usuario__ | ola | 00:31 |
=== usuario__ is now known as khrystiann | ||
khrystiann | ola | 00:33 |
khrystiann | hello | 00:33 |
Reallycool | My KDE seems to have some issues with suspend/wake up, it will sometimes take a long time to suspend, take a long time to wake up, or seemingly crash on wake up, any possible fixes? | 00:34 |
sleepwlker | Hey guys | 00:50 |
sleepwlker | I've been using Kubuntu for a few days now | 00:50 |
sleepwlker | and I've been noticing that my internet connection is horribly unstable | 00:50 |
sleepwlker | Within 2 minutes I went from 15 Mb/s to 1 Mb/s to 10 Mb/s to 5 Mb/s and so forth | 00:51 |
sleepwlker | it was horribly spiked | 00:51 |
sleepwlker | Anyone know a reason for this? | 00:51 |
mase_wk | internet connection or network connection ? | 00:52 |
sleepwlker | The computer is connected to a wireless network | 00:52 |
sleepwlker | and then I also share the connection through an ethernet to my Xbox | 00:52 |
sleepwlker | Even without the xbox on though it tends to spike | 00:53 |
sleepwlker | and internet connection | 00:53 |
sleepwlker | The results were from | 00:53 |
mase_wk | so this is all connected to a router ? | 00:53 |
mase_wk | ds/cable modem ? | 00:53 |
sleepwlker | My computer is connected via a wireless PCI card | 00:54 |
sleepwlker | to a Linksys Wireless N Router | 00:54 |
sleepwlker | Actually | 00:54 |
sleepwlker | technically it goes to the EnGenius Wireless N Booster | 00:54 |
sleepwlker | Which boosts the signal from the Wireless N Router | 00:54 |
mase_wk | sleepwlker: ok. so first off have you tried connecting via ethernet ? | 00:55 |
sleepwlker | No, my computer is on the other side of my house from the router | 00:55 |
mase_wk | basically i'm trying to work out if you have an issue with your wireless network connection, or the connection between your modem and your computer | 00:55 |
sleepwlker | Well | 00:55 |
sleepwlker | On my Windows Partition | 00:55 |
sleepwlker | I never saw any lag spikes | 00:55 |
sleepwlker | it was constantly around 5 Mb/s | 00:56 |
mase_wk | ok well you need to isolate the network from the internet | 00:56 |
mase_wk | so you need to test internally | 00:56 |
sleepwlker | :S | 00:56 |
mase_wk | and once you have established where the problem is | 00:56 |
mase_wk | we can start to debug it. | 00:56 |
sleepwlker | Hmm | 00:57 |
mase_wk | at the moment with the tests you have done, you can't rule out internet issues. | 00:57 |
sleepwlker | Maybe I should try to install my Wireless N receiever | 00:57 |
mase_wk | its likely that your having issues with the wireless component | 00:57 |
sleepwlker | You see, I have this Wireless N USB Adapter | 00:57 |
mase_wk | but wer can't say for sure | 00:57 |
sleepwlker | But when I did the Makefile thing for the Linux driver | 00:57 |
sleepwlker | it had oodles of errors | 00:57 |
mase_wk | make file ? | 00:57 |
mase_wk | wtf ? | 00:58 |
mase_wk | why were you compiling it? | 00:58 |
mase_wk | is it not in the distro ? | 00:58 |
sleepwlker | I have no clue | 00:58 |
mase_wk | i assume this is the kernel module ? | 00:58 |
sleepwlker | I was listening to some guy in this iRC | 00:58 |
sleepwlker | He was telling me what to do, I just did it | 00:58 |
mase_wk | if your having to compile kernel drivers then its probably not in the supported kernel | 00:59 |
sleepwlker | Ok yeah | 00:59 |
sleepwlker | I'm really new to Linux | 00:59 |
sleepwlker | so I really have no idea what I'm doing lol | 00:59 |
sleepwlker | I've been using Windows for 17 years | 01:00 |
mase_wk | ok well, because the hardware companies typically only write windows drivers, there is a lag between some hardware and the stable drivers being written | 01:00 |
mase_wk | sometimes through lack of documentation stable drivers are never written. This is the fault of the company who makes the hardware | 01:00 |
mase_wk | so it's likely you have one of those devices which either is in the development process or is lacking documentation | 01:01 |
sleepwlker | Well | 01:01 |
mase_wk | hence why it's not included in the standard supported kernel | 01:01 |
sleepwlker | I googled it | 01:01 |
sleepwlker | and found this | 01:01 |
sleepwlker | | 01:01 |
mase_wk | i really woudn't recommend getting any software via googling it | 01:02 |
sleepwlker | Yeah well | 01:02 |
sleepwlker | How would I get it then? :S | 01:02 |
mase_wk | in the linux world you should get the software from your distro | 01:02 |
mase_wk | in its repositoris | 01:03 |
mase_wk | repositories* | 01:03 |
sleepwlker | How would I go about doing that? | 01:03 |
mase_wk | if its not supported then it won't make it to the distro usually until it is supported | 01:03 |
mase_wk | kpackagekit | 01:03 |
mase_wk | on kubuntu | 01:03 |
mase_wk | software center on ubuntu | 01:03 |
sleepwlker | This is sounding alot like JailBreaking on the iTouch | 01:04 |
