duanedesign | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 00:00 |
duanedesign | that wiki page was made from drs305s Forum post | 00:01 |
duanedesign | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 | 00:01 |
duanedesign | number 14^^^ is booting from .iso | 00:01 |
phillw | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/drs305/Sandbox#Booting an ISO | 00:02 |
phillw | he's not, from what I am aware of, quite ready to release it out into the world, but he does work very quickly on these projects. | 00:03 |
phillw | duanedesign: oddly enough, there is a request in for the community page to be the wiki page, I see the wiki page now says to use that. It was the difference between the two that 1st got me involved with the doc team :-) | 00:05 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: whew! we'll have to harmonize all our Grub2 wiki pages somehow... :) | 00:05 |
phillw | newboon2age_: I have a request in so they all point to one place, that is the only way to keep things up to date. | 00:05 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: one place or alternatively effectively factor the info into different component parts which are each then kept up to date. | 00:07 |
phillw | the sandbox page is a work in progress for dave, it is not finished and ready to be used yet. | 00:07 |
win_2_linux | i'm trying opensolaris in a vb now | 00:07 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: i've run it a little on vb. it was pretty cool. | 00:08 |
* phillw only has 1GB RAM on my laptop, so VB is not really an option | 00:08 | |
win_2_linux | newboon just to see the difference between that and linux | 00:08 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: when i was running Xubuntu i only had 238MB on my laptop. Boy coulda used Lubuntu then. Xubuntu didn't quite cut it. | 00:09 |
win_2_linux | what file system does unix use same as linux or is it slightly different | 00:09 |
phillw | newboon2age_: lubuntu is the smallest one of the familly, | 00:09 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: yes. I didn't think it was quite up to Linux standards in some respects, but in others it was ahead. | 00:10 |
phillw | unix uses same as linux | 00:10 |
newboon2age_ | phillw: i think zfs. Which is open source and has some interesting advanced features. | 00:10 |
duanedesign | have you all seen WattOS | 00:11 |
duanedesign | http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=wattos | 00:11 |
win_2_linux | no what is wattos | 00:11 |
win_2_linux | is it based on ubuntu | 00:11 |
duanedesign | Ubuntu 10.04 and uses OpenBox and LXDE | 00:12 |
duanedesign | i really like Lubuntu so i have been wanting to try wattOS | 00:12 |
newboon2age_ | I'm googling and it looks like OpenSolaris is supposed to be ZFS on its next release which was supposed to happen in April, but due to some Oracle lack of drive i don't think has happened yet. | 00:13 |
km0r3 | OpenBox and LXDE... I'm having a look at it. | 00:13 |
newboon2age_ | Here's a thing re: zfs: http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+zfs/whatis | 00:13 |
phillw | duanedesign: I'm sticking with lubuntu :-) | 00:13 |
win_2_linux | and I'm sticking ubuntu or at least linux | 00:14 |
phillw | km0r3: if you put on lxde you will get some pretty out dated stuff, you can update just lxde components if you add the lubuntu ppa. | 00:14 |
duanedesign | i hope btrfs will be an option in 10.10 :) | 00:15 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: Oracle hasn't been totally clear on whether their going to push for OpenSolaris. It might take awhile for the community to rally and overcome Oracle's ambivalence. | 00:16 |
km0r3 | phillw: I was never a fan of LXDE. More of OpenBox, because I'm an Ex-Crunchbang user. But yes, looks like the folks at lxde are quite lazy atm. | 00:16 |
win_2_linux | is oracle going to continue opensolaris or is it going to just push solaris | 00:17 |
win_2_linux | open solaris still has a lic agreement | 00:17 |
km0r3 | duanedesign: have you already read benchmarks? Btrfs seems to be not an alternative for normal users atm. | 00:17 |
phillw | km0r3: it's not that lxde is lazy, it is that the small team is concentrating on lubuntu, which uses openbox anyway | 00:17 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: no other non-Microsoft, non-Apple distro/OS that i'm aware of has as much support available as Ubuntu, just so you know... | 00:18 |
win_2_linux | yeah i c that | 00:18 |
duanedesign | km0r3: with the current dailybuild of 10.10 you can install Ubuntu on btrfs but not boot from a btrfs partition. So you have to make an ext3/4 /boot | 00:19 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: Redhat has a lot, but not as friendly from what i've seen and not as much. Peppermint (Ubuntu, small resource distro) is small but their support company is very good. | 00:19 |
km0r3 | phillw: Ok. I take back what I've said. "Lazy" wasn't the right word to use either. | 00:22 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: its quite unclear what Oracle is up to with OpenSolaris and Solaris , but I think ultimately OpenSolaris will be free to do as they wish. I don't think Oracle will be able to stop them even if they want to and i doubt they want to. | 00:22 |
km0r3 | duanedesign: so you already tested it? How's it doing? | 00:22 |
duanedesign | km0r3: it definetly needs to keep up with the linux filesystems that already perform very well | 00:23 |
duanedesign | km0r3: i havent yey. ibuclaw has | 00:23 |
duanedesign | yet* | 00:23 |
duanedesign | km0r3: he seemed to be happy with it. But you are right it has a little ways to go | 00:24 |
km0r3 | duanedesign: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ext4_btrfs_nilfs2&num=1 | 00:24 |
newboon2age_ | win_2_linux: Oracle reinstated a 90-day trial clause on Solaris but not OpenSolaris. | 00:24 |
km0r3 | duanedesign: those are benchmarks. At the time of writing it wasn't an alternative. Maybe that changed. | 00:24 |
duanedesign | km0r3: i think they still have some work to do. These are a little more recent. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_netbook_fs&num=1 | 00:28 |
km0r3 | duanedesign: ah, thanks! Yes, they are. | 00:29 |
km0r3 | duanedesign: there's not much to say | 00:29 |
zkriesse | hey duanedesign got a sec? | 00:31 |
asterismo | hi everyone | 00:47 |
asterismo | i have a question | 00:47 |
phillw | asterismo: ask away !! | 00:48 |
asterismo | does anybody know how to split a large OGG video in 2 smaller videos? | 00:48 |
asterismo | the thing is that i merged several videoclips from yputube in pitivi and resulted in a 4:20 hr video | 00:48 |
duanedesign | zkriesse: hello. I am half here :P | 00:49 |
duanedesign | zkriesse: whats up? | 00:49 |
asterismo | then i tried to burn that in a home DVD with brasero and it says is too large | 00:49 |
asterismo | so i want to split for 2 DVD burning | 00:49 |
asterismo | but i don't know how to split | 00:50 |
asterismo | and it's hard to google | 00:50 |
phillw | asterismo: there is avidemux, which is available via ubuntu | 00:53 |
phillw | but, tbh, you'd probably be better heading over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 | 00:53 |
zkriesse | duanedesign: any team happenings that you know of in the past month? I'm making the team report but theres not much that i can remember | 01:01 |
asterismo | avidemux does not open the OGG video generated in pitivi | 01:07 |
asterismo | thats the problem | 01:07 |
asterismo | may be a bug? | 01:07 |
