coz_ | hey guys ... noticed in firefox on maverick that bookmarks scroll is "extremely" slow moving at one line per second | 00:05 |
coz_ | any fix for this ?? | 00:05 |
coz_ | also... lucid really sucked in my opinion because of a few major bugs... 1 external driver with ntfs..or..fat 32.. or ext4 multiple partitions ..when highlighting the drive icons on the desktop and right click there is no unmount or safely remove drive options... single parition unmount exists but gives errors and the drive wont mount... 2 wallpaper option dont work....3..cannot install official nvidia drivers.... please can you guys be sure t | 00:11 |
coz_ | his doesnt happen in maverick? right now I have to go back to karmic for things to work properly ... I am on maverick at this moment | 00:11 |
coz_ | but I am reinstalling karmic because of the above bugs | 00:11 |
coz_ | I also noticed that the mouse cursor jumps about the screen on occasion esecially when using easystroke... I hope this doesn have anything to do with touchscreen implimentation | 00:12 |
coz_ | by the way the wallpaper options not working are only on dual monitors | 00:13 |
coz_ | at this point I have no c hoice but to go back to karmic | 00:13 |
billybigrigger | howdy | 00:22 |
DanaG | argh, he left... I was going to ask if that lack of "safely remove" was on an eSATA port. | 00:30 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, no I didnt leave just on another machine | 00:31 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, and no its a usb port | 00:31 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, and consistent with both lucid and maverick ,,, actually all that I mentioned is consistent with both on any machine I install them on even this one however the wallapaper issue does not really exist on this machine because it is single monitor | 00:36 |
DanaG | My problem with the new auto-mounting: you can't share an external drive with Samba, because it's hardcoded to 700 permissions! | 00:37 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, oh geez! well I am reinstalling karmic on the main system... and the biggest issue isnt these bugs but that i cant suggest upgrading to any of my clients running ubuntu because of them | 00:38 |
Jordan_U | cozziemoto: Have you filed apropriate bug reports, or marked already made ones as affecting you? | 00:38 |
cozziemoto | Jordan_U, I have indeed | 00:38 |
cozziemoto | Jordan_U, both for lucid and maverick although the same issues are on both versions | 00:38 |
DanaG | | 00:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 453605 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Make default mount umasks configurable" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 00:39 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, and another reason buttons on the RIGHT is better than buttons on the LEFT: | 00:40 |
DanaG | With buttons on the right, you can do this: | 00:40 |
DanaG | Handy even on my 1920x1200 full-size system -- that's not just for netbooks. | 00:40 |
DanaG | Can't do that with the buttons on the left. | 00:41 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, I agree ...the "mac" left buttons hopefully is a shuttleworth "phase" he is going throuugh :) | 00:43 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, the real question is why wasnt there a tick box to have buttons on left or right or even centered ...choices are the key :) | 00:44 |
DrHalan | DanaG: isn't that exaclty what they want to do? | 00:44 |
DanaG | | 00:46 |
DrHalan | yeah thats what i eman | 00:48 |
DrHalan | not sure what to think of it though | 00:48 |
