fuyao | my xubuntu is not recognizing my external hard drive | 01:04 |
bjorkintosh | perhaps the external harddrive has been very naughty. | 01:05 |
fuyao | maybe | 01:07 |
fuyao | but seriously, it's not mounting | 01:08 |
fuyao | how do i check? | 01:08 |
_Techie_ | !mount | 01:08 |
ubottu | mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount | 01:08 |
fuyao | fuyao@fuyao-laptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 01:13 |
fuyao | my external drive is a my book 32gb | 01:13 |
fuyao | 320gb | 01:13 |
_Techie_ | what format, fat32? | 01:14 |
fuyao | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 01:14 |
fuyao | /dev/sdb1 1 38913 312568641 c W95 FAT32 (LBA) | 01:14 |
fuyao | i guess so | 01:14 |
_Techie_ | sudo mkdir /mnt/USB && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/USB | 01:15 |
fuyao | lemme try that | 01:16 |
fuyao | nothing happens | 01:18 |
fuyao | mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/USB': File exists | 01:18 |
fuyao | only this | 01:18 |
_Techie_ | oh, i see | 01:18 |
fuyao | wait i got it | 01:19 |
fuyao | nvm | 01:19 |
fuyao | thank you for the help, files inside my drive showed up | 01:19 |
fuyao | man i had a tough day with my xubuntu 8.10, and i was forced to stay with this old version, my old think r51e's video card dont allow me to go to a new system | 01:21 |
fuyao | thinkpad | 01:22 |
_Techie_ | fuyao, you should be able to use 10.04 with your thinkpad if you setup an xorg.conf, however this isnt a simple process and i dont really want to have to go through it | 01:26 |
fuyao | yea i tried 10.04 before, it was a disaster with the videocare driver | 01:26 |
fuyao | videocard* | 01:26 |
fuyao | no good 3D accelaration | 01:26 |
fuyao | some games for linux cant run | 01:27 |
fuyao | well i'll figure them out eventually as im learning how to use xubuntu, thank you for the help | 01:33 |
MrNaz | um | 03:21 |
MrNaz | is anyone aware of any major bugs in thunar that causes mouseclicks on files to be ignored when you are fully zoomed out in details view mode ? | 03:22 |
MrNaz | its happened on 3 installations on 2 different machines now | 03:22 |
_Techie_ | MrNaz, if my memory serves me correctly, that is a known bug | 03:37 |
MrNaz | ok, just checking | 03:38 |
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slow-motion | hi | 09:16 |
Istorm | I just downloaded some updates, probably not looking closely enough at them, but my main user account login just dies, then takes me back to the login screen. | 10:34 |
Istorm | I created a new user, and that appears to be working fine. Actually, better than the main worked it seems. I've tried to isolate the configuration files for the main account, to see if I could just get it to regenerate them, but no luck. | 10:36 |
IStorm | Is there anybody.......out there? LOL | 12:45 |
Kangarooo | IStorm: just ask | 12:45 |
IStorm | Actually, I need to slim down even more. I've had to add some things in places, but I know there is more that can be removed. | 12:47 |
IStorm | I run into EXTREME paging A lot. | 12:48 |
IStorm | I guess what I am asking, is if there is more fluff that I can get rid of? | 12:49 |
IStorm | I would be more than happy with a good link as well. | 12:50 |
Kangarooo | wow with sleng i cant understand and therefore didnt understand whats the problem | 12:50 |
Kangarooo | with places u mean your home folders and there u mean is unneded folders? | 12:51 |
Kangarooo | what is Extreme paging? fluff is unneded stuff im guessing.. yes | 12:52 |
Kangarooo | ? | 12:52 |
IStorm | Sorry about that, I forget what time it is. | 12:53 |
IStorm | Extreme paging is when an applications have to page so much that all the processing time is spent doing that. | 12:55 |
IStorm | OH! "Fluff" is programs that don't need to be running, or even options on some that can reduce how much resources are being used. | 12:59 |
IStorm | Does that answer your question Kangarooo? | 13:00 |