sleepwlker | What are the chances my driver will be in there? | 01:04 |
mase_wk | this has been in place for a very long time and is the preferred way to get software | 01:04 |
mase_wk | well it won't help you in this case, because it sounds like your card is unsupported | 01:05 |
mase_wk | at least for this release | 01:05 |
mase_wk | so the chances are you won't be able to get it working in a stable fashion under linux until they actually release the driver | 01:05 |
mase_wk | having said that you have not done any isolation tests to ensure that it is the problem your experiencing | 01:06 |
sleepwlker | I'm not talking about the PCI card | 01:06 |
sleepwlker | that is the unstable network adapter | 01:06 |
sleepwlker | I'm talking about my USB adapter | 01:06 |
sleepwlker | Eh | 01:06 |
mase_wk | well if you have a usb adapter and its supported you just plug it in | 01:06 |
sleepwlker | Hmm | 01:06 |
mase_wk | and it all works | 01:06 |
mase_wk | no installation no anything | 01:06 |
sleepwlker | Are most laptop's built in wifi cards supported by Linux? | 01:07 |
mase_wk | most yes, there are a few companies like broadcom which don't release their drivers | 01:07 |
mase_wk | and thus the chipsets are a bit flakey | 01:07 |
sleepwlker | Ah | 01:07 |
mase_wk | but anything intel usually works. | 01:07 |
sleepwlker | Because I'll be getting a new laptop hopefully in the next year or so | 01:07 |
mase_wk | atheros generallly works | 01:07 |
sleepwlker | And I'd like to be able to dual boot Linux and Windows on it | 01:08 |
mase_wk | ralink | 01:08 |
sleepwlker | I'm so sick of this computer | 01:08 |
sleepwlker | 512 MB of RAM is so awful | 01:08 |
mase_wk | that is sort of on the low side but i only have 1G in this box and that runs fine | 01:08 |
mase_wk | YMMV | 01:08 |
sleepwlker | Eh | 01:09 |
sleepwlker | I'm hoping to get atleast 4GB on my new laptop | 01:09 |
mase_wk | wow | 01:09 |
sleepwlker | If I had all the money in the world I'd go for atleast 8 | 01:09 |
sleepwlker | but sadly my budget is restricted to however much money my parents are going to chip in | 01:09 |
mase_wk | it depends what yoru doing but overall kubuntu / ubuntu is reasonably light. i can do all my work with 1G on my laptop. I have 2G on my desktop for graphics work | 01:10 |
sleepwlker | Yeah | 01:10 |
sleepwlker | Yeah | 01:11 |
sleepwlker | I'm figuring I'll do some gaming somewhere along the line | 01:11 |
sleepwlker | as welll as many other things | 01:11 |
mase_wk | k | 01:11 |
sleepwlker | I don't mind having low RAM per say | 01:11 |
sleepwlker | it's the fact that this computer is maxed out at 512 MB | 01:11 |
sleepwlker | it can't go any higher | 01:11 |
mase_wk | yeh well if you have the budget go for it. no one ever complained about having too much free RAM :) | 01:12 |
H4R01D_ | hi there | 01:13 |
sleepwlker | Hello | 01:13 |
H4R01D_ | does somebody here use the meanwhile plugin for connecting to sametime servers | 01:14 |
H4R01D_ | using kopete | 01:14 |
H4R01D_ | ?? | 01:14 |
sleepwlker | You know what I want to see | 01:14 |
sleepwlker | A commercially produced competitor for the iPod Touch | 01:14 |
sleepwlker | running a Linux based OS | 01:14 |
sleepwlker | Cause I can't stand Apple | 01:14 |
sleepwlker | I hate them | 01:15 |
mase_wk | sleepwlker: i just use my android phone | 01:15 |
sleepwlker | I can't afford one of them | 01:15 |
mase_wk | well its not that they don't exist then :) | 01:15 |
sleepwlker | xD | 01:15 |
mase_wk | its just you can't afford it | 01:15 |
sleepwlker | I mean something that you don't have to buy a 2 year phone plan with | 01:15 |
sleepwlker | I'm already on an AT&T plan | 01:15 |
mase_wk | well again you don't | 01:15 |
sleepwlker | until the end of this year I believe | 01:15 |
mase_wk | i didn't buy my phone on a plan | 01:15 |
sleepwlker | You didn't? | 01:15 |
mase_wk | nup, | 01:15 |
sleepwlker | Doesn't it cost alot more then? | 01:16 |
mase_wk | well yeh because your phone company isn't subsidizing the cost | 01:16 |
sleepwlker | Yeah | 01:17 |
sleepwlker | $529 is a little over my budget | 01:17 |
sleepwlker | especially when I don't have a job | 01:17 |
sleepwlker | the $150 I paid for mine was much more reasonable | 01:17 |
sleepwlker | At the end of the year maybe I'll change to Verizon | 01:17 |
sleepwlker | and get me a Droid | 01:17 |
mase_wk | the nokia N series will all use Linux shortly too i beleive. there will be a bunch of phones coming out shortly so you will have your pick | 01:19 |
sleepwlker | I'll probably just get the cheapest one | 01:20 |
sleepwlker | Idk what I just did | 01:24 |
sleepwlker | but it was awesome | 01:24 |
sleepwlker | Anyone here familiar with HTML/CSS? | 01:26 |
James147 | sleepwlker: alittle | 01:29 |