DrHalan | i dont really get why ubuntu is adding such things instead of improving empathy for example or improving suspend/resume... | 00:49 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, in my opinion...what can be done on the right can be done on the left | 00:49 |
DrHalan | feels like shuttleworth has the need to be different | 00:49 |
Daekdroom | Good lord. | 00:51 |
Daekdroom | The new sound applet and the windicator sketch O.o | 00:51 |
Daekdroom | Are windicators going to be part of Maverick? | 00:51 |
DrHalan | yeah | 00:51 |
DrHalan | check out indicator-appmenu | 00:52 |
DrHalan | that should be "windicators" no app i know is using it though.. | 00:52 |
Daekdroom | I always liked GNOME over KDE because it felt less cluttered... :S | 00:53 |
DrHalan | HEHE | 00:53 |
DrHalan | well i wouldnt mind if they put the menu ("edit" etc) in the top right | 00:54 |
DrHalan | but appindicators.. i dont know.. | 00:54 |
DrHalan | maybe they end up just being that. a menu moved up to save space | 00:54 |
DrHalan | that would be awesome.. | 00:54 |
Daekdroom | Just like Chrome and Firefox 4? | 00:54 |
DrHalan | yeah | 00:54 |
DrHalan | i think somebody in the gtk community is also working on chrome-style tab support | 00:55 |
DrHalan | but for any app. don't know if taht will ever be finished though | 00:55 |
cozziemoto | midori is fine | 00:56 |
DrHalan | my i think the best browser is chromium by far. i hope that epiphany gets more stable an eventually replaces firefox in buntu | 00:57 |
DrHalan | it is much faster because its based on webkit and is not using all that xul stuff and also is written in native gkt | 00:57 |
DrHalan | gtk* | 00:57 |
cozziemoto | DrHalan, so is midori based on webkit | 01:01 |
cozziemoto | as is safari on mac | 01:01 |
DrHalan | is midori written in gtk? | 01:03 |
Daekdroom | Call me oldschool, but I still use Firefox :P | 01:05 |
DanaG | cozziemoto: try the window-buttons panel-applet on the left... bet it won't feel as nice as on the right. | 01:05 |
DrHalan | hehe | 01:05 |
DanaG | oh, and I can't use rhythmbox, because it won't do play-by-folders. | 01:05 |
DrHalan | well i am really llooking forward to webkit2 | 01:05 |
DanaG | I want play-by-folders. | 01:05 |
DanaG | So I'm stuck with quodlibet -- and when combined with notify-osd, it can leave notifications over 30 seconds out of date. | 01:06 |
cozziemoto | DanaG, nah I am right handed I do not want button on the left :) | 01:11 |
DanaG | And where'd the dang "menu" button go? | 01:12 |
DanaG | Not that it's all that important. | 01:12 |
DanaG | It just looks odd without it. | 01:12 |
Daekdroom | I'm left handed and I don't give a damn about where the icons are o.o | 01:13 |
DanaG | Anyway, the window-buttons thing on the left would mean you couldn't just click the top-left corner of the screen and get the menu. | 01:14 |
DanaG | Instead, the top-let corner would be "close". | 01:14 |
cozziemoto | well my big concern beyond appearnce is of course these 4 major bugs but i agree with the appearance issues | 01:14 |
bjsnider | DanaG, play by folders? | 01:39 |
Daekdroom | Good lord. Disk I/O won't cease since I updated :S | 01:50 |
DanaG | bjsnider: yeah, most apps play by tags. | 01:54 |
DanaG | I do think that "buttons in the panel" thing is a much better idea than that winclutterifiers. | 01:54 |
DanaG | I mean, in that concept, how the heck do you un-maximize a window? | 01:55 |
DanaG | The only answer I see there is "you don't". | 01:55 |
DanaG | (Either that, or they merely forgot to add the buttons somewhere.) | 01:57 |
Daekdroom | DanaG, the buttons aren't there if the window is not maximized. | 01:57 |
DanaG | Yeah, but the concept for maximized windicators didn't show any buttons, either. | 01:58 |
DanaG | | 01:58 |