Kangarooo | IStorm: if u dont use chrontab u can remove it programm called cron | 13:07 |
Kangarooo | i know this programm is running no matter if its beeing used or not but after installing its allways autostarting. also autostarted applications can be checked. printer isnt needed then cups programm in autostart decheck. w8 ill find one in my bookmarks about speeding up xubuntu | 13:09 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: removing cron is a bad idea | 13:12 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: it's used for system things too | 13:13 |
Kangarooo | TheSheep: is cron by default installed in xubuntu? | 13:13 |
TheSheep | yes | 13:13 |
TheSheep | pretty much on every system | 13:13 |
TheSheep | not just ubuntus | 13:13 |
Kangarooo | ouh i was installing it couse thought it isnt.. and when used command cron -e then there was all empty | 13:14 |
TheSheep | although in ubuntus it was supposed to be replaced by upstart | 13:14 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: cron -e is for your user only | 13:14 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: there are scripts in etc/cron.d and /etc/cron.daily and such | 13:14 |
TheSheep | for global things | 13:14 |
Kangarooo | can i open them using crontab -e or other? using sudo crontab -e was empty | 13:16 |
TheSheep | no, you can edit them with a text editor | 13:16 |
TheSheep | but you shouldn't change them | 13:17 |
Kangarooo | ah ok IStorm dont delete cron. since u say page file beeing used ram then is needed.. also if ram is low i believe cpu also u have low.. right? heres what startup u can remove http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/07/22/speed/ | 13:22 |
TheSheep | that article is old | 13:25 |
TheSheep | I'd suggest chromium instead of opera today | 13:25 |
TheSheep | and xmss is long dead, use audacious instead | 13:25 |
TheSheep | xmms | 13:26 |
Kangarooo | TheSheep: chromium is faster then google chrome but only they are fast if cpu is fast enough.. if cpu slow then FF will at least load pages.. | 13:26 |
Kangarooo | thats what ive experienced. | 13:27 |
IStorm | I don't think I would go after cron right away, but cups is something I'm interested in Kangarooo. | 13:27 |
Kangarooo | ah actually ive tryd also midori and another small webbrowser and they are faster and lighter | 13:29 |
IStorm | TheSheep : You are spot on with the chromium recommendation, opera was faster at first, but I swear it has memory leaks, because if you let it sit for a while, well.....there's no recovering. | 13:30 |
IStorm | Kangarooo : I would really love to know your country. I'm going to guess scandinavia somewhere, but northern europe would be a close second. Based on some of your english. It's good, and I understand you, but I wonder if I'm right about where you live. | 13:33 |
Kangarooo | IStorm: Latvia that can be seen by my ip | 13:35 |
IStorm | Anyway, getting back to the point. Can I manually start cups? I don't even have a printer attached on this machine, and I scarcely use one from here. If I kill it, will I be able to network print? | 13:36 |
TheSheep | hehe, how did they say? "the cute slavic skipping of 'the'" | 13:36 |
TheSheep | IStorm: you can | 13:36 |
TheSheep | IStorm: you can do /etc/init.d/cupsd start | 13:36 |
TheSheep | or with newer ubuntus just 'start cupsd' | 13:37 |
Kangarooo | IStorm: while u dont need printing in startup settings u can uncheck cups | 13:37 |
IStorm | So if I don't have a local, cups can be mothballed. | 13:37 |
IStorm | Hmmm, need to look into the startup settings. I was handling the runlevels by command line. | 13:39 |
IStorm | Kangarooo : I was very close. I didn't hear your accent. I knew a bunch of guys from Sweden from a MUD, and I know how they type english. LOL | 13:42 |
IStorm | TheSheep is right though, your language is slavic, not scandinavian. | 13:43 |