phillw | asterismo: I'm not a vid person, it was why I suggested that you pop onto the forum area, as those people are really up on doing multi media stuff :-) | 01:09 |
asterismo | oh thanks i will check it out | 01:09 |
phillw | asterismo: yeah, that seems to be the most up to date area, there are discussions on which video editors are the best along with instructions to use them, you could even possibly get some one to help you learn :-) | 01:16 |
asterismo | thanx phillw | 01:16 |
duanedesign | zkriesse: unfortunately i have nothing i can add | 01:54 |
zkriesse | hey ikonia | 02:19 |
zkriesse | i mean ikt | 02:19 |
ikt | heya zkriesse :) | 02:25 |
zkriesse | hello Ex-Opesa | 03:53 |
Ex-Opesa | Hi :) | 03:53 |
zkriesse | and how are you? | 03:55 |
Ex-Opesa | I am fine and you? | 03:55 |
zkriesse | HAPPY FOURTH! | 03:56 |
zkriesse | Fine i guess | 03:56 |
Ex-Opesa | Its quite silence here. | 03:56 |
Ex-Opesa | okay^^ | 03:56 |
zkriesse | yeah most the team is out on holiday | 03:56 |
Ex-Opesa | ahan | 03:57 |
Ex-Opesa | Can you guide me about one channel? | 03:57 |
Ex-Opesa | In freenode its "ubuntu-pk" | 03:57 |
Ex-Opesa | It don't got any message, etc. Is that group of Pakistani users of Ubuntu? | 03:57 |
zkriesse | not sure what it's for | 03:58 |
Ex-Opesa | okay | 03:58 |
Ex-Opesa | zkriesse: I don't have any. I just wanted to know if that group is for users of Ubuntu for Pakistan, thats it. | 04:01 |
zkriesse | i'm assuming | 04:01 |
Ex-Opesa | I will stay in the channel and see if anyone replies | 04:01 |
phillw | Ex-Opesa: the loco team is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-pk | 04:04 |
Ex-Opesa | Phullw: okay, thanks, then this channel is definitely for Pakistani users. | 04:07 |
phillw | Ex-Opesa: the launchpad page is at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-pk that may have more contact details for you. | 04:09 |
Ex-Opesa | phillw: Yes, I have seen that already, thank you for your guideline. I am actually Pakistani, so thinking to help my fellow users. =) | 04:10 |
phillw | Ex-Opesa: I'm trying to wake some one up in your area, but he's lazy and never replies - :-D | 04:13 |
phillw | lol | 04:13 |
phillw | (Oooh, don't repeat that to him, he'd get really annoyed, as he does work hard) :-) | 04:13 |
Ex-Opesa | ah okay. its 8 AM in Pakistan, he is probably at work or sleeping. ^^ | 04:14 |
Ex-Opesa | No, I won't. I don't really know who is that person even. ^^ | 04:14 |
duanedesign | Ex-Opesa: here is a blog by someone in the pakistan area who is active in the Pakistan LoCo. http://ubuntu.sabza.org/tag/pakistan/ | 04:17 |
duanedesign | might be some good information on their about what is going on locally in the FOSS community | 04:17 |
Ex-Opesa | Okay, thank you. | 04:18 |
phillw | duanedesign: you busy ? | 04:21 |
Darkness_Des | Ugh. Has ANYBODY found a working Mac OSX theme for Avant Window Navigator 0.4? | 04:52 |
st33med | Darkness_Des, why not use Docky? | 05:00 |
st33med | It's better and acts a lot like a Mac OS X doc | 05:00 |
Darkness_Des | I haven't tried it yet, but I do mainly like the features of AWN. | 05:01 |
Darkness_Des | I'll give dock a shot though, it's work a try. | 05:01 |
st33med | It's really nice :) | 05:01 |
st33med | Not as customizable, but, it's much more user friendly | 05:02 |
Darkness_Des | As long as it works. I'm going for an OS X look with the functionality of Linux. | 05:02 |
st33med | It even has intellihide | 05:02 |
Darkness_Des | Erm..... Problem already. | 05:03 |
Darkness_Des | 1: The constant Docky icon on it. | 05:04 |
Darkness_Des | 2: I want it to have the 3D Look. | 05:04 |
Darkness_Des | Like in this picture | 05:04 |
Darkness_Des | http://mag.typecanvas.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/leopard_screenshot.png | 05:04 |
st33med | Oh you can | 05:07 |
st33med | click the anchor logo in the dock | 05:07 |
st33med | Then click the dock and click '3D background' | 05:08 |
st33med | Darkness_Des, you there? | 05:10 |
Darkness_Des | Yeah. | 05:10 |
Darkness_Des | I can't select 3D background..... | 05:10 |
st33med | Did you get the apt version? | 05:11 |
Darkness_Des | Yes. | 05:11 |
st33med | Not the most developed one | 05:11 |
st33med | Hang on | 05:11 |
Darkness_Des | Ok. | 05:12 |
st33med | https://launchpad.net/docky/2.0 << Darkness_Des | 05:13 |
Darkness_Des | Thank you! | 05:13 |
st33med | You're welcome :D | 05:13 |
Darkness_Des | Any idea what the build dependencies are? | 05:13 |
st33med | I think there is a docky repo | 05:14 |
Darkness_Des | Hmm........ Lemme seee. | 05:15 |
Darkness_Des | Alright, ./configure found the issue. | 05:15 |
st33med | http://ppa.launchpad.net/docky-core/ppa/ubuntu lucid main | 05:16 |
st33med | That's the source repo | 05:16 |
st33med | It has all the latest bzr things | 05:16 |
Darkness_Des | Wow, thanks. | 05:17 |
st33med | Wait, binary | 05:17 |
st33med | binary repo | 05:17 |
Darkness_Des | Erm, is that bad? | 05:19 |
st33med | What do you mean? | 05:19 |
st33med | Binary is good | 05:19 |
Darkness_Des | Ok. Making sure. | 05:19 |
st33med | Means you have it precompiled already | 05:19 |
Darkness_Des | Thought you meant as opposed to a deb repo, where I'd have to place the binaries myself. | 05:20 |
st33med | It's a deb | 05:21 |
st33med | deb = binary | 05:21 |
Darkness_Des | Alright, added the repo and installed. It works now. | 05:21 |
st33med | Good :D | 05:21 |
st33med | 3D and everything? | 05:21 |
Darkness_Des | Any possible way to kill off the Anchor icon? Or does that always have to be there? | 05:22 |
Darkness_Des | 3D and all. | 05:22 |
st33med | It has to be | 05:22 |
st33med | It doesn't bother me too much | 05:22 |
st33med | At all, actually | 05:22 |
Darkness_Des | Meh. Whatever works. | 05:23 |
Darkness_Des | Thank you very much! | 05:23 |
st33med | You are welcome :) | 05:23 |
st33med | You will like docky a lot :D | 05:23 |
Darkness_Des | It looks like it. Just need to set it up with all my apps, add a few things, and I'll be done. | 05:24 |
st33med | And you can customize the zoom and size by clicking the anchor icon | 05:25 |
st33med | And how many docks there are | 05:25 |
st33med | And how they hide | 05:25 |
Darkness_Des | I think this is going to be my favorite dock..... | 05:25 |
st33med | And and andandandandandand | 05:25 |
* st33med explodes | 05:25 | |
Darkness_Des | Is there an effect that allows to minimize to about the size of a standard gnome-panel until I hover over it? | 05:25 |
st33med | :D | 05:25 |
Darkness_Des | ^_^ | 05:26 |
st33med | Ah, intellihide | 05:26 |
st33med | Yes, click on the anchor icon | 05:26 |
Darkness_Des | What if I still want it there and visible, just tiny? | 05:26 |
st33med | Hrmm.... | 05:26 |
st33med | I don't knoww | 05:27 |
st33med | intellihide is the best option right now | 05:27 |
Darkness_Des | I'll look into it, just having a regular dock wouldn't kill me. | 05:27 |
Darkness_Des | This thing is epic. | 05:27 |
st33med | Basically, it hides when you have an active window over the dock | 05:27 |
Darkness_Des | This will work. Thank you! | 05:28 |
st33med | Welcome :) | 05:28 |
st33med | I have a unique little setup here... would you like a screenshot? | 05:29 |
Darkness_Des | Sure! | 05:29 |
st33med | One sec | 05:29 |
zkriesse | sup peeps | 05:29 |
Darkness_Des | Yo. Wazzap? | 05:29 |
zkriesse | not much | 05:30 |
zkriesse | Darkness_Des: help me? | 05:30 |
st33med | http://img810.imageshack.us/i/docky.png/ | 05:30 |
Darkness_Des | Sure. Whatcha need> | 05:31 |