sleepwlker | Ok | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | Well | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | For some reason | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | I've got some divisions on my page | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | and the borders surrounding them | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | won't show up on some web browsers | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | It works fin eon my Firefox | 01:30 |
FloodBotK2 | sleepwlker: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | but not on my iPod Touch Safariy | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | Safari* | 01:30 |
sleepwlker | or on my dad's Windows Vista IE browser | 01:31 |
James147 | sleepwlker: thats mostly because alot of web browsers dont follow html properly :) | 01:31 |
sleepwlker | :S | 01:32 |
sleepwlker | So does that mean I'll have no compatability with Safari or IE? :S | 01:32 |
James147 | sleepwlker: you can... its jsut not as simple as it should be | 01:32 |
sleepwlker | Any ideas how I'd fix it? | 01:33 |
James147 | sleepwlker: not off by hand sorry :( | 01:33 |
sleepwlker | Idk why IE and Safari even exist | 01:34 |
sleepwlker | Firefox is where it's at | 01:34 |
James147 | sleepwlker: i like chromium better :) | 01:34 |
sleepwlker | Eh | 01:35 |
James147 | S3Indiana: is a good test to see how well your bowser renders html :0 | 01:36 |
angel | wenas | 04:19 |
sleepwlker | Hey peoples | 04:45 |
sleepwlker | Who here is good with HTML/CSS? | 04:45 |
wolfan | hello | 05:26 |
wolfan | is there anyone out there | 05:26 |
wolfan | testing this | 05:26 |
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=== Mike_ is now known as Guest35334 | ||
Soldier3 | Help me install adobe flash in forefox (kubuntu 9.10 i386) | 06:37 |
matrixx | hi :) | 08:48 |
bittin | hi | 08:48 |
matrixx | I just installed kubuntu first time, but I have a problem with my graphics card/drivers | 08:48 |
bittin | ah ok, post your question here and somone might be able to help you | 08:49 |
matrixx | ok, great :) | 08:49 |
matrixx | I installed the nvidia linux driver and now my screen flickers | 08:50 |
matrixx | I have a 42" tv connected and I had the same problem in windows. It fixed in there when I changed the color model to YCbCr444 | 08:50 |
matrixx | but I can't see anywhere to change the color model in kubuntu :( | 08:51 |
matrixx | rgb just doesn't play fine in my tv apparently :/ | 08:51 |
bittin | can't help you with that :( | 08:52 |
matrixx | it's ok, I've already asked from quite a lot of people and they can't either :/ | 08:52 |
matrixx | but let's see if someone here has had similar problems :) | 08:52 |
trinity-303 | hello guys. i've got a question about kubuntu reinstallation. i've got its .iso file on my flash drive, but it obviously wouldn't load during the reboot. is there any way to 'convert' .iso into execulatable booting file so that i could install it? also: i've already got kubuntu on this laptop, do i have to delete it or anything? or do i just install new kubuntu on it and it will be overidden? thank you. | 09:10 |
bazhang | trinity-303, unetbootin will create a bootable flash drive from an iso | 09:10 |
trinity-303 | PS: i am a newbie, so sorry if I worded the things wrongly | 09:11 |
bazhang | trinity-303, you need a working system of some kind to perform the operation though; linux / windows | 09:11 |
trinity-303 | i am on windows at the monet, fully working. could you tell me step by step what i should do (if it's okay) | 09:12 |
trinity-303 | moment* | 09:12 |
bazhang | trinity-303, and reinstalling will automatically overwrite whatever was there before, unless you manually partition it not to do so | 09:12 |
bazhang | has a windows version | 09:12 |
bazhang | run unetbootin, point it at the iso, have the flash drive already installed and it will do it | 09:13 |
bazhang | err inserted not installed | 09:13 |
trinity-303 | ! oh thank you,i think i've got it wha ti have to do. will try! x | 09:14 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:14 |
bazhang | trinity-303, it may take a bit of time to 'burn ' it to the flash drive, so be patient; be sure to set in your bios to boot from usb as well, when you are ready to install | 09:15 |
trinity-303 | yep, i've done that before:) it was just the problem with .iso file not booting:S thank you!!! | 09:16 |
funcrush | Hi, I got WD my passport essential 500GB (extenal drive), but it is not recgnized in Kubuntu and it sounds just tik, tik, tik,... anybody help me? | 09:24 |
trinity-303 | i have got another question now:) my kubuntu installer loads now.. but the problem (i think) is with graphics or something. the gui looks horrible and it's impossible to install anything since i cannot see any options. any way to do anything? | 09:26 |
=== roman is now known as Guest24048 | ||
poyntz | kpackagekit won't work in kde 4.4. how can i fix this? | 10:40 |
ofir | hi | 11:20 |