bjsnider | DanaG, but why not play from the tag? what's so special about playing from the folder? | 03:00 |
DanaG | Well, it lets me deal with the cases where things are tagged inconsistently. It also lets me have a folder like this: Noir OSTs { Noir Blanc {CD 1, CD 2}, OST 1, OST 2} | 03:01 |
DanaG | Nested folders. | 03:01 |
DanaG | Can't do that with tags. | 03:01 |
bjsnider | yes you can, sir | 03:02 |
bjsnider | if it's the same record banshee will open both cds and play them in order | 03:03 |
bjsnider | if they're tagged inconsistently use easytag to fix the tags | 03:03 |
bjsnider | the tags can obviously contain far more info than the file names/folder structure, so that's why they're preferred | 03:04 |
DanaG | I mean, sometimes I don't always feel like playing all parts of the collection. | 03:05 |
bjsnider | yeah but if you're telling it to play everything in a folder then you'd still have the problem of playing everything in the collection | 03:09 |
DanaG | eh, good point there. | 03:59 |
DanaG | Actually, that searching seems to work fine. | 04:00 |
DanaG | argh, stupid | 04:05 |
DanaG | doesn't show albumIDs! | 04:05 |
DanaG | Or rather, clicking the album's title doesn't show it. | 04:06 |
DanaG | You have to then go to "details". | 04:06 |
DanaG | nope, not correct.... the musicbrainz plugin doesn't like it. that's the quodlibet plugin. | 04:07 |
philsf | will indicator-datetime be the default clock in maverick? | 04:09 |
DanaG | Now, how do I get rhythmbox to TOGGLE the main window upon pressing my xf86media key? | 04:53 |
DanaG | And if I remove the indicator applet, why the hell doesn't the notification-area icon come back? | 04:59 |
DanaG | | 05:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 573125 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Status Icon Plugin Hides Rhythmbox If indicator-applet Is Removed from Panel" [Low,New] | 05:01 |
DanaG | Okay, here's something I can't figure out how to do with tag-based playback: | 05:03 |
DanaG | Some anime series with a single, where the album title does NOT contain the series name.... how do I group that with the other things from the same series? | 05:03 |
DanaG | er, I guess all of that is off-topic for here, though. =þ | 05:10 |
DanaG | | 05:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 253167 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmnbox sort by "Album Artist" for guest/compilations" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 05:10 |
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=== repete is now known as rep-eat | ||
cjohnston | after doing apt-get dist-upgrade yesterday, every time I login to ubuntu I click my user, enter my password and hit enter. After hitting enter the screen goes blank and then comes back with a login screen... Any idea whats going on? I initially did not have to login each time my system boots | 14:29 |
Ian_corne | wonder if shotwell will support movie importing from a camera | 15:02 |
mrsun | cjohnston, checked so a window manager is selected? | 15:34 |
Daekdroom | Maverick needs so much more RAM :( | 16:19 |
Daekdroom | Should I assume that's due to debugging symbols? | 16:20 |
Ian_corne | trying out unity now | 16:27 |
Ian_corne | It feels slow on my netbook | 16:27 |
=== IdleOne is now known as NickSpam | ||
BluesKaj | I didn't realize ubuntu has decided to make double clicking the default on maverick , it's the first time I've run gnome in a few yrs , so I was a bit surprised that there seems to be no single click option, which I prefer. | 17:48 |
NickSpam | BluesKaj: double clicking has been default in gnome for at least 5 years | 17:55 |
NickSpam | on ubuntu | 17:55 |