zkriesse | Darkness_Des: I'm a complete newb...what is ubuntu? | 05:31 |
Darkness_Des | That's a really good one. | 05:31 |
Darkness_Des | Wait... you're an admin/mod on this channel, and you have no idea? | 05:31 |
st33med | Hehehehe | 05:31 |
zkriesse | damnit he figured it out too fast | 05:31 |
st33med | It was a test | 05:32 |
st33med | :D | 05:32 |
Darkness_Des | O.o | 05:32 |
zkriesse | st33med: correct | 05:32 |
st33med | I remember. I was once a member :D | 05:32 |
Darkness_Des | I've been here before, the first time was with a hellish BASH script I was working on. Learned a few tricks that night. | 05:32 |
zkriesse | cool | 05:33 |
Darkness_Des | Yep.e | 05:33 |
Darkness_Des | Typos galore! | 05:33 |
st33med | Darkness_Des, seriously, what is Ubuntu? I have no idea... | 05:33 |
zkriesse | lol | 05:33 |
st33med | :) | 05:33 |
Darkness_Des | Hehehehe. | 05:33 |
zkriesse | ok st33med you should know...you're an ubuntu member so.... | 05:33 |
st33med | Hehe :D | 05:33 |
Darkness_Des | I gotta say, I LOVE this dock. | 05:34 |
zkriesse | what dock | 05:34 |
st33med | Docky 2.0 | 05:34 |
* zkriesse likes docks as they mean fish | 05:34 | |
zkriesse | is it in the software center? | 05:35 |
st33med | Not sure. | 05:35 |
Darkness_Des | A more updated one from the docky repos, apparently. | 05:35 |
st33med | It's in the repos, but the binary is out of date | 05:35 |
st33med | Yes | 05:35 |
duanedesign | docky has improved a lot since it seperated from Gnome Do | 05:36 |
st33med | Hey duanedesign! | 05:36 |
zkriesse | duanedesign: sup my brotha | 05:36 |
Darkness_Des | I tried Gnome Do. Didn't really agree with me. | 05:36 |
Darkness_Des | OH! I realized another problem I'm having. This time it's more than vanity though. | 05:38 |
Darkness_Des | Every time I boot into Windows 7, I can't reboot and use GRUB. Or Windows 7, for that matter. | 05:38 |
Darkness_Des | Meh, that can wait. It's not like I use it ever. | 05:39 |
duanedesign | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/grub-wont-boot-windows-7-a-764813/ | 05:42 |
duanedesign | Darkness_Des: one more thread on the matter. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/suse-novell-60/windows-7-wipes-grub-everytime-it-boots-782704/ | 05:43 |
Darkness_Des | Ah, that seems more direct. | 05:44 |
Darkness_Des | Thanks! | 05:44 |
Darkness_Des | Well, I'ma go for now. Thanks for all the help! | 05:52 |
zkriesse | bye Darkness_Des | 05:52 |
naduser_ | hello | 07:06 |
ddecator | hey | 07:06 |
naduser_ | how r u | 07:06 |
naduser_ | need help on ubuntu server | 07:07 |
naduser_ | 9.10 and 10.04 | 07:07 |
Puck` | hi naduser_ | 07:08 |
Puck` | just ask your question, someone will evetually help you (: Patience is a virtue | 07:08 |
naduser_ | ok | 07:08 |
naduser_ | i need to know how to configure a squid proxy server | 07:09 |
naduser_ | i want to configure it as a transparent proxy | 07:09 |
naduser_ | and also i want to monitor real time network traffic | 07:09 |
naduser_ | passing the proxy | 07:09 |
stlsaint | naduser_: is there a reason you want to use squid? | 07:10 |
stlsaint | hello? | 07:13 |
stlsaint | naduser_: poke | 07:13 |
stlsaint | naduser_: well for sh...and giggles: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-setup-transparent-proxy-squid-howto.html | 07:14 |
stlsaint | naduser_: jsut fyi squid is niffty but uses more resources than it should | 07:15 |
naduser_ | there is no special reason | 07:16 |
stlsaint | naduser_: you get that linky up there ^^ | 07:16 |
naduser_ | but is there any other proxy software available | 07:16 |
naduser_ | i mean open source | 07:16 |
naduser_ | software | 07:16 |
stlsaint | naduser_: heck yea | 07:16 |
stlsaint | well heck check the repos if your just looking for a proxy | 07:17 |
naduser_ | and also i need to implemnt aubuntu samba server | 07:18 |
naduser_ | in a windows domain environment | 07:18 |
naduser_ | i need to know the authenticate methods | 07:19 |
naduser_ | available | 07:19 |
naduser_ | to authenticate windows domain users | 07:19 |
naduser_ | when they connect to samab shares | 07:19 |
stlsaint | you ever look into AD? | 07:19 |
stlsaint | oh wait...samba shares? | 07:19 |
naduser_ | yes | 07:20 |
stlsaint | hrm, you want to setup multiple samba shares then make users authenticate to them? | 07:20 |
naduser_ | previously i configured a samba server and add it to windows ad | 07:20 |
stlsaint | i would figure that active directory would be your best bet, unless im not following how samba works | 07:21 |
naduser_ | previously i configured a SAMBA server and configured to authenticate users from the windows AD | 07:21 |
naduser_ | so they could use their same domain user account | 07:22 |
stlsaint | heck running a proxy/filtering with iptables and using key authentication (ie: kerberos) will give you some good starting grounds | 07:22 |
naduser_ | and password when they connect to shares on the samba | 07:22 |
naduser_ | server | 07:22 |
naduser_ | but i want to know is there any other | 07:22 |
naduser_ | method | 07:22 |
naduser_ | where i can allow users to set their own password | 07:23 |
naduser_ | and access the samba shares | 07:23 |
stlsaint | naduser_: this what you looking for?? http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/200381/unix_active_directory_software_faster.html | 07:25 |
naduser_ | what is an open LDAP server?? | 07:26 |
stlsaint | :| | 07:27 |
naduser_ | ?? | 07:27 |
stlsaint | naduser_: fun time: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=LDAP+server | 07:27 |
stlsaint | ldap is pretty niffty | 07:28 |
stlsaint | naduser_: basis to get you started: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication | 07:28 |
stlsaint | i need a bot to do all this link work for me! | 07:28 |
naduser_ | wht do u mean | 07:30 |
naduser_ | i didnt get u | 07:30 |
stlsaint | naduser_: nothing, just an irc joke! | 07:32 |
naduser_ | lol | 07:32 |
Puck` | haha stlsaint (: | 07:33 |
stlsaint | i try i try | 07:33 |
stlsaint | funny im working on two irc bots atm | 07:33 |
Puck` | we could use one of the ubuntu bots | 07:33 |
naduser_ | hey guys whts a bot?? | 07:33 |
Puck` | oh, i guess that's what you're doing (: | 07:34 |
stlsaint | Puck`: not quite | 07:34 |
Puck` | oh, sorry then :P | 07:34 |
stlsaint | Puck`: a bot but wont be used here i doubt! | 07:35 |
stlsaint | Puck`: this channel is pretty high maintenance! | 07:35 |
stlsaint | Puck`: only certified bots allowed :( | 07:35 |
Puck` | stlsaint: as far as I saw, there were some emails about some bots I guess .. | 07:35 |
naduser_ | can anyone tel me what a bot is? | 07:35 |
Puck` | naduser_: a bot is a robot, an application that connects to irc and does some custom commands for various purposes | 07:36 |
Puck` | it's an automated service, or half-automated, because it runs with commands | 07:36 |
naduser_ | ohh | 07:37 |
naduser_ | i c | 07:37 |
stlsaint | oh, i thought you were playing when you was asking that | 07:38 |
naduser_ | no no | 07:38 |
naduser_ | im new to IRC chating | 07:39 |
Puck` | stlsaint: what type of bot? | 07:39 |
naduser_ | today is my first time | 07:39 |
Puck` | naduser_: then, welcome to the fun (: | 07:39 |
naduser_ | thank you | 07:39 |
stlsaint | naduser_: oh, sorry than | 07:39 |
naduser_ | its ok | 07:39 |
stlsaint | Puck`: an irc bot but with better features | 07:39 |
Puck` | stlsaint: written in which lang? (: | 07:40 |
stlsaint | python | 07:40 |
Puck` | oh, okay. I gotta check out these python irc bots, I only managed to run and manage tcl eggdrops | 07:41 |