bittin | hi | 11:20 |
ofir | is there anyone here who speaks Portuguese? | 11:20 |
ofir | or at least knows how to read Portuguese...? | 11:21 |
slow-motion | hi | 11:29 |
bittin | hi | 11:30 |
Gecko | hey there. I have a pretty stylish kde desktop, but my theming settings have influenced gtk apps in a not very nice way. Is there any way of overriding what gtk theme to use? | 11:40 |
Gecko | my openoffice documents are blue for one thing... | 11:40 |
gaurav__ | hi | 11:47 |
gaurav__ | can i give my browser firefox look and feel of kDE | 11:48 |
gaurav__ | ?? | 11:48 |
Torch | gaurav__: there's a firefox theme trying to mimick oxygen | 12:00 |
Torch | gaurav__: it's more look than feel. | 12:00 |
dengguangcai | 222 | 12:10 |
zeltak | hya..anyone knows of a way to get the date a line below the time (apart from the adjustable-clock-plasmoid which is crashey)? | 13:17 |
=== amir_ is now known as Guest36380 | ||
slow-motion | bye | 14:18 |
torsten_ | hello, my printer HP Laserjet 1010 doesnt print anymore. Printing orders are in orders-waitinglist. But the order seems not arrive the printer. What can I do? Printer is recognized correctly by CUPS as far as I can evaluate that. | 14:23 |
jinzougen | I'm trying to upgrade some packaged with aptitude, but the IP address for the source of packages is not found (404). Is there a mirror or something I can tell it to use, and how? | 14:32 |
Mamarok | jinzougen: there are plenty of mirrors | 14:36 |
Mamarok | jinzougen: start kpackagekit, you can change the server to download from in the Settings | 14:39 |
oxymoron | Whats the idea of Kopete using Kwallet if I need to type my account passwords anyway? :S xD | 14:43 |
jinzougen | Mamarok, thanks | 14:48 |
Mamarok | oxymoron: you only type the wallet password once when the first application asks for it, and you can store the passwords for all KDE apps in the wallet | 14:53 |
Mamarok | and you shouldn't use the same password for the wallet and the account... | 14:53 |
Mamarok | provided you actually use the option "allow always" in the wallet for all the apps you store | 14:54 |
=== BenJohnson is now known as honda | ||
oxymoron | Mamarok: Why not use same password on kwallet and accounts? :P And hten I have allow always, but it still asks for password for every account when sstarting Kopete | 15:14 |
Mamarok | well, then I don't know | 15:14 |
Mamarok | using the same password for your user account and the wallet is a bad idea security wise | 15:14 |
oxymoron | Mamarok: COULD it be a bug if Kwallet password has same password as the accounts? :P | 15:15 |
Mamarok | my wallet asks ke once in a session only | 15:15 |
Mamarok | that I don't know | 15:15 |
oxymoron | Mamarok: Yeye, I am the only user anyway on my computer. | 15:15 |
Mamarok | you can search the bugs database for kwallet | 15:15 |
Mamarok | oxymoron: your choice | 15:15 |
oxymoron | ? | 15:15 |
Mamarok | yes | 15:15 |
Misterio | How to enable gtk support in QT? | 15:38 |
BluesKaj | Misterio, just install a gtk app like synaptic and all the dependencies will come down | 15:39 |
Misterio | BluesKaj: So if I install firefox, will it works? | 15:40 |
BluesKaj | FF not working ? | 15:40 |
Misterio | BluesKaj: I tried it with an old version of kubuntu, and it had strange theme, like win 95 | 15:41 |
Misterio | and cannot change | 15:41 |
BluesKaj | that's not FF's fault, that's older version of kubuntu creating the problem | 15:42 |
BluesKaj | Misterio, in the newer kubuntu versions FF has become bloated. i use google-chrome now, it will import all your FF bookmarks and settings | 15:43 |
Misterio | well, it seems it works fine for me | 15:44 |
freinhard | claydoh: ping | 15:51 |
claydoh | freinhard: pong??? | 15:51 |
freinhard | claydoh: just saw you tried to build kmymoney with aqbanking support. two things: | 15:52 |
freinhard | first you need to provide aqbanking 4.2.4 | 15:52 |
claydoh | I know, I forgot that part | 15:52 |
supermagnum | hi, i cannot set the txpower on a atheros card: i get | 15:52 |
supermagnum | Error for wireless request "Set Tx Power" (8B26) : | 15:52 |
supermagnum | SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument. | 15:52 |
freinhard | second you need to apply a patch from trunk | 15:52 |
freinhard | otherwise cmake won't find aqbanking, no matter if it's installed or not | 15:53 |
claydoh | freinhard: :( not enough time in the day for me atm :( I may try this week if I get caught up | 15:53 |
freinhard | claydoh: | 15:53 |
claydoh | thanks! | 15:53 |
claydoh | helping hands are good :) | 15:53 |
* claydoh goes back to eating lunch, then back to work for 12 more hours :( | 15:55 | |
claydoh | freinhard: though it doesn't look too hard for me to figure this out and build aqbqnking | 15:55 |
supermagnum | Can anyone help? | 15:55 |
freinhard | claydoh: well actually it isn't. aqbanking is a simple version bump (lucid provides 4.2.4) and the patch just needs to be put in debian/ | 15:56 |