Kangarooo | lol :) i might write sometimes not correct since its very tiring to write in chat.. and since for now this is only way ubuntu comunity comunicates im very tired.. so sometimes ttlers hcnage lpaces but i dont worry since word is beeing read as whole so information still gets to reciever.. | 13:45 |
IStorm | You are FINE. I understand you perfectly. I dated a Polish girl who was a LOT worse. | 13:48 |
Kangarooo | i know im fine i even know some sleng and some i can try to understand :) ive used sometimes urban dic | 13:49 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: it's not about correctness, it's about choices between correct wordings | 14:01 |
TheSheep | IStorm: I'm Polish :P | 14:01 |
IStorm | TheSheep : it's having a little bit of understanding of how the other person's language is put together. Are you Polish-American or do you live in Poland? | 14:04 |
Kangarooo | TheSheep: im thinking about making Ubuntu project in Europe with many countrys involved. so later well meet and see who has less acent :) | 14:04 |
TheSheep | IStorm: native | 14:05 |
TheSheep | IStorm: I suppose it's the effect of talking on the Internet more than irl though | 14:05 |
IStorm | Well, I have to say, Polish women are, on average, the most beautiful. | 14:06 |
IStorm | We have a sister city. Hmmmmm, I have a charmap here somewhere..... | 14:07 |
Kangarooo | i cant believe that.. first time beutifull woman isnt Latvian? this is new for me :) | 14:07 |
Kangarooo | the most beutifull* | 14:07 |
TheSheep | I was really surprised when I went to US and saw that it's not really exaggerated | 14:08 |
Kangarooo | couse allways im hearing that only about Latvian woman | 14:08 |
TheSheep | the only nice girls were asian | 14:08 |
IStorm | Płotsk is our sister city. | 14:12 |
TheSheep | Płock | 14:12 |
TheSheep | :) | 14:12 |
TheSheep | but you get extra points for ł | 14:12 |
IStorm | I knew I was gonna mess that up. | 14:12 |
IStorm | Oh, I'll give you one better. They have a folk-dancing group called Wisła that will be here in my city this next weekend. | 14:14 |
TheSheep | nice | 14:14 |
TheSheep | where is "here"? | 14:14 |
IStorm | I know it's pronounce "Vi swa" though. | 14:15 |
IStorm | Here is Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. | 14:15 |
IStorm | I've been very close to the group in prior years, and they are just magnificent. | 14:18 |
IStorm | TheSheep : Where do you live in Poland? | 14:20 |
TheSheep | IStorm: Poznań | 14:20 |
TheSheep | IStorm: it's quite a bit from Płock | 14:20 |
TheSheep | gotta run | 14:21 |
IStorm | It's been a while since I've looked at the geography. | 14:21 |
TheSheep | btw, check out #xubuntu-offtopic | 14:21 |
IStorm | We did get a little off, didn't we. | 14:22 |
Kangarooo | no way :D | 14:23 |
IStorm | Kangarooo : You have to understand that my city has never HAD Latvian girls in it. I don't think I've ever met one, so maybe I spoke too soon. | 14:28 |
Kangarooo | ah yes thats explains. thats the only possible reason i know now :) | 14:29 |
MrNaz | why does my xubuntu cd refuse to boot? is there some special keystroke combination that you have to input? | 17:21 |
MrNaz | i know the cd is good, i can read it fine from the os | 17:21 |
nicofs | is anyone here familiar with mobile broadband? my connection isn't working properly. sometimes i get connected instantly, sometimes the connection only works after trying several times. sometimes it doesn't work at all - yet if i delete the connection and set up a new one sometimes this solves the problem. i just don't see a pattern there. any ideas? | 17:54 |
Kangarooo | MrNaz: in bios set cd to be booting first | 17:55 |
jdef | are there special challenges to installing xubuntu in virtualbox? | 17:57 |
knome | jdef, afaik, should not be, just remember to install the guest appliances | 17:58 |
MrNaz | Kangarooo yes ive done all the usual things | 17:58 |
jdef | knome, thanks | 17:58 |