stlsaint | aye, eggdrops took to much compiling for my low level of patience | 07:42 |
stlsaint | tcl was annoying for me | 07:42 |
stlsaint | plus i need to learn better programming so...... | 07:42 |
stlsaint | start from scratch and all is well! :D | 07:42 |
Puck` | ((: | 07:43 |
Puck` | I guess i had the patience for them since I didn't know any programming 8 years ago | 07:43 |
stlsaint | yea im trying to learn so a more hands on approach is needed | 07:50 |
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest97739 | ||
=== Guest97739 is now known as zkriesse | ||
naduser_ | hi | 08:25 |
naduser_ | anyone there | 08:25 |
ddecator | maybe :p | 08:26 |
naduser_ | need some help on open lDAP | 08:26 |
ddecator | not something i'm familiar with.. | 08:26 |
naduser_ | ohh | 08:26 |
naduser_ | i just want to whether open LDAP server and a domain controller is the same thing\or 2 different | 08:27 |
naduser_ | servers | 08:27 |
stlsaint | sorta with differences..... | 08:27 |
stlsaint | ldap is more geared toward authentications where as a domain controller is just that...a domain controller, it can be configured to do many things.... | 08:28 |
stlsaint | naduser_: have you ever managed a domain with AD? | 08:28 |
naduser_ | yes | 08:28 |
naduser_ | server 2003 | 08:28 |
stlsaint | aye, good choice :D | 08:28 |
stlsaint | so some reading up on ldap should give you a good handling on it :D | 08:28 |
naduser_ | so is it possible to use an open LDAP server in a windows server 2003 network | 08:29 |
naduser_ | just as a stand alone open LDAP authentication server | 08:29 |
naduser_ | just to authenticate samba users | 08:29 |
stlsaint | samba i dont know but yes it can be used in AD for authentication! | 08:31 |
stlsaint | so i would say yes | 08:32 |
naduser_ | so usually can you tel me some instances where open LDAP servers are used for authentication | 08:33 |
stlsaint | um whenever you want to | 08:34 |
stlsaint | you would have to assign roles in AD to filter authentication...simple enough on windows side at least! | 08:34 |
naduser_ | i mean in a windows 2003 network i guess there is no need to install an open LDAP server | 08:34 |
naduser_ | cos all the authentication could be done from the primary windows DC | 08:35 |
naduser_ | ryt | 08:35 |
stlsaint | not really if you dont have to | 08:35 |
stlsaint | unless you are merging two already full production environments i wouldnt see the need to *setup* a ldap server in a windows environment | 08:35 |
naduser_ | why | 08:36 |
stlsaint | yes that DC can handle authentication, now if your working on a very large scale than i would suggest setting up seperate kerberos server and having DC authenticate against it | 08:36 |
stlsaint | naduser_: how big a environment are you working with? | 08:38 |
naduser_ | its a medium size netork | 08:38 |
naduser_ | with around 60 to 65 computers | 08:39 |
stlsaint | i was actually looking for number of clients to be honest :D | 08:39 |
stlsaint | oh ok | 08:39 |
naduser_ | computers | 08:39 |
naduser_ | 60 to 65 | 08:39 |
naduser_ | and with 2 windows 2003 | 08:40 |
naduser_ | servers | 08:40 |
stlsaint | well thats small for a windows AD so it can easily handle anything else | 08:40 |
stlsaint | which is why i would say that setting up ldap wouldnt necessarily be required | 08:40 |
naduser_ | yes | 08:40 |
naduser_ | but | 08:40 |
naduser_ | i know | 08:40 |
naduser_ | we do have a problem | 08:41 |
naduser_ | here we have only | 08:41 |
naduser_ | 2 server 2003 | 08:41 |
naduser_ | computers | 08:41 |
naduser_ | one is used as the PDC and the mail server | 08:41 |
naduser_ | and the other as a sharepoint server | 08:41 |
stlsaint | ooohh sharepoint :D | 08:41 |
naduser_ | so since we have only 2 servers we dont have enough licences | 08:42 |
naduser_ | to configure a file | 08:42 |
naduser_ | server | 08:42 |
naduser_ | so i thought of installing a SAMBA | 08:42 |
naduser_ | file server | 08:42 |
naduser_ | as asolution | 08:42 |
stlsaint | why not just add a role as a file server to that PDC? | 08:42 |
naduser_ | because it creates more traffice | 08:43 |
stlsaint | :| | 08:43 |
naduser_ | because our servers are in out head office | 08:43 |
naduser_ | and if we create file sharing on one of those servers | 08:44 |
stlsaint | with 60 computers you cant be creating that much traffic to truly slow anything down :D | 08:44 |
naduser_ | no | 08:44 |
naduser_ | i need to implement a file server in our branch office | 08:44 |
naduser_ | since our PDC is in our head office | 08:44 |
stlsaint | oooohhh ok, now your making more sense | 08:45 |
naduser_ | we access those server through a slow internet link | 08:45 |
naduser_ | so thats why i want to implement a samba server and configure it to authenticate from an open LDAP server | 08:45 |
naduser_ | so is it possible?? | 08:46 |
naduser_ | i want to setup a stand alone samba server and a LDAP server | 08:46 |
naduser_ | i dont want to integrate those 2 servers to our existing windows domain | 08:47 |
stlsaint | naduser_: will this server ya: http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_%26_LDAP#OpenLDAP | 08:47 |
naduser_ | and also i want to allow users to change their password | 08:48 |
naduser_ | when they first access the samba share | 08:48 |
naduser_ | or at any thime they wish | 08:49 |
naduser_ | so is it possible | 08:49 |
naduser_ | with an open LDAP server?? | 08:49 |
stlsaint | naduser_: man did you read the link? | 08:49 |
stlsaint | naduser_: thats really bad practice to allow users to change passwords on a dime like that! | 08:50 |
naduser_ | no i mean i dont want the users to use a password that was created by me | 08:50 |
naduser_ | i want them to use their own password | 08:51 |
stlsaint | oh ok, heck the passwd is stored in database, if they are using windows systems then they should be able to change | 08:51 |
stlsaint | i dont think youve read my link i posted above yet >:| | 08:51 |
naduser_ | im readin it | 08:52 |
naduser_ | brb | 08:52 |
stlsaint | naduser_: hey also a good one here: http://linuxwiki.riverworth.com/index.php?title=LDAP_Authentication | 08:53 |
stlsaint | http://linuxwiki.riverworth.com/index.php?title=LDAP_Authentication | 08:53 |
stlsaint | naduser_: i posted twice for you :D | 08:53 |
stlsaint | oooo ssh modules :D | 08:53 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: W00T!! | 08:58 |
talsemgeest | Heya stlsaint! :) | 08:58 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: sup man, what you been up to? | 08:59 |
stlsaint | been awhile since you been in here eh, you dont even have voice! | 08:59 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: Just been enjoying a nice quiet birthday :) | 08:59 |
stlsaint | orly, whats the new age? | 08:59 |
talsemgeest | And yeah, I've been extrenely busy these days, so I have let my membership expire | 09:00 |
talsemgeest | Just turned 18 :) | 09:00 |
stlsaint | young buck eh!! :D | 09:00 |
talsemgeest | Haha yup, thats me ;) | 09:00 |
talsemgeest | So hows things been with you stlsaint? :) | 09:00 |
kermiac | anyone around running kde/ kubuntu that can verify something for me? | 09:00 |
ddecator | talsemgeest: congrats! | 09:00 |
talsemgeest | Cheers ddecator :) | 09:00 |
stlsaint | kermiac: nope sorry | 09:00 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: python :D | 09:00 |
talsemgeest | Excellent, same here :) | 09:01 |
stlsaint | ddecator: i dont like my linkys not being read!! >:O | 09:01 |
ddecator | stlsaint: sir yes sir :| | 09:01 |