freinhard | claydoh: 12h? poor boy! | 15:56 |
freinhard | s/4.2.4/4.2.3/ | 15:57 |
claydoh | naw, someone has to be in charge :) | 15:57 |
claydoh | doesn;t it require 4.2.5 or higher? | 15:57 |
freinhard | the cmake file says 4.2.4 | 15:57 |
slow-motion | hi | 15:59 |
freinhard | claydoh: you can backport the package from maverick, should be the easiest way | 16:00 |
AltrortlA | i've lost kde-panel on my desktop i can only run command from konsole by i can't see bottom panel .... what should i do? | 16:47 |
freinhard | AltrortlA: adding a panel would be a good startingpoint | 16:48 |
freinhard | AltrortlA: rightclick on your desktop, unlock the widgets, rightclick again and choose "add panel" | 16:48 |
AltrortlA | freinhard: I can't. RIGHT click mouse don't give me this option | 16:49 |
AltrortlA | panel on the bottom is lost | 16:49 |
AltrortlA | i've also tried to ... sudo apt-get install kde-panel .... it said kde-panel not found | 16:50 |
AltrortlA | i've also tried to ... sudo apt-get install kde-panel .... it said kde-panel not found | 16:52 |
AltrortlA | No tips?? | 16:52 |
nn_ChaS | did you restart? | 16:56 |
Misterio | How can I stop KMail opening automatically messages when I click on them? I would like to open only when I want, no when I select them | 16:58 |
AltrortlA | Yes i have restart it several tiime | 16:59 |
nn_ChaS | what language is your system? | 17:02 |
AltrortlA | Italian | 17:05 |
nn_ChaS | try "kicker" in command | 17:05 |
Misterio | I found; In preferences > apareance | 17:05 |
AltrortlA | kicker is already running | 17:07 |
Misterio | ANybody is using quassel? | 17:10 |
nn_ChaS | isnt there any panel at all ? | 17:11 |
nn_ChaS | i m using quassel | 17:11 |
Misterio | nn_ChaS: Do you know how to add new channels to autojoin? I'm newby with KDE | 17:11 |
nn_ChaS | i m not sure, I thougt ever channel in the list, will be autojoin | 17:12 |
James147 | Misterio: autojoin? at start up? dosnt it do that with all open chanel when you cloed it normally? | 17:12 |
Misterio | James147: Really? then perfect, let's try it | 17:13 |
Misterio | James147: Great! Thank you | 17:14 |
nn_ChaS | @AltrortlA, do you use "The tweak Applet" plugin? | 17:16 |
AltrortlA | I don't know ... | 17:17 |
=== IdleOne is now known as NickSpam | ||
AltrortlA | very newbye | 17:17 |
Kensey | Having issues with Amarok -- it refuses to add any tracks in my MP3 folder to my collection. | 17:17 |
nn_ChaS | did you try right click on desktop and "Adding Panel" or something like that. I m using german version, here it is "Kontrollleiste hinzufügen..." I dont know italian | 17:20 |
mrKalfus | how stable is kubuntu 10.04 booting from a flash drive? | 17:22 |
nn_ChaS | live system or istalled at flash? | 17:23 |
James147 | mrKalfus: Havent seen any prblems with it (from a presistent live USB) | 17:23 |
nn_ChaS | me either | 17:23 |
mrKalfus | i guess live, like i boot it from the flash drive itself... nothing written to my hd | 17:23 |
James147 | mrKalfus: did you install it to the USB (or create a live system using usb-creator or similar)? | 17:25 |
mrKalfus | i downloaded the ISO and used USB creator in windows to put it on the flash drive | 17:25 |
nn_ChaS | I dont think there are diverences in stability compared to othere devices | 17:26 |
James147 | mrKalfus: then its live, why do you ask anyway? | 17:26 |
mrKalfus | well i wanna check out linux w/o installing it on my netbook, so i did the live flash drive option just to check it out, but dont want any problems from it | 17:27 |
nn_ChaS | I tried the same w/o any problems, but I did not installed it | 17:28 |
James147 | mrKalfus: then boot it up and see... you shouldnt have any problems (although you still might) but it should not touch your HDD at all untill you ask it to so it ownt screw anything up | 17:28 |
nn_ChaS | yep | 17:29 |
mrKalfus | ahh ok, thanks james | 17:29 |
James147 | mrKalfus: also if you have a netbook you might want to try the netbook version of kubuntu (if you arent already) | 17:29 |
James147 | mrKalfus: I am finding it very nice as it manages screen space much better on smaller screens :) | 17:30 |
nn_ChaS | you know how it works with win7 at double boot? | 17:31 |
mrKalfus | @chas, i heard win7 w/ netbooks kinda sucks, but i ran winxppro on my netbook and it worked very well | 17:32 |
mrKalfus | i need windows for work, but wanna migrate to linux partly | 17:32 |
nn_ChaS | I have no probs with win7 on my netbook runs perfectly, but it still has the special windows features, like reboot w/o warnig for updating and so on haha | 17:33 |
mrKalfus | i agree, i hate when windows restarts overnight due to some update... if i don't close my itunes, it corrupts my itunes database | 17:35 |
nn_ChaS | true | 17:35 |
James147 | mrKalfus: although that sound like more of a problem with itunes ^^ | 17:35 |