knome | MrNaz, there's no special key combo - have you checked if the pc can boot from cd's at all? | 17:59 |
MrNaz | yes ive installed other oses on this box | 18:00 |
MrNaz | in fact | 18:00 |
MrNaz | i had xubuntu on it a while ago, then i installed ubuntu, and want to go back to xubuntu | 18:00 |
knome | MrNaz, have you double-checked the checksum? | 18:01 |
MrNaz | of the iso? no i guess i havent... | 18:01 |
MrNaz | but the burning program did verify the burn | 18:02 |
Kangarooo | other guessing MrNaz maybe cd is CD-RW and its overused (20 times rewriting my experience) also md5sum of iso and also disk.. also MrNaz if u have installed xubuntu then u know theres no special key combo. burning programm doesnt verify checksum | 18:02 |
knome | MrNaz, yes - because if you have been able to install xubuntu earlier on this machine and now can't get to the boot menu, it suggests the cd is broken | 18:02 |
knome | Kangarooo, to be exact, a burning program CAN check the checksum, but i don't know if that's by default anywhere and which are the apps can do it | 18:03 |
MrNaz | Kangarooo i dont use cdrw for that reason specifically hehe | 18:03 |
MrNaz | well | 18:03 |
MrNaz | i thought maybe the cd defaulted to first hdd if it found an os there unless a boot from cd key was pressed | 18:03 |
MrNaz | if that's not the case i'll have to keep checking other things | 18:03 |
knome | MrNaz, i'd say try burning another one - the cd could just be a coaster anyway... | 18:04 |
MrNaz | i'll burn another copy of the disc | 18:04 |
MrNaz | yea | 18:04 |
Kangarooo | knome: how? ive allways md5sum myself.. brasero does that? where then brasero gets correct md5sum ? | 18:04 |
knome | Kangarooo, open brasero, see menu edit -> plugins | 18:05 |
knome | Kangarooo, there you have plugins for "file checksum" and "image checksum" | 18:05 |
nicofs | is anyone here familiar with mobile broadband? my connection isn't working properly. sometimes i get connected instantly, sometimes the connection only works after trying several times. sometimes it doesn't work at all - yet if i delete the connection and set up a new one sometimes this solves the problem. i just don't see a pattern there. any ideas? | 18:06 |
knome | nicofs, have you tried it with other devices than your xubuntu pc? | 18:06 |
nicofs | knome: well the device is integrated into the netbook... | 18:07 |
Kangarooo | knome: ok so i have thouse pugins by default checked on. so how they get md5sum is it in iso? and if i remove plugin it will make disk will a lot files burning faster? | 18:07 |
knome | Kangarooo, i don't know how the plugins work, but yes, i'd expect burning to be faster if you disable those plugins | 18:07 |
Kangarooo | *will->with | 18:07 |
knome | nicofs, an eeepc? | 18:07 |
nicofs | knome acer Aspire one 531 | 18:08 |
nicofs | knome: sorry... 532 | 18:08 |
MrNaz | hmm | 18:09 |
knome | nicofs, maybe try browsing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne | 18:10 |
MrNaz | it seems i burned the iso image onto a DVD+R | 18:10 |
Kangarooo | + | 18:10 |
MrNaz | they're all just white unmarked discs which is why i didnt notice | 18:10 |
knome | MrNaz, well, clearly, that won't work :P | 18:10 |
MrNaz | however, what's weird is that i did the exact same thing with a winxp cd | 18:10 |
MrNaz | and an iso of a winxp install disc | 18:10 |
MrNaz | which is happily installing now on the PC next to me | 18:10 |
knome | nicofs, also, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks | 18:11 |
knome | MrNaz, maybe the pc you're on can't boot from dvd :P | 18:11 |
MrNaz | funny that... it's <1 year old while the other one is circa 2006 | 18:13 |
MrNaz | meh | 18:13 |
MrNaz | its obviously a night of weirdness | 18:13 |
MrNaz | xubuntu burning to cd now | 18:13 |
MrNaz | ill get this installed and then i'll do to bed | 18:13 |
nicofs | knome: i know that my model is not fully supported but the modem is not mentioned as not working; the thing is, that it seems to be working at random - and i don't know what to do about it. for certain periods it works well and sometimes it just doesn't... | 18:15 |