NickSpam | not sure about gnome proper | 17:55 |
h00k | yes | 17:55 |
BluesKaj | NickSpam, yeah guess that's the last time I used gnome , use kde mostly. | 17:56 |
Daekdroom | BluesKaj, is it default on KDE? | 17:56 |
NickSpam | BluesKaj: personally single clicking is ucky to me :) | 17:56 |
NickSpam | yucky* | 17:56 |
BluesKaj | NickSpam, I didn't ask for your opinion :) | 17:57 |
NickSpam | BluesKaj: I offered it anyway. I didn't say you had to agree :) | 17:57 |
BluesKaj | Daekdroom, single click is , yes | 17:57 |
NickSpam | BluesKaj: but single click does make more sense. I mean you don't hit the power button on your tv twice to get it started | 17:58 |
BluesKaj | I even change to single click on windows | 17:58 |
Daekdroom | NickSpam, but you don't have to select the power button on your TV | 17:58 |
Daekdroom | It doesn't have a menu >.> | 17:58 |
Daekdroom | You don't group it with other buttons to delete. | 17:58 |
Daekdroom | xD | 17:58 |
NickSpam | Daekdroom: your missing my analogy :/ | 17:59 |
Daekdroom | NickSpam, you're missing my point | 17:59 |
NickSpam | I am hehe | 17:59 |
BluesKaj | I'm giving gnome 2.3 try and it seems less cartooney to me than previous versions :) | 18:00 |
Daekdroom | 2.3? O.O | 18:00 |
Daekdroom | That's ooold | 18:00 |
NickSpam | Anyway what is awesome about linux is the choice and BluesKaj is saying that they don't find the option to switch to single click in gnome | 18:00 |
Daekdroom | There's a option that lets you hold single click to simulate double click | 18:00 |
BluesKaj | Daekdroom, odd , I thought it was default in mav erick | 18:00 |
Daekdroom | BluesKaj, there's a huge difference between 2.30 and 2.3. Trust me. | 18:01 |
BluesKaj | Daekdroom, uhmm, i assumed 2.3 was 2.30 | 18:01 |
BluesKaj | let me rephrase that, rather I assumed that gdm 2.30 is the default on maverick , is this correct ? | 18:06 |
Daekdroom | !info gdm | 18:13 |
ubottu | gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2-0ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 719 kB, installed size 7604 kB | 18:13 |
Daekdroom | BluesKaj, yes, it is correct. | 18:13 |
Daekdroom | 2.30.2 as a matter of fact. | 18:13 |
BluesKaj | right | 18:14 |
airgrace | hi, can someone recommend some good media players :), mainly for music. | 18:16 |
Daekdroom | airgrace, exaile and rhythmbox for GNOME, Amarok for KDE | 18:16 |
BluesKaj | it's more to my taste than previuos versions , Daekdroom . Installed maverick on my desktop pc , but lucid server is on our tv room pc and I like the faster copy speeds between the 2 ubuntu machines ...kde lucis was much slower , but dunno why. | 18:17 |
BluesKaj | err lucid | 18:17 |
Daekdroom | Hm.. well, I don't think there's difference in copy speeds between GNOME and KDE.. | 18:18 |
Daekdroom | Unless it uses GVFS | 18:18 |
BluesKaj | nope ext4 | 18:19 |
Daekdroom | GVFS is Gnome Virtual File System | 18:19 |
Daekdroom | Nautilus and other GNOME stuff uses it as a layer.. | 18:19 |
Daekdroom | But could also be the move from lucid to maverick.. | 18:20 |
BluesKaj | maybe my router likes that GVFS better :) | 18:20 |
BluesKaj | Daekdroom, on smb or ? | 18:22 |
Daekdroom | Not sure. | 18:22 |
BluesKaj | using both ssh and smb/gui to access the ubuntu boxes . <Wifer's | 18:23 |
BluesKaj | oops | 18:23 |
=== NickSpam is now known as IdleOne | ||
cjohnston | mrsun: sorry... gnome is selected for sessions | 18:25 |
BluesKaj | wife's vista pc sees the ubuntu server but like most windows machines it's a pita to setup 2 way access...accessing from the (k)ubuntu boxes isn't a prob tho . | 18:25 |
raymondjtoth2 | hi im geting this err err E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) how i fix it | 18:49 |