stlsaint | ddecator: that was more a joke on op but SINCE YOU WANNA GO RUIN IT!!! | 09:03 |
stlsaint | no more jokes for ddecator | 09:04 |
ddecator | stlsaint: who said i was joking, i have my serious yoda face on :| | 09:06 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: your 18 how busy can your life be?? :P | 09:06 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: Haha, trying to get all the marks for uni next year, and working hard trying to get a scholarship :) | 09:07 |
ddecator | scholarship == good | 09:07 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: good point there, you keep up that hard work! :D | 09:07 |
stlsaint | school loans are a nightmare !!! | 09:07 |
stlsaint | and i dont even have any but my wife does!!! | 09:07 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: I certainly will, I only hope I have more time for ubuntu in the future | 09:08 |
ddecator | i'll have 8 years of college loans :( | 09:08 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: And school loans are dead easy in NZ, no interest just fill out a few forms and you have it ;) | 09:08 |
stlsaint | ddecator: tsk tsk, hope that education is worth it :D | 09:08 |
ddecator | stlsaint: i'll be able to pick where i want to work and should make a good salary...so yes :) | 09:09 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: oh yea, well i already told my wife that im moving there once i get out the military :D | 09:09 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: Haha fair enough ;) | 09:09 |
stlsaint | ddecator: degree in....... | 09:09 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: man im serious, the US is getting abit crazy here , i need a break for awhile | 09:09 |
ddecator | stlsaint: PhD in Pediatric Clinical Psychology | 09:10 |
stlsaint | and NZ just seems so peaceful :D | 09:10 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: Well then might see you in the future, hopefully with either a uni scholarship or my degree ;) | 09:10 |
stlsaint | ddecator: hats off to ya, looks like it will pay off! congrats | 09:10 |
ddecator | stlsaint: thanks, 6 years to go still :/ | 09:10 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: you gonna live in nz for most your life? | 09:10 |
stlsaint | ddecator: damn | 09:11 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: I really don't know. Until after uni at least. | 09:11 |
stlsaint | opps. sorry, no potty mouth words allowed :D | 09:11 |
stlsaint | alright there i said it, i cant be held liable for anything else i say after that :D | 09:11 |
talsemgeest | Haha | 09:11 |
stlsaint | talsemgeest: follow the money BABY!!!!! | 09:12 |
talsemgeest | stlsaint: Haha, you took the words right out of my mouth ;) | 09:12 |
stlsaint | heck yea !!!! | 09:12 |
talsemgeest | I wouldn't mind going to the UK for a bit, so that may happen. Plus I have family in Holland... | 09:13 |
talsemgeest | But for the time being, I am comfortable here, and living is cheap :) | 09:14 |
stlsaint | cool cool | 09:14 |
ddecator | nederland! | 09:17 |
stlsaint | ddecator: im everywhere, even the channels you dont mean to speak in :D | 09:23 |
ddecator | stlsaint: i did mean to speak in the team channel :p | 09:23 |
stlsaint | oh | 09:24 |
stlsaint | why team? | 09:24 |
ddecator | figured it was offtopic...even though our convo in here has been offtopic anyway, haha | 09:24 |
stlsaint | yep | 09:25 |
stlsaint | thats what happens when its 330 am in here :D | 09:25 |
stlsaint | channel is fair game ! | 09:25 |
ddecator | true, it's quiet otherwise.. | 09:26 |
stlsaint | alright night all | 09:28 |
stlsaint | well morning all | 09:28 |
stlsaint | well morning for some | 09:29 |
ddecator | same for me. night all | 09:32 |
naduser_ | hrllo | 10:09 |
naduser_ | hello | 10:09 |
kaushal | hi | 13:12 |
squaregoldfish | Hello | 13:12 |
kaushal | can i seek help for my issue about my post on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2010-July/004402.html | 13:12 |
kaushal | squaregoldfish, hi | 13:13 |
squaregoldfish | kaushal: That one's beyond my expertise I'm afraid | 13:14 |
kaushal | ok | 13:14 |
xsaiddx | hello guys | 13:25 |
xsaiddx | i wanna use my thumbive to install lubuntu andi have a 1GB thumbrdive is it too small or not | 13:26 |
Fanshawe | Hey all. I use Ubuntum on a netbook and some windows don't have scroll bars and aren't adjustable to fit the small screen (like the disk utility, for example). Is there a way to force them to fit? | 14:39 |
=== kaushal_ is now known as kaushal | ||
holstein | Fanshawe: you got the netbook remix i assume | 15:38 |
holstein | i was looking around for an answer to that too recently | 15:38 |
holstein | i was thinking there should be an aggument to bypass maximus | 15:39 |
holstein | agrument* | 15:39 |
* holstein has had no luck yet | 15:39 | |
stlsaint | yo yo yo | 15:45 |
* mohi57o9 pokez stlsaint | 15:45 | |
stlsaint | mohi57o9: what is this meaning this physical attack!?!? | 15:54 |
mohi57o9 | yep :P | 15:54 |
stlsaint | yep isnt a meaning.... | 15:58 |
stlsaint | mohi57o9: ping | 17:17 |
mohi57o9 | heya stlsaint | 17:21 |
stlsaint | mohi57o9: sup wit ya? | 17:24 |
mohi57o9 | just now finished dinner. I've got two responsibilities, to start an LUG and a LoCo | 17:25 |
mohi57o9 | stlsaint ^^ | 17:25 |
stlsaint | mohi57o9: why both? | 17:25 |
mohi57o9 | our district has no LUG and so Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu preferred starting an LUG in our District. | 17:27 |
mohi57o9 | Our college Head Of the Department wants a LoCo and I am going to initiate Ubuntu LoCo there =] | 17:28 |
mohi57o9 | stlsaint | 17:28 |
stlsaint | sick | 17:28 |
mohi57o9 | ... | 17:28 |
nalys | Hi, I'm trying to use the audio program ardour which uses jack on ubuntu lucid lynx. Ardour seems to work and to connect to the running jack server. However, using ALSA, I get no sound despite moving bars on the audio track in ardour... when I switch to oss there is sound but it sounds weird and fuzzy... I tried changing latency and buffers but that doesn't seem to work either... any hints? thx. | 17:28 |
stlsaint | mohi57o9: get with ptag hes a loco guru | 17:28 |
mohi57o9 | stlsaint ok =] | 17:29 |
stlsaint | nalys: i suck at sound issues, maybe this can help you better: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=sound+troubleshoot | 17:32 |
nalys | stlsaint: thanks! | 17:34 |
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz | ||
bihari | hi | 18:29 |
stlsaint | bihari: sup | 18:29 |
bihari | hi stlsaint | 18:30 |
bihari | whats going on here nuthing specially | 18:30 |
philinux | o/ | 18:30 |
bihari | i wants to know about ubuntu | 18:30 |
philinux | bihari: what? | 18:31 |
bihari | anything about ubuntu <i know how to install and remove programmer | 18:31 |
bihari | i wants to know more about ubuntu | 18:31 |
philinux | http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 18:32 |
philinux | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ | 18:33 |
philinux | bihari: enough to get you going? | 18:33 |
philinux | http://amitech.50webs.com/installing/index.php.html | 18:34 |
bihari | ? | 18:34 |
philinux | ? | 18:35 |
philinux | bihari: right click open link in browser, have good read. | 18:35 |
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom | ||
bihari | philinux i know all this | 18:38 |
bihari | tell me some thing new | 18:38 |
philinux | bihari: What you want to know | 18:42 |
bihari | related to networking | 18:42 |
bihari | security | 18:42 |
bihari | shell scripting | 18:42 |
