEJFCbBIBIACFccDADfFJ174327, Yup i'll file it | 10:49 |
ubot4 | | 10:49 |
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beuno | thanks dbrodie, I'll look into it | 10:56 |
dbrodie | Thank you! | 11:06 |
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Tojemoje | hello | 14:13 |
Tojemoje | \One probably quick question | 14:13 |
Tojemoje | How to add my computer to ubuntu one? I cant find where on earth should be that option | 14:14 |
falselight | i asked for a password to gnome-keyring when i try to add my computer to the cloud. what gives? | 15:39 |
falselight | i am asked* | 15:40 |
duanedesign | falselight: hello | 16:33 |
duanedesign | falselight: did you get your computer added? | 16:34 |
falselight | duanedesign, no | 16:45 |
duanedesign | falselight: when is it asking you for a password? | 16:48 |
falselight | when i click "add" | 16:48 |
duanedesign | falselight: the 'add this computer' button on the website | 16:49 |
falselight | yes, after i try to purchase music from Banshee/One Music Store plugin | 16:50 |
falselight | i am transfered to the ubuntu-one page to add my comptuer, that's when i am asked for a password | 16:54 |
duanedesign | falselight: have you signed up for either the 2gb or 50gb service yet? | 16:56 |
falselight | 2gb | 16:56 |
falselight | and i've got several other computers attached to my cloud | 16:56 |
duanedesign | ok | 16:59 |
duanedesign | falselight: can you open Accessories > Password and Encryption | 17:00 |
falselight | yes | 17:00 |
duanedesign | falselight: click the password folder to expand the list | 17:01 |
duanedesign | see if you have an Ubuntu One token in there | 17:01 |
falselight | none of the folders expand | 17:01 |
duanedesign | falselight: ok | 17:02 |
duanedesign | falselight: what happens when you open Ubuntu One Preferences from the Me Menu | 17:03 |
falselight | it asks for a password | 17:04 |
falselight | the only password i got does not work | 17:04 |
duanedesign | it opens the website and asks for the password. | 17:04 |
duanedesign | so the same thing | 17:04 |
falselight | no | 17:04 |
falselight | it just prompts for a keyring password | 17:04 |
duanedesign | the password you use to login to computer doesnt work? | 17:05 |
falselight | nope | 17:05 |
falselight | and that is the only password i got associated to my user | 17:05 |
duanedesign | falselight: you can reset the keyring. | 17:08 |
falselight | how? | 17:08 |
duanedesign | open a Terminal | 17:09 |
falselight | i just deleted them from the settings panel | 17:09 |
falselight | i created a new one | 17:09 |
falselight | the webpage opened | 17:09 |
falselight | and it asks me to add the computer again | 17:09 |
falselight | computer added | 17:10 |
duanedesign | to remove the keyring. Use the command. rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring | 17:11 |
duanedesign | At this point your gnome-keyring should be toast and you can reset the password on next use. | 17:11 |
falselight | it works like charm here now | 17:15 |
falselight | duanedesign, thank you very much | 17:38 |
Zeu5 | hi there, i just used ubuntu one this morning. it was working for my pc and laptop. | 18:26 |
Zeu5 | now the Pictures folder in my home folder suddenly was no longer synced, and when i right click > sync it doesnt sync. may i ask why? | 18:27 |
Zeu5 | can anyone hear me? | 18:29 |
Antony | Hi | 18:56 |
Antony | Anybody what is the current stats on the Ubuntu one outage? | 18:57 |
beuno | Antony, what's the issue? | 18:59 |
Antony | The notes section is not working.. | 19:00 |
beuno | Antony, it's working here | 19:01 |
beuno | maybe there's a bug, I've seen a few reports | 19:01 |
beuno | it'll get some attention tomorrow | 19:01 |