raymondjtoth2 | ny one | 18:49 |
raymondjtoth2 | any know how to fix it | 18:49 |
raymondjtoth2 | no one here | 18:50 |
raymondjtoth2 | :( | 18:50 |
om26er | raymondjtoth2, try sudo apt-get -f install your own risk... also disable all ppas first. | 18:51 |
raymondjtoth2 | same err | 18:51 |
raymondjtoth2 | om26er, get same err | 18:51 |
raymondjtoth2 | i get this err still Starting domain name service... bind9 [fail] | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | invoke-rc.d: initscript bind9, action "start" failed. | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | dpkg: error processing bind9 (--configure): | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | Errors were encountered while processing: | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | bind9 | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | how i fix it | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | i dont got any ppas on | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | what i do any support on 10.10 | 18:54 |
raymondjtoth2 | getting this err E: bind9: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 when installing bind9 what i do thanks | 18:58 |
raymondjtoth2 | any one? | 19:01 |
raymondjtoth2 | dead room | 19:01 |
raymondjtoth2 | getting err : error processing bind9 (--configure): | 19:04 |
raymondjtoth2 | subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 19:05 |
raymondjtoth2 | Errors were encountered while processing: | 19:05 |
raymondjtoth2 | bind9 | 19:05 |
raymondjtoth2 | how i fix it | 19:05 |
raymondjtoth2 | i tryed install-f | 19:05 |
raymondjtoth2 | any idea | 19:05 |
raymondjtoth2 | getting err : error processing bind9 (--configure): | 19:11 |
raymondjtoth2 | <raymondjtoth2> subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 19:11 |
raymondjtoth2 | <raymondjtoth2> Errors were encountered while processing: | 19:11 |
raymondjtoth2 | <raymondjtoth2> bind9 | 19:11 |
raymondjtoth2 | <raymondjtoth2> how i fix it\ | 19:11 |
Daekdroom | !repeat | raymondjtoth2 | 19:12 |
ubottu | raymondjtoth2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 19:12 |
raymondjtoth2 | o ok | 19:12 |
raymondjtoth2 | Daekdroom, any help for my q | 19:12 |
Daekdroom | raymondjtoth2, apparently, bind9 package is currently defective. | 19:13 |
Daekdroom | You could try uninstalling it | 19:13 |
raymondjtoth2 | dae what i use them | 19:13 |
raymondjtoth2 | how i uninstall it | 19:13 |
Daekdroom | sudo apt-get purge bind9 | 19:13 |
raymondjtoth2 | Daekdroom, that did it | 19:16 |
raymondjtoth2 | Daekdroom, ty | 19:17 |
BluesKaj | raymondjtoth2, sudo fuser -vki -TERM /var/lib/dpkg/lock, then , sudo dpkg --configure -a, finally do, sudo dpkg --clear-avail | 19:17 |
raymondjtoth2 | blue what that do | 19:18 |
BluesKaj | ok, purge did the trick , the sledgehammer approach i guggested id probly a bit much anyway | 19:18 |
raymondjtoth2 | i did that any how what that command do | 19:18 |
BluesKaj | it unlocks any broken packages and dependencies | 19:19 |
BluesKaj | and clears them | 19:21 |
raymondjtoth2 | ty | 19:25 |
=== nebula is now known as nebula76 | ||
damousys | hey hello | 20:37 |
damousys | does anyone knows how to get the Hyper-V nics working @ ubuntu 10.10 ? | 20:37 |
damousys | anyone here? | 20:44 |
yofel | sure, but nobody with a hyper-v nic I guess | 20:47 |
BUGabundo | not here | 20:47 |
damousys | damm! i hoped anyone had tried it here | 20:48 |
damousys | to bad | 20:48 |
BUGabundo | bugs in avidemux, are local or some kind of active upstream? | 21:09 |
knittl | hi. i'm having several issues | 21:23 |
knittl | insane IOWait load after booting, nautilus seems to hang | 21:23 |
knittl | resume after suspend not working with nouveau (even after blacklisting vga16fb) | 21:24 |