knome | nicofs, no, sorry, i don't have any special idea | 18:16 |
IStorm | I've just started using Empathy, and I love it. However, it seems there is an issue about sound notifications. I've found the generally accepted fix for it (installing a package, then setting a sound theme), but xfce doesn't seem to support sound themes to the best of my knowledge. Any thoughts? | 18:20 |
knome | IStorm, i don't have experience on empathy myself, but i'm wondering if those sound themes might mean *empathy sound themes* ) | 18:22 |
knome | :) | 18:22 |
Kangarooo | IStorm: im guessing sound theme is sound pack for all notifications in Empaty. that has nothing to do with Distro. if themes can be chosen in programm then programm makes that sound hteme run couse they are only for that programm Empaty | 18:22 |
Kangarooo | if its really not working post bug report ill try to confirm it IStorm | 18:24 |
IStorm | Everyone who has said anything about the issue has said, "get sound-theme-freedesktop, then go to preferences->sound->sound theme, and change from ubuntu to default. | 18:28 |
IStorm | Actually, I don't think it needs reported any more than it has been, there are hundreds of noted examples. My assumption is that the programmer calls the gui's sound routines rather than handling it's own. This isn't bad programming, or a bug, with the exception that Xfce doesn't have sound themes. | 18:33 |
MrNaz | wtf | 18:58 |
MrNaz | i just burned a fresh copy | 18:58 |
MrNaz | still wont book | 18:58 |
MrNaz | boot* | 18:58 |
nicofs | how can i change my cpu speed / fan speed? | 19:29 |
moetunes | !info cpufreqd | nicofs | 19:48 |
ubottu | nicofs: cpufreqd (source: cpufreqd): fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 83 kB, installed size 392 kB | 19:48 |
nicofs | moetunes : thanks | 19:50 |
moetunes | np :] | 19:50 |
nicofs | moetunes: how do i use it? | 19:52 |
moetunes | nicofs: there's a good how to I found - one min | 19:52 |
nicofs | moetunes: no problem, thanks again | 19:53 |
moetunes | nicofs: http://www.go2linux.org/how-to-configure-cpufreqd | 19:54 |
Sysi | afaik kernel should automatically scale cpu frequency | 19:56 |
moetunes | the ondemand governor has been taken out | 19:58 |
nicofs | moetunes: fails at first check... doesn't show loaded modules... | 19:58 |
moetunes | nicofs: you may have to load the module manually or reboot | 19:59 |
nicofs | hmm... i'll go for a rebbot... | 20:00 |
nicofs | moetunes: reboot doesn't help. how would i load them manually? | 20:02 |
moetunes | nicofs: you may need to install the modules - what's in /lib/modules? | 20:03 |
nicofs | 2.6.32-2x-generic, where x is 1 to 3 | 20:04 |
moetunes | nicofs: what does ls /lib/modules/*/kernel/arch/*/kernel/cpu/cpufreq return? | 20:06 |
nicofs | e_powersaver.ko and p4-clockmod.ko | 20:07 |
moetunes | nicofs: so sudo modprobe p4-clockmod | 20:08 |
nicofs | "Device orr resource busy" | 20:08 |
nicofs | moetunes: is there no "click&go" task bar applet? | 20:09 |
moetunes | nicofs: not as far as I know - there might be | 20:10 |
moetunes | try sudo service cpufreqd stop && sudo modprobe p4-clockmod && sudo service cpufreqd start | 20:11 |
nicofs | moetunes *sigh* i really like linux... but it always turns out to be connected to work and trouble... UMTS not working, card reader not working, cpu not adjustable... if i had to give customer advice i'd have to advice against it... | 20:12 |
nicofs | "device or resource busy" | 20:13 |
Sysi | it's (too) much about your hardware :| | 20:13 |
Sysi | (if you're comparing to windows it don't often work either, at least easily) | 20:14 |
nicofs | i mean... a cpu clocking applet is integrated in ubuntu but not in xubuntu? why? | 20:15 |
Sysi | it used to be | 20:16 |
nicofs | and that ubuntu one is worse than windows live ID | 20:16 |