nn_ChaS | but restarting hurts anyway | 17:36 |
James147 | nn_ChaS: o yeah :) love linux for not needing to restart on every minor update :D | 17:37 |
mrKalfus | yeah james, itunes should put some fail safe feature in it for unexpected restarts | 17:37 |
James147 | nn_ChaS: but programs should crupt their own database when asked to close for a reboot :) | 17:37 |
James147 | mrKalfus: it 'shouldnt' be unexpected... windows should ask it to close (although I think it might force it to close if it takes to long) | 17:38 |
mrKalfus | yeah windows has it flaws | 17:39 |
James147 | mrKalfus: everything has its falws :) just some have more then others | 17:39 |
nn_ChaS | yeah ^^ | 17:39 |
mrKalfus | so my netbook has a SSD hd, and i heard that every sector on it can only be written about 10,000 times, so after 10,000 times, then what? | 17:41 |
repu1sion | then everything is over | 17:42 |
repu1sion | ... | 17:42 |
James147 | mrKalfus: your hard disk starts to crupt | 17:42 |
mrKalfus | ouch | 17:42 |
otswim | hi, i get "! LaTeX Error: File `stmaryrd.sty' not found." when trying to compile; which ubuntu packages am i missing? | 17:42 |
James147 | mrKalfus: but 10,000 times for an SSD is a ball park firgure for when they first came out... I think it has improved somewhat | 17:43 |
mrKalfus | ahh, is the same concept for flash drives? likee they can be overwritten so many times | 17:44 |
James147 | mrKalfus: yes | 17:44 |
James147 | mrKalfus: SSD and flash are very similar technologys | 17:45 |
mrKalfus | ahh well thanks guys for helping me out, i'll be back later w/ my kubuntu install | 17:45 |
balvinder | hello all | 18:24 |
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balvinder | i need to find out how to share folders in virtualbox | 18:24 |
balvinder | i have ubuntu installed as host and windows xp as the guest OS | 18:25 |
amabo | i'm trying to install the wireless package for macbooks manually but it's not being updated (after a dpkg install using - any insight? do i have to run 'sudo apt-get upgrade/update' in order for it to take effect? | 19:07 |
mm_202 | Hey guys, whats the difference between nvidia-185.. and nvidia-glx-185... ? | 19:26 |
DarthFrog | One is the video driver and the other is the GLX module. | 19:27 |
mm_202 | ah, k, thank you, DarthFrog. | 19:28 |
mm_202 | Im trying to build install the binary nvidia drivers and trying to find the linux-restricted-modules-common file (using this guide, but the file isnt where I expected it to be in 10.04, could someone point me in the right direction? | 19:37 |
mm_202 | hmm, seems that is the right place but the file just doesnt exist on my system. | 19:41 |
pibarnas | HI folks, is there a list of ftp sources that I can download software? Theres some http restriction here in this proxy so I only can download some apps through ftp ones... | 19:52 |
DarthFrog | What software? | 19:54 |
pibarnas | DarthFrog: kubuntu packages. | 19:56 |
pibarnas | DarthFrog: kpackagekit sources mainly do the thing through http protocol, even with marked ftp sources... | 19:56 |
declan | Hello kubuntu-ers! | 20:00 |
JDK | how do i check my kernal version? | 20:00 |
declan | IS anyone able to help with a wifi problem on netbook version? | 20:00 |
declan | please | 20:00 |
pibarnas | JDK: uname -a? | 20:01 |
JDK | ok | 20:01 |
JDK | thanks | 20:02 |
pibarnas | JDK: np | 20:02 |
pibarnas | declan: isnt it working? | 20:03 |
declan | pibarnas: nope. I'm wired at moment which is a pain in the bum. It worked perfectly for 2 years through various upgrades and today after no install or update, it won't connect. | 20:04 |
pibarnas | hum... weird. | 20:04 |
declan | pibarnas: goes through normal stages for connection and stalls at setting network address | 20:05 |
DarthFrog | pibarnas: re: software installation. Can you use apt-get from a CLI? | 20:05 |
pibarnas | DarthFrog: yep, I can. but I couldnt find direct ftp servers. do they exist? | 20:06 |
declan | Pibarnas: really weird. Not seen this before on kubuntu. changed over from network-manager-kde to the new plasma applet to see if maybe that was problem. But its the same. seems to be network manager itself. | 20:06 |
declan | anyone good with wifi on kde-ubuntu and fancy helping me? I'll smile and say thankyou and everything! | 20:07 |
pibarnas | declan: Im wired right now. And I am not very skilled to help u, sorry. | 20:07 |
moetunes | !info wicd | 20:07 |
ubottu | wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB | 20:07 |
lontra | i've added the kubuntu beta repo to test kde 4.5 rc1 but it doesn't say after i've added it how to actually install it. do i just run apt-get upgrade? | 20:07 |
moetunes | update and upgrade | 20:08 |
Misterio | sudo apt-get update. Then sudo apt-get upgrade | 20:08 |
lontra | ok | 20:08 |
DarthFrog | pibarnas: It covers ftp there. | 20:08 |