knittl | spikes in cpu usage every second | 21:24 |
Daekdroom | knittl, same spikes in CPU and not sure about IOWait, but the system doesn't feel responsive at all. | 21:29 |
knittl | Daekdroom: yeah, it's also very laggy here | 21:30 |
Daekdroom | Spikes in HD I/O and unusually high RAM usage | 21:30 |
knittl | ram is average | 21:30 |
knittl | 35 % in use | 21:30 |
Daekdroom | Considering what I have open, I'd expect about 500MB | 21:30 |
Daekdroom | Not 850MB + 300MB SWAP :S | 21:30 |
knittl | swap: 0 | 21:31 |
knittl | mem - buffers/cache: 1302 | 21:31 |
knittl | well, it's a little high | 21:31 |
knittl | but acceptable (pidgin, firefox, transmission, rhythmbox, few terminals) | 21:32 |
BUGabundo | Daekdroom: same here | 21:35 |
BUGabundo | since last week | 21:35 |
BUGabundo | system is very unresponsive | 21:35 |
BUGabundo | X is using around 40% cpu | 21:36 |
knittl | BUGabundo: yep | 21:36 |
BUGabundo | I use NX a lot | 21:36 |
BUGabundo | and had to stop last Friday | 21:36 |
knittl | what's nx? | 21:36 |
BUGabundo | lag was impossible | 21:36 |
knittl | network X? | 21:36 |
BUGabundo | !freenx | 21:36 |
ubottu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 21:36 |
BUGabundo | so this seems to be afecting more ppl | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | its not just my imagination | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | or network probs | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | or high temperature | 21:37 |
knittl | no, it's also for a week now | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | (it was ~40ºC today) | 21:37 |
knittl | maybe a bit longer | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | not here... I notice last week | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | the end of last week | 21:37 |
BUGabundo | I even asked in here if there had been any major change to X | 21:38 |
knittl | BUGabundo: also high iowait? | 21:39 |
BUGabundo | how can I check? | 21:40 |
knittl | i only have it after booting + logging in | 21:40 |
knittl | in top it's the 5th value in the Cpu(s) line | 21:40 |
knittl | 80.1%wa | 21:41 |
knittl | also system monitor in gnome panel displays iowait | 21:41 |
BUGabundo | cpu | sys 10% | user 29% | irq 0% | idle 61% | cpu001 w 0% | | 21:41 |
BUGabundo | cpu | sys 5% | user 31% | irq 0% | idle 63% | cpu000 w 1% | | 21:41 |
BUGabundo | CPL | avg1 0.52 | avg5 0.51 | avg15 0.49 | csw 23131 | intr 8742 | | 21:41 |
BUGabundo | MEM | tot 3.9G | free 108.5M | cache 1.5G | buff 70.4M | slab 124.4M | | 21:41 |
BUGabundo | SWP | tot 4.7G | free 4.7G | | vmcom 3.3G | vmlim 6.6G | | 21:41 |
BUGabundo | DSK | sda | busy 1% | read 3 | write 9 | avio 2 ms | | 21:41 |
BUGabundo | NET | transport | tcpi 851 | tcpo 844 | udpi 15 | udpo 15 | | 21:41 |
Daekdroom | 219MB RAM post-boot | 21:41 |
Daekdroom | BUGabundo, what command is that? o.o | 21:42 |
knittl | Daekdroom: that's a lot xD | 21:42 |
BUGabundo | atop | 21:42 |
knittl | BUGabundo: looks like it's the last column in your output | 21:42 |
knittl | but here iowait is normal after some minutes | 21:42 |
Daekdroom | After opening the standard set of background apps, it goes up to 324MB, which is still not a lot.. | 21:43 |
knittl | so you'd have to run it immediately after logging in | 21:43 |
knittl | Daekdroom: oh wops. 219, i read 2019 | 21:43 |
Daekdroom | THAT would be outrageous O.o | 21:43 |
knittl | :D | 21:43 |
BUGabundo | well I did notice many changes to themes | 21:43 |
BUGabundo | and even mouse actions | 21:43 |
BUGabundo | like pidgin, where clicking a tab would jump to text box | 21:44 |
Daekdroom | Why does it say idle 183%? O.o | 21:44 |