Sysi | propably it's about xfce development | 20:16 |
Sysi | can you *do* something with win live? | 20:17 |
Sysi | this is offtopic btw. | 20:17 |
nicofs | what help is ubuntu one other than infecting my pidgin? | 20:17 |
Sysi | idk, never even tried it | 20:17 |
nicofs | yes it is... but apparently we are not interrupting anyone else.. and i have given up on improving my netbook for today... | 20:18 |
Sysi | if you think ubuntu is "hard" try arch :P | 20:18 |
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Sysi | my opinion is, that linux don't always work but when it does it's definateky the best | 20:19 |
nicofs | certainly... but try to get it to work... if you have "exotic" needs like mobile broadband... | 20:20 |
Sysi | working well for me :P | 20:20 |
nicofs | well, mine is on random... | 20:20 |
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nicofs | i haven't found out yet on what pattern it is - or is not - working... | 20:21 |
Sysi | osx could "just work" but always when i try it i start banging my head to desk at some point | 20:21 |
moetunes | good luck nicofs | 20:22 |
=== thoffmeyer|AFK is now known as thoffmeyer | ||
nicofs | i am a student of informatics... but somehow they don't teach us how to get things going... | 20:23 |
Sysi | i've learned from google and my debian friend | 20:23 |
nicofs | but i could cite 4 ways to sort strings in Haskell, ADA and Java... | 20:23 |
Sysi | i don't really know even HTML | 20:26 |
nicofs | why would anyone need to know that... WYSIWYG-Editors do that... | 20:26 |
Sysi | all of them i know suck pretty much | 20:27 |
nicofs | and nowadays websites (annoyingly) are either flash or javascript anyway so that they use up 50% CPU instantly... | 20:27 |
nicofs | 4 years ago, i would have laughed at anyone who told me that 1,6GHz are not enough to surf the internet... | 20:28 |
Sysi | i can't browse web even with this 2.4 dual without adblock very well | 20:28 |
nicofs | that's what i mean... it's terrible... and in most cases it would be perfectly ok without flash/java | 20:29 |
Sysi | i hate when i cannot use tabs because of those | 20:30 |
nicofs | looking for a fast and lightweight browser? well... might as well look for a whool-and-milk-giving pig that can lay eggs... | 20:31 |
Kangarooo | nicofs: Sysi: i can confirm this.. thats wery sad but on windows i was able to that very well.. i hope that this gets fixed very fast. problem is that something is working too slow.. too long way for code to load programms.. :( | 20:31 |
Sysi | hope lies in html5 | 20:32 |
Sysi | flash don't work well os osx either :) | 20:32 |
Kangarooo | actually i can recomend midori and another i forgot very fast both but i dont use them couse i wand addons.. | 20:32 |
Kangarooo | Sysi: that makes me hapier :) | 20:32 |
nicofs | it's going wrong everywhere... hardware companies don't support linux... websites are overloaded with code/flash... browsers become bigger and bigger... | 20:33 |
Kangarooo | nicofs: even bigger doesnt make them slower in windows.. bad is that they are unresponsive in linux- not very fast.. | 20:34 |
nicofs | i'm happy that at least IRC is still being used... at least that's lightweight and efficient... | 20:34 |
Kangarooo | im guessing problem is maybe in xorg or in kernel .. i dont know how they work just guessing | 20:34 |
Sysi | progress isn't for good direction for many times | 20:34 |
Sysi | but many things do are easier now | 20:35 |
Kangarooo | also progress is going a little wrong.. geforce fx 5500 is working badder after 10.04 update.. | 20:35 |
nicofs | but most people are just happy the way it is or don't bother - they just go and buy the next quad-core intel i-something, use the latest windows and so on... | 20:35 |
nicofs | why should 1,6GHz not be enough? | 20:36 |
Kangarooo | ive seen many older cards getting unsuported.. like deleted from kernel | 20:36 |
Sysi | Kangarooo: afaik that happened to most of nvidias | 20:36 |