bihari | i mean i want to do open source coder | 18:43 |
stlsaint | bihari: you should be more specific when you ask question instead of saying: "I want to know more about ubuntu"....when really you dont!!! | 18:43 |
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz | ||
philinux | I aint going googling | 18:44 |
bihari | well i know about installing and removing softwear in ubuntu | 18:44 |
philinux | my google foo is pretty good but then so can anyone | 18:44 |
philinux | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installingsoftware | 18:45 |
philinux | Or do he mean compliling. Crystal bar in action here | 18:46 |
philinux | crystal ball needed | 18:46 |
hobgoblin | better to leave it at home philinux | 18:46 |
philinux | Alwat | 18:47 |
frank1_ | anyone know how i can stop downloads from killing my internet connection? | 18:47 |
philinux | o/ always do lol | 18:47 |
frank1_ | never had this problem before | 18:47 |
philinux | frank1_ you mean torrents or any | 18:47 |
frank1_ | both | 18:48 |
stlsaint | frank1_: get better nic! :D | 18:48 |
frank1_ | torrents are killing me now but if my sister is watching a tv show online i cant even boot my ps3 | 18:48 |
hobgoblin | bihari: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BashScripting http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=333867 | 18:49 |
frank1_ | i never had this issue before.. i used to be able to play ps3 and dl 12 torrents with no problems | 18:49 |
hobgoblin | frank1_: whatever client you use will have some way of changing the download speed - fiddle about with that | 18:50 |
bihari | thankds | 18:50 |
hobgoblin | bihari: you;re welcome, if you want anything else - I would search for it - while people are happy to help - that's why we are here - we're not a library service ;) | 18:51 |
frank1_ | the term fiddle doesnt work well with a computer spaz such as myself | 18:51 |
hobgoblin | change the download speed :D | 18:52 |
philinux | frank1_ deluge has a nice interface to set download speeds. | 18:52 |
frank1_ | yea thats what im using | 18:52 |
frank1_ | idk why anything would have changed though. i havent adjusted any settings | 18:52 |
frank1_ | any ideas as to what i should set my bandwidth usage to? | 18:54 |
philinux | Whats your bandwidth | 18:55 |
philinux | from isp i mean | 18:55 |
philinux | http://www.speedtest.bbmax.co.uk/ | 18:55 |
frank1_ | down 537 up 1006 | 18:59 |
stlsaint | my download is 6143 and upload is 1569 | 19:01 |
frank1_ | k so whats that mean | 19:17 |
frank1_ | stlsaint: so why the hell is my dl speed so slow | 19:37 |
hobgoblin | frank1_: could be you're isp is throttling you | 19:41 |
frank1_ | in stupid people terms? | 19:45 |
hobgoblin | frank1_: possibly if they picked up you are d/l torrents they might have capped your speed - no real way to tell - of course it is also possible that the combinations of all the torrents is doing it | 19:49 |
hobgoblin | frank1_: try changing the download rate in deluge prefs | 19:50 |
frank1_ | yea i stopped the torrents and my speeds changes to 3795dl and 1858up | 19:50 |
hobgoblin | I don't have deluge to look - but there will be somewhere to change the speed | 19:51 |
hobgoblin | frank1_: http://deluge-torrent.org/images/screenshots/gtkui_dust_burnt_12x_options.png | 19:52 |
frank1_ | yea im just not sure what to set them to | 20:02 |
hobgoblin | frank1_: basically just change them till it's not an issue - afraid I can;t be a lot more help | 20:03 |
squaregoldfish | frank1_: This may be of use: http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/BandwidthTweaking | 20:05 |
frank1_ | thankssquare ill look into that | 20:14 |
philinux | o/ | 20:15 |
philinux | o/ | 20:16 |
philinux | trying this from my palm pre | 20:16 |
pedro3005 | hey philinux | 20:18 |
philinux | wow it works palm pre rocks | 20:19 |
* philinux amazed | 20:20 | |
pedro3005 | :D | 20:21 |
philinux | http://webchat.freenode.net/ | 20:24 |
nhandler | philinux: They don't have a native irc client (or an ssh client) ? | 20:25 |
philinux | not until the warranty expires and I unlock it | 20:26 |
philinux | Even this is not perfect. Passable | 20:29 |
=== DarkNemesis_ is now known as darknemesis_ | ||
philinux | o/ | 20:57 |
st33med | \o | 20:59 |
philinux | pre stopped working had to re log in | 21:00 |
stlsaint | anybody around for some help... | 21:17 |
hobgoblin | possibly | 21:18 |
stlsaint | hobgoblin: hey man, i have network issues :D | 21:18 |
* phillw lurking | 21:18 | |
hobgoblin | hope you get some help then :( | 21:19 |
stlsaint | LOL | 21:19 |
stlsaint | hobgoblin: cmon man | 21:19 |
hobgoblin | sorry ... me kwap with network issues | 21:19 |
phillw | ditto | 21:19 |
stlsaint | LIARS!!! | 21:19 |
hobgoblin | :( | 21:19 |
stlsaint | phillw: you host a freaking forum for christ sake you have to know some networking ..... | 21:20 |
swoody | heya hobgoblin :) | 21:20 |
stlsaint | swoody: HELP! | 21:20 |
phillw | stlsaint: yes I do, and when it goes wrong I raise a support ticket :-) | 21:20 |
stlsaint | they all have turned against me!! | 21:20 |
stlsaint | phillw: LOL, dang it | 21:20 |
philinux | hobgoblin: I is on my palm pre | 21:20 |
phillw | as my local system is, well, localhost I don't have networking issues | 21:21 |
swoody | heya stlsaint :) Whatcha need help with? | 21:21 |
hobgoblin | philinux: I saw :) | 21:21 |
stlsaint | swoody: thank you, glad i can count on SOME PEOPLE in this team still!! :P | 21:21 |
stlsaint | swoody: so its pretty small but annoying | 21:21 |
holstein | phillw: hey :) | 21:21 |
holstein | im waiting for bug-squad approval | 21:22 |
ddecator | that shouldn't take too long | 21:22 |
stlsaint | swoody: i have server running ssh....ive done ssh a million times so my configs are correct, but when i run ssh command i get | 21:22 |
holstein | and reading :) | 21:22 |
stlsaint | no route to host...classic error of a system not on the network, but i know my server is on network, cause ifconfig returns all relevant info | 21:22 |
phillw | holstein: I do not think that will take long - they are advertising for slaves (oops, new members) ;-) | 21:22 |
ddecator | holstein: i'm a bugsquad mentor. i already have two students so i can't take another on, but let me know if you have any questions :) | 21:22 |
holstein | ddecator: thanks | 21:23 |
philinux | hobgoblin: not perfect | 21:23 |
holstein | ddecator: im not in any hurry | 21:23 |
stlsaint | swoody: AAANNDDD i can even update/upgrade the server...but i cant reach it locally... | 21:23 |
* holstein just wanting to get more involved | 21:23 | |
stlsaint | swoody: thoughts...? | 21:24 |
swoody | stlsaint: ouch, I'm not that great with ssh or networking, but let me take a look :/ | 21:24 |
stlsaint | ddecator: bugmentor eh, well i tried quite some time back and was rudely ignored so i have left bug squad be, screw'em!! | 21:24 |
phillw | I dare not join the bug squad, I think the doc team is going to be keeping me well busy :-) | 21:24 |
ddecator | stlsaint: we recently revamped the process, it is MUCH better now. there are admins who assign students to mentors instead of it being an unproductive free-for-all | 21:25 |
stlsaint | ddecator: sure sure, that coming from a mentor....all LIES!! | 21:25 |
ddecator | stlsaint: look how many students have been assigned at the bottom :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors | 21:26 |
philinux | o/ test message ignore | 21:27 |
phillw | stlsaint: yeah, i can see that point - there are un-adopted slaves on the UBT :-\ I was cheeky and volunteered one to be my master :p | 21:27 |