Antony | I have got a message in the dashboard -> Our Notes, Contacts and Bookmarks database is not responding at the moment. | 19:02 |
Antony | When I hit the notes section I get the following OOPS -> OOPS-ID-1646appserverZCeaAGDDBDcaAEEJAJdccCBCBGfDGFbdA373351 | 19:02 |
ubot4 | | 19:02 |
beuno | ah | 19:02 |
beuno | Antony, thanks, I've raised the issue | 19:03 |
Antony | Ok | 19:03 |
beuno | one of the servers must be down | 19:04 |
Antony | Also, Can I sync from a windows install of Tomboy? | 19:04 |
Antony | I dual boot | 19:04 |
beuno | yes, I think the API is the same | 19:04 |
Antony | Well, My windows ver of tomboy fails to sync | 19:05 |
Antony | Settings are same.. | 19:05 |
Antony | Could be the current issue with the server.. | 19:05 |
beuno | yes | 19:05 |
beuno | the server is down, so it won't save the notes | 19:05 |
Antony | Will wait and check tommorrow | 19:05 |
beuno | I'm notified the sysadmins | 19:06 |
Antony | Yep | 19:06 |
beuno | it should be back in a little while | 19:06 |
Antony | Thanks a lot | 19:06 |
Antony | I will check tommorrow | 19:06 |
Antony | I am from India, and its 23:36 here | 19:07 |
beuno | right :) | 19:07 |
beuno | it will be fixed | 19:07 |
Antony | There has been numerous probs.. This is the 3rd time I am facing OOPS | 19:08 |
Antony | So it seems you guys have a lot of work cut out ahead | 19:08 |
Antony | Also is the API published somewhere | 19:09 |
Antony | I would like to make a client.. | 19:09 |
beuno | yes, it's the standard Tomboy "snowy" API | 19:10 |
Antony | For the rest of the Ubuntu one services? | 19:10 |
Antony | contacts, notes.. | 19:10 |
Antony | Document sharing..? | 19:10 |
beuno | there aren't any currently published APIs for them | 19:11 |
Antony | I was considering tech for a project I had in mind | 19:11 |
beuno | they're just stored in couchdb | 19:11 |
beuno | aquarius would be the guy to talk to, but he's not around atm | 19:11 |
Antony | Cool I will catch up some time later | 19:11 |
Antony | Thanx | 19:11 |
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dakira | hi.. is there any possibility to export my contacts from the cloud to a file? I just synced from the iphone, just to find out there is currently no way to get them into evolution. | 19:46 |
beuno | not at the moment, normally it would get into evolution automatically | 19:47 |
beuno | but replication is disabled for a few more days | 19:47 |
beuno | when it's enabled, you will have an exacct replica locally | 19:47 |
dakira | okay.. thanks! | 19:49 |
dakira | I assume my contacts are safe in the cloud in the meantime? | 19:49 |
beuno | yes | 19:50 |
beuno | if anything happens, you can ping us and we'll send you the file manually | 19:50 |
beuno | it's versioned and backed up | 19:50 |
beuno | but hopefully we'll just have replication enabled again very soon | 19:51 |
beuno | and you'll be able to do it yourself :) | 19:51 |
* duanedesign waves at beuno | 19:53 | |
dakira | beuno: oh.. just found a bug (i think). On the iPhone when you add a phone-number to a contact, you can set it to be an "iPhone"-number (instead of e.g. "home" or "mobile"). If you do that, it won't be synced (i.e. doesn't show up in UbuntuOne -> Contacts) | 19:53 |
=== jumpa is now known as JUMPA | ||
dakira | what labels are supported for phone-numbers? | 19:56 |
dakira | phone numbers with custom labels don't show up, either | 20:00 |
duanedesign | dakira: if you go to and select a contact, then 'edit contact' | 20:04 |
duanedesign | dakira: a drop down list will show up next to the phone numnbers with the different fields | 20:05 |
dakira | duanedesign: great.. thx! | 20:05 |
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=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless |
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