Sysi | even worse with newer :S | 20:36 |
nicofs | they have to remove things from the kernel... otherwise it would be to big... | 20:37 |
Kangarooo | nicofs: it should be enogh.. something in xorg or kernel.. maybe something else also can be slowing system | 20:37 |
Sysi | Kangarooo: propietary driver? | 20:37 |
nicofs | well, firefox, flash and java is slowing the system... | 20:37 |
Sysi | i'm freakish and using nouveau | 20:38 |
Sysi | dualhead working well, even betterly after my good friend wrote xorg.conf | 20:38 |
nicofs | take youtube, for instance - download the *.flv and play it with VLC and you save half the CPU work... | 20:39 |
Kangarooo | nicofs: thats what i thought theyr doing.. :( then they should make some different kernel coding.. like not putting all drivers but using Dont repeat yourself code.. some code lines maybe are the same for 1/2 of all cards.. and so making all code with similarities in one line then making variable use for each card different code line | 20:39 |
Sysi | i don't have much problems with 'tube even on netbook | 20:40 |
nicofs | i'm not saying its not working... it's using more resources than it needs... | 20:40 |
Kangarooo | Sysi: im now having 173 nvidia driver.. that works better. other option is 93 or 95 nvidia.. 178 or smth or 183 is next but my card isnt in there.. | 20:40 |
Sysi | ofc nvidia wants you to BUY new card | 20:41 |
Kangarooo | yes something is beeing processed too long.. we should make programmers aware of that that all programmers are aware of that so they finaly start doing code right.. Xorg or kernel or what else could be in front of all linux programms that could be slowing all | 20:42 |
Sysi | i thought installing windows on my netbooks new SSD | 20:43 |
Sysi | ~20GB partiton.. no way | 20:44 |
Sysi | xp is pain to install from usb | 20:44 |
Kangarooo | sad that comp beeing unsuported but ok im buying new comp this month.. and this time very fast.. old one if somebody wants i can give passwords for ssh so somebody can use it as server or for some test for nvida 5500 or some other hardware or to triage all bugs this comp has produced | 20:44 |
nicofs | i had to realise, that changing from HDD to SSD didn't improve much... | 20:44 |
Kangarooo | nicofs: about window or xubuntu ssd didnt improve much? | 20:45 |
nicofs | xubuntu | 20:45 |
Sysi | nicofs: what kinda machine? | 20:45 |
nicofs | Acer Aspire One 532 | 20:45 |
Kangarooo | whaat? ssd very fast.. booting in 5-20 seconds im guesing ? | 20:46 |
Sysi | 5400rpm hdd isn't fast but uses much electricity | 20:46 |
Sysi | all ssd:s aren't fast, what mark/model do you have? | 20:46 |
nicofs | well... "unable to detect available WMID devices" accounts for additional 15 seconds of boot | 20:46 |
nicofs | and booting wasn't improved by SSD at all... | 20:46 |
nicofs | well... 180 Euros to find that out... | 20:47 |
Sysi | ugh | 20:47 |
Sysi | i'm gonna buy two for that price | 20:47 |
nicofs | 60GB? | 20:47 |
Sysi | 30+30 kingston | 20:48 |
Sysi | i don't need more for netbook and desktop can have other disks | 20:48 |
Kangarooo | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqefSHEx7kE in 7 seconds booted in 15second already opened 10 programms using SSD | 20:48 |
nicofs | yes... but not on a netbook | 20:50 |
Sysi | how about battery life? | 20:50 |
nicofs | not properly tested yet... im in the middle of exams... but after that extended tours to lakes&leisure activities will test the battery... | 20:51 |
Sysi | summer holiday \o/ | 20:52 |
nicofs | well... more like leave, but yes... | 20:53 |
nicofs | btw is there some sort of off-topic-gereneric-chat-channel? | 21:01 |
knome | nicofs, #xubuntu-offtopic | 21:01 |
nicofs | hmm... could have gotten there by guessing... | 21:02 |
Sysi | that's kinda dead, i could join there again | 21:02 |
nicofs | well... might as well stay here... | 21:03 |