stlsaint | phillw: i have no knowledge of what you speak of! | 21:31 |
stlsaint | hell ill take a paddy, i just was never deemed a mentor | 21:31 |
stlsaint | =D | 21:31 |
hobgoblin | stlsaint: all you had to do was have a padawan and you were a mentor ;) | 21:33 |
swoody | stlsaint: can you ping this ssh host? | 21:33 |
stlsaint | swoody: problem solved...seems i needed to restart, three times for my server to grab ip correctly | 21:34 |
stlsaint | swoody: thanks | 21:34 |
swoody | stlsaint: ah good :) | 21:35 |
swoody | stlsaint: have you tried seeing if you can assign that machine a static IP on your network? May help if you use DHCP by default | 21:35 |
zkriesse | stlsaint: when you're a full member on the bt you can have a padawan | 21:38 |
stlsaint | zkriesse: well crimey mate, ive been missing out on paddys for a year now :D | 21:39 |
zkriesse | stlsaint: haha | 21:39 |
xsaiddx | hello guys i jst installed lubuntu but i guess im havin some fstab prblem | 21:41 |
holstein | ddecator: can i request a mentor? | 21:42 |
xsaiddx | cus i dont see my / | 21:42 |
xsaiddx | i only see this | 21:42 |
ddecator | holstein: for bugsquad? | 21:42 |
holstein | yeah | 21:42 |
holstein | JFo is nearby | 21:42 |
holstein | i can actually talk to him in person | 21:43 |
ddecator | holstein: just see "How to request a mentor" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors :) | 21:43 |
holstein | AH | 21:43 |
ddecator | and jfo doesn't have any students it doesn't look like, but idk if he's busy and can't handle them or what the reason is.. | 21:43 |
ddecator | but you can talk to him, and the admins can set it up if you both agree to it :) | 21:44 |
holstein | cool | 21:46 |
holstein | SO | 21:46 |
holstein | is this considered my wiki? | 21:46 |
holstein | https://launchpad.net/~mikeh789 | 21:46 |
zkriesse | holstein: nope | 21:46 |
zkriesse | holstein: a personal wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/zkriesse | 21:46 |
holstein | great | 21:46 |
holstein | SO | 21:46 |
holstein | i just make one? | 21:46 |
zkriesse | holstein: yes..want some help? | 21:46 |
holstein | ive made some wiki pages for out loco | 21:47 |
holstein | zkriesse: maybe | 21:47 |
holstein | let me see how i do :) | 21:47 |
* zkriesse Has a black belt in Wiki Fu | 21:47 | |
holstein | and i'll shout out if you dont mind | 21:47 |
zkriesse | holstein: i'll be here | 21:47 |
holstein | :) | 21:47 |
bobo123 | hi | 22:10 |
bobo123 | what is the name of compiz-config? | 22:10 |
bobo123 | to get the settings for zoom and the cube etc? | 22:11 |
stlsaint | compizconfig... | 22:11 |
stlsaint | compizconfig-settings-manager | 22:12 |
stlsaint | bobo123: ^^ | 22:12 |
bobo123 | ohh.. thats it! :-D | 22:12 |
bobo123 | thnkx | 22:12 |
stlsaint | bobo123: no prob | 22:14 |
duanedesign | hello stlsaint | 22:15 |
stlsaint | duanedesign: hey did you know that recordmydesktop does sound as well | 22:15 |
duanedesign | stlsaint: yeah. that is what i have been using. | 22:16 |
duanedesign | stlsaint: does the sound sync up well for you? | 22:16 |
stlsaint | duanedesign: has for me so far | 22:25 |
duanedesign | stlsaint: hmm. | 22:25 |
xsaiddx | hello | 22:27 |
stlsaint | xsaiddx: sup | 22:27 |
xsaiddx | i've some problem with my fstab can you help please | 22:27 |
stlsaint | xsaiddx: state question and whoever can will help | 22:28 |
phillw | wb xsaiddx | 22:28 |
xsaiddx | yeh | 22:29 |
xsaiddx | phillw, hey | 22:29 |
xsaiddx | on my file browser | 22:29 |
phillw | i replied just as you logged off :-\ | 22:29 |
xsaiddx | i dont see my / and my home is mounted on media | 22:29 |
xsaiddx | so i dont kno how to fix it | 22:29 |
xsaiddx | well i do kno but im not that sure | 22:30 |
xsaiddx | so i dont wanna mess with it and descided to ask for help | 22:30 |
phillw | can you pastebin the result of mount and the contents of your /etc/fstab | 22:31 |
duanedesign | pastebin = http://paste.ubuntu.com | 22:31 |
xsaiddx | yes here you | 22:31 |
xsaiddx | http://pastebin.com/SyQTcSiw | 22:31 |
xsaiddx | want me guys to do also blkid ? | 22:32 |
phillw | xsaiddx: an output of mount would help me | 22:33 |
phillw | while you're at it, pop on sudo fdisk -l | 22:34 |
xsaiddx | yeh im about to do it | 22:34 |
xsaiddx | here you go | 22:34 |
xsaiddx | http://pastebin.com/Pvz16tjB | 22:34 |
phillw | i am assuming that sda7 is your /home partition and there is no entry in the fstab for it, so it would not automount ? | 22:37 |
xsaiddx | yess | 22:37 |
phillw | okies, I'll edit http://pastebin.com/SyQTcSiw for you. | 22:37 |
xsaiddx | yeh i guess well i have on media as /media/029af1ee-c356-457c-b9b4-9794451ffcc8 | 22:38 |
xsaiddx | phillw, can i pste it to my fstab now ? | 22:38 |
xsaiddx | let me gues it wud be | 22:39 |
phillw | i have edited http://pastebin.com/SyQTcSiw with the line you need, I have put it at the bottom :-0 | 22:40 |
phillw | :-0 | 22:40 |
xsaiddx | /dev/sda7 /home ext3 idk the otpion and the <pass> is 0 | 22:40 |
phillw | :-) | 22:40 |
phillw | the option is defaults, I have cheated and used my fstab entry for my home partition, just altered the sda number and the fact you are using ext3 and i use ext4 - other than that - that is what I have on my system | 22:42 |
xsaiddx | phillw, yesh but i dont see any /dev/sda7 | 22:43 |
xsaiddx | cus the other time on ubuntu i had to specify it with the /dev/sda7 not ony the UID | 22:44 |
xsaiddx | well let me try | 22:44 |
xsaiddx | the last line its the /dev/sda7 ?? | 22:44 |
xsaiddx | this one ? | 22:44 |
xsaiddx | phillw, the last line its swap ?? | 22:45 |
xsaiddx | i dont see any new line | 22:45 |
holstein | zkriesse: i got a pretty good start on my wiki | 22:46 |
phillw | xsaiddx: oops, should be there now !! | 22:46 |
phillw | line 12 | 22:46 |
xsaiddx | ok | 22:46 |
holstein | is this element <<Include(BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki/Includes/Header)>> | 22:47 |
* phillw forgot to tell it my email address | 22:47 | |
xsaiddx | phillw, still not there | 22:47 |
xsaiddx | refreshed many times and still not | 22:47 |
holstein | is that a generic thing that i can choose a different version of? | 22:47 |
phillw | http://pastebin.com/5bLDuF6F | 22:47 |
phillw | it changes the ID number, idk why !!! | 22:48 |
holstein | AH, i think i get it | 22:49 |
phillw | holstein: I look forward to seeing it when you are done, I'm still learning wiki-fu ;-) | 22:49 |
holstein | maybe ill steal the one from our loco | 22:49 |
xsaiddx | phillw, thanks | 22:50 |
xsaiddx | let me reboot | 22:50 |
phillw | nothing gets stolen, they're all under GPL ;-) | 22:50 |
xsaiddx | btw whts the wiki-fu ? | 22:50 |
holstein | phillw: i should credit zkriesse somewhere on my wiki | 22:50 |
holstein | i stole a lot of it | 22:51 |
holstein | his wiki looks great | 22:51 |
xsaiddx | is it jst a normal wiki with suffix fu ?? | 22:51 |
xsaiddx | ok rebootin now brb | 22:51 |
phillw | holstein: I wouldn't worry - he set mine up for me https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw I had to just edit the template to put in the stuff relevant to me | 22:52 |
holstein | nice :) | 22:53 |
phillw | it's certainly an improvement on what I had :p | 22:54 |
cool_n_frosty | how can i simaltaneously browse a local site, set up as a virtual host, and a remotely hosted one, both with the same domain name, | 22:54 |
stlsaint | DO YOUR OWN WIKI!!! | 22:55 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: looking to do some vhosting eh! :D | 22:55 |