DarthFrog | pibarnas: In the section on Editing Repositories. | 20:09 |
lontra | anyone trying 4.5 rc1? is it pretty good | 20:09 |
pibarnas | DarthFrog: let me see. thank you! | 20:09 |
DarthFrog | lontra: Other than plasma-desktop not retaining settings, seems fine to me. | 20:09 |
lontra | ok | 20:09 |
declan | wicd. Heard of that as solution on forums. just wanted to see if there was an obvious thing i can try with NM. I'll install wicd. Thanks! | 20:09 |
lontra | DarthFrog: what do you mean? like every time you log in it hasn't remembered where plasmoids are? | 20:12 |
pibarnas | DarthFrog: yeah, I've already read that... but in that text, it seems I can do it simply changing form http to ftp in sources list... is that correct? for each http repo theres one ftp? | 20:13 |
lontra | DarthFrog: also do you recommend the upgrade from 4.4 to 4.5 rc1? i am quite versed in linux (been using it since 2003) | 20:14 |
DarthFrog | lontra: No, it hasn't remembered that I want a slideshow desktop instead of a single image or that I want Folder View. i.e. it resets back to default. | 20:22 |
DarthFrog | lontra: Recommend? No. Not unless you're wanting to do bug finding and reporting. If you want to upgrade for upgrading sakes, well, that's another matter and up to you. | 20:23 |
DarthFrog | pibarnas: Try it from an ftp command line client? | 20:24 |
* eagles0513875 starts swearing as to why the installation of nvidia-current keeps failing and crashing | 20:36 | |
aneesh | guys, how can i change my grub image? | 20:38 |
aneesh | any one know? | 20:38 |
aneesh | hello | 20:39 |
eagles0513875 | !Patience | aneesh | 20:40 |
ubottu | aneesh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 20:40 |
eagles0513875 | aneesh: is it grub2 or grub1 | 20:40 |
aneesh | grub2 | 20:41 |
aneesh | sorry, am a new comer.. | 20:41 |
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aneesh | its different in 10.04 than that given in forum :( | 20:42 |
sebsebseb | eagles0513875: to late they left now, you could have done !grub2 at them like I was about to do | 20:48 |
eagles0513875 | sebsebseb: i know but some people upgrade from previous releases and might still be on grub-legacy | 20:48 |
sebsebseb | eagles0513875: well after they said Grub 2 | 20:49 |
eagles0513875 | sebsebseb: i was working on something else | 20:49 |
eagles0513875 | and didnt see that till now | 20:49 |
sebsebseb | eagles0513875: oh ok | 20:49 |
eagles0513875 | anyone have any ideas why nvidia-current is crashing with 2.6.32-23 kernel when trying to get it installed? | 20:56 |
eagles0513875 | im not able to get any data on the crash as the collection app keeps crashing | 20:56 |
pibarnas | DarthFrog: no I didnt try it, yet. I will right now. | 20:58 |
pibarnas | DarthFrog: I've tried to browse an ftp server through konqueror, but no success., | 21:00 |
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=== Idhan-netbeans- is now known as Idhan | ||
pibarnas | well, I'll search a little bit more in the web. | 21:06 |
pibarnas | brb | 21:06 |
mrKalfus_ | im running a llive version of kubuntu 10.04 off a thumbdrive; how do i change the default username of kubuntu to something of my choosing? gui or cmd line | 21:21 |
James147 | mrKalfus_: you cant if the live USB is not presistent (something set wqhen creating it) if it is I am not sure how presestent it is (might just be user level stuff) but you can try System settings > advanced > user managment (IIRC) | 21:24 |
mrKalfus_ | i see, it seems like i cant change it. | 21:27 |
James147 | mrKalfus_: not sure if you can "change" the username in linux (never tryed) but you should beable to create a new user | 21:28 |
mrKalfus_ | thats weird, i can change the icon or pw, but no option to add a user. is there a cmd line way? | 21:33 |
mrKalfus_ | found it, just did a apt get kusers | 21:41 |
IppatsuMan | Hi all. I'm using Kubuntu 10.04 . Often tthe KDE shortcuts (like alt + f2, ctrl+esc) stop working, while other shortcuts still work (for example F12 for yakuake). Is it a known bug? | 22:05 |
James147 | IppatsuMan: if its just alt_f2 and crtl+esc that stop then it might just be that krunner has crashed | 22:07 |
IppatsuMan | James147: you're right. Running krunner fixed that (by the way I was also unable to lock the screen - now it works) | 22:11 |
IppatsuMan | when it happened on 9.10 it started again by itself - it just showed a nagging alert | 22:12 |
IppatsuMan | anyway, thanks for the hint | 22:13 |
James147 | IppatsuMan: didnt know screen lock was handled by krunner :S | 22:13 |
IppatsuMan | James147: I didn't know either, that's why I didn't suspect krunner | 22:14 |
cool_n_frosty | could anyone help me with virtual hosting, please? | 22:40 |
cool_n_frosty | i've set up a virtual host for a site, that i also host remotely. how can i browse them both simaltaneously? | 22:42 |
eagles0513875 | !apache2 | codolio | 22:42 |