nicofs | i think that as long as we are not interfering with actual support... | 21:03 |
nicofs | sunday evening... what kind of nerd would be online now...? ^^ | 21:04 |
Sysi | all of them? :P | 21:04 |
nicofs | hmm... you've got a point there... | 21:05 |
nicofs | but those nerds tend to not need support... | 21:05 |
JenGirl2333 | Hi everybody, I just got an iPod Touch and am trying to sync my music with the computer. I'm using Xubuntu.. Anybody know how? | 21:07 |
Sysi | first try would be exaile | 21:08 |
TheSheep | !ipod | 21:08 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 21:08 |
JenGirl2333 | yeah, but when I plug it in using the cord into the usb, it doesn't seem to recognize it | 21:11 |
JenGirl2333 | like in the video it's seems to easy, he just plugs it in, and it works... but for me it's not | 21:12 |
Sysi | brand new device? | 21:12 |
JenGirl2333 | yeah, I've been using it for a week or so, but this is the first time I've tried to use it with my xubuntu computer... my dad used his windows machine to set it up | 21:13 |
Sysi | new (apple) stuff is ~always difficult | 21:13 |
JenGirl2333 | I know! :-) | 21:13 |
JenGirl2333 | I would hate to have to switch over to windows just because of an iPod, I really want to stay a linux-only user! | 21:14 |
nicofs | tell that Steve Jobs... | 21:15 |
JenGirl2333 | lol | 21:15 |
Sysi | i'd pretty much hate to have to use ipod :P (don't like their GUIs very much) | 21:15 |
likemindead | Rhythmbox may work, JenGirl2333. | 21:15 |
likemindead | Or Banshee. | 21:15 |
JenGirl2333 | I've actually got both Banshee and Rhythmbox installed, but when I load them up they don't seem to see my iPod Touch... I thinking the problem may be that I need to mount it, but I'm not sure how to do that | 21:16 |
nicofs | JenGirl2333: try "lsusb" in a console, it should give you all connected usb devices | 21:17 |
nicofs | check if your iPod is listed... | 21:19 |
JenGirl2333 | nicofs, yeah, it looks like it's listed: Bus 002 Device 010: ID 05ac:1293 Apple, Inc. | 21:20 |
nicofs | hmm... if i knew how exactly mount works, i'd help you to mount it... ^^ | 21:22 |
JenGirl2333 | hmmm | 21:24 |
Sysi | dunno if ipods are really mounted | 21:25 |
nicofs | well they must be in some way... otherwise how would any programme access the files... | 21:25 |
Sysi | afaik mount only works for /dev/sdXX things | 21:25 |
Sysi | !iPhone | 21:28 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 21:28 |
JenGirl2333 | hmmm | 21:29 |
=== Kangarooo1 is now known as Kangarooo | ||
slow-motion | n8 | 22:54 |
Kangarooo | i want to try 10.10 xubuntu so ill do just update-manager -d yes? and how to get back in case it even doesnt start? | 23:02 |
dahaic | reinstall? | 23:21 |
Kangarooo | dahaic: there should be some command that i can use in grub command line to downdgrade also | 23:21 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: you can press esc at boot and choose the old kernel, but all the other files has already been replaced | 23:34 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: it's an in-place upgrade, there is simply no old system anymore | 23:34 |
Kangarooo | TheSheep: but somehow i can still downgrade? | 23:37 |
Sysi | yeah, by reinstalling entire system | 23:39 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: well, if it doesn't boot, it's usually because of the kernel, so going back t oold kernel should be enough | 23:41 |
TheSheep | Kangarooo: also, I hope you did make a backup like they tell you in all the tutorials | 23:41 |
Kangarooo | TheSheep: but on -d doing updgrade then old kernels are beeing removed yes? | 23:42 |
Kangarooo | is it also possible before doing that to confirm that it will work? | 23:45 |
TheSheep | I think it leaves at least one last kernel | 23:47 |
Kangarooo | yes thats what ive noticed so ill have only one.. eh ok since no downgrade possible then ill back up first all then try -d | 23:48 |
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