cool_n_frosty | already done but o | 22:55 |
phillw | stlsaint: we are told on the UBT wiki pages to use any of the existing ones as templates :p | 22:55 |
stlsaint | lol | 22:55 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: on second thought i read that wrong, your not looking for vhost | 22:56 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: honestly your question came out jacked up, please break it down to individual task... | 22:56 |
cool_n_frosty | sorry! i've set up a local vhost for a site, that i host remotely as well | 22:56 |
stlsaint | local site=apache2, virtual host=openvz, remote access=ssh, same domain=vhost...anything else :D | 22:57 |
cool_n_frosty | what happens now is, i can open the local one no probs | 22:57 |
phillw | holstein: #ubuntu-beginners-wiki | 22:57 |
stlsaint | phillw: your not allowed to use mine....its too sloppy! LOL | 22:58 |
cool_n_frosty | but when i try to open the remote one (they both have the same domain name) in my browser, it still opens the local one for me. | 22:58 |
phillw | I'm happy with the template Zach put on for me ;-) | 22:58 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: ok yea i was right, you need vhost | 22:59 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: why may i ask are you using one domain to host from a local and remote server? | 23:00 |
cool_n_frosty | good question | 23:01 |
cool_n_frosty | the site is based on Joomla CMS | 23:01 |
holstein | phillw: yeah, the beginners wiki banner is the one i decided to go with | 23:01 |
holstein | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/holstein | 23:01 |
holstein | the one for our loco was GIANT | 23:02 |
holstein | thats got a lot of what i interested in on it | 23:02 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: still doesnt explain why your using two servers for one site.... | 23:02 |
cool_n_frosty | well, tmho, the whole purpose of setting up a local vhost is to set up a sorta local sandbox to work with a view on a hosting this under development site remotely. or am i wrong? | 23:04 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: ok, so if the vhost is local that means you can access it via ssh with right, so wheres the conflict coming in at? | 23:08 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: and then control the remote site with the public ip... | 23:08 |
stlsaint | cool_n_frosty: so thats why i ask about wheres the conflict? | 23:09 |
xsaiddx | hello im bk | 23:11 |
xsaiddx | phillw: you still there | 23:12 |
phillw | holstein: that looks pretty kewl :-) | 23:12 |
xsaiddx | infact the cuase of all this fstab problem i've installed a fresh lubuntu on my / | 23:12 |
phillw | hi xsaiddx, yup I'm still here | 23:12 |
holstein | :) | 23:12 |
holstein | thanks guys, im going to catch a nap before my show | 23:13 |
phillw | xsaiddx: why re-install when it is only an fstb problem? That's the sort of thing microsoft users do? | 23:13 |
xsaiddx | so im wonderin why those ubuntu repo are not activated is it normal | 23:13 |
cool_n_frosty | I recon my local vhost-ed site, that i set up to, is my local lab and is not accessable publicly. is it? at least, making it accessable publicly was not what i wanted from it. | 23:13 |
xsaiddx | noo | 23:13 |
xsaiddx | as i told b4 i guess i was on ubnut then went to lubuntu n i told you lately iwanna have a fresh install of lubuntu so when i did the fstab issue showed up | 23:14 |
xsaiddx | im not that dump phillw : | | 23:14 |
phillw | xsaiddx: you said you re-installed, have you had the installation cd checked via md5checksum? | 23:14 |
xsaiddx | so it is normal if my ubuntu epo are not activated ?? | 23:14 |
phillw | xsaiddx: ^^ | 23:15 |
xsaiddx | no iused a thumbdrive and i idnt check ot the sum | 23:15 |
xsaiddx | but i had some problem with that thumbdrive tho | 23:15 |
xsaiddx | and after many tried i made it | 23:15 |
xsaiddx | but i dint format my /home | 23:15 |
phillw | xsaiddx: I'd strongly suggest that you do, as you seem to be in the land of 'funnies' and one of the easiest ways to get there is with a bad md5checksum | 23:16 |
xsaiddx | only the / | 23:16 |
phillw | xsaiddx: aer you on lubuntu or ubuntu? | 23:16 |
phillw | *are* | 23:16 |
xsaiddx | phillw: i didnt get you | 23:17 |
xsaiddx | no on lubuntu | 23:17 |
xsaiddx | but now a real lubuntu | 23:17 |
xsaiddx | not like i used to be | 23:17 |
xsaiddx | ubuntu then went to lubuntu via lubuntu-packed installed | 23:17 |
xsaiddx | *package | 23:17 |
xsaiddx | phillw: why my ubuntu repo are not activated | 23:19 |
xsaiddx | shud i do it manually ? | 23:19 |
phillw | head over to #lubuntu, it's a bit quieter :-) | 23:20 |
cool_n_frosty | any ideas? | 23:21 |
TheSkeward | Hi. I'm new to linux and trying to get my wireless connection working | 23:30 |
TheSkeward | I'm at auburn university, which has a somewhat outdated page on how to connect using ubuntu here - http://www.auburn.edu/oit/connectivity/wireless/ht_auwifi_linux.php | 23:30 |
TheSkeward | I'm using a Belkin N1 wireless adapter, model F5D8051, ver 2000 | 23:31 |
TheSkeward | I'm using a laptop and going back and forth | 23:31 |
TheSkeward | i've downloaded ndiswrappers and I believe Ihave succesffully got the driver working | 23:32 |
TheSkeward | however, when I follow the instructions at the auburn website, it doesn't find the wireless network | 23:32 |
TheSkeward | I'm out of ideas as to what I could be missing | 23:32 |
TheSkeward | Can anyone help me? | 23:32 |
TheSkeward | ubuntu 10.04, btw. | 23:33 |
cool_n_frosty | <stlsaint> getting back to your question on conflict. to me the conflict is in not being able to browse the same site locally and remotely. | 23:33 |
KnitGal | Today I got Compaq Presario CQ62-231NR Notebook, which is 64bit. I downloaded Ubuntu 10.4, 64 bit version and installed onto DVD. Then, I booted off the DVD drive. I want to install Ubuntu as dual boot since I want to keep Windows (need to be able to check websites in IE, FF and Win Safari). Going through Ubuntu install, I only got 2 options: Erase whole disk and Specify partitions (advanced). So, what can I do to get | 23:49 |
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newboon2age | TheSkeward: sometimes when i've installed/reinstalled modemmanager it seems to kick networkmanager into working and gets the wireless working/activated. | 23:52 |
TheSkeward | newboon2age: I have no internet connection on the computer with ubuntu | 23:53 |
TheSkeward | i'm on my roommate's laptop right now | 23:53 |
newboon2age | so you can't easily reinstall modemmanager is what you're saying. | 23:53 |
newboon2age | TheSkeward: is there a way you could plug into ethernet? | 23:54 |
TheSkeward | unfortunately, no | 23:54 |
TheSkeward | I could download the package for modemmanager on this laptop and transfer it to the ubuntu computer via a usb drive. | 23:55 |
newboon2age | TheSkeward: well hmmmm... but then I don't know how to instruct you in installing it properly. Can anyone else help with how to use apt-get in that situation? | 23:56 |
newboon2age | TheSkeward: Also I can't say whether that would solve the problem or not. | 23:57 |
newboon2age | TheSkeward: one thing you could try in the meantime is to go to a terminal and run 'sudo killall NetworkManager' and tell us what it says. | 23:58 |
TheSkeward | uh | 23:59 |
TheSkeward | that sounds dangerous. | 23:59 |
newboon2age | TheSkeward: not really what it does is to | 23:59 |
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