eagles0513875 | whoops wreong person sry codolio | 22:42 |
eagles0513875 | !apache2 | cool_n_frosty | 22:42 |
eagles0513875 | !apache | cool_n_frosty | 22:42 |
ubottu | cool_n_frosty: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 22:42 |
eagles0513875 | cool_n_frosty: that documentation might help you out with virtual sites | 22:43 |
cool_n_frosty | actually, i am just fine with my LAMP. | 22:43 |
cool_n_frosty | all i need to figure out now is how to be able to browse the same site locally and remotely | 22:44 |
eagles0513875 | cool_n_frosty: that has some information about virtual sites and what not in regards to apache | 22:46 |
eagles0513875 | !info apache2 | 22:46 |
ubottu | apache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.14-5ubuntu8 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB | 22:46 |
cool_n_frosty | as i set up my site on apache2 virtual server locally, every time i try to go to this site that i also host remotely, i get to its local copy. is there any way i can browse them both alternatively? | 22:46 |
daedaluz | hi, krunner crashes and refuses to start again any clue? | 22:50 |
newboon2age | in some kubuntu-related documentation i say 'KCM' referred to. Does anyone have a guess what KCM is? The documentation didn't say. | 22:54 |
newboon2age | s/say/saw | 22:55 |
IppatsuMan | newboon2age: KCM is an acronym for KDE Configuration Module, each "applet" that you find in "System Settings" is a kcm | 22:59 |
newboon2age | daedaluz: I can't tell much beyond the obvious -- krunner is triggering a DBus error, but you probably figured that out already. | 22:59 |
newboon2age | IppatsuMan: ah, that totally makes sense in the context where it was used. Thanks so much IppatsuMan. | 23:00 |
IppatsuMan | you're welcome | 23:01 |
rootlogan | hi | 23:15 |
nuovodna | hi. Are there any packages of koffice 2.2.1 available for kubuntu lucid? | 23:21 |
robertzaccour | how come kpackagekid don't have everything synaptic does? | 23:23 |
rootlogan | ciao | 23:23 |
robertzaccour | is there a way to make kpackage kit display everything available like synaptic? | 23:24 |
James147 | robertzaccour: you can display everything in a catagory | 23:25 |
robertzaccour | James147: i mean some things i search for aren't in kpackage kit. is there a way to look for eveerything without installing synaptic? would installing synaptic be the best option? | 23:25 |
James147 | robertzaccour: pick a catigory and you can see all the packages in it | 23:27 |
James147 | robertzaccour: but kpackagekit only really seaches for the nameoif a package | 23:27 |
robertzaccour | James147: so synaptic would be more functional? | 23:28 |
James147 | robertzaccour: you might have better luck if you have seach for name to seach discription | 23:28 |
robertzaccour | James147: thats what search for is by default, i didn't change that | 23:28 |
James147 | if you change ^^ | 23:28 |
nuovodna | hi. Are there any packages of koffice 2.2.1 available for kubuntu lucid? | 23:29 |
James147 | robertzaccour: by default its "find name" try chaning it to "find in discription" | 23:29 |
robertzaccour | James147: it seems not everything that can be found in synaptic can be found in kpackagekit | 23:32 |
James147 | robertzaccour: it can be... you jsut need to know teh packagename in kpackgekit | 23:32 |
James147 | robertzaccour: what are you trying to look for? | 23:33 |
robertzaccour | flash and chromium are 2 of the things | 23:33 |
James147 | robertzaccour: flashplugin-installer | 23:33 |
robertzaccour | ok thanks | 23:33 |
robertzaccour | what about chromium? | 23:33 |
James147 | chromium-broswer but kpackagekit should have found both with "flash" and "chromium" | 23:34 |
robertzaccour | James147: it don't look like it | 23:34 |
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James147 | robertzaccour: my kpackagekit finds both when typing the above (with other packages) did you refresh teh package lists before you searched? | 23:36 |
robertzaccour | James147: no | 23:36 |
James147 | robertzaccour: you need to do that (its on the updates tab) | 23:36 |
robertzaccour | James147: ok thanks i'll try that | 23:37 |
robertzaccour | i think synaptic is for me. time to change that, thanks anyhow James147 | 23:38 |
robertzaccour | how do i change startup applications? | 23:46 |
James147 | robertzaccour: change? you can add application to system setting > advanced > auto start | 23:52 |
slow-motion | n8 | 23:52 |
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robertzaccour | James147: i don't see advanced on there | 23:56 |
James147 | robertzaccour: its a tab at the top (on version before kde 4.5) | 23:57 |
rav | hello. i'm trying to add nested to-do items on Kontact, but when i tick an sub-todo as completed, it jumps out of the hierarchy. is this a bug? | 23:59 |
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