BUGabundo | now just selects the tab | 21:44 |
BUGabundo | chromium is missing some clicks too | 21:44 |
BUGabundo | Daekdroom: multi core | 21:44 |
Daekdroom | Oh. It sums up both CPU's %s.. | 21:44 |
BUGabundo | each is 100% | 21:44 |
Daekdroom | RAM usage already at 380MB.. | 21:45 |
BUGabundo | that's low | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | I have much much more | 21:46 |
Daekdroom | I have Xchat, atop on gnome-terminal, transmission, liferea, emesene and rhythmbox open. | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | 9550 16 0 52K 745.9M 198.5M 0K 264K 5% firefox-bin | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | 3614 1 0 42284K 971.8M 182.5M 0K 0K 5% chromium-brows | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | 3521 8 0 2163K 646.8M 124.7M -284K -2068K 3% gwibber | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | 3608 4 0 42284K 886.7M 94952K 0K -108K 2% chromium-brows | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | 3266 12 0 42284K 585.8M 84752K 0K 0K 2% chromium-brows | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | 2307 5901 0 924K 968.5M 84700K -64.0M -212K 2% pidgin | 21:46 |
knittl | stop flooding :P | 21:46 |
BUGabundo | sorry | 21:46 |
* Daekdroom <3s pastebinit | 21:46 | |
BUGabundo | OTOH | 21:47 |
BUGabundo | anyone here audio expert? | 21:47 |
BUGabundo | avidemux is crashing | 21:47 |
BUGabundo | guess no | 21:47 |
knittl | i'm not | 21:48 |
BUGabundo | ill have to find out another way to do this then | 21:48 |
Daekdroom | knittl, so, when the wait parameter in atop goes too high, that means the CPU is waiting cycles waiting on info? | 21:48 |
Daekdroom | *wasting cycles | 21:49 |
knittl | Daekdroom: from what i understood yes | 21:49 |
knittl | but temperature also goes up | 21:49 |
knittl | so it's burning cycles | 21:49 |
Daekdroom | Lol | 21:49 |
knittl | i'm no expert on cpus | 21:49 |
knittl | but it's strange | 21:49 |
knittl | and not expected behavior | 21:49 |
wolf4914 | ghb | 22:26 |
SeraphX | hi there | 22:28 |
SeraphX | does anyone else experience extremely long delays when using the update manager? | 22:28 |
SeraphX | and xorg cpu load is at 90% | 22:28 |
DrHalan | i have different logfiles for X which is the current one? xorg.0.log? | 23:07 |
Daekdroom | gnome shell package is broken... | 23:08 |
DrHalan | Daekdroom: what happens? | 23:08 |
Daekdroom | Uninstallable dependency. | 23:09 |
Daekdroom | *Unavaiable | 23:09 |
DrHalan | when you install it? | 23:09 |
Daekdroom | When I try to. | 23:09 |
Daekdroom | apt won't do it. | 23:10 |
DrHalan | can you copy the version string of the file? | 23:13 |
DrHalan | *package | 23:13 |
Daekdroom | package string? | 23:14 |
DrHalan | you know the version of the package | 23:17 |
DrHalan | because when i install gnome-shell it works really fine but the package is really old (some git release from fall 2009) | 23:18 |
DrHalan | 2.28.1~git20091125-1 | 23:20 |
Daekdroom | Oh. Same package here. | 23:23 |
DrHalan | There seems to be a new pacakge | 23:24 |
DrHalan | | 23:24 |
DrHalan | but its not buildign fine. maybe wait some times until its uploaed properly? | 23:24 |
Daekdroom | Good lord. Nautilus should get a fix. | 23:30 |
Daekdroom | Barely usable | 23:30 |
DrHalan | i removed ubuntu-one | 23:32 |
DrHalan | works fine now | 23:32 |
DrHalan | of course if you need it thats not a solution | 23:32 |
Daekdroom | as a matter of fact, I believe that's the *perfect* solution for me :P | 23:33 |
DrHalan | lol | 23:40 |
DrHalan | i don't get why they don't fix it though | 23:43 |
DrHalan | this stupid bar on the top is sooo annoying | 23:43 |
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